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How to understand that I was bewitched by signs. How to understand what has bewitched you - the action and consequences of a love spell. Indirect signs of love spell

A person cannot be alone. We all need a couple. This is how the world works - "each creature has a pair". Love is the very feeling that makes us rejoice, create and develop: he loves me, I love him. Having found our other half, we become complete and begin to build our family.

But how do you know that your feelings are under the ice? Perhaps you are a spellbound person. If you feel uncomfortable and doubt the sincerity of your feelings, analyze your behavior. How to recognize a love spell? What are the symptoms of a love spell? What leads to disastrous consequences? How does this ailment manifest?

Love spell is a ritual in which there are magical paraphernalia

The main signs that you have been bewitched

How to understand that you have been bewitched? First, watch your sleep. The consequences of a love spell are manifested in sleep disturbances. Insomnia begins, but even if a person can fall asleep, he is overcome by terrible nightmares. There is an opportunity to understand how to define a love spell. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with characteristic features magical interference.

There are the most common signs of a love spell.

  • A dramatic change in behavior. The bewitched abruptly abandons his favorite habits, behaves negligently at work and forgets about his family. It seems to him that there is nothing more important in life than his new love.
  • Indifference. A person loses interest in everything that surrounds him. Become lethargic, without initiative and apathetic to the attempts of others to help.
  • Suggestibility. The bewitched is like a zombie. Becomes the obedient slave of the bewitched. The desire to serve and please his beloved overcomes the feelings of disgust and hatred that he secretly experiences.
  • Material adversity. Problems at work cannot be avoided... Interest in her disappears, which leads to trouble. At the same time, you forget about the family - money does not appear in the house - it goes to the beloved person.
  • Attachment. A love spell is manifested not in passion, but in an obsessive desire to be with your new idol. There is no interest in communication, more a sense of guilt.
  • Illogicality. The desire to be with the person who bewitched seems ridiculous. If a person tries to resist this, it leads to the opposite. Every day the love spell only intensifies.
  • I do not have problems. Everything that others have begun to notice for a long time becomes too obvious. A person deliberately keeps himself aside. An attempt to find out what is happening or an offer of help is instantly rejected.
  • A mental disorder is a clear symptom of a love spell. Possible psychological disorder under the drive of growing depression leads to temporary clouding of mind, and sometimes insanity.
  • Problems in intimate life. The spellbound loses interest in the opposite sex. Spouses do not spend time together, but if it comes to intimacy, then intercourse does not bring pleasure. This intervention is called eguillet.

The consequences of a love spell are manifested in sleep disturbance

Do not forget that a love spell is a ritual that contains magical paraphernalia. How to determine a love spell by ritual signs? It can be done provided that traces remain on the threshold of the house or near his home. It is possible to find them in the pockets and shoes of the bewitched. These places may contain needles, earth, feathers, pins, melted candles, matches, nails.

Distinguish different signs love spell in men and women. Let's try to figure out what is the difference between them.

Fascinated men: behavioral features

Women have long resorted to small magical rituals to determine their fate. They wonder for love, ask their betrothed to dream in holiday evenings or look for his face in the mirror. What if love came and turned out to be non-reciprocal? There is a chance that she wants to bewitch her lover. Happiness cannot be built on someone else's misfortune, but in war all means are good.

It is easy to identify a spellbound, knowing the signs of a love spell in men. The consequences of a love spell are visible to the naked eye. A person changes in habits, habits and preferences. Is this enough to answer the question: "How to understand that you have been bewitched?" Let's consider the most pernicious signs.

  • Impotence. The object of desire for him can only be a new beloved. There is no point in trying with the rest. It is alarming that the effects of artificial stimulation can be very short-lived.
  • Alcoholism or other forms of drug addiction. Love spell affects the emotional component. Sensation internal conflict with himself pushes to addictions.
  • Loss of status. The person becomes aggressive.

    “Don't touch me anymore! I am fine"

    - so a man begins to alienate society from himself and isolate himself from everyone except his beloved. There is no doubt - only she makes his life complete.

How to understand that you have been bewitched and to find out if there are other manifestations of a love spell, only a careful analysis of human behavior will help. They can have an individual character for a particular man.

Alcoholism is one of the signs of a love spell

Women as victims of a love spell

It has long been believed that if it comes about a love spell, then the scenario is as follows - women bewitch men. What if women become victims? Signs of a love spell in women manifest themselves on the physical and mental state of a woman. Symptoms of a love spell will help to find out about the presence of an intervention.

Signs of a love spell in women can be easily identified.

  1. The family is crumbling. Women forget about husbands and children. A mother can leave her children. It all depends on the degree of intervention.
  2. Violation of the menstrual cycle. First of all, the emotional component suffers. The consequences disrupt the normal functioning of the chakras, and hence the internal organs and psyche. You feel malfunctioning in your body. The reproductive organs of women are most affected: diseases, tumors, and cycle failures occur.
  3. Change in taste. It seems to many that they are pregnant. The reaction to a love spell is similar to toxicosis and a change in the sensations of the receptors. Women are overwhelmed with a sense of loss and begin to eat a lot. Often, a change in hormonal levels leads to obesity.
  4. Self-isolation, apathy, suicide. It is important not to take an irreversible step. Depression, loneliness and stress are dangerous environments for suicidal thoughts. The woman's behavior becomes illogical. The main thing is to have time to help her.

The consequences of a love spell are detrimental, as they can be transmitted by family. As a price for intervention, not only the bewitched person suffers, but also the bewitching one. People performing the ritual have the ability to protect themselves from what they have done. The ransom falls on the participants.

If it seems to you that you have all the symptoms of a love spell, it is recommended that you immediately seek help. It is important to be aware of your condition yourself, which suggests that your energy field is resisting the love spell. If there is a possibility that you have been bewitched, you need to make an effort on yourself. To help yourself, seek help from a specialist. Inaction leads to consequences: health problems, mental destruction and disruption of the fate of descendants.

You can fight love spells with the help of light magic and prayer. And it is quite possible to do it yourself.

Signs that indicate a love spell

Love spell is considered one of the most destructive effects of black magic on a person. If you notice a change in your behavior or have an inexplicable feeling of attraction to a person, then you should think about how to understand that you have been bewitched.

The terrible power of a love spell can change you and your life beyond recognition, so if you notice the effect of these terrible spells on yourself, try to get rid of them immediately.

There are several right ways that will teach you how to understand if a person is bewitched.

Signs of a love spell

One of the signs of a love spell is a sudden craving for one single person.
As a rule, people who have undergone a love spell do not notice anyone around them.

It often seems to a person who is fascinated that he cannot live without the object of his love. But, as practice shows, being near your beloved does not add joy, but, on the contrary, gives rise to a feeling of guilt.

People suffering from love spells try to stay alone, but there is an uncontrollable craving for the customer, which brings a lot of suffering.

The bewitched often experience bouts of fatigue. They are always accompanied by a glazed or cursory glance.

Usually, people who have been bewitched flatly refuse to admit all the oddities of their behavior.

Interest in hobbies disappears. Things that used to please and give pleasure are no longer of interest.

When the customer is not around, the bewitched person begins to feel depressed, but the appearance of an object of sighing is not a panacea.

The fear of separation arises, which is stronger than self-esteem.

A charmed person is distinguished by easy suggestibility, he believes everything that the one who bewitched him says.

If a person is bewitched, he begins to suffer from insomnia, and in those hours when he manages to fall asleep, his dreams are erotic.

When a person tries to resist the spell, he is possessed by the desire to commit suicide.

The victim of a love spell often experiences aggression towards the customer, wants to take his life and remove the shackles from himself.

The signs described above will help to recognize the victim of a love spell in both a man and a woman.

There are a number of signs that will help you find out that you have bewitched a girl.

1. The most terrible sign is the appearance of indifference to the spouse and children. A charmed girl is not interested in family, home life and comfort.

2. Obedience appears in the girl. She willingly follows someone else's will, not realizing that something is wrong with her.

3. The impulsiveness of the bewitched girl increases. A phlegmatic girl can become a real hurricane under the spell of a love spell.

4. Hysterics are becoming more frequent, the reason for which is now any trifle. The girl is able to pour out her aggression on the closest and dearest people.

5. A girl always has two feelings for a customer: she cannot live a day without her beloved, but at the same time, with all her heart and soul, she wishes him death. These feelings do not let go of the unhappy woman, and she always arrives in a depressed state.

6. Being next to a bewitched girl, loved ones begin to feel cold. The dearly beloved husband no longer feels tenderness from his soul mate, the children do not feel maternal affection and care.

7. The girl thinks that she is in a vacuum, as if she was swallowed by emptiness. She does not feel the joys of life, she cannot admire the little things. It seems to her that life passes without her participation, past her.
8. A charmed girl is ready for any humiliation, just to be next to her beloved. She is not worried about the loss of her own dignity if the reward is the object of her sighs.

Knowing the signs of a love spell, you can determine whether you are a victim or, maybe, your man was bewitched. If you or your lover are the victim of a love spell, immediately take action to remove the spell.

How to define a love spell?

First of all, it is worth conducting a diagnostic session for a love spell. To do this, take a church candle and any silver jewelry: chain, ring or pendant. Holding the candle in your right hand, light it and hold it at the level of your heart. Hold a silver item in your left hand.

Close your eyes, try to distract yourself from extraneous thoughts and spend about ten minutes.

If you have undergone magical influences, then the candle will be restless, shoot, black drips may appear. Also, to confirm the guess, try to carry out the ritual of removing the love spell with salt, if the salt darkens, then a love spell has been targeted at you.

So, you have determined that the love spell is imposed. You have two possible options behavior: turn to a magician or grandmother, or try to solve the problem yourself. Since our site is dedicated to independent conspiracies, then we will use the second option and will remove the love spell ourselves.

Self-removal of a love spell

On the waning moon, pour running water into a saucepan and put a few aspen twigs in it.

Magic is one of the most powerful methods of influencing a person. Very often, a bewitched person against his will becomes a victim of this weapon, since a love spell was made on him. How to understand that you are bewitched? There are different effective methods love spell. Women bind their beloved to themselves with their menstruation - this is a very serious ceremony that can have its own Negative consequences so you shouldn't take such big risks.

Many people want their former loved one to return, and they want to bind themselves to him with magic. There are certain signs by which one can understand that a person has been bewitched. He becomes not the same as before and behaves differently. There are also special rituals that help determine whether you have been bewitched or not.

What is a love spell?

Women often do not want to accept the fact that the person they love is no longer yours, and they do rash acts, I turn to magicians. They ask how to make him love me. It's very simple to make a love spell. As for the consequences, they are not as simple as the rite itself. A completely different force begins to control a person, and not himself. Many, after being bewitched, behave very aggressively.

Love spell is considered one of the forms of magical influence, as a result of which the bewitched becomes physically and emotionally dependent on another person, he is driven only by passion.

Anyone can become an object of such a ritual. There are love spells that lead to the fact that a person cannot choose on his own and becomes a victim of circumstances. He may start drinking, be overly irritable and aggressive. After performing a magical rite, a person may immediately feel bad.

The enchanted object loses its energy protection, which in extreme cases can even lead to suicide. He can commit a variety of rash acts. According to some sources, it can be said that the customer and the performer to some extent ruin themselves, since after removing the love spell, everything is returned to them. If it was not removed, then the customer enters into intimate relations with the victim, after which he takes on part negative energy and also suffers from this in the future. You may not understand that you have been bewitched.

How to understand that against your will they made you an unfree person? The rite of love spell acts on the victim's subconscious, which causes a great desire to be with the person who bewitched him.

Many people wonder how to understand that they have bewitched me? It's just, strange things happen to a person. He is not subject to himself, he is driven by a certain force that spoils life.

There are certain signs that determine the presence love spell... The behavior of a person who has been bewitched changes significantly.

How to recognize a love spell?

Many are interested in how to understand that you have been bewitched? The first sign by which you can determine the presence of a love spell is a spontaneous desire to constantly be with the object of adoration. The person completely loses interest in the opposite sex, except for the customer. If friends and family say that you have changed a lot and that you are behaving inappropriately, it is likely that you have been bewitched. The person himself may not be aware of any changes and not recognize the fact that something is controlling him. Realizing that you have been made dependent on another person is actually simple. You will feel inferior.

The main symptoms of how the bewitched behaves include:

  • uncontrollable desire to constantly be with the customer;
  • bad pessimistic mood;
  • a state of depression and apathy, no interest in what is happening;
  • fear of losing the object of adoration;
  • various problems and troubles in all spheres of life;
  • severe fatigue and sleep disturbance;
  • indifference to others;
  • the likelihood of alcoholism;
  • deterioration in health;
  • submission to the customer.

If a love spell was made on a man, he completely loses interest in other women. He has a state of depression and no feeling of joy at all. He is eels and does not want to do something, as there is no interest. Life becomes gray, the desire to devote time to your hobbies disappears. There is despair and no decision making. He avoids other women, he is drawn to only one. The object charmed by the customer becomes unmanageable.

After carrying out a magical ritual, a person's feelings of passion can be intertwined with hatred for the object that bewitched him. There is no sense of proportion and control, because he cannot live without a person, but constantly insults him.

Parents often ask, maybe my son or my daughter was bewitched? This is due to the fact that human behavior and attitude towards life are changing.

If before the moment of the ceremony a lot of time was devoted to work, then after it there is complete indifference to one's career. There is no desire to advance in the service and work for the future, everything happens monotonously and monotonously. Very often, this leads to dismissal, demotion and salary. A bewitched person is indifferent to everything, except for the object of love.

It is also possible to recognize a magic ritual by having severe sleep problems. May have nightmares and insomnia. Rapid fatigue appears and a lot of time is spent on rest, from unfulfilled tasks.

A person who is bewitched will feel completely subordinate to the customer. Sensitivity is also aggravated, which can be expressed in tearfulness and self-pity. Health problems can also arise, especially chronic illnesses. This is a sign that the body is struggling with interference at the energy level and you have been bewitched. Many begin to use in large quantities alcohol, which leads to alcoholism. There are frequent cases of drug addiction and suicidal tendencies. Thus, the bewitched tries to find solace.

How to recognize a love spell.

Signs of a love spell. School of Marina Sugrobova

What to do if you are bewitched

12 signs that a love spell is being hovered over you - for women

Often women are interested in who could have bewitched my beloved? For an answer, you need to consult with a specialist in this field.

What are the methods for detecting a love spell?

There are several ways to find out what was carried out over a person. magic rite... Let's consider the main ones.

  1. You will need to take an egg in your hands and heat it with the warmth of your palms. You need to think about the person who is being tested for the presence of a love spell. Then you need to put a photo of this person in front of you and drive an egg over it. It takes no more than 2-3 minutes. During this time, it is saturated with the energy of the photo. After the steps taken, the egg is broken into a container with cool water. If the yolk separates from the protein or breaks, it means that a certain magical effect was nevertheless performed.
  2. Self-diagnosis can be used to carry out the next rite. You need to take one church candle and silver ring, which is first put on the hand and then removed. You need to light a candle and bring it to the area of ​​the heart, in free hand take the ring. You need to stay in this state for about 10 minutes. You have to try not to think about anything. If the flame begins to burn in an unusual way, make sounds, smoke or black streaks appear, then there is a magical effect.
  3. For the next ritual, you will need wax. Cut two small candles into a metal container and melt it over the fire. You also need to put on the table a photo of a person who is possibly bewitched. The wax is held over the photo for about 15-20 seconds, and then poured into a container with clean water... When it cools down, you need to see what kind it looks like. If various growths appear that can reach the bottom of the container, then most likely the person is bewitched.

Many turn to specialists, saying: "I think my father was bewitched." Very often, exemplary husbands leave families completely spontaneously to another woman. They are trying to control a person, so he commits rash actions. Such cases are not uncommon. To accurately determine the presence of magical effects, it is advisable to consult with a specialist who can give an accurate answer.

How to remove a love spell?

What to do if you have been bewitched and how to check it? Not everyone understands that the bewitchment was performed. If a person is sure that he has been bewitched, it is advisable that the spell be shot by an experienced specialist. This will be a more effective solution to the problem. There are also certain rituals that you can do yourself. They help get rid of magical influences.

Before carrying out the ritual, you need to fast for several days, not engage in sexual intercourse and morally tune in to perform the rite. There should also be a waning month. You will need two types of threads: black and white, a candle and an arc-shaped chicken breast bone.

One end of the bone is wrapped with thread white the other is black. A candle is placed in the center and a conspiracy is said:

“By the black moon I conjure, I command with a dead bone, to remove from me all that is black, false and dark. To the left leave all worries and sorrows, to the right all passions and hopes. "

After that, the bone must be broken and said:

"Just as lifeless bones do not grow together, so I and (customer's name) cannot be together."

The remains of the materials that were used for the ceremony must be buried in the ground in other parts of the city from the place where the customer lives. At the time of instillation, you need to say:

"As these bones are far from each other, so I and (customer name) will be far away."

You need to return home in silence and without turning around.

This is the easiest way to remove a love spell. More complex ones are performed by a specialist who is well versed in magic. They use the most different methods removal of love spell.

The first and most correct answer, when asked what to do if a love spell was performed, is to visit a good magician. The person will not behave quite adequately, which will become the basis for contacting a specialist.

Orthodoxy considers love spells to be a great sin, since they are a violation of the commandment "do not kill", because a person, in fact, becomes not alive, since he does not manage his life on his own. The rituals are carried out stranger, who does not care what the consequences will be, and in the future you can blame yourself very much for what you have done. Those who succeed in bewitching a loved one regret it in the future, since a lot of bad things appear in life.

Sometimes a person finds himself in a situation where he is infinitely attracted to someone. It seems like a person is humiliated, they are treated in such a way that they should hate, but there is still an irresistible urge, and it is impossible to cope with it. Or else your chosen one cannot leave alone former love, constantly talks about her. Involuntarily you begin to think about a love spell or binding.

A love spell can completely change a person's life. Mistresses often take their husbands out of the family in this way. Young girls in love charm the chosen one who does not harbor feelings for them, without even thinking about the consequences. Intervention in the energy sector always gives consequences, sometimes not the most pleasant and irreversible. But how to find out if there is a love spell on a person without attracting psychics and magicians?

There are several options for determining a love spell on a husband or any other person.

Human behavior

The easiest way to understand is monitor human behavior... The person will be in a confused state, the mood changes dramatically. In five minutes, a person can cry and laugh. He constantly talks about who bewitched. He reacts aggressively to any attempts to recognize the presence of a love spell. If the customer of the love spell disappears for a long time, the person begins to feel melancholy, falls into depression.

On a candle and decoration

You need to take a candle and silver jewelry (this can be a ring, chain, bracelet, etc.). The candle needs to be lit right hand attach to the heart. Accordingly, there is a silver item in the left hand.

Closing your eyes, you need to try not to think about anything for about ten minutes. Throw away all thoughts that are burdening you, relax.

After ten minutes, you can open your eyes. If there is a love spell, then the candle will be restless, most likely, black sagging will appear.

On a chicken egg

You will need a very fresh egg. Store-bought eggs will not work. Perhaps you have friends who have a chicken, you can ask them for an egg or buy in the market. Before proceeding with the diagnosis, check yourself whether the egg is fresh. To do this, put the egg on the table and twist it. If it rotates slowly, then the egg is suitable. If it spins quickly, it means that the egg is not very fresh, therefore, it is not suitable for the ceremony.

You need to take a photo of a person on whom, in your opinion, there may be a love spell. The egg needs to be rotated clockwise right in front of the photo. Then you need to take a bowl of plain water and break the egg there. If the protein in the water is transparent, then there was no love spell - you were mistaken. But if the protein is cloudy, bad smell will be present or the egg will generally be rotten, then it is for sure.

On the water and the candle

Requires a candle, bowl, and water(either river or holy). The candle should be cut into small pieces... The pieces are folded into a ladle. Pour water into a bowl and place it in front of the photo. If a person himself wants to check if there is a love spell on him, it is better to do the ceremony in his presence instead of a photograph. For about three minutes, the wax in the ladle should be held over a person or photograph. After that, the wax in the ladle needs to be melted with something and very quickly poured into the water.

Once in the water, the wax hardens immediately. When frozen, the wax should have unusual shape... The wax must be taken out of the water and examined. If the piece is whole, then the person's energy is pure. But if the piece is a little broken, and the vodka is painted, there is a love spell and it must be removed.

Love spell protection

Love spell protection can be set using an amulet, which you can make yourself. To do this, you need 6 white candles and 1 red one. Ordinary candles will work as well, but the previous option is slightly more effective.

In addition, you will need a human comb and cloth (preferably white). The amulet is created on the departing moon from dusk to dawn.

At sunset, you need to put 6 candles in a circle and one in the middle. A comb wrapped in fabric is also placed in the middle. The candles should be lit in the same order as they were placed. After that, a request is pronounced in a whisper that all the impure forces leave the person and sorrow leave him.

From now on, the comb will be your amulet. Try not to give it. Firstly, hygiene is maintained, and secondly, now this comb stores your energy, it is better that no one gets it.

There is also an easier option.

A simple way to get rid of

To get rid of a love spell, you need to create a good mood for a person. From birth, a person already had a talisman, which he eventually abandoned. What kind of amulet was it? Favorite toy. The toy creates a good mood for the child, with it he feels protected. A favorite toy is something very familiar. But as we mature, we all give up this protection.

Now is the time to bring it back. No, no one forces you to look for a childhood toy and lug around with it everywhere. You need to create a new one with your own hands. It can be a small doll or, for example, a horseshoe. You can buy a horseshoe in a store and decorate it with something. The toy should not be heavy so that you can always carry it with you.

The main thing is not to forget that any magic can be corrected by the church. If folk methods do not help, it is worth contacting there. Surely there will be help. If the church forces also do not save, there is only one option - to turn to a specialist.

For more ways to remove the spell, see the video:

Many are interested in how to understand that they have bewitched you. Signs of a love spell you need to know in order to determine if there are traces of love magic on you. If you find any of them in yourself, you need to do a rite that neutralizes the effect of a love spell.

What is a love spell?

Love spell is one of the varieties of love magic. With the help of special rituals, a magical effect is performed on the consciousness and energy of a person. It suppresses the will and lays down a program according to which the bewitched begins to experience an irresistible attraction to the one who bewitched him.

The emotions that a love spell causes can be different. This is both an easy fall in love and a powerful passion, because of which the bewitched begins to pull towards the object of this passion without any explainable reason.

The sensations that a bewitched person experiences also vary. Very often, a love spell carries, because interference with someone else's consciousness never goes unnoticed.

How to understand that they have bewitched you: signs of love spell magic

If you suspect that you have been bewitched, it is important to know how a love spell works in order to be sure for sure. Depending on whether black or white magic were used for the ceremony, the symptoms may be different.

If the love spell was performed according to the canons of white magic, the bewitched begins to experience a slight euphoria, tenderness, love. He seems to fall into a happy soft trance when he is next to the object of passion. This feeling can be compared to a mild stage of alcoholic intoxication.

WITH black magic more and more complicated. Love spell in this case manifests itself in all its glory. The bewitched person experiences strong physical cravings, sexual attraction. When the object of passion is not around, he feels extremely bad, health problems may arise.

But even when the woman who bewitched the man is next to him, there is no relief. Usually in such a couple there is an extremely sick relationship - he is drawn to her, but next to her is even worse. He feels strong emotions, unable to cope with them, nor to free himself from these oppressive sensations.

Physical manifestations of love spell magic can be as follows:

  1. Constant apathy, lack of energy and desire to do the usual things. Favorite activities and hobbies cease to give ordinary pleasure. The only desire is to be close to your beloved and not do anything else.
  2. Unmotivated aggression, uncontrollable irritability. A bewitched person can flare up over a trifling matter. His relations with society deteriorate - family and friends are especially affected.
  3. Other addictions appear - for example, a person may become addicted to alcohol, drugs, gambling. Even if before that he led exclusively healthy image life
  4. The appearance is deteriorating. Hair falls out, dark circles appear under the eyes. Problems with eyesight and teeth may begin, the feeling of "breaking bones" constantly
  5. Health problems. Most often these are constant colds, malaise, lack of appetite. A bewitched person can lose weight dramatically or, conversely, quickly gain a lot of weight

In addition to the listed clear ones, which are quite easy to determine, there are also indirect ones. A person who is enchanted can feel a change in the spiritual state. He is unable to control his mind and actions. Attacks of unconsciousness may occur. The constant feeling that something strange, incomprehensible and ominous is happening.

It is unlikely that the union that is formed with the help of black love spell magic will be happy. Yes, the chosen one will begin to be irresistibly attracted to the object of passion, but a full-fledged relationship will not work. A person whose consciousness has been unceremoniously invaded will unknowingly begin to take revenge.

He will be irritable, harmful, he will plague the bewitched with jealousy, reproaches and scandals. In severe cases, a man turns into a real tyrant - he tortures the chosen one morally or even physically.

On this basis, you can recognize a love spell by looking closely at the behavior of a well-known person. If he is usually friendly and ready to compromise, he suddenly turned into an evil and gloomy unsociable, it is worth checking if there is a love spell on him.

Any girl who decides to use the methods of black love spell magic must be fully aware of the consequences that await her and her chosen one. Therefore, it is important not only to know how a love spell works on a man, but also to imagine these consequences.

Watch a video about how to understand that they have bewitched you:

Should I make a lapel?

If you find traces of love spells on yourself, do not immediately try to make a lapel. First, use special techniques to make sure that you are bewitched:

  • Visit the church. This option is suitable for believers. Confess, ask the priest for advice, go through a religious cleansing ritual
  • See a psychotherapist. Perhaps a specialist will find other, more "earthly" reasons for your irresistible craving for the object of passion
  • Contact an esoteric specialist. It is better to choose it according to the reviews of friends. Keep in mind that the "correct" magician will first diagnose, and only then begin treatment

And if you want to protect yourself from a love spell before you receive its consequences, take care of spiritual development. Conduct meditation practices, study spiritual literature and psychology, train positive thinking, learn to control your mind.

If a person has a high degree of awareness and tries to let only positive thoughts into his life, his energy becomes stronger and becomes inaccessible for any kind of magical influence from the outside.

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card: