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Wheel of the Life Balance, or Values \u200b\u200bSystem. What is a life balance wheel? The technique of drawing the wheel of a life balance and how to apply it in practice

One of the most successful tools of knowledge of the surrounding world is visualization. It is no less effective and to comprehend its inner "I". For such an analysis, the "Wheel of Life" technique is actively used, capable of demonstrating the degree of equilibrium of your own life.

How the wheel will help to find inner harmony

Many people often have to face a periodic concentration on any important project, for example, choosing future profession. In this case, a person turns out to be maximally absorbed by the achievement of his goal, highlighting priorities on this path and rejecting insignificant details. A positive end result brings satisfaction and a new goal.

However, many work on such a "project" throughout life, ignoring what seems unnecessary. Concentrating on career growth, a person forgets about the family. Sometimes high attention to family matters truly harms a talented specialist who loses the opportunity to express himself in his profession.

Therefore, it is so important to find the necessary balance between the main goal and insignificant at first glance details of your own life. This is helped by numerous spiritual practices.

However, to gain control over its own being, it is not at all necessary to be immersed in multi-day study of thematic talmuds. It is enough to master the exercise "Wheel of Life" to carry out a full-fledged objective assessment of its existence and gain internal balance.

To recreate your own "wheel of life" enough pencil and sheet of paper. However, his subsequent interpretation may take quite a long time, although in social networks The technique of "Wheel of Life" is found, which allegedly allows you to make an analysis literally per minute.

Thoughtful interpretation requires honesty with himself and an objective assessment of its own being. Only in this case you will be able to outline the main directions for which you should move on on your life path.

Technique "Wheel of Life" Patented in the United States. It is actively used by coaches on personal growth and efficiency, since it is truly effective when analyzing his own life and the inner world.

Despite the seeming simplicity, this exercise helps to concentrate on the main thing, to see real problems and an existing internal imbalance in order to further develop a methodology for achieving equilibrium.

Visualization helps to improve similar analysis and show those details that can be missed when applying verbal techniques.

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Business absorbs the entrepreneur with his head. Developing its brainchild, the managers put the rest of the life pause. And when they reaches financial or career success, they discover that they have gotten all this by the price of undermined health, loneliness, spiritual emptying.

In the article of the electronic magazine "General Director", three of your colleagues are told, as they were able to escape from a vicious closed circle, they learned how to properly arrange priorities and due to what the life harmony gained.

The main components of the "Wheels of Life"

In the "wheel of life" are reflected different aspects of your life. Evaluation of each of them is carried out on a 10-point scale, where the figure 1 demonstrates complete dissatisfaction with the existing position of cases in this area of \u200b\u200byour being, and the figure 10 is one hundred percent satisfaction. Based on the inner sensations, appreciate all aspects.

Sector "Health and Sport"

Health is the basis of any full-fledged life. Healthy person Enjoy every day, sick such joy is deprived. This segment of the "Wheel of Life" also includes care of his well-being. Man who is engaged in maintaining healthy image Life, devoting part of his time sports, will appreciate this aspect high, putting the appropriate score. If your own health care is insufficient, the mark will be low.

Sector "Friends and Surroundings"

This segment of the "Wheel of Life" helps to assess the degree of influence of your environment (friends, relatives, colleagues) on life and level of comfort. If people are near you give positive emotions and energy and in their company you are pleased to spend time, the assessment will be high. If your surroundings make up the people with whom you are uncomfortable, and the caused feelings are difficult to call positive, it means that this sector will receive a low rating.

Sector "Family and Relationship"

If you are a close relationship or you have a family, in this segment of the "Wheel of Life" you need to evaluate how happy you are with these people. When the established relationships are fully satisfying you, the assessment will be high. If there is a voltage between you or you are discomfort from communicating with a close person (family), you need to put a low score. In the absence of related relationships (family), the assessment will also be low (1 point).

Sector "Career and Business"

Most people spend at work a significant part of their day, so when building a "wheel balance wheel" it is impossible to ignore this part of human life. The overall comfort of being depends on customer satisfaction. To assess this aspect of your life will help the feelings that you experience both during the work process and after its end. If discomfort prevails, a sense of devastation or fatigue, no strength, etc., perhaps the selected work does not fit your expectations. If you have a high spirits, it means that your profession you like.

People who are employees, it is necessary to assess satisfaction from their activities, experienced sensations, the degree of comfort while in the workplace, etc. Those who are involved in the entrepreneurial case are evaluating their business (like it or not).

Sector "Finance"

In this segment, it is necessary to assess the satisfaction with its own monetary state, that is, the extent of income (regardless of whether you are a hired employee or entrepreneur).

The assessment of the financial sector of the "Wheel of Life" shows whether the current level of income is appropriate. The more difference, the lower should be an assessment.

Sector "Spirituality and Creativity"

The question of spirituality is extremely individual. Therefore, it is difficult to give specific advice here to help appreciate this sector of your "Wheel of Life". Many people are fond of spiritual practices, some are asked by philosophical questions about the meaning of being and their own stay in this world. If you at least once in my life have been studying this aspect, you can objectively assess the degree of our spirituality. If you have never asked yourself such a question, it's time to start.

Creative aspect make up all those details that help you express your own internal "I" (for example, drawing, dancing, game on musical instruments, needlework, singing, etc.).

Sector "Personal Growth"

Despite the popular content of downshifting, a person always strives for personal growth. The development of its own skills in the most distinguished directions of you helps in achieving the goals. Otherwise, in the rapid rhythm of modern life, you can not be deed. Do you consider yourself a person who seeks to continuous development? Rate how you meet the ideal presented.

Sector "Brightness of life"

Everything that a person is happy to devote free time, brings him joy. Such a hobby (for example, mountain trips, aquabay, cycling, etc.) adds paints to the palette of life and diversify gray weekdays. This segment of the "Wheel of Life" helps to appreciate how actively you spend the time free of routine duties. If you dedicate it to static TV viewing or online games, the score will be low, since the brightness of life in this case is committed to zero. If the thoughts about the upcoming after work hobby spill you, and every free minute is carried out actively, it means that the degree of brightness of life will be high.

How to make a wheel of life

Step 1.We draw or print our individual "wheel of life." To imagine how to make a "wheel balance wheel", it is necessary to divide this circle to 8 equal parts:

Step 2. We give each area name. Each sector needs to assign the name of the sphere of your life, which is one of the defining your being. Rate what this moment It is important for you, which helps to feel the joy of life and achieve the goals. Your environment (family, colleagues, friends) also have a significant impact on the mood and level of comfort. Therefore, these aspects should also be included in the "Wheel of Life".

As a rule, the above mentiones are among the most mentioned, but you can make your own scheme. Do not forget to weigh the degree of importance of one or another life of the "Balance Wheel". Turning on the seeming you an important aspectYou risk overlooking what really has a significant impact on you.

Step 3.Enter the main criteria that will help determine the maximum level achievable in this area of \u200b\u200blife. Having highlighting the list of criteria for each segment to assess the speakers, you can understand at what level you are now and what needs to be done to achieve the desired maximum. Do not forget that to achieve the "top", it is necessary to constantly perform those tasks that will help to be implemented in the sector under consideration.

Step 4.We estimate each sphere on a 10-point scale at the time of creating the "Wheel of the Balance of Life". Having highlight the main criteria that determine the areas of life you are interested in, you have the opportunity to proceed with the estimate of each sector. In this way, you can see in which of the segments there is overloaded according to the assessment, and what is ignored or demonstrates low indicators.

In the presented drawing, you can see what the most loaded, and therefore, the most significant is the "Friends and Surroundings" sector. The finance segment demonstrates the second result, "Career and Business" - the third. Low indicators of the "Rest" and "spirituality and creativity" sectors indicate an explicit imbalance.

Step 5. Connect all points. Now you need to connect all points as follows:

The strange polygon obtained is completely unlike the wheel. To achieve life balance, it is necessary to bring this figure to the smooth form of the classic circle.

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How to analyze the wheel of the spheres of life

The first stage of work is made. Now it is necessary to bring thoughts in order and a little rest. Take off to other things, postponing your drawing. After some time, by reflection about his being, go back to the painted "wheel of life" and once again appreciate each sector. You may decide to change points or leave them unchanged. If you agree with the primary marks, proceed to the next step - analysis.

Try to save objectivity and lean the level at which you are now. Further steps depends on what purpose you put now in front of yourself and what price you are willing to pay to achieve the desired result.

As a rule, the techniques of the "Wheel of Life" techniques call on to align all sectors, because we are confident that only the balance will allow you to harmoniously continue your life Path. However, this is relevant only if your goal is to achieve happiness. Following the advice of such mentors and seeking to "straighten" each sector, with time you can improve well-being and self-esteem. However, this process may take many years.

All sectors of the "Wheel of Life" are interdependent. The spheres of human life are subject to the law of compensation, which (as well as the law of energy conservation) helps to identify the thread connecting them. In the diagram below, you can see how the "Wheel of Life" sectors are connected.

Such a scheme clearly demonstrates the connection of polar types of personalities. However, you should not worry if your interests at first glance are opposite. In case of prevalence, you do not mean one of the spheres of life that you will not be able to expand or change the usual standard of behavior.

Consider the law of compensation on the example. A person seeks to increase his income, but despite all their efforts, he does not come out. Having lost hope, he turns to the coach, which "pump out" to him self-esteem and help configure self-programming. A person applies new knowledge in practice, which leads to an increase in salary by 30% or other changes.

However, this result will not be 100% successful. All changes obtained will be isolated, and the effect of them will be short-term. In addition, such growth can negatively affect health or personal relationships. The reason for this deterioration is the fact that to achieve the result in one of the areas of his life, a person has to "pull" energy resources from other areas, weakening them in this way.

In this case, the rule of law Pareto is clearly visible: 20% of the efforts give 80% of the result, 80% of effort is only 20% of the result. Adding items to a certain sector of life and the efforts of the effort to fulfill them will be the most 80% of the efforts that will give only 20% of the result.

To achieve the balance of spheres of the "Wheel of Life", you need to make efforts only in the niche of the required growth, nutrition, and the area on which the comfort zone depends.

The latter is worth considering more. For each person she is individual. IN different spheresah life of the comfort zone can differ significantly. It can be viewed as a state of psychological security that occurs after performing the usual sequence of actions in the form of an expected result. By limiting themselves the comfort zone, a person deprives himself the possibility of knowing the new and acquisition of survival skills in a constantly changing world. As a rule, such limitation in all spheres of life has one root, hidden in one of the sectors and at first glance seemingly absolutely not involved.

To understand, you can consider a specific example. The "Wheel of Life" taken for a sample of a person seems balanced. However, each of the sectors is rather rather low (the income is small, the surroundings are scanty, there is no brightness of life, although married for love). In general, everything suits him. Therefore, the desire to expand the sphere of interests and know the new one. The spiritual aspect is expressed weakly. However, there is a small potential on the basis of which you can talk about future development. At the same time, the desire of personal growth is represented by only social realization.

Analysis and solution

To begin with, it is necessary to consider the spheres of life from the point of view of energy resources, which are the sectors of spirituality and personal growth, careers and health. IN specific example Evaluation of these sectors is extremely low. As a reason called the lack of time. However, the lack of free minutes arises in connection with the errors in determining priorities and the degree of responsibility. The "stroke" career negatively affects self-esteem, which is also a key energy resource. As a result, a person is trapped by template actions, losing time and health.

In the selected example of the comfort zone, from which a person is afraid to go out, is on the axis "Aventure (brightness of life) - the environment (friends)." Fears to leave this zone limit the choice and knowledge. The main reasons for such behavior are:

  • fear to do something new, unusual;
  • distortion of valuation of reality due to fear;
  • displacement of focusing of attention caused by concern to leave the comfort zone;
  • losses of nervous energy due to fears.

However, you should not despair and give hands. Search for exit paths must be done on this axis. First you need to find time in the weekly calendar and distribute it, highlighting the weekend for a trip with the family in such a place that a person has never visited before. Novelty sensations will help break away from the usual thoughts and experiences and focus on their feelings at the moment. Leave the comfort zone and conversation with unfamiliar man, the conversation with which should be lazy at least 15 minutes, or the decision to leave with the usual routes and explore new streets and roads, getting early and dedicate this part of the time on the way to work.

At the second stage, you need to define a colleague that causes rejection, and try to get close to him, learning about it as much as possible and trying to imagine yourself in his place.

In addition, to exit the usual zone of the comfort and acquisition of new skills, a person was invited to find a hobby with whom he was not familiar, and to get into it so much to demonstrate the surrounding interest and the desire to achieve success in this area.

Such a scheme initially caused rejection because this man He was confident in her unattainableness and led several arguments, convincing the coach in the fact that the result would not be. However, after a long conversation, he agreed to a 45-day experiment.

The result was not only the practice, but also the "subject" himself. As a result, man:

  • was able to make friends with his envious;
  • acquired a new friend who turned out to be useful for his work;
  • received an increase, jumping over the career staircase;
  • understood level wages twice.

And this is not an accident, but the legitimate result of the activities carried out to exit the limiting area of \u200b\u200bcomfort and the establishment of the spheres of life.

Now take a look at your own "wheel of life" and find your limiting comfort zone. Frams, laziness and fear of losing control over the situation are interfered from it. However, the more confidence that everything is under your control, less degree Your influence on anything. Therefore, it is so important to define your own sector in which your comfort zone is located.

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All aspects of the "Wheel of Life" are interrelated

Irina Shalagina, General Director of Moled, Director of Sales of Milk Dom, Moscow

When I needed to go to India, there was a clear breakdown in the direction of the spheres of career, study and finance on my "wheel of life". The remaining aspects clearly slipped out of my attention or ignored at all, as evidenced by low estimates (from 1 to 3 points).

It was the reason for my dissatisfaction with life. However, now the balance is leveled. Using the "wheel of life" as a methodology for analyzing and planning a life, we can see that the predominance of one of the areas entails a decrease in the role of other aspects, and vice versa, as they are interrelated.

For example, my sphere of life responsible for a career helps to develop the aspect of creativity (I write articles, I am preparing for publication my own book). At the same time, the development of the creative sphere has a positive effect on the career aspect.

As the "wheel of life" depends on the temperament and type of person

The "Wheel of Life" of different on temperament and the type of personality of people will be different, despite the large number of similar moments. First of all, it depends on differences in self-esteem angles. In the Scheme below you can see an example of estimating your own positions. different types People: optimist, pessimist and fanatic.

These people, two of whom were ordinary employees, and the third participant of some kind of flow, their own drawings of the "Wheel of the Balance of Life" were drawn up, which gave interesting results:

  1. Fanatic, despite the obvious radical glances, was not crazy, which was demonstrated by his scheme.
  2. The optimist showed an explicit revaluation of his success in all spheres of life, except for those in which he neglects. Here his points were more objective.
  3. The pessimist demonstrated an understated self-esteem, especially in the sphere of high significance.

Do not forget that an optimist and pessimist with pronounced relevant qualities participated in this experiment. A person, as a rule, is peculiar to be in a certain average position, the polarity of which can fluctuate depending on the external and internal factors.

As the "wheel of life" affects the planning of further actions

Now that the previous stages of creating your "Wheel of Life" are completed, the methodology for analyzing and planning life will help you develop a further forecast.

The main objectives of planning:

  1. Alignment of the "Wheel of Life" (Purpose: tooling the wheel as much as possible). This can be done with the help of a systematic "pull-up" demonstrating the lagging sectors to the leading.
  2. An increase in the "wheel of life" (purpose: to increase the wheel as much as possible). Such a "fullness" of life will make your being long, bright and interesting. To achieve this, after aligning the "Wheel of Life", it is necessary to gradually increase each of its sectors, increasing its volume with the help of an assessment growth.

Technique "Wheel of Life" will help competently plan life, arranging the right accents and formulating faithful goals and objectives. For this you need:

  • identify the lagging sectors with minimal estimates;
  • formulate real Stegi.Suppose to increase the indicators in these areas. With equal estimates in all spheres of life, it is necessary to plan actions that will give the simultaneous growth of quantitative criteria in all sectors;
  • conduct a review of assessments and change the "wheel of life" when actions are made;
  • perform the first three points until maximum indicators have been achieved in all sectors;
  • constantly monitor and maintain maximum ratings.

When your "Wheel of Life" will be perfectly even as much as possible, your being will be bright and balanced.

To understand, you can consider several examples that will show how to plan the necessary actions correctly.

Expected steps that will help improve the assessment of the "Health and Sport" sector "Wheels of Life":

  • lose weight by 15 kg;
  • do yoga half an hour daily;
  • refuse Fast Food.

Planned actions that will help increase the assessment of the "Family and Relationship" sector "Wheels of Life":

  • invite your favorite colleague in the movies;
  • register on the dating site;
  • admit near man In their feelings.

Approximate steps that will help improve the assessment of the "Career and Business" sector "Wheels of Life":

  • increase their qualifications of the logistics department manager;
  • suggest a solution that improves the efficiency of the company's logistics flows;
  • lead logistics department.

Estimated actions that will help raise the finance sector assessment "Wheels of Life":

  • enter the system of permanent accounting of household expenses;
  • create a reserve account with capital in the amount of 6 monthly expenses;
  • rain personalize financial literacy, every day studying the appropriate literature.

Planned actions that will help increase the assessment of the "Friends and Surroundings" sector "Wheels of Life":

  • stop communicating with a person who has become unpleasant;
  • make new pleasant dating in social networks and out of them;
  • we regularly meet with those people, communication with which you are really nice.

Estimated actions that will help improve the assessment of the "Personal Growth" sector "Wheels of Life":

Approximate actions that will help raise the assessment of the "Spirituality and Creativity" sector "Wheels of Life":

  • visit all new exhibitions;
  • learn to embroider with a cross;
  • master a lip accordion.

Estimated actions that will help improve the assessment of the "Brightness of Life" sector "Wheels of Life":

  • go to a mountain campaign;
  • wake up on kayaks;
  • jump with a parachute.

The planned actions that will help increase the assessment of the "life goals" sector "Wheels of Life":

  • use a special scheduler program to record your goals in the short and long term;
  • daily perform steps towards achieving goals;
  • plan a new goal immediately after reaching the previous one.

Some actions that will help improve the assessment of the "Children" sector "Wheels of Life":

  • write a child in a creative studio;
  • create together with children design them own room and embody it;
  • take another child.

Estimated actions that will help raise the assessment of the Sector Sector "Wheels of Life":

  • disassemble things in closets and storage rooms;
  • change work;
  • visit another city.

Planned actions that will help improve the assessment of the "Leisure" sector "Wheels of Life":

  • go on vacation to another country;
  • 1 time a week to go to the picnic;
  • attend the cinema at least 1 time per month.

These examples are not standard. You can plan other actions that will be relevant for you. The planned steps are largely dependent on those sectors that entered into your "wheel of life".

What errors are most often allowed by making up a "wheel of life"

Error 1. Wheel expectations.

One of the main mistakes in the preparation of the "Wheel of Life" is the substitution of concepts. Many people often do not realize their real goals, putting standard, approved by society priorities and forgetting about the personal. Taking as a guideline what a person should want, personality forgets what he really wants. As a result, the built "wheel of life" takes an uneven form due to the fact that overvalued or unattached targets were originally selected. Review your priorities. May be position general Director Do not bring you such pleasure, what a confectionery business and subsequent self-improvement in this area will deliver. The story knows a lot of examples when care with a profitable, but not bringing joy of work allowed to start a personal matter, which eventually turned out to be much more successful and more exciting.

Error 2. Wheel idealization trap.

Do not strive to achieve the perfectly level "wheel balance wheel" with maximum indicators for all sectors. In pursuit of 10 points, you risk losing harmony. The purpose of balancing the "Wheel of Life" is not the struggle for maximum points, but the balance of all your life spheres.

Error 3. Trap comparison with wheel spokes.

Error is the desire of an equal volume of each of the "Wheel" sectors to be equilibrium in real life, paying the same amount of time each of the spheres. You just can not spend on your hobby or a family as many hours as to work. It is necessary to properly arrange priorities. The importance of each of the sectors is determined by the degree of satisfaction arising from personal implementation in each of the areas.

Error 4. Confusion wheel sizes.

Evaluating each of the sectors at the moment, do not ignore the circumstances that may affect the quantitative indicators. For example, if you are sharpened, you should not install a low rating sector. It will be relevant only if there is chronic diseaseswhich may affect your life.

Error 5. "Wheel of Life" in the moment.

When for several years you strive to take the chair of the sales department head, the mark of the "Career" sector will be low. But if you have achieved this goal, you should not make a radical revaluation, changing the indicators with 2 points by 10. Each sector needs to be assessed in the complex, since several criteria are influenced by satisfaction in this area of \u200b\u200blife.

How to work with the "wheel of life"

At the beginning of this article, it was mentioned that the "Wheel of Life" technique would help you to achieve a balance in all the spheres of your life. So what is the balance? This state of affairs, which gives you a feeling of absolute satisfaction in all areas of life. What gives you joy and happiness, even if it does not make a billion on a personal bank account.

To achieve the necessary balance, you need to follow a specific algorithm:

Step 1. Substit from your perfectionism aside.

The ideal is the lot of incorrigible dreamers. He is unattainable. But it is possible to strive for it. Every success on the way to the goal should bring joy, otherwise you risk to face a constant disappointment caused by the race for an unattainable benchmark.

Step 2. Repair obstacles to the balance sheet.

No one, besides you, cannot identify those criteria that you are doing happy. And only you create preventing conditions that interfere with the balance. The happiness of each person depends on it itself, from its individual preferences, which form actions on the way to the desired satisfaction.

Step 3. Become grateful.

Sincere gratitude is the property of an open and friendly person. Such people have to them surrounding. Therefore, it is so important to remember the gratitude that you demonstrate in relation to others. If every positive act of a person close to you is responsible for good, the positive energy of your communication will facilitate the way to the goals set.

Step 4. Determine how you see your life balance.

When you strive to achieve an ideal, the list of criteria can be infinite. However, they are much smaller on the way to harmony. To achieve a balance, it is necessary to determine for yourself the optimal minimum of requirements, the execution of which will not cause serious difficulties. Each solved task will bring you closer to harmony.

Step 5. Learn to enjoy any, even the most small successes.

In the rhythm of modern life, a person often forgets to rejoice in any trifles, setting itself the task of achieving satisfaction only when global goals achieve. However, the ability to rejoice in small can add a positive note to your daily mood, which will speed up the path to the acquisition of harmony.

Requirement and rigor to itself discipline, but do not forget about the praise for the results obtained. Only laziness and unwillingness change anything in their lives deserve condemnation. Give your efforts, it will help to achieve harmony.

Read: 4 372

Roll or crawl? How best to move around life, strive for dreams and goals? Of course, it is better to move with good speed, which means: to roll - better than crawling. Hence today's topic - the wheel of the life balance.

Wheel of the Life Balance - Time Management and Coaching Methodology. But everyone can deal with the characteristics of the technique.

Why do you need a balance of life

Our life is subordinated to various third-party requirements. And if you follow it without informing and, most importantly, without adjusting, you can exist long years in automatic mode. And then look back at the past time and terrify the missed opportunities. In the past you can easily see:

  • self-growing children;
  • husband without affection and attention;
  • unnoticed development opportunities;
  • imperfect travel;
  • unfinished education;
  • unread books;
  • unrealized projects.

A huge number of different "not" ...

And at this point we understand that many areas of life have simply not covered. The days took place in the Rhythm "House-Work-House" or in another similar format, and everything else went past.

You can avoid pain of such disappointment. And need. This requires only to do the exercise of the life balance wheel and understand why life still does not play all the shades of the rainbow.

Life Balance Wheel Spheres

The life balance wheel is a circle divided into segments, in which each zone corresponds to some kind of sphere of life.

The traditional template of the life balance wheel proposes to use 8 spheres of life for analysis, but this amount can be increased or decreased at the request of a person.

How to make a life balance wheel?

Balance Wheel Society

If the test of the life balance wheel is done for the first time, it is worth using canonical spheres. And afterwards to correct the technique for itself. Eight spheres of balance of life:

Where to make a life balance wheel? For drawing the life of the life of the Wheel of the Life Balance, Excel will fit, standard diary, a sheet of A4 format, Watman. Any convenient option.

What to evaluate? Radiance received chart. The more clear the resulting circle, the more confident it rolls through life. The brighter everyday life and more interesting weekdays. Bad when some of the spheres have particularly low indicators. It slows down the overall pace of life and takes away a mass of energy.

Methodology for analyzing life balance wheel

Technique Wheel of the Life Balance, when the circle is already drawn and marked with estimates in each area, allows you to see the seizible spheres. Frequent cases of imbalance - Comrades:

  • business to the detriment of family and health;
  • spiritual to the detriment of income and career;
  • friends to the detriment of work, development and relatives.

All these options are equally bad.

The life balance wheel shows that she was at the current time and prompts the directions for work.

After drawing up and analyzing the wheel of the balance of life, it will be correct right in the zone of each sphere to register steps and actions to normalize the situation.

If low points is gaining a family, you can plan a shared rest or introduce some kind of pleasant tradition. If in the minus career, think over the paths of professional development. If the wheel slows down the spiritual sphere, think about the development options for this direction.

Do not write global plans. Better real - for a week, maximum month. And not one option, and two, three, four. In order to make something every few days to improve the state of a particular area of \u200b\u200blife.

After a month of active work, it is worth re-made a life balance wheel and evaluate changes. View new results and consider further plan with coverage of new areas or improvements.

It is difficult to find a golden middle to connect money making, care for loved ones, full-fledged rest, self-development. Something goes more energy, and it is simply not left for something. Where harmony is missing - it is able to show a life balance wheel. It also instills faith that not everything is so bad, and no one has canceled the ability to significantly. In Buddhism, the concept of "wheel of life" is given enough attention. Apparently, not in vain.

Usually it is prepared for six months or for 12 months. Try to experiment on New Year's Eve, to start everything from scratch from the first sheet of calendar. Do not know what the wheel balance wheel is and how to make it? Will tell our instruction. Well, let's start now?

Create your wheel

  1. Think about your main life values. Record them on a sheet. What quantity it turns out - individually. Much depends on temperament and other factors. It must be significant areas for you, without which you are not able to exist:
    - a family,
    - Health,
    - Work,
    - Hobby,
    - children
    - relations,
    - friends,
    - money,
    - relaxation,
    - spirituality ...
    Variations set. Let it be a kind of test that will allow you to learn a lot of interesting things.
  2. On another sheet paper, draw a circle (or can you download), divide for as many parts as other areas of life it turned out. It is necessary to fill each of them as a blank.
  3. And evaluate in points - from one to ten. On the axis we write a score, draw a handclock.

    For example, you have a wonderful a familywhere mutual understanding reigns. There are no complaints. Then you can safely put the top ten, everything is normal and sincerely pleased.

    Health Pickup. There is no terrible diseases due to the sky, but health is harming, the body is weakened, it is easily amenable to different viruses. Affairs are bad, dozen there is no place. Five or six, no more.

    Favourite hobby. If there is no such thing - put a unit. When there is a hobby, but it's hard to remember when you were taken for him, - two. Well, the lesson for the soul, which is devoted to at least a little time every day, requires the highest assessment.

    Work. Do you like what you do? Team, salary, result? Do you get a worthy return in exchange for your efforts? Think carefully. All harmonious? So, 10. Not particularly, I want more? 5-6 points.

    Relaxation. Remember when truly managed to rest. It was joy not only for the body, but also for the soul? Does it turn out to take hours on leisure time during the daytime? Will you fall out, you feel cheerfully? Put points frankly answering questions.

Evaluation System

Thanks to this technique, a certain verdict will be rendered every sphere of life. Focus on your feelings and do not try to deceive yourself, here this is inappropriate.

The evaluation criterion is possible in such parameters:

  • 0 - 3 - the situation urgently needs to be changed, completely bad, launched;
  • 4 - 7 - partially requires changes, the foundation for painstaking work;
  • 8 - 10 - stably, successfully, without comments.
Do not deceive yourself, answer frankly, and you can brag before others.
Not all areas of life will receive high points. Something dominates, something gets less attention, but does not lose importance.

Looking at the drawing, it will be easy to understand what directions are already in priority, and what to breathe forces. This method will help the life of the life balance to become harmonious.

We start changes in life

Consider the situation closer

Check the levels on the scale and connect the points. The picture will allow to understand the skewers in the landmarks. Check where the imbalance is viewed, which it is necessary to pay maximum attention. If you tighten these directions, the other areas of life will also begin to be transformed. Over time, make sure that such planning was inconsistent.

Objective as lighthouse light.
Select a goal. Mark the ways to achieve it and also write them down. This will raise the score to the highest value. Formulate clearly, do not worry about the fact that the goal seems unnecessary. The universe will hear your petitions and will certainly help implement them. Even if the task at first glance seems unreal.

Make a plan to work with each sector

It is advisable to choose no more than 2-3 areas that most need changes.
  1. What needs to be taken to make a feeling of comfort.
  2. Concrete actions.
  3. How much time will need to work on improving this sphere.
  4. Try to set a certain period in which to actually meet. Month, two or a whole year. Focus on the internal potential.
  5. It is important that the feelings do not arise that you have come for this from under someone's preims. Drawing up the plan, as well as the prospect of implementation, ideally inspires and pleases.
It is rational to compile it in such a way that pleasant innovations led to a positive in other areas. Everything is interconnected - both in the world and in our aura.

Classic example:if you have long dreamed of getting on a journey - organize it with your child; Fill out the void of communication with your children - impressions, recovery. Either start going to the gym, perform regularly exercises - thanks to this, the figure will improve, the time will appear for yourself. That is, when you work on one sphere, the rest are also corrected.

Example of working with each sector

More details ...

We choose as the Sector Self-Development sector. There is a need to improve it because it is too launched. Compile action plan.

  1. Decide how exactly you want to develop: read books, learn a foreign language, look for yourself in a new hobby. Write down.
  2. Form the desired database. If this is a book of your favorite author - you need to go to the library, download a product on the Internet or buy a book. Sign up for language course, use online lessons from the network. As for the hobby, examine information about it, look for master classes, get to know people who are engaged in them. Try your strength, create!
Periodically, slaughter the results of the change. it good training. At least once a month, analyze whether something happens or WHO did not budge.

Repeat but already otherwise

After three to four months, draw a new balance wheel. Forget about what you have already done it. Create with fresh thoughts. As an element of the motivation system is not bad to hang a picture with your wheel above the workplace or where your attention accumulates in the house.

Useful Download images that are impressed and could be a reflection of your life. Take advantage of photoshop, create bright, hot-desired pictures that are so lacking in everyday life. Attach illustration next to the wheel. Excellent addition!

Everything that is unrealistic, has a chance to transform into a reality.

Try with the onset of a new day to install small tasks. Perform them - in order for the life of the life balance rolling confidently, smoothly, without losing forms. Such a coaching reception will certainly bring generous fruits.

We are the creators of their unique, unique world and own great abilities to build it as they want. If the consciousness reigns grace, pleasure - the universe feels. She responds to good deeds, thoughts bright and unexpected signs. Nothing is impossible! In this you need to firmly believe.

At the end of the famous Chinese parable about the sage and soldier:

The harsh soldier blocked the way to the sage, coming on the road, and asked him:
"Who are you? And where are you going? What do you need?"

What humble old man asked his question: "How much does your boss pay you?"

"Two rice baskets per week," the soldier's answer was.

"I will pay you twice as much if you will ask me these questions every day," the wise old man told him.

Let's look more often where the river life carries us that we need in this world, and what we imagine!

Let you never leave inspiration, everything goes on, and the life balance wheel confidently moves only forward!

When a person has everything for survival, but he does not feel happiness, the process of more thin work above oneself. It is equilibrium that is considered a priority value. The wheel of life will help you bring well-being in those processes that flow around you and inside your soul.

The purpose of the method

In an effort to improve the atmosphere around itself, self-realization, happiness and success, people think about those spectra of their personality that they would like to improve. I also want to pull up professional skills. However, the deeper you dig, the more you notice that there is a connection between all the processes.

If something is not laid in labor activitySurely this affects the suffering personal life, and vice versa. Our psyche is like a body. For example, when one organ falls, it may affect others. So it is not necessary to be treated, but comprehensively.

The wheel of the balance of life helps in this. You can resort to K. this method In order to find out how harmony is present in you, how realistic plans, which direction must be selected for self-improvement, what is the root of errors.

How to make this task?

Wheel of life - a technique in which you will need to draw a circle. Watch it on 8 segments. These are areas of importance to you that will reflect the wheel balance wheel. How to make a tool work on yourself?

In each department, enter your values \u200b\u200band priorities. The wheel of life often contains data on career growth, health and family relationships, which are usually important for everyone. You can further add additional compartments that give the value. Wheel of the balance of life can accommodate cells with rest, favorite classes and hobbies, development in one area or another.

We put points

Then praise estimates on a ten-point scale how much is your satisfaction in each sphere. The wheel of life is a methodology for analyzing and planning a life that can show that you give excessive attention to something one and forget about all the other. Or, on the contrary, everything is equilibrium. In each cell, it can be like 0, which means indifference to this category, and 10, which personifies the increased care of this paragraph, as well as intermediate points. Dozen put it when you all satisfy.

Wheel of life - a technique for determining human values, based on expert ways, so the basis for stating estimates is purely your attitude and feeling. Do not rely on generally accepted standards, because we are talking About your fate.

It often happens that, making up a wheel of life, people evaluate their income on the criterion for satisfying their needs, but depending on what is considered to be successful in our time. So you strive for what you really do not need, becoming part of the consumer society. From here there are dissatisfaction and decay of self-esteem. Such processes should be clearly tracked. Listen yourself, this is your life and you live her.

We get the final picture

When this part of the work is completed, we continue to make a wheel of life. The photo shows how the drawing should look at ideally. Now you need to postpone the segments so that the center of the circle becomes the zero point. The point in which the beam reaches the circle is taken for marking 10. Sleep points displaying satisfaction inside the circle. To visualize the processes of what happens to you, you need to paint each sector, up to the mark with the assessment.

Wheel of life is a method of analyzing and planning a life that will help determine the level of harmonicity of different spheres with which you are in contact with your way. If you are a balanced personality with the perfect balance, if you are happy, your schedule should be even. If this is not observed, that is, a large field for activity.

We draw conclusions

Take a look at your wheel of life and make a conclusion that you have paid attention not enough. This method is very good with its clarity. Everything immediately becomes clear and understandable.

If you put some spheres of your life on a samone, it's thoroughly for them to take and improve. You can be proud of those points for which you have high scores. Thanks to this method, you can really understand what to do focus.

Start from those positions for which the estimates are minimal. The faster you eliminate these holes, the better for you. You need to make a list of tasks that you follow to improve the situation. To do this, connect the fantasy and imagine how things would have to be placed so that you put 10-ku.

Then, in the imagination, concrete steps will begin to achieve the goal, having completed that you improve your life. Everything needs to be carefully recorded. Thus, there will be a mental work, as a result of which the right decisions will appear.

This material will help you in the future.

This is an important process and painstaking work, but it is from this that your happiness depends. It often happens that we are speaking several times on the same rake. In this case, you just need to raise your results, and the solidification of a difficult situation will happen much faster than it could be without them.

If new ideas appear, add them to the previously recorded. Thus, it is easier to find a way out of situations of different complexity. For each weak position It is necessary to write down at least three actions. Start with simple goals, do not complicate in advance. Large distances pass by small chains, but it certainly for sure. When the first goals are completed, you will be easily pushing yourself with something more significant and serious. Sometimes a complex process is the beginning of improvement, and then everything is going on inertia.

More careful study

It happens that man is hard to appreciate the other scope of his life. In this case, we can advise you to draw a separate such pattern consisting of 8 directions. You can see what should be fixed in this area.

Do not ignore anything seen in the picture. To establish harmony, it is necessary to treat with the same care and attention to all sephones. Only this will be achieved and happiness will be achieved, and the path will become joyful and fascinating.

An interesting fact is that, as a rule, optimist and pessimist perform this task in different ways. It depends on both the sacrons of self-esteem and from the affiliated accents.

For example, the optimist is characterized by reassessing its success and high marks in large quantities items. Mala objectivity of his judgments. The pessimist painting will be directly opposite - frequent will be depreciated by their own success.

What does it give?

All sectors are interconnected with each other. Also, according to the results of this task, you can determine the type of personality. People are distinguished by their values, so, preferring and paying increased attention to a certain area of \u200b\u200blife, a person may relate to a misunderstanding to those who choose another.

That is why it is very important not to stop on something one, but to develop your personality complex. Then the world will seem to be a more cozy and favorable place. It is a multifaceted and comprehensive development make our life full. In our society there was an erroneous opinion that everything can be bought for money. But, as a rule, we often sell our own life than the acquisition of really necessary things. It seems to be a wardrobe Italian bought and Japanese car, and happiness, as it was not, and not.

Preparations of points over "І" in this task, many find what really makes their lives are more pleasant, and not only creates a well-being, which is hidden by unrealizations and rejection of their own needs. All the answers are already in your soul. You just need to take them into light.