Repairs Design Furniture

Where to start a renovation in the apartment. Where to start repairing the apartment and finish it in the shortest possible time. Video: What you need to know before the start of the repair of the apartment

1. Good mine with a bad game.

Silk from 100 percent polyester. Tile "Under Stone", Linoleum "Under Parquet", Laminate "Under Onyx", "Trigark" under Ralph Lauren. Cerambrants "under Python". "Artificially aged" something there ... It is even embarrassing about it. Alas, the room will not pass. Polyce good interior logs. There is a stone everywhere - it's a stone, and a tree - exactly what a tree. If there is no money for a parquet, and a simple laminate is below your dignity, look for a good engineering board. As a result, you will get the floor that looks much more expensive for money spent on it. A good alternative to porcelain stoneware for kitchens, bathrooms and hallways - cement tiles. The result will look more expensive than the stock edge.

2. Leave the ceiling alone.

All steel just obsessed with ceilings! If you think sensitly, causing attention to the ceiling, you just remind everyone about its existence. And accordingly its height. The ceilings with a height of two sixty will not turn into, although the magnificent vaults are melting somewhere in the unthinkable embroidery. This can not be that you would have enlisted "decorator tricks." Just accept it. High door openings can make much more for your home than a ridiculous five-layer ceiling with neon backlight. Let interior doors be height two, say, twenty. And the door handles slightly lower the centimeters for five to seven. Showing a non-standard approach, you will be pleasantly surprised by the result.

3. Selecting the paint for the walls, consider the color of the house.

Neighboring. If you have a bright living room, let the hallway be painted in a deep, relatively dark color. The cost of paint in any case will be the same, and the result may look really expensive.

4. Buy modular laminate cabinets in the store, And do the doors to them in a good joinery workshop.

It will give you a significant savings, which, however, no one will ever notice. The same is true for equipping the kitchen.

5. If you still acquire the finished cabinet furniture, Let the pilkers of the facades be dark, and the meter's panels are simple (rectangular).

Remember: Light tree always looks cheaper. Avoid yellowish and reddish shades of veneer. And, saving on the furniture itself, wait on good pens!

6. If there is no money on a good carpet, look for carpet from viscose or blended fibers, imitating a silk or woolen pile carpet.

Select the color and texture that suits you and order a piece of the size you need. For additional small money, its edges will be tested.

7. Put the curtains on a dense lining.

Even inexpensive curtain fabric from this will seriously win. Look for a three-meter width fabric. It gives significant savings. If you are not ready to spend a lot, refuse to adequate textiles (fabrics with a pattern). When laying tissues with a pattern, due to the need to properly docile the web, there are many trimming. The more rapport - the more waste. Do not use a curtain braid for the porter. Let the seamstress laid "manual" folds. It is not so expensive, but the folds collected on the braid look very cheap.

8. Set headset set. The same things in the interior are permissible only in one case: if these are paired things forming a symmetric composition. And leave the sconce from one set to whom God did not give imagination. They are also the sets of upholstered furniture "sofa-two chairs" and the like tender sadness. Read more - see the next item.

9. Finished solutions.

Bad news: they are not. At least for us. The shower room is erected by a construction method because it is a room. If you do not hold a student hostel or underground massage interior with a striptease, a shower (this is a sad construction of a yellow acrylic and a peasive door) you will not work. Do not shiver on the "designer" plumbing. Let the appearance of the plumbing equipment of the bathroom (kitchen, bathroom) will be dictated by the function. Buy washbasins and mixers of simple forms, without an inappropriate decor. The toilet must be inconspicuous and cope with its duties. Nobody will admire them, right?

10. Pictures, Estampa, engraving, photos and posters Frame into simple, but deep frames with glass and necessarily in the passecut.

Even the picture, printed on a home inkjet printer (or naive child drawing), in such a framed looks very significant. Play with the sizes of the passe. Little work in a very wide client looks like a very "designer". And, by the way, the cardboard for the passecut can be almost any color.

11. Comfort. Another collective fetish.

According to my observations, the fact that in our Palestines is referred to as "comfort", in 99 percent of cases - poetted close. In many ways, this is the bodily memory of the past childhood, about the warm and gentle scarce Soviet life with carpets, sisite saprophites, a good grandmother, Czechoslovak Crystam and by anyone who is not a reader in the polished Polish wall "Gankka". The coziness will not yet add an expensive shaveless type of a round bed with music and a minibar, a bar counter with a built-in aquarium, etc. The same is true for such rich things as Lambreken, Garland and Svag. Do not worry: in a good, thoughtful interior, the comfort inevitably comes naturally. Therefore…

12. ... Goodbye, Gypsy Sir!

Duples from the Boszya in small Nefertiti, towels in scarlet roses, "outstanding" shades of pillowcases, nylon blankets with Shanghai leopards. All this is the attributes of collective farm chic, sorry for the directness. They will not add comfort. The painting is often necessary for these things solely in order to hide their exceptionally lousy quality. Let bed linen and bath towels will be simply white (options: ivory, extractive). But from Excellent Egyptian cotton.

13. However, the ivory is also important not to overdo it.

Peach, beige, sandy ... The average nuance gamma is good for network hotels. As their screen interiors are obliged to like everyone. Your interior should like you. After all, he is the manifestation of your essence, right? Take in your hand fan palette of any manufacturer of paints. Do you feel pleasant severity? These are your features. Do not miss them!

It is very important to identify the real scope of work and relate them to their financial capabilities. All design and design decisions must be taken before the start of repair work. Redoing consignable, long and sometimes impossible.

Why start repairing the room?

Having coped with the preparatory process and being in front of bare encouraged walls, you still do not fully imagine all the volume of upcoming costs and works. However, it is already possible to navigate where and what will be, which colors are optimal in a particular room and where the computer, TV and other electrical equipment will be installed. We definitely pay attention to the location of the windows and the need for additional lighting rooms. What for? Because starting repair follows from the equipment or re-equipment of the electrical network, including the location of the lamps - the main and additional.

It is necessary to do in old apartments that are repaired completely and in new buildings. It's no secret that in new homes, the wiring is mounted without taking into account the wishes of the owner. Each Novosel has invariably arise a desire to make the most accommodating housing for their needs. The abundance of electrical equipment requires an optimized powerful power grid with many branches. Very uncomfortable in the new apartment to unwind all sorts of extension cords and install additional outlets.
In parallel with the electrical network, mount the air conditioning system and the elements of the fastening of the heating network devices. It is also necessary to perform work, requiring loaves, drills, cutting of grooves, fines, recesses and other ugly walls, gender and ceiling, accompanied by the formation of dust and fragments of bricks, concrete and gypsum. Then calmly clean the garbage and proceed to the preparation of the foundation of the future floor.
Here are some options:
Installing a draft millet;
Pouring a concrete screed;
preparation for the installation of a warm floor;

What's next?

The next stage of repair work concerns windows. If replacement is required - change. If the windows are already installed and satisfy your request, then this stage is missing, without forgetting to inspect the state of slopes, the presence of thermal insulation, the sealing of the slots. It is worth checking how the flaps are open and closed, there is no distortion, what are the vertical and horizontal levels. It is very difficult to eliminate these seemingly obvious disadvantages after plastering and painting walls or sticking wallpaper. Internal window sills are also desirable to install. Polyethylene film will help protect them from splashing and putty.
Of course, this work can be done later, when installing interior doors, but this option is more practical.
If the wall room requires additional leveling and a significant amount of work before painting, then calculate the total number of building mixtures required for the processing of all walls to be repaired. Building materials, despite the high cost, should always be taken with a slight margin. It is very inconvenient to run for a bag-two putty, which, as a rule, ends in the most inappropriate and responsible moment.

Sequence of work on repair and decoration of the room: Frequent questions

What is first: band screed or plaster / putty wall?
The answer to this question is unequivocal - before starting the walls of the walls, it is necessary to finish all the preparatory work with the floor. It should be ready, after cleaning, to the installation of decorative flooring. Floor coating is mounted last, be it laminate, parquet or bulk floor with 3 D effect. The prepared base of the floor is closed by cardboard or film - it will make it easy to remove traces of plaster works, and such arise inevitably.
Prior to the start of putty-plaster work, it is necessary to finish all manipulations with plasterboard, if any. All partitions, niches, decorative and functional parts must be made before the "wet" phase of the finish. All the works of this kind, including the ceiling leveling, must be performed in one technological cycle, so as not to return to them, remembering, for example, that "somewhere here" a niche for storing a ski or installation of a safe.
What at first: floor covering or installation of doors?
Outdoor coverage of any type should be formed before installing interroom doors. This will help to avoid mistakes when they are installed and achieve a minimum gap between the threshold or the floor plane and the door sash. Installation of the door - the work is clean and accurate, not requiring the use of solutions, glue or other substances capable of blurred clean floor. The tools used to damage it at the same time, with neat work, not in a position.
But it concerns the doors directly. The door frame can be put before - before aligning the walls. This will allow you to remove all the gaps and irregularities near the opening. If the walls and openings are originally perfect, you can postpone the installation of the box for later.
In case of early installation box, it is important to take into account the height of the future flooring!
What is first: glue wallpaper or laying a laminate (parquet, carpet)?
The wallpaper of any type on the prepared walls are glued before the start of work on laying the decorative flooring. This is true for painting walls.

True, on this issue there are different opinions. Supporters of the second option respond to this question as well as the question that first: paint the ceiling or glue the ceiling plinth. According to their position, the wallpaper is glued after installing the floor and the ceiling plinth, because it is possible to replace the walls of the walls at any time, not the touched plinths neither from below. And the edges of the wallpaper just just cut into the level of the plinth.
Painting the ceiling is made after installing the upper plinth. In this case, it is very convenient to eliminate all the irregularities and loosenness of the connection, and then the plinth and the ceiling are painted in one intake and look monolithically.
What is first: stretch ceiling or wallpaper / painting?
The specificity of the stretch ceilings allows them to install them at the final stage of the repair work, after painting the walls and sticking wallpaper. This work is very clean, and damage the walls or the floor when it is fully difficult.
The principle of the priority of work "top-down" in this case does not work. It concerns mostly traditional repair work. New technologists make their own adjustments. Specialists who mounted stretch ceilings are recommended to invite them by the end of repair.
If you make a short list of sequence of repair work in the room, it will look like it will be in this way:
wiring; heating and air conditioning system; Preparation of floor base; dismantling / installation of windows; Preparation of walls under wallpaper or painting; ceiling (all works); Painting of walls or pasting wallpaper; finishing floor; installation of doors; thresholds and outdoor plinth; Stretch ceilings. This order is not an axiom. Each master chooses the sequence that is convenient to him. But in general, the order looks like this.

If you wanted to change the interior in my apartment, or you got a new housing, requiring finishing, then before buying building materials and hiring workers, you need to take care of the main components of any repair in advance:

  • project - i.e., the development of a new interior design;
  • estimation - you must approximately represent how much money will need for repairs;
  • the correct sequence of work produced is important to adhere to the professional scheme of the repair process.

To make it easier to navigate in such a difficult matter as the apartment repairs, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the recommendations below.

Depending on the scope of work, the repair can be divided into cosmetic and capital.


Overhaul implies the beginning of repair work in a new apartment or a complete replacement and reconstruction in the old housing.

The scope of work includes the following items.

  • Planning the size of the rooms (if necessary, you can connect or divide the territory).
  • Replacing or updating plumbing, moving and adding outlets, planning new lighting. If necessary, shifts are made for laying hidden wiring ,.
  • Window and doorways change, the most modern embedded furniture is selected.
Photo before and after repair

Overhaul requires a lot of time, so as not to sleep on the newspapers among paint and plaster, it is worth taking care of the place of overnight. They say nothing so spoils relationships as repairs in the apartment. At this time it is better to move to relatives or rent an apartment.


Cosmetic or superficial repair will help create a new design, get rid of small breakdowns and update the interior.

Repair work will affect the coating of the room without changing communications. In this process, it is possible to turn on the walls of the walls (putty, painting, wallpaper sticker), laying a new floor covering and ceiling finish.

Start repair

The first thing is worth starting, this is a clear plan of what you want to get in the end. Further make up the estimate and determine the sequence of work.

Repair plan

Of course, all to the smallest detail will not be able to plan, but it will save tenants from typical mistakes, for example:

  • incorrect arrangement of communications;
  • damage the finishing materials due to the violation of the correct sequence of work;
  • commissioning in the repair process: As a result, it is poured into an additional purchase of building materials, lost time and high costs.

To avoid the troubles listed above, it is useful at the stage of compiling a sequence and schedule of work to invite specialists from technical services responsible for communications. Their councils will help to correctly arrange the system of communications in the apartment and avoid alterations.

Many ideas arise in the process. When a certain stage is already completed, it is often not possible to return to the previous one. Think about your dream a hundred times better than paper, and only then shall be done in practice.

If you do not own virtuoso application programs for three-dimensional modeling, then a simple and accessible to each scale plan on a sheet of paper is suitable. The shape and size of the room that requires changes, observing all the proportions of the walls, the distance from the windows and doors. Each plan has a unique purpose: for the planned application of light instruments and sockets, room areas, furniture and marking of wall coating and floor. So it will be convenient to measure everything and calculate. Below is an approximate step-by-step planning instruction.

Room zoning

We ask the question where to start repairing the room, it is necessary to repel from its direct purpose and divide the space on the zones. If this, distinguish areas for games, recreation and child classes. Making repair work in the kitchen, determine the workplace for making food and space for family meals.

Separation of zones produce in different ways, it can be unusual decorative curtains made of threads, a rack with open shelves, a small step, a LED backlight, a place of change of one floor covering to others.
Options are presented on video:

Fully show the designer fantasy in the color scheme. Combine pleasant shades, do not be afraid to experiment. Whatever the interior picture originates in your presentation - everything is real and you can do it.

Color combination table in the interior

In the second plan, according to zones indicate where it is better to put the appropriate furniture, put the TV and other necessary home objects. It is important to take into account the intended sofa size, refrigerator, tables and other things to draw them with large-scale accuracy.

The remaining space can be filled with light or multifunctional furniture.

Placing outlets and lighting

Now it is about something about how the space should look like that and where it will be. It has time to figure out, in what place to position the outlets and hold a secret cable channels. For the sake of fire safety, the sockets must be in easily accessible places so that if necessary, it was possible to quickly turn off the electrical engineering from the network.

A separate important topic is lighting. The visual perception of space depends on the lighting, the feeling of comfort in the room. Therefore, at the project stage, it is necessary to determine the location of light sources.

Multi-level lighting in the kitchen

Choice of coating

Each room has its own priority coating of walls and gender. At the stage of planning style in the premises, it is necessary to analyze which coating will be better and more practical for a particular room.

Choosing a coating for the hallway, think about the abrasion resistant to the floor coating. You can combine laying in different directions or different varieties of material to separate the zone around the front door.

For the repair of children, the age of children takes into account, their activity in the desire to draw on the walls. Accordingly, it is better to choose washable wallpaper and durable floor.


Repair scope directly depends on the budget. Exemplary tests for materials and payment for workers are calculated in advance. Even if you do the finish, you are planning yourself, for, plumbing, electricians or stretch ceilings will need to hire specialists. You should not make these works without experience, remember the familiar saying: "I pay twice the miser."

Do not be lazy to travel more building stores, familiarize yourself with the prices on sites. Cost in different retark points can be very different.

If specialists are hired for finishing work, it is necessary to conclude a written agreement on the volume, quality and rates. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting an unpleasant surprise in the form of dear and poor-quality repairs.

Stages of repair

Adhere to the following order of work.

So, you finally became a happy owner of our own housing or simply decided to radically change your interior. Among the many logical questions that have arisen in connection with this leads the main one: how to organize everything correctly to implement all ideas into reality and forget about the subsequent repair for many years?

Of course, with a question of repair work, you can easily understand, resorting to the services of the professional workshop of masters, but everyone knows that this pleasure, especially in the era of the financial crisis, is far from every family.

In addition, it is much more pleasant to transform your favorite housing with your own hands, putting a part of my soul to repair.

Capital or cosmetic?

Apartment repair can be divided into two groups: capital and cosmetic. The difference between them is the initial state of the housing and your own desires.

Overhaul involves redeveloping rooms, installation or disassembly of electrical wiring, replacement of windows, doors, plumbing, alignment of ceilings, floor and walls, communications snap. It is appropriate for such a sequence of apartment repairs in a new building or in a dwelling, whose layout you want to change dramatically.

Cosmetic repairs involves replacing housing without global destruction: putting the walls, plating wallpaper, reconstruction of ceilings (or installation of mounted / stretch), painting or restoration of windows and doors, replacement of flooring, plinths and platbands.

Apartment repair sequence: Step-by-step instructions

Step 1. Decide with the design

Well planned - half done, so first of all, you need to understand what you want.

In order to decide on the layout, design and style, get visual information: Polytende the interior design catalogs and decor ideas, take care of what your friends and acquaintances have done in their apartments, because there are much more profitable to learn from other mistakes than on your own.

When choosing a style, pay special attention to the color solving of the rooms, because from what color you choose, comfort, mood and even the health of you and your loved ones will depend on.

Psychologists have long been proven by the system of influence of color to the mental state of a person:

  • salad and green colors in the interior are toned, improve brainwriting (such a solution is perfect for the office, a schoolboy room or student);
  • yellow, coffee, cream shades create sensations of heat and comfort, and therefore ideal for bedroom, living room, kitchen and hallway;
  • blue and gentle blue colors in the interior are set up for tenderness, relax and calm and soothe, and therefore are often used for bedrooms and children's rooms;
  • but with red, orange and bright purple colors in design, it is necessary to use extremely carefully, as they are able to act exciting and create the effect of "wall pressure". Such color solutions are suitable only especially creative and expressive images.

In parallel with the choice of color gamut, decide what and where you will be. Here the arch will appear instead of an ordinary door, in this room - a stretch ceiling with a starry sky, and here it is certainly a parquet floor ...

Then it will be necessary to estimate from which materials it will be going on, and then it is to determine the manufacturers of these materials and calculate the price, but about it a little later.

Step 2. Make an apartment plan

Inspired by the idea, I should not strive to run to the construction store for materials. First make a clear housing plan, make measurements of rooms, width of door and window openings, layers, batteries, wiring to the kitchen cooker, etc.

Even if you take advantage of the plan of the apartment plan from BTI (by the way, if you are planning a major overhaul, you will need permission from this organization), you still need to double all the protrusions in the apartment. Often the walls are slightly twisted, and in the documents such nuances are not fixed.

Step 3. Calculate the budget

To monitor the amount of financial costs, it is very important to make a estimate, rationally calculated the number of necessary materials and their cost.

What should be included in the list:

  • building materials (putty, primer, tile and wallpaper adhesives, dry mixes, plaster, nails, plumbing and electric wiring and other);
  • finishing material (wallpaper, stretch ceilings, decorative panels, floor coverings, windows, input and interroom Deri, plumbing devices and elements, paint, sockets, cables, etc.);
  • the cost of the necessary equipment and tools (however, they can be rented or asked for a time of relatives, friends or neighbors);
  • the cost of work of professional masters (and without them can not do if, for example, you are going to replace the windows or install stretch ceilings);
  • article " unforeseen costs": As practice shows, it is impossible to predict all needs to predict 100%, something will certainly have to buy, so you will have to have a certain amount of" reserve "money.

Important Council: Buy building materials approximately 10-12% more from the initial plan. Believe me, even qualified employees are not insured from non-accurate use, errors and incorrectly calculations.

Step 4. Prepare space for activity

Before starting " active action", Free the apartment from personal belongings and furniture, transporting them to another place, for example, to the cottage, to the neighbors, in the attic. If there is no such possibility, carefully pack all existing things (leaving only the most needed that you need during repair) in cardboard boxes and tie them with scotch.

Repair is not only costly, but also long. Sometimes it is possible to remake the interior of the apartment with cosmetic repairs, which costs much cheaper than capital. But, if there are no other options, you have to do a full repair.

Where to start the overhaul of the apartmentSo that it does not turn into a long "epic"? After all, many people literally live in a state of repair years, trying to turn their apartment into a more cozy and beautiful accommodation. It is very difficult to make a major overhaul, and not all people will be able to cope with such a task. However, nothing is impossible. In this case, as a major overhaul, it is necessary to comply with the correct procedure, only in this case you can achieve an excellent result in a short time.

Overhaul of the apartment

Without a clear thoughtful plan, it is not worth starting to start a major overhaul. You should not only be good to represent how your apartment will look after repair, but also visualize the dream. It is best to develop a 3D project, but you can do and easier by the scheme. To begin with, you need measure the entire apartment. You should not trust the technical plan of the premises, you need real premises options. One centimeter can play an incredibly important role. For example, the ordered furniture may simply not fit in the laid place. To avoid similar situations, measure all the walls, openings, distances.

Record the results and based on them, draw the room plan in the scale convenient for you. Then you will need to decide on the zones (bedroom, living room, dining area) and distribute furniture. Only after that you can evaluate your idea, see its advantages and disadvantages.

If you are satisfied with the result, you can proceed to the second phase of planning. For this you need carefully think up communications. Electricity should be connected to the refrigerator, computer, TV. Take care of lamps, switches. The latter must be located in convenient locations. If you do not pre-distribute the furniture, then after the repair, the switch may turn out, for example, for a sofa or wardrobe.

The plan is ready, verified and rechecked, now you can start repairing.

Dismantling with overhaul of the apartment

First of all, you need to get rid of the previous repairs. Disassemble and remove the furniture, reach the old wallpaper, remove the linoleum or laminate. If you planned redevelopment, then deal with the demolition of extra walls. At this stage, it is important to think about the removal of the construction trash. It will be very much. Usually from one two-bedroom apartment, "waste" into two cargo cars.

Agree with the workers or use the services of special firms to quickly get rid of garbage. You should not put it before the entrance, it is fraught with quarrels with neighbors.

Preparatory work on the overhaul of the apartment

All is empty, the walls are demolished and cleaned from old repairs. It's time to do rough work. If you dismantled and tie, then you need to make a new one. At this stage, windows are changed, glazed or loggia. Spend all communications according to plan. Make 2-3 spare outlets, they can come in handy. Sockets located in inconspicuous places will help you avoid the need for extension cords that are noticeably spoiled the interior of the apartment.

After you make a wiring of electricity, plumbing and heating, you can proceed to the preparation of walls. Watch them out, align. The same process will also be required for the ceiling, in some cases - for the floor. On this draft stage is completed.

Start finishing work

The ceiling is finished first. You can just paint it, stick wallpaper or install a tension / suspended ceiling. The main rule is renovated - the movement "top down", so you will save your repair from pollution, and yourself - from unnecessary work. If you start finishing the room from the walls, there is a risk of staining them during the ceiling finish. That is why you first finish all the work at the top of the apartment. After that, you can proceed to the decoration of walls and gender. If you glue the wallpaper or paint the walls, then you first remove the installed sockets and switches. After the tile is laid in the bathroom, install and connect the toilet, bath or shower, sink. Do not forget about special conclusions for the washing and dishwasher.

Floor preparation depends on the material used. You can choose, for example, between. For example, many people think that the laminate can hide the unevenness of the floor. However, the height difference in one section should not exceed five millimeters, otherwise you risk not only the beauty of the laminate, but also by your calm. The fact is that the laminate can crack and will definitely creak.

It is better to protect yourself from problems and adjust the floors with the help of special solutions, independently receiving the form and leveling gear ().

Who to entrust the overhaul of the apartment?

Separately, it is worth noting the fact that construction brigades work a well-coordinated team of specialists. They can simultaneously install doors, lay the tile and glue the wallpaper. If you use the services of professionals, then, of course, the repair will end pretty quickly. But the cost of repair will increase significantly. Do major repairs on your own - the task is not easy, he accurately takes not only time, but also forces. Many apartment owners go to the "compromise" by hiring a brigade for draft work. All other finishes they are engaged independently. In this case, you can finish the repair faster, but to spend a smaller amount.

Everyone chooses himself, which is more important for him - money or time. However, we advise you not to save at work and materials, redo the repair is much more expensive than done right from the very beginning.