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When pumpkin boys after planting. Pumpkin without seedlings: non-stall method for producing crop. The best varieties of Siberia

One of the favorite crops, which not only adorns the garden, but also the table, performs pumpkin. Among all the garden vegetables, pumpkin is not picky, it is easy to care for it, it is easy to plant. In order to get a good harvest, it is important to take into account a number of rules, you need to know when it is recommended to plant a pumpkin into an open soil, what time is it better for planting seedlings, and how to care for the culture so that the seedlings are not called. Pumpkin is a useful vegetable, from which you can cook a lot of dishes, and experienced gardeners know that in order to grow vegetable, you need to know when, in what time it is and in what kind of soil is planted.

Pumpkin on the open soil

When it is better to plant seeds

If you decide to grow by growing different kinds of cultures, you want to have not only a beautiful garden, but also a good harvest, then it is important to take into account the features of each vegetable, as and when it needs to be planted. The beloved culture of the gardener is pumpkin. This vegetable loves heat, and put it in an open soil who did not have time to warm after the winter is not recommended. It negatively affects both seeds and seedlings. The plants stalks will become thin and quickly dried. If you decide to plant a pumpkin in April, then consider the possible refund of frosts. For planting culture in open soil, the Earth must warm up well. Choose one period and no longer possible, as it is important to take into account the region in which you live and its climatic conditions. For residents of southern part Suitable time for landing vegetable in the ground no earlier than the tenth of May. For residents of the Northern side, the optimal time began on June, and for the middle band no earlier than the twenty-fifth of May.

To get a good harvest, you need to prepare seeds. You can plant those seeds that have been predetermined in warm water (you need to minimize for a couple of hours). Pre-prepare the soil, the soil must be focused. Large and deep wells do not recommended. In the hole it is better to put two, or even three seeds. After the stems appear, strong and durable leave, the rest are removed.

When it is better to plant seedlings

Seedlings, like seeds, does not like cold soil. The crop will be good if the seedlings before will grow a month, it is possible and longer. Such a landing will be optimal for gardeners who live in the area with a rapidly passing summer. When landing a culture in the garden of the twenty-fifth of May, the seedlings need to be planted from the twenty-fifth of April to the third of May. Initially, it is necessary to plant seedlings in a container with peat. Professional gardeners are used to plant coconut pills seedlings, peat tattures are well suited. If you do not have such a container, take the plastic container. Pumpkin seedlings in the garden need carefully, as the culture has a subtle root, especially if the landing is made from the plastic container.

Pumpkin seedlings ready for planning to open ground

Current care

In order to get a positive growth of culture, you need not only to know how to sit correctly, but also how to care for him. The main rules for disembarking and guarantees good harvest:

  1. Soil must be prepared. Natural fertilizers can be used, chemicals. It is necessary to plant a pumpkin in place where the sun's rays penetrate well.
  2. It is not recommended to plant a vegetable in a bad heated land. The soil should be dry, without snow, dirt, moisture. Take into account that it may be freezing. During the landing, the temperature of the soil should be at least fifteen degrees above zero. Approximate time - the end of May.
  3. In the wells, before you plant a pumpkin in open ground, add fertilizer. This culture negatively reacts to acidic soil. You can use ash, humus, chalk. If you have a compost pit in the garden, which you dug in last year, then feel free to plant seedlings or seeds with Radom with the pit.
  4. Simple culture care is expressed in watering. When only made a landing, you need to water more often than during the ripening period or harvest. The leaves and stalks of the vegetable are capable of accumulating moisture, which will be enough to not be faded. During the ripening period, it is necessary to water less than usual, as the pumpkin will be water and lost its useful properties.
  5. Many fruits on one escape badly, they will disturb each other. If you want pumpkin to be big, leave two fetas on one stem. For medium sizes, you can four fetus.

When you are going to plant seeds or seedlings, pick up the right and appropriate place. On the plot where the landing was made last year, planting a new harvest is not worth it. Pumpkin will grow well on the place where potatoes, zucchini, sunflowers were planted last year. Sprinkle a pumpkin to the place where she grew initially, it will be possible in five years.

Only from experienced gardeners, pumpkin breeding does not occupy a lot of effort and time, but to please themselves in the fall of a good harvest will have to make a lot of effort.

When to plant a pumpkin?

Pumpkin - a plant that prefers to grow in the sun, so planting seeds in the cold, unheated land is not necessary. Suitable terms is mid-May, when the soil warmed up the sun, and the spring frosts took place.

The same time, the disembarkation is determined by the climate of the region. For example, for planting seeds in northern latitudes with successful days will be the beginning of June. To plant plant in the southern regions, the beginning of May is suitable. For residents of the middle strip of Russia, the plant is perfect for the May holidays.

How to plant a pumpkin?

Pumpkin plant 2 methods: seedy and in open ground. Growing pumpkin sewage It implies the workpiece of plant seeds from autumn. At the beginning of April, the seeds need to be inspected for the presence of disease, they should be natural.

For rapid germination, they need to soak in warm water for several days. Nobuch seeds are actively forming roots and begin growth. Planted by clumsy grains in small plastic containers, at the bottom of which the hole should be present, otherwise the moisture will remain in the soil, which leads to the decoration of seeds and the development of many diseases.

The soil must be soft, loose, without the roots of other plants. In the center of the tank is done grounding, poured with water. In order to a little disinfect the soil, good a couple of hours before landing to treat it with a weak presentation of manganese.

Further, the middle of the seed is placed, the earth is slightly poured and is abundant. Put the pot better further from drafts, to the place where there will be a lot of sun, but you can not forget about air humidity and stable watering. If a growing pumpkin on seed Produced correctly, the first shoots will begin to be shown a week after landing.

Grown pumpkin in open ground Even easier. To do this, it is necessary to correctly pick up a landing area: where there are few drafts and a lot of light. It is important to observe the distance between the seeds to the half-meter. Pumpkin is growing and it needs a lot of space.

The garden is formed into the bayonet shovel, the stones, weeds are removed from the soil. If the earth is fertile, then you can do without feeding, but if you want to get a rich harvest, it would be nice to make a humus, peat, sawdust and ash.

Next, the land must be pole. The seeds of the plant are placed in separate holes, slightly sprinkled with soft soil and are also sprayed with water. Next, the pumpkin needs watering 1 time every 2 days, warm water. The first shoots will begin to be shown already a week later.

What varieties of pumpkins are better to grow?

Gardeners set several basic types of pumpkins:

    A nutmeg pumpkin is the most delicious type of pumpkins, in which there is a lot of useful substances for a person. This species requires heat and fertilized soil, does not always have time to mature in northern latitudes, so experienced gardeners give advice to grow nutmeg varieties with a seaside way. Pumpkins have fruits of yellow-brown colors with volumetric seeds inside. Among the nutmeg varieties, the "Golden Pear" variety can be distinguished - the fruits are more reminiscent of a huge drop of orange shade. The pulp sweetly taste, fleshy, has a mass of nutrients. Pumpkin is no more than 2 kg, is a variety that sleeps 3 months after landing. Among the muscat varieties of gardeners prefer to grow such varieties as the "Arab" pumpkin, "vitamin", "pearl" and "hyiley".

    Breakfold view of pumpkins - pumpkin huge sizes, with sweet core and soft blond seeds inside. Because of its sizes, many gardeners prefer to grow alternative letters of pumpkins, because For their safety requires a large space. Variety of pumpkins "Titan" - the name speaks for itself, gardeners grow copies up to 150 kg! The variety of medium maturity, pumpkin is saturated with an orange shade. The taste is sweet, with fleshy pulp. Maturation occurs on 120 days after landing. Its one grade "Russian woman" - brings a regular harvest, ready-made fruits are perfectly preserved to cold weather, has a pleasant taste. Pumpkin weighing 2-6 kg, dark yellow colors with soft and sweet pulp. Among the variety varieties of pumpkins, the following types are distinguished: "Standal", "Marble", "Smile", "Baby" and "Centner".

    Studioral types of pumpkins - these varieties are ready for use already at the end of the summer - early autumn. They are distinguished by creamy shades of fruits, with small seeds, sweet taste. Simply grow pumpkin "gone" varieties. At least it does not have a sweet taste and does not have a sweet taste, but it grows her seeds without a shell, only a transparent thin film is present. "Bulgarian" is a variety of rounded shape, with light gray or yellowish stems. The mass of fruits from 3 kg, has a pleasant aftertaste. Of all hard hard varieties of pumpkins Especially known: "Mushroom bush" pumpkin, "spaghetti or vermishel", "almond", "country" and "freckling".

    How to care for pumpkin?

Pumpkin care Does not require special effort and does not take much time. Throughout the summer, after shooting rose, a pumpkin requires a lot of moisture.

Water it better for the night, so the water does not evaporate under the rays of the sun, and absorbs into the ground and nourishes the roots. So that the moisture is saved longer, it is worth covering the bushes of pumpkin mulch or dry grass.

As long as young bushes, the land around them should be loosened - it satages the soil with oxygen and gives the root system. In addition, the weeds are removed during the loans near the plant, capable of observing her sunlight and take moisture.

Additional feeding to pumpkin are needed when the soil on the site is non-good. It is perfectly suitable for humus, cowhide, mineral and potash fertilizers.

If feeding was made before landing in the pit, then the summer is better forget about them. The plant is unpretentious to feeding and can be pleased with an abundant harvest without additional fertilizers.

Features of growing in a greenhouse and open soil

Grow pumpkin Conveniently immediately in open soil, this method does not take a large amount of time, and in terms of the amount of harvest is not inferior to similar landing methods.

What you should remember when growing pumpkin in the open ground - regular irrigation of the plant with water. In addition, after the pumpkin has formed the first 5-6 leaves, the bush needs to have the formation of the main weaves.

Cropped side shoots, tied inflorescences. 3-4 flower and 5-7 leaves remain on the stem. So the pumpkin will not spend the strength on the growth of the screens, but will go to form the fruits. You can save 2 main escapes, but not more than 4-6 leaves and 3-4 marks on each vacuum.

However, gardeners plant a plant in greenhouses. Pumpkin growing technology Not much different from landing into open ground, plant care is identical.

When the pumpkin shall form 5-7 leaves, it must be transplanted into open soil, or simply send the scourge to open space, and leave the root part in the greenhouse.

Growing pumpkin A closed greenhouse allows you to increase the amount of harvest, and speed up its maturation. This method is used mainly in northern latitudes.

In the photo Pumpkin seeds sprouted

Pumpkin - a favorite culture of gardener, special conditions for growing pumpkinnot necessary . In addition, its fruits not only have a lot of useful properties, but also preserved in the cold time.

To grow a pumpkin on the envy of neighbors, the plant needs to provide a growing environment close to the climatic conditions of its historical homeland. In the article you will receive comprehensive information about the time, place and landing of the useful vegetable.

Grow a pumpkin for 7 steps

Step One: Choose a place with suitable lighting

Most of all in the light of the pumpkin loves the sun.

Before moving to the direct planting of the pumpkin, think what kind of plot on your garden will suit her the most. A well-chosen place for growing this vegetable, no little is a guarantee of its rapid growth and fertility. Abundant lighting is one of the main conditions of the promising cultivation of the pumpkin: it is happy to bathe in the straight rays of the sun. Hard squeezed vegetable leaves are covered with a thick carpet of hairs that make a plant resistant to sun-burning burns.

The shortage of natural lighting prevents the timely development of pumpkin, the formation of a sufficient number of flowers, as well as its full pollination of insects. Flowers are painted in a pale shade and lose their fragrance, and shoots grow pale green and thin. Without green chlorophyll pigment, with the participation of which photosynthesis in the cells of the plant occurs, the vegetable will grow faded and weak. To this not happen, choose a well-lit southern slope for solar vegetable.

Step Two: Control Temperature

Pumpkin is suitable only warm dry soil.

Pumpkin is a typical representative of the Southern Plant crops, which, in the soul, the real heat. But low pumpkin temperatures categorically not tolerate. Have it in mind when you start landing vegetable. Make sure that the soil is well dried from the spring moisture and warmed up enough to become a comfortable environment for cultivation. Having dropped pumpkin seeds into the ground, where the temperature does not reach 14 degrees, the shoots you risk and not wait. And in excessively wet land, the plant simply swallows and will die even faster.

The timing of seeds and planting seedlings on the household plot depends on the arrival of sustainable heat in one or another. The "arrangement" of pumpkins begin to engage when the threat of frosts disappears. In places where the weather does not indulge the land in a sustainable and prolonged heat, pumpkin is safer to grow through seedlings. It can be planted under the protection of temporary shelter in a pre-warmed land in early May. Pumpkin seeds are sowing into a warm primer for a temporary shelter, which is built from a plastic film or nonwoven dense coating.

Step Three: Prepare the soil for pumpkin

Bright orange beauty grows well in light nutritious ground with neutral acidity.

Before finding out how to plant a pumpkin, we will deal with what mandatory characteristics should have the soil so that the plant felt well. We list the substrate indicators most suitable for pumpkin growing:

  • high nutritional, with a sufficient mass part of organic and mineral substances;
  • pH in area 6.5 -7.0, which indicates weak or neutral acidity;
  • good sweeping;
  • free access of oxygen, which will not allow water to stagnate in the soil and spoil the roots of the plant.

If your primer does not match any of the criteria listed above, the situation can always be corrected. The increased acidity of the soil is eliminated with the help of lime or chalk, and the compost and humus is enriched too heavy or clay soil. Of course, the preparation of the soil under the boarding of the pumpkin is better to do in the autumn months, but in the case of the pumpkin time it is never irrevocably missed, so add to the ground the compost or humus from the leaves can be both in spring. This will give the soil the missing ease and make it more affordable for moisture and oxygen. If you are not sure that there are enough nutrients in your soil, you can add a fertilizer directly to the holes at the time of the pumpkin plant.

Step fourth: Pumpkin landing through seeds and seedlings

To grow pumpkins, you can use seeds and monthly seedlings.

Those who deal with pumpkin for the first time will necessarily think when to plant a pumpkin to seedlings. The most suitable period for this occupation is considered the first half of May. As we have already noted, the plant prefers warm soil (from + 16 to + 18 degrees), and immunity to frosts are completely devoid.

Before sowing, pumpkin seeds 2 - 3 hours heated at a temperature of at least 60 degrees, then germinate, placing them in several layers of a wet napkin or sawdust for 3 days. Suitable for this place will be greenhouses or window sill in the room.

As soon as part of the seed germinates, and the second part will adversely, they are sowing them into small clay tanks not more than 16 cm in diameter. In 2/3 of the tank, the soils are poured, the components of which are ferry land, peat and humus in proportion 1: 1: 2.

Sewing seeds in the prepared ground, sprinkle them from above the same land, only pre-enrich it with a 5% cowbage solution (based on the bucket) and 10 g of wood ash. Seeds are germinated at room temperature, and after the appearance of shoots, the temperature is reduced to 14 degrees.

When watering, make sure that the seedlings receive a moderate amount of water - at this stage, excessive moisture can in two accounts to ruin vulnerable segments. For all the time the cultivation of seedlings should be 2 times to feed mineral and organic fertilizers. To do this, in 1 bucket of water add:

  • double superphosphate - 20 g;
  • ammonia Selitra - 15 g;
  • dung Zip - 1 l;
  • potassium sulphate - 15 g or garden mix - 50 g.

One plant is consumed up to 0.5 liters of useful solution. When 3 fullly formed leafies appear on each bush - seedlings ready for landing in open ground.

In cool areas where heat does not come immediately and finally, sending frosting or zero temperature in May, seedlings of the solar beauty plant at the end of May or June. The soil should be pre-funded, and gentle shoots hide under temporary shelter.

In order to keep the roots of seedlings safely and guaranteed them to protect them from damage after sowing, they are equipped with disposable peat or paper pots for their extension. It is very convenient because the fragile bush will not need to get out of the tank, and put in the ground along with the pot. Over time, the walls of the peat pot will decompose and skip the growing root system into the soil.

With the same success, you can germinate a pumpkin using plastic cups or containers and many vegetables with experience, by the way, prefer precisely such tanks to grow seedlings. They argue that the plants transplanted from such cups quickly goes to growth, because its roots do not have an obstacle in the form of a peat pot wall, which often turn out to be a serious obstacle to young roots.

Pumpkin seeds for landing first soaked in warm water or keep some time in a warm place at temperatures up to 60 degrees. Nobuch seeds rose better.

Regardless of the method of growing pumpkins - seeds or seedlings - the wells dig up to 8 - 10 cm deep. The distance between the wells depends on the variety of the plant: not less than 125 cm for synopletic crops, 85 cm for strip-flow varieties and 55 cm for bush pumpkin.

Pumpkin seed landing assumes that in each fossa there will be 2 - 5 seeds. It fertilize the soil in the holes in the holes with mineral and organic substances, after pouring 1.5 - 2 l warm (up to 30 - 40 degrees) of water and wait for it when it is absorbed into the soil. When several sprouts appear in the hole, they leave one - the strongest. If freezing is suspected, seedlings are hiding under construction from agricultural or polyethylene film.

Step Fifth: Pour the pumpkin right

Pumpkin is suitable exceptionally moderate watering.

Despite the huge leaves through which there is a strong evaporation of moisture, pumpkin does not claim the title of moisture-loving plant. Strategic stocks of water The plant "hides" in their fleshy stems and cuttings, so long drought periods are not terrible. Excessive watering only harms a pumpkin - from the abundance of water, its vegetative parts are attacked by fungal microorganisms and quickly replete.

In the period of drought, watering for vegetable is arranged with warm water in the evening. Moderate watering has a direct impact on the growth and ripening of pumpkin: the smaller the water will receive a plant, the less water will be dropwise and the greater the concentration of nutrients will contain its flesh. Abundant watering will cause a short storage of ripened vegetable in the future. The stoop amount of water only slightly slows the growth of pumpkins, while excessive moisture causes the rotor of the roots and stems, and the sick bush almost always dies.

Step Sixth: Do not forget about feeding

Savy pumpkin in open ground only after abundant feeding.

Do not be afraid to "reconcile" a pumpkin by an organica - she is always glad to her. Therefore, it is impossible to refuse the plant in this pleasure or before planing, nor during its intensive growth.
The following substances will be excellent organic fertilizers for pumpkins:

  • rewinding manure;
  • compost mass;
  • humus;
  • chicken litter;
  • humus.

Complex feeder consisting of nitrogen, potassium and phosphate, you can fill the need of plants in minerals. If such a mixture does not turn out to be at hand, it can be safely replaced by individual components: potash salt, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate. And the simplest and affordable fertilizer for pumpkins is considered ordinary ash.
There is also another way to feed the pumpkin: planting sites at the beginning of spring, where pumpkin seeds will be sown or planted. They will be for vegetable fertilizers. Until the end of May - mid-June, Siderats grow and become an excellent basis for growing pumpkin. During the period of vegetative maturation, the plant is fed by solutions of organic fertilizers (3 - 4 times a season).

You will get a rich harvest if you successfully select the plants - predecessors for pumpkin. You should not land a pumpkin on earth, in which there were cultures of the Pumpkin family before this. It applies to melons, watermelons, zucchini, cucumbers and patissons. Pumpkin does not fit and where representatives of the family of the family grew today: sunflower, corn, potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes. We contribute to the future crop of pumpkin roots and crucifiers (cabbage, radishes and salad), as well as onions and garlic. The most wonderful pumpkin is obtained after representatives of legumes: boldly plan her seedlings in the place of peas, ranks, beans, beans and alfalfa. With the same success, the plant is grown on a bunch of old compost.

Step seventh: surround pumpkin care

Caring for vegetables, do not forget to periodically pinch it.

After the first few fruits come down, pinch the main stem and other shoots on the ripening plant. However, remember that it is necessary to have time to do before the first nights of August, then young fruits will take advantage of the arrival of the cold.
To formed strong side roots, look the base of the pumpkin of wet earth. During the rain, the plant especially needs your help - to put under the fruits of the plank, which will protect the vegetable from being drunk due to abundant moisture.

The hardened bark of Thavor is a signal that it is time to collect a harvest. To check, you can try vegetable for strength: give the peel to the nail. If notlands do not remain, the time has come. They collect fruits to the first frosts, then pumpkin will be kept longer. Some varieties of the plant are well lying until May with low positive temperature indicators (about + 4 - + 8 degrees of heat).

As you can see, the rules that will help you provide yourself with an abundant harvest of the useful pumpkin, not difficult. A little effort, and on your table most of the year there will be a variety of dietary dishes made from this beautiful juicy vegetable.

How to grow a big delicious pumpkin. Video

Pumpkin seeds are large, with a dense shell (but there is also a galaxy pumpkin). You can soak them in warm water before sowing (not lower than 20 degrees). As soon as they proceed, immediately sow on the edge into the prepared, moistened soil, blocking 5-6 cm, compact, cover the film until shoots appear. Pumpkin seeds will go up in a week at a soil temperature of about 20 degrees. If the soil temperature is below 15-16 degrees, the pumpkin will not go.

With the advent of the cover of shoots, the film must be removed. Plants require a lot of light and warm. The best temperature for growth and development of plants is 22-25 degrees. Immediately after the deployment of the seedy leaves, the seedlings should be given a weekly feeding, the best fertilizer "Uniflor-growth" or "", just like the seedlings of cucumbers.

If the seedy leaves are twisted or there is a rusty yellow-brown spot (bacteriosis), the seedlings need to be discarded and throwing away, leaving only the best copies with beautiful, the right form by semi-deeds. Pouring should be done very moderate and necessarily warm water, not less than 20-25 degrees. .

Transplant seedlings pumpkins

Lined seedlings of pumpkins

The transplant to the place should be made no later than 20-25 days after the appearance of germs. Before transplantation, the plants are well water and plant along with a lump of land in the prepared hole. Before transferring seedlings to the garden, a bucket of overwhelmed manure or compost should be made (more detail), to move to a depth of 12-15 cm, to make a hole, to make 2 glasses of ash, add 2 tbsp. Spoons of superphosphate and pour 5-8 liters of water. After the planting of seedlings, pour the soil around the plant to seedly leaves, slightly hide so that the soil beds connect with the soil seedlings (do not crimp the seedlings). Soil under landings to climb (you can simply cover the soil with a newspaper). Do not watered for 2 weeks. Penate for 4-5 days, covering seedlings with caps from the newspaper. If your seedlings have grown and has 3-4 real sheets, then when the bottom sheet is transplant. If there is cold weather, then cover the seedlings spunbond directly on the newspaper caps.

Pumpkin seeds in soil

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You can sow pumpkin on the dry seeds prepared in advance after the threat of spring frost passes. At the same time, the soil should warm up to 15-16 degrees at a depth of 6-8 cm. In the north-west, for example, it will be after June 10th. It is possible to sow much earlier, for example, May 10-15, but it is necessary to pre-insulate the soil and cover the seeds of the film. As a heater, you can use an old coat or pixel, blanket or any unnecessary clothing, if possible, not synthetic. Textile trash burst under the garden at a depth of 40-50 cm. From above bring a rich organic soil.

In the photo Pumpkin Seeds during landing

You can, from autumn, pull the trenches to the depth of two bayonies of shovels and fill them with vegetable residues, executed weeds that fell by leaves, can be. By the spring, this whole mass is falling, it is necessary to add fertile soil to completely fill the trenches.

The trenches can be digging in the spring, but only one bayonet shovels, and fill them with dry hay or leaves completely, to put the soil dug out from trenches, seal, pour, cover the film on 10 days. As soon as the soil warms up to 15-16 degrees, seeds can be heated.

When sow pumpkin

Sprout on compost

It is even better to sow a pumpkin on the last year's compost heap located in the sun, making in it the deepening of the magnitude of the bucket. Pour in the deepening by half a rift of reworked manure or compost, add 3 tbsp. Spoons of azophoski, adding 1 tbsp. A spoonful of potash inhabitant fertilizer (or make a glass of ash and 1 tbsp. A spoonful of superphosphate), pour off the half-water of warm water and sow to a depth of 5-6 cm. Pumpkin seeds - 2 seeds in the well. Instead of azophoski, you can make a hole when landing 1 tsp. Spoon of the AVA fertilizer powder fraction. Cover the whole bunch of old film.

It is possible to sow very early. In the North-West, for example, this can be done in the first days of May. A compost bunch of seeds will start over and give heat to the roots of pumpkins; The plant will begin to develop rapidly. As soon as the plants grow to the film, it is necessary to cut holes in it and release them upstairs, pour the soil to seedy leaves. If still cold weather is (temperatures below 16-18 degrees) or the threat of night frosts is preserved, it is necessary to put arcs over plants and cover them with double spunbond. It is not recommended to cover the arcs of the film, because with a strong day heat, the plants can be "burning" under the film.

When landing on a compost pile for all summer, neither feeding, no watering, except for a long drought. In this case, water is poured under each plant from the kettle into the hole in the film. Film with a heap does not remove all summer. With this method of growing a pumpkin, you will not give you any trouble.

Pumpkin sprouts

When planting a pumpkin, a rather large power area is needed - the distance between plants is 1.2-1.5 m. The most interesting method of growing pumpkins. In winter, the peel from pumpkins and zucchini, as well as skins from bananas and peel of vegetables and fruits, potato cleaning is dried on steam heating batteries and gradually fold into open paper bags and stored until spring. Early in the spring, as soon as the soil fell out on the solar sublime places on the site, dig out a shallow pits with a size of 30 x 30 x 30 cm and all these dried cleaning are poured there. From above, poured dry soil harvested in autumn (layer of 15-20 cm) and covered with a black film. In early May, the film is removed and planting seeds (or seedlings) pumpkins and zucchini. Landing covered with double loaf. From above put film shelter. All shelters take off as soon as spring frosts end. No feeding and watering plants are not required all summer.

Pumpkin - Orange Beauty, which will decorate any garden. This useful and delicious vegetable genus from Mexico is widely cultivated in Europe and Asia from the 16th century. Thanks to an unpretentious nature, pumpkin was well and in our territory. In the pulp of plants, except for a number of people needed substances, contains rare vitamin T. Thanks to a large number of carotene, pumpkin helps to keep and strengthen their eyesight.

Pumpkin delicious and small-calorie, everyone loves her. Doctors recommend including a pumpkin in the diet to suffering cordially vascular diseases, intestinal diseases, liver, in obesity and anemia. Pumpkin seed oil - not causing allergies anti-inflammatory and regenerating agent.

Many gardeners strive to grow pumpkin. Pumpkin planting seeds in open ground is a traditional method of cultivation, which, with proper care, allows you to get a rich harvest.

Before sowing pumpkin seeds in open ground, you need to make sure that the time and time is selected suitable. Pumpkin is a thermal-loving plant, whose seeds may not climb in the immense after winter or excessively wet and crude land. Also, it is worthwhile to take into account the possibility of returning freezers after the first warming.

After the end of frosts, as soon as the air temperature rises to + 18 ° C, the time occurs when you can plant a pumpkin. Seeds are planted into the ground when it will warm up to 12-13 ° C at a depth of 7-8 centimeters. For the development of pumpkin, the temperature is optimal + 25 ° C. The plant stops in growth, if the air temperature drops to + 14 ° C.

To get a good harvest, putting pumpkins need in May. Favorable for disembarking seeds in open primer days for each region of their own: they depend on climatic conditions of terrain. In the northern part of Russia are favorable for sowing pumpkin seeds in the open primer the first days of June.

Residents of the southern regions can plant seeds in an open ground in mid-May. Some gardeners in the southern part begin planting seeds from May 10. For those who live in the middle lane, the most favorable days for sowing pumpkin seeds in open ground are coming in late May, from about the 25th.

For folk traditions, the day of Yuri is considered the best day for planting pumpkins, from the morning. If circumstances do not allow landing seeds in this day, do not be upset. Pumpkin, planted in a wet warm land, enriched with fertilizers, regardless of landing day, will give an excellent harvest.

Selection of space on the plot

The correct selection of the pumpkin area is an important condition for obtaining a rich harvest. It is advisable to place a garden on the warming up the solar rays a warm plot. The shading of pumpkin also transfers well. For the plant, the most preferred sampling or sandy soil, which is good because it quickly warms up.

Good predecessors for pumpkin on the garden - perennial herbs, corn or winter wheat. It is possible to plant it and after carrots, cabbage, beets, tomatoes, onions, peas, beans, peanuts, lentils, siturates. After cucumbers, zucchini, patissons, watermelons and melons, it is advisable to plant a pumpkin only after 5 years.

Preparation of soil

Fertile soil saturated with nutrients is a guarantee of a good pumpkin harvest.

The preparation of the soil for landing should be done in the fall:

  1. Clear the plot from weeds and plant residues.
  2. Hoe to shallowly braid land.
  3. After 2-3 weeks, the soil swallow, collecting the roots of weeds.

In the spring, per day before landing or on the same day, the Earth needs to be switched again. After that, the plot is aligned with rakes.

Starting actively developing, pumpkin is increasing the above-ground part, so many nutrients are required by the plant. Dropping the earth, it is necessary to make fertilizer into it. The best option is overwhelmed compost, humid or manure. They are made at the rate of 5-10 kilograms per square meter to a depth of 15-20 centimeters into light soils and 10-15 centimeters - in heavy.

The ability to make such a number of manure is not always. Then it can be put in the wells at the rate of 1-2 kilograms on the plant. In addition to manure, it is worth adding to each well to 20 grams of superphosphate and 10 grams of potassium sulfate.

Some gardeners make a burning overnight, a glass of ash and 50 grams of superphosphate in each well. Mineral-organic fertilizers can be used (on one plant - 1 tablespoon). All components made must be thoroughly mixed with the ground before booking the seeds.

Some gardeners grow pumpkin on a heaps of compost. This method allows not only to get a high harvest, but also improve a compost bunch.

At the compost, it is advantageous to plant a pumpkin for several reasons:

  • The green mass of the pumpkin does not allow to grow on a compost weed.
  • Pumpkin lined in compost contributes to the acceleration of the process of decomposition of gross vegetable residues (stems of sunflower, cabbage knockers).
  • The remnants covered with greens improve the appearance of the compost heap.
  • Pumpkin protects compost from drying out.

Selection of seeds

Pumpkin varieties have more than three dozen. Almond, Mozolievskaya 49, gone, freckles - hard-sized large-scale varieties that are early preserved and stored for a long time. For winter storage good large varieties smile, winter sweet, crumb, winter dining room. Sweet taste is distinguished early ripening portion pumpkins: jerk, amazon, winter sweet, orange bush.

In the garden can be grown from seeds a lot of pumpkin varieties. For growing seed, it is not recommended to choose only nutmeg varieties, since the seeds can simply not climb. Pumpkin seeds can be stored from 1 to 4 years.

Choosing the sowing material, you must pay attention to its freshness, checking in advance for the germination. It is easy to do this: it's enough to take a few seeds and germinate them on wet marl. Looking at how many seeds sprouted from all, you can define an approximate percentage of their germination. This will help in the future it is easier to learn how many seeds put in the wells.

For a good pumpkin harvest, you need to choose only the full-fledged seeds. To select the best, you need to prepare a 3-5% salt solution and omit seeds into it. Flashing for landing are unsuitable, and the rest can be planted. These seeds must be collected, rinse and dry.

Preparation of seeds for landing

For the cultivation of pumpkins in the open ground, it is important not only to choose the seeds correctly, but also to prepare them for further sowing. It takes a little time, but positively affects the harvest.

For friendly shoots before planting pumpkin, seeds are recommended for 2 hours to warm at a temperature of about 60 ° C. To prevent fungal diseases after that, they are maintained in a single percent solution of manganese.

To provide a sphere, a slight penetration through the solid skin seeds, a solution is used, for the preparation of which in 1 liter of boiling water, 2 tablespoons of wood ash are breeding during stirring. Folded in several layers, the gauze is abundantly wetted with an ash solution and wrapping seeds into it for 12 hours.

Processed seeds can be immediately sowed to the ground, and you can first germinate at home and then plant. Those who choose the second method, it is better to prepare the box with sawdust in advance for this procedure.

It can be done in this way: to place wood sawdust at the bottom of any convenient deep container, then pour them with boiling water several times and coat in 2-3 layers of gauze. Having placed there, seeds, cover them with several layers of gauze and sawdust layers, and tighten the drawer with a film. In the house greenhouse arranged in this way for 2-3 days, seeds will warm and will be ready for landing.

You can do without these procedures, but the ripening time of pumpkin in this case increases significantly. Pumpkin, whose seeds have not passed pre-sowing processing, in areas with cool short-lived summer may not have time to mature to frosts.

Pumpkin Seed Planting Technology in Outdoor Soil

Of all the bulk crops, the pumpkin is the most resistant to cold, but it's too warm too. It is better to plant it in the late spring, when there are no frosts. Cold soil planted too early seeds can simply burn. To power a single plant, an area of \u200b\u200b1-4 square meters is required. It can be slightly less for early varieties and more for Landweight.

For landing of pumpkin seeds in large areas, a messenger seeder is used. On the usual garden, the seeds most often have to be squeezed. Before boarding the pumpkin on the site, the ranks are planned and made in them the wells with a diameter of 30 centimeters.

If, after a honest winter, the ground is dry, about 2 liters of water with a temperature of 50 ° C should be poured into each well. Seeds can only be planted when water is absorbed.

Observe the distance between plants when landing is very important. For long jetty varieties between the wells, 1.5-2 meters are left, between rows - 1.4-2 meters. Pumpkin bush varieties can be seen in the nesting method according to the 80x80 centimeters scheme or 1.2x1.2 meters.

In the light soil, seeds are sowed to a depth of 5-8 centimeters, in heavy - by 4-5 centimeters. One hole is recommended to lie 2-5 seeds: large-water varieties can be less, nutmeg - more. They have seeds with keyboard down at a distance of 3-4 centimeters from each other.

Popping the seeds of fertile land, the plot is mulched by a humus or peat crumb. Experienced gardens to accelerate growth are installed above planted seeds homemade greenhouse from a film with slots.

Plant Care Field

Pumpkin sprouts should go back a week after landing in the ground. Further care for plants includes the loosening of the Earth, regular watering, feeding, combating diseases and pests.


Great pumpkin leaves contribute to the rapid evaporation of moisture, so the plant requires regular irrigation, and only warm water. As the pumpkin grows, the amount of water for watering must be increased.

A little to reduce the amount of irrigation recommended during the flowering period: the fruits will get better. Moisturizing the pumpkin beds occur when the fruits begin to gain a mass. Before harvesting for watering a single plant, it is necessary to use about 10 liters of water. When pumpkins reach their full size, watering plants can be stopped.

Swimming and thinning

Soil around plants need to loosen and clean from weeding herbs after rain or watering. With the appearance of shoots, the first loosening is carried out at a depth of 6-8 centimeters. The aisle is better to loosen before irrigated to a depth of 12-18 centimeters to ensure the rapid penetration of water to the roots of plants. During loosenings, it is recommended to light the plants slightly, increasing their stability.

After the formation of the seedlings of two real leaves, it is necessary to proper them, leaving in one well in two sprouts of a nutmetic or hard screw pumpkin and one by one - a large-scale.

When forming from seedlings, 3-4 leaves carry out second thinning. In order not to damage the root system of the remaining germs, it is not necessary to pull extra seedlings. It is enough just to cut at the surface level of the soil an unnecessary seedman.


Pumpkin forms a large amount of vegetative mass (leaves, stems) and fruits, so it needs frequent feeding, desirable liquid fertilizers.

After 3 weeks after sowing seeds in the ground, it is recommended to conduct the first feeding of the manure or chicken litter, diluted with water in a 1: 4 ratio. Such organic feeding should be repeated 3-4 times a month. Good feed pumpkin, dissolving in 10 liters of water a glass of wood ash.

When making the first feeding at a distance of 10-12 centimeters around the plants, it is necessary to make grooves in a depth of 6-8 centimeters and pour into them the solution. For further feeding the grooves, a depth of 10-12 centimeters are located 40 centimeters from plants.

After making fertilizers, the grooves close the earth. If the cloudy weather is held for a long time, pumpkin is recommended to spray 10 grams of urea in 10 liters of water.


If on the land plot during the pollination of plants not enough pollinating insects, you will have to do it yourself. To do this, you need to learn to distinguish female and male flowers. The male has an extended leg, and women are located on the stem, they have an ovary under the petals.

At about 9 o'clock in the morning, it is necessary to disrupt the male flower, to break the petals and the boot to touch the pestles on female flowers. If men's flowers have not yet blocked, male flowers of a nearby plant can be used to pollinate pumpkins, for example, zucchini. Vintage pumpkins will be good, but it will not be possible to use seeds for sowing.