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Orthodox prayer from the evil eye and damage. Strong prayer to remove any damage

One of the safe ways to remove the negative impact on the sorcerer is a prayer. Words-appeals to the Lord, the faces of saints are endowed with a special force that fastened faithful. Cleansing energy of prayer texts is so strong that each baptized person can use it. Speckening texts - the basis of any ritual neutralization of the evil eye and damage, but they are not for everyone. The incorrectly conducted rite does not remove the negative effect of witchcraft, and enhances it. Prayer appeal acts otherwise. It is safe for the artist.

Who is allowed to read prayers

Use Orthodox prayers from the evil eye and damage can every person. A special force is endowed from a spiritual person (priest, monk). Therefore, if there are suspicions that a person suffers from the negative program superimposed on him, the first thing is to be asked for help from clergy.

The negative deduction is carried out in the temple or, if a spoiled person cannot go to church, at home.

If he feels the power of getting rid of the sorcerence independently, he should go to the temple and confess. After repentance and adoption of the sacrament of the Holy Communion, you need to ask for the blessing of the blessing for reading prayers from damage and witchcraft. Sometimes clergy, assessing the effect of the impact of a negative program, recommend using special prayer texts.

Prayer reading rules

Appeal to God, holy waters - this is a grave spiritual work. Not everyone is given to concentrate on the pronunciation of the prayer word so that it is heard. Priests recommend praying holding rules.

  1. Before contacting the highest forces, it is necessary to clean thoughts. To do this, it is necessary to calmly stand 3-5 minutes, relax.
  2. Prayers from the evil eye read, returned in the room. If another person suffers from the effects of negative, he must be present in the room where he is asked about his healing.
  3. They ask for help, putting on your knees before the icon.
  4. It is recommended to light the candle or lamp. It is a sacrificial offer to the highest forces, which are expected to heal, cleanse the curse. Candles can not be used church purchased on the market.
  5. Orthodox prayers from damage and witchcraft are written difficult to perceive church tongue. To read them at home, you need to pre-translate to the language that is clear. Texts in Russian possess the same force as in the original language. Find them more difficult in high-quality translation. But the prayer appeal in his native language is a meaningful petition, where every word is clear, sincerely uttered.
  6. Vera is the key to salvation. The evil eye cannot be removed, if not to believe in the result, the power of the Lord.
  7. Before the start of reading the prayer against the damage and the evil eye, it is traced three times. The sign of the cross impose with his right hand. Then they read the introductory prayer texts of "Our Father" and the "Virgin Devo".

The opinion that it is necessary to pray in the evening, erroneously. To the Lord, God appeal for an hour when they feel that it is necessary. Christian families praise the Most High in front of the dining meal, during work and at the end of the case.

What kind of saint pray for cleansing from negative

Each person daily becomes the envy of others. The evil eye, one of the involuntary negative programs, containing fleeting thoughts, strongly affects the psycho-emotional state of the object.

Children with a weak energy biopole, susceptible to the Schalla. They have a negative impact immediately manifest itself a change in mood - the child becomes restless, crying for no reason. You can get rid of this influence using prayers from the evil eye.

  1. Holy Cherapel and Justine. In the youth, walnut young man was given to studying the sorcerers who served evil forces. Having learned black magic, he reached the vertices of mastery - he managed the elements, sent to the people of Mor. But to shock Justina, a Christian girl, he failed. Making advocating in the power of the glory signs, Kupriyan believed, adopted the sacrament of baptism. Soon the saint was erected in San Bishop. During his ministry, the Lord, Kupriyan was able to convert many pagans in faith. Considering that the Holy Most of his life spent in the service in the dark forces, the prayers for the removal of damage and the evil eye are attracted.
  2. Saint Tikhon. Patriarch was ranked with the face of the saints recently. But his protective force is able to get rid of evil, curse, another type of witch influence. The saint for the years of his life has always walked towards the people, helped those who need, told people good words. After the death of the bishop, his powerful energy continues to come to the help of the needy, protecting them from negative.
  3. Nikolay Wonderworker. This saint is treated in a difficult period of life travelers, navigators. Prayer from the evil eye and damage, read before the icon of Nicholas, is strong. It can remove the negative impact, protect against the curse. To increase the protective power of texts, in front of the Saint Flag lights a candle.
  4. King David. He is known as the wise ruler, the author of Psalms. Written texts recommended to read to protect against the envy of human, bad thoughts. If a person has been smoothed, a difficult period began in his life, it is possible to correct the situation with reading 90 Psalms (alive to help).
  5. Matron of Moscow. The blind holy was famous far beyond the country of good deeds. The Lord gave her the mercy of healing serious diseases. Death did not become an obstacle for Matrona Moscow in the creation of good deeds. It helps people to establish family life, gain happiness, get rid of the witch influence, protect the family from evil people.
  6. Holy Trinity. The strongest prayer from the evil eye is an appeal to the three main forces of Christianity. It is short, but with regular reading it has a powerful protective force.

Not only appeal to the Lord God and Holy Rathers has a protective force from negative. Church ministers recommend asking the healing of diseases, stop the black strip in the life of a man at the guardian angel.

Protective prayers for independent reading

To remove the negative, in the sorcerer, the enemy, not enough to read a strong prayer from the evil eye and damage. Most of the prayer appeals to holy waters are accompanied by simple ritual actions.

Prayer Chapera and Justine

These holy are treated to independently cleanse the evil impact, protect themselves from negative, evil thoughts and actions of other people. Reports of conspiracy reading at the morning dawn, standing face east. Pronounce request seven times:

"The Holy Martyrs of Cuprainian and Mausti send their words! We will make the mission of the slave of God (name), hear him, help him to resolve him. I appeal to you with a request, with a prayer one, from witchcraft, from Magic black, from people who badly protect me. From the fact that wanted bad to me, remove. Remove the whole dark, smoothed, pick me up with me. Pray for me to the Lord God, help find help him, salvation. I don't pray for wealth, I'm not talking about protection, I ask for my soul, for my body. Amen!".

To enhance the appeal before it is three times read "Our Father". After a very strong prayer from the damage is read, you need to wash the face with water by tapping:

"Wash the damn with water, the evil eye and witchcraft is dark, like the water from the face will leave and the bad everything next. Amen!"

This prayer rite must be repeated every morning over two weeks. After this time, a person will feel how its energy has been freed from the impact of the sorcery. To secure the result and formation of the protective shield, you must additionally three days in the morning and read ours in the morning.

Using the appeal to Krairau and Justine, you can protect against the evil eye of the child. Praying ashy for the purpose of protecting the kid can mom, grandmother, aunt, church servants. Prayer from the evil eye, damage the child is read once for two weeks:

"Saint Cyprian, Help Protect diettko my relatively, the baby is small from the eyes of others, from words of bad, from people of bad, from envious words, from hypocritical praise. I words of prayer for my baby as a bedspread I bite, from the troubles and apring, protect against diseases and witchcraft. Let it be said, and will turn. Amen!"

If there are suspicions that the kid has become a victim of evil spell, this prayer appeal is reading over it every day in the morning and in the evening until complete recovery. In order for children less than the magical negative, parents must take care of their protection - to sanctify a native cross, incense.

Prayer life-giving cross

In hopeless life situations, in the period of troubles, sorrows, hazards, serious diseases of Christians are treated for help from a life-giving cross. This prayer helps from the evil eye, envy and strong black witchcraft. Life-giving cross is a symbol of Christianity.

"God will resurrect him, and the gazes are harmful, and it is fought by his hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melt wax from the face of fire, Tako, the beams will die from the face of those who love God and marked with the godfather, and in the fun of the verbal: rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord, run the demons to the power of our Lord of our Jesus Christ, in Hell Szedshago and theme Dilution, and diving to us the cross your honest to the defendance of a suggestion. Oh, the precessive and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help with the sacred Mrs. Virgin Virgin and with all the saints. Amen".

There is a short version of the prayer conspiracy, which is used as ambulance in difficult life situations:

"Fences me, Lord, the power of honest and life-giving your cross and save me from any evil."

Before contacting the life-giving cross, you need to cross, stick your head. Words pronounce in a whisper.

Appeal to Archangel Mikhail

At first suspicions for a negative energy impact, it is necessary to protect itself from evil, strengthen bioenergy. To do this, use special daily prayers from damage, evil eye, curses. One of the strongest prayer texts that promote the strengthening of the energy protective shield is the appeal to Archangel Mikhail. Conspire words read when they will feel necessary:

"Holy ArchRatch of God Mikhail, I am a slave (s) (s) (own name) I appeal to you and for all the power of heavenly obsolete for help and support. Pray for the Lord God of the All-Communications and Gracious About Me Herring and Earth. Ask the Lord God, he turned away from me different alien thoughts. So that they did not torment me. Yes, they did not harm me, so as not to bring me to despair and bodily exhaustion. Amen".

Archangel Mikhail is the leader of the angels troops, leading a permanent struggle with the forces of Darkness. Christians believe that all diseases are the tricks of evil spirits. Therefore, the Archangel Mikhail is often requested to recover the patient.

Special prayers against witchcraft

If it was necessary to face the generic damage (several people bound by blood bonds were injured from the negative witch influence), use special texts from Prayer. One of the holy writers, contributing to the neutralization of strong witchcraft, is Nikolai Wonderworker. Saint Lick is one of the three mandatory icons in the home iconostax. To remove damage to Orthodox prayers, it is necessary:

  1. Order in the Church of the Health Service of all members of the family on which the negative is presumably assigned.
  2. After the service, it is necessary to put three candles from the icon of Nikolai, whispered: "Nikolai Wonderworker, protect my genus from damage, the evil eye, thoughts, for a damn, to cleanse us from all evil. Amen".
  3. In the temple they pick up the holy water. Buy 12 church candles, the icon of St. Nicholas (if not in the house).
  4. In the evening, the candle and image brought from the church are installed on the table. Before the icon put a vessel with holy water. Split candles.
  5. Read 12 times a strong prayer from damage and witchcraft:

"Wonderworker Nikolai, Defender and Savior. Not a vain in the soul of anyone, I ask only one. Help all my family members, and I have, then pick us up with us. All diseases, squabbles, quarrels and heat, you are holy water of this mind. Let the sorcerer do not suffer from damage, the Venne will die from it. Let in my family there will be no breakdown, I beg you for a hundred times. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen".

After the end of the reading, a sip of holy water drinks. Candles leave to get it completely. Wax, remaining after candles, emit. Holy Write poured into drinks or food to all family members (relatives). The icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker is used in direct appointment - in the home iconostax. Install near the faces of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. This is the strongest prayer against the evil eye is able to remove the generic curse, to establish life to children suffering from the ancestors errors.

Prayer in front of the personal icon

If a person is spoiled, he cannot independently remove the negative impact, relatives read prayer texts. The room is placed in the room (with a saint face, in honor of which a person who requires help). In front of it light church candle. Putting hands on the patient's head, read prayer with severe damage:

"Take, birds flying, a handful of land. Take the beasts you are in hand in hand. Eat pit yes, the move is direct to it. Help to go exactly the slave of God (name) so that the pits can get around everything. Four sides, four forces, help! Save and remove from the pit deep and save. The pit is dark, light in life. Further from the pit, closer to the sun. Chur me. The word is my hard. My strength is big. Darkness come out, help me help me. Amen!"

Read it 9 nights in a row. During this period, a person if there was a curse on it, it feels a tide of strength, recovering. After neutralizing the negative, healed should go to the temple and put candles before the icon of his saint as a sign of gratitude for their help in getting rid of witch intervention.

Protective prayers

Protect against the sorcerer is easier than to shoot with a person negative. Therefore, priests advise reading the prayers of protection against damage every day. The most popular way to protect yourself and family is the appeal to Jesus Christ:

"Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Fences the slave of its own (call your own name) from the enemy thoughts. Protect me from evil people and black envy. Cornie from the soul of curse, damage and bad eyes. Clean my life path from leprosy, infection, hands and pain, from towning, persecution and stagnation. Let me let me go all sins and crimes, sleeping my sacred sorry. May it be so. Amen!"

Another option that protects well from magical impact is the appeal to the Matron of Moscow. This holy helps people in various situations - family affairs, heals from disease, leads to the path of the righteous. To protect against the sorcerer, it is necessary to periodically put the candles in front of the Face of the Holy and ask for mercy:

"Oh, Blessed Starius Matrona. Clean my soul and briginal body from diseases and hands. If the enemy flushed and the vicious look noted, return to him what nests in me. I left for protection from the evil people and ask the Lord God of Holy Abuse. Pray for me in God's pags and protect against evil eyes and grief from enemy intent. May it be so. Amen!"

This very strong prayer from the damage and the witch influence will protect the family, young children. To create a protective shield around the baby, the most susceptible to the influence of the negative, it is necessary to put the Matronov Matronov Matrona from the head of the icon. On the neck of the baby to wear a native cross.


Prayers are a powerful weapon against evil forces, sorcerers, demons. Special strength texts from the prayer are endowed if they are read with faith. Using Orthodox prayers from the evil eye, you can even withdraw even a strongest negative program.

The most detailed description: Strong prayer for cleansing from severe damage - for our readers and subscribers.

Pulling, induced by the enemy, can harm health, money and well-being. Remove and prevent the evil eye will help prayer from the evil eye and damage, read after a special ritual.

Prayers from the evil eye and damage

Prayer from damage acts instantly and returns to the unfriendly soaked misfortunes. What prayer for the holy defender is the strongest?

Impact of damage

Prayer from damage and evil eye to death or the disease saves not only the human body, but also the soul. The strongest prayer removes the consequences of a statement in a matter of days. Tatars prayers, from bad influence that save Slavic rites Orthodox prayers from the evil eye and damage - the choice of weapons in the struggle for its own energy independence depends on the set of factors. Who and when, for what purpose, brought a terrible curse? The deduction of the evil eye without determining the root cause is not carried out as a strong cleansing prayer from the evil eye and damage. We escape from human hatred and envy is very difficult. Magic tricks with the help of black forces are only one way to harm the person. The victim may suffer from permanent curses, supported by persistent negative emotion. Cleaning, which is carried out for prevention, when ill-wishers have not yet managed to harm the energy of the family, will benefit in any situations. The prayer of the Arabs (used not only in Islamic texts, but also in other religions) saves from fright. Such conspiracies will be removed adult or baby from dark rituals. What is the meaning of tall magical actions?

The desire to clean the house and its own body occurs in a person it is no coincidence and then will help the prayer from heavy damage strong and effective. Successful people are often exposed to enemies. Their well-being does not give rest. There are damages in different ways. One deprives the opportunity, another sleep and reason. The actions of the evil eye is difficult to predict in advance. From the first days, the conspiracy is rooted into the life of the victim and the systematically destroys everything she loves and appreciates. The certificate (short or complex) will not save from all the troubles in the world, but will help strengthen energy protection as an Orthodox prayer from severe evil eye.

Regardless of the type of damage, all areas of the life of the victim suffer. Workers and love affairs, health and general well-being. Magic deduction or healing prayer for removing severe damage is only a means that becomes weapon in skillful hands. It is only little to cancel a terrible conspiracy, you need to return to the customer his destroyer. Removing the attitude, the process of exemption from the deadly damage with the help of prayer words will be held without consequences, if you know what holy and with what words to contact.

What damage can harm?

Protect damage for a certain reason. A stranger, not a sworn enemy, does not need to bring terrible and dangerous negative programs. Remove the damage is also not easy, especially a person who has not come across such a problem as the impact of dark magic. Conduct cleaning in the house yourself without any help, it will be possible to know if you know which damage it was necessary to encounter and you need to read the cleansing prayer from the evil eye and damage. It is more complicated by cleaning the soul, because the consciousness of the conspiracy person may face unexpected obstacles. How to protect yourself from the goat enemies?

Improve damage from evil not easy. The conspirator is preparing for radical actions, while making a secret rite, constantly feeds a destructive program. You have to read the spell several times a week, squanding your own vitality. Cleansing a request in the house works on the principle of return. The more often the enemies have a conspiracy feed, the more he will receive back. Cut the damage is easier than to withstand its consequences. There are several types of evil eye, which can be sacrificed crazy or in the grave.

For enslaving soul and body use special curses:

  • damage to the house and all his tenants;
  • evil eye for money;
  • damage to love and harmony in personal life;
  • love spell on someone else's beloved;
  • spell on constant sacrifice diseases;
  • conspiracy to death.

Prayer for the withdrawal of the bad evil eye of enemies is read in energetically charged days. To bring and remove damage from enemies, you need to make a magical multi-step action. Prayers from the evil eye depend on the type of negative program and its exposure time. If you properly huggy and constantly feed it, then it will work throughout the year. Make a magical cancellation at home the newcomer will not work. To do this, assist the magician and conduct several rituals. What to read a prayer from a heavy evil eye?

Prayers from the evil eye are used only after cleaning the dwelling. To read charged words without preparation is no case. The people say "If you were cursed, you do not need to help enemies to finish the case." Only from you depends on who suffers from the negative program of the victim or fighter for their own happiness. If there are definition damage, it is not worth despair. Everything is not lost for you.

Determination of the evil eye and negative program

Find traces of magic induced on you, maybe even a newcomer who does not conduct previously cleansing rituals. Who can help in a scrupulous situation? Get rid of a negative program forces to someone who does not suffer from weakness and is energetically exhausted. The essence of all curses is deprivation of protection, which man has from birth. You have the forces to fight a damage until she destroyed the latest protective mental blocks. There are proven and effective ways to determine the evil eye.

Check yourself and your own family for the presence of one or more curses can be generally cleaning in the house. If you do not throw off the extra trash that you no longer pleases, then there is no sense to look for a lining. To the one who cannot let go of the past and has long been taught, even an experienced magician will not help. Magicchairs that permissive Orthodoxy are put only after complete stripping at home. The simplest defense consists of an amulet or a conspiracy salt, placed in the corners in the apartment. How is the clarification rite?

The one who spends the ritual must prepare all the necessary attributes in advance. The wubbles are purchased or manufactured later, when there will be no trace from the negative program. There are simple and complex rituals that need constant repetition. A versatile way, how to clear yourself and your home from the black envy is the simplest cleaning of energy with salt. With the help of a conventional salt solution, floor, walls and furniture are washed. Help to strengthen the ritual can holy water. Several weights of the salt are placed on the saucer. Such plates are left in the corners of the apartment, saying "there is power and there is strong protection. The most faithful and reliable. As salt collects evil, the trouble will return all enemies. " After a simple ritual, negative impact will stop at the time. Remove completely damage with salt will not be possible.

To check with the help of candles is recommended in cases where all households are bad and painfully in the dwelling. Every day new problems appear, small family members are sick, and adults are in a constant oppression state of neighbors are angry with envy. Cases of manifestations of the program may be different. Not always and not all family members becomes bad. The impact results depend on the protection that each person possesses.

On the day of checking, you should visit the Church or Temple. A simple confession that will contribute to spiritual cleansing in the fight against the evil eye. In the temple you need to buy three candles. From the campaign to the church, you need to stockpenter with holy water. Left at home alone with his own thoughts (to all households attend rituals optional), a person lights a candle. All three candles are used alternately. The owner of the house is held throughout the residential space, watching the behavior of fire. If the traces of exposure are noticeable, then the wax will start to shock. After the rite, you need to sprinkle the dwelling with water.

How to deal with a slogony with prayer?

Fight with a slogony independently and resist all his consequences forces to every person. All cases where the damage was valid for a long period of time, unique. The evil eye on love, for failure, the disease from the envy is deplorable. In any language, the request for cleaning protection for cleansing, it is necessary to understand its nature, the principle of operation. How to completely get rid of the negative program?

Those thoroughly consider all cases of negativity for love, money and for failures sent from enemies, can only make a magician or witch. For rituals at home from the program on his daughter or son, you will need to be in the essence of what is happening. Ritual and prayers What you need to read for your protection are carried out with a candle or salt. You can not listen to the tips for magicians, but it is necessary otherwise not to avoid mistakes. If there is a desire to bring back the damage, then this is not necessary. After its protection, the induced evil eye will return to the customer.

How can I destroy damage? To protect the son or husband, relatives or loved ones, follows:

  1. Get rid of the Black Spirit with candles. In his life, a person is surrounded not only by the positive energy that gives rise, but also a negative. The protective, which can be pronounced by three times a day from the Black Spirit. Only prayer words help the spirits. From a black probency spell will save the Muslim Protective, read in Arabic. With the candles, the ritual will work faster.
  2. Clear house incense. Get rid of perfumes will help their collected herbs collected. Collecting seven grass will clean the whole house and driven spirits that interfere with households. Rite with candles and incense (essential oils) will also show good results.
  3. Conduct the ceremony of cleaning with silver. The prayer words that are used in the complex with a strong ritual are helped from the black evil eye. You can strengthen the work of the ritual not only with words, but also an ancient spell.
  4. Use a conspiracy to remove the negative. To protect the life of the family (son, husband, brother), you can use only prayer words. They will work in cases where damage did not have time to harm human health. The irreversible consequences of the negative should be eliminated at several rituals at once.

For the protection of spiritual life and body, special prayer words taken from another religion can be applied. You can destroy any negative in the housing only as a request for protection. Why is prayer so powerful weapons from a negative program? Having a negative process that can be broken and paid for errors in two bills. Harm for the body and mental quality of the customer or victim can be divided into two types: mental and physical. When part of the body suffers, medicine is engaged in salvation of life, but if the character or soul may suffer - the problem of one pills do not solve.

How can prayer words help? People believers and those who are unaware of faith can use conspiracy words for liberation from negative. "Our" Father "is a universal prayer, after which to resist evil is easier and safer. Looking at the life-giving cross or the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker, the victim asks for help and receives the patronage of the Higher Forces. It is not necessary to stand above the icons of Nicholas the Wonderworker. People believers pray only a few times a day, and therefore their faith does not become less. Using the words of prayer to Sergia Radonezh, people get a chance to return their freedom himself.

After prayer words, it is always easier. Guidance of the negative waste of time the enemy, if the victim's protection and prevention will think in advance. People who add to the highest forces through the daily day, are not afraid of curses. After a strong prayer sounds in the home in the home of Nikolai icon, the aura of each household does not have to clean. Special strong prayer removes damage and eliminates long-term treatment of unless illness. To get rid of bad effects, vintage rituals and faith will need in a favorable outcome of the entire conceived. Our debt is in front of me - not to allow loss of control. There is nothing unnatural in maternal and animal instincts. If people need magical protection, please supplemented by ritual is not considered a sin. After the ritual, I should say "our world, our house is only our".

Prayer from Schalza

What prayer will help evil people? Helps a conspiracy from the curse, consisting of one or several texts of the Holy Scriptures. The request for cleansing from the evil eye is the key to the future without the influence of the enemy to the life of the victim. The effectiveness is considered to be a prayer:

  • christian;
  • mariy;
  • prayer George Victorious;
  • tikhvinskaya;
  • texts of Islam and Koran;
  • malachi's ward;
  • Peter and Paul;
  • the use of seminarian prayer;
  • Archangel Mikhail;
  • appeal to the Mother of God (to the Mother of God).

You need to come to God's help. Appeal to St. Michael or Angel Keeper cannot be chosen only at the moments of despair. Orthodoxy or Muslim deserves respect, so remembering God's help only during trouble is wrong. A request to the ascension can be the priest Cyprian, to the saint, whose face is depicted on the icon, to the angel will allow to eliminate the problem, but only for a while. Protecting against a strong evil eye is enhanced with rituals. From God's help will become easier, but completely clean the soul should be completely outraged. Extra eyes and ears during the ritual will only harm, so the rite is fully solumed.

How much to repeat the plot? A request that will save from death or from the Devilsky statement repeats twice a day. Immediately after waking up and before sleep. After the spell, without changing the text:

"Lord, I give me a holy help, me from other people's own defects. Me and my family, the Holy Grace of Okropy. "

The Holy Trinity, which protects any person from evil forces can be asked by patronage on any days a year. The Most Holy Mother will respond to a request at any time of the day and even on holidays. Each holy speech has its own promise and power. Open the channel for the patronage of the highest strength will help appeal to Jesus Christ (read in Russian). Prayer that works, brings soon calmness.

Universal Praying Praying

For holy prayer, which will remove the damage does not need long-term preparation. For sorcerers and witches, plots on the basis of the text of the Holy Scripture are used only in extreme cases. If they smoothed not only to the victim, but the whole family has a negative for the whole genus, to protect against the enviousness to help all households. In magic from malice and hatred, simple words are used and whole scraps taken from the Bible. At the end of the rite of protection should speak

"Save me Lord from trouble, save my faith in the future, in kindness and virtue."

Such a kind of magic will be removed from slander, from the meanness of the enemy puts protection against the negative. In any troubles, it is necessary to call the Lord and ask for help, and in joyful days thank for support. If the damage was recently removed and did not have time to put protection, the victim remains vulnerable. Over the course of several days, you should protect yourself - to turn to the Lord, clean the house and carry out secret rituals of protection. For good luck, you will need amulets charged with the necessary energy. We speak the charm by the method of witchcraft intervention. What attribute is useful for the ritual?

Helping myself, a person returns his own destiny, allows you to occur the safe events. Do not pray to the Lord, if there is no real threat. Bad sleep or bad premonition does not always promise trouble or foreshadow. The Mother of God will help in healing diseases that literally pull out the last strength from the victim. To protect your own home from the witch influence can self-made amulet or rune. We are talking to the charm on the name of the victim.

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Prayer from damage, evil people, evil eye and witchcraft. RUS.

Sura from the evil eye and damage reads Mishari Rashid Best! By

Ancient prayer from damage and evil eye. Protection against witch

What prayer to choose?

Understanding the Holy Scriptures does not come immediately. "My and your spirit cannot be similar" says a wise man. The same text is perceived by people completely with different meaning. Cleansing the bodily and spiritual will pass without any problems if the pronounced prayer will be aware of the victim. At the end of each conspirace, the "Amen" should be said and turn on three times.

Contact the Prophet or God reading the text, remove the crown of celibacy or return her husband in the family will help simple conspiracies filled with sincere faith. The powerful petition to God draws strength not from words, but from man. It is necessary to know what the shower and body requires, and only then to use effective rituals to be honest. For pregnant or estering with their own thoughts to read prayers, it is better to choose the night, the time when said words will not hear a single live soul.

Strong and universal show from a negative program to remove it:

"In my prayer, I appeal to you, the Holy Angela of Christ (name) leads to me. If you have a hasty servant of the Almighty Creator, Koiy reigns over all alive and undead everyone too. And therefore, by the will of the Most High, to save me, weak and weak, from the misfortunes of different in the image of the beast of an unclean and other undead. And neither the house, nor the leached, nor the Putchyevik, nor even if they will not destroy my soul and my body will not be touched. I pray you, holy angel, about protecting from the unclean strength and all the servants of it. Save and save by the will of the Lord God. Amen".

The ancient prayermen are used in magical rituals from sorcerers, where ancient magic eliminates even the strongest ill-wishers, destroys the traces of the sorcerence, saves everyone to whom you have to fight for your own destiny. Such petitions to God for the defense save from black eyes, from the accidental evil eye, from the anger of human and hatred.

Living human energy is very easy to succumb to person, even Magu-novice. The fact is that holiness energy is available to everyone.

"Slave of God without a kind and without the roots asks for the help of God"

Such words, as well as the Father, the prayer of the disadvantaged begins. For cleaning, it is necessary to sanctify water and wash it throughout the month. Prayer to the holy, in honor of which a person is named, will protect the victim from new negative programs. From shortness of money and forces very easy to surrender. The best feature of a person is his perseverance and faith where the rational rocked comes to the world. To find out the damage, it is not very difficult to remove it, if you do not be afraid to repel the enemy. Training Internet Resources will be instructions for conducting multi-stage rituals.

Strong prayers from damage and witchcraft

The damage in contrast to the evil eye is a targeted negative impact. That is, in this case it does not really want to harm you. It is necessary to remove it, otherwise such a negative impact can seriously harm health. And for this, the most different methods can be used.

Prayer from damage is able to protect a person from any, even the strongest negative sent by a professional magician. As a rule, it seeks to initially take advantage of all who suspected that all the troubles in life are connected with whose envy, from which it was not possible to protect.

You can handle the prayer to different saints. At the same time, you must sincerely believe that the highest forces will help get rid of the negative and fully restore the energy balance. As an additional prayer when removing the damage is always recommended to read ours "Father".

You can remove the witchcraft spell and remove the damage by reading special prayers from damage and witchcraft, there are a lot of them. Therefore, it can be used as protection against negative any of them, the main thing to pronounce her words with a sincere faith in the shower.

Of course, the most effective prayers from damage and witchcraft read in the temple. But sincerely believers they will help if you read them at home.

Rules of reading prayer

Any of us in life can begin the bad luck, when the troubles follow one after another. And in such a situation, a person always thinks about the fact that he has become a victim of damage or the evil eye. The most optimal way to cleanse the aura of negative energy is reading prayers.

In order for prayer from damage and witchcraft to be effective, it is necessary to properly configure. While appealing to God or Holy, you can not think about something else, you need to focus as much as possible on pronounced words.

Sincere faith in the soul, the slightest doubts lead to the fact that prayer will be simply useless. Most High hears requests only sincere believers. It is not necessary to light the candles during prayer, but at the same time it should be remembered that they allow you to create a special atmosphere and will correctly configure.

Strong prayer, which is aimed at removing damage, can also be used to protect against negative. A believer may not be afraid of targeting damage, if he learn a few prayers and will read them all the time. For the person's prayer, harmless, unlike magic rituals, damage, which always have a return. In addition, you should know that at the same time it is impossible to use prayers and fireflines. Such a combination can cause harm and strengthen induced damage.

As a defense, any prayer from damage gives a person, asking for help, mental strength, as well as sincere confidence in his abilities. Such prayers are well restored by the human energy field damaged by negative alien exposure. If a person takes damage to himself with the help of prayers, then in the future, it will be completely protected from external negative.

The most used prayers

An induced damage can be different, so it is recommended to select a prayer individually. But at the same time there are universal prayers and this, first of all, known to all the Prayer "Our Father". Slisted several times in solitude, it brings this relief, since her words are able to push the negative. With a real damage or strong Sloa, this prayer from the damage must be read in the morning and in the evening for 40 days.

Other well-known prayers that are used from damage are the following:

  • 90 psalm, "Live in Help Hall";
  • Prayer to the life-giving cross;
  • Prayer Saint Cyprian.

The texts of the above prayers are better taken from the original source, so it is possible to achieve greater effectiveness of pronounced words, which is very important in severe damage.

Prayer Jesus Christ.

Very strong prayers are the appeals to Jesus Christ. It was he who redeemed his blood to the sins of all living on the planet, so he will always help asking and suffering. Prayers are particularly effective, which contains an appeal to Jesus Christ and the Holy Virgin.

The words of one of the prayers sound like this:

It is necessary to pray very diligently. The more often you will do it, the faster it will be possible from the negative program.

To eliminate the harmful effect of black magic

Another prayer allows to eliminate the harmful effects of black magic. In order to strengthen its action, it is necessary to read it in a special setting. In addition, such a rite you can put a reliable protective barrier against negative, which will not even be able to break through the strongest damage.

Prayer Conspiracy on the Well

Magic offers methods of protection against witchcraft based on the use of conspired water. But with the help of prayer you can speak a well, after which using water can be maintained protection against negative impact on the proper level.

It is possible to consecrate water in a well as a prayer:

Help Matronov Moscow

If you suspect that the witchcraft fell under the action, then you can contact the help of the Matron of Moscow. To do this, perform a special rite. The first part of the prayer needs to be pronounced in the temple and pre-light three candles near the icons of Jesus Christ, Nicholas and the blissful old man Matrona Moscow.

Staying near the last icon, you should read such a prayer:

After that, you need to pray, turn it hard. Be sure to leave a note about prayer for your own health. Before you leave the temple, you need to purchase 36 candles and the above icons.

At home on the same day at a convenient evening, it is necessary to leave, light 12 candles and put the icons and a glass decanted with holy water next to them. During this, the words of the famous prayer "Father Our" should be repeated. Then, turning to the image of the blissful old man Matrona Moscow, you should have a sip of the holy water, it turns on and pronounce in a repeated whisper, while the candles are burning, the following prayer lines.

They sound like this:

Then you need to drink a sip again. Thus, you need to put protection against damage and the evil eye for three days in a row.

Short and efficient prayers

There are short protective prayers that are very popular in the modern world. So before leaving the house for protection against damage, the following prayer should be pronounced.

Remove from negativity in serious negotiations, will help a prayer directed to the Holy Mother of God:

Before any undertaking should be pronounced prayer directed to Jesus Christ:

Strong prayers from damage

In some cases, to increase the effectiveness of prayers, it is necessary to conduct a special rite and create a special situation. In particular, when reading the next prayer from damage should be returned in a separate room, and light the candles. Remember that you should be in a very calm condition. It is impossible to read this prayer if you have anger in your soul.

An example of strong prayer

One of the strongest is the prayer below. She is rather long, but read in complete solitude with a lit church candle, helps to get rid of any trouble and restore sincere equilibrium.

Prayer life-giving cross

Strong is also considered a prayer to a life-giving cross. It must be read in the morning and in the evening.

The words of prayer sound like this:

Prayers can be read both in church and at home. To enhance the effectiveness of prayers from damage in the evenings, they should be read when a lit church candle. If you are in the temple, before leaving from there, it is necessary to put a candle for your own health. It helps well from damage induced on you or your loved ones, the organizing service ordered in the temple. It is necessary at each visit to the temple to put a candle near the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It is also necessary to contact him with arbitrary words asking for protection and rescue from negative. Leaving the temple you need to dial some holy water that use for washing.

For ritual actions, you need to use a cup filled with pure spring water. First you should cross.

Then cross the cup and say such words:

After that, three small coals should be lowered into the water and read the words of the conspiracy:

After writing words, you need to sit a little in silence and listen to your own well-being. If soon you felt drowsiness and started to yawn, then this is a sign that the negative leaves you and your energy field is cleaned. After that, it is necessary to wash the conspiracy from the cup. But if after such a uniform action with a prayer slope nothing happened, then all your actions are in vain. That is, it is most likely means that your bad well-being is caused by other household reasons, not a damage.

Cleaning from damage prayer

There is another very strong prayer from damage. But its peculiarity is that it can only be read by himself.

It sounds as follows:

Such prayer is recommended to read every morning. Be sure to watch your well-minded, it will tell you when the negative will be removed. The world around the world is painted in bright rich colors and you will again want to live a full life.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworthy

If you have been diagnosed with a strong damage, in addition to various magical actions that offer professional magicians, you should use a prayer-appeal to the priest Nicholas Nikolai Wonderworker. This is a very strong prayer that enhances the effect of various magical rituals aimed at removing damage. It is so strong that it helps in cases where other prayers do not work. With it, it is possible to reduce the effect of strong curses, but it is also very effective and against the usual household envy.

At the same time, accompany the actions with such prayer words:

Crossing after that, you can go home. Before leaving the temple, you need to dial a little holy water and buy twelve candles, as well as the icon of St. Nicholas.

In the same evening, it is necessary to retire in a separate room, sit down at the table and light the candles brought from the temple. Be in front of it to install the icon and a cup with holy water. Next, you can proceed to master the damage or the evil eye of a special prayer.

Her words sound like this:

After prayer, it is necessary to cross and drink some holy water. Candles should be squeezed, throw out the flashes, and remove the icon from the table. Holy Water needs to be missed in any of the drinks and give a drink to all family members. The ritual can be repeated in two weeks. It is very important to understand that this prayer cannot be asked for melting, after reading it, you need to wait for healing.

Any Orthodox prayer from damage is effective. These are safe methods that are directed to complete healing and restoring the energy protective field.

For a believer prayer is very important. If it prays daily, then you can significantly increase your security before the external negative. In addition, it is praying not only for yourself, but for your loved ones. In this way, you can create powerful protection against negative for the whole family. It should be remembered that our life is speedless and very often we forget about the main thing - to talk to God. Prayers will prevent many dangers and illness. In addition, it is very important positive about the world around the world and do not save anger in the soul on other people, even if they caused you evil.

How to remove damage, and is it possible to do it yourself? The damage is a black and good rite, with which the sorcerer can completely destroy the life of a person and even kill. Porch take health, overlap the road to a man, separated with a loved one. Consider a few effective and other person.

All rites on the water are made according to the same scheme: the conspiracy is read on the spring, holy or well water, and then the person is washing the face. Conspiracy is read either at sunrise, or at sunset (if there is no other hour in the ritual). During the rite there must be a church candle burn. Nobody should distract from action: the door is tightly closed, the phone is turned off.

Rite execution scheme:

  • three-time reading of prayer "";
  • prayers for holy patrons, for example, to;
  • the following is the appeal to;
  • prayer "";
  • conspiracy from damage.

Water can be independent if you observe all the rules. It should also be taken into account women's / men's days. Female applies to Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. To the men's - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. On Sunday, you can take damage to a person of any sex, as well as children.

Prayer appeal to the holy

Prayer appeal to the Virgin

Prayer "God will resurrect"

When reading, they impose a cross-sign.

Conspiracies for water from damage

  • drink;
  • wash
  • sprinkle bed patient;
  • sprinkle the clothes of the patient;
  • sprinkle the body of the patient;
  • sprinkle room;
  • take a bath.

Text of conspiracies:

Method in bath

To do this, read conspiracies and prayers for a glass with water or a liter jar, type water in the bath and pour the cruciform water from the glass.

Taking a bath, read the prayers of God. Do not forget to put on myself a native cross. After the bath, it is impossible to get out - water should dry on the body. When to gain water for a conspiracy? Better before holding a rite.

With salt

This rite should be made seven days in a row, starting at a decreasing moon. Prepare the following items:

  • specially purchased for the rite a pack of salt;
  • cast-iron frying pan (you can take the one that you use);
  • white saucer without patterns (glass);
  • photograph of the patient or your own;
  • church candles - 7 pieces.

In the evening, when the homemade will fall asleep, pour out the salt on the pan, and the rest of the salt immediately throw into the trash can. Light a candle and put next to you. Light gas under the frying pan and start reading the prayer "Our Father". When you read a prayer 3 times, read a conspiracy from damage:

When you read the plot, pour salt from the frying pan on the saucer. Take a saucer into the room and put a person on the photo of the cleaned - until the next evening. The next day you need to pour salt in the pan and repeat the rite. And so all seven days. Saucer hide to do not see his home.

On the eighth day, salt should be thrown into the river or just wash off in the toilet, the saucer is better thrown into the trash can on the street. If the salt will be black and smoked or saucer will burst, it means that there is a strong damage on a person. In this case, the rite is repeated to the next moon cycle.

Roll out the damage

How ? To do this, you will need a photograph of a sick person or your own, icon of the Blessed Trinity and three church candles. Eggs (7 pieces) It is better to buy with grandmothers with hands, it is not desirable to take them from the refrigerator.

Stay in a room alone, put a photo on a clean tablecloth, put the icon and burn the candles. Sculpt the egg on the photo follows the right hand clockwise, not pressed. At this time, conspiracy is read:

After reading the conspiracy, put the candles with your fingers, and throw the egg to the toilet - it should break. Wash three times. The same actions need to be repeated the next day at the same time - and so seven days to a row.

If the patient did not become better, after three days the rite repeat. Remember that the removal of negative needs to be carried out after the full moon: the growing moon is not made.


To remove damage with wax, you need to buy two or three large candles in the church and take the holy water. You will also need your own photo or a picture of a person from which you need to remove the impact, and a glass bowl.

In the evening, stay alone so that no one bothered. Melt the wax in the saucepan, reading ours "Father". Pre-pour holy water into the glass bowl and put it on the photo.

When the wax is mocked, remove the water. Leut slowly liquid wax in water And read the plot 3 times:

When the wax freezes, remove it with a knife and put on the newspaper. On the same evening you need to cast a casting into the street and drip in the ground or throw it into the river. Holy Water should be poured under the roots of dry wood.

If the patient's condition does not improve, spend the rite two more times. Removing damage can be observed both by casting - it must be smooth. If the bottom of the casting will be buggy, continue to cast.

Keep in mind that after casting you can become bad - either a head will overtake, either taplem, or feel the decline forces. This is normal. Soon the state will improve.

Cleansing candle

Look at the video of the negativity of the negative candle flame. For this, it is not necessary to purchase church candles. However, if you want to read conspiracies for the removal of negative, it is better to make a rite with candles consecrated in the church.

Method with land

You can remove the damage yourself with the help of the earth and the new knives. The land is gaining at the threshold, and the knives buy without passing. For the rite you need to be closed at the dawn table with a clean tablecloth, install in the center of the church candle on the candlestick and to put a faceted glass with the ground.

Take knives in your hands, turn your face to the West and drag the blades of each other. At this time, read a plot:

Words need to repeat three times. Then cross the blades of the knives and keep them above the candle so that the flames concerned steel. After 5 minutes, stick the knives into the glass with the ground and rotate them at the same time: right clockwise, left - counterclockwise. Take this way:

"To my business three times. True! "

How to tell, fad a candle with your fingers. In a black new fabric, wrap the knives, a glass with the ground and a grid. Tie a bunch of black cord, take out of the house and scream in a deserted place.

It is necessary to get rid of items at the same evening, do not leave a bundle overnight. Coming out of the house, it is impossible to communicate with anyone. Install a bundle silently and come home silently. It is also impossible to look around, three days after the rite to give anything from the house nothing.

After carrying out rites, cleaning should be washed under cool running water. This will protect against the interception of negativity. Also, read the "Father" and carry out the room where the rite was conducted. The room can be cleaned with a candle.

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

The removal of the evil eye and damage prayers is carried out when the patient is baptized, believes in God and regularly visits the church

Such a lifestyle of a person gives grounds to believe that the patient has the opportunity to eat the energy of Christian Egregore. Egregor knows him, and will provide the necessary energy support, and it will not be like a vampire to pull from the patient of his strength, weakening even more and so weak energy. Strong Prayers for the removal of the evil eye and damage A person is the most simple and well-known. This is primarily the Christian Prayer "Father Our", which is probably even atheists. Also a very powerful prayer, called in the environment of believers "living assistance", and in Scripture it is as. This prayer is truly able to work wonders. It not only makes it possible to make the MAGA or psychic to determine and remove damage from the patient, but, in addition, it is a very strong protection against any evil manifestation, from an inadvertent or intentionally indentatively negative.

This strong protective prayer for the removal of damage can be written on a piece of paper and constantly carry with me as a guard from evil. But not only the mentioned best prayers are designed to remove the damage and the evil eye. It is possible to apply prayer for this purpose. Usually this prayer is based on the capacity with holy water, and then this water is given to drink the patient. Very effective method, very well helps.

I was helped to cope with difficulties and protect myself from ill-wishers, Washer from the evil eye and damage. He protects a person from the power of evil, energy vampires at work and in the family, specially induced damage, and evil thoughts of enemies. See and order it can only be on the official website

The prayer of Jesus Christ is read on the deliverance from the Witchcraft porch

This prayer can be read on the water, you can also read when casting

"Lord Jesus Christ! Son of God! All the accuracy of the Mary of the Virgin and Savodeli Mary, the power of the honest and life-giving cross, the Holy ArchRealitics of the Honest and Living Cross, the Holy ArchRest, Holy Prophet and other heavenly forces of the Universal, Holy Prophet and the forerunner of the Baptist of John, Holy Apostle and the Evangelist John the Bologovo, Holy Apostle and Evangelist, Martyrs of Justina, St. Nicholas Archbishop World of Lycian Wonderworker, St. Nikita Novgorod, Rev. Sergius and Nikon, Igumen of the Radonezh, Rev. Seraphim, Sarov Miracle, Holy Martyrs of Faith, Hope, Loves and Mothers of their Sofia, Holy and Righteous Bogoten Joachim and Anna, and All Saints Your help us, unworthy, Slava God (name). Get rid of him from all the corn enemy, from any evil, witchcraft, sorcerence and crap, and they will not be hug to hurt him the evil Your grace will turn out and removed all sorts of evil dishonesty, acting on the baptism of the devil. Who thought and did, return their evil back, in the underworld, Yako is yours there is a kingdom and strength, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen".

If you felt the changes within yourself, maybe it's a slogony. For the aid will come prayer prayers and the evil eye is a safe and very effective method of combating witchcraft intervention.

Higher forces are ready to support us at any moment, just sometimes they need to ask about it. Do not be afraid to contact the Creator, the Virgin and all the saints in difficult moments.

This article presents proven prayers to. The victim of the Witchcraft Char can be every one of us - insurance from them is not yet invented. Do not attempt to cope with the slogony yourself - trust heaven.

What is damage and its types

Among the varieties of damage allocate:

  • on death
  • on health and physical exhaustion
  • on poverty
  • for well-being
  • crown of celibacy

Before fighting with a slogony, you should spend a thorough diagnosis in order not to be mistaken with the method.

What are the ways to remove damage and the evil eye

You can get rid of damage in several ways - each of them is available and easy to:

  • with wax
  • rolling into a chicken egg
  • praying Prayers
  • magic conspiractions
  • using a conventional cook salt
  • runic formulas and stans

Each method is effective in its own way.

If you doubt your abilities - better consult a professional MAG. He will tell in detail how to independently remove the damage with prayers.

How to remove damage with prayer?

In order for prayers with a strong damage to remove the entire negative, you need to remember the rules for reading them:

  • contact the creator only in a good mood;
  • do not doubt for a minute in the power of prayer words;
  • focus and discard all thoughts.

If you are regularly praying to God and holy wings, you are not afraid of damage, nor the evil eye. After all, you know perfectly well how to remove the poured prayers and how to reach heaven.

Prayer Cyprian on the removal of the evil eye and damage

The story of Holy Cypriyan is very interesting. In his youth, he served dark forces - he was engaged in witchcraft, walked in other people, caused damage. Legends walked that enough of his glance is enough to attack a terrible disease.

But in the life of a man came a turning point - he was then 30 years old. A man came to him who wished to shock the monk. All the efforts of the sorcerer were in vain, and then he realized that the Holy Scripture was much stronger than all the pagan gods.

And now his prayer from the evil eye and damage destroys any witchcraft spells:

"I pray, Lord my God; All sorcerers, and all the breathless demons to the sin of a person clones and on it the sin of the work, you, I will force, forbid! Now, Lord, my God, strong and great, favorably from unworthy, decent to me, and the pleasant holy flock, I pray, Lord my God, who is to have a prayer for this in the house or with him, coordinate it. The Most Majesty of his, merciful on me and not to take a ruin of me with the lawlessness of myself; Taco of any prayer with a prayer prayer. I am defiant in faith, approve! Unfulous spirit, strengthened! Desperate, Elevatives and not a hole of everyone who resserves to your holy name "

Prayer Jesus Christ.

Everyone who needs support, to everyone who desperate, to everyone who suffers from spiritual torments will help the Lord God - our Savior.

The sacred prayer from the evil eye and damage is an appeal to heavenly forces. Giving these magic sounds, a person begins to feel how his soul is filled with love and warmth.

It is especially strong near the water source. It will be very good if you plunge into the river, and feel how the water washes everything bad. At such a moment, prayer words will be salvation for you:

"Lord Jesus Christ! Son of God! Fences with Holy Angels and Prayers All-Straightening Ladies Our Virgin Mary and Sleeping Mary, the Sylow of the Honest and Living Cross, the Holy ArchReart of God Mikhail and other Heavenly Forces of the Baptist, Holy Prophet Forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord of John, Holy Apostle and Evangelist John Theologian, Sacred Martyr Cyprian and Martyrs of Justina , St. Nicholas Archbishop World of Lycian Wonderworker, St. Nikita Nikita Novgorodsky, Rev. Sergius and Nikon, Igumen of the Radonezh, Rev. Seraphim, Sarov Miracle, Holy Martyrs of Faith, Hope, Loves and Mother of their Sofia, Holy and Righteous Bogotoocyakima and Anna, and All Saints, Help we, unworthy, Slava of God (name). With all the evil, witchcraft, sorcery, from any evil, witchcraft, sorcerer, and crap, do not hurt them to cause him any kind of evil. Agazor , for the evening, the coming dream, and the power of gracefulness is turned away and removed all sorts of evil dishonors, Activating on the bait of the devil. Who thought and did, return their evil back, in the underworld, Yako is yours there is a kingdom and strength, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen".

Is it possible to pray for a prayer and damage? Remember several rules, and you will achieve success:

  • before the ritual it is impossible to eat greasy food;
  • you must stay in a good mood;
  • release all thoughts and problems.

During a couple of days you will feel significant relief.

Strong prayers from damage

How to remove pouring prayers? Huge force has the appeal to Nikolai Wonderworker:

"The Wonderworker of St. Nicholas, our defender and Savior. I do not blame the soul in the depths of those who tried to harm, I, the slave (-A) of God (-I) I ask only one. Help Saint Nicholas, I and the whole of my family, damaging with us. Do so that the Holy Voddy from the temple was washed away all our diseases, quarrels and heat. But let the sorcerer not suffer from damage, and also does not die. But only the world and peace lived in my family. Amen"

Read it in difficult moments of your life when you feel the oppression of someone else's intervention.

Conspiracy from the evil eye and damage

If you want to know how to remove a person's damage with prayers or conspiracies, you will fit the following technique.

This conspiracy reads a close relative of the suffering. Say the words of the spell, putting on the head of my own hand:

"Take, birds flying, a handful of land. Take the beasts you are in hand in hand. Eat pit yes, the move is direct to it. Help to go exactly the slave of God (name) so that the pits can get around everything. Four sides, four forces, help! Save and remove from the pit deep and save. The pit is dark, light in life. Further from the pit, closer to the sun. Chur me. The word is my hard. My strength is big. Darkness come out, help me help me. Amen!"

The procedure is carried out for 9 days - after which the patient's well-being will gradually begin to improve.

Alain Golovin - White Lady, Master of Cosmoenergetics,site author
