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Tomatoes, seedlings are growing poorly, what to do? The reasons for the poor growth of tomato seedlings after picking seedlings Tomato does not develop what to do

Tomatoes are beloved vegetable. Most regions have to grow tomatoes through seedlings. And at this stage, difficulties are often arising: tomatoes have landed on time, seedlings are growing poorly.

What measures need to be taken to correct the situation, as well as understand your mistakes in order to prevent them in the future.

How to grow crease tomato

Preparation of seeds. Obtaining healthy plants for early harvest Starts with seeds. Therefore, you first need to check the germination of the sowing material. To do this, make a salty solution and pour seeds. Patients, weak, empty will pop up upstairs, and full seeds will be devastated to the bottom, rinse them in running water.

Now you need seeds to decapitate in a mortgage solution for 20-30 minutes. It is possible for disinfection to use aloe juice, diluted in half with water. Seeds keep in this mixture day. These methods will help raise the immunity of future seedlings.

To obtain strong autonous plants, it is necessary to harde the seeds, which wrapped into the fabric, pour into a centimeter with water and alternately withstand in the refrigerator, then in a warm place for two days.

With poor quality soil it is impossible to get a healthy strong seedlings. The soil can be purchased at the store of well-known manufacturers or prepare independently of humus, peat, sand, some ash and complex fertilizer or superphosphate.

Tomato seedlings grows 50-60 days, which allows you to calculate the seeding time. The prepared ground fall asleep into the box, pour, make a groove with a step of 2-3 cm, sow seeds, fall asleep the earth, close the film and put in a warm place for germination.

Care for seedy

Tomatoes are a thermal-loving culture. Therefore, when growing seedlings must be observed temperature mode: Daytime temperatures should be 16-18 degrees, and at night 13-15.

When the shoots appear 2-3 of the list, they should be played into separate glasses or a pot.

Further care for plants is reduced to timely watering, feeding. The resulting seedlings can be sprayed daily with a mixture of low-fat milk (on a grade liter of a glass of milk), which will protect the plants from viral diseases. Two weeks after picking, tomatoes feed the nitroposka (on a bucket of water a tablespoon of fertilizer).

And two weeks before the landing of tomatoes in a greenhouse or open sad Seedlings should be made.

Why does seedling grow poorly?

What can be the reason for the slow growth of seedlings after it is cutting into the cups?

Deficit nutrients. During this period, plants need nitrogen to build green mass. With a small amount of nitrogen in the soil of plants, weakly develop, have a thin stem, a small sheet of yellowish tint. In this case, it is enough to feed the plants with a solution of urea (the tablespoon on the bucket) under the root. If the leaf from the wrong side has purple tintThe plant lacks phosphorus, which is needed for the normal development of the root system. In this case, you need to prepare an exhaust from superphosphate or feed the plant with a complex fertilizer. A good result is obtained when subcutter with sodium humate - growth stimulant. The solution is bred to the color of tea, and poured on a glass on the bush. The first feeder after picking is carried out in two weeks and further feed in 12-14 days.

Incorrect irrigation can also lead to a slow growth of tomato. It is impossible to allow the dryness of the Earth in the cup, but also hard to fill it either, you can provoke diseases with a black leg. Excess water reduce the stability of the tomatoes to the temperature differences, and the plants are pulled out. Shoots are usually watered with water room temperature Once every five days.

Lack of lighting also slows down the development of tomatoes. In the spring, the day is short, so it is necessary to further increase the light day, setting the fluorescent lamp and turn it on daily for 12 hours.

Picking errors: Strongly changed or bent root, and maybe even broke, so the plant cannot develop normally. Read how to properly hold seedlings.

If the house has a cat, then measures should be taken to protect seedlings from a pet. Cats are very curious and will definitely explore landings. And the land in the pots can provoke them to use as a toilet, which can cause the death of seedlings.

So we figured out how to grow tomatoes if the seedlings are growing poorly, and found out the reasons for this. Under the observance of the rules of the agrotechnology, everything will be fine, and tomatoes will delight you with excellent harvest.

What to do when the seedlings of tomatoes are poorly growing knows not all. The process of growing seedlings of tomatoes at home is quite difficult for those who have not come across it before or tried to once do it independently, but previous attempts were not so successful.

The reasons for the seedlings of the tomato is not growing or grows up to some specified, And after that he suspends growth, there are several. For example, if a tomato seedlings are growing poorly, it is possible to consider one of the following reasons:

  • poor-quality soil;
  • poor-quality seedlings.

Poor-quality primer

One of the main and obvious reasons for the above process is that you have been preparing enough high-quality primer before sowing seeds.

This does not mean that you need to immediately change the land in which the tomato seedlings are already growing. It will be enough to observe what changes occur with tomatoes during their growth. So, if suddenly tomatoes begin to acquire a bluish shade or the lower edges of the leaflets become a bit purple, most likely, in this case, the earth lacks magnesium.

This element is important in order to develop root system Plants. If magnesium is missing, then the roots will be very weak, it is difficult to cope with roots, and the tomato seedlings are not growing. If no measures are taken to enrich the soil by magnesium, you will soon have to say goodbye to the hopes for a good yield of tomatoes.

Magnesium is rarely found in any substances, so you will have to purchase all special fertilizers in advance, which includes this trace element. In order to enrich them the soil, it will be enough to dissolve a certain amount of powder or granules in some amount of water. This proportion depends on what kind of fertilizer concentrations you use.

This trace element is equally important for the growth and development of tomatoes during their initial maturation, as well as during the start of harvest. Nitrogen enriches the soil with oxygen and allows both the roots and the plant itself freely breathe. Thanks good development The root appears the possibility of rapid growing of excellent tomatoes.

Also additional symptoms of lack of nitrogen in the soil is also the fact that the stalks of the plant and its leaflets become too thin and sluggish.

The lack of nitrogen can be filled with a special fertilizer called urea. It is usually for sale in small packages and in the overall packages in the form of small granules white color. These granules must be dissolved in water. You can use both the usual indoor water temperature, and warm water so that the dissolution is rapidly. At the same time, the following proportions must be observed - on 1 tbsp. l. Urea will need 10 liters of water. This solution will need to pour all tomatoes, while watering is produced under the root, and not on the leaves of plants.

After a few days, it will immediately be noticeable that the plants seem to come to life and become brighter, greener. But if you have not noticed changes, we can conclude that the reason for the poor growth of seedlings is something else.

Tomato seedlings: from dive to disembarking (video)

Poor-quality seedlings

If you did not find any drawbacks in the composition of the soil, you will need to find some other reason why tomato seedlings stopped her growth or grows slowly. Then you can understand what to do, so that the seedlings were good.

The next factor that can affect the fact that plants, turning to a certain size, stop stretching and expanding their leaves, maybe what you incorrectly care for them. For example, when irrigated, an insufficient amount of moisture supplied is possible or, on the contrary, excessive watering. None nor another is suitable for the cultivation of tomatoes, as they are sufficiently whimpical plants that need moisture, but not in such quantities, as, for example, it is needed for good height Cucumbers or pepper.

As soon as you decide to sow tomatoes, you need to shed the earth to be very wet.

This is due to the fact that watering the plants can not be up to how they will go. And even after that moment, watering can be started only on the 5th day after the first searches.

What to do if you can't calculate the amount of water you can't? It will be necessary to check the condition of the soil every day. Also pay special attention to where the tray with the seedle is. If it is located on the south side and is located on the balcony or on the window, then the drying of the Earth will be quite frequent. As a result, you will have to water these plants almost after 2-3 days. If the seedlings are growing in a dark and cool place, then it will be necessary for it, it will be very rare.

So that the seedlings grew well, it is necessary to pay attention to what kind of soil is planted and under what conditions it will grow further. In order for seedlings not to be small, but, on the contrary, it was strong, it is necessary to feed it on time and water depending on how the soil is located. Only after this seedlings develop very well, and you do not have to decide the question after some time, why does not grow seedlings at home.

Why the seedlings are poorly growing (video)

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Growing seedlings of vegetables or flowers, many gardeners are faced with the fact that seedlings grow weakly or, on the contrary, are overly pulled out; the leaves are pale or twisted; Young plants look unhealthy, weakened. Fertilizer does not improve the state of seedlings. To obtain strong and healthy plants, it is necessary to comply with all recommendations for the cultivation of seedlings.

The reasons for poor growth of seedlings may be several; all of them need to be excluded, and then yours seedling It will be healthy and strong. Most often occur the following errors Gardening, impede the growth of young plants: seeds in the acidic soil of flowers and vegetables need for successful development in weakness or neutral soil. Check the acidity of the soil acquired in the store or brought from its own site, it is possible using an indicator - Lacmus paper strips. The handful of land is poured with 0.5 glasses of water, stirred, allowed to settle and lower the indicator into the water. If the strip of the lactium paper is painted in red - the soil is acidic. It must be known, but to do it in advance, 2-3 weeks before seeding. It is used at the same time not chalk and no lime, but hammer or pursuing eggshell (2-3 handstone per 1 kg of soil). The pH of the soil approaches optimal for the development of seedlings. The presentation in the substrate for seedlings of an excessive amount of humidiation contributes to the disease of the seedlings with a viral disease "Black leg". In order to avoid this danger, the soil together with the humus-made to it need to be sterilized (to disappear or rolling in the oven) or treat biological products ("Baikal", "radiance"). Excessively frequent irrigation of seedlings. Watering needed to spend about once a week when upper layer The soil becomes dry to the touch, and the leaves of the plants begin to fade. The world deficiency in March, when most gardeners and gardeners sow seeds to seedlings, the light day is still short. Especially - in February (some plants need long essential to landing in the soil). To seedling It grew well during these months, she needs illumination with luminescent or phytolampa. In February, the shower continues from dawn to sunset in any weather and on all windows. In March, in the same mode, it highlights the seedlings on the windows facing north; On the rest of the windows, highlighting includes on cloudy days, they do not use it in sunny weather. Premature feeding of seedlings of mineral fertilizers can only be healthy, already well-developed plants, about 7-10 days after dive. More early subordinate Can only bring harm.

Why seedlings tomato purple

Tomatoes, they are tomatoes, have long and firmly occupied their place in our diet. This is connected not only with excellent taste, but also with high levels utility. After all, tomatoes contain whole line Important elements and vitamins.

In addition, they are well eaten, if the stress strip has come in life: tomatoes contain a tiramine that turns into serotonin, falling into our body. That is why when we rack tomatoes, we have improved mood.

Based on this, it is understood that the desire to grow these vegetables on their own to have a guaranteed environmentally friendly product.

Without a doubt, the seedlings of tomatoes can be purchased from sellers. But there is a danger that you will be sold not the same grade that you would like to get. And it is impossible to exclude that you will be sold weak or sick copies. Therefore, it is optimal that grown by the seedlings.

The main stages of obtaining seedlings

  • Tomato seed preparation

It will be more effective if the tomato seeds are revealed within 2-3 days. For this, they are placed on a wet fabric and put in a warm place. Humidity must be maintained by periodic spraying to germination.

  • Disembarking crumpled seeds

The seeds ready for disembarking are stacked in the cups, the pot on the soil layer (you can buy it already ready in the store) and sprinkle with a layer of about 1 centimeter. Peat pots are good for these purposes. Their dignity - in the ability to decompose in the ground. Then all the containers with the seeds planted are again in a warm place.

  • Picking seedlings

Shoots most often appear day on the fifth seventh. It is necessary to observe the temperature mode: during the day from +10 to +15 degrees, and at night it is better to reduce to +8.

Picking is performed when the first two real leaves appear. Before the beginning of the procedure, it produces abundant irrigation, so that the roots were damaged less during seeding. After picking, the ground around the stem should be slightly sealing.

  • After picking seedlings after dive

The main care for peyricted plants is regular watering, compliance with temperature and conducting timely feeding (approximately 1 time in 15 days). Important: During the day the temperature can reach +20 degrees, but at night it must be reduced to +10 degrees.

Feelable useful with chicken litter. Although it is possible to use a nitroposk solution.

Please note: before falling into the ground, the seedlings need to harden.

Diseases of seedlings tomato

Let us list the main diseases of the seedlings of tomatoes:

  1. Phytoofluorosis. For its prevention, it is necessary to alternate the usual feeding of seedlings with a feeder containing trace elements (potassium, iodine, etc.).
  2. Blackleg. It is necessary to closely monitor the temperature regime and behind the humidity, often inspect the plant planted into the ground.
  3. Mosaic. When a sign of the disease occurs, plants should be treated with urea solution.
  4. Spotted (brown, white, black). It will help the spraying of special safety and the processing of the soil: spraying by manganese and powder ash.

If seedling tomato purple

Tomato stem has different shades. Consider the case when seedling tomato purple.

The transition of the color of the stem and the bottom side of the leaves from the green to purple can be in two cases:

  1. The temperature regime is not respected for young plants (too low).
  2. Tomatoam lacks such an element in nutrition as phosphorus.

But do not hurry to make fertilizers that may be redundant.

After all, these two reasons for the color changes are very closely connected. The stems become purple, since at temperatures below 14 degrees, the roots do not absorb phosphorus contained in the soil. From here, it is possible, and goes fasting. But if the temperature is normal, and the stalks changed the color, then you can try spraying. Make a 0.5% solution of phosphoric fertilizer and apply them with sprayer on the leaves of seedlings.

However, a slight starvation against phosphorus seedlings at this stage will not hurt.

And with the restoration of the corresponding thermal regime of seedlings, asked by you, will again acquire a healthy appearance.

Video "How to grow seedlings of tomato"

Why do tomatoes grow poorly? | First pancake

In many respects, the characteristics of the tomatoes depend on their variety. They can be environmental, tall or completely low. Early and late. Meanwhile, their fruits differ in shape. There are round tomatoes, elongated or oval.

Gordowers engaged in the cultivation of tomatoes on the seedlings often noticed that sometimes tomatoes are poorly growing after a transplant to open ground. Or, slow down their growth rates. The wounds and flowers are falling. And maybe such that with a good appearance, the plant is not able to give good harvest. Not every gardener knows the true cause of poor growth and low yield of tomatoes.

Invalid picking or transplantation

Tomato seedlings can highlight with incorrect transplantation. The roots of the plants could be bought or damaged, or when landing the roots, they were not sufficient and air cavities arose next to them.

Low temperature

Before the fruits are formed several stages of formation. The plant blooms, zerovy is formed from buds. Of these, the long-awaited harvest is already.

But often, flowers and zeros are falling out, at first brushes appear empties. The main reason May become too low. Tomatoes are poorly growing if the temperature is below 28 ° C. To avoid it is recommended to plant seedlings into small greenhouses. The presence of vents and doors will allow you to maintain the desired temperature, if necessary, or on the contrary, completely closing the greenhouse. Create a small drafts in the greenhouse. It has favorably affects the pollination of plants.

Wrong watering

Also, tomatoes are poorly growing with a lack of moisture. During the appearance of uncess and fruit growth, constantly hold the soil in a wet state. Watering plants only with warm water. To do this, choose evening hours.

If the sprouts are strongly pouring water, then they do not have enough oxygen, and they suffocate. Hence the growth stop. Plant growth can also stop when applying inappropriate soil. Here by solving the current situation is cleaning drainage hole in a pot. And in the second case, you need to transplant plants in another soil.

There is an erroneous opinion that tomatoes should be shed with water again a week. Such watering are very harmful to growth. As a result of a sharp absorption of large volumes of moisture, the skin is cracking on the fruits. After a long drought, watering produce in small portions.


One of the causes of insufficient growth of tomato seedlings may be lack of nutrients. Determine whether nutrition plants are enough or not, it is possible by the following features.

If the plants lack nitrogen, plants become chaxes, they have a thin stem and small pale leaves. When the plants lack phosphorus, they have a reddish-purple shade on the leaves from the bottom side. When the leaves on the edges are yellow and twisted, it means that the plants lack potassium. The marble of leaves in plants speaks of a lack of magnesium. In all these cases, tomato seedlings provide the necessary feeding. The ordinary ash can serve. You can take advantage of plants specially designed to protect and feed the plants. The most common such drug is phytosporin-m. It is used to protect plants from diseases and to accelerate growth.

Do not overdo it with feeding, because there is a golden middle rule. The reconciliation of plants will lead to excessive vegetation to the detriment of crop.


Tomato seedlings may stop their growth due to any disease. The most common diseases in which tomato seedlings cease to grow are root rot and the so-called black leg - infectious diseases of plants, which develops mainly under adverse conditions.

Root rotes may appear after transplanting low temperatures. In this case, the roots need to be rinsed with a solution of manganese or phytosporin. Then you should transplant seedlings in fresh soil.

The black leg is manifested in the darkening of the root neck. It is then softened, which leads to the death of plants. With such damage to plants use them weak Solution Manganese. Plants are then dipped and placed portion. Here you need to be attentive, because the plants can be saved only at the beginning of the disease.


Often the growth of tomato seedlings Mogiz slow down pests. Harm in the afternoon, wets, web tick are harmful. To get rid of pests, seedlings are treated with drugs such as carbofos, phytodeterm, accility.

Degeneration of quenction

Many gardeners stop at one grade tomato, which are planted from year to year. Often, they take the largest fruit in the old way and use their seeds. As a result, the types and fruiting of plants deteriorate. Many country agronomists recommend changing the varieties of grown tomatoes every three years.

Showing a little attention and doing these simple actions, you can avoid all these troubles and over time to enjoy the harvest grown with their own hands of juicy tomatoes.

Why do peppers grow poorly? two months after landing

Elena Smirnova

Here is my seedlings. The same grade, sown in one day, are painted in one day, the soil is the same, the containers are the same, the backlight, watering the same.
Conclusion: the quality of seeds. Some were stronger (allowed), and some are not.

Neighbor taught me that the seeds need to take those that just begin to darken.

I have the same trouble with eggplants, put in February, now just got out.

Just love

If you evaluate this video, then some Bardak and in the cans of peppers and a box only that got out. And tomatoes are large nearby. You are them in different time Sits? Move the window on the window, which is smaller, it means closer to the window, and Tomato has already stretched out. On the cold of it.


peppers are generally slowly growing, so they are sowing in late January - February. Peppers do not like a transplant, but they love nutrient soil and bright light


Peppers do not bring pickup, they can not tolerate it. It is best to plant two seeds for a cup, then a weaker remove. Pepper loves the sun. And feeding must. Soil always cost to be wet. He does not tolerate soil, sick. Even if the land purchased for seedlings still make a feeding at least a humate .. Before the landing in the ground, the pepper should have 5-6 leaves. In principle, the pen and not bad, and the tomato seedlings on the contrary, stretched out. So it is not necessary for the seedlings to worry, ok for growing in high rise. And the pen is still catching up! The main humidity and sunshine!

Pepper sweet more than tomatoes are demanding on growing conditions, it needs higher temperatures and air humidity. Pepper is better grown under film shelters, it does not make shading, and with a lack of light, buds fall out and zazyzazy, yellow and tremendous leaves.

For normal growth and the development of sweet pepper, a high temperature is required - 20-28 ° C, and for germination of seeds - 14-25 ° C.

Pepper - a moisture-loving plant, requires frequent polishes And does not tolerate even temporary soil drying.

Peppers are grown only on fertile soil. The soil under his sowing is prepared from 2 hours. Peat, 3 hours. Stroke and 1 h. Wood sawdust, 1 m2 of the mixture add 2 tablespoons of nitroposki, tablespoon of potash fertilizer (with trace elements), glass wood ash. They make a fresh 2 cm high, a width of 80-90 cm. After that, the soil with fertilizers deposited is hammered, roll up and shed a cowboy with an infusion, in 10 liters of water, 1 liter of cowboy is poured and a bed is poured at a rate of 6 l per 1 m2.

Sweet pepper seedlings are grown in the same way as the seedlings of tomatoes for open soil. Plant seedlings aged 60-65 days. In the film greenhouse or under the film tunnels - May 20 - June 1, when the air temperature is not lower than 18 ° C. The distance between rows of plants is made 45 cm, and in a row of plants are planted from each other by 35-40 cm. You can in one hole Plant and two plants. In the open ground, seedlings are planted after June 12th.

Maria Ivanova

And you yourself do not see that there, where the pepper grows alone, he looks good. And where you came into a small box, and even dense it. Separate in separate containers, starts to grow.

Rogund Rogneda

And my peppers are already blooming .. But the tomatoes die. On God, the father, not with a stick. Like nature ...

Mityai Buankkin

and you try to sow pepper on the Sassad in a 5 liter bucket and only one seed.
Or whatever it is to suffer, dress the children's boots on your foot. Immediately it will be clear why the pepper is growing poorly.
And even by the way. Pepper tolerates a transplant perfectly.


I planted the seeds straight from the pepper of the purchase. Most absolutely all on the third day. Conclusion: Your seeds are not fresh.
I planted them thick and grow beautifully. Conclusion: Growth does not depend on the thicance.
I'm going to dive, because the purchase of seedlings are sold along the thing, and I am sure that so many searzes sellers are not grown on one thing in a cup. Conclusion: Picking is transferred.
And total conclusion: I advise you to overcome.

Why does the seedl of the tomato after picking the sheet begins to dry and dies?


It seems that when picking you are very traumating the roots. Try to do without dive. Seit seeds so that later it was possible to shine the earth into a container without replant with seedlings. Either immediately into separate cups, or in boxes filled with 2/3. As the seedlings grows, just pour the land. This procedure will provide an increase in additional roots. And seedlings will not be injured.


I have the same for several years in a row. I think the root rot.

Made in Paradise

Because the root is injured ... watering often ..


or improper care. . Or bad earth. . or disease. . Show a photo of seedlings ... or dive early

Valentina Timofeeva

i think that you strongly plunge and water and drop a lot and root the roots, I just droop some bushes. I immediately slept the top layer and looked and they raised the leaflets

Tatyana Korshunova

I fully support the previous answers - seedlings die after the dive, if it is too poured ... Try to plant in loose ground (a little wet, not dry!) \u200b\u200bAnd not to water ...

Tatyana Pavlova

the same story was missing several roots at the last picking-root injured and stuck hard, I was not very loose-burned to the land in this native.

salamon Petrov

After transplanting, literally the next day, it is necessary to carefully press the land near the stem and a little pour t. The land when transplanting has a property to rise and possibly your roots remained without moisture and nutrition.

Elena Yarovaya (Hart)

At tomato, when transplanting it is impossible to injure the roots, because they are almost no, a tomato is such a thing, even without the roots takes place, it is either overflowing, a black leg, or very warm in the room and lacks light, growing seedlings for more than 30 years, in the greenhouse already On June 7-10, mature tomatoes

Seedling tomato does not grow - take action

When growing such a wonderful culture as tomatoes, gardeners face a number of difficulties, the most common problem - seedling tomato is not growing.

Tomato seedlings require compliance certain conditions, for example, compliance with the special temperature regime. Immediately after the first germs for the week, the for the week the boxes with a seedler are cleaned into a cool place, the temperature should be 16-18gr in the afternoon, at night - 13-15gr.

Then the temperature can be enhanced to 20gr. With day and 16gr. At night. The specified temperature regime is observed until the third real leaflet (approximately 30-35 days) appears at the Tomato. During this time, the seedlings are watered 3 times under the root, the third time watering is carried out on the day of the dive per hour before it starts. The recommended temperature of water for watering should be 20gr.s.

After the appearance of two real leaves, seedlings daily (in the morning) should be sprayed with low-fat milk (1 cup per liter of water), this procedure is preventing viral diseases.

On the 12th day after the dive, the seedlings are fed by nitroposka (1 st. Composition on 10 liters of water). Watering is carried out moderately as the soil drying.

If, subject to the specified seedlings of the tomato, the tomato is not growing or grows slowly, then the tomatoes can be contacted the growth stimulant, for example, sodium humate. The solution is bred to a consistency resembling tea and feed the tomatoes of 1 cup on a plant.

Two weeks before planting tomatoes, it is necessary to start hardening, exposing it to the balcony or under the open window. First, for 2-3 hours, then for a whole day. Temperation temperature should not fall below 8-10 gr.

Petunia seedlings are poorly growing:

Everyone - by opportunities

Sometimes seedlings are not growing for a simpler reason. Then, when the roots fully spent the volume of the earth's mixture offered to them, they were filled with a seaside container and there was nowhere to grow. In this case, you need a picking, that is, the transplant of spheres in more volumetric glasses or a pot. Roots, and with them and overhead parts of the seedlings, they will immediately resume their growth.

Proper nutrition - "Developing" fertilizers

At the two weeks of seedling Petunia already needs feeding. If the seedlings are already an adult, it grows for a long time in the same soil, in which no nutrients are left, it is not surprising if the sprouts begin to "slow down". Petunia is growing bad without regular feeding

Buy liquid or dry fertilizer with a high nitrogen content (N) - it is necessary most of all in a seaside for the formation of the above-ground part of the plant. Do not forget about the roots! For their development, fertilizer manufacturers are added to their products phosphorus (P). Potassium (k) is responsible for bootonization, flowering and fruiting, so in fertilizer for feeding seedlings this trace element can be in a small amount.

Petunia seedlings are watered with fertilizer, the concentration of which is 2 times less than indicated on the label (the instructions indicate the ratio of fertilizer and water for adult plants)

It is very desirable that the fertilizer for your seedlings of Petunia, in addition to the NPK formula, also included other important trace elements: iron, boron, magnesium, zinc, etc. But only in chelated form (it happens still in salt - not very successful)! Chelates are 2-10 times better absorbed than trace elements in inorganic salts. Therefore, using fertilizers with chelats, you can be sure that the trace elements were as appointed. Very quickly trace elements begin to act and you will see the result!

Petunia seedling does not grow - start stimulation

Suppose you have already changed the soil, and the fertilizer must be used and generally carry with a seedler, as with a written tube, and petunia still grows poorly. Then we apply the plan "B" and will use for stimulating the growth of "secret weapons" - B vitamins of B. more accurately: B1, B6 and B12.

Dissolve 1 vitamin B1 and B12 vitamin in a glass of warm water (250 ml). Stimulating composition is ready! If the sprouts are still very small, type the solution into the syringe or pipette and carefully apply 1-2 drops per seedlings. For adult seedlings, you can use the spraying method from the sprayer. Take such procedures once in 7-10 days, alternating B1 and B12 vitamins, and watch the increased growth of sprouts.

Vitamins for Petunia seedlings can be bought at the pharmacy.

You can do another, more "slaughter" solution. Dissolve in 1 liter of water 1 ampoule vitamins B1, B6 and B12. Spray seedlings with this cocktail once every 10 days.

After spraying with the vitamins of the group B, even the most captory sprouts are instantly rolled into growth. A huge number of new growth points are laid, the root formation is stimulated, resistance to diseases and pests increases. In this case, seedlings grows squat, powerful and busy.

What if not growing seedlings in peat pots?

Peat pots are hollow cups of conical shape. It is dry molded and pressed peat products, transportable, has long term Storage.

Compared with undergraduate agents (plastic, paper or ceramic tanks), peat pots - biologically clean house For plants. Pots do not contain pathogenic microflora and weed seeds, and the content of toxic chemicals: heavy metals, pesticide residues and benzopyrene - below the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) installed for the soil intended for the cultivation of crops. Peat is easy, clean and safe in use, does not contain seeds of weeds and pathogens of various diseases of vegetable and flower crops.

Wall thickness good Gorshkov 1-1.5 mm, which guarantees the unimpeded development of the root plant of the plants along with the preservation of the strength of the pot and the ability of rapid decay in the ground (within 32 days after disembarking), thus eliminating farmers from the harness to collect parts of the indecomcomposed pots when cleaning the fields.

  • 100% germination of seeds;
  • balanced nutrition of young plants by organic and mineral elements;
  • growth, healthy development and rapid plant root;
  • optimal moisture intensity and air capacity for plants;
  • protection of plants from bacterial diseases;
  • high survival rate of seedlings due to the fully formed root system;
  • protection of the root system from damage, drying during transplantation or transportation;
  • the accelerated development of plants due to the lack of risk injuries of the root system.

But is it all rosy really?! Based on our own experience, as well as on the basis of a huge number of reviews read on the Internet, I can say - rarely anyone succeeds to achieve the foregoing excellent results. There are several reasons:

The pots, issued for peat, are often made of ordinary pressed cardboard. The cardboard is decomposed not as fast as peat and it leads to the fact that in the fall during the processing of the soil, the garden sees the undetended pot with a ball of roots. The roots of many plants are too gentle and cannot break through the walls overly compacted by stamping.

Peat tanks for seedlings quickly dry. Therefore, it is difficult to control watering plants. If you have not been nothing - the plant can dry. If overflow - the mold appears on the pot and the substrate for growing, which is very adversely affected by the seedlings.

It is harmful for gentle roots and a decrease in the soil temperature, which is due to the abundant evaporation of water from the walls of the pot. In general, there are advantages, there are minuses, and the truth is somewhere in the middle. To save benefits and reduce harm adverse factors You can do the following:

  • To facilitate the passage of the gentle roots of the plant through the walls of the cup, it is possible to sink it in several places in advance (you can make it a conventional hole in).
  • Each cup is wrapped in polyethylene (a film is quite suitable for food).
  • After purchase, new cups need to soak in a solution of humate fertilizer with trace elements. This will be powered by plants and accelerate the decomposition of the cup.

If you decide that your seedlings will be better in other containers, and do not know where to go already purchased potters - we boldly plant plant seedlings with a powerful root system. For example, pumpkin. Her strong roots are easy to try the walls of the cup and this seedlings can be straight in a glass to plant on permanent place Sensibility!

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Compared to other grained cultures, tomatoes - the culture is not capricious, reacts well to care and quickly restored after wellness procedures. Most problems arise when growing seedlings in room conditionsAnd the most common growth and development of development becomes. What if the tomato seedlings are not growing?

The main reasons why the tomato seedlings are bad or not growing at all are:

  1. Adverse microclimate.
  2. Nutrition deficiency.
  3. Incorrectly speaking.
  4. Failure to follow the rules of care.
  5. Diseases of seedlings.
  6. Attack pests.

Learn to determine the cause of the growth of tomato growth external signs And we find out what methods can you fight.

Adverse microclimate

To create a microclimate favorable tomato seedlings, it is necessary to consider the temperature, humidity indicators and provide normal lighting plants at the initial stage of vegetation.

Temperature and humidity

The violation of the temperature regime becomes one of the main reasons for the slowdown in tomatoes. Recall that tomatoes have vegetative processes in normal mode in the range of temperatures from + 15 ° C and to + 30 ° C.

Under the conditions of residential premises, the cooling of the seedlings is possible when the content of development on the laptile windows, but most often the development of development is observed due to too high temperatures, at + 32 ° C, the development and growth completely ceases at tomatoes.

In addition, the concomitant factor in the rise in the apartment conditions is almost always low humiditythat also negatively affects the growth of tomatoes. What to do to normalize humidity and temperature:

  • the hypoints can be avoided if you remove the seedlings from the windowsills or to warm them in advance;
  • reduce the temperature in conventional ventilation, the procedure is also necessary for gradually hardening seedlings and helps to get rid of high humidity;
  • in rooms with low humidity, water is carried out using a spray gun.


Tomatoes - Long Daylight Plants. Ideally, the seedlings require lighting for 12 to 16 hours a day. Gardeners begin to engage in February and March, when the day long lasts no more than 7 - 10 hours. In case of insufficient lighting, photosynthesis processes on the intracellular level, respectively, seedlings develop poorly and does not grow.

To compensate for lack sunlight Sprouts are shoved by phytolampa, as an alternative to luminescent lighting. The procedure needs to be carried out equal amount of time in the morning and in the evening, but many vegetable breeds perform only the evening shower and quite successfully.

With a lack of light in the greenhouses, potash fertilizers are often used. This way can be supported by seedlings and at home. To do this, you can use a solution of potash salts (5 g / 3 L) or sulfur potassium (6 g / 3 l). Often, humans or complex fertilizers are used for feeding, since in addition to potassium, seedlings need nitrogen and phosphorus.

Nutrition deficiency

For extension of the vegetative mass corresponds to nitrogen. The roots of seedlings are normally developing if there is enough phosphorus in the soil. If tomato seedlings stopped growing and acquired a pale green or yellowish tint, it says about a lack of nitrogen. If the stalks and leaves have become bluetic or purple, it indicates phosphoric starvation.

Nitrogen is filled with urea, ammonium nitrogen, ammonium sulfate, and phosphorus - superphosphate fertilizer. IN cow manure Also contains a lot of nitrogen and phosphorus, so many vegetables use the infusion of a cowboy as a feeding, and wood ash is added to replenish potassium.

For feeding, tomato seedlings are prepared at the beginning of the concentrate (1 kg of cowboy / 2 l), which immediately before use is bred 1:10 with water. At 5 liters of organic feeding, 100 ml of wood ash are added.

On a note! Animal Original Organic is a source of pests and many tomato diseases, so seedlings are used with caution.

Recipes of nutrient solutions for stimulation of growth and development of tomatoes:

  • urea 1 g / superphosphate of a simple 8 g / potash salt 3 g / 2 l;
  • ammonium nitrate 1 g / superphosphate of a simple 8 g / sulfate potassium 4 g / 2 l;
  • 30 g nitroposki / 2 l.

The first feeding is performed after 10 days from the appearance of germs, the second - 5 days before the dive or a week after it. For the third time, the seedlings fertilize in 5 - 7 days before the transplant to the ground. Any nutrient solutions contribute into a well-willed land.

Wrong picking

Picking requires special accuracy and attention of the garden. When transplanting into separate containers, it is impossible to allow air emptiness in the soil mixture. This can lead to poor survival and reinforcing the rapid roots of seedlings, stop the growth, and often the full death of the plant.

In the dive process, the magnification of the main rod of the root. It is necessary to stimulate the growth of lateral processes, and is also a measure against pulling seedlings. Saplings after dive are intensively increasing the underground part, the vegetative top suspended its development. But, if you hurt the roots strongly, the plant will stop growing and just perish.

Failure to follow the rules of care

So that the seedlings grow better, it is necessary to perform certain rules Care: Water, fertilize, carry out prevention of diseases, observe the optimal temperature for tomato temperature, lighting and humidity. The most common mistakes in the cultivation of tomatoes include non-compliance with temperature, illumination and indicators of humidity, as well as irregular watering.

You already know about the microclimate, let's talk how to water tomato seedlings. Immediately after seeding seed, the land in the boxes should be constantly wet, but with the appearance of sprouts, watering should be reduced. The soil mixture should not be strongly suspended, but the daily watering will also not bring benefits. Watering is carried out when dried up the upper layer approximately 2 or 3 times a week.

For proper watering Oxygen access to roots is improved, the likelihood of the development of fungal infections is reduced.


Diseases on tomato seedlings most often appear due to irregularities of irrigation. Poor seed quality, disinfecting soil dispensence and planting material Also lead to infection.

Tomato seedlings may not grow due to the following diseases:

  • blackleg;
  • root rot;
  • white spotty.


A fungal infection at which the stalk of the soil is black. Next, the disease applies to the entire stem, the plant dies. The disease is not treated. At first signs, patients seedlings are removed, the rest are transplanted. Soil mixture From under the sick plants, they do not use either disinfection by calcining in the oven.

The undetented tomatoes are treated with "Fundazole" or other fungicides. The prevention of the disease becomes the addition of ash in the soil before planting and drinking seedlings, the use of bastimulants "Barotherap" or "Phytoosporin".

Root rot

The convergence in combination with the supercooling, which is characteristic of seedlings on the windowsill, leads to the appearance of root rot. Measures of struggle and prevention are similar as with a black leg damage.

To strengthen the immunity, the roots of non-infected plants are soaked in "phytoosporin" or a solution of manganese.

White spotting

Small white spots with a border of a dark shade - a sign of a septoriosis or a disease of white spottedness, as the vegetable breeding is called it. The septoria is treated hard, it is inappropriate when growing seedlings. Sick plants remove, did not have time to become infected.

White spotting warns the defraves of soil and seed material before landing.


In the conditions of the residential premises of pests, capable of stopping the growth of seedlings, a little, the most dangerous are the web ticks and loft.

Cobed tick

Typically, the source of infection by a bypass tick is becoming houseplants. Before the beginning of the cultivation of tomatoes, all home cultures must be treated with insecticides, as well as transfer them to separate room. Vs custom tick Aktellik or Phytoverm will help.


Moccarows live in raw rooms. In the old buildings, this is usually bathroom, basements and storage rooms, but the infection of mocities can turn into residential rooms.

Before planting tomatoes, the seedlings should be treated by the "carbofosomes" room, and it is more common to carry out.

Grow healthy seedlings of tomatoes, which later adapts well on the beds is not difficult. In the process of cultivation, problems are possible: seedlings are not growing, sluggish or pulled out. But culture is a responsive for care and reacts well to the healing events.