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They use professional words in their speech. Professionalism is ... The meaning of the term, examples

Professional words. Examples of professionalism in Russian?

    Professionalisms are words that are used in the oral speech of people in a narrow profession. They are often confused with professional terms. However, this different words, even if professionalism is recorded in the dictionary, the mark professionalism must be put.

    Examples of professionalisms:

    The spare wheel is the wheel for the chauffeurs, the paws are the quotes for the text editor, the paddock is the pre-written text for the editors of the newspapers, the chopper is the welder's hammer.

    Professional words are those words that are used between people of a certain profession or specialty.

    For example, in medicine - anamnesis, diagnosis, hypotension; sailors - cook, galley, keel, fairway, bell; artists - watercolors, airbrushes, aquatint, etching, impasto.

    Professional words, like dialect words, are used only by people of certain professions. These words are most often not dictionary words, but many of them have already entered into common use among people of other professions. Dialect words are words that are only used in specific regions. Examples:

    For example, the military often say charter construction order.

    And teachers often use terms such as ruler meeting plank.

  • Professional words, or professionalisms, these are words that are characteristic of a particular profession, people who are united by this or that professional activity. Doctors have their own set of such words, as do lawyers, linguists, programmers, etc. As a rule, these words are little familiar and little understood by a wide range of people, especially highly specialized words, although there are also those that are widely used in the speech of most people.

    It is worth noting that official terms and professionalism are not the same thing, for example, professionalism goat - the remains of frozen metal in metallurgy, office. term - nasty.

    Here are some examples of professionalism:

    candle (for doctors, the type of temperature curve),

    sandpaper (sandpaper).

    Professional words and terms, as a rule, do not have ambiguity and synonyms; they are completely specific. This sets them apart from everyone else. For example: Easel, printmaking, tweezers, accommodation, assimilation, diuresis, anacruse, clause, etc.

    Professional words are sometimes incomprehensible in meaning, because their meaning denotes a specific action and often words are borrowed from foreign languages.

    For example, a cook prepares a fondue - this is such a dish and a dancer performs a fondue - this is such a movement.

    The surgeon uses a scalpel while a common person uses a knife.

    Professional words belong to the vocabulary of a narrow scope of use. Most often, such words are not actively used in the speech of the general public. Often, professionalisms are terms that are full and complete in every field of knowledge or in production, for example:

    amalgam, differentiation, arbitrage, isotopes.

    Professionalisms sometimes have a literary counterpart - a word with a different root.

    For example, in the speech of sailors there is professionalism kok, and in the generally accepted sense there is a name for this profession cook and galley on a ship is a kitchen in the conventional sense.

    This line between true professionalism and the terminological vocabulary of this area is very fragile and thin. An abundance of technical terms are used in production-themed works, and military terms are used in war stories.

    The abundance of special vocabulary is used by writers to create a setting, speech characteristics of characters, and even for a humorous purpose. Here is what A.N. Apukhtin P.I. Tchaikovskyquot ;:

    Professional words in Russian are a group of words united by one common topic, which are used either in a narrow specific professional activity, such as medical terms, or they are words that have a certain meaning, but in this particular profession these words have a completely different semantic load. Examples of professional words:

    Mathematician - root, problem, hyperbole.

    Medic: angina pectoris, encephalopathy, epicrisis.

    Builder: yoke, winch, bucket.

    And many others.

    Professionalisms are found in every area of ​​activity, only some are widespread, and some are known and recognizable in a narrower circle.

    For an example of professional words, the following list can be distinguished:

    Professionalisms are words that are customarily used in a certain field of activity, profession. There are even special dictionaries of professionalism, which contain words from the most different spheres activities. For example, bottle in the speech of sailors means half an hour .

    Professionalisms, therefore, are most often used within one professional group.

    PROFESSIONALISM are special words that are used in the field of a wide variety of professions. A significant part of professional words are terminological in nature.

    In science, art, in agriculture, v industrial production- everywhere have their own terms.

    For example, as a mathematician by education and profession, I have always used mathematical terms: integral, differential, equation, names trigonometric functions(sine, cosine, tangent, etc.).

    Musicians naturally use musical terms, for example: fugue, overture, chord, scale, bacar, dominant, minor tone.

    Professional words are a special vocabulary characteristic of a particular profession.

    However, it should be noted that professional vocabulary is used not only in a certain environment of people united by one professional activity.

    It is also used in journalism and fiction so that the reader can imagine the environment in which a character of a certain profession works. Hero's speech artwork may also contain terms related to its activities.

    So, for example, many of our classic writers (Turgenev, Aksakov, Nekrasov, Tolstoy and many others) used the so-called hunting terminology: fallen(hidden hare) hang on the tail(chase the beast with hounds), dug(sharp lower boar canine), take the beast(take away the hunted beast from the dog), wheel(loose tail of a capercaillie), etc.

    There is even a Dictionary of hunting terms. Of course, there are various other dictionaries that list professional terms associated with a particular profession.

    Words that are used by representatives of a particular specialty or profession are called professionalisms.

    Professional words in ordinary speech are rarely found. You can hear them if you ask some employee to tell in more detail about his activities, about what he specifically does.

    For example, in the medical field, the following words can be attributed to professionalism:

This methodological development for grade 6 can be used as in the study new topic, and when fixing, slightly changing some elements of the lesson. The development contains a systematic repetition of all the terms studied in the section "Lexicology"



Detailed Russian lesson plan

in grade 6 on the topic:


(according to the textbook by T.A. Ladyzhenskaya)

teachers of Russian language and literature

MKOU Verkhnetereshanskaya secondary school

Starokulatkinsky district

Ulyanovsk region

Aksyanova Guzel Saitovna

Target setting:

Learning goals.

Knowledge: to give knowledge about the vocabulary of limited use, in particular - about professionalism.

Skills: to form a practical ability to correctly use professionalisms in everyday speech, "not to litter" the Russian literary language with an excessive number of professionalisms; improve the skill correct execution linguistic analysis: morpheme, phonetic elements, spelling.

Skills: improve the skill of competent writing: spelling (spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word, spelling of unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word),punctogram (end-of-sentence sign).

Speech development: improvement different types speech activity: reading educational texts, expressive reading, listening to the teacher and each other, developing oral monologue and dialogical speech, writing(the number of words recorded in the lesson - 115), the development of communicative and speech skills (composing phrases, sentences, the ability to title a text, determine its topic).

  1. High speech developmental character of didactic material.
  2. Stylistic aspect: used in the lesson art style and educational and scientific sub-style of the scientific style.
  1. Developmental goals:
  1. development of thinking, memory, attention, imagination;
  2. creating a psychologically comfortable environment in the lesson.

III. Educational purposes:

  1. to educate attention to the world around;
  2. develop an interest in the Russian language, oral and written speech;
  3. bring up serious attitude to teaching and student work, to the subject.
  4. to introduce through proverbs and sayings to the cultural heritage of the Russian people.

Lesson equipment:decorated board, textbook

(T.A. Ladyzhenskaya), cards with text, dictionaries (spelling, explanatory).

Methods: the teacher's word with elements of conversation, training exercises, work with illustrations, elements of linguistic analysis, observation of a linguistic phenomenon.

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time
  1. Greetings
  2. Report of the attendant on readiness for the lesson.
  3. Creating a positive psychological attitude pupils

II. Survey

Homework check

Frontal survey on the topic "Lexicology"

What does lexicology study?

What sections of vocabulary did we study last year?

What words are called common words?

What sections of non-common vocabulary are we already familiar with?

III. Learning new material

  1. Conducting the game "Guess the profession". Let's talk today about professions.

A) He showed me his watercolors and still lifes. The impression of still lifes is a bright, motley carpet of colors, shimmering and sparkling with all the colors of the palette.

B) Leshemu Rimsky - Korsakov came up with two themes. He entrusted one to stringed instruments. The second is played by four French horns and cymbals. The theme of Santa Claus sounds harsh and depressing.

How did you define it?

2. The teacher's word about professionalism. Writing the topic of the lesson in the notebook.

3. Familiarity with the objectives of the lesson.

4. Filling out reference books:

Professionalisms are words related to the peculiarities of the work of people in a particular specialty or profession.

5. Work in pairs.

Each of the envelopes contains the name of the profession. Choose the terms used by people of a particular profession.
Musicians Military Doctors Mathematicians Historians Chauffeurs Lawyers;
opera artillery medicine square emperor battery lawyer;
clarinet projectile bronchitis equation peasants carburetor prosecutor;
romance landing inhalation multiply voivode tire fitting judge;
violin patron grafting equality feudalism bumper witness;
note battalion boil circumference reform brake appeal.

Examination. Each pair reads 1 column. The rest check the correctness of the work. Whoever notices a mistake, let him raise his hand in silence.

Correct answer:

musicians doctors projectile
military mathematicians bronchitis
vaccination inhalation chauffeurs
boil square opera
equation lawyers multiply
equality potion feudalism
battery circle clarinet
romance violin reform
emperor battalion carburetor
tire service peasants voivode
historians bumper brake
attorney patron attorney
judge note landing
witness appeal artillery

  1. Consolidation of the studied material
  1. Working with the tutorial.

Performing exercises 67, 68.

  1. Work with text

Aunt Polya is a surgeon, and my mother is the head of the factory outpatient clinic. As soon as they meet, a conversation begins between them, in which ordinary words are replaced by medical ones. I did not have time to enter, when Aunt Polya asks me:
-Well, Alik, how is your caries?
I just shrugged my shoulders:
- I have no caries.
-How, and your tooth? Have you already got a filling?
It was only then that I realized what was the matter: a week ago I had a toothache and I was treated in a polyclinic.
But, in my opinion, it is much easier instead of the words caries and put a filling to ask: "Have you healed the tooth?" But I didn't argue! You cannot convince them.

Is the hero of this story right that one shouldn't use professional words at all?

V. Lesson summary

What words did you meet today in the lesson?

Vi. Reflection.

Continue the offer using professionalism:

I consider this lesson ...

Vii. Homework

P. 15, exercise. 69

VIII. Evaluation

Leonhardt Angelina

* The object of research in this work is professional vocabulary.

* The subject of the research is professionalism in the speech of parents of 6th grade students.

* As a result of the survey, the professionalism of the parents of the following specialties was found out: hairdresser, military man, chauffeurs (3), nurse, nurse, post office chief, electricians (2), cook.



Omsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Omsk regional branch of the All-Russian public organization

"Russian Geographical Society"

Children's regional public organization

"Scientific Society of Students" Search "

MCOU "Volnovskaya secondary school" of Poltava district of Omsk region

Professionalism in the speech of parents

Scientific and practical work

Section: philology


6th grade student

Leonhardt Angelina



Russian language and literature

Kosmacheva Svetlana Vladimirovna

Volnoe - 2012

1 Introduction 3

2 Main part. Use of professional vocabulary in speech.

2.1 Professional speech and its vocabulary. 4

2.2 Concept and features of professional vocabulary. eight

2.3 Professionalism in the speech of parents of 6th grade students. 13

3 Conclusion. 17

4 List of literature and other sources. eighteen


Vocabulary literary language in terms of use, it is heterogeneous. Some literary words are used by all who speak the literary language, others - by individual groups of people who own a particular profession or specialty. The first group of literary words is made up of common words, the second - professional, or special. Familiarity with professional words provides an understanding of their role in Everyday life society.

Research objectthis work is professional vocabulary.

Subject of study- professionalism in the speech of parents of 6th grade students.

Tasks :

1. To study theoretical concepts on the research topic.

2. Find out from the parents what words they use in their professional activities.

3. Determine the meaning of professional words in the speech of parents of 6th grade students.

Target work - creating family explanatory dictionaries.

We used the followingresearch methods: analysis, survey, generalization.

Main part

V scientific research in linguistics, language teaching methodology, the term "professional speech" is constantly used. Especially often authors refer to this definition in last years when problems of learning are actively discussed professional speech... But with rare exceptions, no clear, well-grounded definition of the concept of "professional speech" is given. In the latest edition of the encyclopedia "Russian language" there is no such thing as "professional speech" at all. Professional speech is called "special speech", which is included in the literary language, namely in those areas that "reflect the narrow language practice of people of certain specialties." This speech, as indicated in the article of the encyclopedia, is determined, first of all, by the current terminology characteristic of a particular profession. In addition, this speech has "its own characteristics" in the field of vocabulary, word formation, phraseology, and sometimes in stress and form formation. The characteristics of this special speech “do not contradict ... common system literary language ".

When discussing business problems in an informal or loose official setting, a significant part of the vocabulary of modern economists is occupied by professionalisms (by which we mean unofficial names of phenomena and concepts of business life). This group is extensive and unites units that can be systematized according to structure, origin, level of entry into the literary language, etc. etc.

One of the definitions of professionalisms is given by N.K. Garbovsky, who believes that there are 2 classes of professionally-colored units of the lexical and phraseological level, namely, special professional terminology and uncodified language units that arise and function mainly in the colloquial speech of specialists on professional topics in the context of informal communication. These latter units are usually called professionalisms.

Professional speech of any area is also determined by its repertoire of genres, although the same genres can be used in professional speech of different specialties, but at the same time, each specialty has its own most important genres and specific laws of composition and speech design of general genres.

The complexity and multidimensionality of people's professional activities presuppose a significant variability in the forms of speech communication, and with a fairly broad view of things, all speech genres that have developed in the process of communication in the professional field of activity can be defined as professional speech. In other words, all communication related to professional activity, regardless of whether it takes place in written or oral form, in an official or informal setting, that is, communication as a special, auxiliary type of activity that ensures the implementation of the main professional activity and is subordinate to its goals as goals activities of a higher order, and there is professional speech.

“Professionalism is a special word or expression characteristic of some professional group, for example,“ on-mountain ”(for miners),“ vira ”,“ myna ”(for loaders),“ submachine gun ”,“ motor driver ”,“ chassis driver "(an employee of an automaton shop, an engine shop, a chassis shop for car manufacturers), a" quantum transition "for physicists, a" phoneme "," morpheme "for linguists, a" field study "for sociologists, newspapers and magazines), etc. Some professionalisms fall into the fund of general speech, for example, "slip" in the meaning of "mistake" (from the language of actors). "

Professionalisms are words and expressions characteristic of the speech of any professional group.Professionalisms, along with terms, constitute a category of special vocabulary.Professionalisms - colloquial words, stylistically reduced, denote mainly concepts related to labor processes, its result, and are often doublets, synonyms of terms. Professionalisms are formed most often by narrowing the semantic meaning of common words through their

figurative use and, finally, through the reduction of phrases and words. " For example, the word "box" in the language of representatives of different professions can mean: "the skeleton of a building under construction", "the basis of a window or doorway" (for builders); "ship, ship" (for sailors). In the printing industry and publishing, among many, "hanging line", "eye error", "reins", "corridor", "siege morality", "flashlight", "tail" are used. Professionalisms are limited both by the territory and by the collective, in which they are used. Representatives of different branches of science, technology, art for the purpose of linguistic economy replace the generally accepted scientific and technical terms with professionalisms.Professionalisms are used in informal oral speech. Professionalisms should not be in business documents, as they are classified as professional jargon. From the sphere of narrow use, professionalisms often fall into the common language. This is largely facilitated by periodicals, works fiction, radio and television. In articles and books, professionalisms are explained either in the text itself, or in footnotes, in book and article dictionaries. In articles and booksprofessionalism, as a rule, is enclosed in quotation marks, accompanied by the words: "as they say" (sailors, doctors, pilots, geologists, miners, engineers, athletes), "in the language" (hunters, fishermen, military men, athletes). Professionalisms often differ from the words of the literary language in pronunciation and grammatical features. For example, professionalisms may have a different accent (dobycha, compass, raport, spark, sprinkle), a different syntactic connection (geologists and prospectors are accustomed to the professionalisms "exploration for oil", "exploration for coal", "exploration for gas"). Professionalism is placed in different types special and philological dictionaries and reference books, receive in them the appropriate development, depending on the purpose and objectives of the reference manual. In the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian literary language, in spelling dictionaries, in reference books on the culture of speech, professionalisms are either accompanied by the marks "simple." (colloquial word), "pestilence." (nautical word), "nautical decipher." (sea colloquial word), "in professional speech" (in professional speech), "in

prof. colloquial speeches "(in professional colloquial speech), etc .; or with the commentary" among the sailors "," in the speech of pilots ", etc. Only those professionalisms that have become widespread outside the professional fields are placed in the explanatory dictionaries of the literary language. - a special group of words and expressions, which is one of the sources of replenishment of the vocabulary of the literary language.

Professional vocabulary includes words and expressions used in different areas human activities, which, however, have not become common. Professionalisms are used to designate various production processes, tools of production, raw materials, products obtained, etc. Unlike terms, which are the official scientific names of special concepts, professionalisms are perceived as “semi-official” words that do not have a strictly scientific nature.

For example, in the oral speech of printers there are professionalisms: the ending - "graphic decoration at the end of the book", the antennae - "the ending with a thickening in the middle", the tail - "the lower outer margin of the page, as well as the lower edge of the book opposite the head of the book."

At certain conditions professionalisms find application in the literary language. So, with insufficient elaboration of terminology, professionalisms often play the role of terms. In this case, they are found not only in oral, but also in written speech. When using professionalisms in a scientific style, the authors often explain them in the text (The so-called light hay enjoys a well-deserved notoriety as a poorly nutritious food, with a significant use of which cases of fragility of bones in animals are noticed).

Professionalism is not uncommon in the language of large-circulation, industry newspapers (to land the cars after the dissolution of the train and to divert for this shunting means, the dissolution of the train with the thrust of another). The advantage of professionalisms over their commonly used equivalents is that professionalisms serve to differentiate related concepts, subjects that for a layman have one common name. Thanks to this, special vocabulary for people of one profession is a means of accurate and concise expression of thoughts. However, the informative value of narrowly professional names is lost if a layman encounters them. Therefore, the use of professionalism in newspapers requires caution.

The inclusion of professionalism in the text is often undesirable. Thus, in a newspaper article, the use of highly specialized professionalisms cannot be justified. For example: the mine is very

untimely depletion of horizons, skewing of roads - only a specialist can explain what he had in mind

Professional vocabulary should not be used in book styles due to its colloquial coloration. For example: It is necessary to ensure that the loading of the furnaces does not exceed two hours, and the melting in the furnace does not sit longer than 6 hours and 30 minutes (better: It is necessary to ensure that the loading of the furnaces lasts no more than two hours, and the melting - six and a half).

Professionalisms are words or expressions characteristic of the speech of a particular professional group. Professionalisms usually act as vernacular equivalents of the terms corresponding in meaning: a typo in the speech of newspapermen - a blunder; the steering wheel in the speech of drivers is a steering wheel; synchrophasotron in the speech of physicists - a saucepan, etc. The terms are legalized names for any special concepts, professionalisms are used as their unofficial substitutes only in limited special topics of speech of persons related by profession. Often, professionalisms are of a local, local character. There is, however, a point of view according to which professionalism is synonymous with the term “term”. According to some researchers, professionalism is a "semi-official" name for a limited in use concept - the vocabulary of hunters, fishermen, etc.

By origin, professionalism, as a rule, is the result of a metaphorical transfer of the meanings of words of everyday vocabulary to terminological concepts: by similarity, for example, the form of a part and everyday reality, character production process and a well-known action or, finally, by an emotional association.

Professionalisms are always expressive and opposed to the accuracy and stylistic neutrality of terms. It does not follow,

however, to confuse them with expressive terms of origin, for example: dirty cauldron - in sugar production ( food industry); such a term is the only option for defining a concept, and professionalism is always a synonym, a substitute for the basic designation.

Professionalisms are similar to jargonisms and words of vernacular vocabulary in reduced, rough expression, and also in that they, like jargons and vernacular, are not an independent linguistic subsystem with

its grammatical features, but a certain lexical complex, relatively limited in quantitative terms. Due to the expressiveness characteristic of professionalism, they relatively easily turn into vernacular, as well as into the colloquial speech of the literary language, for example: pad - "mistake" (from an actor's speech), a janitor - "windshield wiper of a car" (from the speech of motorists).

Like terms, professionalisms are used in the language of fiction as a pictorial means.

Professional vocabulary includes words and expressions used in various spheres of production, techniques that have not become common. Unlike terms - the official scientific names of special concepts - professionalisms are used most often in oral speech and do not have a strictly scientific nature. Professionalisms are used to designate various production processes, tools of production, raw materials, products.

In the dictionary, you can see two different labels for words, the use of which is characteristic of people of certain professions: colloquial and special. These definitions are needed to distinguish between special vocabulary and professionalism.

Special words (terms) belong to scientific style, professional words - colloquial. In some cases, professionalisms are used as official terms. For example, a pipe elbow.

Terms and professionalisms are given in explanatory dictionaries with a special mark, sometimes the scope of use is indicated: med., Mat., Tech. etc.

In fictional prose, professionalisms and special terms are used not only for the speech characteristics of characters, but also for a more accurate description of production processes, relations between people in an office and professional setting. AI Kuprin, in order to accurately describe the heroes of his works, became a sailor, fisherman, officer ...

Although professional and specialized vocabulary has a limited scope of use, there is a connection and interaction between them and common vocabulary. The literary language masters many technical terms.

Professionalisms often have a reduced stylistic coloring.

Professionalisms are words and expressions characteristic of the speech of representatives of a particular profession or field of activity, penetrating into general literary use (mainly in oral speech) and usually acting as vernacular, emotionally colored equivalents of terms.

For example: rus. "Cut down" - turn off (from the speech of electrical engineers), "batten down" - tightly close (from the speech of sailors). They penetrate into the general literary language due to their emotional expressiveness, as a rule, from professional vernacular, characteristic of representatives of the popular ("fashionable") professions (at the beginning of the 20th century - electricians, motorists, pilots, later - film workers, athletes, astronauts) ... In fiction they are used as a means of speech characteristics of characters. Like other means of emotional expression (cf. slang), professionalisms usually quickly become outdated; in the general literary language, they are consolidated in the event of a loss of stylistic marking ("land"), in this case they can even become a model for the formation of new words of the literary language (cf. "land" - "splash down" - "land on the moon"). Professionalisms are studied in lexicology and stylistics.

Professionalism. A word or expression characteristic of the speech of one orother professional group. Issue to the mountain (in the speech of the miners: from the mine to the surface of the earth). Ant-coop, fescue, vulture (in the speech of hunters: the names of varieties of brown bear). Bottle (in the speech of sailors: half an hour). Basement (in the speech of printers: an article occupying the bottom of a newspaper page).

In the 6th grade of the Moscow State Educational Institution "Volnovskaya Secondary School" - 18 students. In the course of our work, we conducted an experimental survey of the parents of 6th grade students. Sixth-graders have 12 parents who are not working (among them 8 are housewives), 18 are employed (among them 3 are private entrepreneurs).

As a result of the survey, the professionalism of the parents of the following specialties was found out: hairdresser, military man, chauffeurs (3), nurse, nurse, post office chief, electricians (2), cook.

The work of a 6th grade student Anastasia Borisova.

My mother is a hairdresser, a master of manicure. Uses professional words in his speech.

Thinning is a method of cutting hair.

Bobbins are tools for chemical and biological permanent.

Permanent is a hair curler.

Musk is a substance of animal origin used in the preparation of cosmetics.

Hair curlers are tools for curling hair.

Manicure is a procedure for treating fingernails.

Pedicure is a procedure for treating toenails.

Bleaching - lightening hair.

Whitening, steaming, cleaning - cosmetic procedures.

My dad is a former military man, so he used the following words in his speech:

stand on the nightstand

scrub - clean, wash.


stripes - narrow transverse stripes on shoulder straps.

reading orders

small building

great construction.

The work of a 6th grade student Sarazhina Galina.

My mother worked as a cook and often used the following words in speech:

Pasteurization is the processing of food products by heating (no higher than 100 degrees) in order to prevent the development of microbes in them.

Marinating - preparing something in a marinade (in 1 value).

Sterilize - Sterile.

Salt - 2. Cook, preserve in a salted solution.

Ferment - oxidize, ferment.

To dry - to dry.

Freeze - 1. Expose to cold, let freeze, harden.

My dad worked as a chauffeur. In his speech, he used the following professionalisms:

A carburetor is a device in which carburation occurs: the formation of a combustible mixture of liquid fuel and air.

A battery is a device for storing energy for the purpose of its subsequent use.


Tire - 1. Rubber or iron hoop on the wheel rim.

Rescue pillow

Bobbin - in various industries: kind of coil, roller for winding something.

Spare wheel - spare wheel

Steering wheel

Janitor - car wiper.

The work of a 6th grade student Dobrovolsky Danil.

My mom is a nurse. In the hospital, when communicating between employees, you can hear the following professionalisms:

Cyanosis is a change in the color of the nasolabial triangle.

Babies are children aged from 1 day to 1 year.

Patronage - visiting children at home by a nurse.

Pasty - swelling of the subcutaneous tissue.

Jaundice is a hemolytic syndrome.

Dropper -1. A groove in the neck of the bottle for pouring the medicine in drops, as well as the bottle itself with such a groove. 2. The same as the pipette.

Syringe - a medical instrument - a cylinder with a piston and a needle for injecting or sucking out liquids.

My dad is an electrician at KEAgro LLC. He uses some professional words of electricians in speech and at home.

Nest - a cavity in the cap of an insulator or a lug, which is an element of a spherical connection.

Insulated conductor - a conductive conductor covered with insulation.

Monospiral - a thread of a channel, twisted into a spiral.

Three - a group of three insulated conductors arranged in parallel in one row or twisted.

The work of a 6th grade student Morozova Tatyana.

My mother is the head of the post office of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" and often uses the following words in speech:

Postage - letter, postcard, parcel, parcel post, small package.

FSP-2 - a receipt book for issuing printed publications to clients.

The electronic diary of the FVO is a diary that reflects all the receipts of money for the day and their consumption: receipt of e / energy, electronic transfers, sale of goods, RFP, receipt of parcels, reinforcement from the main cash register of money for issuing a pension; payment of wire transfers, pensions, payment utilities, sending over-limit money to the main cashier.

ZPO - postage signs: stamps, postcards, marked envelopes, postcards.


In the course of this study, the professionalism of the parents of 6th grade students was examined, and work began on the creation of family explanatory dictionaries. We consider the research work unfinished, since there is a group of unquestioned parents, in whose speech we have not yet clarified the professionalism they use.

References and other sources

1 Large encyclopedic Dictionary/ Ch. ed. V.N. Yartseva. - 2nd ed. - M .: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1998.

2 Vovk S. M. Professionalism in the speech of my family members. // Russian language. Methodical newspaper for language teachers. - M .: Publishing House"The first of September", 2010. - No. 18

3 Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. ed. V.N. Yartseva. - M .: Sov. encyclopedia, 1990.

4 Rosenthal D.E. and Telenkova M.A. Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. A guide for teachers. Ed. 2nd, rev. and add. - M .: Education, 1976.

Professionalism Are special words used in the colloquial use of professionals. Professionalisms are "unofficial" names for special phenomena and concepts of the profession, they constitute professional jargon.

An important difference between professionalisms and terms is that professionalisms are appropriate mainly in the colloquial speech of people of a particular profession, being sometimes a kind of unofficial synonyms of special names. Often they are reflected in dictionaries, but always marked "professional". Unlike terms - the official scientific names of special concepts, professionalisms function mainly in oral speech as "semi-official" words that do not have a strictly scientific character. These words form a lexical layer, which is also sometimes called professional slang or professional jargon.

For example, in the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, a specialist engaged in the selection of illustrations is called build editor. Build editor Is a term. However, in a real manufacturing process, it is most often referred to for brevity. bildom Is professionalism, professional jargon. Bild trampled all the photos on the layout- undoubtedly, this sentence uses professionalism, but not terms reduced terms often become professionalisms: build editorbild, calipers(special measuring ruler) - barbell etc.).

Professionalism simplifies speech, making it more suitable for quick everyday support of production processes.

Professionalisms, like terms, can be grouped according to their sphere of use: in the speech of economists, financiers, athletes, miners, doctors, hunters, fishermen, etc. Technicisms are distinguished in a special group - highly specialized names used in the field of technology.

Professionalisms most often serve to designate various production processes, tools of production, raw materials, manufactured products, etc. In other words, they designate such phenomena for the name of which the use of terms, although possible, is cumbersome and unprincipled. In addition, professionalism is often the result of creative rethinking, “mastering” a highly specialized phenomenon. These are the words spare wheel(spare wheel for car mechanics and drivers), paddock(spare typesetting texts from newspaper editors), paws and herringbone(types of quotes from proofreaders and printers). Such professionalisms, easily and in a familiar way replacing terms, make special speech more lively, simple and mastered, easier for quick use and understanding.

For example, the following professionalisms are used in the speech of printers: ending- graphic decoration at the end of the book, hammered font- worn out, worn out font with outdated linotype printing, etc. Journalists prepare the future text, the draft is called fish or dog. The engineers jokingly call the recorder snitch... There are words in the speech of the pilots nedomaz,re-grease meaning undershoot and overshoot of the landing mark, as well as: bubble, sausage- balloon probe, give a goat- to land the plane hard, as a result of which it bounces after touching the ground, etc. Many of these professionalisms have an evaluative or understated tone.

In the professional speech of actors, a complex abbreviated name is used. chief director; in the colloquial speech of builders and repairmen, the professional name for overhaul is used capital; specialists who build and maintain computer systems in firms are sysadmins... On fishing boats, workers who gut the fish (usually by hand) are called shkershchiki. Bankers in conversation with each other instead of the term car loans use the word auto credits, officials call housing and communal services communal apartment, and the social sphere - social sphere etc.

Many professional words have entered into wide business and colloquial use: give out on-the-mountain, assault, turnover etc.

Professional vocabulary is indispensable for concise and accurate expression of thoughts in special texts intended for a trained reader or listener. However, the informativeness of narrowly professional names decreases if a layman encounters them. Therefore, professionalisms are appropriate, say, in large-circulation branch (departmental) newspapers and are not justified in publications aimed at wide readership.

Professionalisms, being mainly words for colloquial use, often have a reduced stylistic connotation, being, in fact, slang words. This should also be taken into account when using professionalism in an official situation or in official publications. They may not only be incomprehensible outside the professional audience, but also sound risky for the reputation of the person using them.

On the other hand, the skillful use of professional jargon can even add juiciness, flavor to the official speech, help to demonstrate knowledge of the subject, which is characteristic of a professional who has regular and direct contact with the working environment. A top manager of a large oil company, a professor and a Ph.D., said that when you go on a business trip to the north, then on the rig you should never speak production- the oilmen just won't talk to you. It is imperative to speak as they do: production... Then you are a person from the industry, and you are recognized as one of them. Thus, the manager deliberately deviates from the accentological (sometimes lexical) norms of the Russian language in order to speak the same language with the specialists.

The use of professionalism, as well as the very word "professionalism" in everyday speech

Study of Irina Chernyshova, Dasha Novikova and Zosia Kostrovaya

Purpose of work: to find out whether people use professionalism in their daily life.

Work methods:

1). Survey using a questionnaire

2). Observations

3). Analysis of the obtained results

4). Comparison of the received data and bringing them together

Work plan:
1). Introduction - theoretical part

2). Results in the form of a diagram

3) Analysis of results

4) .Conclusion

What are professionalisms? Professionalisms - words or expressions characteristic of the speech of a particular professional group. Professionalisms usually act as colloquial equivalents of the terms corresponding in meaning.: a typo in the speech of newspapermen - a blunder; the steering wheel in the speech of drivers is a steering wheel; synchrophasotron in the speech of physicists - a saucepan, etc. The terms are legalized names for any special concepts. Professionalisms are used as their unofficial substitutes only in limited special topics of speech of persons related by profession. Often, professionalisms are of a local, local character. There is, however, a point of view according to which professionalism is synonymous with the term “term”. According to some researchers, professionalism is a "semi-official" name for a limited in use concept - the vocabulary of hunters, fishermen, etc.

By origin, professionalism is, as a rule, the result of a metaphorical transfer of the meanings of everyday words to terminological concepts: by similarity, for example, the form of a part and everyday reality, the nature of the production process and a well-known action, or, finally, by emotional association.

Professionalisms are always expressive and opposed to the accuracy and stylistic neutrality of terms. Professionalisms are similar to jargon and vernacular words in reduced, rough expression, and also in that they, like jargons and vernacular, are not an independent linguistic subsystem with their own grammatical features, but a kind of small lexical complex. Due to the expressiveness inherent in professionalism, they relatively easily pass into vernacular, as well as into the spoken language of the literary language. For example: pad - "error" (from the actor's speech), the janitor - "car windshield wiper" (from the speech of motorists).

Like terms, professionalisms are used in the language of fiction as a pictorial means.

And so, we found out that professionalism are words characteristic of a particular profession, sometimes close to jargon.

At the second stage of our work, we conducted a survey among people of various professions. In particular, teachers.

To the diagram: 40% of the respondents said that they do not know what professionalism is, 27% - they guess, more than 30% of the respondents answered that they know. Some respondents assured that the word “professionalism” does not exist, but only professional vocabulary (a concept close in meaning). Slightly more than half said that they often use professionalisms in everyday life, most agreed that professionalisms help them communicate with people of their profession, but several people, including a couple of teachers, said that they can do well in speech without them.
We also asked all the respondents to give a couple of examples of professionalism associated with their profession.

Here are the examples we received:

Teachers - pedagogical skills, project, non-linear learning process, classroom journal, equation, music teacher - major mood, you are fake (in the sense of lying), book sorter - codification (books), trainer - sweep, economist - asset, credit, debit, engineer - lounger, riser, steering - Fordak, tacking (overtaking), compass (instead of compass).

It is clear from the above examples that many (about 92%) perceive the word “professionalism” poorly. Some Russian language teachers assured that the word "professionalism" in this sense does not exist at all. From which we can conclude that the term "professionalism" itself refers to professional vocabulary.

According to the survey, we came to the unanimous opinion that the term "professionalism" in everyday life is completely unnecessary for us. We perfectly understand each other without him. For example, when we explained what these very professionalisms are, the example of a sailor - a compass - helped a lot. People often use professionalism and find it comfortable. Professionalisms also help people of the same profession understand each other better. Professionalism can become synonymous with common words in everyday life (as, for example, a major mood means "good mood")