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Is it possible to escape brass with tin. Right brass soldering at home. Errors to avoid

Weak brass refers to the discharge of high-temperature soldering (its melting point is 880-950 ° C). It is applied in cases where the need to obtain a more durable connection than when using soft solders. Also, the advantages of this type of soldering are resistance to high temperatures of the resulting compound and the absence of changes in the metal structure (which is inevitable when using welding).

Compared to other refractory solders (silver, copper-phosphorus), this alloy is the most durable and high-temperature. Due to the presence of zinc in the composition of the brass, has increased environmental resistance, poorly susceptible to corrosion. The tin, which is part of some types of brass increases fluidity and lowers the melting point, and silicon does not give zinc and evaporate.

The solders are used solely when, steel, copper and tin bronze (with a tin content of up to 8%).

For this type of soldering, a regular soldering iron is not suitable. Equipment is needed to heat the product to a temperature, which is somewhat higher than the melting point of the brass (900-1000 ° C). In most cases, a variety of gas flame burners and furnaces are applied. A significant disadvantage of the use of burners is the speed and uneven heating. In the aggregate with the property of brass in a liquid state to penetrate the steel grains (which can cause fragile destruction under voltage) This contributes to the formation of cracks. The probability of their appearance becomes significantly lower with in the furnaces or in salt baths, where uniform heating of the soldered products is ensured. Re-soldering in any case increases this danger.

As a flux, a drill is used, mixed with boric acid in a ratio of 1: 1 and filled with water (by 20 g of each component it is necessary to take 250 ml of liquid).

Technology brass soldering with gas flame burner

  1. First of all, it is necessary to clean the locations of the details. This is done in order to remove a resistant oxide film that flux is not capable of removing. To do this, they use plumbing tools (files, shabras, appliances and hacksaws).
  2. Connect the details with the help of vice (or in any other way).
  3. Loose a soldering area with a flux, which will remove the oxide film from the metal and will provide better adhesion.
  4. Slap the burner, adjust the flame with a small excess oxygen (in order to eliminate the oxidation of the metal surface).
  5. Preheat the tip of the solder and dip it into the flux (if the solder was not initially unlocked).
  6. Rely decay the product in the place of docking to the cherry blossom.
  7. Melt the solder at the place of the soldering (if there was a sufficient amount of flux, then it will easily grow and drag the junction).
  8. Give a solder to froze.
  9. Clean the spike

The brass soldering process has its own characteristics due to the formation on the surface of the oxide film containing ZnO and the evaporation of zinc when heated.

On brass containing up to 15% zn, oxides consist of Cu 2 0 with ZnO particles embedded in it. In copper alloys with a large zinc content, the oxide layer consists mainly of ZnO, the removal of which is more difficult than Cu 2 0.

The peculiarity of low-temperature soldering brass tin-lead and other similar solders is that the removal of the oxide film from the brass surface is not provided by caniforous alcohol fluxes.

To do this, use more active fluxes. For example, when soldering brass LS59-1-1, L63 fluxes based on zinc chloride with additives of nitric acid.

Brass slower than copper dissolves In the melts of tin-lead soldiers, therefore, when soldering, the intermetallic layers grow slower, which should be positively reflected on the mechanical properties of soldering connections.

However, the compounds obtained by brass solder (L63) tin-lead solders have lower strength compared to copper under the same conditions. For example, the strength of the strength of copper compounds for the soldered tin is 9 kgf / mm 2, lead - 3.6 kgf / mm 2, and brass compounds - 5.9 kgf / mm 2 and 2.6 kgf / mm 2, respectively.

Reducing the strength of the strength of the brass compounds is associated with porosity in the seams, which is explained by the evaporation of zinc and the severity of its vapor into liquid solder. Poroid formation is observed after soldering as low-temperature and high-temperature solders.

High-temperature brass soldering in furnaces with a reducing or neutral atmosphere is used limited due to zinc evaporation. Brass soldering in environments is possible only with preliminary fluxing soldering places.

For example, a brass containing up to 3% lead and silicon LKS80-3-2 is satisfactorily soldered in gas environments with copper-phosphorus and silver solders, but with mandatory use of fluxes. The brass solder in the furnace without flux only if it is pre-coated with a layer of copper or nickel that protects from the evaporation of zinc.

Brass details can be soldered and in salt baths in the temperature range of 850-870 ° C. To improve the crashing of the solder into the gap to the solution, 4-5% flux containing potassium fluorobrants or a boor is added.

When heating brass parts in the flame of gas burners and in the furnaces, there is also evaporation and oxidation of zinc, which worsens the spreading of soldiers. When soldering brass, the burner in the restorative flame evaporation and zinc oxidation can be somewhat reduced. At the same time, the porosity in brazed seams is reduced.

For brass soldering, rich with copper, silver solders of PSR 72, PSR 40, PSR 45, PSR 25, PSR 12, as well as brass with low melting temperature (PMC type solders 36; PMK 48; PMC54) and copper-phosphorous.

For brass rich in zinc (LS59C, L63, L68), solder PSR 40 is used. Phosphorous solders are unsuitable for them, since it is formed low-plastic soldering connections. The latter is explained by the fact that in the soldered seam there are very fragile zinc phosphides.

For compounds that are not subjected to vibration and dynamic loads, the solders of PMC 36 and PMC 48 are used.

Brass is intensively dissolved when solding with silver and copper-phosphorous solder. Therefore, they should be soldered with high heating rates to reduce the contact of the liquid solder and solid metal. Brass L63 is intensively soluble in PSR 40 soldiers, PSR 45, PSR 15, less in PSR solders 37.5 and PSR 50 cd.

Brass parts, in contrast to steel, easy to process, and precisely thanks to this useful quality of the alloy becomes possible brass soldering at home, without circulation to industrial methods. To create a wide variety of things you need a soldering - a connection of wires and metal parts. For properly, the presence of a gas burner, graphite crucible, asbestos base, as well as silver, copper and boric acid.

Brass soldering is much easier than soldering steel, which allows it to carry it at home.

Preparation for spike brass products

To clean the alloy, you can use oxalic acid. If it was not at hand, you can see various domestic products. They are applied to brass products, after which it will quickly begin to darken. Then you can get rid of the raid, taking a thin brush and cleaned the part in ordinary water. Following this, it will take soda, which falls asleep brass product. After a few minutes of the soda is washed off. In the presence of oxalic acid, it divorces in the proportions of 20 grams per liter of hot or cold water. Above the solution is not recommended to breathe, and it should also be protected by gloves. The container should be plastic to avoid exposure to other metals. As soon as the brass item is processed, it should be wider and dried.

Sorrelic acid is used to clean the alloy.

To solder brass most effectively, you should not use the usual tin soldering, since after its use, quite noticeable traces remain. In addition, it can not boast of great strength. In order to solder brass, it is recommended to use another method that provides increased reliability. The effective and reliable spike of brass parts is ensured by using a gas burner. To make a brass solder, you should take copper and silver in proportions 1: 2, mix thoroughly and rush together, using a graphite crucible and gas burner. There is a premises for culinary water tank, and only after that it is possible to extract melted and frozen solder. It must be flattened and sliced \u200b\u200bor put on the chips, which can be done with a large file. After that, the powder of borants and boric acid will be required, each ingredient must weigh 20 grams. Based on these substances produced flux. The resulting powder mixture is poured with water in a quarter of a liter.

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Solders for spike parts from brass

Weak gas burner should be extremely neat, at a maximum temperature of 700 degrees.

Brass items that need spike are placed on asbestos base. The connected parts are sprinkled by the solder, sliced \u200b\u200bsmall pieces and pre-sharpened. Then the compound gently heats up using a gas burner. This work must be made as accurately as possible. When the parts are spike, the temperature should smoothly approach a specific level. The maximum allowable level is 700 degrees, if it is overcome, you can encounter a hopeless spoke of all parts. When it is necessary to solder large and massive parts, their heating should be gradually in order to avoid negative consequences. In the spike of small and thin parts, the heating process occurs in a very short time, so it is important to relate to it carefully.

Of course, the usual soldering Tin is much simpler than a similar method, however, it is thanks to him that the reliability and durability of the spike of brass parts will be much higher. It is important to remember certain features of brass soldering, for example, about evaporation of zinc in a very hot condition. In addition, the surface of the alloy is covered with an oxide film. Brass, in which zinc is contained in less than a 15% ratio, is oxidized and covered with a film in which there are clutch particles of copper oxide and zinc oxide. Copper alloys in which zinc is contained in much larger quantities, oxidizing, form a film consisting mainly of zinc oxide. The problem of such alloys is that copper oxide is easier and faster than zinc oxide.

The finished product is washed with hot 3% sulfuric acid.

If an ordinary low-temperature spike is performed, at which solder is used with lead and tin content, or other tites, an oxide film must be removed from metal surfaces. Here it is possible to use caniforous alcohol or more active fluxes. To treat brass with a large zinc content, for example, L63, it is necessary to use a flux, which includes chill chloride. It is important to remember that brass is one of the worst melting quality with tin-lead solders. This feature leads to the fact that during the spike process, intermetallium layers slowly begin. They have a positive effect on the seam, and we can expect to improve the mechanical properties of metals.

It is not necessary to hope that the soldering of the tin brass L63 solders is applied to high-quality connections. Their clutch strength and quality will give up copper if the conditions are the same. An indicator of strength in relation to copper parts, soldered with tin, will reach 90 MPa, and 60 MPa will not reach the brass. Spike brass parts, in which there is a large copper content, can be carried out by solder PSR 72, 45, 25 and 12. Sometimes in such cases, the use of copper-phosphoric brass is permissible or such a brass alloy, which melts at low temperature. This is mainly applicable to a spike in a gas environment.

With a high level of zinc, the use of PSR solder 40 is possible. The use of phosphorous solders is completely unsuitable because there is a high probability that there is a low plasticization of a soldering seam. This is due to the formation of zinc phosphide, characterized by its fragility. A solid solder is also very common, used when connecting large articles, for example, to work with brass and copper pipes and heating systems in general. The advantage of solid soldiers is the high strength of the compounds obtained.

Brass as the material is known for a long time. Good physical and chemical properties allowed her to get widespread. Brass parts also periodically arise defects (cracks, holes, foes). These problems can be solved by soldering. In order for the result to be high, it is necessary to know well the composition of brass, physical and chemical characteristics, how to carry out a soldering, which solders and fluxes are used to carry out such work.

Basic Information about Brass

Brass in its composition is double or multicomponent. It always makes up two metal: copper and zinc. In this alloy, zinc performs the functions of the main alloying component. To give various properties, various metals are added to its composition: tin, lead, manganese. Therefore, it is very important to know with what make of the brass you have to work. It is necessary to determine the conditions and the specifics of the soldering.

Modern brass is classified according to the following indicators:

Depending on the chemical composition:

  • Two-component alloys. It contains only two zinc metal and copper. The percentage of the content of each may be different. This type is marked with the capital letter of the Russian alphabet "L" and the number. The number indicates which percentage of copper is contained in the alloy. For example, Mark L85 - in this alloy 85% of copper and the remaining 15% falls on zinc.
  • Multicomponent. They are also called special. Such alloys contain a large number of additives. They are marked with two capital letters and numbers. For example, Mark La77-2. It indicates that the composition includes 77% of copper, 21% zinc and 2% aluminum. Therefore, very often special brasss get their name depending on the name of the alloying element with the highest percentage (aluminum, tin, nickel, manganese and so on).

By the degree and quality of processing:

  • Deformable. These include brass in the form of a wire, a round tube, leaf and ribbon.
  • Foundry. This is fittings, finished products made from brass.
  • If the zinc content is ranging from 5 to 20%, then such an alloy is referred to as a red brass (Tompak).
  • If this percentage ranges from 21% and reaches 36%, such a brass is called yellow.

All brands of brass have similar properties. They are well processing, have high anti-corrosion characteristics, have sufficient strength. With a significant decrease in temperature, they retain their plasticity.

These properties identified an extensive range of brass.

Latvian application

In addition to listed positive properties, brass is a very durable and reliable alloy. Brass applied in the following areas:

  • Making pipe fittings (adapters, valves, pipes).
  • Plumbing devices (cranes, faucets Washbasins)
  • Furniture fittings (hands, latches, locks, decorative lining).
  • Manufacture of electrical details.
  • Souvenir production.
  • Production of dishes.
  • Art pillage.
  • Jewelry production. Jewelers mainly apply two-component alloys. It can be: yellow, red, green or golden brass.

Solders and fluxes: Classification and methods of choice

For good results of the soldering, additives are used in the form of fluxes and various solders.

The solder is called a certain metal, which, after its melting, penetrates the metals prepared for soldering.

To achieve reliable contact, the solder brand must have a melting point that will be significantly lower than the melting point of the brass itself. At the same time, he must have a good adhesion with brass. Therefore, special solders are used for brassy.

Only as a last resort, if the parts are soldered, on which there is no big responsibility for the whole unit, and there are no high requirements for strength, apply ordinary tin alloys with lead.

Modern solders are classified as follows:

  • On melting point. They are mild with melting point of 400 ° C; Emirates with tin melting point and solid. The melting point of solid solders exceeds 500 ° C.
  • By the type of melting. Solders that are melted during the soldering process are completely or partially.
  • By the method of obtaining solder. Pre-made solders are manufactured, and solders that are formed during the soldering process. Such a soldering is called contact - reactive.
  • On the list of chemical elements added to the composition. Such elements are used quite large quantity. From common zinc metals, tin, aluminum, to rare-earth metals Gallium, India, palladium.
  • According to solder manufacturing technology. They are: wire, stamped, rolled, cast chopped.
  • By type of solder. They are produced in the form of wire, finished powder, in the form of tapes and individual sheets, in the form of tablets and ready to use mortgage parts.
  • According to the formation of flux. Solders are divided into two large categories: flushed and so-called self-fluxes.

Solders, as well as brass, are marked with capital letters and numbers. On labeling can be determined for which brass is intended for a specific solder. For example, if it is necessary to join the item from brass, in which a large percentage of copper, then it is proposed to use the solder brand of PSR12 or PSR72. This solder in its composition contains a large percentage of silver. If there is a large percentage of zinc in brass, it is advisable to use Solder PSR40. Therefore, to get a reliable connection after soldering, it is necessary to understand what loads are imposed on the part being repaired. If the part is stationary and does not carry large vibration loads (for example, plumbing elements) you can safely apply the solder Marie PMC. If it is necessary to provide a solid compound apply special solid solders, such as L-Cup6. This solder has a very high melting point - 730 ° C.

To properly choose the solder brand, you can use the following method:

  • Determine the melting point of the details that are planned to be soldered.
  • Specify the temperature expansion coefficient. At brass, which is planned to solder and solder, it should be very close.
  • After soldering, the solder should not reduce the mechanical characteristics of the renovated part.
  • Solder should form with the main brass item a galvanic pair. If this is not ensured, the process of corrosion will quickly occur.
  • Solder properties must comply with all technical and operational characteristics.
  • Solder should provide good wettability in the process of soldering.

The flux is called a special substance that allows you to prepare the surface of the metal, that is, to remove from it the forms of oxide, fatty and water spots. Without the use of flux, it is impossible to unwind the brass item. Fluses are selected depending on the chemical composition of the brass.

Experience shows to highlight the details of the common brands of brass LS59 and L63, it is enough to have a flux consisting of zinc chloride dissolved in boric acid. If you need to discharge the brass, which contains lead and silicon (for example, a LS80 brand), then a flux that has fluorine and potassium connections. They are also dissolved in boric acid, or borants. This can be prepared at home using the appropriate elements in the required percentage ratio.

Today, the industry offers ready-made fluxes for brassy brass. These include: flux "Bura"; PV-209 fluxes and PV-209X.

Methods soldering

The brassy process of brass has a certain specificity. Brass heats up and evaporating the elements of hot zinc. At that moment an oxide film is formed, which is quite difficult to remove from the surface of the part and thereby deteriorating the quality of the soldering. Typically, brass solder in two ways: with the help of a soldering iron and with the help of a special burner


To soldily soldering the brass, the soldering iron must have a power not lower than 1000 W. Such a soldering iron will provide the necessary heating temperature of the parts and solder themselves. It should be 500ºС and higher. Low-temperature brass soldering is possible only if it has a high percentage of copper content.

The most convenient is the soldering with a soldering station, which has the adjustment of the tag of the soldering iron. Such adjustment allows you to set the optimal heating mode. The fact is that during the soldering it is necessary to avoid unnecessary overheating of the soldering zone. The optimal is considered the heating temperature of the soldering iron to 350 ° C.

Gas burner

The task of soldering brass can be solved by applying a small burner. The brass item is placed on any heat-resistant material, it must withstand high temperatures. Asbestos plates are used for these purposes.

Details that need to be soldered are placed on this plate and combine each other. Preparation for soldering is the same as when soldering the soldering iron. Next, the solder is cut in the form of a shallow metal crumb or chips and sprinkle the details joint. Then adjust the magnitude of the flame burner, and fill it into the soldering area.

First, it is necessary to produce not a strong warm-up of the soldering area so that the solder is taking to the brass surface. After that, it is embezzlened until a characteristic red color appears on the brass surface. With a properly adjusted burner, the temperature in the soldering area reaches 700 ° C. After cooling, it is necessary to remove the influx and flux residues.

So, in order to get the good results of brass items soldering, it is necessary to correctly pick up the solder. Monitor the cleanliness of the stem and the degree of its warm-up. Neither when you should not start a soldering if the soldering iron has not heated to the desired temperature. Thoroughly prepare the surface of the brass part, which are planned to be discouraged (wipe from dirt and dust and degrease). Carefully monitor the degree of heating the working area of \u200b\u200bthe soldered parts.

The soldering is one of the ways of connecting two parts at which only connecting the material melts, and the surfaces of the elements themselves are fully saved. With this method, it is possible to connect heterogeneous materials, rather small elements, fragile chips, to connect or increase the wires, secure solid alloys, to carry out anti-corrosion processing.

Most often make a spray on brass, which is a zinc and copper alloy. Therefore, before starting work, the soldering iron should explore the peculiarities of the application of this material.

Brass soldering - Some features

Most often, brass soldering is performed by a gas burner, and a bora, tin or other similar materials is used as a solder. At home, you can use a soldering iron or a special graphite electrode for such a job.

In principle, brass soldering resembles the processing of cast iron, copper, steel. However, it has its subtleties and features that must be considered.

Brass soldering process

For maximum efficiency, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and tools:

In some cases, bronze may be needed.

Preparation of solder

First of all, it is necessary to prepare a tenol, which will include two parts of silver and one part of copper. For this with the help of gas burner copper and silver It will be necessary to melt and glue the desired amount of material. Next, alloys are placed in a crucible and basking the same gas burner.

The molten copper and silver are mixed with a wire, and the crucible is placed in cold water. The frozen solder is flattened and cut. Then the chips are rubbed a large file from it.

The size of the graphite crucible must be approximately 20x20 millimeters. It is possible to make it from graphite coals (contact trolleybus elements).

Preparation of flux

For this, 20 grams of boral powder and 20 grams of boric acid powder takes. Ingredients are thoroughly mixed and 250 milliliters of water are poured. Then the resulting mixture is boiling and becomes cold.

For connecting brass parts, you can apply ready-made compositions. Among the domestic well established fluxes:

  • PV-209X;
  • PV-209;
  • Bura.

From imported, you can note the flux pasta of the German manufacturer Chemet.

Solder and flux are ready, you can now begin directly to the soldering. For this, the prepared details must be accurately put on the base from asbestos and start the soldering process.

If you compare such a soldering method with the connection of elements with tin, then it is not different. But time will be spent not in vain, since the connection will have increased reliability and strength.

Brass - soldering iron

Brass and copper or brass and materials containing copper can be combined with a low-temperature soldering with a 100-waling soldering iron.

I need to use as a solder tiny-lead alloy POS60 or higher. Flux can serve orthophosphoric or soldering acid.

Before working with brass, you should remove the oxide film and degrease the surface. The soldering should be done with a good soldering iron warming.

In addition, before soldering, carefully pay attention to the surface processing of the flux, which is carried out immediately before the suspension soldering iron with the solder.

Using a soldering iron you can connect brass using silver solders (PSR40 and higher). However, the power of the soldering iron must be from 0.5 to 1 kW, and the heating temperature is from 500c. Flux is recommended to be used on the basis of a bee or you can apply concentrated orthophosphoric acid.

In this way, you can pour various defects formed in brass massive products (radiators).

Skaka Latoney

Brass alloys as solder are often used in construction when working with most metals. With their help, you can connect the parts made of copper, steel and even cast iron.

So, for example, cast iron elements are quite difficult to cook, because for this special electrode, flux and serious warming up. At the same time, they can be easily combined with brass solder.

The brass soldering method is very common when connecting the jack of jack, where it is very important that their internal cross section remains permanent. After applying such a method, external dimensions remain almost unchanged, the inner cross section is preserved, and the joint is securely sealed.

With the help of a brass solder, you can connect various parts of cooling systems in electronic devices, copper tubes of a liquid cooling system in powerful servers.

However, it should be borne in mind that brass seams in strength are inferior to the welded joint, therefore it is necessary to relate to them.

In some cases, a logging or a brass brass has been applied. It is used to apply on the surface of parts from an anti-corrosion coating. The logging is most often suitable for the processing of small unit products, it is practically not applied on an industrial scale.

When connecting parts from low-alloyed and carbon steels, a solid soldering is sometimes used, where the brass solder must have a melting point above 450 degrees.

In the process of soldering brass alloys, it should be borne in mind that poisonous pairs of zinc can stand out. Therefore, in the room where the work will be carried out, there must be good ventilation.

In the presence of all necessary materials and tools and strict compliance with the recommendations, the results of brass soldering will be the most positive. All work can be made independently, without resorting to the help of specialists, which is very expensive.