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Ege Russian language task 16 training exercises

Task 16 EGE in Russian

Punctuation marks in suggestions with separate sentences
1) are isolated:

    common definitions expressed by involuntary revolutions or adjectives with dependent words facing after the word

    two or more single definitions standing after the word

    single definition, standing after the word defined, if it has an additional thorough value

    common or single definitions that are directly before the defined word if they have an additional circumstant

    common or solitary definition, if it is torn off from the defined word by other members of the sentence

    definition, if the defined word is a personal pronoun

    inconsistent definitions in order to tear them from a nearby member of the sentence or if you need to emphasize the values \u200b\u200btransmitted by them

2) are not separated:

    common definitions expressed by involuntary revolutions or adjectives with dependent words and does not have the values \u200b\u200bfacing the defined word

    common definitions expressed by involuntary revolutions or adjectives with dependent words depending on uncertain pronoun and standing behind it

Applications are isolated:
1) commas:

    common applications expressed by nouns with dependent words that are faced after the word determined (less often - before)

    applications depending on personal pronouns

    single applications that apply to a nucleating noun with explanatory words

    applications depending on the names of their own if they are standing after the defined word

    applications expressed by the name of their own, if before them without changing the meaning can be put in namely, that is,

    annexes that are joined by the Union How or words by name, by last name, etc. and which have an additional circumstantity

2) Dash:

    applications that you can put words namely (it broke the wood-out.); - Common applications that are standing at the end of the sentence

    applications related only to one of homogeneous members

1) are isolated:

    common circumstances expressed by involuntary turnover, and single circumstances expressed by verbalia

    circumstances expressed by adverbs or nouns, if they explain or specify other circumstances (places and time); Usually the structure is as follows: up? (The circumstance, which is the main thing) where exactly? (depends); When? (The circumstance, which is the main thing) when exactly? (depends)

    the circumstances introduced by the words besides, despite, somehow, not counting, contrary, etc., which clarify or limit the meaning of the defined words (obligatory is the extraction of only the design starting with despite)

    sustainable expressions expressed by the involvement of the turnover that act as introductory expressions

2) are not separated:

    single verprices that do not indicate additional action and close to adverbs

    circumstances expressed by verbalias with dependent words if they are a steady combination

Test options for task 2 from the Russian exam:

Try to solve them yourself and compare with answers at the end of the page.

Example 1:

Example 2:

Arrange the punctuation marks: Specify all the numbers on the site of which the commas should stand in the sentence.

Aragva (1) Having embraced from (2) a noisyly escaped from a complete Mall of Gorge (3) River (4) stretches with silver thread and sparkles as a snake of his scales.

Example 3:

Arrange the punctuation marks: Specify all the numbers on the site of which the commas should stand in the sentence.

The builders of the Resurrection Cathedral in Istra (1) repeating the plan, topography and the size of the temple in Jerusalem (2) built in the Moscow region (3) characterized by special beauty and originality (4) monument of architecture of the XVII century.

Example 4:

Arrange the punctuation marks: Specify all the numbers on the site of which the commas should stand in the sentence.

Fighter (1) quickly picking up a gun (2) and (3) putting the leg into a narrow elder (4) sat in the saddle.

Example 5:

Arrange the punctuation marks: Specify all the numbers on the site of which the commas should stand in the sentence.

Behind the field (1) in the falling (2) rye (3) just a blooming (4) a small village was visible.

Example 6:

Arrange the punctuation marks: Specify all the numbers on the site of which the commas should stand in the sentence.

The creators of works, as a rule, anonymous, in ancient Russia performed (1) sincerely taking care of the fate of their homeland (2) People (3) Mysterious (4) in an universal scale.

Example 7:

Arrange the punctuation marks: Specify all the numbers on the site of which the commas should stand in the sentence.

Working (1) on the text of the comedy Ya. B. Princess (2) V. A. Pashkevich showed itself (3) surprisingly gifted (4) musician.

Task 16. How easy to do?

In task number 16 An offer is given. It should be noted, on the site of which numbers it is necessary to put commas in it.

This task on the topic: separate sentences. However, it is most often given proposals with involved and particle turns.

This site has the theoretical material necessary to perform the task, the argument algorithm. Repeat all this again.

The easiest way to perform the task 16


    Find participial in a sentence. How to do it? Remember that the communion answers questions what? what doing? What made? What did you do with him? And has suffixes Caution, Yut, Ash, Shchet, Enn, Ann, Yann, T, VSh.


Chita yuschiy (what makes?)

Read vS.iy (what made?

BUS eNNi (what did you do with it?)

Raise t.i (what did you do with it?)

To all this words, you can ask the question what? (This commander looks like an adjective)

    So, the sacrament found. Now look, is it left on the left and right dependent words, that is, those that depend on the communion. If there is, then in front of you participial.


Girl, reading a book with interest .

(What kind of girl? Reading.

Reading how? With interest.

Reading what? Book)

Participle reading Found along suffix Ace And questions: what? what makes?

On the right and to the left of the communion there are words to which you can ask a question from the communion, that is, dependent words. It will all together participial.

    Look where the involvement is In relation to this defined word.

    If the involuntary turnover is worth AFTER The word determined, then put the commas, we allocate the turnover with both sides (do not forget to put a comma after involvement).

    If the involuntary turnover costs BEFORE defined word, then no commas at all.


    Girlreading a book.

    Reading book girl.

As you can see, depending on where the word defined is girl, we either put or no commas.

Remember that there are exceptions, repeat them all in the articles on this site.

Participial turnover

    Find tempecios. It is determined according to the following signs.

Answers the questions AS? What do you do? What made?

It has suffixes I, B, A, VRSHI

Does not change (this is it looks like adverb, also has no end, and immediately ends with a suffix)


Fig i (What do you do?)

Narisova in (what made?)

Praise wrenchsmiling (what to do?)

    Found a height. Now found participial turnover (also look at the words on the right and left, is it possible to ask them a question from verdict)


Girl, dreaming to enroll in the prestigious university, diligently engaged in self-preparation (dedicated words participial turnover)

    SO punctuation signs It is much easier here. Conditional turnover and even single verprepiece always stand out commasThat is, are isolated on both sides.

Keep in mind that in this rule there are also exceptions. Read about them on this site, remember all the exceptions.

Two identical turns

  • Often offer offers in which two identical turnover, that is, or two involved, or two canopy.
  • Remember: if two are connected two union I.then they become uniform and comma BETWEEN Nimi not put.


Sergey, seriously thinking about the consequences and Weighing all the pros and cons from the upcoming journey, still decided to risk and go on the road.

Task 16. Arrange the punctuation marks: Specify all the numbers on the site of which the commas should stand in the sentence.

1. They published (1) He saw the house (2) unlike others (3) built (4) by some Italian architect.

2. Over the still not tempered (1) after the recent storm (2) by the endless sea (3), the sky (4) the downstream (5) brightly flicker stars was elevated.

3. Large pond (1) densely overgrown with waterways (2) was located (3) in the portion of the old park remote from the house (4).

4. Vladimir (1) Mahata oblique does not cease (2) cut grass (3) without showing (4) not the slightest effort.

5. The cloud (1) hung (2) over the high peaks of the poplar (3) already piled (4) with a drizzling rain.

6. Among the Chudaks (1) in Moscow in Moscow in Griboedovsky times (2) there was a person (3) described in the comedy "grief from the mind" under the name (4) Maxim Petrovich.

7. Having enjoyed (1) through a wet fern and some (2) Pulling vegetation (3) We are chosen on the barely notable path.

8. The (1) head of Anya (2) was sitting motionless in a downhew (3) carefully covered (4) its shoulders.

9. Ippolit Matveyevich (1) Trying the shame (2) stood under the acacia and (3) without looking at the walking (4), three memorized phrases.

10. Pouring pages (1) Books brought from the office (2) (3) Father stopped at a dutched door (4) listening to a conversation in the kitchen.

11. Already in our time, the researchers of creativity E. A. PO (1) Having received (2) (2) (2) (4), the connection between the life and the work of the American writer was able to establish a connection between the life and work of the American Writer.

12. Words (1) formed from geographical names (2) Quite often put on speaking and writing (3) issues (4) related to regulatory formulation.

13. Sparrow (1) unexpectedly take off (2) disappeared in the bright greenery of the garden (3) transparently served (4) on the boring sky.

14. In the bad weather, pines are moaning, and their branches (1) flexible angry winds (2) crack (3) sometimes scratching (4) needles for the tree cortex.

15. Under the Sun (1) competing with him (2), unusually high, juicy and large-flower swimsuits (3) were bright, similar to yellow roses.

16. Masha promoted in the corner to the lunch itself (1) carefully looking at the elder sister and (2) listening to (3) pronounced by it (4) words.

17. Immediately behind the river (1) lifting up (2), rocky mountains (3) were visible at the bottom (4) linque of the black shrubs.

18. High grass (1) leaning toward the land (2) is gently wrapped around (3) wet rain (4) trees.

19. Trees (1) branches (1) rushing with rigid frozen ends (2) Sadly ring (3) surviving (4) winter strules.

20. Pushkin (1) Ried on the "Story of the Russian State" N. M. Karamzin (2) said about Russian history (3) his own word (4) in many ways surpassed Karamzinskoye.

Punctuation marks in a simple complicated sentence (homogeneous members of the sentence) and in a complex sentence

Punctuation signs with homogeneous members

Uniform members of the sentence - These are words that are the same member of the sentence, depend on the same word and respond to the same question.

Uniform members in the proposal separate sews, if a:

  1. there are no unions between homogeneous members. For example: Our path lies through Voronezh, Ryazan, Penza.
  2. there are repetitive unions between homogeneous members: and ... and, or ... or, not that ... not that etc. For example: We collected and clothing, books, and dishes.
  3. The comma is placed in front of the second part of the double union. like ... so; not only but; not so much ... how much; How much ..., so; Although ..., but; if not ... then; not only ..., but; not that ..., and et al. for example: Before us appeared not only courageous warriors, but also beautiful Amazons.

Comma between homogeneous members not put In the following cases:

  1. there are single unions between homogeneous members and, or, yes (in meaning and). For example: Put on a coat or jacket.
  2. uniform members are a phraseological turnover with repeating unions. For example: and day and night, and laughter and sin, and there and Syam, neither here, and so etc.

Uniform and inhomogeneous definitions.
The homogeneous definitions expressed by adhesive and gentlemen and facing the defined word are separated from each other, heterogeneous - are not separated. For example: Bestuzhev removed the green knitted glove with her hand.

Punctuation marks with homogeneous members with a generalizing word

Summarizing words - Words having a general value for all homogeneous.

  • If a generalizing word is facing homogeneous members, then the colon is put between them. For example: Snow lay everywhere: on the roofs, on benches, on the grass.
  • If a generalizing word stands after a number of homogeneous members, then the dash is set between them. For example: In the theater, in the circus, in the cinema - everywhere I was bored.
  • If a generalizing word is facing homogeneous members, but then the proposal continues, then after a number of homogeneous put a dash. For example: In all world capitals: London, Paris, Rome - have their own attractions.

  • Decide with the answers.
  • Decide with the answers.
  • Lookout

Task 16 2018 in Russian, theory and practice.

Outlooked- This means allocated by commas from two sides (or one, if it is at the end of the sentence). Here it is necessary to repeat what is the definition, addition and circumstance.

Definition - A secondary member of a sentence that answers the question of how (oh, Aya, OE, IE)?

Circumstance - A secondary member of the sentence that answers questions: how? when? how? etc.

Addition- answers questions of indirect cases.

In task 16. Separate definition is communion, adjectives, involvement.

Separate circumstances are verbalism, accomplishment.


Allocated commas


Involvement after the word
Baby, | I fell asleep in my arms |, suddenly woke up.
The involvement of turnover and before, and after the word determined, if it belongs to pronoun
| Upset because of the son |, she could not take himself in hand.
Pursuit of the turnover to the defined word if it has an extensive thorough value (causes, conditions, concessions)
Affected by the news, the mother slowly sank into the chair.
(Why? For what reason?)

Two or more single agreed definitions standing after the defined word
The child, full and satisfied, fell asleep in my arms.
The agreed definition, possibly solitary, if the definable word is a personal pronoun
He, full, quickly fell asleep.
Folded, he quickly fell asleep.

If you are cut off from the defined word by other members of the sentence
Fragrant and beautiful, rose from our house lilac.
The inconsistent definition is isolated if the defined word:
1) pronoun;
2) Own Name

1) How do you, with your mind, did not understand her plan?
2) Lyoshka, in the old jacket, did not differ from the village children.

Not separated by commas involved or definition:
1) If the definable word stands after it (except exceptions).
The book lying on the floor was opened on the fifth page.
2) If the definition is included in the associated (composite nominal).
She was beautiful.
3) If it stands after indefinitely pronoun.
I have to tell you something important.


Allocated commas


Conditional turnover and verbalism, which preserved the verbity (value of an additional action)
He fled, shouting to me something.
Evric, the child fell asleep.

The circumstance with the pretext despite
Despite the rain, the children ran out to walk.
Comparative speeds with alliances as if, exactly, as if, that, what, than, otherwise like
The clouds floated over the earthly low, slowly, as wadded.
This is not a dance: moving like a wooden.

Do not be separated by verbalism and particle
1) if they lost their verbity and have the value of the image
Do not rush horses among green hilly fields. - Run like?
In the subway I was driving standing. (This is a position in space, not an additional action)

2) if included in the phraseological turnover (sustainable phrases)
In difficult days, he worked with us without twist.
He fasten the heart gave me candy.


Both single and common application if the definable word pronoun
He, an excellent doctor, helped me very much.
A common application, if it is determined by the word, expressed by the noun
My brother, an excellent doctor, treats all of our relatives.
If the application is "torn off" from the defined word
The door opened the son of our neighbors, a five-year-old kid.
Single unpropered definition, if the definable word noun with explanatory words
He saw his son, kid, and smiled.
Any application, if it is necessary after the defined word - the name of its own
Teddy bear, son of a neighbor, desperate Torvan.
Separation, pronounced by names, if serve to clarify or explain
And a fire gave a fire of the son of a neighbor, a bear, a desperate leap.
Appendix, if it is faced with a word-defined word, if an additional thorough value is expressed in this
Architect from God, Gaudi could not build an ordinary cathedral.
1) If the union is like "in quality", then the turnover attached is not an application and is not separated.
The result is considered as consent.
2) Also is also separated by an union application as characterized by an object from any one side.
We know Lermontov more as a poet and prose and less like playwright.


Separate supplements expressed by nouns with pretexts: except, besides, except, except, including, excluding, instead, along with. They are transmitted to inclusion - exceptions or substitutions.
No one except Ivan, did not know the answer to the teacher's question.

!!!Do not forget: Any membership members may be homogeneous. Separate members are no exception. In order not to be mistaken when setting the comma, see the task 15 (homogeneous members of the sentence).