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Why the tomatoes are poorly growing and what to do. The seedlings are poorly growing: we are looking for a reason! Personal experience why tomato seedlings are poorly growing

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At this stage, the plant strengthens the root,

5. Stambling varieties (with limited growth) can develop at first glance slower.

Seedling Tomato stretched out and acquired pale - green

You can feed the fertilizer for growth. I use a flist for growth.

Because tomorrow needs freedom. Look for them not to be crammed. First, it is planted by rows, and then transplanted (picks up if I am not mistaken) in a more convenient packaging so that they can grow. It is also worth paying attention to the air temperature and the presence of the Sun, so that the Earth warms up and was warm. Earth should also be nutritious. There may be the factor that you have low-quality seeds with low germination.

And more seedlings begins to develop poorly if pests started on it - the loft, a web tick, inhabitters. Then urgently seedlings need to be treated with phytodeterm

Soil meals - if seedlings have won and become bluetic - there is not enough phosphorus if the stem is yellow and the stem is time to fade by nitrogen.

Why do tomatoes grow poorly? | First pancake

Back an important factor is the earth. I always plant in the already finished earthy mix that is sold in the tomato store. Of course, take the land from the forest will be even better, but this is if there is such an opportunity.

Do not overdo it with feeding, because there is a golden middle rule. The reconciliation of plants will lead to excessive vegetation to the detriment of crop.

Invalid picking or transplantation

Gordowers engaged in the cultivation of tomatoes on the seedlings often noticed that sometimes tomatoes are poorly growing after the transplant open sad. Or, slow down their growth rates. The wounds and flowers are falling. And maybe such that with a good appearance, the plant is not able to give a good crop. Not every gardener knows the true cause of poor growth and low yield of tomatoes.

Low temperature

Growing a tomato takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it. Unfortunately, not always everything goes without problems. Sometimes the seedlings of tomato are growing poorly or seedlings are drawn, and it happens when the seedlings acquire a pale green color. With these problems it is quite possible to fight, the main thing is to know exactly how.

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Wrong watering

Therefore, it is not in a hurry with leaves.

Good luck to you and good harvest!

What is your weather. Seedlings very much reacts. If it is cold, it does not grow. Warm pulonds ..


The reasons are the fact that the seedlings of the tomato is not growing, there are several. SAMI frequent cause- This is a bad seed quality. Buying better those who are in demand or on the advice of friends. Also, do not forget to water the seeds, they love moisture. Keep track of temperature and right seating. You can ask the advice from more experienced people in this regard.

I can list the reasons why it happens:

The reason may be in insufficient nutrition.


The third reason is the presence of sufficient light. Also greatly affects.

Tomato seedlings may stop their growth due to any disease. The most common diseases in which tomato seedlings cease to grow are root rot and the so-called black leg - infectious diseases of plants, which develops mainly under adverse conditions.

Tomato seedlings can highlight with incorrect transplantation. The roots of the plants could be bought or damaged, or when landing the roots, they were not sufficient and air cavities arose next to them.


Sometimes there are situations where seedlings are very dragging. In this case, it is worth cutting the stalks of plants into 2 parts, focusing on 5 or 6 sheets. Sliced \u200b\u200bparts put in water. In these stems of days after 10, the roots will grow, the size of which will be 1-1.5 cm. These stems should be seeding in a pot either directly into the box, the distance between the plants should be at least 10 cm. These stems will continue to grow as an ordinary seedlings.

Degeneration of quenction

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Pour the growth stimulant!)

Perhaps the seedlings lack sunlight. I also somehow planted part of the seedlings on the windowsill, and part of the seedlings on the table. So, what was on the windowsill, grew perfectly, and the seedlings that was on the table, lacked sunlight. And she had nothing further than seedlings.

First: Bad seeds;

If the stems and leaves of seedlings are stiff, thin stem, small pale leaves, then not enough in soil nitrogen

And of course, watering, it is necessary not to rearrange, but also not to put it.


Root rotes may appear after transplanting seedlings at low temperatures. In this case, the roots need to be rinsed with a solution of manganese or phytosporin. Then you should transplant seedlings in fresh soil.


Before the fruits are formed several stages of formation. The plant blooms, zerovy is formed from buds. Of these, the long-awaited harvest is already.

  1. If the tomato seedlings are growing poorly, then it is necessary to take action, otherwise it can lead to poor growth Tomato as a whole and bad yield. To make seedlings grow active, it is worth using a growth stimulator, for example, sodium depth. The solution supporting the color should resemble tea or beer. It is poured with a calculation of 1 cup on one plant.
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  3. Subscribe to the "Dachnik Videos" channel by reference: https: // ...
  4. Root the root system.


Wait a little. In such a state (two leaves) is long. Then the real leaves will appear and growth will begin.

There may be several reasons, but one of the most common is heavy soil. When I started gardened, I thought it would be better if you take the black soil. And she complied with all, the roots are weak and there is no strength to pull nutrition. I had to dilute on sand.

Second: cold, tomatoes love heat;

If the bottom side of the leaf has become red-purple, it lacks phosphorus

The temperature regime is also important, but I doubt that you have so cold in the apartment that tomatoes do not grow, most likely, nevertheless, some of the previous reasons affect.

The black leg is manifested in the darkening of the root neck. It is then softened, which leads to the death of plants. With such damage to plants, a weak solution of manganese is used for watering them. Plants are then dipped and placed portion. Here you need to be attentive, because the plants can be saved only at the beginning of the disease.

But often, flowers and zeros are falling out, at first brushes appear empties. The main reason May become too low. Tomatoes are poorly growing if the temperature is below 28 ° C. To avoid it is recommended to plant seedlings in small greenhouses. The presence of vents and doors will allow you to maintain the desired temperature, if necessary, or on the contrary, completely closing the greenhouse. Create a small drafts in the greenhouse. It has favorably affects the pollination of plants.

Also, not rare seedlings can purchase a pale green color. It very often happens when it is pulling out. To save the situation, you need to make feeding. After feeding, the pots with a seedler should be put in place where the temperature in the afternoon and at night holds at the level of 10 degrees of heat. At this time, the seedlings do not watered. During this time, seedlings will stop in growth and greening. Then you can already rearrange in a common place.

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  • It is better than the time it is still enough, adopt the immunocetafitis -tlease, a good growth stimulator and some illnesses
  • Possible:
  • It is necessary to know that at a temperature of 14-15 degrees, tomatoes cease their height. Very often the cause is precisely this factor, but there may be others. May depend on the composition of the soil. Here it is already required feeding.
  • Third: deeply planted seeds and they germinate for a long time, a lot of strength goes to a propestation.
  • The lack of potassium speaks yellow on the edges of the leaves and their twisting.
  • If the seedl of tomato does not grow, then it may not have enough light, heat or irrigation. Maybe she is thickened and she lacks nutrients. It is necessary to send seedlings so that she had a lot of land, to regularly water and hang out at night. You can also pour seedlings with superphosphate.

Often the growth of tomato seedlings Mogiz slow down pests. Harm in the afternoon, wets, web tick are harmful. To get rid of pests, seedlings are treated with drugs such as carbofos, phytodeterm, accility.


Also, tomatoes are poorly growing with a lack of moisture. During the appearance of uncess and fruit growth, constantly hold the soil in a wet state. Watering plants only with warm water. To do this, choose evening hours.


Seedlings Tomato stretched out - not trouble! And this one seemingly, at first glance, an unpleasant moment can be paid to a positive result. Namely, two plants can be raised at once. We cut the tomato into two parts at 5 - 6 leaves. Cropped upper plants should be put in water tank. And about a week later they will give roots with a size of 1.5 - 2 cm. Then they need to be put in pots or in a box at a distance from each other 10 cm. They will grow as seedlings that will be formed in one stem.


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And my sit in the phase of the Seedal leaves.

tell me why the seedlings of the tomato does not grow, he climbed two leaves and hereinafter, the second week about 2 cm height

Ekaterina Makarova

1. IN this moment There is an increase in the underground part - roots, then the above-ground part will begin to develop.

Anna Natalia

Bills are increasing root system- good of the roots and start growing!


Fourth: you need to water, once every three days, and even four, so that the soil is wet, but not much to fill their tomatoes.


With a lack of iron seedlings, tomato ceases to grow, the leaves become yellow and discolored.


When evaluating the state seedlings of tomatoes, several factors should be taken into account:

Tatyana Tsiwilskaya

Many gardeners stop at one grade tomato, which are planted from year to year. Often, they take the largest fruit in the old way and use their seeds. As a result, the types and fruiting of plants deteriorate. Many country agronomists recommend changing the varieties of grown tomatoes every three years.


If the sprouts are strongly pouring water, then they do not have enough oxygen, and they suffocate. Hence the growth stop. Plant growth can also stop when applying inappropriate soil. Here by solving the current situation is cleaning drainage hole in a pot. And in the second case, you need to transplant plants in another soil.

Evgenia Taratutin

As it grows out of the sinuses of the lower sheets of the cropped plant, steps will soon grow. When they become a size of 5 cm, then everything must be removed, except for two tops. Of these, the usual seedlings will grow. After the proceeding procedure, seedlings are planted on 25 days permanent place, to greenhouse. Where two escapes form. With that, each escape is separately tied. Best of all on every shoot to form 4 fruit brushes.

Lyudmila Venedikovova

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Everything is fine.
2. There is not enough lighting - overcast and no artificial readiness.
Will you not forget? If not, there is a reason in more difficult, probably most likely a little root of the place, they are not where to rost .... I am not a professor, but I think so !!!
Fifth: Bad Earth, for seedlings you need to take the earth in the forest under the trees.

If an improper dive was performed, then due to damage to the roots of seedlings ceases to grow

kati Gender.

Lighting - Tomatoes love sunlightYou cannot deprive them of this main source of growth.

Tatyana B.

Showing a little attention and doing these simple actions, you can avoid all these troubles and over time to enjoy the harvest grown with their own hands of juicy tomatoes.

Valentina Capricorn.

There is an erroneous opinion that tomatoes should be shed with water again a week. Such watering are very harmful to growth. As a result of a sharp absorption of large volumes of moisture, the skin is cracking on the fruits. After a long drought, watering produce in small portions.

Zhanna S.

If tomato seedlings stretched out and acquired a pale green colorSo it has come time to feed the useful trace elements. Make a nutrient solution on 10 liters of water Add 1 tablespoon of urea. Pour each plant of half cups and remove the seedlings in such a place where the temperature is permanent 8 - 10 degrees and do not water a couple of days. You will notice that seedlings stopped in growth and could change the color, or dark is green or purple. After such changes, it is necessary to make seedlings to normal conditions.
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If the view of the sprouts "cheerful", not worried about.

3. In the room cool - growth can suspend, and then resume again (when it becomes warmer).
Yes, it will grow! I noticed that the growth goes with jumps, then quickly catch up!)) Good harvest!))))

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Six: You need to pour urea seedlings when it crept slightly.
May not be enough oxygen and do not fit the soil.
Moisturizing - watering should be moderate, but regular.
And what's the color of it? - 2 years ago
One of the causes of insufficient growth of tomato seedlings may be lack of nutrients. Determine whether nutrition plants are enough or not, it is possible by the following features.
If seedling grow very rapidly and develops, then it is necessary to provide it with useful substances. Prepare a solution, on 10 liters of water Add 3 tablespoons of superphosphate. Pour each plant with one glass of the solution and remove it into a warm place, where the temperature in the afternoon is 26 degrees, and at night - 22. As in the previous example, do not water for several days. A week later, seedlings will come to normal and create conventional conditions.

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And it is not necessary to feed at this age.
4. Too dry or too wet soil. Tomatoes love rare watering (in room conditions 2 times a week), loosening (air access to roots appears) and dip (the additional roots increase).

What they stopped in growth - not bad, worse, when stretched out. Suspend more!
If you comply with all these conditions, then you will have excellent seedlings.
And seedlings can be subjected to diseases, if there was a lot of water poured with insufficiently warm temperatures. Then the roots need to rinse in weak solution Manganese and transplant in fresh soil
Temperature - toounder low temperatures Inhibit the growth of seedlings, optimally 20-23 degrees.
Usually seedlings can be badly growing due to bad seeds, maybe even overdue.
If the plants lack nitrogen, plants become chaxes, they have a thin stem and small pale leaves. When the plants lack phosphorus, they have a reddish-purple shade on the leaves from the bottom side. When the leaves on the edges are yellow and twisted, it means that the plants lack potassium. The marble of leaves in plants speaks of a lack of magnesium. In all these cases, tomato seedlings provide the necessary feeding. The ordinary ash can serve. You can take advantage of plants specially designed to protect and feed the plants. The most common such drug is phytosporin-m. It is used to protect plants from diseases and to accelerate growth.
In many respects, the characteristics of the tomatoes depend on their variety. They can be environmental, tall or completely low. Early and late. Meanwhile, their fruits differ in shape. There are round tomatoes, elongated or oval.
What if seedling does not grow.

On, windowsill, or in a greenhouse, they grow like well, and after you released them "in adulthood", that is, it is already directly in the open ground in your site, the growth of them happens, which is seriously slowed down. Why does this happen to tomatoes and what they lack for full development?

What to feed the seedlings of tomato if it is growing bad?

And so, you landed tomatoes, but they do not please their development. Sometimes it happens that they simply drop the marine, after flowering, or the harvests are ultimately not so rich as usual. Although they seem to look healthy. Why then everything happens exactly?

  • I think, for the summer residents, it is not a secret that tomatoes love warmth very much, so do not forget to choose them the place for landing, which is so and where the lights will be in abundance. They love to grow on the hills, but such places must be protected from wind. If on your site such strong winds often happen often, then tomatoes from them should be protected. For such protection, it is enough to plant any riding culture around the beds with tomatoes. It's not bad for such a landing to take the same corn or instead of it will quite fit by soy. She, except for protection from the wind, will help protect themselves from some pests, which is also very good.
  • In addition to choosing right place For your tomatoes, you also need to prepare the soil. And this preparation of spontaneous should not be. You have to know in the fall, where they will be planted and it is at this time you need to begin to prepare this site. It is better to eat the soil organic fertilizersWhen you will pull it out. For this, the manure is good or instead of an ordinary compost. They are enough for half an eye (this is about kilogram 4) on square meter. Source better fertilizer Mineral. Here it will be necessary to make the superphosphate (80 gr) and potassium chloride (20 gr). Nitrogen for tomato is better not to use at all, because often tomatoes suffer from his oversupply. Of course, without nitrogen, but its right amount is always in the Organic, which you will make (the same manure or compost). If his reserve is slightly exhausted, then add nitrogen you can always with feeding. More about one version of the feeding I wrote, it can be done using ordinary yeast.
  • Also with tomatoes, as with many other cultures, it is necessary to adhere to the crop rotation. Cucumbers, cabbage or onions, as well as any legumes will be good option For crop rotation with tomatoes. Wherever you planted Poleyanov on your site (the same potatoes, eggplants either pepper) to plant tomatoes should not be at two.

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Tomatoes are wonderful culture, small or large, elongated, round or oval in shape. They exist in a huge variety of shades and tastes. Gardeners can take a long time to talk about their crops of tomatoes, praising the beauty and taste of the fruit grown by their own efforts. Even experienced gardeners Quite often asked in such a question: why the seedlings of the tomato grows poorly, and that it was the reason for this reason.

It happens that seedling tomatoes suddenly stops sharply in its growth. If this happens, then you do not need to panic. It is necessary to determine as quickly as possible in which the reason for the sudden stop of the growth of seedlings is hidden or the reason for which the weak seedlings of the tomato have grown - what to do in each case, what measures should be taken. What actions to carry out when the tomato seedlings are not well growing, even experienced gardens do not always know.

The process of growing tomatoes may seem difficult for those who, in principle, did not come across it, tried to do this without the necessary basic knowledge, or previous attempts became not so successful. However, it happens, not growing, tomatoes planted in open land, suddenly slow down the growth, discharge the wound, may be that with a visually visible healthy form give a small harvest. What is the case? Let's see where the root of a weak growth of a plant or a sudden stop of it is hidden.

There may be several reasons for such: from the lack of nutrient elements and illumination to the spread of small pests and manifestations of various diseases. Often weakened seedlings can still be saved. We will try to reveal as soon as possible, why the seedlings of the tomato does not develop - what to do, how to prevent it. The reasons why tomatoes do not grow as needed, or grow to small size, and then stop in growth, there are several.

To the main reasons for which the tomato seedlings are poorly developed:

  1. wrong pickup;
  2. incorrect care;
  3. plant diseases;
  4. pests;
  5. lack of nutrients.

Wrong picking of tomatoes seedlings

One of the most main perpetrators of the growth of the growth of seedlings is incorrect dive (transplantation).

If the seedlings of the tomato grows poorly after the dive, the basic cause was the quality of the work produced, namely: can be badly damaged or torn off roots, or they got bent, when replanting the roots of seedlings could be badly compressed, which led to the formation next to them of the air cavities . To prevent the formation of aircraft, the land around the plant is usually thoroughly tamped by layers.

The presence of a long root system of tomatoes also explains why the tomato seedlings are not growing after dive, namely, after a roughly performed operation, as a result of which these very roots were very damaged. Therefore, when picking, you need to dig a sufficiently deep hole that the root elements of the tomato freely in it are located. Before the start of transplantation, the Earth needs to be thoroughly pouring. When the moisture is absorbed, a small spatula or even with hand, every sprout is transferred to a new place along with an earthen room, and this is necessary. Roots with this method of dive are not damaged.

For healthy growth, tomatoes seedlings must be provided certain conditions. If, after transplanting seedlings, the tomato stopped in growth - what to do after that. We need a certain temperature: the temperature of the day should be about 16-18 ° C, at night - about 13-15 ° C. During this time, it is necessary to produce three times, the last of which is one day before the dive. The water temperature should be 20 ° C.

Two weeks after the completion of the transplantation of the plant, it is desirable to nitroposki. During the entire time, seedlings are moderately watering as the land drying. If, when complying with all the conditions described, the seedlings of the tomato after picking, or it occurs very slowly, you can apply the growth stimulator, for example, sodium humate. The prepared solution for watering should be like a color on weak tea or beer. You need to water on a whole glass for each sprout.

Incorrect care for tomatoes seedlings

It can be explained to errors in caring for seedlings, why the seedlings of the tomato pale and fine, as it should be corrected to stimulate further growth of tomato. One of the sources of deterioration of the state of sprouts is the bay of seedlings, as a result of which oxygen was blocked, and they suffocated. In such a situation, the drainage passages in containers with seedlings are urgently carried out. upper layer Earth must be carefully disappeared if the seedlings are not too small or are not very close from each other.

Wrong irrigated bushes already planted on beds can be justified why tomato seedlings are slowly growing, perhaps this is an insufficient amount of moisture or its excessiveness. None nor another is needed for the cultivation of tomatoes, as they relate to sufficiently sootheful cultures that need water, but not as much as for pepper or cucumbers. The largest volume of water is needed to be a tomato during the formation of the strings and further growth of fruits. At this time, the earth is constantly needed moisture.

The next circumstance affecting the fact that seedlings, turning to specified, stops growing further, can be associated with a substrate. Right watering, feed, a good place, and seedlings of tomato pale and thin - what to do, and where is the error. Rosts, most likely, does not fit the ground. Under such circumstances will have to change the Earth. The consequence of why tomato and pepper seedlings are poorly growing, there may be a lack of light. You can check out one seedling together with the ground and look at its roots: if they become white colorThe problem lies in lighting.

Diseases of tomato seedlings

Consider the following circumstance, as a result of which tomatoes grow very poorly: the diseases of the seedlings and its treatment with proven methods. Often not growing seedlings due to the manifestation of diseases. The most major diseases of tomato crops are black leg and various rot. Rotary attacks the plant in case of excessive irrigation at low ambient air temperature or soil.
The result can be a very weak seedlings of tomato - what to do, how to stop it. It is necessary to urgently try to save the remaining seedlings with a transplantation in fresh land, pre-flushing the roots with a solution of mangartee, phytoosporin.

The black leg is another frequent reason that tomatoes are poorly growing and seedlings are silent - what to do here. This disease tends to rapid development in adverse conditions. Externally, it is manifested in the darkening of the root base of a seedling, its further softening and death of culture. This is a fungal infection, provoke which is too thick landing, excessive watering, heat or insufficient illumination. You can save seedlings only in the case of timely detection of infection - produce loosening, pouring a solution of manganese.

It is best to try to prevent the diseases of tomatoes in advance. For this, gardeners with experience of growing tomatoes dry seeds before planting, seedlings containers are soaked in a solution of manganesev, also mangall potassium is treated with a mixture of soil before sowing. Saplings are planted freely, they rarely watered, but much so that inside the substrate remains wet, and the surface of the sided. Sometimes sand adds to seedlings to prevent the roots to prevent the roots.

Pests of tomato seedlings

Sometimes high-quality cultivation of tomatoes can seriously damage various insects or their larvae. Without the relevant knowledge of pests of tomatoes and ways to get rid of them, the gardener cannot do. All pests of tomato seedlings can be divided into two conventional groups:

Sometimes an unusual method is used: looking for ways to attract pricework biological individuals destroying May beetles: frogs, birds. The struggle against the main pests of the root system of tomatoes also provides for the use of chemical methods. If, due to insects, weak seedlings of tomato were formed - what to do, and what means it is better to apply. Insecticides of a narrow and wide range of exposure are introduced into the ground: antichruption, prestige, Rembeck and Rembeck Granule. To get rid of the larvae of the May beetle, the roots of seedlings before planting are soaked in a chemical solution of Aktar 25.

TLL, caterpillars, whiteflies can cause why the seedl of tomato is pale and is poorly growing, despite high-quality care and good conditions For growth.

The fight against them provides for the processing of tomato seedlings with the help of insecticides, such as: Akarin, Tomato Rescuer, Maxi confident, Ratibor, Proteus. Processing with chemical solution is carried out only in dry warm weather and subject to all rules in the instructions.

Insufficient nutrition of tomato seedlings

Another important component good height And the rich yield of tomatoes is food. Tomatoes almost one of the most capricious foods of cultures, but too much too much too much. For example, when an overlapping nitrogen in the ground, it is possible to obtain a rapid growth of the vegetative mass, which goes to the detriment of crop. If the seedlings of the tomato does not develop - what to do, how to find out which nutrients and elements are not enough seedlings, and how to eliminate without harm to the plant?

Symptoms of lack of one or another trace element can be as follows. Detect in the ground an excess of nitrogen substance is easy to intently examine the flowers of the plant. If bright chasles are larger than the usual size, and their stamens are barely noticeable, then this is a sign of excess nitrogen in the soil. If you understand during the reasons why the leaves in the seedlings of the tomato pale green, then the source of the problem may also be nitrogen. With insufficient amount of nitrogen, the culture looks weak, it has a thin stem, sheets are small and pale.

The formation of a purple-scarlet shade on the lower sides of the seedlings may indicate the deficiency of the phosphorus element. When the leaves located at the very bottom begin to shrink on the edges and spin, it means a shortage of potassium. An insufficient amount of magnesium is visually manifested in the march of seedlings. In all situations, the treatment of tomatoes seedlings is based in adding the necessary feeding.

With a lack of iron, the tomatoes seedlings do not grow, since they are developing chlorosis. Yellowing the bustard and loses color, the pale seedlings of the tomato is formed - what to do if there is this. In the case of the above symptoms, it is worth stopping the seedlings backlight immediately and urgently remove tomatoes from the light source. In too much cases, it is worth filing and make a plant with iron-containing composition, make fertilizers with appropriate drugs.

Generalized conclusions about the poor development of seedlings

Each gardener is worried about why tomato bushes are poorly growing. This favorite all vegetable culture It needs special care, so even the most insignificant item can negatively affect the growth and quality of tomatoes.

There are a number of reasons why tomatoes can grow badly, have a lot of greenery and little launch, as well as subjected to various diseases:

  1. Capricious variety of plants or poor-quality seedlings was chosen.
  2. Non-compliance temperature mode.
  3. Damage during diving.
  4. Damage during garter.
  5. Lack of nutrients in the soil, no feeding.
  6. Lack of moisture, irregular watering.
  7. Lack of ventilation in the greenhouse.
  8. Diseases and pests.

Tomato cultivation begins with the choice of high-quality seedlings. Usually, gardeners use their own seedlings, but sometimes it has to be bought. To initially provide good harvest, you need to pay attention to the age of seedlings. It should not exceed 45-60 days.

Small bushes can be infected, so it is necessary to carefully consider the seedling before buying.

  • Crazy leaves are an indicator of infection.
  • Under the leaves there should be no pest eggs, on the stem - dark spots.
  • It is important to understand that if at least one seedling has signs of disease, then such planting material Not suitable.
  • If the seedlings of tomatoes are small leaflets, and some of them burned out of the sun, and the tops were twisted, then the purchase should be abandoned, even if a deocratic price is offered for it.

If seedlings are grown at home, she needs to create favorable conditions: Watering, lighting, temperature fluctuations. Under the conditions of low-volume technology, the seedy can still be organized due care.

Many gardeners pay attention to the variety of tomato. Not all kinds of tomatoes are taken out in the cold regions or require special care (greenhouse conditions).

Picking Outlook and Causes of Poor Growth

  1. Picking is carried out within 7-10 days after the plant appeared the first real leaves. If the picking is performed earlier or later, the seedlings will be bad for a new place.
  2. Important accuracy when digging a sapling. The subtop is carried out by a special bump, while the seedlove holds the seedy leaves. The soil should be moistened for 10-12 hours before digging, so that the root system can be easily separated.
  3. The selection of containers may affect the further development of transplanted tomatoes. If the seedlings are placed in a common box, a small distance must be observed between them, as well as plant in a chess order. If tomatoes are planted as hit, the root system will not be enough space, the landing will be shadowing each other.
  4. If a nutrient medium is not provided in advance, seedlings can grow weak, and the fruits will be bitter. For transplantation to new containers, the soil is poured with such a composition: peat, humus, cherry earth and sand (1: 1: 2: 1). After 8-10 days, when the seedlock takes place, it is necessary to make the first feeding with special water-soluble fertilizers. In the store you can choose a specialized solution for seedlings.

Why bushes of tomatoes are poorly growing

Necessary temperature conditions, illumination, nutrient soil and timely moisturizing are the main criteria for the growth of seedlings. Tomatoes are extremely sensitive to temperature drops. After shooting, they need a cool place with a temperature of + 18 ° F, and + 15 ° C at night. Then the temperature can be increased to + 20 ° F, and + 16 ° C at night. It should not be sharply to plant tomatoes into open ground, for the suggestion they need hardening (only with low-pressure technology). Hardening is gradually produced at a temperature not lower than + 8 ° C.

The first days of seedlings are enough 2-3 hours of stay on the balcony, then you can leave tomatoes on the street for a whole day. If the tomato seedlings have passed successfully hardening, the tops did not take place, then such landings will quickly go into growth, the fruit will be much.

Soil is the main power source of tomatoes. The presence of nutrients in it directly affects the growth of vegetables and the quality of fruits. Why are tomatoes badly tied? This happens during an excess of nitrogen in the soil. A large number of This element delays flowering and fruit, but is observed an active growth of green mass. Fruits and may not be tized or they will be small. It is enough for some time to stop nitrogen feeding, and the balance is normalized. But with a lack of nitrogen, the growth of the tops and side shoots may decrease.

Fluorine is the next important element for the qualitative development of tomatoes. Its shortage leads to a stop of growth, loosening leaves. Mature tomatoes for a long time, the fruits are mostly small and bitter. The deficit of potassium deficiency is the disappearance of fruits, the presence of yellow spots on them. The lack of zinc and calcium leads to a fading of growth points.

If there is not enough boron in the soil, then the core of the stem is affected, the fruits are cracked.

Why do not grow tomatoes? This may be due to the lack of feeding or negative reaction to incorrectly selected fertilizers. For high-quality growth of tomatoes, the gardener should not be casually referred to the seedlings.

Why do the tomatoes grow poorly, why is a lot of greens? The reason for the growing green mass can be:

  1. Later dive. Such seedlings are developing much slower.
  2. With the first transplant, the main root was cut off. Experienced summer residents are advised to quench it in order to ensure the development of the urine root system.
  3. Due proper care of the bushes. In order to avoid the growth of greenery as the upper leaves grow, it is necessary to cut down the lower.

What to do so that the buds are tied, and the harvest did not die? Tomato's garter is a mandatory point of care. The unsteaded bush can be deformed by their own weight, lying on the ground the fruits necessarily rot because of the abundance of moisture or pests. The garter is performed carefully and evenly, since too tightly tied a bush can highlight and die. Tomatoes are demanding of humidity. They should be watering no more than 1 time per week.

Diseases and pests

Tomatoes, like other cultures, are subject to diseases. The reason for illness can be:

  • fungus;
  • bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • insect pests.

The fungal diseases include: phytofluorosis, anthracnose, alternariasis, septorize, gray and white rot. The fungal disease develops in conditions of high humidity. If you do not take action, it may die until half of the harvest.

Bacteria is caused by such diseases: Tomato Stur, black bacterial spot. Defeat can occur at any stage of tomato growth. Such diseases are difficulty, tomatoes are tied badly, the crop grows several times less. Protect the harvest will help preventive measures. Viral diseases are especially dangerous for seedlings, since the symptoms do not appear immediately. Such diseases include mosaic, necrosis of tomatoes, aspermia.

Insects, often affecting seedlings:

  • medveda;
  • bellenka;
  • wire.

Diseases of the leaves always have negative consequences. The sheet as the main organ of synthesis will not supply the plant with the necessary power, being infected with pests or infections. The most common diseases of the leaves of tomatoes:

  1. Mosaic - the pathology of viral nature. Leaves of patients with tomatoes are covered with yellow spots, dark and bright green areas for them resemble a mosaic. If a diseased plant is detected, it should be deleted. For the prevention, the seeds of tomatoes are disinfected.
  2. Phytoofluorosis is the most common disease. The leaves affected by phytoofluorosis and die away. The fungus develops in conditions of dampness and sharp temperature differences. The disease, in contrast to the mosaic, is amenable to treatment.

To get high-quality seedlings and healthy harvest, tomatoam must provide competent care at all stages of cultivation.

Errors in the cultivation of tomatoes (video)

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