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How to find out your magical abilities. Your abilities by date of birth

Not every ability is still manifested in youth - many people are aware of their destination much later. With numerology, you can speed up this process and start developing your talent right now.

To find out what kind of abilities you knew nature, you need to contact the date of your birth. Fold all the dates until you get the figure from 1 to 9 - this will be the number of your talent. For example, you were born 01/17/1975. We fold all the numbers: 1 + 7 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 5 \u003d 4. The number of talent in this example is 4. When the number of talent is calculated, it remains only to read its interpretation and find out what sphere you will achieve the greatest success. .

The number of talent by date of birth

1 - symbol of leadership abilities. You will achieve great success in any collective work, because you will be able to carry people and lead them for themselves. People who correspond to this number of talent, are initiative, persistent, responsible and communicated. These are inborn leaders. If you are currently taking a low position, remember that everyone started with small - and start active actions.
2 - a symbol of peace and diplomatic. This number empowers its owner to negotiate, to have the most pretentious people and easily resolve any conflicts and disputes. People with such abilities can succeed in almost any sphere: of which good psychologists, lawyers, diplomats and entrepreneurs are obtained.
3 - symbol of cheerfulness and inspiration. Those who patronize this number of talent are distinguished by a rich imagination, energetic and burden to create, as well as the skill so convincingly express their thoughts that even their close people can not always distinguish deception from the truth. Troika people seek great success in artistic work, especially in acting skills.
4 - a symbol of practicality and concentration. High ability to concentrate and close attention to detail helps people under the auspices of this number, to achieve success even in the most difficult and time-based work. They successfully copes with difficult settlements and make up accurate plans, so perfectly implement themselves in the financial sector, as well as in architectural design. 5 - symbol of curiosity and energetic. The one who is born under this number seeks to know the world surrounding, analyze and explain his amazing phenomena. And, as a rule, the people of the number five are endowed with an inexhaustible stock of forces in order to open themselves and surrounding new knowledge horizons. Of these, excellent scientists, teachers, archaeologists are obtained.
6 - a symbol of debt and loyalty. Nature has endowed people with this number of talent with a huge force, which will fully reveal in serving high human objectives. Such people are excellent educators, teachers, doctors. As a rule, even if their scope of work is quite far from the above, they show themselves to help neighbors: provide support, give wise advice and wonderful children.
7 - symbol of creativity and wisdom. The one who corresponds to this number of talent is endowed with strong intelligence and analytical abilities. People seven easily assimilate information, penetrate the essence of things, establish deep links between the phenomena of the world. Very insightful: the ability to "see people through" is often manifested in childhood. Successfully implement themselves in any intellectual activity and creativity. In addition, some of them develop extrasensory abilities over time.
8 - Symbol of Will and Force. Born under the auspices of this number are able to find a way out of the most difficult situations and overcome all obstacles to the goal. The people of the number eight achieve great success in any sphere that requires moral or physical endurance, especially in sports.
9 - symbol of creativity. Faith in an ideal and the desire to improve the world distinguishes those who correspond to this number of talent. Such people are aesthetically susceptible and contemptant, so they realize themselves in creative professions: verbal creativity, acting game, musical writing.

In many magic abilities associated with something unreal, mysterious or even non-existent. But this is far from that. It turns out that almost every person has a tendency to magic and magic - but not everyone suspects about it.

Science has always raised magic, but there are countless evidence that cannot be simply ignored.

Magic exists and at all times he was fond of and used for various purposes. Each person from birth has a certain set of skills and unusual talents.

Someone knows how to predict the future, someone can boast of good intuition, someone can learn the headache with one touch of fingers.

But, unfortunately, we do not pay attention to such abilities or simply ignore them.

Types of magical abilities

It should be immediately said that the magic is divided into two groups - there is black and there. In accordance with this, magic skills are divided.

It is also accepted to share magic skills to the following types:

  • Telepathy - Work with thoughts, the transfer of thoughtforms at a distance.
  • Clairvoyance - The ability to see the future, predict the upcoming events.
  • Clear - the ability to read information directly from the energy information field.
  • Mediummism - Communication with spirits, mediums.
  • Witchcraft - Guidance of damage and unchalled, love spell, burning.
  • Telekinesis - Dar move things with thought.
  • Heal - Getting rid of the illness with conspiracies, spells and rituals.

Magical abilities named and date of birth

Let's figure out how to determine the magical forces by the date of birth - for this, fold all the numbers that are in it. And revealed the result to a simple number.

For example:


Now refer to the interpreter of the digits:

1 - You can easily influence the opinion of other people. Your rituals and rites always give positive results.

2 - Hello from God. Energy simply flows out of your fingers.

3 - Watch out for those who are said, as all your words (and thoughts) are easily materialized.

4 - You can push out any mystical attack. From nature, your protective shell is very strong - we can say that impermeable.

5 - predictors and clairvoyant.

6 - You know what your friends and acquaintances think about.

7 - Your dreams are almost always come true or serve as a guide to action.

8 - Ability to mental magic.

9 - You are connected with the otherworldly forces, so you can communicate with spirits and deceased people.

You can learn about the witchcraft skills by the name of a person. To do this, first translate letters into numbers (A -1, b - 2, etc.), and then make similar conclusions.

Read more on the topic:

Magic abilities for zodiac signs

Many are interested in: how do you know if you have abilities for magic and how do they depend on the sign of the zodiac? Do not think that the stars exactly answer all your questions - they will only indicate the direction in which you should move on.

Read more on the topic:

How do magic talents depend on the sign of the zodiac? Let's try to figure out.

  • Aries

The most active and energetic sign. Its powerful inner force sometimes beats through the edge. Possessing such a huge potential, representatives of Aries can practice any varieties of magic.

But most often they do not show interest in the magical sciences - they are more like a social activity and a stormy social life.

Quite often, Aries apply magic unconsciously - program themselves for good luck, attract money, distinguishes diseases. It all happens spontaneously.

For the power of thought they can charge food and water - it is worth only to pronounce their desire over them. Remember that the good thoughts are strong and evil - no need to be scattered by threats and curses.

  • calf

Tales always monitor the material side of life, so they are well able to manage financial well-being. If you develop this talent, you can completely forget about the problems with money. They will flow the river to your hands without much effort on your part.

Taurus work well with herbs, as they are associated with natural elements.

The advice for Tales is to speed up your dream, it often utters out loud. And do not forget to thank the universe for all her gifts.

  • Twins

Representatives of this sign are excellent speakers. With the help of a regular word, they can completely change the worldview of the whole group of people. Their intonation, their feed is simply fascinating. Twins want to listen again and again.

Based on the foregoing, it is not difficult to guess that the strength of the twins are conspiracies and spells.

But there is one problem - such people do not know how to completely surrender to one case. They are bored with monotony.

  • Cancer

If you ask for cancer, as it belongs to magic, his answer will be unequivocal: "I'm not interested." And some generally despise all the magical and mystical. But if you dig deeper, you can reach the truth. From nature, cancer are good broadcasters of the future. Their forecasts (on a football match, on weather conditions, on the outcome of the transaction) often come true.

Often see the prophetic dreams. Have the ability to psychology (of which very good and true friends are obtained).

  • a lion

These people are strong athighters that are able to ignite the fire among the crowd and entail on the edge of the world. Nature so ordered that they are not afraid of damage, no evil eye, nor other witch attacks. Nothing can break through the aura of Leo.

At the intuitive level, they can choose their personal talisman. It is well given hypnosis.

But often, the pride and egoism are on the way to the successful development of magical talents.

  • Virgo

Internal magic of virgins is initially strong, but to take advantage of it, you need additional tools - talismans, charms, amulets. Everyone knows the scrupulousness and thriftness of this sign. Excessive attachment to old and unnecessary things negatively affects the energy sector of the Virgin.

Of these, good astrologers and chiromarts are obtained. All that is associated with accuracy and scrupulsiness, they come out perfectly. All that others are bored and uninteresting, they cause a big excitement.

  • Libra

Scales and natural elements are closely connected with each other. The energy of all living things helps such people always feel cheerfully, helps to restore the strength and solve all the vital tasks.

We are well versed in minerals and precious metals. Can charge them for success or health.

For weights, the surrounding atmosphere is important: they have a desire to engage in magic sciences, if the candles are burning, fragrances are fragrant, the corresponding music is playing. It all depends on the situation.

  • Scorpio

A huge variety of mystical secrets and mysteries are connected with this sign. Scorpions can guess, and predict, and curse. And each of their magic action is very strong.

The main thing for Scorpio is to learn how to manage your gift. Otherwise, he can harm not only the surrounding society, but also for himself.

If you want to spend any rite, you will succeed.

  • Sagittarius

From nature, Sagittarius have a healelers. They can get rid of head or tootham with one touch of fingers.

If you have decided on a life goal, you will definitely achieve it. And if you are in the search all the time, then you will stand at the crossroads all your life.

Sagittarov gets good teachers and spiritual mentors.

It is worth paying attention to that often they are so fond of what they turn into real fanatics - this should be feared.

  • Capricorn

They have logical thinking and always demand from other explanations. They are characterized by a serious approach to everything.

Capricorn wonder all the oldest and long forgotten - they love to study the magic of Druids, the vintage Scriptures, solve the puzzles of the ancestors.

Well understand animals and even know how to talk to them.

Every year their abilities are becoming stronger and stronger.

  • Aquarius

Recognition is important for water. They will be able to develop their mystical talents only if they admire and constantly praise. Their gorgeous imagination allows you to implement any idea.

They understand the magic of cards, tend to guess and conduct occult rituals.

I will be happy to share your knowledge (in order to once again emphasize your significance).

By nature, Aquarius is free and do not like when they are trying to bind. It is easily immersed in a meditative condition and are able to concentrate as much as possible.

  • Fish

These are real white magicians. They can prepare any potion, any tea or decoction. Fish are associated with water elements. They are also well given all kinds of fortune tells and predictions.

Very sensual nature - they are easy to offend and touch for living. May sacrifice themselves for the sake of a loved one. But if you try to offend the representative of this zodiac sign - hold on. Their revenge can be very cruel.

Because of the inborn uncertainty, the fish can hide their abilities and not to tell anyone about them.

Tarot Magical Abilities

Tarot cards can also tell about your inborn magical abilities. What do I need to do:

  1. Fold all the numbers in the full date of your birth. If you have the number 23 or more, deduct from the resulting result 22. The result and will be the desired number.
  2. Now fold all the numbers of the date of birth - and then according to the algorithm described above - twist it to the simple.
  3. The third step is the most difficult. In turn, reduce the number, month and year to unambiguous numbers. Now we put these three numbers.

Let's go back to our example:

24.03.1985 = 2+4+3+1+9+8+5 = 32 = 3+2 = 5

First digit: 24.03.1985 = 2+4+3+1+9+8+5 = 32-22 = 10

Second number: 24 = 2+4 = 6

Third number: 2+4 = 6 ; 0+3 = 3 ; 1+9+8+5 = 23 = 2+3 = 5 . 6+3+5 = 14

Now you have three numbers in your hands - three Arcana Tarot (in our example it 5 , 10 and 14 ) - It's time to turn to the intercourse of Arkanov:

1 Magician These people boast of excellent natural data. Their magical potential is perfectly developed. At the intuitive level, they are creating wonders.

2 Supreme Priestess . If the two fever fell out, it testifies to its unprecedented talents. Such people can read information from natural sources, communicate with animals and plants.

3 Empress . Representatives of homemade magic (dolls, wax).

4 Emperor . Male number. Love to attack and show leadership.

5 Jeropant . Pros of classic, religious.

6 Lovers . Prefer to make magic in a pair.

7 Chariot . Machine talismans are manufactured, symbolism respected.

8 Force . Of these people most often are shamans.

9 Hermit . Strong psychics.

10 Wheel of Fortune . Make sure to dive into their past incarnations.

11 Justice. Extremely careful - will never be engaged in magic until they make sure security.

12 Hanged. Easy immersed in trance.

13 Death. Work with the world of the dead, from where and get all the necessary answers.

14 Moderation . Sensual nature, psychologists.

15 Devil . Associated with the dark side.

16 Tower . These people prefer communicating with nature and all of her elements.

17 Star . They see all types of universal energies and draw the strength from them.

18 Moon . The source of their abilities night shone.

19 The sun . Strong nature in all senses.

20 Court . Take all information from vintage sources. New magical achievements do not cause confidence in these people.

21 Peace . And here, on the contrary, there is an interest in unconventional techniques.

22 Jester . Game types of magic.

Determine the three arcans that match your date of birth and find out what you are capable of magically.

Test for the definition of abilities for magic

To understand whether you have a magical strength, do not necessarily hold calculations and look for information in various interpreters.

Modern opportunities allow you to learn about your potential with a simple test - it is easy to find it on the Internet, if you enter the corresponding request in the search engine.

You are granted a few questions that you have to give answers immediately - the first thing comes to mind. And as a result, you will learn what area of \u200b\u200bmagic you really have a tendency.

Runic becoming a discovery of magical abilities


Witches do not believe in good luck. Witches materialize their desires. There is no such thing as a coincidence. Everything happens for its intended purpose. From the point of view of Alchemy, Occultism and Numerology, the date of birth is not accidental. It can actually open your magic gift that you do not even suspect.

What magic gift matches your date of birth?

It does not matter, do you believe in magic. But in each person the magic gift is laid. And if you detect it, you can develop it and apply it.

To find out your secret gift, fold the numbers of your date, month and year of birth, until you get a single-digit number. For example, if you were born 09.09.1975, then the sum will be equal to 5. (1 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 5 \u003d 32 \u003d 5)

Having learned what is your birthday, you will find yourself closer to the purpose of your life.

Number 1. Wizard

The first number is the number of creation. It is believed that those who are born under his influence create great people. You are a creative person who can leave an indispensable trace in art. You have a strong volitional spirit. However, you should not try to manipulate and control others.

  • Your magical gift: Creation

Number 2. Empat

You are very sensitive to energies around you. You learned to feel and feel what others do, and that is why you have become so compassionate. Your magic gift is in your heart. You have an Ajna Chakra (third eye). You must use it to alleviate the pain of others, but also quickly restore your energy, grounding yourself and entering into contact with nature.

  • Your magical gift: compassion and intuition

Number 3. . Triple Moon

This number personifies the three phases of the moon. That's why witches believe that you "tool" "Triple God and / or Triple Goddess" . Therefore, inside you are the strength of creation and destruction. The old rule "be careful, with your desires" refers to you because your magical gift is that your thoughts and desires can quickly become a reality.

  • Your magical gift: Creation and destruction

Number 4. Elementalist

The number 4 correlates with four elements of the Earth: fire, water, air and earth. Your essence is located in equilibrium with four elements, and that is why you are very rational, with a strong mind. Since you constantly draw energy out of 4 elements, it is very difficult to impose a curse on you or other magical impact on you. Since fire, water, air and earth create a magical power field around you, you reject the negative.

  • Your Magic Dar: Elemental Magic

Number 5. Spiritualist

Since the number 4 symbolizes the four elements of nature (fire, air, water and earth), the number 5 symbolizes the fifth element: spirit (ether in ancient Greek magic). Those who were born under his influence are in contact with the spiritual kingdom and can easily cause forces from outside.

  • Your magic gift: Communication with spirits

Number 6. Sunny student

Number 6 symbolizes the sun and everything that comes from our light source. Therefore, you have a strong stream of energy inside. Your magic gift comes from the sun. Consequently, he embodies all the blessings of life and power. You are a healer and leader. But with great power comes great responsibility. Learn how to use your great power the most ethical way.

  • Your magic gift: Ritual magic, healing

Number 7. Moon student

Number 7 symbolizes the moon and all the magic, which comes from the Great Lady of the night. Your magic gift is a clean, unacceptable magic of the moon. For you, it is very strange to follow ritual magic, as you instinctively know what to do. And usually you do not do the same twice. You are improving because of your very active intuition. Moreover, another magic gift is prophetic dreams. If you interpret them correctly and trust them, you can achieve wonders!

  • Your Magic Dar: Vision and Prophetic Dreams

Number 8. Traditional witch

This number is considered one of the most magical. Number 8 corresponds to 8 witch shabras, 8 corners of the world. If your birthday corresponds to 8, then you have a powerful magic force, but it will be activated only if you manage to configure and celebrate Shabashi. You have a very accurate internal compass, so you immediately realize and see your mistakes.

  • Your Magic Gift: Energy and Alchemy Manipulation

Number 9. Shaman

The last number symbolizes the combination of all of the above. This is the gate, of which everything ends, and everything begins again. That is why you see things that are not available to others. Your magic gift is your artistic and creative character, and you often see the situation in a very interesting perspective. That's why you can heal. Since the number corresponds to death and revival, you have a natural ability to feel ghosts and spirits around, but if you learn how to use this ability, you can even exceed the world, as all shamans do.

  • Your magical gift: Astral Projection and Magic Totems

Each man is endowed with extraordinary abilities that may not be suspected. It turns out that the gift to create magic is laid in each of the birth. How to find out your magical abilities by date of birth? To do this, you can use in two ways - make a digital calculation and find out the tarot cards. Consider this question.

Numerological calculation

To make the calculation, you need to fold all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, so:

1. 1985.11.11. = 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 27;
2. 27 = 2 + 7 = 9.

Now you need to use the interpreter of digits.

Unit It suggests that you can easily influence people and convince anywhere. Also, the unit speaks of the talent of the hypnotist. That is, there is verbal magic. You can successfully read spells and magical conspiracies, having such power of the word and belief.

Two Speaks about the presence of healing ability. You can transmit energy through your hands. Education to healing practices will bring success. However, do not forget to replenish the energy spent on time to restore the potential.

Troika Speaks about the ability to materialize things through words. Be careful with your thoughts and words not to attract troubles. Knowing about his gift, you can use it for creation, and not for destruction.

Four Speaks about the powerful energy potential. You have a strong natural protection that will push out any evil eye and negative impact. This potential can be used in the practice of psychic.

Five characterizes the presence of a predictive gift. You can become clairvoyant if you develop this potential.

Six Says that you can read the thoughts of people. If developing, you can become a good telepath.

Seven - You see the prophetic dreams and you can interpret the dream.

Eight Speaks about the ability to read thoughts. If you stretch, you can learn how to transmit thoughts at a distance. You will fit the techniques of mental magic.

Nine Speaks about the gift of communication with the otherworldly world. You can conduct spiritual sessions, receive contact information from the Universe and know what is unknown to other people.

Date of birth and tarot

How to determine the character of the magic gift on tarot cards? Arkana Tarot can tell a lot about human abilities. You need to fold the digits of the date of birth and turn to the interpreter of the senior Arkanov Tarot.

Unlike a numerological method of calculation, it is necessary to carry out 3 calculations here:

  1. fold the number of birth numbers, if it exceeds 22;
  2. fold all the numbers of the date of birth;
  3. lead to the unequivocal number of the total numbers of the number, month and year of birth and lay them together.

With a number of birth, everything is clear, however there is a nuance. In the Taro deck 22 senior arcanes, so if the birth number is more than 22 - we produce a mathematical operation. We need to deduct the number 22 from among the birth to get the necessary digit. For example: 23 (birth number) - 22 \u003d 1.

In the second variant you need to fold all the numbers together. If a number exceeds 22, we do as in the above option. Suppose, got 32: 32 - 22 \u003d 10.

The third option is the most difficult. You need to lead to a single number of all the final figures of the date of birth (day, month and year) and fold them together.

  1. day 11: 1 + 1 \u003d 2.
  2. month 11: 1 + 1 \u003d 2.
  3. year 1985: 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 \u003d 23 \u003d 2 + 3 \u003d 5.

Now we fold 2 + 2 + 5 and we get the number 9. As a result, we turned three digits:

  1. figure number - 1;
  2. detit of birthday - 10;
  3. total number - 5.

Now you need to look into the interpreter of the senior arcanes.

First Arcan - Mag

A man with a number 1 in the date of birth has a strong magical potential and can practice any magic. This is a born magazine gifted by extraordinary abilities. He literally can work wonders. Usually people with these abilities intuitively choose mental magic, NLP and verbal techniques. That is, conviction in words and change the circumstances to the thought.

Second Arcan - Supreme Priestess

This Arkan also talks about outstanding magical abilities, especially in women. Next to the magic of nature - plants, animals, minerals, potion. This person has very developed intuition and there is a gift of foresight.

Third Arcan - Empress

A person can successfully practice rustic magic and magic associated with household items. There is also a tendency to nodule techniques (NAI) and culinary magic. It is good to work with wax and puppet magic (volts).

Fourth Arcan - Emperor

This magic is associated with the objects of male use and metals - a knife, dagger, scissors, needles. The person has a tendency to attacking magic with the use of force.

Fifth Arcan - Ierofant

This Arcan talks about the tendency to classic rituals, use in the practice of religious egregors. Well, spells with prayers and religious objects are well.

Sixth Arkan - Lovers

Here is aware of the ability to magic partnerships, as well as to the teachings of the rail.

Seventh Arcan - Chariot

A person has the abilities of verbal magic, the conspiracy and manufacture of talismans are well obtained. Also, Arkan speaks about Gypsy magic.

Eighth Arcan - Power

These are shamanic techniques and magic Voodoo. In practice, part of the body of animals, bird feathers, amulets and talismans are used.

Ninth Arcan - Hermit

This is a map of strong extrasensory abilities. Also indicates the successful practice of meditation, the use of mantras and consequently by spiritual development.

Tenth Arcan - Fortune Wheel

This is a job with karma and past lives, as well as monetary magic. It is good to get talismans to attract money and good luck, Fortune spells.

Eleventh Arcan - Justice

If this Arkan fell, a person needs to be very careful in applying magical techniques. Arkan is little connected with magic, talks more about the occupation of earthly affairs.

Twelfth Arcan - Hang

This Arcan talks about working with runes and nature. A person is well obtained by astral outputs and trance states.

Thirteenth Arcan - Death

This is a sign of outstanding magical abilities. The person has good abilities to healing equipment and working with the world of the dead.

Fourteenth Arcan - Moderation

Man is more psychologist than magician.

Fifteenth Arcan - Devil

This is a signpost to work with dark egremers. Man - inborn dark magician.

Sixteenth Arcan - Tower

Work with the elements, as well as Feng Shui.

Seventeenth Arcan - Star

A person can work with the energies of the universe. This includes Cosmoenergy, Angelic Magic, work with spirits of planets. It turns out the magic of color.

Eighteenth Arcan - Moon

The person has greatly developed magical abilities. This is the magic of nature, Vikaxan, Moon and Rustic magic, as well as water magic.

Nineteenth Arcan - Sun

Magic associated with fire. A person has a powerful natural energy, strong will.

Twentieth Arcan - Court

Generic magic, that is, following the traditions of ancestors. The court is not associated with the world of the dead, like Arkan death, but a person can use the help of the dead in his practices. Also, the Arcan shows a tendency to magic sounds, for example, a shaman tambourine or bells.

Twenty-first Arkan - World

Next to unconventional magic, such as new technologies and cybergias.

Twenty-second Arkan - Jester

This is a simon and any kind of game magic. Also, the Arcan indicates a tendency of man to innovations and experiments. Good turns puppet magic.

So, the following arcanes are spoken about the strong magical abilities - 1, 2, 9, 13, 15, 18 and 22. The following arkans are talking about non-expressed abilities - 4, 8, 14, 19, 21.

Each man is endowed with extraordinary abilities that may not be suspected. It turns out that the gift to create magic is laid in each of the birth. How to find out your magical abilities by date of birth? To do this, you can use in two ways - make a digital calculation and find out the tarot cards. Consider this question.

Numerological calculation

To make the calculation, you need to fold all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, so:

1. 1985.11.11. = 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 27;

Now you need to use the interpreter of digits.

Unit It suggests that you can easily influence people and convince anywhere. Also, the unit speaks of the talent of the hypnotist. That is, there is verbal magic. You can successfully read spells and magical conspiracies, having such power of the word and belief.

Two Speaks about the presence of healing ability. You can transmit energy through your hands. Education to healing practices will bring success. However, do not forget to replenish the energy spent on time to restore the potential.

Troika Speaks about the ability to materialize things through words. Be careful with your thoughts and words not to attract troubles. Knowing about his gift, you can use it for creation, and not for destruction.

Four Speaks about the powerful energy potential. You have a strong natural protection that will push out any evil eye and negative impact. This potential can be used in the practice of psychic.

Five characterizes the presence of a predictive gift. You can become clairvoyant if you develop this potential.

Six Says that you can read the thoughts of people. If developing, you can become a good telepath.

Seven - You see the prophetic dreams and you can interpret the dream.

Eight Speaks about the ability to read thoughts. If you stretch, you can learn how to transmit thoughts at a distance. You will fit the techniques of mental magic.

Nine Speaks about the gift of communication with the otherworldly world. You can conduct spiritual sessions, receive contact information from the Universe and know what is unknown to other people.

Date of birth and tarot

How to determine the character of the magic gift on tarot cards? Arkana Tarot can tell a lot about human abilities. You need to fold the digits of the date of birth and turn to the interpreter of the senior Arkanov Tarot.

Unlike a numerological method of calculation, it is necessary to carry out 3 calculations here:

  1. fold the number of birth numbers, if it exceeds 22;
  2. fold all the numbers of the date of birth;
  3. lead to the unequivocal number of the total numbers of the number, month and year of birth and lay them together.

With a number of birth, everything is clear, however there is a nuance. In the Taro deck 22 senior arcanes, so if the birth number is more than 22 - we produce a mathematical operation. We need to deduct the number 22 from among the birth to get the necessary digit. For example: 23 (birth number) - 22 \u003d 1.

In the second variant you need to fold all the numbers together. If a number exceeds 22, we do as in the above option. Suppose, got 32: 32 - 22 \u003d 10.

The third option is the most difficult. You need to lead to a single number of all the final figures of the date of birth (day, month and year) and fold them together.

Now we fold 2 + 2 + 5 and we get the number 9. As a result, we turned three digits:

Now you need to look into the interpreter of the senior arcanes.

A man with a number 1 in the date of birth has a strong magical potential and can practice any magic. This is a born magazine gifted by extraordinary abilities. He literally can work wonders. Usually people with these abilities intuitively choose mental magic, NLP and verbal techniques. That is, conviction in words and change the circumstances to the thought.

This Arkan also talks about outstanding magical abilities, especially in women. Next to the magic of nature - plants, animals, minerals, potion. This person has very developed intuition and there is a gift of foresight.

A person can successfully practice rustic magic and magic associated with household items. There is also a tendency to nodule techniques (NAI) and culinary magic. It is good to work with wax and puppet magic (volts).

This magic is associated with the objects of male use and metals - a knife, dagger, scissors, needles. The person has a tendency to attacking magic with the use of force.

This Arcan talks about the tendency to classic rituals, use in the practice of religious egregors. Well, spells with prayers and religious objects are well.

Here is aware of the ability to magic partnerships, as well as to the teachings of the rail.

A person has the abilities of verbal magic, the conspiracy and manufacture of talismans are well obtained. Also, Arkan speaks about Gypsy magic.

These are shamanic techniques and magic Voodoo. In practice, part of the body of animals, bird feathers, amulets and talismans are used.

This is a map of strong extrasensory abilities. Also indicates the successful practice of meditation, the use of mantras and consequently by spiritual development.

This is a job with karma and past lives, as well as monetary magic. It is good to get talismans to attract money and good luck, Fortune spells.

Eleventh Arcan - Justice

If this Arkan fell, a person needs to be very careful in applying magical techniques. Arkan is little connected with magic, talks more about the occupation of earthly affairs.

This Arcan talks about working with runes and nature. A person is well obtained by astral outputs and trance states.

This is a sign of outstanding magical abilities. The person has good abilities to healing equipment and working with the world of the dead.

Fourteenth Arcan - Moderation

Man is more psychologist than magician.

This is a signpost to work with dark egremers. Man - inborn dark magician.

Work with the elements, as well as Feng Shui.

A person can work with the energies of the universe. This includes Cosmoenergy, Angelic Magic, work with spirits of planets. It turns out the magic of color.

The person has greatly developed magical abilities. This is the magic of nature, Vikaxan, Moon and Rustic magic, as well as water magic.

Magic associated with fire. A person has a powerful natural energy, strong will.

Generic magic, that is, following the traditions of ancestors. The court is not associated with the world of the dead, like Arkan death, but a person can use the help of the dead in his practices. Also, the Arcan shows a tendency to magic sounds, for example, a shaman tambourine or bells.

Next to unconventional magic, such as new technologies and cybergias.

This is a simon and any kind of game magic. Also, the Arcan indicates a tendency of man to innovations and experiments. Good turns puppet magic.

So, the following arcanes are spoken about the strong magical abilities - 1, 2, 9, 13, 15, 18 and 22. The following arkans are talking about non-expressed abilities - 4, 8, 14, 19, 21.