Repairs Design Furniture

Lemon kitchen design (real photos). Lemon yellow interior in the apartment

Lemon color is very bright, positive. The interior of any room with its help can be charged with solar energy. In this, many people believe that for the kitchen this color is strongly saturated, depressing non-suitable. Is it so?

In this article, we will try to figure out how appropriate the lemon color in the design of the kitchen, how best to combine it, as well as how to care for such a bright spot in the interior.

Kitchen lemon color - pluses and cons

Lemon color attracts attention. This is one of the most cheerful and solar shades, which pleases the eye and raises the mood. It is associated for more than in the summer, with warm sometimes. This color adds optimism and has a beneficial effect on nervous system. For lovers to sleep, it is important that such a shade is able to cheer up and arrange to communicate. In addition, mental activity is improved.

For those who like to cook, lemon color contributes to the manifestation of original thinking, develops fantasy and pushes on experiments.

It also stimulates appetite, so if there are problems with digestion, it will be very by the way. At the same time wishing to lose weight it is better not to use.

The positive sides of the lemon color are a lot. But at the same time, it is not suitable for every person.

He can start annoying after a short time. Therefore, it must be remembered that it should be chosen by cheerful, sociable people-optimists, sanguines, creative individuals.

In addition, it is worth noting that such a palette will perfectly fit into dark rooms, where there is little natural light, as well as for a small space.

What style will suit

So that lemon cuisine has become too saturated, screaming, it is necessary to choose the right interior style.

The best options will be those in which the minimum of details and small decor. Therefore, it is preferable to use the following styles for the kitchen.

Minimalism - No excess decor, items. All space is used with maximum functionality and comfort. Under hand there should be only the most necessary. A bright lemon as it is impossible to give the kitchen of originality, color, and it will not allow to bother in simplicity of style.

High tech Largely similar to minimalism, it does not tolerate a lot of decoration, welcomes practical elements, as well as smart techniques. In addition, it is characterized by brilliant glossy surfaces that such a bright citrusal color will complement and compensates for a modest simple interior.

Loft - Presence in the interior of brick or stone, creating an antique effect, the use of restrained elements, democratic furniture. All this is perfectly combined with lemon color, attached even more comfort.

Constructivism - Minimum details and items, only the most necessary. Technique must be built-in, all lines remind direct geometric figures. Here everything should be one, without selection of individual parts, therefore, the monotonous room of the lemon color can perfectly decorate and make it more cozy due to warm tones.

Tip! Whatever the style is, the main thing is that individual details be as small as possible in order not to make the interior with a sticky. In addition, dilute the design is the addition of cold tones in order to avoid oversaturation as a bright shade.

Color combinations with lemon tint

In order to choose as luck as possible color solution, It is necessary to refer to nature. It is natural combinations that always look best, more naturally and naturally.

Considering the lemon color, the following combinations can be distinguished.

Lemon and green. This is a natural combination of the most harmonious and predictable, as lemon grows on a tree on which there are green leaves. However, it is unacceptable to use both colors as dominant. The interior will be too saturated, bright. Therefore, it is recommended to apply them on a neutral background. Excellent options in this case will be beige, white, cream, milk, sandy colors.

Lemon and brown. It is also one of the most successful natural combinations, and the shades of brown can be absolutely any. Such an interior looks attractive, and screaming lemon tones are perfectly diluted with restrained brownThrough what such design can be considered classic.

Lemon and black. It is too classic optioncapable of muffled lemon brightness. Such an extravagant combination is more suitable for spacious kitchens, as dark color Visually reduces space.

Lemon and white. The combination of these colors is quite simple, concise. This creates a feeling of comfort, comfort, heat. Such a bright option can be perfectly suitable for a small kitchen or a dark room where there is little natural light.

Lemon and gray. IN modern interior A similar combination is becoming more popular at the expense of its elegance and originality. As a gray shade often use metal surfacescharacteristic of High-Tech style. Also relevant stone or wooden walls, perfectly fitted in the design of the cuisine in the style of Loft or Country.

Lemon and blue. The most organically uses pastel blue tones as a background, on which bright tones of lemon color will be present. It looks interesting and at the same time muffles a saturated shade.

Lemon and beige. Caramel, sand, beige are considered neutral tones that are often used as a background. With lemon color, they also look great, making it less saturated, diluting bright colors.

Lemon decoration

If the choice fell on a bright lemon decoration, then kitchen set In no case can not be chosen in such a tonality. It oversteps the room, and it will be too bright and annoying.

Also, it is necessary to remember that all the surfaces are not worth it with bright color. It is better to choose a specific zone and highlight it.

Tip! For kitchens located on the north, lemon color is appropriate to make a wall in front of the window. This room will be filled sunlight And it will become more cozy and warm.

The most lossed combination is lemon and red. Such a kitchen will be too aggressive, active, as a result of which it will be very difficult in it, and instead of a pleasant tea party, it will want to escape faster.

Lemon headset

By purchasing a lemon kitchen set, you can make a general design both extravagant and bright and fairly simple, expected. It all depends on the details and combination of colors.

Lemon and white facades look cheerfully.

If the interior requires clear lines, it is additionally fashionable to use brown, black, gray colors.

Lemon green headsets are the most youth and dynamic design. At the same time, neutral tones are used on the background.

One of successful options There will be lemon furniture on a beige background along with green apron, chairs and curtains.

Natural wood tint as a background for a bright headset is also an interesting solution. Elements of a tree or stone will be able to give sophistication and refinement in the interior.

When choosing a gray background, the kitchen will always look comforted even with the brightest furniture.

Paul and ceiling

As a bright accent in the kitchen, you can make a lemon ceiling. However, this should be the most distinguished area. It is not recommended to simultaneously perform other volumetric items in such a color. But in the tone, the ceiling to use small accessories will be the opposite appropriate, so that it looks intertwining in the overall design.

The lemon tint can be decorated and the floor of the kitchen. At the same time, in order not to make it a bright spot, it is better to use it for zoning and allocate one of the kitchen areas, for example, dining. The rest is more appropriate to perform in pastel colors.

Select Accessories

At the beginning of the article it was mentioned that the lemon color was not relevant for all people. Many he annoys, cuts his eyes.

However, how to be, if you still want to add so bright accents in the kitchen? There is an exit. In such a situation, it is appropriate to use bright accessories.

If there is a sofa in the kitchen in the dining area, bright lemon pillows can decorate it.

The released accents can also be a framework with paintings, vases, shelves, chairs, diverse kitchen utensils.

It is especially interesting to the interior you can enter the curtains of the lemon color. It is preferable that they are monophonic, especially if the interior already has a drawing, abstraction or pattern.

How to care for lemon kitchen

Lemon color is definitely very bright and attracting attention. He is able to transform any interior.

At the same time, he is quite brand and each spot immediately strides. Therefore, to care for such a kitchen, you should adhere to certain recommendations.

Many designers prefer to work with popular colors, creating successful interiors from them for every taste. Most often used pastel colors, other light tones, warm shades, Classic black and white combinations. It's easier to work with popular colors, because there is from what to draw ideas.

In this article we will look at the features of the application in the interior of lemon-colored wallpapers, let's try to choose decent color companions to them and properly place them in various premises.

Creating a cozy and relaxed interior in the living room

Initial data

First of all, it is worth noting that the interior color can be influenced by a person. Some colors are able to destroy peace of mind, and some on the contrary, soothe, others are given to influence our mood, others are able to cheer up, give energy. There are even colors that truly awaken appetite.

The influence of various colors per person is a whole science that psychologists study more than one decade. They disassemble thoroughly, why one color scheme act relaxingly, and the other on the contrary is burtered organism and calls him to active actions.

Relying on generally accepted facts about colors, you can build at home individual interiorwhich will properly affect you. At the same time, it is not necessary that your favorite colors will participate in the colors of the rooms, may not be in the interior of your home at all.

Depending on the lighting, the color can be rich in different ways.

Of course, you are unlikely to be able to develop such a design, but the specialists will be happy to help you with joy, and you may be lucky enough to use the wallpaper of the awesome lemon palette, which will be discussed further.

Lemon color

Wallpaper lemon colors appeared in the wallpaper stores not so long ago. Modern computer technologies are able to allocate interesting shades, even in the most familiar and beaten colors. Of course, many fans of solar, bright, positive interiors wallpaper of this color immediately fell to taste. And indeed, they look very pretty and naturally naturally.

In addition, bright and rich shades of yellow color have a beneficial effect on a person, removing him psychological tension. They help to establish contacts between people and contribute to a lively conversation. According to Eastern interpretations of the science of Feng Shui, the wallpaper in lemon colors will perfectly fit into rooms with the presence of a large number of people, in the rooms for negotiations and lively dialogues.

Note that in many government agencies, the walls are painted in a similar color, a somewhat luminous lemon.

Light tones are often associated with order and cleanliness, and the lemon shade is no exception. Many experts recommend it to use in the appropriate rooms: bathroom, kitchen, dining room. Although in other rooms it will be absolutely appropriate.

Interior of the living room for receptions


By big account There are no special subtleties in the use of lemon color. He quite harmoniously fits into the interior different rooms, the main thing is not to overdo it, to use it in moderation. Consider some of them:

  • In the kitchen, you need to create a positive, bright design that will fill you with energy and awaken appetite. In this interior, the lemon tone may take a primary role. It will allow you to maximize the space, even if small kitchen, Fill the air with cleanliness and freshness. Please note that in a pair with white it contributes to active salivation, so such a couple is the place in the kitchen.
  • In the bathroom, the lemon will be as appropriate, it will enhance artificial lighting, fill the room bright colors, expand the visible boundaries of space. In such a bath, it will be comfortable to take baths and shower, charge energy for future affairs, refreshing consciousness.
  • Bright lemon colors in the bedroom interior will suit young and energetic people. Despite the fact that bright shades of yellow are not pressed on the psyche, some pressure is still present. It is he who perfectly awakens the young and strong organism Its soft but bright light. The use of similar colors for the bedroom more adult people is not recommended, it is better to break the wallpaper of pastel colors in it.

Using bright wallpapers with stripes in the bedroom
  • In the interior of the living room, the lemon color gamut can easily take its place. As we have already spoken, a dialogue is easily conducted in rooms with a similar colors, the overall palette of colors contributes to outdoor communication. In addition, lemon color perfectly harmonizes with bright shades of natural wooden furnitureThat will create a solid interior in this room.
  • It is for pleasant psychological impact, Lemon color is often chosen for the main color of the walls of the home work office. In which it is necessary not only to work, but also meet with business partners.
  • Calculate wallpaper lemon shades can be in the hallway. You will feel a sharp contrast, getting from the street into your house, which will meet you with bright summer paints. It is important to choose to the hallway high-quality wallpapers that you can easily be repeatedly latter.

The ubiquitous use of lemon color is justified primarily positive characteristics, as well as excellent mining qualities.


Working out the interior with the participation of lemon, it is primarily to choose the main zones for its use. Collect all the walls in such a bright palette will be unreasonable, since such an unusual and juicy color in large quantities It will annoy you.

Lemon needed B. obligatory Dilute with lighter tones not to overload the room with paints.

It should be noted that the shades of lemon colors help expand the space, and this is done with any lighting. Therefore, many experts love to use this color gamut in small rooms.

Modern interior interior interior

Successful combinations can be built with the following colors:

  • Green and his shades will allow you to set natural themes of the room. In such an interior, the breath of summer and its fragrance will be felt.
  • The pink color scheme will give tenderness, it can be perfectly involved in the interior of the bedroom, choosing suitable feminine wallpapers.
  • With white and its shades, you can combine lemon wallpapers in the kitchen to create a positive interior that has to eat.
  • Beige palette can be an excellent background for lemon accent in the living room or bedroom. She will add color, nobility, will show with best side this bright color. In this interior it will be possible to prevent the luxurious furniture, curtains and decorative accessories.
  • Brown wall filling can also be appropriate if we are talking About the home office in business style. In such a combination, the color of the lemon will be more restrained.

The use of lemon colors in the interior of different premises will allow positively affecting the mood of a person, to give him the opportunity to charge good energy and wake appetite in it. You can use the wallpaper in this colors in any room, but it is necessary to do it wisely, without leaving emotions.

Lemon color, like the fruit itself, has two opposite sides. One is bitter and sour, the other is cheerful and optimistic.

But it was able to combine this shade with other things knows how to each. Therefore, in clothing remains the prerogative of bold fashionistas. How to wear things of this complex shade? Read on, we have a lot of interesting ideas.

Beautiful combination

A real lemon color is suitable for most women. The main thing is chosen clean, fresh shade.

The combination of flower lemon and black or white allows you to soften its intensity. This is a win-win version for which you already probably have in your wardrobe.

For example, ordinary white trousers and T-shirt will play a completely new one with a lemon jacket, belt, ballet shoes and bag. And in the feast, and into the world - this outfit does not look screaming, but it can not be called boring.

Purple, blue, blue and pink interesting combined with lemon color. But try to apply them dosed and only in a pair, you should not remind a walking traffic light. Neutral beige I. gray tones Delicately dilute more rich, and make them relevant in any situation. Lightly shabby denim has the same effect.

If you are afraid to invest money in things such a bright color, then start with accessories: Sharfi, necklace or shoes. They will bring an unexpected splash of paints even in the most conservative outfit.

Lemon Accessories

Here it is not easy about defined color. Lemons became an appetizing trend that appears everywhere:

Limon color dress

This is a real hit summer wardrobe. For example, a perky, a little vintage dress with a large print "Polka Dot" can be worn in three different ways:

And here are some more interesting options:

Dress, a large necklace, flip flops with flowers - everything deserves attention here, but at the same time harmoniously combined between them.

Lemon yellow and denim

This couple will color your summer days and allow you to feel stylish and comfortable in any situation. Here are the outfits you can assemble:

This is how interesting you can apply lemon color in clothes.

Lemon yellow (citrus) is yellow The coldest shade with a blue tone having a light green bloom. Causes the most direct associations with ripe fruit and the sun. The shade is very bright, but not very warm. Also called lemon color lyme color - misappropriate lemon.

As you know, the shades of yellow carry light and positive. It is this color that lifts the mood, begets and removes the symptoms of depression. Also lemon color increases ability to capacity, contributes to positive communication and improves appetite.

This color was obtained by a chemical method in the eighteenth century. The color immediately became fashionable color For interior design. Since then, periodically color includes and comes out of fashion. The heyday of the lemon shade was in the fifties.

The combination of lemon with other colors.

  • Pale lemon color is combined with many: all kinds burgundy and dark red Violet all shades orangepink.
  • Bright lemon is perfectly combined with white.
  • Other neutral shades, perfectly combined with bright lemon - gray, cream and sandy. IN vintage style A few bright colors are often used, especially in textiles. Lemon is often present among them.
  • Combination of lemon yellow with all shades of wood - From dark to chocolate - brown is classic. White walls and ceiling, dark brown floor and objects of lemon shades furniture - the most popular combination of designers.

As a sharp and bright color, the lemon looks great in accessories. Textiles, covers the pillows of such a color are perfectly refreshing and brightening even the most boring gray interior. Pictures, shelves, posters - will look great on any wall of the neutral shade.

Carefully attribute to the shade that you choose. Too sharp tone can annoy and even cause aggressiveness. Use the color partially, try to combine it with warmer yellow flowers.

Lyme color in the interior.

The color of the immature lemon also becomes popular. The color is not so sharp as lemon, shades can be quite gentle. Therefore, it can be used more boldly than lemon. Since the composition of this color is green, the shade is warmer, such shades love residents of the northern countries. Light lime color shades are used in the color of the premises. Actively used in accessories, especially the effects of Lyme color glass.

Yellow in the interior video:

The kitchen is one of the main places in the apartment. There is a family in full. Now designers offer interior in citrus tones.

Very fashionable, fun and bright. And the citrus colors raise mood and displays a person from depression.

The color of such an interior consists of different shades: yellow and green. These shades are advised to use in the kitchen, even nutritionists. They assure that this kitchen is setting up digestion.

You can use lime in different versions. Someone puts soft furniture in the kitchen. And some - green bar rack. There are many options. It is not necessary to put something big.

Any trifle of such a joyful tone will necessarily rush into the eyes. Beautifully looks yellow and green angular furniture. Combined with a beige parquet or linoleum. Combine can be such colors:

  • Gentle green and beige tone;
  • Light honey and lime;
  • Yellowish and cream;

It is also interesting to lime up with black and white countertops. Walls are painted with flowers or herbs.

Or simply cut citrus. You can portray drawings, not only on the walls, but also on the doors from the cabinet. On the entrance doors And even on the refrigerator.

Selection of furniture and headsets

If the walls are linom, then the headset is better to select light furniture, headset. In such design, the colors of vanilla and cream do not look bad. Lime and rustic style - a very tender combination.

The headset can be easily bought in rustic style. This interior is well suited, angular furniture. The ceiling is also painted in yellow-green. But the curtains must be bought on two tones lighter.

And it will be bright and summer option interior. Looks great, if the walls are lime, and the furniture is colorful. Summer atmosphere and joyful mood will bring not only furniture.

But acquiring household appliances, dishes in the lime color. Stylish and freshly looks like a set of saucepan, tea set or refrigerator, chandelier in a linime shade on wood kitchen.

It is also impossible to forget about the glass. Glass too perfect option For green angular furniture. Prestigious looks glass table In the interior of citrus or wood kitchen.

Color range in combination with linime design

Citrus paints look harmoniously with turquoise, cornflowers. And also elegantly with wenge. Vanilla - Tenderness, Oliva - reliability.

During combinations with red and violet shadesThe kitchen will be filled with elegance. Of course, this is not a classic, but many will appreciate. And most importantly, all family members be comfortable and joyful.

Unusual lime wallpapers perfectly look with white furniture or headset. On the contrary, it is also not bad. Vanilla wallpapers with a pattern of grass or orange in the cut, colorfully stands out with the limestone headset.

Here you can also play with color gamma. White - replace black, elephant bone, beige or cream. Here with black you need carefully. Ideally looks black when the kitchen is big and spacious.

And in small kitchens, black you need to completely slightly. For floors the best way brown. Gray floor will be used in harmony. Citrus harmonizes with any color.

Actually merges Light with blue or with the color of the sea wave. More with turquoise and pink. Together with Lilov, he creates more comfort.

Even with blue and peach creates interesting view. For such extraordinary connections, the third color is needed. In this scheme will fit: the colors of the tree, gray, beige and of course creamy.

When creating the interior, you need to know and remember the two rules:

  • When choosing a color, do not overdo it. We must know the measure.
  • Choosing shades, it is necessary to take into account the tastes of all households.

The main thing is that the whole family is cozy and comfortable in the kitchen.

Photo kitchen color lime