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Lunar horoscope - Scorpio. Moon in Scorpio is not just sex, it is psychology

For spiritual aspirations, subconscious desires, changes in life, occurring in a short period of time, the moon is answered in the human horoscope. Some astrologers with the satellite of the Earth are associated and the karmic tasks of the person. How does this affect the behavior of people and what traits and features are children, women and men with the moon in Scorpio possess?

Influence of the moon per person

According to astrology, all people experience the influence of celestial bodies. It is they who make a person that is unnecessarily gullible, it is too suspicious, then energetic and full forces, then apathetic and relaxed. Sometimes in order to understand the cause of your condition, it is enough to look into the lunar calendar.

Regardless of which month a person was born, finding the moon in the sign of Scorpio makes it more emotional and even breeding. During this period, people are more often amenable to passions and fall into hysterics. Clarification of relationships takes place on elevated colors. The overall emotional background is distinguished by nervousness and instability. Mood is subject to change without visible reasons.

Often all events begin to see the man in the gloomy light. As a result, there is a spontaneous desire to change a lot in their lives. This can be useful in terms of personal development, since new goals and aspirations appear. But the adoption of important fateful solutions is better to postpone for a while.

The moon in the sign of Scorpio helps you sharper feel a potential danger. Threatening circumstances, people or events that have previously remained unnoticed are now clearly visible and understandable, which allows a person to take appropriate measures in a timely manner.

The sign of the zodiac in which the moon is located at the moment of the birth of a person, characterizes its emotionality, willingness to change, the ability to adapt to the circumstances. In a horoscope of a man, this heavenly luminaire is also responsible for relations with women (wives, sisters, daughters) and the sphere of feelings. The position of the moon in a natal map of the beautiful lady characterizes it as a hostess, spouse and mother.

Mysterious knight

Men from whom the moon is in Scorpio, have a very difficult temper. They are wounded, but with ease can be offended by another person. Looking for understanding, but hide their thoughts and feelings. They seem to be involved in the eternal struggle between the destruction and creation.

Features and nature

Such men are very mysterious. Their eyes are filled with universal sadness, and the soul keeps a lot of secrets. They rarely have a soul of the company. On the contrary, they try to distance themselves from other people, especially unfamiliar. Incredulous and touchy. Your feelings, experiences, emotions and thoughts prefer to keep with you.

It is difficult for them to relax and enjoy communication with friends, parties or relaxing in nature. In their head, different thoughts are constantly spinning, more often negative. Instead of having to have fun together with everyone, they prefer to engage in self-names and play in their imagination tragedy, worthy of the pen of Shakespeare himself.

This mysterious knight really needs approval and compassion. To loved people who managed to conquer his confidence, he often complains of the injustice of fate, even if he was born in a shirt, a golden cradle and a silver spoon in his hands. There will always be circumstances at which he will feel deprived and unhappy.

Attempts to form a sufferer, as a rule, do not give any results. Moreover, their pessimistic mood has the ability to be transmitted to the interlocutor. Therefore, it is better to communicate with such people when they are in a good arms of the Spirit.

The lunar scorpions have a rare for representatives of strong sex the ability to feel the inner world of another person, its strengths and weaknesses, sick places and complexes. Under favorable conditions, there are good psychologists, teachers. Otherwise, they can become manipulators and moral tyrants.

Love and compatibility

Tomny mysterious view of this man loves women seeking to solve and heal this rebellious soul. Its sexuality and attractiveness is very difficult to resist. Dreamy Virgin flies to him like moths on the candle flame. Unfortunately, after a meeting with lunar scorpion, many have only burned wings and broken hearts.

The man himself chooses a woman to bepreferring inaccessible and mysterious. He liked the ladies energetically strong, which may subordinate to themselves. At the same time, he himself jealous, prefers to hold the chosen one under constant control. Love for him is a drug, rechargeable energy and giving desire to live. As soon as his feelings begin to cool, he is without regret, remaining absolutely indifferent to the experiences of the former Passia. To live with a person who does not cause more bright emotions and excitement, not in his rules.

For him, sex and romance are equally important. Sincere conversations, he is also needed as passionate kisses and arms. Communicating with such a man, you need to carefully select words. Carelessly abandoned phrase can hurt him strongly, he will clicked in himself and will remember his humiliation for a long time. If the insult was strong, he sooner or later will revenge his offender.

Having met his only one, he persistently seeks her location and offers his hand and heart. It is rare on physical treason. In the soul always remains faithful to its chosen. If love was strong, then after death, the spouse or divorce often remains alone until the end of life. These are such ambiguous relationships line up with women with Moon in Scorpio!

Compatibility in love with these complex images can not boast of all the signs of the zodiac. For strong relationships and family creation, they are suitable:

  1. Tales.
  2. Capricorn.
  3. Aries.

With other signs, close communication will be somewhat difficult. Given that scorpions are not always able to make concessions, conflict will not be avoided. Especially explosive relationships with the following signs:

  1. Twins.
  2. Scorpio.

In any case, a woman who has become a companion of life of this difficult man, will have to get used to his character, constantly remind him of his exclusivity, listen to monologues about life, death and reasoning about the device of the universe, admire his sexuality. However, the lady in love will be very simple.

Capricious princess

Lunar scorpion loves himself, very emotional and impressionable. She has a rich imagination, it is sensual and sexy. Her hidden eroticism men catch on a subconscious level and stretch to her, as a magnet. But only a little lucky (or unhappy?) It will bring closer to your body and soul.

Distinctive features

Even if her lips are curved in a light smile, real passions will be buried in the soul. Often emotions overwhelm this woman. In his youth, it is especially difficult for her to cope with his feelings., breakdowns and hysterics are possible. With age, she grabs the art of self-control, but it does not make it calm and judgment.

Close people can witness her emotional bursts. But if the native will need help, it will be able to discard unnecessary feelings, gather and provide them with the necessary support and protection.

She has a very developed intuition, she knows how to distinguish a lie from the truth. It is not only difficult to deceive it, but also dangerous. It is not true to hurt and offend the insightful beauty. And she, like a male Scorpio, is remembered for a long time.

Despite the fact that the woman has a huge strength of the Spirit and is able to find a way out of the most confusing situations, it is inclined to exaggerate even minor household difficulties and problems. Often she herself invents itself the causes for suffering. With this feature you need to simply accept it, because it is useless to fight her.

Relations and family

For a lady, in the horoscope of which the moon is in Scorpio, the family and children are of great importance. As a rule, they turn out good wives and mothers. Their husbands, learning to accept the spouse, what it is, can be quite happy.

In life satellites, chooses a man of reliable, capable of providing her psychological support. The relationship does not make excessive pressure, will never completely obey a man. For it, the feeling of inner freedom is important.

She is a wonderful mistress. Can guess the secret desires of men. It can keep loyalty to one partner, but requires it the same. Bright scenes of jealousy are not excluded with subsequent rapid reconciliation.

Speaking about the compatibility of women - lunar scorpions with other signs of the zodiac, it is necessary to allocate calves, crayfish and water, as the most suitable partners for long-term relationships and marriage. If the connection is not interrupted due to mutual claims and jealousy (with Taurus), small quantities and offensive (with cancer), the non-seriousness of the partner (with aquatic), there are all the chances of creating a strong family. As for compatibility with other zodiac signs, astrologers make the following forecasts:

No matter how long the relationship with a scorpion woman has been launched, this connection will certainly be remembered by a man with sensuality, emotional filled and eroticism.

Hidden stubborn

The upbringing of the lunar scorpion will require a lot of patience from parents. Such children are often closed and in no hurry to share their experiences. They are impressionative and long experienced ridicule of peers or comments of educators.

The child with the moon in Scorpio is early manifest to the desire for independence and independence. The crumb is very difficult to make something to do against the will, even for its benefit. Such stubbornness can derive not only parents, but also professional teachers.

Excessive pressure from adults can only aggravate the situation. The only right solution is to bring up a child in an atmosphere of love and trust. Orders and instructions need to be replaced by requests and tips.

While children will not learn to control their emotions, they will often have conflicts with peers. It is likely that the boys will be scattered and dracans, and girls are waiting for frequent quarrels with girlfriends because of trifles. Parents are important on their own example to show the child that you need to treat tolee and kinder.

Grown Chad will require increased attention. But the permanent of the guardianship does not benefit them. No need and overlook the child. It is extremely unwanted to use money as a promotion for good behavior.

In school, the lunar Scorpions usually get good estimates. In many ways, this contributes to their desire to be not only worse, but also better than others. It will be wonderful if a teacher comes to find an approach to a difficult student and reveal all his talents.

Attentive, patient, the careful attitude of the parents will allow the stubborn and secretive child to grow an excellent prince or a real princess.

ATTENTION, only today!

Bright face of the moon in scorpion
You become more resistant, ambitious, emotional, idealistic, your imagination is enhanced.
Dark Side of the Moon in Scorpio
You become more stubborn, secretive, jealous, intolerable, powerful.

Scorpio is an astrological sign of death, reproduction, as well as emotional extremes. Scorpio emphasizes the sensuality of the moon and at the same time reveals its strength. If you have a moon in scorpion, you have spirituality and frantic in feelings motivating your actions. The lunar scorpion can skillfully hide their true feelings. The moon in scorpion is very contradictory. Lunar scorpions are controlled by strong passions, but they tend to deny their motivating role. They are often unhappy with their emotions (for example, anger or jealousy), and therefore hide their reaction under the mask of calm and friendliness. If something hurts them, they will cope with their feelings (that is, they will eliminate pain) and put an end to their suffering. The lunar scorpions have a tremendous force of will and acute observation. Their judgments are deep and accurate. Phenomenal memory is their gift and curse. She usually helps them in work, but forces for a long time to worry because of emotional injury. Some moon scorpions never forget the resentment and years are waiting for a suitable moment to revenge. This does not mean that they are cruel and revenge, but they are ready to recall the wound at any time inflicted their pride. Perseverance and perseverance helps them to overcome obstacles - unfortunately, the Lunar Scorpio is facing them more often than other people. In the life of the moon scorpions, there is usually a secret trouble or a secret problem with family or health.

Although the passion always takes an important place in their lives, their sexuality may be submily in other areas, for example, creative activity or career, requiring self-sacrifice. Work is important for them, because through it they better express themselves. They have high demands, and professional pride is noticeable in all endeavors. They are ambitious and capable of being good administrators.

The lunar scorpions have a sensuality that attracts representatives of the opposite sex to them, although they are not aware of this. In their personal life, this quality leads to complications, and many lunar scorpions marry more than once. Fear to get into submission also affects their love relationships. It is difficult for them to trust someone, they soon give their soul to another person. The secret lies in the fact that they really need emotional security. The feeling of danger does not allow them to love much. Lunar Scorpio fascinates its deep, but well tangible passion and sensuality. His congenital magnetism can literally be crazy and force his head. If you hit the moon scorpion network, then, most likely, you yourself will not give a report in your behavior and do not have time to come to my senses, as you find yourself in his arms, so that later, having come to yourself, in bewilderment to ask the question: "What is it I was? " And the Lunar Scorpion network puts very skillfully. Sometimes he is only enough to quit a meaningful view of the victim - and that already confused in the invisible web! The eyes of the lunar scorpion possess a huge attractive force. And if the Lunar Scorpio decided to get someone, he will achieve his, and no rivals to him not a hindrance. If some mutual sympathy arose between you and lunar scorpion, you don't even have to think about how to take the first step: he will understand everything and will feel before you and will do everything in order to be together. At the same time, know that in the life of the lunar scorpion there is practically no fleeting feelings and random connections: everything related to love, he perceives very seriously, and even the shortest connection for him is not accidental, but is an important event in his life.

Compatibility of lunar scorpion. Lunar Scorpio is very sexy, but one sex is not enough for him, he still needs to be romantic. Lunar scorpions really need the tension of feelings, they dream of living all their lives in a state of glowing passions, which is practically no forces to other signs. At the same time, the lunar scorpion has a deep inner world and it can be very sensitive and wounded. It is very important to understand this to the one who will connect life with the representative of this sign. The lunar scorpion needs an adventure, but even more he needs a person who will understand his inner world will see a sensitive soul behind this external passionate pressure and frightening magnetism. Therefore, he is looking for a passionate partner, as well as he, but at the same time, the same sensitive is the one who can understand it. With lunar scorpion will not be peaceful, calm, serene relationships. He is jealous, he can have flashes of rage and frequent mood changes. But at the same time, the lunar scorpions are considered the best lovers in the entire lunar zodiac. So proud if you are lucky to tie fate with moon scorpion. Be proud of both if you manage to withstand his passionism and his eternal craving for romantic adventure. If you are boring, a landed person who is not able to strong feelings, you simply do not on the path with a lunar scorpion. It is impossible to be cold and indifferent with him, it is necessary to be warm, alive with a sense of humor who can love and respond to love with a person.

Consider the astrological compatibility of the lunar scorpion (when the moon in the scorpion in the human horoscope). Lunar Scorpio fascinates its deep, but well tangible passion and sensuality. His congenital magnetism can literally be crazy and force his head.

Compatibility of lunar scorpion in relationships

If you hit the moon scorpion network, then, most likely, you yourself will not give a report in your behavior and do not have time to come to my senses, as you find yourself in his arms, so that later, having come to yourself, in bewilderment to ask the question: "What is it I was? "

And the Lunar Scorpion network puts very skillfully. Sometimes he is only enough to quit a meaningful view of the victim - and that already confused in the invisible web! The eyes of the lunar scorpion possess a huge attractive force.

And if the Lunar Scorpio decided to get someone, he will achieve his, and no rivals to him not a hindrance. If some mutual sympathy arose between you and lunar scorpion, you don't even have to think about how to take the first step: he will understand everything and will feel before you and will do everything in order to be together.

At the same time, know that in the life of the lunar scorpion there is practically no fleeting feelings and random connections: everything related to love, he perceives very seriously, and even the shortest connection for him is not accidental, but is an important event in his life.

Compatibility of lunar scorpion. Lunar Scorpio is very sexy, but one sex is not enough for him, he still needs to be romantic. Lunar scorpions really need the tension of feelings, they dream of living all their lives in a state of glowing passions, which is practically no forces to other signs.

At the same time, the lunar scorpion has a deep inner world and it can be very sensitive and wounded. It is very important to understand this to the one who will connect life with the representative of this sign.

The lunar scorpion needs an adventure, but even more he needs a person who will understand his inner world will see a sensitive soul behind this external passionate pressure and frightening magnetism. Therefore, he is looking for a passionate partner, as well as he, but at the same time, the same sensitive is the one who can understand it.

With lunar scorpion will not be peaceful, calm, serene relationships. He is jealous, he can have flashes of rage and frequent mood changes. But at the same time, the lunar scorpions are considered the best lovers in the entire lunar zodiac. So proud if you are lucky to tie fate with moon scorpion.

Be proud of both if you manage to withstand his passionism and his eternal craving for romantic adventure. If you are boring, a landed person who is not capable of strong feelings, you simply do not on the way. It is impossible to be cold and indifferent with him, it is necessary to be warm, alive with a sense of humor who can love and respond to love with a person.

Compatible with other signs

Lunar Scorpio - Lunar Aries

If you are lunar Aries, then your love with moon scorpion looks like a blow to the current, thunder and zipper, on the rusty of the elements. It is perfect, stigmatically, delightfully, but ... somewhat tedious and besides the nervous breakdowns for both of them.

Therefore, try to reduce the heat at least from time to time, with the condition you can existe each other long enough.

Lunar Scorpio - Moon Taurus

If you are a moon taurus, then you can be a beautiful pair with moon scorpion, there is an attraction between you and great interest in each other. Just keep in mind that the fire burning in the eyes of the lunar scorpion will attract new victims to him: be prudent, do not torment him with jealousy. If he chose you, it means that his feelings are serious.

Lunar Scorpio - Lunar Gemini

If you are moon twins, then you can scare the strength and passion of Scorpio: you want more elegant and quiet relationships, based more on intellectual unity and spiritual relationship than such frank sexuality.

Lunar Scorpio - Moon Cancer

If you are a moon cancer, then your sensitivity will allow you to understand the lunar scorpion as it will not be able to do, perhaps, no other sign. After all, you first understand and appreciate his soul, what he needs it. Perhaps it is with you that the Lunar Scorpio will be able to soften his dyed temper.

Lunar Scorpio - Moon Lion

If you are a lunar lion, then it is difficult for you to obey Scorpio's strength, because you ourselves are strong enough and proud. If you can think about your passion and find a compromise - very good, if not, then life can turn into solid torment.

Lunar Scorpio - Moon Virgo

If you are Moon Virgo, then Lunar Scorpio. The adviser is not the person with whom you can find so desirable peace for you, comfort and safety. Life on a volcano is not something that can attract you, unless you decide to radically change yourself.

Lunar Scorpio - Lunar Scales

If you are lunar scales, it all depends on whether you can see the sensitive soul for external passion. One only passion without soul you hardly attract. But be prepared for the fact that the unpredictable behavior of Scorpio can break your already unstable balance.

Lunar Scorpio - Lunar Scorpio

Compatibility of lunar scorpion. If you are a moon scorpion, like your chosen one, then you will give each other the amazing power of passion and the mass of unprecedented excellent sensations. But all this, provided that your love is strong enough to forgive each other. Remember that two scorpions in one bank - a terrible thing!

Lunar Scorpio - Moon Sagittarius

If you are the Lunar Sagittarius, then thanks to its cheerfulness and even some carelessness can not take too seriously some serious manifestations of the feelings of moon scorpion. But this, provided that your Scorpio will understand you and can accept the idea that life is impossible for you without freedom.

Lunar Scorpio - Lunar Capricorn

If you are Moon Capricorn, then your inner passion, although it does not appear externally, but also great enough, and you can not give way to Scorpio. But the fact is that the scorpion is manifested quite differently! The passion without genuine mutual understanding between you is possible, but for a solid union of this is not enough.

Lunar Scorpio - Lunar Aquarius

If you are a lunar Aquarius, then the proprietary instinct of scorpion is likely to force you to block yourself. If you do not designate your feelings and desires clearly and clearly, your relationship can be very confused.

Lunar Scorpio - Moon Fish

If you are lunar fish, then between you and lunar scorpion can occur strong and at the same time romantic feeling. You give each other all the experiences you need both gamut experiences and acute sensations. Just consider - Scorpio can irregularly hurt gentle fish.

Before proceeding with the description of how the Moon's energy affects us in the days when she stays in scorpion sign, I want to bring the phrase from the song "Temptation" Aria groups: "Close your eyes, tap me. You smell temptation and honey. " So, the days of scorpion do not just smell, but gently fragrant with temptation and honey, and, usually, nothing particularly good to wait for this "aroma".

The moon in Scorpio literally plays traps at every step, tightening us with the help of not the most honest people in various doubtful adventures. This time plays on the hand, first of all, cunning and enterprising people who are not recking anything in order to benefit their benefit from communicating and interaction with others.

The lion's share of the events taking place during this period related to the business, with the purchase of goods, with the receipt of loans and even with amur affairs, could be a beautiful topic for some kind criminal transmission About fraudsters.

In fact, this period does not carry anything good, first of all, for those who are not able to control its energy. Next to such people, as a magic wand, will definitely have "well-wishers", which willingly take the function of managing your desires and emotions to yourself. As a result, the risk of being deceived, losing money, to be disappointed later in a new acquaintance and so on.

On the other hand, the moon, staying in Scorpio, increases our suspicion and criticality that several balans negative influencedescribed above. However, the total nervousness, intolerance to stalk comments and even aggressive behavior increases.

Moon in the signs of the zodiac: Scorpio

Ask yourself such a question: "And how much is I able to control my desires? Do I easily avoid temptations? " Be the most objective. If you clearly realize that you are a slave of your desires; If you are easily addressed by temptations; If you are not alien to the feeling of adventurism, conjugate with the desire to get easy money ... In general, if all this is about you - you will need from you maximum vigilance On the days of the Moon in Scorpio.

In addition to the aggravated desire for acute sensations, the moon in scorpion in some hypertrophies strengthens our craving Not only for suspicious financial schemes, but also to different kinds of mysteries and secrets.

We do not even need to be especially tempting other people's secrets - these days we shipping new sensations And we are in anticipation of a miracle, and therefore, and we ourselves are happy.

However, such an effect of the moon promises success in some specific activitiesWhat will be said below.

There is nothing surprising that among the large number of any "I want" and "wish," in the days of Scorpio, it is aggravated and "lust." During this period, we especially pull on an adventure of erotic nature, but it is stupid to hope that your partner or partner is looking for exclusively "big and clean love". As a rule, these days fake morality and thirst for light profit does not give opportunities to manifest a sincere feeling.

It is noteworthy that the strongest energy of the moon in the days of Scorpio has an impact and on our dreams. Through the coast of strange and bizarre images, we can visit different wonderful visions that can be connected with the same temptations. Of course, you should not stop too much in your dreams, trying to fit them under the concept of "prophetic dreams". However, it is worth searching in them tips that can be used, for example, for improving your material well-being.

Moon signs in everyday life: Scorpio

Correct actions:

The positive moment of the specific effect of the moon during this period is that the days of Scorpio conducive to a wide range of cases associated with diverse research activities, including the study of complex issues, conducting experiments and experiments. These days are good to find ways to exit confusing situations, solve complex issues with the help of influential people, strengthen their own authority.

Days of the Moon in Scorpio are recommended to use also for studying the foundations of esoteric, thinking about the eternal. Despite the fact that fraudsters activate their activities, this period is suitable for visiting fortune-law. In order to protect themselves from the extra spending, take with you the minimum of money and "sift" everything is said all sorts of goddes through the inner sieve of healthy skepticism.

If your sexual relationship with a partner leaves much to be better, scorpion days favor an open discussion with him (or with it) existing problems. It makes sense to try to find a decision precisely during this period when the moon in Scorpio has a strong impact on the aspects of sexuality.

The days of stay of the Moon in Scorpio are strongly recommended to devote to yourself and its body: do yoga or meditation - This is allowed to direct your energies in the right direction, protecting them from negative influence from outside.

Go to the sauna, sit on the diet (these days are welcome and strict Forms of starvation), use a variety of methods cleansing the body (In addition to purifying enema - in this period it is an unsafe procedure). It is best to start cleaning procedures on a decreasing moon ( from December to April).

No opportunity to visit the bath - accept relaxing bath with aromatic oils.

Men can be advised to go to fishing or hunting.

Lovers work on the summer site. It is recommended to use this period for making fertilizers of gardens and gardens, as well as to combat pests (at a decreasing moon). On the days of the moon in the watermark good watering plants.

When the moon in Scorpio is also recommended to carry out the prevention of the cavity behind the mouth, which includes zev, almonds, sip and larynx. Also effective period for preventive wellness eventsaimed at relieving problems related to thyroid gland, esophagus, voice ligaments, cervical vertebrae, nasooplot, cerebellum.

These days you can pamper yourself with bright and even a few causes Makeup. But as for clothes, on the contrary, it is recommended that something is not very causing. Sexual aspects and so pronounced in the days of Scorpio, so it makes sense to use some shortness and mystery in its own toilet, which, as is known, manites.

During this period, despite the specific effect of the moon, it is recommended to restrain their sexual emotions. This is the most correct line of behavior that can save in these your emotional background healthy.

If someone has a holiday from your surroundings in this period, it is recommended to visit souvenir shop and pick up the perpetrator of the celebration original Talisman. The purchase of everything is also welcomed, which is associated with research and scientific activities (including laboratory equipment, machines, etc.). If there is a need to acquire a gift for a partner, you should not restrain your fantasy. Lingerie or even courageous goods from the store for adults are the most.

Also this is a great time to buy. carbut it should also take into account the position of the Moon: it is desirable for such large purchases that the moon does not make disharmonious aspects, especially with Mars and Saturn.

Wrong actions:

The moon is included in Scorpio sign - people who want to make a profit by any way, without investment, even by deception. It is not necessary that during this period you will act as a victim of deception or false illusions. It may be so that you yourself may have a similar desire - to knock someone, dilute, deceive. Such behavior does not paint a person in any period. However, in the days of Scorpio, the energy of the Moon forces people extremely sharply react Attempts to deceive them (if any). Acute conflicts in this case can not be avoided.

Try not to overload in the scorpion days urinary system and intimate zoneSince these areas of the moon have a strong impact on these days.

Not recommended to exercise spontaneous shopping On the days of the Moon in Scorpio, as the risk of risk into fraudsters and acquire a poor-quality product. If such a need arose, it makes sense to be purchased only in serious stores, having previously studied the question.

On the days of the moon in the sign of Scorpio, our body becomes more susceptible to of any kind of poison. In particular, the likelihood of food poisonings increases.

A person who at the moment of birth of the moon was in the sign of Scorpio, pissing, cutting and quick-tempered. It is hidden, suspicious, gloomy and intolerant to someone else's opinion, often seeking to "suppress", subordinate to themselves. Sometimes it seems cruel and stinging, but deep inside it is extremely alone, too, and unhappy, it is eager for all-consuming love and can sacrifice for a very loved one and very many. Extremely attaching, inclined to fanatically followed by the idea or installations. Subconsciously configured to risky and dangerous situations, extreme and adventure deeds.

Lunar Scorpio has a developed intuition: often he has prophetic dreams, and the premonitions usually come true. True, it feels bad much better than good, - after all, he is tuned to the dark, "shadow", negative side of life and is inclined to notice everything, rather negative moments.

Often in the life of the lunar scorpion happens "Rock love". He himself subconsciously destroys itself, and his beloved person, dramatizes, complicates and turns inside out what could be resolved peacefully and conflict.

To realize yourself with the man with the Moon in Scorpio can in politics, jurisprudence (the profession of the investigator, forensic expert, private owner), the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, biology, medicine, psychiatry is particularly suitable. Such a person and all professions associated with military affairs, with risk and danger (cascaders, trainers, testors, riders, trainers in extreme sports), - overcoming difficulties and experiencing themselves, Lunar Scorpio temper character and manifests its best qualities.

Attitude to the mother

"The mother did everything possible for me. No one loved me as she," can say an adult man with a moon in scorpion as a rare minute of frankness, whose relationship with her mother has developed harmoniously. "Mother simply mocked me and relatives. This because of her, from an early age I was forced to fight for my existence," the person will say in the event that the relationship was not harmonious.


"Permanent" perception is peculiar to children, the moon of which is located in Taurus, Lev, Scorpio or Aquarius. For them, the most important thing in consciousness is the usual cliché of how it is necessary to be. Everything that happens around is considered as if through his prism: whether the situation and actions are familiar with whether the idea is familiar, is the mood characteristic. It is hard to change and adapt to them. They need support and the attention of the mother constantly. Even when it is not there, they must see the signs of her attention. All that happens to them they are interpreted from the point of view of the presence or absence of care of themselves from the mother.

In childhood, the most important role for such a person is played by familiar emotional states. He may not remember what happened, as it was explained to him, but what a voice had a voice, as she looked at him, that he felt - I would probably remember. Try to maintain a calm, smooth family atmosphere. Child whims and emotional remarks of loved ones are calm and drop on the brakes. Permanent clarification of relationships will make such a child heavy in communication with a person. And frequent transitions from the world to the quarrel and back it will perceive as a permanent betrayal: love and enmity - for him constant concepts.


For a woman born in this position of the moon, the family is often one of the most sick questions. On the one hand, most of all in the world she wants to create a family, but on the other, it is bad for yourself, as you can, making it, and rejoice in life. The role of his wife and mother seems to her solid twine experiences and victims: all the time will have to be afraid of loved ones, peace and sleep will disappear, all the forces will be given to the family, and the minutes will not be left for themselves. She is configured to create ideal conditions for the life of a husband and children, sometimes even contrary to their desire. It is difficult to argue on this issue, but to urge to look at life easier - almost useless ... Yes, she knows how to complicate everything, and life with such a woman you can not call perfectly comfortable. But, on the other hand, at a difficult moment, this is the wife and mother will not be taking place, but will do everything for the well-being of his family.

What woman is looking for a man - Lunar Scorpio?

Such a man is inclined to choose women's elevated droalling women with irrepressible chasing and noticeable in everyday life, and even those who are prone to the game on the nerves of the spouse. However, it is not necessary to think that he does not shine a family life. Shines, and what else! Just hold on: a little bit wrong - the passion flared up seriously: children - in the neighbors, property - on the garbage, and then even more stormy reconciliation. Not life, but an adventure novel. One task: to find such a woman who would not be tired of it.


Lunar Scorpions are subject to diseases of the urogenital system and disorders in the intestinal work. Prone to cystitis, constipation, edema and completeness.


With the moon in the Aries, a very strange interaction, ambiguous, complicated, despite mutual attraction and attraction. But this is in many ways the relatives of the moon, they are easy to understand and feel each other, they stretch each other and at the same time repel. These people have the same needs and attachments, similar spiritual manifestations, they are in many ways similar, and it is difficult to break their relationship, almost impossible. They torment each other, but still continue to communicate. It is better if it is a different relationship based on love and passion - in this case they can be long and fruitful, although not easy.

With the moon in the Taurus, very complex interaction, despite sexual attraction and emotional attraction. It is better if it is a different cooperation - in this case it can be long and fruitful. Relationships in this pair will always be dual, incomprehensible, tense, painful (first of all, for the moon in Taurus), but at a high level they can give a lot to each other, they have a creative union in which both will reveal their abilities and talents and will Maintain each other.

With the moon in the twine, very strange, changeable, unsubstate interaction, despite the mutual emotional attraction. They are hard together, but they can keep the past, and then this couple will converge and diverge, torture each other, but it is almost impossible to come to understand. In addition, unclear once questions and persons can lead the lunar twins and scorpion to severe mutual resentments and conflicts. These people can be advised to immediately arrange all the points over "I" in their relationship and not to leave for themselves unexplained issues.

With the moon in cancer, a good combination is related elements, with similar character and temperament. Despite mutual insults and disagreements, these people can be together for a long time, and the longer they live nearby, the more difficult to part. A very good combination for love, but a business cooperation is almost impossible.

With the Moon in Lev, a very strange emotional interaction, ambiguous, painful, despite the strongest mutual attraction and attraction. They stretch over to each other and at the same time repel, but this is the case when people are incredibly difficult to part, and this couple, subject to a certain work on themselves there are excellent chances of a long-term union and gaining harmony in relationships. Good combination for marriage, for love relationships. Business cooperation is unlikely.

With the moon in the Virgin, a very good union may turn out. There may be friendly and love, family relationships, but they are unlikely to last long. But, the more freedom and immediacy in them, the greater the chances that they will be happy. The moon in Scorpio is much more pulling to the Moon in Virgo, including sexy. The lunar virgin can remain cold to Scorpio, but psychologically they are still good and comfortable with each other.

The lunar pair sca-scorpion is a difficult combination, especially with long, protracted relationships. They are more hardly transferred to the moon in the scales that tend this connection to break (that they do not always work). As a rule, relations are painful and inconstant, and harmony in this pair is unlikely possible.

The two moon in scorpion can be together only under the condition of a high level of spiritual development. At a low, household level it is difficult for them to get along, although they perfectly understand and feel each other, they have a deep connection. Love relationships may be very favorable and bright, but for a long time they are unlikely to hold out - against the background of mutual attraction and passion from these two people too much offensive and complaints about each other, they are hard together.

With the moon in Sagittarius, a good combination, although complete mutual understanding in this pair is difficult to achieve. There may be good business relationships, cooperation, creative union. But in marriage and love relationships, these people may face obstacles, this combination is unfavorable for different relationships, there are too few passion and psychological affection. They are more interested in the Moon in Sagittarius - communication with lunar scorpion helps her better know his secret sides and take a look at himself.

With the moon in Capricorn, severe interaction, sharp and painful. Mutual discomfort and misunderstanding, unconscious rejection, sharp and tense relationships. Business cooperation is better, perhaps joint creativity. Love relationships are unlikely: these people get tired too quickly from each other. A marital connection is usually short-lived and dissolves, and friendly relationships are possible only occasionally, provided that they will be free and unfinion.

Moonward pair of Scorpion-Aquarius is a very interesting union, emotional and bright. It is possible both friendship and marital relations - despite the disagreements and some tensions, these people are very interesting to each other, the element of the game, freedom, novelty, impromptu is always present in the relationship. They are not boring together, and this union is very steady and durable.

Moon scorpions and fish pulls each other, there are sexual attraction, and psychological resemblance, and emotional contact. But relationships are often complicated and painful, first of all, for lunar fish. The union can hold out for a very long time, the pair will torment each other, part and converge again, but because there is deep mutual understanding and a strong emotional connection, they cannot break the relationship. Here "win" the lunar scorpions - in a psychological plan they get much more and under the influence of moon fish become softer, calm and tolerable.