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Is it possible to plant tomatoes in full moon. In the days of eclipses from any work with plants it is better to refrain. Is it possible to plant a new moon? Or this is another myth, which is impossible

The seeds of tomatoes on the seedlings are planting from February to April, in May and June, landing can be completed with a reckless way.

Usually, the growth time of seedling is from 45 to 60 days. Accordingly, if landing in a greenhouse is planned, the seeds are planted earlier, and if open sad, later later.

As you can see, everything is clear with the approximate deadlines. If there are some doubts, then you can check out the information specified on the packaging by the manufacturer. For most of the gardens of this data, it is quite enough.

The value of the lunar calendar

Today the fashion is returned again for additional reconciliation with the lunar calendar. Indeed, a person who is at any point in the world has long been long, on the position of the Moon in the night sky could easily determine its phase.

For many centuries of development agriculture It was found that two factors are important - the moon phase and its position relative to the zodiac circle. The fact is that the moon affects the movement of fluids, including inside living organisms. The most famous example is tides and flow.

Moon phases

The moon grows when moving from new moon to full moon and gradually decreases in the opposite direction. In the night sky, you can see a narrow or wide month or a full glowing disk.

If you mentally add a vertical wand to the left of the sickle, when the moon grows, then the letter "P" (growing) will be. When the moon decreases, it has the appearance of the letter "C" (aging).

It is believed that tomatoes, like other vegetables, the fruiting of which occurs above the surface of the Earth (cucumbers, eggplants, peppers), should be planted on the growing moon, and the root plates are descending. Days of shift phases (full moon and new moon) - the most unfavorable for landing any gardening crops. Many dacifics also advise anything to plant anything in the previous and subsequent days.

Zodiacal circle

During the movement in the sky for a month, the moon passes consistently through 12 zodiac constellations: Aquarius, fish, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scales, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn. Since ancient times, it is believed that each of them obeys one of the four elements: air, water, earth and fire.

The following are considered fertile signs: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio.

Regarding fertile: fish, scales, Capricorn.

Regardless: Gemini, Virgo.

Barren: Aquarius, Aries, Lion, Sagittarius.

According to my observations, an absolutely non-homing mark - Aquarius. This day is unless good for weeding weeds, as they will grow after that they will be much slower.

How to navigate?

Who's too lazy to understand, can just look at the finished tips. Another thing is that they "jump" from the site to the site. One is indicated on one favorable days, on the other - are completely different. More or less true information is usually contained in specialized printing publications and paper calendars. This data can be trusted.


  1. My grandmother never focused on the moon, and relied exclusively on the traditional deadline for landing of a particular culture and current weather conditions (temperature, there is no night frosts, dry or humid). This is the main criterion.
  2. If there is a desire, in advance, retreating 2 days from full moon and new moon on each side. Tomatoes should be sowing on a growing moon - from 3 to 13 lunar day (not calendar!).
  3. Now zodiac signs. They have an advantage over the phase of the moon. If the sign is favorable, and the phase is not enough (decreasing moon for tomatoes), then you need to focus on zodiacal constellationwhere the moon will be located.

Thus, the country horoscopes in journals for gardeners are built. Ideal days for sowing Tomatoes - a growing moon in fish, taurus, cancer, scales, scorpion and Capricorn. Those when the moon decreases, but at the same time is in the constellation of Taurus, cancer or scorpion.

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I always use it

- Not recommended landing and trimming trees. With a growing moon good time For planting cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, horseradish, zucchini, pumpkins, cabbage, greenery, as well as raspberries. At a decreasing moon, it is good to plant onions on a river, radishes, carrots, bulbous flowers.

Growing moon and carrot shoots

High quality seeds.

  • Two-room and perennials are planted, as well as those annuals, which give the crop of tuber and roots: trouser, carrots, rhubarb, radishes, turnips, beets, black radish, as well as asparagus and winter wheat. Potatoes for food is better to plant a few days after the full moon. All autumn I. promotional planting, as well as landing of trees, shrubs, grapes better to perform in this quarter - well develops root system. It is recommended to carry out trimming trees and shrubs.
  • 2. Seeds of vegetables, greenery, in which the above-ground part is important, sow with a growing moon in the II phase (a week before the full moon);

On a decreasing moon, it is recommended to sow and disembark the plants that are the most significant for which the underground part: potatoes, carrots, turnips, radish, radishes, beets, Topinambur, onions and garlic on the "bulb", as well as most fruit trees and shrubs.

Is it possible to land a carrot in the spring in full moon?

If the seeds are sown in a dry form, it is better not to slow down and bring them into the soil of the code Lunar disc just began to decrease.

Since the above-ground part of plants, including seeds, is saturated with useful substances, this time is ideal for collecting planting material for the future season.

When you can plant carrots on a decreasing moon

Changing the phases of the moon has an impact on growth cultural plantsAnd on their fruiting. It was a long time noted by a person, and today it is successfully used by gardeners to get friendly shoots and a good harvest.

When the term is suitable, then South.

Harvest abundant, stored badly. For seed purposes do not use.

  • Scorpio
  • Cancer
  • 4 quarter (phase) of a decreasing moon
  • . During the full moon, fruits and herbs have a maximum juiciness.
  • It is necessary to plant seedlings under the moon in the I phase (after the new moon).

Here's here moon calendar Flower to help you

  • If you use swollen seeds for landing, you can sow them in the fourth week moon monthWhen an aging sickle is already noticeably narrows.
  • When the lunar disk begins to decrease, juices, to the full moon, moving towards crown, change the direction, and the nutrients rush to the root system. So, it comes the time when you can plant carrots, beets, radishes and other similar cultures.

The carrot, in the landings of summer houses, is also subject to the exposure to the night shone. The lunar month, a duration of 28 days, is exactly four weeks, each of which corresponds to its phase of the Earth's satellite.

New Moon and Eclipse

Yes, this thing is good, verified.

Determination of the deadlines of sowing carrots in an open soil for the zodiac

When in early spring Slowing seeds to seedlings is not difficult and look into the calendar, but when mass landings begin, no longer before it. In the full moon, it is not soot, and at the rest of the time it all in a row, I do not complain about the crop. I clean the harvest, too, on the calendar focusing, so it was better kept.

- Picking seedlings. With a growing moon, suitable for planting tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, cabbage and other moisture plants, as well as peppers, eggplants, greenery, grafting fruit trees and shrubs. With a decreasing moon - landing of garlic, radish, radish, Luke-Sevka, potatoes, bulbous colors, rejuvenating trimming of old trees. Vintage is good. Long stores. High quality seeds.

- Picking seedlings. One of the best signs for plants requiring moisture (cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, bell pepper, asparagus, color, color, white and red) and leafy crops (Salad, Basil, Estragon, etc.), especially with a growing moon. Planting currant, raspberry and gooseberry. Vaccination and forming cropping fruit trees and shrubs. With a decreasing moon - planting potatoes, beets, carrots. The crop is abundant, but stored badly.

Watering and feeding of carrots in the lunar calendar and the zodiac

- A favorable time for planting plants and bookmarks of vegetables for storage, and unfavorable - to divide roots and bulbs and their reproduction. Seeds planted on a decreasing moon are programmed to a more active development of the underground part: roots, root roots, tubers.


Landing seeds on the lunar calendar - video

is it possible to transplant flowers or full moon on a decreasing moon


Thus, in the II and in IV phases, and in the I and III phases of the moon.

Nataliy Golubeva.

I am in this ... I do not believe in the women's days of the Saturday Wednesday Friday and everything grows.

lena Mironova

During this period, rootepods have decent quality, well and long stored.


Seeds falling into the soil on the third week of the lunar cycle, actively give roots. And the grinding plants with developed foliage are formed rooted roots. If the carrot reacts calmly on damage to the aboveground part, then all work affecting the roots these days do not spend better.


When to sow carrots on the lunar calendar, so that the seed is high, and pleased with the sizes, were smooth and tasty?

Nadezda Ivanova.

Do not look into it at all. I plant when I think it is necessary and everything always turns out.

Irina Murzinova


Natalia Kamskaya


Sow and sit on the lunar calendar

For seed purposes do not use.

. With a decreasing moon, the juices move from the top to the roots. The period of decreasing moon is well suited for landing root. At this time, it is possible to plan and trim the plants.

I will not say that you do not say .. I'm not very much on the lunar calendar .. And tried specifically on a decreasing moon to plant ... Everything is booming and gives a decent harvest! The lunar calendar is a commercial move ...

Vegetation at the time of the new moon will slow down, so it will be useful to abandon any works related to transplantation, weeding and landing. Not fully sowing will be able to perceive and feed, if you do in days close to the new moon. It is much more useful to devote the time to the weeding.

But carrots, like other root, on a decreasing moon, speaks well on:

When the moon is growing, and its sickle is becoming wider and brighter, nutrients and moisture from the soil actively rushed from the root system to foliage and tops.

How the moon affects plants and harvest

Why? And without him everything grows well. For the ecperment, 3 times in the lunar and without it, the same culture (tomatoes, peppers, cabbus, beets, carrots, cucumbers), even planted seedlings to different beds - grew equally. Therefore, by the method of the Epperment concluded that the lunar calendar is only for those who believe in it strongly. Yes, I use. I didn't look, put a petunia in forbidden, several pieces climbed. Now it is necessary to rebuild

: On the growing moon, it is best to plant what is good to grow over the ground, flowers, for example, on a decreasing thing - what should grow underground, for example, root. 6.

So, first we allocate the most favorable phase of the moon (week) for landing and sowing crops, and after correlative and unfavorable days. bushes, trees (roses, currants, apple trees ....) so that the plants are better rooted

All roots, not excluding carrots, are close to the elements of the earth, so better respond to care in those days of the month, when the moon is in the signs of Capricorn, Taurus or Virgin. Organic feeding and growth stimulants;

For the benefit of the future harvest of carrots in these two weeks will be:Yes, I use ----

Phases Moon and Garden Works

No. Do not even read. Say on the principle I want to sit today, it means South, I don't want to want today to want tomorrow. And I never wanted my welfare. Say when there is a mood Capricorn

It is important to remember that the new moon and full moon are crisis moments. At this time, the plants are especially vulnerable, so it is better not to plan any work at this time. 1.

I am very squeezing and transplant when I have time and mood. Everything grows.Time period when it is better to sow carrots under the winter, in middle lane It can be better to start in October and end in late November. At the same time, the seeds should remain dry, which will derete their germination, but at a protracted autumn and warm winter such crops risk perish.

Abundant watering;Feeding young plants with minerals;

Position of the moon and zodiac signs

We have a numerical, in it just there is a lunar calendar. But they never use it :) :) :)Not always .... but often! I try to the full moon and the new moon can not be satisfied!

- Picking seedlings. Good sign for planting under the winter, as well as for landing perennial plants, trees, shrubs. With a decreasing moon, it is recommended to plant root roots, onions on repka, radishes, parsley, celery (root), bulbous flowers. With a growing moon - greens, cabbage, legumes. Suitable for the vaccination of fruit trees, trimming branches. Vintage is good, well stored. Virgo

1 quarter (phase) growing moonDuring the new moon, all the vital juices of plants go to the roots.

Nothing terrible happens when working without taking into account the phases of the Moon. It is just that there is such an opinion that the upper part of the plants contains more vitality in the full moon, and the bottom - respectively - to the new moon. I believe - I do not believe, but I try to make a change under full moon, creating less discomfort by a plant, and trimming, removing extra leaves - to the new moon. If I take a stalk - to full moon. Collect on the medicine plant - too. And the root - to the new moon. Something like this. In different regions, planting carrots in the spring through the lunar calendar passes in different timeSince climatic conditions in the south and north of the country will seriously differ. The main thing is that the soil be ready to accept the seeds and did not lose melting moisture, and the decreasing moon accounted for days of the signs of the Earth. If such a combination is difficult to achieve, work is carried out on the outcome of the moon from a favorable sign.

Fighting pests and weeds;

Sluorrow and dive shooting;I do not use it! "The Earth asks" - I'm sazing! I live in the village for more than 15 years already and thank God! Grandmother taught how signs of nature to sit and forward!

Strange thing. Here in the 60s-70s, we did not hear anything like that, and everything grew like on yeast, and now - almost that day will put it - and I will not grow a shit! These are all miscarions. High quality seeds.

- Gardening crops are better not to plant, as the crop will be small. The appropriate period for the treatment of land, weeding, dipping, loosening, spraying from diseases and pests, forming trimming trees and shrubs. With a growing moon suitable for landing berry Sustainers, strawberries, perennial colors and medicinal plants.

TaurusThe landing of annuals giving an overhead harvest in the form of a sheet greenery, all those plants that are consumed in food, not containing seeds: cabbage, parsley, salad, celery, asparagus. You should also plant melons, cucumbers and sow cereals. Flowers are also better to plant on the growing moon, then they are more fragrant and give a lot of seeds. It is recommended to enter mineral fertilizers.​

Tips for gardeners gardeners for sowing and planting plants:On irrigated plants, the phases of the moon of serious influence do not have, but it is possible to make water supply more efficient and economical. For this, carrots are better to water in the days when the moon is in the signs of scorpion, fish, cancer.

The introduction of organic;Weed weeds on the beds.

No, I do not use ... there is no time ... Previously, grandmothers did not know about him, and everything grew and fruitThe mother-in-law is in the full moon and she always has good harvest.​


Plants planted at this time will hurt less.- Picking seedlings. Perfect for landing of all types of roots (potatoes, beets, carrots, etc.), especially at a decreasing moon. With a growing moon - sowing legumes, greenery, cabbage, asparagus. Forming trimming of fruit trees and shrubs. How the most fertile sign is suitable for landing any garden plants. Big crop, long stored.

2 quarter (phase) growing moonWith a growing moon, the movement of juices from the root to the top and leaves begins. During the growing moon, planting and transplants of plants are recommended, especially those who have a stronger than the above-ground part - the leaves and stems.

1. Seying the seeds of roots should be at a decreasing moon for one week (during the fourth phase, a week before the new moon);

Do you use the lunar calendar? I never sow full moon.

Purr purr

Mineral fertilizers for carrots are brought on a growing moon, and infusions of herbs, stimulants and other organics in the days when the night shone decreases. Moreover, a larger sense from such events will be with the moon passing through the signs of the Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn or Fish.

Ekaterina Rodionova

Swimming of soil and people.

Nelya Gusev

Often, the first week after the new moon is considered to be a good time for sowing, but in relation to carrots it is incorrect. Since the purpose of the dacnik in the cultivation of this culture is the root plant, and not a magnificent tops, then the time of sowing of carrots in open ground is better to move.

Tatyana Moiseeva (Ivanova)

When the seeds land the edge of the eye look, but when it is not up to the calendar at the dacha, what a calendar there is if the weekend is Saturday and Sunday!

Natalia Begishev

When the garden life began to use everything, "what they said and wrote," the lunar calendar, including. Since then, only days of new moon and full moon remained from the lunar calendar outside the landings, well, and eclipses. It hurts a lot of authors divorced and everyone wants to earn, and by this treats every sign and how it passes, in which constellation is located, as he wants and very far from the truth. Note - the lunar calendars of different authors do not match completely. And what to plant on a growing or decreasing moon is, in principle, everyone knows. Yes, and it is not necessary, it is usually planted when there is time and mood - it is more important than any "linden" lunar calendar.


Svetlana Ryazantseva

ღ M @ Rin @ ღ

For seed purposes do not use.

Irina Murzinova

Apart annual, giving a crop in the form of fleshy fruits with seeds inside: tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, peppers, beans and peas, all creeping, peeling cultures. It is good to sow at this time and grain cereals.

One of the most beloved garden crops are tomatoes. Big choice The varieties of red, yellow, pink and black tomatoes will allow every gardery to choose a culture to his taste. The cultivation of tomatoes is very popular with farmers and among amateur gardeners. For maximum benefit from planting seedlings, it is necessary to explore when to plant tomato seedlings over the lunar calendar.

With this information you can grow good tomatoes and collect a generous harvest.


In agronomy, astrology penetrated many years ago. As science, agro astrology has recently appeared. With antiquity, people paid attention to the behavior of animals, weather changes and phases of the Moon. Modern astrology provides the creation of calendars for the work of gardeners. They become indispensable assistants. The lunar calendar of tomatoes for 2019 is the result of the painstaking work of scientists. It is assembled full information On adverse and most favorable days. It is important not only to comply with the recommendations of the calendar, but also to know which agrotechnical activities are performed for tomatoes.

Compliance with the calendar of the moon can raise a harvest by 30%.

Moon phases

Have long been proven by the connection of the moon with floral world. It affects the sloping in plants, so agronomists are focused on the lunar calendar. It contains what number it is best to plant tomatoes. You can collect a rich harvest by landing tomato seedlings on the lunar calendar in favorable days. If there is no such possibility, you can carry out landing work on other days, but besides the period of the young and full moon.

In astrology, the concept of lunar month is distinguished, which means the period of passage of the moon around the Earth.

One lunar month allocate 4 phases of the Earth satellite:

  1. New moon. The day before the new moon, weeds are removed, damaged shoots. On the day of the New Moon, it is impossible to conduct any manipulations with tomatoes. The only thing you can do on this day, loosen the earth and collect seeds. The material collected in the new moon is very well stored.
  2. Waxing Crescent. The average duration of this period is about 11 days. At this time, the plant actively stretches up. Time before the full moon is better time For landing seedlings of high tomatoes. Landing of low-spirited crops need to be planted at the beginning of this phase. During the growing moon you need to vaccinate, cropping, loosening and other mandatory agrotechnical measures.
  3. Full moon. The shortest period, during which we need to remove weeds and combat diseases. Pruning and vaccinating plants is better to postpone until better times.
  4. Waning moon. There is a period of about 12 days. At this time, the pressure in the root system is enhanced, so any damage may result in serious consequences. Conduct any work related to rhizomes is categorically impossible. It is recommended to carry out overhead care procedures (trimming, feeding, watering and seed blank).

The value of the zodiac signs for plants

All 12 zodiac signs of the moon passes in one lunar month. Finding it in certain sign It affects plants. The seedling landing during the period of finding the moon in the signs of Aquarius, Sagittarius, Leo and Aries leads to the cultivation of fruitless crops. Experienced gardeners are not vaccinated at this time, crops and other procedures do not conduct. It is not recommended to sow seeds at a time when the moon in the signs of cancer and maidens, the plants will grow slowly, and their root system will be fragile and weak. Fruits from such plants are stored for a short time, and the seeds have a low germination.

Vegetables planted during the location of the moon in the sign of the Taurus will have excellent characteristics. They grow well and give abundant harvest. The only drawback of such tomatoes is their inclination to diseases.

The time of the moon through scales and scorpion is the most favorable period for vegetable crops. All agrotechnical procedures will have a beneficial effect on plants.

Given the influence of the moon on the plants, the gardeners carefully study the lunar calendar.

Sowing Tomatov Seeds

Experienced gardeners have their own planting system of vegetable crops. Over the years they have developed a clear plan, how to plant different varieties Tomatoes and when spending sowing. Often, landing works are carried out in March. Lunar calendar is used to determine accurate date holding landing work. They know which seeds need to be chosen in order to provide a rich harvest. In their work, they take into account the following facts:

  • If you sow during the period of passage of the moon through the signs of fish and cancer, you need to closely monitor the level of soil moisture. Abundant watering will lead to the death of young plants.
  • In the period of decreasing moon, when it is in the constellations of Taurus, Capricorn, or Virgin, you need to prepare fertilizers.
  • It is better to refrain from any agrotechnical events to the new moon. For landing of tomatoes or pepper, the most favorable phase is the decreasing moon.

Some gardeners completely ignore the lunar calendar.

This is their big mistake. For people working with the ground, the lunar calendar will tell you when planting tomatoes. Thanks to him, it is possible to avoid many mistakes faced both experienced and novice gardens. Information about favorable and unfavorable days will help achieve good results.

Growing seedlings

Tomatoes, like any seed plants, are grown by a seedy. It is important to close tomatoes on the lunar calendar in a timely manner so that they care well and fruit. Receive good seedlings Tomators will help the calendar 2019. To determine the optimal number of landing, you need to consider many factors: the climate of the area, the variety of tomato, the phase of the moon and the conditions of culture culture. Based on this data, it is determined which number is better for planting plants, from which 75 days is deducted for late and 60 days for early grades. The resulting number will be a sowing date. If planned landing in early June, then you need to search in mid-March.

Favorable days for sowing tomatoes by region:

  • Northern regions. The best date is March 30. This is the 13th lunar day, and the moon is in the sign of Virgo.
  • Regions with temperate climates. You need to plant tomatoes on March 25. On the 9th lunar day of the moon is in the sign of cancer.
  • Southern regions. Severe tomatoes on March 20. On the 4th lunar day of the moon is in the Taurus.

Before holding landing, the seed preparation is carried out. First, it is immersed in a saline solution and remove bad samples that surfaced to the surface. The selected seeds wrap in cotton fabric and warm up on the battery for 3 days. Seed material must be disinfected in weak solution Manganese. It is germinated on a wet pillow from gauze or cotton. To ensure the viability of plants, the seeding of the sowing material is carried out. It is placed at 12 o'clock in a cool place (it is possible in the refrigerator), and then at the same time they leave at a temperature of + 18 + 21 ° C. The procedure is repeated 2 times. Ready Material Sow into a special excavation mixture.

Grow plants at a temperature of + 18 + 25 ° C. For active growth required good lighting and high humidity. The first 14 days of crops are covered with a transparent film. Daily necessarily ventilate them. Middle time The cultivation of tomato seedlings is about 7 weeks. With good weather, the sprouts are exhibiting outside for the adoption of air and sunbathing. Every 2 weeks carry out the tomatoes. For fertilizer, a mixture of superphosphates, urea and potassium sulfate is used.

The feeding can be conducted by special complex fertilizers for tomatoes. Before fertilizing culture, you need to moisten the soil.

Rechazzle seedlings in open ground

Seeding tomato seedlings on the calendar 2019. Every experienced gardener long before the onset of land work carefully examines the calendar of planting tomatoes 2019. Plant landing is carried out 2 weeks after the appearance of buds on the bushes of tomatoes.

Favorable days of transplanting sprouts in open ground:

  • Northern regions. The transplant of young bushes is carried out in the late spring. The ideal date for work is the 24th of May. On the 9th lunar day of the moon is in the scales.
  • Region with temperate climates. The best date is May 19. On the 5th lunar day of the moon is in cancer.
  • Southern regions. The best number when you need to plant tomatoes, on May 14th. The 29th lunar day and the moon is in Taurus.

The first weeding is carried out in 10 days, and the second 11 days after the shrubs transplantation. During the entire period of active growth and maturation of tomatoes, watering is regularly carried out.

Harvesting is carried out about 110 days after the planting of tomatoes. The lunar calendar for Tomatoes 2019 is the best assistant for gardens.

Planting plants in the moon without a lunar calendar

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The influence of the phases of the moon on planting in the new moon and the full moon is not desirable to work with plants. Also considered not very favorable days The first and last quarter. Leaves - until noon, as soon as the dew dry; With a growing moon. Especially valuable raw materials collected under the moon in Scorpio.

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That is why the new moon is favorable by planting plants, the destruction of weeds and pests, the removal of patients and dried branches, the caption of plants. And all these works need to be held the day before the new moon and the next day after it.

When to refuse landing

Of the above mentioned pattern, it follows a fairly simple and useful rule - to engage in sowing and planting crops giving an underground harvest (carrots, on Luka., Beetles, Topinambur and others) follows the 3rd or 4th phases of the lunar cycle. At the same time it is useful to bring mineral and organic feeding into the soil. This is a guarantee that the roots effectively digest them. The exception is only those days when the moon occupies zodiacal sign Lviv. On the descending moon, weeds are helpful. Since all the vitality is concentrated at this time in the underground part, there is a big chance to get rid of unnecessary plants with the com. And, of course, this period is favorable for harvesting roots, as the maximum amount of nutrients accumulates in them.

Hello, dear friends! To the cabbage it turned out a crunchy, and not soft, of course, you need to pick up with a growing moon, that is, under the new moon. Well, it's old ... and do not forget to shit the ring and write with a square before bedtime. . Oke? .. So that the nightmares are not tormented ....

how does the moon affect plant planting, i.e. on what moon the lud is planted flowering

H Mary

New moon-bad time for landing any seedlings. Many chances for that. What seedlings will hurt for a long time or just perish. Well. And if the survived something survived and the tomatoes will be.
To Russia, on their basis, they were more accurate and in detail with the relationship between the Phases of the Moon and the development of plants of the monks of Russian monasteries (Chudovsky, Solovetsky ... I recognize the "prohibited" days for landing the days of New Moon, Full Moon, Aquarius.
On the other days, see the lunar calendar - in which moon sign and what - decreasing or arriving.
Roots - early morning and late evening in early spring in full moon or on a decreasing moon.

When the moon is in fire signs - Aries, Lion, Sagittarius - Squeeze for fruits (cucumbers, tomatoes, pepper, etc.)
I know exactly what it is necessary to plant for women's days. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. My flowers grow well after landing on such days.

But on the day of the new moon, the plants are better not to touch. New Moon Days are unfavorable time for sowing seeds, plant vaccinations, not recommended the looping of the earth, so as not to damage the roots. In the days of the new moon, it is best to harvest root roots, since it is during this period that the plant's power is going to root. During this period, the collection of seeds is also favorable, such seeds are dry up to spring and when crops, the next year will give friendly shoots and a good harvest. These days you need to be as cautious when working with sharp objects (knife, ax, shovel, hoe).
Those plants that form an overhead harvest (tomatoes, peppers, leafy greens, apple trees, cherries and others), as well as floral cultures need to be planted on a growing moon, that is, in the 1st or 2nd quarter. At this time, you can cut the lawns - a healthy juicy grass will quickly grow again. If at this time the moon is in the signs of twins, scales or aquarius, it is desirable not to abuse watering colors, since excessive moisturizing reduces protective properties flower cultures And they become more vulnerable to infections. But when the moon moved into cancer, scorpion or fish, watering is recommended to increase - it will benefit plants.

There is no doubt that every gardener wants to get from her pricework Maximum crop and beauty. But sometimes it happens that the forces embedded in it, time and finances do not bring the expected result. At the same time, the neighbor at the same cost everything fragrant and pleases the eye. What could be hiding?
I don't know about the moon, but the most delicious cabbage is obtained, if it is pickled after the first frost, that is, when the upper leaves are twisted with frost, even if the cabbage is purchased. And this time is usually a new moon.


Of course you can, because the new moon means the new moon is growing, it means that the planted will also grow well. There is a legend that money should be shown to the new moon - there will be.

Anastasia Klutko

I never adhere to the lunar calendar and everything grows. Do not worry, everyone will grow!


Igor Kulikov

There are signs of productive - Taurus, Cancer, Scales, Scorpio, Fish.

Viktor Gorshkov

Flowers - Ply sunlight And complete flower opening during the growing moon or in full moon in the days of the flower (moon in air signs).
When Moon B. water signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - Squeeze to obtain greenery, sheet (all kinds of salads, onions on the feather, dill, parsley, kinza, etc.)

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The plants are 90% consisting of water and the moon affects riding-foams, it is impossible to work in full moon and the new moon and the rest, the fact that astrologists advise on the planets so it is difficult to check in all calendars different tips.

The moon in the life of plants with a growing moon - all juices of the plant move up from the root to the top, shoots and leaves. That is why in this period there are good transplants and planting plants. It is also noticed that the closer to the full moon are planted or plants are shown, the less the stalk of the plant is drawn and, on the contrary - this can be considered, sozhaya ampel plants. With a growing moon, the force of attraction of the Earth is weakened. This leads to the fact that the plant absorbs more water from the soil, which is why from the new moon to the full moon the plants need to be watering more often.

In the turning point of the lunar month - to the new moon and full moon, when the "fading" of the processes occurs, it is better to abandon any landing work. But you can safely give strength to the processing of the soil. Copf, loosening, mulching - all this is favorable.

Supervice gardeners begin to believe that their site was smoothed, and trying to get to the truth go to a conversation with a neighbor. And it turns out that he organizes all the work in the garden according to the lunar calendar.

Cabbage Quickly when there is a cabbage and want to eat it quashen or need to keep her big amount, and there is nothing to wait for the Phase of the Moon. The moon phase is important only when planting and growing cabbage, and when it is already collected, it does not matter.

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What are you the same asking?

New moon and full moon are the most unfavorable for p. x works (sowing. Transplantation)

There are neutral - Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini.The fruits - at any time, excluding the midday heat at a decreasing moon in the days when the moon in fiery signs.

When the moon in the earth's signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - Squeeze root vegetables (carrots, onions, radish, etc.)

Absolutely does not affect.

On the growing moon (period of 11-12 days) it is recommended to carry out the workpiece of cuttings for rooting, processing of the earth, feeding, vaccination, landing and transplanting, rooting strawberries and other "mustache", the workpiece of the future is a bunch of cabbage and salting vegetables.

Knowing such simple patterns, you can easily help plants accumulate vitality. Right

Scientists have long been proven that many natural phenomena on our planet are directly connected with lunar cycles. Plants are not an exception in this rule. Their growth and development also obey the Almighty Moon. The relationship is sometimes invisible for the human eye, but it does not cease to exist.


To the new moon. And in the full moon cabbage will be soft and bitter.

You can

Everything was fine. And you will have.

When is the moon favorable for C / x new moon or full moon?


In the new moon and full moon no work with landings, only weeding.
There are fruitless - Aries, Lion, Sagittarius, Aquarius.
Bookmark on the storage of healing raw materials in banks, packages and another container should always occur only on a decreasing moon!
Potatoes are better to plant a couple of days after the full moon.
All that fruits over the ground, to trim with the ascending Moon.
Moon in the life of plants
Planting on the moon

olya Isakov

Currently, a huge number of gardeners have a lunar calendar as a desktop reference book. It describes in sufficient detail surgery workwho are advisable to spend on this or that day. But even if there is no necessary information at hand, you can always navigate, knowing the main laws of lunar and earthly life. How is carried out

Tatyana Lenenina

The main thing to start correctly and good cabbage to find. And pick up at any time without thinking.

It is possible to plant when there is a desire and a day off. And without desire, even the lunar calendar will not help
You do not see the moon, but on the air temperature

Nadezhda Kuznetsov

Tatyana Vasilyevna

It is also taken into account that the plant juices of plants rushes to the above-ground part and on such days it is better to deal with plants that you are interested in overhead fruits - "tops". These are vegetables-fruit-cereals flowers. And in a decreasing moon, the juices stick to the roots and on such days it should be engaged in plants that give the underground fruits "roots" - these are rooted beets, carrots, potatoes, etc.


Phases of the moon affect a lot in our life and planting plants is not an exception! On this occasion, not few of the various books is even written, in some of them information contradicts ...


When the moon in air signs - Aquarius, twins, scales - plant for color (flowers and healing herbs).


All that fruits underground (potatoes) with a descending moon, i.e. when it decreases.

Who sled the seedlings of tomato to the new moon what they were

Tatyana Pavlova


Makes them more resistant to unfavorable factorsThey will blossom to bloom and bring abundant harvest! See you!

Irina Murzinova

Planting on the moon


On a growing moon. At another time it will be soft and not tasty. Verified.

Evgenia Taratutin

I planted, I did not find another time

serge Sogomonian

I do not look at the moon, and on the weather


In the new moon and the full moon do not need anything at all

Is it possible to plant a new moon? Or is it another myth, which is impossible?

The Scarlet Flower

But I can still say - if you have an aficped mood in the ground to die, and on the calendar is not a particularly favorable day - pick up health. Your positive energy will block the effect of the moon. In addition to new moon and full moon.

Nikita Bogomolov

I do not know who believes, but I have made sure that any plants are best planted or transplanted on a young growing moon, then they grow faster, stronger and endless.

Vitya Logvin

The best time for therapeutic collection

Igor Ovchinnikov

All plants growing above the ground should be planted with a growing moon - from new moon to full moon.


The moon in the life of plants at a decreasing moon, juices are returned to the root, and work with roots should be carried out, since their damage can lead to the death of the plant. But you can safely work on the above-ground part of the plant.

Beyond the gentleness

Effect of moon phases on plants

Svetlana Baranovskaya

In the absence of a lunar calendar?

Marina Marinina

To the new moon and another + in men's days. (Mon, W., Thu.)

elena Orlova

I do not look at it at all as above, we noticed when there is time and mood, and everything grows

When Quasse Cabbage on New Moon or Full Moon

Marina Nikolaeva.

It is better to wait for the day another, before we did not know these calendars and sowed as it fell and necessarily something could not grow, did not know the reasons. I once tried to plant potatoes on different days And that was planted to the new moon, but when they began to dig the potatoes there were very small, but the earth is the same and the same and planting material the same, now and not risk that more days Will there be something.

Alla Smirnova

Positive mood and faith in success!


On the growing moon, the fact that up is growing, and on a decreasing what grows deep into, i.e. carrots, beets, etc. in full moon nothing fell


But in the full moon or on a decreasing moon, it is better not worth it!

Maria Dömin.

Alexander Baskin

Plants, developing underground, squeeze at a decreasing moon - from full moon to new moon.

Viktor Dergunov.

During this period, watering and organic feeding of plants are recommended, the destruction of weeds, sowing and landing of rootepodes, planting of bulbous and potatoes, trimming of strawberries, digging the bulbs of flowers for storage, drying of vegetables and fruits, cooking jam.


The moon in the life of plants in the days of the new moon, which is three days (day before the date of the new moon, date of the new moon, and the next day after the new moon) the etheric energy is folded, becomes compact and concentrated in solid and hard-to-reach parts of the plant - in roots and at the base of the trunks. The top, the above-ground part of the plant freezes, stops the growth and circulation of juices.


It is believed that when the moon is increasing his disc in the sky, the Earth makes a symbolic "exhaler". That is, during this period, nutrient solutions are most actively moving up to ground organs - leaves, flowers, fruits. The moon attracts fluids to itself. And, on the contrary, on a decreasing moon of the planet makes a kind of "breath". In plants, this is manifested in the form of a nutrient movement from the above-ground phytomass to the roots. In transitional days, that is, to the new moon and full moon, the Earth symbolically pulls his breath. In the vegetation body, this is also manifested in the form of a certain delay in the movement of juices.