Repairs Design Furniture

Garden design with hands 6 acres. Let's discuss preparatory work

Everyone who received in its own use of the countryside, dreams of making a corner from it to relax souls and body. What you need to know and how to equip the cottage so as to get the place where you want to come. And left by return.

There are several simple rules, thanks to which the cottage will turn into a paradise. At the same time, there is nothing terrible in the fact that the plot is small and covers the area of \u200b\u200bonly 6 acres.

The first of what the developer of the country area should do is to have zoning

Having at its disposal 6 acres of land, it is safe to start planning the country area. Of course, this is not a big plot, but it is quite enough for the equipment of the cottage. The site must be divided into zones on which you can compactly place objects suitable for purpose.

Zoning the plot as follows:

This list is complemented and adjust, since the number of zones and their grouping depends on the preferences of the developer, as well as its desires for the arrangement of the country area.

After the zoning is completed by the developer of the country area can lay on future buildings on the site.

Rules for the planning of the country area

With any build, you need to start with planning.

It should be borne in mind that there are rules for building a country area that are inevitably subject to implementation, as they are required by construction, sanitary and fire standards:

  • it is necessary to adhere to fire distances, both internal buildings of the site and in relation to buildings in neighboring sites;
  • be sure to take into account the distance from such objects as a toilet and a cesspool to residential buildings not only from their own home, but also located in neighboring sites;
  • construction standards provide for the dependence of the elevation of the construction from the area of \u200b\u200bthe site. Also, the construction area on the site should not exceed 30% of the entire area area. Adhere to construction breaks between buildings on the site, as well as relative to the buildings in neighboring sites;
  • be sure to take into account the possible commissioning of engineering networks under the area of \u200b\u200bthe country area. In no case do not carry out the construction of structures at the site of breaking any engineering networks;
  • placing objects should be within the boundaries of the site;

Without performing these norms, the signing of an commissioning act becomes impossible.

There are also several layout rules that will help ensure the comfort and execution of which are not necessary:

  • place objects, on the site, considering the side of the world and the path of the sun in the sky. It is also important to consider the direction for which the manor is intended;
  • minimize the distances between objects on the site;
  • planning a site to start with the choice of place and orientation in the space of the residential structure;
  • the economic zone is placed depending on the area and the shape of the country area. It can be placed:
  • on the back of the station site on which the site is located;
  • around the residential structure, if, as in our case, the plot is small and takes 6 acres;
  • if the site is very pulled in length, the economic structures are placed around the perimeter of the economic zone;
  • minimize land removal under construction and tracks;
  • if possible, provide for the organization of a separate entry for economic needs.

You can still call a lot of rules that optimize the conduct of various events in the country area.

How can you expand the space at the dacha area of \u200b\u200b600 square meters

Given that a plot of 6 acres is not a large plot and when placing houses, garages, baths, greenhouses on it, a small front entrance, as well as a garden with a garden, a children's game area, aviary for animals and well, the place remains very little. Therefore, the placement of all objects on the site should be carried out with the execution of rules for placing objects on small areas.

  1. Use the surroundings of the site in order to mask existing minuses.
  2. It is skillfully beat the transparency of the boundaries of the site. In no case do not apply deaf and high fences.
  3. Actively apply openwork transparent designs. All monolithic deaf structures disguise with decorative shrubs or trees, plants.
  4. Beautiful views outside the site emphasize as much as possible and, if possible, open.
  5. Minimize areas occupied by buildings, access roads, and paths connecting various objects on the site.
  6. All large objects are best placed around the edges of the site, not overlapping the survey perspective.

Any question of the prospects can be solved, approaching this issue creatively.

Choosing a place for this object, one of the fundamental facilities on the site. The right choice of space will allow the creation of maximum comfort on the plot.

First of all, it is necessary to position the structure in relation to buildings in areas nearby. Be sure to adhere to fire, sanitary and building rates of distances from a residential building:

  • to the house at the nearby plot of 6-15 m.;
  • to the toilet 12 m.;
  • to the shower, baths - 8 m.;
  • to the center border with neighboring sites 3 m.;
  • to the red line 5 m.;
  • to trees 2.5 m.

Only after all these norms are taken into account, it is possible to carry out the conditions that improve comfortable and other conditions of the house:

  • orient the residential structure in relation to the parties of light;
  • when placing to take into account the wind rose in the region;
  • determine how and where the engineering networks undergo, to which will later need to be connected.

To the choice of places for the garage, you need to come up with the same responsibility as the choice of place for the house:

Such buildings are best placed as far as possible from the residential structure. On a plot of 6 acres, when the territory is relatively small and shopping builds can only be placed near the house, you can disguise them with various, decorative elements and green plantings.

An excellent location will be a device of household buildings from the north or north-west of the plot, in order to protect the territory from cold winds.

Place for a bath

The distance from the bath to the same room of the neighbors should not be less than 15 m. The best place under the bath is near the reservoir. The door of the structure should look south, and the windows to the southwest.

It is best to place it so that the smoke from the pipe does not get to the neighboring buildings. Therefore, before construction, you need to stock information about the winds of the dominant in this area.

Consider the possibility of combining the bath with other buildings.

Deciding with garden crops that plan to grow, you can go to the question, choosing a place to land. So perennial cultures feel perfectly under the trees, and vegetables do not like areas on drafts.

A place under the garden and a garden can be placed in the lowest part of the site, but it should not be adopted.

Fencing for the site

Both building rates, and offer fencing between neighboring sites to do low 1.5 m., And transparent. Thus, construction standards will be ensured and at the same time will create the appearance of a large open space.

The stop from the street can be done deaf and high.

Taking into account the listed standards and rules and applying them when planning the country area, the developer will receive a cozy place to relax and spend time on the Nature Lon.

Any dachank who acquired a plot of land without buildings, knows how difficult it is to create a successful layout. In our country, plots of 6 acres are particularly love, which can accommodate everything you need, without overpaying. If there is a question about planning an area of \u200b\u200b600 square meters, then the information from this article will be extremely useful.

Value planning

Pre-layout - troublesome and long matter, but only if nothing to know in this matter. If a person is already littering, he will easily create everything so that him and his loved ones were comfortable to spend time in the country. In the process of construction without prior planning, you can face the following difficulties:

  1. The discrepancy between the construction of the site is available to guests, which can affect the operation and even be dangerous for the owner, his relatives and guests.
  2. Eranny use of free space. For example, if it is incorrectly to choose the dimensions of the residential building and arrange it illiterately, then you can lose here in the future place for housekeeping or bath.
  3. Unwanted location of the elements of the site. So, for example, it is not planned to harm, and create not very convenient conditions for yourself. This, for example, can be a cesspool or compost pit, which is located under the window of the kitchen or bedroom.

This is only part of the problems faced by the owners of country sites, which did not want to plan space.

Start planning

So, the plot of 6 acres is purchased. The desired scheme of its layout can be drawn simply on a sheet of paper or played with a specialized computer program. Even if the owner has no artistic skills, he will be able to create a drawing independently. The main thing is to adhere to the scale of 1: 500, gently display lines in accordance with the requirements of standards. About how the planning of country sites is regulated is to talk in more detail.

Construction rates and standards

The layout of any site should be carried out in strictly observing SNiP. To do this, when drawing up a plan, the following points are necessarily taken into account:

  • All buildings on the plot can only be arranged at a distance of more than 5 meters to the main street line.
  • Buildings with wooden roofs require distances between each other in 8 meters.
  • Residential buildings are removed from a neighbor plot at least 3 meters.

    Tip! If the area allows, it is better to move the house exactly 3 meters from the neighbors to get a spacious courtyard.

  • Economic buildings can not be closer than 1 meter to the neighboring area.
  • Between the house, the bath, garage or the shed and neighbors should be 6m free square.
  • The toilet when planning should be located 15 meters from the residential building.
  • From the country house to the bath should be at least 8 meters.
  • The well can be pulled out at a distance of more than two tens of meters from the compost pit or cesspool.
  • Low shrubs are planted at a distance of at least 2 m, high - 4 m, and bushes - 1 m.
  • If there is a corner of the neighbors in the neighbors, the distance of buildings from it should be at least 15 m.

Tip! If you want to put the buildings on the site close to each other, the walls are better to raise them from ceramic brick or aerated concrete. These materials are not capable of spreading fire and maintain combustion, which will allow compliance with fire safety.

Some requirements are also presented to the fences. The height of the fence, if it acts as a border with neighbors, cannot exceed 1.5 meters. Otherwise, an artificial shading of neighboring landings can be created that the owners of the site will not be very pleased. From the side of the street, the height of the fence can be any.

Location of the site relative to the parties of the world

Premises of a residential type, located on the plot necessarily have to receive the largest amount of natural light during the day. In a one-room and two-bedroom house, it should be covered at least one room for 2.5 hours a day. Multicomant builds require natural illumination at least two rooms also for 2.5 hours per day.

Thus, when planning in the northern part there are sanitary rooms, a wardrobe, storage room and other premises that do not need constant natural light and are not used constantly.

It is also important at the location of the windows of the house to calculate the presence of a panoramic view of them. It will be very unpleasant to watch the bedroom window or a lounge deaf fence.

Location of zones on the plot

It is necessary when planning a plot of 6 acres competently distribute places in which there will be a functional zone. First of all, always equip the residential building. Subsequently, the entire remaining composition is built around it. Usually build it on the elevation of the plot so that the fronton goes to the street.

After that, you can start choosing the location of household buildings. They usually try to hide and put there, where they will not be visible from the windows of the house, from the street and from the recreation area. Only a bath can be in sight, but only the exterior finish of which is distinguished by aesthetic.

Important! On the plot at different types of structure should have only 10% of the total area.

Garden and landing plot

After determining the place under the main buildings on the plot, you might think about where to smash the garden and create a vegetable garden. The trees of fruit type and shrubs on small-scale areas can occupy up to 60% of the entire area. For example, make a garden from several pear trees, 5 apple trees and cherries, several dozen raspberry bushes and 6 currant. For 6 acres, this is the optimal layout option that can be applied. And also in the garden can be equipped with a small bed garden with strawberries.

At the place where most of the sun gets, within 17% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire area, you can take a small garden, where it is easy to place a bed of carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and greens, as well as a place under the planting of potatoes.

Leisure area

Of course, a plot of 6 acres does not belong to the category of large, but still it is necessary to plan the space so that the owners have the opportunity to spend their free time with comfort. The most having place for this is a gazebo, which can be delivered anywhere in the plot, where only convenient to the owners.

Tip! To maintain a relaxing atmosphere near the gazebo, it is better to create an artificial pond or a decorative fountain.

If in the future it is planned to often receive guests, then it is best if the gazebo is accommodated next to the house. This is not allowed to walk far when eating eating. Inside or outside the gazebo under the canopy it will be worth it a barbecue or barbecue. If the places are quite a bit, you can use portable roasting.


For those families where there are children, it is very important to equip on the site as well as a platform for their leisure. Be sure to do it in such a place so that the whole area is well visible from the windows of a residential building. It is necessary to equip the platform on an even place where the sun is sufficient. It is also important to draw attention to that during the day some of its part was in a small shadow.

Decorative landscape and flowerbeds

To improve the appearance of the site, it is worth some part of it to downtrend under a bar, which is usually located near the house or along the fence. It is best not to plant high trees and shrubs that will shade significant areas. Optimal options when planning will be flower beds and neat lawns.

If you want to create something individual on a plot of 6 acres, you can advise you to decorate his landscape decoratively. For this designers advise to choose geometric and free styles. Thus, it is possible to achieve a spectacular appearance and accuracy of the entire territory.

It is best to place a place in front of the house with a strict style, and the recreation area is in free. Such a decision will make it aesthetically attractive and convenient for finding it. Only free decoration can give the area of \u200b\u200bthe site abandoned view.

A tree on a small plot of 6 acres should be only one if it is rather massive. And in order to improve the appearance of the fence, its perimeter is decorated with shrub or fusing plants.

The tracks are laying out a winding form, since the straight line will make the site visually even less. For flower flowers, bright shades contrasting with each other are selected. Pastel shades for a plot that does not boast of dimensions are not suitable.

Examples of planning

The territory of the country area when planning can take a different form, which is important to take into account. So, the plot area can be:


Even a small village plot of 6 acres can be very beautiful and convenient for accommodation, if you observe some criteria for planning. It all depends on the preferences of the owner, but it is also not worth forget about the standards and ergonomics, since thanks to them, you can create such a country area that will be a reason for pride.

It is very important to equip them correctly, so that there is a place for games, relaxation, beautiful plantings and decorative decorations. Sometimes it is difficult to do due to the lack of experience and skills in this matter, but the advice you will find in our article will help you take the first step in this direction.

The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

You, of course, saw the perfect lawn in the cinema, on the Alley, and perhaps on the neighboring lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green platform in their own area, without doubt they will say that this is a huge work. Lawn requires careful landing, care, fertilizer, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative agent - liquid lawn Aquagrazz.

Before proceeding to the process itself, you need to decide on the form and dimensions of the territory on which work will be carried out. It is very important to avoid bulky buildings and structures on the border with neighbors, as it can cause a lot of displeasure on their part. If you have a fairly large sizes of the country area, for example, about 6 acres, then there is nothing to worry: you have enough space to place all objects.

The next thing to be installed is the functions of the country area. It depends only on your desires and preferences. For example, if you have little children, then you need to make a children's zone if you like to receive guests often, it is better to install a gazebo under the cover, and for dog lovers - a special zone for games and workouts. Find examples of such a design will not be a problem, you can search for a photo on the Internet or contact the specialists.

After you have completed all actions, you can proceed to the direct arrangement of the cottage. To do this, you can use various designs, plantations and other decorative elements.

The process of preparing the site

Decorative design in landscape design

You should not limit yourself in choosing design and auxiliary elements, you can use the most unexpected solutions, the main thing is to like it and your loved ones. In small territories it is better to hold out of huge details, as they will only visually reduce it. And for large sites, for example, 6 acres, the landscape design should contain bright, large and catchy elements, it will only highlight the size of your country area.

So the most common decorative elements can be attributed to:

  • Water structures.

A small lake or pond will not only give your territory of aesthetic appearance, but can be quite useful in the farm. For example, it is possible to use a watering plant for watering or a garden, and for fishing lovers, it will be a great place to breed fish. But it is worth considering the fact that such a structure requires constant care.

If you are not ready for such victims, but I really want something unusual, you can build small waterfalls, fountains, water mills. The troubles will bring less, and the eye will be rejected by such a designer solution. In the photo below, you can see one of these designs.

  • Sanding.

The most common option for the arrangement of the country area is the use of plants. This is a universal option, such landings do not require high costs, you can transfer them and simulate different ensembles and figures from them. You can pick up plants under any landscape design, the main thing, not overdo it with their number.

  • Tracks.

They will be very organic to look next to the plantations. And also perfectly complement the arbors, canopies and other facilities.

They are often used to separate one zone from another. For example, a fairly large area of \u200b\u200b6 acres is combined with a playground, a gazebo, a car garage, flower beds and lawns, so that all this is divided among themselves, and small fences and borders are used. In the next photo you can see excellent landscape design using a fence.

Other decorative elements. They can be represented as:

  • sculptures;
  • attachments;
  • lighting.

Special attention should be paid to the site lighting system, since it will be simply necessary for gatherings in the dark. There are many varieties of lighting systems, so be sure that you will easily find a suitable solution for your country area.

For the territory of the size of 6 acres, sculptures and statues are ideal, which you can't tell about small areas. If you are the owner of such a small area, you should be upset ahead of time, you too can use such elements, only small sizes.

As you can see, there is a huge number of different decorative elements that are able to emphasize all the beauty of your country area, however, it is important to be able to arrange them correctly.

Design options

Examples of landscape design can be the most varied, ranging from the classic style and ending with the combination of luxurious elements and high-tech style. In the photo presented below, you can see the main design solutions, of which you will find something useful.

In this image you can see a wonderful combination of colors and plants. Such a landscape design will suit connoisseurs of the beautiful and possessors of a plot of more than 6 acres.

An example of a landscape design is very popular, which includes a large number of outdoor buildings. This approach undoubtedly will have to taste a large company of friends. In an open arbor, you can

In Soviet times, many employees received a free apartment or a private house. In the case of a house, a little land was still allotted, which in size was 6 acres. Even now, such a small one has retained its magnitude, but the tasks of using the Earth have changed. If earlier the country's land plot used solely to grow potatoes, berries, vegetables, now the excess place in a private house is used more as a place to relax.

There is nothing surprising in this, because most of the population no longer lives in the village, and comes to a country house just relax, therefore it is equipped with a territory more for entertainment.

Nowadays, there are really a large number of various ways that can afford to equip standard 6 acres of land near the house. As a result, it is possible to make not only the place where the family will spend the summer time, but also to form a harmonious style together with the house. Here, as a rule, everything will depend on what goals are the owner of the house.

Functional zones of the country area

In order to make a country house, refuge for recreation and fun, it is important to determine the zones that must be at any dacha. Each owner, as a rule, chooses which zones can be added to the household territory. From the recreation areas You can highlight such species as:

To put all the objects listed above, it is simply impossible to put on a plot of 6 acres of the earth, so you have to choose what is the most important. Although you can do combined zoneswhich in terms of functionality echoes each other. This will allow you to make more objects for recreation and at the same time use less space.

  1. Guest house, for example, you can not put, but to allocate the room for these purposes in the house. In some cases, you can even redevelop in a private house, dividing one big room for two.
  2. Often, when buying a house already has a garage and a parking space, but if there are no cars, it is extra details that can be used for other purposes. For example, if there is no car, then an excellent summer kitchen with small modifications will be out of the garage.
  3. If the bath is near the house, then you can also combine with summer kitchen, a gazebo or veranda. Such a combined way will not only save time, but also to make rest in the bath more convenient and more comfortable.
  4. Flowers and flower beds must be in a country house, because it is the essence of nature itself, but it is not necessary to plant all plants on the horizontal surface. You can use vertical racks. With their help there is a large number of colors, bushes or decorative trees and the space is released.
  5. Fruit trees and shrubs can be used instead of fence or bleeding. It is very beautiful, but without proper skills, it is difficult to achieve such a result.
  6. The garden, even in modern times, does not exist. For these needs, it is advisable to leave 1-1.5 meters of the Earth, in order to have a place to grow greens or small vegetables, such as cucumbers or tomatoes.

After the list of all necessary objects is approved, you need to place them on the territory, but it is better to try it first on the usual sheet of paper, but only then already begin to arrange the country area.

Even despite the fact that a garden plot having 6 acres does not require a large amount of time for arrangement, you still need to use the recommendations and rules that eventually save the error.

The first thing that cannot be done is to place a garage or parking space of the car behind the house or in the garden. Even if it is advisable, there is still a place for which the car will pass, in the end it will be necessary take out of turn.

With the arrangement of the recreation area with your own hands, you must not forget that the place should be sunny, so if a large shadow falls from the house, then the best arbor, a garden or a small garden to transfer to another place. In contrast to the shadow of the house, some minuses of the country area can not be avoided, but to use. For example, if water is accumulated after the rain in some place, it is not necessary to level the territory or remove the pit. It is best to make a small reservoir in this place, but the main thing is not to overdo it. The reservoir should be small sizes.

When arranging the territory with their own hands, or rather, when building a summer kitchen is important pay attention to the wind rose. That is, much most often directed the wind. This will allow you to choose the right place for the summer kitchen so that the smoke leaves the side of the house. It is also worth paying attention to the solar place near the house, because it is such a plot that is suitable for the location of the garden, flowers or flower.

A gazebo or playground should not be moved to the end of the land. For these objects, the center of the territory is best. Some may think that it will look defiantly, but in fact, so a gazebo or a platform for children will be surrounded by plants, and not a fence that stands around the perimeter of any cottage. Nearby you can place vertical flower beds or let the plants that will be on the surface of the arbor. This creates a unique natural design.

Expand the space

Many believe that size is 6 acres, it is a territory where it is impossible to fully equip a place to relax, but in fact such a small area gives a chance to recreate a holistic design. All recreation areas can be easily combined with each other. They will complement each other with their beauty and need to use such a chance.

There are such dimensions as:

  • 15 to 40 m;
  • 20 to 30 m;
  • 25 at 24 m.

Such dimensions allow you to create a unique design. To do this, it is enough to use some landscape tricks that have long been using specialists in this area.

Lack of straight lines

Designers who deal with the creation of a style of 6 acres, usually do not use straight lines. Planning with straight lines will look quite boring, not to mention that such an effect visually decreases space, and with a small territory it is extremely unprofitable. It is best to use rounded shapes or combine straight lines with smooth figures and bends.

This rule mainly concerns such sites as:

  • flowerbeds;
  • tracks;
  • flower beds;
  • veranda;
  • guest house.

In fact, the list includes all items that are allocated on a general background. The summer cottage can be easily transformed into a style with incorrect forms, and this will make the place much more comfortable and more beautiful. Rounded forms are suitable for creating a flower or veranda, therefore, with the arrangement of such layouts in the country, the problems will not arise.

Remove the deaf fences

Building rectilinear and overall fences It is considered one of the biggest errors in the design of the country area. The fact is that such a fence will create closure conditions and even the best design will not be able to fix it. Stone fences can be easily replaced by a more suitable material. Usually designers recommend using a live fence. To do this, use a wire that is tensioned by supports, and then it remains only to plant a wound plant. It can be grapes, bean plants or peas. It is also worth noting that the living hedge can be made any height, so in the absence of a stone fence, the country's area still remains protected.

If you do not want to constantly monitor plants, then natural curly plants can be replaced with imitation or use the wooden material for the construction of hedge, and not a stone.

Why do you need to reduce the number of plants?

Many people think that a large number of plants in the design of the site can benefit, but in fact it is not. Plants are the main part of any nature, but it is impossible to turn the cottage into the real jungle.

For this you need to learn select the right plantsthat decorate, and do not clutter the plot. Ideally, designers recommend using for 6 acres of land just three types of plants and lawn. This is a lung combination, which is enough to arrange a recreation area.

If this option does not fit, then there is a need to invite a landscape design specialist who can help not only pick up a large number of plants suitable for the recreation area, but also to be harmoniously compared with the common cottage style. In addition, experts choose not easy plants, and flowers or shrubs that do not require constant care, and this is important.


The design of the country area with the help of recreation areas and plants is a great solution, because in this case you can always go to nature together with your family, not to spend a lot of moneyBut at the same time it's good to spend time. The main thing is to design a territory of 6 acres, not allowed widespread errors, and only fantasy and many practical advice can help throughout the rest.

How to equip 6 acres in the country? What should be the distances between the buildings? Where to build a cesspool, and where to dig a well? How does an uneven landscape of giving 6 acres affect the location of the house on it? Let's deal with.


To begin with, let's decide on the functional zones.

What areas should Share a small cottage?

  • The living area is the location of the house.
  • The recreation area is a place where you can take a break after lunch or gather with neighbors in the evening.
  • Garden. So it turned out from the times of grandparents, that the cottage is not so much a place of rest, how many plots for growing all sorts of goodies. Let's not change the traditions.

Please note: if you hold on the cottage of chickens or other animals, the zone is given to their content, the most remote from the place where you relax.
The instruction is associated with the inevitable aromas: you can hardly want to feel at the table or during daytime sleep.


The buildings

The arrangement of the cottage of 6 acres (actually, as well as any other site intended for gardening) is governed by at least two regulatory documents:

  • SNiP 2.07.01-89 determines the rules of planning and building rural and urban settlements;
  • Snip 2.01.02-85 contains fireproof norms.

For the convenience of readers, we will reduce all key requirements in one table.

Objects Minimum distance
Home (as well as other buildings) and the street "Red Line" 5 M.
House and borders of neighboring sites 3m
Building economic purposes (sheds, garages, vegetable stores, etc.) and the boundaries of the neighboring site 1m
Windows of houses and housekeeping in the nearby plot 6 M.
Windows of houses and cozpostroy with livestock and poultry 15 M.
Residential buildings in neighboring sites 6 - 15 meters depending on the fire resistance of the buildings. For wooden houses, the minimum distance is installed in 15 meters.

Autonomous sewerage, water intake

The mutual arrangement of the water supply, well, wells, cesspool and septic is regulated by two other documents - SNiP 30.02-97 and SanPine 42-128-4690-88.

As you can see, even taking into account the already listed requirements to draw up the projects of dacha sections of 6 acres - the case is quite ungrateful. With typical dimensions of 20x30 or 15x40 meters to withstand the above distances are not easy; But this is only the beginning. It is worth considering a rather long number of factors.

Rules planning

For the middle family, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe garden and greenhouses on the chernozem is a hundred square meters. Exception - Potatoes: It is allocated for him at least as much. The rest of the plot area can be safely taken by a garden and a seating area.

It is better that the height of the plants increases from the south to the north. In this case, they will minimally shadow each other.

Practical consequence: fruit trees are planted along the fence along the northern side.
Exception - Recreation Area: The shadow is very useful in the summer heat.
Do not forget to leave the lumen for the mantal installation: the ascending flux of hot air can damage the lower branches.

The perfect place for grapes is the southern wall of the house. The thermal-loving plant will be protected from cold northern winds and can find a support for the vine.

Spices (garlic, coriander, green onions) will be appropriate to land at the porch. In this case, the journey behind the fresh greens to dinner will not be too long.


We hope that our tips will help the novice gathering in planning. Of course, in a small article we are listed far from all possible solutions affecting the functionality and design of the site. The video in this article will offer reader additional information. Successes!

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