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New in the treatment of spastic curve. Spastic Krivoshoya in adults: treatment and prevention. Brief history of disease

Spasting Krivoshima or Cervical Dystonia is a neurological disease that is accompanied by an increased tone of the neck muscles, as a result of which the head takes an unnatural position. The pathological process is developing aged 20-40 years, and women are 2 times more often than in men. In this case, they talk about the acquired form of the disease. The emergence of cervical dystonia in the first year of the child's life is associated with the innate nature of the disease. In infants, pathology ranks third in the emergence of the defects of the musculoskeletal system after the congenital dislocation of hips and closures. According to statistics, 10 thousand population accounts for one patient, suffering from spastic curve.

The reasons

Modern medical studies indicate that the cause of the disease is a violation of the work of an extrapyramine brain system, which is responsible for stereotypical movements. In other words, such movements arise without human volitional efforts, brought to automatism in the process of developing the body to facilitate livelihoods. In case of violation in the estrapyramidal section of the brain of the synaptic transmission between the nerve cells and the physiological synthesis of mediators - the intermediaries of the nerve impulse - an increased tone (hypertonus) of the nearest muscles is formed.

The reasons for the appearance of pathology in adults:

  • neuroinfection;
  • intoxication by medicines;
  • harmful conditions for professional activities;
  • violation of cerebral circulation;
  • cerebral paralysis;
  • brain tumors;
  • endocrine disorders (hyperthyroidism);
  • chorea;
  • genetic factor.

When curvoches, the tone of the municipal muscle increases

In recent years, the role of the cervical osteochondrosis is proved in the formation of cervical dystonia on reflex type, the so-called peripheral form.

Causes of the appearance of pathology in infants:

  • intoxication during the intrauterine development of medicinal or infectious nature;
  • improper position of the fetus in the uterine cavity;
  • intrauterine hypoxia;
  • head injuries during generic activity.

With a congenital form of illness, pathological changes are diagnosed in the first months after the birth of a child.

Clinical picture

In 70% of cases, the disease is acquired and affects adult people-bodied people. The pathological process begins acutely or gradually for several months. The second option is occurring much more often. Symptoms of spastic krivoches usually debuted with periodic pain in the neck area, which over time acquire a poston character. Due to the hypertonus of the naval, trapezoid, belt muscle of the neck and the upper half of the body, the head takes an unfinished position and is tilted towards pathology. In addition to tilt, the head turns into one direction or another, which makes it possible to allocate the following forms of the disease:

  • torticiclis - a pathological turn of the head towards the hypertonus;
  • retrokollis - Pathological threading of the head;
  • antecollis - the pathological tilt of the head or the nomination of the neck forward;
  • laterocollys - pathological tilt head as a shoulder.

Mixed forms of the disease are usually found when the head takes an unfinished position with a slope and rotation to the side.

At the initial stage of the pathological process, the patient can adjust the position of the head and the effort of the will to return it to the correct position. The progression of the disease is forced to resort to help assistance. Touching your forehead fingers, chin, nape or shaking neck with a warm scarf helps to return the head to the physiological position. In future cases, the free movements of the neck become impossible, turning the head is accompanied by intense pain.

The appearance of the child with congenital curvos

Cervical dystonia is characterized by involuntary movements of the muscles of the neck. Depending on the specifics of the reduction of muscle fibers, the following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • tonic - muscles are in constant tone, strained, moving heads have a small amplitude and practically imperceptible;
  • clonic - muscles are reduced, there is a large amplitude of movements head according to the type of multiple nods or turns.

Sometimes a bilateral Krivoshoy is developing, in which the muscles of the right and left half of the neck are affected. At the same time, the position of the head remains normal, since the symmetric spasm of muscle fibers works in opposition to each other. However, the normal movements of the neck are difficult and painful. With any form of the disease, the palpation (feeling) of the neck in the lesion section reveals seals and increased muscle sensitivity.

The manifestation of innate spastic krivoches in untimely diagnosis and treatment causes severe anatomy-physiological disorders and delays the development of the child.

In the first month of life in the area of \u200b\u200bhypertonus, the neck muscles is formed a dense roller, the skin above formation is not changed. Then the pathological tilt of the head appears towards the defeat.

As a result of the active growth and development of the child in this period of life, as well as the progression of the disease leads to the following consequences:

  • deformation of the bone structure of the skull and sternum;
  • impairment of the chest organs;
  • restriction of head mobility;
  • asymmetry of the face (eye, eyebrows, ears);
  • deformation of the clavicle;
  • the raised position of the shoulder belt on the side of the lesion;
  • persistent shortening of the municipal muscle;
  • scoliosis of the cervical and thoracic vertebral pillar;
  • delay mental and physical development.

Pressing a hand on the chin or heads with a curve head takes physiological position

The symptoms of the disease are less pronounced during sleep, in the position lying and with the support of the head with the hands. Clinical manifestations are enhanced when walking, performing everyday work, in terms of emotional stress and stress. It should be remembered that the progression of Krivosha involves healthy muscles into the pathological process, which significantly worsens the course of the disease and its forecast. Heavy cases of the disease disturb the social adaptation of patients, cause obvious cosmetic defects of the head and neck, lead to disability.

Medical tactics

Conservative disease therapy has difficulty in connection with a short-term or insufficient effective action of medicines, which requires constant monitoring of the state and re-courses of treatment. Prescribed drugs that reduce the excitability of responsible centers of the extrapyramidal system, reduce the conduct of nerve impulses to the affected muscles of the neck, soothe the nervous system. If it fails to achieve a positive effect of drugs, resort to surgical intervention.

Conservative therapy

For treating infants, drugs are used for strict testimony in permissible age dosages, massage with thermal procedures, proper laying in bed, the immobilization of the neck with a plaster collar.

Treatment of spastic curve conservative methods of adult patients includes the following appointments:

  • cholinolics or central cholinoblocators - Norakin, cyclodol, Akinton;
  • anticonvulsants - clonazepam, Finlepsin;
  • miorosanta - Baclofen, Middokalm;
  • antidepressants - Azapane, Prozak, Toloxathone;
  • preparations of botulinum - Botox, Kseomoin, dysport.

An innovative method of drug treatment is the use of medicines created on the basis of botulinum-toxin. They are injected with the help of injections in the spasmated muscles, which causes them to relax and normal functioning in the period from 3 to 6 months. After the expiration of the specified period, the administration of the drug is repeated, the treatment is carried out for many years.

After the course of drug therapy, proceed to the restorative period of treatment. It is aimed at securing the positive effect achieved by drugs. In the last decade, the methods of manual effects on the collar zone (neck, adapter, the upper back) and reflexology on the ancient Chinese methods are used with high efficiency. Relaxing massage and acupuncture (acupuncture) eliminate painful sensations, activate metabolic processes in the muscles, restore the normal motor activity of the neck, improve blood flow through cerebral and vertebral arteries.

The final stage of therapy includes the conduct of therapeutic gymnastics to strengthen the cervical spine and increase the elasticity of the muscles in the neck and torso. This helps to eliminate the pathological motor stereotype, formed during the manifestation of symptoms of krivoshei - involuntary movements head, facial ticks, lift the shoulder on the side of the muscle hypertonus. In addition, psychotherapy and autotrehenings are prescribed, aimed at the concentration of patient's will to recovery and normalize the emotional state.

For modern medicine therapy of Krivoshei, preparations of botulinumxin

Operational intervention

Surgical methods of treatment are prescribed with the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy and the severe course of the disease. The classic method of surgical intervention is the intersection of the mouse muscle of the neck or nerve, which innervates it. However, such techniques in modern medicine are rarely carried out due to the occurrence of complications. The innovative method of surgical treatment is considered stereotactic operations that effectively remove the muscular spasm of the neck by direct impact on the extrapyramidal system.

The procedure is to conduct the electrodes of the electrodes through small holes in the crankox to the responsible sections of the brain. The high-frequency current of 130-150 Hz is supplied by the electrodes to the brain tissues, which prevents the formation of pathological nerve pulses and eliminates the symptoms of cervical dystonia. The positive experience of such surgical interventions has shown the possibility of effective treatment of the disease. Stereotactic operations do not cause severe complications, are characterized by a rapid rehabilitation period, prescribed by an adult and a patient of children's age.

Spastic Krivoshoy violates the normal way of life, it makes it difficult to self-service, deprive of working capacity, causes deep emotional injuries due to cosmetic defects of the face. The progression of the disease leads to the defeat of large muscle groups of the neck and the body, which worsens the quality of life and contributes to the appearance of disabilities. Currently, there are effective methods of conservative and surgical therapy that can maintain the normal state of patients and eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Timely started treatment warns the development of complications and improves the forecast for recovery.

Spasting Krivoshima or Cervical Dystonia is a neurological disease that is accompanied by an increased tone of the neck muscles, as a result of which the head takes an unnatural position. The pathological process is developing aged 20-40 years, and women are 2 times more often than in men. In this case, they talk about the acquired form of the disease. The emergence of cervical dystonia in the first year of the child's life is associated with the innate nature of the disease. In infants, pathology ranks third in the emergence of the defects of the musculoskeletal system after the congenital dislocation of hips and closures. According to statistics, 10 thousand population accounts for one patient, suffering from spastic curve.

The reasons

Modern medical studies indicate that the cause of the disease is a violation of the work of an extrapyramine brain system, which is responsible for stereotypical movements. In other words, such movements arise without human volitional efforts, brought to automatism in the process of developing the body to facilitate livelihoods. In case of violation in the estrapyramidal section of the brain of the synaptic transmission between the nerve cells and the physiological synthesis of mediators - the intermediaries of the nerve impulse - an increased tone (hypertonus) of the nearest muscles is formed.

The reasons for the appearance of pathology in adults:

  • neuroinfection;
  • intoxication by medicines;
  • harmful conditions for professional activities;
  • violation of cerebral circulation;
  • cerebral paralysis;
  • brain tumors;
  • endocrine disorders (hyperthyroidism);
  • chorea;
  • genetic factor.

When curvoches, the tone of the municipal muscle increases

In recent years, the role of the cervical osteochondrosis is proved in the formation of cervical dystonia on reflex type, the so-called peripheral form.

Causes of the appearance of pathology in infants:

  • intoxication during the intrauterine development of medicinal or infectious nature;
  • improper position of the fetus in the uterine cavity;
  • intrauterine hypoxia;
  • head injuries during generic activity.

With a congenital form of illness, pathological changes are diagnosed in the first months after the birth of a child.

Clinical picture

In 70% of cases, the disease is acquired and affects adult people-bodied people. The pathological process begins acutely or gradually for several months. The second option is occurring much more often. Symptoms of spastic krivoches usually debuted with periodic pain in the neck area, which over time acquire a poston character. Due to the hypertonus of the naval, trapezoid, belt muscle of the neck and the upper half of the body, the head takes an unfinished position and is tilted towards pathology. In addition to tilt, the head turns into one direction or another, which makes it possible to allocate the following forms of the disease:

  • torticiclis - a pathological turn of the head towards the hypertonus;
  • retrokollis - Pathological threading of the head;
  • antecollis - the pathological tilt of the head or the nomination of the neck forward;
  • laterocollys - pathological tilt head as a shoulder.

Mixed forms of the disease are usually found when the head takes an unfinished position with a slope and rotation to the side.

At the initial stage of the pathological process, the patient can adjust the position of the head and the effort of the will to return it to the correct position. The progression of the disease is forced to resort to help assistance. Touching your forehead fingers, chin, nape or shaking neck with a warm scarf helps to return the head to the physiological position. In future cases, the free movements of the neck become impossible, turning the head is accompanied by intense pain.

The appearance of the child with congenital curvos

Cervical dystonia is characterized by involuntary movements of the muscles of the neck. Depending on the specifics of the reduction of muscle fibers, the following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • tonic - muscles are in constant tone, strained, moving heads have a small amplitude and practically imperceptible;
  • clonic - muscles are reduced, there is a large amplitude of movements head according to the type of multiple nods or turns.

Sometimes a bilateral Krivoshoy is developing, in which the muscles of the right and left half of the neck are affected. At the same time, the position of the head remains normal, since the symmetric spasm of muscle fibers works in opposition to each other. However, the normal movements of the neck are difficult and painful. With any form of the disease, the palpation (feeling) of the neck in the lesion section reveals seals and increased muscle sensitivity.

The manifestation of innate spastic krivoches in untimely diagnosis and treatment causes severe anatomy-physiological disorders and delays the development of the child.

In the first month of life in the area of \u200b\u200bhypertonus, the neck muscles is formed a dense roller, the skin above formation is not changed. Then the pathological tilt of the head appears towards the defeat.

As a result of the active growth and development of the child in this period of life, as well as the progression of the disease leads to the following consequences:

  • deformation of the bone structure of the skull and sternum;
  • impairment of the chest organs;
  • restriction of head mobility;
  • asymmetry of the face (eye, eyebrows, ears);
  • deformation of the clavicle;
  • the raised position of the shoulder belt on the side of the lesion;
  • persistent shortening of the municipal muscle;
  • scoliosis of the cervical and thoracic vertebral pillar;
  • delay mental and physical development.

Pressing a hand on the chin or heads with a curve head takes physiological position

The symptoms of the disease are less pronounced during sleep, in the position lying and with the support of the head with the hands. Clinical manifestations are enhanced when walking, performing everyday work, in terms of emotional stress and stress. It should be remembered that the progression of Krivosha involves healthy muscles into the pathological process, which significantly worsens the course of the disease and its forecast. Heavy cases of the disease disturb the social adaptation of patients, cause obvious cosmetic defects of the head and neck, lead to disability.

Medical tactics

Conservative disease therapy has difficulty in connection with a short-term or insufficient effective action of medicines, which requires constant monitoring of the state and re-courses of treatment. Prescribed drugs that reduce the excitability of responsible centers of the extrapyramidal system, reduce the conduct of nerve impulses to the affected muscles of the neck, soothe the nervous system. If it fails to achieve a positive effect of drugs, resort to surgical intervention.

Conservative therapy

For treating infants, drugs are used for strict testimony in permissible age dosages, massage with thermal procedures, proper laying in bed, the immobilization of the neck with a plaster collar.

Treatment of spastic curve conservative methods of adult patients includes the following appointments:

  • cholinolics or central cholinoblocators - Norakin, cyclodol, Akinton;
  • anticonvulsants - clonazepam, Finlepsin;
  • miorosanta - Baclofen, Middokalm;
  • antidepressants - Azapane, Prozak, Toloxathone;
  • preparations of botulinum - Botox, Kseomoin, dysport.

An innovative method of drug treatment is the use of medicines created on the basis of botulinum-toxin. They are injected with the help of injections in the spasmated muscles, which causes them to relax and normal functioning in the period from 3 to 6 months. After the expiration of the specified period, the administration of the drug is repeated, the treatment is carried out for many years.

After the course of drug therapy, proceed to the restorative period of treatment. It is aimed at securing the positive effect achieved by drugs. In the last decade, the methods of manual effects on the collar zone (neck, adapter, the upper back) and reflexology on the ancient Chinese methods are used with high efficiency. Relaxing massage and acupuncture (acupuncture) eliminate painful sensations, activate metabolic processes in the muscles, restore the normal motor activity of the neck, improve blood flow through cerebral and vertebral arteries.

The final stage of therapy includes the conduct of therapeutic gymnastics to strengthen the cervical spine and increase the elasticity of the muscles in the neck and torso. This helps to eliminate the pathological motor stereotype, formed during the manifestation of symptoms of krivoshei - involuntary movements head, facial ticks, lift the shoulder on the side of the muscle hypertonus. In addition, psychotherapy and autotrehenings are prescribed, aimed at the concentration of patient's will to recovery and normalize the emotional state.

For modern medicine therapy of Krivoshei, preparations of botulinumxin

Operational intervention

Surgical methods of treatment are prescribed with the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy and the severe course of the disease. The classic method of surgical intervention is the intersection of the mouse muscle of the neck or nerve, which innervates it. However, such techniques in modern medicine are rarely carried out due to the occurrence of complications. The innovative method of surgical treatment is considered stereotactic operations that effectively remove the muscular spasm of the neck by direct impact on the extrapyramidal system.

The procedure is to conduct the electrodes of the electrodes through small holes in the crankox to the responsible sections of the brain. The high-frequency current of 130-150 Hz is supplied by the electrodes to the brain tissues, which prevents the formation of pathological nerve pulses and eliminates the symptoms of cervical dystonia. The positive experience of such surgical interventions has shown the possibility of effective treatment of the disease. Stereotactic operations do not cause severe complications, are characterized by a rapid rehabilitation period, prescribed by an adult and a patient of children's age.

Spastic Krivoshoy violates the normal way of life, it makes it difficult to self-service, deprive of working capacity, causes deep emotional injuries due to cosmetic defects of the face. The progression of the disease leads to the defeat of large muscle groups of the neck and the body, which worsens the quality of life and contributes to the appearance of disabilities. Currently, there are effective methods of conservative and surgical therapy that can maintain the normal state of patients and eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Timely started treatment warns the development of complications and improves the forecast for recovery.

Cervical dystonia, which is also called spastic curve, is a pathological painful state at which an involuntary reduction of the neck muscles occurs, as a result of which the head rotates or turns to the side. Cervical dystonia can also lead to the head uncontrollable tilted forward or backward.

Cervical Distonia is a fairly rarely found disease that can develop at any age, even in infancy, but, most often, there are many middle-aged people, women have more than men. Symptoms, as a rule, develops gradually, and then reaches a peak when they are most pronounced.

Unfortunately, treatment methods that make rid of this disease completely. The disease sometimes passes without treatment, but stable remissions are rare. The injections of botulinotoxin in the affected muscles often reduce the symptoms of spastic curve. In some cases, surgical treatment can be effectively.


Muscular abbreviations, with cervical dystonia, can lead to the rotation of the head in various directions, including:

  • Chin leans to the shoulder
  • Ear to shouldch
  • Chin rises up
  • Chin sinks straight down

Most often, when cervical dystonia occurs a twisting type when the chin is pulled to the shoulder. Some people have a combination of incorrect head poses. Carts of the head can occur.

Most patients with cervical dystonia can also experience pain in the neck, which can be irradiated in the shoulder. The disease can also cause headache. In some patients with spastic curvaches, pain may be intense and exhaustive.

The reasons

In most cases, doctors cannot find out why some people develop cervical dystonia, and others have no. In some cases, however, the connection of the development of spastic curve with injuries of the neck or shoulder heads. Some drug drugs, for example, certain psychotropic or antiemetic, can lead to the development of cervical dystonia in some people.

Risk factors

The risk factors for the development of cervical dystonia include:

  • Age. While the disease can develop in people of any age, even in children, most often this disease begins between the ages of 40 and 70 years.
  • Floor. Women are more prone to the development of spastic Krivoshei than men.
  • Family history. If a family member has a cervical dystonia or any other type of dystonia, then the patient has a higher risk of developing the disease.
  • Complications: In some people who first develop cervical dystonia, similar symptoms are beginning to appear in the neighboring regions, such as shoulder or face. In addition, the loss of disability and pain that can be caused by cervical dystonia can lead to depression.


The diagnosis of cervical dystonia (spastic krivoshei) is placed on the basis of the characteristic symptoms of the inspection data and the results of instrumental research.

The doctor may be interested in answers to the following questions:

  • When did the symptoms begin?
  • Was the strengthening of symptoms during the time?
  • What makes it easy to make symptoms?
  • What medicines take a patient?
  • Were there any stroke or head injuries in the past?

Data inspection and illness of the disease helps to put a preliminary diagnosis of cervical dystonia. But for an accurate diagnosis, other states must be excluded, in which similar symptoms may be and use additional research methods. Tests may include:

  • Blood tests or urine. They can identify the presence of intoxication.
  • Magnetic resonance tomography (MRI). This type of medical visualization can be assigned to identify and visualize tumors or strokes.
  • Electromiography (EMG). This diagnostic method allows the conductivity of an electrical pulse in the muscles. EMG helps to assess and diagnose violations of conductivity on nerves and muscles and helps to confirm the presence of cervical dystonia or other disease.


Spastic curve is not cured. In some patients, the symptoms of the disease may disappear without treatment, but often symptoms recurrences. Treatment focuses on reducing symptoms.

Medicia treatment

Patients with spastic curve often need a combination of drugs to reduce the intensity of symptoms.

  • Botulic toxin. This drug, which is often used to smooth wrinkles on the face, can be introduced directly in the muscles of the neck, which are involved in cervical dystonia. Botulic toxin is part of drugs such as Botox, Distport, Kseomin and Mioblock. In most patients with cervical dystonia, after using toxin, there is a significant improvement, but the effect is kept for a long time and toxin injections have to be repeated every 3-4 months.
  • Preparations for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Drugs used to combat tremor associated with Parkinson's disease can be used in combination with botulinum-toxin injections. Frequent side effects of the use of these drugs include: dry mouth, constipation, memory problems, urination disorders or visual impairment.
  • Miorosanta. These drugs are often not very effective, and have side effects, the most expressed sedative effect, disruption of coordination of movements and moderate cognitive disorders. These are drugs such as diazepams (Valium, Diastat), Lorazepam (Ativan), clonazepam (clonoping) and biotrofen (Lioresal, Gablofen).
  • Package. The pain under cervical dystonia can be quite intensive and it may be necessary to use analgesics of both non-delicate and prescription.
  • LFK. A neat selected exercise program can improve the flexibility of the neck, reduce muscle spasm.

In cases where conservative methods (including the use of botulinotoxin) do not give effect, surgical treatment methods can be applied.

  • Muscles or nerves can be carried out. Selective denervation is carried out very often.
  • Deep brain stimulation (fuction). With this surgical procedure, a thin electrode is introduced into the brain. The tip of the electrode is placed in the part of the brain that controls the movement. Electrical pulses are sent over a wire in order to interrupt the signals of nerve cells that cause their head to rotate. Food is used only in the most complex cervical dystonia.


Cervical Dystonia is an incurable disease, but fulfilling certain recommendations can be minimized by the consequences of this disease:

  • Reducing stress. It is necessary to avoid situations that lead to the development of stress or anxiety.
  • A sufficient sleep and rest. Symptoms often disappear during sleep, so it is important enough to rest. Even short breaks during the working day, during which you need to lie on your back and relax, can significantly improve well-being.
  • Use heat. Thermal packages can help weaken the sealing neck muscles and relieve pain.

The atypical deviation of the neck and the head caused by congenital or acquired deformations of the cervical vertebrae is called spastic curve. The head can be rejected into the left or right side, as well as forward or backward.

The disease proceeds apart and accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Special medicines, massages are prescribed to facilitate well-being, and recipes of traditional medicine are applied. In difficult cases, operational intervention is required.

Feature disease

In the spastic curve, the largest voltage is experiencing 1-2 muscles of the cervical spine. As other muscles are involved as disease progressing. As a result, the head of the patient is rejected in several planes.

Pretty rarely voltage simultaneously occurs in opposite directions with the same force. In such a situation, the head retains the right position, but physically a person is experiencing strong discomfort.

There are no visible symptoms, but it does not work "use" intense muscles, the turn becomes possible at the expense of the muscles of the thoracic department.

The diagnostic frequency of the spastic curve is small, only 1 case by 10,000 people. Women are subject to the disease more often men.

All patients belong to the age group of 25-40 years. The disease can be both congenital and acquired. Moreover, in the first case, it takes 3rd place in popularity among other pathologies. At this age, boys are more often exposed to him.

In the international classification of the disease assigned the code G24.3.

Classification and forms

Krivoshoy may be several types:

  1. Arthrogenic (damaged joints of the cervical))
  2. Desmogenic (caused by inflammation of the cervical spine)
  3. Skin (diagnosed with skin damage and its fiber)
  4. Moiogenic (muscles amazed)
  5. Osteogenic (characterized by the formation of false ribs, there are bones and cartilage diseases)
  6. Neurogenic (the disease is caused by the defeat of the neuromuscular apparatus)

Any of the forms of the disease implies a difficult course of treatment.

Also allocated another form of spastic curve - cervical dystonia. In this case, there is an involuntary cutting of the cervical muscles, causing turns of the head. It is found very rare, and mostly in people of old age.

Depending on the side of the head of the head, the following types of curvosie are distinguished: Laterocolly (tilt to shoulder), retrocole (tilt back), Torticolis (tilt) and antetezlis (tilt or advance). The most common occasion is a mixed form with simultaneous deviation in several directions. In 90% of cases, this is a slope to the shoulder in combination with a slope to the side. The rest of the varieties are quite rare. By the nature of manifestation, the disease is classified as follows:

  • Tonic - the head has a permanent position, as the muscles are in the spasmated state.
  • Clonic - spasms occur periodically, accompanied by involuntary twitching heads.

The disease can manifest itself less actively in the morning. The gain occurs when irritating the nervous system, especially in stressful situations. In the lying position, the patient feels better, as the muscles relax at the same time.

Causes of the appearance of pathology

Since spastic Krivoshes may be congenital or acquired, then the factors contribute to it are conditionally divided into the same categories.

In adult age provoke the spasm of the muscles of the cervical spine can:

  1. Intoxication
  2. Present in the nervous system Hearth inflammation
  3. Injury
  4. Hyperthyroidism

With congenital pathology, there is a violation of the intrauterine development of the fetus. In the risk group are those whose relatives suffered from this disease. There are cases when the exact cause of spastic curve was not installed. This form is called idiopathic.

Clinical manifestation of Krivoshei

Signs of Krivoshi are equally manifested in both adults and children. The main manifestations of the disease are:

  • A pronounced oblique position of the head aside with the chin unscrewing in the opposite direction
  • Change of skull and chest skeleton
  • Increase the size of the muscles of the sternum
  • Discernible on x-ray deformation of bone tissues
  • Reduced motor activity
  • Asymmetric arrangement of ear shells

Arms in the muscles of spasms cannot be suppressed by a strong-end effort. The resulting voltage can cause pain ,. In a quarter of cases, the patient may snatch the eyes, there is an involuntary spasm of the face, limbs or muscles of the whole body.

Clinical manifestations of Krivoshei

Features of symptoms in adults

In addition to the general signs of the disease when taking the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck in an adult, you can detect a seal. It resembles a belaw and is located in the region of the breast-curable-bed-like muscle. Head turns are accompanied by a sharp pain, the shoulder on the affected side begins to rise above.

In the patient, osteochondrosis develops in the patient and the risk of hernia is increasing. Return the head to the normal position of the patient can only with their hands. The course of the disease is accompanied by headaches and jump-shaped pressure change.

Signs of pathology in children and infants

In the newborn children, Krivoshoy is diagnosed with the underdevelopment of the mouse muscles of soft tissues. The presence of strong toxicosis in a pregnant woman can provoke it.

It can also be intrauterine lesions, the appearance of which is due to the effects of vibration or supercooling.

In infants, the disease occurs with the wrong position of the body in the womb.

Problems may occur during generic activities: injuries with natural childbirth or caesarean section.

The first symptoms of spastic krivoches manifest themselves in a child about 20 days after birth. Usually they are not careful and to determine their presence is capable only an experienced children's orthopedist.

In the cervical department, you can detect thickening and muscle sealing. If you do not touch, the child begins to cry, as he experiences pain. At the same time, the external deviation of the head and the rotation of the face in the direction of the normal muscle may appear. Other signs are:

  • Procurement of neck
  • Deformation of the breasts
  • Asymmetry faces
  • Delay in development
  • Formation of incorrect bite
  • "Hare Guba"

Teeth have such children begin to grow later. The affected part is characterized by vision. The child urgently needs treatment, as in addition to external disfiguration, it risks to become a disabled person.

Therapeutic course of treatment

The course of treatment in spastic curve is quite long and complex. Existing medicines are able to alleviate the health of the patient only for a short time and have a minimal healing effect. In the absence of positive dynamics of the drug course, surgery can be appointed. The standard duration of the treatment of the disease takes about six months.

Medical therapy

Curvosie treatment with medicines is a phased application of non-surgical methods of therapy. From medicines, the patient can be assigned:

  • Baclofen.
  • Clonazepam
  • Finlepsin

As well as antidepressants and cholinolites. Intramuscularly entered. It may be either. For a short time, they are able to block neuromuscular impulses.

Therapy may continue for years. A one-time course of administration gives relief for 4-6 months, after the course repeats.

Healing Fitness

In spastic krivoshei is assigned. Its use is aimed at improving muscle mobility and returning the head to normal position. Exercises should be done 2 times a day: in the morning and evening. The patient should make turns of the head in each direction 5-6 times. In the lying position you can perform its slopes alternately from side to side. The slope is done until the ear does not touch the shoulder. 8-10 repetitions will be enough.

You should not forget about the lateral stretching of the muscles. The patient should go on a healthy side and lift his head for 5 seconds with its subsequent omitting. You need to repeat the exercise up to 8 times.

In the photo exercise of the Flammation for the treatment of Krivoshi

Physiotherapeutic procedures

To relax muscles, the patient is prescribed using iodine. In addition to relief of well-being, an antiseptic effect is achieved, and the risk of bacterial infection is reduced. The advantages of electrophoresis during spastic curve are reduced to:

  • Simultaneous use of several types of drugs
  • Lack of negative impact on the work of the stomach
  • Plot anesthesia before manipulation

When crying also prescribed paraffin wraps. With their help warming the affected area. Heat helps to improve blood circulation. Contraindication to the procedure is an infiltrative change in muscles.

Folk treatments

A rather popular direction in the treatment of spastic curve is alternative medicine. Some of her recipes are able to calm the nervous system and relax muscles. Stretch the muscles and remove spasm will help a bag with a cereal. It should be fixed on clothing from the affected area. You can cook ointment from lilac:

  1. 100 gr. Kidney lilac 0.5 kg of swine fat (or cow oil) is stirred and prepared in a water bath of 60 minutes.
  2. After cooling, the composition rubs the affected area 4 times a day.

With muscle spasms it is useful to eat juniper berries. There are them a raw empty stomach. Starting with one berry, increasing every day the volume of consumption per 1 piece. Having reached 12 berries, take a break for 2 months and repeat the course. In the form of a compression on a sore plot, you can apply geranium leaves.

Surgical treatment methods

When conservative therapy does not give visible improvements, the operation is required. In the classic version, the muscle legs are cut at the place of intersection with the clavicle.

It is possible to stop the departure of pathological pulses by means of high-frequency current to the brain areas responsible for muscle activities. Electrodes penetrate the brain center through small holes in the skull. Age restrictions has no intervention.

After the operation, you need to fix your head in the correct position. For this purpose, the loop of Glisson is used. After 2 weeks, a gypsum collar is used instead of it, which cannot be removed for the patient within a month. After it is still cleaned, the rehabilitation period begins with massages, physiothereders and medical gymnastics.

Spastic curve is called the shape of a focal dystonia, in which the pathologically incorrect arrangement of the head is observed. The occurrence of the disease can be observed regardless of the age of the patient. This is a rather rare disease that meets most often in women.

Symptomatics of pathology

Experts argue that spastic Krivoshoy in adults can be observed against the background of the dysfunction of the extrapyramidal system. It is part of the brain, which is carried out by automatic stereotypical movements.

Disruption of the balance of neurotransmitters in the extrapyramidal system can lead to a violation of body movements. The most common disorders when cutting the muscles of the neck. This leads to an excessive impulse, which is why the muscles on one side of the neck are constantly in voltage and are often reduced. Because of what a person is wrong holding his head.

Spastic Krivoshea

The occurrence of pathological condition is often diagnosed against the background of hereditary predisposition.

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If a person has been taking neuroleptics for a long period, then this may lead to the occurrence of the disease.

Transferred injuries of the head or neck are quite frequent cause of the pathological state. In case of infections in the brain, for example, encephalitis, this disease may also be observed. If a person survived a strong emotional stress or nervous overvoltage, then this can also lead to the development of spastic curve.

Spastic Krivoshoy in adults can be observed for a variety of reasons. That is why they are recommended to relate to their health as carefully.

Symptomatic disease

The emergence of the disease is most often observed in adult patients of working age. In the initial stages, the spastic curve in adults can proceed gradually or immediately have acute character. Quite often, the disease is accompanied by a soreness in the cervical spine. The incorrect position of the neck is the main manifestation of the pathological process that can be seen with the naked eye. The patient finds it difficult to make involuntary movements.

The most frequently flowing of the disease is observed in all the muscles of the neck. In the process, the muscles of the back can be partially involved - the lesion of the trapezoid, sternosal-curable and luming and belt muscles. Several muscles in the development of this disease are characterized by an increase in the tone - that is why patients have an incorrect turn of the head.

There are several forms of the disease, depending on the features of the head turn. If it is turned to the side, then this is called rotation, and if it moves and leans forward, then the anecolis. The tilt of the head as side is called Laterocollys, and back - retrocoles. Most often in patients diagnose mixed form.

If the patient will make appropriate efforts at the initial stage of the disease, he will be able to hold his head correctly. Next, the use of corrective gestures is carried out. For example, when contacting certain areas, the position of the head is observed. To adjust the head of the head, you must correct it with your hands.

The disease in adults, the treatment of which is carried out by various methods is accompanied by not only the wrong position of the head, but also by its pathological movements. As a rule, these movements are involuntary. Since the neck muscles are constantly tense, after the expiration of a certain time they thicken. Initially, cervical dystonia develops in the region of one or two muscles. After a certain time, the number of muscle involved in the pathological process increases significantly. When pathology appears, most patients complain about pain, especially when turning the head.

In the morning, the manifestation of spastic curve is minimal. If the patient is worried, experiencing stressful situations, it leads to an increase in the symptoms of the disease. If a person keeps his head with his hands or lies, then this leads to a decrease in the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms.

In some cases, the bone shakes are observed in spastic curve. Due to long and intensive spasms, the patient may have problems in the cervical spine. In some cases, there is a prolapse of disks or compression radiculopaths.

In spastic crying, patients have pronounced symptoms. If the patient appears the first signs of the disease, he needs to seek help to the doctor, which can correctly determine the type of disease and appoint rational treatment.

Diagnostic measures

In the treatment of the disease, a rather important role is played by diagnosis. This is due to the fact that with its help you can determine the type of disease and designate the most effective methods of treatment. For diagnosis, the patient needs to be consulted by a neurologist.

Studying X-ray

The formulation of the diagnosis can be carried out only after a x-ray study, which includes functional samples.

A new diagnostic event is a reophiecephalography. This method makes it possible to study the state of the vessels. With it, you can determine the condition of blood supply during turns and head slopes. It also makes it possible to analyze the tone of the arteries and blood flow of the vessels, the tone of the veins, the peripheral vascular resistance and the lability of the vascular walls.

To form a diagnosis, patients prescribe electromyographic studies. It is also necessary to examine stem potentials and somatosensory potentials. Some patients for diagnosing the disease are prescribed transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Diagnosis of the disease should be carried out using a complex of methods, which will ensure the opportunity to make a diagnosis as accurately as possible and determine the treatment method.

Disease therapy

The treatment of spastic curve in adults is a rather difficult process and requires an integrated approach. Pathological shifts that underlie the syndrome are very sustainable, which leads to difficulties when choosing a treatment method. In most cases, pathology therapy is aimed at the use of pharmacy drugs, with the help of which spasms in the neck area are removed. To this end, patients did the appointment of adreminimetics and central cholinolithics. To date, bootolotoxin is used, which refers to the type A, in order to maintain the neck muscles in the normal state. Boothotoxin is administered directly to patients with muscles. With proper administration of the medication for 4-6 months its effect is observed.

Pretty effective in the treatment of the pathological state is Baclofen, which refers to the category of minelaxants. Also, medical specialists are prescribed to patients receiving clonazepama. This drug refers to the category of anti-kvulsant, with which the maximum high-quality relaxation of the muscles is produced. In some cases, patients are treated with carbamzepine or Finlepsin.

In spastic curve, the simultaneous use of the above-mentioned drugs and cholinolithics is allowed. The most effective pharmacy drugs of this group include Akinton and cyclodol. You can also use norakin. Antidepressants can be appointed to facilitate the patient's condition.

Post-meter relaxation of the muscles of the neck, which affects the peripheral focus, is a highly efficient method of treating the disease. Also, in the treatment of pathological process, the mobilization of the joints in the vertebral-motor segment is carried out.

In the third stage of treatment, the disturbed dynamic stereotype corrected. This stage of therapy is sufficiently long and requires a patient responsible fulfillment of all the recommendations of the doctor. In order to destroy the stereotype, apply an inhelaxation. Also effective is therapeutic physical culture in spastic curve.

Spastic Krivoshoy is a fairly serious disease that has pronounced signs. If the first symptoms appear, the patient must visit the doctor. Only a specialist will be able to properly diagnose and appoint rational treatment, which will lead to the facilitation of the patient's condition.

The term "spastic curve" must be properly interpreted. The disease may arise as a result of many reasons. Spastic Krivoshesa is such a pathological condition in which the improper position of the head is associated with a violation of the muscles function of the neck. They receive excess stimuli from the brain - this leads to an increase in their tone. In this case, spastic Krivoshoy is an acquired disease.