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Prayer Alexander Svirsky about the birth of the Son: Text, Reviews. Miraculous prayer Alexander Svirsky about the birth of a son

Most detailed description: Prayer for the birth of a healthy boy - for our readers and subscribers.

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Prayer if you wish to give birth to a boy

The child is always the gift of God to be taken gratefully and humbly. Therefore, it is not so important that the child is born, the main thing is that it will be born and will be on the world. Nevertheless, in ancient times, Mother often prayed precisely about the birth of boys, as they were beautiful assistants in the house and unlike girls did not leave with time in someone else's family, but, on the contrary, led to his wife, who helped mother-in-house. I promised to share with you, my dear readers and disciples, all that I know, so I will tell you about this prayer facing the presented Alexander Svirsky. The words are as follows:

Oh, the sacred head, the angel of the earthly and human heavenly, Reverend and the godly, our Alexander, the fairness of the Holy Most of the Holy Trinity, Many Miliches living in the abyss of your abode and everyone, with faith and loved to you, are. We succeed to us all the time for the time of temporary safe, and our need for eternal salvation is necessary. Contribute to the concept of yours, the waters of God, the ruler of the country is our Russia. And yes, in the world, the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ will preserve the Holy Orthodox Church. Buddes to all of us, the miracle, holy, in every grief and the circumstances are fast. The very same as the hour of death, our conacciance of us, the intercession of the blessing, but do not betray on the solarms of the air authorities of the Emodnago Mirodigz, but however, they will encounter incomprehension of sunrise to the kingdom of heaven. She, Father, Prayer is our nice! Not to the persons to hope our, do not form our humble prayers, but it's assumed about us before the throne of the abstraction-chalny Trinity presence, yes, you will encounter a couple and unworthy of the ESMA, in the villages of the Paradise Slavith, grace and mercy of the good God, father and son and saint spirit forever. Amen.

Prayer if you wish to give birth to a boy

In order for the family in the family, the boy is born praying Rev. Alexander Svirsky. Alexander's parents before his birth, prayed to God, so that he gave them a son, and as a result, the fruit of their prayers became Alexander Svirsky. And now everyone who wants to have a male child, pray to this saint.

Prayer's words, if you wish to give birth to a boy facing reverend Alexander Svirsky, the following:

Oh, the sacred glabel, angel of the earthly and human heavenly, reverend and the governor of our Alexander, a fairness of the hindrance and a kind of Trinity, a lot of mercy in the Holy Human Resident and everyone, with faith and loved to you, are! We succeed to us all the time for the time of temporary safe, and our need for eternal salvation is necessary. Communicate your victim, the waters of God, the ruler of the country is our country. And yes, in the world, the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ will preserve the Holy Orthodox Church. Buddes to all of us, the miraculous, in every grief and the narration of the fast assistant. At the time of the hour of death, our competence of a bit of death, but we will not betray on the solarms of the air power authorities of Miriorzhtsa, but however, they will be able to unreliable to go to the kingdom of heaven. She, Father, Prayer is our nice! Not to the persons of the hope of our hope, not the despise of our humble prayers, but it's assumed about us before the throne of the lifestyle of the Trinity, and you will encourage you and unworthy of the Esma, in the villages of the Paradise Slaviti, grace and mercy of God in God Father and son and saint spirit, forever. Amen.

Prayer in the request to give birth to a boy

Reverend Alexander Svirsky

The pious parents of Alexander Svirsky had male and female children. Then their childbirth stopped. They began to pray to God so that he gave them the Son to consolation and support for their old age. The fruit of their prayers and was Alexander Svirsky. Then after his death, he prayed to Holy, to have male children, and the prayers of believers were fulfilled.

About the sacred glabel, angel of the land and human Heavenly, Reverend and the gardener of our Alexander, the fairness of the Holy Humpover and the same Trinity, are the Many mercy of your living in the abyss and everyone, with faith and love to you! We succeed as a temporary, and necessary for the eternal salvation to our permanent salvation. Contribute to your victim, the waters of God, before the Lord on the enemies visible and invisible. The faithful slaves of him, in the sorrow and sadness and the back of the screaming to him, the multi-breaking cry will hear and let us freeze from the death of our belly. Yes, in the world, the Holy Glove Orthodox Church Christ, and in the blessing, the Fatherland of Our, in every piety is indisputable. Buddes to all of us, the miracle, holy, Assistant fast in every grief and the circumstantit. At the same time at the hour of death, our concentrant is a blessing intercession, but we will not betray on the solard of the air authorities of the Emodnago Mirodnigz, but however, you will be able to unreliable to go to the kingdom of heaven. She, Father, Prayer is our nice! Do not hope for our hope for our humble praying, and preferably for us before the throne of the smallest trinity, yes, you will encourage you with you and with all the saints, we are unworn, in the villages of the paradise Slaviti, grace and mercy of God in the Trinity of God, Father and Son And the saint spirit, forever and centuries. Amen.

About Reverend and the garde of our Alexandra! We succeed to us all the time for the time of temporary safe, and our need for eternal salvation is necessary. Buddes us, the servants of God (names), the wonderfulness of the holy, in every grief and the circumstantitory speed. At the time of the hour of death, our competence of a bit of death, but we will not betray on the solarms of the air power authorities of Miriorzhtsa, but however, they will be able to unreliable to go to the kingdom of heaven. She, Father, Prayer is our nice! Not to the persons of the hope of our hope, not the despise of our humble prayers, but it's assumed about us before the throne of the lifestyle of the Trinity, and you will encourage you and unworthy of the Esma, in the villages of the Paradise Slaviti, grace and mercy of God in God Father and son and saint spirit, forever.

Orthodox prayers for pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child

Nature lay on a woman the greatest responsibility - responsibility for the hatching and birth of the child. But, unfortunately, to experience the happiness of motherhood, due to certain reasons, it turns out not at every representative of the weak gender. Forced mindlessness, even the most professional doctors can not cure. In such desperate situations, the Orthodox prayer helps childless couples to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child, - it can create a real miracle even when the hopes are not left at all.

The power of Orthodox prayer for pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child

Of course, in our age of high technologies, quite many people do not believe in virtue of prayers, there is a skeptical attitude towards them. However, prayer to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child, and in fact works. Proof of this is an example of many marital couples, which, thanks to her, managed to become happy parents.

A truly believer man will never think about whether the appeal to the saints in his misfortune will help. He simply prays and hopes for a positive result, and God and the saints of God's assistants will see his requests. Daily appeal to K. higher power Helped many families to give birth to a little heir or heiress. Every such case is the most real miracle given by the Lord.

Any Orthodox prayer is designed to express humility and obedience of a believer before God. The first thing to make a woman who wants to get pregnant with the help of prayer, to endure and give birth to a healthy baby, is to be ready to take God's will.

Sometimes it may occur so that the sire does not bring the desired result. This fact does not mean that a married couple should leave all the hopes for the birth of a child. Often thus the highest strength give a signal that the spouses need to adopt the child from children's house And give a little man the opportunity to grow in a loving family. As a rule, it is after the adoption of the baby in many families their own children appear.

The most effective prayers helping to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child.

Orthodox prayers designed to help a woman to conceive, save, endure and give birth to a healthy child, there is quite a lot. Most often with a request for pregnancy treated:

  • Lord God;
  • Most Holy Mother of God;
  • Holy Spirit;
  • Blessed Matron of Moscow;
  • Blessed Ksenia Petersburg;
  • Righteous Ioacima and Anna.

Prayer to the Lord, helping to conceive a child - the first

With this prayer, a woman can appeal to God with a request for a blessed conception. It is recommended to do it in front of the icon of the Savior, with the light of the burning church candles. Text of prayer:

To prayer quickly brought the desired result, it is necessary to call it to the Almighty every day. The speed effect will be achieved if the petition is pronounced in the morning dawn.

Prayer to the Lord God about the conception of the child - the second

Another prayer possessing powerful energy. Before using it, a woman who wants to become a mother is necessary to confess and coming up in the Temple of God. Prayer read should daily:

Prayer Almighty about healthy and light pregnancy

Strong prayerhelps get pregnant in short times. It is advisable to read her both spouses - both husband and wife. Text:

Prayer to the Lord God for help in childbirth

On the health of the future child, the influence is also the process of the delivery. Birth - the phenomenon is unpredictable, the risk of developing any complications in them is always present. Thought about childbirth robs in fear of any woman wearing a baby in his womb.

To help the future mother, calm her and morally prepare for the upcoming meeting with a new little man can Orthodox prayer of the Most High. Ancient prayer text about help in childbirth can be pronounced in late pregnancy, closer to the "X" hour, as well as in the process of bouts:

Ancient prayer to the Lord about a safe pregnancy and child preservation

Even after the long-awaited conception of the baby, there is always the risk of any pathologies and interruptions of pregnancy. The prayer of a pregnant woman about the preservation of the child will help the future mother to avoid miscarriage, successfully endure her crumb and give birth to his (her) without complications. Text of prayer:

Strong prayer for the Most Holy Virgin, helping to get pregnant

The Most Holy Mother of God, as a mother, the best of all saints understands the aspirations and hopes of a woman dreaming of pregnancy. Therefore, many representatives of the weak floor with a prayer to bestow the joy of motherhood turn to her. Prayers for pregnancy, writing to the grace of Our Lady, there are several. One of them, for example, sounds and pronounced in front of any icon of the Virgin Mary:

Prayer for the Most Holy Mother of God for pregnancy and healing from female diseases

It often happens that infertility is a consequence of diseases of the female reproductive system. To heal from your illness, which does not give the opportunity to conceive a baby, a woman can contact God's Mother With the following prayer:

Under the influence of this text, the disease must retreat and give the way the birth in the woman of a new life.

Prayer for the Most Holy Mother of God for the preservation and birth of a healthy child

A woman who uses this prayer during tooling the child will provide a powerful wubbler in the form of the intercession of the Mother of God. Prayer will protect the future kid, will help him safely and appear on the world. Text:

Listen to Orthodox prayers about prosperous childbirth on this video:

Prayer of the Holy Spirit about pregnancy

A short prayer, addressed to the Holy Spirit, will help childless couples soon become parents. It is necessary to read it every morning after waking up - as long as the test does not show 2 long-awaited stripes. Text of prayer:

Prayer Matron of Moscow about pregnancy

Another holy, which helps women dreaming about pregnancy, is the blissful Matron of Moscow. The prayer of the Matron of Moscow about the conception of the child is:

Prayer Blessed Ksenia Petersburg on pregnancy

Pregnant to the long-awaited child helps and prayer for the Blessed Ksenia St. Petersburg. Words in it are:

Prayer Ksenia Petersburg about prosperous pregnancy and birth of a healthy child

Already a pregnant woman can contact the Saint Xenia Petersburg with another prayer that promotes safe pregnancy and light breeding. Prayer words:

Prayer for pregnancy Righteous Ioacima and Anna

Family couples that do not have to conceive a child, with a prayer to appeal to the righteousness of Joachim and Anna. Joakim and Anna themselves knew all the flour of infertility, and only in the old years God gave them a long-awaited daughter - the Most of the Mary, which was destined to give birth to Jesus Christ. About pregnancy pray to Joachim and Anna so:

How to pray for pregnancy and childbirth

In order for pregnancy prayer to have best EffectIt is recommended to comply with a number of certain conditions:

  • the words of prayer petition should be sincere. It is impossible to keep the negative in his soul, think of a child with angrily. The intentions of the praying woman should be clean and kind;
  • before applying to the highest forces with a request to help with conception and birth of a baby, a woman is desirable to go to church, confessing and coming. The same can make her spouse;
  • prayers to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child, pronounced cycles. One cycle lasts must not less than 3 weeks, and before it is required to prepare in the form of a weekly post and confession. Also, at least once before the start of the cycle, it is necessary to pray in the walls of the temple before that of the saint, to whom the future prayer will be directed;
  • never in the church, you need to put candles in front of the icons of the Savior and the Most Holy Mother of God;
  • not to take any attempts to conceive a child on the eve and during the post, on the eve and on the days of large church holidays. This time is considered to be sacred and desecrated by its carnal joy.

Ask the Creator and His Holy Radics about the occurrence of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy chad not only with the use of the above orthodox prayer. The plea is drawn up may be in his own words. The main thing in this matter is sincere, deep faith to help the higher strength, the regularity of pronouncing and life outside of sin, because the birth of children was still long ago was considered to be God's blessing, and the lack of children - kara for committed mistakes and sins.

The birth of our long-awaited daughter, we are our family owned by the Saint Matronushka. For a long time I could not get pregnant, already desperate with my husband and wanted to leave all attempts. But one friend advised to go to the Matron, ask her help. Since both with your husband believers, did not postpone this business. The result did not make himself wait, poured my blood.

Thanks a lot. I really want the children with my husband, but 6 years nothing happens ... I will definitely pray!

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How to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child with prayer

The child is a gift from over, the wonder of heaven, given by the Lord God. With the advent of the baby in the house, everything around begins to spin with an incredible speed: breast-feeding, first trip to kindergarten, school, etc. Therefore, every married couple dreams of kids. However, not all from the first attempts will get pregnant.

Strong prayer to get pregnant

Some are forced to undergo regular surveys, procedures and accept medicines, but there is no sense from this. For what reason, pregnancy is available not to all women, we will not speak. But we will try to help in this problem. Prayer to get pregnant - one of the most effective options Stimulation of the occurrence of pregnancy.

The problem of lack of opportunity to conceive a child

The problem of infertility existed a few more centuries ago. And, despite the fact that currently childless families are becoming more and more, about infertility they also knew in ancient times. But if today with this problem can be cope with the help of medicine (eco, stimulation, etc.), then they didn't even think about such procedures. To get pregnant some used conspiracy, others - folk remedies, and the third - preferred to pray to the saint, asking them from them God's blessing At the speedy conception of the baby. For many centuries, the prayer has been popular to become becoming popular among those married couples who want to become happy parents as soon as possible. She was uttered by millions of women in perfectly different timesAnd it helped to achieve the desired goal.

There were also prayer appeals about the birth of a healthy baby. The parents who could have become pregnant were resorted to their help. But everything is in order.

Prayer will help a woman to get pregnant in the near future, if you adhere to the rules of acts of such a kind, which we are with you now and talk.

Praying correctly

Prays mentally or whisper - decides everyone for himself. And if you came out to feedback, where people recommend to pronounce prayers out loud, then this is all fiction. A person can contact the Almighty as he wants, even aloud, even mentally. If you choose the right words, then the Most High will hear you, even if you just mentally ask him for help. And yet so that the prayer helps to get pregnant quickly, you must adhere to the following advice:

  1. Before asking God for help, both future parents should be confessed in the temple and coming up. With a purified soul, your prayers will be heard much faster.
  2. Progressing the prayer to get pregnant, and it is completely unimportant, Muslim (Islam), or Orthodox, should be contacted to the Lord not only on its own behalf, but on behalf of the man from whom you want to get pregnant. Well, if your spouse himself expresses a desire to pray with you.
  3. Referring to the holy with prayer requests to accelerate the process of fetal conception, you need to learn about them as much as possible more informationSo that it does not come out so that you ask to get pregnant from the face of that saint to which people pray for repentance or resting the soul of the deceased. Therefore, it is very important to know who to pray to get pregnant.
  4. Sincere intentions will help to become happy parents faster. If you want to become parents, reading a set of phrases, then, unfortunately, you will not achieve the desired goal. Only sincere faith and the power of the Lord will help you to find the happiness that you ask for.
  5. Read prayer needs consciously. Only genuine believers get what they ask for the Most High. And about what you are going to turn to God for help, it is better not to talk to anyone. Just believe in what you ask for the Most High. Your faith will be quite enough for the Lord to hear your prayers. And the evil language and thoughts will only worse.
  6. Do not resort to help to all saints with plenty, staying in a negative mood. So, the prayer needs to be read only when a person can fully reveal before the Most High, getting rid of angry thoughts, offend, anger and hatred.
  7. Ask saints to give you strong health, excerpt and patience, thanks to which you can survive all the difficulties.
  8. First of all, you need to resort to consulting qualified doctors who know which drugs are prescribed when infertility, and may also indicate the causes of this kind of problem.

Prayers to get pregnant

There is a lot of prayers that can speed up the process of fetal conception. We will consider some of them with you, which, by public opinion, are most effective.

Prayer for the Blessed Virgin Mary

This prayer must be pronounced before the icon. Blessed Virgin Mary. You can go to the temple, and you can also contact the holy at home, if you have an icon of the Virgin in the house.

Prayer sounds like this:

"Oh, the Great Martyr, the Most High Mother of our Most High, our defender. To your face, Moluba will go to your face and clone with faith with a physical one. Our most humble, look into my eyes, more than once sinned, I fall to the facility. I want to ask, let my unforgettable plea will be heard to you. I pray, you will be thrown on your son, in order to illuminate my dimensional face of the grace of the Divine and Praise, it will help to clear my mind from dark thoughts, and my hearts will be aspiring and healing the wounds deepest on it. Let my thoughts put in order, will send me all sorts of good and strengthened my thoughts to my thoughts, let me be forgiven for all the evil perfect. I ask you, oh, the Mother of God, to save me from the torthes and the mind of your son, let him do not deprive me of the kingdom of his heaven, let him fall to me. As a mother, I hope you, healer. Do not refuse my request, help me to find a heavenly miracle, our baby is desirable. Oh, the Holy Our Great Martyer, you complained everyone to contact you with a purified and sincere faith. I do not allow me to sway in the deepest routine of heavy sins of my. On you, network and sincerely believe in salvation and I hope for the patronage of yours, oh, the Mother of God is glorious. Thanks and glorify the Lord of our, that I sent a happiness to me a limitless marital. I beg you, the Virgin Major, only your Molims will send to me and to my husband to my Miracle from Heaven, the hell is so long expected, and God expects the womb of my fruit. May he strengthen in me the Voluska of the Lord and in the glory of him. Moving the impact of our dunes on happiness to parents. Amen".

Prayer circulation of a childless couple to the Lord

Strong prayer that helps speed up the process of pregnancy. With faith, the Lord, the prayer appeal will be heard, and you can become pregnant with a child.

"I look for you, our Most High. We appeal to all saints. Hear My Muzzles and my husband, your slaves (your name and name of the spouse), Lord is merciful and almighty. Yes, you will answer our prayers, went help. Begging, dropping away to us, the Most High, not to leave our prayer speeches, remember the laws about the extension of the kind and the increase in the human people and become the patron saint of our, help with your help to preserve the predetermined you. God, you created a silholate with my powerful of nothing - everything has laid the beginning in the noteworthy of the world of this world: I created the human body for the likeness and the highest secretly awarded the Union of the Suprussky with the Church. Allow our Lord, on us, the marriage of the united couple and those who focus on your aid, let your mercy come to us and we will be ready for reproduction and we will be able to become pregnant with a girl or a boy and see our children, to the third and fourth Generations, and to the deepest old age we will live and come to your kingdom. I ask you, hear me, oh, our almighty ruler, come to me and Odari woven my child. We will not forget our grace and will serve you submracting with our children. Amen".

After the prayer is pronounced, it is advisable to regularly attend temples and communion. Prayer that helps to conceive a child is permanently read until a pregnancy comes.

Prayer Matrona about the speedy occurrence of pregnancy

Many people who want to become happy parents in the near future, resort to the help of Moscow Matron, turning to her with prayer appeals.

So, in order to get pregnant, a woman and a man will be able to go to the temple and contact the Matron of Moscow, getting up before her face. Or, if you have an icon of this saint in the house, you can pray at home. But before this, it is advisable to confess and compete.

So, with a peeled and gentle soul, to quickly feel parental happiness, you need to read such a prayer:

"I appeal to our blessed Matronushka. You, the most humble, always adjacent and listening to just, in the middle of the moluba and hear me, grief in the soul melting, adopting before you. It does not take away and now the compassion is yours in relation to me, sinner and naughty. I pray, help to heal the illness of the family friendly and sincerely believing ours, to get rid of the tortures and unclean, the subboids convey our cross, given by the Lord God we. Our very blessed, hope for the Most High, the moths to sleep over the souls sinful, let him forgive us for all the evil that we have done. Let our sins, malice, hatred, insult and thoughts are unclean. Help him to bestow us with a girl or a boy is healthy and kind. Believe and networks on the condesception of your and the gentlemen of our God to have a durable, correctly looking into the future and excessive feelings are warm to all near their family. I appeal to the Matron of Blessed. We hear our prayers, do not refuse us at the request of ours. Amen".

Prayer Matron on the rapid conception of a child

There is another prayer that helps become pregnant with a child in the near future. You can pray the matron in any Orthodox church, where the power of this holy or her face is present.

Apply to the Matrona with these words:

"Oh, the blissful Matronushka, he died in heaven in front of the Lord's throne standing, resting on Earth resting, and endowed with more grace all sorts of miracles emitting. Looking indulgent gaze to me more than once sinless, in briefings, ailments and various temptations of unclean. Met's moles are exhausted, help to heal from the illness of the scratched one, to get rid of my trouble, who eat me from inside all. Let me feel like a woman, the happiness of a mother having a son or daughter. Pray for me in front of the Lord God, let me be forgiven for all the evil, committed by me, for all the fall and lawlessness, for I am guilty of heaven and bow to you, Blessed, I ask about the grace of your heaven. Do not leave me alone with the problem of mine. I hope the network to help your and the Most High of our, I have hope for your Heavenly Silhoshka. I appeal to the Matron of Mostrose. Amen".

Appeal to Nikolay the Wonderworker for the help of a child's conception

People to become happy parents often turn to Nikolai the Wonderworker, in the hope of his pardon and wonderful strength. After all, become pregnant with a child - it is nothing more than a miracle given from heaven by the Lord God.

To bring the moment of conception, you need to come to the temple and pray the Lord, asking him a blessing. And only if you consult God, you can become an icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker and read such a prayer:

"Oh, kind of our shepherd and the Bogomdrome mentor, the saint of God Nicholas. We are praying our sinners, you will hear the sinners, contacting your face and about the mound of asking. We call for help you, the minister, help us become happy parents, give us a daughter or a son healthy and kind as you. Do not refuse those who ask you for the blessing. May your mother feel the troubles of parent. Help to heal from the pain of the scary. St. Nicholas, the gossip, moths of the Lord about us. Amen".

Prayer Matrona to get pregnant by the girl

Many family, at the stage of planning the baby, they want to become pregnant with a child of a certain sex. According to statistics, most of the representatives of strong sex want the girl born. And if the spouse agrees with his beloved in this desire, then asked how to get pregnant with a prayer with a girl. The time of time, the life of her own sex in the womb was originated in the mother's womb, it was necessary to pray to the Holy Matron.

So, before moving to bed, a woman should wear pinkish-red underwear, spread the blanket in the same color and try not to get up until the first sun ray. In the morning washed with soap pink colour and drink a pink liquid - Fresh, decoction of berries, etc. After, pronounce such a prayer:

"The Matronushka of the Great Martyr, a strong soul. Intimuate your heavenly. You, all those who have been helping and all those who need a guarding, help me in solving the problem of pressing. I ask the Most High through you, it's up to him with plenty to him and ask him to be mad for him and my sinning sin. Please, so that I (my name) gave birth to a new, my daughter is healthy and good-natured. You helped many to become happy daughter's parents, so help me, what I would not be. I'm sinful in front of you, but your network for mercy is yours, and condescension. Whether we wonder us. Amen".

Prayer appeal to Alexander Svirsky to conceive a boy

And so that the woman gave birth to a boy or prevented twins, you should contact the prayer request to Alexander Svirsky.

Prayer helps to conceive a son, sounds as follows:

"O, helping to all those who suffer Alexander, the assistant of the guardians of the guardians of the Heaven, the gloomy, the humble minister of the Mother of God. We, like your other living with mercy, with faith and sincere feelings for you, appeal to the plenty of help. Subscribe about our souls to the Lord to the Almighty, ask him mercy and condescene in relation to us. Let us give us, the slaves of God, about the child so desirable, the new life of your sex. Ask for their own, Alexander, the world for the family union of our and consent. Amen".

Prayers to make a healthy child

In addition to prayers, contributing to the acceleration of the process of conception, there are other prayers that help safely transfer pregnancy and give birth to a healthy child.

prayer to get pregnant - "Against

In this video you will learn what icons of the Virgin and how

Highly powerful prayer, in accompaniment mantra for take

Prayer appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos about pregnancy preservation

When a pregnancy woman is hard, tormented toxicosis or interruption threats, it can pray to the Holy Mother of God and ask her blessings to support.

Prayer looks like this:

"Oh, the Most Holy Mother of God, I need to smuggle me, the work of God (your name), help me in a minute difficult. I hope for your mercy and support to the Lord God. You, as the mother of the Most High, the life of him who gave it, the Savior of the shower of the stiments, I am alone with me and in my own attention to my attention. And on the inexhaustible mercy of your Odari and me, the slave yours, God's mercy. As others, you helped, so help me feel the joyful feelings of maternal. Hear me, oh, the Most Holy, take off my prayer from my mouth and ascend the eyes to me, exhausted, the grace of his own. Amen".

Evaluation 5 Voted: 2

A real woman is designed to bear life and raise young children. This desire completely coincides with the dream of pregnancy and birth. Especially sharply felt this need when a decent, beloved man is found. Desire to bring love in a new one little man It gets stronger. Sometimes attempts to get pregnant to anything do not lead to anything. And it becomes clear: the appearance of a person to light is not so much a biological problem as spiritual, philosophical. Then comes to mind appeal to the highest forces giving life.

Prayers from infertility for women can be heard in temples, holy places, in miraculous icons. First you need to correct your physical health, calm down and understand: children are not given just like this, they need to ask them, pull out. It is better to talk to the father, order the forties about the health of themselves and her husband, prayers. Prayers from infertility for women are spelled out in church compilations about maternity. With the words of requests for help need to contact the Virgin Mary. So, as she, no one knows the problems of a woman. Always hear the appeals relatively recently canonized Holy Matrona. From her no hope no one leaves. Saint Alexander Svirsky will help, because and his mother could not once become pregnant. St. Petersburg St. Petersburg has so read the family that after the death of his spouse dressed in his clothes and did good deeds from his behalf. One of the favorite saints is Seraphim Sarovsky - to give God the prayer about the child. For him, the Most Holy Maria was 12 times, he knows how to push human petitions.

Prayers Alexander Svirsky. Saint Alexander are treated with the following prayerful petitions: about the admission of health, - Alexander Svirsky's prayer about the birth of children, - about the conception of the boy, - about preserving pregnancy and the birth of a healthy kid.

Prayer Alexander Svirsky about the birth of a son. But it will be easily a shower. The birth of the son is made praying to Alexander Svirsky. It is the appeal to this saint that helps not only get pregnant, but also to give birth to a long-awaited son.

To read the prayers about the healing of Alexander Svirsky: about the sacred glabel, angel of the land and human heavenly, reverend and the garde of our Alexander, the fairness of the Holy Most of the Holy Trinity, are many mercy of your living in the abode of your abode and everyone, with faith and loved to you!

We succeed as a temporary, and necessary for the eternal salvation to our permanent salvation.

Contribute to your victim, the waters of God, before the Lord on the enemies visible and invisible.

The faithful slaves of him, in the sorrow and sadness and the back of the screaming to him, the multi-breaking cry will hear and let us freeze from the death of our belly.

Yes, in the world, the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ will be in the world, and the Fatherland of Our Fatherland is based, in every piety of indispensable.

Buddes to all of us, the miracle, holy, Assistant fast in every grief and the circumstantit.

At the same time at the hour of death, our concentrant is a blessing intercession, but we will not betray on the solard of the air authorities of the Emodnago Mirodnigz, but however, you will be able to unreliable to go to the kingdom of heaven.

She, Father, prayer our nice

Not to persons to hope our, do not form our humble prayer, and preferably for us before the throne of the smallest trinity, yes, you will encourage you with you and with all the saints, we are unworthy,

in the villages of the Paradise Slaviti, grace and mercy of God in the Trinity of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever. Mamin.

Prayer from infertility men

Often, doctors argue that even with weak women's health can be pregnant if the partner will have strong and strong male health. You need to pass tests and to him. Not unnecessary will be a moral rest from the workload at work, prolonged night sleep, rejection of habits carrying the harm, and good nutrition. To prepare for conception, it is also desirable to go through a 3-day post, repent and compete. It is necessary to confess sincere in all sins. It will also benefit the prayer from the infertility of men, facing the holy Simeon Verkhotursky, who blessed the saints of Joseph and Mary Maria with a little Christ. Miraculous assistance to appeal to the icon of the Holy Father and Mother Blessed Virgin Mary - Joachim and Anna, who became parents in old age. Always for the rescue comes Saint Nikolai - the most recognizable and revered by the Holy in Russia, he is asked about the emergence of children and well-being in the family.

If you ask from the soul and learn to wait patiently, without paying for a problem, the result will be awesome! You can reinforce it with pilgrimages by holy places.

Pray for the message of the heirs not only people are childless. Often, those who would like to raise the heir, son come to the temple, but the Lord sent only daughters. Of course, in the modern world there are no big differences between the position in the society of men and women. The possibilities are almost the same for both boys and girls.

However, many people, especially men, wish to keep her sons on their hands. And since childbearing is part of the fishery of God, believers, of course, come to the temples with prayers about the heir to them. In conception and birth of sons, many saints help, but the prayer of Alexander Svirsky is traditionally assumed in Russia. Reviews of believers about the wonderful acquisition of the heir confirm the spinning attitude of the saint and his attention to human concerns. Many people say that their prayers were heard and a long-awaited boy appeared in the family. In addition, in long days of waiting for a miracle of prayer gives strength.

How long have you been reading the holy?

Holy was canonized by the Orthodox Russian clergy in mid XVI century. This event occurred in 1547, a few years after his death. When the first prayer Alexander Svirsky was spoken about the birth of the Son, it is impossible to say, because the reverence of the Holy believers began long before the official canonization.

The life of the saint was drawn up in 1545 by one of the people being prescribed during the lifetime of monks, Igumen Irodion. According to the prescription to the lives, the relics found in 1641, the relics of St. Alexander were fluent.

Who was this man?

What people go with their specific aspirations to the images of certain saints is not an accident. Of course, and Prayer Alexander Svirsky at the birth of a child did not appear just like that. Her appearance is due to the life of the saint.

According to the biography of Alexander, named at the birth of Amos, was not just a welcome and long-awaited child, but also exhausted. He saw the light in a small village near the introduced-Oyatsky monastery, called Mandera. The parents of the future were not particularly wealthy peasants, distinguished by high piousness. Mother of him for many years praying the Lord about the child's child. Moluba was heard, and in 1448 a children's cry was ranked in the house of the peasant family.

Having reached the age of 19, Amos left the native house and retired to one of the Valaam monasteries, where he died with a novice for seven years, after which he accepted himself and was naschay Alexander.

What is he famous for?

Of course, the prayer of Alexander Svirsky about the birth of the Son did not occur only on the basis of piety and fortresses of the faith of his mother. Holy honored the venerations of believers at all due to the characteristics of its appearance.

Having taken a post, Alexander retired one of the distant islands, where he led the life of hermit in the cave, indulging in prayers. This island is called holy in our time. It is on him that the Savior Transfiguration Monastery is located and, of course, Alexander Skirt Skit, to see which pilgrims come from all over the country.

In 1485, hermitting was interrupted, the future saint went to a small lake near the Sviri River. Subsequently, Alexander-Svir Monastery was founded in this place.

Alexander became the only one from the canonized Orthodox saints, awarded the vision of the Trinity. It happened this miracle on the 25th year of serving His Lord.

How to pray?

Alexander Svirsky's prayer about the birth of a son is not much different from other requests with whom people turn to the highest forces. You can pray as using the already ready-made, compiled texts, and expressing thoughts and aspirations with our own words. The main thing that should accompany prayer is sincere hope for the Lord and the limitless faith.

Alexander Svirsky's prayer about the birth of a son may sound like this: "Rev. Alexander, the sadness of the Heavenly Road of Human before the Lord! Do not leave without a meal, Doni to the Lord, humble Molub. I hope for the mercy of yours, Rev. Alexander, and the power of the Lord. With humility I pray you about the dressing of the heir. With pure thoughts and deep faith, without despair and despair, without roping on the fishery of God pray for help. Help, holy intercession, in my son's son, my family. Amen!"

Birth of a child - happy and significant event In the life of each family. But not always the fulfillment of desires depends on us. Often there are situations when a happy and loving couple cannot have children. In this case, it is not necessary to hope only for science, and you need to try all the ways in order to gain happiness. Their number includes prayer Alexander Svirsky.

What the reverend Alexander Svirsky

In order to understand why the Rev. is considered a patron in matters of health and childbearing, it is necessary to learn a little about his lives.

The priest appeared in 1448 in the village of manners, not far from the Sviri River. When baptized, the boy gave the name Amos. His parents were deeply believing people. Two senior sons left parental house And therefore the mother with the Father prayed to send them a son for a long time.

Soon, the elderly spouses had a son who was grew by obedient, Krotsky and God-fearing boy.

Having matured and accepted by Holder, he entered the story as St. Alexander Svirsky.

Son's birth prayer

Knowing the history of appearance on the light of Reverend is not difficult to understand why in the Orthodox religion to handle a prayer about the appearance of a boy's family in the family of Alexander Svirsky. Justice should be noted that this is not the only request from which you can contact the saint. There are several prayers to born on the shores of the Sviri River Priest. As a rule, Alexander is asked to provide the following help:

  • restore health;

  • for the emergence of a healthy child.

Anyway, all the petitions addressed to this saint are associated with the theme of childbearing and the readable itself is a prayer for the birth of a son.

You can pray to the presence every day, as needed, but it is important to remember that it is better to read prayer for greater effect on Sunday, standing in front of the saint icon.

This article comprises: a prayer for the birth of a boy of St. Alexander - information is taken from the center of the world, electronic network and spiritual people.

Reverend Alexander Svirsky

The pious parents of Alexander Svirsky had male and female children. Then their childbirth stopped. They began to pray to God so that he gave them the Son to consolation and support for their old age. The fruit of their prayers and was Alexander Svirsky. Then after his death, he prayed to Holy, to have male children, and the prayers of believers were fulfilled.

About the sacred glabel, angel of the land and human Heavenly, Reverend and the gardener of our Alexander, the fairness of the Holy Humpover and the same Trinity, are the Many mercy of your living in the abyss and everyone, with faith and love to you! We succeed as a temporary, and necessary for the eternal salvation to our permanent salvation. Contribute to your victim, the waters of God, before the Lord on the enemies visible and invisible. The faithful slaves of him, in the sorrow and sadness and the back of the screaming to him, the multi-breaking cry will hear and let us freeze from the death of our belly. Yes, in the world, the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ will be in the world, and the Fatherland of Our Fatherland is based, in every piety of indispensable. Buddes to all of us, the miracle, holy, Assistant fast in every grief and the circumstantit. At the same time at the hour of death, our concentrant is a blessing intercession, but we will not betray on the solard of the air authorities of the Emodnago Mirodnigz, but however, you will be able to unreliable to go to the kingdom of heaven. She, Father, Prayer is our nice! Do not hope for our hope for our humble praying, and preferably for us before the throne of the smallest trinity, yes, you will encourage you with you and with all the saints, we are unworn, in the villages of the paradise Slaviti, grace and mercy of God in the Trinity of God, Father and Son And the saint spirit, forever and centuries. Amen.

About Reverend and the garde of our Alexandra! We succeed to us all the time for the time of temporary safe, and our need for eternal salvation is necessary. Buddes us, the servants of God (names), the wonderfulness of the holy, in every grief and the circumstantitory speed. At the time of the hour of death, our competence of a bit of death, but we will not betray on the solarms of the air power authorities of Miriorzhtsa, but however, they will be able to unreliable to go to the kingdom of heaven. She, Father, Prayer is our nice! Not to the persons of the hope of our hope, not the despise of our humble prayers, but it's assumed about us before the throne of the lifestyle of the Trinity, and you will encourage you and unworthy of the Esma, in the villages of the Paradise Slaviti, grace and mercy of God in God Father and son and saint spirit, forever.

In the scenario sincere about the birth of the Son, consult myself to God's intercession Alexander Svirsky. I offer you text in a clear Russian language. Read it at home.

There is nothing sinful if you want to see the child of the Magnifier.

The main thing is that the child is healthy.

If your daughter is born, please do not angry Jesus Christ.

And let your love be mutual.

Go to B. orthodox church, buy 6 candles and icon Alexander Svirsky.

3 of them put to the image of the Lord God, silently begging him about the gift of the Son.

At any time of the day and night, get in the locked room.

Light the remaining candles. Next, place the icon of Jesus Christ and the presented Alexander Svirsky.

I slowly read the prayer, each time it is hiding and believing in Holy Orthodoxy.

Oh, Rev. Alexander Svirsky, I fall for you with moles, do not sprinkle me with Grozny contempt. I dream about the birth of a son, I hope for Christ in soul. Swells for me in front of him, and I'm sorry for evil doing. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen.

The best solution will be if each of you ask the elder Alexander Svirsky about the blessing and vacation of sins.

God for you health!

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Prayers about the conception of a healthy child

The appearance of a new life is a real miracle. So that everything went well, you should resort to the powerful assistance of the Lord and His Saints.

Family couples who are ready for the birth of a baby must reinforce the child's health not only by a preventive examination, but also God's help. Child - Avenue in a married union and the meaning of the life of every person. Strengthening a happy and healthy child will help strong prayers.

Prayer for childless families

This prayer is so strong that it should be resorted to at the time of complete confidence that you are ready to become a parent. If you planned a child for a long time and your married union can surround it with due love, care and caress, read prayer words:

"The Lord Almighty, hear the prayers of slaves of unworthy (names) and lower the light and help on our requests. Your commandments are calling for an increase in human genus, so do not turn away from us into such a secret one. Let us keep your canons. The strength, love and power of yours made the land, people and marked the beginning of the life of all living things. So do not turn away from our requests, the Most High, give people the United Union of Church, the blessing and grace of their own. Help find fertility and see the intimate sacrament in the child's raising. Until deep old age we will honor the life of the righteous. Famous your name forever and ever. Amen".

The prayer of the Virgin about conception

Who, if not Virgo Maria, the mother of the Savior, is able to help with its strength and power. Read prayer words is necessary twice a day: in the morning and in the evening, the icons of the Virgin:

"Oh, Queen Heavenly, Saint Virgin, the mother of our Savior, the intercession of each mother. We appeal to your help with the faith of sincere. The life of your life and the righteous acts of yours are blessed, so drop out of us who cursed before you, with your grace. We ask you, mother of mothers, pass the prayer to our Lord. Let him be graceful to cleanse our thoughts and healed the wounds of bodily and spiritual. I pray forgive me that it was previously done, so my sins did not affect the life of the baby born. Your mercy we hope. Give us a strong kid who will be happiness immeasurable in our marriage. Only prayers addressed to you, I can expect a long-awaited child. Yes, this desire of your and God will be entrenched. In the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer for conception of a healthy child

This prayer should be pronounced in the morning. The spouses are preferably praying together or apart in the same hour, strengthening their requests with a prayer for the fulfillment of desire. Holy Test:

"The grace of the Lord is similar to the source of inner strength and faith. Let the way open for the magical birth of a new life. I hope for the power of God, reading these words facing the Creator and the famous. Oh, the great, I beg you, I and my body give you the opportunity to give a new sinless life to this world. Heal from restrictions My life, God, let alive and healthy child get into my existence. Always kingdom your heavenly. I sleep with your power. Amen".

Prayer about conception of a strong boy

The prayer for the birth of a boy should be paid to the desires of God Alexander Svirsky:

"You, the Holy Angel, Rev. Alexander, the Puncher of God, who helps the slaves of unworthy (names) to live with the grace of your love and intercession. We appeal to you with grace and submissions, you will be paid to your aid. The mind of the Lord about the long-awaited miracle, about the emergence of a new life. Help their power to our lives. Do not refuse assistance and increasing the miraculous heartiness to our requests. We molim about the intimate birth of the Son, who after us will be to serve the Lord. Yes, do not turn away from us, saint, let the grace of God and the grace of God come together with birth. Amen".

Prayers for conception of a healthy girl

About my daughter should ask the Holy Matron. About us early years He found the intercession of God and the gift of foresight. Her strength will help to find miraculous assistance to spouses whose thoughts are engaged in the birth of the girl. You follow these words:

"Oh, Blessed Matronushka, giving every soul help in the days of misfortunes and difficulties of worldly. During his lifetime, you got used to listen and advise the suffering, hear and my prayers, but do not turn away from the request of mine, help with mercy to me (name), unworthy and sinful soul. I pray, heals the disease, get rid of the temptations of the demonic and help to convey their lives to the kingdom of heaven. The mind of the Lord for us: me and my spouse, for our life, let sins will be released, as they are in them with all his heart. Let the Almighty give us a girl, a healthy, strong, clever and beautiful. I beg and hope for your strength, the magnifies of the Matron. Let your love and intercession illuse our life. Yes, your name is famous. Amen".

It is possible to pray for conception with your own words, the main thing is sincerity, strong faith and hope in the best. But reading prayer words should be correct. Happiness, good luck, love, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

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Is there a prayer for the birth of a boy?

In Orthodox prayer, there are many prayers that are read at a certain need. There is generally accepted boy's Birth Prayerwhich is directed to Saint Alexander Svirsky. Why a lot orthodox families Are you asking for help from this holy? Is the prayer requests facing Alexander Svirsky, help families to give birth to the Light of God's Child Male?

Alexander Svirsky was a long-awaited child in the family, for a long time His parents could not have children and literally poured their child from the Lord. Therefore, very often orthodox people Rail their own boy prayer This saint. In the people there are thousands of stories about how after the hot prayers and true faith in the help of Alexander Svirky in families, the long-awaited and welcome male kids were born.

Consequently, it will be logical after prayer in your own words to say his request. The clergyman Gleb Grovyovsky speaks about boy's birth prayer Next: "First of all, it is necessary to pray to God about what? The increasingly "Napa is to look for the kingdom of God, and this will all apply to you. (LK 12.31) ".

Therefore, in prayer pre. Alexander Svirsky have such words: "The very hour of the death of the end of the death of us, the intercession of the blessing, and we will not betray on the solarms of the air authorities of the Emodnago of Mirodigz, but however, they will be unprecedable to sunbathing to the kingdom of heaven." The meaning of the appeal is. And everything you need will give God at one time, if he pleases ".

Therefore, it is necessary to read the text of the generally accepted prayer with full humility and faith by the gentlemen, the words should come from the veryest souls and should be understandable to a person. Truly believe in the help of God, and in your house will surely sound a cheerful children's laughter.

Prayer Alexander Svirsky about the birth of a son

Someone dreams of a wonderful daughter, and someone wants to give birth to the Son. Of course, we can say that who is born the son or daughter is still the main thing that is healthy. But it will be easily a shower. The birth of the son is made praying to Alexander Svirsky. It is the appeal to this saint that helps not only get pregnant, but also to give birth to a long-awaited son.

So, if you do not want to braid your daughter's braids, but to play with your son in football, then Prayer Alexandru Svirsky for you.

Read it more often. And soon birth little Son There will be a remuneration

But the words of prayer Alexander Svirsky about the birth of a son.

"Oh, the sacred head, angel of earthly and human heavenly, Rev. and the gardener, an elder Alexander, a fairable wives of the Most Holy and Soborous Trinity, many mercy living in the monastery of yours and everyone with faith and love flowing towards you, revealed. Strongs of the slaves of God (the name of his husband and her husband) All the time for the time of the temporary exhaust, which is saved to our eternal salvation. Possess the intercession of your own, if we are in every mournfulness of the opposition. At an hour, the last earthly life would be nearby, do not leave, but support. Holy Father, our prayer is nice! Do not persecute our hope, do not prize our prayers, but it's assumed about us before the throne of the lifestyle of the Trinity presented about the request of our CHAPTER'S CHAPTER. Yes, you will fit together with you, the Father's holy and with all the heavenly fathers in the villages of the Paradise Slaviti, grace and mercy of God in the Trinity of God, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen".

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