Repair Design Furniture

Thuja spherical shelters for the winter. Thuja care in the fall: the main measures for preparing the ephedra for winter. What to do if thuja turns yellow in autumn

Along with fruit plantations, ornamental plants are also grown on our plots. And if the gardener knows whether it is necessary to cover the thuja for the winter, they will permanently decorate the landscape design of the park, square, home lawn, giving it a special zest.

The people call the "green beauty" the "tree of life" from the Cypress family. It is distributed on most continents, grows in different climatic conditions and can be both a tree and a shrub with flat evergreen shoots.

Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, many varieties of thuja were bred, resistant to any adverse effects of nature, but each of them needs personal care, preparatory work for wintering at least in the first two years of life.

Thuja western, as the original species, does not hide because it endures our winters. But it does not possess that colorful decorative effect, thanks to which the plant has gained such great popularity.

The most common variety is Smaragd with dark green needles, but it can change to rusty due to the influence of the scorching rays of the spring sun. Dwarf species - Hovey, which has a textured, rounded crown. It easily deforms under the accumulated snow on the branches and the same dwarf - Woodwardii with a crown in the form of an original ball. Its light green stems are often exposed to cold temperatures.

The peculiarity of this plant is the plasticity of wood, which is why under a heavy layer of snow, under strong gusts of frosty wind, the branches break, lose their shape, and so that the crown does not disintegrate, does not deform, it should be tied or a suitable thuja shelter for the winter should be used.

Its excellent advantages are a pleasant smell, unpretentiousness, the ability to plant in any soil, the formation of a luxurious crown of any shape and a beautiful design of any site.

Thuja care in autumn

Most gardeners think that ephedra are hardy in themselves and can easily survive extreme cold. They can withstand frosts of thirty degrees, but they are not dangerous for temperature indicators, but for strong winds and bright ultraviolet rays. Such weather occurs at the end of winter, from the beginning of spring, and it is at this time that irreparable burns appear on the needles.

So, how to care for thuja in the fall:

  • Nutrition

Some people mistakenly believe that feeding with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer helps her to survive the winter. This is fundamentally wrong! Having received a good dose of nutrients, the plant will begin active growth, and then, with the arrival of real frosts, the developed, but still immature young shoots will easily die. And the tree itself is late, but it will also begin to prepare for the cold season. This will be noticeable when the green mass changes color to dark or brown. In order for the plant to “understand” that the time has come to change the season, from August any feeding is stopped, especially nitrogen, which stimulates the growth of green mass

  • Checking branches

The gardener will have to remove the broken branches, affected by fungal infection, pests, and this must be done with sharp garden shears. Stems that tend to the inside of the crown, doubtful yellow, dry, twisted, are also removed

  • Watering

It depends on the weather conditions of the climatic zone of the plant's growth. If the autumn turned out to be rainy, it is not necessary to water the thuja, if it is dry, then until the time of constant frosts, additional watering is required for all varieties, especially for Smaragda, because it continues to grow throughout the winter. The presence of moisture gives such trees the opportunity to develop further, and the rest have a better chance of survival. It would not be bad with the onset of autumn to water the plant with Kornevin or another similar to it, which will contribute to deep and strong rooting.

  • Protection of the root collar from freezing

This is especially vital for young seedlings. The soil around the trunk is well mulched with organic material - dry sawdust, nutshells, bark, peat. You should not take that covering (roofing material, film), under which everything will rot and promote the development of fungal bacteria, harmful infections. The thickness of such a loose layer should be at least seven centimeters, and with the arrival of spring it will need to be removed so that the surface roots have the opportunity to warm up well, but not to rot

Thuja, recently planted in the ground, have not yet grown strong roots by autumn, so that they winter well, they are fixed.

The first option - bales of hay and straw are placed on the western side of the crown to protect against strong gusts of wind.

The second option is a powerful stake, a strong post is installed parallel to the trunk and tied.

Coniferous beauty shelter methods

There are enough reasons for covering thuja for the winter, but you also need to know what is better to use as a shelter? This could be:

  • Any white breathable fabric

burlap, gauze, from which you can make a shelter yourself. The length of the fabric is determined more than the height of the tree, while the splendor of the green mass should be taken into account, the shelter should be sufficiently free due to the shrinkage properties of the material. It is collected spirally in the form of a bag, fastened and tied into a bundle like a sheath. Specialized outlets offer a good selection of materials for insulating decorative trees - spandbond, lutrasil, agrotherm. They are reusable, easy to use, allow moisture, heat, air to pass through, they are well cleaned, but they are only able to protect from frost and create shade from the burning sun in early spring.

  • Packaging paper

She wraps the tree in a spiral from top to bottom, while pressing the crown to the trunk. Paper sheets are overlapped and fixed either with a stapler or strong rope

  • Frame

these are special structures designed for insulating young trees and shrubs. They are purchased in special stores or made on their own. The protective frame can consist of a rail, wire, bar, thin plastic pipe, metal corner. A structure with three supports is made on a low thuja, if the tree is taller and wider, then one more support is added, the fourth.

The length of the legs of the frame should be at least two-thirds of the height of the plant itself, taking into account that twenty centimeters of the total length should enter the ground. If the availability of materials at hand allows, then you can make a structure that even captures the top of the plant. Crossbars, connecting posts will fix a cover made of any material. But there is also a drawback in this device, the gardener in the winter will have to constantly monitor the accumulation of snow, that is, to clear the branches

  • Shield protection

The simplest method, a shield made of ordinary wooden boards, is installed from the side of the most abundant sun

Thuja care in winter

How to cover the thuja for the winter and how we figured it out. Now we should move on to how to care for thuja during the winter. Experts recommend keeping in sight the condition of coniferous ornamental trees, especially after heavy snowfalls. It is necessary to clear the collected heavy snow, not only the crown, but also the near-trunk zone.

If the shelter is of high quality, meets all the requirements - it breathes, protects, you should not rush to remove it, since the trees can quickly get burned from the bright spring sun. The covers can be removed as soon as the weather returns to normal. The best option would be to initially plant the thuja in the most favorable place for it - by the fences, in the partial shade of buildings.

Any shrub or tree needs to be prepared for the winter cold so that the plant can tolerate them as easily as possible. It is quite simple to care for thuja: it does not require special fertilizers, it is not difficult to cut it off, it is not necessary to constantly feed the soil. But even with such minimal care, thuja will delight you with its blooming appearance.

If you want to decorate your summer cottage with trees, then thuja will be an excellent option for decorating any area.

If you want to decorate your summer cottage with trees, then thuja will be an excellent option for decorating any area. This evergreen plant from the Cypress family amazes with a variety of shades, and due to its excellent winter hardiness, it is excellent for central Russia.

The most popular are 14 types of western thuja, which are chosen by gardeners:

  1. Brabant. It is resistant even to severe frosts and has a deep green color.
  2. Emerald. Dark green, needs abundant watering.
  3. Columna. With a dense narrow crown, dark green needles do not fade even in summer.
  4. Holmstrup. Does not require careful maintenance, perfect for suburban areas that are not often visited. Cold resistant.
  5. Fastigiata. Due to the conical crown, it looks like a cypress. Prefers moist soil and sunny areas.
  6. Sunkist. An interesting species with a slightly sloppy shape, which the tree acquires due to the numerous well-developed branches. The color is green; in summer, the needles fade to a yellow tint.
  7. Wagneri. Gray-green with a copper sheen.
  8. Claude of Gold. With lemon or orange color, the needles are tender and thin.
  9. Globoza. The bluish tint is most pronounced in the winter months.
  10. Woodwardy. It is famous for its rich emerald needles.
  11. Stolvik. It tolerates winter well, does not suffer from bright sunlight.
  12. Danica. The globular tree is light green and does not suffer from severe drought.
  13. Golden Globe. The variety is interesting for its unusual golden color. Demanding care.
  14. Hoseri. The deep color takes on a light grayish tone in winter. Doesn't need a haircut.

Gallery: thuja in landscape design (25 photos)

How to care for thuja (video)

When and where to start preparing thuja for winter

To prepare the shrub for the cold season, it is necessary to stop fertilizing with fertilizers, which contain nitrogen (the exception is weakened plants after an illness, but in this case it is better to halve the amount). This is done at the end of summer: August.

Thuja will stop actively growing, its branches will stiffen enough and will be able to survive the frosts.

General principles of caring for thuja in the fall

Although the shrub is frost-hardy, it also needs to be prepared for wintering. So you can keep the plant healthy, and it will delight you for several decades.

Purpose and features of water charging watering of thuja in the fall

Moisture evaporates at any time of the year therefore, the plant can dry out easily after wintering. A large loss of moisture leads to a decrease in protection, the bark begins to wrinkle, and the branches become fragile and break easily in spring. To prevent this, plentiful watering is arranged before frost.

Tue before frost, they arrange abundant watering

Thuja requires 5 to 8 buckets of water. This volume is enough for sufficient soil moisture (up to 1.5 m deep). The higher the specimen, the more liters the tree "drinks". But water even low varieties to the eyeballs, if they were planted this or last year, young trees need more water due to their active growth.

But it is important not to overdo it, as excessively moist soil contributes to rotting and freezing of the root system. Check it out so as not to make a mistake in the calculations: squeeze a ball of earth in your fist.

  • If, after opening the palm, the ball does not lose its shape and leaves a wet imprint on the paper (take a regular toilet paper), then it contains a sufficient amount of water. Carry out the minimum watering (10-20% of the indicated displacement);
  • if the form is not lost, but no trace remains, reduce the amount of water by 30-40%;
  • if the lump crumbles after unclenching the fist, pour the water in full.

It is necessary to carry out water-charging irrigation at a time when the trees have practically shed all their leaves. This is mid to late October and early November.

How to crop a thuja (video)

Scheme and technology for pruning thuja in the fall

In need of pruning:

  • dried branches;
  • significantly lost their color;
  • sick;
  • with sunburn.

The procedure will require:

  • Secateurs;
  • garden shears with long blades.

Thuja perfectly tolerates pruning at any time of the year.

The first tool removes damaged branches, the second one gives the desired shape to the crown. There is no need to use a special putty. Choose dry and calm weather for the procedure. Check the forecast so that it will not rain for the next 2-3 days.

  1. Remove diseased shoots. Cut off the damaged part, do not touch the healthy one.
  2. Carefully inspect the shrubbery for their presence, it is important that all branches are removed.
  3. Use scissors to shape the shrub to the desired shape; for convenience, use a rope. Tie the tip to the top and mark the slopes to see where you need to cut the regrown needles. It is not necessary to do this if the resulting outline suits you.

It is necessary to prune thuja not only for decoration purposes, but also to maintain the healthy state of the plant.

Autumn feeding of thuja

Thuja is not a very whimsical shrub. It does not need constant fertilization, except for rare species or transplanted / young plants.

is necessary, but it must also be carried out according to the rules:

  1. Do not fertilize later than mid-September. The best time is the end of August.
  2. Do not apply nitrogen, potassium, bacterial and micronutrient fertilizers later than the specified time, so as not to provoke active growth of the tree.
  3. It is best to use peat, compost, bone meal or wood ash to enrich the soil with nutrients. Such fertilizers will not harm, but only benefit. They are great for warming, you can use them in the fall.

The best time to feed the thuja is the end of August.

How to properly cover thuja for the winter

Some amateurs ask the question: is it necessary to protect thuja in winter? After all, this plant is known for its good frost resistance, which means that it is quite capable of withstanding the cold without negative consequences. But experienced gardeners advise to play it safe so as not to notice significant deterioration in the spring.

Shelter must be carried out in the following cases:

  • When frosts in your region drop below 30-35 degrees;
  • if the plant has been transplanted or is still very young;
  • if the thuja is in an open place and is exposed to direct sunlight.

When decorating landscape designs, a coniferous beauty is used - thuja. To organize the site, single copies are used, with their help they often create a hedge. Representatives of the Cypress family can be both trees and shrubs. The article will talk about how to cover the thuja in winter so that it does not freeze and does not come out.

Decorativeness and other advantages of thuja

  • The leaves of young seedlings are needle-shaped and resemble needles, the latter, as they mature, acquire a scaly appearance, tightly pressed against the branch. By distilling the leaves, an oil is obtained, which is used in folk medicine and perfumery.
  • Gorgeous plants not only create a beautiful backdrop for a suburban area, but also reliably protect it from dust, wind and gas pollution. Many varieties are perfectly adapted to cold weather. Some adult thuja can do without shelter during the winter season.

  • The decorativeness of green spaces is increased by means of a haircut, which they tolerate easily. The coniferous tree is immune to most diseases and pests. Thuja is a real oxygen generator that emits phytoncides that disinfect the air in the surrounding space.

Thuja species

In nature, there are about 120 varieties of this plant, but three varieties are most widespread in the post-Soviet territory: western, eastern and folded.

  • For example, thuja Brabant is distinguished by its rapid growth, reaching 15 m. Its regular conical shape rarely requires artificial pruning. The green color of the needles remains unchanged throughout the year.
  • Eastern thuja with light green leaves grows very slowly. The characteristic height for these trees is 6-9 m in height, but if good conditions are created, it can reach 18 m. In winter, the color of the crown changes to a reddish-bronze tint.

  • Giant thuja grows up to 70-90 m. The tree has a conical shape, its green flat leaves with a glossy shade form a dense crown. The crown does not change color in winter and exudes a pleasant aroma all year round. Perfect for planting in mild climates.

Factors negatively affecting thuja

  • Cold. The crowns of some species change color from green to bronze. Do not worry - in spring the tree will acquire its natural palette.
  • Freezing. Plants are endowed with varying degrees of frost resistance, which means that not everyone can survive in a harsh climate. Before purchasing, get competent advice from specialists.
  • Moisture. Its lack provokes drilling and drying of the crown. Abundant watering, especially in dry autumn, will help to accumulate the necessary supply during wintering.
  • Fertilizer. Magnesium is an important mineral for coniferous varieties. Due to its lack, the branches lose their splendor, and the leaves - their natural green color. The plant will receive abundant nutrition in full with the help of fertilizers.
  • Pests. Thuja's resistance to various harmful bacteria is high, but infection with infections cannot be completely ruled out. It is regularly examined for plaque or stains; if a disease is detected, treatment is carried out with appropriate preparations.

  • Animals. A four-legged friend who decides to urinate on a tree can kill the plant. In this connection, it is recommended to build a decorative fence (for example, from large stones) around green spaces.

The importance of caring for thuja

The coniferous beauty is able to survive and increase the density of the crown in rather difficult climatic conditions. However, without proper care and preparation, she will not survive the harsh winter.

  • Only an integrated approach will help to create a unique landscape in spring and summer, when the thuja spreads its branches with unique elegance. If you do not take care of winter protection in advance, then, at least out of trouble, you can get a deformed top, in the worst case, the plant will die.
  • Mature trees may well do without a special shelter, but young seedlings with delicate and thin shoots are likely to die. Agrotechnical rules state that preparation for wintering begins in autumn, or rather, before the first frost.

How to keep thuja in winter

We protect the roots for a safe wintering of thuja

  • The efforts of breeders were not in vain - most varieties of evergreens retain their crown even in difficult climatic conditions. Despite this, thuja, like heat-loving plants, need shelter during the cold period.
  • In the last decades of October, before the onset of frost, dry feeding is carried out. A complex fertilizer is used here, which can be purchased without any problems at gardening stores.

  • The area near a tree or bush is cleared of weeds, then a substance with nutrients is laid out and the earth is carefully dug up. The depth of the digging should not exceed 7-10 cm, since the roots of the thuja are located superficially.
  • Here it is important to approach the issue of fertilization without fanaticism, the plant can take an excess of minerals as a wake-up call. This is fraught with the growth of young shoots, which will certainly die at the first negative temperature.
  • Dry frosty weather is dangerous for the roots. It is recommended to insulate the near-trunk zone already deep in the ground. Here they use fallen leaves mixed with soil, mature manure, peat, straw or compost. Avoid choosing fertilizers that are controversial, which will lead to the development of pathogenic bacteria.

  • Materials are poured under the crown in a layer of 10-20 cm. If a harsh winter is expected, then spruce branches are laid on top. In the spring, the branches are harvested, and the mulch mixture will perfectly act as a spring top dressing.

How to cover the crown of a thuja for the winter

In winter, the following weather phenomena are dangerous for branches and trunk:

  • negative temperatures;
  • the severity of the snow cover;
  • bright sunlight in late winter, early spring.

Thuja in winter photo

Based on these unfavorable conditions, plant protection should be built. One to two year old seedlings or dwarf varieties can be hidden under plastic bottles, for example from drinking water. To do this, you need to cut off the neck and a reliable shelter is ready.

If the plant is very small, but it was bought in late autumn, then it makes sense to leave the thuja in a pot in winter. Ideally, the air temperature should not exceed 5 degrees Celsius; as watering, you can periodically put snow on the ground.

  • Kraft paper. Older trees are tightly wrapped with wrapping paper, lightly pressing the branches against the trunk. Work starts from the top and moves downward in a spiral, the strips are laid with an overlap of 7-10 cm. The covering structure is fixed with a stapler, wire, twine.
  • Gauze... I often use ordinary gauze about half a meter wide for these purposes. It is cut into strips longer than the height of the tree. Depending on the diameter of the crown, several bands are tied together into a knot. The workpiece is fixed at the very top. The gauze is straightened on the branches without tension, the segments are fastened together with a stapler, forming a kind of bag. If the calculation turned out to be incorrect, and just a little was not enough, then the deficiency is easily eliminated. For this, the required number of stripes is added to the top of the tree.
  • Non-woven fabric. There are modern solutions on the market, the most popular of which are: agrotherm, spandbond and lutrasil. Agricultural materials are easy to stack and remove. After cleaning and drying, they can be stored well until next use. They can be used for up to 5-7 seasons in a row. The selection of a non-woven shelter depends on its density. The index of the lightest materials is 17 g / m. sq., the highest density is the canvas used for organizing greenhouses - 60 g / m2. sq. This is a great option for sheltering young thujas in winter.

Frame for sheltering thuja for the winter

Young, but not too tall trees are covered with a frame. It can be built from improvised means:

  • thick slats;
  • bars;
  • large diameter wires;
  • used plastic pipes;
  • metal corner.

Stages of work

  • Vertical racks are driven into the ground 30-40 cm from four sides of the plant. The length of the frame legs from the ground level can be no more than 2/3 of the height of the thuja. In the presence of a large amount of material, a structure is constructed taking into account the capture of the top of the seedling.
  • If the tree does not differ in a fluffy, voluminous crown, then it is enough to use three supports. For a convenient fixation of the covering material, it is recommended to install the crossbars connecting the posts.

  • The cover bag is thrown over the top and pulled over the frame. Fastening is made to horizontally located strips and to the legs of the racks. However, this type has one drawback - snow masses accumulate on its upper part, which can push through the material with their mass, damaging the branches. In this connection, it is necessary to regularly clean the snow from the covered thujas.
  • The best option is a triangular frame in the form of a hut. The only design drawback is the need to build to the full height of the tree.
  • Pipes, slats or rods are stuck around the plant. The upper ends are tied over the top with twine, wire. This design will not allow snow to accumulate, on the contrary, it contributes to its free sliding down.
  • If there is no time to engage in mini-construction, then in specialized stores you can purchase a ready-made frame. Manufacturers offer designs made of various materials, so it is possible to choose a product not only in size, but also in accordance with financial resources.
  • Covers and caps for conifers are widely presented. The assortment includes compact models designed for young seedlings, as well as giant products for adult plants.

  • Winter covers are able to reliably protect plants from extreme sub-zero temperatures, snow, freezing rain, sunburn. Thanks to the wide selection, it is possible to purchase a customized shelter for trees, shrubs and even hedges with any crown shape.
  • They are worn on green spaces with pre-tied branches. The bag should not constrict the plant. The caps are fixed at the lowest possible part of the barrel.

How to cover thuja for the winter video

Thuja care in winter

The gardener in the middle of winter should not lose his vigilance.

  • After a snowfall, the sheltered young stands are cleared of cargo; it is also recommended to shake off the snow cover from mature trees.
  • There is no need to throw snow to the trunk; this will not make the roots warmer. On the contrary, you should clear the outlined snowdrifts around the thuja.
  • Do not rush to clean up the shelters - the seedlings can get sunburn. Wait for the weather to return to normal. It is good if there is a fence or buildings nearby that form a shadow.

  • The wrapped trees do not look attractive, but with a little imagination, you can give the site an original look. In your work, use a material of gray or light brown color, add dry sticks and build a kind of wigwam. You can draw funny faces on paper shelters.
  • Thuja is not planted in winter, since the plant even in the southern regions of Russia at this time is in a dormant period.
  • If in the spring, after dismantling the shelter, there is no change in color, partial or complete drying of the leaves or deformation of the shoots, then we can only congratulate the gardeners. This means that all the stages of preparation were followed and the efforts made were not in vain.

It remains to wait for the complete recovery of the plant after a long winter. Spring activities will help re-energize the plant faster. It will certainly delight the owners of the site with a lush, bright green crown until late autumn.

Tui are widely used in landscape design. Evergreen beauties are considered winter-hardy by nature, but practice shows that not all decorative species are able to survive severe frosts. So is it necessary to cover the thuja for the winter, and what kind of care they need during the cold period - you will find the answers to these questions in our article.

Pre-winter care for thujas begins in the fall, before the first frost appears. First of all, you should take care of seedlings and young trees that grow alone. They are more vulnerable and more likely to suffer from weather conditions. If the thuja is near the fence, wall, or is a winter-hardy variety, it can be covered a month later.

Let's take a closer look at how to prepare thuja for the coming winter:

  1. Towards the end of October, you need to feed the tree with a complex fertilizer with a high concentration of potassium and phosphorus. This can be done in two ways: scatter the dry mixture in the near-stem circle and dig in or dissolve the fertilizer in water and apply at the root. The mixture should not contain nitrogen, as it stimulates the growth of new shoots, which will not have time to get stronger by the frost.
  2. Dry frozen soil is destructive for the root system of thuja, therefore, abundant watering is required before wintering. If the autumn is dry, without precipitation, it is recommended to water the tree throughout the season - this will allow it to stock up on moisture and make it easier to survive the winter. But here, too, one must observe the measure, otherwise the roots will begin to rot.

Further preparation of thuja for winter consists in equally important measures: pruning the crown and warming plants.

From this video you will learn how to properly care for thujas in the garden.

Why do you need pruning

Tui perfectly tolerate shaping scraps, which are the most important condition for maintaining their beauty and decorativeness. Depending on the variety, these conifers can have the shape of a pyramid, column, ball, but in order for the tree to really retain this shape, it must be trimmed periodically. That is, the main purpose of pruning is to improve the appearance of the tree.

Autumn pruning is more sanitary. In addition to the fact that during the manipulation, excess, protruding shoots are cut off, together with them, dried branches, as well as branches damaged by pests and diseases, are removed. Thus, sanitary pruning prevents infection of the entire plant, which is extremely important before wintering.

When is the best time to trim

The timing of pruning is determined by the climate of the region, but in any case, the plant should have at least a month to recover. In the Moscow region, as a rule, the first frosts are observed in early November. Therefore, pruning in this region should be done in late September or early October. For manipulation, you should choose a day when the weather will be cloudy, but dry, and the temperature will not be lower than +5 ° C. If this condition is not met, the cuts will take a long time to heal, and it will be more difficult for the tree to survive the winter.

Execution technology

Autumn sanitary pruning is a responsible event that requires scrupulousness and accuracy. It is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First, all diseased, shriveled and damaged branches are completely removed (to the base).
  2. Then part of the branches is cut out inside the crown. Too small, interfering shoots are subject to removal. Thinning is a very important stage in autumn pruning, which improves air permeability and excludes the needles from drying out inside the crown.
  3. If over the summer the top has stretched too much, it is cut off so that the greens grow in width. This is especially true for thujas, which are formed in the form of a ball or column.
  4. Further, part of last year's shoots is removed, which are too dark in color and spoil the decorative effect of the tree.

In this form, the thuja is left to winter. In the spring, the tree should be examined and the frozen branches should be cut off. Formative pruning with shaping is carried out closer to summer, when the plant recovers from winter and gives rise to new shoots.

Follow-up care

After pruning, you must carefully remove all plant residues around the tree. It is very important that there are no small twigs left in the near-stem circle, from which fungi and pest larvae can get into the ground. The soil around the tree is dug to a depth of 7-10 cm. It is impossible to go deeper, since the roots of the thuja are located superficially. Then the tree is watered abundantly. This event can be combined with autumn feeding. Pruning weakens the plant and it becomes vulnerable to diseases and pests, so the first 1-2 weeks you need to monitor the condition of the thuja.

Why do they make a shelter

Adult thujas without shelter can hibernate at temperatures down to -35 ° C, but young seedlings and ornamental varieties brought from a mild climate find it difficult to survive the winter even in the middle lane - not like in colder regions. And it's not only the frost, but also the winds that break fragile branches and deform the tree trunk. Another reason why insulation for seedlings is mandatory is a long adaptation. It takes 2-3 years for the roots to develop properly and take root in the soil.

To shelter young and not too tall trees, a frame is used, which is made from any available materials:

  • thin boards, slats;
  • the remains of plastic pipes;
  • bars;
  • metal corners;
  • wire.

A frame in the form of a pyramid or a hut is considered optimal, on which snow does not linger. For small thujas, you can use a structure for 3 supports, for trees with a voluminous crown it is better by 4.

Making a frame is easy. It is necessary to drive the support rails into the ground to a depth of 20-30 cm at an inclination, allowing the structure to be connected at the top. If the tree is large and voluminous, it is recommended to connect the supports with crossbars. That's all! Next, a heater is pulled onto the frame and fixed with a wire to the structure supports.

Insulation of roots

The superficial root system of thuja often freezes through, despite external protection. To prevent this from happening, the near-trunk area for the winter needs to be additionally insulated with a mulch layer.

It is desirable that the mulch contains components that release heat during decomposition: compost, humus, peat. Also, the soil mixture may include soil from under conifers, dry foliage, straw. All components are mixed and poured into a layer of 15-20 cm.

In regions with a harsh climate, such as the Urals and Siberia, it is recommended to lay spruce branches on top of the mulching layer or make a mound of dry foliage. In the spring, this insulation is removed, and the mulch is left, since it serves as a good organic fertilizer for the tree.

Crown protection

If a frame is used to cover the thuja, then there is nothing more to worry about - this is enough to completely protect the plant from the sun, winds and frost. Small saplings and undersized thuja species can be covered with a large plastic bottle cut on one side. In such a design, there must be several ventilation holes.

It is more difficult with large trees. They can survive frosts without damage, but suffer from the February sun or strong winds. This phenomenon can be prevented by installing shields around the tree or only from the sunny side. It is advisable to tie the crown of bushy plants to prevent branches from breaking from overlapping snow.

The concern for decorative beauties does not end there. When winter comes, after each snowfall, it will be necessary to clean the frame and branches of adult thujas from the accumulated snow, and also to clear the trunk circle.

The question of how to cover thuja for the winter always worries gardeners, because young and adult plants require care and attention almost all year round. When autumn comes into its own, you need to properly prepare the conifers for winter so that next spring you do not have to be disappointed.

  1. Do I need to cover the thuja for the winter?
  2. How to properly cover thuja - tips and secrets
  3. How to protect thuja in winter?

Ornamental Plants - Related Articles

Do I need to cover the thuja for the winter?

Very often we read reviews from experienced people that you can not cover the thuja in the winter, but it is not always clear why you should not do this. What should a novice gardener who has no experience in growing thuja should do? Before taking measures to protect plants, you need to figure out if conifers need additional shelter for the winter.

Initially, you need to proceed from the age of the tui and the time of planting. If the conifers were planted in the spring or summer of this year, it means that young thuja have not yet wintered on your site in winter conditions. Therefore, it is recommended to protect young thuja from unfavorable weather conditions in the first year after planting.

What happens to mature plants? thuja, growing in the country for more than one year, can winter without shelter, but on condition that they grow in the shade of other large trees or shrubs, near the house, along a high fence, etc. Conifers planted in partial shade are protected from the bright spring sun, which causes the main damage in the form of sunburn.

It is worth sheltering thuja from severe frosts only when the temperature outside drops below -35 ° C. Thuja is frost-hardy, therefore it easily tolerates frost. If an adult thuja grows in an open, sunny place, then the conifer should be covered in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the spring. Many gardeners who do not cover thuja for the winter are mistaken, and sadly discover numerous branches of a rusty red color in the spring, starting to look for the causes in diseases.

Thuja grows at a fairly fast pace, but not all species and varieties. In any case, young and adult plants need proper care for splendor and healthy growth. It is advisable to cover young tuikas in the first year after planting in the ground and closely monitor the condition of conifers in the first two to three years of growth. thuja planted in autumn must be covered in winter (the adaptation period is very short, so there is a high probability of freezing).

Thuja can get sunburns not only in spring, but also in winter, when the sun is bright and the frosts are not strong. There is practically no sap flow in conifers in winter, a lack of moisture and the scorching sun lead to the appearance of red wounds on the branches. Direct sunlight in large quantities can dry the thuja twigs irrevocably, the plant will suffer greatly, and will recuperate throughout the year.
Young and adult thujas are first neatly tied with twine so that tall fluffy plants do not break under the weight of snow in winter. You need to bandage tightly, but so as not to break the branches. If the harness is loose, a large amount of snow falling can easily damage the plants. The branches are collected up to the center and tied in a circle. As a shelter, a light-colored material is used that reflects sunlight well and allows air to pass through.

To protect the roots of the plant in a snowless frosty winter, it is necessary to remove all weeds in the trunk circle before the first frost appears. Thuja is warmed for the winter in the root zone in October. To protect against frost, compost, rotted manure, leaf litter, peat chips or straw are laid in a loose layer (25-30 cm) around the trunk around the crown. Many summer residents also throw spruce branches over the mulching material.

How to protect thuja in winter?

To preserve the crown of thuja, gauze is often used. Breathable, fine mesh fabric is perfect for wrapping conifers. The piece of gauze should be wide so that after covering, the crown of the plant is completely hidden. Wrap in one or two layers, depending on the quality of the gauze. For fastening, use a rope or wire, you can also use a construction stapler to connect the pieces.

The use of non-woven materials for covering thuja is fraught with debate inside the tree, the products retain moisture well, and a steam effect is created inside with the appearance of the sun. In unpredictable weather conditions with thaws and frosts, the use of agrospan, lutrasil, spunbond is not considered the best remedy. Using plastic wrap has an equal effect.
For thuja, frames made of wood or wire are often used, on which a protective fabric is pulled from above. The structure must be strong so that heavy snowfall cannot destroy the constructed frame. Small young thuja can be covered with wooden or plastic boxes. Burlap is perfect for protecting thujas.