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If a white dove. What are the signs about pigeons

According to the signs, the white dove indicates the world and good news. In the people, it is called the harbinger of changes. Therefore, the meeting is considered very symbolic. Seeing the bird, a man hopes for bright events in his life. However, even their interpretation may be different depending on what situation a date with a pennate friend happened.

As evidenced by a meeting with a white dove

The pigeon refers to those birds, a meeting with which is always associated with peace and good.

Therefore, people do not think about whether it is good to see a white dove. However, interpretation folk superstitionassociated with feathered white color, it happens different. Therefore, you should pay attention to the behavior of the bird.

    If it is in a good arms of the Spirit, then this is the foresight of the upcoming positive events.

    If the pigeon is alarmed or aggressive, then the occurrence of the meeting is a signal, a warning about something negative.

The appearance of a white friend is associated as:

  • date with a soul of a deceased person;
  • divine sign;
  • important news;
  • future increase in the family.

    For example, if during a long sickness to sleep on the pillow, packed with pigeon feathers, you can bring the recovery.

    Other superstition indicates that there is a pennate meat. - You can have trouble, having committed a terrible sin.

    If the pigeons of fibers on the roof of the nest house, the dwelling is built on good placeAnd his inhabitants are happy.

Sketches: What a pigeon flew into a house or room

Folk challenges about pigeons are famous for a great variety. However, the interpretation of a meeting with them on the street or house is not particularly different. The close position of the feathell only enhances the omen.

If a we are talking About the good news, it will be known very soon.

  • The appearance of an aggressive creative being in the room - bad sign.

The value of signs depends largely on exactly how the pigeon is behaved on the window or indoors:

  • sudden appearance of birds in a lonely person's room (for example, a girl or bachelor saw it) symbolizes happiness in a personal life and an ambulance wedding;
  • meeting of a feather friend and married woman - forerunner of pregnancy;
  • if the bird hit the wall, furniture or lost a pen, then you need to be ready for bad news, family or death member diseases;
  • see a white pigeon who sat on the windowsill, flew into the room and flew out - good sign (for example, adding in the family, unexpected financial welfare or another happy event).

Pair of white pigeons - sign

Meeting with a pair of white pigeons by acceptance means finding your love or wait for a date with your loved one.

    If the Blouse saw a bachelor or a lonely girl, then they should be ready for new relationships.

    The appearance of a pair of feathered next to a married lady or married man means an ambulance meeting with the second half.

White pigeon at the wedding

According to accept, the white dove symbolizes tenderness and purity. Therefore, he is often a guest at a wedding celebration. Birds love to release a couple of lovers in the sign of the future happy family life with one person. After all, the feathers choose their half once for life.

Pigeon knocks and beats in the window - sign

Often, man meets a white dove on the street, does not give much values \u200b\u200blike a date. Another meaning takes on the situation if the feathered friend sat down on the window or flies close to the person, hitting the room.

  • Silent glass on glass means approaching any news.

If a person is not ready for news, it simply does not pay attention to the actions of the bird. Any sign of helping in the fight against troubles. It is necessary to knock 3 times on the window and say: " What news they flew, with those and flew».

    About the approach of a light event signals a pigeon that flew to the window with a stick in the beak.

    Strong punch of birds about glass - a symbol of close misfortune. So meet it better with positive setting. After all, the value of the event always gives just a person.

Bad signs

Not always the signs about white pigeons carry only positive meaning. Much depends on how the bird behaves.

  • If the pigeon on the balcony is worried and knocks on the window, it warns about the approaching misfortune.

The situation is exacerbated if you see a lot of white pigeons. Closed shutters will be helped from trouble. However, the joy will go around the house.

Do not take to heart negative superstition significance. If a meeting with a white dove in the yard took place, the sign warns a person about the event. The opportunity to influence it. Prayer and positive peaceful mood will help to protect yourself from negative.

Numerous signs about the pigeons appeared no coincidence. Favorite birds of God live near people for a very long time, conclusions were made of observations for feathers. Most often, the Messengers of the Heavens carry people good news, but it happens to be a sophisticated pennate and the carriers of unpleasant news.

Pigeon knocks on the window

Signs about the pigeons foreshadow most often happiness, good luck, wealth, love. But there is a "Spoon of Deaf" in this "barrel with honey." The pigeon's knock on the window is considered to foresee the impairment of plans, receiving a message about someone's death. But it is not necessary to definitely interpret the event.

If you have not experienced fear, having heard a knock, then the pigeon most likely brought good news. It may be news of pregnancy, or warning about the arrival of guests. IN general: If the pigeon beats in the window - just wait for news, optionally negative.

Anxiety should cause a bird that hit the glass on the fly and fell dead. This event, folk wisdom interpreted unequivocally: to death. But you can try to take trouble: the Pernomat's corpse needs to be buried away from home and think that it just happened an accident with a bird.

If the white dove flew past the window of the room, where he lies seriously - this is the head of this person.

But it is bad, or well, unambiguously cannot be said. After all, the torment will stop the hopelessly sick person and his relatives.

The pigeon flew into the house

In the interpretation of this message about pigeons, too, the word "death" is often found, but you should not succumb to panic. There are different circumstances of the event:

  • If the pennate guest behaved calmly, flew, looked around and flew on his own - you can think about the visit of the soul of the deceased relative. Just go to church and put a candle for rest to everyone who remember.
  • If the bird was rummaged around the room, he fought about the wall or, on the contrary, it was driving into an angle - this is a bad omen. Try to cover it with a cloth and release on the street. Be careful yourself and manifest increased attention to relatives.
  • If the pigeon flies into the kitchen, sat on dinner table - forever death of the hostess. Most likely, I will adopt in educational purposes: they say, a good mistress does not sterile creature can not be on the table.

Do not panic because of the birds flushed into the window. When there are many pigeons around, one of them just accidentally can fly into the room. The greatest problem is a patient feathered, who flew and died right in the apartment.

Pigeon sat on the windowsill

If you listen to superstitions about the birds, then the dove on the windowsill is a good sign:

  • Pernation sits and cleans the feathers - the forever of a good day.
  • It is important that the window sill is an omname of a meeting with an influential person.
  • Peacefully sitting on the cornily - foresaw mutual understanding and well-being in the family.
  • I sat on the windowsill to a non-native guy - a hint that it's time to make your favorite sentence of hands and hearts.
  • Appeared outside the window the lonely girl - promises a meeting of the "second half", or getting a sentence, marry.

If the pigeon behaves uneasily on the windowsill, shouts, randomly trample - it is necessary to melted and think about it, and whether you do it right.

Pigeon Nagadil

Pigeon litter on glass or car hood, in any other place - to getting big money.

White dove

If you happened, see the white pigeon on the street is a good sign. A good period has come in your life. White colorful doves are rarity, breeders are derived.

Unmarried girl after meeting with a white dove awaits a quick acquaintance with a good manfor which you can get married.

What flies a white dove

Birds with white plumage always cause admiration, but sometimes they can foresee an accident. If white dove flies to you, you should not drive it. You need to feed a calm feathery, and then the white strip will begin in your life. This is what a white dove visit from the point of view of different religions:

  • obtaining important news;
  • meeting with a soul of a deceased relative;
  • touching the Divine Being;
  • the emergence of the baby in the house;
  • career successes;
  • profit profit, good crop.

White pigeon foreshadows smeal death One of the tenants of the apartment is the case when the feathered manifolds came into a room with closed windows and doors.

The white pigeon flew to the courtyard, there are several interpretations of signs depending on the behavior of the pennate:

  • The bird sat on the windowsill close to the glass, behaves calmly - the omen of the coming joy. Do not wait for the grand news, but the news will definitely delve pleasure.
  • White pigeon sitting on the windowsill, beats the glass with wings - it can be the foresight of trouble. This behavior of the pennant pursues that the soul of a deceased relative that moved to the bird does not find peace, so he returns home and asks for help or tries to warn about something.
  • The white pigeon pressed against the glass and does not want to fly away - this is evidence that a very lonely person lives in the apartment.

White pigeons flew to the house, where the newborn recently appeared - it predicts a big future to the baby. He will be the chosen one for the great cases.

See a couple of white pigeons

A pair of white color pigeons flying together - a beautiful attribute of a wedding celebration. See such a spectacle next to the house - fortunately. A lonely girl gets a chance to meet a loved one.

Two spending birds on the balcony or windowsill foreshadow an ambulance wedding or matchmaking. If there is a blade or a feather in the key of one of the birds - wait for the replenishment of the family.

If a flock of white feathers behave restlessly on the balcony if in front of the window is the forever of serious trouble.

White pigeon at the wedding

Release on the will of snow-white pigeons - an old wedding custom. Every person who gives freedom to the bird higher power Remote patronage. Moreover, during a wedding celebration, this act has a deep meaning - newlyweds get homemade And happiness in the family. Pigeons are distinguished by loyalty to each other, increased responsibility for the offspring.

Spouses will live very friendly if the birds are long near the sky. Of course, pigeons can fly in different directions - this is an omen of divorce. But the experts of folk wisdom are advised to concentrate on good predictions that are automatically obtained when the feathelves are released.

The behavior of pigeons at the wedding predicts the floor of the future child. Divination is carried out in two ways:

  • In flight will dominate the groom's doves - forever, if the leader will be the pennate bride - the first girl will be born.
  • Sometimes blue and pink ribbons ties with pigeons of pigeons. Then watch the flight of birds.

By the way, family happiness foreshadows and a white dove, unexpectedly appearing during the walling or ransom.

Pigeon sat on a man

If the bird's bird sat on you - this is already talking about your chosenness, but it matters what kind of place the pigeon is chosen for "landing":

  1. Pernation "chopped" your head - a sign of the greatness of man. You are waiting for great accomplishments, implementing an important goal. You can easily reach a high position in society.
  2. Bird village on right hand - forever arrive.
  3. The pigeon on the left hand is a warning about betraying someone from a close environment.
  4. Pigeon on the shoulder is an omnation of improved welfare.
  5. The Messenger of Heaven sat down on his leg - to good news.
  6. The bird hid the wing during the flight - confirmation of the correctness of the decision.
  7. Pernation "crashed" in you on the fly - the forever of unusual events. Some experts will accept recommended in the near future to abandon the movements of the air transport.
  8. Finding the feather on the road is a good sign. It can not be left on the road. Take the pen and good luck with it.
  9. Pernation sat next to a girl or a woman - a message about pregnancy.

In general, contact with a dove is a good sign that may even "cancel" bad signs.

The bird flew into the room is a bad sign, but if she touched you while staying indoors - it neutralizes the bad foresight. Do not intentionally grab the feathers - your touch is not counted.

Pigeon at the cemetery

Cemetery - Jobs mystical Being. It is in this place that the connection with the otherworldly world becomes tangible. Any event, there is what is happening, acquires particular importance, it serves to witness the warning about the upcoming misfortunes or attracts attention to some life circumstances.

Pigeons found in the cemetery give signs from the spirits of close people there buried. And you do not need to be afraid of these birds, because even in such a place, the pigeons remain God's creatures.

Interpretation of various behavior of the feathered in the cemetery:

  • The pigeon constantly circling nearby, sits on a monument or grave, then take off again. This characterizes the person you came to visit, as a wonderful personality with excellent moral qualities. After all, his soul settled into the beloved bird of God.
  • Pigeon sniffs on the monument. This means that you are closely followed from a different world, sincerely worry about your life and well-being.
  • The pigeon is anxiously walking along the fresh grave of the relative - the deceased is trying to remind you of incomplete on earth affairs. Remember, maybe you forgot to accomplish some kind of request or the order of this person.
  • Pernation is circling above his head, while you go to the grave and back - the spirit of the deceased in the body of the pigeon is trying to warn about the upcoming troubles. Do not miss this sign, and adequately prepare for the problem solving.

Be sure to feed the bird, and then visit the church. If you just dreamed of a dove in a cemetery, the dream will have the same interpretation as signs.

Dead dove

See the corpse of birds on the road - bad sign. Motorists give it an increased value. The one who hit the pigeon awaits the accident, so you need to increase attention on the way.

But if the bird is lying on the sidewalk - for whom this sign? After all, dozens of people passed by. Is it really all the problems await everyone? Many passed past, and saw the sign of the unit. If the spectacle literally "rushed into the eyes", this means that "the paths will not", that is, there are obstacles in solving the issue.

But the dead pigeon on the threshold or balcony in the signs warns of emergency death or severe disease of someone from the tenants. Moreover, the sign concerns not the most seen corpse of the bird, and his loved ones.

  • The remains of the bird in the courtyard of a private house or on the windowsill (outside the residential zone) - the foresight of the unpleasant news, but not moreover. Get rid of the negative for yourself and your loved ones, I dripping the feet away from the courtyard. Only one can not touch the bird's body with bare hands.
  • The pigeon died on the balcony, loggia or ventilation pipe - Serious warning about death, the disease of someone from the relatives of the one who discovered the body of the bird or the foresight of the start of the failure in life.
  • A confused bird was delimited by deliberately - someone produces a magic ritual to bring trouble on you.

Obviously, there is a lot of pigeons. If you closely look at the representatives of the winged fauna, learn how to make the right conclusions - you can become the owner of your destiny, warn misfortune, "open the doors" luck.

People who have known secrets mystical Mira, look at what surrounds them, with other eyes. Many signs and symbols, which previously did not indulge in importance, acquire a secret meaning. Although there are some knowledge that have so deep roots that even the uninitiated person knows about them. The white dove has long been the sign of the world and the embodiment of the human soul. He fastened behind him and the title of "God's Messenger". Simples are associated with both favorable and not very good. But we will tell you how to protect yourself from them.

Pigeon in symbols

Pigeons became one of the first birds that were domesticated by a man. According to the example of many winged creatures, they became a symbol of the human soul, and often they attribute the ability to create a connection with the divine world. As the image of the soul, this bird appears in many religions and beliefs. It is also quite often associated with burial. On the tombstones are often found images of pigeons that drink water from the source. This is a symbol of the soul that receives energy from the source of life.

Also very often, the pigeon (especially white) performs an intermediary between the earth and heavenly existence. So, the dove flies to Noah with an olive branch, reporting that the world has finally come between the Lord and the family of saved people. This image later had strong influence For many cultures and over time, turned into a symbol of the Divine News. In Christianity, the pigeon is the personification of God's Spirit, and in the Bible, seven such birds represent the seven angels, which are mentioned in the prophecy of Isaiah.

These feathered steel more often attribute such human traits such as peacefulness, tenderness and humility. While in reality, their behavior is, rather, opposite. Loyalty and great lubricity of these birds have become a symbol true love. The white dove began to accompany many goddesses and turned into a symbol of childbearing.

Signs about white dove

Good signs

From a long time, the Slavs identified these birds with something good and kind. They believed, for example, that the soul of the deceased man turns into a pigeon. Although there is a sign, according to which the appearance of a pigeon is not a good sign.

Special attitude in humans formed to white puzzles. And although they can rarely meet in wildlife, yet similar meeting Can fill you a lot of good:

  1. For example, a white dove that you met on the street is good luck sign. And if it was a couple of such mutter, then for you it will be a precursor happy eventAnd for a young girl is a prediction of a quick marriage.
  2. A good admission is considered if this bird settles next to your home. This suggests that you radiate positive energy. After all, near the housing with negative energy, the pigeon is unlikely to settle. And he will become your guardian angel defending from trouble and failures.
  3. Good is also considered a sign when the pigeon pounded on you. It promises you ambulance money. In no case should not scold a pigeon because it will bring you good luck.

Negative signs

If the pigeon flies into the window of your home, then such a sign is considered not very good. After all, this is a harbinger of a possible death of someone from those who live in this house. But if you notice that the bird holds something in the beak, then it is not necessary to scare. After all, this is a sign of coming good news. In any case, it is necessary to let go of the bird to the street and at the same time wish her a happy path or say other good words.

Not very pleasant interpreted. It can warn that the test is waiting for you. It may be misfortune or upcoming disease. But do not be upset because you can pay off. Throwing a ptashka outside the window something edible, you will save yourself from trouble.

The people know a huge amount of and superstitions that are transmitted from generation to generation. Signs There are the most different, they are associated with nature, with animals and many others.

Probably the most famous admission is the sign about a black cat. It believes almost everything. Often even people who do not believe in signs, spit over the shoulder, only envy the black cat, walking along the road.

Today we will talk about less common signs, namely, the signs associated with pigeons. Most people have a negative feelings, and all of the fact that they spoil the car. But if you are in the essence, then nothing bad pigeons are carried. These birds are foreshadowed by success, material benefits and happiness.

All challenges and superstitions about pigeons go from antiquity, they are associated with their different behavior. Pigeons showed themselves, probably each of us, and who knows what it meant. Maybe it was a sign over, but maybe just an accident.
All these superstitions are and not to run away from them. The pigeon can get to your eyes at any moment. Our ancestors knew a huge set for pigeons. They knew why the pigeon beats the window, shelters into the house, sit on the windowsill and many others.

Our generation will also be useful to know these signs and their meanings.

What do the pigeons prophesy?

Superstitions associated with the birds of the world are actually a huge set. They are very diverse and not similar to one another.

You knew that our ancestors believed that the pigeons were Messengers over, not ordinary feathers. Knowing it, it is not to be surprised that superstitions associated with pigeons talk about serious and significant changes in life, and absolutely no matter how the pigeon manifests itself.

Even in the Bible, it was the pigeon that brought good news during the World Flood. Also in our time, if you believe in signs and superstitions, then a simple pigeon can be a brazier of some important event in your life, you just need to understand this message.

If the pigeon beats in the window

Not all the signs of fate carry positive character and good news, for example, like this. If you see that the pigeon beats to you in the window - it is a muster that soon you will be waiting for bad leaders that will significantly change your plans and ideas. If the pigeon beats in the window, then do not even think to open it and do not let the bird get into the house. If the dove falls into the house - it will only worsen the circumstances of the affairs.

If the pigeon flew out the window

Another bad sign associated with pigeons is if the feathered fell into your house. She carries to lead about the ambulance in the man living with you in the house. Most people perceive this superstition seriously. It is worth noting that if a pigeon flew up in you should not immediately think about the bad and prepare for the worst, this sign has many nuances to which special attention should be paid.

Look at the pigeon, or, if he already flew, remember how it looked. If your undeniable guest has something on the beak, for example, a sheet or a blade is a good news. A pigeon with a grass on the beak promises you to change for the better, a joyful event will happen to you very soon, which will change everything for the better.

If in your closed window In some way, everything was still a pigeon, and you had to make an effort to drive it, then it is bad sign that speaks of death. It is worth saying that if it is destined to keep something, it happens, and you should not blame the feathers in this. They just bring news.

White dove

White pigeons occupy a special place in the signs, as white pigeons are a very rare phenomenon and do not often see them on the streets. See such a pigeon is already a great luck. These birds carry only a positive event, for example for unmarried girls This meeting speaks about a fast wedding or fateful acquaintance. For other people, it's just that soon the event will happen to them.

Dove hid the wing

Good sign if the pigeon hung you wing. You walked down the street, and the dove hurt your wing to your head? This is not an accident. This suggests that over you look after you and are favorable to you. In addition, this suggests that it is quite soon financial profit. After touching the pigeon you will not have the problems of the material plan.

If the bird not only started you for his head, but also left a "pleasant surprise" - it says about adding in the family. For young people, it means that they will become parents, and for the older generation, that they will become a grandparents.

If you notice that Blue Something tolerated, it will tell you about the execution of your cherished desire. Perhaps it will be material benefits, or the object of your love will pay attention to you.

This sign carries you only to good news, it says that it is very soon to get better life, and you will be happy. If you dreamed of money - you will get them, if you are about love - the very person will appear in your life, or you will make yourself with your second half.

I will note that this sign will work only if it happened by chance, and you did not make any effort so that the dove is touched before you.

Many superstitions carry a negative character, but if you want one of bad adoption It didn't come true, then spit three times over the shoulder and take 7 steps back. This will help avoid misfortune.

It is well known that the pigeon is a symbol of the world. This is one of the most common birds in our areas living in close proximity to man.

There is a sign that the appearance of a white dove on the window, the windowsill or balcony or the windowsill is a good sign, a harbinger of good news or a joyful event. The appearance of a pigeon pair means that your marriage is harmonious and ahead of you is waiting for a happy family life.

There is also belief that in the form of a pigeon can appear the soul of a deceased relative who wished to visit his relatives. In any case, this bird, unlike the crows, personifies good and deserves a hospitable relationship.

It is not worth each visit to your balcony or a window sill doves to consider a manifestation of signs and try to decipher it. Usually the bird lands just to stay, looking for feed or nesting space. Only in the case when the behavior of the pigeon is clearly deviated from the "bird norms", you can suspect the intervention of supernatural forces. For example, if the bird hit the window once, it only means that your window is clean and the bird simply did not notice it. Another thing, if the pigeon persistently knocks or strikes the window several times - these actions are not accidental, the pennate "postman" clearly appeared to you with the news. To understand what event is the unexpected guest, try to contact your intuition. Close your eyes and listen to your feelings. If a inner voice It is silent and you do not feel alarm, most likely nothing bad will happen. The main thing is not to succumb to constancy and not wind yourself in a scratch.

If the dove arriving on a window sill or a balcony, a pigeon brushes peacefully, it does not mean anything or foreshadows weather shift. He foreshadowed the behavior of Pernatov, when in the roof of the roof of the roof.

From the position of superstition, the color of an unexpected guest is important. Rare in nature is a pure black pigeon symbolizes bad news and mourning. His appearance may foresee the upcoming heavy disease of any of the family members or even death. Conversely, the phenomenon of the White Guest foreshadows joyful news, for example, an ambulance wedding or the birth of a child.

Specifications when the pigeon who arrived with him something in the beak - very good and promises positive changes in the life of households.

My story

Once, a warm May morning I look - a purebred white dove sits on the balcony. A little sidewood, it became chinno to pace over the railing, trying to look into the window. Very elegant bird, breeding: in pants and chubby - with the ridge of feathers on the back of the head.

Seeing such beauty, I took a handful of cereals and carefully opened the door to the balcony. The pigeon issued a short vesting sound and stared at me. I neatly scattered on the railing a mixture of buckwheat and rice cereals and went after the camera.

The pigeon eagerly ate treats and almost did not show a bitty. I could do a lot beautiful photos 🙂

And where did such a handsome come from?! Probably flew away from some kind of pigeon.

One feeding was enough for an unexpected guest to remember my balcony. Since then, he spent quite a long time on it. While it was not, I cleaned the balcony from the marks of his life, trying to keep clean.

Usually I fed the pigeon twice a day, in the intervals he flew to his relatives, and then returned again. But then they ... Dressed.

It was worth my favorite to fly to the balcony, as a whole flock of fellow departed after him immediately. If the feed was not (and I tried not to leave him in advance), after a while, strangers flew away. But it cost me to come out to feed my how they flew again. I tried to drive off the strangers, and they looked at me crying, as if asking: "Are we worse?" Begroen eaten the feed of my pigeon and were in no hurry to fly away. And for some reason my handsome person did not even try to defend food and territory from encroachment. Apparently, for him it was much more important to maintain friendly relationship with conid.

In the morning, a flock of the Pernavnaya Size has already been pacing on my balcony, Vorkuya loudly and leaving the litter everywhere. Here I intervened my household ...

In general, I decided that I would now throw food beyond the balcony - to the ground. And from the balcony of annoying guests to drive.

So became my dove to live and eat on a par with everyone. But without any enmity and envy, in peace and harmony with their fellow. I have been watching him for half a year. Thanks to his bright appearance, it even from afar favorably stands out against the background of other feathered.