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The celebration of the Annunciation of the Virgin. Celebration of Annunciation in the Orthodox World. Revival of Orthodox Culture in Russia

Annunciation Blessed Virgin Mary - This is an Orthodox holiday, which is performed annually April 7. (March 25, old style) and goes exactly 9 months from the date of the celebration. The holiday is installed in the memory of the announcement of the Virgin Mary Arkhangel Gabriel of the good news about conception and about the birth of Hergladin of Isus Christ. Annunciation has one day of the fore-and-alone and one day of the volatility, which is celebrated by the Cathedral of St. Gabriel ArchReart.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Worship

Holiday Annunciation in orthodox tradition Increased the Gospel (from Greek. " good news "). The icon of this holiday is usually placed on royal gates, on top of the right half depicted the Virgin, on the left - Archangel Gabriel. Annunciation sometimes coincides with Easter. This holiday is so great that even the Easter service does not cancel it. According to the special charter of the chanting of the Annunciation and Easter can be connected.

The festive worship tells a birthday party, explains the meaning of the existing Old Testament prophecies. Again and again we hear explanations great Mystery Awareness. In the styers, in addition to the description of the events of the Annunciation, are the same thoughts that in general in the Virgin Holidays. It is said that, thanks to the birth of the Lord from the Virgin, the sky again connects to the earth, Adam is updated, Evva is exempt, and we become a certain deity, becoming a church, that is, the temple of God. Very beautiful and full of deep meaning of the styer great EveningBuilt as a dialogue of the Archangel with the Virgin:

With Ovestiya Preisa, TBEZAZ TEBE NTRs1ce, Gavrіi1l Deta, Tebe Lobyzaz and3 Veschz, Radisz Zemlev Raughtyzn. Radisz bugged2 did not њpali1MAZ. Raduzzz depth2 NetAd0s VinedimaZ, Radisz M0SE K8 NB7Sє1M Loves. and3 is a height of Highlands, YU4KE її1kov V1de. RUDISZZ RU1CHKO BZHCTVERS MANY. Radisz Rasseni Klstva. Radiszz ґdamovo units, C8 Tob0y GD.

K VlSemshz ћkw chlk, speech Non-lights NTRs1The to ґrchstarty1u. And3 kakw's horses of the CLC. With Mn0y Rec. є3Si2 BGU BHTIY, AND3 B8Seli1Tisz in UT0BA Mo2. And3 kakw BU1DU GLI MI, B8Mustion Protective, and3 Möstly Schish7EZZ, I4. In Heruvimheh, sunrise. Yes, the neppers1 is a mellow, the sky2 is mu1zh. Bran є4SM is unacceptable, as well YBW NTROT Born2.

B gъ И3 Read more High, defeats it є3The Chi1n, speech free. And3 ћWe in the peak of a man Sodevyutzz, my1m Vyrey and4stine glasses, all © TAZ and3 fiercely. I have been reopening, Bu1ti Mosno NHNE on HLU2, I3 Born 2, PLAY2TNA, PLAY TN MENE ZAY3MAVSHAGO, ћKW will erect CHLO, ћKW є3Di1n Sinelane, dusty.

On the Polyeleos, the highlights of the holiday or holy, starting with the words: "Majesti ...". The Music of Annunciation - Special:

Ґ RHAgglskiy GRC VKIEM CCTAZ. Radiszz њBradnovnaz, GD C8 Tob0y.

Canon was drawn up in the VIII century. He was written by the famous Orthodox anthemographers John Damaskin and Feofan, Metropolitan Nicene. Canon is built in the form of a dialogue between the Virgin and Archangel Gabriel. In Canon, the divine condescension to the people of the embodied Savior and is indicated to the extraordinary greatness of the Most Holy Virgin who took God.


Library of Russian faith

In the apostle (Heb. II, 11-18), it is suggested that to save people it was necessary to make the Son of God to take the flesh of human. In the Gospel (Luke I, 24-38) there is a story about the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Trophar holiday. Church-Slavic text

D NE S saved on the beginning, and3 Vöchnei Taine KVLEY, CH7E B9I, CH7 Dv7yz is, and3 Gavrіi1Le the sameness of Błgovstiu. Take I3 We2 C8 N1M BCDE OBEєєєME, RADUISZZ њBRADOVANDZ GD C8 Tob0y.

Russian text

Today, the beginning of our salvation and the manifestation of the former mystery from the century: the Son of God becomes the son of the Virgin and Gabriel heralds the good news of grace. Therefore, I will exclaim the Virgin Mary: Rejoice, delighted, Lord with you.

Kondak holiday. Church-Slavic text

In the example of the victim of the victim, ћko and3zbvleszz t ѕlhh, bldarily produce with the library of Ti2 Your2 BCD. But ћkw and3mu1chi does not hold the beat1MU, t Asskoy NAA Beth Freedom2, and the call of Ti, Raduisz is not unnecessary.

Russian text

You, the highest military officer, getting rid of the troubles, we, the unworthy of your slaves, the Virgin, singing a victorious and thanksgiving song. You have an invincible strength, freeing us from all sorts of troubles so that we appeal to you: Rejoice, the bride, who has not entered into marriage.

Celebration of Annunciation in Russia. Folk customs and traditions

According to the power of folk reverence and in the size of the honoring of Christian holidays in a rural life, ancient times, the Day of Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is in third place after the Nativity of Christ and St. Easter. In everyday life of labor rustic life, this holiday was considered the day of the whole rest. In many villages, whole families in the evening, with sunset, went to the mills and here were located on a straw for a peace conversation about what the coming spring, what kind of sowing, what is Pakht, what a harvest is. Annunciation was considered a blessing day for every good deed, especially on agricultural work. According to the folk legend, on this day, as in Easter, the sun at dawn "plays" and sinners in hell are not tormented. Before the revolution, there was also a custom to release on this day sharpened in the birds of birds on the will, as a symbol of the issuance of freedom to all people.

On this day, the greatest sin was considered the smallest physical work, even the departure or departure on the road for earnings. Not idle with the seasoning of festive rampant, namely, focused, silent meditation confroved to this holiday perfect peace, freedom from affairs based on immutable belief and widespread conviction that " in the Annunchen day, the bird's nest does not curl, the maiden braids will not braid" For no one day in a year, there are so many ghosts as for the day of the Annunciation: it was dependent on him the greatest number Those beliefs that were strengthened on practical business fundamentals.

Icons of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The ancient images of the Annunciation are frescoes in the ancient Roman catacombs (II century) and images on early Christian sarcophagas. Already to the V century from the early Christian, icon-painted canons were developed, which remain almost unchanged in the Byzantine and Russian iconography.

The basic principles of the iconography of the holiday are a two-profic composition, representing the Archangel and the Virgin.

The most common range is "Annunciation with yarn". Our Lady is represented by the spinning, an angel with a staff in his left hand, a gustful gesture bless her, informing the message sent by the Lord. According to legend, the Virgin Mary fell a lot to spin a red veil for the Jerusalem Temple, that the one, which at the time of her son's death, was drunk.

In the icons "Annunciation with a Baby in the womb" ("Ustyuzhsky Annunciation") an attempt is made to submit an idea of \u200b\u200bimmaculate conception.

The images of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary are found not only in icon painting and monumental painting, but also in miniatures of manuscripts, sculpture, sewing.

Blagoveshchensk temples and monasteries in Russia

In the twentieth century, Yaroslav I, fencing the city of Kiev stammonia with the input in it with gold gates, built over them Blagoveshchensk Church And told the mouth of the chronicler: " Yes, by Sima, the gates of good news come to me in degrees of this prayers of the Most Holy Virgin and St. Archangel Gabriel - Jasom Blagovetnik" The same temple was built over the gates of the Novgorod Kremlin, and then included in the custom of putting the supervises of the Annunciation Churches in all the large old monasteries.

There were many temples and monasteries in Russia, named in the name of the Annunciation, in every Russian city. First of all, the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin is remembered. In 1397, the Grand Duke Vasily I, the son of Dmitry Donsky, built the first wooden cathedral. Andrei Rublev, Feofan Greek and Master Prokhor, their city. Later, the cathedral was rebuilt, in 1475 he burned down, and the Pskov masters built a new White Cathedral (1484-89).

In the Kremlin there was another Blagoveshchensk Church. One of the Kremlin towers, which is now the name of Blagoveshchenskaya, served as Ivan the Terrible Prison. One prisoner, innocent prisoner, was the Virgin and ordered to ask for royal grace. At the same time on outdoor wall The towers facing the royal rest appeared the image of the honors. Subsequently, a temple destroyed in the 1930s was attached to the tower.

One of the most ancient Blagoveshcheni temples was in Vitebsk (Belarus). According to legend, he was built by another princess Olga at the base of the city in 974. The church was rebuilt many times, and in 1961 destroyed to free the place to turn the trams. Restored in 1993-98. In the appearance of the XII century.

Many monasteries were devoted to the Annunciation of the Virgin. Perhaps the most ancient are located in Nizhny Novgorod (1221 years), Kirzchach Vladimir region (founded in 1358 reverend Sergiam Radonezh), Murom.

It should be said that there is even a city called in honor of the holiday - Blagoveshchensk on Far East , on the border with China. It was founded in 1856 and carried the name of the Ust-Zeysky Military post (at the site of the merger of Zey and Amur). The first temple, which was built there, was consecrated in the name of the Annunciation, from where and the city got its name. Surprisingly, when Soviet power, the city retained his "Orthodox" name!

Old Believes of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin

Old Believers continued the tradition of the construction of the Annunciation temples. The church of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church in and B (Romania) is dedicated to this holiday.

The communities of the Russian Holiday Church in the Saratov Region, the village (Kazakhstan) and the Nizhvensky region are also celebrated today the prestinal holiday.

The temples of the Pomeranian communities of Arkhangelsk, (Estonia), (Latvia), (Latvia) and the 5th of the Riga Epiphany Community (Latvia) are devoted to the Annunciation.

On April 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the main church holidays. This event has become swivel for the whole Christian world: it marked the soon arrival of the Son of God to the Earth to save all mankind.

The significance of the innumeration of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the religious world is enormous. In this significant day, the Virgin Mary was revealed to the news from heaven that she will become a mother God's Son. And it will make it on the light of the immaculate conception.

Traditions and customs on the Annunciation

If a strict post continues in this momentous day, the church allows you to relieve in honor of the celebration. Christians are allowed to eat fish products.

On April 7, work remains under the ban. Domestic things that require attention can be performed, but it is worth refraining from idle pastime. Free time must be devoted to prayers, reflections on life and spiritual enlightenment. According to believe, it is impossible to sew on this day, knit and weave - so you can stick to the house and spoil relations with households.

Special attention is paid to the holiday of birds. They are published for them to report to heaven the good news of the good affairs and actions of people.

On the night of the Annunciation, it is customary to disperse fires to finally melt the winter strule and attract warm spring. Garbage is thrown into fires, old household items and any things that have come into disrepair.

The ash from the fires in the Annunciation attributed to the garden and the beds sprinkled in order to scare the pests and protect the harvest from adversity.

Plant on this day and plants. It is believed that God himself blesses them for a rapid shoot and an abundance of fruits.

After serving in the church, brought prosphoras that all households are treated. The remains and crumbs usually give pet, protecting them from diseases and predatory animals.

Signs for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Our ancestors carefully observed on this day for the weather: the rain was dried by the yield, and the thunderstorm or thunder foreshadowed the abundance of nuts along the autumn.

Fishermen in the Annunciation hoped for a good catch, because he meant that the fish in the reservoir will not translate and the Klev will be throughout the year.

On the feast, there were any branched words, quarrels and clarification of relationships. Our ancestors believed that the day will be depends on the whole year. A complacent mood, good and mutual assistance were mandatory.

A good weather indicator served swallows: if they appeared before the occurrence of the holiday, it means that the warm winter was waiting ahead.

On this day, nothing can be given out of the house, so as not to spend a year in poverty and lack of money.

According to signs, water, consecrated to the Annunciation, had healing properties and was used in case of household disease.

It is forbidden to wear new clothes on this day: according to beliefs, they quickly come into disrepair, and new outfits will also briefly please buyers.

It is noteworthy that the weather that stood in the Annunciation reflected the weather on the light Easter.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin - a special day in which you can ask Higher Forces Protection and protection. Anyone of your desire, uttered from the pure heart and does not contain a carriage, will surely come true. We wish you good luck, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

07.04.2017 05:15

The holiday of all Christians, Annunciation is a truly great day that symbolizes one of the most important ...

I wish in the context of good,
Let them be full of life.

Good to keep your souls warm
And day after day, hearts are warming!

April 7, believers meet one of the main and joyful holidays in orthodox calendar - Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin. In 2018, it falls on the great post and coincides with passionate, or Great Saturday, in the afternoon of particularly strict post, sorrow and silence.

It is believed that this day opens the sky, people are descended by grace and they get the opportunity to cleanse from sins.

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Orthodox calendar is one of the main holidays.
According to the description of the apostle, onions, on this day, Archangel Gabriel announced the young Virgin Mary about the future birth of the flesh from her Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

« Angel, going to her, said: Rejoice, gracious! Lord with you; Blessed you are between the wives.
She, having seen him, was embarrassed by his words and reflected what it would be for greeting.
And the angel told her: Do not be afraid, Maria, for you gained grace of God; And so, you will warm in the womb, and give birth to your son, and you will tell him the name: Jesus.
He will be great and will adopt the son of the Most High, and give him the Lord God the throne of David, his father;
and will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will not be the end
- These events are described in the canonical gospel.

Maria, seeing the words of God in the words of Angel, pronounces very meaningful words: "CE, Slave of the Lord; May I have for your word "

The evangelical words of Archangel Gabriel formed a famous prayer - the Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary:
"The Mother of God, rejoice, the graceful Marie, the Lord with you;
Blessed you are in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb
Yako Sava gave birth to our souls. "

This prayer is part of the celon (domestic) prayers of believers

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated always on the same day - March 25 grigorian calendar and April 7 in Julian.
Unlike Easter, this day has a non-rolling date and counts after exactly nine months of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ (that is, the period that the woman does not enter the child.)

In early Easter, that is, from April 4 to April 13, the Annunciation can fall out on the day a week before the celebration of Easter and a week after the bright Resurrection of Christ.

The coincidence of the Annunciation and Easter is called KiroshaBut it happens extremely rare. The last time this happened in 1991, and the next kirpasha would happen only in 2075.

The church ranks a holiday among the two-month, that is, the twelve of the most important holidays after Easter in Orthodoxy along with baptism, amendment, christmas, ascension by the Lord, the Assumption of the Virgin and the Day of the Holy Trinity. Most of them also have a fixed date.

Joyful holiday on April 7 for the Julian calendar, the Jerusalem, Serbian, Georgian Orthodox Church, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church on the territory of Ukraine, as well as the Old Believers are preparing to celebrate.
Catholics - Roman Catholic, Romanian, Bulgarian, Polish Church - accordingly, the first to behave in the first day on March 25 ..

In a number of countries - both, both in the West and in the East - from the day of the Annunciation led the Counting of the New Year. Such a calendar was, for example, adopted in England until the middle of the XVIII century.

Actually, the name of the holiday - the Annunciation - enters the use of only the VII century (while the holiday itself is celebrated by four centuries before).
Prior to this, the church indicated him as "Greeting Day", "Annunciation", "Greeting Mary", "The conception of Christ", "Atonement Start", etc.

The name "Annunciation" (Greek "Evangelismos") translates as "joyful news" or "evangelism."
And the full name of the holiday in Orthodoxy sounds like this: The Annunciation of the Bind of Lady of Our Mother of God, and Savgoroda Mary.

Traditions: How to celebrate in the old days and now

Church celebration

This holiday does not accomplish confidential prayers, services and weddings are not held.

In the Annunciation in the temples hosts a vigil vigil, which begins with the Great Village, and Liturgy has been read. John of Zlatoust.
The priests put on the holiday blue color "It is this shade that is a symbol of the Virgin.

During worship, it is told to everyone who came on this day about the essence of the holiday and angel's phenomena to Mary.
By the way, church festive canons, which are now fulfilled on the Annunciation, were drawn up in the VIII century.

According to the traditions of theologians, on the day of the Annunciation, every believer must postpone all worldly affairs, and in particular labor, for prayers and incepture in the temple.

In 2018, the celebration of the Annunciation coincides with Passionate Saturday The Great Post, which means: On this day, it is impossible to use fish and vegetable oil. According to the monastic charter, fish food is allowed during the post twice - in Palm Sunday And the Annunciation, however, the value of the passionate sadmitsa cancels such relaxation.

If the holiday does not fall on Good afternoon Before Easter, there is plenty of standing on it. So, it is allowed to eat fish.
Believers of the Bake of Proglia House - fresh small bread - and illuminate them later in the temple during the liturgy. Progmas are made for each family member, and there are them necessary for an empty stomach.
In the old crumbs from the consecrated loaf, also added in food cattle and mixed with grain - it was believed that for better harvest.

And even in the Annunciation in the cathedrals and churches, after the service, they are produced on the will of birds from cells - as a reminder of freedom for each creation of God. For a long time, at a long time, at this time, the migratory birds caught in the Silk - Lark, pigeons and blue.
People believe that they come to the Annunciation to the guardian angels and notify them about everyone good actionswhich were committed in the year.

The symbol of this day is considered white dove, in the form of which the Holy Spirit went to the virgin Maria: "... the Holy Spirit will find on you, and the strength of the Vyshny will sill you; Therefore, and the born sacred will adopt the son of God ...
... for God will not have a powerless word "

In honor of this day, the eve of believers bake in the form of birds lean cookies and treat each other after Morning Liturgy and the communion.

This custom existed in Russia hundreds of years until the revolution and was revived in the 90s for the last century. In the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, the Patriarch is lets the Patriarch.

For special force possess prosphoras and consecrated waterwho are traveled from the solemn service.

Folk customs

In the people, the celebration of the Annunciation was perceived as a symbol of the arrival of spring. Therefore, traditions on this day are associated with future crops.
The peasants covered the cooked grain: put next to the poop, in which it was stored, the icon and pronounced a special prayer for the gift of the harvest.
On the same day, it was accepted to "creek the spring", that is, to gather together, and the songs of "Weremankami" ask for the nature of favor and good harvest in the future.

It was impossible to work or do domestic labor.
Even departure to the road was considered a sin. Instead the day should be devoted good deeds - For example, there was a custom to treat in need of needing.

Blagoveshchenskaya Sol.

Also on April 7, believers are preparing Blagoveshchensk Sol.For which the mistresses take the bag, which each of the family members pops up on the pinch of salt. It is calcined in a pan about 10-20 minutes, then refer to the aforementioned pouch and stored in a secluded place, and then used as charm.

To enhance the healing effect during cooking, prayers are read. You can not only the Annunciation prayers, but anyone that you know: "Our Father" and others. The main thing is to know the words by heart.

Getting Started, Consider - the color of the drug will change, the salt darkens at heating. Therefore, he has another name - black salt.
They advise you to take a large salt, but fits small.

If the crack is heard, the noise of salt when heated (and it will be heard :) - in the house devilry. Or on the preparing caused damage. However, the preparation of the magic salt eliminates the negative man and cleans the house.

It is best to prepare an Annunciation salt until dawn on April 7, but it is not forbidden to prepare the drug and during the whole festive day.

How to store and use holy salt

Store the magic drug is needed in a secluded place, for reasons of convenience - in the kitchen. Nobody besides family members should touch him, especially outsiders, because the salt is easily absorbed by energy.
The salt-made salt (and concerns this not only Blagoveshchenskaya) put on the table in Christian celebrations.

Blagoveshchenskaya salt will help with diseases

There are many ways to use it. You can give dishes healing properties - Solish the prepared food, add to salt.

It is believed that the miraculous properties of such salts are able to heal from diseases. In the event of ailment, it is possible to have it in a grain, add to water for drinking, rinsing the throat, kneading sick places, compresses.
Be sure - the disease will retreat.

Blagoveshchenskaya salt will cleanse from negative

Use an Annunciation salt to purify the dwelling after the visit of unpleasant guests, finds in the form of sweet or some paranormal activity indoors. Cooked on April 7 A powerful cleanser must be scattered around the rooms, designed only the next day. You can leave in every corner by pinch to protect yourself from the power of evil.

Another way to cleanse the house is to make a salty solution for cleaning. They can sprinkle the house, cars or individual things that are suspected in the presence of dark energy. It is recommended to sprinkle shoes after returning from the cemetery.

The cleansing effect has the addition of salty grains into the holy festival bath. To enhance it, there are conspiracies that are described below.

Blagoveshchenskaya salt will help remove damage

For this it is required near the tablespoon. Pour into the clean plate, put the blank on the table. To the right of the plate, place the candlestick, burn the church candle, put the palm on the salt and read, looking at the fire:

"Brown and strong winds, bring by man an evil chairs.
Take them there, where deep rivers, the flow rapidly, and the forests are dense.
Let the spells are burning under the scorching rays of the sun.
Thoughts are pushed let me away from me. Not for a day, not for a year, forever.
Word, business.

Keep salt nearby. If you are going to sleep - under the bed, awake - near your beloved chair or sofa. Get out of the house until the salt holds one night near you, it is impossible. But it is in your room she should three nights.

All this time it will absorb negative energy Porch. Watch - salt can change the color or look at something else. If such an effect is observed, you will have to spend the ritual as many times as it is necessary in order for salt in the original form. Of course, if it is not completely black after cooking.

As three nights passed, take it out of the house without touching her with your fingers. Scroll it where smaller people walk. Swiss and jump in the same place.

Conspiracies for salt in the Annunciation

Any conspiracy on the magic salt is read after cooking. You can talk all the stock for one purpose, or take a little as the need for need - the choice is yours.

Envy and malice often become the causes of spanking and other negative. To protect against this attack, you can talk to the Annunciation salt.
Start with tailoring bag. Then take a spoonful salt and read your breath to touch it:
Loose and malice of human away.
Damage enemy back grown.
In the soul and body are not let the body.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Corpins Squeeze into the harvested pouch. It must always have with him. It doesn't matter where your charm will be - in the compartment of the car, pocket, bag.

In order to cure a child from the unlocked "prize", bake buns with the Annunciation Salt. Eat their empty stomach, immediately after waking up for three, seven or fourteen days - depending on the severity of the evil eye.

You can reconcile her and spouses. Put the salt into the stitch yourself and hide it under the bed of her husband and wife. Option - sew in a pillow or blanket. Such an overlap will not only get rid of the quarrel, but will return the passion for relations.

The Blagoveshchensk Salt is kept until the next celebration of the Annunciation, which is celebrated on April 7. If the magic product has not needed or there is its remnants, they will no longer bring any benefit. But it is not recommended to throw out such things in the trash or sewer.

Throw her out of the house on the street to the fire, divorced in honor of the Holy Holiday. It will burn with it all the failures, problems, diseases and quarrels. Imagine how everything is bad leaves your home while burning.
If there is no fire - just jump salt in a secluded place.

After you get rid of the serving salts, you can start cooking new.

In general, the Blagoveshchensk salt has a mass useful propertiessimilar to third-party properties. It can be used to treat diseases, spanking and unchalled, as well as cleansing the house and expulsion of unclean power.
There are many ways and recipes of cooking, and each can cope with this process at home.


The next day, after the bright holiday of the Annunciation, Orthodox people glorulate the Archangel Gabriel. People say that On April 8, Archangel descends from heaven to Earth and performs all the desires of people.

To make it turned out, you need to get up early and go out. Be sure to wear native Cross, as
It is according to him, Archangel notices asking. Stand up to the East, turn it around three times and tell me out loud (but not loud) 3 times conspiracy:
"Archangel Gabriel,
The servant of our Lord, hear Molub of the slave (s) of God (EI) (your name) and fulfill my request (tell me in your own words desire).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Archangel was also called Gabriel-Blagovest. By accept, if on April 8, you will receive a letter or telegram (now and SMS, and emails), then soon you will learn the joyful news.

Signs for the Annunciation

❧ Clear weather on the Annunciation foreshadows a rich harvest and warm summer. If this day still lies snow - do not wait for good shoots.
And the rain was sued good fishing and mushroom autumn.

❧ It is impossible for the Annunciation to wear new clothes - it will not be worn, quickly breaks.

❧ To have health, you need to face melt water.

❧ Do not give this day to someone loan and generally give something out of the house, it was believed that this would respond and in the future. It was believed that the one who was giving out of the house, spent on foreign family peace and peace.

❧ If in the Annunciation from the morning to midnight, to call a husband forty times "cute", the whole year husband will love and holy.

❧ The Annunciation cannot be sewed, knit, embroider, braid braids, cut, paint hair, comb. This sign is associated with believe in which people have long been believed that human life is a thread that the Lord himself or the Guardian Angels can be managed. A day when heaven opens, easy to confuse life threads, change the fate of family and loved ones.
"The bird's nest does not exist, the maiden's maiden does not break," the saying precisely about the Annunciation.

❧ on what day of the week there is an impression, in that round year No new business start. For example, if the Annunciation accounted for Friday, then things do not start any Friday throughout the year

❧ But if you make a desire to guess, it will surely come true.

City, named after the holiday

Rusi built a lot of temples and monasteries in honor of the Annunciation. The most famous, of course - the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.
And the most ancient, according to legend, was erected in Vitebsk on the territory of modern Belarus, another princess Olga in the 10th century. The church was rebuilt many times, she suffered greatly during the Great Patriotic Warand in the 60s was blown up.
Thirty years later, the temple was restored in the appearance of the XII century.

The most ancient monasteries dedicated to the Annunciation are located in Nizhny Novgorod, in Kirzchach Vladimir region and in Murom.

All over the country many settlements, named after the holiday. The largest is the city of Blagoveshchensk in the Amur region. At the same time, it was called by the name of the first church in these places - the temple of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the XIX century.
based on materials,

The Annunciation of the Virgin Mary is one of the significant Christian nationwide holidays. In this "light" day of Archangel Gabriel brought Mary good news from the Lord, told that she would become the mother of God's Son. "Rejoice fellow!" - Deliced \u200b\u200bArchangel Gabriel, and told Mary that God's mercy fell on her and she was elected for the birth of the Son of the Most High.

The interpreters of the Word of God say that the good news brought by Maria Angel is the first for for a long time Favorable news for human clan, after the disjitiveness of the Most High for many sins perfect people. After the phenomenon of Gabriel, the Orthodox Mary's Mary, the Orthodox appeared on a different light era under the patronage of the Lord.

History of Annunciation

To realize to the fullest, that the celebration is for the holiday you need to go deep into history. First of all, the consent of the Virgin Mary to give birth to Jesus is the expression of goodwill, what the Lord, the mercy of his own, gifted people.

According to the theologians, spiritual freedom exalts human race over cruel nature. Therefore, with the permission of the kind and submissive Virgin Mary, the Holy Spirit lit up her, without spoiling the innocent Maiden Lono. Nevertheless, the pregnancy of the immaculate Virgin leaks, like all other women's women. And Mary submissively wore the child of God before his appearance.

When Archangel Gabriel appeared with the news of the good of the Virgin Mary, there was also a long-standing prophecy of Isaiah, which says that the day will come when a simple woman becomes the mother's mother, whose name is Emmanuel, who means "Lord's dreams."

Instant in Lono Mary, the Holy Spirit was shilling a baby, the appointment of which was the deliverance of the world from the devilish uncleani by the redeeming of sin.

In the title, the Annunciation lurks the important meaning of the interpretation of the very Good News: I wan Mary that she wore and wears the Son of God.

The bright celebration of the Annunciation is one of the 12 most important Orthodox two-month holidays after a light resurrection (Easter). All significant for orthodox holidays Time to the weighty events of the worldly life of Our Lady and Jesus.

What date is the Annunciation?

Catholic and Orthodox churches, the dates of the celebration of the Annunciation do not coincide. Catholics and Protestants The bright holiday is celebrated on March 25. The emergence of this particular date can be interpreted differently:

Maybe directly connected from December 25, the date of birth of Jesus. If you count this date from this date - 9 months, then, just and it will turn out on March 25. It is also assumed that the date of the celebration of the Annunciation may be calculated from the date of the creation of humanity.

There is an opinion that the phenomenon of Angela Maria was March 25, on this day there was a creation of humanity by the Lord. In this memorial date The beginning of the redemption of primary sin believers.

It also makes it possible that the equinox day can also be considered the date of creation of the world and because of this, the redemption of sins of mankind should put its beginning on the day of spring equinox.

Russian Orthodox Church In determining the Day of Annunciation relies on Julian calendar With a different time, according to which the Annunciation is celebrated on April 7.

Celebration of Annunciation

Often this holiday falls on light easter week or on Great post. This determines the type of liturgy. The Blagoveshchensky feast falling to the post makes a slight reflection for believers, on this day you can pamper yourself with fish dishes.

But if the holiday fell on one of the days of the passionate week, then the rigor of the post is impossible. The coincidences of the Annunciation with the Day of Light Easter are not excluded (this rare coincidence is called "Kirosha"), in this case, together with Easter chants, the Annunciation.

In the Annunciation Day there are many folk rituals, maybe even a bit of pagan. This is the incitement of fires in which the people burn different garbage, rags, old straw and even manure, symbolizing this, the end of winter and the importation of spring into their rights.

Still exist popular beliefthat the Annunciation of the Heavenly Gate is open and can be asked to the Lord on the execution of their cherished desires. You only need to notice the appearance of the first big star in the sky and shout out: "God, give me glory!"

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Hello. Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a great holiday of all believers. In the fuss of days, many forgot about the traditions of celebrating the Annunciation. We will try to remember them to never forget and transmit them to their children.

Let's meet a holiday with a bright soul!

What date is the Annunciation? In Orthodoxy for the Annunciation allocated a special day - April 7. In 2017, after such significant holiday, That is, on April 8, Lazareva Saturday is coming, and next April 9 - Palm Sunday. These days, especially revered by Christians, come to the great post. As you know, many believers strictly observe this post, not allowing themselves, there is a rapid one. BUT B. big holidays They can afford to eat fish and find church koror.

Value of the holiday

The essence of the holiday is laid in the very name. "Annunciation" means that the benefit of the news is going. If you look more attentive, we can see that the whole point of Christian holidays is that a person is given two ways:

  • the path of salvation is the righteous way,
  • the path is evil, envy and darkness.

Even the young Virgin Mary Angel asked if she agreed that the son of God was embodied from her church, the Savior of all over the world. Maria replied: "May I have for your word," Krotko accepting God's Word.

An Icon dedicated to the Annunciation, you can learn from the Archangel Gabriel holding a flower. What does flower mean? The flower is a symbol of good news. This Gabriel God granting to bear the people of good news.

But the most joyful news in the world, he brought 2000 years ago by the Virgin Mary, Governing Vale, and his life to serving God. From this day the history of the holiday begins.

In ancient Judea, people who have reached the 14th anniversary were considered adults. Here is the 14-year-old Virgin Mary, who has brought up in the temple to this pore, was to return to his native house, or marry. But the vows of Eternal Night closed the path to creating an ordinary family for her. Then the priests of the temple found very correct solution. They gained Mary Maria with an 80-year-old elder Joseph. Thus, Maria did not violate the vow, which gave the Lord.

So Holy Joseph became the keeper of the virgin purity of the future Virgin. Four months lived Holy Deva. In the house of Joseph, devoting all his time to reading the sacred books and tireless prayers.

For this godly exercise and found her angel, saying to her: "Rejoice in the graceful!". Archangel Gabriel announced her of the greatest grace: to become a matter of the Messiah.

Annunciation is the arrival of spring!

How to celebrate this holiday? On this day, there was one of the most merciful traditions from antiquity: to produce birds from cells.

Today, these are servants of the Church, and before the 1917 revolution, many believers, observing traditions, brought the cells of the cells with birds, which after the service were released on the will.

This action symbolized the soul of a person who was brought in the shakes of sin, but through the birth of the Savior, who took the sins of people to herself, gains hope of freedom. The service in the temple and today ends with a vacation in the sky of white pigeons, so that they convey the angels news about all good matters.

Signs for Annunciation

The people with the arrival of spring tied their aspirations on good harvest. Therefore, there is a lot to take on April 7:

  • If the Annunciation is cold, the fog lies or the day is marked by freezing, then the year will be a yield.
  • If the swallows have not yet arrived, the spring will be late and cold.
  • A clear day in the Annunciation - to fires.
  • If April 7, a day with rain, then wait for a dry summer.
  • What a day (weather) to the Annunciation, such and Easter.

Other signs for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • In the Annunciation it is impossible to give anything nor borrow not to give your health and good luck.
  • It is impossible to work in the Annunciation, cut, even combing the hair so as not to "confuse" your destiny.
  • What day of the week falls on April 7, on that day the whole year should not begin to new affairs.