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Call Pripyat Find a fine tool. Instruments. Tools for fine work - Jupiter

Achieving "Master of Combat Systems" (English Weapon Systems Expert) in "Stalker: Call Pripyat" opens after delivery of the Cardan of three sets of tools for modifying things. Modifications are divided into three levels and require different tools. To improve the first level, the tools are required for rough operation, second level - tools for fine work, third level - calibration tools. A complete improvement in weapons and equipment to "Stalker: Call Pripyat" is available to Kardan in his own workshop on the middle deck "Skadovsk" on the raise and at the Yanov stations in the vicinity of Jupiter. From the bunker scientists improves only equipment, and Lieutenant Kirillov in the laundry of Pripyati is only engaged in the repair of things.

Thanks to the tools for calibration, the cardan will be able to make the third level improvements and install unique servo drives to the exoskeleton for running and fast walking.

Location of instruments for Kardan to "Stalker: Call Pripyat":

  • The first set of tools for rough work:
    • Backwater. Sawmill (North-West Location): The tool box lies on the workbench in the attic of a dilapidated single-storey house located on the lower yarus of the yard. The territory of the sawmill is guarded by zombied, wild dogs and boars, the blood pressure appears later.
  • The first set of tools for fine work:
    • Backwater. Plant substation (South-Western Location): The box with tools lies on the container in the middle of the household yard, behind the one-story building, which Tesaca's mercenaries were chosen. For the food mercenaries will agree to skip into the substation.
  • The first set of tools for calibration:
    • Pripyat. Department store (southern part of the location): The box with the tools lies on the table in the basement. The structure is protected by packs of tushkanov, pseudo-free and blind pieces. If you do not touch Tushkanov, but to go in the footsteps of mutants, they will lead exactly to the goal.

Tasks for searching for instruments give equipment at the first meeting if the conversation is asked. The first three boxes with tools should be given the cardan, the second three nitrogen sets.

In the game called "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" (Stalker: Call of Pripyat) in a ordinary player may arise difficulties with the search for special caches, which contain tools necessary to gain access to new improvements in armor and weapons of the main character.

The fact is that mechanics at the very beginning of the game can carry out only a few types of improving weapons - this is a change of caliber and an increase in the capacity of the store, but in order to get access to other improvements The player needs to search for various tool sets. Each such kit is located in the game only in several copies and in the absence of a certain experience in search, as well as without having the card, make it can be quite problematic.


Of course, in the game you can always get information about the location of the caches with instruments from ordinary stalkers and other characters, but not everyone agrees to cooperate with the main character, and some of them can even specifically disinform the player. Exactly for these reasons In this article, we will tell you in all details where to look for and how to find these the most hidden caches. In the article you are currently reading, we will tell about where to find the tools in the "Stalker: Call of Pripyat", without experiencing special problems with the search and conversations with other characters in the passage of the game.


Zaton is a territory in the game that is controlled by bandits and free stalkers. Located itself is a shorter of a long-dried river. This is evidenced by scattered here and there barges, dry cargo, boats and other engineering. In these, definitely atmospheric and gloomy places, not so much radiation, as in the rest of the game, but everywhere will jumped livestock everywhere - it is both wilderbars and blind dogs, and can sometimes run into zombied.

There is only one major camp in these places located on Skadovsk dry cargo ship. Local mechanic Cardan can help the player to carry out modification and calibration of weapons, but with the tools here everything is very bad so they must first find them.

Tools for rough work

So, first, in the north-west card, Zaton you will need to find the sawmill. Go there, but keep in mind that the way you will be waiting for a rather dangerous and alone can go there quite complicated. When will you still succeed get to the sawmillYou will find that it is populated with dangerous zombies. Despite the fact that they can be quite a lot there, try to aim right in the head, and then there will be no problems with them. When you figure out the zombie, it will be much easier to start searching.

In this location you will need to go down to that part of the sawmill, which is located at the foot of the hill. There, right in the center, there will be a building that we need. We go inside and climb the stairs to the attic. Then make your way to the easiest of this attic and we find the calibration tools for rude operations.

After you give these tools with the mechanics on Skadovsk dry cargo ship, you will thank you with money remuneration and make it possible to produce new modifications for your weapon.

Tools for fine work

Go towards the south - on the substation shop. There you will be waiting for the task from the mercenaries neutral to you. It turns out that they ended with food and in case you bring them 6 units of any meal, you will be passed inside the camp. Once inside, Go to the very end of the road, and then unfold in the opposite direction and go inside the workshop. There also go to the very end forward, and then turn left twice. So you will get to the gang rest. Carefully look at that mercenary who sits on the box - the same box with tools for fine calibration is located on the right of it.


Jupiter is a secret plant in the game "Stalker: Call Pripyat", on which in the old days was made extraordinarily powerful small arms. And the plant is equipped with an underground transport system, there are many workshops, an administrative complex and a pair of minor auxiliary buildings.

Tools for rough work

Next to the factory, Jupiter is a railway station called Janov. It is rather large camp of stalkerswhere you can find another technique. The name is his nitrogen and he also needs tools for repairing, calibration and improving weapons of the main hero of the game.

You will need to do the following actions in order to find a local set.

  1. Coming from the station, head the ways to the southwest.
  2. Climb on the bridge and jump from it to the roof of the electric locomotive.
  3. Go to the end of the train and clutch inside.
  4. Caution, avoiding an electrical anomaly, return to the beginning of the composition.
  5. Take the tools located there and jump into the broken doors.

Tools for fine work

Go to the Yupiter plant itself, which is located in the south-east of the local level. Go to the constructions necessary from the "Concrete Bath" which is located at the western wall of the plant. Turn the right, while standing on the face to the anomaly, and you will see the South Gate. Come inside. Next, the procedure for such:

  1. When you raise inside the plant, look at the building on the left and enter it.
  2. Climb the stairs and go to the corridor.
  3. After you walk along a small corridor, you will fall into the attic.
  4. Carefully passing between electric anomalies to the wall, which is on the opposite side, you will see a wardrobe of a green color.
  5. Open the cabinet and see that inside is a box with tools.


Pripyat is an abandoned city in the north of Ukraine, whose residents were forced to leave him a few days after the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP.

Calibration tools

In Pripyat there are two last set of tools. One of them is in the department store building, the stairs on the table. Just do not follow the mutants deep into the basement when you find yourself inside. And here the second set lies on the table, in the building of the old community service plant (CBO). Being inside, climb the second floor and kill the bud. Keep in mind that this is a rather strong enemy and one of the most complex mutants in the game. At the very end of the hall in a small room there will be a table on which the most recent of the tools in the game will be located.


From this video you will learn where and how to collect tools.

In order to find the tools in the toy "Stalker: Call of Pripyat", you must first take the task from one of the repairmen. There are two of them throughout the game. This is a kardan from the Skadovsk dry cargo and nitrogen from the Yanov station. Since we start on the location of Zaton, where the Skadovsk is located, consider the option with the cardan. Also on the takon are also the first two set of tools - for coarse and fine tuning. To get instruments for calibration, you will need to get to Pripyat. The first two sets get much easier. Although this is a side quest, it's worth performing it at the very beginning, when we have not had time to quarrel with everyone. In this case, it is possible to find all the tools with almost a single shot.

Find cardan and take a task.

Find a sawmill on the map.

Get to the sawmill, destroy Zombakov. For a simple execution of paragraph 6, collect the whole food from the corpses that there is on them. Find on the attic of the sawmill required set of tools for rough adjustment.

Find on the map of the substation shop.

Get to the shops of the substation, neutralize the mercenaries in one way or another. If at the time of execution of paragraph 3, enough food is collected, the question is easily solved by the dealer. They all have 5 sticks of sausages and banks "Tourist breakfast".

Find in the territory controlled by mercenaries set for fine adjustment of weapons. Located in the courtyard, on the box next to two resting mercenaries.

Get to Pripyat.

In Pripyat, find on the department store map, bypassing extra problems get to it and find the entrance to the basement.

Follow in the basement of the department store behind the tubes, which will lead to the necessary room.

The first two sets for setting up weapons are duplicated, they are also available in the vicinity of Jupiter, where nitrogen lives at its station "Yanov". The latter, the calibration kit also exists in two versions, but both of them are in pripyat. Of the last two it is easier to get the one in the basement of the department store.

We looked at the most unpretentious options for the production of tools. They are easy to find, and on the way there will be a minimum of problems if they are not found targeted. The only problem with the last set is to get to Pripyat, but it will still have to do along the game, so this quest can be called not only by side, but also passing.

Where to find tools in "Stalker - Call Pripyat"?

    Instrumentsnecessary to improve and modify armor and weapons in the game Stalker (S.t.a.l.k.e.r.): Call of Pripyat scattered on the TRM locations: Zaton, the surroundings of Jupiter and Pripyat. Therefore, there will be a lot to run.

    In the following video In complete, shown - where and how they can be used.

    Tools can be found already at the beginning of the game. They are important for pumping armor and weapons, as well as for repair. So.

    Tools for coarse work (a set of young technician) lie on the attic of an abandoned house at the sawmill. Zombies roam around the house, but they can be shot from afar and throw grenades.

    The tool for fine work is located in the substation workshop. The shop is captured by mercenaries. They are aggressive. You can enter the peaceful, remove the weapon and offer them food. They will give inspecting the territory. Box with tools lies on one of the wooden boxes in the courtyard. On the roof of the workshop there is a cache with medicines. But you can not play with mercenaries, but try to shoot them. Or first pick up tools, and then deal with them. They deserve it.

    Janov. One set of tools can be found in an empty train. We will have to ride from flying fire.

    Pripyat. In the department store and in the shops of the OKB.

    Here is a small video instruction to the already listed answers of other authors. With it, you can easily find calibration tools in this game. Okay, enough to write. We look and remember the place !!!

    in the first map, where the mercenaries are, six people are asking for sausages or batons or other screens, you find them food and pass to their camp, they will find the box there. Another one if I'm not mistaken on the sawmill in the same map.

    And in the second map where the station is a bridge, it is necessary to jump onto the train cars, there in one of the cars lie (if I did not take the other stalker)

    In a computer game Stalker: Call of Pripyat Tools can be found on the 3-location it is Zaton, the surroundings of Jupiter and the very printer. By scattered over these locations and you will have to try hard to find them. Details of searching for tools Look at the video:

    Tools can be found on the first location when you meet mercenaries who want to eat, do not suck and bring them what they want, in return, they will let you go into their camp, which lies a box with tools.

    At the factory, Jupiter, on the second floor of a room with electric anomalies. In pripyat.

    If you want to find tools for fine work, then they are located in the substation shops (on a wooden box in a small yard) in the takon.

    If you want to get tools for rough work, they should be sought on the attic of a residential building in the zadon (sawmill).

    Where to find the tools in the game Stalker - Call Pripyat.

    The first tools can be found under the roof of an abandoned house on the sawmill. Then we go to the substation shop. There will be a humbry that will be asked to bring them food. Bring them to food and take tools. You can find them in the back coup on the boxes.

    Now you need to find calibration tools. They lie in the old CBO in Pripyat, on the last floor of the building.

    If you attract the Kardan tools, then he can do so that the exole will run.

    There are two tool sets for hard work and for easy operation. A set for heavy work is in the sawmill in the raise, in the attic. In addition, this set can be found in the vicinity of Jupiter - under the bridge there is an electric anomaly.

    A set for fine work can be found in the attic in one of the plants of Jupiter.

    Calibration kits are located in Pripyat: one in the basement of the department store, the other in the abandoned CBO, on the second floor.

    My husband adores this game. He played all the stalkers, in the call of prodad including. Sometimes it is just stuck on tasks with search. In this case, you can see the online video prompts. For example, prompts with video about the location of the tools can be found here.

    If necessary tools for rough work, I find them in the attic of a residential building (sawmill) in the takon.

    If necessary tools for fine work, I find them on the shops of the substation in a small courtyard on a wooden box in the takon.

One of the quests along the game is to search for tools for various types of work. There are three names of the sets, the quest itself is taken from masters producing weapons and ammunition modifications, in particular the characters named Kartan and Nitrogen. This task will help us in the future produce a cheap repair and perform some cunning operations with our things, namely to improve the characteristics of weapons and clothes, adjust the features of the unit used. The execution of this type of quest will bring many advantages to further pass the game. Now we will look at where to find tools for fine work in the stalker Call of Pripyat.

Shopping workshop

First set we will look at the sheets of substation on the back. But before going there, you need to fulfill the quest "Prips", which includes the delivery of food, for hungry mercenaries, blocking the path to the instrument, and the Yaro guarding it from you. To accomplish this quest, you need to bring food, in the form of six units. Preferences in mercenaries are different, but privileges are arranged as follows. The first to go canned food, which, as a rule, have a property to maintain their qualities for a long time. Next, the sausage follows, and only after these two already with some cynicism there is bread.

Building on the territory of the factory Jupiter

Next place where you can find tools for fine work located on the territory of the "Jupiter". The building we need is to the south of the Anomaly "Concrete Bath". It is necessary to go to this building, find the attic in it and immediately go there. However, it is possible to be extremely careful, because the anomaly of the "Electra" operates in the district, which, with any embarrassing movement, is able to deprive you forces, health, and you just just do not be able to get out of there if you choose. Snebering will be required to carefully go through the trash to the box, which is almost at the end of the room. You can also try. In order not to leave with empty hands, you can open the detector (preferably categories "Velez") and search for a storehouse of artifacts that are in the same room. To get away from there, at the same end where you are, there is a door through which you can get out safely by not meeting any traps and anomalies.