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Years of Tataro Mongolian Igo in Russia. Tatar-Mongolian IHO: Conquering Hiking

Mongolian Igo(Mongolo-Tatar, Tatar-Mongolian, Ordinskoe) - the traditional name of the system of exploitation of Russian lands who came from the east conquerors of nomads from 1237 to 1480.

According to Russian chronicles, these nomads were called in Russia "Tatar" by the name of the most active and active tribe of the OUZ-Tatar. It became known since the conquest of 1217 Beijing, and the Chinese began to call this name all the tribes of the occupiers who came from Mongolian steppes. Under the name "Tatars", the invaders were entered into Russian chronicles as a generalizing concept for all eastern nomads, devastating Russian lands.

The beginning of the IGU was put in the years of the conquest of Russian territories (the battle on Kalka 1223, the conquest of Northeast Russia 1237-1238, the invasion of the southern in 1240 and South-Western Rus in 1242). It was accompanied by the destruction of 49 Russian cities out of 74, which was a heavy blow on the basics of urban Russian culture - craft production. The yoke led to the elimination of numerous monuments of material and spiritual culture, the destruction of stone buildings, arson of monastic and church libraries.

The date of the formal establishment of the yoke is considered to be 1243, when the father of Alexander Nevsky is the last son of Vsevolod a big nest, KN. Yaroslav Vsevolodovich received a label from conquerors (certifying document) on a great reign in the Vladimir Earth, in which he was named "Senior to all other princes in Russian land." At the same time, the Russian principalities defeated by Mongol-Tatar troops a few years earlier were not considered directly included in the empire of conquerors who received the name of the Golden Horde in the 1260s. They remained politically autonomous, retained the local princely administration, whose activities were controlled by permanent or coming regularly by representatives of the Ordans (Baskets). The Russian princes were considered the danutrics of the Horde Chanov, but in case of receiving the labels, they remained officially recognized rulers of their lands. Both systems - Danity (collection by the Ordans Dani - "Release" or, later, "Yasaka") and the issuance of shortcuts - secured the political fragmentation of Russian lands, strengthened rivalry between princes, contributed to the weakening of the connections of the North-Eastern and North-Western principalities and the lands with South And the South-West Rus, which became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland.

The Ordans did not hold on the conquered by the Russian territory of permanent troops. The IHO was supported by the direction of punitive detachments and troops, as well as repressions against naughty rulers who resisted the holding of administrative events conceived at the Khan rate. So, a special discontent caused in Russia in the 1250s holding a total census of Russian land census with ladies with "numerals", and later - the establishment of underwater and military mantals. One of the ways of impact on Russian princes was a hosting system, leaving in the Khan beta, in the city of Saraj on the Volga, someone from the relatives of the princes. With this relatives of obedient rulers encouraged and released, the strokes were killed.

The Ordans encouraged the loyalty of those from the princes that came to a compromise with conquerors. So, for the readiness of Alexander Nevsky to pay "exit", (tribute) by Tatars, he not only received the support of the Tatar cavalry in the battle with German knights on the Church of Lake 1242, but also provided his father, Yaroslav, the first label to the Grand Diction. In 1259 during the insurrection against the "numerals" in Novgorod, Alexander Nevsky provided a census and even gave protection ("watchmen") for backers so that they would not be confused with rebeling townspeople. For the support of Khan Berk rendered to him, he refused the violent Islamization of the conquered Russian territories. Moreover, the Russian church was released from the payment of Dani ("exit").

When the first, the most difficult time of the introduction of the Hangehog in Russian life was passed, and the top of the Russian society (princes, boyars, merchants, the church) found a common language with the new power, all the severity of the payment of Dani with the United forces of conquerors and the old Lords fell on the people. The waves of the folk uprisers described by the chronicler were constantly raised for almost half a century, starting from 1257-1259, the first attempt to the community census,. Her holding was instructed by China, a relative of the Great Khan. The uprisings against Baskakov repeatedly arose everywhere: in the 1260s in Rostov, in 1275 - in the South-Russian lands, in the 1280s - in Yaroslavl, Suzdal, Vladimir, Murom, in 1293 and repeated, in 1327, in Tver. Liquidation of the study system after the participation of the Moscow CN troops. Ivan Danilovich Kalita in the suppression of the Tver uprising of 1327 (from that time, the collection of Dani from the population was entrusted, to avoid new conflicts, on Russian princes and subordinates to them otkuchshchikov) did not stop paying Dani as such. Temporary liberation from them was obtained only after the Kulikov battle 1380, but already in 1382, the payment of Dani was restored.

The first prince, who received a great reign without a malfuncting "label", on the rights of his "ending", was the son of the winner of Ordans in the Kulikovsky battle of V.KN. Vasily I Dmitrievich. The "exit" of the Ordanes began to be paid irregularly, and the attempt of Han's one to restore the former order of things by capturing Moscow (1408) failed. Although in the years of the feudal war of the middle of the 15th century. Ordans and committed a number of new devastating invasions on Russia (1439, 1445, 1448, 1450, 1451, 1455, 1459), but they could not restore their dominion. The political association of Russian lands around Moscow at Ivan III Vasilyevich created the conditions for the complete elimination of the IGA, in 1476 he generally refused to pay tribute. In 1480, after an unsuccessful campaign of Hana, the Big Horde of Ahmat ("Standing in Ugra" 1480) IHO was finally overthrown.

Modern researchers in estimates of more than 240 years of dominance of the Horde over Russian lands differ significantly. The very designation of this period as "yoke" in relation to Russian and in general, the Slavic history was introduced by the Polish chronistic decrease in 1479 and since then it has been firmly entrenched in Western European historiography. In Russian Science, this term was first used by N.M. Karamzin (1766-1826), which was considered that it was the IHO that kept the development of Russia compared to Western Europe: "Doma Barbarov, overshadowing the horizon of Russia, hid europe from us at that time, When benefactor information and skills more and more in it multiplied. " The same opinion about the IGH as a restraining factor of the development and development of community statehood, the strengthening of East-despotic trends also adhered to S.M.Solovyev and V.O. Klechevsky, who noted that the investigations of the country were the ruin of the country, a long lag from Western Europe, irreversible changes in cultural and socio-psychological processes. This approach to the assessment of the Ordane IGA also dominated in Soviet historiography (A.N. Nadonov, V.V. Karallov).

Scattered and rare attempts to revise the well-established point of view met resistance. The works of historians who worked in the West were critically met (first of all G.V. Vernadsky, who seen in the relationship between Russian land and the hordes, a complex symbiosis, from which every people won something). The concept of the famous Domestic Türcologist L.N.Gumilyev, who tried to destroy the myth that nomadic people brought Russia alone and were robbers and destroyers of material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bto destroy the myth. He believed that the nomad tribes invisible on Russia could establish a special administrative order, which ensured the political autonomy of Russian principalities, saved their religious identity (Orthodoxy) and thereby laid the foundations of the violepability and the Eurasian essence of Russia. Gumilev argued that the result of the conquest of Russia began 13 in. It was not a yoke, but a kind of union with the Horde, recognition by the Russian princes of the Supreme Power of Khan. At the same time, the rulers of neighboring principalities (Minsk, Polotsk, Kiev, Galich, Volyn) turned out to be conquered by Lithuanians or Poles conquered by Lithuanians, they became the composition of their states and subjected to centuries-old pumping. It was Gumilev for the first time that the ancient Russian name of nomads from the east (among whom Mongols prevailed) - "Tatarov" - cannot insult the national senses of modern Volzhsky (Kazan) Tatars living in Tatarstan. Their ethnos, he considered, does not carry historical responsibility for the actions of the nomadic tribes from the steppes of Southeast Asia, as the ancestors of the Kazan Tatar were Kamsk Bulgars, Kipchak and partly ancient Slavs. The history of the appearance of the MiP about IGE, Gumilev connected with the activities of the creators of the Norman theory - German historians who served in the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences of the 18th century, and distorted real facts.

In the post-Soviet historiography, the issue of the existence of the IHA still remains controversial. The consequence of the growth of the number of supporters of the concept of Gumilov was to appeal to the President of the Russian Federation in 2000 on the abolition of the celebration of the anniversary of the Kulikov battle, since, according to the authors of the appeals, "IHA in Russia was not." According to these researchers, supported by the authorities of Tatarstan and Kazakhstan, combined Russian-Tatar troops with the usurper of power in the Horde, the Dolnik Mama, who proclaimed himself Khan and gathered under his banners of hired Genaves, Alanov (Ossetians), Kasov (Circass) and Polovtsy.

Despite the discussion of all these statements, the fact of the significant mutual influence of the cultures of peoples, almost three centuries who lived in close political, social and demographic contacts.

Lev Pushkarev, Natalia Pushkareva

There are a large number of facts that not only unequivocally refute the hypothesis about the Tatar-Mongolian IGE, but also suggest that the story was distorted deliberately, and what was done with a fully definite goal ... But who and why did the story deliberately distort the story? What real events did they want to hide and why?

If you analyze historical facts, it becomes obvious that the "Tatar-Mongolian Igo" was invented in order to hide the consequences of "baptism". After all, this religion was imposed by far from a peaceful way ... In the process of "baptism", most of the population of the Kiev Principality was destroyed! Definitely it becomes clear that those forces that stood behind the imposition of this religion in the future and fabricated the story, putting the historical facts for themselves and their goals ...

These facts are known to historians and are not secret, they are publicly available, and everyone who wants without any problems can find them on the Internet. Owning scientific research and justification, koi are already described quite widely, summarize the main facts that refute the big lies about the "Tatar-Mongolian IHE".

1. Chingis Khan

Previously, 2 people answered in Russia for the management of the state: Prince and Han. He was responsible for managing the state in peacetime. Khan or "Military Prince" took the Brazda of Department for himself during the war, in peacetime on his shoulders they were responsible for the formation of the Horde (army) and maintaining it in combat readiness.

Genghis Khan is not a name, but the title of "Military Prince", which, in the modern world, is close to the post of commander-in-chief of the army. And people who wore such title were somewhat. Timur was the most outstanding of them, it is usually about him, when they talk about Genghis Khan.

In the preserved historical documents, this person is described as a high height warrior with blue eyes, very white leather, a powerful reddish chapel and a thick beard. What obviously does not correspond to the signs of the representative of the Mongoloid race, but it is fully suitable for the description of Slavic appearance (L.N. Gumilyov - "Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe.").

French engraving Pierre Duflos (1742-1816)

In modern "Mongolia" there is not a single folk epic, in which it would be said that this country conquered almost all Eurasia in antiquity, exactly, like nothing and about the great conqueror of Genghis Khan ... (N.V. Levashov "visible and invisible genocide ").

Reconstruction of the Throne of Genghis Khan with a genital tammy with a swastika.

2. Mongolia.

The state of Mongolia appeared only in the 1930s, when the Bolsheviks arrived in the nomads living in the desert in the desert, and they were the descendants of the Great Mongols, and their compatriot created the Great Empire in his time, which they were very surprised and delighted . The word "Mogul" has a Greek origin, and means "the Great". This word Greeks called our ancestors - Slavs. It does not have any attitude towards the name of any people (N.V. Levashov "visible and invisible genocide").

3. The composition of the army "Tatar-Mongols"

70-80% of the Army "Tatar-Mongols" amounted to Russians, the remaining 20-30% accounted for other small peoples of Russia, actually, as well as now. This fact clearly confirms the fragment of the icon of Sergius of the Radonezh "Kulikovskaya Battle". It is clearly clearly seen that the same warriors are fighting on both sides. And this battle is more like a civil war than a war with a foreign conqueror.

4. What did Tatar-Mongola look like?

Pay attention to the drawing of the tomb of Heinrich II pious, which was killed on the Legnitis field.

The inscription is as follows: "Tatar's figure under the legs of Heinrich II, the Duke of Silesia, Krakow and, placed on the grave in Breslau of this prince, killed in the battle with Tatars at Lignice on April 9, 1241. As we see from this "Tatar" completely Russian appearance, clothing and weapons. In the following image - "The Khan Palace in the capital of the Mongolian Empire Hanbalyke" (It is believed that Hanbalyk is supposedly Beijing).

What is "Mongolian" here and what is "Chinese"? Again, as in the case of the Tomb of Heinrich II, we are in front of us - people of clearly Slavic appearance. Russian caftans, shooting caps, the same vane beards, the same characteristic saber blades called "Elman". The roof on the left is a practically exact copy of the roofs of older rubers ... (a. Bushkov, "Russia, which was not").

5. Genetic examination

According to the latest data obtained as a result of genetic studies, it turned out that the Tatars and Russians have very close genetics. Whereas the differences between the genetics of Russian and Tatars from the genetics of the Mongols - colossal: "The differences between the Russian gene pool (almost completely European) from Mongolian (almost entirely centrally Asian) is really great - this is like two different world ..." (OAGB.RU).

6. Documents during the period of Tatar-Mongolian yoke

During the existence of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, a single document has been preserved in Tatar or Mongolian. But there are many documents of this time in Russian.

7. The lack of objective evidence confirming the hypothesis about the Tatar-Mongolian ig

At the moment there are no originals of any historical documents that would objectively prove that there was a Tatar-Mongolian IHO. But there are many fakes, designed to convince us in the existence of fiction called "Tatar-Mongolian Igo". Here is one of these fakes. This text is called "the word about the death of the Russian Earth" and in each publication is declared "by passage from the poetic work that has not come to us ... About the Tatar-Mongolian invasion":

"Oh, light bright and beautifully decorated Russian land! Many beauties are glorified by: many are famous for lakes, rivers and sources of locally, mountains, steep hills, high dumbers, clean fields, wonderful beasts, various birds, countless cities, villages, glorious, gardens of monastic, temples of God and Grozny, boyars honest and nobles Many. All of you are filled, Russian land, about Orthodox Vera Christian!..»

In this text, there is not even a hint of "Tatar-Mongolian Igo". But in this "ancient" document there is such a line: "To all you are filled, the earth is Russian, about the Orthodox Vera Christian!"

The church reform of Nikon, which was held in the middle of the 17th century, Christianity in Russia was called "Orthodox." Orthodox it became called only after this reform ... It became, this document could be written not earlier than the middle of the 17th century and nothing to do with the era of Tatar-Mongolian Yeah ...

In all the cards, which were published before 1772 and were not fixed in the future, you can see the following.

The Western part of Russia is called Muscovy, or Moscow Tartarium ... In this small part of Russia, the rules of the Romanov dynasty. The Moscow king until the end of the 18th century was called the ruler of Moscow Tartaria or Duke (Prince) in Moscow. The rest of Russia, who occupied almost all the mainland of Eurasia in the east and south of the Muscovy of that time is called or the Russian Empire (see Map).

In the 1st edition of the British Encyclopedia of 1771, the following is written about this part of Russia:

"Tartaria, a huge country in the northern part of Asia, bordering Siberia in the north and west: which is called the Great Tartarium. Those tartars living south of Muscovy and Siberia are called Astrakhan, Cherkasy and Dagestan, living in the north-west of the Caspian Sea, are called Kalmyk Tartars and which occupy the territory between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; Uzbek tartars and mongols that live north of Persia and India and, finally, Tibetan living north-west from China ... " (See the site "RA Food") ...

Where did Tartarium name come from

Our ancestors knew the laws of nature and the real structure of the world, life, man. But, like now, the level of development of each person was not the same in those times. People who in their development have left much further than others, and which could manage space and matter (to manage the weather, heal the disease, see the future, etc.), called Wheel. Those of the Magi, who could manage the space on the planetary level and above, called the gods.

That is, the meaning of the word God, our ancestors were not at all as it is now. The gods were people who went out in their development much further than the vast majority of people. For an ordinary person, their abilities seemed incredible, nevertheless, the gods were also people, and the possibilities of each God had their limit.

Our ancestors had patrons - God, he was also called Dazhibogov (giving God) and his sister - the goddess of Tara. These gods helped people in solving such problems that our ancestors could not solve themselves. So, the Gods Tarh and Tara taught our ancestors to how to build houses, cultivate the land, writing and much more, which was necessary in order to survive after the catastrophe and with time to restore civilization.

Therefore, more recently, our ancestors spoke to strangers "We Tarh and Tara ...". They spoke like that because in their development, they were indeed children in relation to the significantly gone in the development of Tarhu and Tara. And the inhabitants of other countries called our ancestors to Tarkhtarai, and in the future, due to the complexity in pronunciation - Tartars. Hence the name of the country - Tartarium ...

Baptism of Russia

And here is the baptism of Russia? - Some can ask. As it turned out, it is very good. After all, baptism took place far from peaceful way ... Before baptism, people in Russia were educated, almost everyone was able to read, write, count (see article). Recall from the school program on history, at least, the same "Berevian diplomas" - letters who wrote to each other the peasants on Beretta from one village to another.

Our ancestors had a Vedic worldview, as I wrote above, it was not a religion. Since the essence of any religion is reduced to the blind adoption of any dogmas and rules, without a deep understanding, why it is necessary to do this, and not otherwise. The Vedic worldview gave people a understanding of real nature, an understanding of how the world is arranged, which is good, and what is bad.

People saw what was happening after the "baptism" in neighboring countries, when under the influence of religion, a successful, highly developed country with an educated population was immersed in ignorance and chaos, where only representatives of the aristocracy were able to read and write it, and that's not all. ..

Everyone perfectly understood that the "Greek religion" carries in themselves, in which the Kyiv Rus was going to baptize the bloody and those who stood behind him. Therefore, none of the inhabitants of the then Kiev Principality (the province, whipped from the Great Tartarium) did not accept this religion. But Vladimir stood great strength, and they were not going to retreat.

In the process of "baptism" for 12 years of violent Christianization, it was destroyed, with a rare exception, almost an adult population of Kiev Rus. Because impose such a "doctrine" could be only unreasonable, which, by virtue of their youth, could not understand that such a religion paid them into slaves and in the physical, and the spiritual sense of the word. All the same, who refused to take a new "faith" - killed. This is confirmed by the facts that have reached us. If there were 300 cities to "baptism" in Kiev Rus and lived 12 million inhabitants, then after "baptism" there were only 30 cities and 3 million people! 270 cities were destroyed! 9 million people were killed! (Diy Vladimir, "Rus Orthodox before the adoption of Christianity and after").

But despite the fact that almost all the adult population of Kiev Rus was destroyed by the "saints" baptists, the Vedic tradition did not disappear. On the lands of Kievan Rus, the so-called dualsman was established. Most of the population purely formally recognized the slaves imposed by the religion, and herself continued to live on the Vedic tradition, however, not exposing it to the appearance. And this phenomenon was observed not only in the masses, but also among the part of the ruling elite. And such a state of affairs remained up to the reform of the Patriarch Nikon, which invented how to deceive everything.


In fact, after baptism in the Kiev principality, only children were left alive and a very small part of the adult population, which accepted the Greek religion - 3 million people from the 12 millionth population before baptism. The principality was completely broken, most of the cities, villages and villages were looted and burned. But the authors of the version of the "Tatar-Mongolian IGY" draw the same painting the same picture, the difference is that the same cruel, the actions were made there allegedly "Tatar-Mongols"!

As always, the winner writes a story. And it becomes obvious that in order to hide all the cruelty with which the Kiev principality was baptized, and in order to stop all possible questions, and was subsequently invented by Tatar-Mongolian Igo. Children were brought up in the traditions of Greek religion (Cult Dionysia, and later Christianity) and rewritten the story where all cruelty dumped into "wild nomads" ...

The famous statement of President V.V. Putin O, in which Russians allegedly fought against the Tatars with Mongols ...

Tatar-Mongolian Igo - the largest myth of history.

In Russian sources, the phrase "Tatar Igo" first appears in the 1660s in the insertion (interpolation) in one of the instances of the legend of Mamaev's passion. The form "Mongol-Tatar Igo", as more correct, used the first Christian Cruz in 1817, whose book was translated into Russian in the middle of the XIX century and published in St. Petersburg.

The tribe "Tatar" according to the innermost legend was one of the most powerful enemies of Genghis Khan. After the victory over Tatars, Genghis Khan ordered to destroy the entire Tatar tribe. The exception was made only for young children. Nevertheless, the name of the tribe, being widely known and outside Mongolia, passed on the Mongols themselves.

Geography and content of the Mongol-Tatar Igo, the Ordane Igo - the system of political and informed dependence of the Russian principalities from Mongol-Tatar Khan (until the beginning of the 60s of the XIII century Mongolian Khanov, after - Golden Horde) in the XIII-XV centuries. The establishment of yoke became possible as a result of the Mongolian invasion on Russia in 1237-1242; The IHO was installed for two decades after the invasion, including in unexpected lands. In Northeast Russia lasted until 1480. In other Russian lands, it was eliminated in the XIV century as they joined the great principality of Lithuanian and Poland.

Standing on the river


The term "IHO", meaning the power of the Golden Horde over Rus, is not found in Russian chronicles. He appeared at the junction of the XV-XVI century in the Polish historical literature. It was the first to use him Chronist Yang Dlugos ("IUGUM BARBARUM", "IUGUM SERVITUTIS") in 1479 and Professor Krakow University of Matvey Mekhovsky in 1517. In 1575, the term "Jugo Tartarico" was used in the record Daniel Prince about his diplomatic mission to Moscow.

Russian lands have retained the local princely rule. In 1243, the Grand Duke Vladimir Yaroslav Vsevolodovich was caused by the Horde to Baty, recognized "older than all the prince in Russian" and was approved on Vladimir and, approved throughout the Kiev princes (at the end of 1245, the governor of Yaroslav Dmitry Eykovich is mentioned in Kiev), Although visits to the Bathy of the other two of the three most influential Russian princes - by which by the time Kiev Mikhail Vsevolodovich and his patron (after the ruin of the Mongols in 1239 of the Chernihiv Principality) Daniel Galitsky - belong to a later time. This act was a recognition of political dependence on the Golden Horde. The establishment of a denuncial dependence occurred later.

Son Yaroslav Konstantin went to Karakorum to confirm the powers of his father Great Khan, after his return went there by Yaroslav himself. This example of the Hannai sanction on expanding the ownership of the loyal prince was not the only one. Moreover, the expansion could occur not only at the expense of the possessions of another prince, but also at the expense of the territories, not broken during the invasion (in the second half of the 1950s of the XIII century, Alexander Nevsky approved his influence in Novgorod, threatening him with Horde Razbean). On the other hand, to decline the princes to loyalty, they could have unacceptable territorial requirements, as Daniel Galitsky "Khan Moguli" Russian chronicles (the Carpini plan calls "Mausi" among the four key figures in the Horde, localizing his nomads on the left bank of the Dnieper): "Give Galich. " And in order to fully save his victob, Daniel drove to Bat and "the hob called".

On the territorial delimitation of the influence of the Galitsky and Vladimir Great Princes, as well as the Sarai Khanov and the Dalnik of the Nastown during the existence of a separate ulus, can be judged by the following data. Kiev, unlike the land of the Galician-Volyn Principality, was not released by Daniel Galitsky from Ordi Baskakov in the first half of the 1250s, and continued to be monitored by them and, perhaps, Vladimir's governors (the Ordan administration retained its position in Kiev and after the construction of Kiev The oath of Gedimine in 1324). The Ipatiev Chronicle under 1276 reports that Smolensky and the Bryansk Princes were sent to the help of Leo Danilovich Galitsky Sarai Khan, and the Town-Pin Princes went with Galicians as an allied. Also, the Bryansky Prince participated in the defense of Kiev from the troops of Gedimin. Border with the steppe of the satellite (see the presence in Kursk Baskaka's foot in the early 80s of the XIII century), who was the south of the Bryansky principality, apparently, divided the fate of the Pereyaslav Principality, immediately after the invasion of the Horde, in this case, "Danube The ulusa "foot, the eastern borders of which reached don), and in the XIV century Putivl and Pereyaslavl-South became Kiev" suburbs ".

Khana gave the princes of labels, which were signs of support to Khan's engagement of the prince of this or that table. The labels were issued and had crucial importance in the distribution of princely tables in Northeast Russia (but also there for the second third of the XIV century it almost completely sued no, as well as regular trips of the northeastern Russian princes in the Horde and their murder there). The rulers of the Horde in Russia were called "kings" - the highest title, which was previously attached only to the emperors of Byzantium and the Sacred Roman Empire. Another major element of the yoke was the inference of Russian principalities. There is information about the census of the population in the Kiev and Chernihiv lands no later than 1246. "Dani want" sounded and upon the visit of Daniel Galitsky to Batu. In the early 50s of the XIII century, the presence of basks in the cities of Ponich, Volyn and Kyiv region and their expulsion of Galician troops are noted. Tatishchev, Vasily Nikitich in his "History of the Russian" mentions as the reason for the Ordane campaign on Andrei Yaroslavich in 1252, the fact that he did not fully pay the exit and Tamga. As a result of a successful hike, the Vladimir prince took Alexander Nevsky, with the assistance of which in 1257 (in the Novgorod land - in 1259) by Mongolian "numerals" under the leadership of China, a relative of the Great Khan, a census was held, after which the regular operation of the Land of Vladimir Great began Denius by gathering Dani. At the end of the 50s and early 60s of the XIII century, the Muslim merchants were collected from the northeastern Russian principalities - "demenny", whipping this right among the Great Mongolian Khan. Most of Dani went to Mongolia, Great Hanu. As a result of the folk uprisings of 1262 years in the northeastern Russian cities, "Femen" were expelled, which coincided with the final extraction of the Golden Horde from the Mongol Empire. In 1266, the head of the Golden Horde was first called Khan. And if most researchers consider Russia conquered by the Mongols during the invasion, the Russian principalitys, as a rule, are not considered as part of the golden hordes. Such details of Daniel Galitsky's visit to Batya, as "standing on the knee" (see ommage), as well as the duty of Russian princes by order of the Khan to send warriors to participate in the campaigns and in the closing hunting ("Lovythers"), undergoes the classification of the dependence of Russian Principalities from the Golden Horde as a vassal. There were no permanent Mongol-Tatar troops in the Russian principalities.

There were units: in cities - the courtyard, in rural areas - the farm ("village", "Soka", "Plug"). In the XIII century, the size of the exit was half a half. Only the clergy was released from Dani, which the conquerors tried to use to strengthen their power. 14 species of "Ordanes" are known, of which were the main ones: "exit", or "Tsareva Dan", the tax directly for the Mongolian Khan; trade fees ("sot", "Tamga"); perceptions ("holes", "Summaries"); The content of the Khan ambassadors ("food"); Various "gifts" and "bleacious" of Khan, his relatives and approximate and others. Periodically gathered large "requests" to military and other needs.

After the overthrow of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, in the territory of all Russia, the payment of Russia and the speech by compulcilate to Crimean Khantyv was preserved until 1685, in the Russian documentation "Pomych" (Teach). Only Peter I were canceled on the Constantinople peace treaty (1700) with the wording:

... And in addition, the State of the Moscow Self-Duty and Free State is, the cottage, which in the time of time, was given to the Crimean Khans and the Crimean Tatars, or the past or now, he will continue to not be from His Sacredigago Tsarskago Majesty Moskovo, not from heirs: But And the Crimean Khans and the Crimeans and other Tatar peoples will continue to be a matter of any kind of speech, or the cover is opposite that the world is coming, but the rest will be observed.

Unlike Russia, the Mongol-Tatar feudalists in Western Russian lands should not have changed faith and could have land with peasants. In 1840, Emperor Nicholas I was confirmed by Muslims to own fortress-Christians in the part of his empire, which was attached as a result of the sections of the Commonwealth.

IHO in South Rus

Since 1258 (in the Ipatiev Chronicles - 1260), the practice of joint Galico-Ordi's campaigns on Lithuania, Poland and Hungary began, including those initiated by the Golden Horde and the Dolnik are legally (during the existence of a separate ulus). In 1259 (on the Ipatiev Chronicle - 1261), the Mongolian military commander Burundai forced Romanovichi to distrete strengthening several Volyn cities.

By winter, 1274/1275, the campaign of the Galician-Volyn princes, Mengu-Timur troops, as well as the Smolensk and Bryansk princes dependent on him (at the request of Leo Danilovich Galitsky). Novgorodov was taken by Lvom and Ordans even before the Allied approach, so the Lithuanian hit plan was upset. In 1277, the Galico-Volyn princes, together with the troops, they invaded Lithuania (on the proposal of the foot). The Ordans ruined the neighborhood of Novgorod, and the Russian troops could not take the Volkalek. In the winter of 1280/1281, Galician troops, along with the troops of the foot (at the request of Leo), the Sandomomyr deposited, but suffered a private defeat. Almost immediately followed the response Polish campaign and the capture of the Galician city of the turning distance. In 1282, Nogai and Tula-Bug ordered Galico-Volyn princes to go with them to Hungarians. The troops of the Volga Horde were lost in the Carpathians and suffered serious losses from hunger. Taking advantage of the lack of lion, the Poles again invaded Galicia. In 1283 Tula-Buga ordered the Galico-Volyn princes to go with him to Poland, while the neighborhood of the capital of the Volyn Land was seriously affected by the Ordan troops. Tula Buga passed on Sandomir, wanted to go to Krakow, but there was already a huge move through the move. Tula-Buoga troops are located in the vicinity of Lviv, which were seriously injured as a result of this. In 1287, Tula-Bug, together with the Alugu and Galico-Volyn princes, invaded Poland.

The principality paid an annual tribute to the Horde, but there are no information about the population census existing for other regions of Russia for the Galician-Volyn Principality. There was no study institute in it. The princes were obliged to periodically send their army to participate in joint campaigns with the Mongols. The Galico-Volyn Principality was led by an independent foreign policy, and none of the princes (kings) after Daniel Galitsky did not go to the Golden Horde.

The Galician-Volyn Principality did not control the pioneer in the second half of the XIII century, but then, taking advantage of the fall of the Ulus Nasta, restored his control over these lands, having received access to the Black Sea. After the death of the last two princes from the men's line of Romanovich, which one of the versions associate with the defeat from the Golden Horde in 1323, again lost them.

Polesie was attached to Lithuania at the beginning of the XIV century, Volyn (finally) - as a result of the war for the Galician-Volyn inheritance. Galicia was attached to Poland in 1349.

The history of the Kiev land in the first century after the invasion is known very badly. As in Northeast Russia, there was a Baskakov Institute there and raids occurred, the most destructive of which was noted at the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries. Fuel from Mongolian violence, Kiev Metropolitan moved to Vladimir. In the 1320s, the Kiev land was dependent on the Grand Duch of Lithuania, but Khan Baskaki continued in it. As a result of the Victory of Olgerd over the Ordans in the battle of blue waters in 1362, with the authorities of the Horde in the region, it was finished. Chernihiv land has undergone strong crushing. For a short time, its center became the Bryansk principality, but at the end of the XIII century it is presumably in the intervention of the horde, lost independence, becoming the ownership of Smolensk princes. The final statement of Lithuanian sovereignty over Smolensk and Bryansk lands occurred in the second half of the XIV century, however, the Grand District Lithuanian in the 70s of the XIV century resumed the payment of Dani from South Russian lands within the Union with the Western Horde.

IHO in Northeast Rus

Boris Chorikov "Return Russian princes in the Golden Horde for a label on the Grand Diction"

After overthrowing the Ordane army in 1252, with the Vladimir Bathnya-Diabetes of the abstraction to serve Bat Andrei Yaroslavich in Ryazan was released from the 14-year-old captivity. Prince Oleg Ingvarevich Red, obviously, under the condition of the complete humility of the Mongolian authority and promoting their policies. With it in the Ryazan principality in 1257, the Ordi census was held.

In 1274, Khan Golden Horde Mengou Timur sent troops to help Lero Galitsky against Lithuania. The Order of the Army took place to the West through the Smolensk Principality, with which historians connect the welfare of the Horde. In 1275, at the same time with the second census in northeastern Russia, the first census was carried out in the Smolensky principal.

After the death of Alexander Nevsky and the section of the core of the principality between his sons in Russia, there was a fierce struggle for the great Vladimir prince, including the sarajian khans, and we harnessed. Only in the 70-90s of the XIII century, 14 campaigns were organized by them. Some of them were the nature of the ruin of southeastern Okrain (Mordva, Murom, Ryazan), part was carried out in support of Vladimir Princes to the Novgorod "suburbs", but the most devastating were hiking, the purpose of which was the power replacement of the princes on the grandfather and the throne. Dmitry Aleksandrovich was first overthrown as a result of two camps of the troops of the Volga Horde, then returned Vladimir with the help of his foot and even was able to defeat the Ordans in the north-east defeat in 1285, but in 1293 he first, and in 1300 and the harm himself was overthrown Tochta (the Kiev principality is ruined, fell from the hands of the Russian warrior), who took the Saradian throne in front of this with the help of a foot. In 1277, the Russian princes participated in the campaign of the Ordans to the North Caucasus against Alanov.

Immediately after the unification of the Western and Eastern Uluses, the Horde returned to the societary scale of their policies. In the first years of the XIV century, the Moscow principality expanded its territory at the expense of neighboring principalities, claimed Novgorod and was supported by Metropolitan Peter and Horde. Despite this, the label owned mainly Princes Tversky (in the period from 1304 to 1327 a total of 20 years). During this period, they managed to establish their governors in Novgorod by force, break the Tatars in the Borenev battle, kill the Moscow Prince in the Khan rate. But the policy of Tver princes suffered collapse when Tver was defeated by the Ordans in the Union with Muscovites and Suzdalians in 1328. At the same time, it was the last power change of the Grand Duke Horde. In 1332, Ivan Ivan Ivan's label - Prince of Moscow, strengthened against the background of Tver and Horde, - achieved the right to collect "output" from all northeastern Russian principalities and Novgorod (in the XIV century the size of the exit was ruble from two slices. "Moscow output "Was 5-7 thousand rubles. Silver, Novgorod exit - 1.5 thousand rubles). At the same time, the Epoch of Rasks is ended, which is usually explained by repeated "elder" speeches in Russian cities (in Rostov - 1289 and 1320, in Tver - 1293 and 1327).

Wide fame received a chronicler's testimony "And there was a Silence of the Great for 40 years" (from the defeat of Tver in 1328 to the first trip of Olgere to Moscow in 1368). Indeed, the Ordane troops did not act during this period against the label holders, but repeatedly invaded the territory of other Russian principalities: in 1333, together with Muscovites - to the Novgorod land, refused to pay tributes in an increased amount, in 1334, together with Dmitry Bryansky - against Ivan Alexandrovich Smolensky, in 1340, led by Tovlubim - again against Ivan Smolensky, who has entered into an alliance with Gedimine and the refusal to pay tribute to Horde, in 1342 with Yaroslav-Dmitry Alexandrovich Privier against Ivan Ivanovich Khoopol.

From the middle of the XIV century, the order of the Gold Horde, which was not supported by the real military force, were no longer performed by Russian princes, since the Great Mesone began in Horde - a frequent change of Khanov, fought with each other for power and the rules at the same time in different parts of the Horde. Its western part was under the control of the darkness of Mamaha, who ruled on behalf of puppet khan. It was he who claimed the supremacy over Rus. Under these conditions, the Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy (1359-1389) did not obey the Khan labels issued to his rivals, and the Grand Duchy of Vladimirskoye seized by force. In 1378, he defeated the punitive Orda army on the river. Very (in Ryazan land), and in 1380 won in the Kulikov battle over the army of Mamia. Although after the counterpart in the horde of the opponent, Mamay and Legal Khan - Takhtamysh Moscow was ruined by the Ordans in 1382, Dmitry Donskaya was forced to agree to an increased tribute (1384) and leave the eldest son of Vasily in Horde as a hostage, he retained a great reign and was able to transfer the Grand Diction His son without a khan label, as "his step" (1389). After the defeat of Tichtamysh from Timur in 1391-1396, the payment of Dani ceased to the invasion of one (1408), but he failed to take Moscow (in particular, Tver Prince Ivan Mikhailovich did not fulfill the order of one to "be in Moscow" with artillery).

In the middle of the 15th century, Mongolian detachments conducted several devastating military hiking (1439, 1445, 1448, 1450, 1451, 1455, 1459), they achieved private success (after the defeat in 1445, Vasily Dark was captured to Mongols, paid a big redemption and gave some Russian cities in feeding, which became one of the accusation points by the other princes, who captured and blinded by Vasily), but they could no longer restore their power over Russian lands. Great Prince Moscow Ivan III in 1476 refused to pay tribute to Khan. After a non-successful campaign of Khan's big horde of Ahmat and the so-called "standing in the thorough" in 1480, the Mongol-Tatar Igo was completely eliminated. The acquisition of political independence from the Horde along with the spread of the influence of Moscow to Kazan Khanate (1487) played a role in the subsequent transition to the power of Moscow part of the land under the rule of the Grand District of Lithuania.

In 1502, Ivan III from diplomatic considerations acknowledged himself a holopa Hana Big Horde, but in the same year the troops of the big horde were defeated by Crimean Khanate. Only under the contract of 1518 finally abolished the posts of Darius of the Moscow Prince Big Horde, which at that time actually ceased to exist.

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Military victories over Mongol Tatars

During the Mongolian invasion on Russia in 1238, Mongols did not reach 200 km to Novgorod and passed 30 km east of Smolensk. From the cities that were on the path of Mongols were not taken only by the Kremenets and the Hill in the winter of 1240/1241.

The first field victory of Russia over Mongols occurred during the first campaign of Kremza to Volyn (1254, according to Datovka GVL 1255), when he unsuccessfully besieged Kremenets. Mongolian Avangard approached Vladimir Volynsky, but after the battle at the walls of the city retreated. During the siege of Kremenets, Mongols refused to help the prince of Izyaslav to take possession of Galichem, he did it on his own, but soon he was broken by the army led by Roman Danilovich, when sending Daniel said "If the Tatars themselves are, you will not be horror with your heart." During the second campaign, the Kremza on Volyn, who ended with the unsuccessful siege of Lutsk (1255, according to Datrovka GVL 1259), a squadron Vasilka Volynsky was sent against Tatar-Mongol with an order to "beat the Tatars and take them to capture." For the actually lost military campaign against Prince Daniliil Romanovich Kremzsa was removed from the control of the army and was replaced by the Dwarf Burunday, which made Danil destroy the border fortresses. Nevertheless, the power of the Horde over Galitskaya and Volyn Rusy Burunday could not restore, and after that, none of the Galician-Volyn princes in the Horde for labels did not go to the reign.

In 1285, the Ordans, headed by Tsarevich, ruined the Mordovian lands, Murom, Ryazan and went to the Vladimir Principality with the army of Andrei Aleksandrovich, who claimed to the grand-road throne. Dmitry Alexandrovich gathered the army and opposed them. Next, the chronicle reports that Dmitry captured part of Boyar Andrei, "Tsarevich drove".

"In historical literature, the opinion was established that the first victory in the field battle Russian won over the Ordans only in 1378 on the river, or the other. In fact, the victory "in the field" was doried by the shelves of the senior "Alexandrovich" - the Grand Dmitry Dmitry - almost a hundred years - before. Surprisingly, there are sometimes traditional estimates for us.

In 1301, the first Moscow Prince Daniel Alexandrovich defeated the Ordans under Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky. The consequence of this campaign was the capture of Daniel Ryazan Prince Konstantin Romanovich, subsequently killed in the son of Daniel Yuri killed in the Moscow prison, and the accession of Kolomna to the Moscow Principality, which marked the beginning of its territorial growth.

In 1317, Yuri Danilovich Moscow, together with the army of Kavgadya, came from Horde, but was broken by Mikhail Tver, the wife of Yuri Konchak (sister Khan Golden Horde of Uzbek) fell in captivity and later died, and Mikhail was killed in Horde.

In 1362, the battle between the Russian-Lithuanian army of Olgerd and the United Kingdom of Khanov Pokock, the Crimean and Jambalutsk Horde took place. Ended the victory of Russian-Lithuanian forces. As a result, it was liberated under the heart, and later the Kiev region.

In 1365 and 1367, they took place according to the Shyshevsky Forest, won by Ryazan, and the battle on the drunk won by the Suzdas.

The battle on the living occurred on August 11, 1378. Mama's army under the command of Murza Begich was sent to Moscow, was greeted by Dmitry Ivanovich in Ryazan Earth and defeated.

The Kulikov battle in 1380 occurred, as well as the previous ones, in the period "Great Jam" in the Horde. Russian troops under the leadership of Prince Vladimir and Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy the troops of the Tamnik Bekstorebek Mamaya, which led to the new consolidation of the Horde under the rule of Tukhtamysh and restoring the dependence on the Horde of the Land of the Grand Discount of Vladimirsky. In 1848 on a red hill, where there was a bet of Mama, a monument was established.

And only after 100 years, after the unsuccessful raider of the last Khan, the Big Horde of Ahmat and the so-called "standing in the thief" in 1480, the Moscow Prince managed to leave the subordination of the Big Horde, remaining only by the Danitor of the Crimean Khanate.

Meaning of yoke in the history of Russia

Currently, scientists have no consensus on the role of the IGA in the history of Russia. Most researchers believe that its results for Russian lands were destruction and decline. Apologists of this point of view emphasize that the yoke threw the Russian principalitys back in their development and became the main reason for the backlog of Russia from the West countries. Soviet historians noted that the IHO was a brake for the growth of the productive forces of Russia, which were at a higher socio-economic level compared to the productive forces of Mongol-Tatars, was making a natural nature of the economy for a long time.

These researchers (for example, the Soviet academician B. A. Rybakov) are celebrated in Russia during the period of decay of the construction of stone and the disappearance of complex crafts, such as the production of glass jewelry, partition enamel, blacks, grain, polychrome irrigation ceramics. "Rus was thrown back for a few centuries, and in those century, when the workshop of the West passed to the era of the initial accumulation, the Russian handicraft industry was to continually pass a part of that historical path that was done to Batya" (Rybakov B. A. "Craft Ancient Russia, 1948, p.525-533; 780-781).

Dr. East. Sciences B. V. Sapunov noted: "Tatars destroyed about a third of the entire population of ancient Russia. It is believed that about 6-8 million people lived in Russia, no less than two - two and a half were killed. Foreigners who passed through the southern regions of the country wrote that practically Russia was turned into a dead desert, and there is no more such state on the map of Europe. "

Other researchers, in particular, an outstanding Russian historian Academician N. M. Karamzin, believe that the Tatar-Mongolian Igo played a crucial role in the evolution of Russian statehood. In addition, he also pointed to the Horde as an obvious cause of the elevation of the Moscow principality. Following him, another prominent Russian scientist-historian Academician, Professor MSU V. O. Klyuchevsky also believed that the Horde prevented the exhaustive, fratricidal interne-free wars in Russia. "The Mongolian Igo, with an extreme plot for the Russian people, was a harsh school, in which Moscow statehood and Russian autocracy were charged: a school in which the Russian nation has aware of themselves as such and acquired the character traits that facilitated the subsequent struggle for existence." Supporters of the ideology of the Eurasianism (V. Vernadsky, P. N. Savitsky, etc.), not denying the extreme cruelty of the Mongolian domination, rethought his consequences in a positive key. They highly appreciated the religious tolerance of the Mongols, opposing its Catholic aggression of the West. The Mongol Empire was considered as a geopolitical predecessor of the Russian Empire.

Later similar views, only in a more radical version, L. N. Gumilyov developed. In his opinion, the decline of Russia began before and was associated with internal reasons, and the interaction of Horde and Russia was a favorable military-political union, first of all, for Russia. He believed that relations between Russia and Horde should be called "symbiosis". What kind of IHO, when "Velikorsia ... voluntarily united with the Horde thanks to the efforts of Alexander Nevsky, who became the reception of the son of Batya." What a need may be, if, according to L. N. Gumilyov, on the basis of this voluntary association, an ethnic symbiosis of Russia with the peoples of the Great Steppe emerged - from the Volga to the Pacific Ocean and from this symbiosis was just born the Great Russian Ethnic: "A mixture of Slavs, YGRO -Finnov, Alanov and Turks merged in Great Russian nationality "? Invalidity that reigned in the Soviet domestic history, the existence of the "Tatar-Mongolian Iga" L. N. Gumilyov called the "black legend". Prior to the arrival of Mongols, the numerous Russian principalities of Varangian origin, located in the river basins flowing into the Baltic and Black Sea, and only in theory recognized the power of the Kiev Grand Duke, actually did not constitute one state, and the name of the united Russian was not applicable to their tribes of Slavic origin. People. Under the influence of Mongolian dominion, these principalities and tribes were merged together, forming the Moscow kingdom first, and later the Russian empire. The organization of Russia, which was the result of the Mongolian yoke, was undertaken by Asian conquerors, of course, not for the good of the Russian people and not for the sake of improving the Moscow Grand Duchy, but due to their own interests, namely, for the convenience of controlling the conquered extensive country. They could not allow her abundance of small ordinarians living on the people and chaos of their endless strife, which undermined the economic welfare of subjects and deprived the country of security of reports, and therefore, naturally, they encouraged the formation of the strong power of the Moscow Grand Duke, which could keep in obedience and Gradually absorb specific principalities. This principle of creating one-chisty, in fairness, seemed to them for a given case more appropriate than the Chinese rule well known and experienced on themselves: "divide and conquer." Thus, the Mongols began to pick up, to the organization of Russia, like their state, for the sake of waters in the country of order, legality and welfare.

In 2013, it became known that the IHO would enter into a single textbook of Russia's history in Russia called the "Ordane Igo".

List of Mongol-Tatars trips for Russian principality after invasion

1242: The invasion of the Galician-Volyn Principality.

1252: "Nerryeva Raint", hike Kremza in Ponior.

1254: Unsuccessful hike Cupremus under the Khormen.

1258-1260: Two invasions of Burundai in the Galician-Volyn Principality, coercion of local princes to participate accordingly in the campaigns on Lithuania and Poland and place several fortresses.

1273: Two Mongol attacks to Novgorod lands. The ruin of Vologda and Bezhitsa.

1274: The first ruin of the Smolensky principality along the way to Lithuania.

1275: The defeat of the southeastern outskirts of Russia along the way from Lithuania, the ruin of Kursk.

1281-1282: Two ruins of the North-Eastern Russia for the troops of the Volga Horde during the struggle for power between the sons of Alexander Nevsky.

1283: The ruin of the Vorzholsky, Rylsky and Lipovo Principles, Mongols taken by Kursk and Worgol.

1285: The army of the church, Temivo Son, ruined the Mordovian, Ryazan and Murom lands.

1287: Ried to Vladimir.

1288: Ride on Ryazan.

1293: Dudenieva Raint.

1307: Trekking on the Ryazan Principality.

1310: Hike to the Bryansk Principality and Karachevsky Principality in support of Vasily Aleksandrovich.

1315: Raispage Trading (Novgorod Land) and Rostov.

1317: Flashing Kostroma, Borenev Battle.

1319: Hike to Kostroma and Rostov.

1320: Rail to Rostov and Vladimir.

1321: Ride on Kashin.

1322: Oruption of Yaroslavl.

1328: Fedorchukova Raint.

1333: The campaign of Mongol-Tatars with Muscovites to Novgorod Earth.

1334, 1340: Movie Tatars hiking with Muscovites to the Smolensk Principality.

1342: Mongol-Tatar Intervention in the Ryazan Principality.

1347: Ride on Aleksin.

1358, 1365, 1370, 1373: Hiking to the Ryazan Principality. Battle of Shyshevsky Forest.

1367: Ride on the Nizhny Novgorod Principality, the battle on the drunk (1367).

1375: Ride on the south-eastern outskirts of the Nizhny Novgorod Principality.

1375: Ride on Kashin.

1377 and 1378: Raise to Nizhny Novgorod Principality, Battle on the drunk (1377), a hike to the Ryazan Principality.

1378: Begich's campaign to Moscow. Battle on the river is no matter.

1379: Maama's campaign to Ryazan.

1380: Maama's campaign to Moscow. Kulikovsky battle.

1382: The invasion of Tokhtamysh, burned Moscow.

1391: Hike on Vyatka.

1395: The ruin of Yelets Tamerlane detachments.

1399: Ride on the Nizhny Novgorod Principality.

1408: The invasion of one.

1410: The ruin of Vladimir.

1429: Mongol-Tatars ruin the surroundings of Galich Kostromsky, Kostroma, Luh, film.

1439: Mongol-Tatars ruin the neighborhood of Moscow and Kolomna.

1443: Tatars ruin the neighborhood of Ryazan, but reflected from the city.

1445: Rieza Ulu-Mohammed troops to Nizhny Novgorod and Suzdal.

1449: The ruin of the southern outskirts of the Moscow Principality.

1451: The ruin of the surroundings of Moscow Khan Mazovakh.

1455 and 1459: The ruin of the southern outskirts of the Moscow Principality.

1468: The ruin of the surroundings of Galich.

1472: The plundering of Aleksina Army of Akhmat.

List of Russian princes who visited the Horde

Chronological and registered list of Russian princes who visited the Horde from 1242 to 1430.

1243 - Yaroslav Vsevolodovich Vladimirsky, Konstantin Yaroslavich (in Karakorum).

1244-1245 - Vladimir Konstantinovich Uglitsky, Boris Vasilkovich Rostovsky, Gleb Vasilkovich Belozursky, Vasily Vsevolodovich, Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich Suzdalsky, Ivan Vsevolodovich Starodubsky.

1245-1246 - Daniel Galitsky.

1246 - Mikhail Chernigovsky (killed in Horde).

1246 - Yaroslav Vsevolodovich (in Karakorum to intronization of the GUUK) (poisoned).

1247-1249 - Andrei Yaroslavich, Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky in the Golden Horde, from there to Karakorum (inheritance).

1252 - Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky.

1256 - Boris Vasilkovich Rostovsky, Alexander Nevsky.

1257 - Alexander Nevsky, Boris Vasilkovich Rostovsky, Yaroslav Yaroslavich Tverskaya, Gleb Vasilkovich Belozursky (Burke's intonation).

1258 - Andrei Yaroslavich Suzdalsky.

1263 - Alexander Nevsky (died on his return from the horde) and his brother Yaroslav Yaroslavich Tverskaya, Vladimir Ryazansky, Ivan Starodubsky.

1268 - Gleb Vasilkovich Belozersky.

1270 - Roman Olgovich Ryazansky (killed in Horde).

1271 - Yaroslav Yaroslavich Tver, Vasily Yaroslavich Kostromskaya, Dmitry Alexandrovich Pereyaslavsky.

1274 - Vasily Yaroslavich Kostroma.

1277-1278 - Boris Vasilkovich Rostovsky with the son of Konstantin, Gleb Vasilkovich Belozursky with sons, Mikhail and Fedor Rostislavichi Yaroslavsky, Andrei Aleksandrovich Gorodetsky.

1281 - Andrei Aleksandrovich Gorodetsky.

1282 - Dmitry Alexandrovich Pereyaslavsky, Andrei Alexandrovich Gorodetsky.

1288 - Dmitry Borisovich Rostovsky, Konstantin Borisovich Uglitsky.

1292 - Alexander Dmitrievich, Son of the Grand Prince Vladimirsky.

1293 - Andrei Aleksandrovich Gorodetsky, Dmitry Borisovich Rostovsky, Konstantin Borisovich Uglitsky, Mikhail Glebovich Belozursky, Fedor Rostislavovich Yaroslavsky, Ivan Dmitrievich Rostovsky, Mikhail Yaroslavich Tver.

1295 - Andrei Alexandrovich and his wife, Ivan Dmitrievich Pereyaslavsky.

1302 - Great Prince Andrei Aleksandrovich, Mikhail Yaroslavich Tver, Yuri Danilovich Moscow and his younger brother.

1305 - Mikhail Andreevich Nizhny Novgorod.

1307 - Vasily Konstantinovich Ryazansky (killed in Horde).

1309 - Vasily Bryansky.

1310 - Son Konstantin Borisovich Uglitsky.

1314 - Mikhail Yaroslavich Tverskaya, Yuri Danilovich Moscow.

1317 - Yuri Danilovich Moscow, Mikhail Yaroslavich Tver and his son Konstantin.

1318 - Mikhail Yaroslavich Tverskaya (killed in Horde).

1320 - Ivan I Kalita, Yuri Aleksandrovich, Dmitry Mikhailovich Grozny Othmy of Tver.

1322 - Dmitry Mikhailovich Terrible Och, Yuri Danilovich.

1324 - Yuri Danilovich, Dmitry Mikhailovich Terrible Och, Alexander Mikhailovich Tverskaya, Ivan I Kalita, Konstantin Mikhailovich.

1326 - Dmitry Mikhailovich Grozny Othmy, Alexander Novosilsky (both killed in Horde).

1327 - Ivan Yaroslavich Ryazan (killed in Horde).

1328 - Ivan I Kalita, Konstantin Mikhailovich Tver.

1330 - Fedor Ivanovich Starodubsky (killed in Horde).

1331 - Ivan I Kalita, Konstantin Mikhailovich Tverskaya.

1333 - Boris Dmitrievich.

1334 - Fedor Alexandrovich Tver.

1335 - Ivan I Kalita, Alexander Mikhailovich.

1337 - Son Alexander Mikhailovich Tver Fedor sent a hostage, Ivan I Kalita, Simeon Ivanovich Proud.

1338 - Vasily Dmitrievich Yaroslavsky, Roman Belozersky.

1339 - Alexander Mikhailovich Tverskova, his son Fedor (killed in Horde), Ivan Ivanovich Ryazansky (Khovotol) and his brothers Semen Ivanovich, Andrei Ivanovich.

1342 - Simeon Ivanovich Proud, Yaroslav Alexandrovich Prischi, Konstantin Vasilyevich Suzdalsky, Konstantin Tver, Konstantin Rostovsky.

1344 - Ivan II Red, Simeon Ivanovich Gordy, Andrei Ivanovich.

1345 - Konstantin Mikhailovich Tverskaya, Vsevolod Alexandrovich Holmsky, Vasily Mikhailovich Kashinsky.

1347 - Simeon Ivanovich Proud and Ivan II red.

1348 - Vsevolod Alexandrovich Holmsky, Vasily Mikhailovich Kashinsky.

1350 - Simeon Ivanovich Proud, his brother Andrei Ivanovich Moscow, Ivan and Konstantin Suzdal.

1353 - Ivan II Red, Konstantin Vasilyevich Suzdal.

1355 - Andrei Konstantinovich Suzdalsky, Ivan Fedorovich Starodubsky, Fedor Glebovich and Yuri Yaroslavich (dispute about Murom), Vasily Aleksandrovich Privier.

1357 - Vasily Mikhailovich Tver, Vsevolod Alexandrovich Holmsky.

1359 - Vasily Mikhailovich Tver with a nephew, princes Ryazan, Princes Rostov, Andrei Konstantinovich Nizhny Novgorod.

1360 - Andrei Konstantinovich Nizhny Novgorod, Dmitry Konstantinovich Suzdalsky, Dmitry Borisovich Galitsky.

1361 - Dmitry Ivanovich (Donskoy), Dmitry Konstantinovich Suzdal and Andrei Konstantinovich Nizhny Novgorod, Konstantin Rostovsky, Mikhail Yaroslavsky.

1362 - Ivan Belozersky (the principality is taken out).

1364 - Vasily Kirdyap, son of Dmitry Suzdal.

1366 - Mikhail Alexandrovich Tver.

1371 - Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy (bought Mikhail Tver Son).

1372 - Mikhail Vasilyevich Kashinsky.

1382 - Mikhail Alexandrovich Tver with his son Alexander, Dmitry Konstantinovich Suzdalsky sent two sons - Vasily and Simeon - hostages, Oleg Ivanovich Ryazansky (looking for the Union with Torkdamiam).

1385 - Vasily I Dmitrievich (hostage), Vasily Dmitrievich Kirdyap, Rososlav Olegovich Ryazan died home, Boris Konstantinovich Suzdalsky.

1390 - Simeon Dmitrievich and Vasily Dmitrievich Suzdal, who had previously held in hostages in the Horde for seven years, were again caused.

1393 - Simeon and Vasily Dmitrievich Suzdalsky again caused in the Horde.

1402 - Simeon Dmitrievich Suzdalsky, Fedor Olegovich Ryazan.

1406 - Ivan Vladimirovich Privier, Ivan Mikhailovich Tver.

1407 - Ivan Mikhailovich Tverskaya, Yuri Vsevolodovich.

1410 - Ivan Mikhailovich Tver.

1412 - Vasily I Dmitrievich, Vasily Mikhailovich Kashinsky, Ivan Mikhailovich Tverskaya, Ivan Vasilyevich Yaroslavsky.

1430 - Vasily II Dark, Yuri Dmitrievich.

If you remove the whole lies from the story, it does not mean at all that the truth will remain alone - as a result, it can not stay anything at all.

Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

Tatar-Mongol invasion began in 1237 with the invasion of Batya's cavalry in Ryazan lands, and ended in 1242. The result of these events was two-day yoke. This is said in textbooks, but in fact the relationship between the Horde and Russia were much more complicated. In particular, this is what the famous historian Gumilev says. In this material, we will briefly consider issues of the invasion of the Mongol-Tatar troops from the point of view of the generally accepted interpretation, as well as consider the controversial issues of this interpretation. Our task is not to prompt a fantasy on the subject of medieval society, but to provide our readers the facts. And the conclusions are the case of everyone.

Beginning of invasion and prerequisites

For the first time, Russia and Horde troops came together on May 31, 1223 in the battle on Kalka. Russian troops led Kiev Prince Mstislav, and opposed the subcentages and Juba. Russian army was not just defeated, it was actually destroyed. There are many reasons for this, but they are all considered in the article about the battle on Kalka. Returning to the first invasion, it happened in two stages:

  • 1237-1238 - a campaign to the eastern and northern lands of Russia.
  • 1239-1242 - a trip to the southern lands, which led to the establishment of yoke.

The invasion of 1237-1238

In 1236, Mongols began another trip against Polovtsy. In this campaign, they achieved great success and in the second half of 1237 approached the boundaries of the Ryazan principality. He commanded the Asian Connection Khan Bati (Batu-Khan), grandson of Genghis Khan. It was 150 thousand people in his submission. With him, hiking participated in the subcent, who was familiar with Rusychi in previous clashes.

Map of Tatar Mongol invasion

The invasion occurred at the beginning of the winter of 1237. It is impossible to establish an accurate date here as it is unknown. Moreover, some historians suggest that the invasion occurred not in winter, and in the late autumn of the same year. With a huge speed, the connion of Mongols moved around the country, conquering one city by one:

  • Ryazan - fell at the end of December 1237. Siege lasted 6 days.
  • Moscow - Pala in January 1238. Siege lasted 4 days. This event was preceded by a battle under Kolomna, where Yuri Vsevolodovich tried to stop the enemy with his army, but was defeated.
  • Vladimir - fell in February 1238. Siege lasted 8 days.

After taking Vladimir, in fact, all the eastern and northern lands were in the hands of Batya. He conquered one city after another (Tver, Yuriev, Suzdal, Pereslavl, Dmitrov). In early March, Palkok, opening the path of the Mongolian army to the north, to Novgorod. But Batie made another maneuver and instead of a campaign to Novgorod, he turned his troops and went to storm Kozelsk. 7 weeks came the siege, ended only when the Mongols went to the trick. They announced that they would accept the surrender of the garrison of Kozelsk and let everyone go. People believed and opened the gate of the fortress. The battered words did not restrain and gave the order to kill everyone. So the first campaign was completed and the first invasion of the Tatar-Mongolian troops on Russia.

The invasion of 1239-1242 years

After a break for a year and a half, in 1239 a new invasion began on Russia's Russia Khan Batiya. This year, based events occurred in Pereyaslav and Chernigov. The lethargy of the onset of Batya is connected with the fact that at that time he led an active struggle with Polovtsy, in particular in the territory of Crimea.

In the fall of 1240, Bati led his army under the walls of Kiev. The ancient capital of Russia could not resist for a long time. The city fell December 6, 1240. Historians celebrate special atrocities with which the invaders behaved. Kiev was almost completely destroyed. Nothing left from the city. That Kiev, which we know today, has nothing to do with the ancient capital (except for the geographical position). After these events, the invaders army divided:

  • Part went to Vladimir-Volynsky.
  • Part went to Galich.

Capturing these cities, Mongols switched to the European Hike, but he interests us little.

The consequences of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion on Russia

The consequences of the invasion of the Asian troops on Russia historians are definitely described:

  • The country was crooked, and became completely dependent on the Golden Horde.
  • Rus began to pay tribute to the winners annually (money and people).
  • The country fell into a stupor in terms of progress and development due to the unbearable yoke.

This list can be continued, but, in general, everything comes down to the fact that all the problems that were in Russia at that time have written off on the yoke.

This is the case, if briefly, the Tatar-Mongol invasion from the point of view of official history and what we speak in the textbooks. In contrast, we will look at the arguments of Gumilev, as well as ask a number of simple, but very important issues to understand the current issues and the fact that with the IGOM, as with the relations of Russia-Horde, everything is much added than to say.

For example, it is absolutely incomprehensible and inexplicable, as a nomadic people who lived a two-year-old time ago, created a huge empire and conquered half of the world. After all, considering the invasion of Russia, we only consider the vertex of iceberg. The Golden Horde Empire was much more: from the Pacific Ocean to Adriatic, from Vladimir to Burma. Giant countries were conquered: Rus, China, India ... None after no one could create a military machine that could conquer so many countries. And the Mongols were able ...

To understand how hard it was (if not to say that it is impracticable) let's consider the situation with China (so that they do not blame that we are looking for a conspiracy around Russia). The population of China at the time of Genghis Khan was about 50 million people. Nobody led the Mongol census, but, for example, today this nation has 2 million people. If we consider that the number of all the peoples of the Middle Ages increases by now, then the Mongols were less than 2 million people (with women, old men and children). How could they conquer China in 50 million inhabitants? And then also India and Rus ...

Strange the geography of the movement of Batya

Let's go back to the invasion of Mongol-Tatars on Russia. What were the goals of this campaign? Historians talk about the desire to plunder the country and subordinate it to themselves. It also says that all these goals have been achieved. But this is not quite so, because in ancient Russia there were 3 richest cities:

  • Kiev is one of the largest cities in Europe and the ancient capital of Russia. The city was conquered by Mongols and destroyed.
  • Novgorod is the largest shopping city and the richest in the country (hence and its special status). At all, not suffered from invasion.
  • Smolensk is also the city of the trade, was considered to be rich in Kiev. The city also did not see the Mongol-Tatar troops.

So it turns out that 2 of the 3 largest cities did not suffer at all from the invasion. Moreover, if we consider looting, as a key aspect of the invasion of Batya on Russia, the logic is not traced at all. Judge for yourself, Bate takes Torzhok (2 weeks spends on the assault). This is the poorest city whose task is to guard Novgorod. But after that, the Mongols do not go to the north, which would be logical, but unfolded south. Why was there for 2 weeks to spend not the necessary Torzhok on anyone to just turn south? Historians give two explanations logical at first glance:

  • Under Torzhoy Batu lost a lot of warriors and was afraid to go to Novgorod. This explanation could be considered logical if it were not for one "but". Kohl soon lost a lot of his army, he needs to leave Russia to replenish the troops or take a breather. But instead, Khan rushes at the assault of Kozelsk. Here, by the way, the losses were huge and as a result of the Mongol, rushing rushing. But why they did not go to Novgorod - it is incomprehensible.
  • Tatar-Mongols were frightened by the spring spill of the rivers (it was in March). Even in modern conditions, March in the north of Russia does not differ in the softness of the climate and they can safely move. And if we talk about 1238, then the era of climatologists is called a small glacial period, when winter was much severe modern and overall temperatures are much lower (it is easy to check). That is, it turns out that in the era of global warming in March to Novgorod can be reached, and in the era of the ice age, everyone was afraid of the spill of rivers.

With Smolensky, the situation is also paradoxical and not explaining. Taking Torzhok, Batya goes to storm Kozelsk. This is a simple fortress, a small and very poor city. Mongols stormed 7 weeks, lost thousands of people killed. What was this done for? There was no benefit from taking Kozelsk - there is no money in the city, there are no food warehouses either. Why are such victims? But only 24 hours of movement of the cavalry from Kozelsk is Smolensk - the richest city in Russia, but the Mongols do not even think to move towards him.

Surprisingly, all these logical questions are simply ignored by official historians. Standard excuses are given, they say, who knows these savages, so they decided themselves. But such an explanation does not withstand any criticism.

Nomads in winter do not spend never

There is another remarkable fact that the official story simply spares, because It is impossible to explain it. Both Tatar-Mongolian invasions were committed on Russia in winter (or started late in autumn). But these are nomads, and nomads begin to fight only in spring to finish battles until winter. After all, they move on horseback to feed. You can imagine how you can feed the many thousands of Mongolian army in the snowy Russia? Historians, of course, say it is a trifle and should not even consider such questions, but the success of any operation directly depends on the provision:

  • Karl 12 could not establish the provision of his army - lost Poltava and the Northern War.
  • Napoleon could not establish provision and left Russia with a half-starving army, which was absolutely unable.
  • Hitler, according to many historians, managed to establish the provision only by 60-70% - lost the second world war.

And now, understanding all this, let's see what was the army of the Mongols. It is noteworthy, but there is no certain number of quantitative composition. Historians call numbers from 50 thousand to 400 thousand riders. For example, Karamzin speaks about 300 thousandth bats. Let's consider providing the army on the example of this figure. As famous Mongols have always been sent to the Military Hiking with three horses: the rider was moved (the rider moved), the worker (transported personal belongings and weapons of the rider) and the fighting (walked empty, so that at any moment could become fresh in battle). That is, 300 thousand people are 900 thousand horses. Add horses to this, which were transported to the guns (more specifically known, then the guns of Mongols were brought to collected), horses that were taken for the army, an additional weapon was taken, etc. It turns out, according to the most modest estimates, 1.1 million horses! And now imagine how snow-covered in winter (in the era of a small glacial period) to feed such a flock in someone else's country? There is no answer, since this is impossible.

So how many was the army at the Bat?

It is noteworthy, but the closer to our time the invasion of the Tatar-Mongolian troops occurs, the less the number is obtained. For example, the historian Vladimir Chilivihin speaks about 30 thousand who moved scattered, because in the unified army they were not formed. Part of the historians lowers this figure even below - to 15 thousand. And here we encounter an insoluble contradiction:

  • If Mongols really were so much (200-400 thousand), how could they feed themselves and their horses in the harsh Russian winter? The cities did not give up the world to make a provisionant from them, most of the fortresses were burned.
  • If the Mongols were really only 30-50 thousand, then how did they manage to conquer Russia? After all, the army in the area of \u200b\u200b50 thousand against Batya was exhibited every princess. Be Mongols really so little and act on their own - under Vladimir would have buried the remains of the Horde and Batya himself. But in fact everything was different.

Conclusions and answers to these questions We offer the reader to search for yourself. For our part, we did the main thing - indicated the facts that completely refute the official version of the invasion of Mongol-Tatars. At the end of the article, I want to note another important fact that the whole world recognized, including the official story, but this fact is silent and a little is published. The main document for which many years has been studied the yoke and invasion - the Lavrentievsky chronicle. But, as it turned out, the truth of this document causes big questions. Official story acknowledged that 3 pages of the chronicle (which refers to the beginning of the yoke and the beginning of the invasion of the Mongols on Russia) changed and are not original. I wonder how many other pages from the history of Russia changed in other annals, and what happened in fact? But it is almost impossible to answer this question ...

When historians analyze the causes of the success of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, among the most important and significant causes they call the presence of powerful Han. Often, Khan became the personification of strength and military power, and therefore he was afraid of the Russian princes and representatives of the Iga himself. What khana left their mark in history and were considered the most powerful rulers of their people.

The most powerful Khans of Mongolian yoke

For all the existence of the Mongol Empire and the Golden Horde, a lot of khans changed on the throne. Especially often the rulers changed in the period of the Great Jam, when the crisis forced his brother to go against his brother. A variety of internecine wars and regular military hikes have confused a family tree of Mongolian Chanov, but the names of the most powerful rulers are still known. So, what are the Khans of the Mongolian Empire considered the most powerful?

  • Genghis Khan because of the mass of successful hiking and land unification into one state.
  • Battered, who managed to completely subjugate the ancient Russia and form the Golden Horde.
  • Khan Uzbek, in which the Gold Horde reached the greatest power.
  • Mamay, who managed to unite the troops in the period of the Great Jam.
  • Khan Tukhtamysh, who made successful hiking against Moscow, and who returned the ancient Russia to the composition of the undermineuctural territories.

Each ruler deserves separate attention, because his contribution to the history of the development of Tatar-Mongolian yoke is huge. However, it is much more interesting to tell about all the runers of the yoke, having raised to restore the family tree of Khanov.

Tatar-Mongolian Khan and their role in the history of yoke

Name and years of the Board of Khan

His role in history

Genghis Khan (1206-1227)

And before Genghis Khan, the Mongolian yoke had their own rulers, but it was this Khan that managed to unite all the lands and commit surprisingly successful hiking, North Asia and against the Tatars.

Ugadei (1229-1241)

Genghis Khan tried to give the reign of all his sons, therefore divided the empire between them, but it was Unende that was his main heir. The ruler continued expansion to Central Asia and North China, strengthening the situation in Europe.

Baty (1227-1255)

Battered only the ruler of Ulus Juchi, who later received the name of the Golden Horde. However, a successful western campaign, an expansion of ancient Russia and Poland, made from the Batya of the National Hero. Soon he began to spread his sphere of influence on the entire territory of the Mongolian state, becoming an increasingly authoritative ruler.

Berke (1257-1266)

It was during the reign of Berke, the Golden Horde almost completely alleged from the Mongolian Empire. The ruler focused on urban planning, improving the social status of citizens.

Mengou Timur (1266-1282), Tuuda Mengu (1282-1287), Tula-Buoga (1287-1291)

These rulers did not leave a large track in history, but they were able to longer separate the Golden Horde and defend her rights to freedom from the Mongol Empire. The basis of the economy of the Golden Horde remained tribute from the princes of ancient Russia.

Khan Uzbek (1312-1341) and Khan Janibek (1342-1357)

With the Khan of Uzbek and his son Janibek, the Golden Horde was blooming. The Russian princes were adjusted regularly, urban planning continued, and the residents of Saray-Batu adored their Khan and literally worshiped him.

Mamai (1359-1381)

Mamay did not apply to the legitimate rulers of the Golden Horde and did not have communication with them. He gravily captured power in the country, seeking new economic reforms and military victories. Despite the fact that the power of Mamaama is completely with each day, the problems in the state increased due to conflicts on the throne. As a result, in 1380, Mamai suffered a crushing defeat from the Russian troops in the Kulikov field, and in 1381 he was overthrown by the legitimate ruler Tukhtamiam.

Tohtamysh (1380-1395)

Perhaps the last great Khan Golden Horde. He managed after the crushing defeat of Mama, to return the status in ancient Russia. After the campaign to Moscow in 1382, the payments of Dani resumed, and Tohtamysh proved its power superiority.

Kadyr Berdy (1419), Hadji Mohammed (1420-1427), Ulu-Mohammed (1428-1432), Kichi-Mohammed (1432-1459)

All these rulers tried to establish their power during the state decay of the Golden Horde. After the start of the domestic political crisis, many rulers changed, and this was affected by the deterioration of the country's position. As a result, in 1480 Ivan III managed to achieve the independence of ancient Russia, throwing off the shackles of the centuries-old Dani.

As it often happens, the great state disintegrates due to the dynastic crisis. A few decades after the liberation of ancient Russia from the hegemony of Mongolian Iga, the Russian rulers also had to survive their dynastic crisis, but this is a completely different story.