Repairs Design Furniture

All about the host plant. Host - landing and care for the elegant beauty of the shady garden. Plant Location and Lighting

When spring comes to the ground, the slopes and meadows dressed in a green outfit. Wherever look, everywhere there are surrounded by plants, among whom the host attached. This unpretentious beauty can quickly grow up, covering the ground with a magnificent carpet.

For the first time it was discovered in the countries of the Far East. I received my name for the honor of the Australian scientist N. Host. Sometimes it is also called the old - Funkiya, named German biologist. Future.

When the host appeared on the British Islands in the 18th century, only a few rated her beauty. But, moving into America, gained real popularity. Over time, the plant has spread throughout the planet. In some Eastern countries, Funkae's flower is considered sacred. And the leaves are taken in food.

The host loves moisture, so grows on the coast of rivers and in small streams. It can be found on mountain slopes and forest glades.

General description of the plant

The host refers to the Sparzh family and is a perennial decorative plant. Its main decoration is the leaves.

Depending on the variety, they differ:

  1. Dimensions. Small, length from 5 cm. Average - 15 cm. Large - up to 40 cm.
  1. Form. Narrow options with pointed edges, long-cooled, heart-shaped and rounded. Grow from the root.
  1. Various surface plate. Leaves are smooth or textured with bright veins. Some of them are glossy and with a metallic tide. The originally watches matte options. In addition, there are wrinkled, harsh or wax specimens.
  1. Color.In nature there are hosts with leaves of all shades of green or of blue color. There are species in which white or cream leaves.

Due to the rapid growth, the host is often used as. In a short time, it can occupy the area of \u200b\u200b1 m², therefore it is used for garden design.

The flower reaches a height of 50 cm to 80 cm. However, new giant varieties have already been displayed - up to 2 meters. As well as dwarf species - 5 cm high.

Charming bells or funnel-shaped hostecles are elevated above the plant.

They are located on stable blooms in the center of the sheet outlet. Inflorescences are collected in one-sided brushes that bloom in the middle of summer. Some of them are terry, others are simple. There are:

  • bluish;
  • white;
  • purple;
  • pinkish.

After flowering, fruits appear on shoots. They are a trothed chest in which many seeds are stored. The similarity is preserved up to 1 year.

The decorative plant - the host is considered unpretentious because it perfectly transfers cold and drought. In addition, it is perfectly leaving in the shade. It may stay on one site up to 20 years, without losing its pristine beauty.

In landscape design, the host is often used as a basic background for garden flowers or low shrubs.

Unique variety of lush beauties

In the natural environment there are more than fifty different species Hosts. They are taken as a basis for many decorative varieties derived by breeders. Some of them are affected by their grace and beauty.

Host wavy

A low plant growing up to 30 cm is distinguished by oblong egg-shaped sheets. Their length reaches 20 cm, width - 13. The edges of wavy. In the center, the sheet plate is painted white or a mixture with green.

Inflorescences light purple color Grow up to 80 cm above a sheet outlet. They resemble Lily, which gives her elegance. In the nature of the host grows in forests, where there is a fertile soil.

Grade Futuna

This flower grade grows over half a meter. Its original leaflets resemble a heart. At the edges, they are cast gold, and in the center - green. With a certain light, a blue shade is manifested.

The chost bloom occurs in August. Coloros rises above the foliage to a height of 50 cm.

Lancelistic host

Sometimes such a variety is called a narrow-walled beauty. Perennial grows up to 40 cm. Leaves are usually lancetons. Edges pointed. The sun is brilliant. Color have dark green.

Purple buds climb over a storm half meter. Begins to bloom in August, the last inflorescences are thrown in the middle of autumn.

Zibold variety

Low bushes with a height of 30 cm, often please the eye in the country areas. The originality of the form is that the leaves are dense and wrinkled. Their color is pale-green, but on top of the plate is covered with waxing.

Flowerines are ascended over a back of a height of 50 cm. Buds pale purple. Flower from June to September.

White Cameled Host

A dwarf plant that grows only up to 30 cm. Sheet plate is wide, but thin. Form - Lanzetoid. Color - dark green with a white framing.

Inflorescences rise above the plant at a height of 30 cm. Buds are purple color, white or lilac. Begins to bloom in July. Latest flowers at the end of August.

Host planting

This type of host reaches up to 50 cm in height. It features large rounded leaves of a bright green color.

Huge buds are almost always white. Surprise a pleasant resistant fragrance. Begins to bloom in July, pumps at the end of summer. Heat-loving grade.

Curly host

The plant grows up to 70 cm in height. Leaves have wavy edges. Color two-color. Green center, and the edges are painted with a white wide line.

Blooms in the middle of summer. Inflorescences rise above the bush up to 50 cm. The color of the buds - light shades of purple.


Low chops up to 45 cm look original in the garden plot. The diameter of the plant is 55 cm. The leaves are distinguished by a sharp tip, about 15 cm long, and the width is 8. The color is saturated, the edge is painted with white cabin.

In high blooms (about half a meter) buds, lavender colors bloom. Flowers mostly in summer.

Swatched host

This garden giant has large heart-shaped leaves. Their length reaches 25 cm, and width - 20. The tips of the plate are pointed. Color - saturated green.

From the center of the sheet rosette rises up on 1 m Slender bloomon. Delicate lilac boutons are banging on its top.

All the varieties of hosts are classified in the color of the leaves and the size of the bushes. They are in color: green, blue, yellow and two-color. By size: miniature, dwarf, small, medium, large and giants.

Host cultivation

To grow a "queen of shadows" in the country area, there will have to make a lot of effort. One of the ways to land the host - seed sowing. Since the similarity of plant seeds is only 80%, it should be happening to affect the matter. Despite this, almost all varieties of hosts really grow from seeds. It is important to stocking material on time.

Seeds are collected at the end of August or at the beginning of autumn. During this period, the boxes acquire brown color and disclosed. If you lose the moment, the seeds dispel and you can remain with anything.

Even before sowing seeds, they need to carefully dry so that they completely lose moisture. Until the seeds are stored at a temperature not lower than 2 degrees in a dry room.

So that and care for it is not in vain, it is important to adhere to the basic rules.

First of all, the sterilization of the soil and landing capacities is carried out. This makes it possible to destroy various harmful microorganisms and fungi. The prepared soil is watered by manganese breeded in water. Then, the mass is maintained in a water bath for 30 minutes. After the procedure, the ground cool down.

A steam bath can be built if you take a big saucepan. Pour into her liquid to half, and at the top to attach the sieve with the soil. Bring water to active boiling and keep such a temperature of 30 minutes. It is desirable to cover the sieve.

Planting containers, as well as tools necessary for work, sufficiently wipe with alcohol.

To obtain good harvest Hosts from seeds, planting raw materials should be treated with growth stimulants. Then proceed to landing:

  1. Seal prepared primer using a wooden wide plank.
  2. SEM. planting material, shallow close it in the soil. Approximately 7 mm depth.
  3. We sprinkle the surface with agroperlite (crushed volcanic rock) and again we are sealing a wooden plank.
  4. Containers We put in the room where the temperature is not lower than 20 degrees.

The first shoots appear 14 days later. When leaves are already noticeable, it is important to know how to plant hosts into separate containers.

First, it is necessary to prepare a more nutrient composition of the soil, which is covered with sand from above. Then one sapling stick into each pot, covering it with a film or glass. Lower watering is used to supply moisture. Capacities put in a deep saucer with liquid so that the soil is wet under the very top.

From how to care for the host during this period depends, whether the plant will take place on open soil or not. Therefore, the plant is important to order gradually.

When seedlings are growing a little, the film or glass needs to be shot at 2 - 3 hours a day. After 10 days, it is removed at all, and the plant is put out on the street.

With the gradual tempering of the host, the initial temperature should not be below 18 degrees.

Growing the green queen of the garden from seeds should be remembered that the plant slowly grows and develops. She also loses the main signs of the variety. In this case, patience and the right attitude towards the young plant will help.

Landing hosts on the country area and care

So that the host in the garden has become a real decoration, you need to create ideal conditions for it. The most optimal option is half-directed windless place. Some varieties love a lot of light, so this fact should be taken into account. For example, if there are many white leaves or yellow color - Plant loves light. Pinsy options prefer the sun in the morning and evenings.

Considering these moments, you should wisely pick up a permanent place for the challenge beauty. The colors depicted in the photo, landing and care for which is performed competently - this is a beautiful business card of the garden plot.

A wise flower dictum understands that the plant wants to break from the summer heat in the shade. Therefore, there are high trees or shrubs nearby. Of course, you should not fall in extremes if the light will be quite a bit, the host will get sick and lose its attractiveness.

When the place is chosen and the soil is ready, medium depths are made.

So that the plant goes well on the outdoor ground, 2 or 3 hours before the planting the seedlings are poured with water.

At a distance of 30-60 cm, embarrassment of bushes little varieties Hosts. For giants - distance to 1 m.

Laying seedlings in the pits, you need to carefully separate the roots to not damage them. It is important to keep some substrate from the pot on them.

Then the plant is covered with earth. It is important to remember: the host should be in a hole 2 cm below the level of the earth's surface. The planted plant after irrigation is mulched with chopped crust.

It is advisable to perform work in mid-July so that the hosts are rooted and successfully transferred cold times.

The plant shown in the photo and the care of it does not require much effort. The people who do not particularly like to engage in land work can grow "Queens of Shadows". And for those who do not at all for this time - the host is a real find. When the plant grows, it requires minimal care. And with young seedlings will have to work a little.

Just planted bushes should be watered twice a day - in the morning and late in the evening. You need to direct the jet of water under the root, because the leaves from moisture can turn. The water pressure should not be strong so that the soil under the plant does not compact. If the tips of the leaf plate darkened, then the plant lacks moisture. This feature is an indicator of irrigation frequency.

To protect the root system of young seedlings and moisture near them, a little peat pour around the plant. Periodically, the flower can be fertilized. It is better to do the early spring or after the last flowering.

When the flower grows on a rich minerals of the soil, then it can be pumped once every 3 years. To do this, it is better to use humus. Fertilizer in late autumn as an element of mulching. scattered after a good shower or thorough watering.

Fertilizers in liquid form are used only until the middle of the summer period. If you bring them longer, the flower will actively increase fresh leaves. As a result, it will not have time to switch to the preparation for the cold period.

So that the bushes of perennial looked attractive, experienced gardeners remove young bloomrs and missing leaves. In this form, the flower looks well-groomed and decorate country cottage area. The matured plant tightly closes the soil around him, so it does not need regular weeding from weeds.

Diseases and pests of charming host

If the "queen of the shadows" suffered from spring frosts, it is amazed by fungus. The disease is manifested in dark-yellow spots on the sheet plate.

The pests sometimes suffer from pests. In this case, such copies should be digging out of beds to protect healthy flowers. Soil necessarily disinfect.

No less dangerous for the flower are caterpillars that in a short time can destroy all the leaves. In addition to them, the plant is striking grasshoppers or beetles. After their invasion, the flower resembles a sweat warrior, returned from the battlefield. You can deal with them only with the help of insecticides.

When the plant is provided with competent care and pest protection, it will be happy to please their owners. And the garden will turn into a favorite place of pleasure.

If you decide to revitalize your household plot, giving him nobility, then best Plantthan hostYou do not find.

In total in nature numbered more than 200 varieties and about 40 species of funki (Second host name).

The popularity of the gardeners this perennial won thanks unpretentious, ease of care, and, of course, unusual appearance. Host Flowers is not released every year, but the bush itself is very decorative.

Description of hosts, varieties and varieties

relating to the Sparazhevy family. I received my name in honor of the famous Austrian botany N. Khosta.

The birthplace of funki is Sakhalin, Kuriles, the Far East (southern part), as well as the East Asian regions (Japan, China).

In Europe, the host got only late XIX. in. And at first, it was grown in botanical gardens, but gardeners were interested in it soon.

The beauty of this magnificent plant is not in colors, but in leaves, which, depending on the variety, can have various forms and shades: from the heart-shaped to round and long, from green to white and golden.

By color gamma The following host flowers distinguish:

  • Yellow;
  • blue with a tinge of the SIZO;
  • variagates (this group includes funki, bordered by light stripes, as well as pedestrol);
  • green;
  • medissargal (have light leaflets with green edges).

In addition, gardeners growing this plant in the open soil, classify varieties in size:

  • Giant - grow up to 70 cm;
  • large - up to 55-7- cm;
  • average - up to 30-50 cm (the most numerous group);
  • small up to 16-25 cm;
  • miniature - up to 10-15 cm;
  • dwarf - up to 10 cm.

The main species used including for selection

  • Wavy. In appearance resembles a ball of white-green color, densely covered with wavy leaves.
  • Swollen. It has a rapid green leaf of a light green shade. This kind of host looks most brightly in landscape design.
  • High. Has big green leaves. Reaches a height of 90 cm.
  • Curchase. Leaves wide, with white border.
  • Plantain. Grow up to 50 cm, has glossy bright green leaves.

In one place, the fun can grow about 25 years, while its beauty is only enhanced. Therefore, putting this plant once in my garden and spending a little effort, in the future you can simply provide the host opportunity to grow and develop yourself. In addition, this magnificent perennial has the property of displacing less severe plants, which means that there will be no weeds on your site.

Use Host

All the varieties and varieties of the plant are ideal for creating floral compositions, as their unusual bright large leaves retain their freshness for a long time and look beautifully in a bouquet.

Another interesting feature of the plant is the maximum resistance to the damage to garden pests. The damage of the funki can cause only slugs, and even then only in the case of the placement of perennials in the raw scene. It follows to fight with such pests, that is, just collect them and destroy.

Host: landing and care in open soil

Includes several stages.

Acquisition of planting material

Here, too, there are some nuances that you need to know the gardener:

  • By purchasing planting material in a specialized store, pay attention to the state of the root system: the rhizomes should be healthy, strong, with a normally developed sheet kidney.
  • It is not recommended to buy plants with already existing foliage, since it weakens the root system and the plant is subsequently developing worse.
  • Of course, on sale sometimes there is already ready-made seedlings, which has several leaves, but in practice such hosts are harmful. Therefore, it is still better to acquire exactly the rhizomes.
  • Some complexity also represents planting a plant ordered by the Internet: sometimes by mail comes already overgrown material. It is not worth keeping such a host, it is better to immediately plant at least a pot, if not ready for the ground on the site.
  • Rhizomes are not yet revealed by the kidney before landing can be stored in the refrigerator.

At the second stage, we choose a landing place.

Host's locations

Since the plant does not like excessive illumination, it is recommended to plant it in a half or shadow.

Some species can grow and under the outdoor sun, however, while they have a change in the color of the leaves, and the volatile funns having a white pattern may suffer from burns. It should also be borne in mind that the best of all this perennial grows on wet areas. If the soil dries quickly, the plant needs to watered more often.

Host, landing and care for which the following rules are compliance:


Be sure to conduct the procedure for mulching the Earth in the root area, using for this sawdust or chopped wood bark.

In our case, the mulch performs a double function: first, protects the young plant from snails and slugs, secondly, it helps to maintain the necessary moisture in the soil. Rough mulch serves an insurmountable obstacle for soft pests.

Modifying this multi-year beauty in the following ways:

  • Seeds. This method is used very rarely due to low efficiency: young bushes are formed for four years, besides, the plants do not preserve their varietal qualities.
  • Division bushbut.
  • Shining.

The cuttings are separated from the main plant in the spring-summer period, that is, from May to August. For this purpose, young shoots with a heel having small leaves are taken. To reduce evaporation, these leaves are immediately trimmed by 1/3. Plant cuttings in a pronted place.

It happens that after disembarking a plant shows signs of wilting and illness. You should not be afraid, because it is possible that after 2-3 days the situation will work out. Care for young bushes is their regular irrigation and spraying.

The division is carried out at the beginning of autumn (September) or early spring. Each delena must contain 1-2 sheet outlets.

The landing is produced in abundantly, the depth of which is 0.2 m., The distance between the seedlings is about 30-35 cm.

Despite the famous unpretentiousness, the host still needs to be delicted.

It is very important to water the plant in a timely manner, perform feeding and trimming.


Water the host abundantly and often. It is advisable to do it in the morning, before the occurrence of heat. For irrigation, the dilated water is used.

Make sure that the soil in the roasting area is always wet. However, it should not be allowed, since this may cause the development of fungal infection.

Care of hosts in the regions with changeable climatic conditions, including in the Urals implies the mandatory control of the insurgent of the humidity of the soil. Couples are watered only after drying the top layer of the soil, otherwise it is possible to upload the root system.


In principle, the host does not need additional nutrition, except when it grows on a non-fermentation poor soil. The fertilizer is ideal for the infusion of a cowboy, mixed with a small amount of potassium sulfate, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate. Fertilizer is brought 3 times / season: mid-April, end of May and end of July (after flowering).

Mineral fertilizers in granules are brought after abundant irrigation or the past rain. This contributes to the best appliance of feeding. The fertilizer should be scattered with extreme caution, following the granules not to fall on the foliage and did not provoke burns.

From mid-July, the feeders stop, as it can provoke an active growth of new leaves, as a result of which the plant will not have time to prepare for winter and can freeze.


Pruning plants are carried out before the start of frosts (in autumn). The procedure consists only in removing the coloring. Leaves for winter. All rotten parts of the plant (roots and leaves) are removed in the spring.

Many gardeners, especially newcomers, make a big mistake, trying to hide the host for the winter with the fallen leaves.

On the one hand, it seems convenient, because the dead remains of the plant will serve as a good mulching material, as well as excellent fertilizer. However, few people come to mind that at the same time under the bushes, foci of developing diseases and possible pests are preserved.

It is best to hide the host with a spruce noodle, and with the onset of spring the soil under the overwhelming plant thoroughly process, in order to prevent the development of the egg laying of the garden slim.

The main task of the flower is the complete saving of bushes until the next season. As soon as the host end the flowering period, all the blooms should be removed, which will allow the plant easier to transfer the winter and keep strength for the future season.

Ignoring this rule can lead to the formation of unnecessary seeds, as a result of which the plant weakens.

As already mentioned, you should not feed the plant before wintering. The last time fertilizers contribute in July-mid-August. At the same time, the mulching of the soil by organica is allowed from mid-October, which will protect the roots from the frozen.

A dry grass and wood sawdust, peat are most often used as a covering material. Mulching components are first processed from possible diseases or pests or sterilized.

For processing, you can use the following tools:

  • T. abacious dust - It is the main enemy for adoring the hostess of the slug.
  • Phytosporin-M.. The drug protects plants from fungal and bacterial infections.

Diseases and pests

Host is rarely subjected to diseasesHowever, very often the plant attacks storm nematodes and slugs. The latter actively eaten the foliage, which represents a serious danger to the bushes of the host.

To combat pests, you can use shallow bowl bowls, placed around the plants or purchase a finished bait (thunderstorm means). These traps are installed in the root area overnight and in the morning they collect slugs there.

The appearance of pests can be avoided by sprinkling the land around the host shells or chopped shells.

Stroke nematodes also affect the leaflets of the plant, leaving behind wide brown strips. Noticing such traces should urgently remove all the amazed leaves, and the bush himself to transplant to another place, having previously treated the rhizome weak solution of manganese.

Despite the fact that the host is a moisture-loving plant, yet excess of moisture can lead to the development of diseases such as phillosticosis, root and gray rot. With the damage to the gray rot, there is a rotting of the tips of the leaves. All patients are removed, and the host itself is processed by a burglar solution with a burgundy liquid.

To get rid of the root rot, it is necessary to dig up a bush, cut off the affected areas of the rhizomes and transplant the host to a new place, pre-lowered the root into a weak solution of manganese.

If you have noticed red-brown spots on the leaves of the plant, it means that Fillostikosis struck the fun. Here will help treatment with a drug of ABIG peak or vertra, as well as colloidal gray.

The hosts look great in group landings, in water bodies and in mountaineering. Compliance with all rules and recommendations for landing the host and care for it will give you an excellent opportunity to admire the beauty and magnificity of the hosts both in the garden or in the country and when using this beauty as decorating borders. And some dwarf species of funki are even able to decorate your windowsill.

Hosta (Hosta) is a representative of perennial herbatous plants And refers to the Sparazhev family. It received its name in honor of the famous Austrian botany N.Host. The plant also has a second, less well-known name - Funkiya. The host of the host is represented by numerous varieties and species.

The place of origin of the host is considered to be the territory of Japan and China, as well as Kuril, Sakhalin and the southern part of the Far East. To determine exactly when this plant was open, it is impossible. In Europe, it was delivered only in the 19th century. The host received its distribution among the gardeners soon, but was originally grown only in the greenhouse conditions of botanical gardens.

How to plant a chost flower

The host is an unpretentious plant, so it can grow well in a shaded place. The only condition - the plant should be protected from the impact of strong wind and drafts. Color leaves affects the landing site of the host. So the plant with green monophonic or blue leaves will feel good in the shade well, while the host with the motley leaves should land on brightly illuminated places, but without hitting the straight burning rays of the sun.

Host is also unpretentious to the composition of the soil. But if you need to grow a strong, lush and beautiful plant, the land must be fertile and well moisture and breathable. The host will not be able to grow on the swampy lands. Hosts seedlings can be planted in an open ground as in the fall in early September, and in the spring in April-early May.

Cricheard under the host should be well enough. Wells need to do shallow, they should be from each other at a distance of about 40-50 cm. If the variety has big leaves, then this distance should be increased. Each well must contain a good drain layer. For him, the broken pine bark is suitable or small stones. Next, the drainage layer is sprinkled universal fertilizer For decorative-deciduous plants, and on top put off the host, gently painting her roots. Next, the planted plant needs to thoroughly pour and fall asleep the well sawdust so that the water does not evaporate too quickly from the surface.


It is not difficult to care for the host. Watering should be abundant and frequent. It is necessary to water in the morning until it came in heat, the earth should always be wet, but without water stagnation, otherwise the plant will be affected by fungal diseases.

Feeding and fertilizer

It is necessary to feed the host only if it grows on a non-fermented soil. Then you need to make fertilizers at least three times in the season of its growth and flowering. The first time falls in mid-April, the second - at the end of May, the third - at the end of July. For feeding, it is suitable for fertilizer for decorative and deciduous plants and natural organic fertilizersDiluted with a small amount of potassium sulfate, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate.

Laying soil

The soil looser needs to be carried out very carefully, since the roots of the plant are too close to the surface of the Earth. Many gardeners refuse loosening at all so as not to damage the root system of the host, but replace its mulching. Mulched soil retains moisture well.


Before the onset of colds, the flowerons are cut off, and the leaves do not touch.

Host transplant in autumn

Each autumn an \u200b\u200badult plant is subject to transplanting and dividing the bush. Coloros are removed, the plant is extracted from the ground and divided into parts, each of which should contain 2 outlets and an independent root system. Have time to sear the host you need to have time until mid-September. Before the onset of cold weather, transplanted plants should have time to take care and prepare for winter cold.

Soil for transplant should be loose and fertile. Immediately after landing, the well with a plant is well moistened and mulched with sawdust or sand. Plant planted at a distance of about 30 cm from each other so that the hostesses of the hosts for the next year could grow freely and develop. The host can not be transplanted every year. At the same place, the bush can successfully grow about 20 years.

Preparation of colors for winter

It is important to properly prepare the host to wintering. To do this, flowerons are cut, the soil around the plant falls asleep with leaves. The leaves themselves are not cut off. The first falling snow can be used for additional shelter of the plant.

The host can be multiplied by one of the three ways below.

Reproduction by dividing the bush They spend early spring in April or in autumn in September after flowering. Before removing the plant is abundantly watered. An adult bush is divided into parts. Each part must contain at least two sockets. Separate the processes at a distance of about 40 cm from each other.

Reproduction with cuttings. To do this, take any process that has its own root system, separated from an adult plant and planted in a shadow, cover with a plastic bottle. A few days later, the cuttings can be resettled at a permanent place.

Promptation of hosts seeds is the most difficult way. For this plant is characterized by very low germination. Before planting seeds, you need to soak in the growth stimulator solution. The soil for the landing should be sterile.

It is necessary to drain the seeds in the pot in April, they are a little sprinkled with the earth and leave at a temperature of about 25 degrees for germination. Capacity with seeds need to be covered with glass or film, periodically venting and moisturize. Seeds germinate in about 2-3 weeks.

Sprouts need to be kept with a bright scattered light, periodically moisturize. After two full-fledged leafs appear, the sprouts can be divened. But it is important to remember that with this method of breeding the host will grow very slowly.

The host with success can be used in the design of the garden. Her beautiful leaves unusual forms And the colors will complement the landscape design and dilute the flowering riot of other plants. The host with a small height can be used to decorate the first plan of the flower bed and the Alpine slides. It looks good together with a decorative stony basis.

The host can be decorated fountain, pond or artificially created by water. Khost can be arranged borders garden tracks. With it, they will be broken down by the flower at the sector, so that in the future in the free areas it was possible to plant annual plants. The host is not necessarily combined with other plants. It will look very beautiful and the form of carpet solid coverage. Many gardeners make a host under fruit trees.

The host will be good to combine practical with any garden crops, be it lily, balsamines, fern, geranium or muscari. It also benefits coniferous plantings.

The host is a rather stable plant to disease and pests, but still it can be amazed by slugs or nematodes.

Comforting with slugs is quite difficult. To do this, it is best to use bait preparations purchased in a specialized store. Slugs can be caught up with the help of traps prepared at home. For this tank with beer, be buried next to the plant. At night, these trap baits will collect almost all pests. So that the slugs could not get to the hosts, the soil around them need to be filled with an egg shell or a broken seven.

With damage to the plant with nematodes on the leaves, brown stripes are formed. In this case, all the affected parts of the plant are removed and transplant it to a new place, previously treated the roots with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

If water will constantly be in the roots of the host, then the plant can get gray (brown) rot or philosticosis. Host, infected with rot, starts dropping sick leaves. The root system will also suffer. It is possible to deal with the disease by treating the plant in a solution of potassium permanganate and a transplant to a new place.

Fillosticosis manifests itself on the leaves of plants in the form of red-brown spots. You can save the host by treating it with a VRTRA.

All varieties and types of hosts are divided by two parameters: depending on the size of the plant and the color of the leaves.

Over color: Host green, chop yellow, hostoy blue, hall of Variam and Medicatics.

To size: Dwarf (up to 10 cm), miniature (10-15 cm), small (16-25 cm), medium (26-50 cm), large (51-70 cm), giant (from 70 cm).

Among gardeners, the most favorite varieties are considered:

Host curling - Miniature view with the leaves of the heart-shaped shape, the edges are sharp, slightly wavy, and the tips are rounded. On the edge of the sheet there is a white cut. The length of each leaflet is no more than 16 cm. The flowering time of curly host - the period from July to August. Flowers with non-explosion colors of purple shade, assembled in a tank on a high bloomon.

Host Zibold - For this, the varieties are characterized by large dense to the touch of the leaves reaching about 35 cm in length and about 25 cm in width. The leaves have a dark green color, and the surface of them is covered with a whitish wax layer. Flowers in the form of inflorescences on high blurry bells of pale purple color. The flowering period is July.

Host Thoutuna - In appearance in many ways, it is similar to the Zibold host, but it has a much smaller size of the leaves. Color leaves - dark green, there is also a wax fall on them. The length of each sheet is about 13 cm. The floweros reaches significant sizes. Blossom is observed in August with purple shada.

Host wavy - got its name thanks to an unusually beautiful wavy leaves, reaching the length of about 20 cm. The flowers are high enough - about 80 cm. Flowers in shape resemble the bells of a light lilac shade.

Host planting - He has a height of up to 70 cm, bright green leaves, glossy and shiny, rounded shape and thin to the touch. Flowers in August, releasing high inflorescence. Flowers are not obvious, white shade.

Host high - Leaves are dense to the touch, dark green, are attached to the plant with long stuffs. Flowers in the form of a low bloom with a dense inflorescence. Tubular flowers, purple shade. Flowers in the second half of August.

Host bloated - It has round leaves of a dark green color, the length of each sheet is about 25 cm, and the width is about 20 cm. In the height of the host, it can reach about 80 cm. The flowering occurs at the end of July in the form of inflorescences located on a long bloomer. Flowers small, purple shade.

Host Plant Care (Video)

Fuquia or host is a decorative and beautiful plant. Distinctive feature: large and fleshy leaves with different shape and sizes, depending on the variety. The plant is well adapted to new cultivation conditions, so the pounds can be grown on depleted and deprived of moisture soils. It is well tolerating a short-term decrease in temperature and perfectly fits into a common landscape.

If you look at the funkiu, which grows in natural conditions, then we can say that this is a giant plant. Leaves are very large and thick, spread. The host looks somewhat mysterious. Only in one place you can see several kinds of plants, because they quickly cross in and as a result new variations are formed.

Host Flower - Description

The plant is not large, so the host can be grown at home. There are many varieties of this plant, adapted varieties - which can be grown on the open soil and plants that are designed for growing in pots.

There are more than 60 types of herbaceous perennial plants. They refer to the Sparazhev family, but earlier this type of plants attributed to another family: "Lily".

The name of the host is unusual, thanks to the surname of Botany from Austria, who paid a lot of attention to the reproduction and development of this plant. Previously, the flower was called a lounge. The country of East Asia, as well as the southwestern part of the Far East, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin are considered to be the birthplace of this plant. Despite the excellent survival rate, even in a lack of liquid, the host can be found more on the soils rich in moisture. The plant feels perfectly near the shores of water bodies and on the slopes of the mountains. Also the host grows on the edges.

In Japan, this plant is honored and even considered sacred, some parts of the plant Japanese are used in cooking to prepare delicacies.

The plant is low, the rosette type, grows in the form of small, but rather dense bushes with roasting large and fleshy leaves. Roots thickened with branches - roots-threads.

Since in nature there are more than 60 varieties of this plant and more than 4 thousand varieties (!), The leaves may differ not only with sizes, but also by the form. You can find miniature samples, with small leaves, no more than 5 cm, with different shape and color. The color of the leaves can be both light green and dark with the transition to a grayish blue shade.

In some species, the leaves may not be monophonic color, but with patterns: with white stripes, light stripes or strokes. Patterns can be diverse in shape and length. Interestingly, depending on the variety of plants and cultivation conditions, the form of leaves may change: the edge can be smooth, sharply outlined or vice versa, wavy.

The colors of the host are beautiful, somehow resemble lilies, different coloring. Despite the attractiveness of flowers, all the same hosts are more attracting eyes with their dense rooted outlets. In diameter, they can reach a meter!

The plant is unpretentious and hardy, distinguished by stability - from the moment the leaves unfold (this happens in the end of spring) and until the end of October, the plant pleases with its unusual beauty.

Vorts and types of hosts

In landscape design, plants are very popular, there are more than 4 thousand hybrid varieties, but only some deserve special attention, as they served as the basis for creating new varieties of the plant.

Types of host:

  • Curly, growth up to 60 cm. Maximum, leaves are very broad and dark coloring with white, clear and beautiful border.
  • High - in growth reaches almost to a meter, the same large and dark leaves.
  • Thunderstang - in height, an adult plant grows up to only 50 cm, a kime of a gentle-cream shade, juicy leaves, bright green.
  • Zibold - the growth of the plant is slightly greater than half a meter, the leaves are large with the veins.
  • Wavy - growth up to 75 cm, beautiful wavy leafs with white mid and patterns.
  • Planting host - large bright and glossy leaves, the plant is low, only 50 cm.

All varieties are classified by type:

  1. Coloring plants.
  2. The size of the leaves.

If we consider separately the first group, then it includes 5 species of plants, which differ in color of the leaves: blue, yellow, green, volatile (with a border on the edge of the leaf of a light shade) and on the contrary, the leaves are light, and the border is dark green.

Plant dimensions by groups:

  • 1 Group: Dwarf. it room flower The host, grows as much as possible to 10 cm. Leaves are gray-blue, the form of leaves is similar to the ears of the mouse;
  • 2 Group: Miniature, 5 cm more dwarfs with leaflets of green, yellowish or blue shades;
  • 3 Group: Small, in growth reached from 16 cm and up to 25 cm maximum. Saturated green leaves color with white or yellowish stripe. There are also varieties with blue leaves;
  • 4 Group: Medium hosts, growth up to 50 cm maximum. Dark color leaves with light middle. There are varieties with white leaves, but over time they are darker;
  • 5 Group: Large plants, up to 70 cm with leaves of different shapes and coloring: smooth, stamps, with light border and strokes;
  • 6 Group - huge, giant plants, the height of more than 70 cm with different colors with leaves and shape. Distinctive feature: thick and large leaves. A wide range of gold can be held around the edge, hosts are found with bluish leaves around the edge and a green middle.

How to grow a host at home

Host home - the plant is unpretentious, well adapts to any conditions and this flower can be called a plant for lazy.

Methods of breeding:

  • seeds;
  • stalling;
  • dividing bush.

Consider all methods of breeding hosts at home

If you seriously decide to breed this plant and grow a host from seeds at home, it is necessary to pay special attention to the preparation of seeds.

Preparation of seeds and cultivation of the host at home:

  1. Before sowing seeds in the pots, they need to soak for 30 minutes in the juice juice or any other growth stimulator. For example, the corneeling or epin is suitable. The fact is that the seeds are very weak and they have a bad germination. Therefore, experts advise to do so or temper the seeds with cold: for 4 weeks to withstand in the cold.
  2. The sterile substrate is also an important moment, there should be no microorganisms and fungus in the soil, since the seedlings although they will rise, but will be weak and painful. For this reason, experts are recommended to purchase a ready-made substrate in the store. It is necessary to add vermiculite, peat or perlite. Or immediately buy a substrate with these components.
  3. Processing Pot - mandatory procedure. The pot needs to wipe the heatman or alcohol solution. After that, you can proceed to filling the pot prepared pre-substrate (moisturizing). At the bottom you need to pour a little drainage and put the moistened soil. From above, scatter seeds and close the small layer of the earth, a thickness of about 1 cm or a little less. A slight seal is allowed, so that moisture from the soil is not evaporated too quickly. But for the preservation of moisture, you still need to cover the pot with a package or glass flask, can be plastic cutting bottle.
  4. The temperature of the soil at this stage should be no lower than +18 degrees, and even better - up to +25 degrees. Then shoots will appear faster. It is necessary to wait for the first germination for 2-3 weeks.
  5. Seedlings are still weak, so they need to be protected from direct sunlight. It is necessary to delete condensate timely and ensure timely watering.
  6. Seeds feel great in a shaded place until the first germs, then they need more light.
  7. Host picking - as soon as the first pair of leaves appears. Then you can put seedlings into individual pots.
  8. Put a drainage, a layer of shop soil and from above - a small sacred sand.
  9. Moisten the first time the seedlings are needed by the lower irrigation: pour water into the pallet, put the pot into it and wait until it gets in a fit of the soil.
  10. Hardening seedlings: film can be removed for 1-2 hours during the day, leave the plants outdoors if the temperature on the street is optimal (not lower than +18 degrees and there is no impetuous wind).
  11. Home Host Flower is slow, so you need to be patient, and still take into account the factors that from the seed of the host can lose varietal signs. Therefore, you should not count on the shape of leaves, color and patterns.

One of the most common and simple ways The reproduction of this plant is the method of drawing and dividing the bush. If it is an adult plant, age from 4 years, it perfectly transfers division and development and growth this procedure will not affect. If you perform manipulation at an early age, it is possible to brake growth rates. But it all depends on the variety of plants and climate. Some hosts will perfectly postpone the division procedure, and some will need a long recovery period for 1-2 years.

Features of the breeding of the host by shifting:

  1. Dates: the end of summer or spring. But you can propagate the host with the onset of spring and up to the middle of the autumn, that is, the whole warm period. As soon as the shoots appear, the early spring host must be carefully digped by the forks, so as not to damage the rhizomes and the sharp knife or shovel carefully divided into several parts.
  2. How to divide the rhizomes forks: you need to insert a pitchfork, to reduce and push - this method will allow not so much injured the plant, as when dividing a sharp knife.
  3. Some gardeners are in no hurry to dig a bush entirely, and carefully separate a small triangle from an adult plant. The resulting fuel is filled with fertile soil.
  4. If accidentally, when you divided the bush, broke the root, but the shoots remained a piece of rhizomes, do not worry. You need to put the cuttings in the greenhouse, put in the shade and cover the plastic bottle (transparent). A few weeks later, the young plant should be rooted.
  5. So that the host fit faster, the cuttings need to cut off the foliage by half.

Planting the host to the vase at home

In order to plant a seedling or cutlets separated from an adult plant, it is necessary to prepare the soil and pot. The container must be roomy and approach the size of the plant. Therefore, at the initial stage you need to know what kind of variety you are dealing with. Not all varieties of host can be grown at home in pots and vases. There are special varieties adapted for growing in room conditions.

Preparation for landing:

  1. The vase or pot take a medium size, given the fact that as the plant should have to transplant into larger vase. The pot must be a hole for drain.
  2. We prepare a fertile mixture, drainage. Soil requirements: optimum humidity, weakly acid or neutral to be a good drainage. Plants do not like heavy soils and sand.
  3. At the bottom of the pot you need to pour drainage, then fill in half the soil and insert the rhizome with a cutlets or put in the center of the seedling. Carefully fill in all the free space around the ground, slightly tamping her with my fingers. The soil is used for planting pre-moistened (2 hours before the landing, we water well).
  4. If it is a landing with the division of the bush, then you need to remove all damaged and dry roots.
  5. We choose a place: the host must be put in such a place so that the pots do not heat the straight sunshine. Rhizomes do not withstand heating and can even get burns. The plant will feel perfectly feeling in a half and in the place where there are no drafts.
  6. When choosing a place of cultivation, focus on the fact that if the leaves are bright and with a strip / ornament, the plant will need more light. If the color is made, then it is halftime, but in the morning and in the evening the sun illuminated the host. If it is a view with the leaves of the blue shade, then landing the host only in the shaded place. Such types of the sun is only a couple of hours a day.
  7. Watering is moderate as soon as notice that the soil began to push.
  8. In the warm season, the pots can be taken to the balcony or loggia, and with the onset of cold weather, put into the room. Hosts will feel good in a dry and cool room.
  9. IN winter Watering comes down to a minimum, but the soil drying is unacceptable. Therefore, check the soil once every 4 weeks. Watering light.
  10. With the onset of spring hosts faster wake up at home than those that remained wintering in the open soil. If you see that the plant does not wake up and does not go into growth, leave the host in the room until it warmer. In the afternoon, you can pull out pots with plants on fresh air, and for the night to take back, since the nights in the spring are still cold.

Host - Home Care

Actually care for the flower at home is not difficult, but here the opinions of specialists and flower water diverges, as some believe that the host will start with time, as it is more adapted for growing in the open ground, and other specialists believe that with all favorable conditionsThe plant can delight for 10-15 years.

Host Flower - How to Care:

  • for growing on the windowsill, small varieties of plants are suitable. And at least the host does not apply to evergreen plantsstill try to try;
  • experts recommend cleaning the flower into the basement, where the temperature will not be lower than +2 degrees. It is necessary in order for the plant to take place the same phases of development, then in the open soil;
  • do I need to transplant the host in large pot? If it is a dwarf plant, then it is enough to immediately plant seedlings into a spacious pot. And if the plant is medium in size, you will need a greater pot as we grow up. The host tolerates the transplant well, but there were cases when the plant had a bad shot in a new place. Because of this, the mass was lost, the bloom was not so long;
  • adult plants feel well on shaded windowsill, but they periodically need sunlight. But it should be not straight sun rays;
  • if some rare variety of a dwarf host was acquired, then it is undesirable to share a bush into several elements to plant plants and thus propagate. The host does not accept this and may not take care or will be rooted for a long time. If you have purchased a host in a container, then it needs to be grown in it until a strong root system has been developed. And then decide what to do next: leave both or transplant to open soil;
  • when growing in pots, each flower, I want a bush to look neat and crawled to the sides. Therefore, the blooms need to be broken. Otherwise, when flowering is over, the plant can fall apart. And more: a few years later, the host will still grow strongly, so it needs to be divided: separating young cuttings from the root and put them in a new place.

Host home: Diseases and pests

Since the plant is grown at home, the hostele pests are not scary. But this plant is subject to illness not only when growing in the open ground, but also in pots. The host is very susceptible to the virus X - on the leaves there are small yellow dots or stains. If the plant is ill, it will have to be thrown, because the neighboring hostes in pots can be infected. It is also necessary to get rid of gloves and the entire tool that was used in the work. Disinfect the tool, but the pots are better replaced with new ones.

Another disease of the host - follystyractose, when large brown brown with yellow spots appear on the leaves. Over time, they will begin to merge with each other, a flight is formed on the surface. Spores are affected by all the plant, including the flowers. Soil also infects, so you need to completely get rid of such a plant and throw away the pot.

Spraying by fungicides will help protect the plant from infection.


The last 2-3 years in Canada and the United States became a very popular decorative teothelubivy perennial - host. Our landscape designers also picked up this trend. But it turns out that the plant has been known for a long time and love our moms and grandmothers, for us it is not a proven fashionista, but a familiar modest, which decorates gardens on second roles. Landing and care for the host of different varieties differ significantly, so the novice gardener needs to know the nuances before buying a type of flower.

Features of growing hosts

The host is a grassy perennial of Asian origin, which has become the usual decoration of our gardens another 30-40 years ago. She is a close relative of the Lilynik, who many gardeners love for unpretentiousness and ability to grow in the most unfavorable conditions. But in recent years, in the official classification of the host or as it is also called the funkiya is in the Sparazhev family.

Looking at this diverse flowerbed it is difficult to note that all plants here belong to one type

The host is a real salvation for gardens with wet subline earth and significant shading. In such ideal conditions, this plant covers the whole area allocated to it with a thick carpet of large green, salad, golden-yellow and even bluish-buty leaves.

Among the perennial herbs, the host is considered a long-liver, because its age can reach 25 years and even more. The peak of decorative socket reaches aged 4-5 years, and to 8-10 manages to become even more beautiful, showing the varietal nuances. It's nice that even in the old 30-year-old age, this plant retains its beauty.

Plant decorative features

In the landscape design of the host, it is valued for its incredibly diverse large ornamental leaves, a wide crown and for unusual decorative plants of teotalemability. Flowers at the host appear in summer and autumn, these are modest inflorescences in the form of several bells on a common stem. Lilac petals color, sometimes dark purple or white.

Fluesk-shaped bells - Standard shape of host buds

The breeders paid focus on the foliage of the hosts - various varieties will provide you with a range of dozens of shades of the crown, and the form of leaves can be an elongated, oval, heart-shaped with almost imperceptible or reliefly dedicated streaks.

The natural habitat of the host - river coast, so it looks harmonious and grows well next to decorative ponds, fountains, swamp, streams. At the same time, the host is combined with any other moisture-loving residents of the site and does not oppress the growth of other crops. If the soil of your area is rather wet, you can use the host to edge borders, emphasizing the bends of the garden tracks and the occurrence of recreation areas, is only important not to allow its roots to grow strongly on the parties.

Host is just perfect for the bodie

The main function of the host in landscape design is the filling of the empty space and the creation of the background for more ornamental plants. But often plants giants are used in single landings with supplement with snaps or gravel. In the shady corners you can create compositions from different varieties of host. Due to the variety of varieties of this plant, such groups will not be boring.

Fluffy host and high decorative plants - the perfect combination for flower beds

Want to play contrast - dilute the hosts in Russian or cereals. These plants perfectly emphasize each other's features.

In addition to landing in the open soil, the host is often grown in the tub. Her lush crown looks great in high narrow pots, creating an interesting decorative contrast. This is a good way out for those who want to grow a short or dwarf host in zones with a harsh climate, for example, in the Krasnodar Territory.

The host for the host should have a thermos property to prevent the root of the roots in winter. For this, the plant is planted in a small pot with the obligatory addition of water-retaining materials on the bottom of the container (the construction perlite is suitable). This tube is installed in the main, decorative and fill the space between them with any construction heat insulator. In such a container, the host can without problems and is not afraid of soil overheating in summer.

The host is not very well suited for exquisite landscape designBut perfectly fits into more democratic styles - landscape, Japanese. In addition, the appropriate tube can turn it into one of the garden raisins.

Thanks to the neighborhood of the host and the clearing, a modest mixture looks more winned than a pink shrub

The problem of jewelry of shady corners has become one of the most sharp when planning a homeland territory. It so happened that most of the free shreds of the Earth in a small area were in the shadow of the buildings. In the solar zone, the beds with tomatoes, cucumbers and greens are firmly settled, and the half-life is busy berry bushes (I repent, with the inclusions of decorative to the detriment of practicality) and crumbling-flower. In the shadow, it did not want to grow anything, except for sub rule weeds. For some time she had hope to plant their honeysuckle, but for her light it was not enough. Barberry attached there on the occasion of Barbaris lost because of this location of a fair share of its attractiveness. If you had similar problems, you will be easy to understand what the first meeting with the host - Telebivile (and not just a tenestable) decorative and a flowering plant led me. Literally on the same day, all online stores were shared and in the end of the incredible variety of options picked up a couple of varieties for themselves - a spectacular Ferst Frost and a more practical host with an irreanty title swollen. While landing early - waiting for the start of sales and receiving the parcel. But I already want to quickly take up the spring troubles and give the host the opportunity to decorate the unattractive zone near the Hozblock. Judging by the statements of consultants from the store, happiness is no longer around the corner.

Video: Host in flower beds

For which climate is suitable for fun

In the nature of the host occurs in the heat-moderate climatic zone (China, Korea, Japan), in the south-west of the Far East, Kurilla and Sakhalin Island. Interestingly, the Japanese put out the punchy not only for the decor, but also use shoots to eat.

Despite the fact that the host came to us from Asia, the climate of the middle strip is simply ideal for it. It perfectly feels like a rainy cool summer and is able to successfully survive a harsh winter. The cold-resistant culture allows you to successfully grow it in the middle lane of the Russian Federation, but for more northern regions it is worth carefully pick up varieties or prefer the cultivation in the tub. Important: the host even in containers will not live in the house, for normal development it needs a change of warm and cold periods.

The host is difficult to carry dry air, constant and strong sunlight, lowering soil moisture. Therefore, in the regions with a sharp continental climate, it grows not so magnificent and requires more thorough care. If you are trying to grow a host in the Kuban, you have to work hard, creating acceptable conditions for it.

Mulching - a great way to provide a host to a steadily high soil moisture

The host's soil pH is not demanding, adapts both to excessive acidity (pH 6-6.5) and to the cloth (pH 7.5-8). But the air permeability and the presence of nutrients are important, therefore, without loosening and feeding, a green pet will not cost. Dense clay and dry sandy soil are detachious for the host, in such conditions, even large varieties are minced, and with insufficient watering or water is dying.

Popular varieties with photos

The gardeners do not necessarily know in detail the range of plants, and even nerds are often confused in the pedigree host. But it is important to distinguish some features that indicate the possibilities and needs of your chosen culture. For example, plants with dense fiber leaves are removed for lighted areas and lightweight, and a dark tender crown with thin sheet plates is characteristic of varieties that love shadow and can get a sunburn due to contact with straight rays.

Landscape design is also important to consider the size of the plant. According to official classification, the hosts are divided into miniature (mini - up to 10 cm), dwarf (D - 10-15 cm), small (S - 15-25 cm), medium (M - 25-45 cm), large (L - 45 -70 cm) and gigantic (G - over 71 cm). Seeing the landing material label such an alphabetic markings you can determine the possible height of an adult plant.

The most interesting varieties:

  • SUM AND SUBSTANCE (END SABSTENS itself) - this is a hostal giant with unusual frequency for this type. The height of the plant reaches 85-90 cm with a diameter of 200 cm, and the size of a separate heart-shaped sheet is often 45x38 cm. Suitable for zoning a site and single landings;

    Bush Sum and Substance is so huge that the child can hide among the leaves of an adult plant

  • Abiqua Drinking Gourd (Abikua Drinking Gaurd) is a mid-grade plant, height up to 35 cm, diameter - up to 40 cm. It is highlighted by invading, slightly crumped leaves with noticeable streaks and tubular white flowers. Very resistant to balsions and slugs. Prefers acidic soil;

    Blue cups of Abiqua Drinking Gourd leaves are definitely not lost among greenery

  • Undulata albomarginata (albumographic, wavy) - big plant (Height up to 60 cm) with elongated pointed leaves with light edging. Flowers in July-August purple buds. Well tolerate frost and sun, but prefers halftime. The soil must be a sample or neutral;

    Undulata Albomarginata looks great next to samples with monophonic foliage

  • Albopicta (Albopict, Thongs) is a large host (up to 70 cm) with pointed light-salad leaves with dark edging. Young leaflets are the brightest with a yellow century, by the end of the summer they gradually darken to completely green. The variety grows well in the sun or in a half, is recommended for filling the shady zones. Cleansing frost without shelter;

    Even without albopicta flowers will not give way to the beauty of other decorative plants

  • Aureomarginata (Aureomarginata) is a light-headed grade, the height of the bush reaches 65 cm. Leaves wide, light green with beige cart. The crown color depends on the illumination - dark in the shade. Flowers lilac or purple with severe aroma. Perennial fast-growing, well multiplies with division;

    Aureomarginata superbly shades the beauty of coniferous

  • White Feather (White Feather, White Feathers) is a large plant (up to 50 cm) with an unusually bright color of foliage. Vienna Crown is yellowish-beige with gentle-green streaks, the leaves are narrow and elongated. As the leaf is growing, the plate is completely poured with greens. Flowers a perennial later of the above-described varieties - in July-September. The variety is shadowy, easily tolerates frost, unpretentious;

    White Feather bush looks like a huge flower

  • Blue Angel (Blue Angel) is a big host with a characteristic bluish-green crown. The leaves are uniformly painted, but slightly wavy and textured because of the abundance of parallel residences. The plant looks good in single landings, prefers partial shading. The flowers are almost white, until the disclosure is slightly lilac, form a rather dense cone-like inflorescence. It grows well in the city, not demanding to the composition of the air;

    Blue Angel Bush Easily Prevent the appearance of weeds on flowerbed

  • Bressingham Blue (Blue Bressing) - hybridderived as soil. Vadu-shaped bush shape, leaves wide and wavy, white flowers. Prefers well-fertilized soil, does not endure damp, drought-resistant and winter articles. It grows best in half, suitable for disembarking into a container;

    Best of the Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Notes Against the Background of More Green Foliage

  • Brim Cup (Brim Cap) - average grade (up to 40 cm) with Petroy foliage. The central strip of the olive-green sheet plate, the sides - pale yellow or white. The flowers are gentle-blue, as white, appears, appear in June-July. Not demanding to the soil, good winters. Used in mixlers, chapets, flower beds;

    It is difficult to find the leaves of a more decorative color than the host Brim Cup

  • Siebooldiana Frances Williams (Zibold Francis Williams) - Peppercut variety with light salad border incorrect form. White flowers, blooming height up to 60 cm. Prefers acidic soil with a slight overlooking. Used in mixed group landings, chapets and curbs, like soliter;

    Sieboldiana Frances Williams will be one of the biggest herbaceous perennials in your garden

  • CANADIAN BLUE (Canadian Blue) is a mid-rate host (height up to 50 cm) with dense oval-wedge-shaped leaves, on the plates is noticeable to the SIZY RETE. Prefers shadow either halftown, burns out under the right rays. Flowers lavender buds in Ile-August. It grows moderately, you should not wait for rapid recovery after the division reproduction;

    One of the main components of the decorativeness of Canadian Blue - wax, which gives the leaves a bluish color

  • Undulata Mediovariegata (Medicaligratus) - a wavy host with fiber-optic leaves. Troin plates coloring - white middle, light green cant and medium-green leaf edge. Flowers are small, have a bright pink color. Prefers loose nutritious weakness soil with moderate moisture. Loves the shadow, partial shading of foliage acquires a homogeneous color. This is one of the old (1930 g) and highly resistant varieties;

    This crispy beauty will easily revive the shady garden zones

  • Patriot (Patriot) - Another average variety of hosts, not suffering from excess lights. Dark green leaves with beige kant. Flowers are lilac, bloom in July-August. Used in shaded areas near water bodies, in mixlers and group landings;

    Patriot does not get lost even among high colors

  • Fire and Ice (Fire End Ice) - hybrid dwarf variety. Winter hardy, demanding to humidifying mode. Prefers solar places, but can be used in the shady garden. Suitable for rocaries, group landings;

    Baby Fire and Ice - Real Razink Rocaria

  • Halcyon (Halkey) is a mid-depth hybrid lounge with a bluish-green crown. July-August blossom period, pale-lilac flowers. Grows quickly, especially in the shade. On the light of the leaves are losing a blue tone. Unpretentious to soil and companyon plants;

    Halcyon grade is well suited for growing in a pot

  • Elegans (Elegance) - an old giant variety, derived in 1987. Leaves are dense with waxing, not afraid of slugs. White flowers, do not smell. Height is moderate, but the plant is well multiplied by self-sowing. Host Elegance winter-hardy and undemanding, loves shadow.

    Elegans leaves - one of the most popular options for bouquets

It is important to take into account that fashionable varieties are quite expensive, especially if breeders gave the host uncharacteristic for her feature. Therefore, before laying a round sum for the instance you liked in detail in detail where you can land it, how suitable plants suitable for this plant will be the conditions of your site and how much time will have to spend on care. Perhaps sometimes it is necessary to prefer a more modest, but hardy and unpretentious grade.

Video: Variety of varieties of funki

If your host with yellow leaves unexpectedly discovered, then it suffers from the lack of the sun. Perhaps you transplanted it into a less good place or sharpened by another plant. The host with blue foliage can be greened both from lack and from the overaffect of light.

Methods landing

For the first time to bring the host to your site in the form of seeds, cuttings or particles from an adult plant, and if you buy them in a specialized store - in the form of a young plant in the container (usually also obtained by the extension method or in the test tube of the meristem). All these methods are familiar with lovers gardeners and most of them prefer dividing or his subspecies - reproduction of rhizomes.

The more expensive and decorative the varietal host, the slower it grows. Therefore, it is not worth the division of valuable plants with division, so you will only prevent them desired size And fully show your beauty. It is better to prefer shivering.

Many daches successfully share and sear hosts from the beginning of spring until mid-September, but if you have not yet shared your own host, it is better to fulfill the first procedure at the very beginning of spring or at the end of August. A Tokudam and Zibold varieties can only be divided in autumn.

Video: reproduction of host by dividing bush


Rhizome hosts are quite branching enough to separate the fragment without prejudice to the plant. The cable is chosen by the area of \u200b\u200brhizomes with 2-3 growth kidneys and well-developed side roots with a length of about 10 cm. If you buy a landing material, follow the roots to be alive and elastic, dried and brittle do not come together. Also pay attention to the presence of mold, rot, incomprehensible spots and growths, which indicate illness. Such a plant must be treated, rather than multiply.

Fragment of rhizomes for landing should be not too small

Rhizomes for landing can be stored in winter in a cool place without access light. It is enough to place it in a light-tight container or package and put on a balcony, a basement or just in the refrigerator. The main thing is to make the temperature in the selected place kept within 5-10 degrees above zero.

Host landing is permissible and spring, and autumn. In the spring it is better to do before on the planting material, the first leaves will begin to bloom, then they will successfully root and delight you. good growth. Autumn planting It is carried out in warm time, at the end of August-early September, since in a cooler period, the plant will be difficult to root.

Place for landing hosts Choose the color of the leaves. Green varieties more than others love strong shading, the tricks are well growing and in half.

The best host feels like raised flower beds.


As a cutlets, young shoots of the hosts with a heel are chosen. Leafs are cut on half or a third of length, and it is better to immediately choose the escape with small short-sized plates. After the appearance of the roots, they are planted on the usual modeling technique and additionally shadow. Watering does not spend, only spraying. The first 2-3 days of the cutting leaves may look sluggish and go down, but do not despair - the end of the week they will definitely return vigor. Just at this time, the sprout was engaged in rooting and he lacked forces on the crown.

If you do not manage to grow plants from cuttings in this way, try to increase the dose of growth stimulator


The host seeds retain to one year old, but for successful germination it is better to use freshly collected. At the end of April they are placed in pots with soil or planted in garden mini-guys in early May. With proper shading and timely irrigation, the first shoots will appear in 20-25 days. After that, the seedlings will need to get rid of weeds and provide them with a comfortable humidity and temperature regime. Young sockets will be ready for planning for a permanent place already in August.

The seeds of the hosts are ordered good germination even without additional stimulation

Vegetative methods are the easiest way to breed the host. The cultivation of seedlings from seeds requires much more efforts to germinating and growing culture, varietal signs are often not preserved, and to achieve a decorative effect, you will need a young plant at least 4 years (for comparison, separated bushes look beautifully after 1-2 years).

Instructions for landing host

Whatever way you get planting material, you need to adhere to this technique:

  1. Drop the pit with a diameter of 50 cm and a depth of 30 cm. If you sit next to several plants, ensure the distance between them about 0.3-0.4 m for large-scale varieties and 0.2-0.3 m for dwarfs, since the host tends to grow.

    Names do not have to be placed in a row, for filling the flower beds and chaotic order

  2. Prepare soil from equal parts of the compost land, overwhelmed manure and peat, as well as a small amount of sand. Sour Earth is a little neutralized by adding a handful to soil wood ash (It has an alkaline reaction). Fill out 60% of the volume of the holes by soil and abundantly span it with water.

    The ashes best to pour into the deepening, and on the earthlings with roots

  3. Carefully place the boarding material in the pit and carefully disappear all the roots (if not satisfy the plant with a lore land). Pulling the pit to the residues of the soil so that the growth kidneys are at the ground level and again begin the land. If you plan the separated bush, you need to burst the material to the same depth on which the parent plant grew. It is usually easy to determine the type of stem.

    While the plant will not fasten the plant in the correct position only with your hands, then it will be possible to plug

  4. Mulch the roasting circle of seedling chip from the bark or other selected material. Optimal thickness The layer is 1-2 mm. It is advisable to choose a stalking mall so that the slug can not get a slug

The host is completely rooted only in a month, and the first two weeks requires daily irrigation.

Video: Secrets of growing and care for the host

What care is needed

The host is very moisture, so it will never give up watering, best under the roots of plants. But in the evening, especially after a hot day, you should arrange a host of a shower - at this time the drops on the leaves do not threaten her sunny burns. But if the root circle of the plant is well mulched and the plant is not on dry ground, the need for watering occurs only in the most arid period. With proper irrigation, the soil is saturated with a depth of 10-15 cm, and the water jet does not compact the soil.

When watering out the hose it is worth using a spray nozzle

Host also prefers three-fold nutrition:

  • early spring, usually in April, when the first leaves are blooming, she needs an organ (sheet land, compost, overwhelming cortex);
  • during flowering, most often at the end of May, mineral fertilizers are required (sodium, phosphorus and potassium in equal amounts or ratio of 1: 2: 1);
  • immediately after the end of flowering, in the first weeks of July, it is necessary to add organic substances to the soil again. After mid-July, the feeder is best to stop, because due to abundant growth, the plant will not have time to slow down the metabolic processes and prepare for the winter.

The host does not need a special dosage, just adhere to the instructions on the package of the selected tool. Explore the label carefully - fertilizers can vary greatly at the concentration of active ingredients.. Feed the plants best after the rain or very abundant watering of the site. Remember: granular fertilizers when entering leaves can cause a burn, so it is safe to use solutions.

If you are a novice gardener, it is worth using specially prepared complex fertilizers, and not to enjoy untested folk remedies

The poorest the soil on your site, the more often the host will have to fertilize. Conversely - on nutritional reasons, it grows almost without care.

Many gardeners in the fall mulch the circle of the Earth around the host with a layer of sheet or compost earth with a height of up to 5 cm. Such a procedure allows you to add required plant Fertilizers and simultaneously provide aeration. But it is recommended to conduct it only for plants that have reached 3-4 years of age.

Another important stage of the host care is regular soil loosal, which needs to be carried out throughout the growing season. As already mentioned, the roots of the host briefly grow in a small depth, so during the procedure you need to be extremely neat.

After the flower drying, the flowers stems are losing decorativeness and need to be removed

Those who are important to the decorativeness of the host should be borrowing and removing faded inflorescences, as they look unattractive. If you want a bush to raise stroke, do not let it bloom - pinch the flowerwakes as soon as the host throw them.

How to prepare a plant for winter

In the middle lane and in the south of the host usually the winters independently, using its own filter leaves as protection from the cold. In more northern regions, especially if the winter does not form a fairly thick snow cover, you need to build a shelter for a plant.

If the winter you are not too harsh, just let the host hide under your leaves

In a dry day, the plant is cheered in a circle and scatter a mulch from dry peat, heavy sawdust, bevelled grass. On top of these fertilizers, you can pour a tobacco dust or phytosporin so that the spring host is not crushed slug. After such preparation, you can cover the bush by any air-permeable heat insulator, from agrovolok to spruce. Usually such a shelter is enough even for harsh winter.

Video: Hospita wintering

When the plant does not please

The host is practically not subject to disease and pests (with the exception of slugs), so if it starts to dry, the reason usually lies in the wrong humidity or light mode. Try to trace, not too much sunny rays falls on the leaves, does the earth do not dry over the roots. The darkening of the tips of the leaves at the host is a clear marker lack of moisture. If watering and shading did not bring the result, the plant may suffer from the attacks of the black weevil. In this case, use a specialized remedy for pests.

Brown stripes on the leaves of the host - a sign of damage to the roots of nematodes. Placing the leaves from the tip to the middle indicates the appearance of gray rot. From these misfortunes, you can also get rid of chimrocessing. If the leaves become unevenly pins, yellow spots appear on dark plates, it means to get rid of the plants - it is affected by the virus.

Gentle flowers named in honor of the Goddess of Love Hosts, unfortunately, will be able to dissolve not in every garden

Sometimes novice gardeners are disappointed by buying a variety with beautiful flowers, in particular, "Aphrodite". One of the important features of this variety is thermo-loss. The short summer of the northern regions does not allow it to even completely open the flowers and buds die off the uncooked. Therefore, before buying, be sure to check whether a specific variety is suitable for your climatic conditions.

Some daches in the example of other perennials are trying to transplant the 5-6-year-old host to a new place. But this plant lives much longer than others, so calmly can be in one place for 10 years and even longer. If your host drooped after transplanting, you should not worry too much - most likely it was not yet ready for such stress. When abundant irrigation does not bring results, add a little growth stimulator to a daily portion of water.

Once my friend complained that for several years now, her host suddenly began to wake and laughed at the summer. The hostess tried to increase the volume and frequency of irrigation, but it helped little. Then it turned out that earlier at the hottest time of the day the host from the straight rays of the sun defended the shadow of the tree, which grew at the neighbors. The leaves of her hosts are pedestrous, such varieties are well tolerated by indirect sunny rays, so such protection it was enough for active growth. But in that year, the neighbors suddenly decided to build a gazebo and sawed the tree, so the host lost the necessary support. As soon as the situation was resolved, the familiar postponed the poor thing in the shadow of the house, and the plant soon came to life.