Repairs Design Furniture

How to make from the crown. How to make a woodland: stages, assembly process. How to make a tree deceit with your own hands: Useful recommendations

Fascinating, interesting hobby. He is mastered by those who love art art. Writes in which the patterns scorched by fire are first referred to, 700 BC. e. The burning apparatus was invented at the beginning of the 20th century. The first devices were made of glass containers supplemented with two rubber tubes. At the end of one of the tubes, a rubber ball for injection of air was mounted on the end, a platinum tip was located on the end, connected to the handle.

In the middle of the 20th century, an electric delicate of a new sample appeared, which became the prototype of the modern machine. A distinctive type of applied art has become available to children.

The design has since more than considerable changes. Manufacturers install power regulator. With it, you can smoothly configure the temperature of the working needle. This allows you to apply a pattern to any rebunny material. You can find models with lots of nozzles on sale. Due to the solid-caliber feathers, there is an opportunity to form touches of different sizes, attach the scope.

Despite the sufficient choice among the factory apparatus, many masters want to make the woodland in the wood. Experienced artists resort to this.

Frequently detected problems from the built-in transformer, it is necessary to solve the problem independently.

Some wizards want to add an existing unnecessary detector to a special device with which you can adjust the heating degree of the needle. The article provides a practical guide to assembling a mini-degrader on a wood-friendly wood.

Development of electrical circuit

When assembling a self-made mellier, you need to have knowledge in the field of electronics. This will develop an electrical circuit. If there are no skills in this area, you can use the scheme shown below.

The scheme may be simple or sufficiently complex, calculated under the requirements of the developer. The task is to choose the most acceptable option, implement it in practice.

Preparatory work

Before making an exign, you need to plan the process, collect the necessary materials, fixtures. The set of components depends on which type of device is planned to be made.. If you need an innercier with temperature adjustment, you will have to find a dimmer, a light adjustment, or a mechanism similar to the functional direction. Also need to be prepared:

  • sewing needle;
  • the needle is removable from the syringe;
  • power Supply;
  • solder.

To work, you must take the old charger from the mobile phone. For the homemade delicate, the power supply from the iPhone is well suited. Its output voltage is 5.1 V and 2 A. C. it will be more powerful than charging or battery pack, the better . If there is no such device, you can use charging for a screwdriver or other similar compact tool that does not work or is not used due to the unrequisite. It is also necessary to find in the farm or buy a barbecue spit in the store, high strength threads, flux, solder.

The needle is one of the main elements of the homemade vulnerable wood. To her choice it is worth coming responsibly. It is from this detail that it depends on how sophisticated the ornament will be, a miniature silhouette, applied to a wooden surface. Recommendedgive preference to a thin and sharp needle. A good option is a medical needle. It will be late to maximize temperature, evenly warm the sewing needle, which will burn out the drawing on the material being processed.

Assembly process

First you need to take round pliers or pliers. With their help, the nose of a medical needle is bought. Then, strictly parallel with two needles are attached to a barbecue splay, fixed with a strong thread. The end of the sewing needle is neatly bends until it is slightly touched by the tip of the medical needle.

Then you need to connect the wires from the charger to the needle. Polarity does not matter, wires can be connected arbitrarily.

To the electric heating agent served for a long time and reliably, the connection locations must be processed correctly. For this, a small amount of floser is applied to them, then they are listed.

Wires for the decelerator are soldered alternately, attached to the wooden spatsted ships, fixed with threads. Excess protruding ends of the speakers are cut. For greater reliability, the thread can be treated with superclaim, protect the heat shrink tube. After this stage, the device is ready, it can be used for its intended purpose.

The figure shows an example of the deceit.

The principle of operation of the device does not differ from the principle of the factory apparatus. Despite the fact that the charging has only 2 A and 5,1 V, at the time of the electric current supply, the thin-walled hollow needle from the syringe is heated intensively, transfers the slide needle. The energizer is compact, in practice shows excellent work, it allows you to apply a 10 mm thick on the wooden surface of the stroke.

To better figure out the assembly process, you can watch a video.

Today Pyrography (the art of burning around the tree) is gaining increasing popularity among fans of non-standard ideas of homemade creativity. And this is a simple explanation - with the help of a compact electrical appliance, not only patterns and primitive drawings can be burned, but entire pictures that are quite worthy to become masterpieces of art.

Portable household pyrographer of electric type with replaceable brass nozzles or "loop" from nichrome wire allows you to burn on different materials: wood, plywood, leather and cardboard. The market presents many models of deigns, but many of them do not suit or at a price, or in quality. Therefore, more and more people prefer to make the delicate on the tree with their own hands. There is nothing complicated here, the main thing is to remember the highlights and correctly approach this issue.

How to make a tree deceit with your own hands: Useful recommendations

Any work at home, especially the one that concerns the manufacture of electrical appliances, begins with careful preparation. It is necessary not only to carefully examine the electrical strokes and plan the sequence of actions, but also to prepare in advance the basic materials and infringers, which will be useful in the process of creating an electric dear. If you encounter such work for the first time, it will not be superfluous to watch training videos on YouTube to better understand what to deal with.

Now let's stay in more detail on how to make the simplest ever with your own hands. To begin with, you will need to decide on the tasks and pick up the necessary components for work. If you need a simple deceit, it will be enough to use the power supply or battery, as well as nichrome wire or medical needle. To make a powerful soldering station for burning, it will be necessary to find or make home yourself a separate transformer block, as well as use the thermostat (as an option, the dimmer for light bulbs is suitable).

In this article we will look at the popular options for the simplest pyphographers, for the manufacture of which special skills and knowledge will be required. As a lowering transformer, you can use a charger from a smartphone or a battery from the screwdriver. Optimal characteristics - 5 V and 2 A. If you take a smastal power charging, the instrument's working tool is unlikely to warm up to the desired temperature. Additionally, you will need needles (sewing or medical) and terminals, as well as consumables: durable threads, superchalters, flux and solder.

Battery Violating

To make the electric heater, a similar pyrographer on the nichrome wire, you will need:
- needles from syringes;
- two-core wire;
- a small toggle switch;
- strong threads;
- rechargeable battery;
- Wooden wand.

Take two needles and cut off the lower part from them, which is put on the "Nose" of the syringe. Then screw the wires on the stupid end of the needles. After that, securely fix the medical needles using threads at the bottom end of the wooden stick. Also connect the wires with the toggle switch, and then stick to the holder to the holder itself the battery itself and the toggle switch, neatly connecting the elements among themselves. Detailed caviary schemes with a battery can be found on the Internet.

Take the Passatia and adjust the ends of the needles in such a way that they tightly come into contact. That's all. Now you can start drawing images and drawings on plywood or wooden billet.

How to make a mini woodland

Find or make your own hands a suitable wooden handle - it is desirable to use a rectangular blank. Many homemade craftsmen advise not a bar as a holder, but a wooden staple, but in this case this option will not fit. Drink two nails into the end of the future holder handle. If you wish, you can pre-drill the holes of a smaller diameter so that the billet does not split. After the nails were scored in the wooden bar, bite their caps - they will not be useful.

At the next stage, you need along the base of the workpiece (on both sides) make the line marking and cut the grooves under the wire. To do this, you can use both special carpentry tools and a regular stationery knife. Treat the grooves for the wires and the homemade venerable file itself to the entire "design" the rounded shape. Then set the socket for the power supply with the wires to the back of the workpiece by fixing everything with an epoxy or superclamp. Connecting the wires with the connector are rewinding the tape.

Next, connect the ends of the wires and sticking metal pins, which turned out from nails. For greater reliability and good electrical contact of the place of contact of wires with nails is better to spare. Then set the connecting terminals on the free ends of the pin, fix them with screws. The lower part of the "holder" also rewind the tape. It is best to use a medical needle as a working heating element for the simplest deer. With the help of a philist, gently stripe her central part so that it was warmed in this place. The plastic cap from the syringe needle, which is at the base, and the sharp end bit off with nipples.

At the last stage of the work, it will only be left to give a metal blank from a medical needle the shape of a bracket or loop (by analogy with a porpoil type) and fix two free end in the connecting terminals. As a source of energy, use the power adapter with similar characteristics:

- INPUT: 100-240 V;
- Output: 5 V \u003d 3A.

Connect the charger to the connector on the handle and then you can start drawing. In this way, a mini-burner in the wood is done with your own hands at home. Instead of a medical needle, you can use nichrome wire. Alternative methods for the manufacture of household pyrographers can also be considered.

USB Wood Energizer do it yourself

An unusual version of an electronograph for burning is a device with a USB cable. To make it, you will need the following materials:
- USB wire with a length of at least 1.5 meters;
- Special shrink tube;
- pliers, passatia and stationery knife;
- simple graphite pencil;
- syringe needles, durable threads and superchalters.

With the help of an ordinary stationery knife, make small slots (recesses) at the bottom of the pencil. Bend the medical needles from the syringe of the letter "g" and glue to the crane part of the pencil (on both sides), then turn the threads well. Connect the ends of the needle with red and black wires (plus and minus) USB cable. Generate pliers sticking parts needles so that they lay along a pencil, and wear a shrink tube. Heat it with a lighter until a complete shrinkage on the future handle is the holder of the ignoraory instrument.

Seal the sharp edges of the needle so that they come into contact with each other. On this, the process of assembling an electric pyrograph with a USB cable can be considered completed. As you can see, even without special skills and experience, you can independently make a simple deign. But it is better not to connect it directly to the computer, as the risk of "burning" the motherboard - use for this adapter with a downstream transformer and fork for the outlet.


Today, many people, both adults and children, want to burn on the tree. This type of hobby even has a name - pyrography. Since ancient times, this type of art has emerged, its essence is in the image of the drawings on a tree on a solid surface so as to capture a picture for a long time. To do this, use a strongly preheated object, which will melt the surface, thereby leaving traces.

What materials should be used? As a basis for the future, the image is chosen in particular wood, as this is one of the most supplied, cheap and most affordable materials for burning.

Undoubtedly, every person at least once, but still saw in the live fruit of pyrography. Translated this word means an image with the help of fire. It looks really fascinating.

Surely every person had to be surprised at the beauty of the drawings and patterns on the tree. Burning on wood, like drawing - painstaking and great work. Those who create with the "help of fire", like sculptors with artists - are very susceptible to the world around the world, because it is the ground condition to create masterpieces. The masterpiece, in this case, is not easy to portray someone's face or nature element, but to transfer each dash, even the smallest thing, to display the mood, an eye expression (if it is a person). And all this on one small plank.

There are several kinds of burning

With the help of a store (mean bought in the store on the development of any company).
- Using homemade delicate of wood (that is, the element you manufacture from your materials).
- With the help of the sun and lenses. This method is used by many children who have nothing to do in the sun, but it also used ancient people to get a fire or transferring any information to other tribes using a drawing on the crust.

Today, the most relevant is the homemade tree dear, as the sun is not always there, and we are not ancient people in a hopeless situation. And when buying a new device, you will have to spend a considerable amount of money.

To make it yourself, it is necessary to have a concept about the device of any store analogue. With the right approach, you can develop more functional and high-quality woodland.

What makes the store element?

It can only consider it outwardly. And the inner part can be seen in the drawing. The diagram of the delicate of wood is presented in the photo.

By the way, the stores sell most often power tools. Therefore, it is worth viewing the main details, including a transformer for the treasury. Also, for an extended concept about these elements, it is worth paying attention to the instruction manual. There will definitely be spelled out the main details and material from which they are made.

How to make the woodland on wood with your own hands?

To implement this idea, it is necessary to apply a lot of intelligence and amplification, as this is not the easiest, and the scheme is very confused. During the manufacture, you will have to apply a variety of equipment that is not available in the usual sale.

What do you need for this?

It all depends on what you decide to make woodland. The only thing that is useful in any case is a nichrome wire. The following from the required spare parts are the battery and wire. The battery is preferably a battery type, since with a constant operation with the device, many ordinary batteries are spent, which can significantly hit the pocket.

There are also requirements for the wire. A good wire is the key to your safety, so it is worth approaching this question very responsibly.

Where to find a scheme for development?

The scheme can be developed for itself. In our article you can find many diverse types of schemes - from the most elementary to enough complex. All of these inventions were calculated for the nature of the developer, naturally. You can easily choose any of the schemes and work on it.

It is worth recalling that every person is individuality, and therefore everyone has its own character and its own requirements for life. In this case, it is worth remembering this, view a large number of proposed schemes of schemes and create your own, even if it is a bit more complicated and demanding more than the rest.

Naturally, it is easier to fulfill its idea to people who are closely familiar with physical laws, and especially electrical chains. If you do not understand this - there are no problems, you can find information about the graphic image of the schemes, sort out images and find out what is in reality.

What is it worth starting?

You need to start with the modeling of the dear first in the head, and then on the paper. When there are clear ideas, you can proceed to search for parts for the device. It takes not a lot of time, as everyone has the main spare parts in the house. Of course, it will be more difficult if you choose a pyrographer with the possibility of shifts of nozzles, a change in temperature.

How to make the easiest thing?

Surely many have no large amount of time to make a complex version of the deceit. Therefore, consider the campaign option.
For the manufacture of the device we will need:

Needle from the medical syringe;
- one sewing needle;
- 9 volt rechargeable battery;
- Double wire.

The needle is worth highlighting more attention, since the quality of your masterpieces in the future will depend on its quality. It is desirable that it be acute and thin. During the work, it will be warm enough to warm up the needle from under the syringe. The second will barely touch her. This will cause resistance and will promote the heating of the needle.

The manufacture is useful and a cap from a syringe needle, as well as a sewing needle (with a straw-thread). It is necessary to pierce the cap and stretch to the end of the thread - so that the needle fits tightly to the cap. To consolidate, it should be wrapped in its residue of thread. At the same time, the needle should go beyond the cap and place strictly parallel to it.

Next, back to the syringe detail. The cone-shaped cap is for nothing, so it must be eliminated. This needle is tying to the opposite side of the cap is already another thread, parallel to the sewing needle. Now it is necessary to slightly bend the needle tip so that it touching the sewing needle with his tip. As it was above said - the smaller the area of \u200b\u200bcontact between the games - the better it is for the speed of heating.

The next step

Next, you need to take a high-quality double wire. It must be cleared on both sides and make two holes in the cap to bring the wire out. By doing this, you need to connect each wire to the appropriate needle. It is desirable to fasten the wires very hard, since the quality of current spending depends on it.

For safety and quality, it is necessary to finally fasten the wire (including threads) with an insulating tape.

Under the end of the work, it is necessary to use an unnecessary button (preferably from the old tape recorder) and the battery. The main thing is not to confuse polarity, otherwise the homemade apparatus will not be heated (more precisely, its tip).

All is ready! It remains only to try out the made instrument in the work.


It is worth noting that now burning is not only the type of time, but also the way of earning. Every day the demand for burning portraits and landscapes is increasing. Now this occupation comes with a car thread. The wood carving was originally created to diversify the interior of the old houses of the nineteenth-twenty century. After all, when there were no beautiful furniture in the stores, it was created by themselves. Recently began to try to be used instead of wood carving burning on furniture. This decision will make the interior not only beautiful, but also unique.

The price depends on the number of necessary strokes and requirements for the quality of work.

In fact, you can make any delicate on the tree for a short time. Drawn sketch or drawing will significantly simplify the assembly or even the creation of its device model.

It is not important what kind of complexity will be its model, the most important thing in this apparatus is the correctness of the tip made. This may affect the quality of your future paintings. The energizer pattern on the tree performs very accurately, so the imaging can be of any degree of complexity. By the way, as shown in previous photos, the shape of the tip for this electrical appliance can be changed depending on the complexity of the work.

So, we found out how to make a electric delicate on wood with your own hands.