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Do professional words need in speech. Professional vocabulary: education and consumption

Relevance:When parents come home and begin to communicate with each other, we, children, become involuntary listeners of these conversations. Their speech is mainly about work. We often hear from parents incomprehensible words for us.

I want to understand what my parents do and what they are talking about. Therefore, for me the topic " Professional vocabulary My parents became relevant, which is why I chose it.

Purpose:read the professional vocabulary of my parents.


    Get acquainted with the phrase "professional vocabulary".

    Compare Jargon, Professionalism and Terms. What are their difference?

    Find out what the work of my parents is. Pour your parents in the workplace and write strangers for me.

    To decipher the words unknown to me from the professional vocabulary of my parents.

    Observe how often use professional words Mom with dad at home.

Object of study: mother, father.

When performing work, I put hypothesis:professional vocabulary is needed for a concise and accurate expression of thought in dealing between people of certain professions.

Research methods: Questioning of students 6 "B" class MBOU "SOSH No. 1" with subsequent statistical processing and analysis of the data obtained.

Self-education is a difficult thing,

and improving its conditions -

one of the sacred duties of each person,

for there is nothing more important

as the formation of yourself and their neighbors.


The main source of professionalism, first of all, is the original Russian words that were subjected to semantic rethinking. They appear from the generally used vocabulary: so for electricians thin conductive It becomes hairs.

Another source of advent of special words is borrowing from other languages. The most common professionally diseases are examples of words in medicine. What is neither the name, continuous Latin, except the duck under the bed.

Three ways of formation of professionalism are distinguished:

- lexical. This is the emergence of new special items. For example, fishermen from the verb "Chery" (gutter fish) formed the name of the profession - "Shkhershik".

- Lexico-semantic. The emergence of professionalism by rethinking the already known word, that is, he has a new meaning. The pipe for the hunter is nothing but a fox tail.

- Lexico-word-formative. Examples of professional surveys that have arisen in this way are easy to determine, since this uses suffixes or the addition of words. For example, chiefred - chief Editor.

Chapter 1. Professional vocabulary.

Professional vocabulary - This is a vocabulary characteristic of this professional group used in the speech of people united by a common profession, that is, they are not commonly used.

"Balda" (Heavy hammer for crushing stones and rocks) - in the speech of miners.

"Galley" (Kitchen on the ship), cook (cook) - in the speech of sailors

Professional vocabulary ( professionalism) - This is characteristic of many professions expressively rethinking words and expressions taken from the total turnover. Professionalism are given in intelligent dictionaries With the "Special" litter, sometimes the scope of the use of one or another term is indicated: Piz., Medic., Mat., Astronomer. etc.

Professionalism - Circle of conditional expressions of some profession having limited use. Inappropriate, unmotivated consumption of them can reduce the artistic advantage of the text (L.I. Timofeev).

Professionalism - Words and phrases associated with the production activities of people of a certain profession or the scope of activity.

The basis of many professionalism is a bright imaging of the name of the object, and it is often random or arbitrary. Examples of such expressive words can serve as legs and christmas (names of quotes in a professional environment of polygraphists and proofreaders); give a goat (at the pilots this means "hard to plant a plane", i.e. put so that the plane jers on Earth); An absenteeism and varusive (in the speech of the pilots these words mean, respectively, the lane and the flight of the landing sign); The hodberry (in athletes-kayodniknikov is so called shallow and rocky area of \u200b\u200bthe river).

Professionalism can be grouped by the sphere of their use: in speech athletes, miners, doctors, hunters, fishermen, etc.

Professionalism appeared by transferring the properties of the subject or phenomenon on any other subject on the basis of the external similarity or similarity of the word sound. For example, the word "cap" (common header for several notes) - in the speech of printing officers, in the life of the "hat"-headdress; "Skates" - wheel tires (driver); "Piglets" - a boiler heat exchanger (from Kovelschikov)

Some linguists believe that professional vocabulary is "semi-deform" compared with terminology:

Professionalism need:

    For a better understanding of people of one profession.

    For the convenience of explaining the term.

    To understand professionalism in the course of the Russian language of grade 6.

    For better assimilation of information through the formation of special vocabulary.

    To be able to remember the text at the expense of the concepts of concepts

Professionalism function mainly in oral speech As "semi-deform" words that do not have a strictly scientific nature. Such special words can be found in sensible dictionaries, and in magazine newspapers, and in literary worksThey often perform a fine-expressive function in these texts.

Chapter 2. Wragling, terms from professionalism.

Some professionals are denoted scientific conceptsThese are terms (from Lat. Terminus - limit, border), which have defined (definitions) used in the relevant area of \u200b\u200bscience and / or technology

Unlike terms, professionalism is usually a specialized part of conversational vocabulary, and not literary.

In judgments about professionalism, quite a few confusion, fuzziness, disagreements. It is probably necessary to proceed from the fact that professionalism is a vocabulary, normative, in its essence and their share in the composition of the literary vocabulary is enormous.

Ways of education of professionalism and, in particular, scientific, technical terms, are diverse. As a term, a common word can be used in a figurative value, which is fixed in the corresponding dictionaries. So there were computer terms mouse, virus, window, field, cell, menus, etc.

Despite the fact that in some scientific sources of professionalism and professional jargon are practically equally determined, they have their own characteristics. Unlike jargonisms, professionalism are used in direct value, they are not figurative. Jargonism as well as professionalism, perform the function of distinguishing "their" and "strangers", the sign of the belonging to a certain social group. Professional jargonisis possess the imagery may be incomprehensible outside this profession.

Professional jargonisms compared with professionalism more familiar, emotional and expressive. Professionalism can be used sometimes specialists in official speech (in reports and speeches at the conference and interview), while the sphere of consuming professional jargon is limited by the oral speech of specialists in the informal setting.

Like a jargon, professionalism - corporate vocabulary, they recognize "their" (doctor - doctor, physicist - physics, etc.). But in contrast to the healthy professional vocabulary is stylistically neutral, it is part of the literary vocabulary. Like a jargon, professionalism is perceived differently in different contexts. The same word (phrase) depending on the context may be commonly used, and jargon, and professionalism. Everyone, for example, is clear the word work, that is, any business, but in criminal jargon it means a crime, for physicists, the work is a measure of force. Take another word - gold. In the common value, it is a precious material for the manufacture of many expensive things, for chemists, gold is one of the elements of the periodic Mendeleev system with its properties, and for economists, gold is a special product, the consumer value of which expresses and measures the cost of all other goods.

Pictures, expressiveness, emotionality distinguish professionalism from always neutral terms and phrases of an official nature.

Chapter 3. The work of my parents

My mother works in the Central District Hospital Center, the main nurse.

I made my mother's work.

In a conversation with his employees, she used such professional words as: a grandmother-disholley, akknown, disco, luski, UFO, telepusik, etc.

Chapter 4. Explain the meaning of the words unknown to me.

    Aqueaned - patient after an operation carried out using an artificial circulation apparatus (AIC).

    Disco - Included Siren and Flashing Ambulance Machines.

In the field of specialized and professional communication and exchange of scientific, technical and other knowledge, professional vocabulary is a significant, capacious carrier of special scientific information. This is explained by the nature of its information function as a carrier of special information. The use of professional vocabulary by representatives of the same activity causes the degree of efficiency, performance and productivity of professional communication, and, consequently, the qualitative result of their collaboration.

Aqueaned - patient after an operation carried out using an artificial blood circulation apparatus (AIC).

A grandmother - an elderly patient with a sharp impaired cerebral circulation. See brood.

BNVPNPG - blockade of the lower branch of the right leg of a beam of Gisa, an abbreviation, often found in the descriptions of electrocardiogram.

Tug - Sodium Oxibutirate - Psychotropic Preparation. See Ksyuha, Oksana.

Bareshnik - a patient who has hepatitis B, and hepatitis C.

Vallery - Chamber with lying sick. See sunbed.

A tick with bane is a combination of galleryidol preparations and a phenazepama. It is used to load the patient.

Harmonica - apparatus artificial ventilation Lungs (IVL) with manual drive. They brought the client on the accordion - the ambulance delivered the patient connected to the IVL apparatus.

Shoulder for the esophagus - carry out perchive (therapeutic or diagnostic) electrocardialization. See the SPEX.

Childhood is a children's hospital department.

Disco - Included Siren and Flashing Ambulance Machines. See colorwoman.

Toad - angina region. Sometimes - a particularly unpleasant patient from the cardiology department.

Take the patient - restore the sinus (normal) rhythm after stopping the heart.

Load the patient - introduce psychotropic drugs.

Zebra is a patient after a demonstrative suicide attempt with typical surface cutting wounds of forearm. See violinist.

Cesharki - Women after the Caesarean section.

The client is a patient, most often ambulance.

Clinic - clinical death. See stop.

Canned food - patients in the department (usually surgical profile) on conservative, i.e. non-surgical treatment.

Ksyuha is the same as the tug. See Oksana.

Sunbed - a lying sick.

Lazy eye - eye, which deviates from the visual axis with squinting.

Skiers - Patients of old age, resting on a wand and screaming sneakers along the corridor.

Lyki-patients with syphilis.

Magnolia - Magnesia sulfate - a drug used to reduce blood pressure. Intramuscular administration of sulfur magnesia is very painful.

Merzalka, Merezuha - Cleaning arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation.

Mishur is a film for a single-channel electrocardiograph. Usually rolled into a roll, randomly released from hand unfolding like serpentine.

Narcosis in Kaltenbrunneur is insufficient anesthesia. See Crying Operation.

Disurb - acute violation of cerebral circulation.

Nonabalable patient - a patient with arrhythmias, a faint ablation by the method of radio frequency ablation.

Nepru - intestinal obstruction.

UFO - still lying object; Most often a patient in a coma.

Operation under Cricaine is the same as the anesthesia for Kaltenbrunneur. From the words "Creek" and "Novocaine".

Stop is the same as the clinic.

Parachutists - patients who have been injured when falling from height.

Pour the patient - to introduce too many solutions intravenously, most often through a dropper.

Submarine - revenge for false call or simulation; The combination of the strong neuroleptic of Droperidola and the diurendic furosemide. Theoretically should cause uncontrolled urination in a state of medicinal sleep. The submarine on the ground is the same cocktail with the addition of prozerne, one of whose effects is the emptying of the rectum.

The loss is a patient with age-related changes in the psyche, forgetting the way home.

Twirl grandmother - to get urine selection on the catheter after surgery or acute stateaccompanied by the cessation of urinary. It is considered a good prognostic sign. In resuscitation departments - a very expected event.

Recidivist - patient with recurrent (repetition) of the disease.

Pink puffer - a patient with a pronounced emphysemic lungs, usually with a pink-gray skin tinge. Speech and any movement of such a patient is accompanied by an amplifying shortness of breath.

Samodelkin - traumatologist. During operations in traumatology used a large number of Tools similar to laminating: hammers, nippers, saws, chisels, etc.

Blue Oatland - a patient with chronic obstructive bronchitis. For such patients, spilled diffuse cyanosis (satellius) and swelling of the face and neck are characteristic.

Glasses - 1. A piece of fabric taken during endoscopy or operation for a historical logical study. 2. smear.

Shoot, knock - restore the work of the heart using the electrical discharge of the defibrillator.

Strugated fingers - typical scalp wounds of the rear surface of the fingers, obtained due to careless handling with a joinery tool.

TV - X-ray.

Telepusik - patient with jaundice and pronounced ascites (accumulation of liquid in the abdominal cavity).

Trep - atrial flutter.

Pipe - plastic tube for introduction to the trachea (intubation), used to connect artificial ventilation devices (IVL). To put on the pipe - to bite the patient.

Lockos - Medic Student, Passing Nursing Practice. Usually, they charge the service of lying patients, including the submission and removal of "ducks".

Ears - PhoneDoscope.

Trunk is the same as the pipe. Insert a trunk - the same thing to put on the pipe.

Chelyuskins, jaws - patients of the department of maxillofacial surgery.

Turtle - a surgical helmet-mask, which closes the whole head and leaving open only eyes.

Sharmanka - electrocardiograph (apparatus for ECG recording).

Spagogrotator - Patient with Metal Forene Bodies gastrointestinal tract (clips, needles, etc.), swallowed allegedly by chance.

Yaremka - plastic venous catheter in the inner jugular vein.

Govnuk, Scratch - Patient with diarrhea

"Pipes are burning" - problems with appendages

Negro - outsiders, attracted to help in transporting patient to the car

Fuse - hold zl

"Evil" - introduce in / m

"Skull (belly, kidney) by the window" - on the bed at the window lies a client, having a diagnosis of CMT (Appendyuk, renal disease).

Sector Prize "- Auto night, along the way home.

"Last Cartridge" - Drug.

"Play a war" - wake up the neighbors in 3 nights to drag stretchers.

"Field of Miracles" - area of \u200b\u200bservice.

"Mushrooms" - go to duty.

"Mom dinner calls" - the dispatcher returns for lunch.

"Cleanman" - the head of the head.

Mishura - ECG film.

"Progress" - stand at night under the lantern write a map.

"Wheels" - random night passersby, witnesses.

"To whom the back is lost" - for whom I'm in line?

"Data on snot" - use cloak stretcher.

"Boy" - driver.

"Girl" - the car is ambulance.

"Tacchus" - wheelchair.

"Kindergarten" is a detox.

"Indians" - cops.

"Banker" - bum

Light music - siren, flashers (with light music)

Check - call back

Rooms - Detox (ride in the rooms)

Gift - homeless (bring a gift)

"Accordion" - Electrocardiodeaker

"Yellow suitcase" - Medical laying box

"BTR" - Transport Sanitary

"Magnit" - magnesium sulfate

"Vitamin A" - Aminazine

"Pilot, Driver" - drove

"Chirrech" - "

"Aquarium" - a room in which dispatchers are sitting

Flyushka - fluorography,

Ray - fracture of radial bone,

Fiz. solution,

Film - ECG,

Capelushka - dropper, system,

Pipe - intubation tube,

Tubik - tuberculosis.

some professionalism denote scientific concepts, these are terms (from lat. Terminus - limit, border), having definitions (definitions) used in the relevant area of \u200b\u200bscience and / or technology. eg

being natural and necessary in the oral and written speech of specialists, professionalism are inappropriate, are not clear or not clearly understood in other situations of communication, because any statement is based on his addressee.

inaccurate and inappropriate consumption of professionalism can lead to curnesses.

logic life is such that everyday life is constantly updated, replenished with new things, so many professionals are becoming common words over time. Visual example Such processes are the mass distribution of computer equipment and, accordingly, computer vocabulary; In the last decade, there were words: monitor, display, printer, cartridge, file, cursor, scanner, modem, spam, joystick, etc.

ways of education of professionalism and, in particular, scientific, technical terms, are diverse. As a term, a common word can be used in a figurative value, which is fixed in the corresponding dictionaries. So there were computer terms mouse, virus, window, field, cell, menus, etc.

many professionalism due to the versatility of science and technology (and related languages) are used in different types activities

with the dissection of professionalism in the composition of vocabulary national LanguageThey are eliminating them from common words and from Zhargon Researchers face considerable difficulties associated with constant development, updating of vocabulary, manifold functional styles and contexts of typing.

professionalism in the speech of the narrator and the characters are often motivated by the topic of the work or its part.

however, Tolstoy takes care of its total reader, for which it resorts to "translation", an explanation of words in brackets that may be incomprehensible.

the usual reader, however, is not everything clear in these dialogues, and you need a real commentary to the texts. It is necessary, for example, to clarify that .... and t. d.

unites the speech of the characters and the narrator Neighborhood of professionalism and personification of metaphors, the same comparisons and epithets

professionalism are often used in the image of comic contradictions and characters - in satirical, humorous works. One of the types of Commission is a false self-esteem of the character. Halyshchik and an ignorant, who considers himself a specialist, can be exposed, checking his knowledge, in particular - the ownership of terminology, professional vocabulary.

in the novel and. Ilf and Evg. Petrova "Twelve chairs" Nikifor Lyapis, the creator of the new "Gavrilliada", allows numerous "flashers", introducing into their patterned texts of professionalism in order to show the thorough knowledge of the subject. Employees of the newspaper "Machine" hung on the wall newspaper clipping with an essay of Lyapis, circling her mourning border. The essay began like this: "The waves rolled themselves alone and falling down a rapid jack ..." Already on this phrase, the vigorous reports were doubtful in knowledge of Lyapis sense of the word "jack".

he is discharged:

"- How do you imagine a jack? Describe your words.

- Such ... falls, in one word ...

- Jack falls. Note everything! Jack rapidly falls! .. "

and Lyapisu bring the encyclopedia of Brockhaus with the definition of a jack - "one of the cars to raise significant gravity" (Chapter XXIX. "Author" Gavrilliada ").

the work of many writers suggests that professional vocabulary is not on the oblast of literature. In the arsenal of stylistic agents it owns a noticeable place.

Professionalism - words and phrases associated with the production activities of people of a certain profession or the scope of activity. Unlike terms, professionalism is usually a specialized part of conversational vocabulary, and not literary.

The basis of many professionalism is a bright imaging of the name of the object, and it is often random or arbitrary. Examples of such expressive words can serve as legs and christmas (names of quotes in a professional environment of polygraphists and proofreaders); give a goat (at the pilots this means "hard to plant a plane", i.e. put so that the plane jers on Earth); An absenteeism and varusive (in the speech of the pilots these words mean, respectively, the lane and the flight of the landing sign); The hodberry (in athletes-kayodniknikov is so called shallow and rocky area of \u200b\u200bthe river). According to their expressiveness of professionalism, they are opposed to the terms as exactly and mostly stylistic neutral. Some linguists believe that professional vocabulary is "semi-official" compared with terminology: these are informal synonyms of official scientific names.

The use of professional vocabulary allows the speakinging to emphasize his belonging to a certain circle of individuals, for these words can identify "their". Thus, typographic workers are identified by such words and expressions as the pen in the value "Spare Surveral Texts"; The scored font is "erased, produced font; font, long-stayed on the granted"; Tail - "Lower Edge of Books"; Hat - "Large title"; Marashka - "Marriage in the form of a square" and others. In the actor's environment there are many specific professional expressions: to chase or leave the text means "quickly repeat it with a partner"; go through the text of the legs - "Pronounce the text, moving on stage"; Do not give a bridge to someone - "emotionally complete some scene".

The closer the area of \u200b\u200bprofessional or production activities in the interests of society as a whole, the faster of professionalism becomes well-known and transferred to the discharge of common words. So, in particular, in modern Russian, many professionals from the environment of specialists in the field of computer technologies received mass distribution. Among them there are old words in new values \u200b\u200b(mouse, virus, menus, iron), and neologisms, mainly borrowing from of English language (spam, monitor, file, hacker, joystick).

Eating professionalism, as well as the word "professionalism" in everyday speech

Study of Chernyshova Irina, Novikova Dasha and Kossy Zosi

The purpose of the work is: to find out if people are consisting of professionalism in everyday life.

Methods of work:

one). Poll with draft profile

2). Observations

3). Analysis of the results obtained

four). Comparison of the data obtained and the reduction of them into one

Work plan:
one). Entry - theoretical part

2). Figure Results

3). Analysis results


What are professionally? Professionalism - words or expressions peculiar to a speech of a vocational group. Professionalism actually act as the integral equivalents of the corresponding terms of the terms: Target in the speech of newsletters - a lap; The steering wheel in the speech of the chaffins - the ram; Syncrophasotron in the speech of physicists - pan, etc. The terms are legal names for any special concepts. Professionalism are used as their unofficial substitutes only in a limited special subject of the speech of persons related by profession. Often professionalism have a local, local character. There is, however, the point of view, according to which professionalism is synonymous with the concept of "term". According to some researchers, professionalism is "semi-official" name limited in the use of the concept - vocabulary of hunters, fishermen, etc.

By origin, professionalism, as a rule, the result of the metaphorical transfer of the values \u200b\u200bof the words of household vocabulary for terminological concepts is: in similarity, for example, the forms of details and household realities, the nature of the production process and the well-known action or, finally, according to the emotional association.

Professionalism is always expressive and opposed accuracy and stylistic neutrality of terms. Professionalism are similar to the jargonisms and the words of the spacious vocabulary on reduced, coarse expression, as well as the fact that they, like jargon and the spacious, are not an independent language subsystem with their grammatical features, but a small lexical complex. Due to the peculiarity of the professionalism of the expressiveness, they relatively easily pass in the surround, as well as in the conversational speech of the literary language. For example: Laying - "Error" (from the acting speech), the janitor - "Motor Wiper" (from the speech of motorists).

Like terms, professionalism are used in the language of fiction as a fine product.

And so, we found out that professionalism is a word peculiar to a particular profession, sometimes close to jargonisms.

At the second stage of our work, we conducted a survey among people of various professions. In particular, teachers.

To the chart: 40% of the respondents said that they do not know what professionalism is, 27% - guess, more than 30% of the respondents answered what they knew. Some of the respondents assured that the words "professionalism" do not exist, and there is only a professional vocabulary (close to the meaning). A little more than half assured that they often use professionalism in everyday life, most come true that professionalism helps them to communicate with people of their profession, but several people, including a couple of teachers, said that they were perfect in speech and without them.
Also, all the interviewed we asked to bring a couple of examples of professionalism related to their profession.

Here are examples we received:

Teachers - Pedagogical skills, project, nonlinear learning process, class magazine, equation, music teacher - a major mood, you are fake (in the sense of a lie), a sorter of books - codification (books), coach - Candidage, economist - asset, credit, flow rate, Engineer - Lyzhik, Storky, Steering - Fordak, Ravirka (overtaking), Compass (instead of compass).

Of the examples described above, it is clear that many (about 92%) do not perceive the word "professionalism". Some Russian teachers assured that the words "professionalism" in this meaning does not exist at all. From which it can be concluded that the term "professionalism" itself refers to professional vocabulary.

In conducting a survey, we came to a unanimous opinion that the term "professionalism" in domestic life we \u200b\u200bdo not need absolutely. We perfectly understand each other and without it. For example, when we explained what these are the most professionals, an example of a sailor was very helpful. People often consume professionalism and consider them comfortable. Professionalism also helps people with the same profession better understand each other. Professionalism is able to become synonymous with ordinary words in everyday life (as, for example, a major mood means "good mood")

Professionalism are words that are the affiliation of a certain speaking team, united by any industrial activity, specialty or profession ( medical workers, polygraphists, lawyers, sailors, etc.). Professionalism designate special concepts, tools or works of labor, labor processes. Therefore, they are sometimes called special words or special terms.
Here are some examples: Scalpel is a small surgical knife, usually with a arc-shaped blade, for operations, anatomy (lat.); Veneer (it. Spon "Sliver") - Typnaya metal plate, not reaching the height of the font, inserted between the rows of the set to increase the distance between them; The shocks are part of the upper deck of a warship (Dutch.); Alibi (Lat. Alibi "elsewhere") - the absence of the accused on the scene of the crime at the time of his commitment as proof of his innocence to the crime; Mezder is the exhaust of the selected skin, etc.
Like dialectisms, professionalism make up such a formation in the vocabulary of the nationwide language, the seference of which is limited. However, they are seriously different from dialectisms: 1) the sphere of their use is not limited to geographically, but socially,
  1. they are part of the vocabulary of the literary language.
Among professionalism are also also narrowly words, for example, Glinka - the highest grade of clay (kaolin), used in the citrate (technical term), and the words of wider use, for example, a knife, a knife, cold weapons in the form of a dagger at the commander of the marine and air Fleet.
In some cases, the sector of the use of certain professionalism is expanding so much that they turn into nationwide words. This is explained by either a wide distribution of a special subject and concepts, or a metaphorical use of them to designate previously not called objects and phenomena of reality. For example, the words of the combine, the globe, the screen has become the property of a nationwide dictionary after in our agriculture Cleaning with the help of the combine, the globe became the necessary accessory in teaching geography, and the movie became one of the most popular art species. By virtue of the metaphorical use of steel from professional immoralism, for example, words: Avral (Wed: "Was announced Avral") - the initial maritime team "All Top!"; fermentation (Wed: fermentation of the minds) - originally biological term; Sphere (in the highest spheres) - originally mathematical term; Soft-water - initially special word of gardeners, term to determine the ripeness of fruits; Temp (Wed: growth rates) - initially musical term.
Among the professionalism are allocated as words that are known as a lexical units only in special use, for example: Troets (from the dictionary of carpenters) - a long nail connecting three testers at once; Estamp - print or snapshot from engraving (from Franz. Jaz., Wed: stamp); smelting - a piece of metal; Asbestos - fibrous white MaterialFrom which non-aggravated products are produced (this word first came to us from the Greek language in the form of the word lime), etc., so and words that with other values \u200b\u200bare part of the national vocabulary: bridge - place on the deck, where does the commander Commands the ship; The cap - title a large font, a header of several articles (Type PR.), etc.
Professionalism are usually used in the oral speech of representatives of any profession, specialty and in scientific and technical literature.
Professionalism and journalism and publicism and artistic literatureHowever, there they can be justified only as a certain stylistic agent for the image labor activity and production landscape, for speech characteristics of characters. Using certain professionally diseases should be remembered that some of them are unfamiliar to representatives of other areas of employment, and in the necessary cases, one way or another to explain their meanings. "

Professionalism - These are special words used in the conversational use of professionals. Professionalism are the "unofficial" names of special phenomena and the concepts of the profession, make up a professional jargon.

An important distincomingism from the terms is that professionalism is relevant mainly in spoken Speech People of this or that profession, being sometimes a kind of informal synonyms of special items. Often they reflect the dictionaries, but necessarily with the "professional" litter. Unlike the terms - official scientific items of special concepts, professionalism function mainly in oral speech as "semi-deform" words that do not have a strictly scientific nature. These words constitute a lexical reservoir, which is also sometimes called professional slang or professional jargon.

For example, in the editors of newspapers and magazines, a specialist engaged in the selection of illustrations, is called bild editor. Bild editor - This is the term. However, in the real production process, it is most often called for brevity. bilda - This is professionalism, professional jargon. Bild Utopal All pictures on the layout "Undoubtedly, professionalism is used in this sentence, but not the terms (with terms the same phrase would have sounded more cumbersome. In addition, the terms often have a foreign-language origin, it is difficult to pronounce that also does not contribute to their use in business conversational use. By the way, that is why Professionalism often become reduced terms: bild editorbild, calipers (Special measuring ruler) - stangel etc.).

Professionalism simplifies speech, make it more suitable for rapid everyday accompaniment production processes.

Professionalism, as well as terms, can be grouped by the sphere of their use: in speech economists, financiers, athletes, miners, doctors, hunters, fishermen, etc. The technicalism is allocated to the special names used in the field of technology.

Professionalism most often serve to designate various production processes, productions of production, raw materials, manufactured products, etc. In other words, they denote such phenomena to be recognized which the use of terms, although it is possible, but cumbersome and non-coming. In addition, professionalism is often the result of creative rethinking, "development" of a narrow specialized phenomenon. Such words spare (Spare wheel in the auto show and chauffeurs), zagon (spare cordant texts from editors of newspapers), paws and christmas tree (types of quotes from correctors and polygraphists). Such professionalism, easily and in-properties the terms, make a special speech more lively, simple and mastered, easier to quickly use and understand.

For example, in the speech of polygraphists, the following professionals are used: ending - graphic decoration at the end of the book, scored font - erased, produced font with outdated linotype printing, etc. Journalists workpiece of the future text, Chernovik called fish or dog. Engineers jokingly call a self-examining device yabrange. In the speech of pilots there are words nedoze, Panzer, Meaning the ear and flight of the landing sign, as well as: bubble, sausage - Shar-probe, give a goat - Hard to plant an aircraft, as a result of which he jershits after touching the Earth, etc. Many of these professionals have an estimated or underestimated tonality.

In the professional speech of actors use a comprehensive name glavrezh; In the colloquial speech of builders and repairmen, the professional issue of major overhaul is used capital; Experts, building and supporting computer systems in firms - sisadmin. On fishing ships, workers who will crack the fish (usually manually) are called shpherers. Bankers in conversation among themselves instead of term car loans Use the word autocredits, officials call housing and communal services communaland the social sphere - social etc.

Many professional words entered a wide business and colloquial use: note on-mountain, storming, teaching etc.

Professional vocabulary is indispensable for a laconic and accurate expression of thought in special texts intended for a prepared reader or listener. However, the informativeness of narrow-profesional items is reduced if a non-specialist faces with them. Therefore, professionalism is appropriate, say, in multi-degenerate sectoral (departmental) newspapers and are not justified in publications focused on wide reading circles.

Professionalism, being predominantly words for colloquial use, often have a reduced stylistic color, being, in fact, the hotstocks. It is also necessary to take into account when using professionalism in the official situation or in official publications. They may not only be incomprehensible outside the professional audience, but also will be risky for the reputation of a person who consumes them.

On the other hand, the skillful consumption of professional jargon may even give official speech juiciness, color, will help demonstrate the knowledge of the subject characteristic of a professional having a regular and direct contact with the working medium. Top manager of one large oil company, Professor and Doctor of Science, told that when you go on a business trip on norththen on the drill in no case can not speak prey - Oilmen simply will not speak with you. Needless to say as they: prey. Then you are a person from the industry, and you recognize your own. Thus, the manager intentionally retreats from accentological (sometimes lexical) rules of the Russian language to speak in one language with specialists.

Not realizing their meanings, we feel a little wrong in our plate, when these words refer directly to us. Words characterizing specialized processes and phenomena from any particular knowledge of knowledge is a professional vocabulary.

Definition of professional vocabulary

This type of vocabulary is special words or speech revolutions, expressions that are actively used in any person. These words are slightly separate, as they are not consumed by a large mass of the country's population, only its small part that has received a specific education. Words of professional vocabulary are used to describe or clarify production processes and phenomena, tools for a particular profession, raw materials, the final result of labor and the rest.

The place of this type of vocabulary in the language system used by a specific nation

There are several important issues related to different aspects of professionalism, which still explore linguists. One of them: "What is the role and place of professional vocabulary in the system of the nationwide language?"

Many argue that the use of professional vocabulary is appropriate only within a certain specialty, so it is impossible to name nationwide. Since the formation of the language of specialties in most cases occurs artificially, it does not suit on its criteria under the characteristics of commonly used vocabulary. Its main feature is that such vocabulary is formed during the natural communication of people. In addition, the formation and education of the nationwide language may occupy a sufficiently long period, which you can not say about the professional lexical units. Today, lingules and linguists agree that professional vocabulary is not literary languageBut it has its own structure and characteristics.

Differences of professional vocabulary from terminology

Not all ordinary people know that the terminology and the language of the specialty differ from each other. These two concepts are distinguished on their basis historical Development. Terminology arose relatively recently, refers to this concept modern technology and science. Professional vocabulary of the peak of its development reached during craft production.

Also, concepts differ from the point of view of their official use. Terminology is used in scientific publications, reports, conferences, specialized agencies. In other words, it is the official language of specific science. Vocabulary of professions applies "semi-deform", that is, not only in special articles or scientific papers. Specialists of a certain profession can use it during work and understand each other, while the uninitiated person will be difficult to assimilate what they say. Professional vocabulary, examples of which we will consider below, has some opposition in relation to terminology.

  1. The presence of emotional color of speech and imagery is the absence of expression and emotionality, as well as the image form.
  2. Special vocabulary is limited to a conversational style - the terms do not depend on the usual style of communication.
  3. Some range of deviation from the norm of professional communication - a clear compliance with the norms of a professional language.

Based on the listed characteristics of terms and professional vocabulary, many specialists tend to the theory that the latter refers to professional surprise. The difference in these concepts can be determined by comparing them with each other (the ram - the steering wheel, the system unit - the system, motherboard - motherboard and others).

Word varieties in professional vocabulary

Professional vocabulary consists of several groups of words:

  • professionalism;
  • technicalism;
  • professional and slang words.

Professionalism is called lexical units that have no strictly scientific nature. They are considered "semi-deform" and are needed to designate any concept or process in production, inventory and equipment, material, raw materials, and so on.

Technicalism are the words of professional vocabulary, which are used in the field of technology and are used only by a limited circle of people. They are narrowly specialized, that is, communicate with a person who is not dedicated to a certain profession, will not work with their help.

Professionally and slanging words are characterized by a reduced expressive color. Sometimes these concepts are absolutely not logical, and they can also have a specialist in a particular area.

When is the professional vocabulary used in the literary language?

Special language varieties can often be used in literary publications, oral and sometimes professionalism, technicalism and professional jargon can replace the terms with a poorly developed language of specific science.

But there is a danger of a wide use of professionalism in periodicals - a non-specialist is difficult to distinguish between the idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning of the concept, therefore many may be mistaken in processes, materials and products of concrete production. Excessive saturation of the text by professionalism prevents it from correctly perceive, the meaning and style for the reader is lost.