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The main properties of scientific style. Signs of scientific style text. The main signs of scientific speech style

The use of different speech styles plays an important role for Russian. Scientific speech style helps to talk about phenomena, processes, laws that occur in the surrounding world. What are his features?

The scientific language occurred due to the fact that various narrow-profile areas of vital activity were rapidly developed. At first it could be compared with the artistic style of speech, but over time he began to differ, acquire his characteristic features and features.

In ancient times in Greece, a privileged line of people used a special terminology, which ordinary citizens could not perceive correctly. At the same time, experts began to identify the basic signs of the scientific style of speech. Initially, the terms were used exclusively in Latin, but then all global scientists did transfers to their native languages.

Over time, the stylistics of the scientific text became accurate and compressed, which separated it as much as possible from the literary presentation. After all, the art language makes a significant color in the perception of the text, which is unacceptable for scientific style.

The scientific style of speech and its definition was formed quite slowly. The opinions of representatives of science regarding the use of styles were significantly divided. This can be judged by the negative statements of Descartes about the works of Galilee. He said that his scientific works contain many artistic funds. Of this opinion was Kepler, who believed that Galilee quite often uses a literary description of the nature of things.

One of the works of the Wheatton of Isaac Newton are one of the important stages of the scientific style of scientific style. For a long time, they served as a certain standard of style, which everyone tried to adhere to the presentation of information.

Scientific style in the Russian state began to develop only at the beginning of the 18th century. At this historical stage, people writing their own texts or translations, began to form their terminology.

In the second half of the 18th century, a well-known scientist Mikhail Lomonosov, together with his followers, made an impetus to ensuring the characteristic scientific type of speech in Russia. Most specialists took his work as a basis. Finally, the main scientific terms were created only at the end of the 19th century.

Varieties of scientific language

According to modern standards in Russian, there are several types of scientific style that possess their own characteristics. These include the following speech styles:

Scientific and popular

This type of text is addressed to those people who do not have special skills and knowledge in some particular sphere. It is characterized by a simplistic presentation in order to achieve the availability of perception by the public, but in this case there is a sufficient amount of terminology and clarity.

In addition, it is allowed to use such speech forms that cause emotionality from the audience. The goal of a scientific and public language is to familiarize people with certain facts or phenomena.

This species has a subspecies called scientific and artistic. With such a presentation, the minimum of special terminology and digital values \u200b\u200bis applied, and if there are, the specialists try to explain them in detail.

For a scientific and popular style, a comparative analysis with conventional items, easy reading and perception of information is characteristic. This text is used in books, magazines and other publications.


It is designed for people passing training in educational institutions. The task of this style is the acquaintance of students and students with information, which is required to acquire certain knowledge in one or another sphere.

Scientific style and its features in this case are to use the set of typical examples. This style is characterized by the use of professional terms, clear separation into categories, smoothness of transitions from common to the private. Such texts can be found in textbooks, techniques, benefits.

Actually scientific

In this case, the audience is people specializing in this area, and scientists. The task of these texts is to describe certain facts, phenomena, patterns, and so on. They can make their own conclusions, but do not paint them with special emotionality. An example of a scientific style of this variety in theses, reports, reviews.


This type is necessary for narrow-profile specialists. The purpose of such a style is the description of the skills and skills that were obtained practically. It is characterized by many digital, statistical data and technical characteristics.

Signs of style

Over time, the scientific style of speech, the definition and its features were subject to change. In modern times, some patterns of such a presentation of information have already developed.

Scientists allocate the main signs of scientific style of speech, in connection with which the text should be:

  • Logical. This feature is the most basic to use this speech style. Absolutely any connected statement must have the specified property. But at the same time, the scientific language is characterized by its own logicality, which is characterized by an underlined and rigor. All components of the information have a rigid semantic linkage and are outlined according to a strictly consecutive chain, ending with conclusions. This is achieved through the use of the use of the funds characteristic of the scientific texts, for example, sentences are associated with repetitive nouns, which are often combined with indicable proncesses. Also on the fact that the information is set in consistently, indicate frequently encountered adverbs, input words, unions.
  • Accurate. This is another important property saying that the text is written in the scientific style. In order to accurately set out all the information, the words are selected very carefully. At the same time, they are used exclusively in the literal sense. In addition, terminology and special vocabulary is widely used. In these texts, it is often possible to meet multiple repetition of key phrases, which is an absolutely normal phenomenon.
  • Objective. This feature also refers to scientific style. In such texts, only objective information is described, for example, the results of experiments, patterns identified during their execution are described. All described information require reliable quantitative and qualitative characteristics.
  • Generalized. This important feature necessarily contains any examples of texts in the scientific style. In this regard, experts often resort to the use of abstract concepts that are almost impossible to imagine, feel, see.

When submitting scientific information, we use words that have a distracted value. Often, formulas, symbolism are used, graphics leads, make up tables, draw diagrams and drawings. All this allows you to most clearly disclose and explain this or that phenomenon.

For scientific style, the speech is not characteristic of the feature when exclamation sayings are used, as well as their own subjective opinion. Therefore, in such texts, personal pronouns and verbs are rarely used in the first person of the singular. Usually use uncertain personal, impersonal, definitely personal expressions.

All the above features make it possible to understand that the scientific style of speech is not characterized by emotionality, excessive painting of phenomena.

The text should be logical, accurate, correspond to reality. All this is achieved due to the fact that the settions of information adhere to certain rules of scientific text.

Characteristic features of scientific information

Scientific style and its features were formed for a long time, suffered many changes. Currently, three groups of characteristic features of this language are distinguished:

  1. lexical;
  2. morphological;
  3. syntactic.

Each of these groups reveals concrete features that distinguish the scientific stylist of speech from all others. Therefore, it is worth considering them in more detail.


The scientific style and its features of vocabulary are repelled from the fact that such information has its own direct task, which is to designate phenomena, objects, call them, explain. To achieve this goal, the names of the nouns are required primarily.

Scientific style vocabulary has the following characteristic features:

  • Words are used exclusively in the literal sense.
  • Not applied when setting out information, with the help of which various images describe in literary works. These include epithets, metaphor, comparison, hyperbole.
  • Abstract offers and terminology are often used.

The peculiarities of the scientific style of speech are to allocate three groups of words:

  1. Stylistically neutral. They are used in any speech styles, so they are called generally accepted.
  2. Generally. They may contain an example of scientific style of different areas, and not some kind of sphere.
  3. Narrow specialty. These are words that are characteristic of a specific scientific field.


Features of the scientific style of speech include morphology. When disclosing information, the following is taken into account:

  • In the texts, it is extremely rare to meet the use of verbs standing in the first or second face of the only number. With the literary style it is quite acceptable.
  • A lot of verbs are used in the present time, which are pretty similar to the exclusive nouns. Their use allows enough to convey a reliable assessment of facts and phenomena.
  • For scientific style, the feature is not characteristic of which in the works you can meet a large cluster of adjectives. They use them a little, and they are mainly included in the profile terms. While in the literary text they are used much with epithets and other artistic agents.
  • When revealing scientific information, parts of speech and their grammatical forms apply a little differently than in the texts of the rest of the speech styles.


Scientific style and its features are determined by the syntactic features to which include:

  • special revs, for example, on Newton, by experience;
  • the use of the word "further" as an introductory word;
  • the use of such words as "given", "famous", "appropriate" in order to logically associate proposals between themselves;
  • using the sequence of words in the Parental Cade;
  • eating a large number of complex suggestions, especially complex type. With the help of complex proposals with the additive, you can make a generalization, describe any phenomenon or law.
    And if you use with apparent reasons, you can quite widely disclose the causal relationship of certain phenomena in the surrounding world. In such proposals, unions are used to consistently associate statements between themselves;
  • eating such words: "As you know," "scientists believe", "understandable" and others in the case when it is necessary to refer to the source, on specific facts, regulations, and so on;
  • the widespread use of communions, verbalies and their revolutions.

All of these characteristic features of speech allow you to separate the speech style in question from other styles, to separate it, as a separate sphere, for which the use of special rules of the Russian language is inherent. All this is necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the presentation of thoughts in the scientific stylist.

An example of the scientific style of text is the following passage from the textbook on animals:

"On the basis of data on the results of experiments and information, which is presented in # 5 and displayed in Fig. 2, it can be concluded that the hedgehogs living in North Africa are psychologically wounded creatures."

Here is another scientific style of text - excerpt from medical benefits:

"Gastritis is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the stomach walls. The symptoms of this disease are pains that manifest themselves when hunger or after meals, nausea, vomiting, chalch problems. The diagnosis is made after the endoscopic stomach survey. Treatment is carried out by a medication method that helps reduce acidity in the stomach. "

Thus, in Russian, there are different speech styles that fulfill their specific tasks. Having studied the scientific style of speech, the definition and signs of such a text, it becomes clear why it was allocated to a separate category. An example of a scientific style can always be found in dissertations, reviews, reports and other documents that professors, scientists and other specialists in the field of science.

In scientific speech, predominantly analytical forms of comparative and excellent degrees of adjectives are used (more complex, more compact, more inert, the easiest, most important). Moreover, an excellent degree is usually formed by a combination of a positive degree of adjective and the shortcoming most, the least; Sometimes the adverb is very and almost used the most. The synthetic form of an excellent degree with suffixes is -, -Ye- by virtue of its emotional-expressive shade of atypic for scientific speech, with the exception of some sustainable combinations of terminological nature: the smallest particles, the simplest organisms. Of the synonymous forms of comparative degree higher - somewhat (a little) are used above, as a rule, the second.

Brief adjectives in the scientific style, to retreat from the general pattern of the Russian language, are not temporary, but the constant sign of objects and phenomena: pure ethyl alcohol is Besmeretell; Fluorine, chlorine, pendant bromine.

Features of the consumption of verb are associated with its viewing forms. The absolute majority of verbs are used in the form of the present. They express most often attribute value or the value of the factation of the fact and act in an abstract temporary value (real timeless): carbon is part of carbon dioxide; Atoms are moving; When heating the body expands. Real annual is the most abstract, generalized, this is explained by his predominance in scientific style.

Since the verbs in the form of the present time denote the constant features, properties, processes or patterns of phenomena, with them the use of type determinants is usually possible, always, as a rule, is constantly impossible - now, in this (given) moment, now, etc. P.

The dysfrence of the value applies to the forms of the verbs of the future and the past time, acquiring timeless significance: we define the triangle area; We will experience; Make an equation; The formula was applied; Studies were produced.

Of the species forms of verbs, the most frequent in the scientific speech of the imperfect form as relatively more diverse-generalized by value. In scientific speech, they make up about 80% 1.

The verbs of the perfect species are often used in the form of a real time synonymous to the real timeless, the species value of such verbs is rendered, as a result of which the perfect view in most cases it is possible to replace the imperfect: we carry out (line) - we carry out, compare (results) - compare, consider (inequality) ) - We consider.

The scientific style is common forms of the 3rd face of the only and multiple number of verbs as the most distractive-generalized in value. The shape of the 1st face of the multiple number of verbs and the pronoun used with them are characterized by additional semantic shades. They usually serve not to designate any specific, specific persons, but to express the abstract-generalized value. This includes "We are compatible" (we are with you), expressing the shade of complicity with a listener or reader, as well as the use of us for the designation of every person, a person at all: we can define an area ...; We will come to the conclusion ...; If we denote ... This value is often expressed by the personal form of the verb in the absence of pronoun (we can define ...; if we denote ...). It is possible to replace the personal design of impersonal or infinitive: you can determine ..., you can come to the conclusion ..., if you designate ...

Forms of the 1st face of the only number of verbs and the pronouns I am almost not used in scientific speech, since here attention is focused primarily on the content and logical sequence of its presentation, and not on the subject. The forms of the 2nd face of the only and multiple number are practically not used as the most specific, usually denoting the author of speech and addressee. In the scientific speech, the address and addressee is removed; It is not important here who says, but what they are talking about, that is, the subject of the message, the content of the statement. A scientific speech is usually not a specific person, but an indefinitely wide range of persons.

The desire for abstraction, the tendency of the verb to the despercycling is due to the generalization. It manifests itself in the fact that, firstly, the scientific style is characteristic of the verbs wide, abstract semantics: to have (Sia), change (Sia), observed, manifest, to end (Sia), to detect (SA), exist, occur, manifest itself t. p.; Secondly, many verbs in the scientific style act in the role of a bundle: to be, to be, to serve, enjoy, be called, to be to conclude, differ, recognize, to seem otherwise; Thirdly, a series of verbs performs the function of the components of the verbal-registered phrases (verboominants), in which the basic semantic loads carry nouns names, and the verbs indicate the action in the broadest sense and express grammatical importance: to find use, produce calculations (observations, measurements, calculations ), to influence (impact, pressure, help, support, resistance), to react (into interaction), lead to a change (to improve, strengthening, weakening, expansion), etc. The verbal-registered phrases of this type allow usual Present an action and at the same time contribute to the semantic accuracy, as the use of phrases instead of a full-known verb (finding application - apply, to resist - resist) Allows you to distribute the name of the phrase to the adjective, specifying the description of the action or process: to find a wide (widespread, etc.) , assume Strong (noticeable, constant, friendly, etc.) resistance.

In the scientific style, unions, prepositions and proposed combinations are active, in the role of which mounted full-known words, first of all, nouns: with help, with help, in accordance, in quality, as a result, due to, in relation to, depending on ..., relatively with ..., due to ..., moderately, etc. Such prepositions and unions allow more definitely and accurately compared to the simple sense, since the circle of their meaning is already.

Emotional and subjective-modal particles and intercourse in scientific speech are not used.

The abstractness and generalization of scientific speech on the syntactic level is primarily expressed primarily in the widespread use of passive (suffering) structures, as an action is put forward to the fore, and not its manufacturer, as a result of which objectivity and non-personal manner of the presentation is ensured. For example: points are connected direct line; Two points applied forces acting in different directions; "Russian grammar" reflects and described very many phenomena of spoken and special speech.

The desire for informational saturation is determined by the selection of the most capacious and compact syntactic structures. The scientific style is dominated by simple common and complex allied suggestions. Among the first most commonly used, uncertainly personal with direct additions at the beginning of the proposal, synonymous with passive structures (fertilizer's income during plant growth is called feeding. Plants fade by the mineral fertilizers that require them in this period of life). Generalized-personal offers with the main term, a pronounced verb in the form of a 1st person of a multiple number of present or future time in a timeless meaning (will spend direct; put the composition in the flask; we will refer to the consideration ...; the solution is gradually heated), as well as impersonal The proposals of different types (with the exception of those that express the condition of man and nature): it is necessary to prove theorem; It is required to determine the volume of the body; You can apply the formula; It is important to emphasize that ...

The use of nominative proposals in scientific texts is quite limited. They are usually used in headlines, the formulations of the points of the Plan: the launch of the spacecraft; Determination of the efficiency of indexing systems; The relationship and the ratio of underground and overhead parts of the plant.

Of the two-part, the most frequent proposals with the composite nominal faith, which is closely associated with the above-mentioned morphological features of scientific style and is due to the task of scientific statements (define signs, quality, properties of studied phenomena). Moreover, in such a fault in the present time, the use of a ligament is: language is the most important means of human communication.

Such a specific feature of scientific speech, as underlined logicality, the frequency of use of certain types of complex proposals is determined. Among complex proposals in scientific speech prevail allied complex and complex associated with a clearly pronounced syntactic bond between individual parts are dominated.

The predominance of union proposals over non-union is explained by the fact that the relationship between parts of a complex supply with the help of unions is expressed more precisely, unambiguously. Compare:

The considered phrase, although they are based on the image, cannot be recognized in non-grinding in lexical terms, because the image of one of the components of the phrase in this case is still very sensible.

Considered phrases ... It is impossible to recognize non-grinding in lexical terms: the image of one of the components of the phrase in this case is still very sensible.

Of the Union Proposals, complexity is most used, since when subordinate to the relationship between individual provisions, more differentiation and clearly are expressed. Compare:

If you choose the origin to choose the beginning of the coordinates, then the parabol equation will be easier.

We choose the beginning of the coordinates accordingly, and the parabola equation will be easier.

Among the complex themselves, proposals are proposals with pressing identifies and defective, in which the basic information is enclosed in the subordinate part, the main significant information, the function does not perform, and it serves only for the transition from one thought to another: it should be said that ...; It is necessary to emphasize that ...; It is interesting to note that ...; Pay attention to what ...; Observations show that ...; Note (we will emphasize, prove) that ...

The most common and typical scientific speech of the connection of proposals is the repetition of nouns, often in combination with index pronouns, one, that: in modern grammatical science, the most different ways of describing the grammatical structure of the language are applied. In these descriptions, different, very none concepts are being implemented ...

The need for a clear logical structure of scientific speech determines the widespread use in the binder of the adventure, nouting expressions, as well as other parts of speech and combinations of words: therefore, because, first, in conclusion, so, so, thus, finally, beyond that Dr. They, as a rule, stand at the beginning of the sentence and serve to combine parts of the text (in particular paragraphs), logically closely connected with each other: the grammatical norms of colloquial speech are recorded non-systematic and accidentally - mainly due to the fixation of the norms of written and by opposition them. Therefore, speaking is often defined as a non-corrected; Suppose that these directs intersect or parallel. Then both of them lie in some plane.

In scientific texts, which are a reasoning or outlining of conclusions, generalizations, conclusions, input words or phrases, expressing relationships between parts of the statement: DS⊥MK. Consequently, the direct MK is the tetrahedron symmetry axis. Thus, this tetrahedron has three axes of symmetry of opposite edges.

Proposals are often complicated by involved and particle inclusive turns, plug-in designs, clarifying members separated by turnover: in the language of fiction and loved ones to it, writing (essays, feuilletes, memoirs, literary processed diaries, etc.) It is difficult for writing and conversational speech, special Speech, spacious.

The desire for semantic accuracy and informative saturation is due to the use of a scientific speech of structures with several inserts and explanations specifying the content of the statements that limit its volume indicating the source of the information, etc.: In addition to the formulation of the quintes tools, there are homogeneous, for example, stringed bow (two violins Two violas, cello, less often - two violins, alt and two cello) and mixed (for example, string with clarinet or with piano).

Thus, an expression is primarily on the syntactic level, one of the main specific science features is an underlined logicality, which is also manifested in the composition of the composition. For scientific text, almost universal is a three-part construction (entry, main part, conclusion) as the most successful way of a logical organization of transmitted content.


1. Kozhin M. N. Stylistics of the Russian language. P. 169.

T.P. Pleshchenko, N.V. Fedotova, R.G. Chechet. Stylistics and culture of speech - MN., 2001.

The sphere of scientific communication is characterized in that it is pre-followed the goals of the most accurate, logical, unambiguous expression of thought. The leading position in the scientific style occupies a mono-logical speech. Speech genres that embody this style of language are scientific monographs, scientific stas, dissertation work, various genres of educational, scientific and technical, popular science literature; Scientific reports, lectures.

In most cases, scientific style is implemented in writing speech. However, with the development of the funds of the Mas-Owl Communication, with an increase in the importance of science in a modern society, an increase in the number of various types of scientific contacts, such as conferences, symposia, seminars, increases the role of oral scientific speech.

The main features of scientific style are accurateness, abstractness, logicality and objectivity of the presentation.It is they who form this functional style that determine the choice of vocabulary used in the pro-devices of scientific style.

Demand accuracyscientific speech predetermines such a characteristic of the dictionary of scientific style as terminology.Special and terminological vocabulary is actively used in scientific speech. Recently, the role of international terminology has increased (this is especially noticeable in the economic sphere, for example, management, Sponsor, Sequestration, Realterand so on.).

The increasing role of internationalism in the terminological vocabulary is deepening, on the one hand, on the tendency to the international standardization of the language of science, and on the other, it is an indicator of the "removal" of the scientific style of the scientific style from the general language vocabulary. Scientific style does not have the property of publicly available. However, this does not mean the correctness of the reverse statement: "The more unclear, the more scientific." The pseudo-native style of from a position, not supported by informative, is a lack of speech.

A feature of the use of vocabulary in the scientific system is that multi-valued stylistically neutral words are used in scientific style not in all their values, but only, as a rule, in one. For example, of the four main verb values see,matching with dictionaries, the scientific style is realized by the meaning of "consciousness, understand." For example: We see that scientists diverge in the truscript of this phenomenon.The use of in one, becoming terminological, the meaning is also characteristic of other parts of speech, for example, creatures, adjectives: body, power, movement, sour, heavyetc.

The desire for generalization, abstraction is manifested in a scientific style in the predominance of abstract lexies over a specific . Very frequency are essential with abstract values \u200b\u200bof the type: mouse, prospects, truth, hypothesis, point of view, conditionabilityand under.

The lexical composition of scientific style is characterized by relative homogeneity and closure,what you are watered, in particular, in less use of Sino-Nimov. The volume of text in the scientific style increases not so much due to the use of different words, as due to the repeated repetition of the same.

In scientific functional style there is no swollen and spaciousvocabulary . This style in a minimum degree is characteristic of the evaluation. Estimates are useful to express the author's point of view, make it more understandable, accessible, to explain the thought, and mainly have a rational, and not emotional expressive character. Scientific style of speech alien Emotional-expressive pain,since it does not contribute to the achievement of accuracy, logicality, objectivity and abstractness of the presentation.

Not only inappropriate, but also comic sounds like: "Unmatimate integration method ..."; "The integral behaves quite decently ..."; "The solution to the problem trembled at the tip of the pen ...".However, according to scientists, in some Jean-Rah scientific speech, such as: a polemical agent, lectures, research and popular reports can meet, expressive language tools used as an environment of increasing logical argumentation.

In the scientific style of speech, the remnant of the author, the objectivity of the information being described as possible. This is expressed in the use of general personal and impersonal structures, for example: it is believed known, there is reason to believe, pre-positive, one can say should be emphasizedetc.

The desire for the logicality of the presentation of the material in a scientific speech determines the active use of the complex proposals of the allied type, in which relations between parts are definitely expressed, for example: Inoga is enough to spend 2-3 classes to recover a smooth speech.The most typical complex-shaped proposals are proposals with additive causes and conditions,eg: "If an enterprise does not work well or some kind of structural division, this means that it is not all right with management."

Objectives are emphasized by the logical presentation of the thought, the use of introductory words is also used, of which the introductory words that denote the sequence of messages are presented in the scientific style, as well as the degree of reliability and source of information: in the first, secondly, finally; Of course, apparently, according to ..., according to theoryetc.

A distinctive feature of a written scientific speech is that texts may contain not only language information, but also various formulas, symbols, tab-lines, graphs, etc. To a greater extent, it is characteristic of texts of natural and applied sciences: Mathematics, Physics, chemistry, etc. However, almost any scientific text may contain graphical information; This is one of the characteristic features of the scientific style of speech.

Summarizing the distinctive features of scientific style, primarily its lexical composition, we can say that it is characterized by:

1. Use of book, neuro-traly and terminological vocabulary.

2. The predominant abstract vocabulary over concrete.

3. Use of multivalued words in one (less often two) values.

4. Uve the share of the share of internationalism in terminology.

5. Relative homogeneity, the closure of the lexisching composition.

6. Non-mercy of spoken and spaticral words; Words with emotional expressive and estimated color.

7. The presence of syntactic con-structures that emphasize the logical connection and the lastness of thoughts.

Scientific style(N.S.) serves a variety of industries of science and technology, provides an educational process in universities of various profiles (humanitarian, natural and technical).

Scientific style- functional style associated with scientific activities and reflecting the features of theoretical thinking.

Main function N.S. - Message (transmission) of scientific information, the most accurate, logical and unambiguous expression of thoughts in a particular area of \u200b\u200bknowledge.

The main goal of the scientific work- Tell the addressee a new knowledge of reality and prove its truth.

1. N.S. implemented in two forms: oral (oral scientific speech) and written scientific communications). Written monologue is the main form of scientific presentation.

2 . Scientific languagecomplemented by means of graphic clarity, i.e. drawings, schemes, graphs, symbols, formulas, diagrams, tables, drawings, etc.

Stylistic features (signs) of scientific speech:

    objectivity (a presentation of different points of view on the problem, the absence of subjectivism in the transfer of scientific content, imperference of the language expression);

    logic (sequence and consistency of presentation);

    proof (argument of certain provisions and hypotheses);

    accuracy (use of terms, unambiguous words, clear design of syntactic relations in the proposal and text);

    compression and Information Saturation (use of species of compression of scientific text);

    generalization and abuse of judgment (use of general scientific vocabulary, nouns with an abstract value),

    impersonality and abstract of statements (use of special grammatical forms: the predominance of return and impersonal verbs, the use of the 3rd face of the verb, uncertain and personal proposals, passive structures);

    standardization of means of expression (use of scientific style speech clichr for designing the structure and components of scientific work, as well as genres of annotations, abstracts, reviews, etc.).

For scientific and technical literature Characteristic also:

Lack of imagery, metaphorical turns of the language and emotional expressive means,

Ban on the use of non-straining vocabulary,

Almost complete absence of signs of colloquial style,

Wide use of terms, abstract and highly specialty vocabulary,

Using words in their direct (and not portable) meaning,

The use of special methods of presenting the material (primarily descriptions and reasoning) and methods of logical organization of text.

As part of the scientific field of activity, special Methods of logical organization of text,namely : 1) deduction; 2) induction; 3) problem statement;

Deduction (Lat. Deductio - elimination) is the movement of thought from the common to the private. The deductive method of presentation of the material is used when it is necessary to consider some phenomenon on the basis of a certain position and law and make the necessary conclusions regarding this phenomenon.

Composition of deductive reasoning:

Stage 1- The nomination of the thesis (Greek. Thesis is imposition, the truth of which should be proven) or hypothesis.

2 stage- The main part of the argument is the development of the thesis (hypothesis), its rationale, proof of truth or refutation.

For the proof of the thesis apply various types of arguments(Lat. Argumentum - logical argument):

    interpretation of the thesis,

    "Proof of the cause",

    facts and examples, comparisons.

3 stages- Conclusions, suggestions.

The deductive method of reasoning is widely used in theoretical articles, in scientific discussions on controversial scientific issues, educational and scientific seminars.

Induction (Lat. Inductio - Guidance) is the movement of thought from private to the general, from knowledge of individual or private facts to the knowledge of the general rule, to generalize.

Composition of inductive reasoning:

Stage 1- Determination of the purpose of the study.

2 stage- Statement of accumulated facts, analysis, comparison and synthesis of the material obtained.

3 stages- Based on this conclusions,patterns are established, signs of one or another process are detected, etc.

Inductive reasoningit is widely used in scientific communications, monographs, coursework and diploma work, dissertation research, research reports.

Problem presentation it assumes the formulation of a certain sequence of problematic issues, which can be confused on theoretical generalizations, the wording of rules and patterns.

Problem presentation It is a kind of inductive reasoning method. During the lecture, the report, the text of the monograph, articles, thesis project, the thesis, the author formulates one or another problem and offers a number of possible ways to solve it. The most optimal of them are subjected to a detailed analysis (the internal contradictions of the problem are revealed, assumptions are expressed and possible objections), and thus demonstrates the process of solving this problem.

Scientific style, whose features are a subject of study for linguists, is a set of specific speech techniques used primarily in the scientific, scientific and technical, popular science sphere for the expression and design of various in the content and purpose of ideas, hypotheses, achievements.

General characteristic of scientific text

Scientific text is the result, the result or report on research, which is created for the circle of persons with appropriate qualifications for its perception and evaluation. In order to make it as informative as possible, the author must resort to the use of the formalized language, special means and means of supplying the material. Most often, scientific text is published or intended for printing. The texts of the scientific plan include and specially prepared materials for oral performance, for example, report at a conference or academic lecture.

The characteristic features of the scientific style are tone neutrality, an objective approach and informativeness, textular structure, the presence of terminology and specific language funds adopted in the environment of scientists for a logical, adequate presentation of the material.

Varieties of scientific style

The prevalence of the written form of the existence of the works of scientific style is determined by the validity, balance, clarity of their content and design.

The separation of scientific texts for types and types is due, firstly, the difference in objects described by numerous disciplines, the content of research activities of scientists, the expectations of the potential audience. There is a basic specification of scientific literature, which divides texts for scientific and technical, scientific and humanitarian, scientific and natural. You can allocate more private subsybooks that exist inside each of the sciences - algebra, botany, political science, etc.

M. P. SENKEVICH structured the types of scientific style according to the degree of "scientific" of the final work and allocated the following types:

1. Actually, scientific style (otherwise academic) is characteristic of serious works intended for the narrow circle of specialists and containing the research concept of the author - monographs, articles, scientific reports.

2. The presentation or generalization of the scientific heritage contains secondary information materials (abstracts, annotations) - they are created in a scientific and informative or scientific and abstract style.

4. Scientific and reference literature (directories, collections, dictionaries, catalogs) is intended to give extremely compressed, accurate, without details information, to present the reader only the facts.

5. Special scope of application in educational and scientific literature, the basics of sciences are presented here and the didactic component is added, providing for illustrative elements and materials for repetition (training editions for various educational institutions).

6. Research and popular publications represent biographies of outstanding people, the history of the origin of various phenomena, the chronicle of events and discoveries and are available for a wide range of persons of interests, thanks to the illustrations, examples, explanations.

Properties of scientific text

The text created in the scientific style is a standardized closed system.

The main features of the scientific style are compliance with the regulatory requirements of the literary language, the use of standard revolutions and expressions, the use of the capabilities of the "graphical" language of the symbols and formulas, the use of references and notes. For example, generally accepted in the scientific environment are the cliché: it will be about the problem ..., It should be noted that ... the data obtained during the study led to the following conclusions ..., we turn to the analysis ... etc.

For the transfer of scientific information, elements of the "artificial" language are widely used - graphic: 1) graphics, schemes, blocks, drawings, drawings; 2) formulas and symbols; 3) Special terms and lexical features of scientific style, for example, the names of physical quantities, mathematical signs, etc.

So, the scientific style, whose features are characterized by the correspondence serves accuracy, clarity and conciseness in the expression of thoughts of research. The scientific statement is characterized by a monoological form, the tag logic is disclosed consistently, the findings are decorated both completed and full of phrase.

Semantic structure of scientific text

All the text of the scientific style has its own logic of construction, some completed form corresponding to the laws of structuring. As a rule, the researcher adheres to the following scheme:

  • introduction to the essence of the problem, the rationale for its relevance, novelty;
  • allocation of the research subject (in some cases and object);
  • setting a goal, the decision in the course of its achievement of certain tasks;
  • review of scientific sources, in any way affecting the subject of the study, description of the theoretical and methodological base for work; Justification of terminology;
  • theoretical and practical significance of the scientific work;
  • the maintenance of the scientific work;
  • description of the experiment, if it is carried out;
  • the results of the study, structured conclusions on its results.

Language signs: vocabulary

Abstract tone and generalization form the lexical features of scientific style:

1. The use of words in their specific values, the predominance of words with an abstract meaning ( volume, permeability, resistance, conflict, stagnation, word formation, bibliography etc.).

2. Words from everyday use are acquired in the context of the scientific work the terminological or generalized value. This applies to, for example, technical terms: coupling, coil, tube and etc.

3. The main semantic load in the scientific text shall be carried on themselves, but their share is not the same in various types of works. Terms are injected into circulation of some concepts, the correct and logical definition of which is a necessary condition for professionally written text ( ethnogenesis, genome, sinusoid).

4. For scientific style works, abbreviations and comprehensive words are characterized: publishing House, GOST, GRAD, Million, Research Institute.

Language features of scientific style, in particular, in the field of vocabulary, have a functional orientation: the generalized-distracted nature of the filing of the material, the objectivity of the views and conclusions of the author, the accuracy of the information presented.

Language Signs: Morphology

Morphological features of scientific style:

1. On the grammatical level with the help of certain forms of the word and building phrases and proposals, the abstract of scientific text is created: it is noted that ... it seems that ... etc.

2. Glages in the context of scientific text acquire a timeless, generalized. And used mainly forms of this and past time. Their alternation does not attach "painting" nor the dynamics of the narrative, on the contrary - they indicate the pattern of the described phenomenon: the author notes, indicates ...; Solving tasks etc.

3. The prevailing (approximately 80%) also give the scientifies generalized value. The verbs of the perfect species are used in sustainable turns: consider ...; Let's show on the examples etc. Uncertainty-personal and impersonal shapes are also used; characteristics refer to ...; You need to be able to ...; We should not forget about ...

4. Passive values \u200b\u200buse return verbs: it is required to prove ...; explained in detail ...; Considered issues et al. Such verb shapes make it focus on the description of the process, structure, mechanism. The same value for brief suffering communities: about the limit is given ...; The norm may be meaningful etc.

5. Brief adjectives are also used in scientific speech, for example: the ratio is characteristic.

6. A typical sign of scientific speech is pronouncing weused instead i. This technique forms such features as author's modesty, objectivity, generalization: In the course of the study, we came to the conclusion ... (instead: i came to a conclusion…).

Language Signs: Syntax

The language features of scientific style in terms of syntax detect speech with specific scholar thinking: constructions used in texts are neutral and commonly used. The most typical is the reception of syntactic compression, when the volume of text volume is compressed with increasing its informativeness and semantic fullness. This is implemented using the special construction of phrases and suggestions.

Syntactic features of scientific style:

1. The use of definition phrases "Natural Noun + Nalue Noun in Parental Cade": metabolism, currency liquidity, dismantling device etc.

2. Definitions expressed by the adjective name are used in the meaning of the term: unconditional reflex, solid sign, historical excursion and etc.

3. For scientific style (definitions, reasoning, conclusions) is characterized by a composite nominal ledge with nouns, as a rule, with the omitted verb ligament: Perception is a basic cognitive process ...; Retreats from the regulatory implementations of the language is one of the brightest features of children's speech. Another common "definition formula" is a composite nominal faith with a brief communion: can be used.

4. Adcharations as circumstances are used to characterize the quality or properties of the studied phenomenon: significantly, interesting, convincingly, in a new way; All these and other events are well described in historical literature ....

5. The syntactic structures of proposals express the conceptual content, so the standard for a writing scientist is a complete proposal of a narrative type with a union bond between its parts, with a neutral style of lexical filling and the regulatory order of words: It must be said that zoopsychologists have long, stubbornly and unsuccessfully tried to train the most developed human-like (chimpanzees) of the sound. Among the complex proposals dominate the structures with one pressing: There is an intermediate primary communicative system between intelligence and language, which received the name of the functional basis of speech.

6. The role of question proposals is to draw attention to the outlined material, express assumptions and hypotheses: Maybe a monkey is capable of gesturing speech?

7. An impersonal proposals of different types are widely applied to the exercise detached, deliberately displaced information: To the status equal genres include friendly communication (conversation for souls, chatter, etc.)... Thus emphasizes the desire to be an objective researcher who speaks on behalf of the generalized scientific community.

8. In order to arrange causal relations between phenomena, complex proposals are used in scientific speech with writing and supervisory connectivity. Often there are difficult unions and allied words: because, despite the fact that, due to the fact that, because, while, while, while, while while et al. Comprehensive proposals with definition, reasons, conditions, time, consequence are widespread.

Communication means in scientific text

Scientific style, whose features are specific to specific use, relies not only on the regulatory language of the language, but also on the laws of logic.

So, in order to log in to present my thoughts, the researcher must use the morphological features of the scientific style and the syntactic capabilities for the relationship of individual parts of its statement. This goal is to serve various syntactic constructions, complex proposals of various types with "word-paper words", specifying, involved, particleproof turns, transfers, etc.

We give the main of them:

  • comparison of any phenomena ( like ... so ...);
  • use of the connecting proposals containing additional information about the above in the main part;
  • conditional turns also contain additional scientific information;
  • introductory words and phrases, serve to communicate between the semantic parts both within one sentence and between paragraphs;
  • "Word clip" (for example, so, therefore, meanwhile, in conclusion, in other words, as we see) serve to establish a logical connection between different parts of the text;
  • uniform members of the proposal are necessary for the transfer of logically similar concepts;
  • frequent use of clicked structures, logicality and conciseness of the syntactic system.

So, the scientific style, the features of the means of communication of which we looked at, a fairly stable system, difficult to change. Despite the branched system of opportunities for scientific creativity, the regulated standards help the scientific text "hold the form".

Language and style of scientific and popular text

The exposition of the material in the popular science literature is close to the neutral, overhangly, as the reader offers only specially selected facts, interesting aspects, fragments of historical reconstructions. The form of this kind of data should be available to non-specialists, therefore, the selection of material, the system of evidence and examples, the manner of information presentation, as well as the language and style of works related to scientific and popular literature, are somewhat different from the scientific text itself.

Visually represent the peculiarities of a scientific and popular style in comparison with scientific can be using a table:

Scientific and popular style involves many funds belonging to the nationwide language, but the features of the originality will give him the functional features of using these funds, the specifics of the organization of the text of such a scientific work

So, the peculiarities of scientific style are specific lexical and grammatical agents, syntactic formulas, thanks to which the text becomes "dry" and accurate, understandable for the narrow circle of specialists. Scientific and popular style is designed to make a story about any scientific phenomenon available for a wider range of readers or listeners ("just about complex"), so it is approaching the degree of impact on the works of art and journalistic style.