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Design of bouquet of one lily twig. Lilies and landscape design. Rich floral language

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Make a bouquet of lilies by the rules

Choosing lilies for a bouquet, do not greading: Leave more stalks on the plant. Then it is better prepared for flowering the next year. So that lilies in the vase stand longer, cut them off before the blooming flowers when the buds become loose. Or when disclosing 1-2 flowers, if the bouquet does not need to carry anywhere.

So that lilies have been fresh and fragrant for a long time, it is necessary to carefully tweezed anthers. By the way, after that, deprived pollen flowers will not get dirty. But, as a rule, the anthers are rarely removed, because the stamens of the lilies are also beautiful and without them the flower is not so gorgeous.

When drawing up a bouquet You can add other flowers to the lilies that are harmonizing with them across color and form. For example, red, yellow, orange lilies are well combined with white and blue flowers (pots, chamomile, gypsophila, blue iris, dolphinium, bell). Very beautiful complement the bouquet of decorative leaves, which lacks a cut-down lily blossoms. For green support, you can use fern, asparagus or iris leaves, peony.

A bouquet of lilies should not be dense: Sometimes one beautiful inflorescences is enough. If there are several of them, it is necessary to group so that every flower is visible well.

Lilies in a bouquet are long. If we assume that the life of one flower continues on average 5 days, and in inflorescence there may be from 5 to 30, and each bud is capable of opening, the bouquet will delight at least 12 days. But it is possible to increase this time if you add a tablet aspirin or pieces of charcoal in a waterpath with water. A bouquet of lilies with a very strong aroma is better not to keep indoors where you are constantly being. And at night it must be made to the terrace or in the bathroom.

Do not forget to delete the flowers from the lilia, and at the end of the season cut off the whole and the flowers themselves.

N. Ya. Ippolyov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences


Lilies are cut in the phase of loose buds or, when they revealed 1-2 buds if long-term transportation is to be.

A bouquet can be made up of one or more varieties, as well as with the addition of other colors and plants that are combining among themselves in color and form.
Lilies of red, orange and yellow tones are perfectly combined with white jasmine flowers, open-end cloud of gypsophila, daisies, and beautiful with blue and blue iris, dolphiniums, bells.

In the lilies, their leaves are not distinguished by high decorativeness. Therefore, when compiling compositions, leaves of other plants - asparagus, peony, ferns, irises are widely used.
By composing a bouquet of lilies, you should not use a large number of colors. Sometimes, only one beautiful inflorescence with a properly selected design of split leaves will look more attractive than a huge bouquet.

Flowers in the bouquet will last longer if they put them in a clean water vase and add a disinfecting aspirin or pieces of charcoal.
Leaves in water are better to cut. They can cause dip and damage colors.
As the lower flowers are cut and the bottom flowers are cut. And so that the bouquet does not look slightly, the stem is cut.
A bouquet standing in a vase should not be kept in the sun, draft or near the running fan.
For the night of the bouquet it is better to clean up in a cool place - it will extend the life of flowers.

The royal-classic lily is unique and recognizable. Landscape compositions in which this beautiful flower participates, look sophisticated, royally.

The season of vegetation of the plant begins in the spring, slim stems themselves are quite decorative, at the time of blooming many varieties of lilies spread the sophisticated fragrance. Perennial bulbies have the most diverse color: pink, white, yellow, red, orange, there are many dying varieties. If you use the plant competently, in the garden or on the site you can create very original, and discounts, spectacular flower beds that bloom from the very beginning of summer and until the end of August.

Lily flowers, depending on the variety, have chalmid, cup-shaped, tubular, funnel-like or bell-trees. Plant height - up to two meters. The lowest varieties, up to half a meter, can be planted as a border, high are good in solites. Lilies are well combined with other annuals and perennials, look good with separate islands.

Pink lilies form an interesting tandem with large-grained plants. Successful background for flowers of yellow color - Bearinglet, Magonia ,. Good lilies on the background of evergreen conifers:, cypressov. The flower is harmonious in combination with delphiniums and, ferns, alissum and. High lilies are a good idea for the background landing and to decorate the fence, they are well outlined by the boundaries of the site. Lilies solvents won, being placed on a hillside in the middle of the lawn. The background for the plant can serve as deciduous trees, low-spirited species will emphasize the beauty of flower beds and tracks, the varieties are better to pick up so that they bloom all summer. Lilies are often placed in the form of Kurtan, given their color and shade, a combination with other plants on the tone, texture and form of leaves.

Lilies on borders and in Rabata

Lily Tubular and its type of "Harrisi" are perfectly suitable for the formation of low borders and landing along the tracks. Inflorescences - pure-white. For the same goals, Lily "Formozskaya", buds - narrow, tubular, plant height - 60-90 cm. Lily "Lily of Tunberg", height up to half a meter, spectacularly outlines tracks and borders, it blooms in May and June orange flowers in Krapinka . "Lily diluating" with pink-lilac flowers is capable of issuing both the lower tier of the flower.

Varieties of lilies for single landing

For single landings and small groups are best suited:

  • lily "Regual", purple with white;
  • lily "Golden", color - white, bright;
  • lily "Candidum", White;
  • lily "Chamovaya", yellow, red or purple;
  • lily "Tiger", orange-red, with specks.

All listed varieties bloom from June to July or August, the height of the plant is up to 120-150 cm.

Lily "Regual".

Lilyla flower beds

It is important that disembarkation look harmoniously combined well with other plants. A variety of lilies, their height, the shade of flowers, the duration of flowering, the subtlety of the care - all this must be taken into account when drawing up landscape compositions.

Lilies in groups

A multi-tiered flower garden, created from lilies of different varieties of the group or different groups, looks very impressive. The foreground at the same time is planted with "Asian" varieties or launcher-free hybrids. It is desirable that the lower tier blooms first, high oriental lilies or their hybrids will form the second and third "floors". If lilies are planted with groups, then it is better to divide them with low-spirited conifers, which will gradually grow and close the soil.

Peonies and lilies

Types and varieties

Based on the designer idea, it is necessary to determine which plants will be required to create compositions. It is necessary to choose the appropriate grade in height, color, the size of buds.

Asian hybrids

Flowers in June, well winter in the open soil, in the care of unpretentious. Height, on average, 80 - 100 cm, flowering diameter - up to 15 cm. The group is distinguished by breadth of shades, the size of buds.

  • White: "Costa", "Navonna", "Crossover", "Annar Dream".
  • Red: "Red Senseishn", "Black Jack", "Black Out", "Cocktle Tweet", "Gayavata", "Linda", "Olin", "Landini".
  • Pink: "Iowa Rose", "Vali Napa", "Lollilipop", "Dalila", "Arose Jowel", "Chianti".
  • Yellow: "Fata Morgana", "Top Line", "Black Spider", "Vento", "Vali San", "Gran Cru", "Golden Stone", "Graffiti".
  • Orange: "Corrida", "Apricot Pixel", "Orange Art", "Loret", "Orange Electric".
  • Purple: "Knight Flyer", "Pupl ah", "Double Sensesn", "Purple Life", "Nattiz Pride".

Lily "Navonna".

Long-color hybrids

Winter hardiness reduced, need shelter, the buds are small, thin fragrance. Culture is the advantage of greenhouse.

  • Purple: "Divine", "Cirano", "Miyarbi".
  • Yellow: "Deliana".
  • White: "Prime Ice", "White Elegance", "Elegant Lady".

Hybrids of tubular and asian lilies

Stems strong, upright, beautiful foliage, flowers are large, velvety, directed up. Morro-resistant varieties are suitable for growing in open ground, resistant to disease.

  • White: "Ocland", "Lithuanine", "Ice Crystal", "Donatello", "Bright Diamond".
  • Pink: "Nora", "Cavalese", "Arbacx", "Turandot", "Little Kiss", "Indian Summers", "Rodeo", "Moel".
  • Red: "Red Planets", "Fanjio", "Thomar", "Constable", "Royal Grace".
  • Yellow: "Royal Fantasy", "Freya", "Prominent", "Hello Kokot".
  • Orange: "Fiamma", "Bestseller", "Kentucky", "Eremo", "Supersts Crossing", "Orange Kokot".
  • Purple: "Cecil", "Noranda", "Samur", "Sabatini".

Lily "Red Planets".

Eastern hybrids

Beautiful and powerful greens, high bush, large, exotic flowers. Do not winter, the bulbs are better to dig and stored in the basement. Some of the most spectacular and demanded varieties among gardeners.

  • White: "Casablanca", "Innient Lady", "Triumfor", "Rialto", "Annika", "Muskad", "Marco Polo", "Legend".
  • Red: "Tigerevudz", "Distant Dram", "Starveiser", "Pico", "Sumatra".
  • Pink: "Belonika", "Isabella", "Josephine", "Bernini", "Bergamo", "Acapulco".
  • Purple: "Enthertineer", "Dizzy", "Starfyter".
  • Yellow: "Anais Anais", "Fantasy Royal", "Brecdance", "Freya".

Lily "Casablanca".

Asian and Oriental Lily Hybrids

Flowers are directed up. The group is new, varieties are not very much.

  • Pink-red: "Rada Power", "Elegant Crown", "Kokop", "Fest Correne".
  • Yellow: "Kaveli", "Yello Power", "Nanjing", "Sani Kraun."

Oriental and tubular hybrids

Buds are huge, up to 30 cm in diameter, fragrant, simple care, well winter.

  • White: "Jura", "Bugs of Woom", "Coconut", "Eastern Moon", "ovation", "Mr. Cass".
  • Red: "Satisfexch", "Mussasi", "Sophie", "Red Hart".
  • Pink: "Myth", "Bouotor", "Glouwean", "Bayotch", "Donato", "Judy Fowiel".
  • Yellow: "FIFTI FIFTI", "Gold class", "Katina", "Yellowaeen", "Pontiac", "Lesotho", "Sange".
  • Orange: "Saltarello", "Orange Spays", "Morney".
  • Purple: "Miss Fairy", "Dalian", Life Style, "Judith Suffinya".

Lily "Donato".

Hybrids of Tubular and Orleans

The most zhesty varieties are resistant to viral and fungal diseases, for the winter need shelter.

  • White: "Lady Alice", "Uppsing White", "Regal".
  • Pink: "Applascing Pink".
  • Orange: "African Queen", "Apfeissing Orange".
  • Yellow: "Golden Spling", Apforda Yello.
  • Purple: Pink Perfexes.

Martag Hybrid

Chalmid, unruly flowers, frost-resistant, durable diseases resistant.

  • White: "Chameleon", "Martag Album".
  • Red: "Claude Schrad".
  • Yellow: "Slight Morning".
  • Purple: "Marun King", "Martag Perf".
  • Pink: "Gaidberd", "Rashchian Morning".

In medium latitudes, gardeners are offered to grow lilies of "Crystal Star", "Regal", "Narbon", "Mestar", "Grand Grew". In order to introduce bright strokes in the design site, you can use rare varieties: "Black Beauty", "African Lady", "Gold Bend", "Spiritid Album", "Virzhelel", Lancon, Liliying, Lilia, Henry, Lilia David, Lily leopard, dwarf, Canadian.

New varieties and hybrids of lilies appear every year, they won a solid position in landscapes of gardens and plots, decorating the curtains, borders, flower beds.

Photos of different varieties of lilies

Lily "Divine".

Lily - the second after rose in popularity of the flower, which florists are used in the preparation of wedding bouquets. But such popularity is absolutely justified, because with its petals is associated with all that the true bride must have - nobility, innocence, cleanliness, tenderness. Pastel tones of this flower are perfectly combined with a wedding outfit, so a bouquet with lilies for the bride will still take the top of the top of the most sought-after wedding bouquets.

Value and symbolism of lily in the bouquet of the bride

Lily - an ancient floral symbol used in many countries of the world for several centuries. There are legends that tell about the divine origin of her buds. She meets on the coat of arms of royal bodies, is considered the favorite Flower of the French and representatives of the aristocratic houses of other European states. But mainly white lilies are represented by the embodiment of nobility, aristocratic, mercy, indispensability, purity of thoughts, motherhood, other colors have an additional semantic load.

Lilies are the following colors:

  • Yellow. For fun, extraordinary, flirty brides, a wedding composition with yellow lilies is suitable, which means not separation or envy, but corresponds to a funny moral, sociability, activity.
  • Tiger. For extraordinary, even shocking personalities are perfect tiger beauties. Their bright color will help you at the wedding to declare yourself, show your sexuality, courage, uniqueness.

  • Golden. For brides of elegant, loving the sophisticated luxury, wishing to emphasize wealth and beautiful taste, golden color is the perfect option.
  • Orange. For proud, strong character, who knows the price of brides, orange flowers can become a good choice. This shade means strong emotions, pride at the border with pride, curiosity, durability, and therefore rarely selected for wedding compositions.
  • Scarlet. Passionate, majestic nature, which has a bright natural beauty, can choose an scarlet bud. This is a symbol of strong, sensual love, dedication of the heart, love hill.
  • Blue. Noble, aristocratic, spiritually sublime features may like the petals of blue, which demonstrate the refinement of their owner. This is an unusual color for the wedding, because it has a cold shade.
  • Pink. Suitable for young, romantic, gentle brides. Their pastel gentle color is superbly suitable for a wedding event, favorably shaking the dress, as well as moderately highlighting a wedding bouquet.

Wedding bouquet of lilies

Lilies in flower arrangements can be combined with other colors, soling either performing the background function. Field or noble, buds and flowers help to make additional dynamics in the composition, as well as additional symbolism. However, those that are drawn up solely using lilies of one or more colors are particularly tendering and harmony.

Mono Bouquet of white lilies

The composition in which there is only white flowers is a particularly solemn option. Such a bouquet is perfectly suitable for any wedding dress. Make a mono bouquet with your own hands:

  1. Cut the stalks (the length of the stem is 20 cm), fold the flowers in a bouquet (leaves down, flowers from above) so that the round form is formed. Tightly tie.
  2. If the leaves are too long, cut them - they should be only slightly visible on the background of flowers.
  3. At the finished composition spray a brilliant spray.
  4. With the help of transparent glue directly on the petals. Attach decorations (beads, butterfly, crystals, decorative stones).
  5. Tie the stalk with ribbon pastel tones, for example, beige or pink. Tie from the side of the bow.

Bouquet of lilies and chrysanthemums

A bouquet with woven into it, in addition to Lilies, Chrysanthemums is also symbolic. These flowers in different nations personify the knowledge, deep aesthetic experiences, love. The snow-white composition will be diluted due to the splashing of small flowers, which will make it more dynamic, mental, not so clean. To add tenderness to the image of the bride, they are climbing the lower tier, the center part is left in possession of lilies. Such bouquets will be successfully looking at various decorations: sparkles, ribbons, decorative grids, crystals, background colors.

Wedding bouquet of lilies and roses

A bouquet made up with roses and lily participation is the most popular combination used at weddings. They are well consistent with each other: tender, feminine, have many colors and varieties.

  • Pink roses on the background of snow-white lily grace look especially profitable, the shading bouquet, adding it the missing palette.
  • White roses are perfectly combined with pink lilies: if you decorate such a composition of the decorative pearl decorative pearl, apply a glitter, such a bouquet will look incredibly gently in the hands of the bride.
  • Both types of color of a gentle pink shade are perfectly combined, if their tone is slightly different, and the bride is dressed in white or cream outfit.

How to make a bouquet of lilies and gerberas

Lilies and gerbera in wedding transcription look good together if the composition has a ball shape. To create such beauty, the following is necessary:

  1. Prepare lilies for storage. To flowers do not fade, immerse them into water with sugar and aspirin, hold there for some time. The aroma after such a procedure will remain, but the buds themselves will be poisoned with water, becoming more elastic.
  2. Prepare the basis of the portbook. Its design is shown in the photo.

  1. To do this, inside its mesh, put a special gasket ("oasis"), a drinking water - the flowers deepened into it will last longer. The top of the portboot pitches will be built with the bottom of the wire. The lower part wrap a double-sided scotch, driving aspidistra leaves.
  2. Lower tier fasten the leaves, sticking them into the oasis, follow the circle in a circle.
  3. Add greens, decorative twigs, small background flowers, beads, sequins, crystals - all that give your bouquet of elegacity, gloss. Complete the image with spraces with sparkles.
  4. Take the foot tape tape or bow. Artificial details after the decor should not be seen.

What are bouquets from lilies in form

As with filling, wedding bouquets of lilies and other plants can have different configurations. Allocate the following options for wedding bouquets:

  • The magnificent bouquet is a composition in which one or more types of colors woven, having a rounded shape.
  • Bouquet-ball - a bulk spherical figure composed with the use of lilies buds, other colors. The stem is not visible, is on hand, like a handbag.

  • One floral bouquet is a composition where the centered position occupies one single lily, surrounded by buds, herbs, decorations.
  • Lillimelia (glazelia) - a composition composed with one big magnificent bud, created by a florist manually by parsing on the petals of several lilies, gluing them into one large flower.

Watch the video, how to make Lillimelia do it yourself:

  • Biedermeyer is a magnificent bouquet, compiled with the participation of several plant species, which are woven by tiers in a circle.

  • A long bouquet with a rigid frame - the bunting of buds into an artificial long-legged-port-tier. The whole composition is attached to it, she herself is masked with a ribbon.
  • Bouquet on a long leg - binding flower with legs. Available only for colors whose stalk has a big length.

How to arrange a bouquet of lilies do it yourself

The fashion trend of this year is considered Lilimelia - compositions with one large bud, created by gluing lily petals. This form may seem complex in the design, but in reality it is easy to do it yourself several hours before the wedding start. For an excellent result, prepare everything you need in advance so that the time to collect the bouquet does not dissipate on the bustle.

  • For a dense carcass pillow of a spherical shape, we take a cotton fabric, cutting, stitching. It is trimmed with a cloth, the wire is mounted, covered with corrugated green paper, unnecessary ends neatly wires are removed with nipples. The pillow will be the middle of the bud, the wire - stem.
  • Buds disassembled on separate petals are covered with varnish, and then mounted glue to the pillow, starting with Niza, in a circle.
  • Middle of the bud is made up with original beads. The wedding bouquet is covered with a locking varnish, decorated with greens, other decorations.

Are traditional leaders in wedding flower arrangements. Fourth place in the list is a wedding bouquet of lilies.

Beautiful bud, thin and gentle aroma, year-round sale draw the attention of brides on an exquisite, noble flower.

Lily is a symbol of love and devotion, meaning the adolescence of the groom in front of the future wife. Historically, Lily belonged to the attributes of royal power. Slavs called her "princess of flowers" and used as a guard. In ancient Rome, the flower grew near the houses of wealthy citizens, therefore was a symbol of wealth. Jewish beliefs say - at the time of the fall in the Garden of the Garden, the plant retained its immaculate appearance. From the Greek word "Lily" is translated as "frankness, decency, purity."

A variety of shades

In the classic version of the base of bouquet are white buds. In order to emphasize the special character of the celebration, the beauty of the wedding dress or "play" on the contrast, use bouquets of the following colors.

  • Yellow. Associate with mischief and coastry. Such a bouquet is suitable for a creamy along, will become an excellent accessory on, the main gamma of which consists of various shades of yellow;
  • Tiger Lilies correspond to the shocking style of the bride, emphasize the brave, tight outfit. Catchy, attracting a bouquet;
  • Golden. Elegant brides, who want to stand out in a luxurious atmosphere, emphasize the status and beautiful taste, can choose a golden bouquet of lilies;
  • Orange. A bouquet of orange lilies will suit optimistic and restless ages, good in a pair with a white dress;
  • Ally Lilies are a substitute for traditional roses, making a visual contrast with a snow-white wedding outfit;
  • Blue. Unusual cold shade. Noble and sublime. The refinement of the owner will emphasize blue flowers and add mysteriousness;
  • Pink. Tenderness and romanticism of the image of the bride will otten the bouquet of pink flowers with beautiful buton.

Lilies in the bouquet of the newlyweds will emphasize the solemnity of the moment and the fervor of the feelings of the bride and groom. Choose a variety to your liking or use tips.

The image of the bride

As for the stylistics of the outfits, the lilies are ideal for a solemn atmosphere. Newlywed can be in a simple satin dress or magnificent, with a tight leaf.

As accessories, you can use the rim or, large brooch, hairpin, pearl beads, Barhotka ,. Shoes It is better to choose classic - boats, studs, shoes or wedding boots on an average heel. Those who do not want to burden themselves with heel shoes, it is worth paying attention to laconic lacquered ballets or a model decorated with lace. The subjects of lilies may be present in the design of the boutonniere for the groom, if otherwise not provided for by the motifs of the wedding decor.

Wedding vendor

Lily can blur the dress, leaving the dirty-red divorces, so florists usually remove anthers from the stamens. Follow their example, making up a bouquet yourself.

Elena Sokolova.


Do not overdo it with the number of lilies! They should not be much. Otherwise, the natural beauty of the flower is lost.

Poloynova Natalia

Lily itself is rather Pakhuku. If the bride has allergic to pollen or sensitive to smells, you should think about whether to turn to this idea. Experienced florists choose varieties that do not cause negative reactions. This is especially important when someone from the nearest environment (bridegroom, witnesses, bride girlfriend, etc.) responds to this flower with a rhino, irritation of the mucous membranes and does not tolerate sharp flavors.

Options for compositions

Lilies can solicate in a bouquet, be a background for other colors, add speakers into a composition of several elements. At the same time, the most attractive and updated bouquets are obtained from lilies of one or more colors.


White lilies are a traditional element of a wedding celebration, along with white roses. It will suit any wedding along in white, cream or cream color, will make a bright and dynamic pair with a bright shade dress. How to make a monobuete with your own hands?

  1. First cut the stems and fold the flowers in a bouquet in such a way that it turns out a round "hat."
  2. Too long leaves that disturb the harmony of the composition, cut. They should not clutch buds.
  3. Cover flowers with sprays.
  4. When adding decor elements (beads, decorative stones, rhinestones, butterflies, hearts, and so on), use transparent glue on the petals.
  5. Tie the stalks with a ribbon pastel color (you can choose a beige, pink or basic shade of the dress) to get a beautiful bow.

With chrysanthemums

To dilute the mono-composition and make it more "homely" and cozy, the lower tier can be added - for example, as in the photo above. A good combination of such bouquets are demonstrated with various ribbons, floristic mesh, crystals, artificial bootons of fabric, paper for needlework, mass for modeling, etc.

Lilies retain their appeal for 2-3 days. With careless handling of petals, chances and cracks may form. Especially noticeable defects on buds of light tones. Careful attitude towards flowers - an important component of the beauty of the composition and presentable appearance

Interesting! Many brides are wondering "Why is it generally made to make a bouquet for a wedding?". We answered him

With roses

Florists often use noble and sophisticated roses as a partner for lilies. Well complementing each other, these flowers have many shades. They are "played differently", and in the end, it turns out such a gentle wedding bouquet of lilies and roses, whose photo is lower.

You can use one of the following options.

  • Pink and white - such a wedding bouquet of lilies and roses will suit almost anyone along the bride in classical shades.
  • White roses and pink lilies will add romance. Of these, it turns out a more "playful" bouquet, which can be supplemented with pearl thread, glitter, velvet ribbon.
  • The composition composed of pink colors is good with a white and creamy dress of the bride, combined with the pink gamut of outfits and decor elements.


The bride's bouquet differs not only by filling, but also a form. Distinguish the following.

Also in the arsenal of florists bouquets couplings, bouquets, umbrellas, at the peak of popularity - flower arrangements made of lilies on a long leg.

So that the bouquet does not lose form, you need to do what is listed below.

Other options

For a round bouquet of lilies, gerberas can be used as a supplement. Also lilies are good in combination with daisies, iris, dolphinium, bells, bush cloves.

Popular decoration for a bouquet - fern leaves. Stems of lily do not create the desired volume. Different types of greenery make it possible to achieve a more refined form of a bouquet of the newlywed.

Maks, cornflowers, daisies - examples of unsuccessful combinations for lilies. As part of the stylistry of Provence or "Country", it is worth thinking about a less attractive basis for a bouquet.

If the wedding is late in the spring, pick up a wedding bouquet of white lilies and blue (or violet) irises to the dress of the bride. Such a composition looks good in the form of a sphere or hemisphere, tangled without the use of the holder.

For the "Cascade" you can choose white lilies and pink orchids, adding a bouquet with decorative greens.

We do with your own hands

The composition "Gambelia" composition so popular with modern bride, using a wedding bouquet of lilies as a basis, you can make with your own hands a few hours before a solemn event, having prepared the necessary materials and tools in advance.

Order flowers of the necessary varieties in advance (at least 14 days). Otherwise there is a risk of not waiting for them in the flower salon.


There are many varieties of these colors, but not from everyone you can create a bouquet of lilies for a wedding. It is advisable in advance to obtain a consultation of a specialist about the resistance of flowers, odor and other characteristics.

In general, the lilies are well withstanding the tests with cold and bad weather, while remaining "in the form" for a long time.

When drawing up any bouquet, remember the main rule - it should be convenient.

With a small growth of the bride, a massive bouquet will look unsuitable and "weighing" image. Buds lilies are quite dense, but at the same time - lungs. They are loved in many countries and create many interesting combinations with various types of plants.