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Rice porridge with pumpkin on the water. Rice porridge with pumpkin on water (lean) How to cook porridge from pumpkin without milk

Washing porridge is one of the most popular in Russia. It is especially relevant as a nutrient breakfast, and in aggregate with a pumpkin is a powerful source of nutrients. The most often milled porridge on water with pumpkin is included in the diet of children, as well as those who wish to get rid of excess weight.

Features: Benefit and harm

Wrench porridge is characterized by a high degree of nutrient content that feed the body of energy for a long time. It has an interesting neutral taste that many children like. It is perfectly combined with a sweet bitter taste, and their aggregate creates a unique appetizing aroma.

The most outstanding useful properties of militant grains include its following features.

  • The milled grain includes an indispensable amino acid cells that allow you to improve the condition of the skin and bring it into the tone. Especially its use is recommended to people who are engaged in active sports and at the same time expose their organism to strict diets.
  • Wrench porridge contributes to the accelerated elimination of harmful toxins from the body, due to which the overall condition of the person is improved, and its mood is improved.
  • A rich complex of vitamins is an excellent assistant in the fight against depression, effectively accompanies rigid long diet, reducing their adverse effects on the body.
  • Wheat is considered a nutritious and useful product that helps to charge the energy and lead themselves.

Pumpkins attract attention to their diet properties. Nutritionists recommend it to use people who are fond of proper nutrition and are in the search for a delicious, useful product that would help to fill the missing matter of the body. Thus, the pumpkin not only enhances the beneficial properties of militant grain, but also complements them with other properties.

  • The composition of the pumpkin is characterized by a high content of minerals, including potassium and calcium, which have a beneficial effect on the human bone system, strengthening it. This vegetable is especially important to use a growing and older organism.
  • Vitamin K is considered very rare and its content in the pumpkin is much higher than in other popular vegetables. It has a positive effect on the human circulatory system, as well as the digestive tract.
  • Especially porridges with pumpkin are useful for those who suffer from stomach ulcers and need to stabilize cholesterol levels in the body.

There were no special harmful properties for the millet porridge with a pumpkin, but it is not recommended to be eaten often to those who suffer from constipation and sharp forms of gastric diseases.

Popular recipes

Porridges prepared on the water are considered dietary. The next porridge recipe for which will be needed are common:

  • pumpkin - 500 g;
  • moto purified - 1 cup;
  • water - 700 ml;
  • salt, sugar - to taste.

The cooking process is quite simple and will not take much time.

  1. It is a rumble and rinse under running water 3-4 times. Put in a dish with thick walls, pour boiling water for 5 minutes so that the future porridge is softer, and cover with a lid.
  2. Separate the pulp from pumpkins, rinse and cut into small cubes or straws - depending on the preferences of culinary.
  3. In the pan pour water, add salt and sliced \u200b\u200bpumpkin. Bring to a boil and cook 2-3 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, add to the pumpkin millet. Cook porridge for 20-25 minutes until complete readiness. In a couple of minutes, add sugar, turn off the fire and cover the lid tightly. Leave for 10 minutes.

Prepassed dish to eat hot. You can add butter for more rich taste and textures.

Also, such a porridge can be welded in a slow cooker in the "Kashi" mode, after having exhausted the pumpkin.

For children, the next recipe will be likely. For its preparation requires such ingredients as:

  • pumpkin flesh - 350 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • millet - 250 g;
  • fresh apples - 2 medium or 1 large;
  • salt, sugar, cinnamon - to taste.

Prepare a dish in the oven.

  1. The millet thoroughly go through, rinse and pour boiling water for 10 minutes.
  2. Pumpkin and apples clean the peel and cut into small pieces. Stay in the baking container, pre-mixing with sugar, salt and cinnamon.
  3. Moto lay out on top of the tank. To fill with water. Cover the capacitance with a lid or foil and send to the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 30-40 minutes.

Porch feed on the table hot, mixing in advance. Also, this dish can be prepared in separate pots and serve the finished dish immediately in them, adding porridge with honey.

Learn more about how to cook the swollen porridge with pumpkin on the water, you will learn from the following video.

Porridge from pumpkin and millet without milk? And got the best answer

Answer from Victoria Qigong [Guru]
yes, all the same, only instead of milk - water. Bake well in the oven.

Answer from Lyudmila Zheitenova[guru]
Although with milk, even without him, and millet, you need to be slightly boiled in 2 or zh waters, this is done so that the millet is not proud.

Answer from Basso[guru]
washing porridge with pumpkin and honey in the oven
glass of Pshen
2 glasses of boiling water
700-900 grams of pumpkins
2 tbsp. Sugar spoors
2 tbsp. Honey spoons
2 st. Composition of butter
Moite rinse several times first in cold water, then rinsed hot water, pour 2 glasses of boiling water and leave for a minute to clean the minute, cut into small cubes, add sugar to the cereal. Stir and pour everything into the glass form for baking, put the pieces of pumpkin on top, to pour honey. Dispatch pieces of oil, close the shape of the foil tightly. The oven is 180 degrees, tomorrow 1 hour, remove out of the oven and leave for 5 minutes, then mix, so that the pumpkin is all plunged. Serve with honey.

Answer from Masha[guru]
add a finely chopped screwed egg-screwed egg, and it will be more delicious if you add roasted carrots to the finished pitch (squeezed on a grater) and the aircraft will give a sweet taste and even more rich color. And I sometimes add plus to everything grated cheese.

Answer from Peva.[guru]
Classic recipe: Cook the pesh with slices of the yoke. Add vanilla sugar. and ... a small spoon of cream and oil.

Answer from 3 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Porridge from pumpkin and milk without milk?

Rice porridge is very useful for health, especially for the full and proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It turns out incredibly light, air, crumbly, if you cook it correctly, following the advice of experienced cooks. Interestingly, the rice porridge has unique adsorbing properties, it perfectly absorbs poisons and toxic substances, as well as slags and excess moisture, after which they rapidly evacuate them from the human body.

Rice helps to lose weight, you can easily throw out some extra kilograms. To diversify the diet, as well as bring your body in order, you can prepare a simple, very useful diet dish. We are talking about pumpkin whale with rice cereal cooked on water. Despite the fact that many are used to preparing this dish on milk if you cook it on the water, it will be much less calories and more benefits.

Porridge rice with pumpkin on the water is preparing very simple and fast. In order for the dish to be delicious, useful, be sure to use a proven and reliable recipe. Everyone knows that the pumpkin porridge on milk is fine, air. However, the proposed step-by-step recipe with photos argues that rice porridge with pumpkin on water is much more useful and lighter than on milk.

Recipes of this dish are so diverse, popular that they can be prepared every day. It is important to note that porridge with pumpkin and cereals is not just a delicious dish, but also incredibly useful. The fact is that it is a valuable storage room of slow carbohydrates and fiber, which is important for normal digestion. Despite the fact that the taste and useful properties of rice cereals are located in third place after buckwheat and oatmeal, it still remains very popular. Basically, such cereals are boiled on milk by adding fresh berries and fruits.

The finished bump on the water is much more useful for milk, it is lighter, tasty, lean and diet. It can be used in the nutrition of children suffering from allergies to milk protein or from lactose insufficiency.

With the help of rice cask, you can easily, quickly and without harm to quench the hunger. It is considered the best source of cheerfulness, forces, energy. Nutritionists strongly recommend foothold with such a pot with a pumpkin in the morning for breakfast or for lunch, it will help to be energetic, concentrated and strong throughout the day. If you are preparing a dish in the summer, you can add fresh berries and fruits that will be saturated with minerals and vitamins, useful substances and microelements. As for rice cask with pumpkin, it is prepared in autumn, in winter, as well as in the spring.



1. Carefully examine the cooking method, and then prepare all the necessary products for cooking. It is advisable to take advantage of a thick-walled saucery. Rice cereal to go through, rinse well with running water, and then pour the glass of ice water.

2. Send a saucepan on the stove and spill water. First, the fire should be maximal to faster the water boiled. After that, you can drop fire, cook for fifteen-twenty minutes.

3. When rice is almost welded, and in the saucepan there will be some more water, you can add a pre-prepared pumpkin. It must be washed, clean, remove seeds and fibers, then cut into small parsing or grate on a large grater. If the pumpkin is ice cream, then add it a little earlier so that she can walk in time until readiness.

4. At the next stage, sugar can be added. Do not immediately stir, give a pumpkin the opportunity to absorb sweetness. A similar method of preparation will allow you to strengthen the taste of the ingredients, as well as achieve a saturated and bright aroma, which will fill the whole house.

6. Publishing porridge in a portion plate, adding some creamy oil. It is important to note that the principles of healthy nutrition imply the use of high-quality butter, and not spread.

7. Useful, balanced and very tasty breakfast ready. Given the bright view, the original feed and amazing taste of the dishes, your households with great pleasure will appreciate your culinary abilities. This bash with a pumpkin is rich in carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, as well as valuable tissue.

Video recipe

The proposed version of cooking porridge with rice and pumpkin deserves special respect. The benefits of such a dish is due to the composition and properties of the pumpkin. The fruit contains quite a lot of vitamins, fiber, pectin substances and carbohydrates. In addition, it contains carotene, fructose and sucrose, glucose, as well as an unusually rare vitamin T. The composition of the rootpode includes many microelements, namely cobalt, iron and manganese. It helps perfectly with the anemia of iron deficiency, with cholecystitis and the patient's intestine.

Enter this fragrant delicious dish into your diet. Cook with pleasure, and your relatives and loved ones will appreciate your efforts!

To prepare a pumpkin porridge with a jam on the water you need to take water, millet, pumpkin, raisins, butter creamy, salt, sugar.

If you have the opportunity, it is better to use sweet varieties of pumpkin for cooking. Then the porridge itself will be with a more rich taste, and sugar as a result can be added quite a bit.

Pumpkin is well rinsed from dirt, dry with a paper towel. Remove the peel and seeds. Pumpkin flesh cut into small slices.

In the saucepan pour the right amount of water and boil it. In the boiled water to lower pumpkin cubes. Cover with a lid and on moderate heat boil. Reduce the degree of heating and cook for 15-20 minutes until pumpkin slices are soft.

Until the pumpkin comes to the desired consistency, put it in a deep bowl and rinse well several times. You need to rinse the cereal until the water becomes transparent.

Add washed camp to soft pumpkin pieces. Stir and boil. As soon as the first bouffaging appears, the fire is reduced and boil until the soft grains are soft. Periodically need to stir so that the porridge is burned.

When the millet is well welded, you need to add raisins, salt, sugar sand, butter. You can add any other dried fruits to taste.

Appetizing, juicy, fragrant pumpkin porridge with rice will be useful to adults and kids. It is possible to prepare it in a lean version or traditionally with milk and most different components. Taking intolegate several recipes, you can pour every day to seven delicious sweet or satisfying fragrant dishes from juicy orange vegetable, affordable all year round and rice, feeding them with meat or dried berries.

Pumpkin porridge with rice - a recipe for very gentle porridge.

Traditionally pumpkin porridge with rice on milk is prepared from:

  • pumpkin flesh - 750 g;
  • pure liquid - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • milk - 280 ml;
  • rice cereals - 70 g;
  • a little cream oil for refueling;
  • sugar sand to taste.

The juicy pulp of orange fruit is cleaned of the skin and cuts into small cubes. Fold it into a saucepan, pour water and grieved on a moderate heat for about 12 minutes. Next, the right amount of milk is poured, sugar and some salt are added. Rice cereals, pre-overswing, added after boiling milk. Cook porridge should be ready before the preparedness of the cereals, at the end it is soldered with oil and file to the table.

In a slow cooker

The cooked pumpkin porridge with rice in a slow cooker is distinguished by a rich taste and a delightful aroma. This method of cooking will save time and get a delicious dish - in a slow cooker products will never inlets, the fodder will be the right consistency.

For cooking is worth stock:

  • the pulp of orange fetus is 350 g;
  • white round-cooler cereal - 150 g;
  • fresh milk - 350 ml;
  • water - 190 ml;
  • sugar - approximately 70 g;
  • vanilla Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • oil for refueling.

Pumpkin flesh is cut into small panels, stacked in a bowl of the multicooker and poured with water. In the "quenching" mode, it is ready to prepare it for about 8 minutes, after which it is a bit of suppressing a soft pumpkin flesh and washed with rice croup. Following send spices, sugar with salt, a little warm water and milk.

In the mode of "porridge" to prepare a dish about 45 minutes, after which it is precipitated with oil and file to the table. It will be the perfect breakfast for the whole family.

How to cook porridge with pumpkin and rice on the water?

In the post you can cook porridge with pumpkin and rice on the water - the dish is not only diversified by the diet, but also help improve the work of the immune system.

Appetizing, juicy, fragrant pumpkin porridge with rice will be useful to adults and kids.

It is preparing from:

  • pumpkins - 270 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • sahara;
  • salts;
  • rice - ¼ cup.

Pumpkin should be cleaned from the peel, cut, rub on a large grater. The prepared vegetable is folded into the saucepan together with washed rice, poured with water. Following bulk components are sent, and the dish is prepared on a weak heat for about 30 minutes until cereals are ready. At the end, it is recommended to add a little honey and dried fruits.

With butter in a pot

A light and useful dish can be obtained from simple available products. In particular, porridge with rice and pumpkin cooked in pots will be satisfying, nutritious and in addition to have excellent design.

For her cooking is worth stock:

  • pumpkin - 0.7 kg;
  • rice - 90 g;
  • milk - 700 ml;
  • raisins - 40 g;
  • salt, sugar;
  • butter - 45

This amount of products will need about 3 pots with a volume of 0.5 liters. If you take the tanks smaller, the portions will be more.

Pumpkin flesh is crushed in a blender, the croup is washed. Both products are mixed together with sugar sand, salt, clumsy pre-raisins.

In each pot poured 40 ml of milk, the pumpkin mass is laid out and the rest of the milk fills. Capacity is not up to top - in the process of baking the volume will increase and porridge can "escape", blurring the oven.

Put a pot on a baking sheet in a cold oven. Bake at a temperature of 190 degrees 25 minutes, after at 160 degrees for another 45 minutes.

Get it, put in every pot a piece of oil and send another 8 minutes in the oven.

Rice-millet porridge with pumpkin

Rice-millet porridge with pumpkin is an incredibly fragrant, attractive and tasty dish.

In the morning for breakfast, a slight dish of:

  • ceres of millet and rice - 100 g;
  • pumpkin flesh - 450 g;
  • salts, sugar;
  • milk - 750 ml;
  • butter - 80 g.

Crupe pre-dunk for 18 minutes in separate containers. Pumpkin flesh cleaned, cut and omit into the boiled milk. Boil in milk for about 12 minutes, after which add a clumsy croup without water, a little salt, sugar sand, cook another 10 minutes.

Not to the end of the cooked porridge must be put in the form for baking, add oil and put in the oven for 35 minutes at 210 degrees. At the end, decorate berries or dried fruits.

With the addition of Izyuma

Excellent delicious dessert can be obtained from the following products:

  • rice rice cereals - 120 g;
  • pure liquid - 210 ml;
  • home milk - 240 ml;
  • pumpkin flesh - 270 g;
  • izyum - 55 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • sugar sand and salt.

Raisins go through, wash and pour water. Rice croup rinse, pour water and boil to readiness. When the water is almost all absorbed, the chopped orange flesh, raisins and milk, is added to the risks. Everything is seasoned with sugar, salt and boiled until readiness. At the end, it is raised by oil, lay out into the portion plates and file to the table.

Pumpkin porridge with rice, dried and prunes

Children and those who are watching weight, porridge, cooked from rice, pumpkins and dried fruits. The dish is valuable for the body due to the composition of products rich in vitamins, minerals, microelements.

Children will love such a sweet porridge.

For cooking should be stock:

  • rice - 300 g;
  • pumpkin - 400 g;
  • prunes - 70 g;
  • kuragoy - 70 g;
  • honey - to taste;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • salt.

Wash white croup, soak in warm water for 30 minutes. Mix with a grated pumpkin, honey and dried fruits, put in a pot to baked, add honey and milk. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees about 60 minutes. At the end, fill with oil and file to the table.

A dish is prepared from:

  • pumpkins - 550 g;
  • rice - 0.5 glasses;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • raisin;
  • sahara;
  • vegetable oil.

Pumpkin is cleaned, washed under running water, crushed in any convenient way. Rice cereal is soaked in hot water, raisins - in a cool liquid. Apples are cleaned and cut into small slices.

Boil pumpkin, add rice, sugar, salt and prepare approximately 15 minutes. Add apples, handful of raisins, cook until ready for another 12-20 minutes. Fill with oil, insisted under the lid of 30 minutes, then file to the table.