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Hierarchy editors in publishing houses. Text editor: Who is this and what does he do? Drew editors

Editor (from lat. Redactus - powered)- This is a specialist professionally engaged in editing, i.e. preparations for entering the light of works (articles, literary works), as well as preparations for issuing publications in general (books, magazines, Internet publications). Today's books, newspapers and magazines are published not only on paper. They can go out in the form of CDs for reading, viewing and even for listening (audiobooks). In addition, many periodicals have long and successfully exist on the Internet. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in Russian and literature (see the choice of a profession for interest in school subjects).

The duties of the editor include the development of the concept of the future edition, the order (or order) of writing texts, assessing the author's text and its literary processing. Also, the editor works with illustrators and artists-desecutors, corrector and footgames. In large book publishing houses, artistic editor is engaged in decoration issues. He develops the design concept along with the editor of the publication and then implements it.

In large publishers, it is usually a division of labor between editors.

Chief Editor Responsible for the strategy of the entire publisher, determines its subjects and, together with the financial director, the marketing policy of the publisher. He is subject to editors of departments, editorial or episodes. They work with the authors, order manuscripts, evaluate ready-made manuscripts, make a decision on refinement and directly in this refinement participate.

Often, book publishers are invited to work on manuscripts. literary editors from the side. And if it is necessary to assess the material from a scientific point of view, invited scientific editors - specialists in a specific field of knowledge (medicine, chemistry, literary criticism, etc.).

Training in the editor


In large newspapers and magazines, regular literary editors are working in online publishers. They are responsible for the literary literacy of the texts. Sometimes the intervention editor to the text turns out to be very significant. He literately enriches, and sometimes completely rewrites articles written by unprofessional authors. At the same time, not only the errors are eliminated, but also changes the stylistics in general and even the structure of the article. Such an intervention is called rehytoid.

Literary editors in periodicals work under the guidance of the chief and issuing editors. If the chief editor is responsible for the unified editorial policy of the newspaper or magazine, the released - for its specific embodiment in each issue. The released editor is responsible for the timely output of the newspaper or magazine, interacts with the printing house, coordinates the work of journalists, literary editor, corrector, illustrators, a vertellor and chief editor, if he participates as an author (for example, writes in the "Column of the Chief Editor").

Commissioning Editor Participates in the development of publication plans, contributes proposals for the sizes of fees, replaces the chief editor in its absence, etc.

Work on the website is carried out otherwise, there are some functions of the release editor. content manager or internet project manager. Interestingly, in different edits, the division of labor occurs in different ways.

In some journal and newspaper editors work authors (looking for authors, formulate tasks for them, etc.), editors illustrations (Bildreactors). In others, these responsibilities perform the release editor.

As for leadership positions, in addition to the main and issuing editors, there are existing in periodicals. executive Secretary and chief editor.

Executive Secretary - The line between him and the released editor is sometimes indistinguishable, and in some editors, the issuing editor is referred to as a responsible secretary (and vice versa). The main difference is that the response is more oriented to the technology of the process, and the output editor controls the content of overcoming newspapers and magazines.

Chief editor It is necessary when several publications come out in the publishing house at once, and the chief editor can not deal with them with all due to return. The chief editor holds a publishing policy in a specific newspaper or a concrete journal.

There is such a misconception that the editor is a person who only rules other people's texts. But all the outstanding editors are from A. Pushkin with his "contemporary" to P. Guseva, leading by the Moscow Komsomol Center, are writing people. For work by the editor (regardless of the place of work and a specific position), it is necessary for a good humanitarian education and the ability to create their own texts, to understand the nature of the words, various genres and styles from the inside. At the same time, it is desirable to have a diploma diploma, a journalist, literary officer or philologist. However, the editor should well understand the subject of his publication and constantly develop in this direction. Often the editors (scientific and even most important) become experts in the relevant areas. For example, a professional biologist can lead the magazine about animals.

Character of work

Editors are engaged in the release of print publications (books, newspapers, magazines, etc.), that is, their publishing. The publication as a whole consists of preparing the publication to issue (its preparation, request and receipt of texts from authors, etc.), editing texts, their layout, design; Printing organization, as well as distribution, or sale.

Editing - This is the preparation of the work to publish (correction and grinding of the content, language and manuscript style) and the organization of publication. The editing is divided into literary and technical. Literary editing is editing the composition, style and product language; Technical editing is a technical design of the printing of the printed publication, i.e. Selection of format and fonts, placement of text and illustrations, etc.

Editors are a pillar of publishing. Their work is to prepare print publications, the organization of their publication and publication. They are viewed, rewrite and edit author and translation texts. From time to time they also have to write original texts themselves - for example, the columns of the editor, advertising texts and editorials for newspapers or magazines. The content of the editor's work and its responsibility is very different depending on whether it works and what is its position (position) in this institution. The responsibility of editors may be planning the content of books, magazines or newspapers. They decide which material can please readers, read and edit manuscripts of books, articles and translations, make proposals to improve work and give recommendations for finding headlines. Editors may also play the role of publishing activities. When publishing books, the first task of the editor is to view offers to publish books and decide whether the author will buy publishing rights to his work or not.

The editors of large newspapers and magazines, as well as in book publishing houses, several editors usually work, having different duties and different response.

Editor-in-Chief Determines the face of the publication and its content and follows them. The chief editor is the general head of the publication defining the ideology and the target group of a newspaper or magazine and responsible for the content of the publication. Its task is to coordinate and ensure the work of subordinate structural units so that the newspaper / magazine always reached the reader. The chief editor hires all employees of the editorial board. The chief editor is also a link between the editors and the owners of the publication.

In the work of the chief editor, there is both creative and administrative party. Together with the owners of the publisher, he produces the general focus of the magazine or newspaper and conduct this strategy to life. The chief editor regularly holds editorial assemblies, where the work plan is approved, it is decided who will write about, and discusses which topics and areas of life could be reflected at the moment and in the future. At the meetings, members of the editorial board are trying to find fresh ideas and new activities to attract even more readers. The chief editor is responsible for the direction of the magazine on its content. It reads all articles in the publication, and gives instructions to make changes and corrections. It also reads the finished number and gives it an assessment. To share competition, the editor should get acquainted with the content of other editions of this kind and find an opportunity to improve its publication. Along with this, the task of the chief editor is to coordinate the work of journalists and editors. He ensures that journalists have enough work, and divides current tasks between them or shares information about events of interest. Part of the work of the chief editor also goes outside the work premises of the editorial office. For tie contacts and finding interesting topics, he tries to take an active part in public and secular life, to meet with other students of journalism and exchange infor. This also contributes to the fact that the editorial office comes many invitations to presentations, banquets and techniques. If possible, the chief editor takes part in these events himself or delegates to the participation of another journalist. The chief editor accounts for pretty difficult, especially when the publication does not bring profits. Then the abbreviations begin, and this may end with the replacement of the most important editor. The task of the chief editor of the book publishing house is to look for which books to publish they sell.

Executive editor He is to those who actually carry out general installations of the magazine and follows it. He is responsible for the daily activities of the editorial board and monitors the implementation of the publication and implementation of the work plan, as well as for compliance with the deadlines. His responsibility is to ensure that the entire issue of the publication is ready in a timely manner and ensure its admission to the printing house. The executive editor is managing the work of the editors who are responsible for coverage of concrete topics, for example - local news and news from abroad, sports, culture. In most cases, he writes headlines to finished articles or, if necessary, changes them. The executive editor ultimately remains the last word, which materials will be published and how different topics will be covered with articles. The executive editor is also engaged in personnel related issues (eg, applies to the chief editor of the proposal regarding the salary).

Responsibility of the newspaper / magazine editor (so called. Strine Editor) - Order materials and edit them. Sometimes the editor has to write materials yourself, but in most cases it is still not his task. His duty is to combine material in content and form. Often the editor of the bands is to those who have to make a choice from accumulated additional materials and evaluate its importance to the reader. If necessary, it must clarify the reporter, what disadvantages are in the material. When the material is assembled, it is sent to watch the literary editor. Then all the material goes to the technical editor on the layout. Slow manuscript Editor must view again.

Technical editor Checks the layout of pages and looks like the planned materials approached it. He also follows the willingness of information graphics and helps to solve problems arising when laying. In submission of the editor, the bands and computer graphics work.

Since a good appearance of periodic editions is becoming more important, in some newspapers there is a photographer, which helps to find the required photographs and is responsible for the quality of photographs going to the newspaper.

In a small edition of the day newspaper or newspaper-weekly, one editor can perform very different responsibilities or share responsibility with only several other employees. Responsible editors usually hire writing journalists, reporters and other workers. They can also deal with budget planning and negotiate and draw up contracts with writing journalists free profession.

Duty editor of print publications - Provide the correctness of the publications overlooking the publication and form. The editor usually works in the publisher or the translation bureau where it receives the text from the authors and translators to be edited. The editor corrects the language and stylistic errors encountered in the text and sends work on the proofreading. Later he checks whether the comments and additions were taken into account. If we are talking about rebuilding, the editor checks its compliance with the original text. In the course of editing in content, the editor checks that the meaning of the source text is transmitted in the transfer text correctly and nothing was missed so that the proposals were built logically, and the use of terms is one. With special editing, the correctness of the terms in the translation text and their relevance from the point of view of use are checked. Thus, the editor reveals in the author text or translating differentials and errors and draws the attention of the author or translator for errors in spelling, translation and design for their correction. If necessary, the editor checks in reference books the correct writing of the names of the mentioned persons, actual data and historical events.

Editor Coordinates the work of the author and the designer. He negates the author with the Menter, discusses the financial and technical capabilities of the press with them and ensures that the technical, investigation and editorial work proceeds to the scheduled temporary schedule. The editor has done quality work if readers and critics highly appreciate the language level of the work and in the work there are no actual errors. Labor editor is imperceptible and selfless; The editor in a single person combines a stylist, a person who creates the reputation of the publication, and the manager.

The editor of the printed edition is the content that he edits, lies before his eyes - the editor of the newspaper has to be more created by the creation of the publication. Editing books allows you to sit more and work in the Udi - work in the newspaper or the magazine does not give such an opportunity.

Literary editor Edits books, articles and other texts. His task is to correct the errors in the language and expressions, meaning the correctness of the text and the unificed use of language tools and terms. In addition to the "smoothing" of language roughness, the responsibility of the literary editor is to verify the facts, if necessary, it must reduce text or add clarifications in substitution footnotes. The literary editor is something like a teacher who enlightens its colleagues in the editorial office and, by referring to the language, also the reader.

Korder - This is an employee in a publishing house or printing house, which makes the proofreading - that is, checks the language correctness and understanding of the text and corrects spelling errors and typos.

There is no clear border between the work of the corrector and the literary editor, they are distinguished from each other primarily the degree of phony and depth of work on the text. The literary editor is working on the text more deeply: it unifies the use of language in the text, makes corrections at the level of supply and style, corrects the word order, the choice of words and logical errors. The corrector also often makes some of the replacements of words and stylistic corrections, which in action already relate to editing. In most cases, the literary editing is expected to be literary editing, and not a proofreader, and not a proofreader.

In the publishing house, work goes in most cases in such a way that first the manuscript is given to the literary editor, which is engaged in it, starting with the black-and-howling manuscript to the proof. He browsing the conformity of the manuscript of the footnings system adopted in the publishing house, notes contradictions and errors that the author will need to clarify and correct. Then the manuscript put in order in the literary relationship, together with the prepared and signed illustrations goes on the layout. The operator reads the author and then - editor and literary editor.


Labor environment - Means / Materials - Working hours
Although the working hours of editors and are officially established, but the nature of work often requires overtime and devote themselves to perform official duties on weekends. The work is quite tense in a mental plan, since when editing periodic editions of time is always missing. Permanent fluctuations in scales: We have time - we will not have time - sometimes it causes stress and a stressful working environment. Work makes an attractive opportunity to introduce new ideas and find many letters from grateful readers on the table.

In the daytime newspaper, two collections are usually held on the day - a pavement - in the morning and in the evening, in which the institutions of all editions are involved. In the editorial office and in the sports editorial board, it is often necessary to be in place until the last minute (hours up to 11), when the newspaper goes to the printing house - suddenly there will be any sensation or only one game that needs to be reflected in the emerging newspaper. The deadline for filing the finished material in, so to speak, more "soft" edits (economy, culture, entertainment) - between 7-8 hours. The work of the most rolling nature is in the workers of a sports editorial office.

The working time of the editor of the printed publication sets himself, it is only important to comply with the contractual time. The editor can do its work and at home, but still it is necessary that it was available from time to time to publishers and authors of work, so you can mutually exchange information and consult. The editor must often look for dictionaries and reference books, as well as literature concerning the area in operation. To do this, he must visit libraries and use databases.

The working day of the literary editor and the corrector is less regular (primarily in the editorial board). Often he can delay too much, and you need to be ready to work as well at night.

Most part of the work time editor and the corrector takes place in a sitting position, which can aggravate the expansion of the veins and pain in the knees. Constantly falling the load may worsen and without that problematic vision and cause a feeling of burning and cutting in the eyes and syndrome "dry eyes".

Professional conditions and prerequisites

The prerequisite for work in the publishing industry is interest in literature and a large readiness.

It is desirable that the chief editor will have a higher education (for example, for the media, economics), a deep knowledge of journalism is required (primarily the chief editor of the magazine and newspapers) and certainly a wide range. Contacts with different people and a wide range of dating are very important for the editor-in-chief. The main editor should be combined creative potential and economic thinking. He cannot afford to turn in the clouds, but must stand firmly on the ground with both legs. The ability to manage go hand in hand with the ability to communicate and the ability to convince people to act in the desired direction. The chief editor must be demanding both to himself and to his subordinate. The editor-in-chief of the journal and the newspaper should also own a feather well, thus suggests the ability to speak good thoughts and ability to analyze. He must be able to extract information and show resourcefulness in consideration by the new angle of view.

The editor should be able to analyze both the text in a literary attitude and in general information. It should be aware of changes in the rules for the use of language and spelling rules and have extensive knowledge of history and the litter. A lot of benefits also brings interest and love of reading, as the big readiness helps to develop a sense of language and style, thus in the work of the editor is the quality of paramount importance. Due to reading, the editor's circle editor is also growing. When editing translations, he should know the translation language at a good level ¬- both oral and written. The editor will also come in handy the ability to communicate - it allows him to better clarify all moments to the authors of work, translators and other involissions. Extensive contacts also give him the opportunity to "hold a hand on the pulse" and keep abreast of current events.

Important qualities are a sense of tact, the ability to lead and encourage. The book, magazine, newspaper and other print editions are born in collaboration with many people, and the editor belongs to the coordinating role in this process. It is as important for the editor to use the ability to use reference publications and library funds, then it can easily and not spend a lot of time to find the requested information.

From personal qualities, patience, a sense of duty, observability and attentiveness towards details and flexibility, as well as openness and ability to analyze are important. In the work of the editor, both books and newspapers or magazines at any level require initiative to offer new topics and suitable for publishing literature. The work of the literary editor and the corrector requires accuracy and ability to notice typos.

Education and training

People with very different education and preparation work in the publishing industry. The editor of the publication of journalistic sense in his work will benefit training in the field of journalism, and the literary editor in his work is a philological education (Estonian or foreign philology). The editors of special print publications often work precisely specialists of the relevant specialty (for example, in a medical publishing house - a person with medical education, for example, - a doctor, editor of technical literature - a specialist with the preparation of an engineer, etc.).

As already mentioned, the editors lead the editor-in-chief. He provides its powers based on the law on the media, the charter of the editorial board, the contract between the founder and the editors and is responsible for fulfilling the requirements for the activities of the journal by the law and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation. The chief editor represents the editorial board in relations with the founder, the publisher, distributor, citizens, associations of citizens, enterprises, institutions, organizations and government agencies, as well as in court.

The chief editor is personally responsible for the content of the magazine, its scientific, professional and literary level. He is responsible for fulfilling the requirements of the regulatory and publishing regulatory documentation. Along with high responsibility, he also has great rights and obligations.

The chief editor is obliged to provide the conditions for the creative work of the team, to take care of the satisfaction of the production and personal needs of employees. In accordance with the current legislation, he publishes orders and orders to encourage employees and impose of recovery on them, about the provision of vacations, a business trip, etc. It attracts creative workers who are not in the state of the editorial board, to perform certain tasks; regulates the use of funds (including the fee) provided for by the magazine and the current standards; implements in the prescribed manner contractual relations with the authors based on norms and copyright regulations; Signs the issue of the magazine to the set, in print and on the release of light.

The editor-in-chief, in coordination with the publisher, the circulation of the magazine is determined and only after its permission to enter the magazine, the distribution of publication is allowed.

The chief editor may have deputies (deputy). The duties of the deputy editor-in-chief depends on the type of magazine, the structure of the editorial board, the nature and volume of its work. Most often, the chief editor and his deputy mutually complement each other. For example, the chief editor with the necessary properties necessary for this position, including uncommon journalistic abilities, can be a deputy who can focus on organizational work.

The organization of the work is included in the responsibility of its responsible secretary, whose functions are diverse. These are monitoring the implementation of thematic plans, and coordinating the actions of the editorial office, and the management of the work on the design of the room, and the regulation of relations with the printing base, and acquaintance with all the materials received by the editorial board and the like. It is intended to coordinate, coordinate the efforts of all participants in the creation of the magazine (and in the editorial board and in the publishing house, and in the printing house) so that each number is published exactly on time, complied with all the requirements and in content, and on decoration.

The responsible secretary is assigned to the editorial board and the management of the editorial board with the author's editorial board with the authors, reviewers and readers; He is personally responsible for the right and timely work with the letters of readers.

In coordination with the editor-in-chief of the journal, the responsible secretary sends the received manuscripts of referrals to reviewers and systematically monitors the timely entry of materials from reviewers. It comes the next issue of the magazine and reports its content at the editorial board meeting; Provides strict adherence to the editors of the schedule for the issue of the magazine; Regularly informs the members of the editorial board on the state of the editorial portfolio; Shears the progress of the work plan of the editorial board and its decisions, reports at a meeting of the editorial board on the results of work.

The responsible secretary sends the work of the journal editorial board in accordance with the current plan.

One of the tasks decided by the responsible secretary is the formation of a copyright asset, its constant expansion, replenishment.

I. General provisions
The job description determines official duties, powers and responsibilities, as well as the working conditions of the responsible editor (copywriter) Personnel Ukraine LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Company).
The responsible editor (copywriter) is appointed and exempt from office in accordance with the current labor legislation by order of the company's general director.
The responsible editor (copywriter) is subject to the chief editor of the company.
During the period of temporary absence of a responsible editor (copywriter), his duties perform a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires relevant rights and is responsible for the execution of these duties.


II. In his work is guided and should know:
Legislation on the media, legislative and regulatory legal documents relating to periodic printing.
Advertising legislation. General requirements for advertising.
Fundamentals of copyright. The procedure for concluding copyright agreements.
Fundamentals of editorial and publishing and information work.
Structure and tasks of the editorial board.
Methods for editing and basics of artistic and technical design of publications.
State standards for terms, designations and units of measurement. Existing regulations for editing. Conditional cuts.
Grammar and stylistics of the Russian language.
Basics of aesthetics, ethics, general psychology, sociology, philology.
The procedure for the development of graphs of editorial and manufacturing processes of publications.
Rules for the preparation of original layouts.
Information processing methods using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers.
Rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire protection.
Rules for the use of office equipment and PC.
Rules of internal labor regulations.

III. Official duties:
Organizes and controls the editorial work on the timely and high-quality preparation of information materials to the general layout of the newspaper:
- Develops a number plan in the newspaper according to the requirements, performs its staging, approves from the chief editor.
- puts the tasks to journalists on writing materials according to the approved plan and schedule, controls the execution of the plan, the schedule for the receipt of manuscripts from journalists.
- Edits the received manuscripts, while providing journalists and the corrector with the necessary assistance (to improve the structure of manuscripts, choosing terms), coordinates the recommended changes with them.
- Checks on the primary sources, the correctness of writing cited quotes and digital data, use and writing names, scientific and technical terms, units of measurement, design of the reference apparatus of the publication, compliance with the symbols of the symbols, established by standards or adopted in scientific and regulatory literature.
- Carries out the necessary literary editing of manuscripts and their proofreading.
- puts the tasks to the designer to develop designer layouts, controls his work.
- Makes the editorial passport of manuscripts (room plan), gives instructions and explanations to the corrector, designer, orcharger. Prepares a table of contents.
- manages the preparation of the original layout of information materials and illustrations of the newspaper in order to ensure a high information and style level of publications.
- ensures compliance with standards (state and adopted in the company), and other regulatory documents when working on the original layout.
- Checks the compliance of the quality of the original layouts, returns the material in the prescribed manner to an additional edit.
- Signs ready-made original layouts, checks the signal copies before approving the chief editor.
- Approves the finished original mock at the chief editor.
- Organizes the timely and high-quality delivery of the approved original layout to regional units according to plan and schedule.
- takes measures to prevent or eliminate violations of graphics of preparation of materials.
- analyzes publishes released and takes measures to eliminate errors. Controls error correction.
Develops promising plans of the newspaper, presents them to the editor-in-chief (editorial board).
Prepares contracts and agreements with freelance authors. Controls their work.
Participates in resolving issues related to information filling and decoration of publications.
Develops content (content) of advertising, promotional texts, writes promotional and PR-articles.
Provides advertising content.
Prepares news and press releases.
Carries out information and analytical and editorial work.
Makes reports on the work done.
Supports a positive moral climate in the office. Shows mutual, responsibility, trust, support, optimism.
Performs separate service orders of the direct supervisor.
Performs the rules of labor regulations adopted in the company.

IV. Official authority:
Request from employees and managers of the company and units information and documents necessary to fulfill their official duties.
Get acquainted with the documents defining the rights and obligations of the post, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.
Subject to the management of the proposal to improve work related to the obligations provided for by this Instruction.

V. Official Responsibility:
For non-fulfillment or improper performance of their official duties stipulated by this Instruction, within the limits established by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.
For non-fulfillment of official duties.
For violation of the rules of the company's internal regulations.
For violation of business ethics.
For the irrational use of computer equipment.
For offenses committed in the process of their activities established by the current legislation of Ukraine.
For providing unreliable information to management.
For negligent attitude to the maintenance of documentation.

Vi. Working conditions:
The operation mode of the responsible editor (copywriter) is determined in accordance with the rules of the internal labor regulation established in the company.
The responsible editor (copywriter) due to the production necessity can travel to official (local and regional) business trips.

VII. Final provisions:
The present instruction may make changes and additions.

Hello to all the readers of the blog site! Today I propose to consider another option to work at home.

The profession is not easy editor, but interesting, for creative personalities. It is also for targeted, ambitious, with organizational abilities. In the article we will analyze who is such an editor, how to become, what does and how much does a specialist earn. So let's go!

I'll start with the fact that this is one of the most ancient professions. With the development of a typography, a need to edit text has appeared. There was a need for a person who would follow the literacy of the printed word, the right addition of it in the sentence, clarity and interest for the reader.

Over time, the editors covered all spheres of stylistic activity. Work in the industry of literature, the media is not possible without the participation of the editor. Newspapers, magazines, books, articles on sites, before you get to the eye to the reader, pass through the hands of this specialist.

Editor - who is and what does

The name of the profession originates from the Latin "Redactus", which means "put in order". What does the editor put in order? Of course, the text. He is responsible for preparing it for publication.

This process includes:

  • selection of exciting and topical topics
  • tracking themed filling,
  • adjustment of the content in accordance with the requirements of a particular genre,
  • edit and revision of the finished material.

But not only that. The editor combines the skills of the journalist, and even. This is also a manager / manager, since he has to deal with the authors, publishers and other services.

Various profession

The editor is the profession creative and multifaceted. It all depends on what profile you wish to create, what editor you want to:

  • literary (editor of the book publishing house) - to respond to the artistic component of the text, its stylistic design, expressiveness of speech;
  • artistic (Bild editor) - to engage in the design of the publication, its aesthetic filling;
  • scientific - advise and edit popular science and training works;
  • technical - control the correctness of writing text, to respond to the technical process of the route: Editorial - printing house;
  • the main thing is to lead the publishing department, control the direction of activity, to respond to the entire work of the publisher.

The development and popularity of the Internet made it possible to realize all this remotely and opened the veil over another kind of profession - editor of the electronic edition / editor of sites / content editor.

The functional features of the latter differ only to the fact that all work is carried out online, and publications are represented by a wide reader audience in electronic form.

What responsibilities performs the editor

There is an opinion that the main and sole responsibility of the editor is the editing of the print text. Deep misconception, because without special education, the gift to writing texts and understanding the styles of speech, without innate or acquired literacy, you will not become a professional.

Editorial activity is a difficult creative process and just as they say "from the street", you will not fall to this position, you need to have certain skills and be able to fulfill certain responsibilities.

Efficient duties Editor:

  • Work with printing material, first of all: compliance with the requirements of the genre and style, correcting speech shortcomings and errors in the text, paraphrase the incorrect phrases / words, etc.
  • Creating a basic concept of a project, which includes the definition of the general direction of activities, themes, name of articles, tasks to authors and control over the terms of execution, analysis of the material, quality control, and, if necessary, revision and editable edited materials.
  • Help in solving various types of issues: artistic, as well as the technical design of the material before preparing it for entering light.
  • Perform managerial tasks.

This is not the whole range of duties. It can be supplemented, expanded or, on the contrary, is reduced depending on the staffing features, the presence or absence of specialists, as well as the concept of the editorial / organization / site.

Important professional qualities

Who can become the editor? Who will suit this profession? What qualities should a person who wants to become a professional in this business?

Alas and ah, many have to upset: not everyone who now sees himself in the editorial chair, can succeed. It is necessary to possess many personal qualities, which will depend on the result of the work.

  • responsible
  • attentive
  • hardy
  • creative,
  • communicable,
  • literate
  • erudited
  • emotionally balanced and stress resistant,
  • have organizational and oratorical abilities,
  • possess the analytical warehouse of the mind and good memory,
  • love to read
  • well possess a computer,

this work is for you. If you do not have any of the listed qualities, it does not matter, "there is no limit to perfection" - they can be developed in themselves if desired. Excellent help will experience in journalism, pedagogical activities in the field of philology, knowledge of languages. And the main thing is to love what you do.

The purposeful, confident in his abilities, a professional, having a solid luggage of knowledge and skills, will not be unclaimed.

Pros and cons profession

As in any other profession, in the work of the editor there are pros and cons.

To the positive can be attributed:

  • Moral component

The entry into the light of the next edition brings joy and satisfaction from the work done. Work itself, whether it is an article or a book, will attract the formation of opinion, relations, tastes and addictions of readers. In many ways, this is the merit of the editor.

  • The opportunity to safely work remotely in solitude with a computer, author's material and linguistic splendor, be the first in line for the masterpiece.
  • Permanent self-development and improvement. Work with educated, intelligent people is a powerful incentive to self-education, knowledge and realization of their capabilities.
  • "Good pension increase," as the Lena Golubkov said from the smart once advertising MMM, that is, your ability to write and edit gives you an excellent opportunity to work.
  • Perspective career growth.

The minuses, first of all, include medical contraindications:

  • vision restrictions
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system,
  • diseases of the nervous system.
  • numerous stress in connection with the large amount of work within the framework of the hard,
  • high Responsibility
  • big competition.

Profession is highly sought-after, t. Editorial organizations, Internet resources are developing rapidly. More and more new projects appear every day, and the need for competent and timely editor has increased at times.

How much can earn

The question is for which it is difficult to answer unequivocally. The editor's fee may depend on many components: Education (it must be the highest philological or journalistic, in the extreme case, pedagogical), qualifications, jobs (which is very important), your experience, the complexity of the projects performed by the skills (knowledge of foreign languages, For example), etc.

An important factor affecting the level of income is a big competition. It is clear that the prestigious publishing house of the new-fashioned magazine or the editorial office of the book publishing house is more competitive and salaries there at times higher than the editorial office of the district periodicals or electronic publication.

If specifically interest numbers, then in the worldwide network they vary from 300 to $ 1,000. How much will you earn, depends only on you and your desire.


How to become a remote editor? As mentioned above, no one will entrust your project without experience. Usually, career begins with work, as the level of professionalism in this area, can already be counted for the position of the editor.

You can get a set as well as on any other remote work, look for and speak by vacancies.


Everyone, I think, did for myself. Work that allows you to combine pleasant with useful, hobby turn into a source of income.

If you seriously thought about doing this work, then here you will finally be several tips from the pros in this niche.

  • to "fill a hand" in the editorial fishery, do not limit yourself with something one, work in various genres, focus on your target audience;
  • do not leave facts untested;
  • learn to work with a large amount of information;
  • collect the spelling rules (remember: there is no right to error with the editor!);
  • learn your computer (set the necessary program you need to edit);
  • develop;
  • the site editor needs to be known;
  • constantly Improve, reading cognitive literature, expanding the horizons.

"Oh, hard work ..." Well, who said that it would be easy? But as it will be pleasantly boasting his skill, even the most boring article turn into a masterpiece.

That's all, friends. I hope the article was helpful to you and interesting. Share your opinions, considerations. Waiting for your comments. See you on the blog pages.