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What do pencils mean in a dream. What dreams of color pencils are dreaming: interpretation in different dreams

Ask a person with what the image of a pencil is associated with it. And - if only he is not a Freudian, who will immediately connect the harmless writing subject, say, with a phallic symbol, - he will answer: with something intellectual. And will be right.

Many dreams will be quite naturally seen in the pencil symbol of knowledge, professional achievements, creative self-expression, often inspiration and talent.

To dealfully deal with the "pencils" dreams, it is necessary to take into account the form and color of the subject matter under consideration, the fact that he made a dream with him, as well as who saw a dream - a man or a woman.

If a simple pencil has dreamed

An ordinary pencil in the singular suggests that the dream is granted a choiceFrom which many will depend on. Therefore, interpreters are advised to thoroughly think about emerging options. And there is also an opinion that this subject testifies to the readiness of a person to get into the very deep essence of the case.

Nika: Pencils in a dream - to small trouble

I dreamed that I buy color pencils. And I bought allegedly colored pencils in a dream, and I brought home - they all turned out to be black. All day later nothing was laid - soup escaped, the cutlets were sick, a cup of beloved broke. It turns out that pencils dreamed of me to small trouble.

A large number of stalemates speaks about the ability of a dreamful dream to grab immediately for many cases, inspired to be takenlated by the conquest of several vertices, not commensuing its capabilities and strength.

But if such a dream sees a woman, then this is a warning that she is in the near future it is necessary to make a difficult choice between several fans And stopped on someone alone.

According to a psychoanalytic dream book, a simple pencil does not promise wide horizons, but rather suggests a simple and even routine work. However, if it is performed qualitatively, we can expect material benefits.

But the Medium Hasse in his dream book claims that the type of simple pencil symbolizes the successful completion of higher education, if a person is already learning, or the decision to get it to master the new specialty.

What will tell the palette of color

Color pencils - a dramatic desire to embellish your daily life, to carry out "Dream Sales", waiting for something interesting and unusual. Each of the colors can suggest what to expect from sleep.

However, the points of view on some of them are divergers.


  1. So, some believe that he speaks of the need for love or even passion;
  2. others - promise active correspondence in the romantic key;
  3. third - threaten large cash costs.

Pink color pencil

It is also not unequivocal: he or testifies to the optimism and the presets of reality a dream, or promises a light flirt with an unfamiliar special.


Provides communication with children, and blue symbolizes the upcoming excellent rest.


Reports that the dreams need confidence, or configures on the upcoming signing of important securities.

Green color

Pophes about the thirst reciprocity.

The black

It is evidenced by the need to correct the attitude of the surrounding, causing a person who seeks a dream, oppressive sensations.

Draw and write

In general, in life, color pencils serve in order to create colorful, fantasy pictures, and in a dream - all the more. You can use your fantasy with might and main to portray a non-existent world - such as I would like to see it.

This subtext of sleep is not excluded: the subconscious says that a person has a non-painted creative potential.

One of the interpretations reports that drawing means getting an emergency to maintain a missing friend; Another one is the success of the opposite sex.

Dream can also give the opportunity to admire other people's drawings - this is to new acquaintances. One way to remember, in which colors they are made.

If the pictures were bright and colorful, then it promises cheerful and joyful events, and, accordingly, on the contrary: dark paints will be told about longing and sadness.

If you draw (or write) a challenged girl, it promises her successful marriage. What else dreams to the ambulance wedding, read.

The man's similar dream will be read a successful career.

The modern dream book warns that in real life will have to adjust or change their plans if a man wrote a pencil in a dream. But it is not necessary to be afraid of this: it is possible that the new turn will be much more interesting and advantageous.

Did you paint drawing in a dream? If the colors were natural, not immensely bright, it is for the fact that the dreams will be able to give their lives a variety, will be successfully decorated. In the case of an unnatural color, the conceived case will be completed at all as he dreamed.

"Pencil" actions

Before you start writing or draw, you need to buy a pencil. What does this process be seen in a dream? The subconscious "will give" some information for self-knowledge, analysis of life and place in society.

One of the dreams warns the possibility of the emergence of a new enemy.

But if a set of color pencils buys a girl, it will prophes it to her very happy marriage.

The appearance of the pencil also speaks many. Attaching "tool production" warns of upcoming difficulties with the preparation of responsible documents. There is also such an interpretation: a person is not quite ready for the responsible work, and he it is recommended to correctly plan your actions..

The sharpened subject for the letter, on the contrary, testifies to readiness for important matters or activities, and also speaks of observation and a dream chain.

If the pencil broke, perhaps a dream was missed some important business moments.

To sharpen the fastest pencils - such an action has several values:

  1. joyful family events;
  2. thinking to the smallest details of each of his steps;
  3. readiness for active actions.

If the pencil is repaid someone else, it should be considered as a warning about the involuntary publication of your secrets.

Once, I had a dream: I come to work, I get a pencil from my bag, and he is black and broken, I will get the second one. I come home, and on the table in the hallway, red pencils scattered and two of them broken rods. I flipped them with a sharpener.
Waking up, I did not give the values \u200b\u200bof dreams, but in a week, two colleagues set me at work, and at home quarreled with my sisters, but came up quickly, thanks to my ability to make concessions. Here you have a dream in your hand, as they say.

Make Makeup

The vision in a dream of cosmetic pencils speaks of a man's desire to look in front of those surrounding in a more advantageous light.

So, Magini's dream book somewhat straightforwardly argues that they saw in a dream pencils for eye-eyebrows - nothing but a banal way to fill their price, and for the lips - indicates the desire of Flirt.

With these same goals, the eyes and lips are bored, and the eyebrow tinting is regarded as allowing the surrounding dust into the eyes. Manipulations with eyebrows stuffed another likelihood of a new acquaintance.

If a woman dreams that it is painted with a cosmetic "eye" pencil, is a testimony of her thirst for change in the personal sphere, the desire of the fateful meeting.

Married woman can expect family quarrels and troubles because of jealousy or marital treason.

Does not draw a flat line in the age of? In the life of the dreams, rumors, gossip, peres are likely. It is worth passing on your behavior not to give reason to them.

As we see, in the "pencils" dreams, there is almost nothing depressing that it could have been inversion and despair. In most cases, such dreams suggest a sufficiently measured real life and in work, and in personal life.

Sometimes people are asked about what color pencils are shot. Bright vision seems quite positive. But depending on the details of the plot of interpretation can be the most different. Dream interpreters will help you find answers to all the questions and raise the secret curtains over the future.

Dream Miller

This is what the color pencils are shot, according to the interpreter Miller:

  • Sleep can be a reaction to some favorable events in reality. Perhaps the day before you experienced a lot of bright positive emotions.
  • If a person is sick, then pencils of bright and juicy colors can symbolize a quick recovery.
  • If you dreamed like someone gives you color pencils, in reality you should fear this person. Perhaps under the guise of bright and promising proposals, a sneaky deception or scam lies.
  • If you dreamed that you draw colored pencils, but on paper they leave the usual gray trace, it warns you about deception. Someone is trying to mislead the work or personal relationship.

Esoteric dream book

This information can be found in the esoteric dream book as to what color pencils are shot:

  • If the pencils were broken, it may mean that someone will break your plans. Most likely, instead of a pleasant pastime, you will have to engage in routine troubles.
  • If you lay pencils, but you did not decide to take advantage of it, it means that in reality you risk misaligning a valuable chance.
  • Lies and insincerity - this is what the color pencils for lips are shot. Try to tell people the truth, even if it is uncomfortable. It will relieve you from many commitments.
  • If the pencils were so sharply sharpened that you shifted, be careful. You are waiting for bright interesting events, but they can be conjugate with danger.

Dream Vangu

This is what the color pencils are shot in accordance with the interpreter of the Great Independent:

  • If in a dream you have dragged pencils, it means you have a difficult, but very interesting work. As a result, you will get a significant benefit.
  • If in a dream you gladly painted pencils, it means that your current work gives you complete moral satisfaction.
  • If in a dream you bought packaging pencils, it means that you will finally find a job in my soul. It will bring you not only moral satisfaction, but will also lead to a significant improvement in the material situation.
  • If in your dream, color pencils have drawn themselves, it means that luck itself floats into your hands. You can easily manage all the intended.

Modern dream book

In modern dream book you can meet such considerations about visions with colored pencils:

  • You have an interesting creative job - this is what dreams to draw with colored pencils. Moreover, the results of your work will pickily evaluate other people.
  • If you painted something with pencils, and then they tried to erase it, it means that you make some impulsive error. You will have to make a lot of effort to smooth its consequences.
  • If in your vision you accidentally found pencils in a bag, a closet or box, it means that at the moment you have every chance to improve the situation, but for some reason you ignore them.
  • If you are trying to erase drawn, but you can't do it, this is a warning. Do not commit a challenged frivolous actions, because it is very difficult to deal with their consequences.

Dream Khasse

If you have dreamed of multicolored pencils, look at Dream Hasse:

  • If in your vision you bought multi-colored pencils, it means that soon you will have the opportunity to solve the problem that long does not give you peace.
  • A good marriage - this is what the color pencils dreaming in a box of a young girl. Family life promises to be prosperous and cloudless.
  • If in a dream you are enthusiastically drawn with multi-colored pencils and felt-faucers, it means that you like what you do at the moment. This work will bring you great success.
  • To sharpen pencils - this means to prepare for some important event at work or in personal life.

American dream book

This is what importance to color pencils the authors of the American dreams are attached:

  • If the pencils are stupid or broken, it symbolizes your depressed emotional state.
  • If during the drawing, you broke a pencil, it means that when the work is already a complete move, something will go wrong, and plans can collapse.
  • If you have dreamed that you have a lot of color pencils, it means that you are infantile and dreamed. Due to the fact that you are constantly twist in the clouds, valuable opportunities often pass by you.
  • Folding pencils in a box or box is a symbol of emotional and creative stagnation. You should take steps to regain inspiration. Rest people more, communicate with friends, read the useful literature.

What dream pencil in a dream? Such an object in a dream personifies new knowledge, hidden craving for creativity and knowledge of the surrounding world, and also symbolizes a worthy profession.

If you dreamed that you had a pencil in a dream, "you will have the opportunity to show your skills and talents and show yourself to other people. In order for the interpreter of dreams to help you interpret such a dream in more detail, you need to remember what kind of pencils you saw, for which they were intended, and most importantly, for what purposes were used.

Stationery secrets

If you look into the dream book, the pencil that you saw in a dream promises you an interesting lesson that will be able to improve your financial situation. In this case, you will have to show no physical strength, but the resourcefulness and high level of intellectual development. It is likely that you will be offered a new position, which, with the right approach, will bring many pleasant impressions and bonuses.

Why dream pencil in a dream you wrote? Miller's interpreter says that such a dream foreshadows his beloved business. But what dreams of sharpening a pencil will help learn the modern dream book. Very soon, you will be expecting a joyful news that elders all the past sorrow. Such an exalted state will take for a long time in life.

What dreams a pencil simple, which was very blunting? If he detected due to the fact that you have written for a long time, dream interpreters suggest that some time ago you made a mistake in matters. Now the time has come to correct all the shortcomings and do it in an accelerated mode, since the completion time will be pressed. The main thing is to be attentive and thoughtfully correct everything that is necessary, if possible, attracting experienced people.

If a simple pencil in a dream has already fallen to you blunt - you need to listen to the words of a loved one and reconsider your decision in an important issue. It is likely that you do not see the whole picture and after a while you want to return everything to the original position, but it will be impracticable.

How explains the dream book to sharpen pencils in a dream? Tritor's interpreter says that if you watched an honed pencil in Gres, "you can characterize as a person with an acute mind and a language that" does not climb in a pocket. " As a rule, you remember important details in the conversation, so you can always arguely defend your position in any dispute.

If you happened to sharpen a pencil in a dream and you were hurt - in real life there is a difficult choice to be done independently. You will have to arrange priorities and intelligently give preference only to one side.

How the interpreter of dreams treats the sharpener, will help to understand the dream book of loyalty. Recently, you are increasingly understanding that your surroundings and your life do not bring you pleasure. You seem to be in a vacuum, do not get any new information, "neither a throat of fresh air." You simply need an urgent decimal change for 1-2 weeks. Take your vacation and go away from the gray everyday life. Great, if it is another country, but the country house will also make great to restore mental strength.

What dreams of a pencil that you tried to sharpen a razor? Your position in society is in a shaky state due to your lifestyle. Try to become a little calmer and do not spend all nights in the festivities - more time to give family and work. You will be surprised how fast others will attire attention to you and start wondering your life.

The meaning of shades

What dreams of color pencils with which you draw a drawing? Dinking means that all your plans come and you will experience joy and happiness about this. I happened to see in a dream, as someone draws another, - in reality you will help a friend in solving his problem. Most likely, he will ask you for financial support in which you can not refuse him.

How does the dream color pencils explain in a dream that you painted, but the image was black and white? Such a vision means that in this case you will need help a colleague or an experienced mentor. You will be entrusted with a difficult task that you have not come across before, so dream interpreters advise:

  • It is moral to prepare for difficult work, because you know what kind of lesson you have to start and finish.
  • Find comrades - people who sincerely be able to help you with advice or action.
  • Do not be afraid to take for the hardest, since at the beginning you have in any case there will be more energy to work.

If you have dreamed of color pencils, which were all as one broken, - on the way to achieving a cherished goal you can meet serious ill-wishers that will dictate their rules and indicate what to do. Be confident in your rightness and do not listen to anyone. Good luck and justice on your side, so act!

Non-standard solutions

What dreams to draw a pencil arrows on? To see a similar thing for a woman - means that she sometimes shy his appearance. Changes are coming in your life, so be bold and know that you are the most beautiful girl in the world.

If you have dreameded pencils for the eyes were a variety of colors - in real life you are sure that people constantly watch you and you should always look stunning. Women's dream book advises sometimes give himself the opportunity to relax and make an evening makeup to go to the store for a short time, - let me manifest yourself with your natural beauty.

How does the dream dream explains the dream in which you painted a pencil on the face of another person? Let's fall into a situation that makes you sacrifice your time for the sake of a common cause. Do not worry, in return you will get invaluable thanks and honor.

If you have dreamed of makeup pencils that you broke and thrown out in a dream, - such a vision predicts you self-realization in your professional activities. You will love your work very much, since in addition to mental satisfaction, it will bring steadily high income. Posted by: Zoya Krupskaya

Pencil is one of the easiest, but still popular writing tools.

Most of the famous dream books interpret what the pencils are shot, from the point of view of its symbol - knowledge, creativity and new achievements.

Which foreshadows

One of the interpretations of the pencil in a dream is a sign that soon the dream is awaiting new discoveries and events. People creative this subject in night dreams indicates creative inspiration and the emergence of new masterpieces. And since with the help of a pencil, you can not only write, but also to wash it, dreambooks also consider it as a symbol of freedom and expression: you yourself will be able to create your fate and well-being.

  • See a pencil in a dream - a profitable occupation in which your mental abilities will be involved. Work performed will bring you pleasure;
  • Write pencil - find a favorite business;
  • Sharpening pencils - a harbinger of joy. Perhaps you will find a pleasant event or news;
  • Broken or blocked pencil - serious consequences that may arise as a result of the little things you ignored. Try to remember the recent events, there is still a chance to fix everything;
  • Pencil with acutely sharpened tip - symbol of strong memory and intelligence. Remember the event that happened to you recently: understanding it, you can understand a lot;
  • Sharpening a pencil in a dream is a good omen. This is a sign that you can overcome all the difficulties arising in the path.

Do you dream pencils that are broken? Dreaming predicts personal failures, but you should not despair: move forward in spite of everything, your determination will help to cope with all the problems.

Pencils in female and male dream

Visions of this kind, dreamed of a man or a woman, can have completely different interpretations. If we talk about what the girl's pencil is dreaming, the dreams will give a simple interpretation on this subject: new discoveries are waiting for it soon. Cosmetic pencil in a dream for a woman can be an indication that it is time for her to engage in its appearance, start walking on dates.

  • Put the eyes or eyebrows with a pencil - your openness and sexual energy will help to make a new acquaintance;
  • Paint the lips with a pencil - a signal that women want to love and be loved;
  • Buy colored pencils - happy marriage.

For a married woman, this subject, ghived in a dream, can mean treason of his beloved spouse. The scandal in such a situation will not lead to anything good: you need to get together with the forces, put yourself in order and talk to my husband for souls. Draw a pencil - a sign that soon a woman has to make a decision that will change her life. Also, such a vision may indicate that the dreams are endowed with the artist's talent. If the pencils are shot by a man, it may mean that the dream will soon have an excellent chance to make long-standing plans that previously seemed impracticable. This time your efforts will definitely be successful. See a pencil man in a dream - a sign of confidence. Such a dream should give him an impetus for decisive actions.

Pencil in a dream - Freud's interpretation

Freud considered a pencil, like any other oblong items as the personification of phallus. Therefore, all dreams associated with Him, the psychologist was extinguished from the point of view of the sexual sphere.

  • Losing a pencil - an impotence symbol or treason;
  • Several pencils are an indication that the dream has a second sexual partner. Either his second half has already found him a replacement;
  • A man puts a pencil in his pocket - a desire to do group sex. If this makes a woman, then she is waiting for his partner;
  • Drop pencil - for men and women it has a different meaning. For representatives of strong sex - the loss of sexual attraction to the partner, and for girls - a refusal of sexual contacts;
  • To accurate pencil - thrust for self-satisfaction, but at the same time you do not refuse from classic sex;
  • Ask someone a pencil - a proposal to establish sexual contacts;
  • Giving someone your pencil in a dream - the suspicion of your sexual partner in treason.

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Pencil, like any long and sharp object - It is a symbol of penis.

Loss of pencil - is a sign of impotence or treason.

Availability of additional pencil - It suggests that or you always have another version of the sexual partner, or you have a replacement for your partner.

However, if you get the same pencil - It talks about the groundlessness of your fears.

Broken or stupid pencil - Indicates that the other day you might miss some important facts from the type.

Jewish dream book

Pencil - Profitable lesson.

Dream Solomon

Pencil - Interesting and profitable lesson.

Female dream book

Sleep, in which you write something with a pencil - foreshadows you happy and soon marriage. If you erase the eraser, everything just written - Do not expect a previous prediction. Most likely, you will quickly disappoint in your chosen one.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Pencil - It awaits suitable for you, very interesting and advantageous lesson.

Wash written - With great disappointment, you recognize yourself that your chosen one is not interesting to you.

New family dream book

Dreamed a pencil - You have chosen the correct occupation.

If the girl dreams that she writes a pencil - She has a happy marriage in front.

But if in a dream she erases written - She awaits disappointment in love.

Modern visible dream book

See in a dream pencils - Good omen, which foreshadows pleasant classes.

If you dreamed that you broke a pencil - Soon you will finally quarrel with one of the acquaintances, who is actually your secret unfriendly.

Purchase pencil - warns about the appearance of another unfriendly.

You sold a pencil or lost a pencil - Rejoice, you will soon become less for one unfriendly.

Dance Deniz Lynn

If a bad dream dreamed:

Do not be discouraged - it's just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

Waking up, look out the window. Tell me in an open window: "Where night, there and sleep. All good stay, all the bad go. "

Open the faucet and tell the sleep of flowing running water.

Surride three times with the words "Where the water flows, there and sleep leaves."

Throw into a glass with water pinch of salt and tell me: "As this salt melted, so my sleep will leave, it does not bring harm."

Spread bed linen inside out.

Do not tell anyone a bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.