Repair Design Furniture

On which moon is it better to plant tomatoes. Influence on productivity and duration of storage of seeds. The effect of the full moon on plants

The growth and development of plants depends on the state of the moon, in what phase and sign of the zodiac it is. The influence of the moon on plants is great. It should be noted that with a waning moon, plant juices go into the roots, and with a growing one, on the contrary, they rise to the aerial part.

Moon phase calendar by months 2018

moon in june 2019

Moon in July 2019

Moon in August 2019

Moon in September 2019

Moon in October 2019

Moon in November 2019

Moon in December 2019

Lunar rhythms

When using data on the night luminary in horticulture and horticulture, we will take the known patterns about its position on starry sky and influence as a guide to action.

New moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon, phases of the moon, position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, rising and falling moon, lunar days- each of these concepts indicates a certain rhythm that occurs in nature, the culprit of which is the night star.

Knowledge about lunar rhythms and their influence on all living things has been used since ancient times. If you want to succeed in gardening, do not refuse the help of the Moon.

Weeding or weed control during the waning moon

There is effective method the destruction of mainly annual weeds in the spring before sowing or planting. It consists in the following: for the first time, you need to dig up a bed or weed a plot with the growing Moon in the sign of Leo - this stimulates the germination of weed seeds. Then dig up again, weed with the waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn - this makes it possible to destroy the weeds that have already sprouted from the seeds. And then weed, loosen, dig in again after a while again with the waning moon.

In the summer, during the growing season of plants, weeding is best done when the moon is waning, especially during the days of the passage of the sign of Capricorn. But here it is important not to hurt cultivated plants because they too will die.

Landing based on lunar phases

Planting plants is best done with the growing moon. Most the best time for transplantation, when the Moon is in Virgo - during this period, the root system is very well restored and the plant quickly grows. These days, you can even transplant not only young trees, but also older ones. It is also good at this time to start rooting cuttings and chibouks of grapes.

Watering plants, what days

Watering can be carried out at any time, except for days when the Moon is in air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius), but it is better when the Moon is waning and in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Pruning trees and shrubs by the moon

Pruning is carried out with a waning moon. This is best done when the waning moon is in Aries and Leo.


The vaccination is carried out with the growing moon, preferably closer to the full moon, when the moon is in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. At the same time, the rootstock juice quickly rises into the grafted stalk or kidney and nourishes it - the grafting site quickly grows together.

In order to cure a diseased plant or stimulate the growth of a poorly developing one, it is necessary during the waning moon, in the fourth phase (last quarter), or better on the day of the new moon, pinch the top of a tree branch, in front of the bud, which will continue to grow and develop intensively. The same effect can be achieved by pinching plants when the Moon passes the sign of Virgo.


Fertilization is most effective on a full moon or a waning moon. Fertilizers penetrate well into the root layer of the soil, are absorbed by plants and do not enter the groundwater.

Days of Fruit, Root, Flower, Leaf

When the Moon passes the signs of the Zodiac Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - the period is called the "days of the Fruits", because the rhythms of the Moon have a special positive effect on the fruits.

When the Moon passes the signs of the Zodiac Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - the period is called "days of the Root", because the rhythms of the Moon have a special effect on the roots.

When the Moon passes the signs of the Zodiac Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - the period is called the "days of the Flower", because the rhythms of the Moon have a special effect on flowers.

When the Moon passes the signs of the Zodiac Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - the period is called "Leaf days", because the rhythms of the Moon have a special effect on the foliage.

How do you think this information can be put into practice? That's how! If, for example, we loosen the soil on the beds of lettuce always on the days of the Leaf, then it will grow more magnificent, more productive than we would do it on other days.

Carrots, beets, radishes and other root crops will be more successful if we not only sow them, but also weed them, loosen the ground in the days of the Root.

Tomatoes, cucumbers and beans will thank us with the best fruits when we take care of them - dive, weed, loosen the soil and the days of the Fruit.

Well, the days of the Flower, of course, are best used to care for flowers. By the way, flowers for bouquets should be cut only on Flower days if possible - they will stand in a vase much longer.

New moon

This good days for collecting fruits and vegetables for long-term storage, weeding, pest and disease control, pinching and pinching horticultural crops. Slow-germinating seeds can be soaked or sowed.

Full moon

This is a good time to loosen the soil around the plants, weed and collect seeds.

I'm sure these tips will help you grow good harvest at lower labor costs.

planting time in middle lane already in full swing, summer residents and garden owners are already fully armed, ready to advance to their own land square meters to start an epic harvest battle.

At this time, not only seeds, fertilizers and equipment are being prepared, but theoretical preparation is also underway. Everyone knows that a good start- that's almost half the battle. Therefore, it is so important to properly plant, to choose a corner of the garden for each plant, to determine the timing and other conditions for planting. Many have heard about strong influence moon, so the question is often repeated about whether it is possible to plant on a waning moon, what can be planted, which plants will gladly accept planting during such a period and respond with a good harvest.

Dangerous full moon

Below is detailed information on what work is best done in the garden during the waning moon, but first a few words about the mysterious full moon. Biologists say that by the time the moon becomes full, then many plants enter into full force, crown, their upper part is saturated with nutrients and moisture. Accordingly, the root system is in a more weakened state, its biopotential is reduced.

At this time, it is better not to plant plants in the soil or on seedlings, transplanting. Also it's not really right time for circumcision or pinching. But in the list of recommended agricultural work:

  • seedling thinning;
  • seed collection;
  • weeding;
  • harvesting roots.

Also, the full moon is considered an excellent time for processing the fruits of fruit trees, berries, which are maximally saturated with vitamins and other substances useful to humans.

The moon is waning - energy goes down

During the waning of the moon, it is believed that energy moves from the crown, top down, to the root system. Therefore, the underground part at this time is “gaining strength”, strengthens and develops. Any intervention in this area may have Negative consequences for the plant and lead to a decrease in yield.

But the outflow of energy from the crown, tops, the upper part of the planted plants allows you to work calmly. It is at this time that you need to following works(depending on the season):

  • pruning branches;
  • pinching for the active development of side shoots;
  • crown formation of fruit and other trees;
  • planting plants with bulbs;
  • plant transplant;
  • planting root crops.

In the III quarter of the waning moon, it is recommended to plant perennials, tuberous plants, potatoes (a few days after the full moon). The same goes for landing. fruit trees and shrubs - the “losing weight” moon becomes a great helper.

In the IV quarter of the waning moon, it is also possible to carry out the work described above in the garden, in the country or in the garden. The time is considered favorable for planting plants with the help of bulbs (tulips, lilies and the like), tubers. Also, this period is good for harvesting vegetables for long-term storage.

Other jobs that benefit future crops include fertilizing, loosening the soil, pest control and weeding!

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  • The waning moon is suitable for the formation of roots.
  • I consider these influences to be secondary
  • I planted the last ones for the soil today and I hope for a good harvest.
  • ... if you care about the harvest, then it is best to purchase a gardener's calendar. On the waning Moon, those seeds are sown, the fruits of which yield crops in the Earth (radishes, red beets, garlic, etc.) And on the growing Moon, the seeds of which bear fruit on the plant itself (cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.) month passes 12 signs of the zodiac. It is impossible to sow, plant, transplant on those days when the Moon is in the sign of Aquarius, Aries and Leo. And on the days of the New Moon, that is, one day before the New Moon, on the day of the New Moon and the day after (3 days). The same rules apply to seeds for seedlings.
  • For me, the main condition is to sow the seeds with bare hands, no gloves.
  • ​Pisces


Plants planted at this time will hurt less.

Thus, we sow in the II and IV phases, and plant in the I and III phases of the Moon.

In order to get good healthy seedlings, it is necessary to sow seeds on time. The days on which sowing is favorable, and those days when it is better not to plant anything, can be found from various sources.

19 full moon and plant tomatoes in a month

I plant at different times - it all depends on the care

Do not believe all lunar calendars. they are generally different. The main thing is to take care, believe that they will sprout and talk to plants more often.

How the moon affects plants and crops

Another Old Believer, stop reading these lunar calendars. Sow when there is a desire and mood. The moon is not here. I never follow these newfangled rules and do not remain without harvests.

- Planting and pruning of trees is not recommended. With the growing moon good time for planting cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, horseradish, zucchini, pumpkins, cabbage, herbs, and raspberries. With the waning moon - it’s good to plant onions on turnips, radishes, carrots, bulbous flowers. Libra

Taurus It is important to remember that the new moon and full moon are times of crisis. At this time, plants are especially vulnerable, so it is better not to plan any work at this time.

Astrologers recommend paying attention to the full moon and new moon. These days you should not plant or sow anything. And also 12 hours before their onset and 12 hours after them. Most often, experienced gardeners check the lunar calendar before planting seeds. Such calendars usually give recommendations not only on when and what crops to sow, but also on unfavorable days for sowing. Nature is not at all conducive to the sowing of any seed on days when the Moon passes through the sign of Aquarius. It is believed that these days it is better to cancel all landings. Most likely, the seeds will not sprout at all, or the seedlings will subsequently all die. On such unfavorable days, you can only pickle the seeds, you should not even soak them for subsequent plantings. And it’s even better not to do any manipulations with seeds and seedlings these days, waiting for a more favorable time.

I try to sow on a rose garden on a waning moon so that the root is stronger and I plant (dive) on a growing one​this is then used if spring and intensive growth. and now the moon is gone. there is a dormant period for plants. there will be no goo. Before you do something, you should ask. and now your plant knows whether it will survive or not.​

They will appreciate it. Really :)))))))))))))))) It depends on which side of the moon you live

Moon phases and gardening

And I sow according to the principle "when it caught fire." The harvest is plentiful, it is stored poorly. Do not use for seed purposes.​

- picking seedlings. With the growing moon, a good time for planting legumes (peas, beans, lentils, soybeans), as well as cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, cabbage. Suitable for planting annual and perennial flowers, berry bushes, strawberries, as well as plums, cherries, apricots, pears and cherry plums. With a waning moon, you can plant root crops and onions on a turnip. The harvest is not bad, it is well stored. - picking seedlings. Perfect for planting all types of root crops (potatoes, beets, carrots, etc.), especially during the waning moon. With the growing moon - sowing legumes, greens, cabbage, asparagus. Formative pruning of fruit trees and shrubs. As the most fertile sign, it is suitable for planting any garden plants. big harvest, stored for a long time.

In the 1st quarter (phase) of the growing moon So, first we select the most favorable phase of the moon (week) for planting and sowing crops, for work, and then correlate with favorable and not auspicious days.​

For the rest, the following recommendations are followed for planting: everything that will grow up, above the ground, is planted on seedlings and in open ground during the growing moon, i.e. from new moon to full moon. The closer to the new moon itself, the better for the future plant. But on the day of the new moon, they do not recommend planting anything. A good harvest of root crops can also be obtained by planting them on the waning moon, starting from the full moon. Plants planted on a full moon develop more leaves and stems and less fruit and roots. In short. everyone has their own opinion))) cool. Usually they don’t plant on the full moon, new moon and in the signs of water (cancer, fish, etc.) In general, tomatoes grow like a vine, plant as your mood will be, and that’s all.

The phases of the moon mainly affect the level ground water.. . And now this is not a limiting factor when landing. Plant everything. You will be rich and happy as you are now.

The position of the moon and the signs of the zodiac

No need to bother with these lunar calendars. First, if you compare several, they will not match. Secondly, our parents did not know about any lunar calendars - and all the gardens were full if the hands were in place. My father planted and sowed for half his life, and he never had misfires, if he was not mistaken with agricultural technology.

possible. before, not all calendars were used and the harvests were High quality seeds.

Successful planting of annuals that give an above-ground crop in the form of leafy greens, all those plants in which parts that do not contain seeds are consumed for food: cabbage, parsley, lettuce, celery, asparagus. You should also plant melons, cucumbers and sow cereals. Flowers are also best planted on the growing moon, then they are more fragrant and give a lot of seeds. It is recommended to make mineral fertilizers.​ ​1.​

All signs of the zodiac during the period of the passage of the Moon through them are divided by astrologers into productive and lean. Among the productive ones, one can also note wet ones - during the period when the Moon passes through them, plants absorb water more actively and accumulate it fruitfully. Watering during this period is most effective, and this happens during the period when the Moon passes the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Libra and Pisces. All their lives they planted and never bothered with "favorable" days. And they didn't know what it was. And everything grew and thrived. It's all bullshit.

Don't worry!

I planted tomatoes for seedlings last night and this morning. I don't even buy a lunar calendar. I plant when I have time and mood. Plant and everything will work out for you! I don’t care about the moon ---- when urine hits the head, then I plant

​If they hadn’t asked about the phases of the moon here, I wouldn’t have thought about it.​ As a rule, those that grow up are on a growing one, that is down on a decreasing one.


Gemini In the 2nd quarter (phase) of the growing moon

During the new moon, all the vital juices of plants go into the roots.

The time when the Moon passes the sign of Aries is unproductive and suitable for spraying, weeding, cultivation. You can plant everything fast-growing these days - greens, lettuce, spinach. Taurus is suitable for planting root crops, legumes, bulbs. It is good to plant cabbage, radish, turnip, swede during this period. Flowers planted during the period of the Moon in Taurus will be hardy, this is a good sign for planting anything that will then be stored for a long time. During the Gemini period, planting anything other than climbing plants and strawberries is not recommended. The most productive sign for planting is Cancer. It is good to engage in both planting and transplanting plants and seeds during this period. February 19 is a new moon. and then plant everything and everything.

Depends on the correct planting, soil and further care. In principle, I believe in calendars, because even the ocean reacts to the phases of the moon with ebbs and flows, and every living cell is an ocean in miniature. It is quite possible that on the growing moon, nutrients enter the above-ground part more intensively and vice versa. Sow on the aging moon, the roots will develop better, and dive on the growing moon or transplant into the ground. Good luck!​

Absolutely right! Seedlings of tomatoes and cucumbers, planted on the growing moon, grow beautifully and quickly upwards. And the fact that I annoyed the descending one is THREE times lower, and the stems are FAT!! ! All seedlings produced the first REAL leaves SIMULTANEOUSLY. Therefore, they have the same development speed. It's just that those who were planted on the waning moon have more strength gone to the root !! ! And this is WONDERFUL! As it turned out, I sowed correctly. On the descending - roots, on the growing - tops.

If you are not superstitious, then yes! if you believe in all this, then it is better to plant on the growing moon! you never know, suddenly the truth!

- picking seedlings. With a growing moon, it is suitable for planting tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, cabbages and other moisture-loving plants, as well as peppers, eggplants, herbs, grafting fruit trees and shrubs. With the waning moon - planting garlic, radishes, radishes, onion sets, potatoes, bulbous flowers, rejuvenating pruning of old trees. The harvest is good. Long stored. High quality seeds. - do not plant anything. Weeding, spraying from diseases and pests is recommended.

Annuals are planted, yielding a crop in the form of fleshy fruits with seeds inside: tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, peppers, beans and peas, all creeping, creeping crops. It is good to sow cereals at this time. 2.

Under the sign of Leo, only trees and shrubs are planted. At this time, care should be taken when handling garden tools, as injuries are likely. Under the sign of Virgo, it is not recommended to plant and replant vegetables, fruits and berries, the period is favorable only for flowers, and is also good for weed control and cultivation. During the period when the Moon passes the sign of Libra, it is good to plant tuberous and leguminous crops, especially on the waning Moon. The Moon in Scorpio is a sign of the second most productive period after Cancer. The sign of Sagittarius is considered fruitless, but suitable for planting garlic, pepper, radish, potatoes.

is it possible to sow seeds for seedlings on a waning moon

Sergey Angolenko

Isn't it too early? Stretch out, what will you do? But depending on what region you have.​

Anatoly Yakovlev

I have not seen serious people believing in this nonsense, in horoscopes and lunar phases only amateur gardeners pay attention.

Donskaya Christening

On the waning moon, there is an outflow of accumulated substances into the underground organs. Therefore, plants are planted on the waning moon, in which underground organs are eaten - beets, onions, carrots, radishes.

Elena Zakharova

​The phases of the moon have a great influence on the growths, but don't bother with specific numbers. The best day to plant is when you REALLY, REALLY want to!!!​


And what about the signs of the zodiac? If I believe, then I will be left without celery.

Mityai Bukhankin

I never believed in it, but I tried it last year, it's all complete nonsense!!! Sow when there is time and mood!​

margarita brown


Tatiana B

Alexander Omelchenko

In the 3rd quarter (phase) of the waning moon

Adelaide Markoffeva

With the growing moon, the movement of juices from the root to the top and leaves begins. During the growing moon, planting and transplanting plants are recommended, especially those that have a more developed aerial part - leaves and stems.
The sign of Capricorn, in its characteristics during the passage of the Moon through it, is similar to Taurus, but even drier. During this period, you can plant root crops, currants, gooseberries, bulbous plants. This period gives endurance to the flowers planted at this time. The sign of Pisces is very productive and resembles Cancer, but everything planted during this period will develop excessively watery and will not be stored well.

Ludmila Kolosova

Elena Smirnova

my notes.
Of the plants you have listed, it is better not to plant anything on the waning moon.
Temperature does not recommend.
Until you calculate everything, the harvest must be harvested. Where is the harvest? We didn't have time to plant...
"Honest Pioneer" - never bothered with it! :))))​
- do not plant anything. Weeding, spraying from diseases and pests is recommended.


- picking seedlings. One of the best signs for plants that require moisture (cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, Bell pepper, asparagus, cauliflower, white and red cabbage) and leaf crops(lettuce, basil, tarragon, etc.), especially with the growing moon. Planting currants, raspberries and gooseberries. Grafting and formative pruning of fruit trees and shrubs. With the waning moon - planting potatoes, beets, carrots. Harvest plentiful, but poorly stored.

Maikl Kljinber

Biennials and perennials are planted, as well as those annuals that produce a crop of tuberous and root crops: rutabagas, carrots, rhubarb, radishes, turnips, beets, black radishes, asparagus and winter wheat. Potatoes for food are best planted a few days after the full moon. All autumn and winter landings, as well as planting trees, shrubs, grapes is best done in this quarter - the root system is developing well. It is recommended to prune trees and shrubs.​
Tips for gardeners-gardeners on sowing and planting plants:

Lelya Casanova

When I want, then I will plant and the moon is not a decree for me

kati gender

You can plant under any moon, weather and other signs ..))

Seryoga Soghomonyan

Nothing, all work on landing only on the growing moon

sergey kudryashov

Better already in May.

Evgeny Kondr

And whatever one may say, all these crap - "lunar calendars" are designed for feeble-minded people (it's not you), who believe in nonsense from the series "horoscopes-predictions" and other rubbish. You were correctly written here that it is possible and necessary to sow and plant only in a good mood and certainly not relying on any scribble-blank, which is now a lot. Are you in a good mood? Have you imagined how all this will please you and benefit you in the country? Then go ahead!! ! Good luck to you!​

Misha Walk

This is when you are in a good mood and everything will grow. but you can go to the moon.

Is it possible to sow seeds of tomatoes, cucumbers after March 25? The lunar calendar is not recommended. Didn't make it on time.


Do not use for seed purposes.


In the 4th quarter (phase) of the waning moon
The closer to the full moon a plant is planted, the less its stem stretches. A little accidental damage to the roots at this time is not so dangerous, as the juices move up.

Dmitrieva Nadezhda

1. Root seeds should be sown on the waning moon for one week (during the fourth phase, a week before the new moon);

ღ M@rin@ ღ

Moon in AQUARIUS. Aquarius is a barren and dry sign.


But there is a tiny nuance about fruit. If planted at a loss and male year, then it will give birth at intervals. that is, one year is very fruitful and the other year is poor or not.

Natalia Kopchak

Only root crops, so that there is less greenery, and everything goes to the root crop.

Tatiana Tsivilskaya

of course you can

Ekaterina Samarina

I didn’t bother before, but experience has shown that the Moon, its magnetic field, in one way or another affects plants, namely germination, so I began to adhere to it, if of course there is enough time. Everywhere they write that root crops are sown on the waning moon, and what bears fruit from above on the growing one. But it is difficult to judge how great the influence of the stars is, they are too far from us, and I think it is not so necessary to adhere to the hours and minutes as in the calendars. The moon is only 6-7 times smaller than the Earth, naturally its magnetic field affects not only the tides of the seas, but the visible part of the Moon in the form of a crescent, nothing more than a shadow from the Earth, they involve three intersecting magnetic fields, the Sun, the Earth and the Moon, here this is the main impact on all life on our planet. I have heard many times that the full moon somehow affects women. I think on vegetable world this also affects. Wolves often howl at full moon, why?
Today is not an auspicious day, but I really wanted to sow flowers ... Sowed. I'm sure they will rise and grow! I don't pay attention to the moon... And everything grows and smells sweet.

Evgeniya Taratutina

- picking seedlings. Good sign for planting before winter, as well as for planting perennials, trees, shrubs. With the waning moon, it is recommended to plant root crops, onions on turnips, radishes, parsley, celery (root), bulbous flowers. With the growing moon - greens, cabbage, legumes. Suitable for grafting fruit trees, pruning branches. Harvest is good, well stored.

Irina Murzinova


- a favorable time for planting plants and laying vegetables for storage, and an unfavorable time for dividing roots and bulbs and their reproduction. Seeds planted on the waning moon are programmed for a more active development of the underground part: roots, root crops, tubers.

What can be planted on a waning moon

Elena Zakamskaya

You need to plant beet seedlings, plant potatoes on the waning moon in phase III (immediately after the full moon);

Olga Zhuravleva

Unfavorable. It is not recommended to plant trees, as those planted in this sign will grow clumsy and ugly. Watering with the Moon in Aquarius is not performed, as this can lead to rotting of the roots. It should not be dived and transplanted in the days of Aquarius (plants will not take root). Seeds obtained from plants planted in Aquarius do not guarantee the preservation of varietal characteristics.


The waning moon during planting ... I planted grapes today, and they tell me that they will not take root well! Like the waning moon!

Nikolai Tsuprunov

When planting, the main criterion is the planting time and planting technology for a given crop. And the moon is needed in order to admire it and fall in love under it.

Maria Dunaeva

Motya motya

This year, many people observed the northern lights in the form of a pillar in the middle lane and to the south, this is a rarity for such latitudes. Due to the fact that in mid-January there was a strong magnetic storm.​
With such busyness as in modern life, it is necessary to sow when there is time and the weather allows. Preferably in a good mood! Good luck!​
High quality seeds.


Lyubov Tamarkina

Lina Sakharnova

. During the full moon, fruits and herbs have maximum juiciness.
2. Seeds of vegetables, greens, in which the aerial part is important, are sown with the growing moon in phase II (a week before the full moon);


So, everything that grows up, above the ground, should be planted in the ground during the growing moon (from new moon to full moon), closer to the new moon, in order to make the most of the period of lunar "spring" and "summer" favorable for growth. If you need to grow a good crop of root crops, you need to plant them on a waning moon.

victoria chaikovskaya

So it seems we are planting on the growing moon, and now things are going to the new moon.
If planted correctly, then everything will be buzzing. Planted in different phases, and grapes and other plants, the main thing is the weather, so that care also allows.
Just planted some tomatoes! Hooray! The main thing is to be in a good mood !!! :)​

what do we have today with the moon, is it possible to plant tomatoes?


I don’t believe in fairy tales and grandmother’s fortune-telling, but I keep cucumber seeds in my mouth before sowing, this is not a sign, but a completely understandable phenomenon, the seeds heat up to 36 degrees, absorb saliva, and which one chemical composition, except that it is an alkaline medium? So everything needs to look for explanations ...

With the help of the lunar calendar, even a novice gardener will be able to grow healthy fruit-bearing bushes from seedlings. The tomato planting lunar calendar for 2019 is useful in that it contains a list of favorable and not auspicious days to perform certain actions.

The lunar calendar for planting tomatoes is a table that shows favorable and unfavorable days for each month in relation to the implementation of certain agricultural practices. Based on this table, you can calculate the best time to plant tomato seeds for seedlings.

In order to correctly determine the landing date by the phase of the moon, it is necessary not to blindly navigate the calendar, but to correlate the data given in it with the following points:

  • varietal features of the culture. To date, breeders have bred a variety of varieties that have different lengths of the period of growth and ripening of the crop. Each package of seeds provides information on when is the best time to sow;
  • option of growing plants: in open ground or in a greenhouse. In the first case, the time of sowing tomato seeds for seedlings and the further planting of young bushes in open ground should primarily be based on the climatic features of the growing region.

When you determine the time suitable for planting a particular variety, you need to look into the lunar calendar and find the favorable days closest to this date. To the resulting number, you need to add 6 days, during which the seeds will germinate, and 12 days for the first shoots to appear.

According to lunar calendar, in 2019, the following days are suitable for sowing tomato seedlings:

  • January: 1-3, 16-18, 30-31;
  • February: 14–16;
  • March: 1–3, 4–6 pm, 30–31 pm;
  • April: 1–3, 4–6 pm, 30–31 pm;
  • May: 14–16, 28–30;
  • June: 14-16, 28-30;
  • July: 12–14, 27–29;
  • August: 10–12, 25–27;
  • September: 8–10, 24–26;
  • October: 8–10, 23–25;
  • November: 6–8, 22–24;
  • December: 6–8, 21–23

As you can see, in 2019, tomato seeds can be planted every month. Therefore, astrologers have additionally developed the following recommendations that can help in determining the best period for this operation:

  • sowing of planting material can be carried out on the days when the Moon is in Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio, provided that the earth is minimally moistened;
  • it is forbidden to carry out this manipulation on the new moon, since at this time the energy of the moon is reduced. This statement also applies to the period when the celestial body is at its peak (full moon);
  • you can fertilize the plantings when the moon goes waning or starts to grow. Also, this procedure should be carried out when the Earth satellite is under the influence of Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn;
  • with a waning moon, the seeds of this crop germinate much worse.

After the terms have been determined, it is necessary to find out how to properly plant tomato seeds for seedlings.

Video "Planting a tomato in the ground"

In this video you will learn how to grow strong tomato bushes.

So, we found out when to plant tomatoes according to the lunar calendar, now we need to decide on the correct execution of this procedure. First you need to prepare the soil. Land can be purchased at any garden store. However, many cook it on their own.

You need to plant tomato seeds in a soil mixture consisting of the following components: sand, mineral fertilizers, ash and peat. Ash can be replaced with dolomite or chalk. Instead of peat, the use of coconut substrate is allowed.

You also need to prepare the seeds themselves. It is recommended to buy seed only from trusted and well-known manufacturers or harvest it yourself. Buying planting material you need to pay attention to its expiration date.

To obtain good seedlings, the seeds must be subjected to selection, choosing only the best. To do this, they are placed in a glass of water. Those that pop up should not be planted. Such a check is carried out only with self-harvesting of seeds.

Then the seeds should be processed weak solution potassium permanganate. Soak them in the solution for 15 minutes. After that, processing with microelements is performed. Seeds are soaked in a special solution for two hours.

Now they are ready for sprouting. They are laid out on a moistened paper layer. Polyethylene is put on top. After that, the paper is sent to a warm place. Seeds should germinate at a temperature of + 22–25 ° C. It takes 4 days for the seed to germinate.

All of the above manipulations must be performed taking into account the favorable days given in the lunar calendar. After preparing the soil and seeds, you can start planting. When this operation should be carried out was given in previous section. It is worth noting that all subsequent actions (picking, seating, etc.) must be carried out on a suitable day for this. Otherwise, all your efforts may fail.

Planting seeds is carried out in cups, in which the soil was previously placed. Seeds should be planted with tweezers. A distance of no more than 1 cm should be observed between adjacent seeds. From above, the material is covered with earth.

Watering is carried out using a spray gun. Watering future seedlings is necessary not with plain water, but with a nutrient solution. It is prepared from liquid and mineral dressings.

The top of the glass must be covered with glass or film. It must be placed in a warm and dark place. The container is exposed to light and freed from glass after the first shoots appear. When tomato seedling will get stronger, it can be planted in a greenhouse or open ground.

When to plant seedlings in open ground or greenhouse

Planting a tomato according to the lunar calendar in 2019 in unprotected or protected should be carried out on favorable days for this. This will minimize the risk of death of tomatoes and accelerate their rooting in a new place.

The time for transferring seedlings to the ground depends on which bed the plant will grow on - open or greenhouse. Thus, when growing a crop in open garden good days for landing in May there will be 18-19 and 31 numbers, and in June - 1-3, 10-12. Usually, planting is carried out 60-70 days after the first shoots hatch.

If the cultivation of a tomato will be carried out in a greenhouse, then the favorable days for such a planting in April will be 20–22, 24–27, and in May - 9–11, 18–19. By classical pattern plant growing seedlings closed ground it is necessary 50-60 days after the first shoots appeared. At the same time, the temperature indicator inside the greenhouse for two days should be kept at +20 ° C during the day, and +18 ° C at night.

Two days before the transfer of seedlings, watering should be stopped. Before the procedure itself, the plants are watered abundantly until the earth acquires a uniform consistency. This will protect the delicate root system young bushes from injury during the transfer from the cup to the ground.

Unfavorable period for landing in 2019

Do not forget that 2019, in addition to favorable days for planting, also contains frankly unsuitable numbers for this action. This year, you can not plant tomato seedlings on March 12 and 28, April 11 and 26, and May 11 and 23. Also, such an operation is not carried out during the periods of the new moon and full moon.

Knowing when to plant tomatoes according to the lunar calendar, any gardener will be able to quickly determine the time of sowing seedlings, which will allow him to grow healthy and strong young sprouts.

It is no secret that everything in nature is interconnected - the movement of heavenly bodies gives rise to the cyclicity of not only the ebbs and flows of the seas and oceans, but also the development of plants is essential. That is why, when planning sowing, it is necessary to pay attention not only to weather conditions, but also to the phases of the moon. We will talk today about what can be planted on the full moon and whether it is possible to do planting work during this period, for example, plant vegetables.

Is it possible to plant and transplant on a full moon?

To begin with, let's figure out what processes this or that phase of the night star activates in plants. During the period of the growing moon, all the vital forces of plants are concentrated in their upper part, and the roots, on the contrary, practically lose all sensitivity. Therefore, the waxing moon is an excellent time for sowing seeds and transplanting plants that are grown for their aboveground parts: trees, shrubs, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. Plants will also respond well to pruning, quickly recovering and growing. During the waning moon Vital energy plants is located in the underground part, i.e. their root system. This is the best time to schedule root planting, shaping pruning, harvesting, etc. The periods of both new and full moons for all living organisms can be called transitional and planning landing and transfer operations for this time is, to put it mildly, an unsuccessful idea.

Why not plant on a full moon?

As you know, the phase of the full moon is three days. At this time, all the energy of plants is in their root system, but at the same time it is in a kind of “waiting mode”. Vitality during the full moon are minimal, the survival rate is low, which is why it is not recommended to plant plants on the full moon.