Repairs Design Furniture

What water flood the hill in winter. How to make a slide of snow with your own hands? Pouring water. The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

Step 1 Follow the shovel, watering, mop and access to water, rubber gloves (you will wear on top of the usual, warm) and a wide metal spatula from the "All for repair" store. Choose a suitable roller place: if the slide height is near the meter, then the descent length should be at least four meters if the slide is higher - then and "otkat" will be longer.

Step 2.

Make a "basis" for the slide: it can be collected as a designer from large snowballs (or even from the hurry-crumpled "coup" of snow), pour the gaps with snow and tightly tamper. Do not forget about the steps (a great solution - a pair of boxes for vegetables), and on the top platform, put the sheet of plywood, so that it is not so slipping. On the sides of the future gutter, along its entire length, put the snow curb - less risk fall from the slide.

Step 3.

The most interesting thing: fill the slope of the slide. It is better to do it in the evening so that at night the hill managed to freeze. To do this, you will need warm water from watering can, mop or shovel and second builder: one will be methodically splating with water on the raven snow, the other immediately ramble it. Do not use the hose, otherwise it will be difficult to pour the entire surface evenly and lay, just slowly water the snow from the watering. When the slide accepts the usual outline, take the spatula and add the last strokes: align the surface and make a smooth transition from the slope of the slide to the "otkutka". On all the holes and irregularities, put snow patch and scatter the spatula once again. Hide the attention of the "track": you will also be filled and wipe. Make a break for two hours and come back to the hill again: the first layer will freeze (or at least it will make it), and you can do all of the above.

Released What else to take your children on a walk in excellent winter weather? Suggest ride a slide and, taking with you a couple of icebreakers, rather run on fresh air!

Ice slides nearby no? What is the case! Let's make it yourself. It seems difficult from the first time, and in fact those who have long ride, many delometries, how to make a slide of snow.

Lesson plan:

The main thing is to prepare correctly!

Why start? No, not with the search for shovel and Vöter! Let's start with a friendly team, call the neighbors in the door and invite the kids, their dads and mammies to the responsible task. All team, taking with them enthusiasm and excellent mood, we go to the survey of the area. An important stage, by the way!

Choose a place

Carefully examine the growing trees and pillars growing nearby, in order not to persist in them later the forehead and not become a carrier of a huge bump.

Pedestrian paths will also become a sports obstacle, you will have to attend pedestrians on yourself. It is better to choose another track.

The illumination is also important, since in the winter it darkens early, and the lanterns are completely inconvenient.

Chose a place - do not lose time, I did not know in vain. Clean the platform for the future roller coaster.

We select Size

The selected place determines the height. The higher you conceived the slide, the more space it will require. Therefore, it will have to come from the existing one.

The experienced parents advise to sculpt the slide by age. If only for kids, it is enough of the height of about a meter.

If you want to ride families, then you need to do a little higher - about two meters. It is necessary to calculate the length so that the end of the descent is no more than 30-40 degrees, otherwise it will be similar to the descent with the tarzanka - from the height of the head down. Hercuitan, you know!

Well, the width may be any - under Tubei, Looking, smaller experience and more, riding a gurboy or one.

The place was chosen, with a height decided. Now the question is: when?

We assign a day

We take into the hands of super fashionable phones and open the weather. What is suitable for us?

Ideal for construction option - During the Thaw, and at night frost. So you can build a slide from an easy sticky snow, and overnight with a calm soul, leave the ice beauty to freeze.

You can be sure that the surprise will not work for morning - the slide will not turn into a bunch of lowered snow.

If there is no suitable weather in the near future, then you proceed from the fact that the Heavenly Office will read us. Option two:

  1. or postpone up to better times;
  2. or start at zero temperature.

In order not to waste time, in this weather you can create the basis, sticky snow will settle and make the construction durable, and we will pour on the weather. Night frost for fill - a prerequisite. With thaw pouring water on the hill - Sisyphers work.

It seems to be determined, now distribute among the friendly participants of the construction team, who will carry out from home.

We collect the tools of labor

We are looking for at home that is, as we can use:

  • wide shovels and large spatulas;
  • heated mittens with rubberized top, if there are no, we do simply: first warm woolen gloves, the top is large rubber;
  • countrypapers, hoses, vendors, sprayers;
  • all wooden flat and wide, which will serve for formwork and descent - shields, plywood, old table tops;
  • mop and rags.

What exactly will need, you decide for yourself when discussing the technology of the construction and fill. And how the all of the above can be useful, I will tell in the versions that the parents offer the practical course of "snow architects".

We collect in parts

Friendly team assembly, the weather is suitable, mood combat. Let's proceed. We will do the basis. These are standard architectural approaches.

Small building tricks

Those that stiffer advise to include fantasy!

Oh, yes, I forgot! And what kind of slides do you sculpt? After all, you can creatively, with a highlight. Well, for example, with turns in different directions, then you will ride like bobsleists.

You can with fabulous heroes at the entrance in the form of the arch. And yet with two separate descents - for those that are smaller for those that older.

Do not forget about beauty! Give children in the hands of paint and paint brushes, and you will see how your snowflakes will bloom in snowflakes and patterns.

Responsible stage

Stoate near your work of art, and the eye is rejoicing?

Now this snow kurgan must be pouring water to save and use directly intended. Here, too, there is some tricks, it is necessary to approach the process, otherwise one movement of the hand is turning the hod ... and it will have to re-in and in good way!

Just take a bucket and pour water or pour out the hose under the pressure, especially if you use hot, - the first step to spoil everything. There are numerous pits and hills.

So what happens?

If the pits suddenly appeared, do not despair. I fall asleep the snow and grind the defect. Hills are confused and align.

Place or cardboard on the site before the icewalk. And so that this material does not blown the wind and did not take after the riding, dying around the perimeter with a mixture of water and snow, it will secure your platform overnight. Similarly, with steps. Wooden specks or skimming are suitable for them.

This is the main mission of our mission. We leave our slide alone for the whole night. Let him go, it's all ahead!

Some strokes to the portrait

In the morning we go out and evaluate the result. I bring to the perfectly smooth descent surface with the same spatulas and mixtures of water and snow. Fill the slide secondary. This time you can with a swing - from a bucket or hose. After another night, your hill will be ready to receive guests.

I propose to take a picture of your ice miracle so that children boast of school among classmates. Yes Yes! Let the guys pull out parents into the courtyard, and they will also have their own hill.

And you, friends, when was the last time built a slide of snow?

Well, or when was the last time you rolled rolled?

Do not remember already? It happens, this itself.

I propose to make the item in our diaries for the near future: "Ride off a slide with children"! And be sure to perform it. Well, in order to motivate and you, and I propose to see this video and remember how it happens when you fly from the mountain ... And inside everything from happiness freezes ...

I have everything on this! And you? Have add-ons on the topic of the article? Then share them in the comments. And even share a reference to an article with friends using the buttons of social networks.

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Merry and interesting winter!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

The main thing in the construction of the slide is the presence of snow in sufficient quantity.

From the speeches at the XXII Congress of Snow-Platelers of the USSR.

Spring is coming. So it's time to write a post about the construction of an ice slide.

Required tool:

  • The shovel is a big snow, flat.
  • Shovel is small or scoop.
  • 2 buckets.
  • Rectangular bowl or scoop.
  • Broom.

Body formation Gorki

Select the installation site slide. We look at it. We plan the direction of the skate. In the direction of the skate should not be subjects capable of creating interference by movement. Such as trees, stumps, shops, fences, walls of buildings, car parking, opening hatch. The skate crossing the pedestrian walkway is not a very good idea, despite the fact that the pedestrians slipped or shot down by the movement children look quite funny. Skat towards the roadway is also a bad idea.

Uniform movements we make snowing on the selected place:

The speed of construction of snow structures is directly proportional to the number of builders armed with shovels and inversely proportional to the number of children present at the construction site.

Shove S.P., Voddy P.N. Handbook of a snow-plane. 1975 ed. 3rd, recycling. and addition. P. 156.

We form a potted hill with an intermediate seal by sweeping by the legs and patting the shovel:

At the formation of the slide usually takes several days, and if there are few snow, then weeks. Accordingly, the evenness of the contours of the building is not yet optional, because it will decently break the birthday children. The main thing at this stage the amount of snow and its compacon:

Little trick. The hill, built on the hill, saves snow and strength.

Magazine "Lod and Water". №8. August 1905

For the final body shaping, the slide is important to choose the weather correctly. The best time for this is a thaw with a subsequent freezing. Accordingly, it is starting to monitor the hydrometeorological center, Gismeteo, Yandex. Drodule, etc. If the temperature of the day + 5 ° C, and freezes are expected at night, then it's time and is there!

The plasticity of the thawing snow allows you to form a practically vertical board of the body slides, and subsequent minus temperatures give sufficient strength:

Shape slide may be different. Low and smooth - for young children, high and cool - for schoolchildren. The top platform should be sufficient to stand there to stand upside down, put ice-lean (sledge, plywood, briefcase, nothing) and sweep it on it. The depth of the steps should be slightly larger than the length of the adult shoe, for who will still support, straighten, substitute, push. The side walls must be as vertical as possible, again in order for an adult to come as close as possible and hold, correct, substitute, push. Skat and upper platform can be shredding the side, which is good for fine-age users, but bad for the rest, because it deprives the fan of rolling from the sides of the design.

Typical standard hill looks like this:

Back view:

Wide steps allow less time to spend on their inevitable repairs during operation, because the partial collapse of wide steps does not immediately affect their holding ability.


The right watering is the key to the reliability of the Snow Blocks!

Pakhomych Brigadier Ice-Snow Brigade No. 5.

Watering the slide is necessary late in the evening, in the frost. The desired temperature is -8 ° C and below. For example, here are the most favorable for watering days of the night: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday:

Late in the evening because at this time there are less chances of sticking to a freshly sprinkled hill priests felling by a child. True, divestly adults remain, but they are much smaller. In addition, the air temperature is usually lower closer to midnight.

The first watering is the most important and most labor cost. It is advisable to perform it immediately after the stage of the final formation of the slide. Those. It is necessary to choose the day when the positive temperature is kept after noon, and it drops below zero to the night. Well, or the next day. In the screenshot above a good day for the first irrigation - Friday. Strong frost for the first irrigation is not required, just a negative temperature.

So, we take 2 buckets. We pour cold water in them:

For watering, use a rectangular bowl. The flat side of the tank allows water to pour the water with a wide band.

We pour the slide from all sides evenly over the entire surface and the thin layer. We fill only the hill itself. Horizontal terrestrial section of the skate do not touch. They will later come together.

The first water is consumed the maximum amount of water. This slide was left twenty-7-liter water vests, i.e. 10 approaches for 2 buckets:

The following few nights, with a suitable temperature, we continue to water. Pour the sides of the slides and steps. Pay special attention to the upper corners. They break first and they need to ensure sufficient strength. Skat Pour the last place.

For the next watering water will go less, for it ceases to be absorbed into the snow. Pouring ten 7-liter water vests per day, bring the surface to a brilliant state:

We do not pay attention to the bugs. They are collapsed by icy and subsequent irrigation:

But deep pits need to be attached (see section):

After reaching sufficient strength, the steps stop watering. Snow poured on the steps will not give the legs to slide during the rise. Smooth and slippery should be only a slope and top pad. With them, before irrigating, be sure to clean the snow. You can shovel, but better broom or brush.

Perfect result:

In the afternoon, children rush and horizontal part of the skate:

You can proceed to its fill. Pour a slim layer a piece of the skate in front of the slide. The next part of the skate is rolled by children. Pour it. Etc:

At the end of the horizontal part of the skate, you can organize a low ice roller, type of springboard. On it, children will be playing, funny to jump.

In the surface of the slope slide, you can smoke various decorations, such as fish photos. It's funny.


If the slide is built correctly, then children will be installed on it:

Build and pour the slide at a minus temperature

News of Tyumen and the Tyumen region - 21.12.2015

The most pleasant memories of childhood in is, of course, winter fun. Games in the snow, skiing on sledding, skating, skiing and slides. We will tell about the latter in more detail and describe how from snow and how to fill it right.

How to build a slide with your own hands in Tyumen

In practice, many have come across a serious problem when. It disintegrates, it collapses, then pits are formed on it after the fill. We will teach you how to make the right slide yourself without unnecessary physical effort.

So, let's begin. To make a slide yourself, you will need:

- pure snow

- Water is cold)

- shovel or stretcher

- bucket, weak

- Venik

To make a slide of snow, it is necessary to repel from a few simple rules:

Select a safe place

1) If you will be erected in kindergarten or in your yard, then you do not need to beware of the nearest roads. And if you make a slide in the non-passable area, then you need to choose a safe place. In Dali from the roadway, away from various barriers, bushes, trees, fences, and so on, so as not to harm the child.

Build a hill need from pure snow

2) After the place is determined, you need to ride a lot of pure snow. The average and safest hill for children - from two to four meters. It is either a stretcher or a big shovel. We used a shovel. Let's say in advance to build a meter slide, we needed half an hour. Mostly the time went to bring the required amount of snow to place. Then we collected snow into one pile and formed the basis of it - a slide.

How to make steps and sides at a slide of snow

3) After the foundation, we make steps. They just make a shovel. We must compact first with your feet, and then form a shovel. It is important to make them comfortable and small so that the child can easily ride on the top. By the way, a safe width of steps - from fifty centimeters. Do not forget about both flights. They can also be made with a shovel and hands. Height choose based on the growth and weight of your child. On average, flights make 10-30 centimeters.

How to fill the slide of snow

4) When the base of the slide is formed, proceed to the most complex process: fill. The slope is poured only with cool water from the watering can, hose with a spray nozzle or bucket. It should be remembered that it is necessary to pour at low temperatures - on average from minus 10-20 degrees. Otherwise, all your efforts to the cat under the tail. Important! You need to flood the slide in three or four stages. To the slide was flat, without holes and bugs, you need to use the usual broom when pouring. Yes, yes, broom! The broom lines the surface of the slide, and your children can easily ride a slide down with great pleasure!

When pouring the slides, it is necessary to carry the surface by a broom

5) Snow slide is poured with water several times. After the first, a thin and fragile crust is formed, after the second - rough flood, and the third time you can pour for the greatest strength and smoothness of the surface. When pouring the slide at first times, you fly the surface by a broom! If you adhere to all these rules, then you will have a great homemade slide!

  • Choose pure snow! If you challenge this rule, when the street is waging significantly, your children can go out!
  • Try to make a hill more smooth, no holes, depressions and bugrov. If there are sharp bumps on the hill, children can break clothes.
  • The good and best height for children is two meters, and for the kids older - three, four meters and more. For young children, it is better to make the necessary supports to avoid drops.
  • Ride on the hill is needed on an iceboard. Looking can be bought in the store on average for 100 rubles or make it yourself. You can make ice from linolium or use simple cardboard.

Winter brings not only cold, but also new entertainment and impressions. Available become riding on sleigh, skiing and skating. In order to give joy to her kids, and it's good to praise well, it is worth pouring a snow slide in the courtyard. Before sorting out how to correctly pour a snow slide, it is necessary to understand where it is better to organize it. The selected place should be safe to have the opportunity to have fun and not worry about possible dangers. In the selected zone there should be no trees, shrubs, sewers and other objects that can cause injury. Next should be the roadway.

How to pour snow slide with water - slide sizes, inclination angle

The parameters of the height and width of the slides will depend on the free area, the available amount of snow, the stock of your capabilities. If the slide is done for crumbs, then you should not build too high design. Convenient indicators are the altitude ratio to the length of 1 to 4. In addition to the descent, you will need to make a shut. This is a flat plane on which movement will be moved to a complete stopping of the skidding. Creating a design, do not descend overly gentle or steep. At the beginning of the optimal angle of inclination -30-50. Next, as descending, reduce the angle of inclination, you need to do it as smoothly as possible.

How to build a hill

For the convenience of performing work, pre-large snowballs. Put the wall of them, and the cavities between the balls fill in the snow, use a shovel. The resulting snowy mass is well lost. As a result, you can build a descent, railing and other elements. So that your slide is convenient to use, do not forget about the steps. The optimal size of the width is 40 cm. On the sides of the steps you can build low sides, it will be comfortable for them when lifting a slide.

How to pour a slide with water

After you build a construction of snow and thoroughly sink it, let her stand in a couple of days. During this time, the frame will compress and strengthen, which will allow it to exploit it until the spring itself. It is better to pour it in the evening when the sun is sitting down, and the temperature reaches -20c. If you do not adhere to these conditions, the whole design can "swim". It is not necessary to immediately pour water from the bucket, to begin with, walk through the entire perimeter with a spray gun. Lose a couple of hours and proceed to the main stage of the fill, do it does not hurry. Use a little warm water. When forming emptiness, immediately close them with snow. When the slide is well freezed, go through the slope by the grinding board - it will make it slippery and smooth.

Taking advantage of the information given, you can easily build the most cool entertainment for your children. Manifest a fantasy, work carefully and the result of your work will certainly like not only children, but also adults. Ice entertainment from snow in his yard is an opportunity to have fun with the whole family without leaving your yard.