Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a locker made of match boxes. Create furniture for dolls: armchair, fireplace, ottoman. Cabinet for dolls from girlfriend

From match boxes of comedy and doll furniture.

Crafts from match boxes.

Hello, cute cockpit :) If you use matches, then I suggest you later not to throw away empty boxes, but to see what original crafts can be made from this cast material :)

For example, the comeds and many other interesting crafts that you can consider on this page.

This chest made independently, but we can well implement it using matchboxes.

For this project you will need:

We connect together two boxes, putting them on glue.

With deforestation, we make paper lace, which then wrap the comedom.

For the legs used wooden beads that glue on a hot gun

Wooden legs will be perfectly combined with wooden buttons, which instead of the handles are decorated with shufflers, decorated with oval printout.

The satin bow in tone to this mini chest will decorate it additionally, giving him elegance and femininity.

as you can see, this project is made of affordable materials, and it looks very impressive :) If you have not yet purchased cutting down, you can replace this step with any beautiful lace that will be perfectly combined with a satin bow :)

according to the / 2009/11 / Romance-Pack /

And a very interesting option of self-made comed box made of matches. For an additional volume of parts, foam trails are used, which in stores pack products. Great idea for creating bas-relief speakers! Take for weapons :)

Third option for self-made comedom. Several boxes pre-painted in the required tone are glued together. And then they turn into a common paper case. For the end of each hunter glued buttons or any other mini decor, which has a flat base for the hitch with a decorated surface. Do not forget about the legs for which you can also use similar buttons or pick up others to suit this comed.

and even the comedwork as the idea of \u200b\u200banother design.

The ideas of the chest using a large number of boxes.

If you want to explore master class of such cheststhen you can look HERE . To view a master class on creating a chest, which is exhibited below:

Do you think only the dressers can be created from the boxes? :) In fact, it is a unique material for puppet furniture !!

Buying furniture and accessories for dolls now does not cause any difficulties - the counters of children's stores are literally bowed to toys for every taste and wallet. Nevertheless, independent manufacture of toy accessories is an interesting and exciting occupation, which allows you to make an interior of a puppet domical in your taste. Toy furniture we will make with your own hands can be made using a variety of materials. Consider some simple examples for beginners.

How to make toy furniture with your hands from paper and cardboard

Colored paper and cardboard are the most affordable materials for joint creativity with children. It is best to make paper furniture for miniature dolls and pups so that it can withstand the load and did not break.

Necessary materials:
  • dense cardboard;
  • white or colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • line;
  • pencil;
  • pVA glue.
Operating procedure.

Let's try to make a toy chair and armchair in accordance with the template below. If necessary, the sizes can be changed.

We stick to the cardboard with colored paper, you can use old logs or decorative film. After drying the glue, cut out the blanks of paper pasted on the cardboard base, with the help of scissors and an acute stationery knife. We fold the blanks on the bend lines and glue them according to the template. The central part of the armchair is pre-bending, as shown in the figure. For this purpose, it is best to use a thin and flexible cardboard that is not inclined to form a chance.

Schemes for the manufacture of such furniture can be the most different. Similarly, you can make a locker and a sofa.

Cardboard sheets can be replaced by unnecessary boxes. It is necessary to take into operation only a smooth cardboard container without folds, dents and other defects. To make a piece of dolls with a mirror, you will need a small rectangular box with a folding lid. We flex the top of the box and gently cut it around the perimeter, giving an oval shape. We accumulate the workpiece with white or colored paper from all sides, draw the doors and drawers. In the center of the top we glue a foil mirror or other reflective material.

From pieces of plastic or cardboard tubes make legs. The lower part of the trumpem can be preheated, by sticking the extra layer of dense cardboard. If you wish, we decorate the furniture at your discretion: paint, we stick decorative elements, sew from the tissue of the pads and bedspreads.

Let's try step by step. Make the original furniture made of match boxes.

Furniture made of match boxes is perfect for miniature dolls. They are ideal for the manufacture of various lockers, writing tables and drawers with drawers.

To make a bedside table, you will need three matched box and a dense cardboard. We glue the boxes among themselves and look at their blanks from the cardboard, forming the body of the product. After drying the glue, we proceed to the decoration of the furniture: staining the sides and the top of the black paint stands or weaken the black paper. Drawers decorate with wooden toothpicks, trying to glue them as close as possible to each other. For these purposes, you should choose transparent glue. Making pens from pieces of thin plastic tube or rod. If you wish, cover the product with varnish.

Other furniture can be made from match boxes in accordance with the figure below with the assembly examples.

Finished furniture can not be decorated if clean boxes are used without stickers, dents, scratches and other defects. It is advisable to carefully choose from the side of the sides.

Furniture from plywood.

Plywood products are more durable and durable than paper or cardboard. They can be used to play with large and heavy dolls. To make a toy crib, build on paper the pattern of the appropriate size.

We transfer stencil on a sheet of plywood. The obtained details we combine with each other, insert the bottom of the crib into the slot of the big back. The back of a smaller bed is glue with the "moment" glue. If you wish, we glue the legs of the girlfriend, stain and decorate the crib, sew bedding.

Wooden furniture.

Even those craftswomen who do not own the skills of working with wood can make simple wooden doll furniture. For this, small sleeves, twigs or sinters are required. Previously, each element must be carefully taken to adjust its shape and remove irregularities. Corre delete optional.

To make a table and chairs, as in the photo above, glue all the elements among themselves. Thick rods cut into small segments, glit to the furniture legs. Armrests make from thin flexible twigs. When the glue dries, cover the products with a transparent varnish in 1-2 layers, but it is optional. Similarly, any other furniture and accessories for dolls and pups can be made of wood.

Video selection on the topic of the article

Other methods and descriptions of making doll furniture you can learn, looking at the video below.

Each parent tries to give the baby all the best: interesting developing toys designed specifically taking into account children's needs. And children certainly like it very much!

But is it always a ready-made toy brings to the child? Many of us observed how modern children comes the moment of "suggestion" by the benefits. Then they simply lose interest in toys: they are too much. Often, meeting, children do not come up with joint games, but simply engage in the "disorder" toys - they manage to just familiarize themselves with the toys away, but do not play.

And parents are only bred by their hands: we would have such toys in our childhood! And what did we play, remember? We did furniture for dolls from match boxes, cardboard houses; Grass and fruits in the yard were the most diverse meal: yellow dandelions - eggs, leaves from dandelion - cucumbers, acorns - zucchini, chestnuts - pumpkins, "spout-helicopters" - bananas, foliage were monetary bills. Yes, and the houses themselves, the store, the hospital we sometimes arranged on the tree. Was it interesting? Sure!!! After all, we all came up with all this, and in the country of children's fantasy attributes are not so important. No wonder they say that earlier, to become a princess, it was enough to just put the tights on the head. But for some reason we go with our children, we go on a different way, an accepted opportunity to experiment and invent.

The fact is that the mass of ready-made toys interferes with the flight of children's fantasy. Who can prove that beautiful plastic vegetables and fruits are better than our children's dandelions? For children, the game itself is important for the game and inventing, and not the result - a specific subject - toy.

Portal offers to plunge into the world of forgotten crafts from match boxes. We will show how you can build military equipment, furniture for dolls, fabulous characters and animals, interesting details.

Military equipment

On the eve of the holiday on February 23, we first will talk about the models of military equipment. They can be given to dad, grandfathers, attribute to kindergarten and school, use to play at home.

Look at what the theater of hostilities will be able to play your son or grandson. With an independent production of such toys, the child has a fine motor skill, the preferabity and desire to achieve the goal, the child appears interest and motivation, he finds self-confidence from the fact that he himself can do it all. Let's not deprive the children of this, right?

Special equipment

From this wonderful girlfriend you can make various cars. For example, an ambulance carriage, fire truck, bus, taxi, DPS car.

With such crafts, you can participate in various contests.

Heroes fairy tales, animals

With color paper, glue, boxes from under the matches you can make the heroes of your beloved fairy tale or cartoon. Look, the heroes are the fairy tales in the photo?

Wonderful African animals and our native Cheburashka are also made of match boxes.

Small children love small toys and interesting attributes to them. Inside the match box, a whole house for an unusual animal can be passed. It can be put in his pocket and worn everywhere.

Educational games made of match boxes

Based on boxes from under matches, you can make games for the development of the child.

It can be a game in association, learning letters and numbers and so on. Make thematic images: who lives where; Who is powered by.

Toy furniture made of match boxes

Matchboxes are the basis for making toy furniture, and then it all depends on your imagination and material for decor.
Furniture assembly scheme looks like this:

It is possible to decorate the furniture in its own way: with colored paper, cloth, toothpicks, wallpaper and self-adhesive film, in the technique of decoupage.

With the help of matchboxes, you can make and unusual interior items: TV, washing machine, piano, suitcase, frame for photos or paintings in a dollhouse.

Once again we emphasize that everything ingenious is quite simple. And an interesting new one is well forgotten old. Now you are most likely not to throw out the boxes out of matches and miss the material for a wide variety of creative designs!

Sources of schemes and photos:

House is built. It all unimportant, he is big or small, from a brick or from cardboard, Barbie or Snow White with Dwarves will live in it. In any case, he needs interior, in furniture and necessary accessories. In stores toys today you can buy everything. But as you know, the most fashionable things are considered exclusive, made in a single copy, handmade things. Therefore, we drown the sleeves and begin work on the manufacture of doll furniture with your own hands.

We make a present chair for Barbie

In the market for toys, the current miniature layouts of real objects of the human life are most appreciated: cars, airplanes, clothes, etc. The smaller the model, the more difficult to do them. Let's try to create a similar exclusive piece of furniture.

To make dolls upholstered furniture, you need to cook:

  • dense cardboard with a thickness of 1-1.5 mm;
  • ordinary paper;
  • penocarton (thickness 0.5 cm) or corrugated cardboard (thickness 0.3 cm);
  • a tube with a diameter of 1.5-2.5 cm from any material. You can use the old marker or cardboard tube from under the thread;
  • fleece or thin foam thickness 0.3-0.8 cm;
  • fabric for upholstery. It is better to choose a sieve or staple, so that it is better impregnated with glue;
  • pVA glue and "moment";
  • scissors, knife;
  • line, pencil.

Production of the present chair in stages

  • Make drawings of parts on paper and cut them out.
  • Cut the details of the chair in the drawings. Four rectangles from foamarton or six corrugated cardboard glue together. It will be the base of the chair, seat. Then glue the back and facade of the chair cut from dense cardboard. Fasten the armrest tubes. Next, they will keep them after the salary of their paper, but while they can be slightly "sampled" by pieces of scotch.

  • Cut from corrugated cardboard several strips of 1 cm wide and a length equal to the length of the tubes, and put them with a stack under the roller, losing the layer glue. Number of layers determine the place. Puck the armrest first with thin paper, and then a fleece or foam rubber.

  • Puck the chair with a cloth. To do this, cut out the pieces of material according to the same drawings, but slightly (1-1.5 cm) adds in length and width for the sovereign.

  • The back (removable) for the chair is covered first with foam on one side, and then, with a cloth from all sides.

  • Install the back in the chair. It can be glued to the stationary back, and you can leave collapsible.

  • Pillow on the chair do the same as the back.

  • Here it turned out the royal chair for the favorite doll.

The technique of making this upholstered furniture is similar to the scheme described above, only this chair is not a model of the present, and therefore the basis for it is easier to execute. It consists of a piece of foam rubber cut through the patterns, a thickness of 1-2 cm and a small box. These details also need to be saved with a beautiful cloth, and then join.

From the rectangular piece of foam rubber coinciding in size with the size of the box, cut out the pillow and dramatize the cloth. If there is a sufficiently long and narrow box, it may be a chic sofa for the doll.

The desire to make furniture for very often stops the absence of materials. Of course, few people in the apartment will find furniture boards, wooden bars and springs. However, miniature furniture and does not require such real details. The floor-liter plastic bottles are in any house and can be used not only as container ..

If they are cut in a certain way, they may turn out over the original chairs. In order to give them a presentable species, you can shelter or puncture plastic edges with a beautiful braid. Next, you need to sew your two pads and fill them with any filler. One of them will be the seat, and the other back.

To fulfill this work, we will need a cardboard tube that remains from the roll of toilet paper. The manufacturer's scheme is the same as in the previous version, only in this case we will not be able to make armrests. Therefore, miniature furniture will be rapidly with a backup.

Cut from the tube the desired shape and take it with a cloth. Make a bag, gain it with filler and put inside the tube to get a seat.

Cot for a puppet baby

Barbie or Monster High adult girls, so it is quite logical that they can have a little baby. For him, some kind of furniture is also needed. For example, a cot.

There is a very simple version of the manufacturer of the cradle for a small baby - a crib of match boxes. For the backs, you can use sticks from ice cream-pops. Shill two box to the ends and take the color paper. Stick sticks and paint them. Cot is ready.

Matchboxes are excellent building material for puppet furniture. These are ready-made pull-out drawers. Of these, you can make a whole kitchen set.

  1. Take 9 boxes and fold them in three rows, gluing among themselves.
  2. Plue around the perimeter with colored paper ribbon.
  3. Make a stapler brackets on the ends of the "boxes". It will be handles.
  4. Hinged lockers make out of three boxes.
  5. Shill in each box two parts.
  6. Color or cross them with colored paper.
  7. Cut the top box in the middle. It will be doors. The handles on them can be drawn with a felt-tip pen or glue along the rice grain.

From match boxes can be constructed a wonderful chest. For this we need:

  • 4 matches;
  • 4 beads for legs and 4 for handles;
  • thin fabric or colored paper;
  • beautiful braid;
  • glue, paint.

Color all the boxes inside and outside of a monochrome paint. Glue them between themselves and wrap with cloth or paper. Stick on the contour braid, on the bottom 4 legs-beads, and on each box of beads-handles.

Probably in each house you can find match boxes. But few people know, they are a wonderful material for creativity, and completely without any problems can easily make furniture made of match boxes with their own hands. Especially such creativity will be interested in a child, because every baby loves to play with dolls, and they also need furnishings. Like real, only in miniature. In this article we will tell you how easy it is to make the original furniture items from such an affordable and cheap material.

Making bed

If the babes have a small pupsik, then it needs to be put somewhere. And any mom you need to know how to make a bed of match boxes. For manufacture, you will need to get:

  • Two match boxes;
  • Glue;
  • Paper;
  • Paint;
  • Wire;
  • Two beads.
  1. We glue together two packs from matches. They will perform the role of the base.
  2. We apply the base to the paper sheet and supply a pencil from all sides. It should be left for the ends and draw the backs.
  3. Cut in two copies paper templates and glue to the base.
  4. Color in the desired color.
  5. Beads We ride on the wire and attach to drawers.

Important! For decoration, you can use a mattress, blanket and a small pillow.

Making dresser

When doll furniture made of match boxes are made, do not do without a chest. Moreover, it is suitable not only for the game - it can be used for storage of hairpins and jewelry.

Preparation will be prepared:

  • Match boxes (3 pcs.);
  • Glue;
  • Toothpicks;
  • Wire;
  • Cardboard;
  • Beads.
  1. From the cardboard glue the frame for the chest. It will takes the manufacture of side walls, bottom, countertops, partitions between drawers.
  2. Insert boxes in the frame.
  3. To the front of the "boxes" we glue the toothpicks, cut off too much.
  4. Using wire beads attach to boxes.

Making a chair

How to make furniture for dolls from match boxes? We have already considered the bed and dresser, and now we will find out how to make a beautiful chair.

This will require cooking:

  • Color decorative paper;
  • Color bilateral paper;
  • Four empty boxes from matches;
  • Bilateral scotch;
  • Stationery glue;
  • Line;
  • Scissors;
  • Simple pencil.

Follow the instructions:

  1. On the color double-sided sheet, there are four rectangles, the dimensions of which are 11 per 8 cm.
  2. Cut the rectangles.
  3. Each package is gluable paper.
  4. Glue the blanks with the help of glue or bilateral tape. One of them stacked horizontally, the second is vertically.
  5. For seed decoration, we use decorative sheets.
  6. To decorate two other boxes, also cut the decor. The dimensions of rectangles are 4 to 3 cm.
  7. Sheets glue in the middle of the boxes.
  8. The remaining packages are vertically glued to a previously glued basis.

Chair is ready! For a complete set, there are still some such.

Making a passenger car

In order to captivate a child, know little, how to make furniture made of match boxes. For example, not all boys will be interested in this process. With the help of such a material, you can make many different useful trifles. Consider how to make a passenger machine into which the baby will be happy to play with pleasure.

Preparation will be prepared:

  • Six match boxes;
  • Four plugs from bottles;
  • Two chopsticks from chip-chups ";
  • Plasticine bar;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Line;
  • Colored paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Brushes for glue;
  • Sewed;
  • Scissors.

We comply with the instructions:

  1. Using paper, glue the length of two drawers (along the long side).
  2. We prepare the second same pattern.
  3. Glue the blanks with each other. They must be located over the other.
  4. In the colored sheets, we supply the resulting design on the contour.
  5. The base is covered with sheets of the desired color on all parties.
  6. Complete each other we glue two boxes.
  7. Purchase them from all sides with colored paper.
  8. Of the colored sheets (white, yellow or blue), we cut a rectangle with a size of 1.5 to 12 cm.
  9. Paper fold fourly.
  10. On the upper side of the base, the corner curves, the workpiece is cut in the folds of folds.
  11. Cut out the headlights out of the paper.
  12. Inside the plugs from bottles place plasticine.
  13. On the long basis in the middle we glue a small billet.
  14. The cabin is glued to the cockpit from colored paper. One by one we glue in front and rear, the two remaining parts of the paper cut in half and glue the side of the rounded side down.
  15. We glue the headlights.
  16. With the help of sewing, we do the holes for the wheels.
  17. In the resulting holes insert chopsticks from candy.
  18. On sticks wear plugs with plasticine.

Machine for games is ready!