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Trial Schulte Norma with medical examination. How the driver's survey is carried out on the state of alcohol intoxication. New Rules for intoxication checks will blow blood to conscientious drivers

According to the legislation, the medical examination of drivers is the right of traffic police officers who suspected man driving in the use of alcoholic beverages or drugs. The procedure is complex, has many "pitfalls", which are used by representatives of the law enforcement bodies, extorting a bribe from motorists. In order not to lose their rights due to a glass of kefir before the trip, it is necessary to know the provisions of existing regulations.

Medical examination on the state of alcoholic intoxication should be carried out by the traffic police inspector if the following objective features are present:

  • characteristic smell of alcohol from motorist;
  • red skin;
  • inadequate behavior;
  • "Magted" language;
  • sharing, uneven gait.

If the inspector observes any of the specified facts or all at the same time, it has the right to oblige the driver to stop and pass the sobriety test. If the law enforcement officer does not have a necessary device with him, the car enthusiast should proceed with him to the nearest DPS item.

Differences of a simple check from medical

There are two types of sobriety:

  • Inspectorating on intoxication (OSAO).

The task of the traffic police representative is to determine whether the driver used alcoholic beverages (not drugs) before it sat down behind the wheel. Employees use a single technique - measuring the alcohol content in the exhaled by a citizen air ("blowing into the tube").

  • Conducting medical examination for intoxication (Moso).

Checked whether the driver consumed alcohol or drugs. To answer this question, a citizen needs to be delivered to a licensed medical institution, where doctors will not be limited to "blowing into the tube", and take urine analysis from the "suspect". blood will be directed to the inspection of narcologists. They are carried out by Tashen, Schulte and other tests.

The procedure for conducting a medical examination on the state of intoxication implies that the question of it rises after the usual check using the "tube". There are three occasions to send a citizen of the medical institution. This disagreement of the driver with the results of the OSA, the confidence of the road inspection officer, that the driver is drunk, and the analysis of "lying", the failure of the car enthusiast "to breathe into the tube".

The procedure for conducting OSAO

If the traffic police officer seeing man driving, suspected his drossment, he initiates an alcohol check. The procedure includes the following steps:

  • The motorists are removed from the management of the vehicle.

The inspector stops the car and constitutes a removal protocol. The procedure is accompanied by video records or is carried out in the presence of 2 understood.

  • The driver is asked to "blow into the tube."

Lee to the specified proposal - the good will of the car enthusiast. If he refuses, he will be sent to Moso. Sanctions for a negative response are not provided.

  • "Purge".

If the driver agreed on OSA, he is asked to "blow into the tube". Before the procedure, the inspector tells about the equipment used and the test principle. The process occurs in the presence of understandable or removed on the video. According to the results, the act of medical examination is drawn up.

  • Removing results.

The inspector checks how much the device shows, and enters the value to the text of the act. If it is less than or equal to 0.16 mg / liter, the driver is recognized as sober. He will be released to continue the road if the traffic police representative will not express disagreement with the results of the procedure.

If the value on the device exceeds the norm, the driver can agree with the testimony, after which the protocol on administrative violation is drawn up. The case is transmitted to the court with the prospect of further deprivation of rights. If a citizen objects, he can drive to the medical institution for Moso.

Whatever the results do not survive alcohol, they are recorded in the text of the act. If the parties agree with the testimony of the device, the issue is solved on the spot, if not, the citizen is sent to further research.

Conducting Moso.

The protocol on the direction for a medical examination is issued if the OSAO results did not satisfy any of the parties or the car owner took advantage of the right not to "blow into the tube".

The following examination procedure is provided:

  • The protocol of the direction on Moso is issued.

Signs of intoxication and values \u200b\u200bon the test tube shown in the text of the act are a reason for the direction of the driver for further examination.

Important! The rules of examination are such that it can be carried out exclusively in a medical facility that has a license. The traffic police inspector has no right to take urine analysis in place. In the countryside, the state of the motorist determines the attendant Feldsher, an employee in a drug transmissioner.

  • Medical check is conducted.

The driver comes to the medical institution where a drug survey is carried out. Doctors check the fact of drinking alcohol and drugs, focusing not on signs of alcohol intoxication, but for research results. The car enthusiast is obliged to pass the blood test for alcohol and urine analysis, thashchen test is made and other tests.

These analyzes and tests are recorded in the text of the act printed in 3 copies, one by one for the medstructure, the rule of law and the "suspect" itself.

Refusal to pass the surveillance to the state of intoxication is equivalent to voluntary deprivation of rights. The driver will take the certificate for the time that it would be assumed when the fact of drinking alcohol or drugs is detected before the trip. If you are confident in your own sobriety, be sure to go through Moso and get your copy of the act.

Errors when carrying out Moso

Practice shows that often the protocol of inspection is drawn up with errors, the parties violate the procedure for conducting the OSA and MOSO, and motorists do not know their own rights. There are the following common shortcomings:

  • Failure to comply with documents. The inspector can prepare an act of examination on a state of alcohol intoxication with errors or refuse to write a protocol if the result of the "tube" demonstrates the sobriety of the motorist.
  • Incorrect interpretation of the analysis results. The "tube" during examination shows the content of vapors in PROMILL, which is not equivalent to milligrams. The inspector uses the driver's carelessness and gives it the result for exceeding, and then, using the situation, extorts a bribe.

  • Failure to follow the instructions for the "tube". Most devices that fix "alcoholic" pairs cannot be used at air humidity more than 95%: the results are lubricated.
  • Using a faulty instrument to which all documents are available. Install this fact is difficult, but you can. If during the re-examination conducted through the time period, it turns out that a citizen is drunk, "tube" is broken.
  • Attracting for inspection of unauthorized doctors. To determine the fact of drinking alcohol, type of narcotic drugs, specialists who have passed special training, working with medical institutions, which have a state license should be involved.

Independent examination of alcohol intoxication - a procedure carrying a potential risk of deprivation of rights for the driver. If you are confident in your own sobriety, do not make yourself fool: follow the correctness of the actions of the inspector and do not agree to provocate.

With a clinical examination, the survey should be paid to the correct assessment of the smell of alcohol from the survey. The smell of alcohol is virtually obligatory in the state of alcoholic intoxication. However, a subjective assessment of the presence or absence of the smell of alcohol from the mouth, as practical experience shows, often leads to errors. The smell of alcohol with smells of other volatile food, medicinal or cosmetic substances should be differentiated, which can be very reminded alcohol. In addition, it is often a smell from coming from the clothing of the surveyed, impregnated with alcoholic pricks, from bandages or wounds treated with alcohol-containing drugs. Therefore, the smell of alcohol should be determined with a deep exhalation of the surveyed at close range.

Act of medical examination from the order of 933n

Who is surveyed (position, surname and initials of the doctor (Feldscher), information about the passage of preparation on medical examination: the name of the medical organization, the date of issuing a document) doctor psychiatrist-narcologist Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich certificate № ...... from 09/25/2017 6. The appearance of the supervised (the presence of visible damage, traces of injection) Casual clothes, injuries and bruises. Workwear, uniforms and possible visible abrasions, untidy bruises, not found traces of injection. It is neat, clean clothes, there is no damage on the body, the traces of injection is not detected.

7. Complaints of the certified to its state does not impose 8. Changes in mental activity of the examined euphoric, the behavior is adequate, complies with the procedure of examination, the instructions are performed correctly, calm.

How to examine the driver on the state of alcohol intoxication

A lightweight degree of alcohol intoxication is established on the basis of the detection of the following symptom complex: - minor changes in mental activity (for example, closure, slow-motion response, hot temper, demonstrative reactions, attempts by dissimulation, euphoria, emotional instability, difficulty with concentration of attention, distractions, etc.); - strengthening of vegetative-vascular reactions (hyperemia of the skin and mucous membranes, injection of scler, increased sweating, tachycardia, etc.); - Separate disorders in the motor sphere (possible: changes in gait, step-down when walking with rapid turns, instability in the sensitized and simple pose of romberg, the inaccuracy of the implementation of small movements and coordinator samples, horizontal nystagm when looking to the side, the positive test of tashne); - alcohol smell of mouth; - Positive chemical reactions to alcohol.

New Rules for intoxication checks will blow blood to conscientious drivers

Regulatory acts do not provide for determining the degree of intoxication in the examination of patients entering health institutions about injuries. According to the instructive and methodological letter on the procedure for issuing certificates of temporary disability for diseases due to intoxication or actions related to intoxication, as well as the abuse of alcohol approved by the USSR Ministry of Health October 18, 1973. (№6-14 / 13) and agreed to obtain the full text with the WCSPS, a certificate in form 094 / y (previously F.054 / y) instead of a sick leave is issued in cases of occurrence of temporary disability in injuries associated with the injured injury. At the same time, the degree of intoxication is not taken into account.
At the same time, the determination of the degree of intoxication in some cases has an important diagnostic value and necessary for the rational appointment of further diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

Alcoholic intoxication

File: Table Shulte.xls Contracting Exercise:

  1. Watch "Secund": simple clock with a second arrow, look at the edge of the second arrow, without breaking down and not distracted. Starting from 5 minutes to gradually increase the time up to 20 minutes (you can up to an hour).
  2. Clock "Minute": All too, but follow the minute arrow. Start from 15 minutes to gradually increase the time up to 45 minutes (you can up to an hour).
  3. Hours "Hour": all, too, but watch the clockwise arrow.
    Starting from 30 minutes to gradually increase the time to an hour or more.

The essence of the exercise: so that neither consciousness takes place to follow the edge of the arrows. Unusual states of consciousness must learn how to hold as much as possible. Question about Tables Schulte I am interested in the technology of expanding the field of view using the Schultedal Tables of Mastering Skipping.

An error occurred.

/ quick reading equipment / speed reading / technique "Table Shulte"

The definition of ethanol in the exhaled air and biological media of the body ethyl alcohol has high hydrophilicity and when entering the body is distributed over all tissues and organs proportional to water content in them. In alcoholic, intoxication, the phase of suction (resorption) is isolated, during which the concentration of alcohol in the body tissues is rapidly increasing, and the phase of oxidation and removal of alcohol (elimination), characterized in that the concentration of alcohol with a constant speed decreases. However, such a phase name to a certain extent conditionally, t.

k. The oxidation and allocation of alcohol begins immediately from the moment of entering it into the blood, i.e. from the beginning of the suction phase.

Schulte and Tashhen sample

A very characteristic sign of exposure to alcohol is a breach of gait. This indicator, as evidenced by the experience, is highly sensitive and rather reliable. Unstable walking, spreading legs when walking is constantly found in persons with severe intoxication.

It should be emphasized that similar disorders, although to a lesser extent, are also detected at light alcoholic intoxication.

According to the legislation, the medical examination of drivers is the right of traffic police officers who suspected man driving in the use of alcoholic beverages or drugs. The procedure is complex, has many "pitfalls", which are used by representatives of the law enforcement bodies, extorting a bribe from motorists. In order not to lose their rights due to a glass of kefir before the trip, it is necessary to know the provisions of existing regulations.

Reasons for examination

Medical examination on the state of alcoholic intoxication should be carried out by the traffic police inspector if the following objective features are present:

  • characteristic smell of alcohol from motorist;
  • red skin;
  • inadequate behavior;
  • "Magted" language;
  • sharing, uneven gait.

Differences of a simple check from medical

There are two types of driver checking for sobriety:

  • Inspectorating on intoxication (OSAO).

The task of the traffic police representative is to determine whether the driver used alcoholic beverages (not drugs) before it sat down behind the wheel. Employees use a single technique - measuring the alcohol content in the exhaled by a citizen air ("blowing into the tube").

  • Conducting medical examination for intoxication (Moso).

Checked whether the driver consumed alcohol or drugs. To answer this question, a citizen needs to be delivered to a licensed medical institution, where doctors will not be limited to "blowing into the tube", and take urine analysis from the "suspect". blood will be directed to the inspection of narcologists. They are carried out by Tashen, Schulte and other tests.

The procedure for conducting a medical examination on the state of intoxication implies that the question of it rises after the usual check using the "tube". There are three occasions to send a citizen of the medical institution. This disagreement of the driver with the results of the OSA, the confidence of the road inspection officer, that the driver is drunk, and the analysis of "lying", the failure of the car enthusiast "to breathe into the tube".

The procedure for conducting OSAO

If the traffic police officer seeing man driving, suspected his drossment, he initiates an alcohol check. The procedure includes the following steps:

  • The motorists are removed from the management of the vehicle.

The inspector stops the car and constitutes a removal protocol. The procedure is accompanied by video records or is carried out in the presence of 2 understood.

  • The driver is asked to "blow into the tube."

Lee to the specified proposal - the good will of the car enthusiast. If he refuses, he will be sent to Moso. Sanctions for a negative response are not provided.

  • "Purge".

If the driver agreed on OSA, he is asked to "blow into the tube". Before the procedure, the inspector tells about the equipment used and the test principle. The process occurs in the presence of understandable or removed on the video. According to the results, the act of medical examination is drawn up.

The inspector checks how much the device shows, and enters the value to the text of the act. If it is less than or equal to 0.16 mg / liter, the driver is recognized as sober. He will be released to continue the road if the traffic police representative will not express disagreement with the results of the procedure.

If the value on the device exceeds the norm, the driver can agree with the testimony, after which the protocol on administrative violation is drawn up. The case is transmitted to the court with the prospect of further deprivation of rights. If a citizen objects, he can drive to the medical institution for Moso.

Whatever the results do not survive alcohol, they are recorded in the text of the act. If the parties agree with the testimony of the device, the issue is solved on the spot, if not, the citizen is sent to further research.

Conducting Moso.

The protocol on the direction for a medical examination is issued if the OSAO results did not satisfy any of the parties or the car owner took advantage of the right not to "blow into the tube".

The following examination procedure is provided:

  • The protocol of the direction on Moso is issued.

Signs of intoxication and values \u200b\u200bon the test tube shown in the text of the act are a reason for the direction of the driver for further examination.

  • Medical check is conducted.

The driver comes to the medical institution where a drug survey is carried out. Doctors check the fact of drinking alcohol and drugs, focusing not on signs of alcohol intoxication, but for research results. The car enthusiast is obliged to pass the blood test for alcohol and urine analysis, thashchen test is made and other tests.

These analyzes and tests are recorded in the text of the act printed in 3 copies, one by one for the medstructure, the rule of law and the "suspect" itself.

Refusal to pass the surveillance to the state of intoxication is equivalent to voluntary deprivation of rights. The driver will take the certificate for the time that it would be assumed when the fact of drinking alcohol or drugs is detected before the trip. If you are confident in your own sobriety, be sure to go through Moso and get your copy of the act.

Errors when carrying out Moso

Practice shows that often the protocol of inspection is drawn up with errors, the parties violate the procedure for conducting the OSA and MOSO, and motorists do not know their own rights. There are the following common shortcomings:

  • Failure to comply with documents. The inspector can prepare an act of examination on a state of alcohol intoxication with errors or refuse to write a protocol if the result of the "tube" demonstrates the sobriety of the motorist.
  • Incorrect interpretation of the analysis results. The "tube" during examination shows the content of vapors in PROMILL, which is not equivalent to milligrams. The inspector uses the driver's carelessness and gives it the result for exceeding, and then, using the situation, extorts a bribe.

  • Failure to follow the instructions for the "tube". Most devices that fix "alcoholic" pairs cannot be used at air humidity more than 95%: the results are lubricated.
  • Using a faulty instrument to which all documents are available. Install this fact is difficult, but you can. If during the re-examination conducted through the time period, it turns out that a citizen is drunk, "tube" is broken.
  • Attracting for inspection of unauthorized doctors. To determine the fact of drinking alcohol, type of narcotic drugs, specialists who have passed special training, working with medical institutions, which have a state license should be involved.

Independent examination of alcohol intoxication - a procedure carrying a potential risk of deprivation of rights for the driver. If you are confident in your own sobriety, do not make yourself fool: follow the correctness of the actions of the inspector and do not agree to provocate.

Technique "Table Shulte"

Definition sustainability of attention and performance dynamics. As well as work efficiency, degree of workability.

Description of dough.
The subject alternately proposes five tables on which there are numbers from 1 to 25 in random order. The subject finds out, shows and calls numbers in the order of their increase. The test is repeated with five different tables.

Instructions for test
The subject is presented the first table: "On this table, the number from 1 to 25 is not in order." Then the table is closed and continue: "Show and call all numbers in order from 1 to 25. Try to do it as quickly as possible and without errors." The table opens and simultaneously with the beginning of the task execution include the stopwatch. Subsequent tables are presented without any instructions.

Test Material

Processing and interpretation of test results
The main indicator is the execution time, as well as the number of errors separately for each table. According to the results of the execution of each table, the "fatigability curve (fatigue)" can be constructed, reflecting stability of attention and performance in the dynamics.

With this test, such indicators as follows can be calculated.

  • efficiency of work (er),
  • degree of workability (BP),
  • mental stability (PU).

Efficiency (ER) is calculated by the formula:

ER \u003d (T 1 + T 2 + T 3 + T 4 + T 5) / 5where T I. - working time with the i-that table.
I.e: The efficiency of work (er) is equal to the total working time with the tables divided by the number of tables.

Evaluation of the ER (in seconds) is made taking into account the age of the subject.

Degree of workability (BP) is calculated by the formula: BP \u003d T 1 / ER
The result is less than 1.0 - an indicator of good workability, respectively, the higher 1.0 this indicator, the more subject requires preparation for the main work.

Mental stability (endurance) is calculated by the formula: PU \u003d T 4 / ER
The result rate is less than 1.0 speaks of good mental stability, respectively, the higher this indicator, the worse the mental stability of the test to fulfill the tasks.

For the successful development of the school program, children need to have a number of qualities to concentrate and analyze the information obtained. The attentiveness of the student needs to be constantly trained, so teacher is important to know whether the correction of one or another student is required. To determine this, you can diagnose using the Table Schulte Test.

The essence of the technique

The tables developed by the German psychiatrist Walter Schulte in the middle of the twentieth century are a set of cards with aims depicted by numbers. The task of the subject is to name all the elements in the correct order, showing on them by a pointer or, if convenient, jumping out the pencil. The traditional version of the stimulus material is 5 tables of 60 x 60 cm, made on dense paper. Each sheet must be divided into 25 squares with numbers inscribed in them from 1 to 25.

Diagnostics helps to explore:

  • stability of attention;
  • effectiveness of independent work;
  • mental stability;
  • the rate of approximately search movements of the view;
  • the amount of attention.

The technique is aimed at training and expanding peripheral vision. It has a key value for read speed, as it allows to reduce the time spent on the search for certain information parts of the text. That is, the tables not only perform the diagnostic function, but also serve as a simulator of the aircraft.

When testing uses several tables in a row

For younger schoolchildren, regular workouts on the tables help:

  • faster and stronger to absorb new material;
  • learn how to critically evaluate the knowledge gained;
  • more effectively memorize information;
  • concentrate on concrete action.

Due to the fact that it is not necessary to perform mathematical operations to perform tasks, the test results are obtained as objective as possible.

From the position of the teacher, this method has another significant advantage over other types of diagnostic tests, namely: for the processing of each table takes only about a minute.

How to use the Schulte tables

Before you start working with Tables Schulte, you need:

  • locate the table at a low angle at a distance of 30-35 cm from the eyes of a schoolboy;
  • ask a child to lock the look at the pictures of the objects in the center and not to remove the eyes.

The diagnostic procedure itself is as follows:

If the technique is used as a simulator attention, then you should not handle more than ten tables per day. With the development of the schoolchild, the skill of rapid orientation in the depicted elements the material must be complemented. For this, increase the number of cells, making the square larger and offering the test field 6 x 6, 7 x 7, 8 x 8. It is recommended to work in this case 3-4 times a week (half an hour) for 21 days.

Features of exercises among disciples of different ages

Looking for numbers younger schoolchildren

In the younger school age, the use of the test should be facilitated. This applies primarily by the number of cells with numbers. For beginners, there is enough square 3 x 3 or a rectangle 3 x 5. Children 5-11 classes can show numbers silently, whereas for kids mandatory is torturing each object. Psychologists and teachers are recommended for primary school students to conduct Test Schulte in several stages:

  1. Show and call numbers in order.
  2. Show and call objects in reverse order.
  3. The child shows the numbers in ascending, and the adult is primarily pronounces even or invented numbers.

The last stage is the most difficult level for the child, as it requires a concentration of attention with external interference.

Test for students of middle and senior link (with a black and red table)

Color Table Shulte involves a combination of black and red colors activating brain activity

Psychologists studied in detail the impact of the Tables of Schulte on the human brain and concluded that the test stimulates blood flow to frontal shares, the result of which increases the amount of memory and the concentration of attention is enhanced. Given this, to improve the technique, scientists offered to make a two-color table: a part of the numbers on the material is portrayed in red, and the other half is in black. For children of the middle and senior, the square 7 x 7 is offered, and the task is formulated as follows:

  1. Name and show all the red numbers.
  2. Name and show all black numbers.
  3. Showing red, use a direct account.
  4. Showing black, use the countdown.

Processing and interpretation of results

To calculate the efficiency of work (in time spent on the execution and number of errors allowed), the following formula is used:

ER (in seconds) \u003d (T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 + T5) / 5, where T1 is the time of working with Table No. 1, T2 - the study time of Table No. 2 and so on; 5 - the number of materials considered. Efficiency is estimated taking into account age tested (the higher the score, the better the result):

The degree of workability (how fast the subject is included in the task) is calculated by the formula:

BP \u003d T1 / ER.

If the resulting indicator is less than one, the quality manifests itself at a good level. The higher the value of BP, the more difficult to turn on the schoolchild.

Mental stability (as long as a child can concentrate on a specific search task) can be defined as follows:

Pu \u003d T4 / ER.

Please note: the settlement takes place to work with Table No. 4. If the result is less than 1, this means that the subject has good mental stability. High indicator indicates a bad ability to concentrate for a long time on any activity.

The last two criteria are estimated equally for schoolchildren of any age.

The diagnosis of attention with the help of the Schulte technique helps to estimate the degree of concentration of schoolchildren's attention, as well as the level of their mental stability, which allows you to adjust the work on the development of thinking and memory of the child, as well as to train children of different ages.

According to the new rules adopted on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, medical examination on the degree of alcohol intoxication will be carried out according to established, unified standards. The inspection will be subject to not only drivers suspected of alcohol, but also violators of public order, workers who have seen at work in a state of intoxication and minors, suspected in the hobby of drug-containing drugs.

Before the adoption of a new resolution, an alcoholic intoxication was conducted in different ways, now the norms of permissible error (which was previously provided for the drivers) became one. It was introduced into the use of Tashen's use and sample with medical examination, one of the tests that help identify the degree of intoxication by visible physical parameters.

Modern medical examination on alcohol intoxication takes place according to a single rules.

According to new norms, the foundation for the direction of personality to the medical examination for intoxication will be at least one of the specific signs. In particular:

  1. Instability poses.
  2. Sweetness, riding rice.
  3. Alcoholic smell of man.
  4. Speech problems (braid language).
  5. Change and sharp discrepancy of the color of the skin with the norm.

According to the new rules, the test for intoxication will be carried out exclusively in organizations and medical institutions (including stationary) licensed to organize such procedures. Have the right to carry out these procedures only the following specialists:

  • narcologists;
  • doctors of other directions and paramedics with training (practice at least 36 hours) in narcological clinics.

According to a new decree, the procedure of medical examination for the identification of alcohol intoxication is carried out according to the general, adopted rules.

What is the basis for the direction of a person on a medical examination

How check is carried out

To get the result and determine whether the detainee was drunk, the experts are conducted by survey. It consists of several stages:

  1. Using an alkometra. This is a special device that has a print function of results.
  2. In the absence of indicators on the basis of the use of an alkometra, doctors conduct an inspection in order to identify and establish clinical signs of drowsiness.
  3. If the test of the alkometra is positive, after 20-25 minutes, the fence of the exhaled air test is carried out again.
  4. Detained drivers (only they have), after a medical examination and exhalation, a fence is also made on the study of biological fluid (urine). It is checked for traces of narcotic substances. If a person cannot assemble urim for analysis, blood is taken to the examination.
  5. In the rest of the detainees, blood or urine for analysis will be taken only in the case of the presence of three main signs of alcohol intoxication, while the test sample on the alkometra will be negative.

How to carry out Tashen sample with medical examination

Teshene test is one of the types of testing for the identification of alcoholic intoxication. Explaining what it is, doctors talk about the peculiarities of physical indicators that are different between sober man and drunk. In the test of Tashen, eyeballs are subjected to eyeballs, or rather, the frequency of their twitching (nystagm).

Teshene test is based on the study of the features of view, which undergoes changes if a person is in a state of intoxication.

The method of conducting the test of Tashen has the following form:

  1. The subject is asked to make 5-6 revolutions around their axis for 10 seconds.
  2. Then the examiner stops and fixes its view on any subject (it is holding a doctor at a distance of 20-25 cm from the test of the subject).
  3. With the help of the stopwatch there is a fixation of the duration of nystagma.

The norm of this indicator at a sober person does not exceed 5-7 seconds. In the case of an existing capitution of the time period, significantly increases. In particular, amounts to:

  • 7-15 seconds - Easy degree;
  • 15-25 seconds - average degree;
  • over 25 seconds - severe degree.

The stage of intoxication

In addition to the installation nystagma, the teshene testing also uses the accommodation reaction indicators (pupil reflex) of the tested for light. To carry out such a sample, the examiner closes the eyes and records the view. Medic closes the review of a certain scheduling. Then shirma is sharply removed and the speed of the narrowing of pupils is analyzed. The essence of such a test is reduced to the following established facts:

  • with alcoholic intoxication and adoption of cannabinoids, the reaction of pupils will differ intensity and lethargy;
  • when using the test drug-opiate, the reaction rate will be close to zero or completely absent.

When testing on the method of Tashen, the physicians are required to be checked by the history of the examined for the presence in the past cranial injuries. If they had a place to be, the Tashen test is not carried out, since the results will be unreliable.

Results of medical examination

According to the results of all the inspections and laboratory tests, the experts are issued. It can have three options for the final diagnosis:

  1. "The state of intoxication is established."
  2. "The degree of alcohol intoxication is not detected."
  3. "A citizen refused from medical examination."

Types of medical examinations

What is fraught with the rejection of the medical cry

First of all, it is worth understanding that even the unwillingness of the detainee will be considered for the refusal to pass a compulsory medical examination to be tested on the alkotester. Also, an attempt to falsify the final results (replacement of urine, intentionally incorrect exhalation) will be refused. In the event that the detainee refuses to undergo a survey, he faces the punishment in the form of a fine.

Who has the right to send a person to medical examination

If earlier such a prerogative was only among patrol workers, now, according to the new rules, these powers were expanded. Now they can officially, without leaving the framework of their authority, to send the following persons to the passage of the medical cover for alcoholic intoxication:

  1. Employers. If a suspicion appears that a certain employee appeared on its workplace in a drunken form.
  2. Employment services. If the unemployed appeared in the institution to confirm the status in a state of alcohol (or otherwise) intoxication.


The introduction of new rules in conducting medical examination procedures simplifies the entire process and helps to receive more reliable results. With drunkenness, you can and need to fight not only driving, but also in ordinary life. In a complex of armed inspections and diagnostics, specialists connect various additional techniques, such as TASHEN test. With their help, the identification of the state of intoxication passes faster, which significantly saves the time of both the surveyed and specialists themselves.

In contact with

With a clinical examination, the survey should be paid to the correct assessment of the smell of alcohol from the survey. The smell of alcohol is virtually obligatory in the state of alcoholic intoxication. However, a subjective assessment of the presence or absence of the smell of alcohol from the mouth, as practical experience shows, often leads to errors. The smell of alcohol with smells of other volatile food, medicinal or cosmetic substances should be differentiated, which can be very reminded alcohol. In addition, it is often a smell from coming from the clothing of the surveyed, impregnated with alcoholic pricks, from bandages or wounds treated with alcohol-containing drugs. Therefore, the smell of alcohol should be determined with a deep exhalation of the surveyed at close range.

Act of medical examination from the order of 933n

Who is surveyed (position, surname and initials of the doctor (Feldscher), information about the passage of preparation on medical examination: the name of the medical organization, the date of issuing a document) doctor psychiatrist-narcologist Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich certificate № ...... from 09/25/2017 6. The appearance of the supervised (the presence of visible damage, traces of injection) Casual clothes, injuries and bruises. Workwear, uniforms and possible visible abrasions, untidy bruises, not found traces of injection. It is neat, clean clothes, there is no damage on the body, the traces of injection is not detected.

7. Complaints of the certified to its state does not impose 8. Changes in mental activity of the examined euphoric, the behavior is adequate, complies with the procedure of examination, the instructions are performed correctly, calm.

How to examine the driver on the state of alcohol intoxication

A lightweight degree of alcohol intoxication is established on the basis of the detection of the following symptom complex: - minor changes in mental activity (for example, closure, slow-motion response, hot temper, demonstrative reactions, attempts by dissimulation, euphoria, emotional instability, difficulty with concentration of attention, distractions, etc.); - strengthening of vegetative-vascular reactions (hyperemia of the skin and mucous membranes, injection of scler, increased sweating, tachycardia, etc.); - Separate disorders in the motor sphere (possible: changes in gait, step-down when walking with rapid turns, instability in the sensitized and simple pose of romberg, the inaccuracy of the implementation of small movements and coordinator samples, horizontal nystagm when looking to the side, the positive test of tashne); - alcohol smell of mouth; - Positive chemical reactions to alcohol.

New Rules for intoxication checks will blow blood to conscientious drivers

Regulatory acts do not provide for determining the degree of intoxication in the examination of patients entering health institutions about injuries. According to the instructive and methodological letter on the procedure for issuing certificates of temporary disability for diseases due to intoxication or actions related to intoxication, as well as the abuse of alcohol approved by the USSR Ministry of Health October 18, 1973. (№6-14 / 13) and agreed to obtain the full text with the WCSPS, a certificate in form 094 / y (previously F.054 / y) instead of a sick leave is issued in cases of occurrence of temporary disability in injuries associated with the injured injury. At the same time, the degree of intoxication is not taken into account.
At the same time, the determination of the degree of intoxication in some cases has an important diagnostic value and necessary for the rational appointment of further diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

Alcoholic intoxication

File: Table Shulte.xls Contracting Exercise:

  1. Watch "Secund": simple clock with a second arrow, look at the edge of the second arrow, without breaking down and not distracted. Starting from 5 minutes to gradually increase the time up to 20 minutes (you can up to an hour).
  2. Clock "Minute": All too, but follow the minute arrow. Start from 15 minutes to gradually increase the time up to 45 minutes (you can up to an hour).
  3. Hours "Hour": all, too, but watch the clockwise arrow.
    Starting from 30 minutes to gradually increase the time to an hour or more.

The essence of the exercise: so that neither consciousness takes place to follow the edge of the arrows. Unusual states of consciousness must learn how to hold as much as possible. Question about Tables Schulte I am interested in the technology of expanding the field of view using the Schultedal Tables of Mastering Skipping.

An error occurred.


To all blow! Let's briefly "run" on points. I stopped the traffic cop of the driver and made the "purge" on my own, or patrol caught in a muddy personality. What's next? 1. Now conducting medical examination will be quite at least one of the four signs: the smell of alcohol from the mouth, instability of the posture and picness of gait, violation of speech, sharp change in the color of the skin of the face. Previously, the fifth: "The behavior that is not suitable for the situation," his traffic cops loved most, but now he was excluded.

- According to Government Decree No. 475, "On approval of the rules of examination of a person, which manages the vehicle, to the state of alcohol intoxication ...", the behavior that does not match the situation is still the basis.

/ quick reading equipment / speed reading / technique "Table Shulte"


The essence of the lesson: using the table angle of view is expanding, the concentration and speed of movement of the pupil increases. To do this, you need to move the table to the distance of clear visibility and depending on the center of finding all the numbers in direct order, as well as in the opposite. Vision (eyes) Do not drive for numbers! The eyes are relaxed and watching clearly into the center, you just need to fix the numbers, but your eyes look at the center.

The most important thing when working with the tables shulmer looks to cover all the numbers, both in the upper line and in the lower line, and not the count of the numbers. The listing of numbers is given to workout attention, and not as a goal. I repeat that it is important to cover the entire field primarily, and not how quickly you can find all the numbers. Sites with Tables: or see
Date of birth Address address Information about the survey person is filled on the basis of a passport Series of driver's license number 2. The basis for medical examination (protocol on the direction for medical examination, written direction of the employer, personal statement, surname, name, patronymic (if any) official , sent to the medical examination): Protocol No. ............ written direction of the employer ............. Personal statement ............... Cause of examination - Control of driver's sobriety 3. The name of the structural unit of the medical organization, which conducts a medical examination of GBUZ ".................. CRH" receiving department 4. Date and exact time of the beginning of a medical examination 04/18/2017 five.

The definition of ethanol in the exhaled air and biological media of the body ethyl alcohol has high hydrophilicity and when entering the body is distributed over all tissues and organs proportional to water content in them. In alcoholic, intoxication, the phase of suction (resorption) is isolated, during which the concentration of alcohol in the body tissues is rapidly increasing, and the phase of oxidation and removal of alcohol (elimination), characterized in that the concentration of alcohol with a constant speed decreases. However, such a phase name to a certain extent conditionally, t.

k. The oxidation and allocation of alcohol begins immediately from the moment of entering it into the blood, i.e. from the beginning of the suction phase.

Schulte and Tashhen sample


The greatest difficulties in assessing the mental state of the surveyored usually arise in connection with the interpretation of the role of psychogenic factors. In its complaints, the exams are often referred to conflicts with representatives of militia or administration, increased emotional excitability, the presence of severe subjective experiences that were allegedly affected in their state at the time of examination. Therefore, during the survey, the doctor is obliged to take into account and reflect such circumstances if they are available when filling out the relevant points of the Act.

At the same time, when describing the status of the subject, it is recommended to pay attention, first of all, on those features of his behavior and mental status, which themselves does not fit into the actual survey situation and cannot be due to the factors of the situation order.
Tashen, disruption of coordinator samples, etc.) in combination with the smell of alcohol or fumes of the mouth and detection of alcohol in exhaled air, not less than two different methods (for example, the testimony of the PPS-1 instrument, indicator tubes "sobriety control" and mossy tubes Schinkarenko, Rapoport reaction) with a mandatory two-time conduct of these samples at an interval of 20-30 minutes; - the presence of smell of alcohol or fumes from the mouth in combination with a positive reaction to alcohol in exhaled air during twofolding one of the indicator samples at an interval of 20-30 minutes (on the PPS-1 device, using the sobriety and Mokhov-Shinkarenko tubes, Rapoport reactions) confirmed by positive results of gas chromatographic determination of alcohol in the urine.
Along with the study of the mental state, the most important place when conducting a clinical examination of the surveyed occupies the identification of violations by a neuromuscular system. In the act of medical examination, the general features of the motor sector of the surveyed are reflected, attention is drawn to the strengthening of general mobility or, on the contrary, its decrease. The character of the facial expansion is described, which inxicated usually becomes more sluggish or extended.

A very characteristic sign of exposure to alcohol is a breach of gait. This indicator, as evidenced by the experience, is highly sensitive and rather reliable. Unstable walking, spreading legs when walking is constantly found in persons with severe intoxication.

It should be emphasized that similar disorders, although to a lesser extent, are also detected at light alcoholic intoxication.