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The first victories of Alexander Macedonsky briefly. Alexander Macedonsky - biography, information, personal life

The birth of Alexander Macedonsky

According to the records of Greek and Persian historians, Alexander Macedonsky was born on July 29-30, 356 BC. e. In the capital of Macedonia Pelle.

On the same night, Herostrath burned the temple of Artemis in Ephesus (Malaya Asia).

Alexander was born on the eve lunar eclipsewhich occurred during the daytime July 30, so it was not seen in the European part of the Earth and there were no records about him. It is in our time, with the help of a computer, you can say for sure when an eclipse occurred.

Eclipse July 30, 356 BC e. It was highlighted by the fact that during the eclipse of the moon was in an aquare, in a tense aspect (90 degrees.) With a black moon, which was in Scorpio.

Such a position is always dangerous for the fetus, as it stimulates premature labor. Equip the fetus can only energy the mother's energy.

But in this case, the mother of Alexander Olympiad as a zelery Vakhanka was often surrounded by snakes, on which an eclipse could have been severely influenced. Therefore, during an eclipse, its bioenergy field could decrease, which did not allow to protect the child from its impact. Most likely, it caused premature birth, and the child was born sevenway, which at the time meant - having a chance to survive.

Why seven-month? Yes, because the winter vakhanalia was held for the new moon, located close near the winter solstice.

The conception of a child by the Olympiad could occur at the final stage of the Vakhanaliy in 3-4 days, approximately December 23-25. So, Alexander was born after 31 weeks of pregnancy. I think that he was born in the morning (about 4 am local time) July 30, when the confrontation between the Sun and the Moon arose, and it was enough to start the eclipse, which created a voltage in the horoscope located in parallel to the horizon.

Supernatural abilitiesAlexandra Macedonsky

Often, children with such tension in the birth horoscope have congenital pathologies or cannot survive at all. Alexander did not have obvious bodily pathologies, but he had different eyes. One eye was like a feline - he could glow.

They knew about this pathology, as they were afraid of the view of people with different eyes and, especially with such a feline.

But the fact that this hereditary disease is dangerous to the child's life obviously did not know. Since Alexander pinned big plans to implement whom a person had to live a long life. And with this disease, a person's life could stop at any moment.

At the same time, such physical pathology of the eye, endowed its owner supernatural abilities. He could have energetically influence the people around the people, causing them fear, depression.

Over the years, with the help of skillful teachers, Alexander learned to read and influence people's thoughts. With such an energy, he could let himself near distance unclean powerTo receive the necessary information from it. Yes, and he himself could mentally move on large distance And see future events in their imagination.

When Alexander grew, for all it became obvious that Philip did not fall his father. Alexander was a fire-red, with snow-white leather, very sensitive to the sunshine, with eyes differently in color - one eye was like a cat, the other - like a lion.

These features of Alexander explained his allegedly divine origin that he is the son of Dionysus. But Dionysis was not red, and this characteristic color was transmitted only from parents, and is dominant. Obviously, they obviously knew at that time.

Although in childhood Alexander was inspired that he had to Dionysis, but when he had grown and could independently draw conclusions, she realized that he was not so smooth and reliably with Dionysus. In addition, under unusual circumstances, his official father, Philip.

Why Philip killed

Philip had an outstanding mind, cunning and cunning. Having extradited power, he showed not only beautiful military abilities, but the diplomatic gift and foresight.

Justian noted oratory Philippes: "In the conversations, it was flattered, and Covaren, in words promised more than performed ... as a speaker he was eloquently ingenious and witty; the sophistication of his speech was combined with ease and this ease itself was sophisticated."

He skillfully resorted to the bribe, than she gentle his warriors. In history, its expression remained known: "Donkey, loaded with gold, will take any fortress."

In addition, Philip, despite the fact that he spent his youth in the philas, did not resemble the enlightened sovereign, and the nravami and lifestyle was similar to the barbaric kings of Thrace.

The FEOPOMP, who lived at the courtyard of Philip, left such a murder review (Polybiy, 8.11): "If someone was in all of Greece or among the barbarians, whose character was different, he was inevitably attracted to the court of King Philip in Macedonia and received the title" Comrade King ". For the customs of Philip was to lay and promote those who lived their lives in drunkenness and gambling ... Some of them, being men, even purely shaved their bodies; And even bearded men did not shy away from mutual bad. They took with them two or three slave for lust, at the same time betray themselves for the same shameful service, so it would be fair to call them not by soldiers, but prostitutes. "

Drunkenness at the courtyard of Philip is struck by the Greeks, which severely crossed drunkenness and debauchery, homosexuality.

Athena adds that although the number of "counterparts" did not exceed 800, but they owned greater land than any 10 thousand rich Greeks.
The lifestyle of Philip shows that peoples with different cultures principles and spiritual values.

By virtue of their opposite views, these cultures could not live in the world. Therefore, war periodically managed between cultural centers. The culture of ELDAs represented cultural centers - Athens and Fiva, and the opposite culture - Delphi, Sparta, Macedonia, etc.

Philip in youth, together with his future wife, the Olympiad was dedicated to the cult of Dionysus on the island of Samofrakia.

But he was not as young as the Olympics and had life experience. Therefore, this dedication and the cult of Dionysis perceived rather as part of the political culture of the time. When he married the Olympics, he became more seriously and carefully to the cult of Dionysus.

The story has been preserved and about how, going once in a crowded to his wife, Philip saw on her bed of a huge, stretched along the body of the queen of a snake. He allegedly thought that this was not a simple reptile, but somehow, reincarnated in the snake.

Although in fact Philip was not so naive to believe that the snakes are Dionysis. Since then, he has no longer shared with the Olympics bed. Philip knew that he was not involved in the birth of Alexander.

At the same time, Philip constantly tormented the question of who Alexander's father. Obviously, he looked at all men who surrounded him, but had passed 20 years, and there was no one like Alexander.

And now Philip married the young Macedonka Cleopatre, which forced the Olympics together with Alexander to leave Macedonia and go home to Epir.

To smooth out conflict situation with the king of Epirus, Philip a year after own wedding I got a wedding of my daughter with Epirus Tsarevich.

And suddenly during Pir Philip kills his own bodyguard. Alexander returns to Macedonia and conducts an investigation, but no conspiracy finds.

It seemed that no one was interested in the death of Philip. Philipp played a key role in the preparation of hostilities against Persians, so he did not have enemies in geopolitics.

Discontent former wife The Olympics were filmed by the fact that Philip was given his daughter for the epirus king, which satisfied the ambitions of the kings of Epirus, including the Olympics, the daughter of the epirus king.

Alexander was also not interested in the death of Philip, since he taught him a military case, took with him the most responsible battles and trusted the defendant position. For example, he entrusted Alexander to protect the left flank in the Heroness Battle, where the fate of two cultures was solved - Eldlas (Athens and Fivi) and Macedonia with Sparta.

So what happened during the pyr? I think that the case was that Philip among the names of the guests saw, finally, a man who looked like Alexander.

And since Philipp was a very skillful diplomat, well understood in politics and actively took part in it, then seeing a person like his so-called son, he realized the whole secret intent.

A stranger, who realized the look of Philip, was aware of the danger of such a discovery for a certain circle of secret rules of world politics. Bets in this political game were too high to not pay attention to it. It concerned global politics not only in Greece itself, but in the whole Mediterranean and Egypt.

The stranger, most likely possessed magical abilities and could hypnotize the Philip bodyguard. And already in such a state, inspire the thought of the murder of Philip.

Father Alexander Macedonsky

Judging by the way Alexander took in Egypt - he was called the son of Pharaoh Nectanem II, so he was like him, then, obviously, Alexander had a relative root with him. But this pharaoh was a peer of Alexander, her older for 13 years. To understand the essence of intrigue, consider who could be the father of Alexander Macedon.

By the time Alexander of the Macedonian Egypt was divided into two states - Egypt, which were ruled by Persians - Upper Egypt and Eastern Delta Nile, and Egypt, which rules Libyan dynasty - Western Delta Nile, Oasis Siva, Ethiopia and the Libyan coast.

These two states were in a permanent war. Pharaohs of the Libyan dynasty were invited to themselves on military service (With mandatory payment) Sparta warriors, and the Persian kings are Athens's warriors.

Pharaohs named nectanen led his pedigree from the pharaohs of the Libyan dynasty, which had previously already rules part of Egypt. At the same time, the master priest, the guarding power of Pharaohs, was also from this kind. Therefore, in the historical chronicles left, the main priest is often confused with the name Nectanem with Pharaoh Nettane.

In addition characteristic feature Libyan culture is that the head priest had much more influence on the management of the state than the dynasta pharaoh.

Events developed in this way. at first western culture, Oasis Siva (Amon Temple) and Ethiopia Rules Nectanemb I, then his son Tahos, who because of an unsuccessful military battle and had to go to the side of the Persians and leave Egypt.

After him, his cousin nectaneb II became Pharaoh, who ruled Egypt for 18 years, 360-343 to n. e.

Obviously, this pharaoh had to be the son of the main priest of Amon and after his father was supposed to take this hereditary position. But circumstances forced him to become Pharaoh. Therefore, he could combine these two key positions.

It indicates his magical abilities, the ability to protrude the future and much more than the ancient Egyptian priests were engaged. In addition, he highlighted the colossal agents to temples, whatever he could do if he had been only as Pharaoh's posts. Records about the activities of this pharaoh are made in all temples that submitted to this dynasty.

Maybe the combination of two key roles in the state and the magical abilities of nectanem II contributed to the conduct of successful policies not only in Egypt itself, but also at the world level, which made it very popular.

So, when in 350 BC e. Persians made an attempt to conquer Egypt, nectanem II, inviting Talented Greek commander, Athenian Diophanta and Lamia Spartan, who, together with mercenaries, successfully reflected on the enemy.

Successes nectanem II had its own action in Phenicia and in Cyprus, where new uprisings against Persians broke out. He headed the anti-Persian coalition of Netheneb II and Sidonsky (Phoenician) Tsar Tennes, to which he was in 346 to n. e. I sent 4000 Greek mercenaries under the leadership of Mentor from Rhodes.

But at 345 - 344. BC e. Artaxerxes III Ohu managed to suppress the uprisings in Phenicia, Judea and Cyprus. Mentor with mercenaries switched to the side of the Persians.

Then the subsequent military successes of Persians in the Union with a number of Greek kingdoms (phiva, ARGOS, Greeks M. Asia) forced Netaneb II to run to Memphis.

In 342 BC e. Persians captured Memphis and the whole Egypt, and Netaneb II, having gathered his treasures, fled to Ethiopia, where he remained an independent ruler to 341 BC. e. What is the test of his inscriptions in the Temples of EDF.

About it historical event There was a memory of popular legends, where the king is described when approaching enemies and to reflect the danger, resorts to the arms of the priest - magical operations.

"After putting wax boats on the surface of the water, and raising the rod, nectanem II used the powerful word. But when he was granted at the dish, he saw the courts of the Varvarov managed the Egyptian gods. Realizing that he as the pharaoh of Egypt was issued by the betrayal of blissful, nectanemb II. He saw her head and beard to change his appearance, and, putting so much gold for the sinus, as he could carry, fled from Egypt through Pelusions. "

From the written one we can conclude that the blessed, that is, the good Egyptian gods were not the closest and native gods of the main priest. And he used them as servants, they were in his service like a goldfish in the fairy tale Alexander Pushkin.

For example, in the ancient Jews there was a secret magical teaching, according to which miracles could be created not only by Jehovah's strength, but also by the power of "Eloim Asherim", i.e. literally "other gods".

About the fact that the faith of the main priest of Amon in the Egyptian gods was only the theater representation, says the fact that Pharaoh Oasis Siva to move unrecognized to Ethiopia, with ease of all her hair, and changed out to other clothes.

Herodotus wrote in his historical chronicles, that in ancient Egypt, the priests constantly swung all her hair on the body. Only those who stayed in Tourura on the deceased were growing. And only Libians are the inhabitants of Oasis Siva, where he was the Temple of Amon, they did the opposite, they wore hair when they were happy, and swung her hair when they grieved.

Therefore, nectanem II Egyptians would not know, but by his beard and long hair On the head. Since the Mourning of Egyptians lasted for a long time, and the hair did not have time to grow significantly.

So, the Libyan pharaohs of the kind of nectanemb represented the other people who had their own God, and whom they were called the Egyptian name to Amon - invisible. Since it was convenient to hide your real God and its essence.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account that nectanem II, in accordance with his faith, fled from Egypt as Pharaoh, but not as a priest. Although for the Egyptians appearance pointed to his belonging to the priests, which was very convenient for disguise.

Priests Persians did not touch. Therefore, nectanem II Before leaving Egypt conveyed the position of the main priest, the son of his sister, and behind me only the royal power left. This position allowed him to behave freely, pretend to move around the world and attend rulers of other countries and peoples.

And since nectanem II possessed diplomatic and military talent, he naturally wanted to actively participate in world politics in order to realize the plan developed by him.

Therefore, it is not surprising that he could, after Egypt left, to visit his relatives and allies in Greece and Macedonia, who wanted to introduce him to the king of Macedonia Philip - an active participant of their political plans. The wedding of the king's daughter was an excellent pretext for meeting and political conversations.

Filipp, of course, was heard about the pharaoh of Egypt Netanebe II, his military exploits, magical abilities, so I was glad to acquaint this acquaintance. But when he sawing him, and especially his great similarity with Alexander, then immediately realized that the genus nectanes represent the royal genus of the people, who seeks to establish hegemony on a global scale.

For world domination, the leaders of this people came up with various cults, philosophical theories and other means, with the help of which the aristocracy of other nations corrupted, depriving her opportunities to continue their genus.

Under the guise of the intervention of the gods in the continuation of the kind, they encroacted their own offsprings. And thus, at the base of the royal childbirth, representatives of their people were put.

Nectanem II After reading Philip's thoughts, with the help of magic inspired his bodyguard to kill Tsar Macedonia. At that time, few people could guess the true cause of the death of Philip.

But after Alexander Macedonsky visited Egypt, where the people took it as Rupping from the flight of Pharaoh, the rumor came to Greece about this similarity. And, obviously, the political figures of the Greeks guess the reason for the murder of Philip.

Therefore, the Greeks gradually cooled to the cult of Dionysus, the vakhatalals held openly in the past. And the fans of the cult of Dionysus, so as not to attract attention to themselves, replaced his cult of Apollo and Asclepia.

Thus, the father of Alexander Macedonsky was the representative of the royal branch of nectanebs, and Netaineb II was a representative of the priest branch of this kind.

In Libyan culture, the royal power was passed on the men's line, and the priestly - on the female line.

In Egyptian culture, everything was the opposite - the priestly transmitted on the men's line. Therefore, by returning to Egypt after 11 years, Pharaoh Nektaneb II, and again becoming Pharaoh, gave way to the royal throne who arrived in Egypt after the death of Alexander Macedonian Ptolemy. And his (nectanem II) grandson, according to the tradition, took the position of the main priest of Amon.

Formation of the Messiah

After the death of Philip, Alexander opens a greater mystery that he is not some kind of Dionisa, and Zeus-Amon himself, and that he himself can see it when it is visited by Egypt, the Temple of Amon and hears the prediction of the oracle.

When Alexander came to Egypt, he was dedicated to the secret of Amon, that in the manifested form, Amon can take the appearance of God Sketch, the defender of the Pharaohs, the God of war and the desert.

In addition, the God of Seth was born in a spontaneous hour - all the gods of ancient Egypt were born during the winter solstice, only the set was born before, premature, chrome and fire-and-red.

And one more important feature of the village of Seta - he promoted homosexual relationships, men. These characteristics were largely suitable Alexander and his surroundings.

Alexander and his associates were people of their time, representatives of the culture, where the ideal was not the righteous, the coasting soul from the vices, and the hero capable of overcome any obstacles on the way to the goal. Their motto was slogan: "The goal justifies the funds!"

Naturally, Alexander wanted to become a great hero, the conqueror of the whole world. To capture the world, he called on his friends and warriors. And if they voluntarily followed him, hence, they believed him, and, as well as he was eager for glory, mining, adventures and immortality. Macedonians would never follow in Persia for someone, except for the "hero", that is, the leader endowered with extraordinary abilities, courage, passion for adventures and a halolessness of invincibility.

And in order for him to believe others, it was necessary that Alexander believed even more in himself. Anyone who seeks to the highest achievements, knows what a huge role is played by own volitional attitude, the power of imagination, their own thoughts and feelings. They ultimately, and determine the success of the plan, which is painted. Also, this leader should never lose faith in itself, retreat from its path due to failures. He must be able to use the experience of his own mistakes for its own purposes.

From this list of the qualities of the Hero, it can be concluded that the hero needs to raise, they can not be born. Therefore, all the stories about the divine birth of Alexander would not have the necessary impact on him, would not develop the ability to manage their own feelings, thoughts, imagination and will. And he was on the description of historians not as an exemplary child.

In orphanage, Alexander was distinguished from peers because he was indifferent to bodily joy and indulged them very moderately, but was too ambitious. Therefore, since childhood I envied the fame of the Father.

Plutarch recorded about the character of Alexander: "Philippe saw Alexander from nature to stubborn, and when it becomes angry, it is not inferior to any violence, but it can be easily inclined to adopted right solution; Therefore, my father tried to convince more than order. "

The major role in the upbringing of Alexander was played by Aristotle, who taught him to manage emotions, thoughts and imagination.

Aristotle was a follower of Socrates, Pythagora and, of course, Amon's priests from Oasis Siva. Therefore, he focused on the development of His supernatural abilities on the development of his supernatural abilities - Claints, telepathy and teleferences.

Aristotle taught Alexander to allocate some part of the consciousness and to be transferred to it in a conceived place, where with the help of clairviance and clarose the necessary information. Owning such abilities, Alexander could do in his military campaigns without geographic maps and intelligence detachments.

Currently, such technology is used by exploration of developed countries of the world.

At one time I checked this method on my mind, and saw his capabilities. When a part of consciousness is separated from the body and turns out to be in a conceived place, the perception of this part of consciousness is significantly intensified.

Maybe, physical body With its fields, somewhat oppresses or reduces the threshold of perception. Therefore, the consciousness separated from the body perceives the nature of much more sensitive - the air vibration is felt and even seeing the vibration of the air, nature acquires a brighter color, for example, the greens of tree foliage, herbs becomes brighter.

In addition, consciousness highlighted from the human body easily penetrates the consciousness of plants, animals, people. Everything around as if starting talking to you. And it fascinates that it is very dangerous, since it is difficult to easily go out of this state.

This is especially dangerous for children's consciousness, as children are not able to manage their own thoughts. Children may remain in such a state of debts years, and sometimes all their lives. Modern medicine This state of consciousness classifies as a disease - children's autism.

Thus, Alexander as a representative of the royal family developed also the ability of the priest. Possible combination of blood and magic abilities And it was a sign of the Messiah. Therefore, the priests of the temple of Amon took Alexander to a secret Masonic Order, which may still be preserved from the pharaohs of the new kingdom of Egypt.

The priests dedicated Alexander in secret knowledge, taught a telepathic connection with them, so that he was able to receive their advice in long-haired campaigns. Perhaps, they handed him at the time of his mission the Ring of Solomon, with which you can control Gins.

At one time, Gina helped King Solomon to build a temple. Solomon and his father King David were members and leaders of ancient masons.

Conquest Alexander Macedonsky

Armed by secret knowledge and talismans Alexander Macedonian held at first conquering hiking In the lands conquered by the Persians.

Then he tried to conquer India, but, having met decent resistance, refused further battles with the Hindu. He did not want to spend the forces of his troops to war, as the conquest of territories in the eastern direction was not included in his plans.

Therefore, by completing one of the points of the planned plan, it switched to the execution of other points. And these points were - the transition and conquest of the Arabian desert, a military campaign on Carthage.

But why it was necessary to fight with Carthage, if the Phoenicians were allies in the fight against Persians and performed a single front. The story is silent, and science is bypassed this fact, as if it is something insignificant, which is not worthy of attention.

But how can the ultimate goal of Alexander Macedonian campaign is ignored. Especially such a goal as the destruction of Carthage culture.

Fate did not allow Alexander to achieve the ultimate goal. Hikes Alexander Macedonsky still achieved significant success and he committed a number of feats and Empire Alexander Macedonsky had a huge territory. It is for these successful actions that can be unraased, which secrets owned Alexander.

Although there are quite a lot of them, but for our topic, a meeting of the troops of Alexander Macedonsky with the legendary Vasilisk is of interest. This monster of the Libyan desert killed his eyes. And Alexander applied the way the mythical Museum of Gorgon was killed, - he put the mirror on the way of Vasilisk.

Alexander was born in the Macedonian capital Pella. He took place from the valiant dynasty of Argead, which, according to legends, began his start from the famous hero Hercules. The father of Alexander was the Macedonian King Philip II. Mother - Olympics, daughter of the Epirian king. Alexander was brother Philip III, which was recognized as low-minded.

The boy grew in an ambiguous setting: he sincerely admired the valor of the father, leading endless wars with Greek polishes, but at the same time he experienced his dislike for him, since he was under the influence of a mother who settled his son against her husband.

Training Alexander at an early age was not at home, but on the established tradition - in relatives. He studied in the well, and teachers were Leonid, who insisted on the Spartan lifestyle and actor Lisimah, who trained the young heir to the throne of rhetoric and ethics.

From the age of 13, he began to raise a great thinker who was well acquainted with his father. Aristotle, realizing that he is a mentor of the future ruler, focused on the study of politics, ethics and philosophy. In addition to them, trying to give the ward a classic education, the teacher taught Tsarevich medicine, literature and poetics.

Alexander S. early years Showed such qualities as ambition, stubbornness and dedication. On the other hand, it was completely indifferent to physical enjoyment, limited himself in food and did not show interest in the opposite sex long enough.

For the first time, the father entrusted his son Macedonia, when it was only 16 years old. Philip himself went to conquer Byzantine, and at that time the rebellion was rising in his homeland, whose instigator was the Thracian tribes. Young Tsarevich, with the help of the regiments remaining in the capital, suppressed the riot, and at the site of the Thracian settlement founded the city of Alexandropol in his honor. After 2 years, he again acted as a successful commander, commanding the left wing of the Macedonian troops in the battle of Heronee. In 336 BC, Tsar Philip was killed, and Alexander proclaimed the king of Macedonia.

Great hiking

Having come to power, Alexander destroys the enemies of the Father, who were guilty of his death, and cancels taxes. Then, for 2 years, he suppresses the barbaric Thracian tribes in the north of the country and restores the power of Macedonia in Greece.

After that, Alexander unites all Elloud and makes a great trip to Persia, which all his life was dreaming Philip. It was the battles with the Persians fully demonstrated an amazing military talent of Alexander Macedonian. After the Battle of the River, the Brank river in 334 BC, almost all small Asia are under the rule of the Macedonians. And Alexander himself was sent to the glory of the greatest commander and the conqueror.

Conquering practically without a fight, Syria, Palestine, Kariya and other countries of the Middle East, Alexander went to Egypt, where he was met as if a new deity. In Egypt, the king is based on another city in his honor - Alexandria.

Returning to Persia, Alexander conquered Suzu, Persepol and Babylon. The last city became the capital of the United Powered. In 329, the Crown King of Persia Darius was killed by his closest, and Alexander again shows itself as a smart tactic and strategist. He announces that the killer kings are to blame for the fall of the Persian Empire, and there are no conquerors at all, and calls themselves the Avenger for the honor of Darius.

Alexander becomes the king of Asia and within two years seized by Sogdean and Bactria, that is, modern Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. By occupying new territories, Alexander laid the cities in his honor. For example, Alexandria Eschata and Alexandria in Arachosia, who have survived to our times under the names of Khujand and Kandahar.

In 326 BC Alexander Great took a campaign to India. He managed to capture a few tribes and conquer the territory of the current Pakistan. But, by going the Indian River, the exhausted army fogged and refused to move on. Alexander was forced to deploy troops back after a triumphant 10-year-old promotion deep into the Asian part of the Eurasian mainland.

The feature of Alexander Macedonsky as the ruler was that he took the traditions and beliefs of the captured territories, did not try to impose his culture and even sometimes left the governors of the former kings and rulers. Such a policy prevented a surgence of the uprisings of the conquered territories, but every year more and more caused discontent among compatriots. The same system will subsequently apply the ancient Roman emperors.

Personal life

In general, Harem Alexander Macedonian was calculated by the 360th concubines, from which Campasp was distinguished, she was his mistress for 2 years since 336, and the older Alexander was 7 years old by Barsina, who became the mother of his illegitimate son Hercules. In addition, its relationship with Queen Amazon Falaztris and Indian princess Cleopis are known.

Alexander's spouses were three. The first became Bactrian Princess Roxana, which the king took his wife when the bride was only 14 years old. They got married in 327. She gave birth to the only officially recognized child of the Great Commander - Alexander's Son.

After 3 years, the king married at the same time on two Persian princesses - the daughter of Tsar Darius Star and the daughter of Tsar Arksserving III Parisatide. Both of these additional marriage are considered perfect exclusively from political considerations. True, it did not prevent Roxane's first wife to inflate with jealousy and kill staton on this soil immediately after the death of her husband.

In general, Alexander Macedonian had enough advanced views for his time on relationship with women, whom he was very respected and considered almost equal men, although even his teacher Aristotle insisted on the secondary role of women.


In winter, 323 BC. e. Alexander begins to plan new campaigns against the Arabic tribes of the Arabian Peninsula and the conquest of the Carthage. But less than a week before the start of the enterprise, the Great Communion is seriously ill, presumably malaria. Although there are versions and the poisoning of Alexander.

For several months, he could not climb from his bed at home in Babylon. Since the beginning of June, he refuses his speech and overtakes the cruel fever, which lasted 10 days. June 10, 323 BC. The great king and commander Alexander Macedonsky died. At the time of death, he was only 33 years old, he did not live for about a month before his 33th anniversary.

Alexander, King of Macedonia, is one of the most legendary representatives of antiquity. Despite his very short life, The young king was able to enslave the impregnable Persian empire for only 12 years of his rule. And so far about the great commander there are many legends and myths. Alexander Macedonsky's biography still contains many white spots. So who he is this great personwho struck all with his war of war?

In contact with

The formation of a great commander

Greek king, the great commander Alexander Third - one of the brightest personalities in history. He was also called the Great and at the same time they celebrated the cruelty and the ruthlessness of this ambitious conqueror who had changed the whole course of history, the fate of not only their own, but also many other peoples of the world. Growth of Alexander Macedonian on current standards was low - 150 cmBut for that time he was considered average.

Place of birth of the Great Conqueror - Pella City, Year - 356 BC The father was the Macedonian King Philip of the second, who laid the foundation for future great conquests. Without this person, a future enormous empire would simply be.

The exam may need information about the name of Alexander's mother. Her name was the Olympics, in character, she fully corresponded to him, was an unusual, reasonable, greatest and strong woman.

The future ruler and the conqueror was particularly tied to the Olympics and relied on it. Mother played an important role In the life of Alexander Macedonsky.

Important! Mostly pay more attention to Philip II, but thanks to the mother Alexander Macedonian helped the Son to achieve unprecedented vertices.

Olympiad, Priestess Dionysus, Snake, promoted the suicide of the Seventh Wife and Children of Philip. It was she who became the regent of her son. While he was in the east, she was a competitive and assistant in all matters. The intellectual development of the future commander was engaged in the Greek philosopher Aristotle.

This is a teacher of Macedonsky in the sphere of policies and methods of government management. Father Philippe participated in multiple military campaigns, so it was practically not at home. The boy's upbringing was engaged in Aristotle, who paid special attention to the study of politics, ethics, as well as medicine, literature and philosophy. We can say that in his youth, the future conqueror received a classic Greek formation of that era.

Becoming the king of Macedonia in the twentieth age, in the first years of the Board showed itself as a great strategist and the conqueror, able to create a huge empire, whose territory reached the borders of India itself. The life oversaturated by martial campaigns ended too early - in 323 BC, Alexander was only 33 years old. Courage I. the activities of the young king They became an integral part of the culture and history of the whole world.

The feats of the Great Commander found their reflection in the work of writers, artists and cinematographers, among them it can be noted the following:

  • the works of the famous authors of antiquity: Diodorus, Siculo and Plutarch. Diodor Sicilian, historian of antiquity, wrote the biography of the Great Communion, which included the historical collections of the "History Library". Siculo dedicated to the Macedonian king a number of verses and songs that are among the first documents in Latin;
  • the Italian poet Dante Aligiery wrote about Alexander in the 12th song of 3 parts "" called "hell", where the narrative was devoted to the Tirana;
  • the figure of the conqueror still inspires many directories. Bright example He is the same film with Colin Farrell in the lead role, released on the screens in 2004.

Life full of conquest

At the age of 16, it was forced to temporarily replace on the throne of Macedonia of his father, who went to a military campaign to conquer.

Two years later, the young ruler had to defend the interests of his state and survive first military test - Battle of Heronee in 338 BC Macedonian army defeated the Greek army. In 336 BC, after Philip II was killed by the head of the Imperial Guard, his son took the throne of Macedonia.

The ascent of the young king on the throne was not easy. The death of his father created problems in the government and revived the hope of Greeks on independence from Macedonia. In addition, it stopped cooking to the invasion of the Macedonian troops in Asia to enslave the Persian Empire. After the destruction of enemies inside the government, crashing with conspirators And enlisted by the support of the Macedonian army, the king decided primarily to strengthen the positions of Macedonia in Greece. What areas were conquered by the army of Alexander Macedonsky during his reign.


In 336 BC Alexander was appointed commander-in-chief of the Military League Corinth. In the city met with the famous philosopher Diogen. Extravagant philosopher lived in a barrel, and he was very surprised by a similar style of the life of the young ruler. because the king agreed to execute Any desire for philosopher. He suggested to the ruler to move away, as he closed the sun. Surprised by the answer, a young warrior said: "If I were not Alexander, I would like to be a diogen."


In 335 BC. The city of the rebels of the bells was destroyed and his whole people turned into slavery. Having established solid positions in Greece, decided to complete the plans of his father Philippe and free the Greeks that are in slavery of the Persian Empire.

Conquest Asia

In 334 BC The Macedonian army arrived in Asia simultaneously with a huge fleet in order to attack Persians. There is information that Alexander first went to Troy to give tribute to the Great Greek Warrior Ashizless.

In the same year, the pride of the node was broken. According to the legend, a man who managed to do this became soon the ruler of all Asia. Legend was embodied.

In 333 BC The great warlord won the battle with the troops of the Persian Tsar Daria Third and liberated all Greek cities whose residents welcomed him as a liberator.

Finally, the Greek cities were free, but aria managed to run. It was required not only to strengthen the position of Macedonia among the Greeks, but also to capture the lands of the barbarians and Persians completely, creating the Macedonian Empire. It is these two wishes to promote Alexander to take a number of military decisions:

  • during the fighting period 332-325. BC, the Persian Empire was completely enslaved.
  • 332 BC The chyria and Egypt conquered, the inhabitants of their conqueror called the son of Amon. Such titles received only representatives of the Family Dynasty of Pharaoh.
  • 331 BC. The victory over the army of Darius was obsessed again, after which the conquest of the capitals of the Persian Empire began: Babylon, Susis, Persepole and Pazargada. After the death of Darius from the hand of Bells, the conquest of the Persian Empire in 327 BC It was completed.

The death of the Great Conqueror

At the age of 33, the king winner was at the peak of glory, but the misfortune was not forced to wait long. Numerous hosting costs have led the people and the government for intolerance regarding the new regime.

To avoid problems, a great conqueror built military Cities Fortresses In all strategic locations of the territory of the Empire, appointing them to the rulers of their nearest military leaders. All cities called Alexandria. All attempts to raise the rebellion against his reign precade the root.

Attention! The capital of the Macedonian Empire was transferred to Babylon, which in those days was located in the very center of the conquered territory.

In the hope of putting an end to the rosas between his empire, the Greeks and Persia, Alexander the Great took to his wife, the older daughter of the Persian Tsar Daria, also many of his approximal married to Persian.

On the eve of the new trip to Saudi Arabia, June 10, 323 BC., Alexander suddenly died. It is believed that death was caused by malaria. Although these information is not confirmed by ancient documents and may be erroneous.

Other reasons could be: liver cirrhosis or poisoning. During a noisy feather, secret enemies brought the emperor a cup with poisoned wine. The true circumstances of the death of the Macedonian ruler are still unknown.

It is worth noting and quite interesting factconcerning heritage throne after death Macedonian king. Despite the fact that he had two sons, none of them took the throne of his father. As was predicted in the Bible for several centuries before the reign of Alexander, his empire was divided between the four generals of his army.

Conqueror of female hearts

Not only the war Alexander Macedon ended the triumphant victories and brought him fame, but also a personal life was no less rich in events.

His ability to conquer female hearts has become one of the favorite topics of the poets and writers of our days. There were a lot of women, but certain attention deserve those that could conquer the heart Young emperor.

The first wife of Alexander Macedonian Roxan was considered one of the most beautiful women Asia. Perhaps the choice was due to this reason, as it is known, the conqueror was distinguished by a special vanity. The second wife of the emperor became Star, the eldest daughter of the Persian Tsar Daria. The third wife was Parisatid, the daughter of King Persia Artaxerks III. In addition to official wives, it was possible a large number of mistresses.


From an early age, Alexander began studying the art of war and diplomacy. Thanks to a stubborn and unshakable character, firmly knew what he wanted, and could independently make serious decisions regarding both strategic decisions and transformations in all other spheres of life.

The king limited himself in food without any problems and for a long time It remained completely indifferent to the opposite sex. He had other important goals. But if his leadership was not recognized by others, was ready to sacrifice everything to be in the spotlight. Many historical historians talk about him as a proud, egocentric man.

The great warlord possessed a special charisma, therefore he used the authority among his soldiers, was distinguished by great courage, fought on the front line shoulder to the shoulder with simple warriors.

Biography Alexander Great

Alexander Macedonian, biography


Alexander Macedonsky - Personality is very interesting and in its own way unique. The commander serves as an example for many. The study of the biography of the Great Conqueror will be very useful, will leave a bright imprint in mind and the heart of any person.

Alexander the Great - An outstanding ruler and commander of the ancient world. He was born in Macedonia in 356 to our era and was the son of the Macedonian king Philip. Father gave Alexander an excellent education. His teachers in his youth were the great warrior Leonid, ingenious speaker Anaximen and the wisest philosopher Aristotle. Alexander was much more concerned and smarter than his peers. Since childhood, he admired the fame of his father and dreamed of becoming a great ruler and a commander.

Beginning of the Board of Alexander Macedon

In 336 BC e. Alexandra Filipp's father died from the hands of conspirators, and Alexander became the king of Macedonia. He revenged conspirators for the death of his father, strengthened the order in the state, and then began to expand the Macedonian possessions.

In 335 BC e. Alexander began a military campaign to Greece, won a few brilliant victories, took the city of the hair and joined Greece to his possessions. Now he was the king and Macedonia, and Greece. Since that time, its glorious military campaigns began.

Soon he, skillfully using courage, military cunning and knowledge, conquered the Peninsula, Malaya Asia, won Syria, and then Egypt. All this territory, Alexander joined himself in just a few years, by 331 BC. e.

Alexander - Great King

The next two years, Alexander fought with the greatest powers of antiquity - Persia. He skillfully used the rule "divide and conquer", quarreled the Persian rulers among himself, and then broke their army one by one.

Competently driving the army, Alexander Macedonian won one after the other and by 330 BC. e. She conquered all Persia. He captured some of the commander, and the others did his allies. He also came with Asian and Indian rulers - no one could stop the victorious army of Alexander.

Now great empire Alexandra united a huge territory from Macedonia and Greece to the eastern limits of India. No one has created such an empire before. The capital of the state was the Great City of Babylon. Alexander did not destroy the tradition of conquered countries - he dreamed of uniting all nations into a single whole.

The plans for Alexander there were still many glorious campaigns and conquests, but in 323 he was seriously ill and soon died in Babylon. His empire was too fragile, and the heirs and the allies were overthrown with each other for power. The Great Power of Alexander Macedonsky existed no more than 10 years with his life, and immediately after his death broke into separate states.

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Alexander Macedonsky is an outstanding personality of history, commander, king, creator of the world power. Born in 356 BC in the Macedonian capital. Belongs to the family of the mythical hero Hercules. While, the father participated in the wars, the mother was engaged in upbringing Alexander. It affected the relationship of the future commander with his father - despite the admiration of his victories and military stories, he experienced disgust because of the unpleasant stories of the mother about him.

From the very childhood in Alexandra, everyone saw a talented child, so they tried to fully develop it - they trained politics, diplomacy, military arts. The future commander and the best and most famous people of that time studied.

Already at the age of twenty years, Alexander occupied the position of the ruler and took the first decisive actions - canceled taxes, dismissed the enemies of his father and confirmed the Union with Greece. He then decided to embody the Father's plan - made a Persian campaign, which was the result of the Great Ruler's recognition of the Macedonian ruler and the commander.

In addition, he made a northern trick and conquered the hair, conquered Syria, Small Asia And Egypt and founded Alexandria - the first Greco-Macedonian colony in the east. She conquered the Babylon, became the king of Asia, as a result of which it was repeatedly subjected to conspiracies. After the end of the war spent several reforms. He married Princess Roxane.

In February 323, BC laid all the forces on the preparation of a hike to Carthage, but the disease was prevented by him - in the same year he died from fever. The death of the commander is still disputes, in this matter, historians are divided into three groups, each of whom defends their point of view.

The Great Empire, created by Alexander Macedon, broke after his death and laid the beginning of the wars for power.

Option 2.

Born in 356 BC. In the capital of Macedonia Pella. Died in 323 BC. Alexandra consider the descendant of the gods, as the grandfather of Aminte III was a leaving from the younger branch of the dynasty, his mother is the epirian queen of the Olympiad from the Pirride dynasty. His father King Philip II was from the kind of Argead. In the nursery was fond of Greek literature and culture, music, mathematics. Training took place in the well, the teachers were Leonid and actor Lisima, then the Philosopher Aristotle himself became a mentor. The work of "Iliad" became a desk book. Already at a young age, the future king showed its qualities of the ruler and strategist, was distinguished by a hot-tempered temper, purposefulness, but also curiosity.

For the first time, the honor of managing the kingdom was introduced by Alexander at the age of 16. He skillfully manifes himself in the suppression of the uprising of the Thracians and the rebellion of the inhabitants of the hair. Throughout life, it was sought to keep power, many campaigns and conquests speak about it. He managed to reflect the massacre over rivals and enemies, as well as the execution of the Aminte's cousin and the son of Philip and Cleopatra.

While as a child, the boy experienced a feeling of admiration for his father, but at the same time some dislike, since he saw the relationship between his parents.

What kind of feats became famous? I united Elladu, I realized the dream of a father - a campaign for Persia. Battle of the River Brank in 334 BC. allowed to seize power over all Maly Asia. Won Palestine, Syria, many countries of the Middle East. Alexandria, one of the major cultural, scientific, shopping centers, It is based in his honor.

329 The killing of the Persian king David by the warriors Alexander. At the same time, the Macedonian king was convinced of the fall of the Persian Empire of the killers of David, and he called himself avenger for honor.

Gradually, the commander seized the territories known now as Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, built the city. One example serves as the city of Kandahar.

In 326, a campaign for India took place. However, due to the depletion of the army by many battles, it was necessary to abandon further promotion towards Asia. Life was threatened due to injury in battle with local tribes.

Alexander Macedonsky was distinguished by mercy in relation to the local population, their traditions. Many plans remained unfulfilled due to death in 323 BC. Exist different versionsOne of them is malaria, the other is poisoning. After the tragic leaving the Empire broke up.

The image of Alexander Macedonsky is an example for many military leaders, his reflections and strategies are used today.

Macedonian - biography

Alexander Macedonian - King of Macedonia and the Great Conqueror of Eastern Lands from Thrace to China.

Alexander Macedonsky was born in 356 BC. In the family of the Macedonian king Philip 2 and the Queen of the Olympiad. According to ancient custom, the Son is not studied at home, but he went to comprehend knowledge to relatives. Alexander was brought up by one of the greatest philosophers of that time - Aristotle, from whom he got a craving for enlightenment. Tsar Leonid played a large role in the formation of his personality, who fucked by his dreams about military domination over the world. In general, the boy's childhood passed calmly, but he lacked his father who constantly fought. Alexander thought he would not get the land on which he would make his feats.

In 336 BC. Father Alexandra dies, after which the son takes the chair of the king. First of all, he disassembled with internecine wars and eliminates conspirators. After starting a full-scale war with Greece. After the battle at Khronoe, the top widespread and conquers Greece. From this point on, great trips begin in Persia. Alexander gathered a big army and headed for a fatal fight against the Persian king Daria 3. But after the bloody battle in the border, the ruler of Persia fled, and Alexander took the city for cities with almost no resistance to local residents. He was met as a liberator from Persian hegemony. Alexander was attracted by the beauty and equipment of Persian settlements, he adopted many technologies in the Persian masters and the military. Roma Togo, he was generous and did not insist on changing managers, culture or religious beliefs. That is why Bunty and uprisings were not covered against the young conqueror. Also, the young king married two daughters Daria: Satire and Parisatide.

Conquering Persia from Malaya Asia to Bactria, Alexander Macedonsky began to go on. For him, it was a real surprise to realize that the Persia was still unknown land. He until the end of his life was confident that the edge of the earth is somewhere near that he only needs to work a little to achieve power over all the light. But Alexander remained devoted to his dream and went to India, where I first encountered elephants, but successfully defeated them. The Indian king opened the gate before him, and India was conquered. The conqueror founded his empire and went to the Babylon's favorite love for him, where he spent the rest of his life. He planned to go to Arabia and China, but could not do this. His health strongly suggested because of infection with malaria, from which he could not recover. He died in 323 BC. Leaving his comrades a huge empire.