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Psalm 118 on the date of mind. Psalter. Days of special commemoration of the departed in Orthodoxy


In the Jewish Bible, this psalm does not have inscriptions, in Greek and Vulgate, as all the psalms, starting from 110, inscribed - "Alilius". Psalm is an alphabetic, and every letter of the Jewish alphabet begins not one verse, as in those psalms who have already met with us, but stored in 8 poems, and therefore all verses in Psalm 176, the stanza 22, by the number of signs of the Jewish alphabet. Psalm can be considered written during the ezen and nemineia, since the instructions of the Psalm for non-configurations of life, such as hostile relations to the Jews of the Government (23, 46), the appearance among the Jews of the Apostates (21, 53, 150), as well as numerous instructions that the righteent Fought and found protection and reinforcement only in faith in the Lord and following his law (Art. 1-8, 14, 20, 24, etc.) coincide with the situation of Jews in the era of the activities of the Ezra and Nehemiah, when the Persian kings prevented the Jews in Samaryan The arrangement of their civil, political and religious life, when the Jews for their loyalty to the law were directly even persecuted, for example, under Artaxerks 3, his warlord Vagoz has fallen sacrifices; The famous Artaxerxx Longiman has even made a commandment on the origin of the Rodan, about the extermination of Jews (ESF III: 8-14). At this time, the Jews had many apostates from the Fathers faith.

The content of the Psalm is devoted to the altitude of the content of the law of God and clarifying its benefactor for a person. Despite the vastness of the Psalm and the seeming repeatability of many thoughts, he, however, according to the proven. Fefan (see Interpretation on this Psalm, Introduction to Him), full of diversity or in understanding the properties of the law, or its different shades, so that for an in-depth in its reading is an inexhaustible material for editing. This work prevail. The author will familiarize themselves with the details, shades of the content of the Psalm, in its exploiting understanding, we will dwell here only in those places that for some dark need to find out the direct, literal meaning.

1 Blessed is immaculate in the way, walking in the Law of the Lord.
2 Blessed His revelations, all heart seeking it.
3 They do not make a lawlessness, go to him.
4 You commanded your commands to keep firmly.
5 Oh, if my ways were sent to compliance with Your Charters!
6 Then I would not be plugged, looking at all the commandments of yours:
7 I would sing you in the rightness of the heart, the courts of the truth of yours.
8 I will keep your charters; Do not leave me at all.

1-8. The law of God here is referred to in different names, with the unity of its internal content with a diverse manifestation, expression and meaning. "Law" - a general indication, the main generic concept, indicating those immutable norms that are subject to the physical and spiritual life of a person, and the spiritual life of a person. "Revelations" - special commands communicated by God to man for his spiritual increase. They are "frank", that is, not a person worked out why they may not have a mandatory force and be erroneous, but sinless and saints, as they are open, communicated by the Lord himself, and therefore are generally obligatory. This law is "path", indicates the direction of human activity to achieve the goal of its existence on Earth. "Communications" - inexcluded orders, giving instructions in various types of life - family, public, religious, etc. "Statute", that is, the prescriptions that establish the well-known human relations to God taken by the first obligations, the violation of which entails It is a kara, in the form of different disasters and non-configurations, for this violation. "Commandments", that is, the limits indicating the boundaries of what is permitted and useful in what borders and the will of a person and its activities should be concluded. With Greek. and lat. Under the "commandments", of course, "justification", that is, the commandments of the Lord, while maintaining and following them, who make a person with the holy and right before God. "Court" - in the sense of impartiality and infallibility of his decisions: there is nothing in the law that indulges the passions of a person or ambiguous, there is one truth. The writer Psalm praises and considers the blissful who did not retreat from this law and steadily followed him, and prays God to give him strength for the same performance of these commandments, since only in the latter - the condition of peace of mind and moral satisfaction.

9 How can you keep your way to your clean? - storing yourself according to your word.

9. By comparison with 8 tbsp. Under the young men, it is necessary to intelligence the writer Psalm, which indicates 100 st. This indication can be partly to explain the most vastness of the Psalm, in which it is impossible not to see the inquisitive efforts of the writer to understand and understand all the content of the law and his great importance for a person, to understand it even in private; This is the first sample of conscious thoughts and desire to determine and outline the way of life. At the same time, in Psalm, we will see a lot of instructions, where his writer will penetrate the thirst for the feat and hot, impregnated indignation at all that are not followed. The last feature, the feature of the hot desire of feats and intentions steadily and straightforwardly to follow what is recognized as high, feature and property of predominantly young age. If the writer Psalm was a young man, then those numerous assumptions that are attributed to the origin of His David, who wrote his son to Son Solomon to his studies to his studies: David, when Solomon was born, was not a young man, but a mature and crowded husband. "Word" is called here the same law of God, as a commissable person from the Lord through Moses and the prophets by words, speech. By following this word, the young man will retain his purity, as in this law, instructions are offered, elevating a person, referring to his soul and saints.

10 With all my heart I am looking for you; Do not let me evade your commandments.
11 In my heart, I have falched your word yours so as not to sin to you.

11. "Hold up in the heart" - to love, deeply assimilate, so that the external behavior is an expression of the internal mood. In the same consent of the inner life and its external expression - the fullness of the personal life and the definiteness of its direction.

12 Blessed you, Lord! Teach me the charters of yours.
13 I graduated from my mouth all the courts of mouth.

13. As a result of deep penetration of the law in the writer's heart is that he constantly speaks about this law, he preaches him, since there is no other, more for him to the highest and valuable subject.

14 On the way of revelations, I am glad, as in every wealth.

14. "On the way of revelations, I am glad", I am glad when I follow your commandments, because I find satisfaction with your attachments. This following the commandments do not mean theoretical only study of the law, and the diverse manifestation of it in activities, which in all its species and directions was the implementation and actual, practical preaching of the statutes of the Lord.

15 On your commandments, we think, and looked at your way.
We console yourself with 16, I do not forget your words.
17 Javi Most of the slave, and I will live and keep your word.
18 Discover my eyes, and see the wonders of your law.

18. "To see the wonders of the law of God" - to understand all the high content of it, to appreciate the transformative force, which from a sinful person makes the righteous, from a weak will - the great devotee, from the insignificant hero. Such evidence of the wonderful transformation of a person under the influence of the law of the story indicates whole thousand: all the prophets were martyrs for the law and unshakable preachers, in the history of the Christian Church of such facts of great mobility and martyrdom it is impossible and recalculated. It is possible to understand and find out this force and the action of the law of God on a person when "open eyes", when they are not turned away from him with biased conviction, and carefully, concentrated, "with open eyes", study it.

19 Wanderer I on Earth; Do not hide me from your commandments.

19. Life on Earth is "wandering", a journey committed by man to achieve his fatherland and permanent, eternal location. Obviously, the latter is not on earth, but after the coffin. If so, then the earthly life should be prepared for the afterlife and can only be given to it unmistakably chosen on the ground the path. How and where to find the latter? This path is indicated in the commandments of the law. Whoever does not follow them, he is mistaken and will not reach the afterlife, i.e., diplomas, as awards for incurred works to its achievement. Here is a fairly clear doctrine of the goal of the earthly existence, the immortality of the human soul and afterwards.

20 The soul was deceived by my desire of your vessels at all times.
21 You have tamed proud, damned, avidious from your commandments.
22 renovate with me and entertainment, for I keep your revelation.
23 princes are sitting and deal against me, and your slave reflects on your charters.

21-23. In these verses, the indication of the provisions of the Jewish people during the times of ezer and nehemia, when they met opposition both from the apostates from the faith of fathers from the Jews and from Samarian. The latter are called god boning from the commandments because the Samarians recognized only the Pentateuch of Moses, and the rest of the sacred books of Jews were rejected, as a result of which the revelations reported on these books were observed. Samaritan intrigued against the Jews before the Persian rulers, and the princes of Persians, trusting them with denunciations, published decrees that are constrained by the activities of the Jews, it seems, for example, the prohibition of the construction of the temple and Jerusalem. Such prohibitions were undeservedly represented by the decision of the Jews, which took care only with these buildings on the satisfaction of their religious needs, and not about political sediments, as their enemies were false.

24 Your revelations - the consolation of my, [and your statute] - My advisors.
25 soul is defeated in dust; Revive me according to your word.

25. "My soul is defeated in the dust" "I'm exhausted, Intrusted that I was close to death, turned into dust, in nothing - an indication of the fact that the modern wristwriter acted on him depressingly, he was close to desperately. - "Revive me for your word" - Help your almighty assistance.

26 I declared my way, and you heard me; Teach me the charters of yours.
27 Give me to urge your way of your commands, and I will reflect on your wonders.
28 My soul is in painting from sorrow: I will strengthen me according to your word.
29 I deleted the path of lies from me, and your law is given to me.

29. "Delete a lies path from me" - Save me from false and bad deeds. Maybe the writer in order to weaken the intrigue Samaryan temporarily stopped at thought, to influence the Persian yard indirect funds, but then, I think that such a way, being unclean, may entail a whole number of similar things, to develop indifference to the moral side of actions in a person, Having made the most external profitability of the recent advantage of the latter, and with a prayer of repentance turned to the Lord so that he approved him in the next truth, his law (see 30 Art.).

30 I chose the truth path, put your truths before my courts.
31 I rushed to your revelations, Lord; Do not take me.
32 flow through your commandments, when you expand my heart.
33 Specify me, Lord, your way of charters, and I will hold it to the end.
34 by the examples of me, and I will comply with your law and keep it with all my heart.
35 Put me on the path of the commandments of yours, for I wasveling it.
36 Cancel my heart to your revelations, and not to a caustic.
37 Take out my eyes to not see the fuss; Live me on your way.
38 Recognizing the word Your slave is yours, for a reverence before you.

33-38. The consciousness writer of the height of the law, his holiness and its weakness and inexperience, causes it in him, with his decision steadily follow the instructions of the law, prayer to the Lord that he does not leave him with his constant instance and leadership in a wide variety of circumstances and positions of life.

39 Take out the rejugation of my, whom I will be afraid, for the courts of your favor.

39. "Decision" - Of course, from God's sin, that is, for the deviation from his commandments. This station is expressed in the deprivation of a man of the greatest good - proximity to the Lord. Such a "appreciation" for a pious person is the greatest disaster, the hardest punishment he was afraid of and from which, in the event of a violation of the Divine Commandments, he pray for the goodness of the Lord to pardon him.

40 Here, I wasveling your commands; Your forever is true.
41 can come to me mercy your, Lord, Your salvation according to your word, -
42 And I will give a response replacing me, for I hope your word.

42. Ordinary, everyday measure, which is attached to the estimate of the dignity of different areas of life is, the most part, narrowerialist: The dignity is measured by the degree of benefits and the number of practical amenities. In such a position, a writer Psalm was with his deep faith in the fruitfulness of God's law for storing it. His faith was deep, but the external position was poorly. It caused ridicule over him from both the enemies of the Jewish people, pagans and its miniments, unstable in their faith and apostates from her. Since the appropriation of the righteous or Discover lies of dosers.

43 do not take away from the mouth of my words of truth, for I think your courts

43. "Do not take away from the mouth of my words of truth". "At all" It means forever, constantly, more precisely with Heb. "Never", i.e. let me never retreat from your commandments.

44 and I will keep your law always, forever and eyelids;
45 I will walk freely, for I recited your commands;
46 I will talk about your revelations before the kings and I will not let down;

46. "Talk about your revelations before kings" - explain the true meaning of what the Jews were constructed on returning from captivity, without fear of any false interpretations and distrust by rulers (see 29 Art.).

47 I will be comforted by your commandments that loved;
48 My hands will be used to your commandments, who loved, and reflect on your charters.
49 Remember the word [yours] to the slave, to which you commanded to believe:
50 This is a consolation in the distress, mine that your word revives me.
51 Proud of the extremely swallowed by me, but I did not evade your law.

51 tbsp. sl. 42.

52 recalled your courts, Lord, from the century, and consoled.
53 Horror extracts me at the sight of wicked, leaving your law.

53. Under the wicked, "leaving the law of God," there are no pagans that did not hold this law, but the Jews who retreated from him.

54 Your charters were my songs on the site of my wanders.
55 I remembered your name, Lord, and kept your law.

55. "Night" - disaster times. In the difficult moments of life, the writer was consoled only by the power of his faith in the law of God and the promises set out there for all Jehovah's honors.

56 He became mine, because your commands are stored.
57 My Little, Lord, I said, keep your words.
58 I prayed to you with all my heart: you have mercy on your word.
59 pondered about my ways and turned my feet to your revelations.
60 hurried and did not hesitate to follow your commandments.
61 Networks are wicked surrounded me, but I did not forget your law.

61. "Networking"Probably the misties of Samaritan.

62 At midnight, I got up to the Slavor to your righteous courts of yours.
63 Generally I am all who fear you and keeping your commands.
64 of your grace, Lord, is full of land; Teach me the charters of yours.
65 The benefit did you make a slave, Lord, according to your word.
66 Good understanding and keeping learning me, for your commandments I believe.
67 Before my sufferings, I was mistaken; And now your word is stored.

67. Disasters experienced by Jews during the captivity showed them that the power and power of their people lies not in the arrangement of life at their discretion, but at the direction of the Lord. Although the last one was constantly heard by the preaching of the prophets, who foreshadowed heavy disasters for the retreat from God, but the people did not believe and "burned" until the offensive of the prophets of Kara, in the form of the Babylonian captivity. Now, during the captivity, the Jew has learned, it was realized that his well-being depends on the storage of the "Word of God". The writer Psalm here is an expressive of the general mood of pious Israelis.

68 benefits and beneficial you, [Lord]; Teach me the charters of yours.
69 Proud gossip lies on me; I will keep your commandments with all your heart.
70 The heart is noinished, like Tuk; I will console your law.

69-70. Under the "Gordy", you can intelligible or generally pagan princes, neglecting the people relating to the Jews, or those of the Jews, who paid all their efforts only to their material support, without taking care of common needs and their moral cleanliness. For all of them, a Jew, devoted to his people and pious, was a hindrance that they wanted to eliminate.

71 Good me that I suffered, in order to learn your charters.
72 The law of mouth for me is better than thousands of gold and silver.
73 Your hands made me and arranged me; Ince me, and learn to your commandments.
74 Wearing you will see me - and they will renew that I feel about your word.
75 I know, Lord that your courts are righteous and in justice you punished me.
76 Yes, the mercy of your consumption is mine, according to your word to your slave.
77 and your mercy will come to me, and I will live; For the law is your consolation.
78 may be charged proud, for insinuate depress me; I reflect on your commands.
79 will come to me who fear you and knowing your revelations.
80 May my heart is immobably in your charters so that I do not break.
81 Ispays my soul about your salvation; I hope yours.
82 are my eyes about your watch; I say: When will you comfort me?
83 I became like fur in smoke, but Your charters did not forget.

81-83. Image of gravity experienced by the writer of non-confinement of life. - "Fur in smoke", more precisely, fur in the frost, which is hardening, breaks and is done by the smoke. "Frost" Here the image of the disasters of the Jews, which renounced the latter.

84 How many days of your slave? When will the trial of my progress?
85 yam drank me proud, contrary to your law.
86 All commandments are your truth; Unjustly pursue me: help me;
87 almost did not take me on the ground, but I did not leave your commands.
88 By the grace of your liqueness, and I will keep the revelations of your mouth.
89 forever, Lord, your word is approved in heaven;
90 Your truth in genus and genus. You put the Earth, and it stands.
91 According to your definitions, everything is worth the bottom, because everything serves you.
92 If it were not for your law, I would be a consolation, I would die in my distress.
93 Will not forget the commandments of your own, because they will enlive me.
94 Your I save me; For I recited your commands.

94. "Your I" - Only one is dedicated to you and only I am waiting for help and protection.

95 The wicked lumps me to destroy; but I deepen your revelations.
96 I saw the limit of all perfection, but Your commandment is immensely extensive.

96. "I saw the limit of all perfection". All the cases and beginnings of a person who limit their content and value of the limits of earthly life can be perfect and finished, "the commandment of the Lord is immensely extensive," she cannot be finished by a person, no one can say that he has achieved perfection in law, for the commandments The latter such height is that only the complete extension of a person can be the limit of them, that is, the endless development is not on earth only, but also behind the coffin.

97 as I love your law! I reflect on it all day.
98 Commandments You have presented me with my wisers of my enemies, for it is always with me.
99 I became a wiser of all my teachers, for I reflect on your revelations.
100 I dwell more elders, for the commands of your storage.

98-100. The leadership of the commandment of the Lord makes the young man wisely teachers, knowledge of the elders and the wiser of enemies. Here is the indication that Psalm is written after the elimination of certain obstacles, which the Jews met during the times of the eye. Staying the devotees of God's law, believing in his help, the true and pious jeques about the good of the people did not stop care for the landscaping of his life and these concerns were often crowned with success, although they met a direct opposition from the enemies of Samaryan and the disapproval from the Elders teachers (see Agg 1 ch.), Which undermined the energy of the builders of the second temple and in some non-configurations seen the signs of the rejection of their people by God, why they foreshadow all their enterprises.

101 From every evil path holding my legs to keep your word;
102 From your vessels do not shy away, for you teach me.
103 How sweets your words are yours! Better than honey I will find my mouth.
104 by your commands I am administered; Therefore I hate every path of lies.
105 Your word is a lamp my foot and my light look.
106 I swear to keep your righteous courts, and I will fulfill.
107 I strongly oppressed, Lord; Revive me according to your word.
108 Blagologovoli, Lord, accept the voluntary sacrifice of my mouth, and the courts of your teaching me.
109 My soul is incessantly in my hand, but I do not forget your law.

109. "My soul is constantly in my hand", i.e., it is open to anything, is available to the action of the enemy, or in constant danger. Probably, at hand, of course, the open and direct activities of the Psalm writer for restoring folk well-being and this activity was unpleasant to the enemies of the Jewish people who tried to find the basis for the condemnation of the writer, maybe by slander the Persian government. But the writer was not embarrassed by a hostile attitude towards him, and adamantly walked to the execution and restoration of legitimate ministry among his people.

110 Unholy put a network for me, but I did not evade your commands.
111 Your revelations I took like a legacy foreigner, for they are merrying my heart.
112 I bowed my heart to the execution of your heads of your forever, to the end.
113 Fiction human I hate, and I love your law.
114 You are my cover and my shield; Your word is yours.
115 Remove me, lawless, and I will keep the commandments of my God.
116 strengthen me according to your word, and I will live; I do not mind me in my hope;
117 Support me, and felt; And your charters will be incessant.

116-117. Although faith writer in the Word of God was deep, but difficult conditions, among whom he had to act, put it such insurmountable obstacles that he resorted to the help of God and cried to his direct assistance. The indicator of the strength of his faith here is the trait that in the moments of some decline of the Spirit, he is looking for support not from people, but from the Lord.

118 of all those retreating from your charters, you dense, for the tricks of them are false.
119 how izgar, you celebrate all the wicked lands; So I loved your revelations.
120 flies from my fear of your flesh, and your vessels I'm afraid.

120. "Gets your flesh of your flesh"The writer is in the thrill, in a fearing waiting for what will be the definition of the Lord regarding the success of his activities, he fears that on the court of the Divine Truth, the Jewish people can be unworthy of his mercy, and at the same time restoring the well-being. This fear and makes him tremble.

121 I committed the truth; Do not betray me to you.
122 Starting your good his, In order not to oppress me proud.

121-122. Activities in the name of the People's Board created a lot of enemies, which not only contemptively belong to it, but also "chase," pursue it with different ways that greatly harm the success of his good endeavors. On the termination of these attacks, he prays the Lord.

123 Is also my eyes, waiting for your salvation and the words of your truth.
124 Cool with your slave for your grace, and the charters of your teach me.
125 I'm your servant: Ince me, and your knowledge of your revelation.
126 Time to the Lord to act: your law was ruined.

126. Above the wicked apostates from the law writer pray for the Lord to pronounce its court. Their impunity and well-being are harmful to those in the oscillating souls inspire mistrust in the spirit of the instructions of the law to the fact that it is just the last to be crowned with success and causes favor from God. Example of well-being of the wicked seems to say otherwise. To strengthen the fluctuating, renote apostates and encourage pious, writer pray for God to pronounce its court.

127 And I love the commandments of your more gold, and gold is clean.
128 All these commands - all recognize just; Any path lies hate.
129 Divines of your revelations; Therefore keeps their soul my.
130 The revelation of the words of your words enlightens, instructs simple.
131 I open my mouth and sigh, for the commandments of your thirst.
132 Watch me and nice me, as you do with love your name.
133 Recognize my feet in your word and do not give me to master me any lawlessness;
134 Get rid of me from the oppression of the human, and I will store your commands;

134. Relief from "In the oppression of human" It is the condition of all and permanent service to the Lord and the fulfillment of his law. External disasters do not have the strength to undermine the person's faith in God, but may interfere with such a routine of time and behavior, which would be also sent to the ministry to the Lord, distracting strength and attention to the elimination of them.

135 Assay the slave of your face of your face and teach me to the charters.
136 From my eyes, flow streams because they do not store your law.

136. Since the writer is everywhere preaching about the unusually elevated action of the law on a human soul, as well as that following the charters of the Lord is the faithful source and external well-being of a person on Earth, he had to act depressingly any violation of the commands of God, which He saw somewhere: he mourns such mistaken people with bitter regret.

137 You are righteous, Lord, and the courts are fair.
138 of your revelations that you commanded is true and perfect truth.
139 Jealousy my snatches me, because my enemies have forgotten your words.
140 Your word is very clean, and your slave loved him.
141 small I and the condom but Do not forget your commands.

141. The Psalm writer was not visible on the provision among the Jewish people ( "Mal I and Consume"), But he was one of those faithful Jews, who sincerely loved his people, were betrayed by the Lord and warmly sought to restore the true gods and pious lifestyles. It may be that the writer Psalm was one of the pious Levites.

142 True, your truth is eternal, and your law is truth.
143 Sorrow and the burnt comprehected me; Your commandments are consolation of my.
144 True revelations of your eternal: Ince me, and I will live.
145 I appeal to all my heart [My]: Hear me, Lord, - and your charters are saved.
146 I urge you: Save me, and I will keep your revelations.
147 I preded dawn and call; Your word is yours.

147. "I preded dawn and calling", i.e. from early morning "before the onset of the appearance of dawn, I pray and call you about protection and help.

148 my eyes preced morning Guide, so yours to deepen yours.
149 Hear my voice about your grace, Lord; For the court, you will expect me.
150 approached the progressive debris; They are far from your law.
151 are close to you, Lord, and all your commandments are truth.
152 has long learned about your revelations that you approved them forever.
153 Review to disaster my and save me, for I do not forget your law.
154 Entry into my business and defend me; By the way, you will expect me.
155 Far from wicked salvation, for they are not looking for your charters.
156 Many busy generous, Lord; For the court, you will expect me.
157 I have a lot of persecutors and enemies, but From your revelations, I do not remove.
158 I see apostates, and crushing, for they do not keep your words.
159 sir, as I love your commands; By the grace of yours, Lord, exaggement me.
160 The basis of your word is true, and every truth of your truth is eternal.
161 Princes chase me innocently, but my heart is afraid of your words.
162 I am glad to the Word of yours, as the Great Profit.
163 I hate false and bend it; Your law love.
164 Seven times per day I glorify you for the truth of your truth.

164. "Sembly in the day I glorify you for the truth of your truth". - Sefectorate - in the sense of often. - "Truth Courts" - manifestations of the divine anger on the enemies of a pious writer and all faithful Jews. It can be seen here to indicate that the actions of the enemies of the Jewish people were not always successful: the intrigues managed to appear, the improvement was completed and these moments of life fill the writer with a gratefully enthusiastic feeling.

165 The world is in your loving law, and there is no stumbling block.
166 I hope your salvation, Lord, and your commandments fulfill.
167 My soul keeps your revelations, and I love them tight.
168 Your commands are stored and your revelations, for all the ways are my before you.
169 May my forefish is approaching, Lord; According to your emissions of me.
170 Yes, my prayer will come before your face; By the way, you get rid of me.
171 My mouth says praise when you teach me the charters of yours.

171. Instead "when" More precisely, it would be possible to translate "since". The meaning is: since only from you, the Lord, it happens, learning the law, then I am full of praise to you.

172 My Language will head your word, for all your commandments are righteous.
173 May your hand will help me, for I chose your commands.
174 Thirsty of your salvation, Lord, and your law is a consolation of my.
175 Yes, my soul lives and famous you, and your courts will help me.
176 I got lost like a sheep lost: the wake of your slave, for I did not forget your commandments.

176. "Lost Sheep" - a lost, oppressed writer, as well as all true at this time of Jehovah's reader, which indicates the general difficult then the position of the Jewish people.

The content of the Psalm represents a little instructions on the external position of the writer, the more only indicates what feelings and thoughts are called in it when reading the law. In it, he finds a reflection and calm, leaning faith in the truth and energy for its activities. Such is the content of Psalm clearly suggests that hostile actions of haters of the Jews put the last obstacles that stopped and slowed down their undertakings. But the severity of such a position is not without awareness: the writer found the opportunity to rejoice and thank the Lord for the manifestation of his courts (Art. 164), i.e. there were moments when his enemies were fruitless. The total oppressed tone of the content of the Psalm with glimpses of light and joy in the writer confirms the assumption that expressed at the beginning of the Psalm on the time of his origin in the ecro's era, when an intrigue was carried out against Jews, which caused the prohibition by the Jews of the construction of the temple and other persecution and when the heads of the Jewish people had to expose Lies and slanders of enemies and partially cause glimpses of favor of the Persian government.

Psalm 118: All about the Bible

This psalm was called the "golden alphabet" of the Bible. It is divided into twenty-two sections, one for each letter of the Jewish alphabet. In each section of eight poems, and each verse section begins with a certain Jewish letter. So, in the Jewish text, each verse of the first section begins with the letter Aleph; Second - with the letter Beth, and so on.

In translation of NKI, everything except four, the poems of this very long of the psalms contain some title or description of the Word of God. Four exceptions - verses 84, 121, 122 and 132. The Word of God is called by law, testimony, paths, regulations, charters, commandments, courts, orders, truth, commandments and revelations.

Raidaut believes that using the alphabet in this acrosticity, the author wanted to show that "all the possibilities of the human language are exhausted to express the completeness and perfection of the Word of God." Similar idea is expressed in the New Testament. Our Lord calls themselves by Alpha and Omega (Rev. 1: 8). This, of course, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. The idea here is that it is all the good and perfect, which can be expressed by all the letters of the alphabet, in all possible combinations.

In Psalm there are no two identical poems. Each has a unique touch of meaning. K. S. Lewis wrote about Psalm 118: "This poem is not, and does not claim a sudden surge of feelings, as, say, Psalm 17. This is a complex pattern that stitched stitches, long hours, with love for the topic and enjoyment The result, skilled fruit of labor and dis1shpins. " The following subtitles of the sections of this Psalm are primarily based on the notes of F. U. Granta:

In Psalm, the love of the Word of God, who experienced our Savior, when he was on earth was expressed. Bellet also assumes that "in his complete prophetic meaning [this psalm] expresses the feelings of true Israel, who returned to God and his prophecies, which they were negotiating for a long time."

118:1 Blessed or happy one, whose life corresponds to the word of the Lord. Even if he sin and gets cold, the Word takes care of his confession and restoring that he keeps him immaculate.

118:2 It is important to obey his revelations - and obedience is not from under the stick, not an insensible and reluctant, but a passionate, a great desire to be pleasing to him from the heart.

118:3 It can be said that happiness is remoteness from any lawlessness. This desire to follow the way he has noted for us in Scripture. The surest way to keep from evil is to completely devote yourself to good deeds.

118:4 God's commands are not just wishes, it is commandments who need to be followed by an unmatched way, but firmly.

118:5 Now the author of Psalm moves from the truth in general to the truth in his own life. Involuntarily moving from prescriptions to prayer, he recognizes that the desire, as well as the ability to constantly obey, ultimately must come from God.

118:6 While he complies with all the decrees of the Lord, he will be delighted with a shame that torments the mind, makes the cheeks be blushing and sometimes even makes the body shudder.

118:7 "The path from prayer to the praise of the underworner." Those who tend to obey God's rulings are full of joy that leads them to spontaneous worship.

118:8 The solid determination is complemented by meek hope. The author of Psalm decided to firmly follow the Lord. But he understands his weakness. Prayer: "Do not leave me at all," is not so much an assumption about such an opportunity as a statement of fact: this is what the author deserves.

118:9 One of the most important problems in the life of every young man is to store cleanliness. In order to do this, you need to fulfill the words of the Bible in practice.

118:10 In order to achieve holiness, an interesting mixture of human desire is needed (with all my heart I am looking for you) and doctors God's power (do not let me evade your commandments).

118:11 God does not make us holy against our will or without our assistance. Someone wisely said: "The best book in the world is the Bible. The best place where it can be placed is the heart. The best reason to put it there is that it saves us from sin against God."

118:12 Since God is so large and filled with grace, the updated nature craves to know his statutes and correspond to them. The love of Christ restrains us!

118:14 The gold descendant is not happy with the found gold ingots as he rejoices the one who discovers the hidden truths in Scripture.

118:15 God's Word is an infinite source of material for the most pleasant reflections, but thinking should not be taken away from the practical performance of the word.

118:16 "Commandments of his flavored" (1 in. 5: 3). The one who is born from above of God comes himself with his charters and always keeps them in memory.

118:17 Without it, we are not capable of anything. We need his grace to live and obey His Word. Let's ask for an abundant grace, because our need is so great.

118:18 There are weights of miracles in the Bible, many spiritual benefits that are hidden from a superficial look. You need to open the eyes so that we see them.

118:19 The Bible is a roadmap, inevitably leading pilgrims to a true goal.

118:20 Well, when our thirst for Scripture is great and non-tip. The soul of the author Psalm languished, wanting words, and this is a fermented, intensive desire was with him at all times.

118:21 In history, there are examples of how proud and arrogant neglected the commandments of the Lord, and were soon rendered by the powerful hand of God.

118:22 The world mocks believers, mocks them. "They ... are missing that you do not participate with them in the same breakfast, and give you away" (1 Pet. 4: 4). But the sequence of the believer will be rewarded, and its praise fully compensates for the inconvenience caused by the renovation and adhesion.

118:23 Even when those who occupy a high position are united and crossed by a Christian, he can gain strength and consolation in reflections over the Bible, "answering with silence with silence."

118:24 Matthew Henry commented on this verse like this:

"Did David be in confusion when the princes were malicious against him? God's commandments were his advisers, and they advised him to demolish everything patiently and provide God to solve the problem." 118:25 There is your ups and downs in life. Even when we are in sadness, we can appeal to the Lord so that he will revive us by the reviving force of his word.

118:26 When we talk about our ways, that is, they openly confess in their sins, the Lord responds with us for a person. Then our desire for holiness is reborn, expressed in prayer: "Teach me with your charters."

118:27 We must understand the meaning of God's commands and how to apply them in practice in their lives. This leads us to think about God's wonders.

118:28 In the dark moments of life, when our soul is inspecting from the grief, God of all comforts leans towards us and often with one verse of Scripture raises our spirit and strengthens us so that we go ahead.

118:29 By the Spirit of God and through the Word of God, we can distinguish the truth from delusion. In the Bible, the holy hatred for any form of lies is expressed. She also teaches that the truth is what God says (John 17:17).

118:30 No one can become holy automatically. To do this, it is necessary to consciously choose the path of truth, yielded in the Holy Scripture. Spephen said: "God's commandments must stand in front of us as a goal to which we strive as a role model, like the way."

118:32 God gives us a big heart, and not a big brain so that we seek to keep his commandments. It is rather a question of attachment than intelligence.

118:33 We must pray for instruction. Being students of God's schools, we must desire to learn how to apply the rules in practice and make a decision to obey Him to the end of your life.

118:34 We must pray for the assignment. It is important to have a correct idea of \u200b\u200bScripture, its meaning and regulations. How else can we follow him with unshakable devotion?

118:35 We must pray for instruction. Our spirit is eager, but flesh is weak. Therefore, we want the Lord to send us to the path of your will, as this is the only way on which we will be truly happy.

118:36 We must pray more about the spiritual than on material enrichment. "Great acquisition is to be pious and satisfied" (1 Tim 6: 6). A miracle of grace frees a person from love for money and replaces her love for the Bible.

118:37 We must pray for spiritual reality, not the shadows. That's what God speaks of television: "Take out my eyes to not see the fuss." On TV, we show a fabulous country, the world that does not exist. God's Word shows us a real life.

118:38 We must pray that God approve your promise. "I claim all the rivers of your grace; on all promises I write my name." We can claim his promises, because it is afraid of it.

118:39 We must pray that God will remove us from the renovation, from everything that can overlook the name of the Lord Jesus or to bring a disgrace to him. His courts of good; We must faithfully follow them.

118:40 We must pray for a personal wake. "And the ghost will turn into a lake, and thirsting land - to sources of water" (Is. 35: 7). We suffer, leading his prescriptions, and he lives us with his own true.

118:41 We should not perceive God's mercy and salvation as proper. We depend on its compassion and protection just like when just saved. Therefore, we hope for his promise to take care of us and keep us day after day.

118:42 Indelible evidence that the Lord responds to prayers should make silence of unbelievers who displacing us. Our faith is based on the Word of God, which is infallible.

118:43 Never be afraid and do not be ashamed to say the word truth. If we hope to the courts of God, he will constantly send us the opportunity to testify about him.

118:44 Our answer to his love and grace should be solid determination to keep His Word until the very death. "After what he did for me, how can I do less than give him the best and live only for him?"

118:45 Liberated by the Son God's truly free (John 8:36). The world is a Christian lifestyle seems to be slavery. But those who recovered the commands of God enjoy genuine freedom.

118:46 Faith gives courage to talk about Jesus in the presence of kings. How many powerful persons heard the good news from humble and often despised subjects!

118:47 Those who love the Bible are gaining deep pleasure, reading her pages. This is a source of consolation, the flow of pleasure, an inexhaustible table of satisfaction.

118:48 We honor the Bible in the sense that we experience the thrill, thinking about her mind, her depths, her strength, her treasures and her infinity. We loved her for what she was, and for what she was doing. We reflect on her day and night.

118:49 God can not forget about his promise, but in the hornble of suffering, when our faith fluctuates, we are allowed to pray: "Lord, remember ..." "He could not teach us to believe in his name only in order to bring me a shame on us" .

118:50 Those who have experienced the action of the Livative Word find an endless source of consolation in it. The words of people are often empty and unreliable, but the Word of God is always alive, appropriate and effectively.

118:51 If we are true to the Lord, we should expect ridicule and mockery of swearing, but, having acquired God's principles, we must adhere to them.

118:52 We are encouraged by the memory of how the Lord helped us in the past. In the grace of his own, he led us to where we are, and no doubt bring us to the goal. "His love shown to us in the past does not allow you to think that he can leave us in darkness in the future."

118:53 When a believer sees that God's law is dishonest and do not observe, it causes violent indignation. So the Lord Jesus treated this: "the crosses of the crosses you fell on me" (Rom. 15: 3). Son perceived any insult father as personal.

118:54 Thanks to the wonderful Word of God, the traveler can sing on the site of the wanders, or, as it formulates this KNOC, "in the ground of expulsion." The path can be difficult, but it cannot be long. The night may be dark, but God sends a song.

118:55 The watches of sleepless night seem endless, but they can be reflected about the Lord, who opens in His Word. The better we learn it, the more we love it, and loving it, we want to abide by his commandments.

118:56 Benefit is a blessing. "Piously for everything is useful, having the promise of the life of this and future" (1 Tim. 4: 8).

118:57 Understanding what incomparency treasure we gain in the Lord, encourages us to adopt to keep it. He is self-sufficient. Hold them means to be fabulous rich.

118:58 Although he is self-sufficient, we are not. "Our ability from God" (2 Cor. 3: 5). Therefore, we must constantly pray, ask God's mercy and rely on his promise of mercy.

118:59 The choice of the path is an eternal problem. Where to go? Honestly, we yourself do not have wisdom to choose the path. Okay. Then we turn your feet on the path listed in Scripture.

118:60 We live in the times of fast food, fast service and in general will be fast. The rapid obedience of God's Wheel is a thing - a thing that needs to be thought out and which must be produced.

118:61 The wicked can malfot against the innocent believer, but this is another reason for him to remember the word, as a source of instruction and protection.

118:62 "For about midnight, Paul and power, praying, chanting God" (Acts 16:25). People were unfair to them, but they still could chase God's righteous courts.

118:63 Those who love God love His people. And those who love the Bible loves everyone who loving the Bible. This is a worldwide fraternity that does not pay attention to national, public and racial borders.

118:64 God's infinite love you can feel at any end of the world, but more full she. Our grateful hearts speak in response: "Lord, make me the skins of your Holy Spirit!"

118:65 How long have I last thanked the Lord for his wonderful attitude towards me, according to his word? "Clear your blessings; call them one after the other, and you will be surprised how much the Lord did!"

118:66 We must all pray for good understanding as well as about the knowledge. You can have maintained without understanding and without equilibrium. Of the words and life experience, we get the lessons of sound judgment.

118:67 God's instruction "The peaceful fruit of righteousness is due to it" (Heb. 12:11). The memory of what our delusions cost us helps not repeat them.

118:68 God of good and everything he does, too, good. In order to become good, we must take on your burden and learn from him.

118:69 When the wicked people are trying to destroy our reputation with their lies, we can gain protection in the true and infallible bible obedience.

118:70 Let the worldly bathe in luxury and pleasures. We find your pleasure in a spiritual instruction, and not in sensual pleasures.

118:71 Suffering is temporary, but the beneficial effect of suffering remains forever. People pursue us to damage us; God draws it for good.

118:72 The Bible is the greatest material value as we have in the world. The computer can add fantastically large numbers, but can not appreciate the value of the Scriptures.

118:73 Since God created us so wonderful, he should be rightfully to be our teacher. We must understand for what purpose he created us, and fulfill his design to the end.

118:74 This is a big spiritual joy - to meet a Christian, which dustlessly loves the Lord Jesus. Those who relieve the Word of God are glowing from the presence of the Holy Spirit.

118:75 Diseases, suffering and grief do not proceed directly from God, but he allows them under certain circumstances and forces them to serve their intention. This is a sign of spiritual maturity - to see his justice and righteousness among such circumstances.

118:76 By themselves we are weak, as dust, and we need his compassionate love that would support us. "Therefore, yes, let's proceed with daring to the throne of grace to get mercy and gain grace for parolescent help" (Heb. 4:16).

118:77 Any manifestation of the Mercy of God is similar to fresh infusion of life in the heart of a tired saint. Those for whom God's law are consolation can be sure that he will come to the rescue.

118:78 Zelino so translates verse 78: "Yes, proud, which harm me with their lies, while I think over your behavings."

118:79 Spiritual instinct tells us to seek communication with knowledgeable and loving the Word of God. But how often we ask the Lord about the meeting with afraid

118:80 There are many reasons why we should desire to immunely observe the charters of the Lord. The Psalm is indicated here by one of them - to avoid shame of sin.

118:81 The believer can be in sorrow, but it is not broken; in bewilderment, but not in despair; abusable, but not abandoned; Wounded, but not destroyed (2 Cor. 4: 8, 9). Here he prays about the saving help of God, and hopefully in it.

118:82 Although the eyes of the believer are inspecting waiting when God's promise will be fulfilled, he does not pray: "Do you comfort me?", He prays: "When will you comfort me?"

118:83 Fur for wine in the smoke is covered with wrinkles and darkens. Comparison is clear. The believer in trouble suffers, dries, languishes, but does not lose hope, because he has a word.

118:84 Life at best is very short. It seems that the days of chagrin occupy her most. It is time for the Lord to act and punish the oppressants.

118:85 Villains from this verse - wicked and lawlessness; These two characteristics are inseparable from each other. They are building conspiracies to destroy the righteous and innocent - proof that they do not want to obey God's law.

118:86 There is nothing more than God's Word. He promised to save his people who was persecuted. Therefore, when we are falsely accused, we can with confidence to use the "Golden Prayer": "Help me!"

118:87 Spephen wrote: "If we are holding the commandments, we will be saved by promises." Even being in desperate position, we should never stop obey. Help will come, only believe!

118:88 The best prayer is born at the moment of strong internal needs. Here the Psalm Psalm is praying for the Lord to spare his life and he can continue to glorify God, obeying his word.

118:89 Faith is not blind. It is based on the most undoubted thing in the world - the Bible. There is no risk to believe in the Word, which is newly approved in heaven.

118:90 The loyalty of God is manifested not only in his word, but also in his affairs. It applies to all generations, it is visible in ordering and accuracy of nature.

118:91 The sky and the Earth are performed by his laws. Time sowing and harvesting, cold and hot weather, day and night - everything is determined by God and everything serves him. All this is regulated and maintained by his word strength.

118:92 Barnes comments: "I could have been drowned for a thousand times," one outstanding and very unfortunate man told me, if not the same text in the Word of God: "Your God is an ancient, and you are under the muscles eternal" ".

118:93 Those who felt the power of Scripture in their lives are unlikely to forget about it. We are "regenerated not from a twenty seed, but from the net, from the Word of God, living and staying forever" (1 Pet. 1:23).

118:94 But even after we escaped from punishment for sin, we still need to flee from the bad and harm in the afternoon. Acquaintance with God's commands and with our own hearts makes it possible to understand that the salvation needs us always.

118:95 The eternal way to avoid the attacks of the wicked is a negative, inconsistent life. While our life is effective for him, we should expect resistance. But we gain strength and confidence when you deepen in the revelation of God.

118:96 Even the very best in this world is deprived of perfection and shared, but the Word of God is completely and infinite. The better we recognize the Bible, the better we understand how much we are imperfect.

118:97 Those who love the Lord, of course, will love his word. And this love will manifest in the study of the Bible at every opportunity. Reflecting on the Scripture, we suddenly discover new beauty and miracles in it.

118:98 Smart believer, armed with the wisdom of the word, standing on his knees, can see more than his enemies, standing on tiptoe.

118:99 If the teacher is pleased with himself and will be resting on the laurels, he quickly displaces a more young man from the teacher's place, constantly reflecting on the Word.

118:100 It may sound like an unreasonable boasting, but it is not. It is not an age and not the mind of a person, but his obedience. Therefore, a young man can exceed the elderly, if he is above OQ (obedience rate).

118:101 Here we are seeing obedience in action. The author of Psalm holds his legs from the path of sin to obey God as best possible.

118:102 Great influence of the influence of the Bible. Teached by the Lord through her pages, we produce hatred of sin and love for holiness.

118:103 And, of course, the Bible is a source of pure pleasure. No other book in the world can not be so pleasant. Honey sweets, but the Word of God is still sweeter.

118:104 In order to distinguish fake money from the real, people carefully study the real. So the close acquaintance with the truth helps to recognize and endure all the path of lies.

118:105 The word brings us up by prohibiting certain types of behavior. It leads us, indicating the right path. How many we owe the friendly rays of this lamp!

118:106 Here is the Holy Decisivity to obey the Holy Scriptures. This is done for the glory of God, for the sake of the blessings of others and for the sake of our own good.

118:107 Spephen said: "In the previous verse, the author of Psalm swore to be a warrior of the Lord, and in this verse he is intended to suffer in this capacity. The ministry does not exempt us from the tests, but rather providing them with us."

118:108 We come to the Lord as priests and as students. As priests, we "incessantly bring to God to the victim of praise, that is, the fruit of the mouth, glorifying his name" (Heb. 13:15). As disciples, we open hearts and minds for lady instructions.

118:109 When our life is constantly in danger, we can gain safety and confidence, remembering the law of the Lord. It follows at any cost to avoid panic, hysterics and not forget about the Word of God Never.

118:110 Those who know the Word knows about the misunderstanding of Satan. Through simple obedience to Scripture, we can avoid his traps.

118:111 Scripture is a jewel, the most important heritage. Think how a person rejoins, inheriting a large state. As far as we must rejoice, the owners of book books.

118:112 Everyone who understands the value of the Bible must obey her forever, until the end of their days. No weekends and holidays, no vacations - only obedience.

118:113 Moffat translates this verse like this: "I hate people who come on a compromise. I love your law." Human fictions lead to the fact that people turn out to be on the side of God, and tomorrow - on the side of the world. They are double and betray the law of God.

118:114 The Lord is our Pokrov when we are pursued, and our shield when they are attacked. Those who relieve his promises will never be disappointed because he cannot deceive or be deceived.

118:115 We must be removed from the lawless, which do not fulfill the commandments of our God. But, without participating in their sinful things, we still support contact with people of the world to share the good news with them.

118:116 The essence of this prayer is as follows: "You promised to support me. Now do what you promised. Otherwise, people will tell you that you left me, and I will be disappointed in my hope."

118:117 We cannot protect yourself, just as we can save themselves. But if God supports us, we will be safe. For our part, we must constantly comply with its statutes.

118:118 The Lord punishes everyone who retreats from his charters. One day it turns out that the behavior they considered smart was in fact unreasonable.

118:119 The word clearly teaches that God marks all the wicked lands, as the master removes the scale, which is formed on the metal surface. If he had not punished sin by justice, we could not respect his writing law.

118:120 Thinking about God's trial over sinners, we can finely tremble. But also, according to the statement of Barnes, we are executed by trembling, thinking about the rigor, spirituality and the severity of his law. "

118:121 The author of Psalm prays that its fair and righteous deeds become a general and unchanged rule. His righteous life was the fruit of his salvation, and on this basis he can ask the Lord not to betray him to persecutes.

118:122 The intercessor is one who speaks on the other side who protects his rights. Our intercession on Calvary successfully prays for us throughout our life, holding back the arrogant persecutes.

118:123 Here we see a person who expected God's deliverance while his eyes are not tired. He waited for the promise of the truth to exhaustion, when the Lord interferes and helps him.

118:124 Despite the words of verse 121, which may seem to us with a prayer for justice, here he relies on the mercy or grace of the Lord. One of the forms of His mercy is His gracious instructions. "We are tired of your teachi me."

118:125 The more the slave knows about his owner, the better it works and the more it can be useful. We must be fulfilled to know the revelations of God.

118:126 Here is the other side of the coin. The slave calls on the owner to act, because his law is broken. This is the call of God's people in the gloomy times: "Time to the Lord to act."

118:127 The way, as far as the Bible, the road is visible from the amount of time spent on studying it. If we appreciate her more gold, its cover will be shaped, and the pages read out.

118:128 Another proof of our respect for the book is our obedience to her. If we do not make what she says, and not every path of lies hate, we are deceiving ourselves.

118:129 God's word is wild in its eternity, clean, accuracy, harmony, universal relevance, strength and sufficiency. Such a book is worth reading it and listen to her.

118:130 The revelation of a word enlightens nations, families and individuals. We do not understand what sanctifying influence it has on the world. It instructs those who recognize themselves simple, that is, in need of help.

118:131 Huge, strong thirst for the Word of God - what we need to all. "Like newborn babies, love pure verbal milk, in order to save you to salvation from it" (1 Pet. 2: 2).

118:132 Perhaps you are tired of these repetitive requests about grace, but not the author of Psalm, and certainly not God. We never in this life will not reach such a situation so as not to need his grace.

118:133 At the coin of holiness there are two sides - stubbornly move towards the Lord in accordance with His Word and exempted from the influence of sin who stays in us.

118:134 The first part of this prayer is not unusual; Any of us would like to get rid of the oppression of the human. But pay attention to the unusual goal of this: "And I will keep your commands."

118:135 Serve the Lord, we can ask him about any sign of His presence, grace and strength. He knows how to inspire us in response to our prayer. And we should never lose desire to learn more and more about him.

118:136 Tears, current, like flow streams, is a very bright description of the deepest grief and longing! What is so sad by the author? Some kind of injustice towards him himself? No, disregard for God's law, disclosing his name.

118:138 Everything that God says is true and perfect truth. His word is absolutely worthy of confidence. Believe in the Word of God is not worthy of encouragement. It's just common sense.

118:139 Barnes gives an insightful commentary to these words: "This is the great victory of the human soul, when, looking at the behavior of persecutors, pursuers and loans, he is upset by the fact that they violate the law of God than the fact that they harm him himself."

118:140 The Bible is a tested book. Thousands of people relied on her promises and discovered that they are true. "She survived the hatred of people, bonfires of wicked priests, mockery of unbelievers and carnal wisdom of modern criticism" ( Everyday notes of the Scripture Union).

118:141 From the point of view of their enemies, the author of Psalm is small and condom. But mockery of people do not interfere with him to hold onto the Bible.

118:142 God's truth is not a transient mood, but eternal virtue. It is not enough to say that the Bible contains the truth; The Bible is truth. Each guess of God is truly.

118:144 God's revelations are not only righteous now; They will always be so. The more we understand them, the more capable of enjoying the life, now in heaven.

118:145 The key to understanding this fragment is the word "call." Here the heart with faith calls for help. Almighty God cannot but listen to prayers that come from the heart and in which the desire to fulfill his will.

(118: 145) Poems 145-152 begin with the letter "Kof", the first letter of the Jewish word "appeal."

118:146 When we, like Peter, start to dive into the waves, we can always turn to God with a short prayer: "Save me." And the Lord saves us so that we continue to live and serve him.

118:147 Vigl writes: "Here are the habits of a pious person who gets up to dawn and starts the day with reflections and prayer." Our motto should be the word: "Who does not read the Bible, then not breakfast."

118:148 Even sleepless night guards can be used to reflect on the word. Often it is in this watch that the Lord sends us the "Treasure in the darkness".

118:149 We should never forget about a wonderful fact: we have direct access to God in prayer. Like the author of the Psalm, we can ask God for grace and court to keep our lives.

118:150 The enemies approached. They are going to harm the servant of God. They neglect God's law in their lives, and it seems that nothing will stop them.

118:151 But the Lord is close, and the one who is with God is in the majority. "No enemy can damage us, no horror - to frighten us, we are on the side of the winner." God's word is truly, and he will never leave his children.

118:152 This is a terrific consolation - to know that the Word of God is forever. "Following his promises will not weaken when the storms of doubt and fear will be collapsed; we will lie to God's livelihood; relying on God's promises."

118:153 The Lord really cares about us in our disasters. "A man of sorrows takes part in all the flour torrenting our hearts." He comes rid of those who hold him and his words.

118:155 God does not save people against their will. He does not inhabit the heavens people who do not want to be there. There is no salvation for those who do not want to listen to the Word.

118:156 No human language can describe the mercy of God. Its generous never runs out. The author of Psalm, exposed to persecution, asks for deliverance from his potential killers.

118:157 Many of these verses find their true execution in the Lord Jesus, of course. Surrounded by persecutors and enemies, he remained faithful to the revelations of the Father.

118:158 This is a sign of spiritual maturity - to grieve more about insults inflicted by God than yourself. Yes, we will sing us such jealousy about the Lord!

118:159 In verse 153 The author of Psalm wrote: "Review to disaster my". Here, as Spephenn points out, he says: "Reviews to the attachment of my" - attachment to sacred prescriptions. He also asks, for the third time in this section, to preserve his life (Art. 154, 156).

118:160 God's Word is truly in all respects. Every promise will be performed. "The talk will not let the sky and the earth, none of Yota or any feature will not give out of the law until everything becomes" (MF. 5:18).

118:161 People who are clothed with the authorities often oppressed the servants of God. But deep respect and fear of the word of God keeps the Lord faithful from the treason.

118:162 The one who studies the Bible and explores her spiritual wealth, is enthusiastic from the detection of hidden profits.

118:163 Acquaintance with the word helps us to love what God loves (law) and hate what he hates (lie). We begin to think as well as God.

118:164 Since seven are the number of perfection and completeness, we understand that the author of Psalm is going to put the Lord for his courts truth constantly and from the whole soul.

118:165 The word gives us the world among concerns and security from the strength of temptations. This verse does not mean that believers do not experience sorrow and unrest, but, by performing the law, they avoid sin traps.

118:166 In Psalm 36: 3 It is written: "Help on the Lord and do good." Here the author says he followed this advice. First, there is faith, it follows the case - the fruit of faith.

118:167 In the days of Malachi, the people perceived obedience as a gravily duty (Mal. 1:13). But the author of Psalm refers to this otherwise. He will obey the word and loves him all stronger and stronger.

118:168 In the last three verses of this section, the practical bible obedience is referred. If it seems to you that this could not say an ordinary believer, just think about the words of our Savior, and the problem will solve.

118:169 Psalm is completed, and the plea is becoming more passionate. The word "yes" is repeated here seven times. At first, this is a request to listen to prayer, then - request for genuine spiritual permission.

118:170 From these poems it is clear that the enemy is all the time next, so the author continues to ask about deliverance, in accordance with the promises of the word.

118:171 The acquisition of knowledge about God's charters does not lead to pride and overpriced, but to praise and worship the Lord.

118:172 Instead of talking about any nonsense and minor things, we must teach ourselves

rty about spiritual. All commandments of God are righteous and extremely valuable.

118:173 This is a stunning picture - the hand pierced by nails, the Hand of Almighty extends from heaven to rescue a simple person who consciously decided to follow the commandments of the Lord in his life.

118:174 Enjoying the salvation of your souls as a faithful fact, we wish salvation from the presence of sin when Jesus comes again. In the meantime, we gain consolation in reading the Bible and the fulfillment of its commandments.

118:175 We are saved not only for ministry, but also to praise God. Any healing, any salvation from an accident should encourage us to worship, any trouble - to prayer for help.

118:176 This is one of the few confessions in this Psalm. "After the flight in the heights of the Holy Admiration, we should always return to the humble recognition of their sinfulness and inability."

Psalm 118 of the Prophet David was written during the times of hostile relations to the Jews, when the ruling Persian kings prevented the Jewish people to arrange their political, civil and. Jews at these times were persecuted and even extermination. This time marks the fact that among the Jews there were many apostates from the Fathers faith.

Psalm 118 is devoted to interpretation of the content of the law of God and its meaning for a person. The entire text of the Psalm 118 is permeated by the thought of the law of God, but at the same time, it is called different words. Of the 176 poems of Psalm one hundred eighteen there is no single repetition. The peculiarity of the Christian Psalm 118 is its location according to the alphabetic acrosthip 22 of the letter Jewish alphabet of eight poems per letter.

Psalm 118 - Interpretation

In the chasing of Phekhov Psalm 118, the law of God has different names, but a single internal content. This law is a path that indicates the direction of activity of each Christian, aimed at achieving a certain purpose of its existence on Earth.

Psalm 118 - Interpretation reveals the essence of each concept that determines the direction of life of a person - commandments, statutes, commandments and court. The Psalmopevets praises 118 in Psalm and considers it a blissful one who does not retreat, it follows them, and the prays of the Lord give strength to fulfill these laws and he, because it is the main condition for peace of mind and satisfaction.

The value of the law in Psalm 118

In all verses of Psalm 118 David, you can see the effort to understand all the content of the law and its great importance for each person. David considers himself a young man and is looking for answers to the question "How to contain yourself to the young man in purity."

In the word in Psalm 118, the law of God, which is transmitted by words and speech. The law has all the instructions, elevation of a person. Following this word, the young man will retain himself clean. David constantly talks about the law, preaching it and considering that there is no other important such subject. It comes down to the fact that a person should live in the consent of the inner life and its external expression. Tsar David calls himself a wanderer who is rejuvenated on the path of God's revelations, finding satisfaction from them. He asks to "remove the path of a lie", while retaining from bad actions. Psalm 118. In each of his verse, he speaks of the devotion of the king of David, the law of God, in which he finds a reflection and calm, draws faith and truth truth.

Text in Russian Psalm 118 king David

Blessed is immaculate in the way, going in the law of the Lord. Blessed revelations of him, all heart seeking it. They do not make a lawlessness, go to him. You commanded your commands to keep firmly. Oh, if my ways were sent to compliance with Your Charters! Then I would not have plisted, looking at all the commandments of yours: I would sing you in the rightness of the heart, walking with the courts of the truth of yours. I will keep your charters; Do not leave me at all. How can you keep your path clean? - storing yourself according to your word. With all my heart I am looking for you; Do not let me evade your commandments. In my heart, I have falched your word yours, so as not to sin to you. Blessed you, Lord! Teach me the charters of yours. I graduated from my mouth all the courts of mouth. On the way of the revelations of yours I am glad, as in every wealth. You think about your commandments, and looked at your own way. Your charters are comforting, I do not forget your words. Shvi mercy to your slave, and I will live and keep your word. Open my eyes, and see the wonders of your law. I am on earth; Do not hide me from your commandments. The soul was deceived by my desire of your vessels at any time. You talked proud, damned, dodgeful from your commandments. Remove with me the uncertainty and the Ambassador, for I keep your revelation. Princes are sitting and deal against me, and your slave reflects on your charters. Your revelations - consolation of mine, and your charters are my advisers. My soul is defeated in dust; Revive me according to your word. I declared my way, and you heard me; Teach me the charters of yours. Give me to urge your way of your commands, and I will reflect on your wonders. My soul is in painting from grief: strengthened me according to your word. I deleted the path of lies from me, and your law give me. I chose the truth path, put your truths before. I rushed to revelations; Do not take me. The flow of your commandments, when you expand my heart. Specify me, Lord, your way of charters, and I will hold it to the end. Incemmes me, and I will comply with your law and keep it with all my heart. Put me on the path of your commandments, for I wasveling it. Cancel my heart to your revelations, and not to a caustic. Take up my eyes to not see the fuss; Live me on your way. Approve the word your slave yours, for a reverence before you. Take off my rejection, which I'm talked, because your faces are. Here, I wasveling your commandments; Your forever is true. Yes, your mercy will come to me, Lord, your salvation according to your word, - and I will give an answer to me, because I hope yours. Do not take away completely from the mouth of my words of truth, for I do I think about your courts and I will keep your law always, forever and eyelids; I will walk freely, for I recited your commands; I will talk about your revelations before the kings and I will not let down; I will be comforted by your commandments that loved; My hands will be used to your commandments, who loved, and reflect on your charters. Remember your word to the slave your who has commanded me to hope: this is a consolation in the distress, my word is reviving me. Proud of the extremely swallowed by me, but I did not evade your law. I remembered the courts of yours, Lord, from the century, and consoled. Horror sends me at the sight of wicked, leaving your law. Your charters were songs of my on the site of my wanders. I remembered your name at night, Lord, and kept your law. He became mine, for the commands of your storage. My lot, Lord, I said, keep your words. I prayed to you with all my heart: I have mercy on your word. I thought about my ways and turned my feet to your revelations. Hurry up and did not hesitate to follow your commandments. The networks of wicked surrounded me, but I did not forget your law. At midnight, I got up to the Slavor for your righteous courts. Generally I am all those who fear of you and keeping your commands. Your mercy, Lord, is full of land; Teach me the charters of yours. The benefit did you make a slave, Lord, according to your word. Good understanding and keeping learning me, for your commandments I believe. Before my sufferings, I was mistaken; And now your word is stored. Good and benefactle you, Lord; Teach me the charters of yours. Proud gossip lies on me; I will keep your commandments with all your heart. The heart of them, like Tuk; I will console your law. Breeding to me that I suffered, in order to learn your charters. The law of your mouth is better than thousands of gold and silver. Your hands made me and arranged me; Ince me, and learn to your commandments. Wearing you will see me - and they will renew that I feel about your word. I know, God, that your courts are righteous and at justice you punished me. Yes, there will be your mercy of your consolation, according to your word to your slave. Yes, your mercy will come to me, and I will live; For the law is your consolation. Yes, proud will be posed, for insignificantly depress me; I reflect on your commands. Yes, you will turn to me who fear you and knowing your revelations. Yes, my heart will be immaculate in your charters so that I will not be brightened. It is a soul of my soul about your salvation; I hope yours. My eyes are thinking about your word; I say: When will you comfort me? I became like fur in smoke, but you did not forget your charters. How many days are your slave? When will the trial of my progress? The pit was pulled by proud, contrary to your law. All your commandments are truth; Unjustly pursue me: help me; Always did not take me on the ground, but I did not leave your commands. By the grace of your liqueness of me, and I will keep the revelations of your mouth. Forever, Lord, your word is approved in heaven; Your truth is in the genus and genus. You put the Earth, and it stands. According to your definitions, everything is worth the bottom, for it all serves you. If it were not for your law, I would be a consolation, I would die in my distress. Waiting will not forget the commandments of yours, because they will enlive me. Your me, save me; For I recited your commands. The wicked lumps me to destroy; And I deepen your revelations. I saw the limit of all perfection, but your commandment is immensely extensive. As I love your law! I reflect on it all day. Your commandment you got me wiser of my enemies, for she is always with me. I became a wiser of all my teachers, for I reflect on your revelations. I dwell more than the elders, because your commands are stored. From every evil way holding my legs to keep your word; Your vessels do not shy away, for you teach me. How sweets your words are your words! Better than honey I will find my mouth. Your commandments, I am administered; Therefore I hate every path of lies. Your word is the lamp my foot and the light of my lapse. I swear to keep your righteous courts, and I will fulfill. I am strongly oppressed, Lord; Revive me according to your word. The same, Lord, accept the voluntary victim of my mouth, and the courts of your teaching me. My soul is incessantly in my hand, but I do not forget your law. Unholy put the network for me, but I did not evade your commands. Your revelations I took like a legacy forever, for they are fun of my heart. I abandoned my heart to the execution of your heads of your forever, to the end. Furious human hate, and I love your law. You cover my and my shield; Your word is yours. Remove me, lawless, and I will keep the commandments of my God. I strengthen me according to your word, and I will live; I do not mind me in my hope; Support me, and felt; And your charters will be incessant. All those retreating from your charters, you dense, for the tricks of them - lie. Like a fuss, you celebrate all the wicked lands; So I loved your revelations. It trets from your fear of your flesh, and your vessels I am afraid. I committed the truth; Do not betray me to you. Getting the slave of your good, so that I do not inhibit me proud. My eyes are in stock, waiting for your salvation and the words of your truth. Cool with your slave for your grace, and the charters of yours teach me. I am your servant: Ince me, and your knowledge of your revelation. Time to the Lord to act: your law was broken. And I love the commandments of your more gold, and the gold is clean. All your commands are all recognized as fair; Any path lies hate. Divines of your revelations; Therefore keeps their soul my. The revelation of your words enlightens, instructs simple. I open my mouth and sigh, for the commandments of your thirst. Watch me and nice me, as you do with those who love your name. My feet are approved in your word and do not let me master me any lawlessness; Get rid of me from oppression of the human, and I will store your commands; Assay the slave of your face of your face and teach me to the charters. From my eyes, the streams of water are due to the fact that you do not store your law. You are righteous, Lord, and the courts of yours. The revelations of your who you commanded is true and perfect truth. My jealousy will sing me, because my enemies have forgotten your words. Your word is very clean, and your slave loved it. I am small, but you do not forget your commands. The truth is yours - the truth is eternal, and your law is truth. Sorrow and the burnt comprehected me; Your commandments are consolation of my. True, the revelations of yours are eternal: I will see me, and I will live. I appeal to all my heart: hear me, Lord, - and your charters are saved. I urge you: Save me, and I will keep your revelations. I am preceding dawn and call; Your word is yours. My eyes finish the morning guard so that I deepen yours. Hear my voice about your grace, Lord; For the court, you will expect me. Approached the progressive debris; They are far from your law. You are close, Lord, and all your commandments are truth. I have long learned about your revelations that you approved them forever. Review to disaster my and save me, for I do not forget your law. Entry into my business and defend me; By the way, you will expect me. Far from wicked salvation, for they are not looking for your charters. Many busy generous, Lord; For the court, you will expect me. I have a lot of persecutes and enemies, but I do not remove your revelations. I see apostates, and crush, for they do not keep your words. Zyri, how I love your commands; By the grace of yours, Lord, exaggement me. The basis of your word is true, and every truth of your truth is eternal. Princes chase me innocently, but my heart is afraid of your words. I am glad to the Word of yours, as the Great Profit. I hate false and bend it; Your law love. Seven-time per day I glorify you for the truth of your truth. The world is great from your law, and there is no stumbling block. I hope for your salvation, Lord, and your commandments fulfill. My soul keeps your revelation, and I love them tight. Your commands are stored and your revelations, for all the ways are my before you. Yes, my reproach is approaching your foreman, Lord; According to your emissions of me. Yes, my prayer will come from yours; By the way, you get rid of me. My mouth say praise when you teach me the charters. My tongue will head your word, for all the commandments of yours are righteous. Yes, there will be your hand to help me, for I chose your commands. Thirsty of your salvation, Lord, and your law is a consolation of my. Yes, my soul lives and famous you, and your courts will help me. I got lost like a sheep lost: the wake of your slave, because I did not forget your commandments.

Psalm 118 is the longest text in Psalti. It is believed to historical and laudatory songs, but authorship is still unknown. This text can be divided into many separate thoughts, but its main idea is the greatness and beauty of the Lord and the need for a person's knowledge.

History of writing

In Hebrew, the song has no prescription, although the Greek version signs "Alliluya", pointing to a laudatory content. For Greek translation and vulgates, such a prescription is characteristic, it is available in Psalms 110-118.

In Psalm 118 every 8 poems begin with the letters of the Jewish alphabet

This psalm was written not by the hand of David, presumably it was created during the time of the persecution of Jews and captivity in Persia. The date of writing is also unknown, but the researchers suggest that it was created during the times of ezer and neminey. This is confirmed by the places that describe the hostile attitude of the new government to the Jews (verses 23, 46) and the emergence of apostates among the Jews themselves.

It is also mentioned about the fact that only the righteous has found the defense of the Lord, while incorrectly suffered from the new government. It is typical for the period of captivity of Jews in Persia, when the Tsari's Tsari in every way prevented the civil, political and religious life of Jews. In their oppression, Samaryan also took part, setting up power.

Interpretation of Psalm

A characteristic feature of the text is that each structure of 8 lines begins with a consistent letter of the Jewish alphabet.

In total, in Psalm 176 poems, 22 stanf - for each one letter of the alphabet. According to its content, the Psalm is devoted to the description of the height of the content of the Law of God and the explanation of its meaning for a person.

From a stylistic point of view, Psalm has the vastness of thoughts and their frequent repeat, but it is extremely diverse and provides extensive material for reflection and learning. Viewing it by poems, you can allocate separate interesting thoughts:

Psalm as a whole has a fairly oppressed color - tests and the Jewish people cannot cause joy from the author. But at the same time, the depression is interspersed with the hope of salvation over and admiring God, which is ruled by Israel.

Important! Psalm is read during the week-owned worship services and necessarily during the Great Post. It is best to read in church Slavonic language.

Bligniya inability to the path, walking in the law of the Lord. Blignius testing him, with all his heart they charge him, not making blessing, in the hands of his walk. You commanded the commandments of your preservation of the bearer. In order to be corrected by my path, keep your excuse. Then I will not sit down, the captures of your entire commandments are fragile. We will appoint you in the rightness of the heart, the truth is perhaps the truth of the truth. Your excuse is preserved, do not leave me to the green. In Cait, will fix the youth way; Few prevented the words of yours. With all my heart of my charges, do not remove me from your commandments. In my heart, my hidden literacy of yours, Yako, can not sagge you. Blessed Esi Lord: teach your justification of yours. Usnarma is myself all the fate of your mouth. On the way of witness of your enjoy, Yako about every wealth. Your predominacle will plunge, and your urazumemy is your way. In allimation of your teaching, I will not forget the words of yours. Relief your row: live me, and your sorry your words. Out of my eyes, and urazumemy wonders from your law. Nazyz Az Yesh on the Earth: Your commandments are not skilled. Love your soul, my waters of your fate at any time. Forbidden ESI Gordy: Cursed Daming from Your Commandments. Otimi from mea diarrhea and humiliation, IKO tests of your recovery. For Sedosha Prince, and on my slander, the slave of your mocking in excuses: For your teaching of my teachment is, and your advice is your justification. Soul to put the earth: Live in your word. My Ways are erected, and I heard me by me: teaching your justification of yours: the path of excuses by your emissions, and will love your wonderland. My soul will be reedded from despondency: I will approve in the word of yours. The path of inappropriates backwards from me, and your permeasure law. The path of truth from the famous, and your fate is not slaughter. Tortured by the witness of yours, Lord, not by the persons of Mene. The path of the commandments of your tech, albeit with my heart. Shugs, Lord, the way of excuses of yours, and impose and will be taken out: Incemmes, and I will experience your law, and I save and with all my heart. Many on the path of your commandments, Iko Tyu Eshotech. Cancel My heart in your opinion, and not in Lihychimization. Dispose of my eyes, herso not the video of the fuss, in the way you live. Put your slave your word yours in fear of yours. Otimi is my own, hedgehogs of intricacies: Yako fate your favor. CE Early your commandments, in truth you live me. And yes, the mercy of your Lord will take on my mercy, your salvation according to your word. And I reserve the word-dyeing word: Yako Vyshkov on your literature. And not Othimi from the mouth of my literature is true to the green, Yako on the fate of your upopa. And I preserve the law of yours will be, in the age of century and century. And Incenses in the latitude, and the commandments of your recovery. And the verbs about the versions of your presets, and not ashamed: and they were looking at your predominacle, you love the bearer: and the erection of my Ruta to the commandment of yours, too loved, and your mumers in excuses. Looking through your slave your slave, I gave your hope. Then my comforted in humility is mine, I will live your word. Grandia is a lawmaking to the potion: from the law you do not decline. Lots of fate of your century, Lord, and comforted. The sadness will bring me from the sinner, leaving your law. Peta to me is justifying your, at the site of the alignment of my. Romane in the newest name is yours, Lord, and keep your law. To my age, I can justify your recovery. Piece of my Esi, Lord, Reh to preserve your law. Prayed to your face with all my heart: I have mercy on your words. Throwing your thoughts, and my return is yours. Having prepared and not embarrassed to keep your commandments. Current sinner I miss me, and your law is not slaughter. Semi-abnormalists to confess you about the fate of the truth is yours. Participant AZ EM AM to all fearing to you, and your commandments are stored. Merities are mercy, Lord, Exit Earth: the excuse of your teaching me. The goodness created by the Slave of your Lord, according to your word. Goodness, and punishment and mind of teaching me, Yako Commanded Your Verov. Formerly, not even smirriti, Az gentlemen: this is for the sake of your word preserves. The benefits of you, Lord, and the goodness of yours to teach your justification of yours. I will be smart enough to proudly, Az all my heart I will test your commandments. Cheerfully of the milemous heart of them, Az the law of your passage. Fortunately, I, Yako, smirled me, I will discuss your justification. Good to me the law of mouth, pucha, thousands of Zlata and Srebra. Glory: Your coincidence will be created by me, and create me: Incemmes, and tee your commandment. Being afraid of you, it is narrowed by me and we will be divorced, Yako on the literacy of your uda. The minds of Lord, Jaco, the truth of your destiny, and I spent the studio of me. Budy your mercy is yours, let me comfort in the word of your slave. Yes, I will bring my generotes, and I will live, I will have the law of your teaching mine. Yes, the grades will be ashamed, it is uninumed to be uninfloited on me, Az will undelive to your predoms. Yes, they will turn me to be afraid of you, and leading your testing. Budy my heart is immobably in your excuses, I will not let down. My soul disappears into salvation, the words of your uda. My eyes are disappeared into your word, verbolly: when the comforts are comforted; Waicing would be a fur on Slane: Your excuses do not slaughter. Coliko there are days of your slave; When the courts are coordinated by the Court; I told me the lawmaking of mockery, but not the law of your law, Lord. All the commandments of your truth: unjust damaging, pomping. Namal does not concentrate on the earth: Az do not leave your commandments. By the grace of your mercy, and the preservation of the mouth of your mouth. In the age, Lord, your word is in the sky. In the genus and the genus of your truth. I founded the Earth, and abides. Family learning is the day, IKo all kinds of work. Well, it would not be a law of your teaching my was, then the taste of a child would be in humility. I will not forget the excuse of your excuses, Inko revived I, I revived. [Wednesday:] Your ESM AZ, save me, IKO excuses of your recovery. Men is waiting for the sinners to ruin me, the tests of your mind. Because of the end of the eyes. End, broad the commandment of your beer. If you love your law, Lord, the whole day is my teaching. Page the enemy of my umudril me, the commandment of yours, I was in my eyelid. Page of all students of my minds, my teachings of your teaching is. Page the elder of the minds, I will be the commandments of your recovery. From all the way of Lucava's feet of my feet, I can be sorry for your words. Your fate does not decline, Yako you are the laws of Mi. Kohl's sweet laryrs of my literacy, wing to my honey. From the commandments of your minds, this is for the sake of the habit of incorporates. My feet lamp your law is your law, and my light is my light. Klya and put the preservation of the fate of the truth. Committed to the potion, Lord, live on your word. The free mouth of my favor, Lord, and the fate of your teachi. My soul in my hand will be taken out, and your law is not slaughter. Moving the sinner of the network to me, and your commandments do not get lost. Outputs of your speech in the eyelids, Jaco's rejoicing of my essence. The hearts of my heart will create an excuse of your age for rewarding. The law-premium hazelnis, the law of your love. Assistant MY and the intercessor of my Esi you, the words of your upopa. Equal from mea sidelines, and test the commandments of my God. Casting my words in the word, and I will live, and not by the persons of me from the aspiration of my. Pomping, and fasten, and teaching your alive in justification. Especially the whole of your departing from the excuses of your excuses, it is unmanifest to think them. Absurchable all the sinful land, this is for the love of your writings. Harvested with your flesh of your flesh, from fate of your worn. The court and the truth, not to betray me the offensive me. With the benefit of your slave for good, yes do not slander Merya Gondi. My eyes will disappear into your salvation, and in the word truth is yours. Cool with your slave for the grace of yours, and the acquisition of your teaching me. Bube Your Es AM AZ: IMAYMENTS MIR, AND WILL YOU WITH YOU. The time will create the domain: the ruin of your law. This is for the victims of loved by the commandments of your Page Zlata and Topia. Something for the sake of all the commandments of your directions, all the way the path of hazelnis. Watching your sofa, this soul is my soul. The phenomenon of the word of yours enlightens and instructs babies. My mouth is rejected, and the attraction of the Spirit, IKO commandments of your wishes. Glory: Watchy on me and nice me, on the court who loving your name. My feet will give your words in the word, and do not possess me any lawlessness. Get rid of human slander, and your commands are saved. Your face is enlightened to your slave, and you teach your justification. Embodge the watery messenger of my eyes, do not save your law. The righteousness of Esi, Lord, and the rules are your judges. I commanded the truth of the test of yours and the truth of the bearer. Yef me there is a jealousy of yours, I can be forgotten by your gaze of my. Word's Word is risen, and your slave is loved e. Yuneyst AZ EMM and is humiliated, your excuses do not slaughter. True your truth, and the law of your truth. The grief and the needs of the founder, the commandments of your teaching mine. True, your in the eyelids, I will be alive, I will live. I have been called with all my heart, I hear, Lord, your reciprocal excuses. The crowd, save my, and the preservation of your testing. Advanced in forgotten and the crowds, on your verbays. Finish my eyes to the morning, read your word. My glasses I hear, Lord, by the grace of yours: on the fate of your lives. The chasing chasing by the lawlessness is approaching, from your law, it is deleted. Near those you, Lord, and WSI will be your truth. I am defiled by your letters, I founded ESI in the eyelo. Weighing my humility and IMA, Yako of your law not to slaughter. Sudi the court is mine and relieve me, the word for your life. Dettle from a sinner Salvation, Yako, your excuses are not recovered. Multi-Lord's generoter, on the fate of your lives. Mnosi is expelled by me and the squeezing, from the sediments of yours do not decline. The types of unindicising and immigrants, this is not the save. Wang, I will be written your lovers, Lord, in the grace of your mercy. The beginning of the word of your truth, and all the fate of the truth is yours. Knuckles drove the tuna, and from the word of your babies my heart. I will reprove the Az about the word of yours, I can do a lot of doom. Income with the waves and mistakes, the law of your love. Sedmerian during the afternoon, the truth of the truth is truth. The world is a loving law of yours, and bear the temptation. Tea salvation of yours, Lord, and your commandments will plain. Consign your soul of my testing and loved I am benamed. Keep your commandments and your testing of yours, Yako WSI, my before you, Lord. Yes, the praying is approaching my preinstall, Lord, according to your tenders, me. Yes, it will make a petition of my pretext, Lord, according to your word, you will get rid of me. Mine singing, albeit your justification of yours. My Language is my Language Your Language, Yako all the commandments of your truth. Yes, there will be a hand of your hedgehog to save me, IKOBO is the commandments of your famous. Your salvation was erected, Lord, and the law is your teaching mine. Alive will be my soul and praise you, and your destinies will help me. Zavladii, Yako Ovcha deceased, the salary of your slave, Yako Commandments of your not to slaughter.

In the Jewish Bible, this psalm does not have inscriptions, in Greek and Vulgate, as all the psalms, starting from 110, inscribed - "Alilius". Psalm is an alphabetic, and every letter of the Jewish alphabet begins not one verse, as in those psalms who have already met with us, but stored in 8 poems, and therefore all verses in Psalm 176, the stanza 22, by the number of signs of the Jewish alphabet. Psalm can be considered written during the ezdra and nehemia, since the instructions of the Psalm for non-configurations of life, such as hostile relations to the Jews of the Government (PS.118_23, 46), the appearance among the Jews of the Apostates (Ps.118_21, 53, 150), as well as numerous Instructions that the righteous fought and found protection and reinforcement only in faith in the Lord and following his law (Art. Ps.118_1-8, 14, 20, 24, etc.) coincide with the Regulations of Jews in the era of the activities of the event and Nehemia, when Persian The kings prevented the Jews in the marchs of Samaritan to the arrangement of their civil, political and religious life, when the Jews for their loyalty were subjected to direct even persecution, for example, with Artaxerks 3, his warlord Vagoz has fallen sacrifices; The famous Artaxerxes Longiman has even published the commandment on the origin of the Rodanztor on the extermination of Jews (). At this time, the Jews had many apostates from the Fathers faith.

The content of the Psalm is devoted to the altitude of the content of the law of God and clarifying its benefactor for a person. Despite the vastness of the Psalm and the seeming repeatability of many thoughts, he, however, according to the proven. Fefan (see Interpretation on this Psalm, Introduction to Him), full of diversity or in understanding the properties of the law, or its different shades, so that for an in-depth in its reading is an inexhaustible material for editing. This work prevail. The author will familiarize themselves with the details, shades of the content of the Psalm, in its exploiting understanding, we will dwell here only in those places that for some dark need to find out the direct, literal meaning.

. Blessed is immaculate in the way, going in the law of the Lord.

. Blessed revelations of him, all heart seeking it.

. They do not make a lawlessness, go to him.

. You commanded your commands to keep firmly.

. Oh, if my ways were sent to compliance with Your Charters!

. Then I would not be ashamed, looking at all the commandments of yours:

. i would sing you at the wrong heart, walking with the courts of the truth of yours.

. I will keep your charters; Do not leave me at all.

The law of God here is referred to in different names, with the unity of its internal content with a diverse manifestation, expression and meaning. "Law" - a general indication, the main generic concept, indicating those immutable norms that are subject to the physical and spiritual life of a person, and the spiritual life of a person. "Revelations" - special commands communicated by God to man for his spiritual increase. They are "frank", that is, not a person was developed, why they may not have mandatory strength and be erroneous, but sinless and saints, as they are open, communicated by the Lord himself, and therefore are generally obligatory. This law is "path", indicates the direction of human activity to achieve the goal of its existence on Earth. "The commandments" - inexcluded orders, giving instructions in various types of life - family, public, religious, etc. "Charters", that is, the prescriptions that establish the well-known human relations to God taken by the first obligations, the violation of which entails It is a kara, in the form of different disasters and non-configurations, for this violation. "Commandments", that is, the limits indicating the boundaries of what is permitted and useful in what borders and the will of a person and its activities should be concluded. With Greek. and lat. Under the "confession", of course, "justification", i.e. the commandments of the Lord, while maintaining and following them, making people with the holy and right before God. "Court ..." - in the sense of impartiality and infallibility of his decisions: there is nothing in the law, Putting the passions of man or ambiguous, there is one truth. The writer Psalm praises and considers the blissful of who did not destroy this law and steadily followed him, and the prails of God to give him strength for the same performance of these commandments, since only in the last one - the condition Peaceful peace of mind and moral satisfaction.

. How can you keep your path clean? - storing yourself according to your word.

By comparison with 8 tbsp. Under the young men, it is necessary to intelligence the writer Psalm, which indicates 100 st. This indication can be partly to explain the most vastness of the Psalm, in which it is impossible not to see the inquisitive efforts of the writer to understand and understand all the content of the law and his great importance for a person, to understand it even in private; This is the first sample of conscious thoughts and desire to determine and outline the way of life. At the same time, in Psalm, we will see a lot of instructions, where his writer will penetrate the thirst for the feat and hot, impregnated indignation at all that are not followed. The last feature, the feature of the hot desire of feats and intentions steadily and straightforwardly to follow what is recognized as high, feature and property of predominantly young age. If the writer Psalm was a young man, then those numerous assumptions that are attributed to the origin of His David, who wrote his son to Son Solomon to his studies to his studies: David, when Solomon was born, was not a young man, but a mature and crowded husband. "Om's words" is called here the same Law of God, as a commissable person from the Lord through Moses and the Prophets by words, speech. By following the word, the young man will retain his purity, since in this law awards are proposed, towering a person, referring to his soul and saints.

. In my heart, I have falched your word yours, so as not to sin to you.

"Socials ... in the heart": - Love, deeply assimilate, so that the external behavior is an expression of the inner mood. In the same consent of the inner life and its external expression - the fullness of the personal life and the definiteness of its direction.

. I graduated from my mouth all the courts of mouth.

As a result of deep penetration of the law in the writer's heart is that he constantly talks about this law, he preaches him, as there is no other, more for him to the highest and valuable subject.

. On the way of the revelations of yours I am glad, as in every wealth.

"On the way of revelations, I am glad", I am glad when I follow your commandments, because I find satisfaction with your attachments. This following the commandments do not mean theoretical only study of the law, and the diverse manifestation of it in activities, which in all its species and directions was the implementation and actual, practical preaching of the statutes of the Lord.

. Open my eyes, and see the wonders of your law.

"We will see the wonders of the law of God" - understand all the high content of it, to appreciate the transformative force, which from a sinful person makes the righteous, from a weak will - the great devotee, from the insignificant hero. Such evidence of the wonderful transformation of a person under the action of the law history indicates whole Thousands: All the prophets were martyrs for the law and unshakable his preachers, in the history of the Christian church of such facts of great mobility and martyrdom, it is impossible and recalculated. It is possible to understand and find out such force and the action of the Law of God on a person when "OPI" when Do not turn away from him with biased conviction, and carefully, focusing, "with Otchi Ami," study it.

. I am on earth; Do not hide me from your commandments.

Life on Earth is "country", a journey committed by man to achieve their fatherland and permanent, eternal location. Obviously, the last thing is not on earth, but behind the coffin. If so, the earthly life should be prepared for the afterlife and to it It can only lead the way unmistakably chosen on the ground. How and where to find the latter? This path is listed in the commandments of the law. Whoever does not follow them, he is mistaken and will not reach the afterlife of the afterlife, i.e., afterwards for its achievement . Here is a pretty clear doctrine of the goal of the earthly existence, the immortality of the human soul and afterwards.

. You talked proud, damned, dodgeful from your commandments.

. Remove with me the uncertainty and the Ambassador, for I keep your revelation.

. Princes are sitting and deal against me, and your slave reflects on your charters.

In these verses, the indication of the provisions of the Jewish people during the times of ezer and nehemia, when they met opposition both from the apostates from the faith of fathers from the Jews and from Samarian. The latter are called god boning from the commandments because the Samarians recognized only the Pentateuch of Moses, and the rest of the sacred books of Jews were rejected, as a result of which the revelations reported on these books were observed. Samaritan intrigued against the Jews before the Persian rulers, and the princes of Persians, trusting them with denunciations, published decrees that are constrained by the activities of the Jews, it seems, for example, the prohibition of the construction of the temple and Jerusalem. Such prohibitions were undeservedly represented by the decision of the Jews, which took care only with these buildings on the satisfaction of their religious needs, and not about political sediments, as their enemies were false.

. My soul is defeated in dust; Revive me according to your word.

"My soul is defeated in dust" "I'm exhausted, Intrusted that I was close to death, turned into dust, in nothing - an indication of the fact that the modern wristwriter acted on him depressingly, he was close to desperately. - "Revive me for your word" - Help your almighty assistance.

. I deleted the path of lies from me, and your law give me.

"Delete the path of lies from me" - Save me from false and bad deeds. Maybe the writer in order to weaken the intrigue Samaryan temporarily stopped at thought, to influence the Persian yard indirect funds, but then, I think that such a way, being unclean, may entail a whole number of similar things, to develop indifference to the moral side of actions in a person, Having made the most external profitability of the dignity of the latter, and repent of his thought and with a prayer of repentance turned to the Lord so that he approved him in the next truth, his law (see 30 Art.).

. Specify me, Lord, your way of charters, and I will hold it to the end.

. Incemmes me, and I will comply with your law and keep it with all my heart.

. Put me on the path of your commandments, for I wasveling it.

. Cancel my heart to your revelations, and not to a caustic.

. Take up my eyes to not see the fuss; Live me on your way.

. Approve the word your slave yours, for a reverence before you.

The consciousness writer of the height of the law, his holiness and its weakness and inexperience, causes it in him, with his decision steadily follow the instructions of the law, prayer to the Lord that he does not leave him with his constant instance and leadership in a wide variety of circumstances and positions of life.

. Take off my rejection, which I'm talked, because your faces are.

"Decomposition" - of course by God for the sin of a person, that is, for the deviation from his commandments. This station is expressed in the deprivation of a man of the greatest good - proximity to the Lord. Such a "renovation" for a pious person is the greatest disaster, the most difficult punishment he was afraid of and from which, in the event of a violation of the Divine Commandments, he pray for the goodness of the Lord to pardon him.

. and I will give an answer to me as much as I hope yours.

The ordinary, everyday measure, attached to the assessment of the dignity of different directions of life, is, the most part, narrowerialist: the dignity is measured by the degree of benefits and the number of practical amenities. In such a position, a writer Psalm was with his deep faith in the fruitfulness of God's law for storing it. His faith was deep, but the external position was poorly. It caused ridicule over him from both the enemies of the Jewish people, pagans and its miniments, unstable in their faith and apostates from her. Since the appropriation of the righteous hope passed into the appointment of the most powerful, powerless, it would be, to award and relieve the disasters of his honors, then the writer pray for him (see 40 and 41 Art.) On the sense of mercies for believers in it, so that thereby give actual Discover lies of dosers.

. Do not take away from the mouth of my words of truth, for I think your courts

"Do not take away from the mouth of my words of truth". "Most" means forever, constantly, more precisely with Heb. "Never", i.e. let me never retreat from your commandments.

. i will talk about your revelations before the kings and I will not let down;

"Talk about your revelations before kings" - explain the true meaning of what the Jews were constructed on returning from captivity, without fear of any false interpretations and distrust by rulers (see 29 Art.).

. Proud of the extremely swallowed by me, but I did not evade your law.

. Horror sends me at the sight of wicked, leaving your law.

Under the wicked, "leaving the law of God," there are no pagans that did not hold this law, but the Jews who retreated from him.

. I remembered your name at night, Lord, and kept your law.

"Night ..." - disaster times. In the difficult moments of life, the writer was consoled only by the power of his faith in the law of God and the promises set out there for all Jehovah's honors.

. The networks of wicked surrounded me, but I did not forget your law.

"Network of wicked"Probably the misties of Samaritan.

. Before my sufferings, I was mistaken; And now your word is stored.

The disasters experienced by Jews during the captivity showed them that the power and power of their people are not in the arrangement of life at their discretion, but at the direction of the Lord. Although the last one was constantly heard the preaching of the prophets, who foreshadowed severe disasters for the retreat from God, but the people did not believe and "buried" until the onset of the pretexts of the prophets, in the form of the Babylonian captivity. Now, during the captivity, the Jew has learned, it was realized that his well-being depends on the storage of "Words and God". The writer Psalm here is an expressant of the general mood of pious Israelis.

. Proud gossip lies on me; I will keep your commandments with all your heart.

. The heart of them, like Tuk; I will console your law.

Under the "Gordes MI", you can intelligible or generally pagan princes, who were negligible to the Jews, or those of the Jews, who paid all their efforts only to their material support, not worrying about common needs and their moral cleanliness. For all of them, a Jew, devoted to his People and pious, was a hindrance that they wanted to eliminate.

. It is a soul of my soul about your salvation; I hope yours.

. My eyes are thinking about your word; I say: When will you comfort me?

. I became like fur in smoke, but your charters did not forget.

Image of gravity experienced by the writer of non-confinement of life. - "Fur in smoke", more precisely, fur in the frost, which is hardening, breaks and is done by the smoke. "Frost" Here the image of the disasters of the Jews, which renounced the latter.

. Your me, save me; For I recited your commands.

"Your I" - Only one is dedicated to you and only I am waiting for help and protection.

. I saw the limit of all perfection, but Your commandment is immensely extensive.

"I saw the limit of all perfection". All the affairs and initiatives of a person who limit their content and value of the limits of earthly life can be perfect and finished, "the commandment of the Lord immensely extensive, it cannot be finished by a person, no one can say that he has achieved perfection in law, for the commandments of the last such height, that only the complete extension of a person can be the limit of them, i.e., an infinite development is not on earth only , but also behind the coffin.

. Your commandment you got me wiser of my enemies, for she is always with me.

. I became a wiser of all my teachers, for I reflect on your revelations.

. I dwell more than the elders, because your commands are stored.

The leadership of the commandment of the Lord makes the young man wisely teachers, knowledge of the elders and the wiser of enemies. Here is the indication that Psalm is written after the elimination of certain obstacles, which the Jews met during the times of the eye. Staying the devotees of God's law, believing in his help, the true and pious jeques about the good of the people did not stop care for the landscaping of his life and these concerns were often crowned with success, although they met a direct opposition from the enemies of Samaryan and the disapproval by the elders teachers (), which He undermined the energy of the builders of the second temple and in some non-configurations seen the signs of the rejection of their people by God, why they foreshadow all their enterprises.

. My soul is incessantly in my hand, but I do not forget your law.

"My soul is constantly in my hand", I.e., it is open to anything, is available to the action of the enemy, or in constant danger. Probably, at hand, of course, the open and direct activities of the Psalm writer for restoring folk well-being and this activity was unpleasant to the enemies of the Jewish people who tried to find the basis for the condemnation of the writer, maybe by slander the Persian government. But the writer was not embarrassed by a hostile attitude towards him, and adamantly walked to the execution and restoration of legitimate ministry among his people.

. I strengthen me according to your word, and I will live; I do not mind me in my hope;

. support me, and felt; And your charters will be incessant.

Although faith writer in the Word of God was deep, but difficult conditions, among whom he had to act, put it such insurmountable obstacles that he resorted to the help of God and cried to his direct assistance. The indicator of the strength of his faith here is the trait that in the moments of some decline of the Spirit, he is looking for support not from people, but from the Lord.

. It trets from your fear of your flesh, and your vessels I am afraid.

"You trembles from your flesh of my flesh"The writer is in the thrill, in a fearing waiting for what will be the definition of the Lord regarding the success of his activities, he fears that on the court of the Divine Truth, the Jewish people can be unworthy of his mercy, and at the same time restoring the well-being. This fear and makes him tremble.

. I committed the truth; Do not betray me to you.

. Getting your slave for good his, in order not to oppress me proud.

Activities in the name of the National Board created a lot of enemies, who not only contemptively treat him, but also "Gon Yat", pursue it with different ways that he strongly harm the success of his good endeavors. On the termination of these attacks, he prays the Lord.

. Time to the Lord to act: your law was broken.

Above the wicked apostates from the law writer pray for the Lord to pronounce its court. Their impunity and well-being are harmful to those in the oscillating souls inspire mistrust in the spirit of the instructions of the law to the fact that it is just the last to be crowned with success and causes favor from God. Example of well-being of the wicked seems to say otherwise. To strengthen the fluctuating, renote apostates and encourage pious, writer pray for God to pronounce its court.

. get rid of me from oppression of the human, and I will store your commands;

Getting rid of "The oppression of the human" It is the condition of all and permanent service to the Lord and the fulfillment of his law. External disasters do not have the strength to undermine the person's faith in God, but may interfere with such a routine of time and behavior, which would be also sent to the ministry to the Lord, distracting strength and attention to the elimination of them.

. From my eyes, the streams of water are due to the fact that you do not store your law.

Since the writer everywhere preaches about the unusually elevated action of the law on the human soul, as well as that following the charters of the Lord is a faithful source and external well-being of a person on Earth, he had to act depressingly any violation of the commands of the God of God, which he where "I saw: he mourns such mistaken people with bitter regret.

I am small and condom but do not forget your commands.

The Psalm writer was not visible on the position among the Jewish people ( "Mal I and Presche"), But he was one of those faithful Jews, who sincerely loved his people, were betrayed by the Lord and warmly sought to restore the true gods and pious lifestyles. It may be that the writer Psalm was one of the pious Levites.

. I am preceding dawn and call; Your word is yours.

"I predder dawn and calling", i.e. from early morning "before the onset" appearance of dawn, I pray and call you about protection and help.

. Seven-time per day I glorify you for the truth of your truth.

"Sembly per day I glorify you for the truth of your truth". - Sefectorate - in the sense of often. - "Courts of Truth" - manifestations of the divine anger on the enemies of a pious writer and all the faithful Jews. It can be seen here to indicate that the actions of the enemies of the Jewish people were not always successful: the intrigues managed to appear, the improvement was completed and these moments of life fill the writer with a gratefully enthusiastic feeling.

. My mouth say praise when you teach me the charters.

Instead of "when" you can translate more precisely "since". The meaning is: since only from you, the Lord, it happens, learning the law, then I am full of praise to you.

. I got lost like a sheep lost: the wake of your slave, because I did not forget your commandments.

"Burn the earliest ... Sheep" - a lost, oppressed writer, as well as every true Jehovah's reader at this time, which indicates a common heavy then the position of the Jewish people.

The content of the Psalm represents a little instructions on the external position of the writer, the more only indicates what feelings and thoughts are called in it when reading the law. In it, he finds a reflection and calm, leaning faith in the truth and energy for its activities. Such a content of Psalm clearly suggests that hostile actions of haters of the Jews put the last obstacles that stopped and braked their undertaking. But the severity of such a position is not without awareness: the writer found the opportunity to rejoice and thank the Lord for the manifestation of his courts (Art. 164), i.e. there were moments when his enemies were fruitless. The total oppressed tone of the content of the Psalm with glimpses of light and joy in the writer confirms the assumption that expressed at the beginning of the Psalm on the time of his origin in the ecro's era, when an intrigue was carried out against Jews, which caused the prohibition by the Jews of the construction of the temple and other persecution and when the heads of the Jewish people had to expose Lies and slanders of enemies and partially cause glimpses of favor of the Persian government.