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Saints Greece. Orthodox shrines in Greece

12 seats orthodox Greecewho want to see every Christian!

1. Athos

The Holy Mountain Athos, located on the Halkidiki Peninsula - is one of the most revered by the Orthodox world of holy places and the world's only monastic republic. On Athos in every monastery, in every shell there are many miraculous icons and the relics of the greatest Orthodox saints, but only men can visit this place, according to the tradition of women - are not allowed on the holy mountain, so as not to violate the ascetic severity of her male monasteries.

2. Surity

The monastery of John the Theologian in Surity is called "Women's Athos". Here the nuns live in the strictest rules close to existing on the Holy Mountain: they will be launched in silence, privacy and incessant prayer. Most days of the year the monastery is closed for visits. However, thousands of pilgrims come here every year to visit the grave of the founder of this holy monastery - the pretended elder Paisius Svyatogorz, who is widely revered not only in Greece, but in the entire Orthodox world.

3. Thessaloniki

In this big Greek city - immediately several important places for the Orthodox pilgrim. First, it is the Basilica of the Great Martyr Dimitri Solunsky, who from the first years of the Baptism of Russia was particularly revealed in our country as a patron of the military. According to life, after the execution of the pagans, the body of the warrior Dimitri was thrown into the beasts, but they did not touch him, and the remains were buried by Christians. Basilica built on the site of his burial is one of the main Christian shrines of Greece. Another important place in Soloniki is a Metropolitan Cathedral, where Cancer is kept with the relics of St. Gregory Palama, one of the greatest fathers of the church.

4. Corfu

The capital of Corfu Island, the city of Kerkira, according to legend, is under the heavenly patronage of the Holy Spiridon trimifuntsky, whose power is stored in the main temple of the city. All the lives of the saint amazing the amazing simplicity and power of the wonderfulness: according to his word they were awakened by the dead, the elements were argued, idols crushed. In the north of Corfu Island, there is a high-spirited permanent pantokrator on Mount. This female monastery on the day of his prepar holiday becomes the center of the whole island, thousands of pilgrims come here every year. In the monastery there are particles of relevant Anna, the Great Martyr Eventimia, the Saint Arseny of Kerkirsky, Apostles of Jason and Susipatra and the Sacred Martyr of Ignatius Godhead.

5. Meteors

"Soak in the air" - it is translated from the Greek μετέωρα. Built in incredible conditions that have no access roads, monastic buildings on the sheer cliffs have been preserved here from the XIV century. Almost 400 meters above the Valley of the Pineos River and the Fessealsky Plain, monastic temples are torn as a symbol of the confusion of monastic life over worldly passions. Today, only four of the monasteries Meteor - St. Stephen, the Holy Trinity, St. Varlaam and the Transfiguration of the Lord are being operating.

6. Sparta

This city is associated with us mainly with ancient history, but also in the history of Christianity he also played a role. Here, in the Golly Monastery, refugees-Christian refugees, looking for shelter in the mountains, so these places are filled with special love to preserve the traditions of faith. The monastery also stores one of the most famous Orthodox shrines Greece - Icon God's Mother "Livestone source." The appearance of this image is associated with the wonderful healing of the Slepting Warrior, which occurred in the middle of the V century at the source near Constantinople.

7. Crete

Crete is the largest Greek island, the fifth largest island in the Mediterranean. Christianity came here in the first century, the studies of the student of the Apostle Paul named Tit. He founded nine dioceses on Crete and died in deep old age. After the island is emptying by Saracin in the 9th century, one honest head of Crete is left from the relics of the Apostle Tita. She was returned to the island from Venice only 50 years ago, and is kept in the main Apostolic Cathedral. For its history, this cathedral and shrine moved many times from Orthodox to Catholics and Muslims, suffered from fires and raids, but many shrines were carefully saved by Christians and are now open to worship. The most important shrine island - Monastery Panagia Paliani. He is known for the whole world thanks wonderful wood and icon Blessed Virgin Mary - Panagia plywood. Praying this facility, over time, believers began to notice that the tree depicted on the icon began to germinate and enjoy the roots, and the image is to disappear in its branches. Ancient tree Mirt, in the branches of which only children can consider the face of the Blessed Virgin, grows under the monastery so far.

8. Patras

An countable churches are dedicated to the apostle Andrei. But the most significant among them, no doubt, is the White Cathedral in the Greek city of Patras. In this city holy spent last years Life and made miracles that led many people to church. Here he accepted a martyrdom for Christ, underponing a crucifixion on a special cross, who later began to call for his name, Andreevsky. It is the largest and one of the most revered temples of Greece. He was erected on the estimated site of the Crucifixion of the Apostle, and keeps the great shrines of the Christian world: the honest chapter of St. Andrew and the rest of the cross, on which he was crucified. Near the temple from the day of the Crucifixion of the Apostle hits the holy source.

9. Athens

Few people know, but the history of one of the most famous symbols of Greece - Athenian Parthenon is closely connected with Orthodoxy. It was not used most of its history for pagan rituals, which we used to take it to perceive on the textbooks of history, but was a Christian temple. In the V century, Parthenon became orthodox temple Holy wisdom, and later was renamed in honor of the Mother of God. Parfenon kept many treasures of the church: the relics were resting here. Macaria of the Great and Gospel, rewritten by the Holy Tsaritsa Elena personally. In the 13th century, Athens passed under the power of Catholics and Parfenon turned the temple Notre Dame D'Weng. As a reminder of the liturgical life in Parfenone now on the top of one of inland walls You can still see a fragment of the frescoaching.

10. Rhodes

Monastery Fileurimos not only not only in history, but also stunning panoramic views of the island. In order to get to the monastery, the pilgrim must go to the mountain on the road, bearing the name "Path on Calvary" and equal length Ways of Jesus Christ to the place of crucifixion. The Monastery of Our Lady Tsambiki every year thousands of women from all over the world in the hope of learning the joy of motherhood. Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, stored here, is known for the fact that the centuries patronize all families flowing towards it, and in prayers in front of her, women get rid of infertility.

11. Patmos

For believers, this small island is a whole spiritual universe, because it is here, in the cave of the apocalypse, the Holy Apostle John the Theologian was the revelation of God. Local called Island younger Brother Monastic Republic of Athos: more than 50 churches and monasteries are located on the small area of \u200b\u200bthe island. Palgrimage to Patmos has become an integer industry, annually taking millions of Christians from all over the planet. But not every guide will tell that it is the cave, where the apostle of love dictated his revelation to the disciple of Prokhoru, is not in the big monastery of John the Cologovo, but on the hill's slope halfway from the village of Choir to the port of the rock, in the tiny monastery in honor of the revelation .

12. Tinos

The Tinos Icon of the Virgin miraculously was a miraculously time when a bloody struggle continued in Greece for liberation from Osman in the XIX century. The Greeks will especially read this image, calling him Megalharhari - great joy. The icon found from under the ground, by the vision given by the Virgin Motherod's modest nun Pelagia: the image lay under the coup of about 800 years, but retained his appearance and paint. This image is especially honored by the Greeks themselves: they transmit certificates about the intercession of the mother of God, and thousands of miracles occurred in front of this icon. According to adopted here, customs on the worship of this miraculous image is raised by the crankshap. To this end, a narrow carpet path from the port to the temple is laid out, on which the string of pilgrims is stretched daily.

Welcome to you, dear blogs blog! Greece is the second country visited by pilgrims after Israel. And this is an explanation. It was here that the apostles sailed to tell the world the truth received from Jesus Christ. The first Christian martyrs are also the Greeks.

Christianity and Christian shrines in Greece have always been carefully protected. Even during the Ottoman oppression, people continued to keep faith in Christ. The church and the state are inextricably linked here. Religious holidays are celebrated at the state level.

Pilgrimic vacation in annually attracts many tourists and deeply believing people.

People who come to Greece to visit holy places are guided by various purposes. Someone is looking for a way to resolve life problems. Others want to say thanks for the help. The third category of people is looking for the meaning of life.

Each visit to such places is the next door for them to understand the device of earthly life.


Standard pilgrimage starts from the city of Thessaloniki. It was in thessaloniki for the first time the apostle Peter arrived to tell people about faith. Kirill and Methodius were also born here - founders slavic ABC and famous preachers.

The first martyr for Christ faith was the town of Dimitri Solunsky. Locals worship the saint and consider it a patron of the city. In place, where Dimitri was tortured, it is the temple of his name. Unfortunately, the temple was not preserved in the original form.

What we see is the result of restoration and places of new construction. Antique frescoes and painting are not preserved.

The relics of Dimitria were peacefully up to the 15th century. Preserved sufficient number Stories about wonderful healing after worshiping holy relics.

Own internal device Greek churches differ from Russian. For example, during the service they are sitting in them, getting up only in the most significant moments of sermons. Women do not cover headscarf.

In the suburb of Thessalonikov, in the town of Suroti, the silent life of the nuns of the female monastery, founded in the last century, by the old man by Paisius Svyatogorz. Last lifetime, people were treated for healing, and even Muslims.

Nobody had a refusal to help. Now the nuns are happy to tell pilgrims of history from the life of an elder, and also show his handwritten works penetrated by Divine Wisdom.

Mount Athos

This place is a cluster of men's monasteries on one peninsula. The first monks appeared here in the 4th century. After the invasion of the Turks, the Christian monks went out of captured locality and settled on Athos. By that time there were already 40 monasteries. Currently 20 left.

Since the first monk on Athos, nothing has changed. This terrain except religious value is also a monument to the Byzantine era.

The best time to visit the Afona Spring and the middle of the autumn. True in the spring on top of the mountain, snow can still lie, and it will be unavailable to visit. The main part of the pilgrims comes in the summer.

In the summer, the temperature rises to + 40 degrees and it does not always contribute to a comfortable acquaintance with the shrines and life of the monks.

On the Afonov Earth is forbidden to step by women. This rule was one for all the ancient Byzantine churches. In some, they still observe it, including in Athos. Interestingly, when joining the European Union, the maintenance of this rule was the main requirement of Greece.

Until now, periodically, someone from the European Union is trying to raise the topic of equality when visiting Athon, but to no avail. Legally, the land is in private ownership of the monasteries here.

A maximum of what women can count on - swim by half a kilometer to the shore of Athos and listen to the story of the guide. Even with the boat you can see what a beautiful and bright place.

To visit Athos, men need a special permission. His bureau of the Holy Mountain Athos. It is in thessaloniki. The number of people for daily visits is strictly limited. During the peak number of pilgrims in the summer, it is desirable to order a pass in advance.

In Athos, it is necessary to stick to the dress code. Dress in pants, enter the buildings in clothing with long sleeves. It is forbidden to swim in the sea and take a photo or video. Custom will check you for the presence of a camera before the trip and after. If you find something, you have the right to confiscate.

Visiting Athos for a Christian in importance corresponds to a visit to Muslim Mecca. It is believed that everyone should at least once in his life come here.

Corfu Island

At Pilgrims, the island is famous for the Cathedral of St. Spiridon. It keeps the relics of Spiridon.

According to legend, this holy in life and after many times worked with miracles that people remember and retell each other. Local residents, consider him the keeper of the island.

Once a year, cancer open and you can observe the wonder - the soles of the soles are soles turn out to be erased and sometimes wet. This gives faith to residents that Spiridon continues to bypass the island and keep him peace.

Andros Island

On the island several temples, everyone has an interesting story.

One of them is famous for the wonders of healing far beyond Greece - the Church of St. Panteleimon.

This story began in the 1st century, when two monks have seen a glow on the mountain for several nights in a row. In one of the nights, they rose to her. The cave was the icon of the Virgin, which monks captured with them.

But the morning icon disappeared, and next night the glow on the mountain was repeated. Icon again was in the cave. It became clear that the light gives icon. Since then, the locals rose to the mountain and prayed to her.

Praying the Virgin and the Constantinople commander before the battle with Arabs for the island of Crete. Arriving with the victory, he instructed to erect the church at this place.

Now, in addition to the icons in the temple, the relics of St. Panteleimon are stored. People come to the relics with faith in their miraculous power.

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Greece captivates the beauty of nature: here and affectionate warm seas, and the mountains in the blue haze, and silver-green olive groves to the horizon. But the main wealth of this country is Orthodox shrines who attract Christians from all over the world.

To visit Svyatogort

Most often, pilgrims begin their way with thessalonik, where the first churches founded the Apostle Paul in 50 from the Nativity of Christ. At the beginning of the IV century, the martyrdom of the warrior of Dimitri took the martyrdom, which became the heavenly patron of the city. Saint Basilica stands at the site of its original burial, in the heart of the old city. Inside the temple is a well, where the body of the martyr was hid after death. The relics of St. Dimitria were plentifully well until the XV century, and the world had so much that it had to build a small stone pools for him, which were still preserved.

And in the suburb of thessalonik is the monastery of John the Bogoslov. The old man of Paisius Svyatogorets is buried there and there are the relics of St. Arseniya Cappadocysso - once he dubbed the Svyatogorsk ink so revered in Russia. The Father Arsenia was still read as a miraculous man and Christians, and even Muslims - bodily healed on his prayers, and soul defaults. If the patient could not come himself, relatives brought his clothes, the father of Arsenius read a prayer over her, and the sufferer healed. And Muslims asked at least ash from his Kadyl - like medicines.

Saint Paisius Svyatogorets

Where sail on Athos

A hundred kilometers from Thessalonika is the Uranapoli - a quiet town surrounded by pine forests. In the center of him on the embankment there is an ancient tower of the time of Andronika Paleologist, built in the XIV century to protect against pirates. Her foot is the berth, where Ships are departed to Athos. As is well known, only men who have received a special visa - Diagonirion may fall into the monastic republic. And for all the rest, walks on ships along the south-west coast of Afona.

Monastery of St. Panteleimon or New Russik. Currently, 70 monks from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus will be launched in the monastery. The shrine of the monastery is the head of the Navy. Panteleimon, particles of the relics of the prophet, the forerunner and the baptist of John, the APP. Alpharey, Timothy, Jacob, Peter, Andrei, Luke, Philip, Foma, Bartholomew and Varnavas and many other saints

Between heaven and earth

However, in Greece there is another monastic republic, and everyone may have anyone: these are meteors - "soar between heaven and land" - this name is translated.

In the midst of the Fessenish Plain on the flat tops of the sheer cliffs, the height of which reaches 400 meters, there are monasteries - until today, six operating abylls have been preserved. The first monks appeared here before the 20th century, but they lived disparately, gathering only on the liturgy in the temple of the city of Stagi, lying at the foot of the rocks. And in the XIV century, the monk of Athanasi, who came from Athos, began the construction of the first monastery of the Great Meteor. Following him, more than twenty abode were built.

Rev. Athanasius Meteoric introduced Athos Charter for all monks who hurt in these places, and thus laid the beginning of the new monastic republic, whose flourishing fell on the XVI century. During the five hundred years in the monasteries, it was possible to get only on suspended staircases or in grids that raised upstairs with the winch. Only at the beginning of the last century in the rocks were abandoned by stone steps, and now it is not difficult to rise to the monastic gate.

After the fall of Byzantium, meteors became the center of preserving and developing Byzantine painting - the most beautiful frescoes became one of the main attractions of local temples. Each of the monastery meteor keeps something special: for example, in the monastery of St. Stephen as the greatest shrine is honored with an honest chapter of the first fingernik, the Great Meteor has a wonderful museum of monastery life and unique icons in the monastery. And the most picturesque views open from the monastery of the Holy Trinity - according to the monastery chronicle, in order to raise all materials for its construction, it took seventy years.

Mystery of Patmosa

But Greece is also 1,400 islands lying in several seas that wash the country. The name of the island of Patmos is expensive to heart of every Orthodox - here, in the cave of revelation, the apostle John the Bologosov wrote the book of the Apocalypse, the most mysterious book of the New Testament.

The monastery in the name of the Holy Apostle was built a thousand years ago, but almost did not change his appearance. It can be bowed to the honest chapter of the AP. Thomas and relics of St. Feodora Prettylate. The abode stores many vintage and rare things: for example, the gospel of the Mark VI century, two hundred original of the Byzantine icons, more than six hundred of the ancient church vestments, a collection of gold-host vessels - some of these treasures can be seen in the museum.

Island of St. Spiridona

Corfu, or Kerkira - the largest of the islands of the Ionian Sea, is famous as the place of restoring the relics of SVT. Spiridon trimifuntsky, Empress Theodora, which has forbidden an iconocobalism, and apostles from seventy Jason and Susipatra.

St. Spiridon, the greatest after St. Nicholas Wonderworker in the history of the church, was born and lived in the III century in Cyprus. He participated in the first Universal Cathedral, convened in Naja Emperor Konstantin Great, and during debates with heretics-Ariana created a miracle, explaining the essence of the Trinity: the flame escaped from the piece of tiles, then the water was expired, and dry clay remained in the hand of Saint. After that, almost all heretics returned to the confession of Orthodoxy. Quiet and modest saint Spiridon created many miracles - healed the sick, resurrected the dead, once during the liturgy he sang the choir of angels.

Five times a year, a procession is made to Corfu with the relics of the Holy: They are carried in glass cancer vertically, as if the current hierarch in the Episcopian throne. The testimony of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol about the miracle that happened on one of these cross moves. One of the English travelers, watching the procession, suggested that the body of the saint is concerned, after which the relics rose from cancer and turned to the doubting back.

To John Russian

Eviea Island is located next to Athens - through a narrow strait, which was formed as a result of the earthquake. In 1924, after the exchange of the population between Turkey and Greece, the power of St. John Russian.

In 1711, after the victory of the Turkish troops over the army of Peter I, the young soldier John was captured by the enemy in captivity, sold on the slave market and lived the rest of his life in slavery. The owner forced him to accept Islam, but John refused, promising a faithful service, if there is no encroachment for the confession of Orthodox faith. The owner agreed, and long yearsTo the very death, John conscientiously cared for horses. A christian temple was located near the house of the owner, in which John often spent the nights in prayer and became sacraged every week. In Nevar, John spent twenty years of righteous life and honest ministry. Three years after the death of a humble slave, shine appeared above his grave, after which they opened the grave and found the unwanted relics of the saint, and even the earth around the coffin made a fragrance - Christians and Muslims took themselves this land as a particle of shrine. Righteous John Russian is widely revered on the Holy Mount Athos, especially in the Russian Panteleimmon Monastery.

Better to see once

Listed the numerous shrines of the Greek Earth for a long time - this land is rich in true treasures, however, as they say, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. You can travel in Greece yourself, armed with guidebooks: Numerous hotels are always welcome to guests, even if you decide to move at two in the morning, and the car gives the freedom of movement and saves time. But if there is no experience and confidence in independent travelThe excellent option will be a pilgrimage with an organized group, the benefit of the choice of trips to Greece is great. You can choose a trip combined with a beach holiday, and it is possible and only pilgrimage - for example, a pilgrimage center of the Moscow Patriarchate offers one of the most saturated routes of visits to the main shrines Greece. But whatever option you have chosen, you can say with confidence - it will be an unforgettable journey.

The pilgrimage center of the Moscow Patriarchate offers one of the most saturated routes of visiting the main shrines Greece.

Island Crete - The most beautiful and large, densely populated and beautifully well-maintained tourist center in Greece. Crete Island intrigues, fascinates with its unique and exotic nature. Affectionate Sunshine, Warm Sea and Famous azure beaches, Water parks and pools, richest history, traditions and culture, unique mining palaces and cities, charming villages, beautiful hotels and, and aquariums. Crete Island is famous for historical, which are interested not only for adults, but also small inquisitive tourists. Restaurants and wine taverns, colorful cafes, souvenir shops, will allow fun to spend time. It is on the island of Crete, young people and couples with children, newlyweds and students, elderly couples will be able to enjoy a comfortable stay.

Holy places on the island of Crete

Crete Island - the most famous and large center Cultural and religious life of Greece. In the first century, the Apostle Paul began to preach Christianity. In Crete, historical monuments and Christian shrines of various eras, copies of manuscripts and vintage valuable icons are perfectly preserved in Crete.

25 kilometers from the luxurious monastery of Arcadi. The correspondence date of the monastery is not established. There is an inscription on an old bell tower, which indicates that the monastery is based on the sixteenth century, and in other documents it is said that he was erected by the monk Arkady in the second Byzantine period. Arkadi has been expanded and completed for many years, so various architectural styles are traced in the monastery.

Arkadi Monastery is located 500 meters above the azure sea level, allowing travelers to enjoy amazing views of the surroundings. Potted streets and inner courtyards, which are drowning in colors and olive trees, cypresses and pines. Stunningly beautiful and majestic temple, decorated with two ships. A walk through the monastery will deliver a lot of pleasant emotions.

Arkadi - The only Orthodox monastery, which existed in the war years, instilling the bell ringing a small part of the hope of Christians. The main temple of Akrkadi is dedicated to the transformation of the Lord, it is in him that the amazing icon of the Savior with the blood of monks frozen on it, which Yaros defended the abode from Ottomans. The monastery museum has unique works of art, ancient weapons and valuable icons, amazing medieval embroidery gold. The monks rewrite the works of the great ancient Greek thinkers, miraculously retaining the manuscript and to our time.

The monastery is open daily From 9.00 to 19.00, the cost of visiting is 3 euros.

The monastery is 37 kilometers from the Rethymnon region. The monastery was separated into two parts: the upper and lower part of the monastery - Kato preserved, dedicated to St. John the Baptist. Founded by Kato

Preceded in 1550, however, during the period of Turkish-Venetian wars, the monastery was destroyed. Restored the temple in 1836, and then consecrated in honor of St. John the Bogoslov. In the monastery there are valuable sacred vessels and unique icons. The monastery is currently closed and is an important architectural monument.

The upper part of the monastery - Insus were dedicated, John the Theologian. The date 1594 is engraved on the bell tower, which indicates the founding of the temple. In the difficult times of occupations, the monastery became a refuge for freedom-loving wrestlers. On the cliff cliff, against the background of the blue sky, there is a monastery with snow-white walls, outside which stunning landscapes on the azure sea and brown vertices are located. Arches and stairs, amazing temples, paved courtyards of the monastery neat, are tired of gorgeous clay vases with flowers. The monastery has preserved the most important Christian shrine - a particle of the debris of the Lord, there is also a gorgeous collection of works of art. On the territory of the monastery is a wonderful animal.

The monastery was discovered open for visitors daily from 9.00 to 19.00, and on Sunday and holidays from 8.00 to 18.30. The entrance ticket is 2.50 euros, Orthodox visitors - the entrance is free.

The Gutenet Monastery is located in the picturesque region of Chania, not far from the beautiful monastery of Crete Island - Agia Triad. The main temple of Gvernet dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and has another name - Ms. Angels.

Guteneto is founded in the 16th century, the construction of the monastery resembles a powerful fortress. In the years of the Venetian government, Guteneto was the most densely populated and a huge monastery on the island of Crete. However, due to hostilities on the island, monastic buildings were partially injured. The fortress wall has been perfectly preserved and two defensive towers, residential and household premises, a stunning temple of Our Lady with ancient and unique frescoes on the facade. Walking through the deserted yards and streets on the territory of a beautiful monastery, mysteriously plunge into the atmosphere of ancient times. The monastery opened a museum in which the valuable work of church art and ancient relics are collected.

Next to the monastery is a small chapel, which is dedicated to the founder of Gutenet, Saint John Hermit. Near the temple is another chapel, which dedicated to the Ten Holy.

Guteneto Monastery has certain hours of visiting: Monday - Tuesday - Thursday with

9.00 to 12.00, from 17.00 to 19.00. On Saturday and Sunday from 9.00 to 11.00, from 17.00 to 20.00.

The monastery of the plywood is located in, not far from the picturesque city. In a secluded place among fantastic mountain silence there is an unusual monastery of the pheroman, which has become an important place for pilgrims. It is believed that the monastery was built on the spot where the marble sanctuary of the goddess of Artemis was previously located. Not many tourists are known about this amazing and unique place in tourist directories, but this monastery is worth a visit. Locals and pilgrims come to the monastery to ask for the blessings, health and birth of children.

The plywall is cut down on a rocky slope, and in the deep cave there is the main temple of the monastery, where a valuable relic is kept - the icon of Our Lady. Near the icons hang numerous thanks. The pheromami architecture is rather unusual. Near the cliffs are located monastery buildings, resembling colorful critical villages. Potted courtyards, neat white houses with balconies and terraces, flowers and trees, betray this place a fantastic atmosphere of peace. The monastery complex has four groups of buildings that are combined around a narrow yard. The monastery was attached to the wing with the cells, a chapel and a library dedicated to the Holy Siluanos of Afonite. At the monastery there is a museum in which the objects of traditional crafts and church art, robes and various vessels, a magnificent exhibition of Christian books are stored. Every year in the monastery is celebrated by the fifteenth of August, the Assumption of the Virgin, dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

The dwellings are always open to visitors who are welcomed by monks. Pilgrims will be able to stay overnight or for some time to live.

The monastery Agia Triad is located in Crete in the area, on the stunning Akrotiri peninsula. The monastery of the Holy Trinity is located near Chania Airport, at the foot of the stunning mountain Stavros.

Monastery Agia Triad is one of the richest and most beautiful monasteries on the island of Crete. A fantastic alley from cypresses is leading to the main entrance, and the monastery is surrounded by centuries-old olive groves and citrus forests.

Monastery buildings painted in gentle peach colourMany ladies and terraces from which stunning landscapes are opened. Neat paved courtyards and transitions drowning in greenery, shops for visitors, chapels and charming churches. In the vicinity there are olive and grape groves, which under the brand Agia Triad produces wonderful wine and olive oil, Environmentally friendly vinegar and honey, excellent soap. In the church shop there is an opportunity to purchase natural and healthy foodsMagnificent souvenirs.

The library of the monastery of the Holy Trinity preserved unique meetings of Byzantine icons and ancient manuscripts. Also in the museum are collections of paintings, the icons of John the Theologian and St. Nicholas, and the most important exhibit - the coating of the twelfth century altar, the icons of the artist Schirtlis. The monastery Agia Triad is Stavropigial, which means complete submission to the Konstantinople Patriarchate.

Opened Monastery of the Holy Trinity From 8.00 to sunset, in winter from 8.00 to 14.00, from 16.00 to sunset.

The Catholic Monastery is located in the Chania region, in the mountainous terrain of the Akrotiri Peninsula at the bottom of the mysterious and deep gorge.

Catholico is a rather ancient Orthodox monastery, which is roughly founded in the fifth century. The Catholic Monastery is partially destroyed and uninhabited, therefore he became the only non-extractive abode on the island of Crete many tourists. Behind the monastery look after the critical. The main temple of Catholic is carved straight into the rock, and only one wall of the man-made with an unusual architecture. In the mountains surrounding the monastery, Celi monks, in which you can get crash.

Not far from Catholic is a cave - a naked woman in which Saint John lived and died. There is a legend in which it is said that in the cave there was a holy source where the locals took water. But one day they began to come to the source, which attacked people. People appealed with prayers to the Virgin Mary, who turned his bear to the stone. In the cave there is central stalactitis, which is very similar to the frozen statue of the bear.

Opened Monastery Catholic Daily from 9.00 to sunset.

The monastery of the Mother of God Chrysoskalitis is located in the region of Chania, not far from the charming resort village of Paleochora.

Translated from the Greek Monastery of Chrysoskalitissa means - the monastery of Our Lady with the Golden Step. Based on the monastery in the 15th - 16th century, and sheepiyan with many ancient legends. One of them states that the monks fleeing from the Turks, inspired all the gold into one of the hundred steps, and see her can, only a deeply believer man with a pure heart and soul.

Women's monastery of Chrysoskalitissa Majestly towers on a hill, from where the incredibly beautiful landscape on the endless azure and peaceful sea opens. A snow-white monastery is surrounded by a bright greens. Well-groomed snow-white stairs, stone wallsMany colors and greens. There are only two monks in the monastery, who are followed by the order and purity in their holy monastery. In the temple there are two nefs that are dedicated to the Holy Trinity and the Virgin Mary. The most important ancient relic of the monastery of Chrysoskalitissa was the icon of the Assumption of the Virgin, which the artist wrote over a thousand years ago. The Assumption Icon of the Virgin is available for visitors and pilgrims who can touch her.

In the summer, the monastery works from 08.00 to sunset. IN winter months - From 08.00 to 14.00, from 16.00 to sunset. Do not forget about the appropriate clothes.

Monastery of Our Lady of Akrotiri (Topla) is located in the area of \u200b\u200bLassiti, not far from the resort town of Agios Nikolaos.

Monastery Topla is one of the famous and influential, incredibly beautiful monasteries of the island of Crete. The Monastery of Our Lady of Akrotiri is founded in the fourteenth century to protect against pirate raids, and all its structures are perfectly preserved until today. Topla is surrounded windmill and the majestic rocks, and from far you can see a 33-meter bell tower and an impregnable ten meter wall. In the monastery there is a fairly picturesque yard and shady arches, colorful cobbled streets. To date, there are many pilgrims in the monastery and four permanent residents. The monks produce olive oil and fragrant wine, raki, which can be purchased and trying straight on the spot. If you drive a couple of kilometers, you can walk along the stunning palm grove Wai, which will leave unforgettable impressions.

With the monastery of the Mother of God, Akrotiri there is a museum, which is founded by the abbot with Spanomadakis. The museum presents the vintage church books and gilded crosses, the gospel and engraving, press, the valuable icons of the fifteenth century, the icons written by Athos monks in the 18th - 19th centuries, a whole collection of ancient artifacts. The main icon of the monastery is "wonderful things of yours, Lord", which was written by the famous icon painter I. Kornaru in 1770.

Topla Monastery is open for visitors dailyfrom 9.00 to 13.00, from 14.00 to 18.00. The cost of visiting the monastery is free!

Monastery Kera Cardiotissa is located in the area, not far from the famous resort village. Women's Monastery Panagia Kera Cardiotism different sources Based in the 13th century. The monastery received its name thanks to the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, which is kept in the church abode of Rome. The icon of the Virgin Cardiac was repeatedly tried to kidnap the Turks, but the icon returned to his place. However, the miraculous icon was abducted by an Italian merchant and transported to Rome, perhaps she found her place. For the monastery Panagia Kera Cardiotessa in 1735, an exact copy of the Icons of the Virgin Cardiac was written, and she is also miraculous. Miraculous icon Helps women incapable of having children, parishioners pray for the health of their loved ones. A few nuns live in the monastery, who look after the monastery.

Monastery Panagia Kera Cardiotissa celebrates the eighth of September the birthday of the Virgin.

Currently, the monastery of Kera Cardiotessa is a rather quiet and peaceful place, which can be covered by worldly temptations. A lot of fruit trees growing on the territory of the monastery, flowers in vintage clay pots, cozy courtyards with leisure shops. The monastery is located a magnificent museum in which you can see old books and various subjects Church utensils. Also, there is a church shop and an amazing gallery.

For visitors Monastery Palagia Kera Cardiotissa open From 8.00 to 18.00, the cost of entry - 2 euros.

The monastery of the Savior of Christ and St. Gideon is located in the charming village of Margarijes, in the field of Heraklion.

The village of Margreez is located on the hillside, and the monastery itself at the bottom of the hill. Approximately the monastery of the Savior of Christ and St. Gideon was founded in the 15th century, a member of the notable Venetian family Nandalo, who was buried in the main church of the monastery itself. In the Venetian era of the Board, the monastery was Catholic. The last monk There was a father of Callinos, after whom the monastery was empty, and only in 1998 the Cretan began to restore it on their own.

Today, the amazing monastery of the Savior of Christ and St. Gideon is a very peaceful and quiet place. There is a church in the monastery, which is dedicated to the Savior Christ. In addition to new buildings, the monastery is planned to build a new church dedicated to the Holy Martyr Gideon Karakalsky, who died in the fight against the Turks. Also, there is an interesting living corner in which they live different types birds.
The doors of the monastery of the Savior of Christ and St. Gideon are open from 8.00 to sunset.

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