Repair Design Furniture

Houses from vulture panels cons. SIP panels: reviews of residents, pros and cons. Construction of houses from SIP panels. Easy-to-use material and excellent results

If our ancestors were content with logs and stone for the construction of housing acceptable by shabby standards, and in most cases they simply dug into the ground, then in our enlightened time we are given the right to an expanded choice of building materials. Do you want fast and reliable? Nice and inexpensive? In this article, we will talk about SIP panels, using the feedback from residents and installers, we will reveal the pros and cons of using this material.

Recipe for success

For the sake of fairness, we note that such panels did not appear in Russia. While we were wasting precious forest resources, frame construction technology was born in other Nordic countries. Indeed, why use a material that requires special preparation, if you can take ready-made elements and literally in a matter of days assemble a neat little house for 200-300 m² of usable area. Accordingly, the Russian SIP is nothing more than the English abbreviation SIP (Structural Insulated Panel) - a structural insulating panel. And why it is so good, we will find out by disassembling the panel into its components.

  1. Bottom and top layer. Here, manufacturers have managed to combine the advantages of natural wood and new technologies. The insulation is protected by OSB (OSB) boards, which are made of pressed chips oriented in layers parallel / perpendicular to the main axis. As a result of this "ordered chaos", the material acquires the properties of increased strength and elasticity. Further, the "wood-shaving set", impregnated with a waterproof resin, goes to the press, where it consolidates the obtained properties under high temperature and pressure conditions. The composition of OSB boards is 90% wood, but without knots and defects inherent in ordinary wood.
  2. Insulating material. The middle of our modernized sandwich, and according to foreign classification - a sandwich, is expanded polystyrene. A material that is "friendly" with the environment, without emitting harmful substances under normal operating conditions (according to the assurances of manufacturers), and has been used in practice for more than 50 years. Low thermal conductivity and vapor permeability form the main list of characteristics required for the construction of houses and non-residential premises.

Putting all the layers together, we get the panels that are used in construction, providing sufficient structural rigidity, resistance to stress and high thermal insulation characteristics.

Protection or visibility?

Characteristics of self-supporting insulated wire are a combination of the qualities of materials that are used in their creation. Like a sausage bun. Separately, nothing remarkable, but together - a product that is worthy of admiration. Well, let's move from words to dry numbers.

1. Thermal insulation properties of building materials

Therefore, if we have a panel with a thickness of 174 mm, which uses OSB with a thickness of 12 mm, we get a heat transfer resistance of 3.9 m² · ° C / W. According to SNiP, the resistance to heat transfer of walls for residential buildings in Moscow is approximately 3.2 m² · ° C / W. You can use a calculator to determine the thickness of the insulation in other regions.

2. Physics and mechanics without lyrics

When materials are combined into one structure, a plate is obtained with new properties that provide both flexibility and strength. SIP plates are similar in structure to an I-beam: the shelves are OSB, and the wall is foam.

A car weighing about 1.1 tons drives into the plate. The visual bending of the panel was about 1–2 cm. Agree that wind loads are not comparable to the weight of the machine, and the additional rigidity of the frame will ensure the stability of the residential building under the influence of snow load and even during minor earthquakes.

Positive reviews

Forums are a full reflection of reality, a clear justification of emerging problems and the expression of impartial opinions. It was there that we were able to find opposite points of view on the use of this kind of material.

1. A very warm and stable home

Our interlocutor from the Moscow region highlights several advantages of building a house from self-supporting insulated wire. This is his third house, which he built in a couple of decades, used brick, foam concrete, and wood, but the new version simply delighted him:

“Even in the very cold outside I walk around the house literally in shorts and a T-shirt. There are practically no drafts, no blowing from sockets. Both in the corners and along the walls, the temperature is almost the same. I took an infrared thermometer and measured it. Of course, having previously visited Europe, I examined similar houses. They stand 50 years old - and like new. To make interior decoration - there are no questions at all. Everything is straight, perpendicular and parallel. I have never seen mice, although this indicator is stretched, I did not have rodents in my brick house either. The house was erected in 3 weeks, but it depends on the company, I changed four of them until I found a normal contractor. "

2. Fast and inexpensive solution

We turned to the person who built a house from SIP panels in the Vologda region, where the thermal insulation of housing is one of the main indicators:

“This is my first construction experience. I chose for a long time, compared the characteristics of materials, studied the technology. At the exit I got a warm and comfortable home. Fast and inexpensive. When using panels, it is difficult to make mistakes that would be fatal if using bricks or blocks. Home is like a thermos. For the walls I took panels with a thickness of 160 mm, for internal partitions - 110 mm. "

3. Easy to use and consistently good results

“Our team was hired to build a house from self-supporting insulated wire. Before that, we worked with frame buildings, but this time it turned out to be much easier. The panels are installed as if cast in, no distortions or tolerances. We used standard fasteners, although there were doubts, but practice has shown: all fasteners hold up perfectly. Yes, probably the main thing for us is that the material is light. And the order was completed in record time. Therefore, we were able to take a new object earlier than the estimated time. We repent, we tried to set fire to a piece of material in a safe place - it does not burn! Rather, while you hold the burner, it smokes, and then immediately goes out. And it doesn't smell like styrofoam or plastic. "

You can form the main advantages of SIP:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • correct geometry;
  • Fire safety;
  • ease;
  • simple installation.

In this video, the real owner of a SIP house shares his impressions of construction and living, highlighting as the main advantages simple finishing work and reliability of the structure.

The owner of this house talks on video about the really low cost of materials and installation work. The cost of a self-contained insulated wire house was 2.5 million rubles, which is comparable to the cost of a one-room apartment on the outskirts of Moscow, and the comfort is incomparably higher.

In this video, we will see tests of a model of a house from self-supporting insulated wire for fire safety. The panels will be exposed to an open flame and the result will exceed all expectations.

Negative reviews

It is hard to believe in the flawlessness of the described material, so we tried to find on the forums and those consumers who are unhappy with the result.

1. Too much "chemistry" in the plates

“I built a house and it seems that I live in a matchbox. And in a box soaked through with formaldehyde. Somehow I do not trust thin walls, although the house is warm. Probably, there are no mice either, because gnawing on these panels is simply dangerous for the mouse's health. And so that the air in this "thermos" does not stagnate, I had to invest in good ventilation. What's the point? Turn on the hood to take out the heat? I don’t know yet, I’ll probably sell the house and focus on brick construction ”.

2. Such houses are not in demand

“I am engaged in the construction and sale of finished houses. There is a small team of specialists. With them we buy a promising plot, build a house and sell it on the real estate market. With SIP panels, it turned out to be complete nonsense: they made it quickly, beautifully and seems to be reliable, but there are no buyers. Our people are not interested in such technology. They say that it will fall apart in a dozen years, and only throw away the money. Now I am exhibiting the house already below the cost price, if only I can return the money ”.

The question of money is very sensitive for everyone, but maybe another home owner will make more specific complaints about such a house?

3. Poor soundproofing

“We built a house for two families - we thought it would be cheaper. They paid, of course, less for the material, but sound insulation tends to almost zero. Judge for yourself: while the TV is on or the music is playing, it is still tolerable. But when the neighbors' children start fussing, a ball, jumping ropes, then at least run from the house. Impact sound insulation is very low. I had to additionally buy material and come up with a design to isolate myself from the noise. "

4. Service life of polyurethane foam

“For sealing panel joints, polyurethane foam is used, which has come to the building materials market relatively recently. Manufacturers claim a guaranteed service life of up to 20 years. And what will happen next? Not yet known".

5. Didn't have time to enjoy the construction process

It also happens. Usually, the construction of a country house lasts from 2 seasons. A house of 150 m² from self-supporting insulated wire can be assembled in two weeks. Close attention to the construction process will certainly not hurt.

So, the result is, of course, very subjective, but from the minuses we have identified:

  • the use of resins in the material that can cause health problems;
  • low noise insulation for percussive sounds (for a private house for one family it is not critical);
  • house - "thermos", requires additional ventilation, which implies rather complex solutions.

Nevertheless, the positive aspects of SIP houses are much stronger and more reasoned than the negative aspects inherent in any building material.

Price range

Another argument in favor of using SIP can be the price.

SIP prices relative to the size range
Panel dimensions, mm OSB-3 dimensions, mm Sizes of expanded polystyrene, mm Panel weight, kg Price per unit, rub. Heat transfer resistance, m2 ° C / W
2500 × 1250 × 118 2500 × 1250 × 9 2440 × 1190 × 100 39 2600 2,6
2500 × 1250 × 120 2500 × 1250 × 10 2440 × 1190 × 100 43 2800 2,7
2500 × 1250 × 124 2500 × 1250 × 12 2440 × 1190 × 100 49 3300 2,8
2500 × 1250 × 168 2500 × 1250 × 9 2440 × 1190 × 150 42 3000 3,7
2500 × 1250 × 170 2500 × 1250 × 10 2440 × 1190 × 150 46 3200 3,8
2500 × 1250 × 174 2500 × 1250 × 12 2440 × 1190 × 150 52 3300 3,9
2500 × 1250 × 224 2500 × 1250 × 12 2440 × 1190 × 200 54 3700 5,0
2800 × 1250 × 118 2800 × 1250 × 9 2740 × 1190 × 100 44 3360 2,6
2800 × 1250 × 120 2800 × 1250 × 10 2740 × 1190 × 100 48 3400 2,7
2800 × 1250 × 124 2800 × 1250 × 12 2740 × 1190 × 100 55 3450 2,8
2800 × 1250 × 168 2800 × 1250 × 9 2740 × 1190 × 150 46 3700 3,7
2800 × 1250 × 170 2800 × 1250 × 10 2740 × 1190 × 150 50 3800 3,8
2800 × 1250 × 174 2800 × 1250 × 12 2740 × 1190 × 150 57 3900 3,9
2800 × 1250 × 224 2800 × 1250 × 12 2740 × 1190 × 200 60 4100 5,0


Based on the experience of residents and installers, SIP can be considered a controversial building material. Nevertheless, most panel parameters indicate their indisputable advantage over traditional materials.

There are four main advantages of sip panels compared to other technologies.

First- high energy efficiency of sip panels. Due to the low thermal conductivity of expanded polystyrene, as well as the minimum number of joints and their good sealing, we get a house that retains heat inside for a long time - about 8 times longer than in brick or concrete structures. In winter, you can warm up a cooled house in two to three hours, and when the heating is turned off, the temperature will drop by only one degree per day.

Second- ease of construction. A standard sip panel measuring two and a half meters by twenty five meters with a thickness of 174 mm weighs only 50 kg. This allows for loading and unloading operations, installation on the second tier without the use of special construction equipment. The panel can be lifted by a team of only 3 people. In addition, the pressure on the foundation from the weight of the structures is minimal. This makes it possible to install houses on difficult loamy soils on screw piles and not be afraid of frost heaving of soils in winter. A lightweight foundation, in turn, is much cheaper, and this is a large part of the construction budget.

Third the advantage of sip panels is quick installation. A house with an area of ​​150 m 2, or rather its thermal circuit, is assembled on average in 2-3 weeks. This speed is achieved due to the ease of assembly and enlarged structures of the sip panels themselves. At the same time, the house is already ready for interior and exterior decoration - you do not need to wait a year before the structure shrinks completely.

Fourth- low cost of the house and minimal costs during its operation. The sip panel technology is the most economical of all existing ones. Savings are manifested both in the purchase of the necessary building materials, due to their low cost, and at the installation stage, since light structures are mounted with simple nodal solutions. And the high energy efficiency of the house will make it possible to recoup the cost of construction in ten years only on heating.

Also, the advantages of sip panels include the ability to carry out construction and installation work in the winter. There are no “wet” processes during construction, so low temperatures are not a hindrance. Work with the foundation can also be done in the cold season, since a light house made of vulture panels can even be placed on screw piles.

Cons of sip panels.

Do mice gnaw on styrofoam?

Expanded polystyrene is inedible for rodents, that is, it has no nutritional value for them. Rodents are drawn to heat, so they can crawl under the panels to keep warm. Or make moves in them. Therefore, expanded polystyrene, like any insulation, must be protected. OSB-plates in sip-panels are tightly closed by polystyrene. If you want to take additional measures, you can lay a metal mesh under the external wall decoration, but there is not much point in this. In any case, you still have to protect a low-rise building from rodents. Effective preventive measures are known.

The disadvantages of sip panels are traditionally considered to be fire hazard. But let's figure it out.

Like any wooden structure, the vulture panel without finishing has a third degree of fire resistance. But there is much less material to support combustion in a Canadian house than in an ordinary wooden one. In addition, self-extinguishing polystyrene foam is used in modern vultures, which ignites at a higher (almost 2 times) temperature than wood. You know that all houses are on fire. If the brick structure burns down, the foundation and walls will most likely remain, but will be subject to demolition due to a loss of strength by 60-70%. Therefore, when we talk about the fire safety of a private house, it is better to discuss sufficient time for the evacuation of people before the destruction of the load-bearing structures. In a house made of vulture panels, first of all, the floor joists are destroyed, and not the walls. Therefore, they must be treated with fire protection and protected with non-combustible materials. It is possible to increase the fire resistance of OSB-3 boards by painting with fire retardant paints. But it is better with additional finishing with plasterboard or gypsum board without the use of guide profiles. That is, so that there is no air between the surfaces. Such a wall of vulture panels will withstand 45 minutes of exposure to open fire! Of course, a set of fire-fighting measures is necessary both in wood and in any other structure. Fortunately, today there are fire alarms and fire extinguishing systems.

SIP panels are fairly simple products made of expanded polystyrene and oriented strand boards. Due to the fact that 90% of the panel thickness is foam, the product is obtained with very high thermal insulation properties. Standard slabs are about 17 cm thick, which makes it possible to build very thin walls and partitions, creating spacious rooms.

The brochures explain in detail what a SIP panel is and assure that building a house from SIP panels is faster and more economically preferable than a traditional brick or concrete structure. To what extent the advertising corresponds to reality, we have to figure it out in our review.

The Canadian method of building houses from vulture panels has been known for many decades. The climatic conditions of our country are in many ways similar to those in Canada. The construction method is based on frame construction using SIP panels. The abbreviation " SIP"Means - structural insulated panel... It serves as the main structural element in this method of low-rise construction.

Structurally, the SIP-panel is a three-layer plate - insulation in the middle and along the edges of two sheets of OSB, glued together with a special glue under high pressure. Foamed polystyrene foam is most often used as a heater.

Simply put, SIP is a structural insulating panel, even simpler: a building element for the construction of wall partitions and house frames. It is a combination of a pair of OSB boards enveloping extruded polystyrene foam. Layers of the "pie" are coated with polyurethane glue and under a press with an effort of 18 tons are reliably glued to each other.

The building, erected from SIP panels, has its advantages and disadvantages. The frame method of housing construction using multilayer panels has become one of the most popular in our country, since it allows us to build lightweight and at the same time strong, durable houses with excellent thermal performance.

For cottages made of SIP panels, severe frosts are not terrible, since the enclosing structures made of such materials meet modern requirements for heat conservation. To maintain a comfortable microclimate in their own cottage in winter, the owner does not have to spend huge amounts of money on heating.

What is SIP panels, their application and purpose.

Sip panel is a wonderful and versatile material with the main purpose of use in the building complex. It greatly facilitates the construction of frame houses and buildings.

As mentioned, SIP is a structural insulating panel made according to the “sandwich” principle, two sheets of OSB are held inside by a layer of polystyrene insulation. The connecting link is polyurethane glue, the whole “cake” is held together using a press with an external pressure of 18 tons.

Sheet OSB- nothing more than oriented strand board, a modern analogue of the usual chipboard, only more durable and elastic. Recently, OSB sheets are increasingly replacing chipboard from the construction market. Instead of sawdust, layers of wood chips are used in OSB sheets, interconnected by resins with a minimum formaldehyde content. Externally, OSB sheets resemble plywood.

A layer of insulation with SIP panels is a material similar to polystyrene, but with better technical characteristics, known entitled - . The properties of expanded polystyrene perfectly cope with the task of keeping warm in the house and not letting cold air flows into the room.

Despite the fact that Canadian technology allows you to build a house in a week, and it has been used for more than forty years, this method of construction is perceived by the domestic consumer with great distrust. Indeed, people are prejudiced towards everything new, especially since SIP panels look rather fragile. A brick building is still a priority in the domestic market, even if it is several times more expensive, longer and requires resource-intensive measures.

American and European construction colleagues are creating special associations. While we express our disbelief and regard the SIP panels as an overseas curiosity,practical foreigners assist beginners in the development of technology-based projects using SIP panels.

Companies give practical advice, help with recommendations for the installation and construction of frame walls. Photos of SIP panels illustrate the simplicity of the construction method and we hope that in the near future they will become a competitor in the proposal for choosing the material from which you will build your own house.

Benefits of Sip Panel

A logical step before building a house is to clarify all the pros and cons of building a home from SIP panels. The main properties of SIP panels, their advantages and disadvantages, are determined by the inner layer of the central part. It is clear that OSB sheets play a significant role in the strength of the structure, but it is stone wool, foamed polyurethane foam, or extruded polystyrene foam stand guard and prevent the penetration of cold.

The thickness of the inner layer varies depending on the climatic zone of the building and on the wishes of the customer. The thickening varies from 50 to 250 mm. In central Russia, PSB-25 or PSB-S-25 expanded polystyrene is usually used, with a density of 25 kg per cubic meter. As practice shows, such a house maintains a comfortable temperature all year round.

Of course, each technology has advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of using a self-supporting insulated wire panel is the speed of building a house, convenience and a high degree of comfort resulting from it. The decision to realize a dream house from SIP panels will be a rational approach, since the main advantages of building from such material are:


1. Simplicity and high speed of construction. The large dimensions and low weight of the panels allow you to quickly erect any buildings without special skills and with a minimum set of tools.

2. The small mass of the material (about 20 kg per square meter of the panel) significantly lightens the total weight of the building structure, moreover, it does not require the construction of a complex massive foundation (as for brickwork). H It will be possible to start building a house after installationsimple strip foundation. ApplicationSIP panels, relieves the foundation from heavy loads, the mass of the SIP panel rarely exceeds 60 kg.

3. High performance of thermal insulation. SIP panels have a very low thermal conductivity. It will take a wall more than two meters thick to replace one SIP panel for this indicator. High rates of thermal insulation of premises can save significant money on heating.

4. Excellent insulation. Expanded polystyrene significantly prevents the penetration of sounds. Even a small thickness of polystyrene foam blocks the propagation of sound waves. Peaceful sleep is guaranteed, street noise will remain outside the window.

5. SIP panels are not susceptible to fungal attack, which is very important for a humid climate.

6. The durability of the panels is over 60 years.

7. All-season construction. Erection of buildings from the described material can be carried out all year round and in any weather. The tight construction time is especially attractive for the garden house customers. A small summer cottage made of SIP panels will be built during the May holidays. For a more serious house, it will not take much more time, so a two-storey building with an area of ​​150 m2 will be completed on a turnkey basis in 3-4 weeks.

8. No waste is generated during the installation of SIP panels.

9. Easy transportation of SIP panels. The insignificant weight of one SIP panel allows organizing unloading operations with small forces. Another plus, since there is an opportunity to significantly save on delivery and refuse the services of professional loaders.

10. SIP panels, the price of which pleasantly surprises with their affordability, and does not exceed $ 30 per m2, are increasingly becoming an alternative tool for building houses, in comparison with traditional building materials.

SIP panel tests and tests

Factory tests are carried out constantly, products are tested according to numerous indicators. During research, SIP panels are subjected to longitudinal and transverse repeated loading, checking the resistance to destruction by mechanical methods. So it was revealed that the self-supporting insulated wire panel is able to withstand a longitudinal load of 10 tons. It is possible to break the panel across the self-supporting insulated wire only by loading the floor with only a mass of 2 tons per m2.

Disadvantages of SIP panels

There are also some disadvantages of this type of building material:

1. Flammability. Due to processing with a special composition, the flammability of SIP panels is several times lower when compared with the same indicator of ordinary wood. Expanded polystyrene does not burn, but smolders with the process of self-extinguishing.

The main concern of potential buyers is the problems associated with the fire resistance of SIP panels. Reasonably take care of fire safety, since OSB sheets are, first of all, wood chips by 90%. But upon closer examination, it turns out that there is no reason for concern.

First, each panel is treated with a specific solution. fire retardant - a means of opposing combustion processes. The fire retardant increases the fire resistance of OSB sheets by 7 times when compared to ordinary wood. Secondly, the properties of extruded polystyrene foam are not suggest combustion at all, the material only melts and without external direct exposure to the flame it simply self-extinguishes.

2. From the point of view of environmental friendliness and safety of exposure to the human body, it has been proven that the amount of emitted harmful volatile substances does not pose any threat. The material is not hazardous to health. Adhesives and resins of course contain a minimum amount of formaldehyde in SIP panels, but no more than a wardrobe in your hallway.

3. When assembling the structure, small gaps and crevices are formed, which leads to drafts. This requires additional sealing measures.

4. Condensation may accumulate at the joints between the slabs and the building frame.

SIP panels and rodents

Brick and concrete structures perfectly protect homes from rodent penetration. And what about SIP panels? The material is far from reinforced concrete, environmentally friendly, warm, doesn't this attract mice for making moves and minks? Any villager will say that mice penetrate human dwellings, gnawing through wooden structures.

In addition, there is a fear that expanded polystyrene will attract rodents in the construction of their nests in it and will become a favorable environment for breeding offspring. The above concerns are not being realized for two reasons. First, the insulating layer is reinforced with OSB sheets on both sides.

Secondly, the OSB material is impregnated with resin and is not edible by rodents. It has good durability, which is a serious obstacle for them. Moreover, the mouse kingdom lacks interest in the inedible theat-insulating polystyrene. You can also always use metal nets around the basement floor, decorative, which will even more create a protective barrier against mice.

Video demonstration on how the SIP panels are made:

What awaits the owner of a house from SIP panels

The excellent thermal performance of SIP panels makes them more profitable in comparison with aerated concrete, as well as ordinary wooden building materials. During the heating season, you can save a significant amount due to the fact that the walls made of SIP panels are completely sealed, and the enclosing structures do not accumulate heat.

To heat a small cottage (up to 100 sq. M), an electric heater with a capacity of only 4 kW is enough. The amount of energy expended on this is several times less than when heating brick and wood buildings.

Since the electricity consumption is low, it is quite profitable to heat the house in this way. The electric heating system does not require large installation costs, maintenance, and also does not require fuel. In areas located far from gas mains, this heating option seems to be the most successful. Structures made of SIP panels do not accumulate heat, therefore, when heating rooms, the system only heats the air.

It is necessary to talk in more detail about the tightness. Since there are no gaps between the panels (thanks to the tongue-and-groove connection), there are no “cold bridges” in the outer walls. Lightweight panel structures are not subject to shrinkage and deformation, so the tightness remains for decades.

You also need to take into account that polystyrene foam does not absorb moisture at all and does not lose its thermal insulation characteristics for many years.

Since the walls of SIP-panel houses are very tight, it becomes necessary to create a powerful ventilation system that provides a constant flow of fresh air. In winter, more heat is consumed, since the heating system has to warm up the cold air coming from the street.

In order to reduce heat losses, in this case it is recommended to install recuperators that heat up the incoming air due to the heat given off by the outgoing exhaust air.

Since SIP panels are characterized by low thermal conductivity and can serve for a long time at extremely low temperatures, it becomes possible to build houses using this technology in regions with a harsh climate. The house can be used not only for permanent residence, but also as a country house in the summer.

What heaters are found in SIP panels

Structures made of SIP panels are not damaged during sudden temperature changes and do not lose their characteristics even during the absence of heating. Thanks for this should be the modern thermal insulation components. There is a great variety of thermal insulation materials on the modern market, but the following thermal insulators reveal their properties best of all:

  • extruded polystyrene foam,
  • fiberglass plates,
  • foamed polyurethane foam,

The most common core layer of SIP panels is made of extruded polystyrene foam. The cellular structure contains a lot of air, while the polymer component adds a number of unique advantages to the product:

  • Complete absence of water absorption. Repeated tests have shown no moisture absorption, even after 10 days of immersion in water. The maximum absorbency was 0.4% liquid to the test volume.
  • Vapor permeability within 0.05 Mg / m * hPa, which corresponds to the values ​​of pine or oak tree species.
  • Low vapor permeability prevents the formation of a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms and pathogenic fungi.
  • Rodents can burrow holes and burrows in Styrofoam, but do not eat it. An obstacle will be OSB boards, external metal mesh and decorative elements on SIP panels.
  • The service life declared by the producers of expanded polystyrene exceeds 60 years.

Another advantage, for which SIP panels are so fond of installers and builders, is their low weight. Depending on the density, the mass of expanded polystyrene in 1 cube does not exceed 10 to 15 kg. The construction of a cottage from SIP panels is carried out in record time, this is largely due to the low weight of the structure.

Rarely used materials

Mineral product that provides high heat and sound insulation characteristics of SIP panels. Stone wool does not burn, does not come into contact with external aggressive media. It can withstand high temperatures without destruction.

There are practically no disadvantages, only it is necessary to strengthen the rigidity of the SIP panel structure with intermediate partitions. In addition, during installation work, protective equipment should be used against fine stone dust and contact with open areas of the body should be avoided.

In humid climates, polyurethane foam will become an irreplaceable filler. Possessing the same thermal insulation characteristics as extruded polystyrene foam, in terms of hydro and vapor barrier, it has no equal.

Fiberglass boards are rarely used. The material has no stiffness and deforms already at + 40 C. An indisputable advantage is only excellent sound absorption, but the best solution is still to replace glass wool with basalt filler.

Recall that “The quality is never cheap”, today a large number of manufacturers offer products at low prices. Production is not complicated, to the extent that SIP panels can be made by hand.

The whole question is in the quality of thermal insulation material and adhesive composition. All problems arising after the purchase of self-supporting insulated panels " come out outward ”due to excessive savings on the quality of components, leaving the choice for cheap products.

The main object of saving an unscrupulous manufacturer is the banal use of a low-quality glue composition. An uneven layer of glue, lack of high-quality adhesion to the insulation, all this leads to delamination of the “pie”. Oriented strand board, in this case, with any impact, tends to peel off from the expanded polystyrene.

The second, as you might guess, is to attack, the use of low-quality insulation and expanded polystyrene foam. Non-certified products can sustain combustion and release harmful substances. At the same time, an expensive and high-quality product does not burn and self-extinguish in the absence of direct fire exposure.

From the above, it is worth highlighting practical tips that will be useful and help you choose SIP panels without errors:

Before ordering a batch, do not be lazy, go to the supplier and personally make sure of the proper quality of production.

Try to stick to the "golden mean", remember that it is cheap - most likely because of the savings on components, "the avaricious pays twice", you are unlikely to be pleased with the prospect of buying a house a second time.

If possible, it is better to order SIP panels directly from the manufacturer, in this case, it will be easier for you to resolve issues of warranty repair. Resellers, as a rule, try not to participate in disputes and do not solve any problems, they are limited only to making a profit.

Negotiate the price taking into account delivery, payment if possible, also negotiate after delivery. The material is fragile, it is advisable to pay for it after you make sure that it is safe and sound at the construction site.

Features and manufacturers of SIP panels

Taking into account the fact that the frame of the SIP panel is made of boards of wood shavings, their shrinkage or expansion is possible taking into account humidity. SIP panels “breathe”, even high-quality German suppliers could not get away from this.

Note that the European concern Egger has been considered one of the leaders in stable and high quality products for many years. By the way, the concern has production sites in Russia.

We will not argue, but most likely the second place is claimed by the company Glunz. SIP panels from these manufacturers have proven their quality in numerous projects. The high reputation of the suppliers is beyond doubt.

How your dream house might look like in the end can be seen in the video review:

Canadian construction technology has gained popularity in many parts of the world. First of all, the structure is built very quickly. In the conditions of the north, SIP panels are an excellent option, since they have high rates of heat saving. For the production of this building material, OSB board and thermal insulation material are used. Most often, expanded polystyrene is used for this purpose. Before starting construction, it is important to know all the pros and cons of houses from SIP panels.

This building material is distinguished by its simplicity of design and an affordable price. With all this, they are favorably distinguished by the advantages:

  • high thermal insulation;
  • strength;
  • light weight;
  • durability;
  • affordable price.


Weighing all the pros and cons, it is also worth considering the main technical characteristics of the plates. According to European standards, such a plate can have the following dimensions:

  • width - 1.25 and 1.2 m;
  • length - 2.5 and 2.8 m (in some cases 3 and 6 m).

American standards are measured in inches. On the territory of Russia, such sizes are extremely rare. The most popular is the standard 2.44 and 1.22 m. The thickness of the material can be different. To a greater extent, it depends on the thermal insulation material. Insulation can be 100, 150 or 200 mm thick. For the manufacture of SIP panels, OSB sheets are used with a thickness of 9 or 12 mm. These are the main advantages of a building material. In addition to this, you also need to familiarize yourself with the main disadvantages.


In order to start building a house, you need to make a foundation. Using brick or concrete blocks, you need to make a monolithic base with a sufficiently large depth of laying. Using SIP panels, the foundation can be made less cumbersome. This is due to the fact that the walls will ultimately exert a small amount of stress. The average weight of one panel is 60 kg.

The advantages are also high fire resistance. During testing, it was found that the material is able to withstand fire for one hour. This makes the material a third degree fire retardant. They also have such a positive quality as self-extinguishing. This is due to the fact that the composition includes antiperen. The material is non-toxic and does not emit any toxic substances when ignited. OSB and expanded polystyrene are absolutely safe for human health. Therefore, they can be safely used for the construction of temporary and residential structures.

  • Durability is one of the advantages of SIP panels, against which nothing can be said. This indicator is very important for construction. In the future, it will be possible to hang shelves, brackets and other heavy pieces of furniture on walls.
  • Stability can be provided by adding a stiffening frame, which is used as vertical and horizontal bars within the structure.
  • Rigidity is achieved due to the fact that the gluing of all layers is carried out with a special adhesive under the pressure of the press. Durability is an undeniable advantage. On average, SIP panels are able to last more than 50 years, while retaining all their advantages, withstanding various influences.
  • Low panel thickness is important during construction. The thickness is three times thinner than masonry, while all the heat-saving characteristics meet the standards.
  • A wide variety of materials can be used for interior and exterior decoration. Thanks to the perfectly flat surface, there is no need for preparatory work.


Despite the fact that they have a huge number of advantages, before starting construction, it is imperative to study all the pros and cons. Knowing all the shortcomings, solutions can be found against them. This will extend the life of the house and eliminate all the risks of living in it.

The reliability and strength of the structure as a whole depends directly on how accurately the construction technology is followed. In addition, it is worth examining all the shortcomings of houses from SIP panels.

  1. Flammability. Compared to wood, panels are less susceptible to fire and more resistant to fire. But, despite this, during construction it is important to do the wiring correctly, pay special attention to the locations of sockets and switches. As additional protection, you can use special means - anti-perennials. Also, in order to increase fire resistance, non-combustible building materials should be used as cladding.
  2. In some cases, the insulation material can be damaged by rodents. Therefore, it is important to control all joints so that there are no cracks and gaps through which pests can crawl. Such disadvantages are extremely rare.

In order for the building to be as strong and reliable as possible, it is worth using the recommendations of specialists regarding construction. Knowing all the pros and cons, you can even do the work yourself.

  1. The very first thing is to find quality products. Only in this case will the panels withstand all the expected load. Unscrupulous manufacturers can use low-quality adhesive, as a result, the panels can simply unstick. You need to choose a supplier responsibly, it is best to use the recommendations of relatives and friends who have already made purchases.
  2. Practical screw piles or shallow tape monolith can be used as a foundation. This makes it possible to significantly save money on all construction.
  3. A special technology for the production of panels provides them with maximum rigidity. This makes it possible to build a house at any time of the year, even at subzero temperatures. The structure after construction does not shrink and is not subject to seasonal heaving of the soil.
    4. It is important to make a quality frame that will support all walls. For exterior walls, thicker options should be used. For interior partitions, a thinner version is suitable. It is also necessary to individually select the option for arranging the gable under the roof.
  4. All work should be performed in stages and in compliance with all technologies and standards.

Knowing all the advantages, you can as a result get a reliable construction of a temporary nature or permanent residence. The pros and cons fully characterize the material and distinguish it favorably relative to other options

People always dream of having their own inexpensive, high-quality, reliable home. Today, construction companies are placing lucrative ads for the construction of a full-fledged house kit at affordable prices, but the proposed housing consists of structural insulating panels, about which potential owners are hotly debated. Main topic: advantages and disadvantages of Canadian technology low-rise frame-panel construction.

What is SIP

The fashion for them came from Canada and the USA, where the climatic conditions are similar to the weather in Russia and the CIS countries. The erected structures there serve for decades without complaints, and several generations have time to live in them. Here, panel SIP houses are an untested innovation, although there are positive reviews among those who managed to build them.

To understand the advantages and disadvantages of SIP, you need to understand what is structural insulating panel.

This is a three-layer structure consisting of two OSB boards and a layer of insulation made of expanded polystyrene or mineral wool. The OSB board itself is 95-97% wood chips, the remaining 3-5% are resin, hardeners and other fillers that have a protective function. The connection takes place under pressure using a harmless adhesive base.

All elements are assembled in the factory with software control, the dimensions are adjusted to the millimeter. They vary in thickness. The standard option is two sheets of OSB of 12 mm and a layer of insulation of 150 mm. If thicker / thinner walls are needed, other parameters are possible. Typically, roof panels are lighter and thinner, while wall panels are thicker and heavier. The whole house is assembled from them, with the exception of the foundation and the rafter system / strapping (timber).


The main advantages of SIP include a long list of subclauses.

  • Simple foundation

First of all, their use does not require a special approach to the choice of soil. Such buildings are installed on pile or strip foundations. If the structure is placed on screw piles, then the terrain may be embossed or close to water.

  • Lightweight and expandable
The weight is less than that of brick and aerated concrete buildings, therefore the minimum load is applied to the foundation, which ensures the possibility of completion and expansion in the future. Architectural and planning ideas have no limitations - any project is quickly translated into reality.
  • All-weather construction
Houses made of SIP panels can be erected in winter - the strength of the masonry does not depend on humidity and temperature indicators. They do not shrink and crack.
  • Build speed

All the elements are so matched with each other that the construction resembles a game in the Lego constructor, where you just need to connect the parts correctly. This also includes the assembly speed - a few days, and the box is ready!

  • Lack of cold bridges

The panel is glued at the factory under a press, and the appearance of unnecessary gaps is excluded. Other multilayer structures cannot boast of this advantage.

  • No extra expenses for internal repairs

The finished house has even walls, therefore unnecessary costs for leveling the surface are excluded. The trim elements are fixed easily and firmly.

  • Heating

If we talk about the arrangement of communications, then heating a house from SIP panels will also not cause big problems. The building owner has several options for generating heat:

  • electricity - convectors, fan heaters, warm floors, infrared radiators, oil radiators;
  • gas, if a gas main passes nearby;
  • water heating system;
  • air heating, in which, in parallel, the owner receives not only heat, but also ventilation.

In order to have a truly warm housing that can withstand frosts at -30, when building a house from self-supporting insulated wire panels, it is necessary to seal all existing joints with polyurethane foam as much as possible. It is applied before attaching an adjacent structural element. In this case, the owner is guaranteed 100% tightness!

If we compare the energy efficiency characteristics of buildings made of self-supporting insulated wire with buildings made of other materials, then the former have a great advantage over the latter. Such housing is very warm, because the insulation layer in the SIP panel holds the temperature better than the same mineral wool. The house heats up quickly, and the heat received from the heat carriers and residents retains for a long time. Over time, the insulation does not lose its properties, unlike other building materials. Here, the huge savings on heating are simply obvious, which has become a priority problem in Russia after the soaring electricity prices.

  • Usable area and bright rooms
The thickness of the "Canadian" outer walls is small. This not only saves space inside, but also allows you to insert neat windows that let in enough light. Again, a plus in favor of savings - there is no need to increase the glazing area.

  • Life time

As already mentioned, in Russia and the CIS countries, SIP is a fairly young introduction into the construction of frame-panel houses, so it is too early to talk about their huge service life. If you look at the experience of Canadians and Americans, then their home has been standing for 70-80 years without signs of destruction.

  • Price for delivery and installation

And, of course, the main plus is the price for the house itself, delivery of all elements and installation work. During construction, lifting equipment is not needed, and 2-3 eurotrucks are enough to bring a complete house kit to the construction site. If a person has experience in construction and installation work, then he will be able to assemble housing with his own hands without the help of a team of craftsmen.


The disadvantages of SIP houses include only a few points, which, with a thorough approach, are completely eliminated.

  • Flammability

There are legends about the increased flammability of this type of housing. This is not entirely true, because both a brick and a stone house can burn down, as well as a structure made of self-supporting insulated wire. The question is how long can walls and roofs made of such material withstand open fire. Of course, masonry and brickwork last longer, but in comparison with housing made of wood, "Canadian" technologies withstand twice as long.

As a rule, a fire is a consequence of violations of safety rules by residents, installation of heating and household appliances that do not meet fire requirements, or improperly arranged electrical wiring. To increase the fire resistance, it is necessary to sheathe the panels with plasterboard or treat them with fire retardant paints and compounds.

  • Soundproofing

Criticism towards structural insulating panels is quite justified - without additional sheathing with noise-absorbing material, residents will hear everything: street sounds spoken in the next room, ordinary children's games on the second floor. Plasterboard in several layers inside + carpet on the floor, good finishing of the facade with siding or facade stone, and silence ensues.

  • Environmental friendliness

It is believed that rodents start in the expanded polystyrene, and the resins included in the protective layer of the plates emit poisonous vapors. This is not entirely true. Firstly, formaldehyde, which everyone is so afraid of, is present in SIP panels no more than in natural wood, and its amount is in any case less than allowed by regulatory documents. Secondly, the insulation, to which rodents could show interest, is tightly closed with OSB plates. Chips included in OSB are impregnated with a special composition and stacked in such an order that they form sharp chips when chipped.

Based on these facts, it can be argued that the level of environmental friendliness of SIP is in no way inferior to other building materials.

As can be seen from reasonable arguments, the advantages of the Canadian technology for building houses noticeably prevail over its disadvantages, so if you want to have inexpensive, warm and pre-fabricated housing, do not be afraid to buy SIP panels! Our company sells only high-quality SIPs that meet all the Uniform hygienic and sanitary-epidemiological requirements established by the state.