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Biblical encyclopedia of Nikifora Archimandrite 5000 words. Information diversion. As the replacement (substitution) of the Slavic names in the book, which we now consider the "Bible", for Jewish

Body controls the soul
The soul is controlled by the Spirit,
Spirit manages conscience.

Conscience is a joint message of the human soul and bright gods. The Mother of God, Jiva, gives every clean soul an ancient wisdom - the Spirit, i.e. Part of the heavenly truth. The soul must know this wisdom in the obvious world according to the time of life. This is the highest mental and spiritual meaning. Wisdom in the shower interacts with non-demonic truth. Their constant, harmonious relationship is called conscience. If the do-khovna person committed acts in accordance with the Spirit given in the soul, then the conscience of a person is calm. Peace in the soul fills the time to the meaning of life. It is called us to live on conscience! If people, childbirth races are great, neglect conscience, then they are comprehended by unambiguing, hands and illness. People, childbirth races are great, can not lose the highest truth and the wisdom of the bright gods and our ancestors, because it is impossible to lose what is connected to the souls and hearts by our.

Modern systems, using television, use the psychors of the people of the color of the darkness of the skin of the darkness, and thus lower the person to the level of control of the soul with the lowest type of exposure - instinct. And some programs are lowered and even lower - to the level of the animal. Animals have a sense of self-sufficiency, and nonhumans do not have such a pre-la.

Evil forces manifested, for example, as noticeable people, use knowledge to receive personal gain by capturing the property of other people with the help of force (weapons of mass destruction) and / or deception (political intrigues, bribing "necessary" people, etc.) with The goal of creating yourself a carefree, idle, full life, and, at the same time, try to establish total control over the minds, so that the surrounding makes the orders established by them, as proper and not even thought about their change. At the same time, these orders lead to degradation and degeneration, and as a result, the death of the whole living, the subordinate, including those who installed these orders.

Judochistancy completely plated Slavic Zoroastrianism. And it would seem, it should have been carefully kept to Avesta - "In Persia in VII-VI V.V. BC. Ancient Assistian texts were recorded, based on the basis of the Zoroastrian State Religion. However, "Until our time reached no more than 1/4 of this text." The remaining three-quarters of the texts were burned by Alexander Macedon after the conquest of Persia in the IV century. BC.".
During his bloody hike, the Macedonian - "Hitler" of his time, "founded 70 cities wearing his name - Alexandrium. This is how another "his" Judochristian myth about 70 students of Jesus Christ originated. As well as another myth in the Bible: "The most important is the translation into Greek language in the II century BC, - the so-called translation of 70 intercursors (Septuaginta), which lies at the core and dogmatics of Judaism and Christianity."
The whole history of judochristianity is in endless wars, bloody cross campaigns, burners on the colors of scientists and women, the destruction of other peoples, the fares and religions of our Earth.
Slavic Vedic Culture is the basis of the Russian philosophical and Vedic worldview, and our Slavic-Aryan ancestors responsible for the preservation of information and knowledge, in the most difficult conditions saved the main relics and teachings in order to convey these invaluable knowledge to their descendants.

It clearly identified the goals of the Judochristianity "Orthodox" Dyakon A. Kuraev at the Congress of the Orthodox Press in March 2000: "The first and necessary part of the church ministry - to narrow the horizon of human spiritual experience ... And in this sense, the task of the church, no matter how paradoxically it sounds, akin to the task Police ... ".
Therefore, at present, in Russia, Judochristian clerics support anti-leather anti-Russian power. Today, almost everyone is obvious that the "Thieves and Zhuliki" reached up to the authorities, the robbing, slave-feudal society is built in Russia. We have an occupying state where all the democratic freedoms are invented, where there are no real elections, where people are even forbidden to read serious books, it is forbidden to think. We have an occupying list of forbidden books already exceeds 1000 items. And this, everything just converges with the position of Dyakon A. Kurayeva and other Clearing ROC, and with their tasks of the "Police".

Judochristian and Muslim (Arab-Jewish) religions, including Judaism, will disappear, as they have exhausted their mission.

Recently, a lot and often speak of spirituality. This term is invested by a variety of concepts: both cultural and entertainment events and religious rituals. It is believed that spirituality is synonymous with religion, the absolute prerogative of the church, and only the Christian "Orthodox" church.
Therefore, it should be clarified by the situation with this concept. If we consider the word "spirituality" from a religious point of view, then when decomposing the components we will receive the following: the first half of the word is "Spirit", the second is "violence" (from the sheep) or (Baran). Yes, to some extent, the word itself emphasizes allegedly inseparable communication of the Spirit and the "twear" human principle (this is a Judochristian dogma, which determines that an out-of-education creator is connected in people with natural creature, and in God-Mr. Your Retz himself) - Sheep (the Agnets of God), and allegedly determines the binder thread of God-Mr. and the sheep man. It is also aggravated by such church concepts as: "Lamb of God" is a lamb, goat, Divine. In the Judean religion, the Lamb, Kozlenok - Easter sacrifice. In the Bible, the image of a lamb symbolizes purity and meekness.
If you follow the Judochristian dogs, then the "spiritual" - the submissive and meek rod, the goat must be cut and shave, then weave the skin from it, and in martyrs to penetrate to get kosher meat, like an Easter sacrifice.
However, fortunately, everything is not true. Because we are Rusa - the grandchildren of Lazhbeta, the great-grandfather of Veles and Perun - Slavs - the descendants of the god-god, who gave us through the space cow Zemun and God of the kind.
And our Slavic faith is based on the Russian philosophical and Vedic worldview. This means the recognition of cosmic universal laws, reverence of its Slavic clan - Russian gods, which are our ancestors and our parents.
Ruses completely reasonably consider themselves straight descendants of the gibbog and are called giving grandchildren. Russes belong to God as their best practices: with great respect, but without humiliation and lowlands. God was everywhere, and in any place they could contact him directly with the glorification and request for help (without any intermediaries like Popam-Clearyans). And at the same time they were spiritual, had the honor, conscience and dignity.

Biblical encyclopedia
Labor and edition of Archimandrite Nikifora

Moscow. 1891
Reprinted edition of 1990

Under the specified name, extensive work is printed, made by me at the beginning of last year. In more or less extensive articles, and often in short and compressed, depending on the importance of the subject, the "popular biblical encyclopedia" responds by almost most of the issues of biblical archeology, architecture, astronomy, geography, biographies of biblical figures, botany, sacred bibliography, military science , zoology, agriculture, arts, mineralogy, meteorology, medicine, mathematics, numismatics, pedagogy, physics, ethnography, etc. Theological terms, with the exception of the terms of strictly biblical value, are omitted. The explanation of the details of biblical terms concerns both canonical and non-canonic books. Scriptures, however, that the explanations of the latter are distinguished by a significant brevity compared to the first. The publication includes approximately 7,500 explanations of the various words found in the Old Testament and New Testamentanic and non-Canonical Books of Human. Scriptures.

"Explore Scripture" ( In 5.39), Lord said the Savior in one place, and in the other: "They are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures, no power of God" ( MF 22.29), And so, having the main goal of the immediate acquaintance of readers with the corrodent beauty, the power and expressiveness of the Books of Holy. Scriptures, the compiler of the same labor also also in mind that it, in addition to its specialty, serve for various biblical references, was and simple, for all understandable, asked, desk book not only for the educated, but also for any inquisitive Orthodox Christian, loving belly verbs eternal. At the beginning of each article, the explanation of each word, a quote or several quotes, strictly proven with the Russian Bible, which was preferably used by the compiler, and finally the presentation of the content of the article. Sources and benefits in drawing up the "biblical encyclopedia" served: the Bible in Slavic language and in Russian translation, the "theology" of Holy Relation. Makaria and Anthony, "St. Christian Catechism and the Gears of Orthodox Christian Teaching" M. Philaret, "Dictionary of the Orthodox Church-Service Language and Sacred Jews" Ave. Mikhailovsky, "Biblical Dictionary" A. Verkhovsky, "Experience of the Biblical Dictionary" Solari, "Handwortherbuch des Biblischen Alterthums" Dr Eduard Riehm, D. Eaidies "Biblical Cyclopoedia", "Beeton" S Bible Dictionary "," Cassel "S Bible Dictionary" and others. The last three English editions were particularly useful in drawing up a "popular biblical encyclopedia" So many articles in terms of biblical geography, biographies, botany, zoology, ethnography, etc., with some changes, borrowed from these, due to their rich biblical meaningfulness, elegant presentation and the latest scientific research.

Publishing the biblical encyclopedia almost in almost all branches of the biblical knowledge listed above, I hope that this work will be not only useful, but also a disbelief reading for many people, with love and reverence of the Word of God, and that, on the other hand, readers will condescendly The fulfillment of such an extensive, thorough task, what is the publication of the "full biblical encyclopedia", and will cover their love, if there will meet any minor typos and errors in one of the aspirations.

- In the period of the 1650-1660s, the liturgical and canonical measures aimed at changing the ritual tradition existing then in Moscow. Caused a split in the church and led to the emergence of numerous old-desired flows.
But not only the traditions in the holding of services changed - the scriptures were also corrected, the Bible itself.

There was a list of 5000 words (settlements, names, etc.), which was replaced in Russia during the reform of Patriarch Nikon. For example, the word "life" is replaced with the name "Eva" (Gen. 3:20).
This list was discovered in the publication of the popular biblical encyclopedia. She is the author - Nikifor (in the world Alexey Mikhailovich Bazhanov 1832-95) - the spiritual writer, Archimandrite and the abbot of the High Pettrovsky Monastery.
The real encyclopedia is designed to convey to the reader in a popular form of incomprehensible or impressive expressions, the names of geographic locations, events, names and acts of prophets, kings, folk leaders and other historical personalities mentioned in the Holy Scripture.
For the first time "Illustrated Complete Popular Bible Encyclopedia" Archimandrite Nikifora saw the light in 1891
In 1990, for the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Alexy II encyclopedia was reprinted with a reprint.
In 2002-2005 The publishing house "Lock-Press" was prepared and produced by three publications a new version of the "biblical encyclopedia" of Archimandrite Nikifora. In this edition, the text has been translated into modern Russian spelling, personal names and geographical names are listed in accordance with the current standards, a stylistic editing has been applied, factual data.
Encyclopedia itself can be downloaded or read.
From the first rows it becomes clear that in the Bible most of the words, concepts, names - in Hebrew. But it turns out that the Slavic Bible existed before the reform of Nikon, where the names and concepts were ancient Russian:
Download the arch of parallel names of the encyclopedia in the text of the Russian Bible and the Bible of Slavic, or
Here are some examples of substitution or substitution substitutions:
Yes, geographical names, God with them, but the words "won yourself" (Deuteronomy, chimney 9; Chapter 6 verse 12 and chapter 8 verse 11) were replaced by the beaches (???)
And this, you see, not the same thing ...
Won yourself, hurt themselves - to look at yourself. Hand means listening to. Listen to the voice of conscience, listen to the soul, listen to my breath ...
"The desert is included in God and the star with the star says"


Ahersher is nephower. Now a little understandable expression "Ahershet".

Who was looking for an Aryan trail in the biblical scriptures, then you should pay attention to the words "Ara".

The word "army" in the biblical scriptures means "gods".

The word "AC" in the biblical scriptures means "Evening Star".

Amen is "Budi". In old conspiracies, it is found: "So there is so be and beings."

It seems that the constellation is large and small bears, they used to be called differently.
Specified: Pleiades, Wear and Arctic. Who knows about old constellations?

From the first rows it becomes clear that in the Bible most of the words, concepts, names - in Hebrew. But it turns out that the Slavic Bible existed before the reform of Nikon, where the names and concepts were ancient Russian:

Substitution with Nikon reform 5000 Slavic words in the Bible

Download Arch of parallel names of the encyclopedia in the text of the Russian Bible and the Bible of Slavic can

Here are some examples of substitution or substitution substitutions:

Yes, geographical names, God with them, but the words "Won yourself" (Deuteronomy, Gl 4 verse 9; Chapter 6 verse 12 and chapter 8 verse 11) were replaced by Beware (???)

And this, you see, not the same thing ...

Won yourself, hurt yourself - Learn to yourself. Hand means listening to. Listen to the voice of conscience, listen to the soul, listen to my breath ...

"The desert is included in God and the star with the star says"

Amen is "Budi". In old conspiractions, it is found: "So there is so be and beings."

Who was looking for Aryan trail in biblical scriptures, then you should pay attention to words "Ara".

Word "Aray" in biblical scriptures it means "Greaves".

Church reform of Patriarch Nikon - in the period 1650-1660s, the liturgical and canonical measures aimed at changing the ritual tradition existing then in Moscow. Caused a split in the church and led to the emergence of numerous old-desired flows.

But not only the traditions in the holding of services changed - the scriptures were also corrected, the Bible itself.

There was a list of 5000 words (settlements, names, etc.), which was replaced in Russia during the reform of Patriarch Nikon. For example, the word "life" is replaced with the name "Eva" (Gen. 3:20).

This list was discovered in the publication of the popular biblical encyclopedia. She is the author - Nikifor (in the world Alexey Mikhailovich Bazhanov 1832-95) - the spiritual writer, Archimandrite and the abbot of the High Pettrovsky Monastery.

The real encyclopedia is designed to convey to the reader in a popular form of incomprehensible or impressive expressions, the names of geographic locations, events, names and acts of prophets, kings, folk leaders and other historical personalities mentioned in the Holy Scripture.

For the first time, "Illustrated Complete Popular Bible Encyclopedia" Archimandrite Nikifora saw the light in 1891

In 1990, for the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Alexy II encyclopedia was reprinted with a reprint.

In 2002-2005 The publishing house "Lokid-Press" was prepared and produced by three publications a new version of the "biblical encyclopedia" of Archimandrite Nikifora. In this edition, the text has been translated into modern Russian spelling, personal names and geographical names are listed in accordance with the current standards, a stylistic editing has been applied, factual data.

From the first rows it becomes clear that in the Bible most of the words, concepts, names - in Hebrew.

But it turns out that the Slavic Bible existed before the reform of Nikon, where the names and concepts were ancient Russian:

Here are some examples of substitution or substitution substitutions:

Yes, geographical names, God with them, but the words "won yourself" (Deuteronomy, chimney 9; Chapter 6 verse 12 and chapter 8 verse 11) were replaced by the beaches (???)

And this, you see, not the same thing ...

Won yourself, hurt themselves - to look at yourself. Hand means listening to. Listen to the voice of conscience, listen to the soul, listen to my breath ...

"The desert is included in God and the star with the star says"

Ahersher is nephower. Now a little clear expression "Ahershet".

Who was looking for an Aryan trail in biblical scriptures, then you should pay attention to the words "Ara".

The word "army" in the biblical scriptures means "gifts".