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How to clean the thin stranded wire. Tool for stripping wires. Stripper to remove isolation. What is Stripper

When conducting any electrical installation work, regardless of whether the new wiring is used or the repair of an existing power grid is used, the wires and cables are connected. It does not matter what kind of core it is necessary to connect, aluminum or copper, in any case, we will need a tool for removing insulation from wires. Depending on how the insulation of the conductive wires is arranged - it is covered with a layer of varnish or has a plastic sheath, - in each case, various methods of its removal may be required.

Wire and cable device

How to clean the wire can be understood when you know exactly how it is arranged, from which materials is made, for which it is intended.

Immediately we define that the wire is called one or several vehicles of the electrically conductive material (copper, aluminum, etc.), on top of which a membrane from the dielectric (phase insulation) is made. The cable is two or more wires covered with a common insulating sheath (waist insulation), which can be performed in several layers depending on the functional purpose. But under the dielectric understands a substance that does not conduct an electric current, it is also called an insulator or insulating material.

For the manufacture of phase and waist insulation, dielectric substances are most often used in the form of various polymers, such as:

  • polyvinyl chloride (denoted by the abbreviation in the marking of wires - PV);
  • high pressure polyethylene (PP);
  • (PF);
  • some others.

The application of the polymer shell on metal veins is produced on specialized equipment by extrusion. Also, the insulation of the wires are made of silicone rubber (kg), rubber, impregnated with cable paper, in the form of braid from fibrous materials and many other dielectric substances. In addition, along with insulation, protection from mechanical damage for cables, which are paired in the ground, and in the open method - in the form of an armor shell (b) made of lead, aluminum or wound to the cable of thin steel strip covered with a bitumen layer.

Thus, depending on the device of the dielectric shell and the material from which it is made, it becomes clear that for each type of cable will be required differently on the functionality of a tool capable of efficiently remove isolation.

Purpose of wires and cables

How to remove isolation from the wire so that it does not damage it, it also depends on understanding, for which it is intended and what function will be performed in work.

So, according to the functional purpose of the wire and cables are divided into:

Depending on its functional accessories, they all have significant differences: the copper lived of the telephone wire has the largest section in 0.5 mm2 and fine insulation, and there lived from the same copper of the power electric pipe to 1 kV begins with 1.5 mm2 and should have a thickness Insulation, which is guaranteed to exclude the possibility of an electrical breakdown.

Therefore, in order to high-qualityly clean the wires from isolation and make an unmistakable removal of the shell from the cable, you must apply different tools and fixtures on the functionality.

There are many ways to stripping wires. Manual tools that are used to remove insulation from the cable can be divided into:

If everyone will cope with the first category of tool for cleaning, then for the second group, some experience and skills will already need, but the third category of professional devices, which makes it possible to produce both simple work and removing isolation from a special cable, will already require certain knowledge and practices in work.

Simple fixtures for stripping

To simple or submitted means, which can easily remove the insulation, can be attributed to the usual tools that are in every domestic workshop.

Here in the first place, of course, a knife is located, as the most frequently used tool to remove isolation. The main requirement that is presented to the knives for cutting cable products - relatively small sizes, short and durable blade, and also does not prevent the handle is isolated. Stationery and any building knives are suitable. But in this category there are special knives made according to the specifics of work - they have a thick dielectric handle and a short durable blade of a special form, they can always be bought in a construction store for the sale of electrical products or tools.

The power wires of small sections can be cleaned with the help of sharp bodies or windows, but the accuracy and certain skills will be required, so as not to eat the living room without calculating the effort.

Remove isolation from polyethylene simple telephone wires is best warming up their sketch stress, as isolation easily melts, and the thin copper wire is not damaged. To do the same operation with a knife and not to crop copper veins is quite difficult without experience.

It is possible to clean the varnish coating of the copper conductor using fine emery paper, as well as the heating area of \u200b\u200bthe wire of the soldering iron on the acetylsalicylic acid tablet, and it is also possible to immediately make the purified place of the future contact, eliminating the possibility of its oxidation in further operation.

Semi-professional instrument

The semi-professional category can be attributed to:

  • stripper for removing isolation from wires;
  • manual adjustable stripper for cable external insulation;
  • dielectric ticks for removing isolation;
  • semi-automatic stripper with trimmed function;
  • nippers for removing lacquer coating;
  • stripper for coaxial cables.

All of the above insulation tools have a number of significant advantages, such as:

  • affordable price;
  • not a very complicated and reliable design;
  • simple operation.

Therefore, carefully reading the instructions for use and having a little trapled, everyone will be able to master the skills of working with such a specialized tool.

The functionality of the instrument laid in this category will make it possible to work with cable products less labor intensive and better. Thus, the removal of the belt insulation of the cable stripper for the external insulation is guaranteed to leave unsaturable phase coating of the wires.

Professional tools and special devices

Progress does not stand still, therefore, to increase productivity and high quality work, there is a category of a tool developed and created by professionals. It is used both when performing ordinary tasks, so for special types of work with particular complexity.

As a rule, professional tools are capable of making several operations at once. For example, to make the communication connection of two computers with a twisted pair consisting of 4 pairs of single-core copper conductors with a cross section of 0.5 mm2, it is necessary to attach plugs to the ends of the network cable. Here is this operation and performs a crimp, managed for one press to clear the isolation at once on all eight wires, enhance them and secure the plug at the end of the cable.

Keep in mind that no knife will replace a real insulation puller from the wires, if we are talking about high-quality electrical installation work. Try to choose and use in your work only professional tools and specialized devices.

Consisting of two single-core conductors coated with insulation and placed in a black protective sheath. How to remove the shell and isolation from the cable so that it is fast, safely and securely safe? And under the quality, I understand the stability of the resulting result.

Of course, when it is possible to remove isolation from the cable on the table, and not in close conversion, and you need to do a pair of connections, everything can be done slowly, measured by checking every step. And if you need to make an apartment in a couple of days before plaster?

I tried three options for removing insulation from the cable and stopped, as usual, on the third:

Stripping by a stationery knife;

Sweeping with a special knife of the installer;

Stripping with a special device.

Stripping the stationery knife is the easiest and most affordable way of stripping wires and cables. But the most poor quality. Cable shell stripping is usually done in two stages. First, the shell is covered in a circle. Then the shell is caught in length. And then she is already removed, barring separate wires in isolation.

So, if you make an incision in a circle of cable by a stationery knife, and do not calculate the power, the insulation of the wires is easily cut, which reduces the safety of such a cable in operation.

And if it is not scary when the cable is not yet mounted (you can cut off a piece and try again), then for a cable, for example, closed into the wall, there is no right to error. When I made the wiring to my parents, I had to leave several wiring thus in the submerscribes.

Another problem is an incision along the length of the cable. First, it is easy to cut the insulation of the wire, which is even worse than its incision. Secondly, it is easy to damage the finger at the slipping blade.

The second method is a special mounting knife. There are many models, I chose the one that crochet. This knife is slightly more convenient than the stationery. But at the expense of a thicker blade, they can not act with the careability of the surgeon, but more flattened.

Although it is quite difficult to cut insulation. But the way the knife is convenient - it is a sharp along the cable. The hook is securely dug into the cable shell, and almost can not jump out from there. Therefore, the cut along the cable is obtained fast, safe and neat.

But still. Such a tool does not allow to provide high-quality stripping shell. Under quality, in this context, I understand the repeatability (the same) of the results for each lifted shell. I recently came across this tool.

The price is greatly different - from 600 rubles. up to 3500 rubles. But from the point of view of the quality of work there is almost no difference. The principle of his work is next. The bracket is drawn by a thumb, under which the wire is saturated. A small knife rotating around its axis looks out of the handle.

When the cable gets there, the bracket presses it to the knife. Next you need to wrap the tool around the cable several times. This is reached by its incision.

Then, without removing the tool from the cable, it should be just pulled in the direction of the end. At the same time, the knife itself will be checked, and will begin to cut along the shell. It remains only to remove the shell, and continue the assembly work.

The only inconvenience of this tool is a wheel in the face to set the depth of the knife to each cable. I have two minutes and a piece of cable, which I check the setting.

However, after setting, the quality of stripping is predictable good. I would also like to touch such a question as removing isolation from the conductor cleaned from the shell.

The tool described here is poorly coping with such a task, because it cannot "flatten" a thick cable, like a plurality of thin wires, it cares insulation only slightly, point, bottom and above. This is not enough for it to break and out. Attempting to apply an effort leads to the jackets on the housing due to the "brazing" knives of the tool in soft copper.

And here the knife of the installer described above is very effective. The crochet blade increases the radius of the root of the knife for the wire, and can be quickly, in a split second to cut it almost throughout the diameter. After that, the insulation is quickly and neatly removed. Plus the crochet blade does not give the knife to slip from the wire.

Prior to that, in the article, I concerned the ways to remove protective insulation from the VG cables. In principle, when it comes to the round of the WDG - use a special tool with a cleaner for stripping justified. But once I had to work a lot with VG-P (flat cable). The field of this I have a little revised my preferences.

The VG-P cable - turned out to be much more convenient and practical. It is more convenient to put under the plaster. Generally speaking, you can save a lot of time if you do not make a shutter shutter, but simply breed a cable on the walls, and then shook it from above. Therefore, VOG-P in this sense is preferable. The VG-P cable 3 × 2.5 mm2 has a thickness of only 5.3 mm. Together with a dowel-clamp - 9.3 mm. The layer of plaster, as a rule, is no less than 1.5 cm, so everything grows.

And to ferment the flat cable turned out to be faster and more reliable to the crochet knife. We put the cable for a skip, and spend. The main thing is to place the blade immediately deeper into isolation so that it is pushing the veins and cut between them. Surprisingly, it's not once this knife did not cut insulation with the lived.

Catching out minor repair work in the house, often have to deal not only with wires, but also with cables. Therefore, the question arises: how to clean the wire from isolation? There are differences between the wire and the cable, for example, a wire is one conductor, which even may not provide for the possibility of removing the insulation (bare wire), the cable is a whole network of non-using each other with a current carrier covered with a shared layer - insulating shell. In fact, there are always several wires inside the cable. Stripping sometimes require both individual conductors and all conductors in the cable. It is often necessary to remove the long segment of the upper shell (insulation). On this alone, you can not do here.

The varieties and the device of wires and cables were repeatedly considered in the articles on this topic. For example: "", "", "", etc.
As a rule, the wire is a conductor (rigid or flexible) insulated with PVC (polyvinyl chloride) or rubber. Isolation is one layer, and maybe several. Sometimes silk braid protrudes as an additional insulation, sometimes the conductor is covered with an insulating varnish.
How the cable is already written slightly above. What is technically considered a cable, often called the wire, and the stranded wire can call the cable. Polyvinyl chloride, rubber and other non-flame dielectrics are used as insulation of wires and cables. They protect the wires from the closure between themselves, contact with man and from fire.
Sometimes the conductors of the stranded wire are enveloped by a rather dense layer of isolation, which can cause complexity at stripping.
By type of cross section of the conductor, the wires are divided into two types:

  1. Single-wire (hard). Represent a conductor consisting of one solid conductor.
  2. Multi-breeding (flexible). Consist of several very thin wiring with each other.

To successfully remove the insulation, it is necessary to use a high-quality tool and comply with the rules and sequence of work, otherwise, the wiring will quickly fail.

Tools that are needed for stripping wires

To properly and safely clean the current part of the wire from isolation, the following tools can be useful:

  • Sideboards.
  • Mounting, construction, stationery or household knife.
  • Electrology.
  • Pliers.
  • Special cutters for thick cables or scissors for metal.
  • Visks or other fixing device.

Stripper: Its appointment and variations of models

Stripper is a special wire stripping device. Simple models of this tool on the principle of operation similar to ordinary booths. Blades are equipped with recesses of a different radius designed for the veins of different sections.
Semi-automatic manual stripper is equipped with two pairs of sponges with blades. When using it, the end of the cable must be placed in the working area, closer blade knobs and cut insulation. Sponges at the same time remove it from the veins. The stripper of such a model is equipped with adjustable focus, which allows you to accurately adjust the plot of the placed wire. In Russia, this tool is called CSI (ticks for removing isolation).

Some types of stripper perform several functions at the same time:

  • Cropped
  • Clean
  • Curls twist

Stripper for a twisted pair is a clamp with a built-in blade, which looks like the blade of the stationery knife.

After repairing the equipment or electrical network, make sure there is not a single bare area.

Firm "Knipex"

Tool for stripping and trimming wires must be high-quality, respectively, the requirements of the State Standard. The German company "KNIPEX" produces trusted tools designed to stripping wires. Some of them are tested by 10,000 volts at a temperature of +70 and -25 degrees. Therefore, in the reliability of this company's products, you can not doubt. Among other tools, with which the wires are cut, it is possible to allocate the main:

  • Combined pliers
  • Knitting mites
  • Clamping tongs
  • Kusachachi
  • Pinzeti
  • Forceps
  • Cable knives

Founded in the distant 1882, Knipex today is one of the most famous manufacturers of an electrical instrument. Every day, 45 thousand units of this company are sold. Cooperate with her about a hundred countries of the world. And in our region, the Knipex instrument will not be difficult.

Wire or Cable Stripping Process

Most often, the wiring is made using windows. Sometimes the cutting of the wires is accompanied by improper use of windows, which complicates the work and causes damage to the current part of the wire. To remove the insulation, it is important that the cutting parts are directed in the opposite tool to the movement. Thus, knives will be able to crash into isolation even with a slight press.

If there are no side sides or other special devices at hand, you can take a knife, not strongly press the cutting part of the knife isolation of the wire and circle in a circle. If necessary, repeat until the protective layer of isolation is propheted and the tip will not reach the vein. You can spend no longer across. And along the wire, then stretch the edges on the sides and cut off the shell. This method, many even consider the best and more secure.

When cutting, you can easily cut your hands, so manifest marginal care.

How to cut the outer insulation with a knife with a heel video

Removing the outer layer of isolation, try not to cut it with progressive movements (resembling sawing). It is necessary to simply urge it with a sharp side of the knife and slowly turn. Do not apply power. When working, inspect the stripped ends of the conductor. There may be cuts or dorms of the current-carrying part of the wire. Such an end of the wire is not suitable for further operation. It must be cut off and performing a new job. If not to give it due value, a dangerous situation can be created over time. As a rule, a damaged part of the wire conductors in the future, during operation, is rolled. In the future, it will be necessary to look for a place of damage to the cable, and this place will usually be hidden by an insulating tape.
Sometimes it is not clear how to clean the wire, especially when it is too thin, and also straightened. There is one trick.

  1. Take the old razor blade.
  2. We break it and take one half of the blade.
  3. Fix the wire using vice or clamps. You can put into the course of the clamp of the table lamp.
  4. Cut isolation along the conductor.
  5. We make neat cuts across the section, trying not to touch the blade of the conductor.
  6. Bend the cable so that the closed edges are slightly separated.
  7. We cling to the nail nozzle and we are insulated with the veins.

Wiring stripping is a painstaking work that requires patience.
When scrolling the wires, errors often occur. Typical stuffed wiring errors are visible in the picture:

Thin wires break very easily. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the isolation with them very carefully.

Stripping isolation of thin or winding wires

With the thickness of the conductor 0.2 mm, the optimal method of stripping, there will be a mechanical option. To do this, we need a knife or sandpaper, better small grain sections.
The paper must be bent into abrasive inside and start the wire into the bent sheet, slightly sipping it and pressing it with his fingers. The procedure must be repeated as long as the enamel does not fully belong.
When using a knife, it is necessary to put a part of the cable to put on a solid surface and scroll through the varnish the wire in a circle until the enamel is scorched from the conductor. So, the cutting of the wire is not a difficult process and does not require an electrician diploma.
If a cross section is thinner than 0.2 mm, another method will be required, since the mechanical results will not give, only hurt the wire. In this case, it is necessary to master the thermochemical method of stripping. We will need a soldering iron and chlorvinyl insulation.
We put on the table chlorvinyl and heated the soldering iron. In the hot condition, it is insulated with it. When heated, chlorine separating enamel will be produced.
To bring the wires during thermochemical treatment, you can take a tablet aspirin, put the wire on it and drive a soldering iron in a similar way.
In addition to the fact that the cross section of the wire is so thin, there is a lot of living in him, in one conductor. Therefore, the use of this method requires accuracy and skill.

Stripping power cable insulation

Power cables are mainly used for laying the conductor to powerful equipment and to distribution panels. How to remove an external cable insulation layer?

  1. Do not hurry from the end along the cable insulating layer, just not very deeply.
  2. With the help of pliers, pull over one dwelling, located inside.
  3. Sut off the remaining piece from external insulation.
  4. Separate wires.

Before proceeding with this work, think carefully how much you need to remove the insulation. It is better to cut with a slight margin. Soon too long a piece, surplus can always be cut off. Use the Cambrick to correctly position the cable inside the instrument.

When working with electricity, never neglect the need to exercise caution. Even if you have repeatedly cleaned the wires, remember that any incision of the insulating layer is a potential threat to the cable and a wire.

And finally. A different tool for stripping the insulation of the wires and how to use the video.

The electrical installation of any complexity is almost always accompanied by a stripping of the ends of the wire. For these purposes, a variety of devices are used. What to choose a tool for stripping the insulation of the wires, and how to work, tell me the article.

At the value of the current passing through the conductor exceeding the calculated nominal values, the balance is violated in the operation of the power grid, which leads to overheating of the insulation layer, and at critical values \u200b\u200b- to the melting of the metal elements of the wires. In this principle, electric welding machines operate.

Reducing the thickness of the conductor leads to an increase in its electrical resistance, a decrease in operational characteristics. Such a wire will not withstand the required current loads, but with smaller values, it can work long enough. In addition, the mechanical properties are additionally reduced.

As the transverse section of the conductor is affected by the current amount passed through it, it is possible to determine using the Ohm law.

From the figure it is seen: if you make a large force on the knife, cutting the insulation layer, then the blade, after entering the metal, will break the cross-sectional area and the structure of the wire. How metal cuts clearly visible in the photo.

Tip: When removing the insulation layer from the wire, it is necessary to monitor the state of metal cores, not allowing scratches and cuts on it. Even with their insignificant depth, with time a significant decrease in the cross-section area may occur, which will cause failures and failures in the work of the equipment.

The principle of stripping wires from isolation

In professional tools, two removal principles from the protective coating cable are used:

  • Gap. This method can be compared with the cleaning of the wires with teeth when a piece of insulation, sandwiched between the teeth, is removed from the rest of the coating layer with an effort directed along the conductor.
  • Cutting. In this case, the cutting edge cuts over the protective layer in a circle, without damaging the conductive veins. Then, part of the cut tube is removed from the conductor with a small force.

Professional tools for removing insulation from wires are:

  • Manual.
  • Semi-automatic.
  • Automatic.

To work with a small amount of wires at home, you can use simple ways of stripping them ends.

Simple Wire Stripping Methods

Removing isolation from cable ends can be performed in two ways:

  • Thermal exposure. In this case, heating the veins is used to the melting point of isolation. This is carried out:
  1. Carriage of the insulating layer of the PSV soldering iron, and then removal of the coating with pliers. Large disadvantage - the presence of a poisonous evaporation and corrosion on the steering of the soldering iron.
  2. Lighter.
  3. Preheated thread of nichrome.

Such techniques are better used for thin, low power of the conductors, which are used in electronics, communication devices, audio equipment with multiple soft conductors working in chains, where voltage is about 5 volts.

Tip: Such methods should be used only with one-time stripping of a small amount of wires.

  • Mechanical cutting. The method is based on removing the protective layer with cutting edges of the tool. At home, for these purposes it is best to use a knife for removing insulation from wires.

Electricians often make a knife with their own hands. For this:

  1. Take a fragment from the saw blade of metal with a small blade.
  2. Ichip it on the sandpaper to give the tool the shape of the sharp, thin wedge.
  3. The handle is performed by a dense wiring of the wire, which is caused by several layers of the tape.

Such a web is perfectly cut off with a layer of polyvinyl chloride, but the wrong work with a knife easily damages the metal or aluminum metal, close to isolation.

Tip: When using such a self-made, the blade sharpening plane should be very gently directed at an acute angle to the cutting layer of isolation, which will allow when touching the tool to slide on it, and not crash.

How to quickly remove isolation from the copper wire at home, tells the video.

Tools for professionals

Professional tool for removing insulation from wires is:

With some of them introduces the table:

Tool name Features

The design does not allow you to perform a large amount of work, but they are indispensable with urgent repairs.

The tool, with the screw, can be configured to the thickness of the wire, the diameter of which is up to 5 mm.

Passatia is suitable for stripping a large amount of wires of the same diameter in one place.

Such a multifunctional device for removing insulation from the wires allows you to cut the cable, accurately remove isolation with a shaped knife.

In such a multifunctional tool, you can remove insulation from round and coaxial cables, especially large diameters. Removing the insulation on the cable is performed in such a sequence:
  • A wire is stacked in the drop-down handle, slightly clamped and turns to turn out to be a ring incision.
  • The same edges are intercepted by an outcred part.
  • Isolation at the end of the cable is tightened.

There are knives of the most different forms that can be performed longitudinal and transverse isolation.

The most popular are tools with a hook bend of the blade, as in the photo.

The presence of the screw allows you to adjust the ticks to remove the insulation from the wires under different diameters.

For this, the wire is slightly bitten and scrolled, and then the capped sheath is tightened. They are more convenient to work in hard-to-reach places.

For a professional, this is the fastest tool that does not allow damage to the veins, where high stripping accuracy is needed and the high speed of operations.

The mechanical stripper is configured independently for any diameter of the cable, and then removes insulation from it, without damage to the vein.

The price of the product is high enough, but also to use a tool and a professional, and a beginner.

In this case, it is not necessary to configure the setting for the required diameter of the wire, the stripper gently removes insulation from any wire from the diameters to 6 mm.

How to use stripper

The principle of operation of the device is as follows:

  • Sponges are originally crashed into isolation.
  • Capture wires from two sides. On sponges there are special deep notches located at some angle.
  • After crimping insulation, the sponges work as a plow, perform a translational movement, which leads to the deepening of the climb and retaining notes in isolation.
  • A sharp sponge jerk diverges around. As a result, isolation, which can be easily removed.

Tip: To break the isolation, it is necessary to do just jerk, and not uniformly spreading the lipper sponges.

  • For such a sharp jerk, the rear metal plate on the tool is covered with plastic lids. It contains a hole where the conical metal pin of a small size is included.
  • When pressing a tool with some force on the handle, a small bend occurs at the base of the metal plate. As a result, it loses the engagement with the pin, which leads to a sharp discrepancy between sponges.
  • Power adjustment The jerk is performed by a microfunction screw, changing the length of the pint.

Such a device for removing isolation from the wires is equipped with two pairs of sponges. When working, the ends of the stripped cable are placed in the working area of \u200b\u200bthe instrument, the insulation is insulated, and the sponges are removed from the veins.

For example, an instruction manual for removing insulation with automatic stripper with a wire cross section is 2.5 mm²:

  • The wire is stacked until it stops between sponges.
  • The handles are slightly compressed, which leads to the wires of the wire with sponges.
  • When you click on the handle to the end, the insulation is removed.

Such a device for removing insulation from the wires is equipped with additional laying and protrusions for crimping tips. It is very convenient when it is necessary to urgently enhance the tip, and there is no normal crimper nearby.

However, it is not very convenient to use. There is also an insulation length limiter that needs to be cleaned.

So that there are no problems when scrolling the wires, several rules should be followed:

  • To remove the coaxial cable shell, the process must be divided into two stages:
  1. Remove the soldering iron outer shell, while sting you need to go through the longitudinal direction.

  1. Remove the upper braid to get to the polyethylene insulation located on the central core. This isolation is easily removed by a knife or other tool.

  • Clean the insulating layer of the enamelled wire is better than a knife, with a cross section of the vein more than 0.2 mm², or a soldering iron, for a smaller cross section. Enamel can be carefully removed by sandpaper, performing translational movements.
  • The rubber coating is better to remove the special tool to remove isolation from the wire.
  • To purify the shell in the middle of the long cable, it is better to use the electrical knife.
  • Paper isolation from the cable, it is easier for a knife.

Removing isolation from wires is a responsible moment. A reliable electrical circuit system depends on the quality of the tool and qualifications of its owner.

After selecting the cross section of the wire, the compilation of the electrical circuit and the purchase of installation products can be started to install the wiring in the house. The reliability of the wiring depends not only on the reliability of wire connections with installation products. No less important is the correct removal of isolation from the ends of the wires.

How to remove insulation from wires
Universal tool

Typically, plastics insulation is removed by mechanical way (knife or side) or melting. Enamel insulation is removed mechanically (scraped with knife or emery paper) or chemical.

How to properly remove isolation from the wire using a knife

It is wrong when it is cut in a circle of a blade of a knife, oriented perpendicular to the wire to make even significant effort.

As a result, there is a notch of copper veins, and the wire in this place can easily break. This is especially true when stretching thin wires, with a diameter of 0.6-0.8 mm. After such a strip, they are clouded after several minor bends.

It is necessary that the blade is almost in the same plane with the axis of the wire. Isolation is cut along the conductor, the remaining on the wire is assigned to the side and is also cut.

How to remove isolation from the wire with the help of booths

The second error is often allowed when removing insulation by rapid. Typically take a tool in hand, as you have to pay attention to the orientation of the cutting edges.

If the sharpening side is directed towards the movement of the side of the side, then you have to make a significant effort of closure. The wire can easily break together with insulation.

And it is necessary that the cutting edges of the cutting edges of the windows look towards opposite to the movement of the tool, as shown in the photo. As a result, the cutting edges, even with a slight touch to isolation, cut into it, and isolation with a tube without labeling wire is easily removed.

Removing plastic isolation by melting

The insulation of modern wires for wiring is usually performed from PVC or polyethylene, the melting point of which lies in the range of 105-140 ° C. Therefore, with the help of a soldering iron or other heating device, it is easy and safe for the wire to remove isolation from it. To do this, quite the end of the soldering iron rusting, pressing the insulation circumference in the right place. Isolation will warm up, melted and easily removed by hand.

As you can see, insulation starred perfectly, without harming the copper conductor.

If you need to clean many wires from plastic insulation, then it is advisable to use a special device. Very good for these purposes fits the wood. We used to produce such entitled "Pattern".

An indispensable method of removing isolation by melting in cases of working with old wiring. Over time, plastic ages and is made very tough as a bone. Speakers in the junction box in the wall a piece of wire with a length of just 3 cm. Do not get a knife or nipples to isolate. In this situation, only the melting will help solve the task. You can soften the insulation can be heated by a match or gas lighter, then remove it.

When the diameter of the conductor is more than 0.2 mm, the most convenient is a mechanical method of removing isolation using sandpaper or jammed with a knife enamel.

In order to remove the sandpaper, you need a small sheet of shallow emery paper to be bent in half, get inside between the leaf bent, the end of the wire and not strongly squeezing the fingers to drag the wire. And so repeating this operation turning the wire until all enamel is removed.

To remove the enamel with a knife, you need to put the end of the wire on any solid surface and turning the wire in a circle, scrape the enamel until the end of the wire is completely cleansed from the varnish.

In the case of removal of insulation from the wire with a diameter of less than 0.2 mm, it is difficult to remove the enamel without damaging or breaking the conductor.

But it is easy to remove the enamel to the thermochemical way, with the help of a soldering iron and a piece of chlorvinyl isolation. To do this, it is necessary to stretch the end of the wire between the sketch of the soldering iron, pressed to the chlorvinyl. The chlorine highlighted from heating will clean the wire from enamel.

This method is indispensable when removing enamel from a licensee type wire, which is widely used in the radio communication for winding high-frequency inductor inductor. The licenant is a lot of thin wire covered enamel and twisted in one conductor.

With success, enamel is removed using aspirin, put the wiring on the tablet and press the soldering iron, and then stretch the wire. At the same time, the wire is immediately listed.

Removal of fluoroplastic isolation

Fluoroplast is a polymer obtained by a chemical way, resistant to the effects of organic solvents and is not wetting with water. It is characterized by high electrical strength, resistant to exposure temperature 300 ° C. Perfect insulating material, but expensive. Therefore, it is used only in technically reasonable cases. In everyday life, fluoroplastic wires use radio amateurs, as it is not melted when soldering a soldering iron, takes little space and has aesthetic appearance.

Fluoroplastic insulation is a thin narrow tape, tightly wound on a retinuous stranded thin copper wire. You can free such a wire from isolation only physically.

It is best to use a knife for this purpose. Pressing the wire to the site, the fluoroplastic on the desired length scraps the knife.

After the wire is denied, it is rejected to the side and the remaining not necessary fluoroplast is cut off. As a result, it turns out neatly stripped from fluoroplastic insulation conductor ready for soldering.

Insulation of rubber, tissues and other insulation materials is removed by one of the above mechanical methods. The main rule is to prevent superfp on the veins of the wires.

Tool for removing insulation from wires
Automatic stripper model WS-04

The manual cutting of the wires takes a long time, requires sufficient experience and accuracy, especially when removing isolation from multi-core wires of small cross section. For partial automation of insulation removal operation, there is a special hand tool called stripper.

Among my set of tools there is a stripper model WS-04 German manufacturer of kW. I bought a stripper for a long time, and very pleased with the purchase. Professional electricians strongly recommend purchasing Snipper, you will not regret.

The main technical characteristics and principle of operation
Stripper Models WS-04

Stripper allows you to snack and remove the insulation from the wires with a diameter of 0.5 to 2.7 mm (section 0.2-6.0 mm 2). When setting up using a micrometer screw, it is possible to remove insulation from wires with a diameter of 0.25 to 0.5 mm. Also, using a stripper, simple connectors without insulation, isolated and automotive under double crimping with a diameter of 0.8 to 2.7 mm can be pressed on the wires.

Stripper is a pliers, with cams installed at the ends of the arms. Some of the pair of cams are fixed inpatient, and the second, the upper - movable. The left pair serves for the clamp of the wire, and the right for trimming isolation, and its removal. At the first moment, the information of the stripper pens left movable cam clamps the wire, and the right moving is cut into the isolation on the end of the sharp edge. When continuing the information of the levers, insulation is tightened from the wire. The entire isolation removal process takes no more than a second.

For crimping wires in round terminals on the inner sides of the handles there are combs of a given profile. It is enough to insert a connector into a suitable place in its size and reduce the handles. The wire will be securely clamped in the tip.

Examples of work with stripper WS-04

It is difficult to describe the work with a stripper in words, it is much clearer to demonstrate its capabilities at the examples of removal of isolation from the wires of different types.

For example, there is a section of a double mounting wire for laying the apartment wiring, and it is required to shorten it, and then remove the insulation to the predetermined length.

To do this, it is enough to start the wire between cutting knives located on the inner sides of the handle and bring them. What is interesting, the cut is obtained without the deformation of the ends of the wires. If you cut with cliffs, the ends are usually flattened, a little sharpening.

Next, the end of the wire is started between moving and stationary sponges and compression of the handles isolation isolation. No lap live wires are observed, which guarantees the reliability of further compound. The blue movable limiter allows you to accurately set the length of the removable isolation.

It is easily removed isolation and from a stranded wire, which is often used to supply voltage in low-voltage circuits. For example, wires that go to products from adapters and power supplies.

Using a stripper, you can easily remove isolation from a two-core cord with double insulation, however, for two receptions. For the first reception, the first layer of insulation is a chlorvinyl tube.

For the second reception, insulation is removed simultaneously with two live wires. Time to remove isolation from such a wire is not more than 5 seconds.

Stripper perfectly helps to prepare before pressing the RJ-11 connector and a telephone wire connecting the stationary phone with a link line. In the case of connecting with a screw connection, a single movement can be removed and the insulation with live wires can be removed.

Removing isolation with shielded wires is a rather complicated operation, especially if the wire is thin. Using a stripper first removes insulation with shielding braid.

The braid is then broken using a needle or acute sequel to bargain the central wire. There will remain another movement, and the wire is released from isolation. Removing isolation with shielded wire manually, using an ordinary knife without damaging the wire, is a time-consuming operation and requires a lot of time.

I tried to remove isolation from a thin stranded wire coated with fluoroplastic insulation. To my surprise, Stripper easily coped with this task.

To check the capabilities of the stripper, I removed isolation from wires of copper and aluminum, single-core and stranded, with insulation from different dielectrics and the result was always pleased. Stripper coped with the task flawlessly.

It happened to the stripper to pressed and insulated car terminals under double crimping. They fucked quite normally without much difficulty.

Feedback on the work of the stripper model WS-04

If you have to remove isolation from the wires once a month, or even less often, then replenish your arsenal tools with a stripper price about $ 20, probably inexpediently. But if you have to remove the isolation from the wires more often, I suppose the stripper at hand it is necessary.

I bring to your attention a small video showing the work of the WS-04 stripper.

The practice of working with a stripper WS-04 confirmed its compliance with the stated manufacturer of technical specifications, so that if there is a need, you can safely acquire the stripper of this model, you will not regret.

Preparation of the ends of the conductors
For electrical appliance connections

After the release of wires from isolation, it is necessary to prepare their ends for attaching to electrical appliances, since in the overwhelming number of cases, a mechanical method of fixing with screws, clamping in terminals, compression and twist is used in terminals. To forks, sockets, cartridges, protection machines and other similar devices, the connection is carried out, as a rule, screws.

To connect the conductors to the electrical appliances, where the currents of less than 1 A flow are flowing, it is quite enough to insert a 5-10 mm long exempted wire under the screw and clamp. In this way, the conductors are fixed in all switches, since the chandeliers are LED lamps, and the power of the flowing current through the contacts of the switches does not exceed 0.25 A.

The main thing is to prevent the expressing of the conductor from under the screw head. As you can see in the above photo, the contact in the switch (enlarged for clarity), to which the wire is connected, bent the corner. When screwing screws, the wire rests on this corner, which excludes slipping it. If the limiter is not provided, then it is necessary to set the end of the wire in the ring. For compounds where large currents flow, the connection without swing the end of the conductor into the ring will be extremely unreliable.

The easiest way to reject the ring from the wire with the help of the roundheads. Of course, you can form a ring, whining the wire around, for example, sting a screwdriver or drill a suitable diameter. For simplicity of the formation of a rings of the required diameter, the tags of 3 mm, 3.5 mm, 4 mm and 4.5 mm should be applied on the sponges of the circular rolls. If you need to make a ring under the screw m3 from a single-core wire, then I form a ring on a tag 3.5 mm so that the screw is easy to enter. In the case of a stranded conductor and followed by a mezzani - 4 mm.

It is not necessary to brush the wire, but it is desirable, especially if the product will be operated in conditions of high humidity, for example, in a bathroom or shower rooms, raw basements, in winter in a not heated dacha.

These were the rings, one under the screw M3, and the other under M4. The rings from the stranded wire are formed somewhat differently. At first, the conductor is wrapped around the cone of the round-roll, and then around himself at the place of exit from isolation.

Shaped rings are preferably ached and squeeze a little shut slightly blows. Then the contact contact area will increase and the reliability of the future compound will be much higher.

When installing the stranded wire, you can make rings and not closed. To do this, after removing the insulation, the wire will fill the soldering iron, and then form the rings using single-core molding technology.

Strictly observing the simple above-described technical preparation technology for connecting, you will never have to repair wiring.