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Is it worth afraid? Who is such a necromancer? Mystical creatures. White, black magic who is such a necromancer

It is found such a word in fantastic literature, the press, and you never know where. Only an understanding of the events described will be incomplete, if not to understand who necromancers are. In fact, this image has long been used in horror films. Remember that evil magician who leads the Herdering Dead? This is precisely the idea of \u200b\u200bnecromancery taken as a basis for creating terrible scenes. Incredible and incomprehensible for most power people, subject to even more which and

a person is difficult to call, what could be terrible?

Who is necromancer

If you distract from the widely advertised thrillers of the image, then it turns out that we say about black magage. By virtue of the "professional" features, he has the ability to give and select death! Most of the rituals of necromancers is associated with the murder. The victim does not necessarily become a person (now it is extremely rare). More traditionally get magic power by killing animals. This is a very older. Sacrifice were popular at all times. Even the Inci was engaged in this sinful business. Killing for the purpose of obtaining not wealth, and the magical forces were practiced with the deepest antiquity. In one degree or another, the ancient peoples believed that they would receive the vital energy of the deceased (animal or man).

Who is such a necromancer in modern world

On the pages of books, such heroes can often be found. But do not think that magicians now exist only in works in the genre of fantasy. Necromancer - the creature is quite real. Only to meet him with an ordinary person is not very simple. This magazine necromancer (necromag) will not be notified public about its activities on the pages of newspapers or through the Internet. Yes, it is not necessary for him. His life of an ordinary person is not interested. The only thing that connects it with our world is the energy he enjoys. She is for him - like money for us. This is exactly the only substance, thanks to which he exists well, fulfilling his strange desires and seeking his incomprehensible goals.

Is this magician dangerous

It is believed that necromag is not dangerous for a person. He will actively attack and select life with you will not. For such a act, he needs very serious conditions. But after all, the child can push you from the balcony if you want to strangle him without asking who is! Necromance refers, rather, not black, but to gray magicians. Its main interest is concentrated where the sacrament of death occurs. But it can give life. This is a miracle quite in his power. Therefore, more often people themselves are looking for a meeting with him, trying to save them from the death of relatives. The magician is reluctant to deal. It is said that only a good mood can inspire him to help a contemptuous person.

What are necromancers there

Among the magicians there is its own division according to the "Specifications". It is mainly due to the forces they use in their activities. Among themselves, they build their own relationships, not particularly understandable to man. For the most part, magicians lead a closed life and strongly with "comrades" do not communicate. One thing you can say exactly: Alchemists necromancers and everyone else will appear only where there is death!

Before the battle with the Philistines, the spirit of the prophet Samuel. In ancient Greece, necromancers in the state of the trance caused spirits in the sanctuations of Aida and Persephone. These sanctuations are usually built in sacred, close to the underground places: caves, gorges, near hot mineral springs. The Roman historian of Lucanius transmits both on the eve of the battle against Julia Caesar at Farsal (August 9, 49 to our era) Sext Pompey turned to the most famous witch Erichto so that she makes the prophecy. Reviving the fresh corpse of the fear of the warrior's battle on the field, Ericho focused on the defeat of the Pompey Sex from Julia Caesar, which came true (see Secret Arts from the "Enchanted World" series / lane. From the English. O. KUMKO 33).

Famous necromans

  • Real (historical) Dr. Faust was known as necromancer and demonistog.
  • Edward Kelly is known as medieval English necromancer and predictor. E. Kelly and the predictor John di together caused the spirits of the dead.
  • The famous medieval German white magician and alchemist Henry Cornelius Agrippa Netweesheim, as claimed, also could not resist from the temptation of necromancery to avoid responsibility for the death of a careless student who was killed by the demon who was unprofessional with the demon called by him. Cornelius Agrippa was forced to revive the student, so that he goes to the city market of Lyuven (the current Belgium) and there again died.
  • County Caliosostro called himself a necromancer, but in fact, only spiritualism meant under necromanceria.
  • British black magician Alistaist Crowley was a typical necromancer.
  • One of the most famous Anita Blake's necromancers is described by the writer Laurel Hamilton.

In fantasy

In the works of fantasy, the concept of "necromance" began to be interpreted in a wider manner. This term meant interaction with the world of the dead, the use of its energy, the management of the world of the morter. Accordingly, the necromancer is a magician or priest, practicing this kind of action. This may be the management of dead bodies (creating neldely), the use of necromantic, negative energy spells (drainage, abduction) or a conversation with the dead, the challenge of spirits. In some of the works of Fantasy, the Necromancer himself - "Dead half", undead (usually a former necromancer who preserved his mind after death and its power is called Lich), but in most mentions he is a living person. The American Writer-Fortist Howard Phillips Lovecraft, raised interest in Necromantia, raised in his works by the Hamphic Book Nekronsikon, representing the Medieval Arabic Grimoire.

see also

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  • Almanas Unknown / Davidson G. E., Clafin M. - L., etc.; Ed. Natsis K., Potter M. (International Publishing House), ch. ed. Book Program Yaroshenko N. (Ros. Publishing House). Italy: Publishing House Reertables Digest, 2002. - 168, 189, 190 p.
  • // Atheistic Dictionary / Abdusamedov A. I., Aleinik R. M., Aliyev B. A. and others; Under total. ed. M. P. Novikova. - 2nd ed., Act. and add. - M.: Politicism, 1985. - P. 252. - 512 p. - 200,000 copies.
  • Encyclopedia "Mystics of the 20th Century" / Per. from English D. Gaiduk. Vanderhill E. - M.: Lockid; Myth, 1996. - P. 307-321.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

Excerpt characterizing necromance

Mary Hence was the wife of a regimental doctor, a young, pretty German, on which the doctor married Poland. Doctor, or because he did not have funds, or because he did not want to split the first time in the first time of marriage with a young wife, he drove it everywhere during the hussar shelf, and the jealousy of the doctor became the usual sound of jokes between the hussars officers.
Rostov pounced the cloak, clicked behind him a laurel with things and went with Ilyin, where rolls over the mud, where shelled under the subsided rain, in the dark evening, occasionally disturbed by distant lightning.
- Rostov, where are you?
- Here. What a lightning! They were talking about.

In the abandoned Korchm, the doctor was standing in front of the doctor, there was already a man five officers. Marya Herry Herry, full blonde mone in a blouse and night cape sat in the front corner on a wide shop. Her husband, doctor, slept behind her. Rostov with Ilyini, celebrated by cheerful exclamations and laughter, entered the room.
- And! Yes, you have what fun, - laughing, Rostov said.
- What do you yawning?
- Good! So flows with them! Our living room is not soak.
"Marya Henry Henry Dress is not blurred," answered the voices.
Rostov with Ilyinh hurried to find a corner, wherever they, without breaking the modesty of Mary Herrynovna, could change the wet dress. They went for the partition to change clothes; But in a small shell, filling it all, with one candle on an empty drawer, was sitting three officers, playing cards, and never wanted to give up their place. Mary Herrichovna gave way to his skirt for a while to use it instead of curtains, and behind this curtain Rostov and Ilyin with the help of a laurel who brought a blizzard, removed the wet and drove dry dress.
In the broken stove laid fire. I got out the board and, approved her on two saddles, covered the opponent, got a samovarchik, Pogreets and Polbutalki Roma, and, asking Mary Herrykhovna to be a hostess, everyone crowded near her. Who offered her a clean handkerchief to wipe the adorable handles, who under the legs put her Hungarian to her, so that there was no damp, who had a cloak of the window so as not to blow, who fooled flies from her husband's face so that he would not wake up.
"Leave him," said Mary Herrichovna, smiling and smiling happily, "he sleeps well after a sleepless night."
"It's impossible, Mary Herrichovna," answered an officer, "you need to serve the doctor." Everything may be, and he will regret me when the leg or hand cut will be.
Glasses were only three; The water was so dirty that it was impossible to decide when a fastener or loose tea, and in the samovar of the water was only on six glasses, but it was more nice to take turns and seniority to get her glass of chubby with short, not quite clean, nails of Marya Herry Henry Handles . All officers seemed to really be in love with Henry Henry. Even those officers who played behind the partition in the cards soon threw the game and moved to the samovar, submitting to the general mood of Claws for Maria Henrynovna. Mary Hence, seeing herself surrounded by such brilliant and courtesy of young people, shone with happiness, no matter how hard she tried to hide it and, no matter how obviously, she had a her husband who had spawned her husband.
The spoon was only one, the sugar was most, but it did not have time to stir it, and therefore it was decided that it would alternately interfere with sugar to everyone. Rostov, having received his glass and filling it into it, asked Marwe Henry Heno stir.
- Why are you without sugar? She said, everyone smiling, as if everything that she said, and everything that others said, it was very funny and had another meaning.
- Yes, I'm not sugar, I just, so that you prevent your handle.
Marya Henryovna agreed and began to look for a spoon, which someone had already seized.
"You're a finger, Mary Herrynovna," Rostov said, "it will be more pleasant."
- hot! - said Marya Henrykhovna, blushing from pleasure.
Ilyin took a bucket with water and, pinway rum, came to Marie Henry Henry, asking for his finger.
"This is my cup," he said. - Just put your finger, all drink.
When the samovar drank all, Rostov took the card and suggested playing the kings with Marya Henry Henry. Through the lot, to whom to make a party of Marya Henrykhovna. The rules of the game, at the suggestion of Rostov, was that the one who would be the king was right to kiss the handle of Marya Henry Henry, and so that the one who remains the boom would go to put a new samovar for the doctor when he wakes up.
- Well, if Marya Henry Henry will be king? - asked Ilyin.
- She and so queen! And her orders - the law.
The game has just begun, as because of Maryia Henrykhovna suddenly, the fusion head of the doctor suddenly rose. He no longer slept and listened to what was said, and, apparently, did not find anything funny, funny or funny in everything, which was said and was done. His face was sad and sad. He did not say hello to officers, scratched and asked the permission to go out, as he was blocked by the road. As soon as he came out, all officers broke out with a loud laughter, and Marya Herrykhovna blushed to the tears and became more attractive to the eyes of all officers. Returning from the courtyard, the doctor told his wife (who stopped smile happily so happy and, afraid, waiting for the sentence, looked at him) that the rain passed and that it was necessary to go to the kibitu night, and then everything would be cleaned.
- Yes, I will send wisp ... two! - said Rostov. - fullness, doctor.
- I'll be on the clock itself! - said Ilyin.
"No, gentlemen, you slept, and I didn't sleep for two nights," said Dr. and gloomily sat downside his wife, waiting for the end of the game.
Looking at the dark face of the doctor who mowed his wife, the officers became more than more fun, and many could not be held from laughter, to whom they hastily tried to crucial excuses. When the doctor gone, taking his wife, and fit with her in the kibechka, the officers lay down in Corcch, hiding with wet sinels; But for a long time they did not sleep, tolding up, remembering the fear of the doctor and the fun of the doctors, then running on the porch and reporting what was done in kibitka. Several times Rostov, wrapped off his head, wanted to fall asleep; But again, someone's remark was entertained by him, again the conversation began, and again it was awesome, cheerful, children's laughter.

In the third hour, no one fell asleep, as the Wahmyster appeared to speak to the town of Island.
All with the same talk and laughter officers hastily began to gather; Again put a samovar on dirty water. But Rostov, without waiting for tea, went to the squadron. Already light; The rain stopped, clouds diverged. It was damp and cold, especially in a robust dress. Going out of Corchma, Rostov and Ilyin both at dusk dawn looked into a glossy from rain the leather doctoral kibechka, from under the apron of which the legs of the doctor were sticking out and in the middle of which came the cap of the doctors of the doctor and the sleepy breathing was heard.
- Right, she is very sweet! - said Rostov Ilyin, who walked out with him.
- Charite what woman! - Ilyin answered with sixteen years seriousness.
After half an hour, a built squadron stood on the road. The team was heard: "Sit down! - The soldiers crossed out and began to sit down. Rostov, leaving ahead, commanded: "Marsh! "And, stretching out in four people, hussars, Sound Schuckle Schuts on a wet road, a saber and a quiet speech, drove along a large, covered road, following the infantry and battery in front.
Bucked blue lilac clouds, blushing at sunrise, quickly chased wind. It became all lighter and lighter. It was clearly visible to the curly grass, which is always sitting on country roads, still wet from yesterday's rain; Hanging branches Berez, too wet, swung from the wind and dropped a lonely drops from themselves. More clearly and clearer the faces of the soldiers. Rostov rode with Ilyin, who did not stand up from him, the side of the road, between the double near Berez.

If you are interested in how to become a necromancer in real life, then, firstly, you should clearly realize the consequences of a similar decision, secondly, to carefully familiarize yourself with all aspects of this type of magic, and, thirdly, to devote a lot of time.

In the article:

How to become a necromancer in real life and what is necromance

If we talk about necromancy, it should be understood that this is primarily the magic associated with the world of the dead in all its incarnations. It should not be thought that any necromancer is a villain who wishes everyone around death and commanding undead, as is demonstrated in computer games and films. Of course, a strong magician of this orientation can really use the dead for its own purposes, but the worldly power and ordinary human desires for him at that time of development are no longer interested.

In something, necromancy has a connection with the classical schools of magic - almost always to achieve a certain level of force requires the presence of a teacher. Moreover, teachers with a capital letter, which will really want and can be able to open the door before the adept, the return path from which there will be no. You should not think that such a mentor can you find on the Internet or by ads - Those who leave this kind of proposal, at best, are simple charlatans, and in the worst - magicians who simply need an energy feeding. But you should not despair - it is necessary to self-develop, study the science interesting to you, and when you will be ready, your teacher will delete you.

Extremely deep similarity Magic death has both shamanism. It also welcomes the definite share of fineness and communication with otherworldly forces. But if shamans refuse part of their worldly life for communication with the spirits of nature, terrain and animals, necromancers devote themselves to deaths of death and the dead.

A little about death

With which almost every person, one way or another, had to face, contrary to popular opinion and stamps of mass consciousness, is not angry. It is out of the struggle of good and evil - it is absolutely different, in many respects indifferent to most familiar things and people power.

But this force, however, is a very powerful capable of much. You can easily feel this energy in cemeteries, during the funeral, in the field of the mass death of people. Some it seems calm and pacifying - these people are initially predisposed to necromania. Others feel uncomfortable and strive to leave with such places as soon as possible. If you felt like inconvenience and discomfort, it is unlikely that you can do something on this field - you should not just be able to contact the world of the dead and draw from it. You will need half to live in it.

The energy of death affects a person. According to legends, she is interested in the leaders of the Third Reich. At their disposal in concentration camps, mysterious phenomena were studied, which arose during the violent death of many people. During the studies, conclusions were made - a person does not disappear without a trace, he leaves an energy trail on the spot of his death.

In 1993, the scientific and practical center of biologicalation conducted studies of Egetics of the cemeteries and the remains of people. The result was the conclusion that the necrotic energy in cemeteries is concentrated around the remains of people, like Auram.

Since ancient times, cemeteries have always been a place where destitute, devoid of protection, families and the bed could find consolation. Measurement treats saved the life of not one homeless - there is nothing wrong to eat the dead deceased deceased, but only if it is really vital, and there are simply no other opportunities. The dead, as it were strangely sounded, do not seek to make the life of people worse or cut it, but rather, on the contrary.

This was the reason that a huge number of the most diverse rituals have always been associated with the cemetery. Could be directed both on a terrible evil and causing someone's suffering and saving and achieving justice. In the first case, the sorcerer waited for paying for their actions. In the second situation, when, for example, a girl who became a victim of the rapist was addressed for help to the dead, even the most terrible and cruel revenge did not impose any negative imprint on her life.

Opportunities and abilities of the necromancer

Necromancer, having access to the strength of the dead, receives a practically an inexhaustible source of energy, which can be directed to anything, with the exception of one - this energy cannot be the energy of the creation of something new, energy used as vitality. It can heal, she can protect and, of course, can punish and destroy the opponent. But it is not able to help in creating a new life.

Each necromancer can really communicate with the dead. He can learn the cause of their death, can send fatal, can easily break someone's life. Also, he gets really broader knowledge, can literally immerse themselves in the bay of history so deeply as developed by his mind. Remember that the dead do not know how to lie.

However, for the favor of the departed, they will have to help them. Many of the dead remained unfinished affairs, and they will be grateful for their help in their completion. Another needed simple communication and attention, and the third, which, of course, the minority may be truly evil and dangerous entities with great forces.

First of all, it concerns suicides that can not go to heaven, nor in hell, but are doomed to eternal flour. However, some of the necromancers can even help them, forever focusing them if the problem is solved, which brought the unfortunate before imposing hands. Also, very cruel can be former killers and mentally ill people who necromancers are also obliged to help with healing from the disease, which absorbed not only their mortal body, but also an immortal soul.

Karma necromancer and his affairs, unlike ordinary people, are measured not by their attitude towards humanity as a whole and specific people in particular, but in relation to the dead. If you use them, without giving anything in return and not giving your help, they will never be favorable to a similar person and will try to get rid of him. Conversely, if you take care of the dead, give them human warmth, to help and relieve them from everlanting their problems, they will be grateful and with ease will help in solving any vital troubles.

However, it should not be submored to fulfill all their whims, otherwise they do not quickly make the mage with their slave. You need to be able to balance between the help and the requirement, between the help and work, between the presented and received. In general, the whole life of the necromancer is a subtle balancing on the knife blade: between life and death, between the dead and alive, between infinity and moment.

Knowing your death that necromancers possess is both a great gift, and a terrible curse. No attempt to change it will be crowned with success. The life of the necromancer can be any, but then death will not change it. So, for example, there is a parable about the necromance, which was destined to drown. All his remaining life, he dedicated to the avoidance of water bodies. However, a strong shower happened to the appointed hour, he slipped, lost consciousness and just choke in a shallow puddle. But this knowledge will be a good gift - the magician will have the opportunity to really carefully plan their lives and prepare for the inevitable, leading all its business in order.

Separately, it is worth noting protective magic. which has a necromancer, by itself is almost perfect. No cemetery ritual will work against such a magician, immediately hitting the unfair. At the same time, the necromancer immediately recognizes everything about who was going to make him bad, and can find and punish a potential enemy. Even very strong magicians extremely weakly affect the very mediocre necromancer, and the use of special protective rituals makes a magician of death really completely invulnerable.

About dedication to necromancers

Dedication to necromancers, as mentioned above, should be carried out already initiated, for a long time practicing magician. This applies to almost all directions of this, working in the life of magic. But first steps you can always do yourself. Stubborn work on yourself, constant meditations and search for information will definitely attract the attention of knowledgeable people.

The search for the necessary knowledge should be stopped slightly in more detail. Note that you can hardly find really working rituals or a mentor via the Internet or books. However, learning general information, find parts of spells and rituals is quite real. But it should be extremely skeptical to everything that people strangers write to you, and have "flair" to the correct data, actions and words. However, such a flair, if you do everything right, you will undoubtedly develop.

There are a lot of dedication options themselves, but all of them binds one thing - the dedication is carried out at the cemetery. The ritual necessarily produces a sacrifice of a living being, as well as the exhumation of a newly buried person. In general, to make manipulations with the burials necromancer to have very often, so be sure to be as cautious - such actions are illegal in all countries of the world and are punishable very strictly.

What does the necromancer work look like

As you could understand everything above written, the main workplace of the necromancer, its place of force and protection is a cemetery. Of course, it is not always possible to visit it, so a small home altar does not hurt. It is he who will become a homely job for necromancer. You can take care of the design of the altar at the very initial stage of your path to necromancy.

The workplace can be supplemented by a locker in which ritual tools will be stored. It is desirable that his branches had the doors. Not all ritual components can be applied under the rays of the sun.

At the attributes of death must be present on the altar. This is a grave land from the cemetery, bone or skull, preferably human. It is quite simple to find them - just go to a big and old cemetery and search for bushes. Very often on the site of old burials, the graves break up, and their contents are thrown away. At the same time, it is necessary to leave any sputter on the cemetery, when you take the grave land, and to grieve the remains of the person who you have taken the bone. It is not necessary to look for a full skeleton, it is enough to do at least a small well-groomed grave, at least with one bone and a memorable sign. Then the spirit of the departed will be favorable to you.

Be sure to purchase individual tools to work on the cemetery. It is advisable not to use them for anything other than your necromancer practices, and in no way trust other people. In general, it is advisable to live alone, since unprepared people can begin to hurt due to the overaffect of dark energy in the home.

How to become a necromancer - where to start

If you firmly decided to get up to the terno trail of necromania, then prepare for the fact that soon the society really turns away from you. It will not perceive you on the subconscious level as an ordinary person. You will be avoided and avoided, just as people avoid walking at night in the cemetery. But up to this point, long and persistent preparation is waiting for you.

The initial stage is not particularly different from any other serious magical practices. You must devote as much time meditation as possible, try to bring your life in order. This applies to the physical form - your diseases and chronic problems from constant contact with the energy of death can increase and very quickly reduced the grave. It will be useful to study practices for stopping internal dialogue - without them you will not be able to deal with any kind of magic, except for unpretentious folk conspiracy and rites. As soon as you learn to control yourself, feel your inner energy, you can proceed to more serious practices.

Attend the cemeteries as often as possible. You can meditate there, rest, engage in creativity. At the same time, any necromancer understands that it is necessary to have a special relationship. Try to behave there quietly, calm. If possible, remove and add other people's graves - and the deceased will definitely turn your attention to you will be fence from trouble and thank. It is advisable to do it daily. In the end, find the place in the cemetery, where you like most and try to establish a steady connection with the people buried there. They will be your keepers on this path and closest friends.

It should be noted that the development process will inevitably have a personal experience of evidence of death itself and participating in it. If you have ever killed your domestic cattle - then it is good. If not, you will have to make any ritual, preferably with the sacrifice of the black rooster. Re-commence once and for all: cats and cats are sacrificed in one real magic ritual - they are guides connecting all worlds, and their murder of anyone from the inhabitants of both our and the other world will not like. The people who have suffered a clinical death also have an excellent tendency to necromancy - they already have a clear understanding of what is "behind the line". Also, help may be a feeling or experience of close death - if you almost become in life a victim of accidents, murder and other accidents.

The consequences of necromancy

Naturally, every person who seriously wants to join this magic should clearly realize possible consequences. First of all, you should forget about the possibility of getting a family. Your relatives will begin to give away from you, and you, if you love them, it is advisable to be away from them. A person who worked for a long time, becomes a special energy, destructive for ordinary people, but favorable for him. In addition, at the very beginning, the path should be very careful with diseases - even a unbearable cold may have extremely dangerous complications for a person, just starting his way on this dark path.

Also, you will forever be closed the path to Christian, Muslim or any other paradise. On necromancers there are special rules for postility. Hell, however, they also do not threaten in any case. Most often, they simply dissolve in the world of the dead, becoming essentially exercises, which, in principle, is similar to their birth in the mortal body, as the professional and experienced magician of death really lives half in the world of living and half in the world of dead.

However, not all the consequences are unpleasant for the necromancer itself. After passing the first steps, you can notice how your needs and desires will change. You will cease to worry the worldly problems earnings, entertainment, social status. In addition, all necromancers who have been dedicated have full knowledge of their death. It will never come before the appointed hour - all the dangers, illnesses, accidents will begin to bypass you. In addition, the dead can really be interesting - just imagine how many stories, how many knowledge, tips and recommendations can give the deceased. You can communicate directly with your dead relatives.

Necromancers are the most terrible and evil black magicians, the dead and again revived, because their souls did not accept hell (by analogy with zombies). Necromancer has the ability to resurrect the dead, which is why, apparently, in the legends, the castles of necromancers guarded the hordes of the lives of the dead, zombies and security spells of black magic. The magic of necromancers to one degree or another is strongly connected with death.

This can be seen even from the names of these magicians: "necro" in Latin - "Dead". But the magic of necromancers does not have to bear only death. If the necromancer has a good mood, it is able to bring and healing and help to anyone. True, no one is insured against the fact that after that necromancer will not claim you such a fee for which you will regret that there are alive. Necromancers rarely fall over the side of other creatures, and they are rarely asked about it. The life of the necromancer does not consist in sucking the energy from other creatures, it is just one of his many "abilities", which helps him to restore the energy supply and strength. The energy of "other" - the energetically strong creatures - that's what he needs. Thus, he becomes a hunter on hunters. Necromancer can be called the energy vampire. The most famous Faust 1 necromancers.

By rejecting an endless idea of \u200b\u200bnecromancers, as about dark sorcerers, we can look at the representatives of this mythological profession more widely. First, it is worth noting that in recent times it has entered such a word as "necromag", a magician who operates death by the emanations. It is possible to read this definition as more accurate for the word "necromancer" refers to a fortuneteller, often eastern, using the visions of vivisection, opening animals and people, as well as a challenge of the souls from the afterlife. Without bias of necromancers / necromagov, it can be considered not evil, but not good. Rather gray, if you take a conditional color classification.

Necromancers are revealed from active life and their goals, if any necromancer have, often incomprehensible for ordinary people. Rather, the necromancer has a distorted look at life and death, both of these states are intertwined for him and sometimes indistinguishable. To explore the dead magic, it is not necessary to be a dead or rebel from the dead, often necromancers are living people with quite human needs. But sometimes the body of the necromancer still undergoes mutations or evolves the internal organs by atrophing, which no longer need a necromancer for life or existence. Necromancers are not afraid of death, they can fully manipulate this force, lock it into the flank, to send it together with the infection or vice versa, to drive away from living people. Usually the proximity of the necromancer to death gives him some benefits. For example, immunity to infectious diseases, curses affecting health, as well as insensitivity to physical pain. Also, necromagum is attributed to the ability to manipulate its flesh, its modification in different forms (for example, to recover under strong injuries).

Unlike most other carriers of magic, necromancers rely not only to their magic force, but also on their physical data. In other words, sometimes they have to defend their lives with physical violence. Arms necromaga serves staff, hollow metal cylinder, filled with cemetery ground, ritual knife made of iron, copper or bronze. One side of the knife blade is equipped with a saw with triangular teeth for working with flesh, and the other saw with parabolic teeth for working with tendons. To transfer material for your experiments, that is, the dead flesh, the necromancer can use meat hooks with a handle for palm. In the rituals of necromania, candles made of animal, sometimes human fat with an admixture of ash or cemetery land, special incense and often black tissue. The rest of the attributes of necromantic rituals depends on the uniqueness of a ritual.