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Living fence from tees berry. The best plants for strict hedges. Tice landing care

Livestore - fence (fence), which is a planting of plants serving to fence (protection) and framing, a territory or another. Usually, the living hedges consist of trees or shrubs, but can be from herbal plants, Lian. Depending on the plants used, the living hedges are separated on deciduous, evergreen, blooming, curly.

Hedge may be:

  • low (up to 1 m height). For its landing, a barberry, pallets, currants, brushes, etc. are used.
  • middle (from 1 m to 1.5 m height). For its landing, bequeptoms, turquoise, caticker, bubble, lilac, juniper Virginsky, etc. are used.
  • high (more than 1.5 m height). For its landing, they use a lip, decorative apple tree, lilac, hawthorn, etc.

Hedges form by two types:

  • free-growing;
  • food

Free - Growing Live Hugs Most often create from flowering plants, as well as from plants with beautiful and bright fruits. The crowns of such plants should be slightly in contact with each other, without preventing the penetration of sunlight.

Folded hedges They have the right geometric forms, they need regular haircut. Plants for such a hedge should have a well-branched crown, and easily carrying a haircut.

Pick up the ideal plants for live swelling is not easy. We present you somewhat most common, pointing to their advantages and disadvantages.

Coniferous plants for vertical landscaping. Indispensable material. Their benefits are indisputable. Thuja Western is enough winter-hard-resistant and wind resistant, although in the winter of the needles sometimes rages. The only drawback is slow growth. Only after 10 years, the thua forms a dense, absolutely impermeable for the eyes of a living wall. To the soil, the plant is very undemandingly, under one condition that it will not be too dry.

Live fence is Tui It is necessary to cut regularly, but little by little, since the radical trimming does not endure this plant. One of the best varieties is considered: " Smared."" With gentle, year round green scaly cheese and well branching " SUNKIST."" with golden yellow chevings.

Another evergreen coniferous plant for the living hedge, comparable to the Thury. The cypressive grows straight up and not as powerful as Thu, he has more filigree branches with a gentle scaly cheese. It feels great in shady corners on any normal soil, but not too dry garden soil. For living ingredients there is a large selection of varieties with blue cheese ("alumii", "columnaris", "ellwoodii"), with yellow or yellow-green ("Alumigold" "," Golden Wonder "", "Stewartii"). Like Thuja, the cypressive is poorly tolerates a strong trimming and requires shading at the end of winter and early spring.

These are real relict plants, there are copies that have been more than 1000 years. Live hedges grow long and grown from Tis, but in order to get such a hedge, they will also need a lot of time, as Tis grows very slowly. A well-groomed hedge from Tis is so thick, which even immediately after the haircut it looks like a solid green wall. Tis grows in the deepest shadow, and under the canopy of trees. The main thing is that the soil is not too acidic. It is important to remember that all parts of the tees of poisonous. Varieties recommended for living hedges: "Hicksii" "(reprehensive, with bright green cheese) and" Semperauca "" (dense-branching, with yellow cheese). The hedge from Tisa takes a strong trimming, but it will take a lot of time before it becomes thick again. Tis berry coolness, it does not need shelter for the winter.

Redish form beech forest, or European contains especially a lot of red pigment in the leaves. Due to this, the hedge of their plant is distinguished by a dark metal glitter and looks very noble. In the fall of beech foliage becoming yellow-orange and partially remains on a tree to spring. The beech for a living hedge is breeding seeds, so the color of the leaves, unlike grafted plants, can vary.

Sometimes there are also extractive specimens that will have to replace the next year.

Both shapes and green, and red-hearted - has the same properties: it can grow in the shade, makes a radical trimming and is suitable for very narrow alive hedges. Requirements of beeches to the soil are very high: they prefer fertile, driving and raw, sour and alkaline growing. Ideal beech is suitable for southern regions.

This, externally similar to the beech. Grab foliage has a fresh green color and looks more filigree than at the beech, as the leaves themselves are thinner, with clearly pronounced veins and are not so shiny. In the fall, they become golden yellow and do not fall out to winter. According to the shadowability and portability of the trimming of the Grab is not inferior to beech, and to the soil it presents much less requirements: it can be moderately dry or wet after planting is rather bad, so it is better to choose the seedlings. Grab is good for creating very dense living ingredients.

In Western Europe, evergreen appearance turquisians (Birchiki shiny), is considered the best for creating a living hedge, but the turquoise ordinary is more winter-hardy, albeit deciduous. It is drought-resistant, can grow on saline and alkaline soils, but preferent with nutrients and well-humidated soils. Biryuchi bushes well and grow rapidly, it is easily restored after radical trimming. Regular forming trimming should be carried out immediately after flowering, in July. There are forms with SIZY, Golden or Pestry leaves. It is easily multiplied by seeds, root siblings, goddes, cuttings.

The spiny plant in the assortment of crops for the living hedge. It is not very nice to cut it, but such unwanted guests, like other people's dogs and cats, are unlikely to risk moving through such a fence. The plant is beautiful in itself: leaf barbaris Tunberg

"Atropurpurea."" proves it with his petty foliage with a velvety chip. No less attractive and more cold-resistant Barbaris ordinary, as well as: Barbaris Zibold, Barbaris Amur, Barbaris Island, Evergreen Barbaris Juliana. The total dignity of all barberry-graceful golden yellow or reddish flowers and small red or sizo-black fruits. Barbarisa perfectly tolerate trimming, so suitable for low alive hedges and borders. Plants of all species prefer sunny places, undemanding to the soil, drought resistant and do not tolerate stagnant moisture.

For live isge It is not necessary to take classic, well-carrying plant haircut, why not choose a decorative apple tree. The hedge of it is not inferior from her decorativeness, and even with fruits. Apple plants can be planted almost close to each other, then over time, it turns out a dense, practically impassable wall, perfectly protecting the area from the wind. A good living elevation can be formalized from ate of ordinary, linden, flashes, Irgi, acacia yellow. And for a low green wall, such low shrubs are suitable, like a caticker, currants, a shrubs, spiroia, evergreen, and dr.

Livestockb is a tremendous work, which will benefit himself, emphasizing the beauty of the landscape. Specialists "White Acacia" We are ready to offer our services for the selection of plants, the device of living ingredients and the care of them.

Tuya: dense wall

The qualities of the Western Tui (Thuja Occidentalis) as plants for living hedges are indisputable. Although in the winter of the needle of this evergreen plants sometimes rages and it is somewhat losing their decorativeness, it is believed that this tree (there is shrub shapes) is fairly winter hard and stable against a strong wind. Unfortunately, the thuja grows slowly and only after 10 years it forms a dense, absolutely impermeable for the eyes of a living wall. To the soil, the plant is very undemandingly, with only only the condition that it will not be too dry. The living fence from the Tui should be cut regularly, but gradually, since the radical trimming does not endure this plant. One of the best varieties are considered: 'Smared' with gentle, year round green scaly cheese and well-branched 'sund' with golden yellow leaves.

Cypressian: Colorful Diversity

CHAMAECYPARIS LAWSONIANA (CHAMAECYPARIS LAWSONIANA) is another evergreen coniferous plant for live swelling, comparable from the Thury. The cypressive grows straight up and not as powerful as Thu, he has more filigree branches with a gentle scaly cheese. It perfectly feels like in shady corners on any normal, but not too dry garden soil. For living ingreders there is a large selection of varieties with blue or gray-blue cheese ('alumii', 'columnaris', ellwoodii'), with yellow or yellow-green ('Alumigold', 'Golden Wonder', 'Stepartii'), as well With creamy on the tips with green hvoshinki ('White Spot'). Unfortunately, this type of cypressive is not too cool, therefore it can only be recommended for the southern regions of Russia, and for the middle band, no less beautiful cypressive Gorokhornogenic (C. Pisifera) is suitable with a scaled-shaped cheese, dark green top and sisido-white bottom. Like Thuja, the cypressive is poorly tolerates a strong trimming and requires shading at the end of winter and early spring.

TIS: It tolerates a haircut and lives for a long time

TIS Berry (Taxus Baccata) is a real relict plant: there are copies that have been more than 1000 years. Live hedges grow long and grown from Tis, but in order to get such a hedge, they will also need a lot of time, as Tis grows very slowly. Well-groomed, hedges from Tisa so thick, which even immediately after the haircut it looks like a solid green wall. Tis is growing in the deepest shadow, and under the canopy of large trees, without fear of competition with their roots. The main thing is that the soil is not too acidic. It is important to remember that all parts of the plant right up to the pulp of fruits (similar to the red berries of the shishkeepers surrounding seeds) are very poisonous for both human and animals. The varieties recommended for the living ingreders are: 'Hicksii' (reprehensive, with bright green cheese) and 'Semperaurea' (housing, with yellow cheese). The hedge from Tisa takes a strong trimming, but it will take a lot of time before she becomes thick again. Tis berry enough coolness and, in principle, can grow in the middle lane of Russia, it is necessary to hurry it for the winter, protecting not as much from the cold, as from sunlight, causing burns.

Red beech: noble metal glitter

The vintage shape of the beech forest, or European (Fagus Sylvatica f. Purpurea), contains especially a lot of red pigment in the leaves, thanks to which the hedge from this plant has dark metal glitter and looks very noble. In the fall of the foliage of the beech becomes yellow-orange and partially remains on the tree to spring. The beech for living hedges is breeding seeds, so the color of foliage, unlike grafted plants, can vary. Sometimes there are also green-member copies that you have to replace the next year. The beech of forests of both shapes - both green, and red-shaped - has the same properties: it can grow in the shade, makes a radical trimming very low above the ground and is suitable for very narrow alive hedges. The requirements of beaks to the soil are quite high: they prefer fertile, driving and raw, acidic and alkaline growing. The creation of alive hedges from beech is possible only in the southern regions of Russia.

Grab: Gold autumn foliage

The Grab is real, or ordinary (Carpinus Betulus), looks very similar to the beech, although it relates to another family. The most reliable distinctive feature is the kidneys: the beech they are spindle-shaped, pointed, up to 2 cm long, and in a short, seats. Grab foliage has a fresh green color and looks more filigree than the beech, as the leaves themselves are thinner, with clearly pronounced veins and are not so shiny. In the fall, they become golden yellow and do not fall back to winter. According to the shadowability and portability of the trimming of the Grab is not inferior to the beech, and to the soil it places much less requirements: it can be moderately dry or wet and even purely sandy. But the survival rate of plants after the landing is rather bad, so it is better to choose the seedlings of the insignia, by the way, they are easy to grow from seeds. Grab is good for creating very dense living ingredients. In the middle lane of Russia, this tree often acquires a busy form.

Turquoine: growing rapidly and easily multiplies

In Western Europe, evergreen species of turquish, as, for example, Biryuchi brilliant (Ligustrum Lucidum) are considered the best for creating alive hedges, but for the conditions of the middle strip of Russia they are completely unsuitable due to the low winter hardiness. For us, more fastened leafy turquish ordinary (Ligustrum Vulgare), which can withstand short-term frosts up to -30 ° C. In addition, it is drought-resistant, can grow on saline and alkaline soils, but prefers rich in nutrients and well-moistened, as well as a solar location. This turquoise grows very quickly and bushes well, it is easily restored even by barely radical rejuvenating trimming. Regular forming trimming should be carried out immediately after flowering, in July. There are shapes and varieties with sizy, golden or motley leaves. The turquoise ordinary is easily multiplied by seeds, root offspring, grooves, weathered and green cuttings. Therefore, having only one bush of this plant, you can very quickly grow a large number of seedlings for living inges.

Barbaris: Spiny Handsome

Barbaris is the spiny plant in the assortment of crops for the living elevation. It is not very nice to cut, but such unwanted guests, like other people's dogs and cats, are unlikely to risk moving through such an obstacle to your site. The plant is beautiful in itself: the Leaf Fall Berberis Thunbergii Tunberg (Berberis Thunbergii) 'Atropurpure' convincingly proves it with its fine foliage with a velvety sampling. No less attractive (Vulgaris) (Vulgaris), as well as other values \u200b\u200bfor landscaping: Barbaris Ziboldi (B.sieboldii), Barbaris Amur (V. amurensis), Barbaris Otzarokhoda (B.heteropoda) and many others. But the thermal-loving evergreen species, such as Barbaris Juliana (V. Julianae) with rigid glossy leaves, are not suitable for quite harsh conditions of the middle strip of Russia. The total dignity of all barberries is -like golden yellow or reddish flowers and small red or jam-black fruits. Barbarisa perfectly tolerate trimming, so suitable for low alive hedges and borders. Plants of all species prefer sunny places, undemanding to soil conditions, drought-resistant and do not tolerate stagnant humidification.

Hawthorn: Spring Blossom

Hawthorn - a classic plant for living hedges. For example, the hawthorn one-stop (Crataegus Monogyna) is remarkably suitable for a natural type garden. This is a small tree or bush with a height of 3-6 m with a symmetrical light crown, dark green, red leaves and spiny up to 1.5 cm long, but differs from it to the rapid growth and the presence of pinkish flowers. The fruits are rounded, red. This kind of hawthorn is shadowed and less demanding of heat and humidity than other types, therefore can be used in areas with a more continental climate. It grows well on dry or moderately humid lime soil, in the sun or in a half. Hawthorn cut off once or twice a year. If you cut once, it is necessary to do this no later than the middle of July. With double trim, the first spend early in the spring.

Maple field: Beautiful and unpretentious

If you want to grow your hedge as quickly as possible, choose the Maple field (Acer Campestre). This fast-growing leaf fall tree is distinguished by winter hardiness and high resistance against wind. Especially beautiful maple during spring flowering and autumn. The optimal height for live swelling 2-4 m. Young shoots appear early in spring; Because they contain a large amount of Milky Juice, at this time of the year, the hedge is not cut off, and transfer the trimming at the end of June. If necessary, in August spend the second trimming. Maple field drought-resistant, likes a fertile, containing the lime of the soil, grows in the sun and in a half. In one row, many other species can be put with him, first of all Klen Tatar (A. Tataricum) and Maple Ginnala, or Screical (A. Ginnala). All of them perfectly carry any formation and easily multiply seeds.

Not only classic

For living inges, it is not necessary to take the classic, well-carrying haircut of the plants listed above. Why, for example, do not choose such a fruit culture as an apple tree. The fence from it on decorativeness is not worse than the fearless, and even with fruits. Apple plants can be planted almost close to each other, then over time, it turns out a dense, practically impassable wall, perfectly protecting the area from the wind. A good high hedge can be formed from spruce ordinary, linden, flashes (nuts), ornamental apple trees, Irgi, acacia yellow or other tree species, however, it will be an elevation, so to speak, "on the backups". It will have to below additionally condensed with short or freely growing trendy plants. And for a low green wall, such low shrubs, like a caticker, currant, shrub shrub (Kuril tea), spirea, bubble, everganium, and many others are suitable for a low green wall.

What is a live fence? Livestore is a dense landing of a group of shrubs into one or more rows to create an obstacle similar to the standard - fence. If you decide to create a live fence with your own hands, we can say that you chose one of the best fences options. Live hedges are used not only to fencing the perimeter of the site, but also for breaking it into zones. Livestore is planted in the autumn period. So plants will be better fit and strengthened in the ground.

Livestore is much more useful in the garden than a hedge of bricks, stone, wood or metal. For example, in summer hot days, a live fence creates a good atmosphere, a little shadowing the garden and it gives the coolness. It can find the shelter of different useful insects and birds.

The living fence must be cut, form 1 - 2 times a year, otherwise it will promptly grow up, which will reduce the decorative and practical function of bushes. Practical - because exactly trimmed hedge allows you to conveniently move in the garden. Be prepared for the fact that some plants grow slowly, although much decorative its fast-growing comrades. Therefore, you have to wait until the hedge grows up to the desired height and width.

If you are planning the usual, banal fencing replace the live fence, the best period of its creation is the end of summer, the beginning of autumn. Live hedge landing can be started at the end of August and continue until mid-September.
In order to create a green hedge in his site, you need to or grow the plant itself, or buy coniferous or deciduous rocks. If you do not want to wait until the green hedge with small plants grow into pretty high, then you can buy in the nursery of the plant you need heights.

Landing a vibrant hedge. First, it is necessary to determine with the type of plants, with a height of living green hedge and with a place for a living hedge. A place for living hedge should be outlined with a cord or sprinkle a thin line from the sand. The fact is, shrubs for living hedges are placed most often not in separate pit and in a trench. Choose a suitable plant for your preferences - a shrub for a living hedge. Well study its characteristic, height in adulthood, care for this plant. Arriving bushes or purchasing them to special. stores, preferably on the same day and plant them. According to the intended line, you need to dig a trench. The depth and width of the trench depends on the earth coma of the root system. Always make pits, trenches by 5 - 10 cm. More than an earthen com. These intervals between the earth and the room we will fill in nutrient soil. Also on the bottom you need to lay out peat, humid, manure or compost. Only under the conifers do not need so much nutrient soil, otherwise "will be melted" from excess. In the prepared trench, planted at the same distance of the bush and the land around the earthen coma a little pressed. The distance depends on the size and type of bushes. Immediately after landing or the next day, the plants trim, especially cutting long and unbreakable shoots. Do not be afraid of the cardinal haircut, literally after 2 - 3 weeks of bushes will become magnificent, new branches will release. For several weeks, the living elevation needs to be highly watering to the depth of rooting roots, as a lot of water needs to develop bushes.

So that the bushes grew well, they should choose them not only by beauty, as well as by that, so they will feel good on your soil when you climates of your area. For example, we will tell you about the 11 most famous, popular, well-growing in the middle strip of shrubs. So let's go ...

TIS Berry photo:

1. TIUZ BACCATA (Taxus Baccata) - One of the most popular coniferous long-livers, with good care can live up to 1000 years. It grows well on drained, loose, moisturefront soils. It can be used for hedges height from one to four meters. Well tolerate the haircut and the formation of the bush, grows slowly, so you need to cut once a year. It normally develops as in the shade so on the bright sun, but in the spring you need to cover a little, as the bright sun can make the "burns" on it. Since it grows slowly, then it is necessary to wait for its normal development to plant planting of plants to be called the hedge. The fleshy part of the fruit of tees is edible, but bones and other parts of the plant of poisonous - warn about this children!

In addition to wild tees, use for living hedges and auxiliary with a rigid, fresh greenery hybrid 'Hicksii' (Taxus x Media).

Tuya Western photo:

2. Thuja Occidentalis) - This plant is well forms thick swords, wind - and frost-resistant. You can use for a living hedge of two to four meters high. Grows on sunny places with nutritious, wet soil.

The usual, inexpensive thuja is growing rapidly and in a few years it will reach the level of the eyes. In order for their Tui to create a solid wall, you need to cut twice a year. It is necessary to plant in a wet and loose soil. But the strong drought or stagnation of water leads to fungal diseases.

It is not necessary to carry out a strong, radical haircut, since after that the Thua will not become greens again. It is better to cut only extra branches or the tops of the branches. There is a large selection of thuja varieties with different color of the needles, different height and shape of the crown. But for the living hedge, the slow-growing variety of 'Smared' is best suited, preserving its green coloring and in winter.

Cypress Lavson Photo:

3. CHAMAECYPARIS LAWSONIANA CHAMAECYPARIS - It is very similar to that, but the cypress woman has thinner and delicate scaly leaves. His uniqueness is that it has varieties with blue, yellow, gray coloring leaves. It grows well on solar or sexual places on moderately humid soils. He is more wind - and frozen than the thu, but as well as Tuya does not like strong haircuts. Strike needed once a year. The best grade for living hedges is a blue-green 'columnaris'.

Lavirovnya photo:

4. LAUROCERASUS (Prunus Laurocerasus)
- evergreen shrub belonging to the ratio of the cherry of the kind of plum, like this ...
Grown to create a living hedge from one to two meters in height. The lambistant is not good, can grow on dry soils and with dry wind, it is well tolerate both outdoor solar places and a deep shadow of trees. This shrub with its glossy leaves is suitable for gardening the garden in Mediterranean style. The lambish is widely expanded, so it is preferable to cut the garden scissors one - twice a year. For live swelling, varieties with rectorant branches are well suited, for example, 'Herbergii' or 'Rotundifolia'.

Evergreen Holly Ostroland Photo:

5. Eastern Holy Padub Ostrol (ILEX Aquifolia) - From it create a live fence with a height of one to two meters. He loves sexual, protected areas with nutritious, loose soil. It is not suitable for cold regions, since the Penistrate varieties often suffer from frosts. Strike needed once a year, holly grows slowly. Decorative not only bird leaves, but also yellow or brightly red berries. Holly though beautiful, but beauty requires the victims - he is often amazed by mining flyers. The best varieties for live hedges are 'Siberia' or 'Heckenstar' (ILEX X MESERVEAE), as well as' I. C. Van Tol '.

Tribe Ordinary Photo:

6. Biryuchi ordinary (Ligustrum Vulgare) - One of the favorite plants for the living hedge of the gardeners, because she is very unpretentious. It can grow both in the shade and in the bright sun, and on any soil. In the living hedge can reach sizes from one to three meters. The plant is fast-growing and creates a dense hedge, so it must be cut 2 times a year. Non-heavy bushes can be formulated with a cardinal haircut. The turquoine is very loved by birds - in dense thickets of the branches, they whip the nests and climb chicks, and poisonous berries for the man's poultry.

Although the turquoine is sometimes disturbing gardeners with fluttering shoots and a powerful root system that can interfere with closely growing other plants. In winter, most varieties do not preserve the foliage, forming a hedge of thick thighs of thin branches, but the "Atrovirens" grade and turquish ovalnoliste better retain their foliage in winter.

Sugit evergreen photo:

7. Sugit Epshelnoe (Buxus Sempervirens) - We can say that this is one of the most common shrubs to create landscape design. Even in medieval Europe, he was in the first place to create livestock, bardures and topic figures. Since the Samshet grows very slowly, it reaches in the living hedge to 1 m. Heights. It grows well in the sun and in the shade. The soil prefers nutritious, humus, well-permeable, loose, not dry.

Suskend bushes as they grow up all the thicker and thicker. Well tolerate haircut, no more than once a year. The cardinal haircut is not desirable, as it will become a young greens for a long time. Sometimes, in adulthood, the cylindrocladium fungus is amazed and symptoms can appear - dark brown spots and white rings on the leaves.

To form a low, compact forms of living hedge, you can land the varieties of 'sufficialicosa' and 'blauer heinz', and the wild view of Buxus sempervirens will fit the wilderness.

Beech European photo:

8. Beech European (Fagus Sylvatica) as well as the Beech Forest Purple (Fagus Sylvativa Var. Purpurea) - are long-lived trees to create a living hedge of a height from one and a half to four meters and more. Growing well on wet and nutrient soils, in the shade and in the sun. The haircut is carried out twice a year. Dark-green leaves in the fall become yellow - orange. Decorative foliage holds for a very long time, before the onset of snowfall. It is necessary to monitor the soil where the beech is growing is not very humid, from the overaffect of water trunks and the roots of the beaks suffer greatly.

Grab ordinary photo:

9. Common Grab (Carpinus Betulus) - Despite the fact that it is also called a beech white because of a silver-gray bark, he still belongs to the birch family. Unpretentious, grows in the sun and in the shade, it is well tolerating drought and excess moisture. The haircut is carried out twice a year. Brightly green leaves in the fall become lemon - yellow and fall a little earlier than beech leaves.

Clane Field photo:

10. Clane Field (Acer Campestre) - A low, slender tree that is better to plant in landscape gardens. Used to create a living hedge in two - four meters. It grows well as the sun and in a half, grows on any soils except acidic and moistened. Clane is growing rapidly, so it must be cut twice a year, it normally transfers the radical haircut as well as the weed branches. Not afraid of drought, heat, dry wind. In the fall, the leaves become golden - yellow, and the winter is falling. Cleins are sometimes damaged by mildew. And because of rapid growth sometimes come to non-heavy shrubs. Birds love to vite the nest in dense branches of the field.

Barbaris Tunberg Photo:

11. Barberis Tunberg (Berberis Thunbergii) - a slow shrub forming a spherical shape. Barbaris is grown in alive hedges to one and a half meters in height. There are sharp spikes on its short branches, so this shrub is as best suited to protect your site from the unborn animals. Although Barbaris is slowly growing, it still needs to be cut twice a year. If the barbaris is running, then the radical haircut will fit. Decorative foliage of Barbaris - Different varieties have green, yellow, purple and voyage painting. And in the fall, the leaves become saturated brightly crumbs. Also decorative coral fruits of barberry, which hold onto branches to severe frosts.
Living fence with their hands video:

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Tiss (Taxus. ) - the genus of evergreen trees and shrubs growing in the northern hemisphere. In nature, the teases are extremely rare, but in culture there are many varieties and varieties. Thiess's needles are dense, very dark, shiny, tough, but not barbed. The species plants are usually a bush shape, the varietal - the most diverse: candles, ball, an inverted cone or a sharpening. Some cultivars have a yellow or even motley cheese.

Rod has 8 species of dwarm or monodomal evergreen trees or shrubs. Most often used European sissing berry (T.baccata. ) And his cultivars. Tis berry, who occupied initially very large territory, was almost completely exterminated by a person because of his durable and practically "eternal" wood, with strong bactericidal properties - it kills even those microorganisms that are in the air. The house in which even the ceiling beams are made of tees, is reliably protected from a pathogenic infection, which is extremely valued in the era of mass epidemics.

When Tisa stopped grabbing for construction, furniture began to produce from it. She was so rare and expensive, which was even mentioned in the chronicles and fairy tales. Frequently found in Russian fairy tales Tables and beds were made of tees. In the "Word about the regiment of Igor", Prince Svyatoslav dies on the seedling (tees) bed, about which the chronicler found his duty to mention as a rare and very expensive thing, testifying to the power of the prince. In the future, TIS was used to make such sacred objects such as crosses, donor, crayfish for relics - in all cases where the contents needed to be protected from damage.

Tis berry is common sporadically almost throughout Western Europe, in the Caucasus, in Malaya Asia. Two-walled wood, in Central Europe to 17 m high, up to 27 m - in the Caucasus. Croon spread, very thick, ovoid-cylindrical, often multiple. The trunk is ribbed, frightened, covered with a reddish-gray, smooth, later plate, peeling bark. Young shoots Dark green, ribbed. The needles are located on the shoots spiral, on the side twigs pairwise, flat, on top of a brilliant, dark green, from below matte, yellow-green, ends with a short spidy. The length of the needles 2.0-3.5 cm. Flowers are laid in autumn in the sinuses of the needles at the base of escape. Men's inflorescences of spherical, on short legs; Women's flowers are small, greenish, single. Seeds are concluded in a beagle-shaped bright red selection.

Very shadowed, superior to this indicator all tree species, grows in places where other types of coniferous die. Requires nutritious, wet soil, preferring lime, can develop on clay. Gas and smoke resistant, wind-resistant. It grows extremely slow, living in favorable conditions up to 4000 years. Well tolerates not only a haircut, but also a transplant in adulthood.

It is an exceptional interest for green construction as a classic plant for cutting alive hedges, borders, curly compositions, group and single landings. From the Renaissance and to this day, the tees berries continues to remain the best material for topics. It has many garden forms, among which are often the following:


Female shape. A small tree or shrub up to 3 m of heights and widths. Crown is wide, unevenly developed. Branches short, prostrate. The needles are small, short, 5-9 mm long and 2-4 mm wide, on top dark green, slightly bluish-green below; At the end of the needles, rounded, two-row is located. Seeds from above 3-4-scented or round. A lot of others were formed from this form: with yellow-motley cheese, with golden yellow needles at the ends of the shoots, with shoots directed upwards either with a pyramidal shape of the crown and separated from each other. We define seeds and cuttings (87%). Regarding winter hardy, in harsh winters it is possible to frost annually shoots. Recommended for group or single landings. Beautiful, peculiar coniferous plant, which should be wider experience in the landscaping of urban parks and squares, to create alive hedges.


Female shape; Appearance, like "ADPRESSA", but a little weaker, barely reaches 1.5 m of height. The needles at the ends of the shoots are golden-yellow, the rest are yellow-motley.


Male shape. Shape shrub, keglet, 3-5 m high; shoots directed up; The lateral boughs will be removed from the barrel, the needles are 1.5 cm long and 3 mm wide, stupid-pointed, evenly standing, on top of dark green, light green.


The appearance is similar to "ADPressa Erecta", but shoots more separated from each other. The needles are only 1 mm wide (at the "ADPRESSA ERECTA" 3 mm), but hardly distinguishable.


The appearance is very branched; shoots directed up. The needles are yellow-motley with green central lines, often yellowish-white, lighter than the "ADPressa Aurea".


Needles are uniform and constantly white-motley.


Little slow-growing shrub, kegletoid or narrow-on; Suchea is sufficiently tough and compressed; The shoots are tight, short, brown. The needles are short, oblong, 5-7 cm long and 3-4 mm thick, slightly bent back, radially standing, on top dark green, light light.


The appearance is wide-grained, slow down growth; The vertex escape of oblique with powerful side escapes away from each other; The branches of yellow, shortened shoots inside the plant more often dark green. The needles are far away from each other, 2 cm long and 2 mm thick, slightly bent, top with a yellow-green central strip, light-golden-yellow, winter painting freshly golden yellow.


Creeping dwarf form, 2-2.5 m wide and 0.3-0.4 m height; The branches are stretched over the ground, the ends of the shoots hanging, young shoots are far away from each other, curved. The needles are destroyed, aimed up and forward, slightly sickle, flat, on top of intensively bluish and green, light green. One of the most beautiful dwarf shapes.


The form is wide, direct (transitional form between the view and "Fastigiata"); Suchea straight. The needles are smaller than the kind, at the ends of the shoots are shorter and narrow, the bottom is usually bluish-green.


Dwarf form, rounded, slightly above 1 m and the same width; Suchea is uniformly distinguished from the trunk, the branches are numerous, 4-6 cm long, brown. The needles are located around the branches, 5-10 mm long and 1-1.5 mm wide, slightly sickle, brilliant, dark green, the bottom is brighter, with a dark central strip.


Dwarf form, straight with a flat vertex, branches are short, hanging and very tight. Needles about 30 mm long and 3-4 mm wide, twisted up, dark green, very shiny. Very beautiful shape.


Men's form, but sometimes there are branches with fruits. Drop or shrub 3-5 m high. The shoots are green, horizontally remove from the trunk, almost in the muve, the ends of the shoots hanging. The needles are dark green, about 3 cm long and 3 mm width, is located double row. One of the most decorative forms of coniferous rocks. The form "Dovastonian Aurevapata", characterized by weaker growth, golden-yellow shoots and cheese. Both forms are recommended for single and group landings on the lawn in the gardens or near the houses in the form of a living hedge.


Female shape. The growth is powerful, the height of the bushes is 3-5 m. The shoots are widely spread, dense, powerful, pale yellow. Support 1-1.5 cm long, white-motley with a yellowish tint. Plentifully fruit. It is often found. We define seeds and cuttings (81%). Recommended for group landings. You can experience when creating a living hedge.

"Erecta Aureovariegata"

Top cut off. The needles are tight, curved and straight, thin, flat, 2-2.5 cm long and 2 mm thick, sharp, top green with a yellow edge, is even white and yellow.


Dwarf form, slowly growing, barely above 0.8 m; buccia thin, short, straight and outstanding from the trunk; Branches short. The needles are small, tightly standing, thin, very sharp, almost spindle-shaped (\u003d T. Basstea Microphylla, T. Empetrifolia).


Female shape. Crown Broadworms. The height of plants is 3-5 m. The top is drooping. The branches are numerous, sharp, straight, short, ascending. Needle 2.0-2.5 cm long, black and green; The bent inside, is located on the shoots spiral. Regarding winter hardy. When damaged by frost, it is rapidly restored. It should be planted in winds protected from wind. We define with cuttings (80-94%). Recommended for single and group landings. It is advisable to experience when creating a living hedge.

Fastigiata Aurea

Crown columnid. Young shoots and needles golden yellow with green stripe. We define with cuttings (69-85%). Recommended for group landings.

"Fastigiata auremarginata"

It is similar to the green shape, but the needles of young shoots with a wide edge of golden yellow color, it becomes light green during the year. Very often they are taken for "Fastigiata Aurea".

"Fastigiata Robusta"

Like "Fastigiata", but strictly colonid and more rude. Needles are longer, light green and more compressed.

"Fastigiata Variegata"

Like "StandishII", but the needles first white-motley, then green or almost green.

"Fastigiata Viridis"

Shape strictly colonid. The needles are very dense, flat, thin, 25 mm long, soft to the touch on top of shiny, light green, bottom pale green.


Male shape. A loose, straight, similar to "crosshuntensis", but larger and more lush; Branches numerous, short. The needles are 1.5-2 cm long, often sickly bent, on top of monotonously bluish-green, bottom matte-bluish-green (\u003d T. Baccata Nigra).


The shape is straight: very tight branched. The needles are 30-35 mm long and 3.5-4 mm wide, partially crucidally curved, on top dark green with a distinct central vest, light green.


The dwarf shape is 0.8 m height, the width grows strongly. Spacidian shoots, far away from each other. End of shoots bent. Supply 2.5 cm long and 4 mm width, sickle, dark green top, light green with a dark central strip. We conclude with cuttings (56%). Recommended for stony slides. Grown in containers for landscaping balconies. Groups can be planted on the floor lawn in the parks.


The shape is straight, damned, not so pointed, like the "Fastigiata". The needles are 2.5-3 cm long and 3 mm width, thin, slightly sickle, green, light green light.


Shape pyramidal, but shoots hanging; Branches numerous, short, red-brown. The needles are wide, more or less sickle, bent inside, tightly cover the top shoots (\u003d T. Baccata Pendula).


The shape is dense and lush; Buchery asked up. Needles up to 3 cm long, thin, sickle, dark yellow-green. Very winter-hardy form.


Female shape. Wide and powerful, 3-5 m high. Needles intense green. The most important distinguishing feature is light yellow (instead of red) fruits.


Dwarf form, low and wide, no higher than 60 cm. Needles are small, dark green.


Male shape. A column-like or almost kegletoid, on the end is loosened and not closed, resembles "cheshuntensis", but tougher.

"Nissen" s Corona "

Bush. The height is 1.5-2.5 m, the diameter of the crown is 6-8 m. In Moscow above the snow cover does not grow. Crown prostrate. Cora thin, reddish-brown, branches brownish green. Needle needles, bright green. Annual increase in a height of 5-10 cm, in width of 20 cm. Grows slowly. Shadowish. Wintering with shelter. Prefers fresh fertile, lime soils, does not tolerate acidic. Good haircut. Application: single landings, groups, borders.

"Nissen" s kadett "

Form loose, straight, without central escape; Brown raising. The needles are dark green, gentle.

"Nissen" s Rage "

The shape is busy and closed, straight, with a slightly shortened shoots.


The shape is stretched, fast-growing, up to 5 meters wide and 2 m high. The needles are powerful, dark green.

"Nissen" s R Egent »

Similar to "Nissen" SRONA ", also 6 meters wide and 1 m high; growth is uneven. Neead needles, dark green.

"Rendula Graciosa"

Hanging shape, powerful, slightly branched; Sucia long-hazing; Branches short, swirling hanging. The needles are 1.5 cm long and 2 mm wide, thin, soft to the touch, on top of light green, bottom lighter (\u003d T. Baccata Rendula Overeynderi).


The form is widely, very dense. Igged 15-20 mm long and 2-2.5 mm wide, on top of dark green, bottom lighter. Because of the small growth is suitable as a hedge.


Cutting shrub, 0.4-0.5 m height and 2-5 m wide. Branches horizontally separated from the trunk, pressed against the ground. The needles up to 3 cm long, sickle, aimed up and forth, top with a distinct central line, shiny, dark green with a bluish tinge, flat, lighter. The needles of poisonous for mammals. Grows slowly. Shadowish. Having developed. However, severe shading causes the depression of plants. Soil prefers fresh, well-drained, medium in fertility. Winter articles. Currently, this is one of the most interesting and widespread decorative dwarf forms of Tissa. Spread by vaccination. It is recommended for gardening terraces and roofs, for growing in containers, for group landings on stony areas, in mountaineering.


Uniform-wide shape, straight. The needles are distinct dark green. Especially winter hardy; Suitable for the hedge.


Shrub up to 2 m high. Crown is wide and straight, but with a cut paint. The diameter of the crown is 4 m. Soots rise. Numerous branches, yellow-brown, very short. The needles are 1-2 cm long, at the ends of the shoots gradually shortened, slightly sickle, on top of golden-yellow, from the bottom of the light yellow-gold or with a yellowish edge. Currently, a very well-known form, one of the best among the yellow-colored. Winter hardy. We define with cuttings (48%). It is recommended for group and soliter landings against the background of lawn, on the Alpine slides, for growing in containers when landscaping roofs and terraces. You can experience in living hedges.


The form is wider than high, without central escape.


The shape is wide and flat, branches rise. Sickle-shaped needles, 2-3 cm long and 2-3 mm width; The edge is wide, yellow, summer is more often golden yellow (\u003d T. Baccata Horizontalis Aurea). Do not suffer from sunburn.


Growth like "Fastigiata", but not higher than 2 m; Golden shoots. Needles at the ends of the shoots and on young shoots are gold, 2.5 cm long and 3-4 mm wide (\u003d T. Baccata Hibernica Standishii). Beautiful column-like plant.


The height is 1.5-2 m, the crown diameter is much larger. Crown loose with plants on each other branches. The needles are very curved, in the summer yellow-green with a yellow border, in winter the painting of the needles becomes golden yellow or bronze. Frost. It is often found. Effect in solitary landings.

Location: The most shadowed breed. With the onset of warm days, the generative kidneys of tees quickly swell and already at the end of April, the Thies bloom. Despite the high shadowlessness of the plants grown in sufficient illumination, give greater increase, but less protected from the effect of low temperatures. Plants planted in protected places, after harsh winters, they preserve their appearance (painting of needles, give abundant fruiting), rather than plants of open places. All this testifies to the benefit of TISA in protected places.

The soil: Cherry land, peat, sand (3: 2: 2). Tiss Berry can grow both alkaline and weakly acidic soils. Drainage is desirable, broken brick and sand with a layer of 20 cm. Very bad tolerates excessive moisture content of the soil and the presence of heavy metals and other toxic substances in it, therefore unsuitable for landscaping of large cities. It tolerates drought well, has very deep roots and is able to produce water from the lowest aquifers. If these waters contain salt, which happens quite often, the tees in the drought begins to turn yellow, while the needles suffer at first, located closer to the trunk.

Landing: Distance between plants from 0.6 to 2.5 m. Root neck at ground level. The depth of planting is 60-70 cm. Soil: Cherry land, peat, sand (3: 2: 2). In alive hedges - trenches with a size of 0.5x0.5 m Single-row, 0.7x0.7 m - double-row. Grows slowly.

Care: When landing, "Kemir Wagon" is introduced from calculating 100 g / m 2. In the spring, the spring gives full mineral fertilizer 50 - 70 g / m 2 nitroammofoski. Over the season, water once a month at 10 - 12 liters per plant, sprinkling once every 2 weeks. The loosening of young landings is recommended to conduct the first 2-3 years to a depth of 10-15 cm, when the weeds are removed and the soil seal. Mulching with a chip layer 8 cm. It moves well with a haircut and severe trimming when the crown is generated. Remove dry shoots completely, trimming on 1/3 of the shoot of escape. Young landings for winter to cover with peat layer 5-7 cm, plants protect from burns with sweets or kraft paper. Adult plants winter-hardy. Young teases in winter are also very fragile and easily break from snow, so they are associated with a rope in one bundle, so as not to give the snow to accumulate on separate branches.

Reproduction: Seeds and cuttings. Most often bloom and fruit two years in a row, the third year of fruiting does not happen. Seeds ripen in autumn. After collecting seeds, stored in a cool room with a temperature of 5-6 ° C, with a low humidity. Good results gives autumn seeding. In the spring crop, 7-month stratification is needed at a temperature of 3-5 ° C, after which they germinate after 2 months (unprofitable - after 1-3 years).

Thies are perfectly drawn, and not only annual shoots are rooted, but also two-year-old, taken "with the heel". Interestingly, cuttings, taken from branches, directed up, give bushes with compact vertical growth. And cuttings from horizontal branches, bothering, form empty low plants. Non bad breeds and vaccination.

Using: Tissa for many centuries were used for haircuts and topics, as they slowly grow and perfectly branched, creating a very dense texture. However, for most areas of Russia, the teases are suitable for a low border, which will be winter under the snow, and high impermeable walls, which are formed from the tess in more southern regions, will not be released from it.

In the picture from the left: Tissa Labyrinth

Tis is the most common decorative tree of the classic English garden. From the cutting tees create alive hedges and various decorative figures - balls, cubes and sculptures.

Recently, under the influence of Western Garden Culture, many dacms and land owners began to use instead of traditional fences living hedges from decorative shrubs. Livestore is aesthetic and eco. And very beautiful. About what shrubs for living hedges are suitable more than others, how many years of hedges look like, when and how the haircut of a living hedge is carried out, we will tell us in our article.

Coniferous shrubs

Tis berry

This coniferous plant is extremely popular in the middle strip. TIS is best grows in loose, well-drained soil. In the height of the hedge from Tisa can reach four meters. The plant develops equally well in the sun, and in the shade. Tis grows slowly, and the full hedge will have to grow for several years, but there is a plus in this disadvantage: you have to cut the teashing bushes no more than once a year, and this is not necessary. Fertilizers under TIS are brought once a year in the spring. From the garden forms of tees of berry, popularly popular Nana, Khiaksi, Ripendens and Fastgiath Aurea.

Living hedge from tees berry

Tuya Western

This is also a coniferous plant, which is often used in decorative purposes, including to enjoy the site. Thuja of Sunconium, Frost-resistant, prefers wet soil and is not afraid of a strong wind. In the height of the wall from the Tui can reach 4 m. It grows in the thuja much faster than tees, so it cuts off it twice the season - in spring and autumn. Try still not to root the plant, otherwise the color of its needles can lose brightness and saturation. In the living hedge, such grads of the Tui Western, as Golden Glob, Column and Spiralis are growing more often.

Cypress Lavson

This frost-resistant, not afraid of the wind shrub very much reminiscent, but his scratched needle is thinner. Cypressians are with yellow, green or blue foliage, and you can create a multicolored hedge, disembarking plants with different colors in a row. The cypressian on wet soil is growing better. As for lighting, only a deep shadow is not suitable for the plant. Crop the hedge once a year, but you should know that after a strong haircut of the needles, it grows very long.

Evergreen shrubs


An ideal plant for living hedges is a long-term evergreen Samsit. Zelenolistic varieties of plants winter without shelter, and form with leaves of other shades is better grown where frosts are not cold in winter. Susite bushes can be attributed to any shape. There is a shrub dwarf varieties for borders, and there are plants reaching a height of 3 m. However, that the live fence from the Samsite looks well-groomed, it is necessary to cut it once every month and a half. Sugit grows slowly, so for living hedges it is better to purchase adult seedlings. It is very important for a shrub haircut, which is carried out in the first season after landing: a bush is shortened by almost half, the plant gets a strong shake, after which it grows much faster.


This plant is willingly and often used in landscape design. He has glossy, like a samshet, leaves, but not rounded, but an elongated form. In the spring bushes of the turquish decorate white flowers, which in autumn turn into small dark blue berries. There are evergreen varieties in turquish, but there are deciduous. Shrub grows slowly, so the formation of the hedge will take a certain time. Most often, the varieties of aureum, glaucum and Atrovirens, which, due to the brightness of the color of the leaves, are desirable to plant the brightness of the leaves, are preferably planting in a sunny place.

Living hedge from turquish


The laurel bush grows up to 2 m. The main advantage of this plant is adaptability to any conditions - heat, lack of water, bad or, on the contrary, too bright lighting. Lavirichni dense, glossy leathery leaves. In the fall on the bushes, red, gradually black fruit. Some species of plants are edible. The lambish is growing pretty quickly, so it will have to cut the hedge twice a year. The plant is very plastic: it can be given any form.

Ostroland Holly

Shrub tall up to 2 m, preferring plots with medium lighting and not distinguished by winter hardiness. Flowers holly with fragrant white flowers, and by autumn, it ripen the bright-red spherical fruits assembled in the brush, not falling all winter. Padub grows slowly, so it is cut it once a year.

Living hedge from Ostrovet Padub

Falling shrubs

European beech

This is one of the most sought-after shrubs, reaching a height of four or more meters. Plant prefers wet, fertile soil. The beech is growing quickly, so it has to cut it twice a year. Green in spring and summer leaves of beech to autumn yellow or blush and do not fall to the most frosts. However, the plant is subject to root rot, therefore it is important to monitor the degree of moisturizing the soil.

Grab ordinary

Because of the silver-gray bark, the Grab is sometimes called white beech. The growing column can grow both in the sun and in the shade. It blooms this plant of the birch marriage family, which gives it additional attractiveness. Grab tolerate shading, drought and the mooring of the soil, has winter hardiness and is almost never damaged by diseases and pests. It grows quickly, so they cut the elevation from the count twice the season.

Kiznicker brilliant

The Kissern grows in a height of up to 2 m. His minor leaves are located on the branches very thick. The plant relative to drought-resistant, frost-resistant, shadowfully, well branch and transfers urban gaspace, bushes at the bottom are not bald, to the composition of the soil shrub is undemanding. It has only one drawback: it needs to be cut often.

Bubble Calinolistics

The bubbleman reaches a height of 3 m. It is resistant to diseases, frost and growing very rapidly, and immediately in all directions. The shape of his leaves resemble currant, riban and even maples. At the end of June, the blossom of bubble begins, and it is covered with umbrellas from a variety of white flowers. The natural shape of the bush is a spherical, but the trimming of it can be given any form. It is best to engage in the formation at the beginning of spring, and during the leaf falling period you need to make a sanitary cleaning of the hedge. The plant is represented by varieties with leaves of different colors: Diablo, Little Destil, Coppentine - Plants with purple foliage, red in autumn; Centr GLOU - grade with burgundy gold leaves; Luteus and Darts Gold - varieties with golden leaves; Nana - bubble with bright green leaves and white flowers.


Inexpensive fast-growing plant with terrible edible berries. Present in culture in a large number of varieties and garden forms, and they all differ in winter hardiness and rapid growth, but require serious care. Strengta in November. From the varieties are the most popular captivity, purple and redtar.

Living hedge from Turn


Another ideal plant for hedge, which lives up to 300 years, does not require special care and can adapt to any conditions. The exceptions are some varieties, poorly carrying cold winter. It is planted for a hedge of three-year seedlings in a chess order, and two years after landing, at the end of April, it is necessary to crop all the bushes to a height of 20 cm. After such a radical trimming, a live fence will be much thicker. A year later, it is possible to start adjusting the shape of the bushes, and this can be done from spring to autumn. Most often, the Hawthorn Arnold, Ferry, Soft and Ordinary, planted for the creation of a living hedge.


Forzition, or foresight - amazing beauty Plant: Your garden will be gone for a month early in the spring with a gold ring of flowering bushes, and only after the completion of flowering on the shrub will begin to appear leaves. Forzing loves the sun, does not tolerate drafts and tolerate frosts. The haircut produced in June is used to give the shapes to the bushes, but a strong trimming of the plant harms. The living elevation is created from such species like European (Zhirald), ovalnoliste, droopy and medium.

Living fence from Forzition

Barbaris Tunberg

Beautiful, spectacular plant, which is beautiful both in solitary and group landing. This kind of barbaris has a huge number of varieties whose foliage can be painted into dark red, brown with a golden chip, green or purple. The height of the living hedge from Barbaris Tunberg can reach 2.5 m. In leaving the shrub is unpretentious, but the bright sun harms him. But moderately low temperatures are not terrible to him. Barbaris blooms in May, and in August or September, glossy, red, very attractive, but, unfortunately, poisonous fruits are ripening. Cut off the shrub twice for the season - in spring and autumn. For cultivation of high hedge, it is better to purchase Pink Quin, Erect and Maria varieties, and dwarf varieties of Kobold, Admiirshn, Green Carpet, Hald, Baghal and Atropurpource Nana are more suitable for growing borders.