Repairs Design Furniture

How to make chamomile from the wheels. How to make a flowerbed of tires. Tire flowerbed with their own hands: photo Flowers from wheeled tires and creating technology

One of the usual country practices is the creation of a bed in the form of different figures from old car wheels. Such creativity has many advantages, and with the right approach, it can be transformed into real art.

Use old car rubber to create flower beds is a practically a win-win version of these products. Benefits are several:

  • this is a favorable material - the manufacture does not take any money (only small spending on the paint are possible);
  • working with tires is simple and convenient, you do not need special efforts;
  • this is a very interesting creative process, since it is possible to make the design of various shapes, and not from one tire, but immediately from several;
  • rubber tires have an ideal round shape and how it is impossible to be suitable for the manufacture of ordinary flower beds;
  • tires are durable - they will serve as a flowerbed for many years, because they are not susceptible to rot;
  • applying rubber to decorate the site, you contribute to the general environmental situation - in this case the material is successfully used for practical purposes, and not burned on the landfill, polluting the air of combustion products.

The disadvantages of the use of rubber are practically no - the only limitation is that many gardeners dislike tires for their non-primary appearance. But this problem is easily solved - it is better to choose a better, solid rubber, and besides, with the help of paint and other elements of the decor, an entire product of art can be created from the usual tire. Read more about this below.

Use old car rubber to create flower beds is a practically a win-win version of these products.

Gallery: Cover Flowers (25 photos)

To make a flower leaf from the tire, you can not do anything with it - just paint in the beautiful color and wait until it dry. And you can make a beautiful decorative product from it, which will decorate the site not only thanks to the colors, but also in itself.

Manufacturing technology is simple, and forces even a woman. It is important to take into account several nuances, which are described in detail below.

Choosing a tire for the manufacture of flower beds and garden figures

If there are not 1-2 old tires in the farm, but a whole "collection", then it is worth choosing the most suitable product. To be guided by such considerations:

  1. Import tires are suitable better than domestic, Since rubber is softer on its texture, it has a subtle structure, due to which it is much easier to work with it.
  2. If you choose between winter and summer tires, then preference should be given exactly winterAs they are more durable, and in this case there are less risk to damage the material in the process of working with it.
  3. Oddly enough but the more tire was in use, the betterSince in this case the protector is exposed to strong wear. And this makes it easy to turn the product on the wrong side, which is very useful in the work.
  4. Of course, if you can choose between the highly cramped, unsightly on the type of product and more attractive, the choice will be at the last. Also it is better to take rubber without persistent, unwanted pollution.

As for the size, it all depends on the fantasy of the gardener. Theoretically, the tires of any diameters are suitable - the main thing is that they harmoniously fit into the overall composition, if it is supposed to make several clubs at once.

Imported tires are better suitable for domestic, because rubber is softer on their texture, it has a thin structure, due to which it is much easier to work with it.

How to turn off the tire

In fact, there are three important techniques that need to be seized when working with tires:

  1. You need to learn how to turn them right.
  2. There is a need to master the ability to cut the material in the right places and reject the relevant parts.
  3. Finally, you need to deal with how it is right and beautiful to paint the tire.

If the tire is inside out directly, without any tricks, most likely, have to call a man. And you can cope and yourself. You can simply unscrew the tire, if you make small cuts so that they come to the tread. Technology Next:

  1. First, the product is turned on one side.
  2. The rubber is then compressed so that its edges are practically agreed (from above and below).
  3. After that, work is commended from another side.

How to make a flowerbed from the wheel do it yourself (video)

Color tires by conventional paints on the olife (Water quickly washed out with rain), but it is important to pay attention to several recommendations here, which are due to the process of subsequent operation of the tire (long-lasting in the open sun, designer features):

  1. Paints are better to select light shades, because they are better than dark, reflect the sun - the tire and the ground in it will not be warm in it.
  2. You need to put paint in 2-3 layers, choosing a golden middle: too thin layer will quickly fall, crackling from temperature differences and seeking rain. The layer of too thick will start peeling due to the same factors, since the paint will not hold well on its own layer.
  3. It is better not to be lazy and paint a small inner layer closest to the outer part. In this case, the type of product will be much more beautiful, and it will also serve it longer.
  4. Before applying a layer of paint, the bus must not only rinse well and dry, but also to be processed from possible fat pollution - it is done with gasoline, acetone or oil paint solvents.
  5. In addition to applying the main layer, it is not forbidden to create their own patterns - if it is impossible to draw your hand, you can safely use stencils that are cut from ordinary cardboard.
  6. Finally, in the color scheme you need to decide in advance, based on the colors that are expected to be perched, as well as from the tire song, if several clubs are used at the same time.

Important! Most conveniently and quickly can be painted with an aerosol tire with a special spray. You can buy such a product in a car shop.

Color tires by conventional paints on the olife

How and how to cut a tire

Since the tire is cut into decorative purposes, it is done by creating a specific pattern (most often - petals). therefore you need to cut with a knife, but with a jigsaw, optimally electric.

When working, you can use the saws of different sizes that are easily inserted into the jigsaw. The choice of a particular saw depends on the subtleties of the intended pattern.

Of course, before starting work, the angles should be planned, the interval of the pattern, lay it on the surface and only then proceed to saw.

Important! If the outer edges are very easy to be sewn, then as it approaches the edge, the sawing will go harder - therefore it is necessary to work until the plane is preserved. As soon as the turn is beginning down, you can stop sawing.

Cut the tire is not a knife, but with the help of a jigsaw, optimally - electric

Production of tire flower beds

There are a lot of options and ideas for the manufacture of flower beds from a tire - ranging from a simple untreated tire and ending with complex variants in the form of entire compositions from these products.

Simple flower garden from the tire: quickly and tastefully

If there is no time and strength to work with the sawing and, even more so turning the rubber, it is not necessary to abandon the conversion of your flower garden using a flower beds from the tire.

The optimal option is to use the flowerbed high, from the cargo machine. In this case, you can not apply additional supports.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. The tire is thoroughly washed from dirt and dried.
  2. You can perform 8-12 cuts in the form of petal and remove the inner part - it will be very original.
  3. According to a predetermined plan, paint is applied to it and, at will - patterns.
  4. Outside the tire can be decorated with stones that are glued on the cement base - in this case, few people will be able to identify the source material, the product will look very rich.

The optimal option is to use the flowerbed high, from the cargo machine

How to make vertical flowerbed from old tires

It is not necessary to place the tire just on Earth for the larger side - you can use the fact that the groove is sealed. Accordingly, for small flowers, there is enough space, but it will look much more original.

One option - make a vertical flowerbed in the form of a bird:

  1. The pattern is planned on a predetermined drawing - for example, in the form of a parrot: for this you need to cut symmetrical feathers of the wings and tail.
  2. The corresponding cuts are made on the pattern.
  3. Then the tire turns out and paints in bright colors.
  4. You can hang such a tire for the hook. It is very convenient to do this with the uncircumcised tread. You can hide and for the handles that will remain in the form of a circle of the uncircumcised part.

Important! In the case of the flower beds such a design, it is important to make holes under the bottom, otherwise the water will have nowhere to drain. It is also possible to periodically water the ground - the rain will not always be able to get if the upper part is cut.

How to make a swan from the tire do it yourself (video)

Suspension Tire Flower

From the tires you can make suspended flower beds - not only from the vertical, as described above, but also horizontal.

Fastening options:

  1. Behind the hook hanging from the edge of the roof or post.
  2. With a rope stretched into a tree.

If we add a horizontal tire, you need to take care of the container in advance, which is placed in it and is held beyond the edges.

From the tires you can make suspended flower beds

Flowers from a car tire in the form of a swan

Classic, but not an obsolete version of using a tire is the manufacture of a swan.

2 options are possible:

  1. Horizontal swan.
  2. Vertical swan.

The technique of making vertical flower beds is as follows:

  1. Marking is made, taking into account the fact that half of the cover is a bird neck.
  2. On the surface you need to draw a head with a beak, body and tail.
  3. All items are cut along the contour - better with the help of a grinder.
  4. Then the design is neatly turned outward.
  5. Swan is painted and installed on the selected place in the garden.

Classic, but not an outdated use of a tire - this is the manufacturer of a swan

Other interesting ideas of tire flower beds

If there are many tires, then the ideas for creating a flower bed are much more:

  1. Multi-tier flower beds from tires of the same sizes, compiled as a house of cubes.
  2. Multi-tiered flower beds from tires of different sizes composed in the form of a pyramid.
  3. Flowers in the form of a coffee cup on a saucer.
  4. Flower flower beds (petals are made from semicircles).
  5. In the form of a real flower on a flower model - one tire will serve as a flower with leafy petals, the other is in the form of a stem.
  6. Flower beds in the form of vases.
  7. Flower beds in the form of furniture items (for example, telling).

From tires can work flower bed

We choose plants for flower beds

Theoretically, such clubs are suitable for so many flowers, but since it is necessary to often disturb the design, it is best to plant perennial plants with bright flowers and beautiful greens, for example:

  • zinnia;
  • crocuses;
  • daffodils;
  • pansies;
  • peonies;
  • cornflowers;
  • adonis;
  • barwin;
  • lily and many others.


If a whole composition is made from the flower, then the center is better to plant the highest, and at the edges - lower plants. In this case, it is important to skillfully combine flowers, as in ordinary flower beds.

Many flowers are suitable for flower beds

Other products from old tires in the country

Of course, from such a valuable material you can make not only flowerbeds, but also a number of other useful devices that will not only decorate the plot, but also all will allow you to diversify leisure on them:

  1. Swing for children Made from one durable tire, which clings the metal chain and is attached to the welds or to a powerful tree.
  2. Another option swing - in the form of a vertically located horse. This is a very exciting idea - it is unlikely that some of the neighbors have a similar fun.
  3. Swing can not be made suspended, but ground - For this tire is cut smoothly in half, the seat of a durable board is made, and the attraction for kids is ready. In this case, it is important that the inner design is rigid enough.
  4. All sorts of animals from tires - Another original use option: Sorry plant, birds, frogs.

Swing for children are made of one durable tire

We make a simple fence from automotive tires

Very practical and at the same time, the original version of the use of tires is the manufacture of the fence. To do this, you will need at least 40-50 old tires of the same size.

Technology Next:

  1. Tires are stacked on each other in a chess order.
  2. Fasten with ordinary self-tapping screws.
  3. The top row can plant plants - especially suitable curly, for which you need to additionally hold the cranks.

Of course, such a number of tires may not be. Then there are more familiar options:

  1. Ribbon fence (from completely cut and elongated on straight tires).
  2. Fencing in the form of semicircles.
  3. Fence in the form of tires, laid and fortified vertically.

Very practical and at the same time original use of tires - making fence

Delightful figures from old tires sculptor Yong Ho Ji

Some things seem implausible until they can see them in practice. For example, the fact that the manufacture of tires from different figures can be turned into an independent direction of applied art.

Editor Ideas 9761

The work of folk craftsmen is amazingly diverse and in modern landscaped compositions among the cozy arows, artificial ponds and Alpinariav suddenly you can see ideas how to make a flowerbed from a tire with an original way. Multiple techniques and color solutions allow structures from such an ordinary material as used wheels to become bright decorative elements capable of decorating the most refined garden corner.

Making flowerbeds from tires with their own hands is popular and attractive, and an increasing number of owners of the estates take into service uncomplicated techniques of work.


Vases made by conversion of automotive wheels obtained the greatest distribution in summer cottages. It takes a sharp knife and pliers. The algorithm includes the following actions:

  • place the upper part, while the current cut line can have a different form (smooth, fringe, in the form of sharp or smooth teeth, patterned);
  • cut the tires on the markup;
  • devide into two parts;
  • remove the bottom of inside out.

The upper fragment becomes the original stand under the resulting vessel for flowers in the shape of a glass with patterned edges. It is permissible to install mini-flowerbs on wheels from wheels that remain after all operations. The color solution may be the most unusual, bright and attractive. Beginner masters need to remember that cutting lighter wheels that do not have a steel internal court. Certain skills are required and in order to twist the sliced \u200b\u200bfragment, which is placed on the floor of the deep part. After that, it follows the foot to clamp the edge and pull the upwards.

To cut the bus without any problems, it is advisable to use a knife with a narrow sharp blade, which in the process is processed by soap solution.

For decorating the resulting vase, a variety of materials are used:

  • paints (water-emulsion, enamel, oily);
  • decorative grid;
  • stones, shells.

Usually, soil is covered in such improvised vases, and various plants are planting. But they can perform the role of decorative kashpo, for which the paint and the inner surface is covered. After that, for the summer period, you can put in such a creative creation from the tire pot with a home flower.

Creative ideas for the manufacture of flower beds

The manufacture of an original flower garden for a person with non-standard thinking becomes a creative process. It is advisable to place bulk designs on open areas, the rangers adorn the entrance to the house are placed along the walls and tracks. Multi-tiered compositions will serve as an excellent disguise disguise, animal figures conveniently arranged under the trees, and the snow-white swans will decorate the reservoir coast. The second life of automotive old wheels is embodied in a wide variety of models.

Flower bed-frog for low-spirited colors is amazingly easily and fast. Two automotive tires are stacked nearby in the horizontal plane, the third (head) is put on top of the center, and two wheels of smaller diameter in the vertical plane (eyes) are mounted on it. All construction is painted in green, and in the center of "Eye" there is a white circle and a black pupil. The mouth is depicted in red, and characteristic paws can be cut using a rubber rug. It remains to fill the lores of the earth and sow your favorite plants.

The most pragmatic design is a tower, a construction in which several tires delivered to each other decorated with one tone, or made in a multicolor gamma with a variety of drawings.

Four tires of the same size by simple transformations are transformed into a flower flower. For this, three wheels are cut in diameter so that there are six arcs, which are laid out in the form of petals to a circular core. The color is chosen according to its preferences and requirements of surrounding landscape design.

The unusual composition using tires of different diameters can be placed on the old wall or concrete fence of a large area. They are suspended vertically on cables, filling the lower part with a soil for flowers with a shallow root system. By installing a smaller diameter on the bus, similar, but more, pre-cutting up the upper part and attaching the side of the handle, the role of which will perform the old hose, on the tapping screw, can be obtained by a flower garden, which before planting it is advisable to paint in a bright background with floral decor.

In an amazing way, even in the park landscape, unique strict vases, created by installing on small tables of wheels with the placement inside the compositions compiled by low colors, which can be one variety, but of different colors.

It strikes the variety of stylization of images of birds and animals that serve as vases, for what, according to a specific method, you need to cut the workpiece using a jigsaw or knife and twist the parts. For example, making a perpendicular incision and stretching two bands, the tail and head of the future parrot are formed, the remaining semicircles serve the wings. There are spent techniques made from tires of swan figures, bear, dragon, turtles and others.

You can make an interesting club with your own hands even from the car tire. Crafts from tires have long been successful to decorate the garden and today we will tell you how to make a simple mini-flower bed for flowers.

Cover Flowerbed with your own hands

The easiest option when you use the tires entirely, putting them on the selected place and fill the ground. But before that, under the rubber, a layer of drainage from pebbles, ceramzit or organic mulch is necessarily stacked.

Such a mini-flower bed looks good from the tires of large sizes, when the useful area is quite wide and allows you to place several rows of different plants by creating an interesting composition. It is advisable to choose for landing unpretentious flowers - tall quill in the center; Velhets, Ageratum or Cineraria - along the edge.

If you make a flowerba higher, putting the tires one to another - this will create additional amenities while leaving for it. In this case, it is possible to plant petunia of ampel or label around the edges to close the view of the cracked cord.

If you use small car tires, then to increase the area of \u200b\u200bmini-flower beds, cut the top with an electron or a special knife.

However, the black tires themselves look gloomy and trite. Make one more step - paint them in a bright color. And you will see a flowerbed, and the whole garden will become much more comfortable and more fun.

How to paint tires for flower beds

In order for the old and cracked tire to take a bright color, the rubber is degreased with acetone or white-spirited, paint on white or yellow paint, and only then impose a bright. Then the color will not hang out and will stay long.

Good advice: Do not put a thick layer of paint - under the influence of rains and frosts it will fall off slices.

What brand of paint< использовать, в принципе, не имеет значения.

Special paint for rubber does not crack in the cold and closes the cracks and deepening well, but quite expensive. Boldly use the old enamel or oil paint, which remained from the last repair.

The paint in the cans is also used - it is even preferable, since it penetrates well in the slot and is applied with a thin layer. With such a balloon, you can make any pattern on the scratched surface, and without difficulty getting a multi-colored foundation for flower beds.

Paint the tires in different colors and place them close or one over the other, or place in chaotic order throughout the garden, or group in one place - and your garden is noticeably revived.

Those who know how to create crafts from tires using a special knife or saw, you can cut the flower beds with your own hands, animal figures, birds or colors. If you need ideas and ways, how to make beautiful and complex flower beds from the tires, I recommend to read another Yu.

Used photos of Rlibunao, Jules.

ARTICLETOC: Enabled \u003d YES)

It is trying to landslide your dackets section with the onset of the first warm days.

A household plot will help to decorate old tires. Make a vase from a stunning beauty tire will not be difficult.

The desire to turn the site into a cozy corner leads to new, sometimes unexpected, designer solutions. To create an exclusive product, a bit of free time, fantasy, a pair of old car tires, knife and bright waterproof paints.

The creative process begins with the tire markup, i.e. Drawing on it. To do this, use chalk.

According to the outlined lines, the cuts are performed with a sharp knife. Very beautiful is the drawing in the form of spikes, waves or scales.

After the tire is cut, you will have to try to turn it out. The main thing here is to find a plot that you can slightly twist. After that, the process will go faster.

When the tire will dry well, you can start the art object coloring. Figure is applied to the surface easily, because, inside it remains perfectly smooth, whatever wear is a tire.

A little imagination will need that the old tire turn into an amazing colors vase. Very beautiful vase from the tire with your own hands. But, if you use not a tire, but the wheel, the product will look even more attractive.

Vase on the stand

To make such a vase, cut the drawing with a knife on the side of the tire. What it will be depends on the abilities of the author. To pretty to alleviate the process recommended the knife to lubricate periodically in the soap solution.

Turning the depth of the disk down, apply effort to twist alternate the upper and lower parts.

You can write the crawl with flowers or apply a landscape on the tire.

And you can also paint down the "Khokhloma" and "Gzhel".

And it will be unmatched vases! But such charming vases need the corresponding environment, which will emphasize their charm and charm. On the "modest" sites look inappropriate.

Filling the product with the ground, it is sustainable. Now it's time to plant flowers.

Turning it over it with petals down, get a new option - no less attractive. By changing the shape of the petals, it is possible to make a vase in the form of peony and chamomile, asters and Barwinka.

  • instead of chalk for marking, we use a marker or marker;
  • if the petal is used for cutting with the petal, first it is necessary to cut the location of the cut with a knife;
  • lobzik work at low power;
  • it is possible to simplify the process of turning, if you use the tire as much as possible.

Decorating Vase for Tire Colors

Unpainted black vase will not decorate the site, so it is desirable to decorate.

The easiest way is painting. But, a monophonic flower bed will be boring, so you need to think of a pattern in advance, pick up paints that are combined with each other. Paints enamel, nitro and oily, as well as car cans.

Great importance in the vase color is the place where it is planned to be installed. In playgrounds, vases with images of animals, toys are perfectly looking. Balls, rainbow, etc. For the garden, options for image fruits and vegetables, colors and landscapes are possible.

Plants for Vaz of Tires

Selection of colors for landing in a vase is very important.

The best option will be perennials that do not require periodic updates:

  • daisies;
  • carnation;
  • viola;
  • rubucha et al.
  • Although adorable looks in a vase annual plants:
  • calendula;
  • mattiola;
  • petunia;
  • iPOMEY, etc.

If the tires are a lot, you can create a bulk composition. The process of its creation is more time-consuming, but also the result is more spectacular. The compositions for open areas are perfect, but we need to think over the order of their location in advance. You can decorate vases in one or different colors, make them in monophonic or apply patterns.

If you successfully place them, and pick up plants for disembarkation, the composition will decorate the plot, making it not like others. The vase look originally, the lower part of which is painted in green tones, and the upper - in floral, imitating flowering plants.

You can depict ornaments on vases. In such a decor, they are much more attractive.

In short, you need a desire and a little time so that the site transforms: Decorating his wonderful vases from the completed period on the roads of car tires, which can be practically free.

Such products for growing colors on country areas are popular for simplicity of manufacture, minimal means, attractiveness and mobility - can be installed if necessary anywhere.

Video: how to make a vase from the car tire. Master Class.

Modern landscape design is characterized by original and courageous solutions. These can be attributed to the original flower beds made by their hands from tires, which look very attractive and do not occupy a lot of space. The desire to decorate your site, create interesting floral compositions, is quite natural, and a unique installation is also the subject of the pride of the creator.

Kloms from tire - simple and tasteful

To create flower beds from tires, it is not necessary to be a special professional professional. First, they are determined with the location of the future composition and make a sketch of the structure. In a small area, it is appropriate to position a single form in the form of a cute frog, graceful swan, a fabulous carriage or a bright parrot, as in the flows of the flower bed below.

The spacious lawn requires larger installations. For example, multi-tiered flower beds from automotive tires or vertical bulk structures, as the following photos.

Flower beds can be of various forms:

  • Low and high.
  • Round and oval.
  • Multi-tiered.
  • In the form of figures of animals, objects and colors.

After it was decided with the location and the form prepare materials and tools. For work, except tires, acute knife and paint can be useful:

  • Stones of different size.
  • Metal grid.
  • Technical marble.
  • Remains of building materials.
  • Decorative stone for aquarium, etc.

When everything is ready, you can proceed to work.

Making clubs from tires

The simplest is the form of a flower. The higher the tire, the larger it will turn out. Before you make a flowerbed from the tire, you need to choose a tire. It is better to take the exhaust imported product with a softer and thin "winter" rubber. It is easier to work with it. The tire is first cleaned, wash and dried. Then the lines of future petals are contrasting the color, cut out and remove the top, as in the photo of the flower beds placed below.

For further design use enamel, oil or nitrocracy. On a clean and dry rubber surface, they are distributed evenly and hold long. For staining of flower beds from tires, you can also use automotive paint or an aerosol can. The color is better to choose bright shades so that the roots of future plants do not overheat. Very elegantly, the design of the tires of pure white color looks.

Or multi-tiered clubs from tires decorated with light stones of different magnitude.

It is interesting to combine different colors.

Or, on the contrary, a monophonic composition.

When staining the tires, you need to capture a little and the upper part of the surface from the inside to give a more aesthetic look.

Before painting, you need to thoroughly think about how it will look from the tires with blossomed plants. If the flowers are assumed to be bright and contrast, then the tire must be one-time modest. And, on the contrary, with an intricate form of flower beds, the flowers are planted small, low.

Interestingly, the vase will look when the color of the plants echoes with shades of the container. If you wish, you can stick to the flower in the form of a flower glass aquarium pebbles of oval shape - they will create an illusion of dew.

Multi-tier club

For this installation, several tires of different or identical diameter will be required. It cut the middle to get rings and collect design:

  • First set the largest tire.
  • The bottom is littered with sand and rubble. From above poured fertile land.
  • From above centered the bus of a smaller size with the same filling.
  • The number of tiers depends on the size of the elements.
  • Flowers or useful plants (strawberries) are planted in the resulting gaps between the rings.

Klumba - Tire Swan

An ordinary tire painted in white can be a real masterpiece. For a swan figure, the inner part does not cut out so that its severity can hold the form.

30-40 mm are retreating from the edge of the tread and two rounded outbreaks are made parallel to the circumference from opposite sides to two thirds of the entire surface. From the narrow middle part there is a neck, and from wide side - wings. The middle part on one side is cut off and at its end form head. Then the tire turn out and the wings appear. They are finalized by different lengths with cuts that imitate feathers. Wings can be caught as you like - the angle of inclination can be any. It remains only to paint the bird into white, give dry and you can plant flowers, for example, forget-me-not.

Video how to cut a tire for flower beds