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Andrey is a primarious biography for children. Andrey is the first called. Orthodox church in Greece

The brief biography of Andrei First-Called describes how simple fisherman became the Apostle Christ. Together with other witnesses of the Resurrection of his teacher, the apostle - which means the witness, - has lifted the entire universe by a new saving faith, unprecedented and unthinkable before. It was such an innovation that everyone who met Andrei was ignited by either love and devotion to God or rejection and hate. The Apostle Andrey was the first-surveyant who enlightened us with you - through their mission in modern Ukraine and Russia. Today, many places in the Crimea have a job testify to this - even the temples that began to build the apostle itself are preserved.

The apostle Andrei was Galileanin, a countryman of the sons of Zezedeyev - Apostles John and James. Having first at first a student of John the Baptist, he was the first to respond to the conscription of the Savior to the sermon. Due to the fact that he was honored to be the first one who followed Christ, he was called first-call. The future apostle follows the Messiah, preceding John and Peter.

Life Andrei First-Called

Andrey was the primarious lived in the north of the Holy Land in the area called Galilee. Since the area bordered with Greece, there was a lot of communication between the two peoples. Therefore, Andrei and received a Greek name, translated which means "courageous". The future apostle from his youth retained the chastity and his hot desire to serve God, he responded first to the preaching of John the Baptist and was one of his disciples. After the baptism of Christ and the instructions of the Forerunner about him that "here is the Lamb of God, who takes on the sins of the world," the apostle Andrei, not thinking, followed him. He was John, the future favorite student of Christ. So the first four apostles appeared: Andrei called his brother, the future of the Apostle Peter, and now simony, and John James: "We found the Messiah!"

The Holy Andrey was the first-surveyant with Christ from the very beginning of his access to the sermon, and until the last: he was with him during the revelation of the Lord about the fate of the world, said who had five breads and two fish in front of a miraculous multiplication. He was with him and on the Eleon Mountain, where Christ ascended to the sky after his resurrection.

According to the promise of the Savior, the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the Mother of God occurred for 50 days after his ascension. Apostles after enlightenment grace and filled with many holy gifts came to the sermon. In the Zion Gorki, they threw a lot - to whom, to which country to go to preach. The Apostle Andrei got our lands - the North of the Black Sea. In his wanders, he reached the future of Kiev, where the Cross watersted and the preintection that the Lord enlightens this land with his holy baptism and erect many churches on it.

After returning to Greece, for many healing and appeals to Christianity, the Apostle Andrey divided the fate of most of the other apostles: he was crucified as an unholy pagan ruler. But they crucify so that it lasted it longer. To do this, it was tied to the cross, reminiscent of the letter X, without bringing nails, so that the saint does not die quickly. After two days of suffering, in the prayer the apostle went to the Lord and those present saw how the bright light illuminated the cross with the martyr and in this radiance he betrayed his soul.

West of St. Andrew First Called

The Apostle Andrei is considered the patron saint of the Russian Church, as she is the direct heiress of Byzantium - heavened the succession that the Konstantinople church led from Andrei the First-Called.

In Russia, its memory was always solemnly celebrated - to a greater degree before the revolution. Special reverence introduced Peter 1 - the highest award order of his name and approved the Andreev flag, under which many victories were committed. Flag depicts a X-shaped cross - blue on a white background - on which the apostle was crucified.

The relics of St. Andrew are stored in the Greek city of Patras, at the site of the Crucifixion of the Apostle. In 1974, a grand cathedral of his name was erected here, famous for the whole world.

Andrey is the first called: what are they praying?

Andrei Varozvannaya is the patron saint of Ukraine and Russia, as well as other countries located in the territory where he preached: these are modern Greece, Turkey, Macedonia, Malaya Asia. He also patronize fishermen and sailors. Andreevsky combat mate is known to the world: from the 17th century it is the state flag of the Navy of Russia. Andrei is the first-called pray to appeal to the Holy Faith, about success in the defense of the Fatherland, about the well-being of the navigators.

Of the holy legend, there are no cases of trouble-free healing, but also the resurrection of Andrei people: like other apostles, he repeatedly used the gift of Christ and returned people to life. Therefore, he can pray for healing from diseases.

At the site of his martyrdom, a source with water having a property to heal was scored. Now there is a huge cathedral of his name. Nice with its magnificence, he was built without a small 60 years.

Prayer Andrei First Called

The prayer honors the memory of the St. Andrew of the First-Called. Believers pray for healing and health.

Prayer to St. Andrei First Called

Prolifene of the Apostle of God and the Savior of Our Jesus Christ, the church to follower Supreme, all-in-and-nothing! Slavim and Male Apostolic Works Your Your Sweets Fee Your Blessed To Our Coming, please feel the honest sufferings of yours, Like Christ for Christ, I love the sacred power of yours, you honor the Holy Memory of your memory and believing, Yako Lord Alive, Lord Alive And Your Soul, and With It is forever in the districts of the remaining, the idea and the love of us are not leaving us, I will love our fathers. Believe, Yako and prayers about us, in vain in the light of our whole needs. By this faith, our faith in your temple I confess, and the Lord and God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ Molim, yes the prayers will give us all the sinful demands for the salvation: yes, you are ABIE to the guidance of the Lord, the remains of Mreži Your, the Sita And Kiyzho from us is not looking for them, but hedgehogs to the creation of Middle Summary, and he thinks about the mountain rank. The Imussea of \u200b\u200bthe Poster and Prayer Prayer about us, we hope, I can have a lot of your prayer for the Lord and the Savior by our Jesus Christ, Jesh applies any glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit in the eyelids. Amen.

Tropear Andrei First-Called

Yako Apostles is the first-surveyed and Verkhovnago, the very brother of Vladyza all, Andrei, pray, the world of the settlement to bestow and souls our Grace.

Kondak Andrei First-Called

The courage of the tezo-monitago of the Bozhoggolnik and the church of the Verkhovnago State, Petrova Skodniki, Zak, the army of this and now we are called: take it, gained desires.

Briefly examining the biography of Andrei First Called, the courageous man opens, fearlessly in the face of inhuman tests: the sermon among the wild, barbaric peoples was doubly brave, if you recall the moral pagans. But the love of Christ flashed in his heart and, therefore, today we are enlightened by Christ faith. We will appreciate the merits of their patron, and remember his life, which is so instructive for us.

The summary of the Apostle Andrei First Called, one of the Apostles of Jesus Christ is described in this article.

Brief Biography Andrei First Called

Andrei was the first-surveyed light in Wethsaid in approximately the first century of our era. He was his brother of the Apostle Peter. Before he became the first designed student of Jesus Christ, Andrei was engaged in fishing, like his brother. He spent his childhood in his hometown, and reaching mature age - moved to Capernam with his brother. They built their home and took up seriously fishing.

For the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200bdevoting himself to serving the Lord appeared in his youth. Then he refused to create a family, having decided to save chastity for a higher target. One day, rumors reached him: John the Forerunner on the Jordan River calls for sincere repentance and claims that the Messiah will come soon. The first-call throws the house, fishing and goes to the river. So he became the closest and devoted student of John.

One day, Jesus met Andrei and Peter, Vella his brothers follow him. They obeyed Christ and went after him. The first name with Jesus was close enough. It was him and another 3rd apostles the Messiah opened the fate of the world. After such a revelation, the apostle Andrei became more loyal to serve Christ, walking on his heels behind him and being with him to the end of his earthly life.

After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, he, like other apostles awarded the gift about the Holy Spirit - they became the ability to heal, the gift of prophecy and the ability to speak freely in all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

After such gifts, the apostles were divided into countries among themselves to bear the people of Christ. Andrei Prozozdannaya in lots fell out the territory of propontide, Viphini, Frakia, Scythia, Macedonia, Fessals, Ahaya and Ellala. He carried his sermon, despite the fact that he was expelled from most cities, humiliated and insulted.

Holy Andrey is the first-revival - the first of the apostles. Learn more about this holy, see icons with his image and read live, you can in this article!

Today, December 13, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of Memory of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called.

Apostle Andrey was from Galil e.and. This northern part of the Holy Land was of fertility and painting, and the inhabitants of it are good nature and hospitality. Galilean easily got along with the Greeks, in many people inhabited by their country, many spoke in Greek and even wore Greek names. Andrew's name is Greek and in translation means courageous.

When John the Baptist began to preach on the shores of the iord butat, Andrei, together with the John Zaesev, (who happened to him from one city - Vifsada) followed the prophet, hoping in his teaching to find an answer to his spiritual questions. Many began to think that may be John the Baptist and there is an expected Messiah, but he explained to people that he was not a Messiah, but sent only to cook him. At that time, the Lord Jesus Christ came to John the Baptist on Jordan for baptism, and he pointing to the Lord, told His disciples: "Here is the Lamb of God, who takes on the sins of the world."

Hearing this, Andrei with John followed Jesus. The Lord, seeing them, asked: "What is needed for you?" They said: "Rabbi (teacher), where do you live?" "Go and see," Jesus replied, and since that time they became His disciples. On the same day, the Apostle Andrei went to his brother Simon Peter and told him: "We found the Messiah." So Peter joined the disciples of Christ.

However, the apostles did not immediately devoted themselves to the apostolic rank. From the Gospel, we know that the Andrei brothers and Simon Peter and the John and John's brothers should have come back to their families for some time and to engage in their usual work - fishing. A few months later, the Lord, passing by the Galilee Lake and seeing their fishing fish, said: "Go for me, and I will make you the cathers of the people." Then they left their boats and networks and from that day became non-unforgettable students of Christ.

Andrei, previously the other apostles following the Lord, received the name of First butnnogo. He was with Christ during the entire period of his public ministry. After the resurrection of the Savior, the apostle Andrei, together with other students, received meetings with him and attended by barely aboutnaxy grief, when the Lord, blessing them, ascended to the sky.

After the Descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostles threw the lot, to whom in which country should go for the preaching of the Gospel. Saint Andrew got the countries lying along the Black Sea coast, the northern part of the Balkan Peninsula and Scythia, i.e. The land on which Russia was later formed. According to legend, the apostle Andrey preached at the Tauride Peninsula, then he rose to the north along the Dnieper and reached the place where Kiev later arose.

"Believe me," said the apostle to his disciples, - that the grace of God will excite on the mountains: the great city will be here, the Lord will enlighten this land with the holy baptism and erect many churches here. " Then the apostle Andrei blessed Kiev Mountains and watered the cross on one of them, having to adopt the adoption by the Future inhabitants of Russia.

Nikolay Lomtev. Apostle Andrey Promulous Watering the Cross on the Mountains

After returning to Greece, the Apostle Andrei stopped in the city of Pathos, located near the Corinth Gulf. Here, through the laying on hands, he healed many people from the ailments, including the notable Maximille, who believed in the heart of Christ and became a student of the apostle. Since many people's inhabitants believed in Christ, the local ruler of Echoat was burned by hatred against the Apostle Andrew and sentenced him to crucifixion on the cross. The apostle, not at all frightened the sentence, in the inspired preaching revealed the spiritual power and the meaning of the Savior's criticism of the Savior.

The ruler Egeat did not believe the preaching of the apostle, calling his teaching madness. Then he ordered to curtain the apostle so that he suffered a little longer. St. Andrew tied to the cross like the letters x, not driven nails in his arms and legs, so as not to cause a serious death. The unfair verdict of Entsat caused indignation in the people, nevertheless, this sentence remained in force.

Hanging on the cross, the apostle Andrei prayed incentively. Before the separation of his soul with the body, heavenly light was lit by the Cross of Andrei, and in his brilliance the apostle went to the eternal kingdom of God. The martyr's end of the Apostle Andrei First Called followed around the 62nd year after the Nativity of Christ.

Russian Church, adopting Frare Christ from Byzantium, whose bishops lead their succession from the Apostle Andrei, also considers himself his succession. That is why the memory of St. Andrew the First Called so solemnly revered in pre-revolutionary Russia. Emperor Peter I established the first and higher order in honor of Andrei Apostle, who was given in the award of state dignitaries. From Petrovsky Times, the Russian fleet made his Andreevsky flag, on a white background the blue cross of the shapes x, under the canopy of which the Russians won many victories.


Yako Apostles is the first-surveying / and the Verkhovnago of the Bug Brother, the Vladyza of all, Andrei, pray, / the world of the settlement to Give // \u200b\u200band the souls of our Grace.

Apostle Andrei First Called:

The courage of the TezoMenitago of the Goggog Baltran / and the Churmer of the Verkhovnago State, / Petrova Skodnika Pravilim, / Looking at the army of the army / and now we are called: // Provide, gained desires.

Prayer to St. Andrei First Called

Prolifene of the Apostle of God and the Savior of Our Jesus Christ, the church to follower Supreme, all-in-and-nothing! Slavim and Male Apostolic Works Your Your Sweets Fee Your Blessed To Our Coming, please feel the honest sufferings of yours, Like Christ for Christ, I love the sacred power of yours, you honor the Holy Memory of your memory and believing, Yako Lord Alive, Lord Alive And Your Soul, and With It is forever in the districts of the remaining, the idea and the love of us are not leaving us, I will love our fathers. Believe, Yako and prayers about us, in vain in the light of our whole needs. By this faith, our faith in your temple I confess, and the Lord and God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ Molim, yes the prayers will give us all the sinful demands for the salvation: yes, you are ABIE to the guidance of the Lord, the remains of Mreži Your, the Sita And Kiyzho from us is not looking for them, but hedgehogs to the creation of Middle Summary, and he thinks about the mountain rank. The Imussea of \u200b\u200bthe Poster and Prayer Prayer about us, we hope, I can have a lot of your prayer for the Lord and the Savior by our Jesus Christ, Jesh applies any glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit in the eyelids. Amen.

Akathist in front of the icons of St. Andrew the First Called

Kondak 1.

First Obornago of the Apostle Christ, the Gospel of the Svyataro Preacher, the Russian country of Bogoduchnagovnago enlightener Andrei Preslavnago, Songs, standing on the verse of the hill, the look of His Dandery Dandery Dandy, and Him, Yako Churke will be the expensive to Christ in a trace of himself: Rejoice, Andrei, the Apostle of Christ is the named.

Ikos 1.

Angel of the Annuncian of the Lamb of Christ, the sin of the world, was Andrei Apostol, and with him forever stay in the sky; Onceworthy and win on the singing, bringing you in the temple, on the spot, the appearance of your nose is yours, and, Yako rich in the Bladodaty of God, will give us the Word of God, but call us: Having rejoiced, Dennice from the hail of Vifsaida to us who having hesitated; Rejoice, the equitable brother of Verkhovna Petra. Rejoice, student a Velikago Forerunner Christ; Rejoice in the first others apostle called to the apostolic ministry from the SAMAO Lord. Rejoice, Yako and others, with joy, appealed to ESI: "Take, by the acquisition of the desired Messiah"; Rejoice, and we lead to him. Rejoice, Andrei, the Apostle of Christ is the named.

Kondak 2.

Teacher, where Livests? - I questions about the Esi, Andrei, Savior Souls of our souls, and, with him, staying day one, loved the ears for all the days of the belly of your acquaintago to the Messiah, and the brother of your eldership led to him. Tokool and us, Yako smaller brethren, do not come to him, and we, the subsequent feet of yours, yelling God: Allilouia.

Ikos 2.

Providaya in you, Holy Andrei, Faith and Luvva Flame, Lord Paki Taga will find on Hennisretskye's drier, Yako Rybarry, I am buying your brother, interference with the moires in depth, and the spectacle of Vama: "Mood for me, and AZ will create a man." You were followed by ABIE to him and a mogood word, Yako Mrezheu, people caught the Christ, with Nimić, and we caught you in salvation, broadcasting: Rejoice, Yako from Samago Lord Lovytva learned the spirituality; Rejoice, Yako on the same ruster with other apostles, we have been drunk, faithfully escaped in the Lord, prohibited by the wind and the sea. Rejoice, the plug-in grandfather, I've seen the other than five thousand five breads; Rejoice, the gift is the best of the Lord Gerdi every disease and any disease. Rejoice, Jaco, the voice with heaven to be heard to ELLINA, Christ to you by jumped; Rejoice, Yako on the grief of Elaway, the branches are revealed and you are coming at the end of the world. Rejoice, Andrei, the Apostle of Christ is the named.

Kondak 3.

Sladychnya wanderings and seeless meals on the mountain place of Zion enjoyed, Yako, a faithful friend of Christ, together with other apostles, Jerls of the gentlemen and your God, from the wrongty and the Spirit will holy the new Esi, in hedgehog to knit and decide the sins of Lyudsky. And Paki, in Tyujda Hornice of the Sionsty, abundant to be on the out of the exaggeration of the promotion of the Spirit in the fiery pagans. The whole tribes are surprised, as the language of their verbal, the greatness of God, singing: Aliluia.

Ikos 3.

From the Lord, the commandment of admitting the gospel of all the creatures of all the creatures, she streded a lot of hails and countries, the apostle Andrei, calling people to know the truth of God and the kreat of them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; With nimjes and we make up baptism grace. This thank you for God: Rejoice, the wonders of Christ the Prospector is true; Rejoice, the saint gospel of the preaching is loud. Rejoice, Idolskago ministry to the consumer; Rejoice, TRUNNAGO Pious to the sustainer. Having rejoice in the word of your people with water and the Spirit are reborn; Having rejoice, Yako to the refinement to see the referee. Rejoice, Andrei, the Apostle of Christ is the named.

Kondak 4.

The power of the autumn of the autumn, the apostle is primarily, in the hedgehog the power and glory of the Son of God and claim all Verovat in the holy Trinity called. The taste of the Troops and us, who are one in the TRACH TRACE IPOSTEEKH GOD, on the gracious of the Farm of the Faith of Christ, is observed, and the grace of the Holy Spirit will be due to consecration, Tregesegly sing him: Allilouia.

Ikos 4.

To the Christ's brother of his Simon Peter, first-handed, with him, the first of Antioch and Sinop, Tamo, won the shelves' demons, from the dwellers of your apostle of Matthews, Freedom, and Yuzniki with him, Supreme Peter From there in the Western country, I am currently currently, you are a brightened kissing for him, the same good of the same thing happened. Tormy and we, the people of Churke East, Blax: Rejoice, the power of God, the shelves of demons running and the dunnitz dunches; Rejoice, the privifulity of grace of Apostolic, from the admin ultrasound of the Tyintoshrvnoy us free. Rejoice in the West and East with your brother of your Bogomdrome, sermons for the words of God, lots dividing; Rejoice, in the city of Sinop, the disbelief of the Jews will force the miracles of your refiring. Rejoice in Jaco Tamo from the godless Christ for the sake of Bien was Rejoice, Yako from Samago Yavlshamia Ti gentlemen Healing the ulcers are given to you. Rejoice, Andrei, the Apostle of Christ is the named.

Kondak 5.

Two-handers return to the Holy Grad, yes I am purchased from the Apostles Fifty days celebrating Tamo, the twicks of Paki marched from the saint Zion, in the Hedgehog of Christ of the settlement, the first with John the Lord, we will see the same with Simon Kananitis and Matthew, And all the limits of Asia and Ponta protection, the word of salvation announced everyone, and God sing: Aliluia.

Ikos 5.

From the sea of \u200b\u200bGalileskago to Ponta Evsinskago, the Apostolic Mreji is the common and all Pomorie the Oblast Oblasting, Earth, First Call, and to Scythia Country, the cross of Christ everywhere lodge in the sign of our salvation. For the sake of this and we, the same and late, Intrusubuticate your appearance, and the ideas of yours, call: rejoice, in Nicea, the robbing robbers inguisive and Lutaisha Dragon is killed; Rejoice, the Cross of Christ, by Hoody, Water, Yako Forerunner of the Two Two Two Father's Father's Guard. Rejoice, Yako in Asia and Ponte to you, the light of Christ is ascension; Rejoice, Yako Apostolic rod of your pre-war of the Caucasus with the light of Christ. Having rejoice, guess Kimmerian's darkness; Rejoice, guessing the universe by jets of water alive. Rejoice, Andrei, the Apostle of Christ is the named.

Kondak 6.

Strupping passions and, eyaco ocean water, worried, the tribes of people, not leading the God of Trunenago, led the Apostle, to the Pacific Rubber, and those hearts, Aki Utty Ladd by the unbelief persisted, on Jacri, Orthodoxy approved Esi. Toky and we, Yako Chad, the Orthodox faith, a grateful heart and grateful ufs screaming to God: Aliluia.

Ikos 6.

On the Mount of Elaux Divine Teacher, sometimes with other apostles, I have questions, Andrei: "RTSa us, what is the sign of your coming?" At the mountains of Kiev, Yako, the organ of grace of the Spirit of Saints, you prevail the coming fame of the place of this place; We, predetermined on the grace of the Say of the seams like, we mummate: Having rejoice, Yako from the mountain of Zion law, the Evangelsky's law brought us; Rejoice, Yako on the waters of Vorisphen the apostle of God to us Estor Esi. Rejoice, grace to Jordan, the baptism of our for the sake of the river today; Rejoice, on the mountains of the Kiev Kpests of our salvation is watersm. Having rejoice, left the abundant outpour of the grace of God's predoscope; Rejoice, guessing the beauty of the Great and the churches of many areas to carry out. Rejoice, Andrei, the Apostle of Christ is the named.

Kondak 7.

Instructions, in the performance of the prophetic reading of yours, the temple of the Preslav bangs on the spot, the appearance of not judicing Yako, the existence of the Holy Spirit of the Spain; The neighborhood of His degrees with churches with Zlatoterekhimi, the truth of Doblite is testifies, Jaco, Yako from the Almights of the Department, the world of gallows. Toky and we, the sale of gog-affairs the verb of yours in vain, Velim Glory we call God: Aliluia.

Ikos 7.

From the light-touch dawn, the first-call of the apostle is the light of the aitication of perception, Holy Olga. Aid of the Russian Earth Yako Dennica of our salvation, removing after himself, Yako Lights Light, the grandson of his Vladimir, the enlightener of the Allian country. We are blind and erected by our eyes to you, Andrei Bogomudre, Yako to the initial adultery of our salvation, I will absorb Treasual Sia: Rejoice, Yako Dennica of our salvation, Olga Holy, Light Divine Cognition is being given; Rejoice, Jaco, thanks to Heria, the kingdom rejected. Rejoice, Yako, the blessing of your copper shone from the Say of Dennica to us with the symbol; Rejoice, Yako, in your opinion, the apostolic is an equivalent to the prince of us. Rejoice, Yako to Tobody Sainry Vladimir the kingdom of earthly to heavenly entry; Rejoice, Yako Dnipro and Catheric, the Kiev River, saving to us by a lot. Rejoice, Andrei, the Apostle of Christ is the named.

Kondak 8.

Preach the Pressenger Country of Kiev and the All Russian Country Shepherd and Pasomy Your Acts Your Acts, Bogomud Andrei Apostol; In the depths of God's cave, with Anthony and Feodosius, with anthole ufs, I can also live, glory, glory to your century and native to you, to you, the cross, Yako, a blessing tree, grieving, in this way, to launch us the fruits of piety and shrines. We are Roskagigo Vertograd your, Aki Pickles of the Spirit, to the science of Esma to chant to God: Aliluia.

Ikos 8.

Not a sharpening of Russia was one of the salvation of the West, the first to the apostle of Christ, but also the Slovenian tribes, I bow to Kokosh, the chicks, brought their chicks to Christ; You bo from Khersonis in the darkness of the garbage of the country despised, by Tamo Peace, and God will learn to the word, wisdom of teachers, Cyril and Methodius, pre-followed in many centuries; We, the aques of our tired of our enlighteners, TELEGLASNO ZDI: Rejoice, the Slovenian tribes of the invoice blessing; Rejoice, the word of their intelligent Word of God is managed. Rejoice, Yako verb in God's obedience, Churke Chad verbal isa; Rejoice, Yako in Khersonis, the idea was preached by the first dealership written Kirill Holy to do and bring me. Rejoice, Yako, those Alpha and Omega, the rear and end - Christ of God, the wisdom announced to them; Rejoice, Yako and all the fighters of Scripture teachers in Slovensk We are premature. Rejoice, Andrei, the Apostle of Christ is the named.

Kondak 9.

The desert Scythians are not welcing, in the depths of the surrounding country, speedily the apostolic wanderings of yours, prolonge, left, and in the Old Rome, has come, others, then the head of the world to the pagan; Obachu darkness for the sake of the idolskaya leaves him, and the episodium came to the Red Brega, Tamo in the city of Byzantium, the same, the new Rome and Mother of Christian, the apostolic throne, approved the ESI. Yes, the East and North of the East and the North of the Light of Faith will be illuminated, the belonging of the same Church of the Church of Christ is unobtable: Allilouia.

Ikos 9.

Mati Zion - Psalmish Recovers Man, Yako, the man is spiritually born in him, the new Sion is to us Kiev: in him Bo Light and the grace of God to have all the sons of the department from the department, the southes of you, the priest of the apostol, in Byzantium approved the ESI. We, in loveless light of Ozaryhamia, are grateful to call: Rejoice, from the mountain of Zionskiy, and the Multi-Fiber Ozarina Mountain Light; Rejoice, the deceit of the spiritual blessing of yours is no one. Rejoice, Yako, by the Universe, the apostolic throne approved the ESI; Rejoice, Yako under the village of His (in the new Rome) all the languages \u200b\u200benlightened languages \u200b\u200bcollected ESI. Rejoice, right to Orthodoxy in the souls, they are aligned; Rejoice, right from the east of the West, it is scattered. Rejoice, Andrei, the Apostle of Christ is the named.

Kondak 10.

Ever the time of the gunproofing of your, Blessed apostle, in the ancient Patra Ahajskiy, came acoustic, yes Tamo Zhrena Budeshi, the course of Bocked by Esi, the feat of the kind of kind, they were trying to all the diversion of Christ Crucifixed, Jew. "Christ, God's strength and God's wisdom, from a stronger and teaching Petit God: Aliluia.

Ikos 10.

Everywhere the name of the Lord Jesus sorely healing, the dead resurrected, the demons are expelled, and in the Pathers the death preaching of your miracles approved the ESI, the Apostle of Christ, and the Bed Anfipata drew Esi to the knowledge of the truth, ends of the sake of the sake of ulceratively, the sorry was being defeated, to the sickness; The people of VSI, seeing in you the power of God, the idols have their own Sacrush, and the Lord come to you, Pavlu is sometimes in Corinth, and to take your cross, appointing the sim yours in Pathers, his sake, suffering. Tormy and we, who misconcevere the grace in you, reverend: rejoice, the knowledge of God is omnipotently; Rejoice, Multi-Room Wonderland Treasure. Rejoice, ancient patr education and decoration; Rejoice, the unbelief of the Anfipata in the premenny faith. Rejoice, Yako Tamo Paki is the Lord to you, on the feat of the godfather called the called; Rejoice, I use the truth's crown. Rejoice, Andrei, the Apostle of Christ is the named.

Kondak 11.

Nero Caesha, Irode Sometimes Herod, persecution on the whole of the right erected, in Rome Paul Sword Sunsna, Peter on the cross, Putting, Like and you are in the Pathers, the hand of Muchitelleva, instead of the Mutaggigo Blades of the victim of Events Litago, and not tolerate his brother Below the healing of his wife is softer than that, in the dungeon, you must first and, the Supreme Peter, on the cross. You're a journal, in the dungeon of gloomy, Yako in the bright temple, brother Anfipatova Stasklis in the Bishop by Patrum droopped Esi, God with all true, having sinking: Allilouia.

Ikos 11.

In place of the Lobern Minisse, the cross is erected by Nurst, at the notmer there were people crucified everyday life, did not be afraid of the apostle, even before the death testify to the beloved of Christ and belong to Christ, and to this sign of the rescue of the Ruta, the cross With merry prestitution, led by my hope; Rejoice, the cross of the life-giving, the Jegenest chapter to heaven is achieved, the foot of the Gate of Hell Crush. Rejoice, the cross is a specialist, perceived by the Lord of My, Yako Cluster the sweetest, who has inventing our salvation; Rejoice, the cross is blessed, the robber saved and the fruit of confession is a gift. Rejoice, Yako and the Moya joy was the execution of ESI; You are at the dark and you, passionerpher, on the cross faith you are captured in Christ. Rejoice, Andrei, the Apostle of Christ is the named.

Kondak 12.

Get, Witness Joy Moya! - Assicted the apostle to the executor of the will of Entheat, "Create the will above me, and cinema, and, Yako Lamb, bring sacrificing the Creator that created me. And this city of Rivers, hurt the cross, Yako on the Highland Department, with Nadezhnaya Three days and three mines preached the Word of God of God with a standing man, and they are not afraid of death confirming the Lord Jesus. Even with the light of Heavenly, the Lick Your Lick, the horrible tormentover and the lead from the cross take the researchers; Obachech you, passionerpher, did not raise the enemy from the glory flour, to the outcome of your forever, the God of Vicky: Aliluia.

Ikos 12.

The famous apostolic exploits of yours, Andrei Prolimane, please be the holy end of your death, Heruzhe, the grained passion of the Son of God glorified, and in the donent of the heart they call Ty Sita: Rejoice, the friends of Christ, with the joy of the godfather of suffering for him undergoing; Rejoice, the apostle is faithful, from the cross the verbs of the belly of the everigious people who were preached. Rejoice, Yako at an hour of removal from the autumn cross Light, Aki zipper with heaven; Having rejoice, Aki Orthodox, the Son of God promised, the grace of God promised, the Aki. Rejoice, Pornye Jerusalem Apostolic foundation; Rejoice, Sedya with the Apostles on one from the Twispiest of the Threes, in the whole knee of Israel. Rejoice, Andrei, the Apostle of Christ is the named.

Kondak 13.

About the first-pronounced Apostle of Christ Andrei, Watch for the borrowings of this Holy Memory of all reading Holy Memory, and Yako watershed echo the glooring tree on the mountains of the city of Kiev, disinterested and the saving sign of Sim, yes, the Cross of the Lord God and the Savior of our guardiamia will reach a measure of the age of execution Christ and will be advised with you and with all the saints, in the reading of delight, in the endless eyelids of Petit God, the Savior to our: Aliluia.

(This Kondak is read three times, then Ikos 1 and Kondak 1)

The Holy Apostle Andrey is the first-surveyn - this is the first of the twelve preachers who chose the Lord in order to be in the people of Evangelical instructions. On glorious lives, icons, temples, built in his honor, as well as the memory of the righteous, read further in this article.


The future Holy Apostle Andrey was first-surveyed in Galilee, in the city of Vifsaide. Over time, moved to Capernaum, where he lived there with his brother Simon. Their house was near Gennisret Lake. I earned a young man on the life of what I caught fish.

Since childhood, the apostle Andrey stretched to God. He decided that he would never marry, and went to the disciples to being in Jordan, the prophet pointed to him and on the man who called the Lamb of God. It was Jesus Christ, followed by Andrei, followed immediately as his Lord.

In the Gospel it says that the saint first responded to God's call, for which he received the name of the First-Called. In addition, he led to Christ's brother Simon, who soon became precisely he pointed out Jesus on a boy with two fish and five breads, which soon became smartly multiplied, feeding a large number of people.

Visit Rus

Andrey was the first-surveyant witnessed many wonders who worked Christ. The Holy Apostle visited the Kyiv mountains where the cross waters, saying that the grace of God would stand here and there will be a great city with many beautiful churches in this place. He came to Novgorod land, as described in some vintage manuscripts.

In 1030, one of the sons of Prince Yaroslav wise when baptism received the name Andrei. After 56 years he decided to establish in the prince called him Andreevsky. In 1089, a new temple by Pereyaslavsky Metropolitan Ephraim was consecled. It was the church of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called. Closer to the end of the XI century, another temple was erected in honor of him, now in Novgorod. Since then, a lot of time has passed, but the good acts of Andrei First-Called all the same honor and remembers many people around the world.


For the last few years of their life, the Holy Apostle Andrey was the first-surveyor lived in Patra. Here, however, as everywhere, where he visited, the saint preached faith in Christ. He managed to create a very impressive Christian community. In the city, he made different miracles, including healing the imposition of hands, and also resurrected the dead.

At about 67, the ruler of Egeat, who was still worshiped by the pagan gods, ordered the execution of the Apostle by crucifying it on the cross. Andrei was very prolonged believed that he was not fit to die as well as Jesus Christ. Therefore, the cross for his crucifixion had a sufficiently unusual look, because he was beveled. Now it is considered one of the most revered symbols in the Christian world. The cross in honor of the executed apostle began to be called "Andreevsky".

The ruler of Egeat, who dominated at the time in the Pathers, gave an order not to nourish the saint to the cross, but only to bind, in order to extend his suffering. However, the apostle preached from there for another two days. The people who came to listen to, began to demand the cease of execution. Fearing people's wrath, Egeat ordered to remove the saint from the cross. But Andrei was the first-surveyant decided to take his death for Christ for the sake of Christ.

As warriors, and then simple people, did not try, but they could not unleash his way. According to eyewitnesses, when the preacher died, he littered with a bright light.

Now November 30 (December 13) is celebrated as the day of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called. According to legends, soon on the spot of his execution scored a life-giving source.

Orthodox shrine - Andreevsky Cross

In ancient written sources and, in particular, in the text of the Roman Ippolit, dated II century, it is directly stated that the apostle was crucified in the city of Patras. After the death of the Holy Cross, on which he died, placed in the majestic ark, repeating the same X-shaped configuration. Until now, fragments of this shrine are stored in a special kid at the most important Orthodox Greek cathedral in Patra.

According to the church tradition, the Andreevsky Cross was made of olive tree, which once produced in Ahai. After it was discovered in mass media, scientists had a number of scientific research. They found out that the cross really belongs to the temporary segment when the apostle Andrew was executed.

Orthodox church in Greece

In honor of the Holy Apostle Andrei First-Called In 1974, the construction of a majestic cathedral was finally completed in Patra. From the history of the temple, it is known that the contest for the development of this architectural project was announced back in 1901. After 7 years, by order of King George I laid the foundation.

Initially, the construction was led by Anastasios Metaxas - the most famous Greek architect, and after his death, the temple of the Holy Apostle Andrei Prolonnoye continued to build Georgios Nomikos.

Starting from 1910 and in the next 20 years, no work was carried out due to the instability of the soil. In 1934, the dome was erected, and in 1938, construction was again frozen first due to the war, and then due to the hardest economic situation in Greece. In 1955, the construction of the temple was continued by introducing a special tax for citizens.

Now the construction is the largest Orthodox Church in Greece. Next to her is another temple dedicated to this apostle, the construction of which was completed back in 1843. Not far from it is a source. Presumably at this place and was once crucified and therapy.

Return of shrines in patters

In 1980, the priest Panagiotis Simigiatos visited a place where part of the Cross of the Apostle Andrei was staying for a long time. He decided to return him to the city of patra, from where the shrine was once taken out. Local Metropolitan Nicodemus, uniting his efforts with the Roman Catholic Church, achieved the return of shrines to the historic homeland.

In mid-January 1980, in Patra, it was met with large honors thousands of people led by the clearing and representatives of the city authorities.

Higher award

The Order of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called has established his decree Peter I in 1698. Most likely, the king inspired stories about the preacher, who once conducted missionary activities in Russia and died from the hands of the pagans who had it on the cross.

The first award went to Count Fedor Golovin, who received it in 1699. Over the next 100 years of this order, more than 200 people were awarded, and for 2 centuries there were already about a thousand. Under the emperor Paul I began to reward people with spiritual ranks, and since 1855, the military for tact exploits.

The Order of Andrei First Called was canceled in 1917. Return it only in 1998 by the Special Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin. He is given to both its citizens and the heads of the government of other states for merits to Russia.

Meaning icon

Lick Andrei First Called can be found in almost any Orthodox church. On icons, it is usually depicted near the cross. Most often with one hand he blesses all believers, and the scroll holds. Sometimes it can be depicted differently. On some icons, the Holy Apostle hands are complex on his chest, which speaks of his humility. When Jesus was dying, the apostle was near and saw all his torment, but despite this, he decided to repeat the feat of his mentor, who was in the transfer to people of the good news.

Daily large number of believers bow to shrines. They pray to the apostle, asking him health with their relatives and loved ones, as well as assisted in solving the problems arising.

Andrey is the primarious - the intercessor of sailors, fishermen and representatives of the other maritime professions. Most of them pray to him before going into swimming. In addition, Saint is the patron saint of teachers of foreign languages \u200b\u200band translators, and the parents of unmarried girls ask him about a happy marriage for their daughters. It follows:

Prolifene of the Apostle of God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ, the church to follower, all-walled Andrei! Slavim and the magnitude of the apostolic works of yours, the sweetness of your blessed to us, please feel the honest sufferings of yours, Yazz for Christ, I have been pretended for Christ, I love your sacred power, honor your holy memory and believing, Yako lives the Lord, alive and your soul and with him Staying in the sky, the idea and loved by Tiyulya love, the Eyuzh loved the Esi of us, just the Holy Spirit of the Saints, and the appeal, and not a sharpend, but also the prayers about us, in vain in the world.

We conforate to our believing and taco by our faith in the temple, in the name in the name, Holy Andrei, preferentially creating, the earliest of your powerfully reveal: a believer, we ask and the molims of the Lord and God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ, and your prayers will not even listen and acceptance will give us all the sinful demanding to save us: yes, you're on the guy of the Lord, the rest of Mr., steadily followed by him, Sita and Kiyzho from us yes looking for no si, but hedgehogs to create a mother-in-law and about the mountain rank yes Throws. The Imussea of \u200b\u200bthe Poster and Prayer Prayer about us, we hope, I can have a lot of your prayer for the Lord and the Savior by our Jesus Christ, Jesh applies any glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit and forever. Amen.

Akathist Holy Apostle Andrei First Called You can hear in Orthodox churches around the world. He is the patron saint of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Romania, Sicily, Scotland and Greece.

December 13 (on a new style) The Russian Orthodox Church honors the memory of one of the twelve apostles - the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called.

Right saint apostle Andrey Prozoznaya He was from Vifsaida Galilee, and later, together with Brother Simon, he was fishing near the shores of Gennisret Lake in the vicinity of Capernahaum.

The Holy Apostle Andrey was the first called the first of the Apostles followed by Christ and led him his native brother of the Holy Apostle Peter (Simon).

The future apostle from the young years was distinguished by a prayer aspiration to God, he did not marry, and became a student of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist, who argued about the awareness.

On the banks of Jordan, John the Baptist indicated Andrei at the coming gentlemen of his Christ and Savory: "Here is the Lamb of God, who takes upon himself the sin of the world!" Not slowed more Andrei and followed the divine teacher, from which everyone first heard the verbs of life. Andrei hurried to inform the good news to his senior brother to his Simono and became the first evangelist exclaimed: "We found the Messiah, the verbal Christ!"

Andrei was the first-surveyant led his older brother Simon to Jesus, who nare him a new name: Kif, or Peter, that is, a stone.

Two brothers of the fishing of Andrei and Peter, designed by the Lord before the other apostles, followed the Lord when he preached about the kingdom of God, healing sore and relaxed.

In the sacred ledge, the external the image of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called "He was a growth of a considerable and higher, but somewhat bent, the nose had an eagle, eyes, filled with the gracious expression, the eyebrows are slim, hair and browten thick.

One of his word healed sick with the embeding of hands; Relaxed and lepers sprinkled he sanctified water and returned to them the power and frequency of physical; Blind gave vision through only one touch of fingers; Everyone was amazed not so many wonders, how many meekness and humility, with whom I pronounced the words of Divine Wisdom. "

Preaching, the Word of God Holy Apostle Andrei made several travels during which he returned to Jerusalem three times.

He passed small Asia, Frakia, Macedonia, Scythia and Black Sea. The Apostle Andrei rose up the Dnieper to the location of the current Kiev, where I hoisted the cross in the Kiev Mountains, contacting my disciples with the words: "Do you see the mountains of these? In these mountains, the grace of God will reach, there will be a great city, and God will raise a lot of churches. "

Andreevsk Church in Kiev.

Moving further to the north, the apostle Andrey reached the settlements of Slavyan at the place of the future Novgorod and the current village was played by Georgianly his rod. From here the apostle Andrey went back to Frakia, passing through the lands of Varyagov and Rome.

The Apostle Andrey is the first-surveying plating the cross on the mountains of Kiev.
N. P. Lomtev 1848

By visiting many cities and seaside villages, where they were founded by the Church, reached, finally, Byzantium. In the outskirts of Argeropol, or Silver Grad, Saint Andrei put the bishop of one of the 70 students of Christ Stakhi, who became the head of the hierarchy of the new Rome, as the Apostle Clement was delivered by the gland of the Old Rome from Peter.

Apostles from 70 stahs, ampals, urvan, etc.

The last city, where the Holy Apostle came and therapie came, and where he accepted the martyrdom in 62, was the city of Patras (Patras). Here, the prayer of the apostle recovered a seriously ill-sick native suny town. Also on prayer with the imposition of apostolic hands healed the wife of the ruler of the Patrass Maximilla and his brother philosopher stools.

It encouraged the inhabitants of the patra to take from the Apostle Andrei Holy Baptism, but the ruler of the city consul Egeat remained a fallen pagan. The Holy Apostle with love and humility appealed to his soul, seeking to discover the Christian secret of eternal life and the miraculous power of the Holy Cross of the Lord.

Angry Egeat ordered to crucify the apostle. Andrei was glad and the prolonged decision made the decision of the ruler and climbed the place of execution. To extend the torments of the Holy Apostle, Egeate ordered not to nail his hands and legs to the cross, but to tie them. According to legend, the cross, on which the Holy Apostle was crucified, Andrei was the first-surveyed, had the form of the letter "X" and was called the "Andreyevsky Cross".

Two days apostle from the cross taught those who gathered around the townspeople. People who listened to him, all souls complained to him and demanded to remove the Holy Apostle from the Cross. Frightened by popular perturbation, Egeat ordered to stop the execution. But the Holy Apostle began to pray that the Lord honors his godfather death. No matter how they tried to remove Andrei from the Cross of the Apostle, they did not obey their hands. Crucified apostle reward to God to praise, said: "Lord, Jesus Christ, the Acceptance of My Spirit."

Then the bright radiance of the Divine Light consecrated the cross and crucified on it of the martyr. When the radiance disappeared, the Holy Apostle Andrey was already prolonged already betrayed his soul. Maximilla, the ruler's wife removed the body of the Apostle from the Cross and hung him with honor.

Jewelery of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called

Having left preaching the teachings of Christ, the kreat of believers and taught them the divine secrets, St. Andrei, Peter and Matthew reached the city of Sinop in Scythian lands, which was the capital of the kings of Pontic, where there were many Jews.

Judea Sineza was divided between themselves on various heresy, and the most barbarians-pagans who lived in Sinop, there were people in the lava of cruel and brutal. The apostles did not go to the city, and they stopped at the edge of Cape for six miles from Sinez and many of the Jews and pagans, they turned into Christianity, incessant signs arguing their teachings.

Coming out of Sinop, the apostles divided their ways - the Apostle Peter taking with his Gaya, went to the West to preach the teachings of Christ, and the Holy Apostle Andrei and Mathem and other students, went to the east with the educational discretion of the Slavs and Greeks to the East.

Western Christians turn to the Saint Peter as the main stone of their church, who set the Supreme Department in Rome for them. Eastern Christians, with love flowing to the Holy Andrey, who went around their limits with the news of Gospel. The Holy Andrey was the first-surveyed first bishop in Constantinople, in Byzantium, who became the head of all Eastern Christianity.

In the nearest Saturday he climbed into the synagogusinop and preached the word of truth, proving from the Holy Scripture that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God. The Holy Apostle Andrey is the first-surveyed, climbing onto a stone and stretched out the hand, painted with a cross sign, all the suffering and patients were healed. Surprised by his miracles, citizens brought donations, but the apostle distributed everything to the poor, and many, having believed in Him in the Lord Jesus, were baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity.

The apostle Andrei preached and enlightened the inhabitants of the cities and villages of Ponta, claiming them to the faith of the Lord Jesus, he, with the help of converts, arranged the church, created an altar for a bloodless victim and dedicated priests and deacons.

The poor people and rich veelmbods, men and wives, Jews and pagans were baptized in the church, for then the rulers of the Roman Empire - Tivseli Kesar, Guy and Claudius, did not interfere with the confession of the teachings of Christ. The Apostle Andrey led all the parishioners of prayer, the singing of Psalms, Slavostilovia, Sacred Obligas, drove to those who pray to become facing east, on the knees, autumn herself with the godded sign. The Apostle Andrei taught the parishioners to fast and awake, not to read pagan mythology, but were engaged in the scriptures.

He visited the trapezont, the city of coarse and harsh ignorant morals, lying in the land of Lases, on the shore of Ponta, and after went to Ieria, where she preached in the cities of Her: Negia, Clarge and Artakan-Colos. The apostle Andrew went further to the land of Parfyan Sathety, and returned to Jerusalem for Easter holiday.

The third journey of the Holy Apostle Andrei First-Called Around Ponta began from Edez, from where he, together with Mathethem and Simon Kananitis, went to the Earth Ivlya freely preaching Christ the Savior, they passed part of the Triatse region to the river, called Choroi.
The Apostle Andrey preached "Scythians, Sogdians and Gorshi, even to the great city of Sevasta and the Facisa River (now Rioni River), where Ivira, Susses, Fuces and Alan live ..."

The apostles visited the mountainous Svanetius, Princess Svaneti accepted their sermon, Matthew was here at the head of the church, and the Great Andrei with Simon Kananitis rose to the mountains, where Ossetians lived, and reached the city of phospofour, and many turned into Christianity.

More accurate and detailed information about the apostle Andrei belongs to Nikita Paflagon in the "commendable Word of the Apostle Andrei", the 9th century. "You, worthy of all of my respect Andrei, have received the north to go to the dutch, with jealousy, Iverly bypass, Savromatov, Tavrov and Scythians and a passage of all areas and cities, adjacent from the north to the south of Ponta Evcinsky."

Under the brands and Scythians, the inhabitants of the Crimea and the inhabitants of the Small Scythia are mentioned here, the territory of which extends from the city of Chersonese to the Borisphen River (Dnipro River) and the Danube. The path of the Holy Apostle Andrei walked along the shores of the Black and Caspian Seas.

Epiphany Cyprus collected about Andrei the first-call many testimonies, and made up the lives and path of the Holy Blagovetta. The Apostle Andrei enlightened many Ieverians in Ieria (Georgia), in Svanetia, in which the rules of the Pontic Queen, the widow of the killed Pontic Tsar. Svanetia accepted the Holy Intelligence, the apostle Matthew was left here, the apostle companion Andrei for approval by the Church of Christian.

From Svanautia, St. Andrey the First-Raznaya went to Ossetia, and in the city of Fotofofort, many drew into the Christian faith.
Epiphany Cyprus reports that "the Apostle Andrei taught the Scythians, Kozoydian and Gears, in Sevastopol great, where the strengthening of Apsar and the Harbor Issa and Phazis River; Iverly live here, and pretty, and fems, and alans. "

From Mountain Ossetia, his way was lying in Abkhazia, to the city of Sevast, where even more people accepted his sermon. From the works of the Holy Fathers, published by Mine learn that "the Apostle Andrei, he walked around, miscarriage, all the Pomorie of Viphini and Ponta, Frakia and Scythia, then arrived in Sevastopol the Great, where the strengthening of Apsar and the Phazz River. The inhabitants of Sevasta took the word of God, at the head of the church, the Holy Apostle Simon remained.

According to the researchers, these geographical names belong to the territory of modern Abkhazia, where the city of Sukhum is an ancient Greek colony of the Dioskuria, the Roman era was known called Sevastopolis and Sevastopol the Great, hence the trading path to India and Asian countries went from here. Phaseis River is an ancient name of the Rioni River.

The Holy Apostle Andrey went along the sea to the ground of cruel-ferrous jigtets, immersed in darkness of dishonor. Djiges did not accept the preaching of the Apostle Andrew and were looking for the chance to kill him, but the Lord retained him. Blessed Andrei, seeing their inflexibility and cruel, retired from them, so the jigs and in this time remain in disbelief.

From them, St. Andrew retired to the Upper Sundag, the inhabitants of whom he gladly followed the teachings of Christ, then he headed with his sermon and wonders, the name of God, in Bosphorus, where a lot of townspeople attracted to Jesus Christ.

Not far from Byzantium, in Acropolis, or Vyshgorod, the Apostle Andrey put the church near the Gradsky gate, called Avgenon, and the very church carries the name of Armason.

The apostle Andrey preached Scythians who lived in the territory from the Balkans to the mouth of the Danube.
Further, Andrei was first-called in the Thracian city of Heraclia and, there was a long time, sowing the seed of Divine. Bishop Irakli, as the oldest of the spiritual congratulations, has the right to give the rod pastoral Patriarch of Constantinople.
Visiting Macedonia, the apostle Andrei preached, consoled and healed the sick, baptized, and made the church, and the hands-in the presbyters.

In Fessalonik, he remained for a long time, afraid of the people and claiming the believers addressed to Christianity to another preaching of the Holy Apostle Paul. From Soluni went to Peloponnese and visited the Ahaky city, the ancient pours - here was the limit of the apostolic feathers.

In 357, the relics of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called were solemnly postponed to Constantinople and put in the temple of the Holy Apostles next to the relics of the Holy Apostle and the Evangelist Luke and the student of the Apostle Paul - Timothy. For the capture of Konstantinople, Crusaders, in 1208, the relics of the Holy Apostle Andrei were transported to Italy and were placed in the Cathedral in Amalfi.

From 1720, by decree Peter I, the Andreevsky flag was established with the image of the Andreevsky Cross. This flag was the official flag of the Russian Navy.