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Signs about early death. Signs of death. How to facilitate the suffering dying

After all, it helps morally prepare for an inevitable end and notice the changes in time. Let's discuss signs of the patient's death and pay attention to the key features.

Most often, signs of death are classified to primary and secondary. Some develop as a consequence of others. It is logical that if a person began to sleep more, he eats less, etc. We will look at all of them. But, cases can be different and permissible exceptions to the rules. Just like the variants of the normal median survival, even with the symbiosis of terrible signs of changing the state of the patient. This is a kind of miracle that at least once in the century, but it happens.

And what signs of death do you know?

Changing sleep and wake

Discussing the initial signs of the approaching death, the doctors converge in the fact that the patient has less time to wake up. It is often loaded into the surface dream and as if sleeping. So the precious energy is saved and the pain is less. The latter goes into the background, becoming a background. Of course, the emotional side suffers very much. The scarcity of expressing their feelings, the closure in itself, the desire to be silent more than talking to the compensation on the relationship with others. There is no desire to ask and respond to any questions, interested in the life and surrounding people.

As a result, in the launched cases, patients become apatic and unreleased. They sleep almost 20 hours a day if there are no acute pain and serious irritating factors. Unfortunately, such an imbalance threatens stagnant processes, problems with reason and accelerates fatal outcome.


Very reliable signs of death are swelling and the presence of spots on the legs, hands. We are talking in the work of the kidneys and the circulatory system. In the first case, during oncology, the kidneys do not have time to cope with toxins and they poison the body. At the same time, exchange processes are disturbed, blood is redistributed in vessels unevenly, forming areas with stains. It is not a gift that if such notlands appear, this is a complete dysfunction of the limbs.

Problems with hearing, vision, perception

The first signs of death are a change in hearing, vision and normal sensation of what is happening around. Such changes may be against the background of strong pains, oncological lesions, blood stagnation or fetus intimidation. Often, before death, you can observe a phenomenon with pupils. The eye pressure drops and can be seen as the pupil is deformed by the feline type.

Regarding hearing everything relative. It can recover in the last days of life or even aggravate, but it is already more agony.

Degreased food need

When at home oncollar signs of death celebrate all close. She gradually refuses food. At first, the dose decreases from a plate to a quarter of a saucer, and then the reflex of swallowing is gradually disappeared. There is a need for nutrition through a syringe or probe. At half past cases, a system with glucose and vitamin therapy is connected. But the effectiveness of such support is very low. The body is trying to spend their own fat reserves and minimize spending. This deteriorates the overall state of the patient, drowsiness and difficulty breathing appears.

Violation of urination and problems with natural needs

It is believed that problems with hikes to the toilet are also signs of death approach. No matter how funny it does not seem, but in real estimates there is a completely logical chain in this. If the defecation is not carried out every two days or with the regularity, to which a person is used, then the carte masses accumulate in the intestine. Even stones can be formed. As a result, toxins are absorbed from them, which seriously poison the body and reduce its performance.

Approximately the same story and urination. The kidneys are harder to work. They skip less fluid and eventually the urine comes out saturated. It has a high concentration of acids and even blood is observed. A catheter can be installed to facilitate, but this is not a panacea on a general background of unpleasant consequences for a lying patient.

Problems with thermoregulation

Natural signs before the death of the patient is a violation of thermoregulation and agony. Begin strongly cold limbs. Especially if the patient has a paralysis, then there may be even a speech of the progress of the disease. The circle of blood circulation decreases. The body struggles for life and tries to support the performance of the main organs, thereby making limbs. They can be pale and become even bluish with venous spots.

Weakness of the organism

Signs of close death can be different depending on the situation. But most often, we are talking about severe weakness, loss of body weight and total fatigue. The period of self-insulation, which is exacerbated by the internal processes of intoxication and necrosis. The patient can not even raise the hand or stand up for natural needs. The process of urination and defecation can occur spontaneously and even unconsciously.

Blurred consciousness

Many see signs of the upcoming death and in how the normal response of the patient on the world disappears. It can become aggressive, nervous or vice versa - very passive. The memory disappears and the bouts of fear on this basis may be noted. The patient does not immediately understand what is happening and who is near. In the brain, the plots responsible for thinking die. And there may be explicit inadequacy.


This is a protective reaction of all the vital systems in the body. Often, it is expressed in the occurrence of a stupor or coma. The main role is played by the regression of the nervous system, which causes in the future:

Reducing metabolism

Insufficient ventilation of the lungs due to respiratory failures or stupid breathing alternation with stopping

Serious lesions of body tissues


Agonia is accepted for a clear improvement in the state of the patient against the background of the destructive processes in the body. In essence, it is the last effort to keep the necessary functions to continue existence. It may be marked:

Improving hearing and return

Rhythm Rhythm

Normalization of heart abbreviations

Restoration of consciousness in the patient

Muscular activity by type of convulsion

Sensitivity to pain decreases

Agony can last from a few minutes and up to an hour. Usually, it seems to foreshadow clinical death when the brain is still alive, and oxygen ceases to flow into the tissue.

These are typical signs of death in lying. But it is not necessary to stop at them. After all, there may be another side of the medal. It happens that one or two such pointers is simply a consequence of the disease, but they are quite reversible with proper care. Even a hopeless lying sick signs before death, all these may not have. And this is not an indicator. So, it is difficult to talk about the obligation as well as to put deadly sentences.

Lying patient: signs before death. Changes with man before death

If there is a lying patient in the house, which is in serious condition, it does not hurt relatives at all to know the signs of approaching death to be well prepared. The process of dying can occur not only in physical, but also mental terms. Given the fact that every person is individual, then for each patient, their signs will be characterized, but still there are some common symptoms that will indicate the imminent end of the human life path.

What can a person feel with the approach of death?

It is not about the person for whom death is sustainable, but about patients who have been sick and are chained to bed for a long time. As a rule, such patients can experience mental torments for a long time, because while being in the right mind, a person understands that he has to survive. A dying person constantly feels all the changes that occur with his body. And all this in the end contributes to the constant change of mood, as well as the loss of mental equilibrium.

Most of the lying patients closes in themselves. They start to sleep a lot, and to all that happens around them, remain indifferent. There are also cases when the patients suddenly come to the very death of patients, but after a while the body becomes even weaker, after what the denial of all the vital functions of the body occurs.

Signs of early death

It is impossible to predict the exact amount of care to the world to the world, but to pay attention to the signs of approaching death quite real. Consider the main symptoms that may indicate a rapid fatal outcome:

  1. The patient loses its energy, sleeps a lot, and periods of wakefulness each time becomes less and less. Sometimes a person can sleep a day and spread just a couple of hours.
  2. Breathing changes, the patient can breathe either too often, or too slow. In some cases, it may even seem that the person has stopped breathing at all for a while.
  3. It is lost hearing and vision, while there can sometimes arise hallucinations. At such periods of the patient can hear or see what does not really happen. Often you can see how he talks to people who have long been alive for a long time.
  4. The underlying patient loses appetite, while he not only ceases to eat protein food, but also refuses drinking. In order to somehow give moisture to leak into his mouth, you can dip a special sponge into the water and wasting it dry lips.
  5. The color of urine is changing, it acquires a dark brown or even dark red, while its smell becomes very sharp and toxic.
  6. Often changes the body temperature, it can be high, and then sharply decreased.
  7. Elderly lying patient can be lost in time.

Of course, the pain of loved ones from the ambulance loss of his native person is impossible, but to prepare and configure itself psychologically, yet real.

What does the drowsiness and weakness of a lying patient indicate?

When death is approaching, the underlying patient begins to sleep a lot, and the point is not that he feels great fatigue, but in the fact that such a person is just hard to wake up. The patient often be in a deep sleep, so the reaction is inhibited. This condition is close to coma. The manifestation of excessive weakness and drowsiness slows down naturally and some human physiological abilities, so in order to roll over from one side to another or go to the toilet, he will need help.

What changes occur in the respiratory function?

Relatives who care for the sick can notice how often his breathing sometimes will be replaced by damage. And over time, the breath of the patient can become wet and stagnant, because of this, with inhalation or exhale, wheezing will be heard. It arises from the fact that there is no liquid in the lungs, which is no longer deleted with the help of flipping.

Sometimes the patient helps the fact that it is turned over from one side to another, then the fluid can get out of his mouth. Some patients to alleviate the suffering is prescribed oxygen therapy, but it does not prolong life.

How do vision and rumor change?

The minute obstacle of the consciousness of heavy patients can be directly related to changes in vision and hearing. Often, this happens in their last weeks of life, for example, they cease to see well and hear or on the contrary, they hear things that besides them can hear.

The most common are visual hallucinations before the death itself, when a person seems to be someone calling him or he sees someone. Doctors, in this case, recommend agreeing with the dying, so that at least somehow cheer it up, should not deny what he sees or hears the patient, otherwise it can upset him greatly.

How does the appetite change?

At a lying patient, the process of metabolism may immediately undertake, it is for this reason that he ceases to want to eat and drink.

Naturally, to support the body, it should still be given to a patient at least some kind of nutritional food, so it is recommended to feed a person with small portions, while he himself is able to swallow. And when this ability is lost, there is no longer any droppers here.

What changes occur in the urinary bubble and intestines before death?

Signs of emergency death are directly related to the change in the work of the kidneys and intestines. The kidneys cease to produce urine, so it becomes dark brown, because the filtering process is disturbed. In a small amount of urine, a huge number of toxins can be applied to the entire organism.

Such changes may lead to a complete abandonment of the kidney, a person falls into anyone and after a while dies. Due to the fact that it decreases and appetite, changes occur in the intestine itself. The chair becomes solid, so constipation arises. The patient needs to facilitate the state, so relatives who care for him are recommended once every three days to put the patient to the enema or make sure that he takes a laxative on time.

How does the body temperature change?

If there is a patient in the house, signs before death can be the most diverse. Relatives may notice that the body temperature in humans is constantly changing. This is due to the fact that the brain section, which is responsible for thermoregulation, can function well.

At some point, the body temperature can rise to 39 degrees, but after half an hour it can significantly decrease. Naturally, in this case it will be necessary to give a patient from the antipyretic drugs, most often use "ibuprofen" or "aspirin". If the patient does not have a swallowing function, then you can put the antipyretic candles or make an injection.

Before death, the temperature instantly drops, hands and legs become cold, and the skin on these sites is covered with red spots.

Why does a person often change the mood before death?

A dying person, not aware of himself, gradually prepares himself to death. He has enough time to analyze all his life and draw conclusions about what was done correctly or wrong. The patient seems to be that everything he says is incorrectly expanded by his relatives and loved ones, so he begins to get into himself and ceases to communicate with others.

In many cases, the consciousness is obstacious, so a person can remember everything that happened to him for a long time in the smallest details, and that was an hour ago, he will no longer remember. It happens terribly when such a fortune comes to psychosis, in this case it is necessary to consult with a doctor who can prescribe soothing drugs to the patient.

How to help dying to alleviate physical pain?

A surplus patient after a stroke or a person who lost the capacity due to other disease, may experience severe pain. To somehow facilitate his suffering, it is necessary to use painful agents.

Anesthetic may prescribe a doctor. And if the patient has no problems with swallowing, then drugs can be in the form of tablets, and in other cases they will have to use injections.

If a person has a serious illness, which is accompanied by strong pain, then it will be necessary to use drugs that are released only by a doctor's prescription, for example, it can be "fentanyl", "codeine" or "morphine".

To date, there are many drugs that will be effective with pains, some of them are produced in the form of droplets that are dripped under the tongue, and sometimes significant assistance to the patient can even have a plaster. There is a category of people who are very careful about painful means, motivating that dependence may occur. In order not to have the addiction, as soon as a person begins to feel lighter, it is possible to stop taking the drug for a while.

Emotional stress that is experiencing dying

Changes with a person before death concern not only his physical health, but his psychological state also hurt. If a person is experiencing a small stress, then this is a normal phenomenon, but if stress is delayed for a long time, then most likely it is a deep depression that a person is being experienced before death. The fact is that everyone may have their own emotional experiences, and their own signs will appear before death.

The underlying patient will experience not only physical pain, but also spiritual, which is extremely negatively affecting its general condition and bring the moment of death.

But even if a person has a deadly disease, relatives must try to cure the depression of their native person. In this case, the doctor may appoint antidepressants or consultations with a psychologist. This is a natural process when a person falls into the despondency, knowing that he remained to live quite a bit in the world, so relatives must completely divert the patient from their sorrowful thoughts.

Additional symptoms before death

It should be noted that there are different signs before death. The underlying patient can feel those symptoms that are not defined by others. For example, some patients often complain about constant nausea and urge to vomiting, although their disease is not associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Such a process is easily explained by the fact that due to illness, the body becomes weaker and does not cope with the digestion of food, certain problems with the work of the stomach can occur.

In this case, relatives will need to seek help to a doctor who can write medicines that facilitate this condition. For example, with constant constipation, it will be possible to use a laxative, and with nauseous other effective drugs, which will dull this unpleasant feeling.

Naturally, no such drug will be able to save life and extend it indefinitely, but it is possible to alleviate the suffering of an expensive person, so it will not be wrong to take this chance.

How to take care of a dying relative?

To date, there are special treatments for lying patients. With the help of them, a person who carries for the sick, greatly facilitates his work. But the fact is that the dying requires not only physical care, but also much attention - he needs permanent conversations to distract from his sad thoughts, and only relatives and relatives can provide spiritual conversations.

The sick person must be absolutely calm, and extra stress will only bring the moments of his death. To facilitate the suffering of a relative, you need to seek help from qualified doctors who can prescribe all the necessary drugs to help overcome many unpleasant symptoms.

All the signs listed above are common, and it should be remembered that each person is individual, and therefore the body in different situations may behave differently. And if there is a lying sick in the house, he may be signs in front of death and at all unexpected for you, since it all depends on the disease and from the individuality of the body.

Signs of the death of an elderly person

The article will cause you twofold feelings. On the one hand - spiritual torment and suffering. And on the other, a clear understanding of what is still to survive. Of course, nothing will replace and will not muffle the pain of the loss of a loved one. After reading the note, you at least morally prepare for this.

What does the dying person feel?

Much changes on the verge of death. Both with fi ziological and emotional side. But, like all in our life individually, the offensive of death is also purely personal.

Similarly, it is impossible to predict or change. But there are similar symptoms, regardless of the preceding diseases that are experiencing all the elderly.

10 signs of approaching death

  1. Drowsiness and weakness in the body
  2. A person sees and hears the fact that others do not notice
  3. Weak, intermittent breathing
  4. Urine becomes dark red or brown
  5. Problems with stool
  6. Appetite disappears
  7. Body temperature ranges from too high to extremely low
  8. Mood and feelings change
  9. Feet swell
  10. Venous spots arise (especially on the feet of the feet)

Let's talk about each of the items more details.

Permanent drowsiness and weakness in the body

The wake period is reduced, the metabolism is slowed down. Flipping in a hibernation, the body is trying to protect against dehydration and fatigue. Therefore, an elderly person is constantly clone in sleep. At the same time, the sleep is deep, without any reaction. It's harder to wake up in the morning.

Do not wake a person. Let him sleep as much as its body requires. Moreover, even in a deep dream, he hears and remembers your words.

Visual and auditory hallucinations

To see and hear what others do not notice - quite a normal phenomenon in this situation. There is nothing mysterious or suspicious. In addition, hallucinations can concern organs of vision, smelling, tactile and taste feelings.

Breathing changes

It becomes intermittent, wet, noisy and stagnant. Increasingly stops. Warms are traced. To facilitate the suffering, doctors tend to recommend oxygen therapy.

Changing urine color and chairs

In the body of an elderly person, water is catastrophically lacking. Water balance is broken. Hence rare hiking to the toilet and kidney problems. As a result, urine becomes concentrated. Darkens and decreases in quantity.

Connected constipation to this. A person is harder to go to the toilet without additional stimulation.

Lack of appetite

As mentioned above, metabolic processes slow down. This is reflected and at wishes there. Rather, his absence. I want to drink less and less. Food is hard to swallow. To quench thirst, you can moist the mouth with a damp cloth. But in no case are not attempting to feed forcibly. Nothing good will not come from it.

Temperature changes

A rather common sign of death approach. So, during the day, the body temperature may vary from too high to critically low.

This is due to a violation of the work of the brain area responsible for thermoregulation. Hence, hands and feet flaw. The skin changes the shade.

Wipe the body with a cool or warm towel, you will facilitate suffering. Or, as an alternative, you can give one of the following medicines:

If the pills hurt painfully, take them in the form of rectal suppository.

Uncontrolled emotions

Along with physical changes, quite frequent phenomenon and mood change. Some completely go to ourselves, avoid communicating with loved ones. Others, on the contrary, are immersed in warm and pleasant memories. Describe them with accuracy to the smallest detail. But ask about recent events, and they will not be able to answer you.

There are those who communicate with the dead people.

In some cases, emotional changes reach psychosis.

Edema foot

A similar symptom caused by poor kidney work. Instead of removing the liquid, they accumulate it in the body. As a rule, in the field of legs.

Venous spots on the body

On the body of the dying, especially on the feet of legs, venous spots of a red or blue shade appear. It is caused by a slow blood circulation.

And in conclusion

Haw it would not be difficult to remember, the elderly man on the verge of death is even more difficult, in every sense. Pull yourself together! You can not change what does not depend on you. But you can surround a native person with care, love and home heat.

Healthy aging

If you are dying or caring for a dying person, you may have questions about how the dying process in physical and emotional will occur. The following information will help you answer some questions.

Signs of approaching death

The process of dying is also varied (individual) as the process of birth. It is impossible to predict the exact time of death, and how exactly the person will die. But people who stand on the threshold of death are experiencing many similar symptoms, regardless of the type of disease.

With the approach of death, a person may experience some physical and emotional changes, such as:

A dying person may experience other symptoms depending on the disease. Talk to your doctor about what you should expect. You can also contact the help program hopelessly sick, where you will answer all questions about the dying process. The more you and your loved ones will know, the more you will be prepared for this moment.

With the approach of death, a person sleeps more, and wake up becoming increasingly harder. Waking periods are becoming increasingly short.

With the approach of death, people who take care of you will notice that you have no reaction, and that you are in a very deep dream. This condition is called a room. If you are in a coma, then you will be tied to bed, and all your physiological needs (swimming, turning, nutrition and urination) will have to be monitored by someone else.

The general weakness is a very common phenomenon with the approach of death. This is normal when a person needs help when walking, bathing and visiting the toilet. Over time, you may need help to roll over in bed. Medical equipment, such as wheelchairs, walkers or hospital beds can be very helpful during this period. This equipment can be rented in the hospital or in the center of help hopelessly sick.

With the approach of death, frequent breathing periods can be replaced by periods of damage.

Your breathing can become wet and stagnant. This is called a "suicide wheezing". Changes in breathing usually happen when you have weakened, and normal allocations from your respiratory tracts and lungs cannot go out.

Although noisy breathing can be a signal for your relatives, you will probably not feel pain and notice stagnation. Since the liquid is deep in the lungs, it is difficult to remove it from there. Your doctor may prescribe oral tablets (atropynes) or Patchi (Skopolamine) to reduce stagnation.

Your loved ones can turn you on the other side so that the allocations come out from the mouth. They can also wipe these seals with a damp cloth or special tampons (can be asked to the center of help hopelessly patients or buy in pharmacies).

Your doctor may prescribe oxygen therapy to facilitate your shortness of breath. Oxygen therapy will improve your well-being, but will not extend life.

The worsenness of vision is very common in the last weeks of life. You may notice that they have become bad to see. You can see or hear things that no one notices (hallucinations) besides you. Visual hallucinations - a common phenomenon before death.

If you take care of a dying person who sees hallucinations, it needs to be encouraged. Admit what a man sees. The denial of hallucinations can upset the dying person. Talk to a person, even if he or she in a coma. It is known that dying people can hear even when they are in deep coma. People who came out of the coma said they could hear all the time while they were in a coma.

Hallucinations are the perception of something that is not really no. Hallucinations can concern all feelings: hearing, vision, smell, taste or touch.

The most common hallucinations are visual and auditory. For example, a person can hear voices or see objects that another person does not see.

Other types of hallucinations include flavors, olfactory and tactile.

The treatment of hallucinations depends on their cause.

With the approach of death, you are likely to eat less and drink. This is due to the overall sense of weakness and slowdown metabolism.

Since food is important social importance, your relatives and friends will be difficult to observe how you do not eat anything. However, changes in metabolism mean that you do not need the same amount of food and fluid as before.

You can use small portions of food and liquid while you are active and able to swallow. If swallowing is a problem for you, you can thirst to prevent, moisturizing your mouth with a damp cloth or a special tampon (you can buy in a pharmacy) dipped in water.

Often the kidneys with the approach of death gradually stop producing urine. As a result, your urine becomes dark brown or dark red. This is due to the inability of the kidneys as the urine should be filtered. As a result, urine becomes very concentrated. Also, its number decreases.

Since appetite decreases, some changes also occur in the intestine. The chair becomes more solid and difficult to (confilation), as a person takes less fluid and becomes weaker.

You must provide a doctor if intestinal empties come from you less often than once every three days, or empties give you discomfort. Medicines for softening the stool can be recommended to prevent confrontation. You can also use an intestine cleaning enema.

Since you are becoming more weak, it is natural that you are hard to control the bladder and intestines. In your bladder can place the urinary catheter as a means of long-term urine drainage. Also, the help program is hopelessly sick can provide toilet paper or underwear (they can also be purchased at the pharmacy).

With the approach of death, the brain section, responsible for the regulation of body temperature, begins to function well. You can have a high temperature, and after a minute it will be cold. Your hands and legs can be very cold to the touch and even pale and get stained. Changes color skin are called spotted leather lesions, and they are very common in recent days or hours of life.

The person who cares about you can control your temperature, wiping the skin wet, slightly warm cloth or giving you such medicines:

Many of these drugs are available in the form of rectal suppository, if it is difficult to swallow.

As well as your body is physically prepared for death, you should also prepare for it emotionally and mentally.

With the approach of death, you can lose interest in the world and separate items of everyday life, such as date or time. You can close in yourself and communicate less with people. You may want to communicate with only multiple people. Such self-analysis can be a way of defining with everything you knew.

A few days before death, you can enter the state of unique conscious awareness and communication, which may be incorrectly interpreted by your relatives and friends. You can talk about what you need to go somewhere - "go home" or "go somewhere." The value of such conversations is unknown, but some people think that such conversations help prepare for death.

Events from your recent past can shiver with distant events. You can remember very long-standing events in the slightest details, but do not remember what happened an hour ago.

You can think about people who have already died. You can say that they heard or saw someone who has already died. Your loved ones can hear you talking to a deceased person.

If you take care of a dying person, you can upset or scare such a strange behavior. You may want to return your loved one to reality. If such communication prevents you from you, talk to your doctor in order to better understand what is happening. Your close person can fall into a state of psychosis, and maybe you will be scared to watch it. Psychosis happens to many people before death. It can have one reason or be the result of several factors. Causes may include:

Symptoms may include:

Sometimes white hot can be prevented using alternative medicine, such as relaxation and respiration techniques, and other methods that reduce the need for sedative preparations.

Palliative treatment can help you facilitate physical symptoms associated with your disease, such as nausea or difficulty breathing. Control over pain and other symptoms is an important part of your treatment and improving the quality of your life.

How often a person feels pain depends on his disease. Some deadly diseases such as bone cancer or pancreatic cancer may be accompanied by severe physical pain.

A person may be so afraid of pain and other physical symptoms that he can think about suicide with the assistance of a doctor. But with death pain can be effectively fighting. You must inform your doctor and loved about any pain. There are many drugs and alternative methods (for example, massage) that will help you cope with death pain. Understand the help. Ask a loved one to inform the doctor about your pain if you yourself are not able to do it.

You may want your family to see your suffering. But it is very important to inform them about your pain if you can't endure her so that they immediately appeal to the doctor.

Spirituality means awareness of the human goal and the meaning of his life. It also means a human relationship with the highest forces or energy that gives life a value.

Some people do not often think about spirituality. For others, this is part of everyday life. Approaching the end of life, you may encounter your own spiritual issues and problems. Communication with religion often helps some people achieve comfort before death. Other people find calm in nature, in social work, strengthening relationships with close or creating new relationships. Think about what can give you peace and support. What questions you are worried? Contact friends, relatives, in relevant programs and to spiritual mentors.

Caring for a dying relative

Suicide with the assistance of the doctor means practicing when doctors help a person who voluntarily wants to leave life. This is usually done with the assignment of the death dose of medicines. Although the doctor is in an indirect way to participate in the death of a person, he is not its direct cause. At the moment, Oregon is the only state that suicide legalized with the assistance of a doctor.

A man with a fatal disease can think about suicide with the assistance of a doctor. Among the factors that can cause such a solution are severe pain, depression and fear of dependence on other people. A dying person can consider himself a rider for his loved ones and not understand that his relatives want to give him their help, as an expression of love and sympathy.

Often a man with a fatal disease thinks about suicide with the assistance of a doctor when his physical or emotional symptoms do not receive effective treatment. Symptoms associated with the process of dying (such as pain, depression or nausea) can be monitored. Talk to your doctor and family about your symptoms, especially if these symptoms are so preventing you what you think about death.

Control over pain and symptoms at the end of life

At the end of life, you can effectively cope with pain and other symptoms. Talk to your doctor and close people about the symptoms you are experiencing. The family is an important binding between you and your doctor. If you yourself can not communicate with your doctor, it can make your loved one for you. You can always somehow facilitate your pain and symptoms so that you feel comfortable.

There are many painful preparations. Your doctor will choose the easiest and atraumatic drug to relieve pain. Oral preparations are usually used first, since they are easier to accept them less expensive. If you do not have acute pain, painful drugs can be bought without a doctor's prescription. These are drugs such as acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory therapy (NSAIDS), such as aspirin or ibuprofen. It is important to "fasten" your pain and take medicines according to the schedule. The irregular use of drugs is often the cause of ineffective treatment.

Sometimes pain cannot be controlled by drugs that are issued without a recipe. In this case, more efficient forms of treatment are needed. The doctor may prescribe such painting drugs such as codeine, morphine or fentanyl. These drugs can be combined with others, for example with antidepressants, which will help you get rid of pain.

If you cannot take tablets, there are other forms of treatment. If you have problems with swallowing, you can use liquid medicines. Also drugs can be in the form:

Many people who suffer from strong pain are afraid that they will have a dependence on painful drugs. However, dependence rarely arises from hopelessly sick people. If your condition is improving, you can slowly stop taking the medicine so that the dependence does not develop.

You can use painheal, which cope with pain and help maintain it on the tolerable level. But sometimes painful drugs cause drowsiness. You can only take a small amount of medication and to endure a little pain in order to remain active. On the other hand, weakness may not have much importance for you and you do not prevent the drowsiness caused by some medicines.

The main thing is to take medicines for a specific schedule, and not only when "need the need." But even regularly taking medicines, sometimes you can feel strong pain. This is called "pain breakthroughs." Talk to your doctor, what drugs should always be at hand to cope with the "pain breakthroughs". And always inform the doctor if you stop taking the medicine. Sudden cessation can cause serious side effects and severe pain. Talk to your doctor about the methods of thickening pain without the use of drugs. Alternative medical therapy can help some people relax and get rid of pain. You can combine traditional treatment with alternative methods, such as:

For more information, see section Chronic pain

In the period when you learn to cope with your illness, short emotional stress is a normal phenomenon. Not depression, which lasts more than 2 weeks, is no longer normal, and it should be informed about her doctor. Depression can be cured, even if you have a deadly disease. Antidepressants in combination with the consultations of the psychologist will help you cope with emotional experiences.

Talk to your doctor and family about your emotional stress. Despite the fact that the feeling of grief is the natural part of the dying process, it does not mean that you must endure a serious emotional pain. Emotional suffering can strengthen physical pain. They can also reflect badly on your relationship with loved ones and do not give you as you should say goodbye to them.

With the approach of death, you can experience other symptoms. Talk to your doctor about what kind of symptoms can appear. With such symptoms, like nausea, fatigue, constipation or shortness of breath can be cope with medicines, special diets and oxygen therapy. Let your friend or family member describe all your symptoms of the doctor or employee of the help program of hopelessly sick. It is useful to keep the log and record all your symptoms there.

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Signs about death - as a rule, one of the most faithful. They absorbed popular wisdom for many centuries. Know these signs are useful to, for example, to properly hold the funeral or behave on them.

Signs foreshadowing

Put the bird in the house - to the death of someone from households. - In the people it is customary to think that birds are the embodiment of the souls of the dead. That is why they feed the crumbs, bring food for them to the graves, etc.

The belief is connected with this and faith in the birds flushed into the house: the soul flew to warn the family about the closest death of someone from home.

At the same time, there is a completely different belief: the pigeon who flew into the girl's room (as they used to say: in her spotter), - to the wedding. The interpretation of this belief is rooted in biblical legends, in particular in the legend of the pigeon and the Virgin Mary.

Warpell of the Wit is dropped - someone in the family will die. - This sign about death is explained by the fact that earlier the coffin (home) was hollowed out of a solid large barrel, logs. From here, according to a purely appearance, and sign: the woodpecker hollow out home.

Raven Karkayets on the church - to the dead man on the village; Frames on the hut - to the dead man in the yard. The buzz in the pipe is the soul of the deceased. Icon will fall - to the dead man.

Mice clothes gnaw - to the death of the owner of the clothes. - The mystical meaning of the belief: if the clothes were walked, she would no longer need a person, perhaps this is a sign: it will die soon. As for the mouse, it is not accidentally mentioned.

According to the legend, the mouse was cursed for giving a hole in a noah ark and thus almost destroyed all the living. Consequently, if the mouse nibbles - lime plots.

Leave the spring on the field is a bad piece - to the dead man. - Since every block of land tried to use the most intensive, because the mouths in the family had a lot, then not to sing a piece-meant to leave one mouth without bread, that is, to do anyone to hungry death. In the household sense, the belief required a careful attitude towards the Earth under the threat of death of someone from loved ones.

Pillow on the table put - to the death of a loved one. - on the table in the old days lay the womb dead man. Under the head he put a pillow. So the relationship in this case is direct and believed makes sense mystical.

The garden bloats late - to the death of the owner. - This sign about death is explained by the fact that even about the winter or late bloom of plants: the late bloom threatens death - and it is symbolically transferred to the owner.

The dog in the ground is how to the dead man, in the sky - to the fire. - As for the fire, it is difficult to explain quite difficult - unless if something is burning. Then the dog raises his head as high as her barking was good and far to hear - as alarm.

As for the dead man - really so. The horse and the dog will predict death in the house (when it comes to natural, natural death, and not violent, sudden).

This is probably due to their developed sense of smell. The human body for short time to death functions: it slows down the metabolism, the energy decreases, the smell is changed, and so on.

Many doctors and those who have watched the patients and dying people on duty, they themselves learned to almost accurately determine whether a person will live or not.

The dog is in the land, it is not because there will be a delay in the dead, but because the smell of the earth interrupts the one captured by it, which scares it. Warning it is quietly and complaints (in contrast to the war "in the sky"), rather - sculits.

See the falling star - to the early death of his or loved one. - This sign about death is explained by the fact that on one of the ancient legends, at the birth of a baby in the sky the star is lit and shines until the person is alive, and with death it falls and goes out. Despite the poetry of signs, it does not have a real basis.

In the old house, new windows chop to the dead man. - Explanation of this challenges about death exactly the same as with a broken log: Since the coffin was carried out through the window, it means to chop a new window - prepare for the demolition of the coffin.

You can not sit on the table - it is to the death of close. - The table has extremely many functions. One of them lies in the fact that after the kneading the dead man on the table.

The whole of a person's life was connected with the table (they ate after him, decisions made decisions, etc.), and the last day the person also spends on the table. After the coffin is removing, everyone immediately should sit down or on the shop on which he stood, or on the table - to give to understand the dead man that the place is busy, do not come back more. From this custom and grown belief.

Dreams to death

If you dreamed that the tooth fell to the death of a loved one. If the tooth fell with blood, the blood relative will die. - This is one of the most common and most vital superstitions.

It is built on the comparison of teeth with family, and blood - with blood relations. Similar superstition is connected with a donated broken broom.

Earth and fresh boards in a dream saw - someone will be burying soon. - This is clearly visible simple associative series: the grave, dug in the ground, and the coffin, incomparable from fresh boards.

Tell in a dream in a dream, out of the wall, - to the dead man.

Root signs go to those times when the dead ended from the house not through the door, but through the window or even through a hole-cut hole in the wall, which was then close to the soul of the deceased calmly leaving the world, not attracting expensive back.

Since then, the custom has been preserved to endure the deceased from home with his legs forward so that he knew where he was carried, but did not remember where. At the same time, a broken log, like a fallen tooth, symbolizes the removal of someone from the family.

Miscelred that Sorrow from the loin is a meteur - to the dead man in the house. - This sign about death is explained by the fact that the garbage in the folk consciousness is associated with the souls of the dead, oddly enough. And yet - with the concept of his holistic, home world, from which some part takes place when nothing.

It was not particularly recommended to sweep the garbage directly to the courtyard (outside) through the threshold. Another thing is to sleep in a bunch in the hut, and then burn. At the same time, the debris are connected and diametrically opposite signs that prohibit it to burn.

In any case, revenge garbage from the hut through the threshold is a forbidden action that adversely characterizes the hostess. Hence the figurative meaning: "Do not take out litter from hut", that is, do not talk about what is happening in the family, do not make it the property of everyone.

Signs about death associated with the funeral

If the clock did not stop themselves in a minute of the death of a person, they must be stopped. - Each person was given his life time on earth, the clock only count it. Living lifetime is a circle (like the Sun, symbolizing life; as the moon-one of the souls of the dead; like damn; dial- like the path endowed with clock arrows).

When a person finishes his circle of life, the watches themselves must stop. If this does not happen (and most often does not happen), then the arrows stop home - from respect to the one who has departed in the world: unnaturally, the clock continue to count the life after it stopped.

When someone in the family dies, the mirrors in the house are hung, it is impossible to look at them. -Merkalo-one of the most sacred objects, the border between the real and other worlds. It is believed that everyone who reflected in the mirror continue to live there.

If you do not close the mirror, then the soul of the deceased can get lost in it (since it is not reflected and not reflected) and then all the time will return to the house. And the deceased because of this can become a vampire.

The deceased in the coffin must be putting a headdress and in general everything he needs or what he loved. If this was not done on time, then you need to bury on the grave at any time or disassemble.

The coffin is more than the dead man - to another dead man. - Since the coffin was associated with the house and was considered as such for the deceased, then an unnecessary place in it imposed on the idea of \u200b\u200bhis actual purpose for another person.

If a good funeral on the day, a bright day - the dead man who died a good man. - This sign about death - the echo of the pre-Christian religion, the deification of the Sun, sunlight. It is unlikely that it has at least some reason.

At the funeral of unmarried girls, you need to give out gifts. - In this case, one of the wedding rites is aligned with the funeral. For the same reason, often girls bury in a wedding dress, as they did not have time to marry this light.

Do not go the road before the coffin. Mystical meaning of this signs about death: Going the road of the funeral procession, to accept the disease from which the deceased. To intimidate children (so that they do not run at this time along the road) often say that if the coffin is moving, then the hump will grow (the gloomy game of words).

Both "signs" about death are in the people rather in purely ethical considerations: the funeral procession should be respectful, do not interfere with people worthy of committing the ceremony of the deceased wires.

While the dead man in the house, on the window it is necessary to keep a cup with water. - This sign about death is explained by the fact that the soul of the deceased by believing flies through the window, and she, too, before going to the light, you need to wash. This water is called - "on the knead of the soul."

Before the coffin in the grave, omit, it is necessary to throw a coin there. - This is done according to an old belief: the deceased on that light it is necessary to redeem itself, otherwise it will be wandering the unwanted. Sometimes the goal is put money and in the coffin.

Six weeks after death passed - the time of the ladder from the dough oven. - It is believed that up to six weeks of the soul of the deceased is on earth, and after this period goes to the sky (spiritual; by the way, in religious literature, the spiritual sky is written with a capital letter). To help her climb, and bake symbolic ladies.

People have always sought to comprehend the foregoing and hidden for our understanding, look for the cover of being by trusting dreams, predictions, clairvunion. Wisdom People is in the ability to notice, memorize, analyze, compare. By note and commemorate, the legacy of the preceding generations.

Signs that are predictors of death tested by many generations, unfortunately come true:

Belogruda Pigeon, whipped into the house or knocked out the window - foreshadows the death of a native person. The number of birds will predict the number of deaths.

March 10, the Day of Holy Taracia is noted, if the door with the loops come to this day, to be a misfortune, the deceased door challenged.

Icons are a guard home and people in it. There will be a dead man if the icon makes crackling or falling hanging, and the cracked icon misfortune of the whole family.

A nominal tree - planted in honor of a certain person, will be a harbinger of his life, a buoyan flowering, a magnificent tree - a healthy and prosperous life, dried krone - to a long and longer disease, and drying the roots is death.

Insect invasions - it is unknown from where insects in a well-kept home or lice appear in family members, harbing trouble or death.

There are signs that will help prevent misfortune if you follow the instructions:

Never try to try clothes purchased for the dead man, go followed by him.

Do not take measurement with yourself for the coffin, graves, clothes, even if you are one set with the dead man.

Never place a photo of a living person in a coffin.

Do not chop your head lizard, will carry out for a forty days.

Do not chop firewood in the fingerprint of a trace of a pregnant woman - a dead child will be born.

Do not breed the fire in the boat - people in it will take away from life for three years.

If some of the guests die during the wedding, then fun and dancing should be canceled, the dead man takes all the fun.

If the father came to the dying person, output cats and dogs from the room, otherwise the patient will be painfully and die for a long time.

Do not land the cherry near the house, cut the roots, under the structure, brought trouble and death on all the inhabitants.

We do not see the angels, but we don't see them about help in a difficult moment, we do not see God, but we feel his support in everything. Unfortunately, everything described above comes true, but or not, your right. Do not think about death, as oblivion, is a temporary sleep, just a long separation before the meeting.


  • #1

In everyday bustle, it is easy to not notice the signs that fate sends us. It is not always possible to interpret them correctly. For a rumor, many common signs about salt and a black cat, but superstitions there is much more. The most terrible beliefs are associated with tragic events and death.

Harbingers of emergency death

Esoterica argue that a person unconsciously begins to prepare for his death. He often says phrases: "If something happens to me ...", "When I won't ...", etc. His behavior can resemble suicidal, but the person does not die in his own will, but because of the tragic chance. Only after time, relatives and closest deceased begin to compare the changes in its character and death.

Very often, information about imminent death comes in a dream. It is believed that the faithful signs of trouble serve dreams in which a person sees:

  • dropped tooth with blood (to the death of a blood relative),
  • himself standing in muddy stale water
  • fall into a pit or well (to his own death),
  • digging pit (to the funeral of a loved one),
  • setting sun,
  • self-freeing sieves from home,
  • own wedding (in combination with other signs),
  • yourself in a new house (to your own death).

The right sense of the ambulance is considered to be a dream in which the late relatives or friends appear who are called to go with them. If the dreams goes after the deceased, he himself will soon be in a different world. If a person does not succumb to persuasion, it is waiting for trouble or severe illness, but in the end he will survive.

Folk signs predicting death

A faithful to the death of someone from the household is considered to be flushed into the window. According to the folk belief of trouble can be avoided. For this, the bird needs to catch, feed and release into the same window.

People sensitive to other energies pay attention to the phenomena occurring at home:

  • at night, you can hear sighs of the house or crying,
  • after sunset, the flooring and furniture begin to creak,
  • i woke up in the fall or winter fly foreshadows the death of a person living in this house,
  • hibiscus (Chinese Rose), which bloomed ahead of time, predicts the death of one of the family members,
  • the mirror fell and crashed into smits - unfortunately or death,
  • a spider who fell on his head foreshadows a protracted disease or death of a person,
  • a bad sign is considered the frequent appearance of the raven near the house.

In some cases, a person himself can attach a misfortune, for example, without observing the rules of behavior in the cemetery during the funeral. Among the "household" superstitions also have warnings about what cannot be done:

  • Dangerous is the leap year. The one who will collect mushrooms during this period risks basting trouble to all his family.
  • Another sign is associated with the purchase of "mortal" in a leap year. The one who gets clothes for the funeral at this time brings to his death.
  • It is impossible to plant a baby near the house. If she stops roots under the house, then everyone who lives in the structure will die.
  • Who himself landed in his court willopy, prophesies death to himself. When the tree is strengthened, a misfortune will happen to the master of the site.

Many hundred years of death are observed after death. Despite the ban of the Church, many try to perform peculiar rituals to protect themselves and enable the soul of the deceased calmly go to the future way.

Wires in the last path from ancient times are accompanied by certain actions. Many rituals are aimed at ensuring that the soul of the deceased is unhindered to the afterlife and did not affect living. Heavy energy death entails many sadness. If it is irreversible, it can carry a destructive power of the disease and misfortunes. That is why there are many accepts that help protect themselves and properly carry out a person on the last path.


It is believed that the dead man in the house should not be alone. According to the Christian custom, a relative, reading prayers, in order to remain the soul, who left the body, ascended to heaven. The folk sign says that a person must observe and the deceased himself. He can open his eyes, and one who falls under this look is doomed to a serious illness. The one who is near, needs to follow this and in time to lower the eyelids late.

The widespread mirrors serve as a common. The mirror surface has a magical strength and is able to attract the soul of the dead. For forty days, you should keep the mirrors in the whole house closed and enable the spirit to go into the world of the ground, not the mirror. While finding the dead man in the house should not be found in the mirror. The thin line between the worlds weakens, and to someone who reflects on the surface of the mirror, threatens troubles.

The chairs on which the coffin stood, after its removal, turn over the legs up and put in the opposite position only after the burial. This admission is associated with the fact that the spirit of the deceased, not realizing his death, can return to its last stay and deliver a lot of trouble to relatives living in the house.

Also, after the tomb of the coffin hire a person who has no related ties with the departed. He washes the floors from the longest room to the threshold, placing the negative energy of death and preventing new diseases and deaths. Items with which cleaning was cleaned, it is worth throwing out.

During the end of the deceased from the house, no one should sleep. Also you can not fall asleep during the night voyage at the coffin. Not every soul is able to immediately realize that its earthly path is complete, and can easily affect the sleeping person, damping his life energy.

You can hide the deceased with the help of bread and salt laid in the coffin. This is a kind of rite of sputter so that the family is no longer tragic loss. Also in the coffin put personal items: glasses, lenses, dentures, razor. Personal things must follow the owner, and not stay in a house with live people. They carry energy energy and are able to cause harm to a person who will solve them to take advantage.

In no case cannot be left in the coffin photos of living people, because the living and dead energies are not compatible in their essence. In order not to attract illness and death on yourself, remove the photo of the living from the room where the coffin is located, or turn them down to the late lacquer to do not grab them with you.

Signals on the street and in the cemetery

Our grandparents are not for nothing forbid to stare on other people's funeral rites and look out on the window this is a tragic action. The sign says that the spirit of the deceased at this time is in the coffin or next to him, and such an impolite examination can pour out even the most peaceful in person. The angry soul can not only bring the disease, but also grab a curious zooaku. Children should be removed from such processes and not allow for the funeral, because their energy is too weak.

When meeting the funeral procession, give them the road and take your eyes. Space yourself with a congestion or say: "Chur me." The deceasement of death is very stupid and reckless occupation.

When choosing a place in the cemetery, it is worth remembering that a big fence attracts even more deaths, so the extensive area is better to delimit. The grave, dumped not under the size of the coffin, but much big, is also a bad admission that foreshadows new deaths.

Take the coffin only someone else's people. Relatives must remember that their deceased voluntarily or unwittingly can energy the relatives of the souls, and maximize themselves at the time of the last wires. Pregnant women to the procession are not allowed. It is believed that they are associated with a different world, and the energy of the life has not yet been born attracts new spirits, which can take possession of a rapid vessel for further stay on Earth.

The coffin lid is glittered only in the cemetery. Kernight is preferably before lunch, so that the deadman will not languish in anticipation of the Heavenly Court and could safely go to the afterlife.

The tragic moment of human wires on the last path is always stress. Related biofield requires recovery. In order not to attach the evil eye or damage, use protecting amulets. We wish you only joyful events in life, and do not forget to click on the buttons and