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I.S. Peresvetov Tale of Magmet-Saltan Mid XVI century. Ivan Semenovich Peresvetov. Tale of Magmet-Saltan

I.S. Peresvetov

Tale of Magmet-Saltan

Mid XVI century.

The king of the Turkish Magmet-Saltan himself was a philosopher wise in his books in the Turkic, and Sech Greek reads, and writing a word in the word in Turkish, Io, the great wisdom arrived at the Tsar Magmetia. Yes, the rivers of Tako Seitam, and Pasham, and Molnam, and Abyzam: "He is written by the great wisdom about the Blessed Tsar Constantine. You want the wiser philosophers themselves, but look in the books of your wiser, as about the great king Constantine writes: he was also born the source of wisdom of warrior; Written: From the sword of his whole sunflower could not be preserved. Yes, he was on the kingdom of his father, three years old from his kind; And from the alarms and from the unclean assembly, from tears and from the blood of the genus of the man of man, the rich vessels, and they were a righteous court, and they could not uninstalled on the MZDAM. Yes, the same non-clear blood and tears with a pillar to the Lord God on the sky with a great complaint. Velm Cheras Tsarev to the age of Tsareva richers from the unclean assembly. At the age of Tsareva, and the king honored to talk from his youth, and so much came to the Great Wisdom to the military and to the wonder of his royal. And Velmazheby, seeing the fact that the king comes to the Great Wisdom and to his royal wonder, let him be with the horse of his welfare, and he is written about him from wise philosopher in all countries: from the sword of his whole sunflower can not be preserved, and Velm Takos Reci: "There will be a lot of vigor from him, and our richness will be having fun with it." And the spectance of Magmet-Saltan, the Turkish king, the philosopher of his wise: "You see, I can be rich and lazy, and the king of Constantine eases and caught him the great lucavism of his and the tricks, the Wisdom and the Sword, and the Sword His tsarist shook his adorable enemy, and his sword was highly needed by all his enemies, and he managed Yeressyia herself. " And the spectance of Magmet-Saltan, the Tour Tsar, the philosopher to his wise: "You see, the God of tricks do not love pride and laziness, the Lord opposes that the Lord is anger, anger with his holy unfortunate for that of the execution? Like you see that God gave us the taller of the Veldago Tsar and on the Scripture of Mondogo High Source of the Source of Warrigag about the pride of Greek and about the bows? And the enemy of their god was angry, the fact of the Tsar Mondogo was dissected by eases with her and caught his breath and tamed his military. And the yaz you about Tom River, wisely with my philosopher: overturn me in everything, I would not be angry with me if we were not angry. "

In the summer of 6960 Pervago Tsar Magmet-Saltan Tourskoy, from all over the goal, all incomes in the treasury of Imah, and in no one in whom the city of governors did not give anything to his vitality in order not to be loved, it would not have been judged, and walked his nobles from the treasury Original, Tsarisk, who takes what it takes. And he gave the court to all the kingdom, and ordered Naduda IMATA to his soba in the treasury so that the judges would not be silent and would not be judged. Yes, I ordered the judges: "Not friends with untold, and not angry God God, and the truth is that God loves." Yes, he sent his pride, Pasha Vernaya and Kadi and Shibashi and Amina, and ordained Suditi right. And Tako Magmet-Saltan Tako: "My beloved brethren, faithful, judge directly and giving a heart joy to God."

Yes, in Male Tomny, King Magmet's judges, as they judge, and they brought the avenue before the king that he was judged. And the king did not learn about the guilt, only they ordered their lives alive. Yes, the rivers Taoco: "They also justice again by the body, otherwise they should be treated." And they ordered them to do it, and told the paper nabita, and wrote them on the skin: "Without such a thunderstorm, I don't introduce the truth to the kingdom." True, God is heart joy: in the king of his truth to hold, and the truth to introduce my king to the kingdom of his own, and Io loves my lovely, I found her guilty. And not by me, the king without thunderstorms of life; As a horse under the king without udes, Tako and the kingdom without a thunderstorm.

The king is spectable: "Not as much without thunderstorm, the king of the king hold. Jaco, the same contestant tsar Velotomas gave his will and the heart was having fun; They also have been happy and unfortunately judged and obsess ICTs in their faith in Christian kissing were imposed, right and guilty; And both are not right, and the plaintiff and the defendant, - one battle with his attachment is looking for, and the other whole goes: neither beat nor the ECMI banned; His suit is not searching, and both cross kiss, and God will change, and they themselves will die from God forever. And those in the hearts of their truths do not remember, so that God is angry, and that they are eternal flour prepares. And with those wrong judges in all the Greeks in the heresy sleeved, and in the cross kissing the sin did not put themselves, they were injured in all of God. "

And Tsar Magmet had a great sin and giving the great sin and god to such a court. And he gave one z lots of kissing; Casual Cross, sending a fire arrow against the heart and self-stall against the throat, and standing about the counterpart of death, the father of the admission of orders, his spiritual will spoke by the Euangelsk Proverbs: do not lie, do not steal, on false ambassadors, do not bouday, honor your father and mother, love your mother Jaco himself. That is, the king gave the Greek, z lots of kissing kissing: There were Evo Fire Arrief not killed, and he won't let him down on him, and he kisses his cross, and he would make his own, in what the court he was. And Turkom gave an acute sword, throat overlapped and West Piti, and the sword is invisible. And his moles told his malls at the same place and punish them in his faith of the Turkish from the same custom of Grechchikago: there is a sword with an ongoing it will not shut down, and he doesn't rush his throat, and his speech will bring him, and through the sword Shert dies, and his own It will take what the court he was, - that is, God's court. And they judged them in his kingdom without kissing kissing: Nagy, bow to the dungeon, the razors are cut, and the razor will put one place in secret, and who will find, that right, - that is, God's court: will take it on what the court he was , and his fault of his wave is alive to release from the dungeon, wave will dance it.


Ivan Peresvetov. Tale of Magmet Saltan.

"Tale of Magmet-Saltan" describes what this teaching was. Ivan Peresvetov invests in the mouth of the Turkish ruler lessons, which should extract the Russian king from the fall of Byzantium. At the same time, on the example of reforms that Magmet-Saltan in the country conquered him, he demonstrates the program to strengthen the state, the prevention of death.

The first lesson is that the king can not be given in his state the will of the Velosham. Rich and false, they excommunicate the king with a burner, catches their great debris and goats. Thus, the wisdom and happiness and the sword of his royal are humiliated.

The second lesson is that the king should be a formidable king. "Not powerful to the king of the kingdom without thunderstorms of holding" - such words says Magmet-Saltan with his subjects subsequently in retelling.

The third lesson, the taught by Magmet-Saltan, the following: "In which the kingdom people are enslaved, and in that kingdom people are not brave and the fight against the enemies are not bold: the enslave harm is not afraid, but he doesn't get honorably, although Silen or not strong And it is true: however, the Holopa, who does not arrive in me, will not come. "

These lessons, Ivan Peresvetov, Magmet-Saltan not only learned from the sad fate of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine, but also wrote off from Christian books.

In accordance with the lessons learned, the Turkish rulers carried out the following events in the country's conquered.

First, he ordered, according to Peresinaov, "From all over the kingdom, all incomes in the KazNU IMATA." Secondly, he did not give anyone in whom in whom in any area of \u200b\u200bgovernorship in order not to impose unrjoiced judgment. " Thirdly, Magmet-Saltan appointed his own worship a salary from his treasury in the amount of what anyone is worthy. Fourth, he "gave the court to all the kingdom and told the sage (ie, the court fee) IMATE to himself in the treasury so that the judges would not be tempted and not judged." Fifth, the Turkish rulers appointed the cities of his judges from loyal people's loyal people and told them "Suditi right." "Yes, at a small time, he searched the king of his judges, as they judge, and they brought the avenue before the king, that they were judged by the worship. And the king they didn't learn about the guilt, only they ordered them alive. Dae Against the body again, otherwise they are given wine. "Yes, they ordered them to do it, and told the papers to feed them, and he ordered the Iron cloves to his friends, and writing themselves on their skin:" Without such a thunderstorms of truth in the kingdom. True, enter your king to the kingdom, and Io belongs not to spare, found to blame. As a horse under the king without udes, so the kingdom without a thunderstorm. "In addition, Magmet-Saltan brought order in his army. He found that the warriors are judged by the commanders of their regiments - Pasha, and they are judged" duty-free and unwarfer, and the court is committed soon " . And so that the state does not weaken it, the warriors do not get off and the weapons from the hands are not released. For this, the Turkish rulers will always have the heart of them with his salary and food. As Peresvetov writes, Magmet-Saltan once hesitated his warriors: "Do not grieve, Brachius, inherited, we can not seem without service to land; Although little Tsar lays out and obtestoes, otherwise the kingdom will look at him and another king will get; Well, heavenly in the earth, and the earthly in heaven, the Angel of God, the heavenly forces, nor on one hour of Plamiannago weapons do not go out of the hands, keep and erased the human race from Adam and in every hour, and those heavenly forces are not staring. " So the king is Turkish, notes Perestekov, "gripped the heart of his army."

In the "big petition" Ivan Peresvetov repeats many thoughts "Tale of Magmet-Saltan". "Though the uninosty was the king, but made something like God" - such an assessment of the Turkish rulers is given here by the mouth of the Moldovan Governor Peter. "The Turkish Tsar of Sultan Magomet's great truth introduced in the kingdom of his own, at least an integrenennik, and delivered heart joy to God. That's if it would be the truth of the Vera Christian, then the angels would be in communication with them," Petr concludes. At the same time, the Moldovan Governor sees some phenomena that led to the death of Byzantium, and in the Russian state. "The wisels of the Russian king themselves are richer and in Lena are, and his kingdom is in poverty," he says. Nevertheless, Peter expresses confidence that, thanks to the faithful great king, Russian and the great prince of All Russia, Ivan Vasilyevich, will be a great wisdom in the Russian state.

In the "Tale of Magmet-Saltan" Ivan Peresvetov directly binds the fate of the Orthodox Christian faith with the fate of the Russian state. Greeks, he notes, the truth was lost and the god accepted and the belief of Christian was given to the wrong hand. "And now the Greeks are poured by the state kingdom of Blagovevnago, the king of Russkago from Taking Makhmetev and is still not the kingdom. And there is no other kingdom of the Water Christian and the law of Greek, and the hope of God is keen and the kingdom of Ruskannago Tsar Ruskago" (ourselongs. - V. T.).

In these words, Ivan Perestec heard something close to the idea of \u200b\u200ban older phyphyus about the Russian state as the last carrier of the ideal of the Orthodox kingdom. Such a repetition was not an accident.

The political and legal theory of Ivan Semenovich Perestelov went to their roots in Russian Orthodox ideology. The concept of "truth" in the compositions of Perestekov in essence, deprived of religious content - it is interpreted by him as a purely secular, not associated with any religion. Therefore, it turns out to be the possible implementation of the truth uninosty and even a non-Christian state truck. However, Ivan Peresvetov still hopes that the truth will be united with the Christian faith, and this does not happen somewhere, but in the Russian Orthodox state.

I.S. Peresvetov

Tale of Magmet-Saltan

Mid XVI century.

The king of the Turkish Magmet-Saltan himself was a philosopher wise in his books in the Turkic, and Sech Greek reads, and writing a word in the word in Turkish, Io, the great wisdom arrived at the Tsar Magmetia. Yes, the rivers of Tako Seitam, and Pasham, and Molnam, and Abyzam: "He is written by the great wisdom about the Blessed Tsar Constantine. You want the wiser philosophers themselves, but look in the books of your wiser, as about the great king Constantine writes: he was also born the source of wisdom of warrior; Written: From the sword of his whole sunflower could not be preserved. Yes, he was on the kingdom of his father, three years old from his kind; And from the alarms and from the unclean assembly, from tears and from the blood of the genus of the man of man, the rich vessels, and they were a righteous court, and they could not uninstalled on the MZDAM. Yes, the same non-clear blood and tears with a pillar to the Lord God on the sky with a great complaint. Velm Cheras Tsarev to the age of Tsareva richers from the unclean assembly. At the age of Tsareva, and the king honored to talk from his youth, and so much came to the Great Wisdom to the military and to the wonder of his royal. And Velmazheby, seeing the fact that the king comes to the Great Wisdom and to his royal wonder, let him be with the horse of his welfare, and he is written about him from wise philosopher in all countries: from the sword of his whole sunflower can not be preserved, and Velm Takos Reci: "There will be a lot of vigor from him, and our richness will be having fun with it." And the spectance of Magmet-Saltan, the Turkish king, the philosopher of his wise: "You see, I can be rich and lazy, and the king of Constantine eases and caught him the great lucavism of his and the tricks, the Wisdom and the Sword, and the Sword His tsarist shook his adorable enemy, and his sword was highly needed by all his enemies, and he managed Yeressyia herself. " And the spectance of Magmet-Saltan, the Tour Tsar, the philosopher to his wise: "You see, the God of tricks do not love pride and laziness, the Lord opposes that the Lord is anger, anger with his holy unfortunate for that of the execution? Like you see that God gave us the taller of the Veldago Tsar and on the Scripture of Mondogo High Source of the Source of Warrigag about the pride of Greek and about the bows? And the enemy of their god was angry, the fact of the Tsar Mondogo was dissected by eases with her and caught his breath and tamed his military. And the yaz you about Tom River, wisely with my philosopher: overturn me in everything, I would not be angry with me if we were not angry. "

In the summer of 6960 Pervago Tsar Magmet-Saltan Tourskoy, from all over the goal, all incomes in the treasury of Imah, and in no one in whom the city of governors did not give anything to his vitality in order not to be loved, it would not have been judged, and walked his nobles from the treasury Original, Tsarisk, who takes what it takes. And he gave the court to all the kingdom, and ordered Naduda IMATA to his soba in the treasury so that the judges would not be silent and would not be judged. Yes, I ordered the judges: "Not friends with untold, and not angry God God, and the truth is that God loves." Yes, he sent his pride, Pasha Vernaya and Kadi and Shibashi and Amina, and ordained Suditi right. And Tako Magmet-Saltan Tako: "My beloved brethren, faithful, judge directly and giving a heart joy to God."

Yes, in Male Tomny, King Magmet's judges, as they judge, and they brought the avenue before the king that he was judged. And the king did not learn about the guilt, only they ordered their lives alive. Yes, the rivers Taoco: "They also justice again by the body, otherwise they should be treated." And they ordered them to do it, and told the paper nabita, and wrote them on the skin: "Without such a thunderstorm, I don't introduce the truth to the kingdom." True, God is heart joy: in the king of his truth to hold, and the truth to introduce my king to the kingdom of his own, and Io loves my lovely, I found her guilty. And not by me, the king without thunderstorms of life; As a horse under the king without udes, Tako and the kingdom without a thunderstorm.

The king is spectable: "Not as much without thunderstorm, the king of the king hold. Jaco, the same contestant tsar Velotomas gave his will and the heart was having fun; They also have been happy and unfortunately judged and obsess ICTs in their faith in Christian kissing were imposed, right and guilty; And both are not right, and the plaintiff and the defendant, - one battle with his attachment is looking for, and the other whole goes: neither beat nor the ECMI banned; His suit is not searching, and both cross kiss, and God will change, and they themselves will die from God forever. And those in the hearts of their truths do not remember, so that God is angry, and that they are eternal flour prepares. And with those wrong judges in all the Greeks in the heresy sleeved, and in the cross kissing the sin did not put themselves, they were injured in all of God. "

And Tsar Magmet had a great sin and giving the great sin and god to such a court. And he gave one z lots of kissing; Casual Cross, sending a fire arrow against the heart and self-stall against the throat, and standing about the counterpart of death, the father of the admission of orders, his spiritual will spoke by the Euangelsk Proverbs: do not lie, do not steal, on false ambassadors, do not bouday, honor your father and mother, love your mother Jaco himself. That is, the king gave the Greek, z lots of kissing kissing: There were Evo Fire Arrief not killed, and he won't let him down on him, and he kisses his cross, and he would make his own, in what the court he was. And Turkom gave an acute sword, throat overlapped and West Piti, and the sword is invisible. And his moles told his malls at the same place and punish them in his faith of the Turkish from the same custom of Grechchikago: there is a sword with an ongoing it will not shut down, and he doesn't rush his throat, and his speech will bring him, and through the sword Shert dies, and his own It will take what the court he was, - that is, God's court. And they judged them in his kingdom without kissing kissing: Nagy, bow to the dungeon, the razors are cut, and the razor will put one place in secret, and who will find, that right, - that is, God's court: will take it on what the court he was , and his fault of his wave is alive to release from the dungeon, wave will dance it.

The king of Magmet is great about Tom managed, great truth In the kingdom, he introduced his own, and he specified the great sign of the signs of Grozny in order, the attacms of people would not have weaken in anything and God would not be angry. And the wisdom Tsar Magmet removed from Greek books, the sample was such a Greek of life. And Magmet-Saltan right-hand court in the kingdom introduced his own, and the lies brought, and God gave heart joy, and the Tako rivers: "God loves the truth of the louthes of everything: I do not like the king of the king without a thunderstorm; Jaco, the king of Constiantin Velikomama gave his will and his heart had fun, they were also happy and unclean, the risks, and the land and the kingdom weighed and in the troubles of Couploy. And for the Lord, God was angry at the king of Constantine and on Velmazz him and on all the kingdom of Greek unattheful anger with his holy, that they were not enough to be rushed and did not know that God loves the more truth. And do you give me to the same, so that God can be angry, and I would like a AZ with you? "

And he sent his own straightforward judges to those hails, threatening them to the harbor of Cercid, and gave them the books of the court, for which they rules and vinity. And the court gave them bare on all sorts of devil, and sent his Pasha, and Kadiya, and Shubasha, and Amen, that is, Tsareva's judges at all sorts of dear. And the warriors ordered their judges with the Great Thunderstorm Maldly Kaznost to do so as not to be tempted by the wrong trial. And the judges of his invented from the treasury with his royal salary in order not to be tempted by incoliate judge. And the mitgers are judged by Pasha, under which it is in the regiment of the military, and he knows his army; And it judges right for the great thunderstorms of prince duty-free and skewedly, and the court is accomplished by the essay.

And at the time the king managed and multiplied his heart and the army of his way, and he arranged his whole host of his own. For 3 years, for a year, he collapsed them with his royal salary from the treasury, whoever assists, and the execution of him to carry the end, the God was fulfilled for his great truth that from all over the kingdom of his, from cities, and from volosts, and from Votchin, and from - All incomes in the treasury His tsarist ordered to slaughter in every hour. And the moorings of those from the treasury chose their salary, who are called the treasury Tsarev, and after the evilors searches, if the royal order is called, and in order for the kingdom to do not hesitate. And the army of his tsarist from the horse does not quarre Nicoli and weapons from the hands are not emitted. And the removal of his own heart is always happy with his royal salary and Alafa and a speech of his Tsaro. And the rivers of the whole army to their own way: "Do not miss, breeding, working; We can't do without a service to land; Although the king becomes little laugh, and he is obstigious, Io, the kingdom will look at him and another king will get from the negligence of the royal. Jaco Heavenly on the earthly, and the earthly in heaven: Aggeli of God, the heavenly forces, nor on one hour of Plaplacenego weapons from the hands do not emit, keep and stron the genus of man's man from Adam and for all hours, and those heavenly forces do not bored the service. " Tako Tsar of the Turkic Magmet-Saltan asked the heart of his army, and yet the arson praised his speech of the royal and recliners: "Whether the will of God is doing, - that God loves the military, and whom we are killed for everybody, Io it is written, those sins are worrying his blood; So, the soul of our Lord will take the holy in their own hand, and such clean the alex of heavenly heights are filled. "

Tale of Magmet-Saltan

Ivan Semenovich Peresvetov - Russian Writer-publicist of the middle of the XVI century. Biographical information about it is very small. All of them are contained in its writings, with the exception of mentioning in the inventory of the royal archive of the XVI century: in the box 143 there was a "black list of Ivashka Perestekov"; Researchers believe that there was a matter of the writings of this author, in particular his petition.

On the basis of messages in the works of I. S. Perestekov and the comparison of them with other sources managed to establish that he "left" on Russia in 1538-1539, and earlier he served as he himself writes, three kings. The leaving from Lithuania, in Poland he referred to the discharge of the royal "nobles", served in the hired troops of Fyodor Sapiega. Service in 6-7 horses shows that it did not belong to the number of noble melkota. From the end of the 1528th, 1529 to the end of 1531 - early 1532, as part of the troops of Fyodor Sapgy, he was in the service of the Hungarian king Yana Polylias ("with the knowledge of the Polish king of Sigismund). Yang Papoliai accepted in 1528 the vassal dependence on Turkish Sultan I. S. Peresvetov, while in Budina (Budapest), could get acquainted with Turkish political orders, the Turkish army.

In 1532-1534, as part of the troops of the Polish magnate, Andrei Tenchinsky-younger, he served Ferdinanda, Austrian Erzgertzogu, King Czech (he was already talking about him in connection with S. Gerburstein). Further facts of his biography are unknown; We only know that about five months he was under the Moldovan court of Peter Raresha. The reasons why he left the service of Jan Saglia, as well as the motives for his departure on Russia, remain unclear.

Arriving to Moscow in 1538-1539, he immediately turned to the king with a proposal to adhere to the Russian troops of a special kind of hussar shields of the sample, which he took out of Lithuania, and was even ready to organize a workshop for their manufacture. In one of his writings, I. S. Peresvetov wrote about it like this: "And you, the sovereign, the samples of the service, I look, and Mikhail Yuryevich me, His Hall, ordered, and the samples of service Moya Mikhail gave. And Mikhail Yuryevich sample looked at you, a sovereign, my service praised, and for me, the sovereign was gone. " Here we are talking about the boyar M. Yu. Zakhariah, under the beginning of which I. S. Peresvetov arrived. M. Yu. Zaharin was not only an administrative figure, but also a governor who knew the artillery case. The workshop was organized, and Perestelov's shields may have been used during military operations. However, Soon, M. Yu. Zaharin died, and the service of Peresipet, according to his expression, "launched" the one began the eleven-year period of the Perestelov service, which A. And Zimin defines like "flour walking". It was the time of Boyarsky uncontrolled rule during the childhood of Ivan the Terrible, about which the king spoke so on the floor of the cathedral: "The bitter sorrow of the comprehension of us, I am a limit, and the kingdom is widowing, and Tako Bolor Our inconsistent time, who owns themselves to all the kingdom of themselves, to anyone Beginning from all the uncomfortable beginnings, and my sin and orphans and the victim of the member of everybody, the misfortune of the misfortune and the miscalculated bloodshed and dignity and expiration ... and the fear of my soul and the bone of my soul.

An eyewitness of the arbitrariness and self-government, abuses and violations was the persistence, moreover, he personally happened to experience the peripetics of litigation with " strong people":" And yours, sovereign, sorry, the place of great people from the outgrowths are empty. "

In the late 40s, the preparation of Ivan's reforms of the Terrible Period of the "beginning of the kingdom" began, progressive transformations aimed at strengthening the centralized state. In this setting, there are various projects created by representatives of different social groups. Yermolay Erazm transmits Ivan IV several works, which he meaningfully calls "three things from the ancients," and believes that they will serve "as a fiery weapon" against the boyars, "the meanings of their fooling." Maxim Greek writes for young Ivan IV "Heads are instructed by the supervisory law." The monks of the Monasteries near Moscow filed a muster king, which may have been used in the preparation of the stamp. A special commission was created to dismiss the malebulous complaints, on the basis of which a minor order was subsequently formed.

In this midst of September 8, 1549 and, S. Peresvetov filed the king "two books", where there was a small petition and other works; Here he, like other publicists, identified his projects of state transformations. Without receiving an answer, he again conveys a copy of a copy of the books transferred earlier, accompanying their new (large) petrot.

For information about his fate, we do not have.

The published "Tale of Magmet-Saltan" is part of the "Tale on the basis of the foundation and taking of Tsargrad" and is included in both the complete and abbreviated edition of the writings I. S. Peresvetov.

Translation S. A. Eliseeva; Implemented by publication: writings I. S. Peresvetov. M. - L., 1956, p. 151-161.

The text has been reproduced by publication: all nations are one of the essence. M. Young Guard, 1987

The nature and content of Russian journalistic literature, starting from the 40s of the XVI century, is determined mainly by the struggle of the ascending nobility and quickly visible to the political and economic decline of the dishevement, since the establishment of the institution in 1564. Officials finally lost their former social privileges.

Perestelov.The visible ideologue of the nobility in the Epoch of Grozny is Ivan Peresvetov, who came to Russia from Lithuania at the end of 1538-. early 1539 and declared himself from the late 40s of the XVI century. As an author of several journalistic leads and two petitions to Ivan Grozny. In those and others, he is an apologist of the autocratic Russian state, which primarily supports the interests of the nobility and organized on the basis of regularly operating officials and military apparatuses. On his writings, such works were reflected as the story of Nestor-Iskander on Taking Tsargrad, a story about Dracula, as well as Western European historical writings.

In "Talk about Tsar Konstantin Peresvetov allegicically depicts the dominance of the Boyar party at the time of the youngsters of Grozny. Peresvetov here, as in other writings, is a supporter of the royal "thunderstorms.

In a big petition, Ivan the Grozny Peresvetov, referring to the Volosk Voivod, already speaks directly about the dominant in the Russian kingdom of Boyar.

In "Tale of Magmet-Saltan" In disguised form, a whole political program is presented, anticipating later state reforms Ivan Grozny, in particular the institution of oprichnin. "Tale" begins with the image of the fate of Byzantium. The last Byzantine king Konstantin was a humane and meek ruler. By these qualities of the king, the boyars were used, who deprived his strength and power, as a result of which Byzantium was conquered by the Turks. Magmet-Saltan, the conqueror of Byzantium, believed that in state affairs the most important thing is true. He read this truth from Greek Christian books when Konstantinople took.

Magmet, realizing that the king is Silen and the famous army, cares about creating an exemplary army and in every way patronate him. Any offenses of Magmet eradicates sternly and mercilessly, guided by the fact that "like a horse under the king without a zesta, so the kingdom without a thunderstorm." Registrations of their subjects of Magmet not by the degree of their knowledge.

Magmet, finally, is an opponent of slavery, which he abolishes in his state, because "in which the kingdom people are enslaved, and in that kingdom people are not brave and the battle is not bold against the enemies." The compositions of Peresipetov are written by a simple, energetic language, almost completely alien elements of the church-Slavic speech, without ordinary contemporaries quotes from " scripture».

Curbsky correspondence with Grozny

A.M. Kurbsky - Publicist, a prolific writer, author of three messages to Grozny and "Stories about the Great Knight of Moscow", written in Lithuania. Middle boyar king Ivan, the governor. He changed the king and moved to the side of Lithuanians (Volmer city). Threw out an open challenge to an all-wire autocrat.

The Kurbsky style detects a skillful speaker in it, combining pattering of speech with slim and strict formal logical content of its construction. He inherited the literary traditions of his teachers in this respect - Maxim Grek and the Zavolzhsky Elders. Accuses.

Ivan shocked the Message of Kurbsky. And not only the content of the letter, but by the fact that someone dared to join him in a bold controversy.

The first messages of addressees.

Message to Kurbsky.In the first Message of Grozny (1564) and transmitted to him through the servant of Vasily Shibov, Kurbsky denounces the king in cruelty towards the Boyars. He addresses him with an angry speech built in the form rhetorical issues And exclamations. Next, Kurbsky lists all the persecution, which he underwent from Grozny, starting this part of the letter as follows: "Which evil and persecution from you did not undergo!". Shoots the king. This Scripture of Kurbsky promises to put with him in the coffin, going to the court of God. Talks about the reasons for his flight to Lithuania: "What kind of persecution and evil I did not undergo you?!". Clarity composition, clarity style. I wanted to convey my point of view to contemporaries.

After receiving soon in response to his slender election, the vernachable quotes, the Message of Grozny, Curbsky responds about the style of Grozny. This is "broadcast", "Multi-Hanging", "Rough" Message. Kurbsky is surprised that Grozny decided to send such a nonsense message to someone else's land.

The offense of Kurbsky on Grozny was the stronger that K. was aware of himself with one of those pursued by Grozny, which, like the king, occurred "from the genus of the Great Vladimir," which is an extension prince and reminded his persecutor. Kurbsky negatively appreciated the literary style of Grozny. He is hostile to the king. He is trying to compromise him not only as a sovereign, man, but also as a writer.

Message of Grozny. With the answer did not slow down. The letter of it is addressed not only to the latter prince, but also from the whole Russian land. Amazing the imagination of the message. A response letter of Terrible almost 20 times the letter of his opponent. It begins with a long listing of the Orthodox rules of the Russian land. Thus, the king Ivan wanted to promise Kurbsky. Next comes endless accusations of Prince in treason, extensive quotes from the Apostle Paul.

The Grozny was a man in well well, but he was alien to academicly weathered eloquence K. The Cup of Grozny was distinguished by an uniqueness, which was able to manage to freely manage the riches of language funds, books and spathers. The Scriptures of Grozny, brighter, the immediacy and ease of his speech, and still hot writing temperament.

Grozny was raised at Josephlantic literary traditions. Resolutely objects to the king to share his power with the boyars and against them to interfere in his order. The royal power, according to Grozny, is not criticized by subjects, as not subject to criticism and divine power. Referring to Paul's apostle, he claims that every power is being worn by God and therefore the opposed government opposes God. For their actions, the king is against the answer before God, and not before his "holopami". With anger and irritation, Grozny lists all the implants and resentment, what he endured from the boyars during his childhood. In his messages he discovered typical features Styles of their teachers - Josephlant. Reversion, spraying, a tendency to the solemn church-Slavic phrase, ahead with the spacious, rude and graft words, prosaic household details, figurative expressions. Epitts "Dog", "Doggy" are often attached to Grozny to his enemies.

Correspondence.Kurbsky molded the form of writing, tongue and style of Grozny. Irony and rushing. Such epithets like "broadcast", "multiple". Strikes terrible in styling. The prince reproaches the king that he could not send the barbaric message to someone else's country, where people over such letters can only laugh.

The second Message of Grozny to Kurbsky (1577) many times briefly first (Brevity - light, approx. auth.), It is written easier and clearer, colloquially. Expressive and picture language. There are spacious phrases. Grozny ironically tries over the prince-fugitive.

Kurbsky sends the Third Message to the Terrible. Life abroad native land imposed his mark on the tongue and style of letters of Kurbsky. In letters more and more polonism. Messages are built under the influence of Latin rhetoric (textbooks of oratory art).

Message to igumen.An even greater irony in conjunction with the ostentatious self-satellite, the message of Groznyy to the igumen of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery of Kozme with a brother, written in 1573, was a formidable operational boyars, who broke the monastery charter and who had a great living there. The message was sent in response to the request of the goats and the ordinary monastic brethren to stress the forgotten born monks with a harsh tsarist instruction.

The message of Grozny, as we see, besides your style, very shaped and emotionally saturated, valuable as a monument, visually drawing a household lifestyle.