Repair Design Furniture

A vowel in a strong position means. Classification of vowels and consonants. Strong and weak positions of sounds

Ticket texts for grade 8.

Ticket number 1.

Russian is the national language of the Russian people, the state language of the Russian Federation and the language interethnic communication.

Language- the main means of communication between people. With the help of language, people communicate with each other, convey their thoughts, feelings, desires.

As a means of communication, language is associated with the life of society, with the people - the bearer of the given language.

The Russian language in the modern world performs three functions:

1) the national language of the Russian people;

2) the state language of the Russian Federation;

3) the language of interethnic communication of the peoples of Russia.

Let's take a look at these three functions.

Russian language is the national language of the Russian people, which, together with other peoples, played a great role in the history of our country.

The Russian language is the language of science, technology and culture. Works by outstanding Russian writers have been written in Russian: A.S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol, I.S.Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov, A.M. Gorky , K.G. Paustovsky and others.

The Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world. He has a large lexical stock, has developed expressive means to designate all the necessary concepts in any area of ​​human activity. The richness and expressiveness of the Russian language was noted by many writers and public figures: V. Belinsky, N. Gogol, I. Turgenev, A. N. Tolstoy, M. Gorky, K. Paustovsky. “That the Russian language is one of richest languages in the world, there is no doubt about it ”, - V. Belinsky. “We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language”, - K. Paustovsky.

The basis of the Russian national language is literary language. Literary language Is the language of books, newspapers, theater, radio and television, government agencies and educational institutions. The literary language is studied at school.

Russian literary language is a standardized language. The pronunciation of words, the choice of words and the use of grammatical norms, the construction of sentences in a literary language are subject to literary rules, or norms.

The literary language has both oral and written forms. Oral speech- this is a speech sounding, spoken. V oral speech it is important to pronounce sounds, words, sentences correctly, observe intonation and stress. She is characterized by simple short sentences. Written speech related to writing. It is drawn up correctly and accurately in terms of spelling and punctuation. V written speech complex and complicated sentences are used.

Russian language is the state language of the Russian Federation... All the laws of the country are adopted on it, the head of state - the President of Russia speaks on it, the basic law of our country - the Constitution of the Russian Federation - is written in this language. Party congresses, conferences on different areas knowledge.

Russian Federation- a multinational state. Among the equal national languages Russian language acts as language of interethnic communication of the peoples of Russia... Knowledge of the Russian language, along with the native language, is necessary for the exchange of information in various fields. As a means of interethnic communication, the Russian language helps to solve the problems of national, economic and cultural development of our multinational country. With the help of the Russian language, the peoples of Russia can join the riches of Russian and world scientific thought and culture. The Russian language plays the role of an intermediary between all the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia, serves to mutual enrichment national cultures... Russian is the most common language among other languages ​​in our country.

Ticket number 2.

Classification of vowels and consonants. Strong and weak position of sounds.

In the forest, on the street, at home, we hear many different sounds. Speech sounds differ from all other sounds primarily in that they form words.

With the sounds of speech the sounds that make up words are called. Sound is the basic unit of language along with word and sentence. Sounds play an important meaningful role in language: they create an external, sound shell of words and thereby help to distinguish words from each other.

The branch of the science of language in which the sounds of speech are studied is called phonetics.

The sounds of the tongue are formed in the speech apparatus when air is exhaled. The speech apparatus includes the larynx with vocal cords, oral and nasal cavities, tongue, lips, teeth, palate. In the speech apparatus, exhaled air passes through the larynx between strained vocal cords and through the oral cavity, which can change its shape. This is how vowel sounds... They consist only of voice. Exhaled air may be obstructed in oral cavity in the form of a bow or convergence of speech organs and exit either through the mouth or through the nose. This is how consonants are formed. They are made up of noise, and some are made up of voice and noise.

There are 6 vowel sounds in Russian: [a "], [o"], [y "], [s"], [and "], [e"]. Vowel sounds are percussive (for example, juice [o "], var [a"], bur [y "], forest [e"], blue [and "]) and unstressed (for example, water [a], grass [a ], pike perch [y], forest [and], fox [and], was [s]). Sounds under stress stand in a strong position, and without stress - in weak... The sounds [y], [s] are always in a strong position. To check an unstressed vowel in the root, you need to choose such a single-root word or change the word so that this sound is stressed: amazing - wondrous, heavy - heaviness, window - windows.

Consonant sounds: [b], [c], [d], [d], [g], [h], [k], [l], [m], [n], [n], [p], etc. There are 36 consonants in total. Consonants are divided into voiced and deaf... Pairs of voiced and deaf sounds are formed:

Voiced pairs do not form [l], [m], [p], [n], [d].

The voiceless [x], [c], [h], [u] do not form pairs.

Sounds [w], [w], [h], [w] are called hissing.

Strong position of voiced and voiceless consonants in front of vowels: d O R O G a, n a h a l O, with O v e T NS; before voiced consonants [l], [m], [n], [p], [d]: with lovo, with mole, with new, NS it's true, v yuga. Weak position of consonants: stunning at the end of a word and before voiceless consonants: du b [n], ro r [k], [f] v behold; voicing before voiced consonants: young T b [ d"] ba, s [z] beat. To check the spelling of paired voiced and voiceless consonants at the end and in the middle of words before consonants, you need to choose such a single-root word or change the word so that after the consonant there is a vowel sound: oak - oaks, low - low, pointer - indicate, fairy tale - fairy tale, threshing - threshing, request - asking, etc.

Voiced and voiceless consonants are divided into hard and soft... The consonants form pairs of solid and soft sounds:

Solid [m] [n] [NS] [R] [with] [T] [f] [NS]
soft [m "] [n "] [NS"] [R"] [with"] [T"] [f "] [NS"]

Do not form pairs of solid [w], [w], [c].

Do not form pairs of soft [h], [u], [d].

Ticket number 3.

Word as a unit of language. Lexical meaning the words. Groups of words by lexical meaning.

The main significant unit of the language is word... The totality of all words of the language makes it vocabulary... The branch of the science of language studying vocabulary language is called lexicology... The more words a person knows, the richer his speech, the more accurately he can express his thoughts. Reading especially enriches speech.

Words in the language are used to designate specific objects, signs of objects, actions, signs of actions, quantity. What a particular independent word means is its lexical meaning... For example, there is a subject “ bridge"And there is the word" bridge", Denoting this item. Lexical meaning of the word " bridge"The following:" a structure for crossing, crossing a river, ravine, railway track. "

According to the lexical meaning, words are divided into unambiguous and polysemous, words with direct and figurative meaning, homonyms, synonyms, antonyms. Let's take a closer look at each of these groups.

Unambiguous words Are words with one lexical meaning. For example, coat of arms- a distinctive sign of a state or city, which is depicted on flags, coins, seals. Ambiguous words Are words that have several lexical meanings. In a polysemantic word, one meaning is associated with another in meaning. For example, the word crest an object for combing hair, and the top of a mountain, and the top of a wave, and the top of a newly plowed layer of earth, and a fleshy growth on the head of a rooster is indicated. Moreover, between these objects there is a similarity in form. There are more ambiguous words in the language than unambiguous ones. V explanatory dictionaries individual meanings of polysemous words are highlighted in numbers in one dictionary entry.

Direct meaning of the word- this is its main lexical meaning. For example, the word howls denotes the sounds made by the wolf: the wolf howls. Figurative meaning of the word- this is its secondary meaning, which arose on the basis of the direct and is associated with it in meaning: the wind howls... The appropriate use of the word in a figurative sense makes speech bright, figurative.

Homonyms- these are words that are the same in sound and spelling, but completely different in lexical meaning. Usually homonyms refer to one part of speech, for example, onion- garden plant and onion- weapon, sports equipment; key- an item for unlocking and locking the lock and key- a spring. A distinction should be made between polysemous words and homonyms. In ambiguous words, meanings are related. Homonyms - different words, the meanings of which have nothing in common. In explanatory dictionaries, homonyms are given as different words, in different dictionary entries.

Synonyms- words of the same part of speech, different in sound, but the same or close in lexical meaning. For example, the words blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard have a general lexical meaning: falling snow in windy weather. Synonyms make up a series of words called synonymous series... One of the synonyms is the main one, the main one, it is placed first in dictionaries. Synonyms in speech are used:

1) for a more accurate expression of thoughts (wet and wet);

2) to express emotional coloring (fell and blurted out);

3) as a means of overcoming unjustified repetition of the same word;

4) as a way to link sentences in the text.

Antonyms- these are words of one part of speech, opposite in lexical meaning: true - false, beautiful - ugly, start - finish, up - down etc. The use of antonyms makes our speech brighter and more expressive.

Ticket number 4.

Groups of words by use and origin.

By use and origin, words are divided into common and non-common (limited in use), dialectal, professional, obsolete, new (neologisms), borrowed. Let's take a closer look at each of these groups.

The main part of the vocabulary of the Russian language is made up of common words, i.e. words that are used by all Russian people, regardless of profession and place of residence: father, mother, son, daughter; nice, handsome, long; one two Three; I you he; talk, walk, write. Such words can be used in any style of speech, both when we speak and when we write.

Words of limited use include dialect words (dialectisms) and professional words (professionalisms).

Dialectisms are words that are used mainly by residents of one area. There are three main groups of dialects in Russian: North Russian dialects, South Russian dialects, Central Russian dialects. The same objects (signs, actions) in dialects and in the literary language are often called differently: rooster (literary language and North Russian dialect) - kochet (South Russian dialect); speak (literary language) - bait (North Russian dialect) - Gutarit (South Russian dialect). Many dialect words are becoming common and are included in synonymous groups, for example, house (common), hut (North Russian), khata (South Russian). Dialect words are used in works of art to convey the characteristics of the speech of residents of a certain area.

Professional words- these are words used in the speech of people united by any profession, specialty. In mathematics, for example, denominator, numerator, factor, term; in the science of language: phonetics, spelling, syntax, etc. Special words for scientific concepts are called terms. Professional words are used in works of art to more accurately describe people and their occupations.

Obsolete words (archaisms) are words that have come out of active, everyday use: horse, policeman, butler. Most often, words become obsolete if objects, tools, concepts, etc., called these words, go out of use. In fiction, outdated words are used to more accurately tell the story of people's lives in the past.

Neologisms (new words) are words that arise in the language to name new objects, tools, cultures, new ideas about the world, etc. Some neologisms quickly lose their shade of unusualness, novelty, becoming common (astronaut, pie, traffic light), others retain this shade more long time(land on the moon, moon rover). Some new words do not become common words, remaining neologisms (most often the author's neologisms): lips drain from the cold (in Mayakovsky's; they become plum, blue with a tinge of purple).

By origin, in the vocabulary of the Russian language there are primordially Russian words (i.e. those that arose in the Russian language) and borrowed ones (i.e. those that are taken from other languages). In the vocabulary of the Russian language, about 10% of borrowed words. Borrowed words from other languages ​​by virtue of different reasons: to name borrowed objects, tools, concepts (oboe, tractor, ballet, art); to clarify the names of similar objects, tools, machines (hotel, motel; jam, jam, jam, confiture). Most often, words are borrowed from Greek, Latin, French, English, German, Turkic languages. When borrowing, other people's words in Russian undergo phonetic, semantic, morphological changes, as well as changes in the composition of the word.

Ticket number 5.

Phraseologism: its lexical meaning, functions in the sentence and text.

Phraseologisms are stable combinations of words that are close in lexical meaning to one word. The phraseological unit in general has lexical meaning, for example: distant lands - far away.

Like a word, a phraseological unit can have synonyms and antonyms. Phraseologisms-synonyms: two boots of a pair, one field of berries (one is not better than the other); at the end of the world, where the raven did not bring bones, where Makar did not drive calves (far away). Phraseologisms - antonyms: to lift up to heaven - to trample in the mud; rolling up your sleeves - slipshod; to brew porridge - to disentangle the porridge; heavy to lift - easy to lift. Phraseologism cat wept has a synonym for a little and an antonym for a lot.

Most of the phraseological units reflect the deeply popular, original character of the Russian language. The direct (initial) meaning of many phraseological units is associated with the history of our Motherland, with some of the customs of our ancestors, their work. So, the expression to beat thumbs up (to sit back) arose on the basis of the direct meaning "to split a block of wood into thumbs (lumps) for making spoons, ladles out of them", i.e. to do a very simple, easy task.

Phraseologisms are bright and expressive means of language. They are often found in speech. For example: "You will pass the exams and you will be a free Cossack (free)." (A. I. Kuprin). Yegor, though a debater, is a wet chicken (a mess). Afraid of the squeak of the cart (coward).

Phraseologisms characterize all aspects of a person's life - his attitude to work, for example, golden hands, to beat the thumbs, attitude towards other people, for example, a bosom friend, a disservice, personal advantages and disadvantages, for example, does not lose his head, to lead by the nose.

Phraseologism plays the role of one member of the sentence: decoration, cleanliness of the casket

threw himself in the eye (stood out, differed). (I. Krylov) The guys worked up their sleeves (well, diligently).

The meaning of phraseological units, proverbs, sayings is acquired by quotations from literary works: Happy hours are not observed (A. Griboyedov) Sow reasonable, kind, eternal ... (N. A. Nekrasov)

Lesson design

Theme: Strong and weak positions of vowel sounds

Project group: Kuzina A.V., Fetisova S.N., Shiryaeva G.V.

Consultant: E.V. Vostorgova

Target: identify fundamental differences between the two detected positions of vowel sounds (in one of them all known vowel sounds can work - this is a strong position, in the other - only a part of them, this is a weak position)

Result: Students should understand the basis for distinguishing between strong and weak positions of sounds (the possibility of all sounds - not all sounds) and distinguish between strong and weak positions of vowel sounds (know the sign of a strong and weak position of vowel sounds: under stress - a strong position, without stress - weak).

Introductory comment: This lesson is key to the two sections of the Grade 2 curriculum on the strengths and weaknesses of vowels and consonants. It is in this lesson that general concept about strong and weak positions of sounds, as about positions (places in a word) where any sounds (from sounds known to children) can occur - this is a strong position of sounds, and about positions where there are any restrictions, and some sounds cannot work , is a weak position. So, for example, in an unstressed position, according to the laws of Russian literary pronunciation, the sounds [o] and [e] cannot appear (with the exception of some borrowed words - emulsion, boa and so on) Together these sounds in an unstressed position, other sounds work: instead of the sound [o], after a solid consonant, the sound [a] usually appears ( d [o] m - d [a] ma), after a soft consonant - [and] ([v'ol] - [v'ila]); instead of the sound [e] after a solid consonant, the sound [s] ( pole - sh [s] st), and after soft - [and] ( [l'es] - [l'isa]). Precisely because there are limitations in the unstressed position, it is considered a weak position of sounds. The striking position, which can occur with any of the six vowel sounds known to second graders, is considered a strong position of the sounds. Such a concept of strong and weak positions later, when studying strong and weak positions for consonants, should become a tool for detecting them: if any sound from a pair of voiced-deafness works ( teeth - soups) - this is a strong position if there are restrictions and only one sound from a pair works (for example, only voiceless at the end of a word - zu [n] -su [n]) Is a weak position. Thus, the success of the study of the next section - the strong and weak positions of consonants - largely depends on how correctly and deeply the general concept of strong and weak positions will be worked out using the example of vowels in this lesson.

Projected lesson flow


Notes (edit)

1. Organizational moment.

2. Preparatory stage to the formulation of the educational problem.

3. Formulation of the educational problem and its solution.

4. Stage of reflection.

Frontal work.

The teacher draws attention to the previous lesson.

Guys, is it just sounds [o] and [eh] cannot occur in unstressed syllables?

Individual work in notebooks (part 1, page 28, task 3)

Assignment: Write down the sounds (in a column, one under the other) word changes, put stress:

[elephant] [o]

[slans] [a]

[l "esch] [uh]

[l "looking" and] [and]

[rook "] [a]

[to "it] [and]

[cheeses] [s]

[soups] [y]

Now let's write in the second column the first vowel sounds that we meet under stress.

(the teacher asks 2-3 students).

And in the third column, write out unstressed vowel sounds (the teacher draws attention to the fact that the same sound should not be recorded twice).

And now let's take a close look and answer the following question: “In what position do all sounds meet (“ work ”)? (under stress).

(in position without stress).

What about a weak position? (positions in which not all sounds are possible).

Generalization. Comparing the number of vowel sounds encountered in stressed and unstressed positions, students are convinced that there is a position of vowels

sounds where any known sounds are possible, and there is a position where any sounds are impossible. The first of them will be called a strong position, the second - a weak one.

Then the teacher offers the children small cards in which students, without restrictions, throughout the entire period of forming a letter with omissions of the spelling of weak positions, will be able to record all the features that are highlighted in a single table.

Strong position

Weak position

Children will name the location in the stressed syllable as a sign of a strong position for vowel sounds, and an unstressed syllable as a sign of a weak position.

Who can tell me what a strong position is (this is a position in which any vowel sounds can occur).

How do we designate it?

A diagram is posted on the board:

[o] and [e].

Students write down the number, divide the notebook into 3 columns.

One person works at the blackboard, the rest in a notebook.

The check is carried out with the help of “consent-disagreement” cards (the teacher needs to give children more independence, that is, an educational dialogue should be built).

The fixation of the table on the board by the teacher is required.

The teacher pauses briefly before drawing the children to a conclusion.

We fix the conclusion in the form of a diagram on the board and tablets that the teacher suggested.

Analysis of the project and its implementation:

Stage 2. Preparatory stage for setting the educational problem

At this stage, the teacher actually repeats everything that was done in the previous lesson. At the same time, this stage is carried out in the most ineffective form - frontal (children answer one at a time, basically the teacher fixes the discussed material on the blackboard, most children are passive).

As you know, the first 7-10 minutes is the most valuable time in the lesson, the students are not tired yet, their concentration is maximum. This time is the most productive time for active work, setting or solving a new problem - in this lesson, unfortunately, it is spent practically in vain. After all, all those conclusions, the repetition of which took about 12 minutes at this stage, could be restored in words that the children performed in the task at the next stage of the lesson ( elephant - elephants, bream - bream). Apparently, it was superfluous in this lesson to discuss the number of vowels and syllables in a word september, which the children wrote down in notebooks for the design of class work. A lesson of this type should be extremely monolithic and contain only the material that is necessary to solve its problems. Otherwise, there is a great risk of "dilution" of the main task solved in this lesson, unnecessary waste of time, which is subsequently not enough at the end of the key lesson for the most important conclusions.

Stage 3. Formulation of the educational problem and its solution

Despite the indication of the formulation of the task of the lesson in the project, in the implementation of this lesson it was not clear enough why, for what purpose, children need to write down so many words and analyze them. The task of this stage is to check what sounds can work in unstressed syllables (after all, in the last lesson, children discovered that some sounds in this position cannot work).

It is good that the children do the work to a certain extent independently (1 student is on the blackboard, the rest are in a notebook and check each other). However, it's a shame that a very significant part of the work - lists of vowel sounds that work under stress and without stress - was not recorded on the board in the lesson. But this is exactly the material on the basis of which children should come to the conclusion that in some positions all sounds work (the entire list of vowel sounds known to children is presented), and in other positions - not all. Precisely because all the vowel sounds were not taken out on the board, the main conclusion for the children was not obvious.

With regard to the main conclusion in the project itself, the main accents were not set clearly enough:

“- And now let's take a close look and answer the following question:“ In what position do all sounds meet (“work”)? (under stress).

In what position do not all sounds meet ("work") (in position without stress).

People agreed to call one of these positions strong and the other weak.

What position do you think is called strong? (strong is called the position in which any sounds can occur).

What about a weak position? (positions in which not any sounds are possible) ".

In fact, children were supposed to notice that all sounds work under stress, but not all sounds work without stress. Here is the text from the tutorial:

“What vowel sounds work in these words under stress? And which vowels work in the same words without stress? Write in one column all the vowel sounds that can occur under stress, and in the second - vowel sounds that occur in an unstressed position.

Such positions, in which any sounds can occur, are called strong positions... Positions in which not all sounds are possible are called weak positions

Thus, in the implementation of the lesson, it turned out to be primary that a strong position is a position under stress, and a weak position is without stress. This is, of course, true when it comes to indicating strong and weak positions for vowel sounds. However, it is clear that such a criterion does not apply to the concept of strong and weak positions for consonants. The very concept of strong and weak positions (see the definition in the textbook) turned out to be secondary in the lesson, and due to the lack of fixation, it was not very clear for children.

Stage 4. Stage of reflection.

This stage was the last in the implementation of the lesson, it was carried out in accordance with the project and is only a fixation of the sign of strong and weak positions for vowel sounds.

Brief summary:

This lesson is undoubtedly one of the most difficult in the 2nd grade course. It must be admitted that the difficulties of designing and implementing this lesson are quite typical. And the main difficulty lies precisely in the placement of accents. Naturally, for students (and for the teacher), the sign of strong and weak positions for vowel sounds (stress) is in the foreground as a practical guide for the further action of writing (with a gap), and the general concept of strong and weak positions, which is a tool for their detection - on the second. The lesson introduces the general concept of strong and weak positions and the sign of these positions for vowels, however, the accents are still shifted. Hence the feeling that the main conclusion is nevertheless introduced, as it were, into finished form.

It is positive that the lesson as a whole is conducted in a rather active form, students do most of the work independently, check the student's work at the blackboard, object and ask questions to each other, formulate their observations.

Redesigned lesson flow based on the discussion of its video recording:




Hello guys!

We begin our lesson. You should have a Russian language textbook and a notebook on your desk.


We open notebooks, step back from previous post 2 lines down, on the third in the middle we write - September 27 (the teacher pays attention to the spelling of the word - SEPTEMBER).

Let's remember where we left off yesterday?

We noticed that the sounds [o] and [e] cannot work in unstressed syllables (that is, they cannot work without stress).

Example: [cat] [kats] [shest] [shysty]

[o] // [a] [e] // [s]

Now let's check with you if other vowel sounds can work in this (unstressed) position. Divide your notebook into 3 columns, as I did on the board.

Write down with sounds (in a column under each other) word changes

(one person is at the blackboard, the rest in a notebook.).

[elephant] [o]

[slans] [a]

[l "esch] [uh]

[l "looking" and] [and]

[rook "] [a]

[to "it] [and]

[cheeses] [s]

[soups] [y]

What vowel sounds "work" in these words under stress? (all)

Write down in the second column all vowel sounds that can occur under stress.

What sounds will you write out?

And in the third column, those vowel sounds that can occur in an unstressed position. There is no need to record the same sound twice.

Good. In what position do all sounds meet (work)? (in stressed position)

And in what position do not all sounds meet (work)? (in unstressed position).

People agreed to call one of these positions strong and the other weak.

What position do you think is called strong? (called strong, the position in which any sounds can occur, i.e. under stress).

And the weak one? (positions in which not all sounds are possible).

Good. And now I will give you small cards in which we will mark which sounds are in a strong position and which ones are in a weak one.

Strong position

Weak position


Who can tell me what a strong position is? (this is the position in which any vowel sounds can occur).

How do we designate it in writing?

What about a weak position? (a position in which not all sounds are possible).

How do we designate it?

The class uses various forms of multilevel teaching of schoolchildren. Students work in three groups... The first group includes children with high academic abilities and high and medium working capacity. The second group is medium and low level learning ability and average performance. The third group of students with low and medium academic abilities and low efficiency.

In this lesson, work is going on to open a new position of paired consonants and its further application in teaching schoolchildren.

Topic: Strong and weak positions of consonants.

Objectives: to teach to highlight the signs of strong and weak positions of paired consonants; acquaintance with a “weak” position of consonants in front of consonants, which is new for children; work out the way of writing with gaps in spelling of weak positions.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

Checking readiness for the lesson. The attitude of children to be friendly to each other; on cultural dialogue when working in groups.

2. Knowledge update.

- Change the words: meadows, sides so that they name one object. Record both changes of each word with sounds. Write the changes in letters next to them.

For group 3, task number 1 is performed according to the model. Task number 2 in groups is different, taking into account their learning abilities.

For group 1: write down the schemes of strong and weak positions of consonants.

Group 2: indicate the strong and weak position of consonants next to the schemes.

Group 3: connect the strong and weak positions with the diagrams with a line.

3. Checking the work of the group at the blackboard:

Children from group 1 begin so that the rest of the students listen to the explanation again.

1 Gr. 2 Gr. 3 Gr.

[MEADOWS] [Y] O Meadows

[LUG] [K]. Lu_

[BAKA] [K] O B_

[BOK] [K]. Bo_

From the diagrams written on the board, a more complete one is chosen or the teacher's questions are answered.

4. Statement of the problem:

- Do the consonants have any other weak positions? (Listen to the opinion of children).

- Write down the name of the items beep, rink sounds. Change each word so that it names many objects, and record the word changes with sounds. Highlight the penultimate consonant sounds in the changes with circles.

Pupils of group 1 work independently and observe the changes in each word.

Students in groups 2 and 3 work together with the teacher.

[BEEP] [D]

[GUTK'I] [T]


[KATK'I] [T]

- For vowels, strong and weak positions are determined by stress. And what determines the positions of paired consonants? (neighbor to the right, that is, Oh, no).

- Select and write down the penultimate consonants.

- Are there vowel sounds in a weak position? Mark them.

- Are there consonants in strong positions? Explain.

- Have you noted the positions of all consonants?

- In what position are both sounds from a pair possible? (In the strong). Write them down.

- And in what position does only 1 consonant sound from a pair come to work? (In the weak).

- What sound is that? (consonant, voiceless).

- Show with arrows which sound appeared instead of the sounds [D] and [T] in front of the consonants.

Children opening a new position.

Compare and pair up the weak consonant position with the one you learned earlier. (Group 1 independently makes a conclusion about a new weak position). You made another discovery today. How many weak positions of consonants do you know now? Can we use letters to denote sounds in weak positions? (No, because spelling, I put a dash).

Write down the letter next to it. Who has a different letter notation, without gaps?

- What helped to write down words without gaps? (the law of Russian writing).

6. Primary anchoring:

Writing words, sentences with missing spelling of weak positions.

The first group works independently;
The second is modeled on;
The third group with a teacher.

If questions arise in the groups, they show a card with a question mark. Children from group 1 come to the rescue.

7. Reflection of activity:

- What discovery did everyone make for themselves?

8. Homework:

For the first group: write down a few words where paired consonants stand in front of other consonants.

The second and third groups are tasks according to the textbook.

The next lesson of the Russian language begins with determining the positions of consonants in words written in 1 group.

    A strong position differs from a weak one as follows:

    If we are talking about vowels, then when they are stressed, then this is a strong position. And when without stress - weak.

    But with consonants, the matter is more complicated.

    Strong position is considered if there is a vowel after the consonant.

    And if after there is a sonorous consonant or the letter B.

    Weak position is considered if the consonant is at the end of a word or before a voiced consonant or before a voiceless one.

    Here is a table with examples:

    The strong position of vowels and consonants is the moment when sounds can be distinguished.

    And the weak position of vowels and consonants is when the sounds are not quite distinguishable.

    Let's say the sound can be stunned. Sometimes, in this situation, mistakes occur in words, because it is not entirely clear which letter needs to be written.

    Here's a short story about the positions of sounds in the tables:

    The location of the sound in the word, its location relative to the beginning or end of the word, as well as relative to other sounds, is called position . Depending on the degree of discernibility of a sound in a particular position, its weak and strong positions are distinguished. Both vowels and consonants can be in a weak or strong position.

  • Strong is the position of a sound when it cannot be confused with another sound and it is clearly pronounced. For vowels, the strong position is their stressed position, and in this way, the stressing of the vowel is checked for correct spelling. Accordingly, the weak position for vowels will be their unstressed position in the word. The consonants are not stressed, but for them there are variants when the pronunciation of the consonant is distinct - before the vowel, before the sonar, and before the consonant B. On the contrary, the weak position for consonants is their location at the end of a word or before a sound opposite in voicing.

    Each sound has its own strengths and weaknesses.

    A sound is considered in a strong position when we clearly hear it and we have no doubts about the spelling of this letter.

    A sound is considered in a weak position when we have doubts about which letter is heard and written.

    The table is strong and weaknesses vowels and consonants:

    A strong vowel position is an emphasized position where the sound does not need to be checked when writing, as it is heard clearly.

    Weak vowel position is an unstressed position where the sound needs to be checked when writing, as it is not heard clearly.

    As for consonants, the strong positions for them are:

    1. before vowels
    2. in front of the sonorous
    3. before in and in.
  • By the position of the sound in phonetics, the position of a sound in a vocabulary unit is called:

    • before a vowel / consonant;
    • at the end, as well as in the middle or beginning of tokens and their forms;
    • under stress or in the absence of it (for vowel sounds).

    These positions fall into two categories:

    Strong we call the one sound in which heard clearly and its letter is designated:

    • lady lady; smooth even; intellectual intellectual;
    • gold z, o, l, t; solo s, o, l, n; speck n, a, t, n, k;

    Weak the one where the sound is indicated by a foreign letter, where the writing of letters often raises doubts and therefore requires verification or the application of another rule that determines his choice ( position (position) of sound nondiscrimination) plant trees (graze tree trees):

    • in the 1st syllables of both units of the vocabulary sounds A, I are indicated by letters by strangers (O, E), therefore in the 1st case it is necessary to remember the uniform spelling of the prefix, in the 2nd word to find a single-root lexeme in order to check the stress of the root vowel: tree ;
    • in the 2nd syllable (word 1), the sound A is indicated by its own letter, (A), but his position is weak (non-striking), therefore the choice of A still needs to be proved, for which we also make a check: landing.

    Thus, the nature of the position of vowel sounds is closely related to the accent (stress).

    Any vowel sound under stress has a strong position:

    • provide provide;
    • terem terem;
    • hawk yastreb.

    The vowels of unstressed vowels are certainly weak, for example:

    • frost frost;
    • lazy lazy;
    • pedestrian pischot.

    A quantitative as well as a qualitative change in the sound of a vowel, directly related to stress (with an unstressed position), is called reduction.

    If the unstressed sound is pronounced only shorter than the percussive sound, but does not change its quality (for example, U in the lexemes leaving, leaving), we are talking about the presence reduction of quantitative, moreover, the farther the unstressed vowel is from the stressed (pre-stressed and post-stressed positions: 1st, 2nd, 3rd), the shorter it is.

    If the vowel still changes its quality (for example, and in the lexeme tarnish marked on the letter with the letter I), we say that, in addition to quantitative, he underwent another reduction of quality... Consider, as an example, sounds in place of letters O in three related lexemes:

    • the ear of the 1st letter O is the sound O and denotes (the position is strong), for the 2nd O the sound is shorter, in universities it is customary to denote it with the b symbol (at school they use the A sign; the 1st post-shock position is weak);
    • ears of the 1st O indicate the sound (at school they also use the sign A; the 1st pre-shock position is weak), it is shorter in sound than A, but longer than b;
    • spike 1st letter O already known to us sound b denotes (2nd pre-shock position is weak); in the 1st position of the pre-stressed (syllable 2nd), also weak, with the same letter O denotes the sound.

    For clarity I made the following plate:

    Strength / weakness of position of consonant sounds depends on factors such as:

    • the kind of sounds that follow them (vowel / consonant);
    • the place occupied by sound in a vocabulary unit (beginning, middle, end);
    • another consonant that occupies a postposition in relation to the 1st (voiceless / voiced, soft / hard, noisy / sonorous).

    The presence of a vowel sound, located immediately after the consonant, contributes to a clear pronunciation of the first, therefore, create a strong position for the consonant:

    • true b dust n;
    • kindergarten s, d gray s, d;
    • lived w sewed w.

    For paired voiced / voiceless consonants by strong are positions before vowels:

    • dock d, k;
    • toga t, g.

    and before consonants:

    • noisy in, in (utensils t two hundred d);
    • sonorous (mischievous shmat sh),

    weak the same

    • at the end of lexemes and their forms (pillar p pillar p; meadow k bow k);
    • at the beginning, as well as at the end of vocabulary units before noisy ones, except in, in (building z do z, fairy tale with mask c).

    For paired hard / soft consonants with strong we call such positions:

    • before vowels (soap m cute m);
    • at the end of lexemes and their word forms (sell selll; elm zvyaz z);
    • before solid consonants: (asphalt c before f; mowing z before b),

    a weak

    • before soft consonants (steppe with in preposition to t, umbrella n in front of t).

    Weak positions consonant sounds are associated with the phenomenon of phonetic assimilation(likening consonants in front to those behind). In school practice, the term assimilation is usually replaced by expressions:

    • stunning voiced consonants in front of the deaf;
    • voicing of voiceless consonants before voiced ones;
    • softening hard consonants before soft ones.


    • T-shirt, mowing (voicing: d before b and h before b);
    • fairy tale, shop (stunning: s and f in front of k);
    • bow, gift (mitigation: n and s before t).

    Positions of consonant sounds I presented in the following plate:

    The weak position of vowels and consonants is the position when the sounds are indistinguishable. for example, a voiced consonant at the end of a word is stunned, there is a doubt whether we write the letter correctly. And then you need to remember the rule for deafness - voiced.

    A position is called strong if there is a distinction between sounds and others.

    It is best explained with examples.

    The teacher once taught us so - say any word harshly and rudely. They said each his own. And now I must say which letter you all heard loudly and sharply, that one will stand in a strong position, and the rest, which you ate, will be heard in weak positions.

  • Strong and weak vowel positions

    Vowel position under stress called STRONG.

    In this position, all six vowel sounds are distinguished (mal - mor - mir - mool - may - soap).

    V strong vowel positions are pronounced with greatest strength, very clear and does not require verification.

    Vowel position in unstressed syllables are WEAK position.

    In this position, instead of some vowels in the same part of the word, other vowels are pronounced, for example, wada and water, rika and reki, mesto and mysta, ryad and rida.

    The pronunciation of vowels in a weak position depends on which syllable in relation to shock they are in a syllable.

    In the first pre-stressed syllable after solid consonant vowels a and O pronounced in the same way, that is, they coincide in one sound a, for example, sada, gara. Russian literary pronunciation is akane.

    Vowel sounds a and e after soft consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable are pronounced as a sound close to and (rather, it sounds with the sound of e).

    For example, let's compare the pronunciation of words penny and rooster: pi (e) so, pi (e) tukh.

    Normative in Russian is ikane.

    In all other pre-stressed syllables and post-stressed vowels a, oh sound even weaker and indistinct.

    Weak vowel position a, oh, e after sizzling and C expressed in a slightly different way.

    I will give just one example. After solid w, w, c before soft consonants instead of a sound usually sounds NS with a touch NS: jacket => zhy (e) ket, hut => shy (e) lash, thirty => trits (e) t.

    In some cases, in a weak position with a fast pronunciation, vowels can fall out, for example, in a VO.

    Strong and weak consonant positions

    The position in which the consonant does not change is called strong.

    For consonants, this is the location of the consonant before:

    VOICE: dock - current, bow - hatch, race - cassock, darling - soaps;

    SONORIES: elephant - clone, sheaf - chills, down - downward, grass - firewood;

    consonant V: matchmaking, create.

    WEAK position is a position in which consonants are not opposed in voicing-voicelessness and hardness-softness.

    Weak is the position:

    a) at the end of the word (voiced and voiceless consonants are pronounced here the same - dull): raft - fruit, pond - rod, side - god, haystack - drain;

    b) before voiced (deaf voiced): ask - request (s => h)

    and in front of the deaf (voiced are stunned): sharp - sharp, lows - low (s => s);

    Often the position before soft, as well as before lt; j> turns out to be weak for consonants that are paired in hardness-softness. In this position, the consonant is pronounced softly, for example: snow, bomb, blizzard.


  • handout cards with missing spelling of the weak position,
  • notebooks,
  • textbooks,
  • spelling dictionaries,
  • felt-tip pens.

A fragment from the work of A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all" is drawn on the board, a fragment from the cartoon has been prepared. Children sit in groups of four.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

W. Hello! Today in the lesson we must consider cases when the sound is in a strong position, and when in a weak position. We sit down correctly, put the notebooks with a tilt, write down the number and "Cool work".

II. Calligraphy

D: Look at the board, we write the elements in conjunction with the lowercase letter "o". Write one line in your notebooks.

Children carry out the task in notebooks.

III. Repetition work

D. How do you understand what a dangerous place is, where it can arise?

E. A dangerous place can appear in any part of the word. To check the spelling at the root of a word, you need to choose a single-root word in which a strong one would appear in place of a weak sound.

W. And with the help of related words, you can check spelling only in the root or in different parts of the word?

E. In other parts of these words, such spelling cannot be checked, since these parts in related words may be different. A dangerous place is a place where we hear one sound and write another letter.

D: And what dangerous places do you already know?

E. For vowels when the sound is in a weak position, i.e. it is not stressed. D For consonants, when they are near, there are no "wizards" sounds among them.

D: And what are these magic sounds?

D. These are sonorous sounds [l, m, n, p, y "] and another sound [v]. If a consonant is in front of these sounds, then we can safely write a consonant letter, and if there are two consonant sounds and none of them not a "magician", then there is a dangerous place.

D: For example, in the word shu__ka, two consonant sounds met, they entered the game - the second deaf consonant "commands" - [to] He, as it were, deafens the consonant in front.

W. Guys, let's say this word in chorus.

D. Children say [shupka] in chorus.

D. Who agrees with the reasoning?

E. Children record their opinion by pointing with their fingers: yes "+", no "-".

D. All show "+", and one child "-". Why don't you agree with the kids?

D. D I think that if one of these consonants is voiced, then the one in front will also be voiced.

W. Good. Let's do this research work together.

Children write down the sound model of the word [shupka] in notebooks.

D. Can I prove it?

W. Prove. Go to the blackboard.

D. We have, at the root of the word, two consonants met side by side. The second consonant sound [k], it kind of deafens the consonant in front. When we say, we hear the sound [n], it is in a weak position. According to the law of the Russian letter - I check the weak position of the consonant by the strong [fur coat], => and in the word fur coat I will write the letter "b", fur coat.

D: And what is this alternation?

D: This is a positional alternation of sounds [b] / / [n].

D: And who can find the word in which the consonant sound is voiced?

D. We are at a loss.

D . I have a note from my mother with a "request ...", it seems to me that when we say this word - [prose "ba], we hear the sound [z"], and my mother wrote to me - a request.

W. Good. In this case, voicing of a consonant occurs. This is a dangerous place. Let's find a related word where this sound will be in a strong position (word change).

D Maybe the word asking is okay? Here the positional alternation of sounds [s "/ / s"].

W. Writing on the board (sound model of words).

[prose "ba], [PRAS" AND T "]

D. What sounds alternate?

D. Vowel sounds [o / / a] and consonants [z "/ / s"].

IV. Work with Study book number 2.

Task number 1. page 11. Add sentences that contain words with opposite meanings.

W. Write it yourself, put the stress, circle the letter you want.

At this time, the teacher gives each team a task, and the children begin to work in the group.

Group I: "Bitter radish, and carrots ________________".

Group II: "Thick sour cream, and milk _____________".

Group III: "The stone is heavy, and the down is ______________".

Group IV: "The road is wide, and the path is _____________."

Group V: "The moon is large, and the asterisk ______________."

Children completed the task in groups and from each team go to the board, one person with their own cards - answers. The rest of the groups check, complement the representatives from each team.

Have . Did you check all the spelling of the weak position by changing the word?

Only those that are at the root of the word.

U. Why?

D.T. because when you change the word, the stem does not change.

Where can't we check?

E. In the ending, because when the word changes, the ending changes. Our team had the word weak (berry) Weak position at the root of the word, check with the word sweet, sweet. The second weak position in the ending, one test word is enough, in which the sound in the ending is in a strong position: sweet a I am evil a I am.

Children point fingers "+" (agree).

D: We had the word zh__k_e. Liquid - spelling of strong position and, checked according to the rule: zhi - shi write with and ... The spelling of the weak position at the root of the word, we picked up the test word thin. The second weak position in the ending, we check with a word in which the sound in the ending is in a strong position: liquid_- young.

Children check the first two words by going to the blackboard, the rest of the children demonstrate their agreement or disagreement with special signs.

After working on each word, the teacher pays attention to the test method. The guys checked the first two tasks together at the blackboard. And the rest are invited to make a mutual check between the groups.

V. Work on the sound "shell" of the word

D. Draw a diagram of the strengths and weaknesses of the word carrot.

D. The first sound [m], he is in a strong position, because after it comes a vowel.

D. The second sound [a], it is in a weak position, because it is not stressed.

D. The third sound [p] - in a strong position, because this is the sound of "magician", he will always be in a strong position.

D. The fourth sound [k], it is in a strong position, because after it comes a vowel sound.

D. Fifth sound [o], it is in a strong position, tk. he's under stress.

D: What about the sixth sound? (say in chorus) children (in chorus) - [markofka]

We hear and pronounce the sound [f], because there are two consonant sounds next to it and the second unvoiced sound [k] subdues the consonant that stands in front of it and deafens it.

D. Who wants to write a diagram on the board and finish the analysis?

D.(at the blackboard) make up a diagram:

V_VVV_V_, m_rko_ka, sound [k] in a strong position, and sound [a] in a weak position. The word mor-kov-ka is written, tk. it refers to a dictionary word and can be viewed in the dictionary.

W. You need to write down the letter model of words, distributing them in two columns. In the first column, write the words where the weak positions are at the root of the word. In the second column, where the weak positions are at the end.

This is the first part of the task that the children do on their own.

Vi. On the blackboard, the sound model of words:[HUD "AND T"], [GR ACH "I], [SH Y N A], [R" EP A], [C V "I CH" A]

D: - Let's check the task.

Two people come to the board and write down:

D: Words with a weak root position (letter with holes)

X_dit, gr_chi, z_mlya, s_cha

D. Weak endgame position:

D. We wrote in their column the words (lists): walk - walk, rooks - rook, earth - earth, candle - candles. I write the letter for a strong position.

U. Children, do you agree with the work?

D. I got two words: tire, turnip.

W. Thanks.

Vii. Work with an educational notebook.

W. In A. Milne's book "Winnie-the-Pooh and All-All-All", the owl lived in the magnificent castle "Chestnuts". She had announcements under the bell:

Why are the same words spelled differently in the two ads?

D. (in chorus) Owl does not know the basic rule of the Russian language.

D . H do not agree with Owl. The word [open "ut] is spelled open, a weak position in the prefix. We know the prefix from, you can check the word leave (Corrects the error with a felt-tip pen).

There is still a mistake, it is written Owl, a weak position at the root. We check with the word - owls.

D: Look at the second ad. (Children read carefully).

D .H I do not agree as the owl wrote, I ask you for the floor. Weak position at the root of the word, you can check - please. The letter o is written.

Found another mistake, in the word [pad "orgat"]. Weak position in the prefix, we know the prefix by, you can check the word on top.

D: go to the board and correct mistakes in the announcements (with a felt-tip pen).

Have . You found all the errors?

D . Everything.

Have . Write these ads on blank lines.

Option I - writes the first announcement.

Option II - writes the second announcement.

W. The lesson is over. How did you understand what we were working on?

D . We looked at strong and weak positions for vowels and consonants.

D. We understood: a sound in a weak position is denoted by the same letter that denotes a sound in a strong position in this word.

Vii. Homework.

W. Thank you for the lesson.


M.P. Romaneva. L.A. Sukhovershina, Moscow. 2006 Study book № 2 In Russian.