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What does the word perfectionism mean. Perfectionists - who are they: robots or gods? What is perfectionism and what is his manifestation in society

From a long time, foreign words are borrowed in Russia, the meaning of which is sometimes understood by everything. So it happened with the word "perfectionism".

The history of the emergence of the term "Perfectionism"

This word was borrowed from English"Perfection", which means "perfection", "ideal". Used to determine the settings that make a citizen constantly strive to unattainable perfection.
Some people have "Perfectionism" sometimes takes so much distorted forms that a citizen is ill-suffering like a paradise treats any mistake or inaccuracy so bad that it is better not to give his work at all than it will show it unfounded.

Who are such "perfectionists"

For perfectioniststhere is a special character trait, the so-called "procrastination". These people can postpone the most of their work, waiting for one of them known inspiration, or the special state of the soul, when it is possible to create and create things filled with harmony and perfection. The perfectionist will feel an alarm, but in some neglected state even Panic attacks for what will be the result of his work. Therefore, such individuals often arise to procrastination, that is, in simple words, the desire to delay the moment of starting work, which may not be perfect.
Perfectionist in the hard stage hates what he wants to make perfect work.

There is a "Perfectionism" and in everyday life. Anyone can find among their familiar women who are simply sick of the order in their housing. Single ladies can not calmly go to bed, if the dishes do not wash the dishes, or the dust will not be cut off on the shelf.
Remember your school years, you probably met girls who sobbed from the fourth in their diary.
Bulimics and anorexics, as a rule, suffer from the strongest form of perfectionism, which is why they so strictly belong to their appearance.

With all that, at the same time, such a fading girl absolutely not carefully in his apartment, as a rule, it is absolutely not interested in it. Her "Bzik" is her appearance, the rest of the bumps. There is a special feature to draw all his attention on the assessments without paying attention to appearance.
That is, "perfectionism" almost never affects all areas of activity, it is always inclined to concentrate only on meaningful things for a particular individual.

Good day, dear readers of my blog! Recently, the word perfectionist often began to appear in everyday life and many are wondering - who is it? Today I will disclose the definition of this word in detail and tell about the positive and negative features of this type of personality. In the article, you will also see several photos, which illustrate the figuratively speaking of "hell" and "paradise" for a perfectiowist.

The word perfectionist comes from English Perfect, which means perfection. But since the perfect people do not happen, then the perfectionists just aspire to this.

Perfectionism can be both an adequate feature feature and a deviation from the norm, in this case it is an unrecognized form. In the book of Tala Ben-Shahara "Paradox of Perfectionist" these types are called adaptive and disadaptive perfectionism.

There are several types of perfectionism:

  • aimed at himself: the desire to be perfect;
  • directed on others: high demands for others;
  • aimed at the world: the conviction is that the world must comply with certain rules and laws.

Some believe that a perfectionist and idealist is synonyms, but these concepts from different areas and between them are not so much in common.

On the Internet there are many photos on the topic "Paradise and Hell for Perfectionist." Here I picked up the most vivid examples. Perhaps this name is somewhat exaggerated, but the share of truth in this, of course, is.

In the pictures "Paradise Perfectionist" everything is neat and harmonious. Each item is in its place, everything must match in shape, size and color.

If an ordinary person will look at the photographs of "hell of perfectionist", then he will not notice anything, well, or some kind of obvious disharmony will slightly cut the eye. But for perfectionist, this is really a real nightmare.

The reasons for the appearance of perfectionism

Perfectionism develops from early childhood. If the parents show love and praise to the child only during his success, then most likely he will grow by a perfectionist. At school, such children are afraid to get a bad assessment, as this can cause parental disapproval. Sometimes even the Four can arrange horror in them, so perfectionism is often called "excellent syndrome".

As a rule, men are stronger at risk of becoming a perfectionist, since since childhood they have high hopes for them. A man is the future head of the family, which means it is responsible for his wife and children. Therefore, from the very childhood, the strong floor becomes demanding in relation to himself and others.

But sometimes women are caught on their fragile shoulders with no smelter and try to be perfect in all spheres of life: in the family, career, appearance, etc. Often this happens due to films and magazines. After watching beautiful images, a woman has a dream in everything to fit these ideals. But in real life, unlike television screens, it is impossible to be impeccable throughout.

Personal qualities perfectionists

Like any type of personality, Perfectionists have their own positive and negative sides. The following most common features are distinguished:

  • the desire to do everything perfectly;
  • scarpulosis;
  • increased attention to trifles;
  • painful perception of criticism;
  • overestimated requirements for yourself and other

Positive traits

The main positive feature of the perfectionist is hard work and work on oneself. Such people are painstaking up their skills in the selected area and do not stop until the best results reach.

Many famous people achieved success precisely thanks to this quality. For example, Steve Jobs. He demanded about his employees and the quality of work performed. According to his instructions, even hidden chips attached an aesthetic appearance. Also, the lion of Tolstoy, Nietzsche, Kant, Alexander Macedon, etc. can also be attributed to this list.

Perfectionists are good workers. If you instructed him a task, you can be sure that it will be performed qualitatively. But it is not worthy to give him such work that needs to be done urgently, since due to excessive care, the execution can delay for a long time.

Perfectionists are neat and clean. Their work desk is always perfectly removed, you will not see creative chaos on it, like many workers. In their house there is always a flawless order, everything is on their places and laid down on the shelves.

Negative qualities

Very hard perfectionists fall in family life. In their subconscious, there is an inaccessible ideal of the family, and if suddenly something does not correspond to this image, then attempts begin to remake their households. Problems begin here, because there are practically no reason to re-educate people, they will comprehend disappointment and irritability.

Another negative impact of perfectionism is the fear of can't cope with the work or make it not qualitatively. The person who took possession of such fear is called a procrastinator. Life credo of such people: "or all - or nothing." As a rule, progastinators perfectionists do not even start work, if they know that they will not be able to make it flawlessly.

Because of the constant desire to achieve the highest success, such people cease to enjoy even good results. All the time it seems to be even better to do. This causes emotional exhaustion and often leads to stress and depression.

How to stop being a perfectionist

People whose life overshadows excessive perfectionism, is interested in the question: how to become less demanding for yourself and to others? At this expense, psychologists give the following recommendations:

  1. Arrange priorities. It should be understood that it is impossible to succeed in all areas. Choose the most important goals, and do not waste your nerves and forces on secondary things.
  2. Learn to enjoy any results. In the world there is not only black and white (success or failure), but also intermediate tones. Even if the result does not meet your expectations, you can simply rejoice in useful experience.
  3. Even if you are still far from the perfect image or your loved ones do not meet the entrusted expectations, everyone has good qualities and successes, even if small. You do not need to concentrate only on the negative, do not forget to celebrate when you see something good.
  4. Often resting. Perfectionists are subject to overvoltage and exhaustion, as they work and work on themselves almost without interruption. Highlight at least 1 day a week you dedicate to rest. Cammate meditation or yoga to remove the nervous tension.

Probably everyone could learn in this description of someone from their acquaintances, or perhaps you yourself are a perfectionist. I hope from this article you were able to learn something useful for myself, then add it to our social networks and share with friends. Sincerely, Ruslan Zvirkun.

The desire to all begun to bring to the perfect finals - a feature, worthy of respect. A certain category of people is striving for this, despite the circumstances, the possibilities and desires of others. Perfectionists are excellent performers and strict chiefs. They often achieve success or, on the contrary, undermine their health in pursuit of the result.

Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy, famous for the works of "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", became famous for a modest and responsive landowner, a hardworking writer and kinderlike man. But not everyone knows that his spouse rewritten Roman-epic in the "Castovik" 12 times, sorry that her husband is not an ordinary aristocrat.

Steve Jobs, Nietzsche, Alexander Macedonsky - today they know them as unique masters of their case, but about problems in communicating with them only mention in psychology textbooks. And all because the type of personality is perfectionist - ambiguous.

Perfectionist is a person who exposes itself to great torment, and even more tormented by others.
Osho (Bhagwan Sri Rajnish). Love. Freedom. Loneliness

Signs of perfectionist

Perfectionist is a person who seeks everything and always bring to perfection - so that everything is in its places, actions have always been perfectly correct and faithful.

Perfectionism has its advantages and its cons.

Is it bad when you want to have a perfectly suitable dress for you to look gorgeous? But is it normal that the search for dresses in stores and in the Internet has been taken for two months and continues until now, and there are no dresses in the closet? Sister during this time I already bought and wears a few dresses, and you always do not suit you.

That color did not come up, the belt is not like that, then the fabric is taking, then the size is small, etc. You even missed your girlfriend's birthday due to lack of dress. And it's just a dress. What is already talking about work. Each task you take away a lot of time. Already the time of delivery presses, and you all rework and rework.

Signs of Perfectionist idealist

If the things are not sorted in your closet or the length of the sleeve, it does not mean that the perfectionist inclinations are not inherent. They can live in you, affect your life and contribute to the development of restraining complexes.

Check if any of these habits are not peculiar to you:

Perfectionists, or people with "excellent syndrome", try to do everything better.

On the one hand, the medal is a positive characteristic, since such personalities are perfectly mastered by skills and promote the development of science and art. They are equal, they are respected, they are likened. They are real creators.

From the reverse side, it is pathology, due to which perfectionists believe that unworthy results of work should be deleted.

It is enough to remember N. Gogol, who burned the 2nd volume of the "dead souls". In such an indicative case, idealists become hostages of their worldview, turn into a task execution machine.

Causes of the development of perfectionism:
  1. Often the problem of perfectionist is rooted in childhood.
    Having deserve attention and respect only through praise, the child understands: only doing everything on "excellent," he is good, so it loves him. The reason is in the consolidation of reflex with parents.
  2. Understanding that the value of a person is in his positive actions, in appearance, actions.
    Sometimes such a reflex is fixed in adolescence when a young man breaks relationships with a girl due to non-ideal features of a person or excess weight. She tries to look better than everyone to assert themselves, lift self-esteem.
  3. Neurotic perfectionism develops on the basis of healthy idealism, but when permanent fear of failures lead to a state, complete dissatisfaction with itself, sometimes even becomes the cause of nervous disruptions.
All in winnings, if the "excellent syndrome" is developed in a senior, in a particular industry, but does not cover all types of personality activities.

Best the enemy of the good?

They share the forms of "idealism", where the type of people - perfectionists - is distinguished by two types of goals that they put in front of them, and looks at their missions.

  1. Lucky surrounding the idealist and the person who has developed adaptive perfectionism. Such a personality will perceive as a springboard to achieving a higher target, considers it a challenge.
  2. W. inadequate perfectionist There are problems with mental health, since the obsessive states will succeed in spite of everything, including common sense, are doomed in advance. For such people, the word "good" stands in one row with "badly". They only need the best finals.

Personalities - Perfectionist:
  • Long planning of actions, for the efforts, would be expensive to spend at a minimum. Attention to the smallest details.
  • A long lack of result, because all new drawbacks appear during the work.
  • The habit of returning to the long-left case, the unwillingness to bring it to the end, because the final "is not ideal." Heavy requirements for colleagues, relatives, friends.
  • The feeling that the whole world is obliged to comply with the ideals of the perfectionist.
  • As a result, discontent with themselves surrounding. Sometimes it develops into bitterness or aggression.
  • The desire to comply with the requirements of other people, which also leads to the problems of personality within themselves.
  • The rejection of criticism addressed to the idealist, painful pride, understated self-esteem.
Often psychologists believe that Perfectionist is a person who is afraid of responsibility. In fact, it is, because, only a person with inadequate idealism does not know how to admit his mistakes.

The "ideal" perfective male becomes leaders of large enterprises, excellent scientists or military. But often they hide within themselves boys who are waiting for praise or their own approval.

The "ideal" female perfectionisms are also inclined to undermine psychological and physical health due to its workload, both at work and at home.

The female perfectionisters strictly follow the appearance, try to cook perfectly, to manage to work. But constant stress benefits can not. Complexes and uncertainty are developing. There is a feeling that life passes by.

Advantages and disadvantages of perfectionists

Perfectionism within the framework of the norm carries a separate person or the whole society benefits. It helps plan the future, create convenient work schedules, even accelerate progress.

Pluses of Perfectionists

  1. The ability to achieve success, but under the condition of complete dedication and the presence of talent or abilities.
  2. Development of punctuality, demanding, seriousness. These are features of the leader, but subject to the psychological characteristics of the person.
  3. Development of perseverance in achieving the goals, self-confidence, the evolution of creative potential.

Cons of Perfectionists

  1. Constantly leaving perfectionism, a person loses the ability to think creatively.
    Fatigue accumulates. Such people should remember the anecdote about a horse working in the collective farm, which could not be the chairman.
  2. The feeling of hyperships, when the person "must", but at the same time, he is experiencing fear responsible for acts and misdeed.
  3. It develops hostility to its own and other shortcomings, an envy appears to other people's successes, visibility in other competitors. This leads to the destruction of the person.
Sometimes the desire to do everything perfectly leads to the lagging in the delivery, when the timing is violated. Workingolism may develop. But everything is good, that in moderation.

The dangers of perfectionism

Be not like everything is very good. Having individual positive features in the business manner or communicating with others, you can achieve excellent results in almost any simple. But psychologists argue: do not strive for the ideal in everything. Many perfectionists suffered and continue to suffer from the impossibility of bake the perfect cake, or to impeccably write a semi-annual report at work.

Perfectionist is difficult not only at work. It is difficult for them to pick up a life satellite. Very rarely there are pairs of perfectionists. And raising children, a perfectionist can already at an early age to divert their psyche with its requirements to fulfill all the orders perfectly. There are no ideal people in the world or ideal professions. But I need to strive for the ideal. This is self-development.

If a person with the "excellent showing syndrome" does not go to the person, does not begin to fully dispose of a colleague, another, child or the second half, then to live and work with him very convenient. It is safely equal to his work, he imites him, orient him, admire them.

Another plus is that Perfectionist, this is a person who tries to do everything himself, because no one will do anything better. Sometimes you can relax and let it be "perfection."

Communication rules with perfectionist:

  1. To take an example in perseverance and hard work.
  2. Sometimes it is responsible for him as not sin.
    While he performs monotonous or labor-intensive work, you can relax. When the "ideal" man takes over the habit of doing regular remarks, you can portray that he is listening carefully. In order not to destroy your own self-esteem, surrounding are not obliged to delve into each elevated word of the perfectionist.
  3. If claims and behavior are proceed in tyranny, and talking to souls do not have the necessary action, help such a person to conclude: the help of a specialist is primarily necessary for himself.
The proof leads constant fatigue, a decrease in the concentration of attention, suffering from close people due to inadequately overpriced expectations and requirements.

Baby Perfectionist: What to do parents?

Recall that from the English language the word "perfectionism" is translated as "desire for ideal." In psychology, this phenomenon is considered to be high standards disease, that is, an excellent syndrome.

Perfectionism begins to develop from early age. Mostly, the parents themselves are to blame for themselves, who very much, so that their baby was the most intelligent, and, therefore, they themselves exhibit overestimated requests for their studies. For example, why their child took the second or third instead of the first in the competition. Why, according to the subject, their child received an estimate "4" instead of the estimation of "5".

All this causes misunderstanding and desire to raise the bar higher. And the child in turn thinks that his parents do not like him, due to the fact that he did not meet their hopes. And therefore, to earn their love, you need to become the best. Such a stressful condition of the child may cause a nervous disorder, as well as a psychosomatic disease.

When parents begin to present high requests to their child, they are obliged to remember that all this will not pass without a trace, especially for his psyche and development. High mark is not the most important thing in the teaching. The main knowledge of the knowledge and skills that will always be needed will be in the future life of their baby.

How can your parents understand that their child is a perfectionist? To do this, you can spend a little testing of your child:

  1. He wants to learn for high marks and approval adults.
  2. Without problems can be deceived in order to get a higher score.
  3. Quickly annoyed if he is not praised, his self-esteem falls.
  4. Enlightens the success and high marks of other children.
  5. Does not like criticism, it takes her very painfully.
  6. For the sake of study and excellent marks refuses recreation, entertainment.
  7. Because of the failure, it can be depressed.
  8. Mental disease is formed.
If the parents responded "yes" by 3 or more points of this test, they should understand that their child is a perfectionist. Because they are too demanding to their child, that is, hastled the bar.

What you need to do in such a situation:

  1. Parents must try, so that their child could not compare the concept of "success" with the concept of "approval" or "love". Because he will earn respect and approve others, including parents with different methods.
  2. In no case cannot scold and punish the child for a bad mark. Because the child with such an excellent syndrome is afraid of condemnation and punishment, and will try to sick and put the assessments. For example, he will head 2 diaries, one for school, the other only with good ratings for parents.
  3. It is necessary to show the child that the respect and love of parents depends on him not from success in school, and because it loves it as it really is.
  4. It is often worth talking to your child, what kind of man is, the best, even if someone is better than he. The main thing to take into account the result, and to pay less attention to the details.
  5. You should always teach the child correctly to failure, in order for when it becomes an adult, he did not perceive them as a failure of his life.
  6. It is worth teaching that the development of something new is more important for him than a high mark. Just failure in the case is worth taking calmly, make a conclusion and go on. There are no perfect people, everyone makes mistakes.
The most important thing is that parents must remember, you just need to love your child just for being in their lives.

Prevention of "Excellent Syndrome"

It is easier to prevent pathology than dealing with it. Parents are enough to know that in the upbringing of children focus on the assessment of the actions of the child, and not on his personality. Son or daughter for mom and dad should always be good, loved ones, the best - without conditions.

With regard to adult people, it is more complicated, they will have to change beliefs:

  1. We must learn to take yourself as it is. With disadvantages and advantages, as a unique person, which is so lacked in the world.
  2. Love yourself. It is impossible to achieve respect and compassion to others, if not to experience it to yourself.
  3. To accept that the world is not perfect, it has not only good and, but also problems.
Even Goethe argued that a person is 3 pipes. This is what he is thinking about himself; What others think about him and what he really is. And you can learn yourself throughout life.

Perfectionist must be proved that he himself is not perfect, but makes someone in life happy - then Mr. Perfection will look different in others.

Treatment of perfectionism

If the "Excellent syndrome" does not have neuropathic background, work is needed to persuade. Through cognitive psychology, experts seek the idealist to revise life positions.

Three steps to get rid of perfectionism:

  • Put the task with the task, taking into account the real and executable criteria. It is important in the process not to perform more than the target target requires.
  • Think over what will have to pay for achievement. This is the amount of time spent, health, strength, sometimes and free time with close people.
  • Staking up with the times, it means that the perfectionist and other types of people participating in achieving the goal must meet the time frame. It is impossible to postpone, transfer, allocate time on refinement.
Here are still tips for perfectionists:
  1. All of their affairs need to remove a certain time and strictly follow this schedule. So you will not be able to dwell on one thing for a long time and learn to switch. You will have time and other classes.
  2. You need to relate to your mistakes correctly. Errors are a lesson for the future. In the future, the mistakes allowed will be a resource, knowledge luggage that will allow you faster and better cope with the task.
  3. Criticism must be present in our lives. If you heard it, it means that the perfectionist should understand that it is not close to perfection. What seems ideal for you, in the eyes of others it may look very different. How will you achieve the ideal if you won't know what? How do you hear praise if the result of your work is different from the expected society?
  4. Do not engage in "self-confidence". No need to return to the past all the time. It must be understood that the past is no longer possible to change. The result of the past is our experience. Better often praise yourself, encourage and indulge. It's more pleasant than all the time to unsuccessfully nibble.
If you work on yourself, the positive parties can be removed from the perfectionism:
  • Everything can be done according to plan or graphics, but at the maximum.
  • If you feel that you can more, see in yourself the real potential, waste your time and effort to improve your "I". Your achievements will also rise.
  • If you have posted on a complete coil, but something did not finish for working hours, leave it next time. Tomorrow with new forces, you will achieve an even better result.
  • Having the same resources and capabilities, putting real tasks, you will always achieve more than the rest.
  • Do not oversee yourself a bar, otherwise you will not be able to experience pleasure from the result. After all, you, as a maximalist, can rejoice at the full coil. Since you, as a maximalist, can rejoice at the full coil, do not miss this opportunity. After all, you are still the best.
But if perfectionism has neuropathic prerequisites, refer to the psychotherapist. It will help to destroy the illusions regarding the device of the world and the patient himself. It will also be shattered in the causes of this state.

Instead of pre-school

In order to finally answer the question, the perfectionists are hostages of their and foreign ambitions or people who need to be equal to, you can recall examples of great inventors.

D. Mendeleev know as the inventor of the periodic system. He spent on her for many years, but he worked scrupulously to please his mother. She one tried to Dmitry, the 17th Child in, took into a prestigious university. All life has become proof of his love of his love and gratitude.

Another idealist was a physicist L. Landau, who came to the conclusion that the marriage would not be called a good word. He became the owner of the Nobel Prize, but due to employment forgot his wife in the first wedding night. With the words: "Ah, I'm unhappy!" So did not leave the next laboratory research.

Being a perfectionist is sometimes good - the next generations will appreciate the works in dignity. But will there be his descendants among them? And is it easy to walk in life next to a person suffering from a manic idea to make everyone perfect? And is it dangerous? How do you think? Share with us your opinion!

The result is 99% of the maximum will never suit it. Only perfection, only an absolute ideal.

Any item has a value, it can not be missed. The slightest error must be revealed to get rid of it. Who is such a perfectionist and for what reason he has an insurmountable desire for perfection - reveals the training "System and Vector Psychology" Yuri Burlan.

Some properties - Different manifestations

Perfectionist is a person endowed with unique psychological properties and talents from birth. It has an analytic sweetness of mind, special care and attentiveness to the smallest detail. He has a phenomenal memory that keeps all the details about the experience of experience or assimilated information.

To manifest these properties can differently and have a different application:

Perfectionist is a person who scrupulously performing his work capable of bringing it to perfection. But the owner of the same properties may experience a fear of doing some kind of work. Infinitely postpone her execution, fear that the result will not be perfect.

The ability among many small parts to identify inaccuracy and the error makes such people with talented analysts and critics. In the event that they deeply know the object that is analyzed. If the same properties are used without knowledge of the subject, then become critics that come rapidly for each word, depreciate everyone.

Phenomenal memory and natural desire to accumulate and transmit information often leads such people to the profession of the teacher. And also gives the ability to remember everything in detail all that good and good, what they did for them. Or vice versa, with the same thoroughness, a person remembers all the evil, which he was causing.

Does not learn, but tells everyone around. Accumulates resentment and eager to revenge, wanting to fully restore the lost balance.

System-vector psychology gives an accurate definition that such perfectionism, and discloses the reasons why the lives of such people can develop so differently.

Perfectionist - who is this?

Perfectionism is a property characteristic exclusively for the carriers of the anal vector of the psyche.

These features are endowed with such signs. They are required to fulfill the special social role and the transmission of experience and knowledge to the next generations.

Does he teach a teenager to cut on a tree or teach him the highest mathematics - the carrier of the anal vector you need to do it exactly and in detail. His desire is to prevent the profanation of knowledge, inaccurate transmission of skills.

Sometimes there is a situation where the natural properties of such a person are not used as intended.

The reasons for this may be different:

Acquired in childhood psychotrauma and "anchors".
- The lack of social realization of those natural talents that are asked to a person.
- Long sexual frustrations.

They suffer from this equally both men and women with anal vector. Woman Perfectionism is the owner of the same properties. However, the implementation in the family and marriage is primed for it. She strives to be an ideal daughter, and later, ideal wife and mother.

At the reception to a psychologist, such people can come with complaints about procrastination (pending life syndrome). In Wikipedia and other Internet sources, one more term can be found, describing this phenomenon - perfectionist paralysis. In both cases, there is a pathological inability of a person to start some kind of business. The desire to endlessly postpone each action. These phenomena, all their causes and consequences are already disassembled on the free online training "System and Vector Psychology" Yuri Burlan.

Holders of anal vector in difficult conditions can also suffer from heavy offended, are unable to complete the talked relationships or start new, with great difficulty adapt after the divorce and remember a bad experience for a long time.

Children's psychotrauma and "anchors"

Estaturation and slowness owners of anal vector are endowed with childhood. This is manifested in various fields. They need more time than the rest to learn the skill or information. More time to adapt any changes, because small perfectionists are also natural conservatives for which the novelty factor is always stress.

Of particular importance for such a child has the passage of the phase of development, which Freud calls the "anal phase". During this period, all children are taught to the pot, the cleansing skills are acquired.

Most pass this period quickly and without any features. However, for small owners of the anal vector, this period has a great psychological value.

This kid is very important to bring the body cleansing to the ideal to the point. However, parents who do not have psychological literacy do not always belong to this tolerant. Can be customized, rushing, tear off a pot. As a result, the baby forms a tendency to the stool delays.

With constant delays, the cleansing of the body is connected for a baby with severe pain. Its sphincter has a higher sensitivity than the rest. Therefore, he is forced to learn to postpone the action that brings pain. Instead of getting pleasure from completion and cleansing, the child gets used to enjoying the delay of this action.

It is clear that the problem from this is further aggravated. In addition, instead of the desire to purify and everything clean, the child has a desire for the opposite.

Consequences of children's injuries

A person who has been rejected to receive pleasure from the act of delay and not implemented in society, instead of an analyst or criticism, which seeks "to clean" and clears information from an error, becomes critical, depreciating everything and all (enjoying dirty). According to external manifestations, critic and criticism can be similar, but in essence - the polar difference. This is no longer perfectionism when the property is used destructively with respect to other people.

The so-called perfectionist paralysis is also associated with these psychological prerequisites. Another feature is added to the layout mechanism - a natural fear is disgraced, which is peculiar only by carriers of anal vector. It turns out a vicious circle: on the one hand, the person is already used to enjoying from laying. On the other hand - he is experiencing a natural fear of becoming disgraced, so it is afraid to do the work impaired. As a result, he becomes unable to take anything.

Problems of social realization and sexual lacks

If the conditions for the development and education in childhood were favorable, the owner of the anal vector successfully acquires a profession in which his desire for perfection is being implemented for the benefit of society. His negative states may arise in the loss of this social implementation.

Also, the carriers of anal vector asked to honor and respect in society. If such a person lands respects at work or in a family is a big stress for him. Stress factors are to move or change work. Particularly experienced such people divorce or disagreements in the family, problems with children. This is due to the fact that the family and children are basic values \u200b\u200bfor such a person.

The carriers of the anal vector have high libido. Large stress for them is the inability to realize their sexuality. The long lack of a partner or problem in the intimate sphere causes the strongest frustration.

Testing negative states, the owners of the anal vector are looking for how to stop being a perfectionist, how to stop postponing. But natural properties cannot be changed. But to eliminate the causes and consequences of child psychotrams, learn how to resolve any stressful situations - it is possible.

The performed perfectionist is a person who applies its properties for the benefit of society and receives a huge pleasure from it. To come to such a life scenario is absolutely realistic with the help of the training "System and Vector Psychology" Yuri Burlan.

"... it was especially difficult to manage to creative realization. How to issue quality if you doubt all the time? What to select pictures on retouching, publishing? What to rely? It seems like everything is perfect, but does note .... Here is something not very ... and here! It looks like a crazy race for an unattainable ideal. Sick perfectionism. According to the result, you even stop letting out something, express yourself, create. So many ideas, thoughts, plans and inspiration, but the tail due to unfinished works is pressed, forcing it to run in a circle, an arbitular quality of work. And funny, and sad ...
... Now I want to easily run in life, implement all the desires and ideas, to move into a change of states, in development, and not to sit in bad conditions, sticking out deeper and deeper into self-satisfaction. I know it is possible. Each new overcoming, like concrete slabs with shoulders. The buzz from the change is incomparable. Heaven and Earth ... "

Perfectionism is excess. Where he is not needed. But the rest of the spheres of life suffered from him.

Perfectionism now does not interfere with me so much. Now I understand where it is necessary to do perfectly, and where it is not worth it, and you can make a crappy, but today, how to postpone another months in the hope of doing perfect ... "

The article is written using the materials of online trainings Yuri Burlan "System and Vector Psychology"

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Our convenience includes all new and new words whose value is not always. Often they come to us from other languages, such as "", "", and others.

The words "Perfectionist" and "Perfectionism" also did not exception. They occur from the English word "Perfect", which translated means the perfect, perfect, absolute, immaculate. Actually, this will be and complete this publication, because it becomes clear that perfectionist is a person who seeks to perfection, and perfectionism is the hell inherent in it.

But still, this topic requires a more detailed discussion, and therefore a couple more paragraphs for the paragraphs with its horses.

What is perfectionism - a gift or curse?

As I mentioned, perfectionism - this feature inherent in some people. Surely you met these. Many of them can be found in perfectly cleaned and tailored clothes, according to a perfect hairstyle, in absolute order they have in the workplace or at home. And most importantly - all this "perfect" is constantly supported at the proper level.

I was always the most worried about the question - how much time they spend on it?! And if this energy is allowed yes for peaceful purposes ... This is not particularly clear to me, for it always leads the division to the main and secondary (as in the song about the tube with paste). For a secondary, I just relate to the external signs of the perfectionist who described in the previous paragraph.

But the impeccable appearance of a person described above is just one of the objects of manifestation of perfectionism. In this case, the vector effort on idealization is aimed at itself. A person wants to be perfect or seem like those around.

But often the immaculate vector is aimed atwhich he is engaged. Here, just much, I am ready to understand and accept, for it is partially possessed by such features. In this case, perfectionists become very useful to society. It is from such people who grow Steve Jobs and those like them who moves progress or simply makes our world easier, more interesting and perfect.

Another thing is what they are worth it. After all, often the desire to be perfect develops into a disease. Perfectionism in any way causes for itself very high goals, which does not always happen to just reach. So it is not so easy to receive satisfaction from the work performed, an ideal appearance, etc.

If this feature manifests itself to a strong extent, then this person often has depressed on the soil that his desires disagree with its capabilities (or reality). He cannot achieve perfection on which he is looked. He ceases to receive satisfaction from life. Everything else is already becoming unimportant. Bed.

Like any medicine, perfectionism in large doses is dangerous to health - He turns into poison, poisoning the life of a person. In itself, the desire for the ideal is wonderful, but it is not necessary to dwell on it too much. There is a limit of possibilities and always need to try between the desire for excellence and too much costs that it may require.

In general, there are several degrees of perfectionism:

  1. Easy - When emotional bursts with the "Template layer" are short-lived and then they are perceived with irony by a person with "look back". Well, it did not work. So what. It will turn out next time. To seek to ideal in itself well - the main thing is not to focus on the inevitable mistakes and possible failures.
  2. Average - everything is already more serious. Such a person is no longer obtained with humor to look at his failures. It can be very serious to achieve a goal or maintaining proper order. It is difficult for him to relax even a second. Often it is also called excellent syndrome. It is no longer good, but it is possible to live with it, because although it's hard to live, but a person copes with the height of the owned barriers.
  3. Clinical - here already appeal to the psychiatrist necessarily, otherwise it will be impossible to get out of the depressive state caused by obsession to achieve ideal. Requirements for yourself or surrounding (the very barriers that need to be taken) are unrealistic, there are many and quantity of them can grow. Bed.

Perfectionist is a person who needs a society

Perfectionist Why is it still difficult to live? Not everything and it all depends on it. You can smash the land to dig, and nothing will change.

The fact is that perfectionism (desire to see the perfect result) can manifest in different directions, not just to yourself. Usually such people address their requirements for the following objects to subjects:

  1. Man himself (himself - the classic option) - make And try to fit them. The higher the unreasonable requirement, the more difficult to fulfill them and get satisfaction from it. But precisely of these people, great scientists are obtained, fruitful writers, good performers and other useful society people.
  2. Surrounding people - make requirements already to another (Brain to endure). The desire to also share his overestimated requirements for order, persistence, etc. It will be good for themselves, although we will have it, but if such a perfectionist is all trying to make ideal not paying attention to yourself, then it will be, perhaps, only the absolute boss who is and sleep will not sleep, but from subordinates They are alive will not tear. It turns out that such people are needed by society (such as Steve Jobs mentioned above).
  3. Its place in society is an attempt to best meet the desires of others. Often, such a type of perfectionism is inherent in women when they are to please close, marry whom the relatives are considered ideal for her (and many other ways are implementing not their ideals and other people's aspirations to perfection). Sometimes perfectionists of this type hide their drawbacks to look perfect in front of others.
  4. The world around the world - well, there is no chance for success here in general. It was not possible to remake the world under himself, although many tried. This is kinda, utopists.

In general, many types of perfectors it's hard to liveFor their threshold of happiness (satisfaction life) is very high. It is not always possible to achieve it. And around people who rejoice in the sun, warmth, rain, snow and other suffering trifles. Yes, just glad you live.

By the way, many of them, by the way, are not clear how others can allow themselves to live in their (and not according to them) the rules, to be utterly divided and at the same time sincerely enjoy life. Perfectionists often chosen, puzzles and enters depression. These are fanatics that do not understand how you can live differently.

To get away from this, they need to learn to perceive and take criticism, which is important, because it often happens "as the wall of peas" (does not want to perceive, hear, to delve, believe in their non-idealness). The most strict judge is he himself. He opposes all kinds of compromises like "and so comes out", and it is bad for a person, although it can be good for society.

Perfectionists need to try to understand that we are all imperfect, we can all be mistaken, and it is good, for it would be bored to live in the society of perfect people (robots).

If you do not start the correction of behavior on time, they threaten the appathy and depression, and sometimes more serious disorders.

No matter how difficult to perform perfects, but they keep peace. After all, perfectionism is a vice of many geniuses and just people who managed to achieve something. Sometimes to do everything in the best way they are already just not enough forces, but this is their lucky and go on it.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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