Repair Design Furniture

What kind of pot is needed for a ficus tree? A pot for a ficus plant is a cozy "house" and a guarantee of plant health. What size of a pot is needed for a ficus benjamin

A person's dwelling, in which indoor plants are present, always gives the impression of a cozy home. Ficus looks especially impressive in the house. This article will discuss the features, rules and all the nuances of a ficus transplant.

Features and rules for transplanting ficus

Ficus is considered an unpretentious plant that does not require complex care. But it is sensitive to drafts, excessive watering, cold water, and direct sunlight. But the main thing that the ficus does not like is transplants and changes in location.

These features should be taken into account, and the transplantation issue should be approached especially responsibly, observing certain rules:

  • Young trees under 3 years old require replanting every year, plants from 4 to 6 years old should be transplanted in a year, grown ficuses - only once every 5 to 6 years;
  • Before transplanting, the ficus must be watered to easily get it out of the old pot;
  • The new container should be 3-4 cm larger in diameter of the old pot;
  • It is better to carry out soil renewal in adults by transshipment, replacing the soil in part. This method helps not to damage the root part, since the earthen lump remains on its surface during transshipment, and partially fresh soil is added to the new pot.

When a ficus needs a transplant

Regardless of the fact that the ficus should be transplanted after a certain period of time, sometimes it is required to do it urgently.

Signs of the need for such a soil renewal may be as follows:

  • the soil in the pot dries out very quickly after watering;
  • the roots grew into the drainage hole, and also appeared on the surface of the soil, which indicates that they are cramped in such a pot.

If there are such signs, you need to choose a pot larger than the previous one by 3-4 centimeters and transplant:

  1. It is also needed after purchasing a ficus in a store. Flowers for sale are grown in a specific substrate that serves as temporary soil and needs to be replaced. They are sold, as a rule, in small pots that need to be replaced with suitable sizes. If this is not done, then soon after the purchase, the plant will begin to lose leaves and wither.
  2. A ficus located in unsuitable heavy soil also requires an urgent transplant, and this tree does not grow well. This is due to the fact that the soil sour or poorly permeates moisture. Then the roots rot, and the plant does not receive enough nutrients.

Pot and soil selection

To transplant a ficus, you first need to take care of the correct preparation of the soil mixture in order to provide the plant with the necessary nutrition.

The soil for ficus must meet the following requirements:

  • be slightly acidic or neutral;
  • have sufficient breathability;
  • good moisture retention.

For small, newly rooted shoots, use a mixture of the following:

  • leaf humus;
  • peat;
  • river sand, taken in equal parts.

Mature plants can have a denser mix of the following:

  • peat;
  • sand;
  • humus;
  • turf land.

Biohumus, which stimulates plant growth, is also a good additive. Lime and dolomite flour are added as a source of magnesium and calcium.

In addition to preparing the soil mixture, you need to choose the right pot. For ficuses, you can use:

  • Clay pot, which absorbs moisture well, so the ficus in it will not become waterlogged;
  • Plastic pot. So that the soil in it does not become waterlogged, a deeper drainage layer of expanded clay is poured;
  • Wooden tubs, usually used when replanting bushes that have reached large sizes.

Step-by-step transplant instructions

The transplant must be carried out observing the following rules:

  • Water the ficus well shortly before the procedure to ensure unimpeded release from the previous container;
  • Pour a small drainage layer on the bottom of the new pot, on top of which put a little prepared soil;
  • Carefully remove the plant removed from the pot from the old soil without disturbing the roots, carefully cut off the damaged areas;
  • Place the ficus in a new container, exactly in the center and fill the free space prepared with an earthen mixture so that it does not cover the root collar;
  • Slightly compact the soil spreading evenly in the pot;
  • Immediately after transplanting, the ficus should be watered abundantly with warm, settled water., after a while, draining the excess from the pallet;
  • The pot with the plant should be put in the same place. if it does not have drafts, direct sunlight and is located far from heating appliances;
  • Subsequent watering is required after as the top layer dries completely.

In the case of transshipment, a lump of old soil remains on the roots, and the tree is placed in a new pot with it, and the free space is filled with a new soil mixture, while it is necessary to ensure that the root neck is not closed either, and the new pot has sufficient volume to fill with new soil.

Follow-up care

After the stress associated with transplanting, the plant must get used to the new environment for some time, so it slows down its growth:

  • An important condition for the successful painless survival of the plant after transplantation is the observance of the temperature regime in the room, which should be within 22 - 25 ° C, and the humidity of the air in it, as well as of the soil.
  • At this time, watering should be reduced and carried out only after the top soil layer has dried.
  • Spraying the leaves with warm water every day has a beneficial effect. This can be done in the morning and in the evening.
  • Small plants can be covered with a plastic bag to retain moisture. remembering to air several times during the day.
  • You can spray the plant with Epin, which is a good growth stimulant. He will help him to recover and not get sick after the transplant.
  • It is recommended to start feeding ficus one month after transplanting. Fertilize a flower in spring and summer at least 2 times a month, alternating organic fertilizers with mineral additives. The following fertilizers are well suited for this:
    • Palmyra;
    • Ideal;
    • Rainbow.

You can also use infusion of mullein and other organics.

When is it better to transplant

It is better to transplant ficus during the period of increased growth, which begins in early spring and continues into the summer months. It is not recommended to transplant in winter, when the flower is weakened and its growth has stopped.

Major mistakes

  1. Ficus does not like sudden changes in temperature and extreme conditions of detention, in which it is located under direct exposure to sunlight or a draft, as well as in a too dry room. Therefore, when buying this plant, inexperienced growers often do not take into account these features of the content of ficuses. A plant placed in a dry room that does not receive sufficient moisture begins to shed its foliage, and in a too cold place or in a draft it will wither and grow slowly.
  2. Ficus lovers make a mistake, often changing its location. This house tree does not like such changes. Having chosen a favorable place for a pot with a flower, you must leave it alone and not even turn it in this place in the other direction to equalize the density of leaf growth.
  3. Housewives make a mistake when, trying to help a transplanted tree to take root in fresh soil, they immediately begin to water it with various dressings. It is useless to do this because the root system, which has not sprouted in the new soil, will not accept any trace elements and nutrients. In addition, the new soil mix contains enough nutrients for the tree to take root. To do this, you need to wait a while. Top dressing will be needed no earlier than 1 - 1.5 months after rooting in a new pot.

  1. When transplanting a flower purchased at a flower shop, before placing it in a new pot, it is better to completely free it from the purchased substrate, which has fulfilled its role and can only harm the plant further. It is better to do this by rinsing the root part of the plant removed from the pot in warm water poured into a separate container, followed by rinsing under a stream of warm water.
  2. When a ficus grows into a tree that is too large, it is difficult to transfer or completely transplant it. Therefore, it is more expedient to replace the topsoil with a depth of 3 to 5 centimeters, necessarily adding a significant amount of organic matter to the new soil.
  3. You need to water the domestic trees with settled soft water regularly in the summer, reducing it in the winter, when they have a rest time. In this case, be sure to take care not to flood the plant.
  4. Ficus leaves respond well to regular wetting, so it is good to wipe large leaves with a damp cloth twice a day in summer, and at least once a week in winter. Small-leaved specimens are always happy with a warm soul.
  5. Transplanting in autumn and winter is an unfavorable period for these plants. This procedure itself creates a stressful situation for them, requiring a lot of energy to adapt to new conditions. And in the fall, all processes inside the plant slow down, it prepares for the dormant period, when growth not only slows down, but also practically stops. The nutrients obtained in the summer, which were largely used up for adaptation during the autumn transplant, are not enough to successfully overwinter. Therefore, a transplant at this time is not recommended.

Indoor plants are elements of wildlife that can be easily "built in" into the interior of any room and style. Flowers, mini-trees, bushes fill the house with warmth, focus on themselves, create a special, comfortable atmosphere. Ficuses are one of the most popular indoor plants. Almost all of them are unpretentious in care and at the same time are exquisitely decorative. A significant role in maintaining their health and beauty is played by the correct choice of the container in which they grow. Knowing how to choose the right ficus pot will help provide your green pet with the best conditions for him.

What pot is needed for a ficus

Clay pots without glaze for home flowers are considered to be the best option because the clay is porous and allows air to circulate. This has a positive effect on the regulation of soil moisture and on the supply of oxygen to the roots. However, ficuses are not picky about the material from which the container is made - it can be ceramics, clay or plastic. The only thing that is fundamentally necessary for all types of culture are drainage holes and a "spout" on the pallet for draining excess liquid. You can even plant a young ficus, transplant an adult plant into a cheap plastic pot - and if you follow the simple rules of care, the owner of the flower will receive a healthy and well-developed flower, bush or tree.

Pot shape

For most "natural" ficuses (that is, excluding trees formed in the bonsai style), standard-shaped pot models with approximately equal height and diameter, as well as holes at the bottom (to ensure drainage of the plantations), are suitable.

When choosing a vessel for ficus, it should be remembered that this culture is rarely transplanted due to its slow growth, and in addition, the flower itself perceives this procedure as stress, reacting by dropping the foliage. Therefore, the questions of the shape and design of the pot are decided in advance and a flower is planted in it, given that in the next year or three it will not be injured by the change of the "house".

In particular, experts do not recommend using round pots, in the form of a ball. It is difficult to get plants out of them when transplanting, and ficuses get sick when their roots are severely injured.

Determine the size

The disproportion in the size of the plant (together with the root system) and the capacity for it sometimes leads to problems: in a pot that is too large, the soil dries slowly, increasing the susceptibility of the flower to root rot. If the pot is too small, the bush or tree may tip over under the weight of the branches.

The size of a pot for ficus is determined by the size of the root system: when placed in a pot, two centimeters should remain to its walls (a ruler is difficult to use in such cases. Practicing flower growers simply put two fingers of their hands to the root coma). A more "free" container, instead of being useful, is capable of destroying the plant - too much moisture will be retained in excess soil, which is harmful to it.

In tight containers, the ground part of a bush or tree develops more strongly, and in free containers the root system increases, and the growth of ground mass is inhibited. Therefore, when transplanting, they either change the soil, leaving the old pot, or select a container 2-4 cm larger in diameter than the previous one.

Features of the choice of capacity for bonsai

To correctly determine the size of the pot for ficus bonsai, the following rules will help, taking into account the aesthetics of the appearance of the plant:

  • the depth of the tank should be equal to the diameter of the trunk just above the ground level;
  • for trees with a particularly wide crown, a wider pot is selected;
  • the length of trees with a very thick trunk (compared to their height) - choose deeper vessels.

In addition, bonsai specialists believe that the shape of the vessel should be in harmony with the tree. In appearance, bonsai plants are conventionally divided into male and female (it depends only on the opinion of the owner):

  • male trees have a strong trunk, strong, mature bark, often sharp angular branching. They look good in containers with pronounced corners - square, rectangular;
  • female ficus bonsai are considered more refined, with a smooth bark, as well as smoothed lines of curvature of branches. Oval or round containers are suitable for them.

A properly selected flat bonsain tree enhances the aesthetic pleasure of contemplating the tree as a work of art. If you take into account only gardening considerations, almost any flat bonsai pots with a wall height of no more than 10 cm will do.

The "beauty" of ficuses, in addition to their many other advantages, also lies in the fact that they are not picky in terms of the shape and material of the pots. Therefore, taking into account the size of the root system and the method of growing the plant, it is possible to select a variety of vessels for them, harmoniously fitting them into the style of the interior in the room.

Not all indoor crop lovers know how to transplant Benjamin's ficus at home, since the plant is exotic for the latitudes of Russia. Ficus benjamina of the mulberry family grows in tropical and subtropical forests in China, Southeast Asia and India. It is also found in Australia and the Philippines.

Even a small indoor ficus looks like a small tree with a short trunk, smooth light beige bark and a highly branched crown. Since this plant is native to the tropics, it has a large number of characteristic aerial roots. This beautiful evergreen tree in nature can grow up to 30 m in height. Its smooth oval-oblong leaves can be from 6 to 13 cm long and 2 to 6 cm wide. The leaves have a strongly pronounced main vein compared to the barely noticeable 8-12 pairs of lateral veins.

Ficus Benjamin has a developed strong root system, but gardeners should remember that it is very fragile, so you need to be careful when transplanting it. Its roots spread both in depth and on the surface of the earth.

Indoor small ficuses are of various varieties, which differ in size, shape, color of leaves, etc.

Many novice gardeners are interested in the question of when to transplant ficus and how to properly carry out this process. The need for a transplant may arise in such situations:

  1. Ficus grows in a small shipping pot (if purchased from a store). But the plant should not be in such tightness for a long time, since it will not be able to grow and develop normally.
  2. Small pot size (roots do not have enough space and they begin to protrude from the drainage holes).
  3. Reproduction to obtain young plants.
  4. The presence of fungus, mold or signs of other diseases in the soil.

In addition, the frequency of plant transplantation should be monitored:

  1. In the first 4 years of a ficus life, it is recommended to transplant it at least once a year. It is better to replant a young plant in the spring.
  2. After 4-5 years, the plant must be replanted every 2-3 years.
  3. It is recommended to regularly renew the topsoil between replants.

Transplanting ficus from a shipping pot after purchasing it

Consider how to properly transplant a ficus bought in a flower shop. The plant can be transplanted into another pot no earlier than 2 or 3 weeks after its acquisition.

Experts recommend transplanting young plants into leafy ground. Ficus does not tolerate soil with high acidity, so its level should be close to pH 5.5-6.5. A universal soil for Benjamin's ficus or a self-made soil mixture is suitable.

  1. For transplanting, a pot should be prepared, which will be 3 cm larger than the previous one.
  2. We prepare the soil for transplanting a young culture from 1 part of sand, 2 parts of coniferous soil and 2 parts of peat. The air temperature in the room during the transplantation process should be about + 18 ... + 23 ° C, otherwise the ficus will begin to wither and may quickly die.
  3. 24 hours before transplanting, we water the plant abundantly with water so that it is better removed from the old pot.
  4. Carefully take the ficus out of the pot and shake the earth from its roots into a large container. At the bottom of the new tub, we lay about 3 cm of a drainage layer made of polystyrene, expanded clay, river pebbles or other components. Pour a small layer of sand on top. We place a plant in a pot and surround it with prepared soil, filling all the voids. We carefully tamp the soil. When moving, the root collar should not be deeply buried in the soil.
  5. After transplanting, the ficus must be sprayed with warm water. Within 2 weeks after moving the crop, various top dressings cannot be introduced into the soil.

How to transplant Benjamin's "adult" ficus

Many gardeners do not know how to transplant Benjamin's ficus older than 5 years so that it takes root well and quickly adapts to a new environment.

  1. We take a pot 2-3 cm larger than the previous one and, before filling it with soil, put drainage on the bottom (pebbles, expanded clay, polystyrene, etc.). Pour a small layer of river sand on top.
  2. Adult ficuses prefer to grow in the most nutritious soil. To do this, we prepare it from leafy soil, coniferous mixture, peat, turf and humus. We take all components in equal parts.
  3. The day before the transplantation procedure, we water the plant and leave the soil soaked in moisture.
  4. Then we carefully take out the ficus, trying not to damage the roots, and shake off the ground a little on the pallet. If some roots are rotten, then they can be carefully removed, and then the cut points can be treated with a fungicide.
  5. We move the plant to a new pot and fill all the voids around the tub with a prepared mixture of good nutritious soil. After transshipment of the ficus, it must be watered a little. Since the transplanting process is some stress for the plant, it is recommended to replace full watering in the first month with spraying with water at room temperature (up to 2 times a day).
  6. If the transplanting process is difficult due to the "age" of the culture, then in this case it will be enough just to carefully remove the top layer of soil and replace it with a new one.

After the transplanting process, the plant will need some time to adapt to the new environment. If you take a pot that is too large, then the growth period of the ficus may slow down a little. Some experts advise to cover the crown from above with polyethylene or a special transparent cap until the plant recovers, and ventilate it 2 times a day. Nutrients such as "Rainbow" and "Palm" are introduced only 30 days after transplantation.

Sometimes gardeners transplant the plant in the fall. Some types of ficus can tolerate this process normally, but it must be remembered that in October-February, many crops begin to shed their leaves due to the lack of sufficient heat and light. This factor should be taken into account when transplanting a rubbery ficus.

If you do not want the plant to start growing quickly, it should not be moved to a very large pot. In order for the ficus to develop normally, it is necessary to cut off young shoots 1 time in 3 years. Indoor crops do not bloom in a cramped pot, so you should not expect a beautiful and abundant flowering from them.

Ficus is distinguished by a variety of decorative species and unpretentious care. But despite the ease of cultivation, some trees die shortly after purchase. One of the most common reasons for this is incorrect transplantation.

How to transplant ficus

Ficus transplant is an important part of the care. The root system grows rapidly, it is cramped in a pot, and there is a nutritional deficiency. It is enough to reload a healthy plant every 2-3 years: move the root ball into a container with a larger diameter and add new soil. But for a purchased tree, the procedure is more complicated.

The pot for transplanting ficus should correspond to the size of the root system.

It is a mistake to believe that the substrate in which flowers are sold in stores is the optimal soil for growth and development. On the contrary, such a soil contains additives to maintain its presentation and is not suitable for long-term cultivation. Therefore, a ficus transplant after purchase is a prerequisite for longevity.

Do not rush: ficus needs 7-12 days to acclimatize in a new house. After adaptation, the tree is transplanted from the transport container into a new pot and prepared soil. You can buy special soil for ficus or make the mixture yourself, taking peat, sand, leaf humus and turf soil in equal proportions.

How to transplant a purchased plant:

  1. Moisten the soil and carefully remove the root system along with the lump of the substrate.
  2. Clean the roots from the store-bought soil. If the root system has grown a lot, then you should lightly knock on the earth to shake off the excess substrate. There is no need to rinse the roots.
  3. Put expanded clay for drainage and a layer of prepared soil on the bottom of the new pot. Place the plant in a pot and cover the voids with soil, gently crushing for compaction.

When choosing a pot, you should not take a container for growth: the diameter of the bowl should be 3-4 cm larger than the root ball.

How to care for ficus after transplant

Watering the ficus after transplanting should be moderate. Excess moisture will lead to rotting of the root system. Ficus can be watered immediately after planting in new soil or within 2 days after. The signal for subsequent watering is dry soil in the pot.

The need for watering is checked with a wooden stick inserted into the soil: adhering particles of earth mean that the soil in the pot is not dry enough, postpone watering for a couple of days.

Do not get carried away with spraying: in cold weather, 1 procedure per month is enough, in summer - up to 3. For broad-leaved species, hygienic wiping of the leaves with a damp sponge is suitable.

Many species are difficult to tolerate a change of place, it is advisable to immediately determine the corner for the future tree. The optimal place is protected from drafts, sunny or partially shaded.

Compliance with these simple rules will provide the ficus with a healthy look and longevity.

Ficus in any of the seasons perfectly coexists in a room with other indoor flowers and enlivens the atmosphere in it. Planting a ficus plant in a pot is not so difficult if you know how the plant reproduces. Ficus is very popular with flower growers, since its cultivation at home is quite within the power of even beginners in this business. It is only necessary to adhere to the stages of cultivation, while taking into account the small nuances.

These plants develop best at home in the spring and summer. First, you need to decide in what way the reproduction will take place: by a shoot, an air layer, a leaf or cuttings.

Reproduction using shoots

For this procedure, it is worth separating a process with two leaves from an adult plant. The bottom sheet should be removed immediately, and the top sheet should be cut by 1/3 and the juice that flows out should be blotted with a cloth or napkin. Then place the scion in a small container of water. A couple of activated carbon tablets should be added to the liquid.

It will be correct, as the water evaporates, to add it so that the process does not dry out. The future plant should stand in a container with liquid for about a month. Find a bright and warm place for the scion, but do not expose the plant to direct light. With the appearance of the first roots, you can plant the ficus in a pot.

Plant the plant in universal soil. It is inexpensive and contains all the minerals necessary for ficus.

If you do not want to keep the process of this plant in liquid for a long time, you can immediately plant it in the ground. In this case, this should be done after processing the slice. The shoot is planted in loose soil. After disembarkation, it is necessary to build at home a semblance of a mini-greenhouse from a transparent glass, a regular bag or a jar.

In such a greenhouse, the optimal humidity and the required temperature regime for the future plant will be kept. The rooting process takes approximately 20 days. After that, the young ficus will grow. But do not rush to clean the greenhouse right away: wait for at least one new leaf to look out. Open the mini greenhouse periodically so that the plant gets used to indoor conditions, and after a while, remove it completely.

Reproduction using a leaf

Ficus can grow not only with the help of processes, but also from a leaf. However, if you just cut off a leaf from an adult plant and plant it in the ground, then it will develop, but it will not become a full-fledged indoor flower. To grow a real specimen, it is worth cutting off the leaf with a small piece of the stem. The cut must be made oblique. Take the leaf from the side stems or from the central trunk.

Juice will flow from the cut part of the stem. To remove it, place the stem under running water. After that, dry a piece of the stem and roll the leaf into a tube, tied with a thread. Then you need to take a stick and stick it through the hole in the folded sheet. Now you can plant a young plant. Just stick a stick with a piece of stem into the ground - the stem will take root by itself.

Propagation using cuttings

Favorable seasons for the propagation of this plant by cuttings at home are spring and the first half of summer. During this period, the ficus starts growing leaves and roots. For rooting purposes, take the tops of the shoots correctly: it is much easier to get a tree this way. Also, in order to reproduce this plant, you can take the middle part.

Do not cut long cuttings for planting. There are many leaves on them, so the plant will actively evaporate the liquid through them, and the stalk itself, which does not yet have roots, will wither. In order to be able to plant a cutting, it must contain about 3-4 nodes (these are the points on the shoot where the leaves begin to grow). Put it in water. The container with water, where the cuttings are located, should be placed in a bright, warm place, but not under direct rays of light.

Basically, ficus quickly starts up small roots. But it is important to use just tap water. Do not change it if the cutting feels great and does not start to rot. You can only add fresh. Planting a ficus in a pot is carried out when the roots have already developed well on the cuttings. Water the plant abundantly after planting. Carry out secondary watering when the soil in the pot dries well.

Reproduction using air layers

Also, this plant reproduces by air vents. For this procedure, make a small incision, about 1/3 of the stem, on the top of the trunk or on its lateral processes. Insert a stick into the incision so that it does not overgrow (you can use a match). It will be correct to overlay the incision with moss and tie it with cellophane over it. Moss the moss periodically to keep it wet.

In about a month, the first roots will appear. Then the stalk must be cut and planted in a pot. Cuttings planted in a pot in early spring take root faster and better.

Watering ficus

Ficus is an extremely moisture-loving plant that requires abundant regular watering. When watering the plant at home, make sure that the entire lump of soil is moistened and the water falls into the pan of the pot. In summer and winter, ficus requires a different volume of water.

In summer, the plant grows intensively. Water it once every 2-3 days during this period. In winter, the frequency of watering can be reduced to 1 time in 10-14 days. Use water for this, the temperature of which is slightly higher than room temperature (by 1-2 degrees). To prevent the water from standing in the pot and flowing into the pan, arrange drainage: you can put expanded clay, shards or pebbles on the bottom of the pot.

The chlorine and calcium salts found in tap water are not good for the plant. Therefore, before watering, boil the water or put it to settle.

In addition to watering, spray the plant at home. A couple of times a week, sprinkle it with water from a spray bottle or wipe the leaves with a damp cloth: this will remove dust from the leaves and increase the efficiency of photosynthesis.

Plant care and feeding

Ficus is an extremely unpretentious plant that feels great in a small shade. The optimum temperature for ficus in winter is 20 degrees Celsius; in summer, the plant can withstand higher temperatures. But do not allow the plant to be indoors at temperatures below 12 degrees.

Feed the plant in the spring and summer (until the beginning of autumn) once every 2 weeks. It is recommended to use the following products as a natural fertilizer at home:

  • nettle infusion;
  • wood ash;
  • mullein.

You can also buy specialized fertilizers for ficuses at a flower shop. Suitable "Rainbow", "Ideal", "Giant", "Uniflor growth" and others. Feed the plant carefully and avoid high doses of fertilizer.

Sometimes the leaves of this plant may begin to fall off. This usually happens due to a change of location or over-watering. In this case, the roots of the ficus begin to rot, and the leaves themselves lose their vitality. If the soil is too damp and there is water in the sump, reduce the frequency of watering.

If you moved the ficus to another place in the room, then the plant may experience shock at the same time, hence the dropping of leaves. Be sure to monitor the level of illumination in the apartment. With a lack of light, the plant will grow slowly. If there are drafts in the room, then this plant will also not feel very well.


At home, for a comfortable existence, the ficus needs proper care and certain knowledge from the owner of the plant. However, ficuses grow successfully even in public places, and even more so in an apartment.

So, the following conditions are the keys to successful adaptation of a plant brought home:

  • average indoor humidity;
  • lack of drafts;
  • placing the pot away from the battery;
  • protection of the plant from direct sunlight.

For the proper development of a young potted plant, breathable, fertile soil, moderate watering and timely feeding are necessary.