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Prayer appeal to Alexander Svirsky. Prayers of the Holy Rev. Alexander Svirsky

To ask you to find the prayer Alexander Svirsky about the birth of the Son? Posted by the author BUT [Email Protected] The best answer is Reverend Alexander Svirsky
Why does Alexander Svirsky pray for the admission of a male child? Because Saint himself was born on prayer to God of his parents, who were already pretty old age. They had children, like us, two, but they grew up and lived separately from them. And the parents wanted another sown, it was diligently prayed to God and, as life says, heard a voice from the sky: "Rejoice, good spouses, you will have a son in which God will serve his churches." According to their prayers and pious life, such a great holy was born. And how he became a monk, his parents also went to the monastery.
Tropear Reverend, voice of the 4th: from youth, Bogomud, the desire of spiritual to the desert instilled, the united of Christ anximilate the diligence in the trail. The darkness and angels are quain in vain. It is surprised, both with the flesh to the invisible goat hung up, the wisdom, who won the shelves of the abstinence passion, and appeared to the earth equal to the land, Alexander, Reverend. The moths of Christ of God, and our soul will save.
Kondak Reverend, Glas 8th: Yako Multiple Star In the Russians of the Russian Assembly Esus, Father, having fallen into the wilderness, the Christ feet to ensure the diligence of the honest cross, the honest of the holy IGO was taken, the work of yours, bodily recruit. Kind's darkness: Saving a flock of yours, hedgehogs collected the wise, but call: Rejoice, Presented Alexandra, our father.
Music: Please be sure, reverend, Alexandra, and honor your memory, mentor monks and an angel interlocutor.
Prayer: Oh, sacred glabel, angel earthly and human heavenly, reverend and the governor of our Alexandra, a fairable plenty of honor and one-way Trinity, many mercy of your living in the abode of your abode and everyone, with faith and loved to you, are. We succeed to us all the time for the time of temporary safe, and our need for eternal salvation is necessary. Contribute to the concept of yours, the waters of God, the ruler of the country is our Russia. And yes, in the world, the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ will preserve the Holy Orthodox Church. Buddes to all of us, the miracle, holy, in every grief and the circumstances are fast. The very same as the hour of death, our conacciance of us, the intercession of the blessing, but do not betray on the solarms of the air authorities of the Emodnago Mirodigz, but however, they will encounter incomprehension of sunrise to the kingdom of heaven. She, Father, Prayer is our nice! Not to the persons of the hope of our hope, do not form our humble prayers, but it's assumed about us before the throne of the lifestyle of the Trinity, yes, you will encourage you and unworthy of the ESMA, in the villages of the Paradise Slaviti, grace and mercy of God in the Trinity of God, Father and son and saint spirit forever. Amen.
Source: Link

Answer from 22 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with the answers to your question: help find prayer Alexander Svirsky about the birth of the Son?

Answer from Cold[guru]
Prayer: About the sacred glabel, angel of the earthly and honorhecheche of Heavenly, Presentation and the garde of our Alexandra, a fairable plenty of honor and one-way Trinity, are the mercy of your living in Holy Beteli's beatings and we are with faith with Yayubovia! We succeed as a weighing madest to the lives of this temporary and necessary for eternal salvation by our mu. Contribute to both the victim of yours, the waters of God, the visible and invisible enemies, and in the world, the Holy in the world will be in the world. Orthodox Church Christ and the flashes are based, in every piety of indispensable. Buddes to all of us, the miracle, holy, Assistant fast in every grief and the circumstantit. At the same time of the death of the death of our concentrant, we will not betray to us on the municipality of the air of the air authorities to Nago Mirozhtsa, but however, they will advise the incomprehension of sunrise to the kingdom of heaven, to her, and the prayer is our prayer! Not to hope for our hope, do not despite the humble praying of our and pretended for us before the throne of the Zhnvonchalnaya Trinity, yes, we will encourage you to you with all the saints, unworthy, in the villages of the paradise, the Slavitity, grace and mercy are one in the Trinity of God Father and Son and Son and Holy Spirit, forever of centuries. Amen.

Answer from Low-grade[guru]
a zachem? ONA NE POMOZHET))

Answer from chevron[guru]
you can Nicholas the Wonderworker. You can even at home but it's better to go to the church

Answer from Eergei Briginsky[guru]
If you have the opportunity - go to Alexandro-Svir Lavra. Pray before cancer with the recent rectifies. The monastery is located in Len. Areas. Unfortunately I do not remember the area - but through the search on the Internet you can find. It seems to me - the best option ...

4 strong prayers Rev. Alexander, Swirky Wonderworker

4.6 (92.8%) 25 Voice.

Prayer Holy Reverend Alexander Svirsky about health

"On Rev. and the governor of our Alexandra! We succeed to us all the time for the time of temporary safe, and our need for eternal salvation is necessary. Buddes us, the servants of God (names), the wonderfulness of the holy, in every grief and the circumstantitory speed. At the time of the hour of death, our competence of a bit of death, but we will not betray on the solarms of the air power authorities of Miriorzhtsa, but however, they will be able to unreliable to go to the kingdom of heaven. She, Father, Prayer is our nice! Not to the persons of the hope of our hope, not the despise of our humble prayers, but it's assumed about us before the throne of the lifestyle of the Trinity, and you will encourage you and unworthy of the Esma, in the villages of the Paradise Slavith, grace and mercy of God in the Trinity of God, Father and son and saint spirit, forever and ever.

Prayer Saint Alexander Svirsky about the birth of the Son

"Oh Sacred Heaven, Angela Earth and Human, Heavenly, Reverend and God-Friend Our Alexandra, a fairable plenty of honor and one-way Trinity, are many grace living in your Holy Human Resident and everyone with faith and lovely driving to you! We succeed to us all the time consuming to live the temporary and necessary to our eternal salvation. Contribute to both the victim of yours, the waters of God, the enemies visible and invisible, and in the world, in the world, the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ and the blessing is based, in every piety of indispensable. Buddes to all of us, the miracle, holy, Assistant fast in every grief and the circumstantit. At the same time at the hour of death, our concentrant is a blessing intercession, but we will not betray on the solard of the air authorities of the Emodnago Mirodnigz, but however, you will be able to unreliable to go to the kingdom of heaven. She, Father, Prayer is our nice! Do not hope for our hope, do not form the humble praying of our and pretend for us before the throne of the lifestyle of the Trinity, yes, you will encourage you with you and with all the saints, unworthy, in the villages of the paradise Slaviti, grace and mercy are one in the Trinity of God, Father, and Son , and the saint spirit, forever. Amen."

Prayer of the presented Alexander Svirsky Lord God and the Most Holy Virgin.

"God, cleanse me, sinning, and hindle me, and forgive me, Lord God, Savor is merciful! Location, Lord, the Christian end with a prechile body and with honest blood, with tears and repentance. Robies, Lord, Flour, Negasimago Fire, and Chervia Fesiveless, and boiling resin. Lord, you created M. Esi, Lord, you have mercy. Lord, your essay.

The pretty Mrs. Musicity, Queen Heaven, Pray to the Lord God and Sava to our Jesus Christ, your son, for me, the sinner of your slave (the name of the rivers). Lady, Mrs., Christian End with the Preternal Body and with Honest Blood and with tears and repentance. Robby, Mrs., Flour, Eternal, Fire Negasimago, and Cervia Fesiveless, and boiling resin. Most Madam, freezing the queen of Heaven, you are a prayerball to the Lord to God and save our Jesus Christ for me, sinner and Okayannago's slave (the name of the rivers), you are an assistant, you are an intercession from all the evil and Sopaita, not forget, Music Madam Yours to the end. "


"The intercession is a diligent, fragrant Lord Mati, to you resort to Az, the fallen and the sinner of all the sinner. Won praying to my praying and my scream and the wedding of hear. Yako lawlessness is my forehead of my head and Az, I am a ship in the Pochini, I immerse yourself in the sea of \u200b\u200bmy sins. But you, all-inclusive and merciful Vladychitsa, do not despite me, desperynago and Gresh dying. Someone, Kayuchagosya in the evil dealer of my, and turn to the path of the right lack of ankanese soul. On you, Mother Vladychitsa, I have all the hope of my. You, Mother of God, Save and keep them under your hands now, and confessed, and forever. Amen."

Prayer Iguman Alexander Svirsky for every day

"My soul, my soul, please complain about the Lord? Yako tape your eternal Musto Mobatai is. She would have made the gift of God, would cry for burning tears, wandering with frosting, sorrowing about every Gres, about the Male and about the grand. Reopms to your lords, but not before you the rage obsessed all the way the righteous righteous. Az the same, sinful and lazy and flattering tongue, how can I pour my temold, will love the Lord from the Lord from the terrain of the court? Always Bo trendy in my hearts about the terrible court, and I will save me from flour eternal, and the Chervoy Feshype, and the darkness of the pitch, and the thunderstorms are increasing. Sweet me, the sinner of your slave (the name of the rivers), Yako Paul's apostle, the Eaggent of Lusting everyone, and from us, poor, do not turn your face in he is a terrible day, the soul is trembling and my body compositions are terrified. Lord, save me a terrible hour, but not to discard your grace. But I pray the holy angels and the archangels, and the prophets, and martyrs, and all the holy, and pray God for my soul. Your sake of prayer will refund the Vladyka demand from me, sinning. And you, the most predierable Ms. Devo, IMUBY CONSTRUCTION TO THE SONST ON RABLE YOUR YOURSELF, NOT FORGE LOOKS SLASS WHERE ( the name of the river). Vladyko Savor, from the miserable souls you pray for you, save my sins of my sins and put in the joy of unless living, the idea is glorified by all Your name, The Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, are always, now, and in the eyelids. Amen."

A detailed description of several sources: "Prayer Alexander Svirsky about the birth of a child" - in our non-commercial weekly religious journal.

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Icon Alexander Svirsky in what helps

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our site before starting to study information, please subscribe you to our group of VKontakte prayer for every day. Also add to the canal in YouTube prayers and icons. "God bless you!".

Rev. Alexander is the only one from the New Testament, who saw the Lord in three faces. He lived in the dense forests of the Svyria. With his recesses bind a large number of miracles. Science cannot explain how they are preserved in such good condition. They are called "white transformation rims". At the end of the 19th century, the picture was written from the live person.

After death, his face still for a long time Glowed like during life. In the 17th century, his body became amplific. Inaks saw that the earth above the coffin rose as an arch. Brathy the abode was amazed, because he was the same as during his lifetime. The relics were decided to transfer to the Preobrazhensky Cathedral. There they stayed for a long time, until the goggle began.

Value of divine image

On this face depicts an elder with a wise look and stretching his hands to God for all of us. In 1918, the relics of the saint were taken away by the Bolsheviks. But according to historical records, one museum worker hid them from destruction. And only in 1998 they could be seen again for worship.

Many scientists have taken more than once to study the particles of the illness of the wonderworker, but none of them can explain this phenomenon. The relics are preserved in perfect condition and in the most significant moments begin to make peace. Bees often flown on this smell.

There were marked miracles that occurred with paralyzed people, sick cancer, blind, randomly.

The icon of St. Alexander Svirsky pray to strengthen faith and healing from physical diseases. Also treated those who decided to go to the monastery. People who cannot have children appeal to him asking for Chad, as well as about life life path His baby.

Days of West

The celebration occurs twice a year:

  1. April 30 (April 17th old style) - day of gaining relics
  2. September 12 (August 30, old style) - day to honor the saint.

Where can I see the saint's face?

  • The relics are located in the Holy Trinity Men's Monastery (Leningrad Region). Here you can find and revered image.
  • Other holy images can be seen in the Temple of the Library Trinity (Moscow) and in the Church of the Rev. Alexander Svirsky (Moscow).

Icon Alexander Svirsky: What does it help?

Since the saint was a zealous preacher of Christianity, the main prayer to Him aims to strengthen sincere love for God and the spiritual faith of man. Young monks can refer to the Holy Assistance in support on the path selected.

Parents of the saint for a long time could not produce offspring. Only after a long prayer to the Lord, he was walked and gave them the heir - her son. That is why the prayers of Alexander Svirsky about the birth of a son sounds from all over the world. People who were born only daughters appealed to him and were heard. Many people who cannot have children turn to him with a request for offspring. And such miracles happened when the saint retained the secret of pregnancy, even from the mother to keep the kid whole and unharmed.

Parents of children who decided to take a tonsure, also pay their prayers to the saint. As well as the parents of the wonderworker were not ready for such a decision of the Son, he helps them get comfort and spiritual support in such a good deed.

Prayer Rev. Alexander Svirsky , Since other saints should come from a pure heart. Then she will reach the Lord faster. People who sincerely ask for the fulfillment of their desires often get God's blessing.

Prayer Alexander Svirsky about health

"Oh, Sacred Heaven, Angela, Earth and Human, Heavenly, Reverend and Bogonosna, our Alexandra, a fairable plenty of hindrance and a kind of trinity, Many Milicia living in the abyss of your abode and everyone, with faith and loved to you, are. We succeed to us all the time for the time of temporary safe, and our need for eternal salvation is necessary. Contribute to the concept of yours, the waters of God, the ruler of the country is our Russia. And yes, in the world, the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ will preserve the Holy Orthodox Church. Buddes to all of us, the miracle, holy, in every grief and the circumstances are fast. The very same as the hour of death, our conacciance of us, the intercession of the blessing, but do not betray on the solarms of the air authorities of the Emodnago Mirodigz, but however, they will encounter incomprehension of sunrise to the kingdom of heaven. Not to the persons of the hope of our hope, do not form our humble prayers, but it's assumed about us before the throne of the lifestyle of the Trinity, yes, you will encourage you and unworthy of the ESMA, in the villages of the Paradise Slaviti, grace and mercy of God in the Trinity of God, Father and son and saint spirit forever. Amen".

God bless you!

Watch and video about St. Alexander Svirsky St. Aleksandre:

Prayer in the request to give birth to a boy

Reverend Alexander Svirsky

The pious parents of Alexander Svirsky had male and female children. Then their childbirth stopped. They began to pray to God so that he gave them the Son to consolation and support for their old age. The fruit of their prayers and was Alexander Svirsky. Then after his death, he prayed to Holy, to have male children, and the prayers of believers were fulfilled.

About the sacred glabel, angel of the land and human Heavenly, Reverend and the gardener of our Alexander, the fairness of the Holy Humpover and the same Trinity, are the Many mercy of your living in the abyss and everyone, with faith and love to you! We succeed as a temporary, and necessary for the eternal salvation to our permanent salvation. Contribute to your victim, the waters of God, before the Lord on the enemies visible and invisible. The faithful slaves of him, in the sorrow and sadness and the back of the screaming to him, the multi-breaking cry will hear and let us freeze from the death of our belly. Yes, in the world, the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ will be in the world, and the Fatherland of Our Fatherland is based, in every piety of indispensable. Buddes to all of us, the miracle, holy, Assistant fast in every grief and the circumstantit. At the same time at the hour of death, our concentrant is a blessing intercession, but we will not betray on the solard of the air authorities of the Emodnago Mirodnigz, but however, you will be able to unreliable to go to the kingdom of heaven. She, Father, Prayer is our nice! Do not hope for our hope for our humble praying, and preferably for us before the throne of the smallest trinity, yes, you will encourage you with you and with all the saints, we are unworn, in the villages of the paradise Slaviti, grace and mercy of God in the Trinity of God, Father and Son And the saint spirit, forever and centuries. Amen.

About Reverend and the garde of our Alexandra! We succeed to us all the time for the time of temporary safe, and our need for eternal salvation is necessary. Buddes us, the servants of God (names), the wonderfulness of the holy, in every grief and the circumstantitory speed. At the time of the hour of death, our competence of a bit of death, but we will not betray on the solarms of the air power authorities of Miriorzhtsa, but however, they will be able to unreliable to go to the kingdom of heaven. She, Father, Prayer is our nice! Not to the persons of the hope of our hope, not the despise of our humble prayers, but it's assumed about us before the throne of the lifestyle of the Trinity. Father and son and saint spirit, forever.

Prayers Alexander Svirsky

Saint Alexander are treated with the following prayer requests:

About health custody

About the gift of children

About the conception of the boy

On the preservation of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

First prayer

About the sacred glabel, angel of the land and human heavenly, reverend and the governor of our Alexander, the fairness of the Holy Humpover and the same Trinity, are many mercy of your living in the abode of your abode and everyone, with faith and loved to you!

We succeed as a temporary, and necessary for the eternal salvation to our permanent salvation.

Contribute to your victim, the waters of God, before the Lord on the enemies visible and invisible.

The faithful slaves of him, in the sorrow and sadness and the back of the screaming to him, the multi-breaking cry will hear and let us freeze from the death of our belly.

Yes, in the world, the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ will be in the world, and the Fatherland of Our Fatherland is based, in every piety of indispensable.

Buddes to all of us, the miracle, holy, Assistant fast in every grief and the circumstantit.

At the same time at the hour of death, our concentrant is a blessing intercession, but we will not betray on the solard of the air authorities of the Emodnago Mirodnigz, but however, you will be able to unreliable to go to the kingdom of heaven.

She, Father, Prayer is our nice!

Not to persons to hope our, do not form our humble prayer, and preferably for us before the throne of the smallest trinity, yes, you will encourage you with you and with all the saints, we are unworthy,

in the villages of the Paradise Slaviti, grace and mercy of God in the Trinity of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever.

Second prayer

About Reverend and the garde of our Alexandra!

We succeed to us all the time for the time of temporary safe, and our need for eternal salvation is necessary.

Buddes us, the slaves of God (names), the miraculous saint, in every grief and the circumstantitory.

At the time of the hour of death, our competence of a bit of death, but we will not betray on the solarms of the air power authorities of Miriorzhtsa, but however, they will be able to unreliable to go to the kingdom of heaven.

She, Father, Prayer is our nice!

Not to the persons of the hope of our hope, not the despise of our humble prayers, but it's assumed about us before the throne of the lifestyle of the Trinity, and you will encourage you and unworthy of the Esma, in the villages of the Paradise Slavith, grace and mercy of God in the Trinity of God, Father and son and saint spirit, forever.

Third prayer

About Reverend and the garde of our Alexandra!

Higherly fallen to the Hace Honest Power, Molima Diligently, erect the rules of us about us sinful to the domain of our Virgin Mary and Savgoroda Mary, Jaco, will remember the ancient gracefulness of his own, Iimo promised to be relentless from the inhabitant of yours;

and it will give us strength and fortress on the enemies of the spiritual, reducing us from the path of the savory, and the winners are already the winners, on the day of the judgment of the court heard from you the commendable voice: CE AZ and children gave Mi Esi God!

And the victorious crown from the winner of the enemies of Christ, the Son of God perceive, and the heritage of eternal benefits of buying with you we get;

senseless Most Holy Trinity, The Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, and your graciousness and intercession, now and are confronted and forever.

Prayer if you wish to conceive a male child Reverend Alexander Svirsky

Prayer if you wish to conceive a male child Reverend Alexander Svirsky

Saint Rev. Alexander Svirsky lived in the XV-XVI centuries in Russia. The saint was born in the family of pious peasants, many years of the praying god about the declaration of the child, and when baptism was inflicted by Amos. At the age of 19, the reverend left the native house, went to Valaam and accepted the monastic post. Later, Saint Alexander retired to the cave, in which she struggled in solitude for about 7 years. In 1485, the Rev. Founded on the Holy Lake Alexander-Svir Abode, whose igumen he soon became.

During the lifetime, Holy was famous for many wonders and healings, and only 14 years later, after the righteous death, he was canonized by the Orthodox Church.

Saint Alexander Svirsky pray for healing from various diseases and the birth of children, especially - if you wish to have a male child.

Oh, the sacred head, the angel of the earthly and human heavenly, Reverend and the godly, our Alexander, the fairness of the Holy Most of the Holy Trinity, Many Miliches living in the abyss of your abode and everyone, with faith and loved to you, are. We succeed to us all the time for the time of temporary safe, and our need for eternal salvation is necessary. Contribute to the concept of yours, the waters of God, the ruler of the country is our Russia. And yes, in the world, the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ will preserve the Holy Orthodox Church. Buddes to all of us, the miracle, holy, in every grief and the circumstances are fast. The very same as the hour of death, our conacciance of us, the intercession of the blessing, but do not betray on the solarms of the air authorities of the Emodnago Mirodigz, but however, they will encounter incomprehension of sunrise to the kingdom of heaven. She, Father, Prayer is our nice! Not to the persons of the hope of our hope, do not form our humble prayers, but it's assumed about us before the throne of the lifestyle of the Trinity, yes, you will encourage you and unworthy of the ESMA, in the villages of the Paradise Slaviti, grace and mercy of God in the Trinity of God, Father and son and saint spirit forever. Amen.

In our family, more and more girls are born - my grandmother has three daughters, my mom and her sisters are two daughters each. And I already have two girls smashed - they give so much joy, and still I wanted very happy son. The husband all joked sadly that he was not going to walk on fishing. However, we tried to the will of God and comforted themselves by the fact that if he would have anything - so he would send us a son. And so fate ordered that we were in the Alexander Svir monastery that in the Leningrad region. And because so many years lived in St. Petersburg and did not know about such a holy place! And when I was there, in the monastery, they said that there is a prayer in which Saint Alexander is asked about the gift of a male baby, then I realized that - here she, the will of the Lord, which leads us in life. I learned that the monastery of the monastery and in Peterburg itself is. And there I happened, and I read the prayer to Saint Alexander, and the prayers ordered. And most importantly - she always believed, believed that the fate of our Almighty was prepared for us ... two years later, we were born a long-awaited son. It is necessary to say that we drank him Alexander. Thanks to the Lord Almighty and Saint Alexandra!

Maria S, St. Petersburg

Canon Reverend Alexander Svirsky

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2. And any livestock is pure, take on seven, male and female, and from the cattle unclean two, male and female; 3. Also from birds of heaven (pure) for seven, men and female, (and from all the birds of unclean two, men and female,) to keep the tribe for the whole earth,

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I can not find a prayer in the request to give birth to daughter ... maybe someone knows ...

Who wants to give birth to a boys-prayer below ..

Reverend Alexander Svirsky

The pious parents of Alexander Svirsky had male and female children. Then their childbirth stopped. They began to pray to God so that he gave them the Son to consolation and support for their old age. The fruit of their prayers and was Alexander Svirsky. Then after his death, he prayed to Holy, to have male children, and the prayers of believers were fulfilled.

Prayer first

About the sacred glabel, angel of the land and human Heavenly, Reverend and the gardener of our Alexander, the fairness of the Holy Humpover and the same Trinity, are the Many mercy of your living in the abyss and everyone, with faith and love to you! We succeed as a temporary, and necessary for the eternal salvation to our permanent salvation. Contribute to your victim, the waters of God, before the Lord on the enemies visible and invisible. The faithful slaves of him, in the sorrow and sadness and the back of the screaming to him, the multi-breaking cry will hear and let us freeze from the death of our belly. Yes, in the world, the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ will be in the world, and the Fatherland of Our Fatherland is based, in every piety of indispensable. Buddes to all of us, the miracle, holy, Assistant fast in every grief and the circumstantit. At the same time at the hour of death, our concentrant is a blessing intercession, but we will not betray on the solard of the air authorities of the Emodnago Mirodnigz, but however, you will be able to unreliable to go to the kingdom of heaven. She, Father, Prayer is our nice! Do not hope for our hope for our humble praying, and preferably for us before the throne of the smallest trinity, yes, you will encourage you with you and with all the saints, we are unworn, in the villages of the paradise Slaviti, grace and mercy of God in the Trinity of God, Father and Son And the saint spirit, forever and centuries. Amen.

Prayer Second

About Reverend and the garde of our Alexandra! We succeed to us all the time for the time of temporary safe, and our need for eternal salvation is necessary. Buddes us, the slaves of God (names), the miraculous saint, in every grief and the circumstantitory. At the time of the hour of death, our competence of a bit of death, but we will not betray on the solarms of the air power authorities of Miriorzhtsa, but however, they will be able to unreliable to go to the kingdom of heaven. She, Father, Prayer is our nice! Not to the persons of the hope of our hope, not the despise of our humble prayers, but it's assumed about us before the throne of the lifestyle of the Trinity. Father and son and saint spirit, forever.

Holy martyrs who pray to Orthodox believers help in a variety of endeavors and troubles. One of the big problems for the family is the inability to have children, despite their passionate desire and effort.

Prayer Alexander Svirsky belongs to such intimate conversations with God. This man has lived a bright and rich life and miracles life, and after death he was honored to be a rank of saints. Very often, the priests tell families who wish to conceive the child "pray Alexander Svirsky."

Saint Alexander Svirsky icon

Life is hijacious

Before you pray to Alexander Svirsky, you should learn about his life, which can serve as a kind of believer.

Amosa's parents (the name of the saint at birth) were God-fearing people who long years asked the Lord about the Son. One of the reasons why Rev. Alexander Svirsky pray for the gift of children is that he was exhausted by the Lord's parents and was already born in their old age.

In his youth, Amos decided to take a stop and become a monk, while receiving a new name - Alexander. Having spent the days in the monastery, Inok Korotal days in the cave and ascetic, completely refusing any worldly goods. After several years of disinterested ministry in the monastery, Alexander decided to establish a new abode - the male distance on the banks of the River Svir. Subsequently, by the name of the river and the monk of Svirsky was nusted.

Many miracles are documented that occurred by the prayer of the abbot. So one noble person could not give birth to the Son Heir, despite their wish and desire. They made a pilgrimage to the abode to Father Alexander, who prayed for them and blessed them. After some time, Boyarin baptized his firstborn.

Icon phenomenon of the Holy Trinity Rev. Alexander Svirsky

After the death of Alexander at the age of eighty of five, he was rapidly canonized the church. Its relics are miraculously preserved and can be visited in the Holy Trinity Monastery.

What to pray for

What requests should be to reverend Alexander Svirsky? Usually the saint is asking for:

  • blessing children;
  • birth of a healthy kid;
  • prosperous childbirth;
  • preservation of pregnancy.
Tip! Requests usually are committed on Sundays, in the morning and evening services. Saint was merciful to asking for life, he does not reject them after death.

Prayers for the Given Son

Sacred texts are read by Rev. On ordinary days of need, as well as on the day of memory and before relics.

They ask about the birth of a son, because Alexander and the most exhausted firstborn, asking for the heir, about the birth of child, about the protection for those young men who accepted the Holder and serve the Lord in the monastery.

Other articles:

About the sacred glabel, angel of the land and human heavenly, reverend and the governor of our Alexander, the fairness of the Holy Humpover and the same Trinity, are many mercy of your living in the abode of your abode and everyone, with faith and loved to you! We succeed as a temporary, and necessary for the eternal salvation to our permanent salvation. Contribute to your victim, the waters of God, before the Lord on the enemies visible and invisible. The faithful slaves of him, in the sorrow and sadness and the back of the screaming to him, the multi-breaking cry will hear and let us freeze from the death of our belly. Yes, in the world, the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ will be in the world, and the Fatherland of Our Fatherland is based, in every piety of indispensable. Buddes to all of us, the miracle, holy, Assistant fast in every grief and the circumstantit. At the same time at the hour of death, our concentrant is a blessing intercession, but we will not betray on the solard of the air authorities of the Emodnago Mirodnigz, but however, you will be able to unreliable to go to the kingdom of heaven. She, Father, Prayer is our nice! Do not hope for our hope for our humble praying, and preferably for us before the throne of the smallest trinity, yes, you will encourage you with you and with all the saints, we are unworn, in the villages of the paradise Slaviti, grace and mercy of God in the Trinity of God, Father and Son And the saint spirit, forever and centuries. Amen.

There are many certificates when parents who have diagnosed with infertility and after the petition of the Svirk Saint, they were able to give birth to a healthy baby and not one.

Important! There is nothing impossible for the Lord. It should be remembered that the child is asked with a pure heart and sincere desire.

Do not do this to fulfill your selfish desires or to bind a man. The baby is a gift from the Lord and begging about it is necessary with humility and reverence.

In honor of the Reverend, temples and monasteries were built, people come to worship the relics and serve the festive liturgy on the day of memory - August 30. For parents, especially the thirsty of the birth of the heir, you should visit the Liturgy on this day and read another sacred text before the relics:

Prayer Rev. Alexander Svirsky

About Reverend and the garde of our Alexandra! We succeed to us all the time for the time of temporary safe, and our need for eternal salvation is necessary. Buddes us, the slaves of God (names), the miraculous saint, in every grief and the circumstantitory. At the time of the hour of death, our competence of a bit of death, but we will not betray on the solarms of the air power authorities of Miriorzhtsa, but however, they will be able to unreliable to go to the kingdom of heaven. She, Father, Prayer is our nice! Not to the persons of the hope of our hope, not the despise of our humble prayers, but it's assumed about us before the throne of the lifestyle of the Trinity. Father and son and saint spirit, forever.

Prayer prep. Alexandra Svirsky, read in the abode of relics

About Reverend and the garde of our Alexandra! Higherly fallen to the Hace Honest Power, Molima Diligently, erect the rules of us about us sinful to the domain of our Virgin Mary and Savgoroda Mary, Jaco, will remember the ancient gracefulness of his own, Iimo promised to be relentless from the inhabitant of yours; And it will give us strength and fortress on the enemies of the spiritual, reducing us from the path of the savory, and the winners are already the winners, on the day of the judgment of the court heard from you the commendable voice: CE AZ and children gave Mi Esi God! And the victorious crown from the winner of the enemies of Christ, the Son of God perceive, and the heritage of eternal benefits of buying with you we get; Sickly the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your graciousness and the intercession, now and are also confined and forever. Amen.

Tropear Rev. Alexander, Igumen Svirsky

Tropear, voice 4

From youth, Bogomud, the desire of spiritual in the wilderness instilled, the uniforms of Christ anxuls the diligence after the guide; The darkness and angel stores are quain in vain, surprised, how with the fleet to an invisible goat hung up, the wisdom, won the shelves by abstinence with passions, and was equivalent to the earth; Alexander Rev., the moths of Christ of God, and our soul will save.

Kondak, voice 8

Yako is a multiserful star, a day in the countries of the Russian disassembly, Father, having fallen into the desert. The Christ's footsteps were diligently reminding the holy IHO on Ramo. Your honest cross, killed the work of your bodily recruitment. There is a hurry: save your flock, I gathered an echo, wise, but call: Rejoice, Presented Alexandra, our father.

At the same time, it is possible to ask for the petitions of Alexander Svirsky and at any other time, only remember that everything is given by the Lord in the sincere request with a pure heart.

Video about prayer Rev. Alexander Svirsky